« Louder With Crowder

#12 Net Neutrality Oh No! With James Okeefe and Brett McKay

2015-02-27 | 🔗
This week we show you the ins and outs of Net Neutrality and debunk the "equal pay" myths as propagated by feminists. James Okeefe joins us to break news on his latest sting against Al Sharpton and Brett McKay tells us what it's like to be a man in modern America!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You stand for the Motor City maniac, the weird from them at the Great Lakes Grandmaster, the motel mad man, the mittens killer names or listening to out with gold day to you all my life, what a wonderful day, what wonderful day, what a wonderful weak I am your hosts Stephen prouder as
is, the most insubordinate producer, slash side. In radio- if I could, I strike but apparently that's a felony fun. You see, I wonder you gotta, hear cutter little small talk about doing time. You can't I went the you want the full inglorious bastards look. I know this is the typical if I have time to get my ear caught hair cut, so they? Actually you good at all good. I mean I stood there. Looking good would be getting plastic surgery bury address surgery, There are just having my brain transplanted into someone else's above thirty years, younger women back that doesn't ache feet that doesn't don't hurt hate. You know it would you know it actually would look really good on you. If I shut my by all means.
It was a gauge out to started off which, which which fund it wasn't like, because he gets hype really sensitive on the gay stuff, not hyperlink sensitive. Most of my good friends will make a gate Roca renown I now, but they have a gay pass. What's what is the equivalent to unanimously the the hood pass? Is the black american term? Is it about mistress and pass? What does it for gay people? I think it's a backstage pass for barbarous draw back is a terrible. Start? This is a terrible way to start a show so glad for you to be thus to everyone? Listening of course out there in Detroit Ann Arbor on WHAM on line thousands of people labelling, I absolutely. How do you realize it just I've just recently gotten the show we're going to get the news by the way, some fantastic s, art of manliness brats art of mainly MRS Brett Mackay, will talk about,
what it means to be a man and in twenty fifteen years, a great men's lifestyle magazine, but not like not us. Smart magazine like you'd, think it gets? Fifteen million hits per month and law. A cool really use my magazines with the last guy, the lap of the porn guy air, but will actually have a follow up to that too, and loss of James, ok, talk about breaking a story here with Al Sharp and I'm sure you ve seen that it's all over the new, so big show today, but before that I was going to say some. What was my point funded squirrel, gush spring of which, right before we start to show for people who don't know we'll talk about net neutrality and equal pay? Those are the big topics of the week. I I cast from my house right, I have a home studio if your watch Miss online there's this video cast. You could see fund it behind me in the tv. It's it's amazing what you can do with homes. Do you now for a few thousand dollars, which used to be hundreds of thousands, but that also means have a joint ninety something out dog and
What's funny is the night before the show, since we have to get up so early. My wife goes in the guest room because she doesn't like to be waken. Early in the morning. I understand you know I get up at four thirty to show prep and she brings hopper the dog with her who sleep in bed with her there, that's it you're not allowed nor bad ever but he's allowed in the guest bed with her. Now, why isn't he allowed into the main bed? What he's huge he would take up. The whole bet he's. Actually, when I slept with him in the guest room, he's kicked me off the bat. Will you get a bigger bed, so there's room for the. We have a full king size bed and I'm six, probably six to now. One hundred and sixty three before I disc hernia, I'm a pretty tall guy, I'm not narrow, Guy? You know about six two to twenty. My wife, lateral your super conservative. Some people might say that that's narrow eyes, which liberal joke insubordination, she's, six foot,
and then you got, a dog were few standing on his hind legs he's probably pretty close, but also we just you know it's it's. It's where do you think he can sleep sometimes in our room on the floor? But he doesn't sleep in the bed so he's over there. Last night, you sleeping with her usually get up, uneasily stays in bed with her, but he's really that he's really so did the love coming into the office, because I've got Jared. My wonderful video producer here so weren't here, all the time, even on it. Subordinate he's not he's not he's respectful. Oh there, you go as our copper this morning. Usually he stays in the bed with Hilary like a battering ram, were here setting up just the door below is open, and he does walks in like a mission to lay down on his bed in this office it moved my mind is swirling because you, you mentioned bedroom, battering ram and mission gosh, fun and doggie.
This is a view or the one for those of you out By the way we had a guess. Lastly, very well, your brain on porn and by the way I've gotten email. After email. The response overwhelming am incredibly affection of young men. Saying hey you, don't I've actually had a problem with this and I didn't know, I wasn't the only one who has hundred it well into the six figures of listens and in views on that which, which is that much you know online for like a of hamster copulating work boot, but for a thirty five minutes interview with a scientist telling you why porn is bad bad for you, it's pretty impressive, so the outpouring honestly to be sincere for second was was incredible, of young men struggle with what what they consider pornography index, not to make a moral judgment, whether your fault or against pornography. There are a lot of young men out there who don't want to be as dependent as they are, but we ve already get away for a date or somethin. That's the problem funded a lot
People, if you listen to that interview, you're talking about teenagers with erected dysfunction, who aren't interested in actual sex that doesn't guinea sense. I mean I heard the interview, but I can't read I at around not on the real thing think about this for a second fund. If a man if you grew up right, you're in a free, I'm gonna grow up. Ok, ok, if you heard you are what's up. Julie, Andrews, Peter PAN, I'm never wept Billina. So what it is is ye who are growing and you are at a computer right. You ve never had a girlfriend Gunnar had any sexual interaction, and you have tat after tat after TAT, after TAT, after tat of instant pornography of the most try
women imaginable more more attractive than any woman in real life, because it's not real life there airbrush there there made up this is this is their moment and you have about. I dont know how many thousands of what our effectively sexual interactions in your brain without a real person, a real person and a real sexual experience live up to that and that's what you're having now it's not a dirty magazine under the bed. It's an incredible amount of sexual stimulation and interactions with out actual SEC. And when I was growing up they weren't even under the bed. They were. They would be like out in the woods underneath old shingles. That's where all the kids and neighbourhood would go to find their stuff will have just where the one gentleman would tell you in to add here. That would shed follow me anyway. So the point is before that
funding was saying you didn't want to air at using. I I was so nervous. I'm a father and I am like funded dont, decided, grow a conscience because you never have another burden. The bees talk with your kids, yet I also note that the timing I added with the twenty two year old that conversation rely headlong in long and gone now anyway. The voice is the the risk, Violence was more overwhelming than anything we ve ever done. So I'm glad you know, listen if you can help some people, just like you not on not passing judgment on people who are directly to drugs, but there are a lot of people who are addicted to whatever substance or whatever behaviour patterns. I could totally understand how people get addicted to painkillers Yes has spoken on painkillers right now I should be. I took a couple of advocates last night, but I knew way more. I threw my back out yesterday carrying base guitars down the basement, steps and man. I could see how people would just start pop in those things constantly if there
aim it's funny? You say that, and I agree- and I won't ever hear people going like. Oh I they gave me a painkillers I right out. I didn't like the way they made me feel like what what what is it what's wrong with you? If you phantom stick on painkillers that I would love to have something about three times as strong as the over the counter stuff to try and alleviate this site over the counter, I'm talking about Perker set stuff. Like now I die. I couldn't find anything like that in our cupboards. I don't think my wife has gotten any of those for us now. Will you know what I will say this and that's where Russia had the problem with painkillers. It's it's not the same for someone to develop a prescription medicinal addiction. As on going out in finding crystal Meth, you have to be going to a CD area of town. You have to be seeking out. Europe
negative associations to do that. Whereas painkillers come to you and when I had doctors when I threw actually like severely her needed my desktop when I lost all motor function and my legs for twenty four hours, and they put me on Perker set value. Threatened zone, some other kind of Moscow relax. I think so my and they just put it put it in me as a cocktail, an eye and let's not talk about the sum authentic. With my audience, like I had a point where I almost oh deed, because I was living alone at this time and I would just forget it. Let us forget that I take to be optimistic. My pay bells and o d I mean I wasn't. We were near death, but I mean I I took way too much, because Lieutenant Haines Pinkos go take a nap wake up two hours later up, trying to take my pain pills and I run out of the amount in half. No no yeah, because you were on so many you forgot. I would just forget: that's where my my wife, who was my girlfriend that I'm actually booked my flight cuz. I still wasn't able to walk properly. I was doing the whole. You know tiny TIM crutches by the fire.
And she actually call the airlines, it hey, give a sky the right of way wheels I'm I'm sending him to his home in Texas, was around Christmas she's, not I'm coming to meet you there in them and took Army, and that was actually the moment I think, are real, hey this is the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, but we're going to take a rake to call story, we're going to take a break and we'll talk about equal pay, our shock than in the net neutrality, monumental, passing with the sea. This last stay tuned, louder, rear, proud
hey. This is Stephen crowded with louder with greater, to tell you about one of my favorite sites on the web, a our fifteen. I know you hear a our fifteen saving black rifle. It is, but they are fifteen dot. Com is actually the best website. If we want to community from which to learn about how to care for your gun, gun safety were defined. Conceal permits forces as well as the best online gun stork in the business. I'm talking, ammo accessories operates. All of it can be found at a our fifteen die. That's a our fifteen dot com. You're, listen to louder with crowd are allowed. You are listening to me even prouder. Funded Dan, as always now, when you do that, funding was Coming in her. Was I competing with that music? You,
seem to be a little bit quieter today than you have been in the past, where I can bring the volume up. You know now sounds like you did know. I didn't we, leaned in and talk to the latter. I don't ever just so creepy people don't understand how creepy funded as unless you see him in person with the face Billina under the MIKE and allow everyone aims maybe there's targets for four years- video people, hello, creepy people. How are you doing today, God, where you go now now you can put that on. Your internet thing works like straddling that line of em radio news politics. Wesley conservative, informative and Word stern and thread through peace. Do it's one of those. Two fully you loved their people of south he's Michigan. I know the internet, people do that's. The thing is online. I can always measure people
I can always see what people react to what they like what they dont like. I have no idea as to the people and listen dress really, but we love you. We appreciate you and please continue supporting the show. So much mental ruling this week, net neutrality did you notice. I heard that day when I was coming in well. I've talked about net neutrality. Quite a bit obviously was against it. Now a lot of people dont really understand what it is, but a bit squeeze it. Ok, it's a complex issue and that's why I wanna people avoid it. There's no real entertaining way to approach it, but let me give you a brief run down the river concern. Obviously from conservatives you are giving the government in president it amount of power over the internet right at any time. You do that fast forward, a decade or two and the government tends to abuse its power. So what the government was saying was they had to step in
to prevent internet service providers from giving right of way from charging certain sites or companies more user content. Now I did a video a long time ago. It had never happened. It did happen once with Comcast. Netflix were Comcast one, looks to pay more or they would throttle them, now. The reason for this is Netflix is a very high bandwidth site right if you ve ever used at it's your basically streaming video and theirs in its bogging down our internet in They ran the numbers and set a certain amount of her clientele. Not use Netflix, so you have to pay more that we got. It doesn't harm the service of everybody else right you shouldn't be able to do. That is what the government sent. You should have no right. All data has to travel at the same speed across the internet, so that's what they ruled, but they didn't really no reason in the proposed. Let us
and because I didn't read it just like Obamacare, so people support it, they don't even know it's there supporting that's the first step for me K. You don't know what you're supporting. And you're supporting basically giving the government control the internet now mark Cuban, who is a Democrat who's, not a Republican said that this scares, the crap out of me. Exports from the craft was noticed. The US would not know links animals animal. So now that has been ruled net neutrality. The internet is now classified as a utility like water or gas. When he's, can promote other services like Comcast, promoting Netflix any like that now the F C the commissioner said that this mimics Obamacare, will cost about ten billion dollars in taxes so a lot of people they say: will you big business should build or on your internet? What? First? After a couple thinks I hate this premise from from leftists that businesses,
are somehow always out to screw the customer. Yet the government is inherently altruistic. The government is the most rub thing ever what ye exactly There are concerned about big business, MILAN monopolies online and I'm I dont like big business monopolies right, but the government, by definition, ISM It is the monopoly. What worries me, the others. What exactly you know you and mitigate the damage through competition through a free market. I've talked about that, so, even if, for example, when Comcast did this, with Netflix people got mad and people did they found out, they switch. Service providers. You can't do that if the government decides to mandate something or other governments the government you gonna work yeah exactly, will not seeing the government's going to run the internet, I'm not doing it hands off my internet. The problem,
We don't know what this will lead to, and we know that the government can now basically control anything to meet compliance and it's very subjective. So now they can have access to your dad? It just opens the door to something. It's largely been free Seven hundred rule changes, example, and that's just this week, so to give you an exam all right. I got this email salami remedies for you were someone said fineness. Of course, I have a couple males here, saying member. What company paid you office be against net neutrality, I'm still waiting by the way for my checks from big oil and big farmer any Dana male. Now, big farmer, if you could send me some back pain, medicine that be great, that be great so someone says: ok, internet throttling can happen a lot Comcast Throttle, Netflix, Netflix paid more money to be companies of the customers can enjoy adequate available.
Mobile internet companies, have been throttling internet use for consumers or the promising unlimited access. In fact, eighty anti is being sued over it. I S. Peas in mobile companies are charging insane rates for data when there is absolutely no doubt radiation on infrastructure using more bandwidth This is someone saying you know, look at eighteen tea. They throttled. That's a perfect example to me. I left it the anti because they had unlimited and then was no longer unlimited. I went to Sprint, that's a whole other issue, but there is now there's eighteen tee. There is a rise in any kind of was a duopoly, a little bit the economy and cell phones. But now it's Britain, T Mobile, you see all those advertisements we're going to cut your bill and half t Mobile saying bring us. You know no contract, unlimited everything, this isn't are the economy, cell phones and cell phone providers, where it's consistently gotten cheaper and better think about this. For a second, this phone was a laptop and I got a this is an Iphone six.
Two hundred dollars. It's it's better than my old laptop, that's what people, don't understand. That's a perfect example of the free market, one out with phones right, because people could leave eighty anti. They could be upset. Now. Imagine this the government stepped in and said, hey a everyone. None of you can throttle at all and it's going to cost ten billion dollars in tax it. What does that do now? It reduces competition and the biggest company, eighty anti, who can afford the Tax bill will win out because you're saying hey we just have to. We just have to wait work. We spend this money. We know sprinting T mobile can't afford it. They can offer but had plans. We all have to it's more expensive, but it gives us a monopoly thanks government. Why would we want to do that with our internet louder with crowded, we'll, be right back
you're listening to louder with prouder nice so glad to have my next. He asked a great guy great website, so folders you're. My brother turned me out of this website and then some freelance definite art of mainly s outcome. This man is the founder Yo Runner, whatever you want to calm, Brett Mackay thrilled to have in the show, Sir As an austrian thanks for having me I'm doing. Ok, see a thing. Is you started off? Ask me how I was going and that's a poor way to start the conversation, because never well Now then you're, nice and said you know thanks for having made your polite, so I'm conflicted right off the bat right
Now that we made you horrendously uncomfortable bread, Socrates never gets very hard in the agreement after all, ok! Well, let's get you run. This website is one of the largest. Now what limits the largest men's interest magazine independence that we say independent. It's where you know we're not owned by a corporation. So just just me in my work, we run the show, a large as independent men's website, because you know those corporations who get as it was originally watch out- corporations man by the way, just to make sure this is not at all. An endorsement of any of my views or political standing at bread is only just happens to be no gentleman, but then again we ve also actual terrorists on the show. Breton, so doesn't mean endorse actual terrorism. Now art of manliness what's funny. Is. It seems to be an actual site where men are actually want to hang out there and read it. I'm sure The big scan with a lot of women's interests. Magazines will inspire subscriptions. Indomitable actually read it, but you guys
actually have a significant readership and return leadership. Yet we have we that really passionate following because our goal from the get go has just been to help men become better and in all aspects of their life and three was altered, a lot of just problem, driven driven theme at the problems that guy's have try to write content that will help them and its amazed, Even the letters that I've gotten over the years did I get actual hand written letters in the the mailbox does something we advocate inciting bringing back the art of the hand written letter sure. But are you having people telling us how the site is changed their life itself, their marriage? had one guy say tell us the story about how the darted manliness led to him of finding his wife. It's recycled story story usually whether post and went in to theirs, and he was very you know he was interested in and ended up mariner and that's all
man is brought together. That takes me to important question. I have, for you sure, and it's kind of us, it's kind of a social questions could be a long answer, but I definitely do feel I get speaking with a lot of young men out there. There more confused. And a lot of young men feel more conflicted about what it is to be a man in today society than ever any gets and push back. Obviously, from feminism and from just the way society is sort of you know now the big messages, your mail privileges showing so sometimes men feel inherently guilty. Have you noticed when you get these handwritten letters back, that some men just feel little conflict about who they should really in Modern America we get is that the site has helped them feel good about being a man right and the truth is that there is a lot of confusion about what it means to be a man. Take society and that's it. Lectures and reason why that is a lot of people want to find simple, answers I? Oh it's feminism words its status, but it
something that we ve been dealing with. In America since its founding masculinity he's always been debated, what it means to be a man and In recent years there has been an uptake and the sort of like what this conversation right with all the big media outlets about What does it mean to be a man today and it would seem, resting here, because the site I've had the opportunity to do a lot of research history or masculinity in America. This this conversation that we're having is very much similar to a conversation that happened in America at the turn of the night. A return of the twentieth century is ready. The conversation is well. Masculinity is obsolete because nice mark it is a nice might for those names are not really it's the art of manliness yard enabling us my now
So the conversation now that masculinity obsolete, because our moving into an information economy so right you know, we don't need men to be big and strong and we'll need a manual blue collar workforce. They need to be more soft and sensitive, etc, which is there is. There is some truth in that: that's where the economy is going, interesting. Is that at the turn of the twentieth century, like late nineteenth century, There is a similar conversation except that, instead of written information economy. The the argument was that men are becoming obsolete because we are at Austria lies nation, right and machines are replacing men and a lot of our american folk tells that we have like Paul Bunyan, John Henry rain fees. About. It is about man versus machine. I wouldn't say it's about cool hats, who will have geared accurately, but only if you know this, it's also funny that you talk about us. We ve we ve had our guest on before Bill little
talks about how actually the economic conversation mirrors that, because, as we transition from agricultural to industrial right now, son, you everyone, whether on plot of land, As you know, in agricultural society agrarian I will the term I lived in school and they All of a sudden you ve, moved too. There are few wealthy people, the people own, these industries in factories and you create a working class is now with the internet economically, we're returning to that same conversation where people can have their own plot of digital land and wealth effectively can be more distributed. That kind of theory is you're going to have fewer billionaires but far more people making good six figure incomes online independently. So maybe The same thing, except where we're talking about man, ports, we're going back to that yeah, interesting. To is that you know and reason Judgments are like this medicines, as you call, they were the whole.
Guys are grown beards again there in a word in flan older, going can't bein in all these lifestyle sites dedicated to man right, of being a man is also right in all these businesses. Popped up around the time was funny that around and later century, when they're having a sort of conversation about what it means to be a man. The really Like this really science and masculine either time to know a lot of the the ideas I guess architects of masculine it we haven't. America today began tenth century, so you had the your box became really huge. Like sports became huge at this time, can I hold that thought we have to do these things.
Partial breaks care. I do want to get back in the architects archetypes. We combat water with your listening to louder with crowd. If you're anything like me, you enjoy a glass of wine, but funding kind can be a hassle, or maybe you want to buy a nice bottle, is a gift, but don't know where to start that we're simplified wine comes in simplified one. Makes buying. Good wine, simple, just call eight for four two, nine seven wine and seventy qualified Somalia will take your information budget. Send you a curated list and then wine straight to your door. It's just that simple. By the way they are a price match guarantee? So it's not only the easiest way to get great wine, but the least expensive. All you do call simplified wine at eight hundred and forty four, two hundred and ninety seven one hundred and eighty four four thousand two hundred and ninety seven wine
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asked about. Em basement became beautiful Bobby huge, because these are seen as outlets where men could show off their strength or physical strength world that no longer really needed men because of machines so as an opportunity for men to display that Maybe it's releasing that were the same thing. Thing you're, seeing the same sort of thing happen today as well, in the maze becoming really popular amongst us, Yours and Silicon Valley types cross Fit is huge. Where it's? Basically you these mud, runs like go rock channel. As well. We live in a world where you know it's cushy, you dont need the fear for your life? You don't let the work hard to make a living. Your food comes wrapped up in plastic at the grocery store. As I think we're finding trying to find ways where we could tap into a sort of this. Prime, all masculinity that that's within us that
We want to get in touch with, so we do hard things. We try to make herself suffer sorted out. Into primal masculinity that we had arranged with life a stranger. What yeah there's another there's another example: we have Nineteenth century Teddy Roosevelt strenuous life are yet to be the doer of deeds within it. Right example? If you read the story to a lot of people, they don't oh enough about the man was Equally, he was a kid who really wasn't another star athlete private when pick last for Jim Class, but it's it's that principle what's so funny to bring it is. This point was talking about with my wife He now a days we create sort of these false male archetypes right like we're the dumb jock you're, the centre of one. But the fact is: if you look at great leaders were great intellectuals where there fantastic thinkers or or spiritual us all of them believed that there was a finical, Philip Finical, a physical manifestation of that discipline. They believe in the strenuous life hey go out and do so
hard physically every day, because mentally that disciplines you it was, one or the other. If you read Roosevelt was a very creative thinker could, but you know he beat a little Garth kid today right and bombs and would make fun of, and then he kicked the crap out of you exactly. They think they combine brains and bronze right. And then we can. We talk about lot on the site, lots of great thinkers. Let you go back to the ancient Greek, they they thought the same way. What it meant to be a man was combining the physical attributes will also with the contemplate of thinking and a name. Believe you said that you doing hard things sickly working hard physically, showing fiscal courage, transferred it so over to the political or moral or spiritual life. Nazism, pretty weird stuff, the Greeks. It is where it sits with stuff, but we cannot say the same thing about us. You know you, two cats and stuff- I don't know they would say that cat planet, pianos, weird, I believe, that's happening.
European sites, gonna win and so no you're right and it's funny So now there sort of this, I guess I'm trying to think of a polite way too. What it because I want to bring feminism picture sort of a neo, androgynous viewless, put it that way where there. This idea that, while we know this false sense of achievement was what men are, and so a lot of people have condemned man for something. That's a pretty recent right sort of a picture. A man that wasn't it for for a long time after time, the Greeks, the Romans, our founding fathers, creative thinkers intellectuals, who also we know we're wheeled and axes in instalments, stoppin hats, either or your philosophers, yeah. You write a lot of the arguments against. Ask your nay they often use a straw. Man didn't any at a unique create like they go for them
extreme version of masculinity or what some people call hyper masculinity, and here I mean I mean I'd through their point, like the audits that I've masculinity is not that great, not conducive to good society, doesn't help us become a better people, backing the most part most men, I think, inherently get what it means. Be a good mags aid. They have men in their lives. They can look to whether it be there for their or a grandfather or ease in men towards they had in high school so you I mean I don't have anything even though we're called the art of manliness. We don't get into a lot of Basic people don't want to go there audibly positive atmosphere able so that, because anyone also meet internet. We ve talked about this with guest after guessed you about the first five posts, the grace posts and and it just devolves into the worst that humanity has to offer good. Like the olive garden, I love of garden. Salad abroad sticks. I agree.
Good and then some guy is talking about how is going to have a gang knock off your mother, because there, you wouldn't know a good bread stick if it be no bitch, you in the Presbyterian like it happened so quickly, Your site is one of the few exceptions almost to the point that it's like Pleasantville, where people are too nice where like. If someone just you know, yell something Anti semitic or or something that's gonna hurt somebody's feeling. This isn't the internet anymore, now. We ve worked really hard job that DEC sure I guess, onto the site right through our content We moderates the comments, because the site isn't that guy, it's my home do I like that? I wouldn't let some gay who come into my house and to say do today onto it, I'd kick them out or even do First things I treat my site the same way so ya out here, to come in, but you're the rules. Have you don't play by the rules? Will go there. Their place even hang out on the internet? We turn is key deposited
funny. You know your audience with that. I think, and I think that, like we ve talked about in the same sort of sensory, these sort of false male architects were pushed on. The people there is is false. Idea of men's interests, and you, my friend Gregg, fell to actually hosting Fox news. He was the editor at men's health and h m. He was it actually from health, because he wrote an article on the positive attributes of tobacco, and now we know to be true that I can fight Alzheimer's. I wasn't saying: go light up, but this is a very controversial right. You can never right, then immense health magnetic nicotine. Does that get a single studies? I dont advise anyone smokes by the way better you let us on a secret. You know, needs he's talked about this openly says a lot of people. Don't really read these magazines, they buy up subscriptions so add space, and he worked there is the rear. Ship is incredibly low and I thought you know it's funny. That's that that's probably true, because you're talking about a magazine, if you,
What's that you just open up one of the top male magazines right now, right it'll be one page yachting attire. What to wear cheer yacht party, then next page evil, rich people, but you were just appealing to yachting attire and the next page. You know some basically summing up make penthouse letters from the seventies blush just incredibly graphic. A lot of people wouldn't want to read this mix a material it turns out. They don't and I get this that from your site, a lot of men are filling this void of. Oh it's a place can go or theirs, is there a pragmatic pieces that help me, become a better man, that's funny dimension. Max and tell them me, that's actually what inspired the art of mammals? here's the story of the genesis of the art of manliness. I was in bookstore one night during law. School killing. Time went to the many interests section in the magazine section,
what are the headlines and do all the time? And I am just sitting there looking at the headlines on these magazines and realizing that my gosh every month, it's the same thing like how to get six pack gaps. How, namely a cosmic s. Sextette regulations need to try to do that ten thousand dollar suit. You need aware in needed, is expected to try those traddles expedition yeah, I think so, like a taxicab. Well, there's a pack. I have them it s called the famine victim. Look the victim work. Israel is that you know what this status does not. This doesn't resonate with me like the decision My two meters in tell me like this doesn't mean late to me. This insane masculinity doesn't say manhood now, so I thought about what it meant to be a good man is Lebed early, yeah, I thought of men like my grandfather, men like Teddy Roosevelt, White Eisenhower like those heroes, you looked up to as a kid sure, as I did
isn't here says I can know what almost waited and waited. I think maybe only little barrette wasn't nothin to do. I see how that money will give. The victory are more like you know the Thundercats or even- and I don't know many can maybe like when I go to my teenage yoke area, what I was at a key man. Guy saw he now When I was a kid I was turning point? My life I'd. Imagine we know what a cold temperatures due to the human body be nice, like you know, ominous recommends magazine I wanted to ride, want to read. I bought a domain used word press as is free use, my really rudimentary crappy design skills are started, the blog and what I found was that other men in the same way that I did like they were tired of men's health. They were tired of the esquire. The tide of the Jews it just didn't, resonate with him anymore. They wanted something else so yeah
That's how start the remainder started see. I was trying to be diplomatic and not call them out by name, but then you just said: geek email, your swam down, Brad, no whatever but we all know them lesson yoga, Wanna dance around it gets you know it's in it's one of those things man, it is a really tough time. I know people say you have no idea what it is. You, your men, women's rights, get mad it's a man's rights or anything about time amends right, but I'm talking about young man, you drive a pretty young demo for more sort of Right, leaning, political website we not do quays was you We do well and I get a lot of you We just had Gary Wilson, for example, on where we talked about. You know your brain on porn and actually, I think, I'd come across him. I'm on your side or rob. Wolfe was a friend of mine who who covered his stuff too. We just get emails from young men, saying I just I just fell into No one told me about these. These pitfalls, I'm so conflicts. Did now, I dont know how to talk to about there's an that's just a microcosm pornography.
But imagine now, I'm only when you have people telling men This will do being taught on campus that you are guilty by in a lot of these men- are our feminists or law. These men certainly wouldn't want to have privileged thrust upon them. It creates sense of of needless guilt, because I haven't done anything wrong and that's gonna be tough to deal with today. Is young teenager imagined in your eye, like we don't really. Do a good job in our country are a culture of helping young men feel good about them. Cells and the result is you can look at the statistics on how young men are doing, suicide is high amongst young men. Unemployment. I'd college attendance is lower in the port. Everything is part of it. It's it's just really dismal, and It's funny I was actually talking to a galley share, my podcast too well she's a p
de in psychology and junior she's, a salt described feminist achieve and suchlike. We we make young men feel horrible about themselves through, garden and we were burying the the fruits of that now was a time in our country where there was a little bit more men Tory that, when in took ass a young man's life, either through their father or their uncle. Was there there grandfather? They were there to teach them. How to be a man, and you have a lot of young men today who are growing up either in single mother homes through me, there's no, not a father, and that in the picture you know, even if that is around right, he might be really busy with work to exist. To put in the long hours at the office in order to provide the lifestyle that he wants You have to his family right. And so you never have the time to teaches cared like how to shaven, he will think we're gonna have to share like teaching hatless secondary, to help your son gathering on how to shape, but there's there's more that goes on in that process.
Shows like that. The kid nose, like my dad, cares about any. What's he was the best for me. And then just spending time. Three kids, you conversations come up sort of spontaneously where you can to your son, your Nancy taught to nothing like what it means to be a good man and that's not happening for one. That's why you have all this confusion where you have guys we're going to the internet, to find out more energy, their funding. Had I hold it, I thought I'd lose, bring it back into the internet. Let's go to a break will be right back with prep Mackay. Your listening to louder with crowded we're back at me, art of men in this I highly recommend you go there or if you have a son you want to turn onto manly things to manly hobby.
But you don't want sentiment of cesspool, that is, the internet are demanding a highly recommended in pleasant drinking from their lovely mug Brett Mackay, thanks for coming back. You just said something that was like a trigger word for may trigger fresh rigour, straight warning. They, just as you said, the young men are trying to go to the internet. Yes, you have you have young men who don't have a father? Don't have no matter right on show them. How me what did you say? now what? What did you needed you to be a good man and the use of the internet and the others not I mean your basic. He who rose whether learning there, and so they know something take a bite, the sort of like a lot of really popular things like a pickup artists. Community is really popular online, and it's just all about you know you can be a man in it. You get all these notches on your belt right and that's how they define mass you'll entity, and so you these guys in this trap, whether you they fought over a lot of money to learn how to pick up women and then they're, not six.
A small and then I just feel like crap, because man, the means it is being amendments eight. Yet to get it half seconds, many one is possible. I'm a failure as a man, so I suck is a man rise on the very one, dimensional ideas, masculinity minutes unfortunate in and that's a minority that what's important for people to know because you have People- let's say you know: feminist right now, you're art of manliness, right, a NEO feminist, say likelier Keith we had on right away will be upset because there tribute that minority male culture, that minority sorry of male commencing male minorities, on the clarify that a small contingency of male culture who are just think what it means to be a man, is not so my belt in what you offer. Young men is antisocial to that, but it gets a lump in the same category as the essence of man sure and that's the a terrible, Miss care at characterisation of either sex. It's just it's easy thinking right at major relations. I got to understand why it happens. To me are our goal: is
to help become help. Men become a better man in all aspects of their lives, because that carries over to other areas of the life of. If you, if you in, for example, your goal knife is to find a a girlfriend, for example right, that's what you want to do, what you shouldn't really make your focus in life just like going to bars and like and these lines, and I doing these little techniques. What you should be doing is developing yourself as a man physically no work, on your social skills in general that our people not just to women, also the man and that women will find you attracted once you can develop the whole man, and so you have that sort of our philosophies develop. The whole man end things will happen as a consequence of that and its very me again. This is a very we get a lot of inspiration from my I don't like the greek the ancient Greeks in the agenda? I dont not like the green way they rather dark in there. You are knocking them earlier. I was makin there there. There is a little boys which I think should be not. You should match that with me
really. I understand you. I thought you were a wholesale there's: no wholesale dismissal of ancient Greece, but who kept their their idea of in the Romans to a desire, for example, or word virtue, for example, in the modern it that came from a roman word, we're tests, the eye are and we're tests came, meant string, thread and veer. The eye are was the word for man, so for the Romans to be considered, and right. You had to be virtuous. You had in what form the Romans and the Greeks virtue wasn't just from this. Could he too soon, as it was being excellent in all areas of your life, been an excellent warrior? Being an excellent father, Venus excellent, excellent husband been excellent, politician speaker, Whatever the goal was to excel in all those aspects of your life and then you could be considered a beer, a man right,
that's what you are doing on the site. It's pretty it's! It's almost like a very sort of granola holistic approach to manhood there you go. Hoping to get it's like words. I met earlier, it's like no we're trying to create these sort of false dichotomy is you. You can be smarten bookish, but this entire you can go and kick but be focused on being strong, That's why you are not going liked to hear this, and only in a surly knoweth if it's a conscious effort on your part, but you do teach young man how to lead in a moral or righteous way awaited. I guess people it's a morally upstanding in society and its very masculine quality. I think women currently known or not, but three masculine,
for a man to be confident enough to let others not a good thing. That's not a bad thing. It doesn't mean force leadership and autonomous dictatorship. But for that to happen to be a leader likes that man has to be well rounded right. He have you have become a man gets to be competent. Yes, a defining attribute of masculinity across cultures yet be competent to finding attribute is yet others. It is. This is great book manhood in making written by ever political or as apologists named David Gilmore any basin at his cross cultural now also of what man with a masculine any men across cultures and what he found was their sort. These common trade. You saw no matter, culture and, like one was to be a man, you had to be sorted Alex like competent. It was the best we're like sort of like Macgyver, you know being able to to be. Then you have to make enough fifteen fighter
I have also tabled a straw hat, but I just stability improvised and light be actual at what you do. Women find that attractive. I mean even my my wife. Never like I am handy around the house should likewise that's that's really attracted barely you did. I mean I don't know. Women and men finds out of trouble using more descriptive words in the privacy of your own home. I don't know anyone who says that was manly. And or attractive. My wife, I won't get into that What will you do get into that on a site? That's another thing to listen.
I know that you are my moral guy. You dont pedal smart, but you also deal with things like sexuality on the site and that's one thing I think to United as video last week, a six figure reach within really only a few days on your brain on porn and some conservatives or very small contingency were upset and when I say conservative mean socially people who are conservative, not politically because they thought will you don't talk about those things, but that's also something important, because a lot of these people who are pushing a different message than someone like you, is pushing we'll get to your kids. First they'll get to them with that website in the porn, quick porn, quick porn click or the pick up site it.
People. Like you actually talk about those things. I think in a candid way that still informative and helpful did you did you feel like that with him, and it was really lacking when you started uttered manliness as well. Yeah, I think there was sort of lacking is what you'd find is that most of the content that talked about morality or whatever like were either they really just space websites, now. Is it a religious or now the same realize it s a pity. Thirteen movie angel. I was twelve. My parents, like put their family dot org, said that a girl got hit in the face with a falling chair
and so my goal is just to bring this up to a wider audience in it, which is why I try to keep it pretty religious and politically neutral because distraction from what I'm trying to do wretches just helping men navigate modern life but to the porn series. I tried my best to be as neutral on it as possible. Unjust present, the science must as the way Gary Wilson dead. I does need us, It has to job with it, and it was amazing, was the response I got from people. There lie in our on them. Religious sky, but I'm not happy with the role that port has in my life makes me miserable and so I appreciate you like showing some science and what it can do in like what I can do to overcome this year and merely that's a win and I feel like if you know what people want to take the
Seraph off with the the religious or the moral argument from the front I need is turn off. People who could show otherwise would have used that content are needed at that. Then information I can only grow less NAM unabashedly non Christian. Conservative myself just mean Brett Mackay is by the way we had an actual terrorist like this video mom shouter, who called for my death on air, believe it or not. I'm just saying that like facetiously, he joined ISIS and is a legitimate air, a story how we are to create a whole new Skype account with a deposit, the cash because he's in London from a different pay pal. It's pretty airline, It was pretty man, and you know what they are ever ye did not like the fact that I gave him more time to speak used to a lot of em radio. Listen christian conservatives who just shot him down near crap as it will listen you of the format
I think I made a more comfortable than anything that would make it a point that was trying to absolve you responsible. For my part, as a christian conservative myself, I think, listen, there's a spiritual truths that I hold to be self evident right. If I'm talking with my parents or my brother, but anyone that not everyone does- and you can make those arguments and a physiological way or you know in a scientific way rather than just appeals to more people, you know we're doing piecemeal on equal pay and if you look at a lot of people politically, there is trying to point thing: is the other side is opposed to getting down to the route issue of equal pay and the stats? I'm treves it's a big topic sharing with the Oscars thing and it just turns a lot of people off and I think there's a climate of that right now. I think, should be open about your point of view, but there's a tunnel around Europe to upload your brain or five as Uk Chesterton does either gotTa Chesterton. I think
say that, but time and open up your point of view. I think you are still not being open minded to other people, s right now, but now it's it's. It is a great site and you do some great works or in a nutshell, if you have to leave people write with us to the breath, Mackay the sound bite that all problems I love that will operate as a matter of what you say. We stood a forty minute interviews that can have a sound bite. That's gonna work for the break. What is what would you say it is to be a man and how does art of mountainous up with that to be a man means being virtuous, and by that I mean the roman greek ideal of being excellent and all aspects of your life and the art of manliness, our continent's geared towards that end. Healthy men strive for excellence in their life and all aspects. That's there there's your sound bite
There you have it Breton, Achase, excellent adventure, art of mail in Aceh, Brett. We appreciate your brother and hopefully you come back on and you can educate. Hopefully, we have funded by next time. He now on right now begun to take funding as a producer who Your you'll see him. If you peruse the channel he's he's a character and he needs to a good kicking the pants to become a better man. Sometimes two eldest complain about have time for it. Ass. I got my hebrew national hot dog breakfast. These occur is delicious? Actually it's not that, but if you think about it, he justifies its superbly for eating bacon. Your base leading processed me he's just replacing it for different form of the Hebrew National Hata STAR. Like you,
about thirty, so much prefer coming on brother past years later, you're listening to louder with crowded so glad you are year ringing. The fund, as per usual, is not right. There get down just a little bit and right before anything happens, here you just completely screw me up by sending me these renders pictures of yourself. Oh hey, you sets send me pictures of yourself, so I decided start does sending you pictures of myself. All right. We have to get some actual news here: Brett Mackay, interesting young gentlemen, there art of manliness dot com. You know it Breton occasion, political guy. I really do, though. I write about this quite a bit. I do think,
men growing up now and in twenty fifteen. It's really tough time fur for men to be men. Men are probably confused than ever, there probably more conflicts than ever. Their raised with this inherent guilt complex because of me. Right. There's your mail privilege, your white male privilege, Sophie or a white male. You feel as though you ve done something wrong. Yes, your true what you shouldn't unless you're fund up, then you should feel like you ve done something wrong unless some people say patriarchy this size, patriarchy. Ok, I mean just throwing around a general term like that is kind of silly, but if you mean that men led the society that mail figure heads are very important for society that
there are the figures on which society firmly rests. The statistics bear that out. If you look at fatherless households, if you look at the single biggest determining factor in whether a kid graduates high school, whether they go to college weather our successful, whether they have lasting marriages of their own, the single biggest determining factors do have well. Do you have a mommy and daddy, but specifically a father and what kind of a role to play in their life? there's a reason. There's the joke of daddy wasn't around. She became a stripper there's some truth to it. And as models would add. But true you know it's like you want a chuckle at it because it's been such a stereo type, but it's it's true in you sit down in your you're talking to these
strippers fer, you not half an hour and their life stories just abysmal I've, never sat down talked with strippers Zaka by putting right funded, so we got an email while we were live here. I want to read this because we were talking about our back pain and pain, medication from a gentleman named Michael, I want you to his last name. He said I'm listening right now. I can understand the worry and pain medication and I had a question for you. If someone has a damaged spine, let's say seven discs and can rarely walk without the use of a cane or more and maybe they'll, have feeling in their limbs because of their damaged neck. Do you think the drugs that doctors prescribe are better than medicinal marijuana not to get high, but to be able to not experiences to experience pain that causes so much pain? The person is almost driven to suicide from it. Ok, that's funny. I'm actually talked about this before as a groan adult male without any kind of a history of
Kosis or mental disorder. Ah I thought you said you were a comedian. I could probably smoke marijuana. I've never done it and it would be relatively fine if you're a healthy, grown adult with no history of mental illness or proclivity toward addiction, you could probably smoke pot and in it wouldn't it would be relatively benign. Ok, that doesn't mean its medicine
Now we will say it's a pain killer, it's it's! Not it's! It's not officially recognise the medicine for anything except Th C is recognised, help with appetite in cancer patients. So if I were a cancer patient, then a doctor said here take this th see it. This is what you need. Yeah probably takes out. If that's what our doktor said, but no legitimate doktor right now is saying you have back pain, take smokeless pot at me when I try it today with sores. My bag is though, but you listen, you probably feel better, but so it being hammered after you know ten beers, it doesn't mean its medicine, so people are confusing, wants or feed things with medicine medicine, drugs act on specific receptors. They have specific chemical reactions in the brain that are statistically observable,
and I and what do I think, parted from less harmful than than something like Oxy Upper Cosette, probably less harmful yeah doesn't mean it's more effective than medications, gotta be less harmful than to many beers again and a healthy adult yeah. Probably a joint is probably less harmful. Now, if you're a growing adult meaning under the age of twenty five, its potentially much more harmful because of what it does to the developing brain, oh yeah, I'm just thinking about like what what Paul Macartney said years ago, he said that he thought that once you kids became adults, he would rather them's. Good joint, every now and again then be drinking a bunch of right of the problem is that is think about it when it when you say that then kids go oh, then it must be that bad. So I must now that bad Pfizer smoking. It now don't swear until your adult? Well, it means okay to do that so anyway,
see where they legalise decriminalize we'd. You see a drastic increase in ten. You said she saw it in an arbour. I did a video on that yeah through. So I do understand the point now. I've thought about that, if a dot, if it were approved as pain, medication, Mary water and you can tweet made us credit. Let me know what you think if it were approved as a pain, medication for back pain- and I had a doctor who said listen, you could take the perker set. I highly recommend you to This medicinal marijuana to help with your back. We have the data, it's better for you, what I take it in the privacy of my own home. I don't know, but I can understand the argument for that, but that is not the same argument at all as legal zation for recreational use across it. I'm not saying that state should be able to do that. What I'm saying is that people trying conflate those two dialogues to make people think
its harmless swords. Medicinal marijuana will now you all sudden you ve sold it as medicine, which it's not. It's not recognise this medicine right now, except for tee with with cancer patients. You said why it's relatively benign and its harmless worlds really not so now you have people who are voting to legalise marrow honour because they believe that its medicine and that its harmless. That's my only issue: if we're going to legalise marijuana, just be honest about the reasons for legalizing, say: hey, listen! I want to get high, not medicine. It's not going to help me usage will increase if we put the drug cartels out of business, but I wanna get high take that year legislatures. So this,
lotta with greater nice I do love to dance louder with prouder were dancing in the studio. Funding is disturbing get. Get funky get back up again. Were german. This it's true, James, O Keefe, coming up after the hour to talk about his latest sting on Al Sharpen, which is
sterical, if you know anything about I'll sharp- and I mean it's not anything new anyone has been in the industry- knows that AL sharpens a bit of a huckster, but it's It is good to see James O Keefe, doing good work. We will talk about net neutrality and equal pay will debunk there. Here before we go to James O, Keefe, but beforehand I wanna go to some of your messages. Firstly, on Twitter, John, How has it underscore kid wrote religious people who don't appreciate secular arguments that complement their beliefs now, smart hashtag, I don't What they are saying, something That's the problem online! There's! No, there's no contacts. I ain't, maybe John you could. Let me know what it is that you're trying to say here but I do want to read you an email that I thought was pretty interesting, so and if you watch some of my videos, did you see the second amendment, video that I did not on it not being just from us oh yeah, I loved all those cool old guns, yeah the balance and law
in the german downy, in that the package gonna prickly names of a more cool you not like all this sweet yeah. They were some proof cool names. While I got some obviously some hate mail from that and there's one here that I would really like to read because I find this pretty interesting, so this comes actually a comment on Youtube from tofu. Schneck BAR six, six, seven, that somebody's name their screen name. He wrote I agree to ninety five percent, but I think even that argument comes to an end. I dont think that the American found, Fathers had nuclear warheads, ballistic missiles and poison gas in mind. Firstly, show me how you would use it for personal defence. You can't those are things created solely for mass catastrophe that crap belongs in the hands of train professionals, are better in no hands at all there.
Show me some kind of regulation and who gets a gun and who doesn't get one. I dont think that mentally ill people in criminal shut have weapons. Just look at Germany, my home, country. You can own again, but you have to prove that you actually need one. For example, you wanna gun for hunting good. Then you have to have a hunting. Why? since and permit Unita gun for sporting. Then have to provide a membership card and you have to go to tournaments misspelled tournament. On a regular basis, that's an easy way to filter out people who shouldn't have a gun. Ok, telephone Farquhar, snuck bar. Six. Seven, your men, how many world wars under your belt now, oh yeah, all of them lies just never happened
terrorism against later how them you would find it. History, books. How do you think the Jews would have felt about that? You think they might have been better armed. The exact reason for the second amendment Toefl Shock BAR six, six, seven, is because of situations like Germany, your country, and by the way, several times in your country's history. Your country is the textbook. We look at energy, we we don't want that in our country. We better make sure our citizens our arms, so they don't huddle them up and put them into gas chambers and turn them into soap. The fact someone, who's German, telling me in America you guys are this is this is why we ve done it correctly. In Germany, this is
The government gets to tell people who can and who cannot have guns by the way Hitler disarmed people. That's that's the first act of nearly all dictators. Right, that's is manifest. Gandhi, said of all the as a heat, the exact. What will bring it up on screen of all the Evil acts on behalf of the english empire. Robbing an entire nation of arms will be known as their blackest, something like that. Anyway, you hurt your german case. Closed So that's it, but the Germans do make great guns and great musical instruments, while also you know do they do the Germans do a lot of things: well, cars and stuff excellent cars, fantastic airplanes. Another a case against Germany is Switzerland. Switzerland was one place where you got you
or avoided may we're not going. You know why it was a nation of armed people. You can and that with the geography of the mountains and the Swiss who knew their territory better than the Germans, you said you know I let's just go we're going to Poland is that some of the house- and we will go back to switzerland- you take some last Poland has great food. Thank you forgetting our german food too, though anyway. I just fine this incredible that there are people out there who actually believe that these are about arguments, a german telling in American what our gun control policy should be knives in everything The big problem is that you know what leftists believe that, The people, who should be our wise counsel, you have people at Nancy Policy of peace, will it Barack Obama, who do they say? Look: let's look to Europe, Europe's a great example
Raised in in Montreal is very similar to Europe. Where I was raised, it's it's not like the rest of Canada and in it sucks listen. I think the United States is better than Europe. That's why we left that's it. Pinion, you can disagree with it. What's not an opinion is if there were a second amendment, if there were the right, to bear arms in a german constitution. The same way there is in the United States, it would have been a lot harder to round up millions of people and gas or burn them alive. So that's it! That's interesting! The internet. You can read these things from from anywhere. You can read a point of view from anywhere in the problem. Is its its recognizes just as valid as the guy with a phd fork. Man's down did he say that he's living currently in Germany or that he's moved over here, I think, by the screen name and as spelling errors, I mean.
Less Germans are just fundamentally unintelligent people. Now I mean jerk There are actually some of the most brilliant people because they invented rockets and we brought her journey and scientists sluts. I'm saying I have the benefit of the doubt and all the spelling errors I think he's probably still living in Germany. She has a second or third language. Probably do you wonder about that because I was re I was raised in Montreal right. Ramrod play video games this before the internet, but I would play video games are like our peachy video games, and so there be a lot of text you now you re The tax lego now the princesses in the castle- and this is in all our dysentery, that kind of thing. What game was that, Oh, it was organ trail. If you are losing, if you end up getting dysentery, I remember that actually or control. I was on the old, regular Nintendo, but
I remember having all the french kids in my block that come in and go hasty. Then what What's that? What's that mean for and they bade make me read them the text? and everything hanging like wow. You urine here in French, Canada, and you are so out of touch. I may you just you can't leave french Canada because you don't understand English. I feel, like that's gotta, be even tougher with internet, because, even though there are different websites where you can find different languages online doll, main centralize websites in English. Is the general will a flock and usually click translate on. Nowadays, though, I am a young, I wouldn't know I wouldn't offered sincerely accurately translated. I did it with one site and it wasn't really accurate when I translated Keller outline how it translates it. Well, that's what kids used to do in college right, the take up and language course, like spanish, French, they would just go. Laguna. Google translate, like their teachers, had no clue as copyright,
Everybody was was all off a like of a spanish guy came in so they know. I really. I worked hard in this paper. Saying fund Show Radio Stephen AIR on yeah you ever hear. The context of the sentence structure is all wrong. Yeah I fail spanish so hard in college in really really badly and reason for it. I did have a teacher who absently hated me. She was a liberal. She did she hated conservatives and she also took thirty percent off My grade because I missed three classes. I just not present, I was actually I was caught in Texas was during hurricane. Trina sight was family and then Hurricane Katrina happened, and I made it back to school late because we want to go through the travel head. Ache some family emergencies. Remember I called her and said: hey, listen, I'm not going to make it in. So please send me any work that I need to do for the first three weeks so well through percent has gone subsidy They offer the maximum possible rate of seventy percent. You wanna talk about just killing hope, so I just screwed ran a class.
I wasn't. There is very little chance and I'm going to pass this class when I'm starting off with us, but which interesting, though, is like french and Spanish are both romance language. Based you know in the rice aim structure originally, so one would think that you would have a heads up if it was were for her leg up yeah. Well, that was the problem was, I spoke friend, pray fluently, and so all I would do as I write my paper in French and write an o at the end of every word. I think you know maybe six times out of ten year close. Another guy, you know a J P lot, the mobile, oh but I've got out at least get points you know for showing my work. I did not get points for showing my work. Well assumes a liberal teachers.
Well, I'm trying to learn Portuguese. This year, I've actually been able to pick it up being around enough Brazilians to understand it, but I'm trying to actually so a third language. I want to tack that on it's funny, you know people, about school in their degrees Irene. We generally and more impressed by people who speak more languages because its it some of them We talked to cheat, they can get a degree. We're not pass the test, but you either understand and speak a language fluently or you don't. That shows your I guess, sort of your neuro plasticity, your brain flexibility, in a way that I just think, as is more clear, then going degree. I know some kids, who have degrees, mean masters who warp dumber than a bag. Hammers. Ah yeah me: they walk right out into traffic off of a die egg here. What is it with the key? buy you a them constant walking in a traffic without looking because you're trying to oppress them, they're a bunch of morons as well
they are trying to oppress them. Your your mail white privileges shall like I'm going to walk and cross the street, and you better stop They're. Not careful ominous show my mail white privilege right here. What do you mean? I'm gonna modem? Ok, ok, I'm just trimming. Yeah I play by Europe, I play by european rules at the London. We do right where, if I'm in a parking lot or if I'm driving- and there is no stop sign, the guy with the heaviest crap- gets the right of way yeah, it's harder, stop a truck. Then, for you to stop your dainty little hipster legs than are wispy thin, trying to cross it. Also, you can get your ear. Your humbird coffee, coffee wish a break and then come back when we can we will talk about equal pay. You further Patricia Market Oscars speech and will see bunk that miss or you. Let me let me let you in on a secret:
There is no gender gap when it comes to pay. It is entirely untrue. I will give you the data thicket with you louder with Are you listening to louder with crowded loud loud right after that? a sudden influx on Twitter S, crowd or people get really mad about the pot issue. And some people are saying. No one is saying wheat is harmless. If you read my time liner, you go to lotta with better dot com. You'll see that many people are that's my issue. If states to criminalize it fine, if states want to legalise it, Fine. My issue is that, in order to change the public perception, tools
Why is it not saying that constitutional you shouldn't be able to, but it has to go to the process of a vote and a lot of states? so the people the libertarians were trying to push through that vote. Often Miss guide the american public by making them think it's less harmful than it actually is that legalizing won't increase its usage. That legalizing it well will put the drug cartel out of business. None of those things are true. That's my issue be honest with your constituency by the way, if we're really libertarians were about civil liberties right we're about the individual and you when a legalise pot fine, but I also ever seen a libertarian publication ever in my life create a campaign. Educate people on the dangers of marijuana.
So, if you believe it's because if you point to Portugal they have public rehabilitation programmes, and I know you don't want that libertarians, they actually just displaced their money and the drug war and now spend that and more on public rehab with we'd. So we don't want, government to do that and you shouldn't, So what are you doing to educate people harms marijuana. Someone is or the individual. Why not you you're the one it should be legal. So why don't you say it should be legal, and here here are the harm it should be. Legal and people should be educating the public about its dangers because it It is harmful, but you should be able to harm your own body. Let's help educate young people, they don't because certain people just confuse personal, wants with rights and and that's what bothers me, the Only thing that bothers me about the pot issue, the only thing that bothers me is the dishonesty it's not. Legislation is not that. I believe the government should be able to control
what substances you can't can't consume it's when they forget the pass it to your word, funded you're talking with your mouth full of hot dog. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd, one up before coming into the studio. Dude you up man, it's freedom, raw, but he understood because you're you're you're a guy who's whose more pro pot than I am as a guy's been bans. But does that seem entirely reasonable. What I'm saying here find glasses but make sure you educate, young plaia will have to be aware of the dangers of everything just like alcohol or or foods that are bad for You have to know the have to know the rules before you can break em? You got ok if I eat all of these things. I'm gonna end up fat disgusting with a sore back. Look like maybe it right and I'm not seeing the government should do that. If not the governments job now, it's it's gotta, be the individuals responsible
these individuals, but there should be individual groups just like an individual individual groups go out and give people condoms, fine, great good for you, but this people who are pushing this idea that its harmless or You know that are really needs to be legal, they're, the ones in a software pushing the idea that its harmless and it's not to the debate. Hoping brain to a young person some can marijuana. It is me more harmful than alcohol, too, Val, upping brain again. I've been really open about this affair and adult with no history mental disorder or psychosis. You smoke a joint. It probably won't be that harmful. If you are a teenager, or a young adult under the age of twenty five it can be very harmful and by the way, publishes year of I've gotten my daily its, it's not a not addictive substance that you set its harder to get people through, withdraw
all four marijuana than it is for for some heroin and am and nicotine users the worst is trying to give up call Coffee heavier done that gun headaches, nor that oh yeah, we were out a coffee for like a weak one time now again risk by some coffee was broke. This was that I think it was an towers. Wanna, make it one honourable junkie, one of the other radio stations. I was that you know when I was younger. We ran out of coffee, and we were all so broke. Is small town. You know we're waiting for paid come in. We wouldn't have coffee for like a week, we were losing our minds, you'd make a tear we'll junkie. Why didn't want to rob the one store we had in the town? You couldn't afford six bucks now. This would have been like ninety one. Ninety two and I
aid, maybe six bucks a week. It was pretty bad. I lived upstairs for The radio station and rod. Remember, I saw the picture. You are like those kid in that film who lived upstairs in the attic where the mom never came back for them. You another came for us. Mother, reduce lived up here forever, whom we shall get martian guy. I dont know why something more, and the Martian anyway it just one of those things I hate being misrepresents wrappers. It's one of those issues are complex. European you have to line up one or the other people get furious. If I say yeah, I can't go ahead if you'd state wants to legalise pot, that's fine, but someone needs to educate people on the ramifications. How dare you individuals, job, what's also really hard by the way for the individual to educate themselves. Right now, with the internet pot people renouncing of my time. I know one sings pot is harmless if you Google, pot right, google marijuana dangers. The first thirty searches that come up are its harmless. It's less
hold on alcohol. They just want to let you know that secures cancer, that kind of thing- big farmer, here's something I find funny. They say a big farmer doesn't want you to smoke readers plant, they can't patented, and so they want to show you their drugs. If need were a medicine right if it were an effective medicine who would be the first person to find a way to make money on it. Wouldn't it be the fund. Suitable companies. So, what's more believable that all big farmers since the beginning of I have gotten together and said we cures cancer. Ends diabetes and AIDS let's make sure no one can get it or that individual coming with profit motives, have looked at the science and marijuana said you know what it's not
you promising as a medicine, we think are investments are better spent elsewhere by the way, the idea that they can't patented. You know one of those popular prescriptions in the world is written in the face for its vitamin eight, so retinal fake cotton, synthetic form of vitamin a as esteem clean. They can find one of the house, bridge psychoactive compounds and marijuana to patent? we created the lad and sellers medicine so I'm not I'm not saying that marijuana should be banned and No one should be allowed to legalise it, and then you shouldn't be allowed to put in your own body. Whenever you see fit as an adult just saying, there's a lot of misinformation out there and I hate to see people too. Up an opinion and even worse, legislate, something based on false information from the get go. That's all you think. I'm unreasonable tweet me louder with greater
back pay, this a Stephen crowded with louder with grotto, to tell you about one of my favorite sites on the web, a our fifteen doc. I know you here are fifteen saving steadily black rifle it is, but they are. Fifteen dot. Com is actually the best website. If we want a community from which to learn about how to care for your gun guns, safety were defined. Conceal permits, forces as well as the best online gun store in the business. I'm talking, ammo accessories operates. All of it can be found at a are fifteen. That's a our fifteen dot com. Listening to outer with crowd so glad to have you back last hour, geez. Forget how long nose news breaks at seven minutes news at the top of the hour, while the first three and it's you can ignore its part after that the word gets good yet
ignore the parts that allow us to make a living? Now I mean First, three minutes: it's a network news! You want to pay attention to what's going on here. In Michigan Cosette and hung himself of Europe as well. We're gonna have James O Keefe on here in a little bit so before we get to him and his story on Al Shopton, beautiful, stay, on good, all our Shopton get. What is it four million dollars and back taxes. I'm not sure how Gee, four million dollars and unpaid taxes. So It's been hit with a twenty billion dollar racial discrimination lawsuit. I must not be reading that right would bring up this research again, yet twenty billion now I was right twenty billion dollar lawsuit against AL sharpen right now, But I want to get to someone really quick, the gender gap that the equal pay mess.
We talked about this online in a video that you can watch in short form, it later with credit outcome now fun. If you ve heard this right, equal equal pay for equal work From women ere it it's so tiring because I thought that was solved in the sixties. Well, the only ask you to Do you believe that there is a gap? pay between men and women for the same job. I've worked in place, where I thought that, like a when was doing the same job. Is me and made twice as much as me? Ok, so you would. Yeah, but you ve heard that a lot right. You ve heard that you didn't you hear it yeah, but I mean I can wrap my head around how any employer could justify it or think that it was the right thing to do so. I can quite rap. My head around. It actually still occur the exactly exactly and people like you, want necessarily as police,
equally involved. Personally, you know where you line up but you're. Not you not always doing the research on the individual issues as much right years, calling on passing but you're right. Think about it for basic economics. If a radio station owner manager could higher woman to do funding job at half or, let's say seventy cents on the dollar. You'd be unemployed faster than you can cook up a hebrew national. I think about that All people on unemployment would be men, wouldn't they one would think here if only to increase profits. If you again, if you're feminist and you leaving equal competency that the man in the woman are both equally competent at their job and a woman is being paid less they'd have to fire the man. So that doesn't tell the whole story. So you'd have to be Eve, one that women are more incompetent at their jobs, which I'm not saying, or you have to actually look at the data. So this objection archives,
the Oscars a third time for equal rights and equal wages for women. I just thought it was weird when she said it's our time for equal I thought she was gonna, go in a whole transgender thing. That's the cause you're right now, so to bring up the equal pay thing. I just thought, like men, ninety nine to call they want their talking points back. It's to me. I think that is something from the sixties. If you ever get the chance, there was a great film called Maiden Dagenham, which was about the four Dagenham plant in England and that the women were getting paid, maybe half of what the men were making and that they were classified as unskilled labour, even though they were making fantastic upholstery for the interior of these cars and they they. Had a strike. They got their pay solved. Bob Hoskins is it Sally Hawkins is in it it's a fantastic movie and to me, when I think of fighting for equal,
I'd, be they re speed aid, gender issues, the sixtys. It was a Alan time, but a lot of the stuff that people are doing now. I'm like has to have, solved decades ago. I won't let me give you some examples here. So the wage gap statistic that everyone quotes right. The women aren't paid the same. It comes from on very, very poorly interpreted statistic that didn't paired to similarly situated workers of different genders working in the same industry. They didn't necessarily have reforming the same work for the same number of hours a day. It just reflected the median earnings of all men verses. All women classified full time workers, that's the step. Ok then, when you look at it, aright men work on average, eight point one for our per day. Women work on average, seven point: seven hours per day, men work five percent longer Men are more than twice as likely as women to work of forty our work week.
Men are more willing to travel all of the dangerous jobs in the workplace like iron work. Hers, loggers letter. You will realize construction workers garbage man, those jobs. They actually make a lot of money, We think we have a short of view of this blue collar work. Its lowbrow. They make more money than a lot of people. Working desk jobs by a lot more atv with it right so ninety, so here's the thing: nine. The two percent of work related deaths are men. Ninety two percent of ninety two percent, two thousand twelve. Ninety two percent of work related deaths in two thousand twelve, were women die, we die about equal, ass. I don't see any women out there. She had been in equal death in the workplace. Could you imagine the signs all dig up? We want equal death in the workplace
thought of it is the visual is aware patriarchy. Well, that's the case. The patriarchy is what protects you. And allows you and the children to get the lifeboats first. When that fishermen's Friend, guy is unloading. The Titanic, unless Billy's Ain tries to get in the way it's true jerk people playing of dickie, violence and the shallows sought the bigger reason may have more. Men are and unions the biggest reason behind the pay gap is not corporations. It's that women have children They are more time off because their moms right, of course, other natural, we spend less time in the workforce which, by the way, is not reflected in that stat. It just as median earnings of of full time men and full time women. Not only that, but because women are mothers there much more likely to pick jobs that are mother, friendly, meaning less travelling, meaning less hours, meaning less dress. Am I say,
all women to just stay at home and start popping out babies. No, I'm saying that, statistically, women choose jobs that allow them to be better mothers, whereas men statistically choose jobs based on maximizing income. These are the stats in front of me, someone someone says equal pay for equal work. They have no idea what you're talking about. Let's start demanding equal death for equal work, we're going to bring James O Keefe on after the break in talk about Al Shopton and his recent sting The gentleman in the big lawsuit bring being brought against Al Sharp and so Don't believe the lies, don't believe the Miss dumbly women. They lie feed you that evil apples from the tree about the real power, here. The real take away is that women are inferior
that's really what I was trying to say no you're listening to louder with prouder louder with drought, good to have you back so glad to have you with us. We're gonna be bringing dreams are key on at the brake and then that he has an internet issues. So what bringing him alive on the air. This is a first funding, we'll just answer the phone. We like hey this James and turns out like your mother in law. Some call up to let you know some. Can you arrange some eggs and milk? I dont know I feel about. Does I wonder which bring em on after the break or if I should be common right now there you go he's oh James are you there
here listening to louder with crowd, or it is eight nineteen in the morning I find able mired upon I'm here. I think we lost a James. You now to do everything you sound kind of bubbly now I know what happens is James tried to call in and then he people ruined the whole pot oh man. Now you sound fine and I sound fine one bad apple, that jerk. I am just this jerk. While building actually have to bring him in after the break after the half hour break here he's at sea pack, and so there is always that they're, always some technical that give difficulties that come through your own were doing. The sea pack deal now tat. We ve, we ve had folks out there before one of those places, one of those things one those things you would also one of those things me pretty much. You are one of those things, I'm sure
I was too. I was listening to the earlier interview that you had with the guy about Manliness MC got me thinking about the health stuff. And in all the things that go involved. That night I saw this article led Drake left for me about Warren Buffett. Have you heard what his diet consists of? No Warren Buff, he's eighty four years old. He wakes up every day facing the world with boundless energy, says, he's one quarter Coca COLA and he's not talk about his his stock portfolio. Eads about two thousand seven hundred calories a day: five, twelve out servings. He says he eats like a six year old because six year olds and to have the lowest death rate. Is he serious apparently yet it's three page article, he loves potato sticks. Those shoestring, NATO's and he loves Coke and Cherry Coke
and ice cream its. I couldn't believe it on my wow, so I'm apparently going to live to be an octogenarian based on what I would for you funded like I never wanted to be. Eighty, There's a silver lining: in their eyes I dont like Warren Buffett, I'm not a big fan at his big finance will advise member once you said that once and make it right. I will thank you for that. Thank you for that advice, Warren Buffett. I haven't given him a whole lot of thought. Bout Gerald, the guy we ve had an issue, many jailed Morgan, the is islamic expert, comes on. He actually one time. You know he played football nodded aim and his friend was roommate was the all star athlete Notre Dame the guy who everyone wants to talk with any one time picked up the hello haze, whatever his name was John there and just the amounts. Colleagues, this is Warren. Buffett jobless handed him a phoney had no idea who we were less effective. Kids, trout,
lying in a limo with Warren Buffett. You know what to the game or something and Gerald afterward found out. We was in jail of course, went into business afterward and thought me, and I wish it would have known back then what I know now, I would probably said some stupid like are you related Jimmy Buffet man? I love margarita though I hate that long so much you actually like margarita will now the one the only one that I actually prefer is cheeseburger in Paradise, because it just ring so true, cheeseburger in Paradise, she's bulgarian ere, it dies but Marguerite also overly played every time you go on vacation and you're sitting in a bar. You know trying to eat some band. Plays it like enough and can you just need Conor tries to do that whole thing now too, with Syria
they case in the twenty four seven. You know three sixty five occasions kind of become a theme for though I guess the sort of slacker musical artist ride like ease the country. Guy right here is a country guy who's I was say something better. Relies we're on air naked Suez for slander, but there are rumours, put That's why he was married. There remains outrigger when she was still really cute and she fell for divorce based on free had there been rumours that dumb now he peed peed prefer the. The Jerry Maguire to the Renee. Elegant been rumours. Put it way and that he hasn't been married sensor, I dont think as have any significant romantic connection, since that matter either way as long as he can play and sing no. I know I'm just saying shapes his body, so that makes me think there might be making that he's a professional swimmer, but he's around knows where, I think AEGIS,
he's doing that Michael Phelps and he's smoking, the bong in common back in singing songs about it so sharply organ of James O Keefe on after the break, because he so rudely screwed up our broadcasts. They tried to call mid stream now- what happened was after they signed that legislation yesterday his internet and went down right neglect. What happened? Oh he's at sea pack were internet is terrible. It's actually a great example or net neutrality. You know, if see back were to say: hey, listen! Ah, Ninety nine percent of people who are here at sea back are using the sea pack site or app. Let pay, a little but extra. You can give it more bandwidth because we're so slow down. That would see reasonable can do that completely illegal man. Think about that! everyone. There would want that. There's a halo, some nine out of ten people are using either the sea pack up the twitter app or face right now we want to give those priority and and paper,
extra bandwidth for that right now, for the next three days, can't do it, it seems like you, should be able to pay for extra, but not hinder in. Are you wouldn't want the internet provider to slow the other guys down. But if you want to pay more to get through it wont, let me ask it s: right: you're, driving on the freeway k, there's a carpooling. Be given them for. Everyone else follows the same speed limit and you give a carpool lane to people who have for five when the car right does not mean that seems reasonable, yet seems like it would make sense, and if there is no Harpole Lane, which is what net neutrality, the saying can be no carpal lane everywhere. Everyone second jack, yeah, yeah. Everyone stuck in traffic together so doesn't improve com de it lowers quality. For everyone in that's pretty typical of the government. It doesn't one is government ever taken something from private industry and raised the bar once they ve been involved.
Maybe I now hear never, as happened with energy our airlines, what about cars? gee, I'm doing really well now I wanted it You'd buicks are great, but their commercials drive me nuts. Will you know what you got a big bear to save us. American company think seventy percent of the materials for their cars come from. China one like it when the government picks winners and losers every becomes a loser in that so telling about net neutrality. Right lottery will go it's big, business versus government. Firstly, I don't know why you believe that big business is inherently evil and government is altruistic. We ve talked about that certainly. A lot of the big businesses support net neutrality, Google. Rise and did you who I've got a list of a lot of credit outcome of rising, doesn't anymore they switched now. Why would you have to go away We ve demonize big business right,
big business is always evil until they support your cause. I love that with leftists that big businesses evil until all of a sudden, they say, hey we're going to support gay marriage or hey we're going to give a bunch of money, this environmental car until eight until they come out with the latest phone right. Then it's hey you big business, my apple right. Why do you think big just like Google, for example: would support net neutrality? Is it because the sun, Google has become inherently good and there looking out for society or is it because they go hey, listen they're, just thing that neutrality coming out K, it's going to be keeping government legislation giving them control over the internet, ten billion dollars in new taxes. We know at least right. We know the costs are going to go up here. We have billions of dollars. We can afford those costs. We know the middle guys can't. So if we support this, going to we'll bury these guys you're not going to be able to afford the costs and it's going to but you have to be more expensive and there, in the short term,
but we can lock these guys out. It's the same reason that big banks support by government- I am makes sense, think about it. Big banks support, because we were too big. They'll get listen to it. I dont think we, the bail out, should happen right. Want that hurt us is a bank? Listen the local banks, Michigan too low Go banks out they're, not here Unalaska Bank of Anchorage they're not going to do not gonna get bailed out. Just Maybe I'm just gonna be chases. Just gonna, be Bank of America. Sea were too big to fail She here so doesn't matter what they do never be able to compete with us. If we do these big bailouts, see the benefit here. That's why we shipped arched, aren't we. Private business. Do we not do not want to support social and we want to private? profits and social eyes losses. Your big dummy yeah. I feared TAT aunt Jane the key Turning into Cagney the classic
we regard erratic cigar, bad guy from the films of authorities, but if you look at big legislation usually big business supports it, and I wasn't. I was a Walmart fan. I love Walmart but guess what why why, like going to Walmart I've, always like that taxes, but it's already job what will actually in Texas they actually sell designer clothing. Unlike hardwood floor Nord Stream, we want Why do you think Walmart supported Obamacare it'll help, so they wouldn't have to pay for health care for them exactly and they go. We know it's going to be expensive for everyone else. We can absorb these costs, we can offload them will be a monopoly. Big business almost always support the government lot with greater
nice disturbing funded via the camera, is always disturbing for those of you who are not watching on line and the video cast and listening terrestrial eight I won't for a while, but our next guest is a voice fine gentleman who actually yeah he's he's he's done. Some big things he's taken under journalism with new media, two whole new level, you broadly from the acorn scandal. Basically got acorn federally be funded. Protegee of Andrew Bright Bart and now has a new story to tell us about product. Very tough dot com is here website. James O Keefe thank forbidden on brother ready with the state. So yours,
You see back in DC right now, right. I am sitting on the balcony at the gallery. Hotel here, branfords austerity. We focused on reproving undercover, very obvious, try and find some people do that here and at what point do you feel the need to shoot yourself in the face? Indeed, I ever gets us over twenty four hour rule by Washington Dc Egg. I get in here and get out within twenty four hours disputes, in other words the people here, but But most by Washington is a city of lobbyists and people who don't do a whole lot and hang on what other people do, So a half of those lobbyists are at sea packets, a thing you know I am a conservative, but I am seed see pack for four years. Certain pointed to said, ah, in all the incestuous relationship. Yet just don't work for me
Only there's no need to network is you're already network and all the people now they're just sort of gossip about each other. But you know it still good, because you and me in other media personalities to have an audience fans, your fans. Are there and it's against emission, I'm in the matter, I don't know I do now need a faint guide. You stand up a lot, so I get to see the fans enough and then see peck just awkward and I'm I'm grateful for every single fan but see packets. If you walk through the ballroom, whenever wants to you don't and then they want to ask you questions and they want you either podcast would like three Liz there is an if you say no than they tell you that you're a sell out, so I'd is trying to avoid it, but James. So you ve got. Actually it was. It was a New York post. The covered your story here, yes from Asia than your post on Tuesday, and your politics is downstream from culture like answered bright bird taught us in politics, also local and and new, we got covered by every single when NBC New CBS News Fox five days and a sharp
MR we see what is that listen this about the fire out sharp to know, after all, the experts say them well. I did not know that. So, let's give it given the odd Israel who don't know. I know that you did this on our sharpen. You interviewed people gusher trepanning, but the chokehold victim ire, Aragon or yeah, I'm I'm a man has not gone now. Air garner, because that happened and might brown in Ferguson happened so tough to keep them all all straight, but you, innovators and people directly involved with that people who are directly involved with some of these victims that concern for a long time have accused left of of race bathing in creating division and some of the people. You interviewed, Sir as much about sharp in an even more damning said. He would show up pretty much collect the check and pass go right. Arrogant gardener was the daughter of Eric Garner ease the guy Staten Island with the life he didn't chokehold on the alleged shovel right. You look at this. Video is very powerful. You can see the pain
in her face when she's describing how else sharpens national action that will took advantage of earth and provide put his logos on her flyers and she said, look it's not about the money. It's bought my father very powerful stuff, other african american leaders across the country. All saying the same thing all saying that at the date that they were the AL shortens about Maybe he's a shakedown artist, Michael Browns Attorneys, It is about money, travel mines. Father said he's on his own mission, and usually with these types of under cover stings. I sting the people on filling this case, I'm allowing them to be honest, bigger as some of the more pretty afraid to say these things on the record about our sharp right. Well, that's it. Examples are the left, obviously their criticism of yours. It's got your journalism in I think, we're being honest- sometimes I mean yeah, you are trying to get a moment, but in this case you weren't stinging AL sharpen. It was letting people speak and express honest opinion.
Which are just really damning about someone else? Really. You know I'll sharpened night. They weren't damning themselves on camera. Unlike you know, girod or bird or some of the piano at that corner. You would interviewed, they were really speaking openly about AL sharpen, because you know I bet you at one point correct me. If I'm wrong, as you spoke with them at greater length and obviously we see an eclipse- I bet you're one point- they were hopeful. That one sharpened was coming and he was going to really help right. Yeah I mean What are these are huge tragedies? point in our social. Our civil rights movement in this country racial issues continue to be at the top of your fortunately, are the focus of our politics right now, so I'll shortened like today or yet yesterday was a bite. It back to the White House knows very close to a bomb. Reclosed Eric hold him and he PPP apparently pays people. Are
easy paid for the funerals, and then this is truly remarkable. Within twenty four hours after we expose this, there was a foundation started I'll sharp installer foundation with Eric the honor. That's pretty amazing! Absolutely him three people checks by people off and not pay taxes and whenever check access, four million dollars and back taxes now or lenders visit the White House eighty times. How does it happen? How does it happen? in paranoid that you know I I pay Jared to go out and get me a David Bowe. We wig for Parity and I don't have it listed on expenditures. How do you get to four million dollars in back tax and again, when I got for I get for lawyers for America get one iris plants lower. I got one New York state, YO unemployed insurance lawyer, I've got a guy on staff, just make sure complying with every single regulation. The Lord as you and I
the IRA's in constantly talking about us, but the I think it's arrogance and avarice they they just they just are so little the guys in the White House. Why is he worried about the Irish? No condemning him related issues, arrogance. When I hear address in what I think are funded give were morally and morally have arisen and agree that the further I'm up a Christmas Carol, Marley Brothers, the hecklers, oh yeah. We took advantage of the poor we just ignored the needy package, aims O Keefe and serious talk. So you see my because this James. Please tell me that I have not seen the gosh, how dare you if you do, for two and a half decades. You had the time strew. I need it was one of these new wants war movies, as opposed to Taking that making no real your magic videos, but so so this
what happened with near postal shopton. Now you just said that it looks like he might be fired from his show. Firstly, I'm kind of surprise: is that this is what it takes to be fired from innocent BC. Of the four million dollars and back taxes. There's been a law. Of dirt on AL sharpen for awhile, where you hearing this, and why do you think this is the catalyst for him, maybe being fired a pull up the article Now this is on the Uk Daily Mail or did yesterday afternoon Al Short in this headline AL shocking, to get the bullet, and they talk about his problems- is controversial issues. This week. Sharply was also whose also sued by Comcast were twenty billion dollars. So there's that issue there This issue will know what was the twenty billion dollars. I read that knife activists this has to be a type of
must be million? How did how does an individual get sued for twenty billion? That's usually a lawsuit against the federal government, or something like that. Well, apparently, with some type of issue, a jot luck and try to pull up right now, because the central doesn't it twenty twenty billion. I've got out in front of me yet is it is lost for twenty billion? I was just thinking I mean you have to have more either. It's more of a symbolic law suit. You know no one's expecting at twenty billion dollars from AL sharpen or you have to have commit something monumentally illegal. Well, there is an article that Byron, Alan unloads on Sharpen Ellen, told the taught me the interest or actually freezing out and destroying black own media. Many other paying Emerson BC most AL sharply to give them racial covered. Do it so can't gas is a very large vibration it. This is true, then I'll sharpness in. Did you give them racial covered? You destroy black on media companies that that is a twenty billion dollar in damages issue. So
yeah there you have it. I think I see the combination This issue on black african american victims, daughters of the church. Portuguese speaking out about it. That's a very powerful week in media against you in and sharpened. Roughly is getting a lot of pressure option. You will see what happens. I can imagine ice funny. You remember him back when he was just goofy old out who did a few rhymes and appeared and little Nicky Nicky? Oh, you now is he's relatively benign, but when you actually look at the profiteering that creating of racial division. Now, thank God, he's not very respected by many in the in the black community, but there are some who do and he uses that pulpit genuinely for evil, sometimes to Jenny. We create just a right she'll division in America? wider than its ever needed to be in modern America, you know what's going on Can we talk in Missouri? This isn't
Ferguson Missouri expressed fear even speaking out about public and- and I didn't put that in the cuz I make the guide fearful Iphone you know, damn well. People feel about this guy Irene. I don't know if you ever get this question. I get asked this all the time it should. I fear for my life and most of the time. The answer is no. I don't really think about that stuff. I don't I'm a Christian. I don't worry about it, but sometimes this weekend for some regions I can't get into. I did get a little scared turn I tweeted it out. You know, I think it's ok with what about him. Bans on look I'm human. I have a conscience, sometimes I'm scared and it got blown up. You know I got laboring hyped. It up. Ginger keep us fraid of his life, but this type of work you know. Sometimes I looked up. As we go to get the story. Sometimes you gotta go in places that are their dangerous. You wanna talk to people who are dangerous.
And sometimes it's issued people don't want to speak on the record about it and they have reason to be scared. Well, I have reason to be scared for my life, namely because I dressed up like Mohammedan, performed a three stooges routine, beating the crap out of my six year old wife. So they have a great. Of humor about that? But I think you're doing great work here, James. If people want to see these videos or more of you wear, should they go project at last I come the e r eighty eight asked and if you're at the sea back conference, where avenant events tonight at eight p m to men in the hotel focused on recruitment, if you wanna be a hundred, every person send me a note on the website will try to get. You were trained, embedded in maybe go another doing this Already affects not only doing great work but helping others to do the same James thanks for coming on and will definitely have you back on any Timmy breaks driver. Thank you very much less and
You are listening to ladder with. Rather we will come back after the break to wrap this up airy fairy, oh so pretty little, but it doesn't like oats. You, Nazis terrorists and funded. You hate the boughs current good lotta with broad. I, like my bows radio. Listening to louder with crowded louder with Crowder. I always find it funny. You need to be told, What it is that you are listening of your tuned- and you probably know what, if you just go, in your car. And in the middle of the car you were listening to the commercial, and you know you hear me: and about the local car dealers
or about London calling what you can hear Saturday night at ten air right here. On my show and then you go. What am I listening to? What day of the week? Is it it's Friday? it's not or withdraw yeah. You know it we actually do a lot of e mails from people there and Southeast Michigan sang hours. My favorite drive to work but Tom. Now it's not like it's a tougher. It's not like it's a tough, never mind. I won't say I am grateful that you enjoy the Friday show in particular compared to the weak data. You know we ve talked about going daily Durban. Some offers out there. I just I just You like we get to do a better show when its once a week, because a fact, as you are able to put up with me five days a week that- and I So you know what I mean. Did I mean and you know this in conservative radio, it's different from traditional, ready or entertainment. Where, since has to be a political message. There are scraping the bottom of the barrel Sundays justice. You know it's
really isn't a twenty four hour new cycle that something has been created. Guy cable companies to make you think you need to be tune in all the time it's a news week there has been a couple of times with, let's say Laura: for example, just any other network shows where I think did they lose their feed from the person's studio are they running yesterday show and then listen a little bit, I'm like no, she just talking about the same subject in the same, our again ran that, course. I listen to more talk, radio improbably anybody else in Southeast Michigan, because I'm These monitoring and I wanna make sure it's on in its running right. So, but I'm like woe, calm down, yeah and I dont want to trash anyone. Obviously, but I we want to be in a position where I just have to fabricate news. In that year, since we do at once a week. If there's a breaking story, we can have time to bring on people who are truly insightful. We
time to bring on guests who we believe are truly interesting for you, so we're we're not only once a week not just a straight politic show we cover culture, we cover and Jane, we cover media. In a way that a lot of people don't because we're back business. It sounds like it's different from other shows on the M dial up or podcast in your your feed. That's by design You know we didn't wanna do what everyone else was doing, because they already do it unless none I'm not going to out pontiff eight. The am radio hosts to go on for three hours about why Obama sucks. Why do it? There people out there who do that, and I I like pure but the the woman who likes to eat meat as opposed to vegetables that I thought she was pretty interesting. It was nice to hear Somebody talk about ever change. Was she geez I mean you know it's crazy about her. She would never be anywhere else. I am radio because she's, a NEO environmentalists who actually believes in taking out people to save the earth
is a crazy left, Winger so we get some guests on this show who would never dream of going on any other conservative show and we have we want and we don't have the money for debate to tell them a wrong. We have them on because we say hey, you offer something interesting. You know the last guy that your brain on porn Gary Wilson was a fantastic. Gaston. He cities, you know, he's a liberal agnostic and he this conclusion scientifically about pornography. So we can do that because of the way the show as if we were to go daily and their been but as we have been some offers on the table, it would be it. It would have to be a two hour show and one of those hours would just have to be a really interesting gas, and that requires producer and that you know who I just think that damn it's better for people out there, if we're just on about the gas we want to have on content. We want to create not just dont want to be in a position where we're having to fabricate news, go ahead into all to the rest of the programmes today station in whichever stationed here listening to write
could be WHAM Southeast Michigan, it could be. Some of the online indicators entail that they all say the same thing. If you want to know someone's going to be saying at three o clock. Listen to what the guy says at noon. I would love, be able to fabricate news, though, because it would all be about Godzilla attacking Detroit or it'd be some space. Aliens landing in Ann Arbor or epsilon? Ear? Lancing fabric and responsible. For you know, Half a dozen japanese suicides before noon. I just think back to the good days of of or wells and the war of the worlds and how people bought that, unlike wow I would love to have a time machine to travel, to see what it was like to be in the radio station at that time. It's the theatre,
of the mind, is a very powerful think. It's the same reason. Scary films are only scary until you see the silly monster once you see it, you gotta, ok, dad I hold off on the shark hold off on the shark final. You see the shark you go. I don't think we're. Gonna need a bigger, after her. Now, I don't think so. You can an animatronic shark that can do the scene without short circuit and what I think is funny Steven Spielberg said going back, that you have never made jaws if he knew that it would demonize great white sharks. The way it did because these become all environmentally sensitive sharks are cool Sharks should die every last. One of them should die harpoon them through the mouse and feed them, make shark fin soup in Bali or whatever it is. I don't care. I've never had shark, but I've heard it's pretty good. I've had shark it's very it's more, like a state can like tuna in its way stake, efficiency very thick, filet, it's not like salmon or to Lapierre, not flaky, it's pretty thick will have to be careful because of mercury. You know, since it's an
ex predator. If there is any kind of mercury, in the ocean or police in its eating, smaller fish are eating that you need to worry about plankton, so much her or shrine or has on the Bob Spongebob That movie was terrible. It was a drag, then said this is the greatest movie ever. Unlike are you serious? You ve seen all six star wars, films and back to the future in Europe? Having about Spongebob, we saw a big hero, six Tuesday pretty good loved it great. I liked it. I thought was a little inconsistent and any thing is every single and I'll write about this actually ladder with tottered dot com, Every single animated film design her children, it was nominated this year had a liberal must Yeah. That was your eminence valiantly business. How to train your dream? and was environmentalism. Ray Single one of them had a very strong and pointed liberal message at your children? I was really glad, though, that it spoilers here
Your kids turn it off that it wasn't actually the business, man. I don't know, I know you're Civitas. He still was the bad guy but I wish I was just. I was tickled pink when it turned out that the one character happened to be the Goofy college, Professor Yemen, he wasn't it turned out. He was in With the business guy in the business guy was badge is not as bad, so they can never actually have a business. Man be a good guy. In a film That's a thing with Hollywood, every tenders, business versus government business is bad man. Verses, woman man is bad. White versus black white is bad. Russian verses, agnostic, christian as bad as just the way Hollywood pushes it. And you can. You can repeat that repeat that repeat them and have that going into people's brain like a morphine drip specially young children and they truly believe it, and What's so important, that's why we do the show one week. That's why we have people come on the show who aren't just your Carl Rose and your Dick Morris's. We have people like Brett Mackay from art of manliness likelier Keith, Gary Wilson
we have people who you may I hear elsewhere, because it's not simply a political were up there. There is a cultural and there's a war for your children's mines for young adult mind right now, and left us, Sir winning Leftist, your warning that were used net neutrality giants weeping bill, we don't even know what's in it were its given the garment, unprecedented power over the internet. So well this right now watch the internet over the next ten years, I protectionism will get more expensive it will become slower and it'll, be less free, This is a monumental day in american history. That neutrality was past. That's why we talk a lot with broader see you next week.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-04.