« Louder With Crowder

Free Speech Hypocrite Piers Morgan Hates Alex Jones, Platforms Terrorists!

2023-12-12 | 🔗

Today, we're bringing you former Vice President Joe Biden's latest insult to the American hostages in Gaza, and Piers Morgan's predictably cringe response to Elon reinstating Alex Jones. Also, we're analyzing the facts surrounding electric cars versus fossil fuels, and more!

Special Guest: Josh Firestine

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Music by @Pogo

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It is right before christmas and everybody. Is getting ready for that big sleigh ride on the night of the twenty fourth christmas eve see, all these toys are made by these elves. These elves have that certain knack for taking all, except for this. What's this Me aren't fighters training that there's a lot behind. What's your boy well see, that's the problem, I guess I just don't like being a all. That's all
What you're doing now doesn't like being in a bar and he doesn't like being a boy army, doesn't like being a barn. He doesn't like being a bar. You mind telling me what you do want to be well, sir. Some day I'd like to be a lady. Well, we need one up here, see I've been studying and there's the hormone blockers and bottom transition surgery and fake now, listen, you're, a boy and boy. Als De boer now get to work you finish. The job or you're fired
Why is that a trend? I can't stand wearing many slow with tat. I might this conversation ever work without really worth, and you see you know that your your experiment by talking to people would you say so this time that this has been correct. At short amount of time everybody's that a dime in eighty. Come to the other side. It's going to be all yeah, I'm going to be life changing He heard ass nets it s about all again without turning body changes that was invented by pathway
Have you thought more of our work The I glad to be with you, and I guess that today we are back. We're back,
we're on the youtube, and why didn't anyone tell me so look I hit the share button light because it helps with the youtube algorithm. They want you to think that we're dead and if at any point, day, and by that I mean at a certain point today with absolute absolute. I there's no doubt yes, you will see this and in which case head on over to rumble anyway and download the apps that you get the notifications. Let's get to the rundown of the show. We are going to be discussing what we're gonna do a deep dive. At the evie batteries that something that a lot of people we don't know a lot about not just not electric vehicles in general, which we nor worse for the environment, long term, but specifically what differentiates from combustion engine vehicles. The battery what is required what goes into that, especially if you're looking at the legislation right now that is suffocating and everyone drives are white. Guilt will be also talk about that pierce morgan is pissed off about Alex Joan
being back on x for in our rules for thee, not for me segment, and we also have this weekend Biden, which is funny but Also sad. So let me ask you this: where do you stand on the issue to do? You still buy into the idea that electric vehicles are better for the environment com, but before we hit the second later, it's going to be just go with me, though, with me, because going to take a little little but a time and a lot of information, and we have the benefit of being able to do that on a slower news so this is something that I think a lot of people need neither references for as they move forward in life and it's a lot of fun to private tesla. But you're destroying gaia, nobody's got morgan? How are you I'm doing what I think it's gayer, no use I know we're talking about pronunciation or wishful thinking, etc, because tomorrow, by the way, will run black and white and the grey issues in which I went to a barbershop and just talked talked to Surprise us as conservative and, of course, how much we have in common, but we were too
For this reason it is g are able energy. Are you why there and then ho conversations with bob color is not spelled with a. U where I was raised in canada, and it was so just You can comment. Is it a? Why is it a why, and this will give us some regional insight and at our chair, we're glad to have him? We always thank him for his service as one must and he is going to be at the funny bone in Columbus, Ohio december. Twenty second, two thousand and thirty can follow me on insta. am josh underscore firestone, MR firestone. How are you good good? I am. I wanted to say that I am gayer than Gerald well come on now. That's not true! That's that's! That's really! We've got the sound bites geo strategy and all I was jealous you at the barbershop. I want to get a nice lineup. They offered me I do have four they're, like nah man, we got we'll give you like a high fade or change your life, and they want me to leave you looking like house party yeah that little little nino, but you know what the funny thing is. People are just, of course, I'm sure that most of most-
the people of color black people, vote Democrat in this country, but boy boy. Do you realize that they are not the modern progressive wing of a democrat party? And that was my suspicion, but can t If you do this- and you know what you're really feeling better having this conversation, so we have a few of them there in the hopper, including with two black women. Surprisingly right, on every front I think a lot about you, don't know the right wing. Yes, yes, they dont eventually what of teachers having firearms who have concealed carry permits, should support of a school choice. And then she even asked me you guys also even asked me about. Why won't you think about people are coming to the country? You don't speak english and I want it that's very nice of you to choose my words carefully? Didn't you! She goes yes, that's what why people have Do with everything. Just remember that it's just said lily.
goatee lady, what do you think she would correct you and say it's a fu manchu but yeah alright, so we have other things to discuss here today. Yeah, you gotta gesture headphones there, because they were huge awesome. You feel better and now you're now you're the field. Yeah a little now. I know they're, so sensitive yeah I wanted to hear your. I wanted to hear you guys a little more flow thanks, Josh, okay, gerald down yeah I'd rather be back in the trenches, alright, so from impersonating, a little girl to rewriting history and inventing new numbers that aren't aren't number they're, not things for me, prison bind has had a pretty busy week, so let's just go straight to this, we can buy I problem for our dear for mere drop and you ain't black three national monuments, grand staircase and beers bears.
is by the way you know how that happened. I was in a plain little girl came up to me. She said, MR president, can you take care of booze is nice. I thought you said take her her ears. I said well honey. She said is it really important against what guess why she was dead right we do take here. sixty five years since the deadliest david jewish people since the holocaust sixty five years on my watch. Instead, such a weak america's every infrastructure decade, over a billion three hundred million from internal problems in our view for mere drop, and you ain't why the guys come on let's be giving affair we want to leave tonight. I want a dog pile, I'm a guy that bears ears thing it it's a classic.
it misses soap, here's something else. I don't ever want to hear him say, b resident and president agree. Oh, my gosh is fifty shades of grey battle hawk for him. Unfortunately, this administration also refused to invite families of american hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas to the white house hanukkah reception. This is a hanukkah reception, the white house is hosting tonight to celebrate the fifth night of hanukkah, hosted by the president. and the first lady and what one of the family members of the family, that their family members are missing in Gaza, still believed to have been abducted by moss on October seven, they told me that had reached out to the white house because several of the family
we're in town this? We had asked for an invitation to this event, but that they ultimately did. get invited now, despite this foremost winter by an he did, it discusses efforts touted them. I guess he likes to tell his, first to free the hostages from cnn. He said that he spent properly twenty hours working on it, so yeah he spent and when we haven't evening live stream. One day of work, I put exonerates up to and not limited according to our voting What am I a machine traded twenty hours he spent like fifteen inside but up to car, maybe I took a nap permanent public servant for taiwan or twenty dreamt about it. Yeah.
office, made up a number made up a number of work. Twenty twenty hours, maybe anything they didn't, even consider the fact that its not that an oppressive forty hours, you hundred two hundred twenty thousand, that's almost half corner jobs would consider full time no work. We worry hours over too I spent less time on it than if he were doing seven minute hamas hostage Abby. I know someone who was twenty theirs it's more than twenty hours of poor son. Just with his niece all eyes. I can create just also its bottom equip ring up that earlier clip about the sixty five years, the. How do you have it in his back up
five years. Is a deadly stay, the jewish people since the holocaust. So In fact, since the deadliest day, tat means Biden's been working on the problem for years and the x out two three hundred billion trillion jews saved. That's a lot more killed when there are twenty hours- whales in the sixty five years, in five days yeah. Mr president, sixty five days except you're watching I need depend on to rebel, hit the like button. Any of that. If it is just it's embarrassing, alright bad form, the worst wife ever is Joe Biden Joe Biden is the worst wife ever it's your job. When that guy's around he's gone round the bend help him out.
Yet there was that one way that drowsily three were kids, but now pretty or another. Now Joe Biden still worse, because you and I think she was unmarried- thou, ok, yeah, trying to catch me- airbus mom model, now you're buying. We are you, help him embarrassing himself. absolutely she's like oh, this is for all those affairs with me, you're gonna get. You took a dump on the hopes of lorry more on a get here. I get the centre he's like she's she's, one of those ladys camp David she's, not just like. I'm not having a martini launch of having to end to think you're cabana boys when the shoe and enables an authentic means. You think he's like a
I get one and then things bring it over. Then we get one of the things we talked to one of these interns, her coke. She is a cabana boy, mad max blood bag, yeah just so that she'd feel alive yeah. Can you put some forty four year old woman lead in media? It's exactly yeah gimme, some of that fresh menopause blood. That's what she saw. She looked significantly younger than him too yeah. Of course she does, which is this thing? Also, every black guy look significantly younger than me. I found out he added to the atlantic as grey hairs in the beard you're like wait. A second wait, a second you're over fifty that you're not from seventy two still can dug up wrong. So you've got hops. Alright, This brings us to pierce morgan, who look Let me ask you what your opinion as unpierced morgan a fan. I know that he's trying to re brand himself has seen a free speech advocate by hosting a bunch of different people, but when puss, when push
are you really does show is trnka. What's comes to point, that's when partly boy comes being read call it. I do not think we have. You read gold because they hate my country itself. These are good at heart and, yes, in an article at the new york post. Pierce morgan was whining about elon musk, letting Alex Jones back an accent if you're on youtube. You didn't see us yesterday with Alex Jones here on the show and we're really bapi really proud of the fact that a club, you guys help very platform and if you want to continue this any of its national manifesto, Alex Jones being that's none of this happened without your support. Lot of canada complex my club and you get a free copy. beautiful differences, my children's book that, though we have tens of thousands Once they're gone, they're gone between now and christmas, that's okay, piers morgan,
so going. Go report showed that the title his IRAN must couldn't have been more wrong about Alex Jones he's gonna speech, hero he's a hate each monster so there brings us to this week's instalment of rules for the not for me the alright, let's start off with rules for me, so After thirty paragraphs whining about actions, pierce concluded as article to Ellen, I suppose, you're right open letters. you see the uncertain to read it all. You ve done showing showing this monster mercies reward him for his repellent treatment of all. devastated families experiencing the same awful grief you felt when you're some died. Well, thank you
for telling him how he should feel regarding the death of his son. You pompous prick cheeses could think of that, like hey, you know what this kind of one of those things just shut up. You don't get to tell someone that are being hypocrite or organ. who determine how they should behave because of a loss, the ultimate tragedy I can't even imagine in their family so that just that's that's a conclusion, but we'll work backwards It is also the guy pierce morgan, who you could say sparred with count dracula about this issue Alex Jones on his show. Just yesterday, you think is What I do is I elon musk company. So if you what's Alex George back on the platform, the absolutely can't israel line on free speech, a toll fees for me, no way. No, nothing I think that at least we should be able to go into out if they want a male, then that spain, that can have a member can getting what you said about the sandy hook. Care massacre was justified and justified slave has the right to say I don't worry about. It was justified islamic. These statements we she repeatedly made, which led to actual intimidation, harassed
that's a lie that wrong threats in the street going up these people in confronting them these pair You think all that is fine. I don't think it's fine. I never said that he has a right to do. Does he agree and that someone has a right to to give the right they do that yeah, I think as well. To do as we agreed that someone has a right to do something. Isn't this aim is agreeing with what they say. We'll say nor this guy is not allowed to see, has concerned the theories or whatever you want to call them, because some crazy guy that I'll make do something mental. Then nobody can talk about anything at all. While you can just say there are limits to free speeches or everything else. Even the first amendment, America has a number of limitations to really okay, good name. It pearce. Let me guess: you're going to use that old hack argument of yelling fire in a crowded theater trying to if all of the right wing as free speech, warrior when you don't understand the first amendment- and I understand what you don't understand, the first amendment, because you come from a country that doesn't have one- that's why we left you dont lose your first amendment rights after defamation to be clear charge with defamation or that can be spent all,
But you don't move your right to speak. It is Please inalienable, he doesn't stand that any also lies just to be. That's not why Alex Jones was removed from twitter. It was removed from making fun of oliver darcy journalists from CNN, who could be mistaken for not saying, is an act we'll terrorist, so there why he was removed. This Dear me, you spent some like sixty minutes over the course of years unseen to apologize for said that it was. He stood up, certainly screwed up apart. I never called for violence or call for harassed anybody, pierce morgan, and understand what freedom of speech which is why, when he goes out there and acts as always, a platform hosting people of different points of view, It's a lie. It's a lie! He's not it's one thing to you: don't have to have Alex jones ownership you absolutely do not, and I don't think that that means your anti free speech. The pro when you are writing any major publication. You are key, calling for someone to be removed. Based on false. information so hit the like button. If you agree with
count angular that, even if you understood maybe twenty percent, what he just said, but I didn't know that it is clear that the internet is I for their listen, either gig closer the dvd, even though that's not gonna help you here better saying that if the right it's not create, for example, for you be a topic, but you have it's not right for you, but you have the right. You have the right to be a great pussy boy. Put I wouldn't say that can be easy to write and you have the right. You have the right to be a bull to Postbag, to make it right, but you are worried and I love his point. He said looking at you you're worried that some random guy is going to go. Do something crazy because you talk about something that we can't talk about anything. That's the nature. the extension of this is like, if Alex, can't, go out and make these comments he he can be sued, fine, but he's not driving people to go, do something he didn't say, show up at these people's doorsteps. He didn't say: go to their homes and follow them in their businesses and make wait a minute. I'm sorry, I'm talking like a congresswoman saying get
faces in public and make sure they don't have a comfortable life. So they can hear that. That's not what happened! We Alex Jones now and if you extrapolate this out, then there is no speech. I'm not talking about free speech. There is speech, because somebody might do something crazy because they don't like it that the voice of reason and a political talk shall it be someone named com, tat. I should not like that without daring killer, I do it so awesome block. I would have a motor. I look at both sides rate. Like I see wouldn't say they gonna break, I'm euro psych you're an asshole. I can see both arguments to be made in the middle, We all agree on how to make my middle, like the buttons between you hang on unfair data life clang on together I can hear you ve got the right to be passed up, doesn't mean it right now: that was essential. So interesting. If you want to
There are not allow Alex jumped on the platform. Ok, twitter, is they benefit from section two thirty rents treated as a as a platform, larger, like a public utility, they enjoy? Those benefits were there not held liable for what people say their platform as opposed to a publisher and just to prove. how little he There stands the concept of the first amendment in its rivals only by his ignorance on the second amendment. This brings us two piers morgan's, rules for me here stood Alex Jones on his very own programme this year. Here's a clip you first amendment and I'm glad you did me back to england to live under islamic. Take over rowdy able forbearing infringing tourism, yeah, so in other words, he doesn't want someone to blame she wants to be able to speak with a bowl horn in the town square right, but he which is but it's basically,
video version of new york pose new york times. He wants to hold him. Hey you act. We can be liable if your hosting that person- that's the that's your publisher, you're, not a platform. Not a utility by the way I was about to, I must start. Pierce Morgan has also hosted so shaking the taliban spokesperson, cheese sift showed, it has lost. Extremist leader, jerry carbon, the anti semitic labour party leader, lorenzo billiard, the Kansas city strangler, murdered thirteen women like I we say the is that there are multiple and we have to distinguish remedies renders or not another as the vague it out. Johnny come lately. Kansas city string words the like a football players. Their college. The ohio I'll stay right. Eventually, I was the murder, just wants to peddle in smart discussed. He wants to have all the clicks, all the click bade, all all the eyeballs and ears. Well, claiming that he's being a neutral observer as he offers his plan,
was a publisher as he offers his private I'm using the term platform over this platform and publisher he's usher and his availing his audience to these people so that he can hopefully take another Abbott relevancy after the lowest raided show unseen and after Larry king, which is an accomplishment Why so upset that mosque is letting Alex Jones back on to accept. to hear from you. You can come and below. I have a theory: could be that? He scared, Alex, might drop some more truth, bombs and hot takes like this. Can I tell you, seventeen. Seventy six will commence again. If you try to take our firearms, no matter, how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have their guns taken We will not relinquish them. Do you understand that's why you're going to fail in the usa enforcement knows no matter how much propaganda the republic will.
Again when you attempt to take our guy already said earlier working in london and I as a lot lower nuns, I'm right, because I think all the gun and he's right exactly what you ve got hordes of people burning down cities and beat an old women's brains out every day. Let's try again is worth a ban, your fascinating britain last year, How many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin? thus it was now accept gonna plain to your trick questions. Everybody knows its full that's how many monkeys jumping on tibet. you ve won by love and bowed his head ass. If I was you the problem of american healthcare, because that is what I mean. I don't know it was insurance company just ship, just peers, shut up. I'm sorry, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, arrogant
you have just worry about this ass. He should have as to how it looks it takes to get to the centre of depends on the owl. You ask on friends with those with about spotted owl and we don't than the owl gosh? Let's not talk about the the burrowing owl the ground outline, I didn't say hey. I need to mention this. It's still the twelve days of christmas at crowder, shop, dot com and we are announcing. I guess we have a winner right now, the winner of the seventy five inch samsung crystal: u hd, four k tv is heather hill from midwest city, oklahoma nights. I think it's cahill, but is starting starting today. What did I say cahill? What is it cut? Filter fish I am sorry to say, hill K help. Time either here, I don't know we're gonna other starting today. I guess every purchase accredit shocked, I can get you introduce, appears fine.
That's the most current iteration imo. Yes, it is, it would be a really lame twelve days of christmas to give out the third one back, you get a game cube, yeah or maybe that's not cool. It was never cool. That was the worst now I'd, be stoked for game, cube, well, yeah what the he'd be stoked for half of haven't, eaten ghana, sweet potatoes. Are we can't you see that's day, thirty years during which time I am not going to say, ok, let's go into this either battery deep dive, I guess people call, we used to call these meet segments everyone's as deep diver. Like let's unpack this, I don't need to unpack just unpretentious yeah. All of the references are available at lighters. That outcome will have the link in the description. So that you can go through all of these sources can that's important for you. again my question earlier is: how much do you? no about emu batteries. What is required to
awesome, manufacture them what goes into them and I think a lot of if you ve, driven some like teslas there cool their fun to drive. That's a different! That's a dick, issue, and I think that there are a lot of tests was out there that are for stuff. It's american garden lot of american car manufacturers are creating cos their fun. The talk is a lot of fun. I also have a realistic view in I understand that these are signal italy worse for the environment, just to be clear. Specifically, when you get to the issue of battery, so you ve ad nauseam We all need to switch to ease immediately or you are going to die. This is so serious. Now we're in the hot is year ever met. You were saying these extreme care. related weather events. It is causing, like all over the world and Britain's icelanders, we ve been spot on and dead right in their past predictions we ve seen at play out. We
need to give them a careful attention to what they're saying would happen. If we don't phase out because of the also we gotta do it by twenty thirty five in the next fifteen years we will eliminate the state of california the sales of internal combustion, engines are battery electric plugin, hybrid, electric fuel cell electric, its electorate. There's, no. Turning back how adults in positions of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those names that are killing people on a daily basis, and the reality is that we need edit debt that actually added socio is area, True, aside from their electric former vice president Biden, was right about our electric vehicles, the saviour to humanity that we believe them to be, and we ve already gone through- think about alec, not alex without going through AL gore's predictions turned out. Some of them are wrong, for example, Florida is still there.
a more god stronger is. Is there something more nefarious behind the scenes that brings us to this instalment of climate claims the Ok, so I ve already done some segments here on electric vehicles right now, are powered. You can go and search the channel are probably jessica, rumbler. My club one of the laser in and appoint, hear them indifference, obviously between supposedly eco friendly electric vehicles and other eu. holocaust in vehicles? Is that a battery instead of gas instead of a combustion engine, It's really the difference. In fact they both have frames windows tyres. So what eggs, the even better for the environment. A legend is the battery ok battery good fossil fuels that so what goes into one of those barriers? What's
to make one. Let me list the important raw materials, and I know that there are more, but these are sorta the main ones here, lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite manganese, also the names of the planet years so hard. Supposed to access all of these so called eco friendly materials. Now that looks rough, but you It's because you don't understand it, so, let's go to lithium, first, ah, lithium, very important mineral, especially for britney spears, Seventy five percent of all lithium is, created in the lithium triangle that that's chile argentina bolivia and according to a small intestine now, extracting lithium It's not easy. It's not easy. The process itself pollutes surrounding air. One
and it consumes a significant amount of fresh water in the mining process itself, mining companies also use millions of gallons of fresh water and in one the driest places on earth, locals scared of what that will do to their already scarce water supplies and they worry, they won't get their fair share of the white gold rush. folding in their own backyard, illnesses being peace. He done. Who can judge them in They have done so point, two million leaders of water are needed to produce one tonne of lithium twenty one million leaders even idea per day on average twenty one million equal friendly leaders per day, so
consider this. Assuming that we go along with the neo environmentalist movement. Ok fought right. There were of water, I'm just amusing. Those as the premises here for the arguments the left is making these attentions are making to try and force you to. The cobalt batteries are. This should be concerning because the largest lizzie mindset that you're smack dab in the middle of the desert, where waters already hard to come by, which brings us to the problem where a lot of it lithium needs to be mine so or not. Major source of lithium is in afghanistan, which is so argue are distinctly non eco, conscious country the control securely non eco, conscious taliban I we still get their pump out now,
Work in the united states government estimates the amount of lithium enough I understand could even rival that of the illicit triangle that we just mentioned there in south amerika. So let's be clear here, a lot of axiom comes from remote desert, with no water, from a failed state controlled by radical warlords who, by the way even worse, are removed. The river in some instances to also be and fell back now, no hiccup here. Aren't you know this, but they don't bill tests, laws in afghanistan. So there's the matter of getting all of this ship to a country with processing manufacturing facilities where you know, hopefully they don't burn people alive in cages because of a speech impediment. This brings us finally to the fact that there isn't enough lithium to meet the cup demand, so
comes from CNBC again all references available, a lot with canada come lincoln the description. The experts are fork in about twenty twenty five we will be ready for to sixty thousand deficit by twenty thirty that'll, be seven hundred and sixty eight thousand tonnes a deficit, we say: let's go to another mineral, can we're just knocking batteries here, cobalt, rare mineral, its mind from pits trenches, using tools like shovels, picks up pickaxes, rebar and, of course, process involved this toxic dumping, its running some landscape, soil fertility, water quality, killing off from some rivers that serve as a major source of food for local populations. Now, where we talk about co about most of our about resources around sixty percent. Current estimates are concentrated, in mines in central africa, specifically the democratic republic of and congo. Now I need to be clear about something here: you,
the term democratic republic kind of loosely because I'm one of the most remote the source of cobalt using av batteries, as is actually from a country that has been democratically were publicly. War for twenty five years. bigger, better I forgive you think, that's good, maybe but say I'm sorry. Here's the war, stuff, women and we not doing so called artisanal mining. But be fooled. This is no quaint cottage industry at bay. Ten years old children lug heavy sacks of cobalt to be one still rivers, from as early as four? They can pick it out of a pile. Even those too young to work. Spend much of that.
breathing in toxic fumes, I regret that we have to conclude that this guy for this, so that was it as a member. I told you earlier that it is largely mind with shovels and pick axis I forgot to mention. You just saw that yet that's all done by children, lotta other children. Fifty thousand people in the congo who mine for co about forty thousand of them are children. Let me give you some stature, their wages, typically less than two dollars a day. It's been. Where did repeatedly that children working these mines are drug too dull, their hunger there, starved if they dont cluck enough cobalt. There often be in an extorted by soldiers dispatched by the government, but they have weekends off. are their own boss. That's good the two men your fingers in the button. Yes, so actually there's a company glencore
mining company that provides tesla with a lot of the materials they need, including cobalt. The top this for human rights abuses in twenty twenty two. Think of all the companies that exist in the world. You number one whether up their thereafter well either technically they're, not depending on the list that you use if it's a pound for pound list. But you know the point is they're bad, so you talk about protesting gap because a sweat shops You say by ease which is not even close, because you're dealing with these rare earthmen, those that need to be mine in ways that are well to do without largely fought to meet the demand slave labor of children. Luckily, hollywood is picked up a story and is going to be bringing awareness to the masses, am I not right
South Africa had an you seem pansy with an ok with three clear people tuning in light it was an actual chimpanzee. Why K lorries? Yes, yes, so another now, where the material for these easy batteries right, but where we we get the actual cereal, ok, but who actually controls and means of production. So if you get the raw material, ok now I need to go to production are right, Let me give you a hint china. China now accounts for over seventy percent of global av battery production capacity and with over twenty years, a consistent commitment to african nations. It has placed itself in the right. positions access the resources needed to continue this train, leaving the? U s a play catch up so, the chair that chinese government is to be cleared, tiny people, but large ambitions.
throw it shouldn't be a surprise to take control seventy percent of the production. what, according to researchers of lithium production world, so percent of the lithium production worldwide, china in twenty twenty all global companies. To give you an idea from context here all globe, companies combined they acquired about six point: eight million metric tons of lithium twenty. Twenty one, chinese firms alone acquired six point. Four million trick tons of lithium so one year, six point: eight, the whole world next year, six point: four, pretty close, just china now so chinese mining and dad companies, they ve, also invest about four point: five billion a billion dollars, almost a million the good old days, four point: five billion dollars and lithium minds. In the past two years:
china themselves behind it a lot of africa's lithium projects in countries like the maybe as zimbabwe molly, china is on track right now, as well are on track to get more of it and by the way We are on the right track because one of the world bank report a global problem is predicted to rise by nine hundred sixty five percent for lithium and then about five hundred an eighty five percent for cobalt by twenty fifty, so they ve car a stronghold, any african mining market, the chinese in exchange for development aid, and this is particularly prevalent the summit you see in in and congo back in two thousand and eight the democratic republic of Congo struck a big deal with beijing. China tone firms would build hospitals and roads in return for revenues from papa and cobalt mines.
He knew his own critics. A few of the promised benefits have materialised surprise at jane shining over their word again you mean that china wouldn't be treating africans well I'll, come on deep round. Hats example? Two thousand eight there was infrastructure for resources, swap I guess it that, like package, I guess, cannot get chinese gives white elephant. I can call by nelson. Just read in this is obvious: of case. You know what let's call it the old china screw job. Wired. Sixty eight percent stake in psycho minds, a copper and cobalt. This joint venture with congo state mining operation, I believe, is prince Jacob, mean Jacob mind. I dunno have doubts about you guys, but it's a french word and prancing, but you can correct me to say it. The right wrong way in English is according to a penis, so
also unbelievably active with their investments in zimbabwe, a country with huge resources. it relates to lithium. Zimbabwe has in mining linda, emphasise the years, and the government estimate that is chinese only came to mind. Locating three hundred kilometers sound on the capital mubarak has about eleven million belgian tandem, lithium resources alone in zimbabwe. There are more than eighty state owned. Chinese enterprises, a mass, a total of ten point, four billion dollars and investments in contracts in the country from two thousand. I've done twenty twenty. Meanwhile the? U s is falling behind in relations with the nation have been shaking Some of you are going to sit next. Part is ethnocentric, but it has nothing to do with the fact that you know that their small chinese people and everything to do with the fact that they employ slave labour, and you know, as they say, Economic boom there in china total disregard for me. sick human rights
their domination of these mineral market. It is a big problem for a place like the united It's on twenty twenty two, the united states, imports of lithium iron batteries, climbed up to six honey, the thirty seven thousand tons. That's a ninety. Nine percent increase from two thousand and twenty one. How many dust busters do you need five in a tesla you asked so currently giving idea in this If you assume that all countries are equal in the way they treat the environment now, of course, statistically they're not, the united states relies one hundred percent and everything. Ninety ninety five correct one hundred percent on impulse. and secondary scrap materials for its cobalt consumption china fine, seventy two percent of the world's cobalt, while the united states refines zero percent z euro per cent again, you have to keep in mind that that means these products all aside from the
energy in credit, the energy intensive process to mining them to process to be sent across ocean. So united states, because we were zero percent, so For example, we about one main cobalt mind at least that would be of no stop concerned. in late march, twenty twenty three. This wasn't idaho, why? This is a news report to focus on the real passion whenever people think of idaho. The first thing they think of is the potato real cool. He's not happen if either citizens ear and keep in mind before yet the transporting at all this mineral due it This comes from the country that by that far away leads the world in co2 emissions look up the graph.
This china she's up there, the red one, number one. Where are you be a china rate. Certain issues, perhaps not my job, because I'm right saint criticise china. You can criticise china had how dare you and mandarin like seller and its other things? Nineteen times longer does So here is a question I guess it me private but why would american companies not want to mine for these precious commodity couplet answers here, number one, and in this, is that this is also very important point, because any time you get to eco friendly proposals that they should have a few issues that you have to deal with. Ok is this actually better for the environment, Assuming you believe at the earth? Is warming to a catastrophic degree and that we would be able to stop at through government intervention. Let's assume you believe, all those things ok have task. Is it actually better for the environment, this being as an alternative. Is it
he had to say, is it something that is sustainable and then have to ask yourself? Ok what? be the right limiting factor to getting this accomplished, and that's how you end up, for example, with inefficient solar panels being proposed and wind farms in the united states to replace they consider non renewables, but then they can actually be built or installed. For example, or panels hobby desert due to an endangered insect the same environmentalists prevent you from doing exactly what it is they told you you need to do. First answer there's regulation. Now the united, it does have that lithium reserves? Now, I'm just not cobalt, but lithium, including huge amounts in maine. California, nevada, so may for example, the lumbago mountain as one point four, billion dollars worth of lithium or california salt and see, which is one of the core this place on earth been contains five billion dollars, potentially nevada, madeira, Caldera. That's on the border with organ, contains one point: five:
really in dollars worth of lithium, that's olivia. Unfortunately, environmental concerns, mchugh mine mental concerns. come from the same people who demand electric vehicles. Which is why we have a demand for lithium call about in the first place, creating regulations that prevent the united states from ever actually getting their hands on their own lithium. So you know, to give just a really quick that takes ten years to get a permit for if you have any idea how much carbon dioxide is going to be released from china in those ten years Of course, you also have a lot of local communities who are completely oppose that towns entire towns, in making that of pass laws preventing nearby mining due to veer of water pollution. Car like tat kennedy, member he said we need wind turbines, but not in cape cod out in front of my house, both by two years
and donald trump, tried to onshore some less mining, but they have had in readily if you've had an uphill battle to fight. So, for example, the the the sacher pass mine in nevada. It was approved by then president trump, it's still tied up in litigation. Ok! First answer is regulation from the same people who demand that we use these as the artificially manipulate market. To begin with. The second answer here is the cost, Which goes hand in hand with regulation. Obviously, red tape makes it more expensive, but the key ass in the united states is prohibitive large, because this but so china there made it financially impossible for us to do so. At this point- and this is where the idea of global enterprises and come Is that are too big to fail? Who get to create or with governments right. three trillion dollar companies and cream. policies and taking action that harm you, the americans and some are none of this too, because none of this is dictated by the free market
China has made it pretty much impossible to do so so bryce crocker, the ceo of us, is jaguar mining? This is a but this is a job for just one july. I don't know, is it is it french didn't try and sound french like jaguar, zero college of mining night sounds like a column. With regard to this company, on that day. On that idaho mind the rights that I dont mind they blame crater in cobalt prices caused by developments in china and the congo. So controls such a huge portion basically monopoly the production. They can it impossible for other countries to enter the more So considering all this, it's really not a surprise that china is moving to increase the sale of cheap electric vehicles in united states of america- and this presents what you might refer to arrive so the goldilocks problem that the united states has when it comes to electric vehicles. If the united states, for example, wants to rapidly increased production of electric vehicles only do so. relying on chinese imports,
but of united states move too slowly local chinese ease, there are going to make their way like dvd is actually we have a clip b weide if they don't, if they try and do it fast, the united states, they have to do it through china if they do it slowly, they get devoured by china. But he's like be widely they're going to flood the. U s market. If we work together to build a brighter future for today, you can make history tomorrow, make history one photons all then he made with a nineteen year old son vacation. What else does one does it does not do so? joke. That's a real commercial that actually happened,
Well, the guy who said we was taping the revenant when he was filming. The revenant is so weird to go there because there's no snow, global warming is that you and that Chinese, easy advertisement of the irony of bits lost on you. and this brings us to the idea: let's, let's assume that there is nothing wrong with the mining let the Amman cobalt, ok, let's assume the chinese government? Honest? They weren't releasing record numbers of of carbon emissions in the air, Let's assume that it then did not have to be transported to the united states or anywhere else in the western world, because we have a dependency on basically monopoly that is reinforced by international. Corporations and communist chinese government? to assume all of that and still believe that either There is good combustion engines, bad. That brings us to The batteries been made sure you know, you break a few child Slaves, but the batteries are made. That's a good thing now
The battery is produced How long does it even last? Well, let's look at the end again teslas cool cars, a lot of fun to drive. the test, the model three their warranty actually is an example, eight years. thousand miles, but the fine print it allows for thirty percent degradation. That means the ability to only hold seventy percent of its original charge before considered defective it So what's your battery is dead good news, You can recycle sorry that. It costs more to recycle lithium. Battery apple committed, just mine, lithium to make a new battery just toss some democratic republic, of cargo bodies at I should put this in a blue been or the green been just crevice just throw. It is, above all, a child child. That's fine, it's just as the same result. So how do we How do we find ourselves here in where does echo about five percent of lithium,
address are being recycled globally, five percent. many of the majority than the vast majority fitted him at nine. Five percent are just sitting around somewhere being a pollutant, what you try we'll create it, but it's really more of an arts and craft. It's a hobby. It's not it's, not state, it's not sustainable and will catch fire as an alternative, and what about within addresser but do not define whenever they promised. I, like my batteries, two to go, but I want keep going and going does not lose its unnatural so there are entire swaths of ease. Been abandoned, what they call electric vehicle graveyards in china. Look it's like staring to a crystal ball, because it's all a money grab and it's a ridiculous scheme and upon the scheme type situation in China. They just
these things out without doing proper market research without actually seeing if it was viable or not and so the end result is field in fields of thousands of hundreds of thousands of abandoned vehicles that are now going to rot. now. This is where it gets insidious. These cars are electric vehicles ip She might equally ego unfriendly diesel, graveyards a sound important pointers comes down to personal preference. I'm a diesel graveyard guy people. People gave it amethyst again Europe has a diesel past article. Can all of us now to big what my pearl diver? What's the worst, I guess in I would say ironic part about. all av charade, musing
probably not born or a lot more set, its all power. by fossil fuels anyway, call natural gas petroleum other. They cover about sixty percent of all accuracy production in the united states of america renewables. There was a so far away from replacing coal other sources of energy. Since two thousand and four the world has invested six point. Seven trillion dollars into this energy transition and what they get for the money fossil We still support only four percent of the world's energy down total in less than two percent in two thousand for twenty years, two percent same time, china, india, doing this on the graph, up. Why is that?
yeah fix your hair. Now here they that happens every time. I do the c emission graph, yeah favorite, characters it lets. Let's, let's to bring this whole mere and again, all the references are available. The link is an inscription lot of credit. I come a highly encourage that you go in research, this more because this is it's a con. It's a cop By the way I have no problem. If you like, electric cars, they're cool, I get it they're, fun too. In some cases they make more sense In most cases they dont, but as it relates to the environment as it relates to governments, stepping in and punishing you raising the prices of energy that you need in the name the environment, it's a lie and they are in. Really, as government does They intend to solve a problem more harm than good. throughout kay the ingredients. It are required.
These minerals, cobalt, lithium right now. This, of course, relies and dirty mining, united states reliance and authoritarian owners of minds the use of child slave labour, and then these batteries rely entirely on minerals that are procured through all of these practices that we discuss countries run by places like the taliban. The communist chinese government that use child slave labour to make inefficient on eco friendly vehicles, also you can roll down your suburban street in your white guilt movie So rise to tell you go electric. They force you to go electric into a car with a jerk. lithium battery the power of yours combined he's a dick, that's been this instalment of climate claims The
and alright you mean I can't I can't feel like I'm doing my part, what you mean by buying an electric vehicle nope Can I just I just want you can feel a lot of things this will actually be doing my part. So anyone said: he's done more than any human being on the planet to to help the climate problem, not probably not have your goals. If we do not all have not helped the climate will, if you but also, if you did depends on if you're a child in one of these countries rapidly loving the demand for a cobalt right in the mining process. You know it or sell the population problem because a life. Secondly, it is a great pleasure the video they can. That resonate artisanal mining as they call the artisanal mining. Like me with a large industry, because workers, given that I have been de, isn't it,
it's like. I wonder if it's a hierarchy, two or something like who who minds manganese is like. Well, I'm artisanal mining adjacent yeah shouldn't one day to be in the kobold mode. Ugh fuckin moon means ever thinks about egg meekness. No, the middle child there I have that none of the catch fire when it such as air I mean islamabad. can't bring it on an airplane. capacity again, not just our air? It goes on fire don't, let the terrorists know that you have to do is blow on it and you get your virgins yeah, he ever puncture phone battery and it starts swelling up because it's lighting on fire, really inside the column. Yeah. That's when you see phoned explosion. So, instead of battery with like a knife explode, I thought I just
it was a prank. I thought we were putting blast and that's all I know is a thing: oblivious, crazy, glaring. I in my pocket. I feel bad for the one person out there who finds like last remaining blasting calf on railroads and loses a hand they dont the PA, says anymore, don't play with blasting caps, but I'm sure there are a few still around who don't play with railroads who's out there, so you can play with the railroad it's a rite of passage. It really is a go and I did go. I do I was going to do. That goes to transpose into real success in athens. If you're tying girls up on them and saving them yeah. Exactly yeah josh whiplash you'll see a video of a lithium battery like gone up in flames too. I want to
Do you have to ask? Yes practice must stabbing your exposing the air, the ha be normal need that is normal, really yeah, it's like what, if I have my tone in the wrong position in my pocket with a Bobby pin, I'm going to look like the rocketeer. If you get to the Bobby, pin punctures the battery in your phone, but that could take a lot to the back of the phone is supposed to be really strong. Stabbed it like four times
let us not when no one thing it's impenetrable new cars titanium had been carson hit that instead of a belt buckle. That's true! Do you go? I didn't you can have some roasted chestnuts, my front his mother should thank her lucky stars. I think, has thus pliers really hard to extinguish because basically created blowtorch with batteries yeah yeah. So what should we do? I think these on the and, let's be fair, you know a combustion engine. Fire is no picnic either old yeah, but you can put it out. You can put your way, someone shouting, yeah, gasoline or sliver from the raiders is going to prison. He is yeah, just call nine one one. What did he say? Why is our god, whatever to you south
be certain that those who are going to happen to you dies in that thought me about you jeez air can you more about Iraq round, that's grounded alright, we have up either way we have every now and then we'll do these meet segments where it's a get, it's it's it's more of an evergreen, but it's just something that hopefully can help you have these. actions as you move forward, so many people are full by this and it's not that hard to cocoa. and it's not that hard to dissect. You don't have to be a genius. You don't have to be a climatologist to understand that the economics don't make sense in the end required, doesn't make sense, let alone- and this is where one
people say: oh man, I look at every issue, individual. You know the ism. The ideology does matter, because these nations on whom you are depending there course haven't ideology. You can't simply replace it without any semblance of right or wrong yourselves. You need to look at these issues critically. You need to look at individually, but I do think it's important have a worldview, otherwise It can be led astray by any of that. That's the only reason I would say this if you have to put a finer point on it, the only reason that people are driving these electric vehicles thinking there helping. The environment is because they have worldview and until they buy everything hook, line and sacred, just like you did with covet. So, if you're watching now on rumble, I think we're still on you to your anew to add another rumble, rumble click that button below can join my club and we'll just continue watching this seamlessly we're going to do a segment. Would you rather right? Now you get a copy of my children's book, beautiful differences and a political book. Just a love letter to my children's love letter to my club. Once they are gone, they are gone and hey
the job that everyone out their Alex Jones back on we're going to continue with our replied forming andy nashville manifesto, we talked about that yesterday how they can carry out an investigation in nashville. So a lot of wines for you a club. We really do appreciate you rumble. Thank you. Very we're going to continue on mug club, but you to every citizen while
Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.