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#675 GRETA THUNBERG TURNS COVID EXPERT! | HodgeTwins Guest! | Louder With Crowder


HUGE show! Talking all things Stormtrooper beatings, Elon Musk's baby names, and Greta using COVID to combat climate change. The HodgeTwins join us to talk about Ahmaud Arbery, and Mr. QBG has some important PSA's about the Coronavirus.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey there audio listener, you are a marvel, because people watch this on Youtube or we appreciate you were listing on audio and please do rate this on Itunes, wherever pocketing device you're. Using a note on Youtube, they ve gone beyond the step of democratization in copyright claims and of outright throttled our. Organic reach and stopped Norfolk. Genes from working so happy our bill Richmond has reached out to their contacts, will keep you updated, We appreciate your support, so what you can really do is be sure to bookmark the page checking share it and of It is more important than ever to join my closet, lighters, cluttered outcomes, flash my club mentality, the hand etched mug hand painted as well get the entire daily show bonus, content, the whole Blaze TV catalogue, and it's really- only thing that keeps this. This programme afloat it's more important than ever because of the Certainly, we don't know what's going to happen with Youtube and Facebook, and hopefully God forbid,
and then I, too, later with credit icon, slash. My club enjoyed, show. Fancy seeing you again, I can see through your camera, because you have expressed BP and thank you so much for my club, quarantine and the support glad to be back and have it. The winner is TIM from the Moyne Iowa. You are the. Whenever Grand prize we will fly you and a friend out to the studio here. Integration access to our sitting or live through the audience be featured in a sketch? Unless you have some kind of a contagious virus, in which case we will send you a fruit basket. So thank you so much for the support and one else into an issue listen up, kids Kijiji Talkin to no one play with your France. It's always smart Stacy! Don't talk to strangers. Also, need key die from gentlemen: what's a chinaman I'll shoot this
is artist rendition of a that's right, gentlemen may have done a damn good job on the train routes, but some of them are dangerous one of them even transmit again, was almost took almost be jeez. Gold chains, but I was able to View skate below that's right. So if you see a strange gentlemen and new neighbourhood, tell your parents and don't within six film stars doesn't up now don't be no stay away from the Wolf Blue ok, sir you'll be all right. We need help on the way. Where are you? Ok? Ok, what is anything break? It My leg is but it's really learn and I think it would have been no journey Don't worry about it. We're gonna, be here we're staying right here with you. Ok, so just
in this out o my lord of twenty five We ve been over there. TAT S, braided pretty bad luck in July. I can move it so
That's none of us being back you tire stream could just be the demonetized,
Logan? Yes, so very happy that we have the Hodge twins ongoing you later on today than ever before. I go to some announcements with some big announcements to make regarding some changes here from muslim Quarantine month. We appreciate somewhat for being with us, but that's the kind of the first steps national up that you can never do on essential just because you. And touch nine eleven, but its act the the heroes by showing trivial than non practicing. Nurses are using Tiktok suited how many people died because of their choreographed dance strategy. I know you're busy doing the village people, but I didn't have a low in pockets, so violent, happy, jeweller, but we're going to see our user rights quarter. Blackguards Reggie, like an audio way to shoot me you can deny me gusts me you can put on your back pocket, but you'll, just you'll get
gout she saw those years. I don't think I've got out our hand. Then Gerald is here today what the went to one of these bodies Guy would set the bottle its wine when you mean what what I don't know what's going on here, I can show you well think about it. Yeah right around. There are Gerald Nano no you look here. No idea what's happening right now. Read the note you dont know what I appreciate her at you. This bottle. Now he gave you even ruin the practical jokes guy, who, like a million dollar, bottle before you'd crap and of popcorn bucket and leaving the locker over the weekend in college. I think someone has a problem.
Yes, you doctor, you do ability to defuse the jokes even directed at long journey gets it takes practice. It was like my grandmother operating the tendency are the giant button which one I was there. I was working out the winner who's going to come out here. Live ass, bottom! Listen! We got a lotta feedback from folks really like good morning, my club fuels and we don't want us to stop, because we like doing this with our morning commute. We like watching it lies in the morning, so new schedule, Thursday still going to be the same and we are going to doing good morning, mug club, going forward Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and same big show live monkey ice, the cell. Ever so, maybe some ash wednesdays. We're still have you some life, if I so add those so more content- and I will be with you and me- streamline weekly morning- is that on Thursday, nine am central sustaining and eastern.
I'm not mad at work, the mathematical reading, eighty percent, none I like to see you idiot it accentuates my superiority like me with height. Just don't Norway Asker yeah. Well, yes, then, in your parliament irregular when my people take over the thing out, we'll see, maybe it'll be. Ninety three percent, if we use, are deathrays I will ask the crematoria mists so so we will be in late. Not later will be in the air, the lancing capital in Michigan, by the way, next Friday, that's the twenty second, doing a live, peaceful, respectful protest, details, following and surrender of credit widow S, crowds, of course, we're gonna be practised. Proper social distancing, so use your masked. We are not there to break the law. Also hint bring your full head of hair so question with them.
And there are listened to their lands and cultures are taken. Put me in jail waitin for you, but I didn't notice that climate change activists now they're trying to call off the corona virus for their own filthy means their own wet market means. So I want to know if you, if you notice that right now and I think a lot of people do, but I guess it should be to what degree you think that a pandemic justifies a global government. Take over. Fifty thousand Bulgaria's? What does that mean? You says decided to talk about this topic, but that's perfect subway, because you're, Chinese and monkeys in your country are apparently bandit asks
we may well, but what was worried that clear, that acceleration- that's just zero to mobilise, run actions by she s eyes were embarrassed by the various gets up like a hundred everyday matches. The chancel, Tuesday average white, suburban mammals, Indonesian, also Q, is part and parcel
living in the alley. Mother out of mother doesn't do anything to protect your child. You were not at all together and we learn about. Mother doesn't have yours, but the members and then go to my view such dreadful you'd. It would be excusable quickly again quickly, it again and again about I watched reaction here here. Let's play monkey comes in fishing, can see watching kid. What's come on mom she's, not lifting up a car, no doubt to drive. Strong and so fat inward. Looking at the motorcycle by the way where they come from Annabelle! I had no idea. Not all cultures are equal. So before we move out of the way, I should say we ve gotten a new sponsor barbies Parker Glasses, really excited about the products that have marked so keep an eye out for the Barbie spark outcome.
So in the first commercial break, while we were we weren't off with tape. So many sketches someone interests. We have a lot of content with update other software here, but while we were gone, this historic canadian police arrested someone at gunpoint assistant, and when he was dressed in a star wars, storm trooper costumes complete with a replica laser blaster because they thought she had a real gun. This comes from less, but Nine one important to calls from people who saw the girl brandishing a plastic toy blaster. They believed it was real and we actually obtained exclusive
I should warn you, the following content to falling altercation. Footage of the police officers in the cases in question is disturbing. That's not mine. What's eleven interest catch without a rod me king pair mark up not really You do
no wonder tat much harder. Your job after today to signal about the second, how suitable, I can't believe, nobody's none of that right out. I was sure we'd be retreading. New ground call us Copernicus, so the female employ was just ass. She was out and full costume whether they want to make sure they, fellow because we we just, but this is your horse Please didn't recognize the costume. They said that they believed her to be a member of a militant tank, government, militia? Yes, because militiamen dressed in white plastic strange militia The of nerves are kind of possible. They didn't see, swirling is keepers. So where were they like STAR Trek, then you have a better understand, but how would you have not seen any part of that windows? Are any explanation beyond it
Not much honest thinking for too much there may have been, but immediately my mind went to run the king, so naturally look out about who we all further research, but we will be talking about here the! U N, Gretta filberts out, you know, that'll be formulas and switching accurate. The latest, of course, covered nineteen news. I thought what could be done with this by the month, but it's no. What do you know something about flattened you thought was by flouting the curve. Oh, it's about bill gates, making a vaccine garret so take your unemployment, and windows, ninety eight, so the latest covered nineteen- is that the virus is apparently I dont like saying this. Pressure has been detected and semen. This comes from rolling stone! The study assess seamen, samples from thirty. Eight patients found detectable technical
Viral loads in the seamen, so this is led the World Health Organisation, the CDC leading health officials to chip Aung San Francisco with an ice pick and push. It often happens that I said that it took this taste. Love me there was a current, its indict, I'm sorry, it's worse gusty, it's an attic person. As you know you you don't need Gerald. While he sees himself, I hate you. In California speaking, which the state they ruled that Elon Musk and grants child that they cannot legally be named. Ex a twelve hour dash dash dwell, etc. We have to choose a new name, so this Adele either need the child after the mother and call it clear or after the Foller Father in name. It ugly
Asteroids, so that the choice would have whatever type around our father. That's my father. Allah has like that. What I say they operate a handicap bird flu wrong. Why? Yes? Yes, like everyone else on Jaws three, I'm so like as additives when you thought it was safe to go back in the one or the other. Why weren't three three Michael you'll get the wrong viruses I'll, give you Sars three now We want to realise that the figuring out of their ways ahead of the curve, the lot of you will see that the Asians you're out of your flattening number two and I'm already on number three. I appreciate that I've been getting a lot of. You will say that the Chinese are only good at taking technology that we develop. Friends do it, but the fact is they are the ones when to creating new viruses? They liked Thomas Edison. Yes, I've been declared kindergarten minority share to here they are creators, Stephen, also your communist, so finally firing.
Governor governor wit, no. This is. Something has been. People been upset about the concepts of there's been a huge react I understand that we have to eat, have seiners for people who are arbitrary hearing impaired, but there's been actually this because now it is just the signing is distracting and it's it's it's gotten out of hand. I know that this has been a hard time for people, trying to make ends meet why is essentially shut down and especially a first small business owners who built up something over the course of decades and their worried. No, it's not that it's not real status, Surely one hundred behind! Rather my lady and I ladies in there is a little bit of an internal debate until we paused at market.
In their hands. I could crack a lobster. So there's a polar pause mission in Riyadh Ellis, rather large geography that foreseeing the hands like that was the best Israel. Just larger and stuff, it gives children nightmares. So, here's that I understand the criticism people since it a little bit distracting you, but I think a lot of peoples into some sort of a local politician has been thrust in the national spotlight. You're, not aware this. If, if you know her, three, it's actually a serious improvement. Actions that we ve taken now has been because of the incredible threat that covert nineteen is presented. To restate, the number of lives lost the credible, spread in shallow quasi county, which is where this barbershop is. Are we a hundred and ninety six confirmed cases of covered nineteen right now. I've had thirteen deaths in that county alone, and
the protection and that work that we have done is to protect not a equipment Why did I hear a tap on the payroll? I really must getting better. You don't like the fact that the cylinders are out there. You know, like Dave, girl, doing signing in it's amazing. It man, you look like Dave, grow on Dave MIKE. I missed it, I'm sorry com, Gerald. I didn't quite a giant big penis drawn on the page in front of me and look right past. It was littered with Georgia tells us that it so common place for you to see large Harry penises that. You don't even know who I am I I didn't see it. It's like this like for him It's like a missing Waldo is that airline, unless just another, for while those never there, if milk garden? It would be exclusively unlike peppermint.
I don't know why you made it hard for everyone to find out. You're change the outward it every once in a while So then this is out of you want to do. This is actually think going on. Right might be going on seeing time right now, the CNN Climate town, we don't have the hook up right now, work in moving from the set, so we're gonna have seen and of course, for good morning, my club, but now here to think we can't show it right now lacking, much guess how gonna go. So let me fill you, don't I don't know no flipping of living, so it's a in town hall, and this is actually going to former Acting CBC director, Richard Besser former ages, Secretary Kathryn billions and activists criticism, but what they join. Anderson Cooper and Doktor Centric Gupta for life, seen in Town Hall, ass, the corona Onawandah this thing that does not look like any other yeah. Well, what happened to the experts?
We have ahead of the cdc we having neurosurgeon young and we have an artistic girl who yells, how dare you, I think she's perfect for the battle. You have not only round that our important right now, according to the media, than shaming everyone for everything Rowan and she's? Really good payment area actually arises the intelligence. I'm not saying. I agree, I'm just saying you gotta respect her shame. I respect her shame game, so I do think the facts are gonna hit. Men will discuss this little bit, of course, on the left, who try to set this up already there attacking anyone who questions the cove id Stats united in a covert statistics, but the initial couple corona our statistics that had been proven very we're about to forty seven percent death rates, the two million dead by the way super shut out to our wonderful researcher ridge, the bandit, slash remedies, calling Neil Ferguson got our aim. We
So they rang a frame. Of course everyone is, as you know, what I think we need to reopen the economy. I think we need a balanced, live and livelihoods as science deniers, right and so they're, trying to now quaked the denial of covert being a virus with a ten percent desperate or like really Bala with if the death rate we're all it's all the same people equal deny science just like climate change or go connected. Second, achieving a video where she was talking about covert being a test run for how to approach climate change and she's been seeing. The green new deal is scientifically necessary. Again, let's go to the experts. Our aid with politicians, who ignored warnings by scientists. It continued through a programme of us knowing that we need to act quickly and needed to take dramatic action fast in order to contain the damage There's so much that's politically blasted in making sure that we don't do that right, for example, that this idea like when he scientists and epidemiologist started, saying: listen, we
to shut down our cities in our states. Immediately right now, just as it has an immediate precaution, because we did not take Sean earlier that suffer first. Are the ones that are working class black round. So workers not likely that parallels with the climate? It is scientifically. Scientifically. I'm one legislation, I'm not here, to tell you what is politically easy, I'm here to tell you what scientifically necessary, there's a part of doktor. I like it, I like her. Of. The very loyally word inform scientifically informed, not scientifically based us. Not scientifically source gelatine clean vote. I just what we need this when it was created round. She won't be served well to ten finishing school from Lebron James, yes,
anyway. I'm going my duty to inform. As I convert say, you are just lovely here's the thing too I just find it so funny that all the sudden they call their own experts. We wonder why would you listen to doktor, but we need a listener experts, but scenarios but the short version is that she wants more of this year. I lay out she just feathers and, like you didn't take the precaution to humans are shutting down the world mercenary measure. It's a precautionary measures. I think I have the sniffles well as a precautionary measure, we're going to cut off your dad That's a little severe about the cold can get were well past. Robots ass, an empty now time to lose the D. Don't worry, we'll drive back on just unnoticed, another to back the World economic Forum, less less. You think I make this up
I'm trying to electrical Titus there now calling for a flattening of the climate can occur. What somebody like good CARE, Welsh, it's so curvy, but we have we heard this before, allowing their work at first one surprise or using that now, because they no longer about flattening the covered curve. It's about that! the curve is irrelevant? We already flattened occurred, a rat's ass yo see we shouldn't come back until every man, woman and child has a vaccine and microchip from bill gates. Another fact that you and chief uses earthy speech to confront tromp on climate change- of course, the grant virus and saying that it was the bigger threat and then finally use Berkeley? They hosted a panel of us here. What's the panel depend
is environmental and energy exports. Those people like us to discuss the current covert nineteen pandemic offer lessons in our shared global solutions. Can help beat back the continued threat of climate change. So couple thinks you're by the way the notification bell if you're subscribe, hit all notifications because subscriptions don't be a whole lot and just checking every single day here, because we do know that you're the breeding. Of course, crowd orbits. This is remarkable to me and I want you guys. But this report from the expert who is denying scientists who is an eye in science when we, let's just lets you those extreme examples, Kate, the most extreme examples humanly possible people said that this is about well to the flu and they re just ass greatly. I can't believe they were. They were taken behind the woodshed. How could you down this version of the initial expert who had to resign and shame saying two million dead. So let's say its double the number of right now, right, let's say about a hundred. Fifty thousand deaths flew seas. We ve had
Seasons with eighty thousand, desperately two million. It is so much closer to the crazy non experts set up more comparable to the flow that at one, even you're on the same line chart absolutely in one of the first things that they said was that John Corn entreated out he said after this is all done. We need to have a good faith discussion about these models and that's what I said made him a denier right because, like these models, which we need to have a good faith discussion about what's going on here, because it said to me, and now it says nothing close to that right and that's what they really. I can't I can't, even if they have a conversation thing is about that model. We have a home, we have a new model, that's how it works. Like Victorious showed life on that. It's pretty short, and let me guess this model has more curves yeah. I heard that used to be about curves, not flattening them right having yet no exit. In others, is now we have a new model in. So I wonder when I say we're: gonna get rid of didn't misinformation on social media, Twitter Facebook Youtube we'll hossack. Does that included
health renovation, saying that it couldn't be transmitted from human to human contact. What no! No! We don't move that because that's what we believed timely information. We had Taiwan, Saint Kavin, so like so many media requests, rightly wonder: why did you believe it because of the tweets because of the treaty? And what about the tweets out there from the chinese ambassador? Who said that it was started by american troops without was based on the information we have, that time come against I hope you can have a problem with pizza gate, but not the chinese ambassador sing. It wasn't. You saw have taught us So what are the millions were bare? There are regular I'd loud ass, a journalist cinema, the idea that only seen that movie Navy has AEGIS Infernal, getting the same gloves visuals
It is remarkable sternly how inconsistent it is your here's what we said earlier. I think ok, Anderson, precautionary measure when we didn't have any data examining we didn't, have any information. Ok, you shut down for a little bit or you take some precautionary measures. We quarantine the sick and the vulnerable, because a typical waiting Pointing the sick, not the highly that's understandable, especially when we are hearing from China by the way, the World Health Organization, that it could be a seven. But of course we want to do that, but now in the of overwhelming data were even left US governors tell us. Ok, it's about two point: five percent death rate. Now, at the top, and in the face of data, you are still pushing to ruin people's lives. Why? Well, you know what why listen to allow us to make our case as we present, the experts
Gretta, your witness that they're using the same term that evidently work to make people shut down the entire economy makes you realize. Oh that's the goal and works that shit, I that is ok. Will it use the same terms that at least are gonna have the same results rather than that of the goal of the UN in the article even went back just gone back on that point said that if the the basic thing was saying that people were climate denier, there's same people that are saying the covered thing wasn't that the models weren't wrong? It's just that we had stuff happened, like you, social distancing, happen, rattlers downward. Like wait a minute. Now you factor that into begin with written. You said that, even with that, this was going to be right. So tell me in the climate thing, what you're going to do that then you gonna change the model, and then you gonna move the goalposts agenda. Then you're going to exclude China from the equation. Then we're still are going to have been wrong. It s nearly every single tricks I want to get out trumpet, like they ve, been rug at every single turn, all everywhere.
Is now Sarah, they have any rash nasty. They were wrong about Georgia, the Roma Georgia, and so they have to move the goalposts now not to know, the goalposts are no longer watered and everyone's gonna die. If you open up your economy, cousin, Texas, guess what we're near a severe Michigan. Nowhere near the kind of infection we ve got. A big cities here in Texas is not just something to him all state. With potent terms we were right, double in our approach and I am not saying that not happening downs is more effective and having lockdown I'm saying there is no rhyme a reason to that. At this point, when you look at the statistics outside of the fact that its dangerous, if you're over eighty or have pre existing co morbidity, that's what now the rest. We don't. They said Emily. We're gonna die needlessly in Georgia. Georgia is now beyond the curve writer what they're doing just fine like there's a kind of this cliff, follow that we talked about that monitoring on the narrow just fine, because of course, every life matters worse compared to what
yet the risk that we are used to taking every single day of our lives it. Maybe we just didn't know that we were taking every year we have a flu risk. Every year we have a death by automobile accident risk or by murder or by something happening in hospital. When you go on for procedure, that's not supposed to kill you that you- does all my fire showing up in a sequel. Well, that's true! others are really appointing the white ticket the I know, but they comparison to reality of how many lives are actually lost in the changes, its not just about how many more lives have been lost due to covet, but can compared to what our normal death rates would have been compared to the risk like you're, saying yes, and when you actually do then you're not just screaming about politics and and people saying if you open the economy, you hate every human being right it didn't it falls apart. Will you
Point you are making before this too, that you see this is a push for a global govern. I do. I think that you know there is no question that earlier pre Corona there was a push for having the type of globalization interconnectedness in and ultimately, a level of authority beyond, just the U N in Geneva conventions in those types of things. But but to say you know that the United States and other countries should see their authority to international governments to control these issues, unless I have to say that it's not better for us to cooperate, but their indifference between cooperation and seating authority, and here now the pushes become even further while we couldn't use corona to push it because, obviously Corona says you need to go the opposite direction in right, sure, you're, independently base or not is dependent on foreign powers and local supply chains. But so now there have you say: well again, as I worked so, let's move to the other one and it
not to say again that cooperation is an important or that there is some concern and in at a global level, for the environment right, but that doesn't mean that we take the grand charisma, Gretta, thin burg version of going out there, and everyone has to listen to the. U N, on everything or listen to her on another wish you not a scientist, I'm pretty sure she's never made the begging sort of lemon juice volcano. Could she noticed anything assessing or lemon juice? Is it vinegar and begging? So I think I know where it was you that next week, that'll be a camera in Romania with a lot of fun like nobody bothers me is what we say. The words of one of the other points it they brought up is that the covered nineteen viruses, natures warning. So this is this- is mother, nature literally. It was in the article is that this is another natures warning that we have to listen to his back and affirm gold lace factor. But let me think about think about how does that sounds like climate change? Is so bad that mother nature is saying? Well if they don't listen on. This may be the listen to this virus. The algorithm
your picture like that's what they're saying they're gonna have a large demonstrate that that's crazy leap. I couldn't even make that leave yeah Would you like me, doesn't work out, so I will say to couple lessons we ve gone from. Can we have the harsh ones coming up after this can't be talking about what was I just forgot Alma a mode? How do you put a my area not out? I? I don't know how is it just a my because it has a? U whenever I knew a guy Maud who didn't have a you, I don't wanna get it wrong. Grant analysed, has that's that. That's the most dangerous land mine in covering that topic. In addition, for sure nine eleven, Sketch, Ronnie Clarity and the hot twins, two disk, Aubrey. Can we get ya like a guy? Just like we ve learned this when we're we're talking about the economy, have had some lessons that we ve learned from its regular. The federal government can be achieved. It doesn't seem well you're. The federal government can help right now, couple things that shows you how politicize it is because right now, democratically well, the Republicans are holding up this new stimulus bill What a second who held up the stimulus bill before we flattened the curve Remo
You don't want to shovel anything in there with ear marketed rounding. It was that we need to do this so that we can flattened the curve. Now that we flattened the When you're talking about another stimulus which a lot of it can be a big giant kicked back to the Postal Union when you actually look at what they wanted it at this point will pass the curve now you're trying to play politics with even safer public interest, to stop the spending bill. You die we're doing it when we actually mean it, but let us for a second people say: well, there's there's no choice between making a living right in the economy or staying healthy. If the government just does its job, how much money we spent now It is truly many trillions of more than at lower your than ever as far as acute spending in history, the United States that followed us for a month. If so, how much? If you spend more right use this court twenty trillion dollars our entire debt clock three five three point: five.
Months, there's not enough money and by the way it runs out faster if nobody is worrying. So we ve learned that the federal government cannot be a charity. It's not Samaritans purse, but you know what else that businesses at this? It's sustaining charity, go your local coffee you go to your restaurant that allows them to provide a living not only for the business owners but their employees when you are voluntarily offering money for goods or services in some Everything is undeniable here. What we're talking about the climate change green movement? They want to equate the two and you know it so do I just like they want to do you remember Rona Virus and Donald Trump handling of going into November. Yeah You remember that two million dead, seven percent deathray- please do not forget, we ve been consistent. I want you to but when they accuse us of being science and irish because of our position on carnivores, huge diminishing me. Proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that absolutely positive, assuming Trump no exit yeah yeah yeah. How many I should know
you took me steady. Do I do I look like a guy? that? The green movement hates people think about this, for I was there. I was at a co, op health Food store in Michigan by the huge culture of fear in Michigan compared to Texas. I was walking into lemme get some yogurt. I have a mass because you have to wonder why the theoretical this lady, whose my age has a mask and I'm walking Patrick Yogurt, she look. She stops panics an leaps into annex I hold us back, I'm gonna, oh my god, and then, when I go to check out there are big sign like it is with. It is with streamer extreme sadness that we have to inform you due to the corona virus. We are not accept
Reusable bags at this type of aid intelligently, then, is that we tell you that we are not accepting reusable cups at this report was an I'm almost second a flush list. Urinal how'd. You figure that out by the way, there's no secret. Do it you're pissed, just stays there. There are going to put you in the sports bars put an ice. Your peanut shells are some of us here to live. Well, that's kind of growth and lavender go wash my hands and sink happy birthday twice and happy birthday too, but happy and the same its opposite. The green sank again you ve made me towels gives it the blowdryer. When it comes down to saving human lives below us, we have to get rid of the absurdity of the the plastic lay at the reusable badge. That's the way it for the environment and the reasonable cut from not gonna. Do that anymore about that. Following a serious he had washing guidelines. I can't do it. It's not you personally possible. What about the flush with Europe
no more flushing, no, no more running water! That's progress! Piss, my name into a tree is that progress at skill so what the left one. So we went see the ETA harshly going up going up and then down to a squatty party and then eventually made of hemp there, we're in San Francisco. So one we're talking about the scandalous in my position, and I think everyone here on climate change is not theirs concentrated on our now. Listen. I think the earth has warned. I think, that humans, Maybe contributing a significant amount to it as to whether we have catastrophic fires. I not entirely sure, as to the proposed globe, legislation that would kill people undeniably expecting, of course, China to play ball, which they re vocally express. They will not. Now I dont believe it politically. It will make any difference and, as it relates to corona virus, unbelievable I too, at the very least provider misinformation, certainly from China, shortly from expertise that we have two million people dead. I lit we shut economy based on statistics that couldn't exactly be observed. You know what is observable you what one hundred point zero a m
business people not making any money, yeah right suicides that's not all is going up. There's no doubt about that. So when you folks want to say hey, we deny the experts by the way Burke's, not an expert. Only forty only Japan, Leslie Islands- I will it proudly sure I'm sceptical of the Kyoto accord. So I now pairs probe code Paris protocol Paris agreement, skeptical of that. No! It's not a court you're wrong asian. You should know what I know: that's not chinese business, robots, Civic Honda I had a joke. You don't go hand. I was. I was on a rolling. None of this was good. I liked you but I'm in interrupted when you talk
whether or not you're going to have climate deniers, and you have folks who stay there for the climate in this environmental change. You know what the basics are when you take what they want to a logical extension, you cannot have jobs. Jobs are a thing: the advancing technology, the mining for precious materials to be able to use in the technology that is actually being used to make ventilators or lifesaving technology. All that requires some solar panels. Solar they're not made from sunshine in fleshless colonels exactly all of those things require a use of the environment. There is no question that we need to do it in a safe way, but right in and certainly in a safe way to protect human lives. But without any question we have to be able to continue this march of progress in in a direction that allows for using the environment, whereas the green movement is unquestionably against jobs against economies against community Asia and against
not just our nation, but it got any nation, and but what's so funny to me as they talk about you, know this global economy right that we are all one. We are the world's hold hands and have all the flag affected, amish quilt. What really, when you think about it? Ok, you look at the gate. When you look at the green movement and then they have the gall to tell us what really the people most affected by environmental pollutants are. Minorities in the United States, the people most affected by Corona Bosnia states are black people. Ok, second, whose most affected by the green new deal, whose most affected by the Kyoto Protocol skyrocket energy costs which for us is mildly inconvenient because you drive across over but for some Zambia, honestly ought to go that far for someone in Mexico you can wander out of your Cancun, booze crews resort. They work all week just to get enough fuels, they can feed a can of beings on an old ironing board. In a drum who do you think is most affected by your green policy, its inconvenient for us kills people in the third world who make two dollars a month, so they don't really care about them.
Vulnerable among certain, I don't wanna say no one cares. I'm saying that policies are not thoughtful the most vulnerable among us, because it is all a sacrifice at the altar of the greater good. What's the greater good The climate. The earth is more important than people. What's the greater good withdrawal well political expediency, it's more important than people being autonomous in being able to make their own livings. So I won't, I'm gonna make me sacrifices that an altar and as it relates to being anti science being I'm a climate denier as well as corona virus, and I are, I think you can look at the track record of where we lined up unclear change where we ve lined up on corona virus into remarkable remarkable that we ve got very little wrong. Honestly, I will speak about a gothic, innocent and combat about any s. Instead, I look like Nostradamus, so I will wear out loudly and proudly yet com science denier but I'll be sure to check in with Gretta after this right now Hodgkin's coming up.
This is frankly you would show happy. Doesn't it that's because he's about to be turned into a pair of Barbie sparkle, glasses? It's quite a process. But we're here to guide you through it first, Franklin will be removed from his shout his shall be crushed into hundreds of tiny pieces. Pieces will then be melted together into a sheet and cut by a large machine into your designer frame of choice. After quality check? Franklin is ready to be sent out to you, the customer one what happens to the rest of Franklin well here at borders? Parker. We believe in giving back that's why, for
repair of barbies Barker Glasses ordered recent one can of turtle soup to a chinese homeless. Shelter of your choice, thanks barbies Parker can, thank you, Frank and the government is gone now. It's like everyone's gone back to our snacks and start a fire up. The projector. Yeah right, you beverage, thank you. Have you seen? Yes, you like eight times but find something each ruin. You know why
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this is certainly a good and a war will know what's going on here. You're breaking, to Cuba, jeez. What's that social distance Gee we're sorry Kijiji. We forget the sand. Sixty two part sixty two possible to talk about this danger closer that China, man. Scott chinese virus for a? I don't know there's two Gb Juno's, you keep your distance and the Wolf Lou can't hurt you. There are many ways to spread the virus. We need every man, woman and child working together to stop. Granted that Comstock smuggler, I suggest to you, your friends, your baby, I am very glad to have our next guess: awhile spoiler
and has been a little while they were supposed to be the finale on our seeing and for our lives dream rights, but I went into my tirade against. Well now, because you know, but here's the thing I only. I only target the strong because with Chris Cuomo doesn't happen. My accident, So as being which is next, you guys are problematic critical. Look like a small child, probably cry like one to his friends. You can follow them on the twitter at heart, twins in there they have a Youtube channel out fewer two thousand subscribers doing really well doing. Conservative twins and it's the hot twins on Facebook, so many twins, the harsh twins, cabotage keys. How are you serves? Maybe you re Guph was, and why do you have to go the race thing right away? We are supremacy bushmeat much at is the freedom of senior with a beard. Is this because the quarantine? I thought you guys couldn't grow facial here. This Muslim now it's your slave name and join the nation of Islam.
Now the guy I voted for this when I was in a drugstore speaking the racial thing there's an entire line of products for black, and facial hair like four razor bomb. I get on your way and stuff: that's the guy! That's a wholly world to me Please do not pay. That's an ordeal we have to use more gold stars are concluding all sort out its soul of evil may need to start. Then it's called writer guys guys guys you're good at selling a sponsor, don't free, don't mention the name and then will approach bump fighter and set it up at such a lacquer for black people. Beards ok, good patriotism! You should be!
and bade with ASEAN bump fighter amounts one hell of a sponsor. That's too you a undue too. We were in the premium category, its bonafide, it's just Carlton from fresh, Prince he's doing this in the mirror and still Alfonzo. I should have known you steal the job from under a cell phones. Is that his name I found. I was so disappointed when I found out that Carlton was actually Carlton in real life. We actually is he was. I got. You know a black Daniel Day Louis and you realize now have one noticed him he's a one note actor but he'll, Lena it'll make it filling in hallmark films? Ok so before I want to talk about Ahmad Aubrey cause. You guys really some videos on this, and I want to be for people who are out there, watch the whole videos in context right, so I am going. I know that this is a shows. We have torn a clip, but I encourage you to watch the full videos in context, because if you look at people who ve covered the videos they ve
not a context. People get really mad, but if you're gonna comments in the full videos, people got up, this is pretty balanced and in an objective. So that being said, here is a clip which may be offensive but funny look beyond a z, lister footnote. Racist, though, is gonna, be wraith disappearances by families, not racist. Just what observe Gamala flew gay, be honesty about black or white or asian. Hispanic would think about this. When was the last time you seen a black man jargon angel. I mean play basketball, football does not count. You take the ball away. You just killed a blackmail, motivation for jog. Look: I've lived in White Naval who lived in black neighbours, though the term arson a black man, jargon is prevented from somebody is for life preservation.
The gate of hot Reda, a weed old swam, either Jim, I see black people lived, awaits and play basketball. I've never seen a black man in April I mean jogged in swimming is another thing as racists, but its good points. I thought you dig at the APOLLO is cancelled decoded I stand corrected, so let me be clear here: you guys got death threats for that. Now, of course, just clarify mean a model robberies in his early twenties brain kids did age, Tiggle, four eggs! I didn't go challenges they little waits. They play ball yummy into his age, most whom he comes from, using some reason that we are about,
We got a little and the country music, half the singers sound like you, because he was right for you to tv hours joke towards the two white guys at present, because I have all bath roughly what our staff did. You see, I'm running out of steam would a tv on his back and Devils and Joe towards the wise woman and a black? No, and I wanna be really clear that was very funny and that wasn't about Ahmad Arbour. If you watch it, you guess it. These are the facts that we know and you laid out disc and even did an update when the video came out and after full disclosure. Here you know. Last week we were working on taping sketches and we were working behind the scenes because with the muslim quarantine months, so I shut off from news that I can focus on some of the work that come in, and it was hard for me to keep track or to get info. When I was searching on this, so We now know that there is a joke right set from an then, you guys, I think, we're pretty fair and covering the Ahmad Aubrey case it. Let people who don't exactly know because it's hard for me and how I make a living to take,
navigate my way through it. What actually happened here. What? Where are we now well Dorothy, bashful, now tragedies already out of the bottle, lonely too late start looks around no job. Somebody's house door was also called mean. We're from video like education. Doing he really has restated remains
senior spoke. He takes all running year. I mean some, I just as any man. I would now like to turn to the restaurant he charged the gown point you can. Each autumn we saw you can even stronger Robin Cook chanting. Division into the Temple and video is a struggle because of these acted because three fellow easy just me, they added a ranch. You can kill you right laxity Saddam. What were they close range is to shatter the sugar, but we really don't know when state most later, even real. What the thing to me, as this is a very unfortunate situation right by all around I wanted, but we don't have all of the information. I will say this: Obviously, it would be better if the guy had not been shot and
Obviously he's right: If someone comes up with a shotgun islanders, its natural to react and defend yourself, but something that changes that which we don't know yet did the guy who called the police, so they obviously need it doesn't seem like there are planning on shooting an unarmed black men if they call the police and the Hague were here. Please take care. This please follow. That seems to me like. Maybe they approached him and said what are you doing asked him some questions and then, he panicked and attack them. Two different scenarios k a guy, maybe standing, not social, distancing, sending six and veto the shotgun into the ground, hey man without some break ins here. What Do you mind answering some questions right. That point ok on sergeant you I was just jogging or if a person with a shot gun at point blankly. What are you doing boy you now then, I have a right to defend himself, but we don't know that yet and based on what I want, I want one call it doesn't it? Could they vigilantes. Guys were tough guys, maybe, but we don't know
and that's what so concerning to me. As we don't know and right away, you don't even have to fill in the blanks David Martin and Brown. Are we going to wait. Yeah me briefly about non committal, hate crime and I told him the cops because that's a good point. You distilled everything that I said. I was long winded and yours was far better and another thing. If I'm running a meal the media funded jaw into a neighbor who China gives some excise. Nor saw Amari jargon among jargon, was into the house in the house from the scene of the crime right. I don't know if this is true or not, but they say was twelve miles from this house discount I've gotta be damned shape the jaw way of miles this out and you spend a job as a damned marathon that way of working in a video. Maybe tat right,
all the evidence in this video game, stop around spread in house being spoken. People any takes already debated the serious failings in I'll see anybody defend is when he runs around truck he couldn't care less free rein and blow he decided to run into the big might have sung in granite, shatter the charge you were me: young man lost his life, but come on yeah. I will say in your video. You said that you would tell your sons at if ever there approach with a gun- and someone said you know, hey, we call the police to wait. The police, to try and de escalate the situation. Devils advocate a little bit here. I will say: listen, there's information that we have that heat and we know that these guys called the cops of thought, father and son. I keep going to take some Michael's Michaels. We know that they call the police officers. That being said, Ahmad
didn't so that there could be a scenario. For example, let's say it's, it could be your son of could be anybody here. Someone says hey, we ve called the key stay where you are, and you could think what, if they're trying to kidnap me, I don't know they ve called the cops, and that could be a fight. Light response, so that's why I say: We don't know as to whether the reaction was it could have been appropriate. We, oh, that they did not like us, but you know that at the time. So it is that at all something sort of comes into play here, that why would he trusts have called the cops new year? Who knows the? It's the only thing is, I understand the apple. Ok, look white privileged check here. My friend John, what we used to do this after working construction. We would walk on the golf course in Saint Lambert in Quebec and down we. Spot thousands were empty and had pools. We do. It would help the fence and cool off. At the end of the day, in a pool now victimised truck, trespassing, absent, but we predetermined that if someone came out we would agree.
It may be apologetic and I'm so sorry. So now again, if somebody comes out with a shotgun, what are you doing here? I'm not going to follow the vital and walk out and seldom have those items. As I told you have no business being in your poor, what ad hoc them poor, but if they, into the water right up with me. With that you know, with a spear gun, Then I might fight for my life. So you know That being said, looking back probably not the best, that's it. I had nothing. I question for it. So how do you think will be seeing as this are you not hearing me? What's my guy, crying out loud home are you still air Hodge Twin UK away. I e g, wealthier, that's all What happened? What dear what you'd and forget to a mere level now we're talking and will wait? How was I? Can you show me again:
Son caddy, so I do see little upon retrospect. It was a bad decision for me to make. What do you think will see? Is this sort of unfurled here this case. Are you going my soul, biased being alive who, whoever sustainable from stand him, even if this guy these guys are found guilty. I mean I think the situation could be handled totally different from this embassy Debbie. I use it to preserve chronically Rambo and arrest. People do in this situation about to do so was to call the cops and maybe followed him to the council to grab the stormy thing I wanna. Do you think that's six was you should have been in this garden? My please retired copies, no ordinary citizen, so he's risk. Plenty of people me is. Is this is kind of me to tell you may not know?
I mean what to do in his own neighbourhood. Is that these alone can make assistant rests primarily, I would have done it. Yeah call whenever you confront a criminal or somebody has committed a crime or whatever you know how to react. Yes, one thing for us to start somebody immediate reaction year: do you have a uniform? You will have no bags year, you may staring at a desk by erect away did ass. While we wait for the cops somebody, form, to make somebody. If I don't win somebody's house, I know I'm breaking the law. If I take off when somebody gives chase stop reasonable person would have done if they're scared, but I don't know what this man with Spain and when he did when he attacked them, is just one of the way to the trial yeah. I think So I think there is there a couple of lessons that can be learned right now to go. Watch him to go to a website in talk fitness and corn team in a little, but I think that Two lessons that I see from this before we have all the information is trying to ego from the equation. Because we can see that with we look at trade on there's an ego thing, if you
get on top of Zimmermann and Punch Zimmermann's dick? We know that now, but he'd be alive. If my brown gotten out of the street like Dern Wilson requested. Instead of punching a cot, deprive he'd be alive, written in this case. We don't know, if was ego driven, but I think for everyone out there don't let ego your decisions when you're in a pressure cooker when dont when you're in a volatile situation and the other thing, I think, don't bring a firearm out of you're out of your holster ever bring it into the equation unless you understand that that immediately escalates it and there's a strong likelihood or a stronger likelihood that you might have to use it I think everyone needs to follow that, like if you're calling the cops call the at that point call the cops wait for the cops to come trailing the people at the cop. Do their job, don't call the cops and then also show a gun cause. You know huh someone's going to react, and I think that understandable. Right. I got one please Stephen In our three treaty situations, I've got a good idea.
Just don't hear anybody what taken by all treaties? Man would be still that's a good point. Two generally as a rule of thumb violently assault any one period. So good I'll, be sure to get your words of wisdom to Chris Coma will see. A field should absorb, maybe via Moses. Ok, it is that, can it is consumer twins on Youtube, Hodge twins on Facebook, for people who are watching this on Youtube or going to what extent it exclusive to mud clubs taken ok show you how to make pour over Arrow Press, but some of these, saying, and I, like my career machine, I don't like you and I don't want your but if you are married to a cure, machine. I do have some hacks that will get the best out of it that you can't first thing is, of course you need good cause
start with, and there you have it black rival, coffee, dotcom, slash crowd or enter the promo code, probably get twenty percent off. These cuts typically have. Eleven grams of coffee which, like all agreements, the world went away this for you. So we can see things point two actually left someone there it's closer to twelve grams. What these black rifle cups, versing I wanna do- is run some hot water. Through this machine into my cup, now? What does that help lot? machines don't get hot enough so running some hot water through at first willed, Prime, the MECCA, I now those ready I'm going to put the round in close it uptight. Now, here's the Tipp, the biggest problem with these curing machines is at the water runs through too quickly with it it often run should sometimes forty five seconds remaining people. Think, oh, my god, my coffee so fast in the morning. Should we get you're drinking. You are drinking, The good news is, I have a trick. That'll help improve it. What I do is I hit brew for just enough time for it to saturate the coffee grounds. Once it starts to drip even a little bit, I'm gonna stop
A little bit of a trickle, my let that saturate for but a time now it has been sitting for a little bit of time, I'm going to make one six out cup and I'm gonna hit We ve just eliminated the variables that typically make a really crappy cup of coffee for most of these, namely more coffee, fresh roasted from black rifle. You have eleven twelve grand as opposed to eight cops. The temperature is hard enough and we have increased the contact time between the water and the coffee for something that is. That's right gotta, when I want your person earth, but inside would kill all your children for a lot of these cigar can Stephen really be trusted just say no to Stephen Crowder and Mug club pay for my mom's got smug clubbed outcome.
With Ranger, be yours, do very little.
That's gonna be really married that Sears Catalogue, J C penny Christmas photo was not even under stead occasion with that different shades of gray background and ties and it out. A school pictures, you do let's go photos.
Poor experiencing mortal deliberately, they did at our high school for a graduation photos any broadening and make up artist for kids rise of senior year by the way extended interview, of course, Podge twins will be available for those who are more club members. We started up money well come next week and we will be in the mission again next Friday. With a peaceful legal protest to reopen the economy yeah. They brought him make up from Asia. Your picture the worst part about it for you now I know you're almost the opposite of the direction of the story, which is why it was just shattering to myself conference because we have to stand in line and watch them. You know doc up everybody out right. You're ac, like someone three three people up: she's gettin about ten minutes: ok that's Mr Springer he's gettin about ok, two minutes
and then I wouldn't, I said you know all about like Peter, like Hackney United. She she clearly just like looked at me, went and its grabbed a pat what he called powder puff with things but I noticed with everyone else had like spray and brought it ignores the lay and living with me you're. Just like tottering first came away way snap, you Bob! I don't think this day that its available anywhere else now watch some we're gonna go out, suggesting I was Harry gross, I it's a wonder how pockmarked worse than that, the best friend Andrew Mention- only own mills that, as they have no idea, Thank you. Yes, it was this fund glad being back, and I wanted to talk to you about something a little bit. I will let me prefaces, because I did ask him and he said it was ok too, to talk about our meeting. It actually make the trip
two Leona County machinery. We talked about the sheriff long time ago, no long term, a few was feels like a long time ago. So I believe, is an aim- is a pronounced bork of sheriff procuring shares He was horrible, Chandra Data retained its hands named him sheriff show. That is what they wanted. Every single conversation to start shares your mouth molecular here, if Bork of its there- and we are not going to make the trip out there, because I know quite a lot of flak. He was the one in the media who said that he wasn't going to enforce the unconstitutional portions. Governor. What majority now want to be clear. We were sitting more than six feet apart. He had we both had masks on practising social distancing, of course supports that, and he's talked about that with his statements. What he showed me we're all of these letters from people before he issued a statement like hammer, perch fishermen, and am I get arrested because they have a motor on my boat or
you know what I'm going to this park, and I want to make sure that not arrested, because I have an anniversary with my wife, because we were getting fine and arrested and what he was saying was. Listen, I'm not going to do that. I have the authority to do that as a sheriff, but I will break it up. I will break it up and I tell you to be sensible, but I'm not gonna put you in cuffs, I'm not gonna, give you a fine and that was blown out of proportion, of course messenger, it's a petty long conversation with this guy really accomplished guy to really just just a sweet guy and people there. You know another minute county, We were talking about things so mention this, because you know he works. The lot of veterans. Anything I see allow these young people, especially now in Michigan her who are smoking dope and they need it because of their dicks is there was uses anxiety, that's because legalization Michigan now, there's all the zoning and calling it the cannabis lottery did you know I have a bad enough. He mentions brothers, friends, one My grandfather came back from World war Two missing a leg he now and he didn't have
You can hear anxieties united front from Vietnam who, who came back was missing and I and so don't talk to me about anxiety. Referring to millennials, and I said you know what they want. Let me pass it something four minute and We ultimately came to Mormon understanding. I think people. I understand that yeah think Olano Millennials out millennials. I think a lot of young people do suffer from anxiety and I You think that they can have anxiety. That is worse than people from the latest generation of people throughout the World war. Two. Explain to you why, and this is why I think we're seeing a lot of it with corona buyers. You really shouldn't be that anxious, if You believe that superior of two months or even if it's imperative a year and things are Back to normal and basically stay home and collect the check, that shouldn't, be super anxiety inducing certainly not as anxiety inducing storming the beaches of Normandy. But you know what I see and I get a lot of letters from you guys and girls out there and get
skies and gas. We got the horse right here, don't let me get into Ethel murmur. Anxiety, is often a symptom of purpose. Looseness, that's what makes people yes, and I tell you that's why a lot of business owners themselves are Anxious because you're have someone telling you what to do you. To make up one? do I know audio eddies hindering the mug clock Quarantine month. You would, often be so tired and at the end of the day, because you would have them always conversations and direct people and didn't always have as much to show Fort physically. Like by didn't write these jokes writing, but I had to make sure that these trains ran on time That can create a lot of anxiety, for we will, because
wrongfully. So in that case I mean some. Those people feel like why haven't haven't accomplish anything, but you see that with a lot of young people with this they're going out into the world and yeah sure, I think it's valid. I think, rather than just dismissing millennials laudable, do this, I think it's wrong to say: ok, boomer and the only reason people say: ok, boomers because really have a generation that was flower, power, hippy sticking, daisies and rifles, and now they looked round Reagan and Donald Trump, so their merit boomers remain the hippies because they want to be San Francisco retread today, so Let's be really gonna hit, ok, boomer thing, but I also feel just dismiss millennia oh they're, entitled. What are they had to be anxious about a few things to be anxious about on a very observable level right. There are going out to a far more crowded, more competitive workspace, but to get more, if I hear this alot, where they see no one, I grew up- we didn't have these phones, we have smartphones, we have all this access to technology. We had to go off to war, do I think that a millennium, whose leaving college with a gender studies degree or with a liberal arts degree with the creative arts degree or german poetry underwater basket weaving take your pick. Do I think that
leaving college today living at home now gainfully employed is it possible. They are more anxious than this sixteen year old, who was drafted fighting in world war, two absolutely. Absolutely no, that's not to say that their their tasks life is any more important. No, in fact the exact opposite, and that what I think people are missing. We think we're trying to solve. This problem of anxiety is a symptom of purpose. Witness people are anxious right now, because their floundering you're not going to work, didn't have anything to do. You often think man, if I didn't have to work at it, will stay home and sit in the couch and watch TV. That's fun. For a couple of days, and then that anxiety that worthlessness comes in fact because human beings were made to work. Human beings were made to fulfil a purpose emasculate. Do you that when someone, for example, wasn't a fox all world WAR, two out there take it the more across Europe right with the big fight in the access there in our campaign. Do you think
sitting are gonna man, I just don't know what I'm doing is what I'm doing is making an impact. No, you knew what you had to do. Is it scare sure is a terrifying absent my grandfather law was Upon a deer in world war, two I wash cried his funeral, who were soldiers folding up the flag and not suppose it was that powerful, but though people knew what they were doing. They knew what they were trying to accomplish that and a liberal lot of Americans are referred to as play boys right, not interventionist. Then Pearl Harbor happened all right now. A global solution. Japan in Germany. So they know this is a righteous fight I may I may lose my life, but I'm due, for a valid reason, and I think a lot people misinterpret this where they go. Oh, my gosh, the higher the danger, the higher the risk, the more anxiety. No, not necessarily because a portion of the equation is purpose. And if you know that hey there's a chance, You might lose your life your, but it's because
you're trying to stop the greatest evil. That's ever happen in humanity, from marching across rest of Europe and finally making across upon what guess what you're willing to pay the price, and it's not anxiety because you don't know, what's coming next its anxiety, because you know what you except what's coming next and its anxiety, because you want to make sure that the people you are back home are provided for that's very different from an anxious, because I dont know what to do and that's it that we need to solve, and that's why I see people like like Jacko and sometimes shown we do. The life advice seems to help people because modeling folks making sure that I have a big red marker on any test that doesn't make people more confident. What it does is it ill pairs them for the real world. Think about this, we had a generational if one of the greatest generation- that's that's what we call them world war. Two we had people, went to school right we're doing basic math. They were
one basic English, they were written, the classics that many of them were in doing advanced trigonometry. Many them didn't go to college and then they would go to war a lot of them and then they would work in the same job until the retire at the age of sixty five right and most things are made in America. They need- there was an opportunity for them. Now. In this scenario, we have kids who going to school becoming totally ill equipped for the real world back then they allowed court. Corporal punishment a kid could go to school, people with a switch from his teacher and had to teach you had the full authority bring the paddle at any point that they wanted to teach you could yank on their ear? They really tough go. There were no anti bullying campaigns and that tough in them up for the world. Now we have kids going to school, who live in safe spaces, who aren't challenge to ordered all doing with any kind of adversity, not everyone, but a lot of people, and then they go out into a world that doesn't have the security.
Did our fathers and grandfathers had no, no one, in our view, reliefs cool thing you're going to have a job with benefits. In retirement package until sixty five? No, you jump around. That's most people are age because you have to ask, We have people less equipped. Going into world that's going to treat them more harshly, whereas at one point we had school. Equipping for by dealing with them more harshly, so that they went into a world more equipped, because listen, I know a lot of folks out there sometimes you're, trying to fix this problem there. Were you feel anxious where you feel like. I know you're on edge and you don't know what to do. When I see a lot of time to look like a ho yeah, you know I'm just I'm just so tense edgy, but put any more and my plate because I I can handle it. None of your edgy and anxious precisely because you ve got an empty plate. Son. So what do you do here?
I want you to consider for someone else out there who sang millennials have no reason to be anxious, actually have a lot of reasons to be anxious. Unfortunately, and that's because a lot of us have failed them now, if you're one of those people who find yourself anxious and you're, not in the greatest war However, while I would be the first World WAR sinus, I'm gonna call me on that, but one of the most violent, certainly intimidating wars of all tat. You find yourself anxious. I want you to ask. What are you haven't you play. Why is it ass? Yours of? Why is it that your great grandfather who killed three men. Was it was anxious, as you are using a pressure cooker. What is it? That's missing there? That's making you anxious, where you don't know. What's coming around the corner, what fight Have you not picked? I don't mean a violent way. Let's start with this you feel anxious and if not because you're overworked it's not because you're overburdened in a lot of people feel that way. Right now,
corona virus. You covered ninety in their home right their home when they have anything that they can do. Philip. Your pick pick a fight pick something pick any fight, find something that is worthwhile for you to get in the trenches over and go? Do it no one, sometimes, if you're in the trenches, if you're in the heat of it, you don't have to Just think about how anxious you're, because you're making sure that you're not Making the next mistake that you're taking, right steps. So again, if you find yourself going, I just I just feel so anxious I feel empty me these cuts are overworking, need some rest there, some people, but for a lot of you, it's because you are looking at a completely empty plate and wondering let me put on their no one's gonna, put anything on your play. You have to start yourself find something that is worth your time worth, putting your energy into worth more things. Outlet for your anxiety to accomplish. Something that will help others and serve others in the work of a good time to figure it out
Have you got a lot of alone Tom? I dont want to see a plane skate, steed, Mcqueen when that ball against the wall and solitary, I want you to take this time round. Look back upon it as a waste of time and go. Oh that's. Why replaced anxiety with purposefulness. The results, may surprise you. I will see you next week. Good morning, Mocha Monday live at ten, a eastern member State Capitol Nothing,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-20.