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EXCLUSIVE! Texas AG interview discussing SCOTUS SUIT! | Ep 76


We go LIVE with the Texas Attorney General to get the latest, exclusive details on the lawsuit going to the SCOTUS.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey there audio listen. This is the last instalment for two weeks where you get the audio version every day, and I think it goes back to twice a week after this. You might think. I'm listening to the right show it could be because you took showrooms or because we are leading the show with attorney general taxes can paxton with an exclusive s suit that is currently being filed at the Supreme Court or as you to refer to it. A figment of your imagination. So please rate, review. This show, if you wanted to continue existing, if you don't, you should rate and review it anyway. It by can explain to you why, but it still, what use that's, how you can kill this show or help it. There is no door number three one in boarding, that's roughly the tree, legal teams recording cork get smack down by judge after judge in state after state, because they ve
ludicrous accusations without actual evidence for your presence is legal team has not been able to produce any evidence of systemic fraud or the president without any evidence president had on his own alternative is going to be very, very clear There is absolutely no evidence of these non. We ve seen Any widespread voter fraud at the president and his team are legit no credible example, no credible and now trunk campaign officials, without any evidence to back up their planes. Save a new law is right for voter fraud and their suing about it for expanding this male. In voting in the middle of a public health crisis in advance, the trunk campaign claims, without any evidence that thousands of people improperly Tasker mailing gout, and that's the actual registered address tat. We have hundreds they voted for now.
Why is definitely gonna take a while today Delicious sip stay somebody's just after I had evasion lawyer bill. Richmond is here with me by the way people who thought you disappeared, but because we can talk about it, work working working any more his fingers like this would mean that you know he serious and their stubby have a program like here this morning outside for the lack of acceptance. Gerald is here. We have a lot to get to sum up: son swell. While I was you weren't here yesterday, we ve got it
by the way everyone watching the best thing you can do for this right now just hit like robber alive, and if you watch New York, I've just come come on the video that helps us cut to the Youtube algorithms. I dont know of this. still be up because it could be considered against Youtube's guidelines. I wanted to have someone authoritative. I know it's not a p, but we actually have here with us for an exclusive, the attorney general of Texas Mr Ken Paxton. How are you, sir, thank you for being here and in great that kind of a slow mourning? For me, yeah you're mosey you're doing it in Texas Pace by the way you prefer attorney Mr Mr Paxton attorney urges general discussion come on now I approve either. It sounds we're the title is General Paxton, that's that's what the cattle! The titles tax and to be clear because a lot, people will say all HANS, authoritative sources
you're, a real attorney general right, not a patsy for the higher ups? That's true, reeled elected by the people. That's, ok, good. I want to make sure you do. Please don't remove him. Yet real really quickly, because I know you're busy you're about to walk over to the oval office right after this spot, and I appreciate you making the time treat me like many people in our audience, because I'm sure you know this has gotten convoluted with different suit. Some are brought by the Trump team. Some are brought by other lawyer and some of them brought now in this case by an aging, like yourself, what is the suit from Texas who are you guys suing and up just In summary, what is the basis of a suit of it? The first they have to say it My daughter is having a baby today and my son in law said: I love this guy. Can you give me one of those mugs autograph by myself? I'll, do my back when I tell you why I can't because were rough on budget, and I dont know one
but I can well listen. I can't loves a strong word. I will get a monopoly, we'll get him among them a whole gift package. We have new hoodies and- and I really appreciate that in what will talk after after you deal with some more important pressing matters, but none recap for people who don't know this suit that you have brought against the state of Michigan? Georgia was constant Pennsylvania. Tell them what it is. What the basis it, though we sing, you're saying that these states ignored the constitution. They or their own state laws and throughout these states, local elected officials and joy just change the law and made their elections not follow state law which, under the constitution they're not supposed to do their spoke. Those elections are governed by state law by it They legislators and when they start makin around with state law. In the
don't counties having different words was that other counties. It creates a credibility problem and its unconstitutional, and it affects my voters because we did it the right way. We fought off all the Watson report: state law and are our electors are credible and therefore not, and that is franchises. My vote. And the words of the receiving country, a tab Thirdly, an anomaly that protects us is one of the states that rejected using dominion. Software correct Emily, rigid rate. We rejected it three times and we also we at twelve lawsuits and fell for state court. All over this. Taxes. This circuit text Supreme Court challenging our laws, are male in Shelly our laws on signature verification. We were successful in every single one of the twelve losses and had we not, we would have been in the same situation as Georgia. Mitch again, consonant unrelated rejected at three I'm so like a voter fraud, rejection hat trick which, by the way
How does my half asian lawyers here he's breathing like a bull dog? Let's turn down its neck, even pc, so interesting, and now I want go back to the constitutionality here. in a second, but before that, you know that There have been a lot of rumours circulating and, unfortunately, some disinformation information is taken is on the right as well as the left. No seventeen states have joined in as friends of the court right Amity is the term that doesn't mean that officially signed on in you said that this morning you can announce right here right now, which states that thus far have officially signed on to this suit with you in Texas, so we have no eighteen states, Arizona or that advocates process. I do the other states that we are taught Two about intervening have not actually files. I cannot say who they are, but there are several states that are like you to intervene in case of doubt it at some time today,
Ok, you can give us a hint like I don't know about some like I know they might be. They might have something to do with black eyes that are bucked will, because you never know He's gonna happen until it file, so until they fall it they're not in so I didn't present right intervene, so it is a big deal out into the big case right I had heard, listened not from you. I want to be clear about that, but from some insight sources they expect a minimum of four The possibility of ten does that sound about right that that sounds about right, like it, habit or not that I'm not in control of other states decisions about whether they are being I'm only control. What taxes that we obviously philosophy right: These seventeen other states are eighteen, sorry that have joined in so what does that mean for people who don't understand, because some people think that means that they ve officially joined in on the suit in Donald Trump, has by the way the president he's talked about intervening. But what does it mean? They're, just friends of the court were somewhat that amicably, so intervening you're, actually part of your stay,
alongside other saying, hey. This was a wrong done too. Our citizens and our state in annexes is a friend of the court rate providing guidance to the court on issues that those states think a relic will be relevant to the court, and my understanding is that advocates will be favourable. obviously? But it's not like intervening intervening- is like I'm part of this fight. I'm gettin in totally getting in where's advocates very helpful and that we do a lot of amateur priests. Are Self GSM tat. We can intervene in order not to eat it intervene then it's not quite the same, but it certainly useful well yeah nation, but how could it not strategic for them entering. I guess what what should be the tipping point for someone saying less important, I'm a friend of the court verses, really having skin and the game, because a lot of Americans out there feel, like you know they ve been gas, lit the taking crazy pills. You obviously have the brass pair to step up.
Americans ones either states. Officially you no sign on that dotted line. Hey we hear you know with the love to have them. I'd take you know all these things, its intervening. If they wanted to go with this week, we want them in will take a word were encouraging them to join us in this the end on the front lines with us and when work in front of you, a Supreme court, be there be their present, the party and and people the fight right and we'll know. By the end of the day. That's probably big part of your conversation who is joining. officially. I wish you could tell me at least even like one or two you know I mean pleased. Tick you also just don't have some kind of complaint. Can you put it in there and elect with a billion earmarked, something with John K, sick just say like by the way he pisses the rest of the country offers can therefore be the legal filing, but I don't know It's gonna, be a part of this. Maybe tomorrow just you know. Well, that was a more
this double dog, Durham to liquor, appall in the middle of December, and that would doubt would be good enough for me. Living attitude recently filed brief. You called. Are sorry called this lawsuit, a mockery of federalism. separation of powers right. This is the arguments that they're using if suggested, that it's not under the Supreme Court's constitutional purview, to serve as a trial court for the presidential election dispute. So see what we seen before, where a lot of these suits have just been tossed right and that's been. Headed by the media, the sale forty of Donald Trump suits had been tossed. We know those aren't necessarily down from suits these are suits brought on by many different people were I do you think this or what is this suit? Why should Americans understand? This is different, that, as Donald Trump said, the president? This is the big one, but this is different because its being brought. I stay till we have no other recourse other than to go to the Us Supreme Court. All these other cases at least whether they were tossed or not. At least you can say they had a chance to be heard somewhere.
We have nowhere else. Go. I feel like without a harmed by citizens that their vote there they ve been this. Franchise by these other states that all national election, and so, if it the court, doesn't grant us the ability to make the argue We have nowhere to go and, worse being told, you know, you're being toss that you don't need to make the argument. You don't like it to be right That's a difference, because beginners watching CNN Supreme Scotus was trending on social media and if at all of this must be because of of joy rural packs didn't suit, and instead it was about the Supreme Court. You know kicking it back down to the lower Pennsylvania court that their case? It happened on the same day and I thank you Stand that listen, that something is happening, in a state of came down to a deadline issue, but that's very different compared to a suit between. states necessarily. The Supreme Court has to intervene, because you can just say well let the state of let the Supreme Court of Texas or Pennsylvania figure it.
That's it that's a very stark contrast and I think hasn't been really need then, to Americans heads. Yet I don't think I fully grasp the consequences. No, it it's it's it's so important, because I think there are some who think that the Supreme Court has that Europe is being there some on the court. You think believe that when the constitution was written, that states had nowhere to go because if they can't be heard their only other opportunities to fight each other right right, why they have to have a place. If you don't want a war or some other type of action, you have never a place. Go redress your harm. So there are some of the court. Believe that they are required here. For that, unfortunately, majority opinion on this has been they it's up to them. They can decide for whatever reason, yes or no. They don't have to even have a reason they can to say no and unfortunately, that that is the current. I think majority opinion I'm just open in this case. They'll see this as important enough here.
What I guess you know we ve seen these voter roles as it relates to these issues. No voter irregularities during you to begin a voter fry, but irregularities, people brought forward video tapes, hundreds of affidavits- and so many cases, have just been tossed right tossed what what is it They come in evidence hasn't even been examined in some of these other cases. Oh, do you, I guess: how do you mean hopeful that at least what you are bringing forward? Any evidence is seeing because we ve seen judges. I don't want to see it. So you don't we reference. Some of the evidence that we have in our case is fundamentally not even built on that, because I've watched what's happened then you know frankly, I am disappointed that it hasn't got the more thorough review, far judiciary, for whatever reason our case doesn't rest on how valid the fraud is or not
not, we arresting resting completely on the constitution that we know for a fact that these legislatures That's laws were followed by local officials and that their equal protection issues about different voter being treated divide that their ballot fraud, issues that were not addressed like no signature, verification you got dropbox is being dropped in Georgia that are just dropped off and people can throw their balance in their me. Those are in violation, state law, that's a bat right so that we're not basing it on anything that we had to go prove as it relates to fraud were basing it on what we know happened as a fact, whereas the court that hey look this is wrong. We need to be addressed and aunt negatively affect me. No members of other states listen if someone is sort of more of a libertarian conservative right would talk about federalism on the show I understand and states having the ability to govern themselves, but this is
question that I haven't. Maybe you might be able to help clarify, because I could be wrong. We do have a baseline minimum of laws, meaning ok, you can't kill. you can't stay only do the baseline minimum, for example, nationally. What an adult is foreign list now. States can change where you can drink right, but why we have, it seems like we have a baseline nationally when elections need to take place right election day. But how is it How do we juxtaposes for the constitution? We have some states where you require a valid address and some state laws. Don't it seems like There should be some kind of standardization just to set a baseline, that we know legal acts can citizens are, are our voting enemy off based there were in the way that was set up with the states could
Herman some of these rules, as related their election surfers incited Nevada. Let such actually went back and change their laws is about really because covered a native, very easy to both my mail, a very bitter we do have states. Were the legislature set it up. So it's it's. It creates some of these issues that were Cuba, and that may be a national debate that we need to be having at the federal level hey. We need to fix this across the nation, because we can't trust these elections. If the if the legislature goes and changes his rule, that makes it really easy for people to have fraudulent ballot. We are not going to be able to trust our election, so I think you're bringing up a really good point. That needs to be addressed. Nationally varies. While I appreciate I know you're, but have a couple more questions for a real quick I will go to, but one second, and the reason I bring that up is because we are doing a show next Thursday night, where we are going to be driving across Nevada in an army so we have some brilliant researchers who work here we have between thirty or forty or fifty addresses
hit as many as we can live streaming uncut for forty six hours a day. Says that we know don't exist or invalid addresses empty lot. We will show people being But here the numbers in Nagoya, ok a few thousand year, but a lot of people don't believe it the reason we have do it in Nevada, is because in Michigan it's ok for someone or registered an empty lot, and that really struck us as as odd, and it was some that actually narrow down the states where we had to say actually it's not lawful for you to vote from a place. It doesn't exist, but in some states. It is my half regional or hear bill. Richmond did have a question for you he's fine, smarter than I am, and I appreciate your time go ahead. Mr Crack and general backs in one of the interesting things I've got stood out from the filing you made with Supreme Court was the phrase in unconstitutional relaxing relaxation of ballot in
greedy protections into me. That's that set it all right. It saying there are laws in place. The rules in place in the states are not following them. We all agree about what they did. Not just a matter of determining was a constitutional unconstitutional for our audience. Members across the country and in these states there only Amity or haven't even jumped in to file an amicable on this particular issue? Why should they be interested in making sure that their voice is heard and that their attorney general's are actually joining in to combat the unconstitutional relaxation of ballot integrity, protections. The great question of it. It was a moment of a boring on all the honest workers, but go it was a little longer. What was good
are you sure about five minutes I'll write you rig up and watching people? Why should citizens want their agencies to join the fight, because I think that they are being disenfranchised if, if your state followed state law and introduced election results that were based on state law as required by the? U S, constitution in other states that we're not gonna follow those constitutional requirements. we're not going to follow our state law and, as a result, we don't really know we can't verify whether any of these two point- five million balanced and unbalanced in Pennsylvania or real. That's a problem for my state is my state is following the war and now we barely stay we don't know what the real result is. Ended affects the outcome of the election and that affects my stay, It affects a federal election year states changing laws; it ultimately affect a federal election. Three quick question:
for you before you go, and I know you're busy and tell the president. I say hi though I don't think ok, if at three o clock how many well, he might even like that guy he wears pajamas. at three three p m right and we'll know today, people watching to states that officially joining, but let's at a Supreme court declines to hear your case. What are your next steps? You know that we have nowhere to go, I mean that's: are only plays the Fowler, our kids, we don't have a leather filing place. We can't get a district court. That's why I am saying this really matters to the Supreme Court to give us a chance to at least present. Side right, it's all and another question: is there anything that the american people who have hundred thousand people watching right now right now? the second and we millions of people is really think they can do doubt. Yes, I think incurred your attorney gentlemen. Intervene in or participate in this process, so less chance, maybe or less chance for ever, because it
get set this way. We may never have elections again that we can count is setting the future of our country and how elections are gonna, be done right. Here's, my final question I dont mean for it to be a hard ball question, but I will say this: the sort of feeling from a lot of Americans with Donald Trump and offers and Republicans in control, a lot of areas of government not allow has been done you I go for example, that required look in New York to file suit on the grounds of you know to thirty or monopolies with with big tech. When do you think all Republicans are going to or what can we hope for other? begins to grow backbone. Like you seem to be general Paxton, I'm gonna tell you where we're really disappointed. I'm glad to see you doing this, but we're really disappointed with the people we put an office. Will you know
saying that I have my own disappointed by the way that Facebook complaint were on that point. Yes, you will see more from us on different issues coming very sad, so now I get it. I find it shocking that we know there's. There are so few people interested in ITALY and in view of this, I am grateful that you know this. This cases created of interest that now we got people focused on it. I think there is good reason to have some disappointment in what Republicans have done, and I am hopeful that this- will galvanise us to realize it. We could lose our democracy in the way that the founders of love and that this really is like crunch time. It's it's it's a threshold is through issue of of survival of our of our democracy We wish you a very here for american people to a petition. Your age jeez tell them to grow a pair.
Please let us now, I know you're busy you have to go will be looking for the official announcement here later today. If there's any We can do don't hesitate to reach out and please be safe today, and give him how Mister Baxter, I in the Euro represents rub reputation, proceed you for from my own family member. So thanks for happier now cited well sounds to me like you need better family members, but thank you, Mr Patten. I appreciate it give him how that was very that was lovely to have him on the eye so early. I loved her, I loved hearing that, because he made the same point that we ve been talking about, you can't just break your own laws with elections in disenfranchise every this. I just can't do it right. So if a Supreme court does not give him an opportunity, like you said, I see very difficult times ahead, trying to get somebody to listen to what you're saying, if you're in they think it's disenfranchise in future, and I don't think that I want to ask about who they forget what they had twelve suits in Texas on election product. They ve one correct
particular stand as these things happen within the states if the consequences, if they had lost even one of those, could be money the write of every single one of them was an opportunity that would have been a monumental failure, but they didn't they push forward. They did at the right way and will really what they're saying is in, and I would encourage people to read the actual complaint I encourage you to bring the microphone little, but no idols, ok earlier pleasing into it. Like a pug, I am a pug, ok! Well, it puts you hear breaking up. What how do you do? I just really like me now the picture that so there's nothing is when you actually read like that phrase, for example, but just incredible where you know the unconstitutional relaxation of ballot temporary protection, so, like I'm in the locker room at
it was so every time I run into Gerald. Is this what he tries to do so so, when you listen to that, go read that it compare that some of the other losses were filed in the way that it says is look at the facts, We know how you were running it in these states. We know how you were running it the testing Centre TC have Centre in Detroit. We know how you're running into Georgia. We know how you're running in Pennsylvania we're not You should have done something like you should have changed we're saying that you didn't follow your own law. Sarah calls in question so now that that that last weekend I was asking about. Why should other people gear its because if these states are allowed to do whatever they want. With regards to ballot integrity protections. That means your vote is reduced in stature.
We had the admins scooter, he was gonna, give us the actual sign now joined on. So I'm sorry. If I told you guys, because that's it, that's what we had, but I guess you don't know what you're probably know the next couple of hours. However, the number it's a number that might surprise, I'm looking forward listen, there's a little inside baseball and I can't tell you, because I don't wanna be subpoenaed on that, though you know on the big Turkish, you God, I hope I ever get dragged individuals. It was a bigger number than we thought on the Amoco thing, eighty rating rate, rather than seventy yeah- that's that's rising in any of just a few of them, actually sack up to to actually have some scheme in the game that could be a big deal. Did I make is a dynamic audio better for you and me so? Ok, my hip and notification bell. If you are subscribe, because subscriptions don't mean a whole lot and let me know by the way comment if you got, innovation yesterday, because a lot of people didn't get a notification. Geisha only got it after the stream had been off
air for an hour. So that's another example of Youtube scurry, which we will get into in a little bit. We have a bunch of news to get you also their hearings right now going on in Georgia, which will be covering in a little bit. But first we talk about Eric Swallow yesterday, What do you know if you are here with us? None, but I'm not banging. Thank you. People were lying fun thing pronounced hand Fang. I love you, my fang fang when weighing this by the indonesian man. Now we can bring that up whatsoever so Well then we covered this yesterday and we boldly assumed that he did it. Yeah yeah, and he just Release to state, I think we have a clip now in response to the first, what he said and what you should. continued saying was nothing He responded sea of you here not guilty in there, this while those response, but the wrong in here jim- is that
At the same time, the story was being wiped out is the time that I was working. impeachment on the house, intelligence and judiciary, and if this is a country where the problem lies, we're are going to have law enforcement information. what a nice against them a country that any of us want to live, and I hope it is investigated. Is it who led this information? If I ever the number of lumber. Should I just go? What do you mean the if a b, I say- and I understand by the way, using arms of the girl like give you, the CIA or the Internal Revenue Service, to target political opponents? I understand or a problem. Obviously I would agree with you on that, but more pressing.
your bang in asian spy right by the way that the surest way to derail impeachment was to go after swore will like he wasn't in charge of its. He was working with other people just lie like you, you clearly, the Chinese by has no problem lying in right now, leaving their way to the top of swore well spying. Once the story is released. Just
I'll just say it was a viable at that point. If you have a lot of lying someone looming over the only thing you should have said he was sleeping with Obama. Lies only spoke. I should really like once the chinese spy. Probably didn't really know. You know cultural differences them came back and, like you know like like a like a dog bringing in a dead burning, they brought, you will give you and I don't want. Delegation is law while that of a bear. I was like sleeping your way to media accurately. Nothin top right, she's really easily was aimed at sea team and they would like to see if we can find just some random as training. It will swallow me like I'm really important. So please tell me you double bag, although this is something of a single engine. Clavering sought about this. If there is a scandal that the republic in our conservative, it's it's about, that scandal Ray and if its, a scandal with a liberal ex. Well it's. How did they get the information?
same thing happened by the way with that man Andrew bright by was Anthony Wiener, where he had pictures of his giants raw being erection winner from the AIR space odyssey angle, but has a claim that nothing was going on and then this will. How did Andrew bright bird procure this and that was angel rapporteur racing? Well, that's my question is: who else has these pictures and what kind of leverage to they haven't? I visuals just pursued on timber shootout Zena just did you have sex with the asian spy and wish it was it. That's a good question, I'm sorry! It was that a yes, you slept with the spy or a no. She walked out when he dropped her no MA am but never imagine if there were, I don't know, let's say, actual video graphic evidence of Donald Trump Washing watching russian prostitutes doing on unanimity at the store for the entire day. I've watching seen in a twenty four hour? Recycle, they barely touched.
and then they ask that Nega. Well what happened! I can't believe that this information was good enough for me back to you poppy. Well, we don't have to imagine Stephen. His taxes were leaked illegally and then covered in contravention to all of the. U to Facebook. Twitters policies on in a hacked information. Bingley and it was put out there. Nobody advertising I'll, never know trump, we'll have to mechanisms that can happen like that for Trump we have a specific case offspring, which we have more info on Hunter. By turns out right now, he is under investigation it the tax issue, as you know, what gets a taxation attacks issue in relation to China, going corruption with China, let a chance officially. You know I do not know whether the czech law that shit chinese stories to look look, I'm just going to say that the Chinese, you know version of the KGB, Slash yeas right now, killing people's families for having been caught. I mean that the person is hopeless while well like her,
line is gonna, be wiped out for having gone over someone so low, very ruthless. What can I say in Vienna? Effectual be punished for it not being someone Europe yeah they're gonna make me so that I can do together. So I will not go until he's important go in It is important now that actually that's what he said and that's what he's screens. He did not allow interview with Kyoto and cheese and they let her live for better than this come as a baby. Oh by the way we do know how long would be on here. So we are on parlor facebook. Things are changing a little bit and will be taken. Some live chat as we cover these hearings in a little bit on Georgia. For my club. Only lot of credit I come such mug club. That's what I was asked to do this and that's what allows us to do the live stream next week. Still, you know ten, a M eastern from the vat. I will. Driving around were creating the maps. If I can
hundreds or thousands of addresses, I would, I think, will probably only hit somewhere between twenty and forty it'll, be between three and six hours of streaming, and you can see that these addresses don't exist, nothing to see their a double dog Are you to ban this Youtube all another story before we move on, because I have a lot to talk about without do you glad my half asian dragons? the? U It's probably know that dumb that Michigan representative Rupaul Cynthia Johnson, except in the second threatened, a trump support on Facebook and she's actually been removed from her post. So many of you have seen this probably, but I watched it- and I was appalled- and sometimes what happened with the show is a watch something I'll see it breaking am appalled name of the time after covered in the show I've seen it to three times in some of that that fire is gone so act.
This is what we will introduce a new segment, so you know exactly how is filling at that moment in time. So you know that I'm in this fight with you, where we will watch tape and I will get into the zone in what we call reacting. Ok, so I'm going to have it when I saw this yesterday, it was the day before you can know exactly how it feeling at that point in time. Go to Michigan Democrat State Representative, Cynthia Rupaul Johnson So this is a warning to you. Trumpery be careful rock lightly. We ain't plan with you enough. Of the shenanigans enough is enough,
and for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it do be in Porter, make them pay. I love you all. It's like you, rare man. Have you those riveted, your name Did you have to let go under your past like use something I ran from the annual Louis? get running around the house going of abandoned my boy, you're digging through the fridge. Looking for I'll check widely milkshake. We get up what,
what it as well as Olaf's Kobe Joe lose, goes hides behind the cavities, like no other milkshake limited, my milkshake all right. So we just went through that. The declared my question to you by ways we go into Youtube again. Just come, below this is the best thing you can do to help these countries to Youtube. Algorithm. Have you seen? Can you remember any example, while we're talking about you, do in their interference now and in not only pre Elect but post election news coverage, can you think of anything comparable happen was happening with someone from the left and I dont know left his job taking them for copyright strike. Taken, I mean actually removing fake news from the left, for example Russia or paying russian prostitutes. Tell me if anything comes to mind I remember, I remember a really good one. It was back at the beginning of it when all these
we're like don't, wear, masks terrible and you member Youtube came by. They just removed all of those yeah. Oh noted well this week? But no, but we were a fact checked. We got because we said in a worrying masks is good yeah you come and they end Youtube said see Fouche ie and he was. Don't wear masks my gosh, you can never. We can never put one over on FAO Chee stuff to do that when when, as no accountability are track record of being right just just Google We will. Therefore, without Ye Aids just run a quick look at the history. Faulty aids look at utter of Google tell em, but they are not just a dude tucked up go puts safe, searching. So here's you too, but we'll recap what kind of happened yesterday I want to go to this might happen when a builder from Youtube claimed. about the election in stories, we will see removing any piece of content uploaded today or any time after that, misleads people can
bring this up. I there's an overly that misleads pull by alleging that widespread fraud or errors change the outcome of the twenty twenty presidential election in line with our approach towards historical. U S, president elections. I guess we don't have. The policy appears nobody gets out yesterday near Dewey doing out. There are the only ones. Ok, just now that I'm not lying just go to Google or Youtube and type in policy of your for it it's under the heading of spam and scams- yes exert more as I do. I just hit lot of cutter dot com, others a lincoln the description. You know when we have all the links in the sources that we try to make available to you, so scam, so, like a buddy cop movie, scam critically, your room, all you're, so khitai, it's like fake him, and the other fake hams scamp I mean it is like a bug
Cop, animal movie, Weena words like add, and they talk, Hatch Augurs writing, but no new translated into a buddy caught film with Youtube and Facebook rare all they do is beat down guys mercilessly cots while they cackle on their billions wranglers, so quick. Finally, a quick Youtube search were revealed that it shows us that this is true to be clarified. Read this quote again: they will remove any piece of content uploaded today after that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors change here, some of you now the key there is they twenty twenty election year, because wives and apply to other elections. In other words, the Spirit of the law should be ok, you want to remove fraudulent information as well as of right. Now I think we have a montage. There are still many clips claiming that the two thousand sixteen when of president from your president, not president, elect because Jim Prosciutto says so lost because of fraud in twenty sixteen Russia.
The twenty sixteen elections and they're going to do it again? It's not that the Russians will be back still up, they haven't left only get better their mouth will only grow more sophisticated and you, as a virtual, say that they have no reason to believe the russian cyber attacks will stop Elaine. The other problem is, it is likely that the russian hacking units it targets that have yet to show up on you as investigators, radar, hashtag trending on twitter. or chum the waters, with fake news directed to audiences primed to receive it or drive journalists to dissect terabytes of email for assent of impropriety I'll tactics used in russian operations. Then you ve got a shot effectively camouflaging your operations in the mind of your target, if this will read they'd be fighting against the Wolverine here, sway, Z they themselves in? during this narrative. Have been doing demanding for not really,
how much the Russians, but the Chinese gets off ass. Well, found the trap appreciate Physical Adams. Agnes it is, it is room so so that by the way, so they can push this, which is verifiable, false there been investing unlike right now, we're there have been suits file in there hasn't been a full investigation right there Has the suit aren't even done the election The disputes have not even been resolved That is resolved. It did not happen. Donald Trump basically was a. U is a victim of the greatest witch hunt of modern american history for a phone call. You may not like it, but We'll bar had a certain. You know he probably really didn't want to something well we're talking about this sure they still have in just information up there about the russian hacking, but you two. while we were saying right now, they're going to get rid of anyone who even addresses widespread voter fraud. They still have content up on their platform, that is bordering on some of it knows out, illegal. Here you go which
who is you and you keep the flame about an inch away, You see what I'm doing. Law be rotated, left and right and then you'll start to see a vapours start to come up, and then he had it. Keep it. Let in keep rotating, There are some molly how to sell us is what a type of product you understood. We all we use all three provides version. He went on shark. Thank were reduced. How to sell drugs on Youtube, I still believe in Ozma S, son, fine autism, drugs and lie in and to do this, I'm gonna start my own instagram account on snapshot account crew
Well we'll try and keep this as short as possible. That is the one that I guess you might say, as borderline content to copyright shrank from Netflix on thirty yards, thus turn because you have little girls and song: that's not a problem in India, it is and we blurred it. So it wasn't. Blurred originality, nobody, but but weedin blur the drug dealer guy, that's an already exists. We knew what was when that same face and blurs showed up at short on sharpness, a secret twenty million dollars for ten percent state in mock frack house in what are you saying, There are no longer knew about be refugees. Could you so cheap? She don't do we see signals everything, and indeed, by the way Youtube is now? I will open up the floor to build. Richmond is definitely one can let us know. What's going with the Jordanians Youtube Natalie let these videos embassy flourish regarding the twenty sixteen myths, but
also have allowed many videos that just claimed Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. You can still find these things right now available on Youtube in in the thing is to their the fact checks about the election they just Iraq to a general government website that says: oh no, the elections been called or Any claims of voter fraud are in dispute. That's all that's all it is. Linked to ongoing lawsuits. There's no link to evidence, there's no linked voter roles, there's no linked to the complaints to the fire. There's no link right now to the Supreme Court case. You may not like it, but that is relevant. These disputes are still ongoing. Well, and I know that their this fraud kind of thing that they put in their, but why did they used the word errors with you refer to it errors like the only what we're gonna do. That is if there was an error made by everything they they did. It either they didn't, do it right? Why would you
can be in any other part of it is the the phrase widespread right right, no one's alleging that there were some like a lack of hold on one second Giuliani design. He looks pretty good for a guy with a disease. With another point. Nineteen amendments rivalry. Georgia stands out to win always stand out in posterity with regard to this election, because You have the You have this thing. It's gonna live after this election marijuana that is, the video J approves. But anyone who says the fraud is this the bank to unresolved fraud plain, blind or lie. You have live from when you ve got. From ratified people's eyes violators of being covered, Rudy and non covered Rodya debilitating diseases, but that's the way he is may seem. Like he's doing, ok seemed containing, but I thought he would be wheezy
heerd covered in the eyes and goes you can't take me lower than I already yes, there was an area. Yes, are you know, you're a year I had I forced a meeting of the five covered family. I recall I bought by the way we work and we have some personal info as well on Youtube that we experienced but Youtube. I said there looking man and further ways to decrease, one who contradicts the election narrative, here's another quote. Despite these urging the results we recognise there's always more to do. For example, while problem Misinformation represents a fraction of one percent of what's watched on Youtube in the United States. We know we can bring that number down, even more and videos, while not recommended prominently on Youtube in yours, truly continue to get high views, sometimes coming from other sites. continuing to consider this and other new challenges as we make on going improvements, one quick thing to TIM Pool
report that Youtube clarified to him. So I don't know like a necessarily. If I can confirm this, and it would we heard any answer from Youtube it all we haven't had a common Nokia. We have in common, that's always heartening. It seems to be the case in response to conditions that must be met accorded Temple is at best a video to be removed, as they must claim widespread fraud in error and say that it may trump Lucy can still centres. Evidence may be of fraud, and you can still say that Trump actually one, but you can not combine the two and here's what straight talk about controlled opposition in some deep state, my control technique, but when you say, ok, listen. You can say that Donald Trump, you think Donald one? Ok, but you just can stand created. The opinion is, I think this election was unfair or I dont think by one anyway, They go. Ok! Well, what makes you think that where I can't tell you that why, because you
Stranger, if someone says I want, because our these thousands of votes from from addresses that don't exist, thousands of vote from people honesty, thousands votes from people under age, there, algorithmic statistical, improbable band, so What are you end up with Youtube ends up with liberals, NBC, ABC Cbs, Universal, Vocs, Disney right all of these Turner and then the conservative on their who just goes on care. What I don't care everyone shares our thank Trump One go see see. That's all. server decided because someone like Us- and this is why we think it was an unfair election and we point to the actual or regularities and the court briefings get banned. Isn't that brilliant in the way that the way they they kind of threaded the needle here to make it impossible to give a truly credible argument at this point going for right right is, they have said you can either say Trump one, but dont give the substantial evidence to which then anyone can go
if they had evidence, they would have said exactly and then- or you can just say, without seeing what the conclusion is, give the evidence right, which my say: oh these election, like this number of votes, was wrong this summer votes or were you incorrect bows. Should we counted came in after when etc. But you can't then tied to the conclusion, which is its impact on the outcome of the election, So now you can just give this, but its irrelevant is no contacts. Okay, so five thousand ballots. What do you mean? What tell you what I mean by that right? I can't tell you how we gave a rule. I can't tell you why its relevant Youtube is trying to cultivate and environment, where you can voice an opinion and not, substantiated, what's being banned from Youtube right now. What causes a problem is statistical, factual legal substantiation you can say. I think Donald Trump One right the elections unfair. You just can't
provide the sources and evidence which is bring. That makes perfect sense because the people who ve Housing Youtube Studios, the young Turks are places like NBC Vocs where they could produce shows with them. They dont provide sources so wonderful for them. They they stand no risk to run a foul of something that limits transparency, but these are. The times we live in, so we cannot talk about widespread voter fry if we were to insinuate that may have impacted the election. However, from what I understand- and I dont understand much get there- you tube can't stop us from thinking, widespread voters, fraud which may have led to Donald Trump winning the election. So
I'd like to take a moment and exercise that remaining right, So we still have that gone for us. We are we still up. I don't know where I live. I really like that minority report spiders going to crawl a year and a second reason haven't had the tinfoil this time about where you have to say something really are starting to cut you off her crazy, Rudy somebody. I love, ready, Giuliani out his little easy now. That's what makes it so! It's interesting arouse now you're, starting to see more of kind of the true to true colours, right,
She always said right, like a your business, you in the same way that you can decide who comes in your business, that kind of thing you have to be open about it and you can't violates certain laws as their related who you're letting your business, and so with to now that you're you're starting to see the true colours. What's interesting, is you weren't seeing those same true colours when it came to comes to Facebook in the stuff that they? Just randomly take off throttle, you know, remove, not a thing to even answer yet from Facebook and why the biggest independent elections dream about was taken down no date, they have an average of answer now and you let them know that you're, a lawyer correct, I did. I thought I was like look, I'm a lawyer or my lot agree as scientists and also I will find it under. You know in my mom's closet and take a photo and send it to your honor motioned to dismiss. Why would I give a shit? It's a motion to confirm notions given no answer which is taken down an election night from Facebook? None whatsoever think about that. For us,
Not only does it fans millions of followers on Facebook and we have spent a substantial, substantial out of money, advertising unfavourably only more, of course, because they courted me reached down today. You want to spend money, have already business on Facebook and then they ban election stream and don't even answer not only through the channels available, the email, the contact forms, but an actual notice from a lawyer a reach up, they don't answer. the? How do you run a business? Imagine that America has a whole second you're gonna My house? There's no house these are an email I wanted my house, I paid for House Jamaica Uncle a day for ever and ever increasing hurry. We're gonna brought what happened to the house radio silence most, nice to be worth seven hundred billion dollars when I want entire seen in segment this morning that was supposed to be covering this. They had to correspondence in there to talk, but, unlike up a little bit of back and forth, that'll be fantastic all day,
said I swear to you- can go back and watch us all. They said is that there was nothing there. They didn't mention the statements that were made in the suit the general packs and brought that ensue. the other states that came on video settlers. They date they didn't like the election results, and that was what they did. This is your like billions of dollars, budget to go out and produce. like that- I don't like it. You can search results. You all now where's my restitution out where forty acres digital and I'm your meal and low GS. I mean there's no there's no question here in and when you look at all the unitary are many questions, but there is of all the questions, a question that is totally answered already is or all of these different companies at some level. You know working together to make sure that there is a consistent lid for using Joe binds. Words are consistent. Lid on any question or descent going forward about where this is? I mean this is what could
This is why America so great is, even though these companies are coming in and feel that they can suppress any discussion about this going forward. At least we still have a legal system that allows us to follow these brief but has joined, actions at this is that this is the last resort right as the original jurisdiction in the. U S, Supreme Court to settle spute that invalidates or reduces the impact of Americans votes in all states, and this is it. This is the last one because it will be erased from the internet, afterwards, I wish you and I'm really tired. I will say this: I'm really tired of the Republicans out their grand sitting until thirty June. A whole lot, listen guys. Let me take, I may have your announcement here to make next week there's no cat, there's no cavalry come over there, not to be unless its people like us but the people who are perpetually employed and even if their republicans, who fancy themselves bulldogs there's some information out there that we know has been presented to people who could do something about it and then I want to secure neck out. So there's a problem with that too and we need of,
I'm out now and will cross artesian. Let us, but actually have something. That's a slight disagreement with my lawyer and because it's a year, raiment he's gonna kick my ass. I'll go comment. If you're watching just like the common right, it's the best thing you can do if your freeloader anymore joined mug club, which may be our only please do not learn from now. You know I've run into this quite a bit that while you're what sort of legal recourse threat? That's also some that, when were talking, we're talking about two thirty, they don't don't even follow, and I know what you were saying about. Let me explain this first, then you make your argument and I would like to think you're, but we're about to a great Youtube enjoys productive use, the platform that they don't even follow. Laws as it relates to states that are then follow state laws, meaning single party. Dual party consents data, meaning that if you videotape someone you record somebody in a single party consent state, you dont need their permission? That's how investor eight of journalism is done, however, Youtube decides that they don't follow. That so
just so that, right there we ve had videos removed from people in sing. party consent states. By the way we want you to ask for their permission, who gave permission camera, I think actually in one case, written and then towards him. I don't like the way that it turned out, so I want to remote and they were removed while, but that's at the state law, and I know you were saying there's something they can go above and beyond. The law on that for well is so that the law itself says it. Here's the thresholds are required. If you don't follow the law than you might have that content Rousseau, illegal content that violates the shirt might be removed. There's no legation that they allow us to do it to put it up, but here's the biggest problem. Is they allow that content up all all that they allow. Vice versa, I see an end teams easy. They allow all of this content up. That is the way the person has affirmatively not consented, be up there and they go well. It's a singer, party consent state right, I'm sorry, you gonna! Let it up, but then and we do it, it's o this
in person who yelled in public came into a place it clearly they knew they were being done. They sign, they agreed in the video they're gonna, do it, but then later they realize they said some stupid shit and they rightly Youtube Mutual goes. Well, I understand it's a single party consensus, but we need you to take it down right. That is the hypocrisy. That's coming through on this particular issue, and else I do think that it's a violation of love or all because if you do is going to be a platform right, you don't get to stop. Someone square, for example, let's say you're a police officer in a town squares and someone is videotaping people in public and zones, as I don't wanna be video. Take all the please ask inducing will you? get out of the town square. So if you are enjoying the platform of being the digital town square, which is what you guys have claimed under to thwart thirty, you do not to say, actually have to stop filming, especially not if we say hey, we're filming when a breeze to it or sits down, for example, in a changed my mind where they clearly now David Cameron, a camera to Canada, China, chemicals and afterward, they say: well, we don't want to do it, you take it. That's just. Let's recap this really quickly
Youtube can create a policy that says we will remove any substantial claims. Any substantiation of the idea that done Trump lost if it includes voter fraud. Any claims of voter fraud, resulting in the outcome of this election being in dispute we will remove that something they will enforce. They do not enforce that won. The left says that the twenty sixteen election was hacked by the Russians and Donald Trump was illegitimate. Then we down the list and its hey, you know what we enjoy the protection of two thirty, because we're a platform. We are not Publisher and then they say, but you have to take this down because this person, so they didn't, want to be filmed. We don't care if it's a single party consent state that can remove all invest gate of journalism from the right you ve seen it with us. We ve experienced it. You ve seen it from people like James, O, Keefe, and then they say to vice, and these or vocs these other outlets. In your case, as long as you're fallen, state lots by it gives them the selective process to determine what
formation. You can and cannot see, and that is what a publisher does needs to change. Now it would be if that is a view to reach out to creators and suchlike- hey hey before you submit anything. Let us review wouldn't give you some changes. Just like an editor at the New York Times, something the major. The major point here is when you look at two hundred and thirty and the protection that incorrect court decisions have allowed them to continue to do is a translate two hundred and thirty is good faith application of removal. This and say that. Oh, it's ok for you to say you do it. One way with regard to single party can set, but then do at a different way, and the only difference is because of the type
content that's being done. Are the the policies are exactly the same, the ignoring or following a single consent law by the creators? Exactly the same, would you let some people do it when you're? Ok, the content in you? Don't let them do it when its other creators with other content like your stuff and that's where you fall out of, do Thirtieth reviled what two thirds you should no longer have the protection, because you're no longer acting in good faith or move that this is just one. People get mad about the fact that they decided to train league, which is illegal, Donald Trump tax returns and then not cover Hunter Biden. Listen, that's it might have foxes scene and ABC Nbc, great, ok, we understand and also on Twitter. They allow how tax returns, but they punted the hunter by the story saying those a violation of hacking now take that apply across any where anyone can get information, and then these people at Youtube and Facebook have the gall to bitch about
ECHO chambers, when I try and of what one behalf asian bill reaches out to Facebook to say: hey hold on a second. Why did you ban our stream stream streams from its just a back up one? This was this. Was our protection rights of this was the thing that we could go to to make sure that our voice was We went to these other platforms because we know the media wasn't going in a surly cover all of the stories fairly. This is how Mokroe see this Democratic Republic dies dies. It dies here because if we can't get out actual information that maybe isn't convenient for the people that on these companies or maybe isn't convenient for political viewpoint? You can never have freedom of speech again country, uterus, gonna, believe whatever you're told right and so for any of you their her like why you keep talking about two thirty, because it is the very most important thing going on right now and if Europe, preventative don't take action are not didn't out, its we're. Not somebody in ireland- and I have an interest in that you know sometimes web ear, but this egotism Stephanie.
No there's some stuff I gotta do it made. It may mean that I might not be able to show in this capacity for much longer, there's some safe now, if other people are going to step up their some stuff. I gotta do so well from an adaptation bill. That's it! You shall not advancing saying. Don't we don't be surprised if, if I'm not here doing this show, as you see it now, because can we, those guys who you know you see these people and online message boards and if we believe that we are brothers together, what are you doing? What are you doing? we filed, suits in the past rehab petitions of information, but there's more But I can do I just. I just can't do it and do this at the same time, so there's no decisions that have to be made because you're not gonna, I'm not gonna, see the thread of our constitutional republic, be deterred done in and have the opportunity to do something in and not do something about it and it requires. More than you knows, holding like anything else, it's Zuckerberg with his little alien finger just like me
your burns in the corn field with nuclear radiation, growing up. I there's something here that where we want to watch is that where this is up on here, the Georgia, I think I think it's just going security footage. Ok, let's there's really quickly. I want to talk about horrifying candidate, but because the media was part of that of the we're up here, and we know it is, it wasn't that this is a horrible crimes being committed against american people. George Georgia has fact check they weren't suitcase right we the pieces, dramatic Evans, you don't have most cheating you don't have to shoot as much Margaret was only ten thousand. The most cheating they occur to the places that are going to debate the marginal with twelve thousand thing you think decide away, and it was fourteen thousand plus before I leave out without signatures at night. What's a level of my
in the third raising this essential. The policy is directed specifically Giuliani stuff, like the new policy. This is the kind of stuff. They're gonna be like nobody around. try and banners whether they might with policies obeying is unclear. Then there is an old belittle hours girl its nation on earth. We let this happen. We like this erosion of our free speech, take we let the erosion of freedom of religion is that's what we're talking about this right. Now, people out there ever there's back. Fourthly, the outs, conjecture. This is election of the most important person in the free world. Why do we not have the ability to simply check what votes one and at that time and those machines It is an italian national relaxation of ballot integrity protection right, Hey will also happen between ten and one where we weren't counting. Italian tabulating. What was TAT
and the answer on some of this stuff has been like. Will these are the sorts of machines that you can't audit Why aren't you open? Your mouth is an unreasonable for made us. It was ok how many went through with that. Could it just happens to coincide with the dumped at flip, the state, just those ones, look, look look at those most I have to go on and open it up. Go on to use a pen. often hidden in sign is a little algae but how do you do indeed in the ballot to show their work, it's the wizard of valor. We just take the incompetence of the Dm Vienna need transfer. All those people oversee the state elections there. You go nowhere, tension to the man in the ballot we better get go wrong. They didn't do bunk anything. They just said that they light tat was their guy. there are no one. Actually, no one was sent home and yet, Mr Barroso,
you said people were sent home and you start counting not because of what we said was we said. Was we people homer. We stop counting, so the election yeah, but what happened? Is we didn't send anybody home? We didn't stop counting just didn't. Do I look just got Walpole. That's my point lecture, I'm a liar about to show this video this broad, the absentee ballots. It's like Giuliani, has been watching our. I feel like way when I watch than what, in one of these next hearings, it's going to be our six hours stream from the asteroids deriving from non voting addressed to non voting. Addressing that's happening. What is next Thursday? What's the date can so let me know we haven't too, is in seventeen. Seventy, the seventeenth will have Dave Land thousand special guess. We are trying to set this up now. Listen, the connection might drop, so we have to stream here to this studio and if it drops it'll just drop from thirty seconds to a minute stay with us. The rest.
for this is so many people say while the numbers you don't really know, we have done research and we don't have enough I'm too show you all of the bull shit addresses We will drive Ass Margaret Judge to dress, but we will do, from addressed to address, to address, to address for as long as we have a tank, a gas and show you where the voters where people voted from which, by the way, is a legal minute and irregularities. Right right, I mean, maybe originator yet to say non widespread brought. You can see like there was yet ex tens of thousands of lives, but not. Can we get a definite where there are many many tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands of this example of the kind of rests, example that you can find della on line, but we don't have time now we're still because
we'll be in an hour, Vena Delorean, so I dont know how we want to show you, but I just think it's important that you see at least a couple. Doesn't right that way. You know: hey, put a put put a bull asshole addressed to the ass, all name that they tell you, doesn't it exists summer, empty lots somewhat? random boxes. Some are just addresses on streets where the numbers have already ended. Really what we ve done are due diligence and we will be driving from addressed to address to address on Thursday we're taking a risk, and we just one, to go along with us our last of the year. I don't expect it to be.
For a very long time. Look when beat what we're out there. I mean you ve, made this point a number of times, which is hey guys, you're, sharing information and are welcome to come out. Oh I'm sending my chinese spies. Don't your closing factories around like a part here swallow it will be the haven't share, but it's a look at it. Like we ve talked about this, if you're sharing on vetted information as a conservative, whose questioning what's going on in this election- and you have invented that information like There'S- no doubt so well, People are sharing that for me, that is creating a smokescreen that allows the was postponed men and go see that one's bunk that was above that was about those wanting to cycle can fight. I didn't share those for the are the ones that really matter and actual packs and was saying, was look some of that others, now you're may not be good. It's not Warburton, but what we are saying is indisputable fact about how these elections run were. Violation of their own laws. They set the rules laid in volume and lead to a period potential impact on an election, I'm so much election
I am an election somewhere. You never want to use the definitive article, the elect we don't know what happened. Then we don't know the inner workings of the parliamentary system in Botswana, we don't I did. I didn't whether this heavy impact on a son of a bitch Ghana aspect: when are we going to? They don't have a constitutional system? Operators is now someone put me to Santa certain chemicals TAT, eight! Let us another man. Can I go back to southern Europe? What you said something about this, but at the end of that first court, where they're saying that an impact it twenty twenty years presidential election. This is the aim of all this is that this is what they said. This is the M reading their policy right. This is the most laughable part. Line with our approach towards historical. U S, presidential elections that last part it is this policy has been historically the same policy that you ve had in previously. I know we covered talking about sixteen, but I like how they threw that in their right, there on that. I didn't even I have to say that an ad there's just to say
so we ve been doing before right. You ve been around since two thousand five. The collation cycle have arrived, not bush. It gets the end of his tail borrowing for their own and bromley. You did it for that too right. Well, I mean those people were winners and inconsequential, so What really willing to fight they don't really need They didn't really need to try and beat the fight out of Romany or Mackay. Now they just folded, certainly not wrong. They just placed him on the top of their car, like he did their dogs grabbed his ponytail. Exactly that round me as part of a larger drab around these ponytail, like there's a little speed, baggily Romney commodities like all right, I'm undemocratic, only underwear. Where do now, I think I'm leaving in Poland where doesn't which? Oh that's true, it's very. We speak of holy things, speaking of a hunter Biden. Hey there are many people, may not remember this. Ten percent
you can set, it would have changed their vote. Had they heard about the Hunter button Jack, I don't we can bring it up there at some point. Have someone send it there to take an hour for that Some other overlays here but Hunter by? is the subject of a federal tax. Investigates yeah just happened right is encouraging. Armed nerve courses is breaking new. That was reported in October way. Maybe this is maybe there's. Maybe this is the component that Tucker Karlsson lost in the mail. I remember back you remember that way back in the October, it is who were likewise this? Why bigger nominate rights? This is what has taken off Twitter, where's,
enough. Women are taking everything to do with it wasn't hacked. He would show strung out on a crack and foot jobs that he left us computer with Geek squad. There was none of his family and even wake genuine wake up you up. There was, I think, the rules at sixty days or ninety is whatever was indeed has that rule he'd have even come back after a ninety day crack and foot job stupor leave my incredibly incriminating laptop here. Did I even that? Have that awareness, Jack Dorsey Wells and decided that they were going to remove the hunter by? the story and they were the ones, do enough to outright remove. It. Looks like the number was one in six by voters would have changed their minds if they had known the full stop.
One in six voters would have changed their manipulation to me. That's the marginal swings dates. So, let's even a lot of talk about the change, the election, widespread fraud, which of course never happen in this hearing, isn't going on and we didn't just have the Texas Edgy right. None of that figure, you're motivation, nothing! I'm thinking about it doesn't matter submit its was honest. It is not fair election because of the fact that the media controls all this information. If you take away the fact that they completely suppress the Biden story, that they'd amplified the Russia story, that their amplify, the impeachment strike that they'd amplified Donald Trump tax returns. Let me ask you this: how many times did you hear in the mainstream media that we had unemployment at three point? Six percent What did you ever hear that ever What did you ever hear that more Americans had dollars in their pockets, both in their paycheck and saving from their page, at paying in taxes? When did you ever
about one. Did you ever hear in the media that the average family household income one up five thousand dollars under Donald Trump, where it was one thousand under the entirety of Obama's administration? when did you ever hear that none of it? You heard none of that information. It was the fair election, because these big tech billion all a guard keys effectively decided that it could not be, and by the way, what we're talking about this. I do think that businesses have the right to make political donations now talking about citizens United again No about that case, what that was was Hillary Clinton actually trying to ban and Anti Hillary Clinton film, not chemical, start when other against big money in politics. How about that? fifty million from one guy Zuckerberg to get out the vote campaigns. That seems, like you, don't have a problem that's not what this is a fair election, regardless of the hundreds of thousands of voters that either don't exist or out of state under age or double voted.
Legally voted out so one day- and I say this- maybe a controversial opinion. There is a distinction between influencing rigging fraud right, and I would say that to us too, at a certain level can be violations of campaign finance laws through supporting a particular candidate or belief set up systems or party through your actions that may not be fraud. fraud is lying or not like. So what was interesting? Let the hundred binding is the timing of going through in saying we're not going to let this information out right. That may not be fraud under illegal standard, but without question. It was influence right out. Quite it will try to rig the elections. That information was not getting out that clearly citizens would have been using. And that was demonstrably time true under an argument that we dont let this kind of information out, because it was found, sir, seriously you right when you let that information out all the
A time re. Another topic that that's where the where the phrase fake news comes from, is where the left for saying that all of these facebook highly like the headlines were saving, and that was the reason the trump was elected but vague. They can point out the media influence and they can also point out some kind of fraud. That happened might have happened and twenty sixteen, but we can't take by the weight really quickly. Can you bring back up that's wall while clip, yet let's bring back because he swore Well, it was banging Asians, buys category problem listenin to tell whether the same one or multiple browsers ie is also just he's just in a pool of asian spies, like Gary old man in the awful rendition of Dracula? So it's just air and pointy debts. We, let's play to swallow. That? Because there's something in there that he said that I think, might be relevant to the Hunter Biden scenario plant, but the wrong doing here. Jim is that
same time, the story was being wiped. Out is the time that I was working on it on the house, intelligence, injudicious, and if this is a country where people who criticised the president are going to have long Foresman, information, what the nice against them? countries that any of us want to live, and I hope it is investigated. Is it who led this information, so Problems with selective leaking rang well. We know that intelligence agencies- I dunno, maybe took an outcome rather than another. Was a CIA or FBI or the Internal Revenue Service had hunter binding laptop while the story was covered in October? Fbi was the F b, I believe, as if the F b I had, the laptop and decided to hold onto that until after the election swore well, on that, I know you have a broad and one someone's leaking your leaking on an asian spy prostitute, Where were you when it comes to drip drip, but
seeing this up and fixing the leak in the pipe so that nobody knows, and people are made to feel crazy. If they say this Hunter Biden story is really important because it could compromise the next leader of the free world access to it all this time. Now how about the somewhat we can all there you're conspiracy theories, pretty much it's not like so see and knives. Tommy's meteors, beyond the point that I make things the real problem, which isn't it suspect that their leaking there now, I would argue shore, but, you did have sex with Asian Scott utilizing, was that those taken literally deal with both of those who can deal with both of those. You may say: hey, wait a minute need to figure out, how these investigations ring compromise and how is being released that doesn't change you, you didn't unbarring. The bell I mean running down, the family will look. What did she say? My second general, some, just don't
sex with any chinese women? Anyone know I wouldn't even be these. Men are fine Stephen. We have it the wrong way. He actually recruited her here. Please involvement of scandal so that all behind the news that any dying relevant I wanted, but a cares says you get older. He was president Elect, because that is not the other president like it gives me the worst society, and not only did they say that this is breaking news. I watched a second this morning on this as well. They had the ball calls to say it was because of the intrepid reporting of blubber by our rapporteur and people shaking their head. Yes did a fantastic job and cover acquirement of adamant about so what did you do? Go back and watch our clips from October to get your information, because this is not only not breaking you didn't do a damn thing to get there. I bet you know that if they ve come and said is under investigation? Now? It must be really bad yeah,
is just what we have is really bad and it was finally former vice President Joe Biden released a statement saying that I was deeply proud of his son, Really is only common, and you know what lesson we can see: why every reason to be proud of absolute necessity, You know so many things out of hand. That's just it man. I hope I, and raise a sun gonna want as taxes look country or in the new like Al Capone, Al Capone, where the former vice president's retarded the hideous can't wait when we see him designing the new, what is it he's? Gonna go to the rose garden. Hunter Biden Year like Wireless roses, white they so very weird strange, Where are these remedies, but these poppies?
hey a bill, so taxes right regarding these taxes regarding his influence. Hers is business dealings where its You know it's not clear: it's either Vermont or China. Oh oh, it could be. More aside, I never mind like there's a place called Egypt Texas, yeah Iranian Mexico Missouri, so that the places that Biden is going to be tougher on than Donald Trump yeah. where I am just making sure I can connect all worked out cried out loud lies we're having cocktail parties with swore wells, they were probably handing out numbers for them associates to be. If you really think that's hard to connect the dots, you think I'm some serial killer with yarn hold on a second no wait. We really. We need three points of contact hunter by crack: cocaine, foot jobs from chinese Hooker and chinese business dealings Eric swallow. banging chinese spies, Joe Biden Directive
Children's Menu daddy's. It does get me the next policy that comes out, that's like under the spam and scam rats, it was the integrity of the first, needs to be our respective. Yet he needs space to sell his wild crack easier than the six degrees of Kevin Bacon so that as nice like, let's go. what did George a hearing and by the way the best thing you guys can do if you're watching right now the archive just comment something we're doing and ask me anything next Thursday, but we will be streaming live December. Seven at all addresses- will be taking your questions in your chat, so load him up and no question is to come from but I dont promise I'll answer unto carries the in Kentucky or in your case, Georgia, or that's enough about that part of it. It's important understanding, a very high level sort. I, how the dominion system works.
I'll get really. Can you explain it in a way that resembles buying drying gonna call them I'm already on the agenda occasion, I have been told my voice. Allayed is why similar infrequent to that crickets and bid issued in south, why, in the middle of the room and get our Mandela in alone, Starck in what are you talking about acacia than you don't make sense? deciding watching Pedro paints already dry. Now, it's paint eroded think? What are you saying is if the computers were connected to the internet, so it was the biggest yeah we want to make in. This is the wrong just why one and have can pacts on the show? It's our attorney general contacts in the show to try and boil this doubtless- and I will tell you that there are too many spots in the conservative movement. I just read there not enough Kirk's straight to have information that information is to get to people who can do still communicated delegated and fight with it, and I tell you
We see a lot of people presenting information. We don't see a lot of people out there, certainly with our elected officials. Fighting without information. Fighting the information war actually going to war for the american people who elect them. We do not see that enough, and yet you know how that Do you know how you can confirm? That's true, you're shocked when you see it, no one is going lion. Tat Lie- and he went from lying TED me to lie on tat because he's willing to go for an hour you at the Supreme Court, that, being a vet. That should be the rule, not the exception. and we have seen time after time people sit on the sidelines who were not brought into office to sit on the sidelines, and then they bitch about Donald. And how is a bull in a China shop long, you know, maybe he wouldn't have to be a bull in a China shop. If some of you guys just went in there and bought some shit took some stuff off the shelf,
every now and then we shouldn't need one guy. We shouldn't hope for, and I don't believe that he's one guy. I don't believe that there is any Savior to the political party, but I am at the point right now. Where is that publicans, weave, elected conservatives. We will elected, haven't done enough, They said, and as I wanted, I will hear some information that maybe you might want to look into how about you look into how about you do your due diligence, so I don't have to fifteen hours a day, actually confirming it, and then you go forward and fight because you have the legal standing do so. How about you start in policies because guess what you don't deserve any of our votes. While really does your you, you just think you got no mechanism for a Democrat, that's not what I'm saying what about the car and what about the future? The constitution? What about the future of the democracy? Guess what you're not protecting it you're, protecting it if you're not doing enough, This point Republicans out there. There are a lot of but myself included there go hey, you know what what we ve been doing, isn't working. They don't seem to be. Not only do not seem to be fighting for us in the way that you have been
for well, namely requested to you. Don't seem like that. kind of person who would even understand the language that world speaking here at a party seems We like you, would be confused if we bring up that Georgia, video or if we bring up the voting rules. If we bring up the idea of, constitutionality and legislating for the bench and Pennsylvania seems to me that a lot of these republican representatives of law for the course of the site- I don't know I've, seen a lot of conspiracies. Hey, hey how about you take upon yourselves years since you have resources for crying out loud endless resources. You're welcome tax dollars, hears more and start get, the bottom of this, and at least using what we have publicly available to fight? Ok, that's why we're here! right now and that's. Why will be here as long as we can, and I will do to show as long as again until my role in fighting might have to change, because I am getting sick and tired of folks warrant doing anything, let let me your heart be troubled and that this country has some great safeguards. It really does and there's never
the end of the constitutional republic. People said that with Oakland people said that with Barack Obama, but we are at a tipping point country- and we are at a tipping point where there isn't that cavalry coming over the hill, because they don't care, a lot of them. Not all of them are not talking about people like TAT, drew them not talking about people that can Paxton, but how many other What can you name who are in the faces? non stop of the people who you know our line and supporting big tat. throttling and censoring conservative voices. How many How many do see signing on you had a New York Cagey where the file this suit against Facebook, you guys for years. What are you now all of a sudden going to talk about two thirty, with the words of the fence bill that that Donald Trump is talking about that. Now, the sun. When we're done The presidency we're going to do something you had four years and it's all people talked about and now you're surprised at what happened
with the election year. Surprise that, people are saying: there's no evidence your surprise. That now Youtube is saying: hey we ve, we ve broken em up right so now that all hang separately, we ve broken up. So there alone we ve instituted this mental warfare and told them that there's no evidence we can now I'll, just remove them from the face of the dialogue, and it's because you guys it's nothing, and you know what at least When I do what I can to try and start holding you guys accountable, and that means, but the left, because we know what our enemy is. But, like I talked about this and when I say enemy mean political enemy, ideological enemy, dont, say I'm not like some Michigan representatives who looks like Rupaul calling people soldiers asking them to harm people who disagree with me. I'm talking about an idiot, logical enemy at this point that that's not a tough pill to swallow. What we talked about it but it's not tough for me to understand that some hipster coffee shop in Austin is going to force everyone to wear, masks and walk around with steeples to make sure that their six feet apart. What is a tough bill for me to swallow it
search saying: well, you know what we don't really need to me to be the congregation of God. Yeah you do. Just using your face as an excuse for your cowardice. It's it's! It's you're pill to swallow for me to say well, kept cautiously Elizabeth, worn wanting people band who disagree with them. I can, of course we see people at dinner, parties with Zuckerberg and would jet skis, and these politicians who are influencing our elections and banning opinions. We expect that it's like a disobedient child. You expect them to be that way, but when you have the adults in the room when you have Republican saying well, we need you just let the system play out. Guess what this someplace out when you play your role fix it all right, we're gonna, go now leave a comment, that's the best thing you can do. If you don't want to. I understand it burns to touch a keyboard, but we do ask that you join up at my club, there's going to be quite a bit more show where we will be taking your chats after this
You do go ahead and try and ban we. Why don't ya, but right now, piss off
Transcript generated on 2020-12-20.