« Louder With Crowder

Did Donald Trump Just Admit He Wants To Be a Dictator?!

2023-12-06 | 🔗

Donald Trump did a town hall event with Sean Hannity in Iowa & the media is already freaking out, John Kerry takes a trip to Dubai for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and more!

GUEST: Josh Firestine

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Music by @Pogo

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its crowded shops. Twelve days of christmas, and today we are giving away a solo stove to one lucky person and the basket with these twelve years of christmas, Avian flu crato shop that come twelve days of christmas, give away the alright one thousand out
where's your ship, the hell's, a difference at this point. What do you make me? Do this humble spangler jack? I don't know what do you know what it is we're going to talk about it, I'm mug clubbed, twelve. They were doing the job of christmas at greater shop. And then I started looking into the song I hate. That's all he's got some. Who did that many birds, it just a lazy farmer who sees It is in his yard and then gifted people, every year the bird flu pandemic just ask for one thing: just ass for twelve days, when am I gonna would always be seated. swan swimming now, it's britain their laying snatch. Well things to occur for us, because we had this whole thing. We wanted to do the twelve, and then we can't do that. We can get these properties. It's just all birds to go to an aviary or bring up the run down to the speakers are frank: okay, my ear popped
getting ready, feel you have water in your ear for, like a week, it'll be a fun yeah, just one of those days. Okay, Here we have a few things to get to donald trump town hall. President trump's town hall basically was like it was that it was a bargaining back to dean, martin roasts, so a lot of fun! We'll talk about that and, of course, the left his they ve been right, pushing this. We talked about it yesterday, the day before there really just just clinging onto the idea that he's gonna be a dictator, and if you look at his answer, will you be a dictator its a clear that he won't, but they want to take him out of context, will be talking about John carries climate conference in dubai. Clearly, a state very concerned with climate, the place that puts a face ski hill. In dinners It's obviously no, it's outdoors! Isn't it because it knows it's kind of it's. Oh! Is it in the ma? It's in the maha. The point is deputy. Like yeah.
you couldn't zone? Can you couldn't skype. He had I bet I bet that would make the I bet he hit the moguls and then the we also have ivy league presidents who are not going to condemn jewish genocide and hopefully be able to arm you with. I see, conservative or libertarians in holland. You support free speech until its pro from palestine people. It's very easy time. that they try and use on you. calling for murder and asking for murder is different It should be so I don't love you guys with this. Is you know free speech, one if it's remedial butter with we ve had to do Doesn't change reminds since gone back to twenty fifteen? It's really simple! Don't let them to look consequently, what that projection. They want accuse you of doing exactly what it is that they are doing so you can below. If you think that it's a free speech issue when people are calling for the death of all jews on campus from the river to the sea, and then let me know
think of the hall from last night. So we have that and more gerald captain morgan. How are you sorry six minutes of me bitch? I need to stop this yeah, I'm doing fantastic, good, then good other than you know all of what you just said. How are you good? This is, though, like this is this? Is my rage is going to get out of my says this is rage. You gotta see this is going to be frustrated by the twelve days of christmas sitting. How like minutes before the show starts? Are you kidding me? It gets well, I wrote my relieved. My release. Maids pitch is maids milking and there are no cows there. No cows, not scientists, all great that'll go It's my swan swimming all right when you hear him in third sharon, by the way he staying a little extra, because travel got mixed up with nick de pollo, and so we always love having him here seem very funny to live. There is always something that especially seeing in life cemetery. Second, twenty third in columbus, ohio,
at the funny bone, crappy place good comedian, Josh good. I heard that nick could make it because so he's busy tied up milk and some yeah, but I you know I've got How can they milk may gregg stop what that line? Now? Go five situation I been negative on to that song, I'm sorry, but because we were sitting there, I thought about it. It's just it's just avian flu, one one I mean the shadow that tunnel was great last night, I was one of origin is: where is becoming a trump fan and yeah yeah It was good. I liked that that stance he had the powers dad's. Yes, it was a lot of fun and by the way in case you haven't, if you guys, don't know it just bookmark this go back to it. Wretched whittemore is the work she's the devil. I just want to be clear. Here, because we want to we talk about the green movement. She just sign this executive order, more toma dictators to turn the entire government fleet electric by twenty thirty three
I used to get a lot of flak for this when I would, when Hillary Clinton was kind of, you know, target number one of its internal. Far worse and Hillary Clinton is nancy, pull see people forgot about it for a while, then you guys if you dont know now, you know I'm telling you you guys think about Gavin newsome Biden, kemal hairs. If governor what we're becomes somebody in the national spotlight, you will understand she is the worst human being in power in the united states of america. Michiganders. Please comment below help me out here. You ve gotta, live under the thumb of this better than that bitch I say again that I am sorry about what would it next letter in the alphabet he's the wars, get she cheek, she really does. She gets sexually aroused at abusing power. It does like india and she was making the news like covering her was badly. Did the rally up there for gretchen to what was it to the foi requests to release yeah they really solve.
Death of the old people have old people, and they also comes because she sent young people with covered in old folks in our thoughts homes profundity for funding. etc. Does actually radio got she's rough for funds? These funds, these jeez, ok, she's board all right, the topic of the day since we're in the nine minutes in I thank you for sticking around yesterday or some ivy league presidents. They were grilled over calls on campus for jewish genocide and The responses are ok, you guess it is probably probably be bad. It's worse. I don't know why they don't have. Maybe they need consultants to just say just say now: I just say it look! What what, for yourself does em mit does calling for the genocide of Jews violate? Am I tease code of conduct or,
Rules regarding bullying and harassment- yes, or no have not heard calling for the genocide, reduce our. But you ve heard chance for intifada every chance which and be anti semitic, watching on the context when cool, for the elimination of the Jews, but is calling for the genocide of jews, violate pens, rules or code of conduct is a context. Dependent decision no adds its context dependent decision? That's your testimony today, calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context, is If you are now, if this speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment, conduct in committing the act of genocide, harassment this is unacceptable as miguel, why one more opportunity for the world to see your answer does call for the genocide of Jews, violate pens code of conduct.
Comes to boeing and harassment, yes or no. It can be Restaurant absolute does call for the genocide of Jews, violate news of bullying and harassment. Yes or no, it can't be What's the content, thanks, doktor gonna, get it as an individual targeted. at an individual. Its target jewish students. Jewish individual okay as Stefan with port progeria, that was demolition man that traveled back in time to use yeah, but only killing jews. That day walker such a simple question such and by the way, someone just to be clear, someone can say, jews, someone so that and beat that just think they can be a racist there. There had to be reached. If someone could even say, don't think it's a I hate juice. The problem is, when you say: hey
like for you to kill all the Jews, that's the problem, I can say, oh man. I hope that guy gets hit by a car. Johnny boy, but these efforts are paid out. When I can't say, hey, Josh you're in the military, can you kill him? For me, this is one of those things and they are both. Who don't believe in freedom of speech will take over the ship? Dublin infringements I don't understand these parameters. It's a very lazy argument. We ve been in countering this since two thousand sixty years. A clip from a chain from here is how to deal with it, but it is active. to violence is the action. So, for example, you could say I hate in kreider. That's fine, you could say yeah, you could say I hope Steven Crowder gets, I dunno gets stabbed with a pitchfork. Okay, that's probably fine- or I hope he gets run over by a car you can't say, go run over stephen crowded with a car or I'll pay.
Five hundred dollars is someone who runs over stephen cried out with a car and have its the call to action there. Already laws and the buzzing you don't call to action I want to draw the line at an active call to action. It's not a harassment It is, according to their own standards, its crime, its if you're actually calling for the death now I know they would say it's a great territory, because you're calling a crime, and you know anyhow so large and scope genocide. I mean you know, what's little genocide here there it's way overseas, but that is a crime. yeah and you not just targeting and individual. It's almost like genocide is like the worst way of using that. Like saying, I would like to kill all of a certain people group almost like,
works almost like it's words, yeah right, I could see the argument would be made like a mosquitos, but he I I I do think that they would have a hard time letting it pass. If you miss gendered someone, I think that would be harassment and that would violate their code of literally and from camp. I've been banned from campuses for the change, but that's why we can't do that. We've been banned for hate speech for change my mind. I guess I should just say change my mind from the river to the sea and be like hey. What am I hey all right? He had a change of heart. Walk on the streets will run red with the blood of the Jews changed my mind come on it Nobody was the danger, might agree, never lets libraries, you be so sure from other fist bombs by the way, let's just clarify what this means to: let's go through the tugela intifada: ok, bye, definite. What let's first with the chance you here. I think we have a clip from the river
into the sea, because we hear that and it sounds nicer river to the times it's like you know, quit could be singing it like show me the way he did this. He tired around the gills and do all kinds of things yeah. That was three beers in yeah. Here's a clip of what they say everywhere. The the yeah to be clear from the river to the sea. It means the Jordan river, the mediterranean sea. Ok, let's look at this map right here. Here I think we have yet overlay e one map. Do we have at the map of what it? it's like, and this little everybody's face is the Jews computer was given and praying so doing out there there's the river. There is a saying in between there some jos, this lever, we're gonna, go anyhow, astina, getting make afraid we send em death for people
complain about red lining, so much set gerrymandering it I guess juwy managed that there would be no cherry. It is get rid of all of the Jews from the river to the sea by the way it also echoes a sentiment from Hamas. I don't care where you line up on the floor. If the united states should be at all involved. I don't need one. American soldiers should be sacrificed for a war between Israel house. I think we certainly should she said and our trip to get these hostages back. That's what we're talking about here, which are not the dear that you shouldn't exist, that's what's being echoed and it's the people who are pushing. Our role there, relying on you being a moron. Let's go the intifada. Let's, let's watch this button people know what they're saying just now
or other clip. Sleazy individually translates to shake off the rising to show Call for their main is just the dog shaken our fleet. jews means to shake off all the Jews, it means to kill all the jews and that's how is, but in practice to the intifada to the sea, has been used as a policy to exterminate any and all jews. Intifada means, let's kill all just and their chanting. It they're chanting it hey that little bit different than telling someone that you have a different opinion on taxes. And are doing about somebody on those campuses, that's cuts. We showed you yeah on these campuses, where these administrators have a hard time saying that that's a problem. Yes, yes,
harvard us we're lawyer to come. If it were document see before that pen, my tour, the textbook or its also where Barack Obama was the least published editor of the harvard law review ever wherever he may. I heard him by the arm and the no one remembers him and there is no record of doing anything successful so diverse. Am I mad damon will hunting? Yes, I would the janitor sooner than I would trust a professor that I'm not even now can one hundred percent the first intifada was intifada. Nineteen. Eighty seven to be clear: the palestinians right of they killed a bunch of jews. I've seen like molotov cocktails hand, grenades. There are sixteen israeli civilians. Eleven soldiers killed Then there was a second intifada between two thousand and two thousand five. That was a big one and I dunno, if remember this one, I think is when it was happening, but reuters edited out the knife from a anyone terrorist in the picture- run writer on the israeli side, look at
but they didn't show that has actually been held hostage by a knife. We got the original file. I dont know if that was during that intifada, but it happened. So you have professors. interference for this, then you have the media running interference for them, and then you end up a bunch of kids. Shouting things like intifada from the river to the sea and being functionally retarded, so an apparent calling for the genocide of the Jews is fine, so just just put any other group in their yeah calling for genocide of transsexuals calling for the genocide of blacks, calling for the genocide of asians, which is kind of what they did by not letting them in the school in the first lady AOI, genocide of of sums or cause. All amounts would kill him, that's true, yes, but they would up and immediately the answer to the questions that are. We cannot have any any kind of that's any kind of speech like that on campus. We must get rid of that. That person will not be at our university. They won't work here. They won't be in whatever they would absolutely bend over backwards and the media would be running it all day long. I have not seen them cover this. Yet I've seen this.
citizen journalism, essentially acts that should be front pay. it's everywhere. These administrators won't call the call for genocide to be a violation of just their code of conduct. I'll tell you why they don't want to see the law this wraps up all of the things they don't want you to notice this wraps up that there's rampant antisemitism on the left right wraps up that there. Their worldview is completely inconsistent because we want to support someone marginalized, but if someone seems to be more successful technique we advance like Israel, the Jews. Ok, then we have to support people who want to execute all the other oppressed people who we support. So none of synonimas consistent and it also really sort of blows at a house of cards that, as I did week so always saying that hey in this one story, you Do you like, as a joke and you're completely and concern don't and your allowing for the calling of genocide and by the way you don't support free speech at all until it literally involves calling for genocide and just to be clear. Jenin- that even if it's for the church
I would even extended to them, which I mean that's a stretch from it does so that they know how I feel about the chechen contributed enough ever. You can't tell them all. Now that all about Nonetheless, a retired You went out the new watching how many of you have gone into one of these. These ivy league schools and What was your education like? I can't tell you how many friends I have you know harvard Stanford and there's like it was just. It was a joke who's, a jack. it's the same, the same textbooks as anywhere else and, as a matter of fact, they invested interest in ensuring that you have high grades. They can keep up this Familiar aright did gerald rivalry school no sort of now he blows me out at a ok school oklahoma. Whereby seated? Yes, the sloppy call won't be noted down to were really when it gets here.
the porter barricades Jesus is their signalling, a touchstone my doll. I refer it to continue so so here too, the climate conference John Kerry, but I want to theirs Thank you? Everyone just talks about climate change. Ok, look! We all want just don't throw your crap out the window cave of your car right, dont pollute there are few things that bother me more than people who later when they dont need to letter that the trash can right there. I get it clean up your crap. We need to be good. We need to be good of what we are given. I understand that the problem is when you look at this game. When people talk about a rig, there is no gain more rigged than that. Of course, the change as it relates to government and hands out handouts to businesses. I want to be very clear about that. Because I'm a big money, big oil. Ok, fine people talk about big. Yet there is no greater there's, no greater shelving, then the climate
crisis, even if you believe that the earth is is significantly warming to a degree that it will be catastrophic and that we are the primary cause of it? Ok, you still have to believe that, for some reason you, a w workers, are going to solve it, along with the chinese seller, and they were anti science. No, no, okay! Fine europe is warmer great. Okay, fine, we're all going to die in a tsunami. Okay needs to be fixed whether we wait. Relying on saudi arabia in china and then, who are relying on states that action? Whittemore in the? U s, double you're gonna die seated, they take your money and tax dollars to give them to people who provide no value. That's the problem, everything costs more for your gas costs, more, your cars costs more and your taxes go up and it does nothing for the environment. Ok, so John Kerry This is in due by the climate conference and I he actually
contributed to greatly to the methane robin themselves, not our doing watch, myself getting more and more militant, because I do not understand how so in positions of responsibility, can avoiding responsibility for taking away those things Killing people on a daily bearing on our part, is nice obama, its scope, its lips, but we are children, it might have been her. I wish you would have an area of nobody saw that yeah that's use like she was planning come a
oh no around here, because it's really easy to blame it on the guy who looks like he dunked his face in a botox toilet back on the other side, it's the it's a trap. Yeah his face looks like a deflated footballs. Yes, that's ugly. Okay, look I think that the rules for rules for they not for me three hundred fifteen private jets flew in to buy king, charles gamala harris emmanuel, MC crawl, racially sumac. Now look, I know it yours, you're, going to say like ha. Second, this is necessary, ok hold up, could they Come on, I'm going to my coach: could they fly commercial? Could they jet share and at the same time it could
the zoom days. No, no, it's better to you have to get in front of the person. You really have to really have to be right in front the shake their hand fart right there. If you don't want to report the bride who's for who's, rishi Sinek, I wish is luck. He's made a grassy google in england, in england? Is the prime minister got there, might not that this elegant name that? Could it drove their bs some across a problem I mean, I don't know if it's any further than driven from Schenectady too long drive Oklahoma, though I dont know that area of the world bring us how they are. But the point is that I want to cross an ocean jago by the jets support. Jeff. Could they zoom now than they tell you ain't hours when point, we have to be there in an inner being person, but then they put four pulse Is that for small business owners to allow you to pay. Actually work from home hate, we're
more important that people actually be in the office when their meeting to talk about something that they're not going to do anything about like you need me in person just to talk or people on an assembly line, people in restaurants, people and local coffee shops, people at low businesses where you have to work on central computers here to edit think think about that. no you you, you you as the employer you have to allow your workforce door from home we're going all fly out and private jets so that we can be in person to tee as a useless windbag that we are and what we're talking about the jets. Yes, they are incredibly heavy polluters. Now I dont care, but they claim to a four hour flight. That's a year's work carbon emissions by the average person who wow thanks for doing that for up to fourteen times more pollution than you know, a commercial flight per on a per passenger basis- and I don't care, go ahead cool you can afford a private jet. Do it the problem is when you're doing it on the taxpayer dime. While drawing the businesses with the greatest locked down
greater, something worse, locked down that economic policy in modern american history. This is this. This is one of the greatest wealth transfers from the middle. Ass to the elites that we ve ever seen. Yet the ever do me a favor, timid, like gretta, did take a boat with power by the wind see it takes you to get their john. You have anything else, go on I don't think it was entirely powered by the wind, I ain't going to an outboard motor as well. That probably did a little to see what path I should be pedaling right now, yes, but do it? Unfortunately, in private, right now so carry announced that the united states was joining the powering past call
alliance, which is a stupid name. So this means that the by administration is going to be committing to building no new coal plants and phasing out any existing plants. While china approves new to new coal plants per week that so that doubling down for us, they are, they didn't go to the climate change a thing now. China probably didn't get around they'd, get an invite to another area that was lost in the mail. They find the call or put it alongside their junk mail. Along with, like you know, the the join the weavers coup It's a sweepstake. Fifty nine countries have joined this alliance and, of course, the united states is the one that is a leading builder user of coal fired power plants, so hey again duty is better not only for the environment, to empower china more, but how about us for you, for you, you're gonna need energy, somehow how you gonna get it costs go up. Gazprom, hey. We don't draw anymore and the name
being green is just a religion, your worshipping gaia by another name, hake. Ok, what do you do? Well, your your gas prices go up what about goods and several those got, because energy prices go up and other cunt these who have a vested interest in you. No longer existing laugh what it is It's bad here they enforce this on the rest of the world. Developing countries need cheap energy and they go hey. You can't have the cheapest energy in the world that we've all used to get where we are today do some else that doesn't work, burn the wood in your homes and have lung problems like seriously that the banks that put the loans into these countries won't let them put coal plants in right. It's it's apps really horrific because it doesn't allow civilizations to develop to some degree, no matter where they would end up. It doesn't allow that some this form and to say that we're in
of this problem without china at the table doing their part is stupid. Everybody knows that the reports are out there. It china doesn't stop what they're doing nothing we do. Matters look carefully on the third world is inconvenient. Are you and it's horrible for americans and there's no reason for it, but it kills people in a third world where you know the preliminary going up by a few pennies means they die means. I can't cook their food means they can't heat their dirt floor. and this is all a part of this idea of being net zero from you know, Joe Biden by two thousand and thirty five. They want to be net zero, not to be confused with the shitty internet provider. In the early two. Thousands still have an email address with them. I also have advantage Why else? Why we're only in part by three There's narrative, I'm that I it as long distance calling the internet or the internet would, even, though your lot hunted up to your landline somehow, and it was the worst reception ever so with a cheaper than empty. I do a lot.
I have no idea to provide indicated here to eradicating coal plants to by the way, by an undecided to put its money where its mouth is and went on a killing spree, others that yeah he did. Although coal plants should have their actual plants yeah now the goal garden essential. Maybe it's clearly fake people listening on audio joe bind, does not have the ability to garden yeah he's abandoned over any time soon and the c o p. Twenty eight president and ceo of Abu Dhabi, national oil company sultan algebra just sultan. It's just such a silly term. We shouldn't have sultans in the year two thousand twenty three. He says: there's no support for this idea. Scientific support. This notion of phase Our fossil fuels are actually flies in the face of what we know. There is no sense. the there is no santa science out there.
Ignore scenario out there that says that the phase out of fossil fuel is what's going to achieve. One point: five one point: five, as my north star, please help me show me a roadmap for the face or the face of europe. allow that will allow for socio for sustainable socio economic development, and this you want to take the world back into caves it well. I think they do when you're angry, I can tell well look he's right, but I also don't want to be giving him my money but now understand that's why they thorough here, let's drill year, I dont want to give my money to the guy with the silly hat he has, that interest in making those comments of exactly, but at the same time, he's right to things can be true, yet benefits andy's. And I want to go to a microcosm of this, I think, is a perfect example. What's happening in my home state of michigan and by the way, if you join my club, let us canada comes less market before christmas. You get a free copy, this children's book, which, as you know its former here,
warming than our attitudes today I promise just every now and then things hit you when you're reading and you can look at these pies. This whole thing is rigged and you just go ugh then the pendulum swings the other way and you go here's a silver lining, but I just can't. I just can't believe that so many people buy this crap. It's it's tough. I know you don't you watching right now, you listening right now, but a lot of people to that's. What's your debit talk with them about all of these things, daily basis. So let's go back stateside this guy was making more gretchen whittemore cat she's just push edge. This idea of net zero. She just sign and executive directive during that michigan convert all their government vehicle fleets to zero emissions by I've, read twenty thirty three and twenty forty. For many here's. A clip of government were discussing automakers, was it.
clip and turns out. We have no other clip is that we do not have the money you're, my pretty on the roof I say things weird, then your and your little dog too lumpy pillows, so governor whitmer, said this. Michigan automakers are on the cutting edge of the world, switched to zero emission vehicles before we move on with the rest of this. Just think of that phrase and how stupid you have to believe it, michigan automakers michigan automakers the big three there cutting edge of nothing tests that wouldn't be a fake? It wouldn't be a thing of in two thousand free. They release the first car two thousand, because these automakers were there were.
Blunt surfeits of technology that there were no on the cutting its think of that they always trying to make our american ingenuity. Now we should be able to pay tesla anymore american car manufacturer then forward or gm at this point there on the cutting edge What you really mean to say is this is a huge kickback to my biggest political donors, because we all want to go all big oil, but not talk about these ultra powerful unions. Now, by the way idea there so not on the cutting edge. The tesla mark, Cap is larger than the top five right, automakers combined only happens when you become stagnant and you failed to be on the cutting edge. Also is done with automatic think about eighty billion dollars and bail outs needed to keep the big three live like that. If you're, still waiting for your age. Billion dollar check from the government. Let's go eighty thousand dollars how about a round down you hit the like button right down there you go to them and hit the like button as our computer networking everything up there. We go Where is the euro w president
This is how you, why is she doing? This? Is it for the environment where we're going to a whole segment on cobalt mining lithium? Just so you understand how bad it is for the environment and the trend of This is exactly what happens when you switch to another energy source. Ok requires this, this new form of of raw material. We can go cobalt living your tongue, better! It's all right! So now, when you two minds that then the left approve, of shutting down the energy you have and we get all along the trail. For example, I think I just found the largest deposits of lithium outside of the sultan see recently much you wanna bet by the time it comes down to actually mining it. The same environmentalist will step and because, as endangered bird, where are we going to get the electricity to power all of these cars just like them up? You couldn't solar panels in them, a hobby desert expected labour can allow cobalt lithium, mining and assault and see
This is why they're doing it well that you, a w president sean Fain, praised, of course, Whitman's executive director of stating we encourage the state to purchase union made for all state vehicles. Has it been kicked back like unit and a word that you give me money to be governor and then, when I get an office, all make sure that we purchase all of your crappy cars that nobody wants? Yes, it seems like the deal and by the way. This is what the government can do, even without taking into account a giant government contract which will block the costs even more Universes nonunion costs to build you a double it'll cost you forty six per cent more per worker than tesla at minimum non union, twenty per cent more per worker than toyota or hyundai. It's not even close. If you take into account the retirees per active workers, these costs will be. Astronomical, and there has been no way for them to make it work the big for, without bailouts, without government funding and with
giant government contracts cutting edge and by the way, if we give them the cutting edge contracts they ask, for it would be one hundred and fifty dollars per hour according to that, our article on that overlay, that's what they were asking for, one hundred and fifty dollars per hour up from sixty four, which is kind of a low number. When you answer tell you we have to do the green. You have to do that net zero. We have to go with the green movement because control. All your pull, all your political, big oil or talk. Ok, look at the top political donors of all time. twelve at the top twenty five or union organisations, twelve at the top five of all, or at least from nineteen, eighty four and totally this was done until twenty. Sixteen by fourteen point, fourteen and well over ninety percent, their political contributions, gotta Democrats, so think of how much worse that is. When it's a union by way of many them. Public sector unions take your tax dollars and then they give them entirely to Democrats, even
it's not necessarily in line with all union workers. My problem is with the union organizations and leaders, not the union workers. There are a lot of union workers who would like to vote to leave the union per ticket because there's card check, so they take your text. hours. Then they use those tax dollars to elect politicians who then give them multi billion dollar contract kickbacks. That's are worse than some wealthy guy, giving individually to somebody's pack. And neither one of them are good, be afraid of big oil. None of its consistent, none of its consistent. This is the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the modern world. Amazon you look at these. I ever lose it several. It was several trillion dollars. The top ten companies in the world, their market get how much they gained covered ever have a number that you're ready that I'm going by rote here. That cannot happen in the absence- government shutting down your small amidst eyes, business that you w and the big three cannot rape you without the help of the government. These are cup
that should not exist, put it in the car, ex. These are companies that should not exist. They went bankrupt. Your tat, dollars, bail them out and now, in the name of being eco friendly, billions of your dollars will go to them. To appease their unions, who have donated to these politicians, and you have say in any of it knows in any event, you feel as though you represented by elected officials, you think governor whitman represents you. again, she shut down your nurseries for credit. You couldn't grow plants might even cooperate, core points out how these work Joe? You or anyone else, no listen, I loved it, but we are like once you go off on the idea that electric cars are fun, they're fun, really fun. Michigan companies aren't the on the cutting edge, though I mean Toyota had the freest. I know this is that's my thing like what else is she going to say? bought and paid for by these companies. She has just
for them, as though detroit is doing good and that the united on workers are fantastic for the state of michigan big three the source of all of our prosperity in the state. While she is literally on the titanic, but she to say those they should not literally in the title that figure figure she's. Quite literally, That idea- and oh my god, you're angry about idea. Just it's! It's not only its the to play a part of it that bothers me so much as well, like you said you have no say in it, but none of these big corporations, none of them, give money the politicians without the expectation getting money in return, and that seems obvious and save it is like the ok but that piss you off because they're doing it with your money, they're doing it with your news if you're a union worker they're doing it with the profits off of your crappy cell phone service, if its a t or whatever and they're going in buying politicians, that system ultimately will fail, it cannot be allowed
To exist forever, okay, I think we've covered him. Fine yeah now get to it, we'll get to a point a glance around like a southern angry to say, dog? I don't I wish I'd like you, can get it all out of our system here. What's up with you, for you and then believe from new. We, a lot happier with around here, enjoy the van He laughs, yeah, yeah, ok! so here's the thing. The donald trump town hall that took place president said we will call him former president. Some people call him sitting president. I call him sitting president. It was really more of a roast and it lot of fun, and you also see why this guy is number one far away, and you also see why, of course, he's beating Joe Biden from a vice president Biden. If the elections are held today, shocking, considering how the poles leaned so that brings us to.
this week, Donald trump roast Maybe I'm the barn- and I went like this- I believe we all right. but you can kill ended. Let us go into because you know Sean Hannity is a black belt I know that one of the things I want to look like a fight. I wanted to look like you have see event because the walk out it set the tone set the tone in in a fun way and donald trump leaned into it.
thanks. Man, sporting at a curtain, rain. It was the flag spreading, come out in a robe it up in a magazine, he always walks out to music. I think those surprised it was on our hay for the radio spit other money on the ringleader. So he answered a few questions and I'll get to what it is. The left is really try to live, really try to jump on, say all. He said that he would be a dictator. No, that's not what had a boy? That's foreshadowing here, but he did comment on its own like someone this you know I wish these trump talks back in two thousand and fifteen and the impression that they're now he's actually doing it all the time it would be like if ron de santis, five six years from now actually called everybody like around
in florida. Pal you take your buster browns, like it's taken from a little the hurdle of truth right, but donald eurobonds. To always say he would no matter what it was, he would reduces liability by saying you know these people have taught them told me that gerald they told me jr likes to use the ladies' room. He goes in there down and he likes to he likes to be watched. What he likes to watch, alas, then I say lester, don't say that that's horrible, without proof they'll say I saw it I'll say I guess: don't host angry so yeah that guy's here when he was asked about the cognitive and a former vice president Biden here, number. One from your standpoint, cognitive lee, you like to use that word, cognitive Lee he's! Nothing! Look! It's not like me. Just say this: I just serve commercial, these low lives, imitating him at this speech, where we will have a lot of fun sat billy fund because we shouldn't be Joe
about it. I actually told shown John you shouldn't joke about respect for the dead said shown you shouldn't say: the balkans is funny: it's not there's nothing funny about it, I even say that sir, and he was shaken. He was doing that. I love it like we were having a lot of fun. We shouldn't be having a lot of fun or hey. That's alright, I'll, take what he didn't say it had on Harris. Of course, worse edited it and he's like that's true. I did we talked about god. I told you I gave you some advice, you never taken! Yes, yes, that's true! I never get advice. come back as no. Now we also went on to trash the media for supporting former vice president Biden. It's a lot of fun. We
if a man that can't put two sentences together, we have a man that doesn't know is alive. That half the media, the media is fake. I came up with the term a long time ago, and they won't talk about. What's funny is that a very his credit for something he didn't invent. The vacuum left jiu jitsu on them that you just never know what you're going to get. You never know who's going to blame Sean hannity for something he clearly said, credit for something to try to use against them. Yeah except being an everyday yeah and that he doesn't think he agrees with Gerald. He agrees with with cat. I wasn't here where he does not think that former vice president Joe Biden will be the nominee in two thousand and twenty four. I personally, thinking makes it ok I said that I'm saving it for this big town hall. I'd. Never really. I personally don't think you remember when he said I'd like to take him behind the barn. If he took
Behind the barn- and I went like this I believe we have. I believe me, I what she was unable to lift a beach by which is meant for children to live like that. I would send possibly equally is bad and maybe worse the child. You lived here these years. I believe that advocates of debates here he doesn't move the chairs at mar a lago. I love that he's not acting tough either he's not like I'd, beat him up with a vibe or not he's like no he's so weak that he was blow on exactly you hit prep for the
please share comments like now. You come from wears a beach to get, even though that was a thing already, but he meant by the way for his friend, but he may have never been to a beach in life. There's there's been a mistake, but it could share. He'd ever picked up the chair. I guarantee president Biden, there's probably not any. I shouldn't say guarantee. I would be surprised that there's video of him trying to pick up a chair. He has probably extrapolated that we should control. Is there to say that there are probably leftists right now at cienega, we're in a chair, we're talking about going to prove them wrong and that shit mostly false job I can if a lawn chair- and he in fact would not topple over behind the fight barn. If you blew on him much less they're going to have to they're going to have a photo op of Biden the chair, the guy, isn't it Vienna are, is not falling. What kind of them in a press conference
Could you share exactly that literature they're going to all the chairs rousing? Oh boy, thanking the shared that Thank you for getting me that inflatable spencer's chair, often puff you can't blow me hey blow me I'm going to recover the next hurricane us to show that mister vice president, I abroad, man, that's what I get those courtesy blow me oh, why does Biden said that that I share them why not I'm a writer. What are too hard to make a show of it also adds a more harsh words in former vice president, but actually started. This is more by democrats in other republicans in general now I can't folly fact check this. This is the beauty of that, like ok
we are all gone. He exaggerates donald trump. He doesn't make up. Stories about places, he's never been with people who don't even exist, which is what Joe Biden does like he'd be easy motion. Are artist a little bit real, amateur or sorry I'm doing him, is it like? I did that but yeah never sat on his stool is alive and I'm like okay, that's so you can't necessarily fact check it because he's not really making a definitive claim he's just insulting you and exaggerating something that everyone knows is probably true. We have the clip of him struggling with a chair, oh great, I think it exists greeley or look landings angle of attack, not a merger help it I'm Joe, it's the lightest cheer. They make its never jail, helping him now, she's, never there to help my government's hilarious, a worst wife of all time
I don't know she looks like they ve got something else coming and I'm looking on with bated breath is a better one, incoming, ok, I'll. Let live on to something else it down. From said, which is pretty funny about what democrats Publicans are actually he gives them credit. What a good at doing. You know I just found out that democrats are funding Nikki Haley's campaign. Oh boy, The Democrats are contributing to run the sanctus is, or rather sanctimonious order to reduce the first day. And then you hear the talking points since the only thing. They're good at cheating on elections and great talking points. That's a compliment. That's a compliment do the things we need to think. Would you be surprised, though, if they were funding mickey haley's campaign like you? Firstly, one of these see we're saying hey. We need to find some of these opponents of tromp so that he can't be the guy. The points at issue warmonger nasa prestige, not surprise. You, too, I think what what will what you will find you look into this, that you'll find a much higher percentage of either moderate republicans or the
kind of centrist democrats donating mickey hayley, then certainly what even rhonda santa sir donald trump. So I'm sure that's true, yes crisscross. Yes, he would fit that bill. Little, but as the airlines are important coke brothers, of course, the cup brothers and they're not they're. Not this deal they ve been made out to be as far as controlling all of olive republican politics, but there returned, they are honestly, surprisingly, relatively I don't say in borders, but they certainly wouldn't be in line with donald trump or most americans, as it relates to securing the borders and they have thrown their weight behind Nikki haley and they obviously our very anti donald trump and there's been this sort of shifting has taken place in the republican party mean you see it. You know I mean we gain donald trump. Unfortunately, we lost assay cup in any of our, so you win some and trimmed with that. barbara had the next clips at the speaking a throne, your weight behind moving something, I believe all right it oh, no more beach chairs. Oh dear god,
my word that's it beats chairs, not an air dying work out that compares the jill you want to buy look he's doubling the damage he's like water leg and she looks like poop do by the way it can get increasingly heavy if you're not strong enough to lift it, because, as you drag it more, you get more saying. That's true, so you know it. If you could pick it up I he was pulling some wait there. He was agnes and whose tat was probably like baby three power you're right, you're, sank, ass of the tracks and children. I don't think I've seen donald trump and shorts and and I'd like to? I wouldn't like it, but I'd like to see you know what I think he probably thinks: hey, I'm an older guy. There are going to try and use anything against me, so I'm not going to be seen in a position that could perhaps make me look weak or perhaps
something like he's very guarded with that he's far more prudent than on the golf course polos, but the golf course yeah, but still it's not the same as that. No such thing, but that those shorts are really short too, but they really show off how much leggy doesn't have. He has know what he looks like remember: those those push pops when you were a kid whereas they have ordered, there's a little sticker end and then it leaks the top? I saw one: that's nice local authorities are, there was not a bed right. What we consider here is what Look, a lot of people say never say that they say you ve got a fantastic ass. I say this is come on: let's keep it baby, they say, but I can't control myself. I say so from our natural salmon, bore it asked me if I hadn't implants, I say no, it is not like a car dak, kova kardashian's, as that wouldn't be most but people. They don't believe me because it so good at play.
tennis and I could barely drag a friggin chick. He looks like he looks like a melted push pot bias. Yeah, I mailed it before it's it's the same thing. Let's mission control bring up a side by side of a melted bush, bob and Joe Biden on the beach. Now when he hears what we get to. That area has really has really cannot dictatorship. The dictator and used talking point since november. Thirty harry did ask donald trump if he would be a dictator. It was kind of silly to ask the question if way that they all say. No, I will not be a dictator, know exactly promise some water to be would probably say now. I don't know, that about the high dont know how mostly in answer to his presence said he promises than in italian daily, the better you have data that was so stupid.
Funny large numbers of the show. You saw the John Kerry, far corrective I'm stupid, it's ok, so dont donald trump was asked by Sean Hannity. If you would be a dictator and the media has tried to act as though he legitimately answered yes watch the answer for yourself gotta, be a dictator, as I said. No, no, no, other than they one we're closed, the border and will drill drilling drilling after that, I'm not a deal that that's all, yeah, but the media, of course has covered this. Just any drumstick remarks used operating except for gay Y know. You see all these all ran out of the unemployed and right now, look at it and bring us face with question from his palace Sean Hannity, about whether we had plans to abuse power, break the law, great tightening tiggle after people. After not ants ring for nearly five minutes. This is what trumps it. Under no circumstances, europe,
missing america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody except a day one. except what he's going to examine the need for five minutes. I wanted clothes, the border and drill. That's it that's that's. He says you're not going to be a dictator you. I said no, no, no other than day one the clause in the border and we're drilling drilling drilling, Do that? I'm not a deal that let's see how they cover this. I wanna keep watching all last night and I was acting as though there are horrified oc, didn't stop there and from so reminder laughing in the crowd ning of his relationships with dictators to now. We've gone to some of that's a totally different portion of the time we are dealing and you are deal I get to know him all the leaders of the world. I got to normal and they're at the top of their game summer bad people. Some are decent people, they all have one thing in common: they want what's good for their country, whether its presidency of china kim jong,
will it through a tonight we're lookin presidential debate. We shall see the top floor oh, that's it. That's all they shape. While I will say that to give them could not worried about that. Because I don't think she's ripping does want what's good for people who want to have good first party same thing with Kim jong, but he led that with saying some are bad. people. Some are decent people. He was talking, on all of the world leaders saying that he got to know them and find the way these are. All these were leaders had far more respect for donald trump. They kept themselves in line, at least as to how it related to the united states of america. So that's what they I have a right there unseen and we just told you they're trying to act as even when they just try. You could tell the look on what your name is it a puppy or is it no allison madison something? I think she will increasingly tired ass well, but you can see the look on their face. We got act as our horror I buy this as though he actually answered that he wanted to be a dictator. Now, let me give you some context here when he finally said yes on day, one close
order, drill, drill rail would that be, for example, inexact. Would that be an example of a dictator what nokia, let's go to drilling, He'd just be undoing all of the exit give orders from Biden that that raised, of your energy, the the fossil fuel executive orders. You guys can but there's like forty years avenue Significant new oil and gas leases keystone keystone. Don't like Alan number, one, people say: oh there's more drilling are under a job, the job buy and then down to yeah, because there's a delayed effect, Donald trump opened, after drilling in this country. For the first time index, Certainly in our lifetime becoming net energy export, or so it would be a dictator oh for donald trump, say I'm going to undo this dictatorial like move that harmed all americans may all of their costs fifteen thousand dollars more than one Biden took office as your average, your average
greece, in what you have to spend on basic threat. We ve talked about the seventeen percent inflation. You don't think cancelling new oil gas lisa's there has never. This is how stupid this is there has never been a nation or empire when people trying to the united states is an empire that had access two, never ending energy and didn't use it they were taking over new lands and colonizing because they wanted their energy. Can you Jim. If the ones, if even the british had Alaska just sitting there or set right begs nor really shouldn't be a place. It's just our place now so undoing the executive orders from buying that have harmed you are we go to these. Consider that an example being a dictator. You can comment now tell you why you're wrong, we
porters, nice of you, the president, has the authority to issue executive orders in times emergency to protect national security. Just clearly one of the few legitimate purview of government is national security, not. brad guines in libraries, but ensuring that terrorists don't get into your country, see that difference in a fundamental understanding of the legitimate role of government, in sixty nine terrorists apprehended at the southern border. twenty three june, twenty twenty three there were just a and fallen the usual for the better. I think the numbers about twenty two, a hundred times get in robots tat. So it's a multiple of that that made it any more swiftly to shut out the city briefer. Doing your job to by the way to because barbara tackle. Did you should see? Ok, it's easier. If you know me I was a baby. You know me border all day. That's all I got works god
here too. Thank you. So you have terrorists right. Ok, we get it ben, but going to the idea of energy. How much more are you paying for gas and how more, would you be paying for a really all goods and services right energy? How much more would you be paying if the left had their way and shut down any and all energy independence right, but it be far worse, just think of what do we have right now with the left in power when there are some kinds of checks and balances. Good thing, we have three branches of government go back to school house rock. If you need to that's a good thing: what will they do if they had? Unfettered power will be even more expensive that ruins your life that really, life is a middle class american to be clear. So now the terrorism, of course, with open borders, national security issue, but we also need to take into it. illegal immigration, specifically immigrants, cost taxpayers I didn't fifty billion dollars a year. I know that because we did the build the wall changed my mind in twenty ease. Seventeen I believe it was happening.
Sixteen billion, that numbers been updated, look at the one below it wholly crap. It could be as high the most conservative number it could be up to four hundred and fifty one billion dollars per congress general report on low number, a hundred and fifty billion patterns de billion. They are paying for that through your taxes, hey how how many, how you We are going to you a w, if you're in Michigan, for example, so that then they can, turn off the government fleets into electric vehicles, thereby increasing your taxes more in state of michigan and how much more you paying for everything fifteen thousand dollars on average for your basic necessities. Since Biden took office illegal immigration cos you, the american taxpayer, billions hunter. billions of dollars just using that low figure we need to put this in a context that we win its seven and a half border walls that cost you said, a half border walls per year that work. does anyone know what other love you take? One of those borders? of, the payment and build,
and then you get to keep abreast of border while payments nip it's a fantastically overtake them. Fifteen thousand dollar increase since Biden became president and now add on top of numbers that are not factor into that equation like how much more are you spending for social services for illegal immigrants? How many more jobs are being costs because of people coming to this country working under the table and employers not being I understood that the ten thousand dollars since Biden took office is a very low figure, so you don't care about terrorism. You don't care about people dying in third world countries. You just care about you, the average american trying to put food on your table. It's not close its rigged. These people don't care about you while we're speaking about these people from the vice president Biden, did I say to donors at boston fundraiser that quote rob was running a must every running. We cannot let them where the best man
are those affected by this very present. Are you don't think, there's not much of a business. Do the beast her presence, We have a president who can't lived a beach there come on man He also confirmed this where he said he wouldn't be running. If Donald trump wasn't the nominee as yet confirmed it being consistent at the some press outside of the white house. The water raj are a completely inconsistent and said that he would run no matter when no matter what he said it. He said it like he's being forced Du Da vinci. Has him by a grat like about Elop, as is jill my wife,
well now you lay just gave me alive. I have to go home and police free couch, located and beach chairs. obviously for your damn job creation sure she dies out, but Joe Joe, better jobs ben stellar and happy deal more react in view of the idea of or did that you are going to bring up here, because then we have to get going I saw you d debt, a comment on the delay of oil prices. We have a charge of what is this oil b l m trilling prose beer? land management by the way that this island, the alleged that you think up Fourthly, modernization around the fridge so environment initially taken off, as they say, there's more drilling than ever before, while hold on a second now there's soon to be less. We then
before at length to like all, the least that were approved right before trump, yet left office. All those coming into effect. That what other point? Do you see leftists bragging about? opening up new drilling its clearly, not something they believe they just say it when they want to score points. Like Donald trump said, the good at talking points and and stealing elections, and I would agree with that. That's pretty much the only thing, they're good, accomplishing here in the united states. So right now what we're dealing with is you have the media former vice president Biden, but I repeat myself they're, trying to frame this narrative that donald trump is a threat to democracy. I just don't buy it because, look I don't I think that a people who are more free to speak right, there are able to speak more freely, which we would certainly see more on send down. free to arm themselves and more for
to exchange in will be involved in the voluntary exchange. I should say of goods and services at a lower price, but I think that that kind of a nation which the vision that donald trump has cast. You may say you don't believe that he has cast for america that that creates more free people then, on that diners, where you can't speak, you can on a firearm in uk being be energy? Independent, we're gonna burn you with inflation too, that you ve never seen before, so you are barely scraping by as we right now basically under your nose is an act, the greatest wealth transfer that has ever occurred. in american history, none of the modern american history covered two today biggest well transfer that has taken place from the middle working than you know. An upper middle class too, very very few elite billionaires and you in organizations biggest ever in the history of this country, that
What's unprecedented, the silver lining is, I think people are waking up to you come at below, if you think People are and by the way, we're not on youtube, but neither give another week della the rumble app. That's that, wait to get notification somethin like that yeah, so it before you the twelve days a christmas and announced the winner from we actually have the side by side of the push pop not wanting to get there. We please don't push parts. I myself that sea I'd be even better. If we could see his leg causes laden with waste. I admit it is our belief that so, but he is a melting push pop by the way As for jailed you're telling me the twelve days, because you what you really gotta know, I wish I'd only spreads her. I hope I get that right. Sprecher maryland won the two thousand rounds of phoenix ammo. Congratulations on that, but look that's just one odom next giveaway! Today's the solo stove. I love those the smokeless things. Those are fantastic! Anything you purchase the next few days will get. You entered to win that as well as the ford raptor plus ten thousand dollars going to Crowder shop, dot com right now and buy some cool march. Is that actual stove or is it just a fire pit? Have you seen it yeah, but I thought
finally they so it's if they call it a solo stove highlight for cooking necessarily, but it burns they get so much air into it. It burns hotter. So you don't have smoke coming off at all and it pretty much consumes the would completely there's some ass leopard, not nearly as much as I can a fireplace it's amazing. Can someone ring unreal to do that on shark tank there was just like little. It was basically a at ten. That was a fireplace in a tin. You guys remember that, and I bought it in a tenant. There was like a ten and a half it was almost like a giant candle, but it actually acted like a fireplace like an all in one fireplace huh yeah. It basically started in oil, fire weather outside and outdoor carpet on my patio and it's spelt yeah, except all that stuff is like a napalm, don't tell him that melt and it can spill over and light. a flame. It's made my can this. The solar cell was cool and that's arrogant way. The point is you're not going to give away from crato shop, dot com and
and leave looking like dark man, wouldn't go pro We have that option available. I do not want to bring up during during my club here because at that that seemed really data, so there's no way the citizens actually approved is passing we're product. It is was uncertain. Creditors at camp. You can enter to win and I will be giving away that truck. Of course, thank you very much of a rumble we would say piss off youtube, but since they're, not here we're going to go to My club, you can click that, but it could tat button do get to continue watching, we're going to spend some time with twelve days of christmas. Let's continue with this rage us on Joshua, yes, that, yes, yeah eventually got it
Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.