« Lex Fridman Podcast

#182 – John Danaher: The Path to Mastery in Jiu Jitsu, Grappling, Judo, and MMA

2021-05-09 | 🔗

John Danaher is a coach, scholar, and educator of jiu jitsu, submission grappling, judo, MMA, and the martial arts. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: – Onnit: https://lexfridman.com/onnitSimpliSafe: https://simplisafe.com/lex and use code LEX to get a free security camera – Indeed: https://indeed.com/lex to get $75 credit – Linode: https://linode.com/lex to get $100 free credit

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OUTLINE: Here’s the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) – Introduction (07:02) – Fear of death (17:18) – The path to greatness (22:57) – Judo (27:07) – Seoi nage judo throw (39:21) – Fundamentals of jiu jitsu (45:34) – Developing new techniques (53:24) – Value of training with lower belts (1:03:23) – Escaping bad positions (1:10:18) – Submissions (1:14:30) – Reinventing yourself in 5 years (1:30:38) – Drilling (1:49:10) – Leglock system (2:08:44) – How hard is it to break a leg? (2:12:52) – Greatest jiu jitsu player ever (2:17:42) – Roger Gracie (2:22:25) – Gordon Ryan (2:27:16) – Georges St-Pierre (2:36:26) – Superintelligent Robot vs Cyborg Gordon Ryan (3:12:07) – Advice to white belts (3:15:24) – What does it take to get a black belt (3:16:09) – Best martial art for street fighting (3:23:23) – Tie chokes (3:27:44) – Austin (3:32:23) – Meaning of life

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following is a conversation with John donner, widely acknowledged as one of the greatest coaches and mines, in the martial arts world having coached many champions in jujitsu, submission grappling and emma may, including gordon ryan, gary toning, nick rodriguez, craig jones, nicky ryan chris wide men and george saint Pierre, quick mention of our sponsors on it simply safe indeed, and linotype check them out in the description to support this by gas at the side. No, let me say that John is a scholar not just gesture but judo rustling. My tie boxing emma may and outside of that topics of history, psychology, philosophy and even artificial intelligence, as you will hear in this conversation,
After this tat, I started to entertain the possibility of returning backed competition as a black bow, maybe even training with John and his team for few weeks, leading up to the competition for ray recreational practitioner such as myself, the value of training, beating a jujitsu is that it is one of the best ways to get humbled to me. Keeping ego and check is essential for a productive and happy life. As usual. I do a few minutes of as now know, as in the middle. I try to make this interesting, but I give it time stamps sick. You skip! Please, though, check out the sponsors by clicking the links in the description. It is the best way to support this back ass. A very picky about the sponsors would gone so, hopefully, if you buy their stuff, you'll find a value in it. Just as I have this episode sponsored by on it any tricia supplement and fitness company, for example, they make our brain, which is a new tropic.
that help support memory. Mental speed and focus has been kind of fascinating for meat. You watch my mind and its ability to focus joint different periods of the day, for example the first two to three hours of the morning. My mind is laser focused. If I create a distraction, free environment, I can go pretty deep and stay. There focus wise for two three four five hours. The first two are just easy and after that, it's a little bit of a grind. Says, life is too short to run rigorous scientific experiments than you are mine. But I wonder if this weighs two You arrange that are, for example, prolong appeared, The time when I focused, but he studied, rate kind of writers and history. It does it can only be productive for just like two or three hours a day and the rest of it is just chaos and you're barely holding on anyway Go to. Let's friedman that calm such on it for them
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Linda Duckhouse, slash legs and click on the create free account button to get started with a hundred bucks in free credit, that's winnowed, dot com, slash wax. This is the lex Friedman part yes- and here is my conversation with john diner. are you afraid of death, a start with an the question is, though, warm up that there was no random off their jumping jack's. Let's, let's break that damage to questions, I'm a human being and like any
When being I'm biologically programmed to be terrified of death, every fiscal element in our bodies is sign to keep us away from death, I'm no different from any one else. In that regard, if you throw me from the top of the empire state building, I'm gonna scream all the way down to the concrete if you waiver loaded firearm in my face and then joy and horror. The same way. Anyone else what so in its first scenes of, are you afraid of death? My my body is: Terrified of injury leading to deal with the same way in any other human being would so one death, his eminent there's, a terror that The same drilling dumps that you would go through,
but, on the other hand, you're also asking a much deeper question, which is, presumably, are you afraid of nonexistence? What comes after your physical death nets? The more interesting question I know I should start right, but by by scene. From from the start, I am a materialist. I don't believe that we have an immortal soul. I don't believe this a life after our physical death and in the sense from someone who starts from that point of view you have to understand that everyone has to death.
We always talk about our death as though there was only one, but we all have two deaths. There was a time before you were born when you were dead, you weren't afraid of that period of nonexistence. You don't even think about it. So why would you be afraid of your second period of nonexistence? You came from nonexistence you're going to go back into, you, weren't afraid of the first. Why you? Somehow trade of the second, so it doesn't really make sense to me as to why people be afraid of of nonexistence. You dealt with a fine the first time to deal with it, second time but your mind didn't exist for the first death one exist after you die them, but it doesn't. This now enough to comprehend that there's this thing the you know nothing about that's coming, which is none actually. You do know about it, because you know what it was like before you were born. I was just nothing believe, every of it every time
go to sleep at night you get a sneak preview of death. It's just this kind of nothing. haven't you wake up in the morning. You're are you're alive again, but it's not about the sleeping is about the following. Sleep every night when you fall asleep, you assume you're going to wake up. Here you know, you're not waking up and the now over the whole state from that to the idea of fearing it. I am fully aware that there's gonna be a time I don't wake up, but are you going to be afraid of it as some mortal terror you have of this? No, you didn't have it before you don't have it when you sleep and going from the fact that you know you won't. Wake up to terror is two different things. As an extra step, at that point, you you're making choices that at that point. What about what some people in our in this context? We, my colleague the third death, which is why now everybody forgets the entirety of consciousness in the universe, forgets the
eva have existed at John Donna, her ever existed, so it's almost like a cosmic death. It's like everything goes yeah, not not just that, I would say, is acknowledge I the history books forget about who you are because a history This is inevitable. Right away were all very, very small, Why is in a very big game and inevitably we're all going to go at some point there, but doesn't sure it's it's disappointing, of course, but but it's not even erie arrogant to say, I am disappointed in the idea that I will disappear, but this this far greater things than that will disappear. I mean it it it's crushing to think that he's gonna come a time when no one will ever hear beethoven symphonies again that the mysteries of the the euro will be lost and no one will even comprehended. They once existed, think humanity. Ms with so many amazing things over its existence and
To think that one day, this is just all happy on a tiny speck in a distant corner of a very small gallop. and among millions of galaxies it? This is all for nothing. I can understand this kind of dread that comes with this but there also a sense in which the moment you're born in the moment. You can think about these things. You know this is your inevitable. Fate is its own inevitable, Also, if we look at tat were in austin, then there's a guy named dealer, mosque and he's hoping in fact, that is the DR behind me of his passions, is the human beings becoming more planetary species and expanding our exploring and colonizing the solar system, galaxy and may be the first. The universe is that something that fills you with excitement. I it's as a project is very exciting. the whole idea. We all grew up with science fiction, the idea of of,
exploration. The same way: human beings in earlier centuries, words ro the idea of discovering a new world america, some other part of the world, it back fail to come back, but now sailing oceans. Yes, you saving solar systems and, ultimately even further arms, of course, as exciting, but as far as relieving us from nonexistence, says displaying at a delaying game, because ultimately, even the universe itself If the laws have through my dynamics, it correct one ultimately die course whom I now understand. Most of the physics and how the universe functions. He said law, thermodynamics, but maybe that's just a tiny fraction of what the universe actually is. Maybe there's but a mentions, maybe maybe there's multiple universes. Maybe the integrity of this experience, in other guys donna, hoffman. I think that all of this is just an illusion. No, I don't think he's.
cognition and perception constructs a whole. Video game over construct its very distant from the actual reality, it may wonder, will understand the reality. Maybe you'll be like the matrix kind of thing, so there's a lot of different possibilities here and there's also philosopher named earnest. becker. You know that is he wrote, denial of death and his idea. He disagrees with you, but he's dead now is is that he thinks that the terror death. The terror of the knowledge that we're going to die is within all of us, as in fact the driver behind most of the creativity that we do exploring out into the universe, but also you becoming one of the great scholars? The martial arts, the philosophers of fighting is because your actually terrified of death- and you want you- want to somehow per
make your knowledge, your ideas, the essence to permeate the human civilization so that even when your body dies you live on. I would agree with him in so far as death is the single greatest motivator for action, but going beyond that and saying that somehow terrifying, that's that's an extra step on his part, not everyone everyone's going to follow him on that step. I do believe that death is the single most important element in life that gives value to our days. If you think example of a situation where a god came to you and gave you immortality. Life would be very, very different for you you're. A talented research scientist. You work to a schedule. Why?
Because, ultimately, you know your life is final and actually very finite and could be even more so if a fate plays its head and you I I die an early death or what have you we never know what's going to happen tomorrow and as such we get work done as soon as we can the moment you gain immortality, you can always put every project gulf. You can always say I don't need to do this today, because I can do it for centuries. now and as you extend artificially a human life, the motivation to get things done here and now and working does recently in an excel fades away, because you can always come back to the idea that you can do this in the future, and so what gives value to our days is ultimately death and value,
It's not the only form of reason behind value, but a huge part of what we consider- values, scarcity and death gives a scarcity of days and is probably the single greatest motivator for almost every action. We partake in this kind of tragic and beautiful that what will makes things amazing is that they end young. I think it would actually be a terrible burden to be immortal you would dumb life would be in many ways very hollow and meaningless. I think people talk about death, take
the way the meaning of life, but thinking immortality, would have a very similar fate in a different direction. So, given this short life, we can think about jiu jitsu. We can think about any kind of pursuit. What do you think makes a great life? Is it the highest peak of achievement. Now you think about like an olympic gold medal, the highest level of performance, or is it the one longevity of performance of doing many amazing things in doing it for a long time, The latter is kind of wood, about in a least american society. You know we want people to be healthy, balanced before well for a long time and then there's maybe
like the gladiator ethic, which is the highest peak, is well defined. You asked an initial question which what makes a great life, but in pointed towards two options. One of longevity vs. This is other difficulty. There's there's got to be a lot more than national means. Think about that. A vessel. Will we have to understand from us that there is never going to be an agreed upon set of criteria, for this is a great life from all perspective, if you look from the past active, say, Machiavelli. Then stolen lived a great life. He was highly successful at what he did. He started from nothing so the degree of difficulty and what he did was extraordinarily high. He had massive impact upon world history he oversaw the defeat of almost always major enemies. He lived too agent died of natural causes, server, Machiavelli.
Point of view. He had a great life if you ask ukrainian farmer in the nineteen thirties, whether he lived a great life. You get a very different answer, and so everything I come from my perspective. You begin with this you're going to look out at the world with a given point of view and you're gonna make your judgment. Was this a great life or was it a terrible life on. Going back to your point, you were actually, I think, focusing the question on more until the great single performances versus longevity performer. It is presumably the indus, isn't really a question about what makes a great life then so much more than that too a great life. I don't know I'm going to push back on that. So I think they're parallels are very much closer than you. Making them seem, I think, is good. Compare stolen Stalin as an example
Somebody who held power considered by may be one of the most powerful men ever he held power for thirty years. So that's what rental and germany, and then there's a few people have to push, may nodded his. She was butter, but people who fought a few great battles and they did not maintain power, but is contrast- aid, for example, Alexander the great who died at thirty three from probably on natural causes head around forty five truly defining battles in it, life which are responsible for the for the lion's share of earth, of his achievements and burn very bright, but didn't burn long stolen, on the other hand, started from nothing in quiet methodically worked. His way through the voluntary phase and green increase him
it's a power and, as he said, went all the way to the end of a of his career and yeah. This is definitely something to be said for for longevity and but as to, which one is greater than the other. You can't give it at the definition, or am I set of criteria which will definitively say this is better than that. But when you look culturally, we look at alexander is great, but in a different way and we look at stolen gun. I didn't think many of you would say sound was a great person From the machiavellian point of view, I would say he was great also, but when you think about beautiful creations done by human beings in the space of say, martial arts in the space of sport, what inspires you? The peak,
of performance that I see we come from. Legs is its great question for, for me, it always comes down to degree of difficulty, but things are difficult and different ways. Ok, I'm a single flawless performance in youth is still lead, windsor, gold, male say, for example, lamb, not accommodate. You won the olympic. Gold, milon gymnastics the first person to get perfect school if she had disappeared. After that, we would still remember that. Is it an incredible moment and a degree of difficulty do to get a perfect score and an olympic gymnastics is just off the charts. Contrast that with someone who went to four olympics and got four silver mettlesome, indeed, both incredible achievements that is different did the attributes that lead to longevity and typically chain to conflict with the attributes that bring a powerful single performance, one as well,
about focus on a bit on a particular event. The other is on spreading your resources over time, both at present tremendous difficulties and there's no need to say one is better than the other there's I suggest for me personally. The stories of the of somebody who truly struggled are are the most powerful. I know a bunch of people, don't necessarily agree, because you said perfection. Perfection is kind of if the antithesis of struggle, but I look at somebody: okay, my own life, somebody. I am a fan, I'm a fan of I'm a huge fan of yours and try not to be nervous here, but ah I'm a fan of an judo world, is travis Stevens, Peter remarkable, followed by the way remarkable you are being in saying in the best kind of ways I think I started Judas. I really started martial arts I have wrestled. If you consider those marshalls. That's my that's been in my blood non russian. So but beyond that
You know the whole pajama thing we were at the gate I started by watching trousers. Two thousand eight olympics was that that accidental did you know Travis prior to one another I just tuned in that's an unusual choice. She was just random. You just june, didn't you saw Travis Stevens. I turn to the olympics. wondering what you do is and then ice. I started watch where we're all proud of our countries and so on site. Watching he was, I think, the only american in the oh olympics for judo maybe they're, so this guy has was two thousand. Rhonda was there too. I watched rhonda, travis, but obviously visa I was focused on somebody who s away the same ideas that there is a kind of I think it. A one yeah, so there's a connection but
So there is an intensity to like he would get angry at his own failures and he would just refused With that kind of dan gable mentality, I just, though those aspiring to me he's the underdog in the way people talk about him, the commentators that is an unlikely person to do well right- and I d the f few attitude behind that saying no, I'm going to still win gold. Obviously he didn't do well in two thousand and eight, but that was that that was somehow inspiring and I I just remember he pulled me in but then I started to see this sport. I guess you can call it. Of effortlessly dominating your opponent in like throwing, because in to me, rustling was like a grind. You kind of
trawl you slowly just break your opponent. The idea that you could, with like a foot sweep, was fascinating to me that what the just because, a timing, you can take these like monsters, joy, giant people, make incredible athletes and just smash them with it. It just doesn't. There was no struggle to. It was always a look of surprise. You dominance in judo has a look like the other persons like what what just happened is. This is very different from refugees, its buildings. The rule structure to the whole idea of an epoch of a match been over in an instant and that creates a thrilling, spectator sport.
If you can do, as you say, with assurance of the foot sweeps and you can take someone out, who's heavily favored and if you're not in judah, was the most unforgiving of all the grappling sports. You can have if a of concentration for half a second, it's done. It's over those guys get a grip on each of them. Any one of them can throw the other the idea you When you see someone like gum anymore, who won three olympic gold medals too, to win across three olympics and at incredible achievement, given that helped many ways right a loose and a standing position in judo and how unforgiving it is. As a sport at shows an incredible level of dominance, and I think when I was, I was also introduced at that time.
You digesting judo writing in just the same. A lot of sport is probably the same, is theirs ways to wind include kind of. Word abuse a bad terms stalling, which is like use strategy slow down to destroy all the weapons. Your point it has and just awaited out she sort of break your opponent by the shutting down all their weapons, but not using any of your own is an out. Travis was always going for his off really good at gripping and can do that whole game, but he was gone for the big throws and use almost getting frustrated by a lot of the opponents After all, a bishop, I think he is from germany from germany during doubted, very credible. I know he's very good. Doom big throws in these incredible geodata, but he was also incredible address freshman
his opponents were my gripping in strategy and so on, and then just remember feel the pain of this person, I Travis, who went through just he broke like every part of it. body, he won't do so many injuries. Just this person who daddy it his entire life to this moment in two thousand and eight and then two thousand and twelve and two thousand, and sixteen just ever gave everything you could see it in his face. The Yeah it's because weapons are being shut down and he still pushing for It is, though, that both the frustration and power I mean do the kind of throw he does is is his main one, I think, is the standing with Calcio nagi. He fontana a ponzi and now you, but that was that was the other thing is like the techniques he used. Was the these big throws that there's something to me about the scene. I found in love that throw that's my
my main, throw standing saint oghee, that is, like white wine, favorite have standing variation because of the amplitude. You get a powerful Yeah wind power its? I are you a fan of coca? Yes, that's! So that's why Travis cook so koga trousers open up my if drivers uses the same gripping. Patents for saying I guess covered all the same and away visas is hips and turns I remember like going to my judo club and other euro clubs and ask and they're all things the wrong way to do it. What the waiter, as does it the wrong way to do it, and I remember, like I've, always been amazed by this way. The way I didn't mean to cut you off, but I literally phil twenty hours of reproductions of people, who will tell me,
That either my students or other great war champions- and I are doing things wrong and I'm I'm looking at them and I'm like who were rather trust here in their judgment, coca. Who was one of the greatest throwers of all time or you. a recreational guy who couldn't throw my girl and mother the earth at home. Is that your word over his what said? Don't listen to what people say, I'm going to give you a piece of advice here, watch what the best people do. Okay, that's how you get superior athletic performance. I can say that again, don't listen to what people say. Watch what
do particularly under the stress of high level competition, because that's when you see the real game, what they really do under pressure again, You can emulate that they can be very successful. I guess what I was fresh with the to your point. Is that the argument against koga is what he has a very specific body type and he figured out something that worked for him. Thus, the statement is that might not be applicable to you or to the general public of of a judo players that want to aid that, by the way at the shallow level might be true. My might be true. The point is there be a body of knowledge, is yet to be discovered and explored that coca opened up that I want. to understand why his technique worked, it made no sense to me that, with a singer,
but like the way, you turn the head, the single footsteps, and why does that work, because it was actually very difficult to make work for me as a I thought that in the very beginning it doesn't make sense. I people just they don't don't get loaded up unto you have anyway for people don't watch cobra highlights washer students highlights, but that the details of the technical makes sense, but one mastered the it feels like. There's something fundamental there that hasn't been explored. Yet it's like cocoa and trousers made me think there We don't know most of the book eddie mechanics involved in dominance in Juba. I could just kind of found a few pockets that war, really well each ramada. This is different, draws a subtle gary. I wonder if there's a totally cool new things eleven, this guy and ad saying. I could gave a little peak because as very few people
I'm aware of that! Do it the way travis uncovered did make merry. As your question is on the choice of state, synergy. I should say this field fearlessness, they put me, then what the hell you think I'm talking about. Synergy is one of the more high percentage throws in you. Export of Judah? Probably uci mater is probably number one, and variations of ST auggie would be in the top five for sure, and the basic choice you have in modern competition is the more difficult standing. St auggie, where you literally are up your feet and you perform a shoulder, throw that takes your bunt over from a full standing position. The most popular form, St Auggie and modern competition by a landslide is not the standard version. It's a dropsy and arguing go down to your knees, and this means you have
much easier time getting underneath your opponents and, regrettably, the defining feature of any synergy is getting underneath. Your point into gravity and lifting them that say: oh the remains to to lift and carry, and why did you choose the more difficult version? What was your motivation? You know you're smart kid You know right from the start, that for every stani, saint Oghee, this twenty drops in august and more competition, one is obviously more high percentage, one. Obviously we for a wider variety of boy types, the number of people who were successful with standards and argues dramatically lower, and it appears to be a move which is completely absent. Any heavyweight divisions and really seen in that light divisions divisions. Why both the motivation? Why did you willingly adopt the less high percentage over that? That needs to be very interesting,
Listen to our. I would love you break apart guess. I apply the same kind of thinking to basically everything. How much do offline find as these boston dynamics spot robots when I first met spot, I found love. I don't understand what exactly but there's magic there. I just got excited by and I met that fire burns. I want to work These robots, our work with robots. I want to, I felt, like there's some it's special there that I can build something interesting with create something interesting with the same, would would say, notwithstanding standing, say: nagi from coal Travis? I just fell in love with that technique we were watching. I do you know what the hell did you do with. It was the aesthetic it's the stanley synergies, more beautiful and execution is no against him in In my own, let's talk my love right in my own definition of aesthetic. Yes, it's not just be,
because you could argue, there's more elegant sort of each Ahmad is very beautiful. Nevertheless, effortless I love you. I love something about the dominance of it. I love the idea in sport of To people that are the best in the world, and why of them dominating the other and odd. To me this danny, say: Nagi your lifted off your fee, and especially when it's done perfectly and with really strong resistance from the other person. It results in a big slam, and now, as I beautiful as the current like big pick ups, I love that using a wee. It's your corrected insofar as you
you're not just going with aesthetic in the sense of beauty, but also, but you are making, as it were, value judgments. Yes about the throw and that's fascinating to me and because there's two elements to any grappling sport avoid I'm always insistent on the idea that jujitsu is both an art and art science locate his scientific elements, insofar as it was going to the laws of physics and blip, liver and fulcrum from its efforts era, but it also has an aesthetic element in so far as you're making choices with technique. Your expressing who you are as a person you have it ten thousand different variations of moves. You could use, but you're specifically choosing these as an element of choice and self expression. On your part, insofar as that is true, combat sport and not just a size but also an art, so
his combat sports. Have this series which they have the features of both an art and a science, and and it's not just about the high percentage? In your case, I mean me personally faced with percentages, what one of the ways and means science and art yet, but that's also choices on the other by term. But. There is an undeniably acidic element to marshalls where you as it works, press who you are as a person in terms of energy, it's your ultimately going to choose. Does I get in the way you allow yourself? enjoys the aesthetic beauty of a technique. Of course wind. I, when martial arts had unwell, it's the most beautiful sport in the world. Okay, when it's done policy ugliest fat and
a beautifully applied submission hold a perfect throw superbly. Sarah take down are among the most difficult techniques exit you're, not of sports and when you done well deserved a magic to observe, but do you prefer certain techniques over others because of their like, for example, to you for me, chokes of all sorts with the key without the gay probably would give the most beautiful too personally I value them above all, of its people. See the associate myself and my students with big logging, they are usually rather surprised to learn that I actually value stranglehold, far above leg locks and but not for aesthetic reasons for effectiveness. We can talk about that later. If you wish, while let's step back sorry, we drifted awfully far off topic, then this birth. I think this is beautiful,
drifted along the river of life and martial. Can you explain the fundamentals of digits? Yes, if I I wouldn't be much of a coach jujitsu. Is an art and science which looks to you is a combination of tactical and mechanical advantage to focus a very high percentage of my strength against a very low percentage of my opponent, strength at a critical. Point on a body such that. If I were to exert my strength upon the critical point, they could no longer continue to fight what that's about weapons in the fences but then There's something more to be said about the set of tools that are that we're talking about where the art comes in, because ultimately, you have a set of choices, and
his choices that you make will be an act of self expression on your part. Some will prefer this. Some will prefer that that's where you come in as an individual, that's an overall definition, digital or being a set of choices. That's where you're, using the things your powerful in versus the things your opponent is weaken known you of any talking about percentages of body strength. If I have, for example, but say yum, we have two athletes athlete an athlete, be athlete a has one hundred units of straw However, we do find it overall athlete be. Has fifty, I guess, a ostensibly ashley s twice as strong as athlete b
but athlete be. Can maneuver his body into a set of positions, focused around a critical point this upon his body, where he can apply forty units of strands out of his total of fifty. His opponent can only defend with twenty units of strange out of his total of one hundred. You have now completely reversed the strange discrepancy, originally athlete. I was twice as strong as bait. Now on that one localize point, the knee the elbow the neck b is now twice as strong as a under those circumstances. Be should one. I guess what I'm trying to get at by the way, that's really beautifully said, is will, you just said could be applied to other games. Other battles can be applied to the game of chess. It can be applied to war at most. Obviously,
What I think about John, for example, the american street, bombing campaign over to the eighth ami force, was tasked with idea of destroying german industry today, a check all of german industry, of course. Now that would be stupid. They attacked the ball, bearing industry. Why? Because almost all of modern machines require bowl bearings in order to operate an order the mechanical interfaces of machines were right. You have to reduce. Friction is done through bearings. If you knocked out one tiny component of german industry, the bearing industry, the rest of it couldn't operate so too, with the human body. I don't have to fight your whole body. This have to fight you.
If knee, I can break you left me. The rest of your body is irrelevant to me, but then isn't the art of jujitsu discovering the the left me there. Discovering the weak points, a huge part of students whose understanding the weak strengths and weaknesses of human body this part of the human body, the road shockingly robust, and there are other parts at a shockingly vulnerable, the major once and of course, the most vulnerable, the undertaken neck, so we take something I'm not familiar with, whereas incredibly impressed by the body lock. I saw nick rodriguez and nick disease last time a few weeks ago. Yes, but then I also that day, I craig jones, who show, It also has a very good body on so that
I was an off this body like applies to all positions, but I was seeing it from one craig is on top of the opponent and trying to pass the girl pass in the guard use the body as the controlling position, the the principle behind it is that it shuts down. As you have spoken about it shuts down the weapons of a very strong upon it, as absolutely correctly, in the case of thumb, god position what makes god position dangerous. What makes someone a powerful god player is the movement of the hips foreign backward inside the site? Body locking is designed to shut down that movement and as of a fairy, I urge all of you see all of my students excel. Gordon ryan is probably the single biggest boyd. got passer. I've ever seen. Nicky ryan is outstanding within nickel. Rica's is very good craig.
Is standing all of my students useless for a very simple reason. stand what is the central problem? shutting down a dot dangerous god plan. It's his hips makes him a dangerous leg. Locker you go up against a dangerous like lagom body, lockout, past single best way to shut down most of his entries and We are all strong, lay blocks so now Jim you gotta control the hips as soon as possible. He's gonna otherwise can be a very difficult thing. To avoid legend, what is he going to pass and across the board, my stuff Six excellent in embodied of god passing day and then, what's the most dangerous feature, their party has lateral movement of their hips. What's a single best way to stop, then body lock and then work from now serve this a symmetry of power is fundamental. To judge you, how do you do how do? How did you discover the buyer? There s a
one of many methodologies of achieving this asymmetry. Would be an overstatement say we discovered the body law body or passing has been around longer than whipping around What I would say is that in a room full of dangerous lake lock is you ve got him away to shut down the hips, and so We started using body long we saw that was one excellent way to get around that problem. As with all development comes from trial and error. You will often see people too the technique to a certain level, and you see the teaching A lot of inadequacies, their net doesnt cover a lot of problems that we are encountering? trial and error. Is the single most important part of the development trial and error, and nor can the training run ourselves in in hard training. Never begins with hard training. Everything techniques,
a born. The same way we are born, weak and in need of nutrition Do you have to like this filled them off organically, like children? And you said with minimal resistance, and you make progress over time when you first go to the gym, do put five. Pounds on the beach press and try to being present now you'll be killed. You start off at the bar. Build over time and in one day, five years now have you really out of two five hundred pounds, but only a forward the tape there on a first attempt. and their born. Children in your mind. First, like there's a spark. May I once about it's like cited development on a subject matter which is intrinsically simpler, ok, That is the sense in which naive and overly simplistic Expensive scientific method may not
well at advance levels of size, but they worked damn well in the training on what you get you will the day subject. Matter is inherently simpler than it is in research, science and dumb as a result, double spock you'll see somebody latin and its possibilities. There, ok bit that's puzzle. This outlays work with this, and You run into a lot of fate. Is this? You know you ve said the you aren't. If I'm but my dissuaded, works really. Well, then, suddenly, these try and spiny get continent and a simple oma plata near okay, that didn't work as well as I thought, and then you looked to rectify things. If things going promising research directions you keep them for, if not you'd scar them was facing science. It feels like me art that somebody I really admire that talks about this kind of aid. is johnny, I from apple he's the lead designer who recently left, but here the design it behind most the product We know and love from apple. When you see
designer be more precise. What exactly was It was he working on an apple the I found which, which part of the I found it would like. The entirety of hats was he a leader of a research team or was he the person personally responsible for development? He's kind of, I would say very similar to your position. He he wasn't necessarily the Last the person executing the fine, the manufacture right, of course, but there is the heat of somebody, that's hands on and the it's it's, I guess who he wore, obviously extremely close, who steve jobs, see jobs. Has this idea we shall have a computer, that's a thin as it should paper, and then you start to play with ideas like what is that actually look like the recent bringing it up is because he talk about
he had these ideas that he would not tell steve, because he he talk about the same exact language. You're saying is: there's like like a little baby that its very fragile it needs to. To grow, absalom and steve jobs would often rollin was too ruthless. You tooth us this is that he would destroy ideas. because Johnny have, and the team didn't have actually good responses to the criticism at first too big, because when they're babies you can't defend the baby, but he needed time to develop, need to sleep on it. You need to rethink it, the dream things and all those cars. Its first, let me say this lakes, because this is actually the entire history of scientific development is literally the story. of the juxtaposition between the need to protect and nurture you theories.
This is the need to rigorously test them. Women, with with harsh tasting that the verifies more falsify some and lou to find a satisfactory compromise between those two is a very, very difficult thing. When you look at the history of science, you will see that there is some The damn chaotic moments, anytime, is major theory change, where all kinds of apparently ill do undesirable tricks. They use to protect certain theories with ad hoc hypotheses, et cetera, et cetera and ah and ultimately only time and six it's over time would justify. Theory is usually a period where, when one theory goes into replace another, there is something of a battle between competing groups of science
some from advocate furious somebody abrogate theory, be they often use seemingly unscrupulous methods to protect or attack. Another person's theory they dig for bruce and usually some period of time has to go by. Sometimes in some cases it simply involved. Older scientists partake initial theory dying off and new scientist is replacing them with now. Buzz and honest A common common theme and the same applies. and you did you notice of so many times, especially when I first started working with legal action which show the things I worked on too. even will champion playgrounds. They would try it once or twice and fail mega doesnt work. You tried at once on it on another guy who's also about world and who has a strong ability to resist it and yet
no more, it doesn't work and then Five years later. They would see my students finishing, will champions with it. Some cases finishing the very people who said that technique would never work if there was ever refutation of a statement. It that's a pretty clear example And- and there has to be a sense in which you you can't be too forgiving, you have to test hypotheses. but on the other hand, you can't be too ruthless either you have to look for on the and my advice is thought slow again, the analogy lifting ways you don't let the heaviest weights. On you first day you build up you work progressively over time now. You also have to have some common sense here. You can't be too for giving to a technique of its repeatedly failing and
Good people have tried it and multiple good people have tried, and it's just not working out, then okay, it's time to dismiss it, but don't be too quick. You know Is this where your idea of a training would lower belts, he quite a bit communism of actually just as aside, comment, and maybe you can elaborate, I the place the gym bound studios. Phil, erect, burglaries, rug out my black bout, where I grew up as a jujitsu person philadelphia. They have a huge number bypass, but have a huge number of all other ranks and the way they picked sparring partners people you train with is very ad hoc is very loose made one of those places on those genes. We just color, you can train price ray four hours. Answering you could take a break lake jumping. I can't former, and you can go to war with blackbirds, but then you can also play around with the problem.
bluebells saw an excellent and down really beneficial for growth growing. You can pick which What is a style you could pick which doll you really want to work on re, and then I came to arm now boss than broadway jitsu with John car coil of his good friend, but know that is a little bit more formal and I found myself is very interesting journey if I would be training with black balls the whole time and it was a very different experience. I found myself exploring much less. I found myself learning much less a party that is my on me but party, It was also realising that, while there is a value to training with people that are much worse, yes, there is there a philosophy dispute Yeah yeah, you probably know it already, you know your studies, an artificial intelligence that all human
he's a naturally risk averse. This is it a biased which is deeply seated in all of us, some I'm sure you you will read on people risk in the terrible took that this all the time few view. There are numerous psychological experiments that are showing most people to the point of iraq, nationality fear loss more than they are excited at the prospect of an equivalent gain sofa ample. If you have a hundred dollars in your wallet, your worried about the idea of losing the hundred dollars that you have now. Then you would be excited by the prospect of gay in a hundred dollars that I could potentially off you on this comes out. Whenever you get back, This is black bout confrontations or any kind of similar school level when it
You get similar skill levels. The chances of defeat get very, very high, Interestingly, if your wipe out you're going is about but you'll take risk, why there's no shame in losing to oblige about when you're wipe out. So you your play more light. Hearted lino you have more fun role, but when you have, a similar skill levels. You gonna come back to what the ticket Eggs that are most likely to get your win, that number of techniques is usually pretty small and if you're always battling with the same tough upon every day where, if you make even a single era, it will cost you that matches Barring engine like losing. You're going to stay with a very small set of moves. You might get slightly better
execution over time, but you as an individual will not grow growth as it does in organic. Lifeforms comes from small beginnings and built over time. can't take an untested, untried move and get on a world champion blackmail. It's going get crushed since not ready for that. It's like a lion being thrown out into the serengeti? Planes lion cub is just too small and to ineffective it's a lion, but it's a cub and it's not until it grows into maturity, that it can be a line that can dominate the serengeti plains and that's why I always encourage my students to play with a variety of belt types and and spend the majority their time with less belts for development purposes. When you get
Closer to a competition, you obviously want to change that. You wanna be getting more competitive senses of hard work, but you must learn to divide up your training cycles and to non competition cycles, where your presumably working with people who were slightly lower levelling yourself, in some cases, quite a bit lower than yourself, and then competition cycles, we are working with people much closer to your unskilled level. there, something to be said about the flip side of that, which is when you're training people the same skill level being ok losing to them. You have to see. Training for what it is. Training is about skill development, not about winning or losing you ve got it You ve gotta, understand that. You don't need to win every battle, you need to win the battle that count and they did the battle.
Count or in the world championship finals gave that that's the one that counts, think about that win, Ok, that's when you gonna be remembered for you, Gonna be remembered for the battle you lost on tuesday afternoon at three p m in some nameless Jim with some guys it. No one cares about No one's going to remember that you're going to be remembered for your peak performances, not your everyday performances, focus your every day, performances on skill development, so that your peak performance as you can focus on winning in just this- is not a therapy session, but Fuck, you just be every sessions of the resolution. There is still. an ape thing in there. Of course, you think I don't feel it. You think it every one in the room, doesn't feelin because Example, you never seen mural wonders people, you know.
Seen the look in people's eyes when they see me train and they I could see- maybe it's me projecting, but they think I thought you were supposed to be good. This is to be a black belt. like that look? Their legs can only I'm gonna give you some therapy. Ok, do you know how many people have come up to me over the years who visited The training halls where I work in and they but to make a man. I voted with gary tone. I get really well like like really well, I'm like all this very, very good, very impressive. and then I see them talking to their friends like man. I kept I'll carry taller and I'm sitting in going here and you can see
see that it is time whoa dude. I am I'm way better than I thought I was gary toner and all of my students do I put him in the direction of of giving up bad position, so they practice working. going out of critical situations, the huge brought about training programme, but gary tone it Except to a level that just no one else even gets close, it's it's just amazing, like he will put himself in impossible situations where it's a fully locked strangle one hundred percent on. with both his hands behind his back and he'll, try to work out from there and seven times out of ten he does, but three guns had attained. Ten gets caught. He I'm a huge advocate of handicapped training. Will you handicap yourself to work on skills? He's took that too hot to a level that few people
I believe, a good match. I just wonder what is psychology is light because it goes back to what we talked about. Four legs. You have to understand its skill development. Don't take it personally. I understand, I know you're here where you come from, we ve all got what you called the ape reflex where we want to be dominant again. We ought to possess thousands of but out there that have tab gary tone it. You know walking around and their people say no mind. I tat gary turnin like gary tones like one of the best in the world, so I'm one of the best in the world and this gary upset about there's no, of course, not because Gary knows that when it counts on stage he's gonna be going a hundred percent with a set of skills that very few people can match. He can go into an epa overtime, overtime at two o five pound wait: division, Jensen, eighty cc champion starting a full omelette position and effortlessly get out with no
in seconds because he's been in that situation, twenty five thousand times varying degrees of skill opponents and there's just no panic, no fear he's just doing what is done many thousands of times and that's fine, fine exam well the guy who didn't give a damn what happened in the training room, but when it counted on the stage in front of the cameras it it kicked in yeah he's he's an incredible inspiration. Actually, I is he's a practitioner, something you've recently talked quite a bit about which is the power of escaping sort of bad positions I think you ve talked about it, which is really interesting. Framing is escaping back, Positions is one of the best ways, not the best way to demonstrate dominant psychologically over your opponent that anything
they throw you like that, Weapons are useless against. There's a little bit of legs. Friedman kicking through question. Your your obsession with dominance is some when you're therapies therapy says I'm coming from arresting perspective. I think it's not Lastly, my things down gable, I think its dominant the gary tone. An ethic is goes against everything, rush things about. You never put yourself in a bad position and the fact that this it it's philosophic get an ode to do with it. It's a total referring meaning of showing dominance by escaping any bad position. Now, let's talk about the idea of what what what
What is the value of escapes wide away put this in, as is the first skill that every kid as his student must master and believe it or not? Ah, when I talked about how it pertains to dominance, that's it smallest value, its greatest value has nothing to do with dominance castle with confidence. You can train someone and teach them take me Until you're blue in the face, but at some point the athlete in question
has to go out there on the stage and pull the trigger when the time is right. What's gonna give you that ability to go from the physical skills that you have learned to execution under pressure is confidence. I always talk about skill development. Endears skill development is the absolute bedrock of my training programmes. But you can't finish at that level. There has to be something more than that and you have to go for the physical element of skill and psychological element of confidence. I can t you and amber all day. You can get to a point where you can flawlessly execute.
And drilling and even in a certain level of competition. But if you believe. that in attempting an arm bar on a dangerous opponent with good god passing skills, say the ombudsman performed from god position that if the yamba fails and your opponent uses that failure to sit up strong pass and get into a aside been possibly into the mount, and you don't have the ability to get that side pennell mount. You won't pull the trigger on the amber, and so, even though he had all the requisite physical skills to perform the technique push came to shove and the critical moment came you back down. You didn't pull the trigger building. That confidence is the key
the championship performance in this single best way to do it is take away the innate fear that we all have of bed outcomes that man says naturally risk of this. When you don't leave, you can be pinned when you don't believe you, god can be passed. You'll take risks, he's no downside directions and untenable person and and an possible person doesn't have much to fear and a jujitsu match. You can come out and fight with all guns blazing because the at the end of the day, no one's gonna You don't know, what's gonna party god, that's your first two goals and you did too do. The most boring gulls do not exist into line, and no one was the comment if this metal, the gig an apprentice escape more than a year of your life against and gone, you kidding me, but that's what you gotta have that your first skill And that's where I push upon all of my students: you'll see almost all of them
very, very strong and escape skills? They know that if things go wrong, they can always get out, they can is lived to find another day, and that is what gives them the ability to attack without fear. I think they're so profound and so rare it so rare to hear this, I think, is because it's the most painful thing to do always ask yourself When you entered you too, to match, you already know ahead of time. if you're going to lose, how going to lose. ok, there's only number of realistic submissions at work in the sport of jealousy the number is very small. So, ahead of time you already know the most likely methods submission loss, and you too are gonna, be things like yahoo toolbar
it strangle, guillotine, etc. Sarah just walk backwards from that knowledge, so start off learning how to defend all of those things, You know what the major losing positions are injured itself August mounted on you, re amount, sigh control, barely those positions you didn't lose from so worked backwards from there out of those positions and that's why, they start. I always say with my students, I teach beginners from the ground up and I teach experts backwards. what does it mean when a young student comes to me, but no skills they learned from the ground up? out on their backs defending pins. Then they start on the banks will from half guy bottom in on it backs working from variations of god. They didn't get to see top position until the strong off their backs. Then they go onto the knees and they stop passing start standing in passing and then they
depends and transitions Ultimately, they stand up to their feet and they work standing position on their feet. So they work from ground back on the floor to ground he's on the floor, ground, standing and in both athletes? Danny is a gradual progression over time with a work from the bottom to the top. With regards experts, I teach them in game first, they must become very, very strong and what finishes the match, which is submission, halts, okay in cis We always talk about in game. I do the same thing and judaism. I start experts just looking at the mechanics of breaking people and all submission holds rotate. You should know that I teach only a very small submission halls around six. It's interesting, My students have by far and away the highest submission rate in contemporary. You did
But they only learn around sixty seven submission halt. I start them with mechanics with a loon the end game, how to break someone once they develop in their mind. The belief that if the conditional is they can get to one of those six positions. Does a very high likelihood no win if they truly believe in When its competition time tell fucking find a way to get those positions as confidence, but if you don't believe, let's say you leave. Man forget to a finishing position and armbar bar strangle. Zonia get twenty percent chance of where the hell are you gonna fight to get to that position? If not, why why would you
if you believe, is a ninety eight percent chance. If you get to that position, your finish, your find a way to get there and is so powerful there are certain things it may become. due to a little bit? Is the there's a clock, choke for people listening is with glee when a purple or one person is not turn position in that crouching position, and this is, something is done in judo quite a bit, but I have does matter with. technique is ever believe, my head, that there is not If the person in the world that I can't choke with that clock choke, I forget leaf to her and I've done that and that it was a built on itself. The belief if made the technique better and better and better now onto something. That's executive Mindset there I'm trying to coach, but that's the one. You have to believe that
I can't, go to see up somewhere like that and then at step one. But then you have to greatest system, but it is an important step. So you the end game first and then you fill in the details afterwards, yet as a huge conference bowler, but I have to say that detour it and it makes me sad, but I think I'm not alone. I think I'm majority of judges to people like this data and didn't do the beginner step you talk about, which is the focus here. scapes. I think I learned the wrong lessons from being from losing I remember a bluebell competition long ago, but I was I think I was the final of atlanta ivy, J, f tournament and there's a purse. pass my guard. And he took mouth, and He stayed amount for law
time and I couldn't breathe, It was like one of those things where I was truly dominated. I dont think been dominated Egypt. Judges match quite like that, before or after and the lessons learned from that. I'm not gonna, let like, as opposed to working on a school, If I'm not gonna, let anyone pass my garden. What you learn is don't take risks don't take residues, which is ultimately what it kills. You ultimately begun. Best, you can you gonna take risks as they say, nothing risk nothing. Gain. Failure usually makes us even more. Sk first and we start were already mentally bias. being human beings in that direction and failure. is to reinforce that. I work My training programmes to train correct that fault. Is it still possible for person was a blackboard to do then just go
at the beginning journey, I guess, was. Let me tell you something: I'm probably gonna catch a lot of flag saying this. I have a belief I won't say something I wake up call knowledge does not known, but I have a fervent belief. human beings. In most skill, David he's not all school activities, but I will say, combat sports for sure. Can we, in vain themselves and five year period now you might be same my view, what's magical, that five years. MIKE tyson was thirteen years old when he was taken my custom customers by the age of eighteen. He was beating. World class boxes in the gym and had already made a strong Name for himself and international boxing
there's already unknown figure was five years. Yeah see here, your master, the judah player began judo at thirteen. He placed silver in the all japan's at seventeen. I could go on all day with examples of athletes who, within a five year, timeframe of starting a sport, were competing world championship level in view of rough and ready definition of sport. Mastery again, I believe that if you can play a complete. It is a match against someone reigned in the top twenty five and your support, it's a serious international sport, Call you someone who's master, that sport. Ok, you get your damn good
if you can go with number twenty five rest or in the world and gives him ah ha had competitive mentioned Jimmy may not when it, but you know they had a good work out. You have. show and mastery of wrestling. Or indeed any other combat sport you care to name. There are numerous examples of people doing far better than that in five years, winning metals. World championships and even olympic games in that five year period. This is not an unrealistic go, there is a lot of them. miracle evidence to show that people have done this in the past. A lot of it very few, fully immerse yourself as sport with a well worked, well plain training programme. There is a mountain of evidence to show that in a five year period, even go from.
a complete beginner, two very, very impressive school level to appoint we competitive with some of the best people on the planet. You can reinvent yourself in these five year period, what happens with most people get to a certain level when they get complacently, get lazy and they just keep doing same old thing. I've been doing, but if you're diligent in your purposeful five years, you can accomplish for one, and as I see it is a mountain of evidence to show by the way mall aside, somebody the merchant overseeing a marsh it. In the same conversation you're, one of the most impressive people have spoken too, but as the small side. So if there is complete beginner, this is really interesting. There is empirical evidence that you can achieve and cry but things in a short amount of time. Hop, there's a complete
understanding before you and that beginner has fire in their eyes and they want to achieve mastery wordy place. Most of the credit for for a journey that does achieve mastery. Is it this set of ideas they have in their mind? Is it the the set? drills, are the way they practice. Is it genetics and luck? Hmm, what are? Those are all good science. All of those factors you've mentioned, play a different role. Let's start with luck, Mccain and we are all subject to fortune and fortune can be good and fortune can be bad. Life is in many ways beautiful, but life is also tragic, and I've had students who show enormous promise and just tragic events occurred in their lives
The vicissitudes of fortune can be a wonderful thing. Wife, and they can be a terrible tragedy of had students who died for various reasons. He could have gone on to become world champions students who, on a much lighter noticed, fell in love than this one, It gives an move away and that this is a wonderful thing, but different direction you just never know so, luck does play some wrong. Even things like we're, your boy the location of your physical, location in the world or even the socio economic location can can play a role which could be detrimental or favourable. So yet luck does play some role. Thankfully, it's one of the smaller elements and I do believe that a truly resource for mine can overcome majority of what for
controls at us in and get to gulls, provided you sufficiently mentally robust, other things he mentioned genetics. I do believe in certain sports. Genetics really do play a powerful power, role of, for example, and any sport where power out put an reaction, speed ability to it. physical damage. Then There are genetic elements which will help gave, for example, I couldn't imagine a world in which, even if I have a crippled legs up, even if I grew up in a world where my leg was was normal. I had no legs and everything was fine. My body, I don't believe that
could win the olympic gold medal in one hundred meters sprinting, for example. Okay, I just don't have enough fast twitch muscle fibers, but the more a sport involves skill and tactics, the less you will see genetic playing a role. If you look at the middle poems in jujitsu, for example, you will see that no one body type is definitively superior to another. You'll see variation of body type and the middle platforms, and indeed it is skill and tactics become more and more important and things like just power output, overtime, less and less important. Then you will see that term genetics by less and less of a wrong. I'm I'm happy to say that this board, you too the apron seems pretty clear that there's no one dominant body type and swore Judith. Rather these just advantages for one type and his advisers for another.
This had to learn to tailor your games. Your boy. As regards a training programme, yes I with all my heart and all my soul, that your training programme does make a difference of dedicated my I have two that obviously I'm biased in this regard, and I do believe that all of the students that I taught who became world champions would have been. Wait, athletes, whether or not they met me or not. I believe that, but I do We also believe it would have taken him a lot longer and they may not have gotten to the level that they did. They I'm sure they would have been impressive, but I do believe that the nature of a tree The programme plays an enormous difference. I dont mean to say this in an arrogant where believe it, this again. A mountain of events to see suggest. This is true because you see in many different sports. Let's talk, for example, about your country, russia and its wrestling programme.
Russia is an enormous country, but the location where russia wrestling programme comes from, is actually very small and the population is actually very small. I can't verified this, but I was told once had I can't verify but the number of people who wrestling russia is actually significantly smaller than the number of people who wrestle and united states with us in our part of the school us at length- and it is in the united states- is the that's. A different point will come back to write to the excess, also an important point, but we look at the actual numbers of people there, actually pretty small, so ostensibly ever comes onto a numbers game. America should dominated the olympics. We had more restless now. This is the story is more com gave him his american has a different style of wrestling, the collegiate style than the international freestyle. That is complicating factor, but none the less
what you see there is it numbers on everything rather The manner in which people are trained clearly has an impact and. We know very little about the this very reliable information about the training programme for wrestling enough in the russian states. But One thing is incontestable as the amount of success they headed international working. In shipping olympic competition, they are disproportionately successful despite their relatively small numbers. There's nothing genetically special about them. You can talk about. Performance enhancing drugs, but those of a worldwide phenomenon? This they don't have any. Access to technology that the rest of the world doesn't have some point. You gotta start asking: what are they doing differently in the training room and
There are many other examples of similar situations. My country, new zealand, has an insanely successful rugby programme, the sport of rugby, which they have We need it for literally generations, despite the fact that our population is very, very small compared with as the country and we don't excel in many other sports. It usually does. Fairly well in sports overall, but thing like they do in, and rugby and but ask yourself: is there a cultured there which puts built this up and the world is full of examples of seamen? small and unpromising areas or locations putting out disproportionately high numbers of successful athletes, and that points to the idea that different training programmes have
its success rates, and so I truly believe with all my heart, nor my soul. That you train does make a significant difference. I would even go further and say it makes the most difference is it be? Anything absolutely not with already talked about fortune, would talk about genetics, If you want to get nasty, you can even talk about things that performance enhancing drugs. That obviously plays a role in modern sports, and but I do believe that the majority of of what creates success is the interaction between the late and the training programme. Now the training programme is one thing I do believe it the single most important, but right behind it is the athlete themselves. Okay and in my own experience, people talk about athletes that I've trained successfully, but they never talk about athletes that train unsuccessfully, and always remember that for every champion a coach produces.
there's a hundred people. Have they coached it? No one ever heard Of- and this is completely normal, a coach can never take the lion's share of the credit. A coach creates possibilities, but it's the athlete who actualises the possibilities and so building that report and finding the right. People to excel in your training programme is also a big part of it. What makes the difference between the successful yours, successes in your failures as a coach, a range of reasons, the single most important is persistence. People will point all kinds of virtues amongst athletes disguise the most courageous disguise the strongest as these are all virtues, but the one indispensable virtue is persistence,
the ability to stay in the game long enough to get the results you seek? But what is persistence really look like if you can just break apart part a bit it's actually. This is a great question you're asking because most people see it as a kind of simplistic Doggedness swedish show up every day. That's not it the most important form of assistance systems of thinking which looks to push you in increasingly efficient, more and more efficient methods of training. Famously people talk about the idea that the hardest, of all is hard thinking and their absolutely right. Ok, coming into the german, is doing the same thing for a decade isn't going to make you better. What's going to make you better? Is grace of train over time. We you identify clear goals, marked out in time increments, three months six months, twelve months five years and build
those short term goals into a programme of long term goals, making sure that the training programme change over time. So there's your skill level rises. The challenges we face in the gym become higher and higher. Don't kill him at the start, with challenges that are too hard. you would think it discouraging leave, build them slowly over time, but make sure they don't just get lifted, swamp where they just doing the same thing. They were doing three years ago and I get bored and is too you can leave and Jim you can leave from adversity was too tough We can learn from bottom, everyone talks about the first. No one talks about the second most be but when they get the backbone they get bored know what their game as they know, what they got in and nobody not good at when they compete. They stick with what they good nay, boy, what they not good at and they get bored, they reach a plateau and that's it. My whole thing
is to make sure it's not so tough at the start that they leave because of the diversity and then for the rest, They create a make sure it's not boring, so they leave because of boredom travesty, as she said, something that changed way, see: training He set aside comment, but he said that at the end of a training at the end of a good training session, your mind should big I said now, your body. and down I've. My life saw good training sessions. Were my body was exhausted. He is, I believe, that the case with most people yeah. You should come out of the training session with your mind, buzzing with ideas like possibilities for tomorrow. And by the way. On that note, I would go further and say that The training session doesn't finish when your body, stops moving finishes when you mind stocks moving and your mind shouldn't stop moving after this
this new should be analysis. What do I do? Well what right do badly? How could I do better with the things that I did well in ask about something that I truly enjoying, I think, is really powerful, but most people don't seem to believe in that, but is drilling. I don't know, maybe are different, but I love the idea, maybe even out digital of doing the same thing. Over and over it sake, dream. The sushi. I love doing the thing that now but he wants to do in doing it ten times a hundred times a thousand times more than what nobody wants to do. So I am a huge Fan of drilling, obviously I'm not a professional athlete, but I feel like if I actually gave myself if I wanted to
be really good at you just like reach the level of being in the top twenty five. When I was much younger like really strive, I think I could achieve it by drilling hm. That's I had this belief untested. Can you. Challenge, this idea or or the first of fascinating. However, we're going to have to disagree, no, no okay and we're just going to have to start to understand what are we talking about when we talk about drilling? It's a very vague term ok. If at this moment many of your listeners probably thing having the same thought process, which is it all drilling yeah, I know what that is. We go to the gym and
you pick a move and we practice it for a certain number of repetitions, and if I do that, I'm going to get better at the technique. Okay and they're wrong- we've got to have a much more deep understanding of what the hell we're talking about. When we talk about drilling, ultimately any movement in the gym it doesn't Improve the skills you already have or build new skills is a waste of time wasted, resources. Everything you do should be done the aim and the understanding that this is gonna make me better at the sport? I practice if it's not shouldn't be that the majority of what passed
Four drilling in most training halls will not make you better, including some of the most cherished forms of drilling, which is repetition, the numbers, the moment you say to someone. I want you to do this a hundred times. What are they really thinking about volume? This ain't, ok, repetition. Seventy eight, eighty, twenty more ago, all they took their primary thought process is on them. That's not the point of drilling the point. Is he'll acquisition when people drill don't get them focused on numbers, get them focused on mechanics, that's what they have to worry about. I never had my students profit for numbers ever
if you want truth or get the fuck outta here hitting me, I know you're gonna get better with that: okay get them working on the sense of gaining knowledge. That's my job! I have to give them knowledge. I have to explain them what they try to do? That starts them on the right track, but knowledge is one thing: skill is another if you did, it was just about knowledge, then The sixty seven year old, red bout will be the world champion. They're not. Is it isn't one by knowledge is one by skill. Knowledge is the first step in build. skill. So my job as a coach is to transmit knowledge. Then I have to create any programmes with a path for knowledge to polished skill is carried out
that's the interface between me and my students, and so I give them drills where the whole emphasis is upon. getting a sense. We they understand what are the problems they try solve and working towards practical solutions. They never work with numbers. They work with mechanics and feel Then you have to bring in the idea of progression when you drill the zero resistance, when you fighting competition, there's a hundred percent resistance. Can't go from zero to a hundred. There has to be progress over time where I had them work andrew, those with slightly increasing increments of resistance, and
as we talked about earlier with the weightlifter who doesn't start with five hundred pounds, but it begins with the bar and in overtime. The skills that one day out there in the future. He will live five hundred pounds so to their duty. tell me that you're working on today's feeble and pathetic that five, So now you, when a world championship with it, you can't Have this naive idea of drilling as something you just come out do right only pick a move and you work for non. It is until you satisfied a certain set of numbers or your coach threw at you and then think you're going to get better. These even dangers with drilling There is no performance increase! That comes once get to a certain level and you just keep doing the same. Damn thing, let's say, for example,.
You come out and you hit a hundred repetitions of the ombudsman. do you tell me from god position and you're all proud of yourself, because you hit one hundred repetitions and your body's tired and you're telling yourself man I got a worker, and you come tomorrow. You do exactly the same thing. You come in after that in a week, goes by it and the same thing. Then a year later, you do the same thing. Ask yourself Your duty, tommy, really gotten better, no performed, literally thousands and thousands of repetitions you of speed. An enormous amount of training, time and energy that could have gone in different directions on something which didn't make you any better drills. Have diminishing returns? Once you get to a certain skill level, if you just keep hammering on the same thing in the same fashion
and for the same amount of time you stop getting better? Can I partially for fun partially for those algebra partially because actually believe this pushback on some points? Is it possible that at everything he said, I think, is beautiful incorrect but. the asking yourself, the question am I getting better is really important one you could do that in training. Is there set of techniques, may be a small subset of all the techniques that orange jitsu, where you can have significant skin acquisition, if you put in the numbers or the time whatever, on a technique against an opponent who's, not resisting here's, let me elaborate
what I've in my maybe I'm different you'll, probably have to furnish an example. Yes, let me first make a general statement that I can give examples. The general statement is, I found that through repetitions- and this is high repetitions- How come I will training, but high repetitions in is a non resisting opponent. I've gotten understand the way my body moves the way a play. Pressure on a human, because it's not exceed zero resistance. The opponents, the laying their there still keeping our legs up there still doing then they might, I be resisting, but there still creating a structure is not. And not a dynamic differs indian target. Yet with not dynamic, so you can't master the timing of things. They can master the not master, but I felt like I could gain an understanding of how to apply pressure to the human body
over thousands of repetitions now, for example, a judge's just to give you an example to denote to y'all talking about, There's a guy named saw her barrel and she shot jihad barrel that have this, I guess the priority for gap at the headquarters position or something like that, but Putting pressure as you pass guard like medium passing distance kind of pressure, I've did thousand repetitions of that to understand what would putting pressure on my hip, feels like to truly understand a moment I felt like I was getting much better. It's a think. It's hard to put into words, but that's cool acquisition. Is it's so subtle just the way you turn your little my kids, but you already talking about a beautiful drawing now you you're going beyond the basic numbers and you're getting the sense of feel mechanics, which is what we want and drive. But the reason I say numbers and maybe to speak to this, but the others might be no cd thing, but
it allows you to take a journey that doesn't just last week, two weeks but a journey. Will you stay with the technique for two three years and measured dedication to it, where its long term commitment to wear your forcing yourself, the perhaps as other mechanisms, but you're, forcing itself to stay with a technique longer than most people around your staying with whatever their working on and you that long journey and the new, were somehow enforce that persistence in that medication. First thing: debt journeys, wonderful thing and if that technique is at a crucial part of what you do. In its time well invested, but always understand, it becomes an opportunity cost that by spending that amount of time on it won t need you sacrifice, other things that you could have wounded loan to the one you matches so understand at every focus upon
one element of the game comes it opportunity, cost of other elements now, as long as you're playing a part of the game, with this is central to what I do. Yes, locate. That's fine, but Tom just be aware of the danger of opportunity cost at something. No one talks about on the training room, but it's it becomes very important. Secondly, the other question you have to say, Asking yourself is ok. That training clearly had benefits for you early on, but when, point of diminishing returns? That's coming! If you feel you just doing the same thing, then it's time to switch now, if you feel you still getting benefit from it by all means continue. That will be a call on your part, europe. You ve been playing this game a long time now, so I would trust your call on that, but my job A coach is that look out and say: ok, this kid's been working. cross. She grammy for six months I feel, is gone to a good school level. If he stays in,
further on it, the opportunity cost becomes greater than the expected benefits of continuing it, and that's my job as a coach is to direct things in that fashion. If I can do a good job with that, and I can take them to the next drilling and stamping it up and that's how I keep progress over time. My biggest fear is to have students run passed. The point of diminishing returns, stained stagnant. Where are we unity costs comes in and then not making the progress they could in the time that they be working in that was, it was almost a philosophical question for me. That's what I was. I was in a search on cause. I know my mind is likes drilling I don't like relying on other people for improvement, and drilling. Allows me to do something that that That is certainly something like what you say: don't like relying on other movement drilling, but in drilling you
we do rely a lot on your partner one of the first things I do when I coach people, as I teach them how to drill like that. On itself and drilling is, in a sense, the opposite of spain drilling is a cooperative venture. Will you work as dance partners Complementing each other's movement, if I draw with gold ryan, and I want him to work on boss, I'll move, my body in ways which make it an interesting exercise for gordon and I'm not just sitting there, and he does a repetition and I'm ok. He does ten and I can't wait for this to be over, so I can do my tent and I can't wait for all the spirits who can despair and get over with all this bullshit and that's the sad truth. most drilling and it there's a sense in which, when good people drill it's like watching. Good people dance they
move in unison and complement each other's movement to make each other look better sparring. On the other hand, is the exact opposite of that? That's resistance. Will you try make those person look as bad as possible and once you understand it, front directions and which drilling inspiring, go. That's when things not getting interesting saw getting fast progress, he had just yeah see right. I think. was not very eloquent, describing what I mean I found myself not able fine and suggested to many people. There are willing to dedicate a huge amount of time. Regular technique, I concur with you on that legs now onto the interesting question. Why why and you get people to drill with you by way, if I could just shut out the people there, drove me, is usually bluebell women because their smaller they don't like training, because they get their ass, kicked consumers smaller,
They are willing to improve, invest significant amount effort into into training. That's that's good, but the motivation for doing so is not good Well, yes, but we accept your motivation for joining this cause. You don't want to get your ass kicked and all the good malachi felt ever. I could never find a blackbelt that I could draw with like this this, the now, let's go back to their question. Yet why I do this, I I I'm somebody who likes to say nice things about people. So let me answer for yoga two reasons, because they find a boring and, secondly, pass more importantly, that I believe it works does a good answers, and now let's go further and ass. The truly interesting question: why did they believe that. if I were to answer in the context of
it's the rustling. We're drilling is much bigger. Part is, I think, culturally, that was knowledge that everybody tells each other in jujitsu that are drilling doesn't work because they never taught how to drill. No one ever sits you down one day and says okay. This is how you drill, And so the exercise feels futile, the field is still live, is going up their own associate drilling with increased school level. They associate sparring what increased skill level, but not drawing, which is a tragedy, because it is a fantastic way to introduce and expand the repertoire of developing Cuba is an essential part of every word. I teach I always say that again she had to begin with origin, builds up the skill. who is the one of his greatest skill in nine times out of ten, so to me as a true
actually that what you're saying breaks my heart to hear that you couldn't get a black belted drill with you. That's that's shameful and a baton, descent. I I I I sympathize with those black belts to be is the way in which most people are told to drill does feel ineffective, and it is damn boring said rather. Bar, they feel they get more out of the work and in its heads, if anything in indict and upon most of the training programmes around the nation, Would you say that drilling if you are to build a black belt while champion or drilling, be, what percent of their time We then the entirety of their career would be drilling good great question. Let's first put a proviso, one at that. I don't do the same thing. for all athletes, everyone's gonna, different personality and like Nicky rod. I can only hold his attention for two minutes at a time and gary tone in five minutes
gordon rhine, five hours like Joe saint pierre five hours, Travis Stevens five hours. They are, the laser focused, so everyone's different. Let's put it down as offers proviso, You probably knew those answers already on salaries, but as a general rule if I run a two and a half hour class, you expect an hour and a half of it to be. I'm gonna use a drilling, but I am also going to say that this is too complex restored. It too give now with words, I would need to demonstrate it but the way redress is not your standard method of drawing an innocent sparring, but if you could mutual, between a bare drilling partner, inspiring. I can make the same choice that most light bulbs make bizarre go aspiring good you can create,
dealing with it with an aspiring environment like good. Really is a wonderful thing. Bear drilling is worthless wasted time. Ok, before. I remaining questions to you, but I have to ask: can you with described the fundamental jitsu. Can we describe the principles, the fundamentals of one of the eu thanks systems developed, which is the lead gluck system, you anything, but cologne or just like a general understand what are some of the major principles of it, what
it's like me, coming to mere mortal massage in asking, can you describe the principles of sword, fighting and you're too generous? And let's start off with some context, and when I began the the sport of jiu jitsu, I was taught and a fairly classical approach to jujitsu, which leg locks were a part of it, but not it emphasized part of it and the overall culture of the times. As the mid nineteen nineties, the overall culture of the time sore leg locks as a largely ineffective it was. We were told that against good opposition. They just didn't work very well. There were low percentage techniques. We were also told that they work two unsound because of you,
came to germany lost control of the leg lock your point would end up on top of your in some kind of good position and you'd be in terrible trouble and we are also told that they were unsafe, that if they were applied in it, gender bethought him any injuries and people we barely hurt. and down, that was the received wisdom of that time, and so I didn't even would work with the middle and though it be shown occasionally in the gym and you'll learn them killed them and better. sparring, I showed no interest. You. We know that change. When I met the big american rapid dean, lester Early in his career was using achilles locks with considerable cs. I met him in the gym, wonderful, fella, and again he looks like a straightforward sets. Great. Yes, Damn he went home to me.
I'm a hooker and went to eighty ccs later on this career, but we We never met again after after that. that opened some doors of inquiry and when he asked us first principles question is. Why would you only use half the body? in a game which enabled honest you embody perfect sense, so that open doors to two inquiry and if you looked around the jews who were at that time the number specialized leg lock is was very small. And most of them were from outside of conventional jujitsu For example, we could look around and see people like romena sought, overhead shop leg locks that time period. The ninety nineties so we're out there they existed, and you see me like king shamrock. What would you say
your hopes in competition and hit him some good success with them? when I began experiment with it in the gym fairly soon, certain truths started to become evident, and the most important of these can be understood very quickly and they were relatively easy. we discover. The first was that most people, when they went to understand and study, blogging and when I talk about leg, locking I'm going to talk about one specific time, which is the most high percentage type. This is legal acts which are performed with entanglements of your opponents legs with you. there are other forms of leg long, but these are relatively low percentage and don't forget heavily petitions all I'll ignore them most people,
made no distinction between the mechanism of control. is the mechanism of breaking the heel hook is what ultimately breaks the the angle, but the makers of control is the entangling aunt of your legs to your opponents legs, the japanese too. As she grew around me literally just means that leg entanglement at a generic term can apply to any form of entanglement. There are many options. Ah, my idea was its focus on the entanglement first and worry about the breaking mechanism. Second This was analogous to the idea of position before submission only you couldn't talk about it in terms of conventional positions, because I should go around me, doesn't really fit into the traditional hierarchies. Positional hierarchy subdued it's. So the day the conversation with switch from position to submission to control, to submission? Now.
Repping to have your legs around one of your opponent's legs. Getting many different options. You can do it with your feet on the outside circled. Fifty fifty variations can do with your feet on the inside and and form what will go inside foot position and pros and cons to both these also methods of harmonizing the two so have one for on the inside of one foot on the outside. You can do it with a straight leg where you, If you're hooked from the outside, we can bring the leg across your scent line, and your hook from the inside. You will start to notice as you work through these different variations that some present advantages over others. All of them come at a price some degree, regardless of which are she grammy option, you use they'll, be sought, degree of foot exposure on my part to my opponent and some degree of back exposure on my part relative to my pony. That's the deal
side of it. Variations within those different issue grammy enable you to listen danger in some respects and at the price of gaining dangers and in others, so he gets wider. Choices does not kind of simplistic hierarchy that you see in the basic positions of unity, but there are hierarchies. I do, for example, generally favor inside he hooks over outside. He hawks. If I feel my opponent is very good at exposing my back while I'm in ass, you were only. I generally prefer fifty fifty situations. If I believe my opponent has varied The counter leg logs, I generally prefer my feet on the inside working with variations of inciting cargo, etc, etc. So they're a broad here is the rules that we can give to work in these situations.
once he sought to understand this of Iraq. Parity of and change what's even use, then you suck really interesting ideas that, as you perform one given attack one given he'll hook, you can flow through different forms of our she grammy. Where you can quit new dangers and avoid. Possible le pitfalls in a very short timeframe as he switch from one issue grammy to another over time, so it as your opponents lie resistance to an initial attack change, you can accommodate those by switching You another form of ashes on, so that your mechanism, control is always pointing in opposite directions of his escape, and if we focus on this of control through the legs. You can completely change the nature of lake locking and take
away from what it was in the nineteen nineties and opportunistic method of attack based upon surprise, speed and power one based on control. If you can do this, you can. Undermine. Many of the basic criticisms of lake locking, which were prevalent. When I began the sport it you did, for example,. If I can completely control and mobilise you, I can perform the lock very, very safely if my only way of breaking your legs to be faster and more powerful than you ninety at a time when I apply it, I'm gonna hurt your leg is much by it. I is anything, but if I can completely immobilize you and is every attempt you make to escape, I can follow and mobilise you in new directions. Then I can apply the dialogue with as much force was little force as possible, and so you see in our trainee room, despite over it
terribly more than two decades site as dig it in half now of of He woke in using these methods, then if of people severely injured by here. Hoaxes is tiny. I would say, I've seen more people injured by far by key moors in the time up in training that I hit by he looks, I'm having a similar twisting dynamic to them. If you build a culture People focus on control rather than speed, execution. Then the injury goes down appreciably. The whole idea of positional loss- everyone was chris critical legal If you go for lagos and it won't work well now european The guy's gonna be on top of it. They never make it that is where our bars. Ok, you can be an amount. Opposition gave her number end up on bottom lucy amber unloose position, but I've never Could anyone criticise iron on that account? More importantly, I
saved from early on the best place to attack leg logs, not opposition bottom position, You'll see that over ninety percent of my athletes attack blocks from underneath people, not on top of people. So there is no positional you already underneath them, and so that criticism was null and void. By focusing on this idea of breaking down, and english, in between the mechanisms of control and the mechanism of breaking that created something new and something interesting there was also another advantage that I had. terms of creating influence with leg logging. When you look at the great lake legacy of the past, they they were basically icon class, there were people who came out of nowhere who just head this remark. More success with legal ox, but they were just seen, is unique and
dual. They had their game and they were good in what was unique at the score is you head not just one person but a team of people who came out and it pretty much the same thing. These people had very different body types and very different personalities, so it wasn't that one kind of body taught was good at you had told me. Like Gordon ryan, you had short people like Nicky rhyme, you head. someone in the middle like gary tone, and you had fast people like Gary tony had said, people like gordon on their work was every kind of body type involved, and it was like people to see this is different because it worked for an entire team. Opposed to a unique individual. He had unique attributes and scientists Most of the belief it if it can work for a team, it can work for anyone which means it can work for me. I think that
had a big effect is why I owe a lot to those early students, Gordon ryan, gary tone and eighty comings and Nicky rhine than those for kids, came from nowhere. Gary pets sums jason grappling like low level success in grappling before before becoming of. What I remember the squad, but the others which is nobody's, No one, no one, and yet, within a five year time frame they roll going up against world championship competition and doing exceedingly well. Which gives further credence the idea of the five year programme and dumb. Ah, I think by
operating as a team. Those young men did an incredible job of convincing the grappling wanted. This wasn't just about what they just different or there It works through their body type or them as individuals. It was, I know if a team can do it anyway can do it and I think that's what really can people that this is something worth studying This is something that could be a big part of their lives, but The convince you and give us economists, each other Those early days when you're developing the science as essential. Missing is an entire science, a system of use of like locks, because it's not like you knew for sure that there is a lot here to be discovered in turn control you perhaps hadn't, just like you said initial intuition, but you have to have enough there's perseverance,
to our days. The johnny I've thing to take from the initial idea to entire system is: there is a sense you have about hop complicating how big this world of control in the end leg locks is how complicated is it? You have achieved a lot of success. You have love powerful ideas in terms of inside outside. what's high percentage was not what's higher ward was a low risk callers as things and then you also measured, a transitions, not transitions, but how you move. Would the opponent To resist their escape through control How much do you understand about this forget that this is a fascinating question. as a general rule. The most. Powerful developments are away
at the onset of a project. Ok, let's give an example. The jet engine was I believe first conceived in the late nineteenth thirty's. Just round the time a word or two: it was developed with great pace because of world war. Two. Obviously military research was a huge thing. Back then and first fielded, I believe by the germans. In around nineteen. Forty three jet aircraft didn't play a big role. one war two they were there at the end, they did play a significant role but in terms of numbers, they just want there. So by around nineteen, forty five, you had the onset of the jet age and
the jet engine began to replace the pest and engine and most aircraft was. There was the new ways of doing things. If you look at the pace of development, Of jet engine aircraft technology from nineteen, forty five to nineteen sixty it is on believable. There was a solid decade, where they were gaining almost a hundred miles an hour per year for a decade, that's a form of growth that I mean in the world of engineering its hats and eat duty. Let me see growth like edison things like bitcoin, that's about it Ok, let's put things in perspective, ok, um And would or to the standard you is a crop bomber was the bee. Seventeen, which is of. mid size bomber with a fairly limited blow,
capacity, and I think top speed well Three hundred miles an hour. Just ten years later he had to be fifty two which could fly it Ross continents in the living nuclear weapons and great ball, mozilla up to seventy thousand pounds in a decade that happened, I it if you took a b, seventeen pilot and nineteen forty three and put them inside a b. Fifty two a decade later, he would literally think he was on a ufo, a ship from another planet that was the speed of development. Now contrast that, with the speed of modern element fight took you in a time machine, and I put you in civil airliner in Seventy two. They say a boeing, seven, three, seven! It's not that different from what you fly,
today, three flights at the same speed same range flies at the same multitude. It's not a different image. The progress between nineteen, seventy, three and two thousand and twenty is very impressive. but the amount of progress from nineteen, forty, five, nineteen, fifty five for even better nineteen. Sixty with staggering and so the initial progress tends to be meteoric, but after that tends to be in. mental that he said it with leg lungs a guy named isla musk, has been almost development in terms of space rocket, propulsion and rocket launchers. Going out into orbit or going out into deep space. and one guy comes along one. John died type character and says what it doesn't make sense
are we dont use reusable rockets? Why we don't make me cheaper? Why we don't launch every week as opposed to every few years, it doesn't make any sense. While we don't go to them, again over and over and over does making says why we don't go to mars and economise mars. It feels like it's not just the single jumped to be fifty two, it's a series of these kinds of jobs So the question is: is there another leap within the leg locking system time will tell. I do believe that We were in a phase now worthy really big jumps, already being made and where we were in the incremental phase at this point, what I do, leave as that you start to see new directions sought to emerge way. You start the city, to face between leg logging and wrestling, for example, the interface between?
in the leg, locking them back attacks and that will provide new avenues of direction which will provoke, create new spurts of growth and but in terms of a break, in people's legs, this the simple act of breaking legs if you're in the incremental phase now rather than the meteoric, face a mask, a ridiculous question: how hard is it to actually break a leg? It's just something to think about. I remember cause I'm a big fan of the straight foot: lawton, not again what we're talking about to the standing say na it may be my russian roots with samba or something like that. Maybe it's the dean lister an achilles lock, but I I love. Maybe it's my body, something like that. I just loved the squeeze of it. The control and the power of a straight foot lock- and I remembered trying to
If there's a few people, competition that dad didn't wanna tat absolutely- and I remember in particular, there is one one person as again files, mash probable, I remember, goes astray. Foot lock is perfect everything just pay in fact- and I remember going all in in those a pop pop pop- and I couldn't do anything more- it was in breaking it- was it was just bending and bending and bending and there's damage to it of some kind, but I wanted to like you know. I wanted to see first of all, it's very difficult psychologically because It's like can I be violent here thousand the whole nother thing with adrenaline. You can't really think that fast, but also thought like where, where else is there to go like? Is it the shin going to break was was the break. So I wonder, or in the case of the achilles log, it's going to be the anterior to be honest tenant was that that's the way it is that these two of them
be the minor one- runs on the outside of the front of the ankle not going to be the achilles ten intolerable promulgate. This absurdity, the achilles din and can rupture button, not from pressure residence at dinner, the bone zone undervalue the bone won't break. That did not dare I have seen on one occasion a shit. bone break from an achilles law, but there was the enormous size and strength disparity, and there may be another complicating factor to but the vast majority of cases. The achilles, lock doesnt really do tremendous damage it kin do significant damage different feel at the next day. but it's all the major logs, it's the one where it is most likely. A psychologically strong opponent will be able to nor damaging go onto when a match. In answer to your first question, how visits to break a leg, nor very difficult issue.
come down to? What is the skill level of my opponents? Resistance of your opponent is not resisting, and you have an inside heel hook. It is absurdly easy to break a man's leg, not a challenge at all, and you can be a hunt five pound woman could easily snap baby. Of an need- ligaments, at two hundred and forty pound man's leg if he doesn't know how to defend himself, that's an easy thing very easy to accomplish. So the basic answer is yes, it's very easy and Your opponent does know how to defend and they can position if foot play tricks of labour and fulcrum, it become significantly more difficult. It becomes still more difficult under match conditions without actively looking to opposition in body and and walked away out. The locked in it can come very difficult, indeed always bear in mind that there are been some cases in how history, as a team will people who
literally just let the knees snap and continue fighting always remember that submission is a choice when it comes to the joint locks and we ve had some people who just made the choice. willing to let my knee break so that I can kill. Can you in this match it's a tough decisions, Make, and I had my their bravery something about that. Just speak to that. you admire his middle toughness, would I agree with it? Would I advocated no, that doesn't mean I kind of mine aspects of it. Who is the greatest grapple her ever? You were very Astute in the way you ask that question: say the greatest jujitsu plan of all time is specified. Grandma was the bigger cattle.
you did too is the bigger category Judas who has for faces? There is great competition. There is no good competition. There is mixed, martial arts competition, and there is self defence. So, due to his four aspects, grappling clearly refers only to the no gay aspect of judges who sells one out of four possibilities. So who is the greatest judge sue practitioner ever and then who is the greatest grapple ever? I believe that the greatest jujitsu player certainly that I have met and I believe, all time I I I dont want to sound arrogant on that, because really can only with your own experiences, and there are some great athletes. Rather people, mention that I I just never met, so But in my estimation the greatest jujitsu player is harder gracie
My reason for that is out of the four faces. Jujitsu he excelled in three and in two of the moment, peculiar? He was the best of his generation by a landslide in gay grappling novi grappling harder, dominated his generation toward agree that is truly impressive. Would you choose their dominance to buy the ways? There's something if you were to analyze him fascinating question or I'll, come back to it? in mixed martial arts. He was at its peak. Ah, I believe, rank in the top ten, indeed in the world its martial arts, he wasn't the best then, much like the way he wasn't grabbing buddy was damn good. and maybe some significant people so he showed tremendous versatility.
Energy mix, martial arts eyes, not right no one in the world of self defence, but there's no real criteria by which you would become dominant in self defence. So that's kind of gonna be carmody, judge people by then maybe I'm here for you got into a fight in the street and he would do just why so. Heather concerns about that so I would say that if you look at you, that's what I believe. is a sport with four faces. I believe it. You you have to go with hydra crazy. As said one who went out and empirically proved his about it to go across those. elements into extraordinarily well in all of them, and made the m the extraordinary step of coming out of retirement and beating the best The generation that came after him now cheshire, yes, there's a truly difficult arousing credible and sport
which progress is very very rapidly. That's a truly impressive accomplishment. If you asked the queen who is the greatest grabber that I've ever seen. I would say never seen anyone beethoven, gordon right now, people are gonna jump when I give them. two names they're going to say. Well then, her your close friends with hodja and your close friends was gordon, so you're biased, and I I can't answer to that. I it's true. I'm good friends with both I am also a notoriously cold and an emotional person, and I am saying this based upon things that absurd observed, if I honest We believed that I'd seen other people who are better. I would have said it and let's I will that convinced the people who criticize me of bias, probably not, but that those are the two names that I'll
In short, I think is uncontroversial statement to say that gordon rhine as one of their not the greatest scrap wherever you go, It's obviously very polarizing figure and people tend to react to go or not an emotional level rather than a statistical level. and dumb. That causes a lot of people's minds, but I also have the benefit that I've seen both of these guys Extensively in the Jim and at all as a whole, new perspective like if you think. guys are dominant on the stage waiting see him on the gym. It's even a different level of domination above and beyond what they did in competition. Have they train against each other in a job they never trained to get that being in the same jim, I think only on one occasion when roger was stopped by neo, he came back I say hello and gordon was here at the time they they they they shake hands if they know each other, and then they both wonderful people in their own way. So I'd like to talk to you about gordon,
Ah jure and george just be us first talk about what do you think this is very different from my perspective, may be incorrect me, a very dear friend, artists, its masters of their pursuits. So what makes hotter so good, How'd was probably the living embodiment of someone who played a classical jujitsu game based around the the fundamental for steps of jujitsu in and give. If you took someone had taken introduction lessons and you did too for three months, they would recognise the outlines of hodges game. With many other the techniques they learn in those fears. Three months.
how'd. You was the best example of the dichotomy between the fundamentals of jujitsu, but also a kind of hidden sophistication underneath those funding handles people always say all hodges game was so basic, no, the outlines of hodges game what basic, but the degree of support education and the application was extraordinary and his ability to refine existing technology was truly impressive. I never saw anyone in The generation that even came close to his ability both in competition and in the gym people who don't know hydro gracie basic eu, just like you, said, a very simple techniques. On the surface from the outset, if perspective.
that most people learn when they start jitsu capacity are in a very simple way, taking mount and choking from mount. Also, it. When he's on his back this closed, and all the basic submissions from coastguard arm barn triangle and just that's it and being able to dominate, shut down and submit so control and soon met the best people in the world for many many years simply said, including come out of retirement and beating the best, perhaps by far the best of the next generation, so that just carries out the story. Is there some lessons about his systems? That you are learn endeavour the european system, excellent question, the the thing
Joyce impress me the most about harder, was his relentless pursuit of our position to submission. Everything was done with the belief that no victory was worthwhile if it didn't involve submitted his opponent. That's a mine. See that I tried very very hard to imbue in my students the easiest part of victory incidents. It was one which takes the least risk So, for example, you will see many modern athletes focus on scoring the first point on a fourth first it dodge and in doing the minimum amount of work to eke out a victory once had done. They get a small technical advantage. They realize their ahead, take no more risks. just, do the minimum amount of work to get the victory. Hodges mindset was always to take the risky again, but
submission, which entails a lot more work and in many cases of almost skill. What I want liked about harder, as he never try to play tactics it was always just go out there and try to win by submission and that more than anything, the mindset of looking for the most perfect victory, rather than the victory. That takes the least skill in the least if it is probably the listing I took from his career the most and try to work on my students. I always wonder whether the little details he's doing under their when he is in mount the little adjustments, but perhaps that psych almost indescribable the details of that control.
What makes gordon ryan the greatest scrapper of all time so good with gordon also very strong fundamentals, or my students are but he's so obviously a member of a new generation of novi grapple, as it also bringing technologies it We went ready, emphasise in previous generation, specifically the prolific use of lower body attacks, especially from bottom position, This means that he can play a game between up a body and lower body which was not really a pot of hodges game. Nonetheless, you will also see significant similarities. He's got a very strong and crushing passing game to mount a very strong and crushing passing game to the back on.
You will see that the major differences between the two are from bottom position: Hodges bottom. was essentially based run is close god, gordon games based around his butterfly god, so one is based on outside control, one is based on inside control. One focuses most entirely on the classical notion of getting past the legs. The upper body and the other one works between the two is alternatives and sees them is competing alternatives with straw, You become at one the more you phone has to overreact and become vulnerable to the second, so they have strong similarities and top position, but a very different and bottom, has, from another perspective, a com to him in the year in the heat of battle that sake,
this inspiring and confusing is there's something you speak to the psychological aspects of gordon ryan. Is people will talk all day about sport, psychology- and they will often have heated argument- is towards the right psychological state to be, and when you go out, compete, I've never in any one school of thought, which gave noticeably better sports performance than another I've never seen any psychological mindset prove to be reliably, more efficient or effective, and another I've seen fighters that was scared out of their minds when they went out every to fight, and yet they were very successful. I've seen fires go out, who were relaxed? in common. They too can be successful. I've seen both my since, when my seen both mindsets lose, I seen every extreme between them
What I generally recommend with regards your mind and preparation going in find what works for you. Everyone's different Don't try to give a one size fits all in. Something, is vague and confused is the human mind. Having said that, my preference force it on people because everyone's different, but my preference is to try and advocate for a mindset of unexceptional them. Most people see competence is something exceptional. It's not your everyday grappling station. You know you train three hundred times for every time you compete, and so they see competition is something exceptional, different scary. It will never again is it. god watching his cameras. My reputation is on the line, I'm gonna be observed and judged, and so they see it as this.
exceptional event. My general preference is to see it as an unexceptional event to see everything else: the noise, the cameras, the crowd as allusions. Yoni reality as a stage, an opponent on yells out of it and a referee adjudicating you and to make it is unexceptional as possible Gordon does an extraordinarily good job of of doing that. Gordon looks more tents, Emma this training sessions and he doesn't competitions because he knows it. Unemployment is a typically better than that he believes actually going out to compete against and you see it in his demeanor. It's one of this complete com. It also goes back to what we talked about earlier about the power escapes gordon ryan is almost impossible to control for extended period of time in most of the inferior positions in this
and most of the submissions, so he goes out in the full knowledge that worst case scenario. Isn't that bad for him so nothing could really go that badly wrong. He can always recover from any given me They can go on to victory when you believe those things you can have a common demeanor, then if you look at somebody who is quite a different than that your same air who, at least in the way he describes it he's basically exception. early, anxious terrified approaching a fight ago and he loves training and hates fighting and hates fighting? So in thank you said he made it work for him, but you the he somebody. These were highly view, his work to do quite a bit in training and you ve studied him. You ve worked with him. You ve caused him interests. They have actually coach george for twice the lance of any
the score members, so my knowledge of illnesses, fabric than it is for the contemporary squads. Ok speak too. What makes joy saint Pierre, who, I think, even on russian indo, but partial tourist vader in that the russians. But I think he is in the four categories dimension, The greatest makes Marshall artist of all time. What makes him so good as approach has techniques his mind This approach is certainly part of it. George started mixed marshall. At a time when the sport within a pretty wild phase, It was illegal, to show on most american tv networks and down. There was talk about it being banned as sport in his name. canada. It was banned, do good only fight on indian reservations and in Canada I first fighting
I've, been on ending a reservation on so the sport at that stage was very much in its infancy and it's probably fair to say that most of the athletes involved in sport came from. A training program that would probably be described as unprofessional and in in in the contemporary scene George is one of a handful of people who started approaching the sport in a truly professional fashion, who say: ok, here's what great athletes and other sports. Do I'm gonna try to emulate that and his ability to invest in it, self. In my own experience, for example, george at when I first met him was a garbage man and he would jump on a bus from montreal to new york.
I that's a long bus ride. You would come down on Friday afternoon when he finished work is a garbage. Man stay at the weekend and then laid on Sunday night. He would jump on a bus or way back the montreal and work as a garbage man. That's an extraordinary commitment For a young man to make, as and george was above all the time, and so he would come down and we had a very talented room. So he didn't, do well in the room when he first came enemies, inexperience and you did the p went against will considerably better than him it. You did so imagine, investing twenty five percent but you're weekly income, maybe even more new york's, inexpensive town, fifty sent to come down just get your ass kicked month by month, yeah. That says a lot about is: tells you a lot for desolate,
whole idea of delayed gratification. Yeah number, that's that's! The guy who's say like this is highly unpleasant, but I have a vision of myself in the future and I have to go to this extreme case of delay, gratification to get to the distant goal, which may never happen, and that's exactly at the level of commitment and self belief which is just extraordinary. I always laugh when people say you're or Georgia's afraid, so he was mentally weak no, that's that's a very, very shallow understanding. Mental, strengthen weakness on george felt anxiety, but I understand from the start is different kinds of mental strength and the most important kind isn't whether you feel fear or don't feel fear before you step to fight the most important for me,
it was strange, is discipline in training. That's where most people break. I know dozens of people who feel ass, though but you couldn't get them to go into the Jim for three months in our own work on skills, so they may till he strong one way through feel fear they mentally weaken another, which is to instil them the discipline which keeps you wanna road to progress over time. That's much tougher than not feeling fear. you had to fight understand, also that, when george talks about fear, he's not afraid of his opponent, afraid of failure. He's got high standards, someone high standards. Can change The world stand very very high, that's what he was afraid of most famous opponents, and yet it's always
been a misinterpretation, wasn't mentally weakens medley. Strong is an ox gate to stay in his train regimen year after year after year and do so while he became one of the first stars and mix merchandise to actually make money and it gets tough too, in the training jam with people who are young and hungary. One a punch you in the face he you're coming out luxury room living and finery towards the end of his career and still training. His heart is eva. That's an impressive thing and always valued perfection in your right. There was the fear, was not achieving the perfection, something you ve observed about the way he approaches, training that stands out. You just simply the dedication. Now it's never just about dedication. There's lots of dedicated people in the world, but most of them are unsuccessful. If you
would be the best in the world at anything, you have to do out of the many skills of whatever industry urine. You have to take at least one of those skills and be the best in the world. theres many skills and mixed martial arts, but george idea, defied one skill which is the skill of striking to take down. He calls it should boxing shoot boxing I believe in a category of skill. When George began, it was just the idea that restless great people and took them, On the same way, they didn't raise linen damn you through some punched before you did it. George.
largely pioneered the science of creating an interface between striking and take downs. He did it at a time where no one else before him had made it into a system or science. He did it. actually on his own and. I have always said george, the only athlete drive a coached who taught me more than I taught him and. Almost single handedly he created this strong sense of should be seen as a science which enabled him throughout his career to determine where the fight would take place. Would it be standing
or would it be on the ground and that more than anything else was the defining characteristic of a success. I will always be Immensely impressed by his accomplishment in that regard, he wasn't innovator. He did things differently. This is so an important point. You can't go out there in combat sports and do the same things that everybody else is doing and expect to get different results. It life doesn't work that way if you want to be dominant you're, a fine one, important part of the sport and pray, probably more than one and be the best in the war at it? He can't be weak at anything, but you can't be strong at everything either life's not long enough for us to develop a can truly complete skillset. So you've got to be good at everything and you got to be the best at at least one thing and george was the best at two in his era. He was the best it
striking to take down, and he was the best at integrating striking and grappling on the floor. Let me ask you a completely ridiculous question by itself. Saying one for me from an engineering the scientific perspective, when I look at a sport really any problem One way to ask how difficult as this problem is see, how can I build a machine that compete with a human being at that problem? You can look at chess vehicle. Look at soccer robocop in then Look at grappling there's something about when you start to think. How would I build an ai system, a robot, the diff somebody like gordon ryan, were it forces you to really think about formalizing this art, as.
as an engineering discipline. In the same way you do, but you you, you still have some are injected in their there's. No space for aren't we actually have to build. This is that I thought a ridiculous question at the damn interesting question. Let's put aside I'd like a like. I mention, with Boston, dynamic, spot robots People don't realize is the amount of power they can deliver huge. So, let's take that weapon aside, just the amount of force europe. the dollar yeah yeah, I'm glad you specify net. So central. Your question is: can can how group of engineers create a robot which we defeat. Right on the face of it as we display without out the easiest project in the world just create. robots, it carries a nine millimeter automatic and she and five times in the years that gave us a good rise done to death, not using question. The interesting question then
If I understand you correctly, as if we had the ability to create a robot whose physical powers were identical to gordon right, not inferior and not soup Maria, what would it take to create a mind inside that robot tat would be golden rhine and majority of matches yeah and there's two ways to build assistance. This is true for autonomous driving, for example, which had been quite contested recently So one is huge. Basically, one were described as you have a giant. Rules. It's like this tree of rules. You apply different condition when there's a pattern, you see, you play a role in their hard coded in your basic is like john gendarme, our type a character whose tries to encode hard code.
Into the system, all the moves you should do in every single case. Of course, you can actually do that fully, so you're going to be take, a cuts were called heuristics should basically basic kind of generalizations and apply your own expertise, as an expert of in this case grappling see how that can be caught as a rule. Now the other approach you almost contested taken this approach
which is called machine learning, which is, I create a basic framework of the kind of things you should be observing and what are the measures metrics of success and then just observe and see which things lead to success more success and which lead to less success and as a delta, you like when you when you see a thing. First of all, though, machine learning works. As you predict, you see a position where you see situation, and then you predict how good that is, and then you walk how it actually turns out- and if it's worse or butter, you a gesture expectation, says through the process, you can learn quite a lot. The the challenges- and this may be very true challenge in grappling
is in like in driving. You can't crash. So there's a physical world. In chess, for example, or this approach has been exceptionally successful, you can work and simulations. He can have a system that, for example- and it was the as in the case of offers europe by deep michael, was dead, mind. It can play its self and simulation millions of times billions of direct its drive to know it is possible to do that and simulation for for for anything that involves human movement like grappling. So that's my senses. If first look at that card encoding or to try to describe gordon right into a machine how many rules are in their getting on? First of all, let me tell you that one of them
especially any questions have been asked, and I'm tremendously happy to answer this. How about what we do is this. Is it, as is a massive question? You asked, is a huge amount oasis, get very interesting confusing, let's sit some ground rules for the discussion on lakes alluded to the idea of men. If the machine and cis again, I think, that's a really good place for us to start the discussion and I'm going to do this to people, but little bit the history of man vs just to give you guys as some background on this in nineteen sixty There was a party in which a highly rank, not normal jamie, about a highly rank chess player and his name was levy and he met a a computer engineer at a party, And they had a
a light hearted bit that in ten years time frame, a human chess player would be defeated by a. peter now, you remember not. Sixty eight computing power was very very low. The computers that got a marrow The moon were gradually pretty damn from if your iphone would kick all their asses and so computation, Opel was very, very low in those days so internationally. The chess player fully believe that no computer could be him in the tenure timeframe and the other computer engineer was very optimistic that he was wrong and then back ten years the computer would win. Ten years later they had a competition and the human one decisively. In fact, so computational power simply hidden risen to that level. Yet,
through the nineteen eighties computational power increased, but not sufficient to do to get a championship level. Computer programs. Nineteen eightys, which were competitive with good, solid chest players, but not will beat us. Understand, right from the start that there is a fundamental problem here: the number of options that the two players in a chess board can run through is, as normally hi, there are sixty four squeeze on a chess board. The number of possible options that can could work or could play out on it sport, and this is a truly shocking thing for you to think about. The number of possible options is higher Then the number of atoms
then no one universe. Think about that for a second in terms of complexity. Ok, the number of atoms on this table is massive Ok, that is an unbelievably large number. When we talk about a situation where, if a computer had to go to all the options at the onset of a match. They would have to run numbers greater then the number of atoms and then no one universe. The number of gallic these, and the number of in our universe is vast. Ok, measured in the billions like that or Adams, as is the a number. So my boys, implausible okay, so no computer, is ever going to be able to work with those kinds of numbers, I'll get you at that, I didn't even have future generations of quantum computers could could work it with those kind of numbers. So that's the fundamental problem again that the number of options in a in a chest,
just so astronomically large that no computer could ever figure out all the available options and make decisions in a given time. Frank, that's the fundamental problem. So, as licks correctly pointed out, The way you get around this is by the use of high risks. These are rules of thumb which give g. We'll guidelines to action. So, for example- and you did you, I could If you are a general rule of thumb, I don't turn your back on your opponent. Okay, that's a solid piece of advice. There are obviously some exceptions to that rule, but it's a good, solid piece of advice to give at the moment you give that heuristic rule euro not a lot of options. Ok, you ve already told some don't when you back don't turn your back on someone. So a lot of possibilities have just been turned away right. There,
You cut the number of options and half right data by giving one heuristic rule on camp. If you would decent at she has no great but decent, and you knew enough to give say ten heuristic rules You could chop that initially vast number of options down by a vast amount and no you're starting to get to a point where if the computer had sufficient computational power, it could start getting through the number of options in that acceptable timeframe. So that's the general pattern. Of the development. Now things are getting very interesting in the mid nineties nineties, with ibm computer deep, blue, there was agreed, chess champion of the late night. You need is an early nineteen through the naughty naughty skoda. Gary Kasparov, who had been morleys undefeated for dick
in ninety ninety six. He took on ibm computer deep, blue, just correct the record he was undefeated. I thought, as russian gotta get a measly- they get very nationalistic- that they just be careful. These guys deep blue lost the first confrontation I believe in ninety ninety six. It was competitors that lost in a ninety ninety seven, deep blue one. And it wasn't a complete walk over has probably one one of the matches, but they did unequipped deep blue unequivocally. Wonder confrontation. and it was seen as like this watershed moment where a computer beat the best human chess player on the planet, and that was it There is thus no coming back from that I think, you'll be remembered as one of the biggest moments in competing history, is really one. The first time a machine beat a human, a thing that humans really care about in
In the domain of intellectual pursuits, yeah naruto was a. It was a powerful powerful moment now, Not only was at a powerful moment, but things started getting truly interesting from that moment forward. I started having different areas of development. The general, way in which the progresses, from those early start in nineteen, sixty eight old way through to deep blues victory, was of the use of heuristic rules that brought down the number of potential options to a manageable level as computer power increased, then it could make fostering fur. Worcester and wiser and wiser decisions and make them at a rate which no human, even the best human, could keep up what's so that was the general way in which the lead the debate went
but things got more interesting after this, with the advent of computers that, as you pointed out,. Use of so called machine learning there were accompany put out a programme of zero which and look at the basic rule, structures of cheese and in ultimately play itself in trial games, and me, try www assessment of what a good and bad strategies so that wooden, no human intervention, a computer It's not doing remarkable things. Not only did. This company create Elvis
there was some other ones too that they fought not only in chess but in the much more complex asian game of go, which has far more potential options in chester. Five very significant margin is, These machine learning programmes not only easily defeat any human and chairs, but an go as well. And, what's truly remarkable, is they want just beating them when elfish zero took on a rival chest grand which by itself is already superior to any human. It only required for hours, Starting from learning the rules of chess to figuring out how to beat the sick
the most powerful chess program in the world. That's insane. It's literally like taking a human telling the rules of chess. They play some games with themselves for four hours and they go out and be garry kasparov this is like to me. This is a truly exciting development. beyond, even what deep blue did allocates, had excited not terrifying, the bizarre gloody unex idea now things also the exciting in a different direction. There is another possibility which few people for saw after the deep blue episode. This is where a new form of chess started to urge sometimes called cyborg chess or send torches. wish humans. Moderate chest level plain ability, not world champions, just decent banal, great. I guess you might say, like purple, boats intruded alive
themselves with computers, so the humans and computers, Work is a cyborg team. The humans supplied the heuristic inside the computers supplied the computational power, and fascinating Lee they proved to be superior to both the best humans and the best chess programmes. Do you, I did force of human inside with your risks with computers ability to go through numbers it informal rapid for many human could ever hope to do proved to be one of them is combinations and enabled that peering of human and computer to overwhelm both debased single human and the biggest single
computer, that as a whole new level of fascination to this topic. So, due to wine things up here, we ve got this fascinating initial question from links that Europe could there be a computer inside a robot which doesn't have any special physical properties. mind this is mind, because the bodies and engage at the robot is the same de as golden rises, a thought experiment. What would it take to create a mind that would defeat the mind of golden rhine. Based on the chess example, it would appear that this is entirely feasible at some point in the future and in fact I would go further set her. She quite likely, based on what we ve seen from the example of china.
The rate of progress in a lie in the last twenty years is where his dwarfed anything from the previous fifty years and the rate continues to increase, Talking now deliver with machine learning defeating world champions in china, and go in four hours late. Just from honey from the rules of the sport. This is this is gonna be difficult for humans to keep up with now and humans, favour. Could we take gordon ryan and put a chip inside his brain? It created the same I will get figures we saw and sent or chastened cyborg cheers and then take gordon into a new level. We suddenly his computational powers were massively increased. He still has.
Surest again site, but he has vastly oriented computational pals. That's the interesting battle. You asked a great question makes. Let me give me my initial push, for an answer would be that if it's just gordon ryan verse Is your your your robot technology? in ten years old, say with machine learning, I tell you guys when every time, but if it is, cyborg ryan. Where he's part five, gordon rhine with Europe sticks and pot machine, then that, and now this rise for the question back at you, young man. What do you think was fascinated to hear this and you think those causes a lot of different ways. You can build a cyborg wooden rhine. So one as is the neural link way, which is basically a did say, do
What you're suggesting which is expanding the computational keeper, nobody's gonna, ryan's brain thy directly being able to make you to your computer and and the brain some most of you preserve, Most of what there is in the human body, including the nervous system and the the computing system, we currently have this biological and expanding of the computer. There's also on the cyborg chest front. The like Magnus carlsen the current world champions, just he studies alpha zero games that is our regular thing for high level grandmasters from what I understand almost every digest Personnel studies, computer games forever. Inspiration, I did just is great:
his place from the past, used to go back into old, live about books of previous grandma's, isn't study, games and books nowadays, most people when they want to study the most perfect games. They actually study programmes I offer Zira yet and if not just for his brain education is something is literally part of their training reggie. This isn't like a fun side, things the main way to get better so on so there a certain element, there were even our human brains can be trained by observing the partial explorations oven a I systems in the space of grappling that could be in simulation. Does that mean the physical world you could be in if reconstruction officially good by mechanical models of human beings, mission you can learn how they grapple there's this quite a bit of. that already
bunny. I has the system of direct sumo wrestlers with some basic goals of pushing each other off of a platform, and you know nothing. You don't even know she have a basic model of by people. Damn it doesn't even know in the beginning. How to stand up just falls, so ass to learn how to get up, and they do that through self play they for they look I'll get up. They learn how to move enough to achieve the final goal, which is to push your opponent offer They fascinating, so they learn that now open. I is not those folks, a colonel not that interested in the grappling world. They kind of lost their, but it's very possible in simulation too then
develop ideas. In fact, this is something I should probably do with a pretty natural to do an easy, his ideas of control and submission, and all all the you know you add the ability to I dunno how to put it nicely, but to er to choke your opponent and to break their body. Parts off, which is teachers. Do is add that in and what kind of ideas will come up with is very fast. They actually dont know until his comes. As you know, I never even thought of what they have been very obsessed with just like walking in and running in all those kinds of things like involving different strategies, for we have a bunch of so one difficult thing for robots is when you have uneven terrain, and this uncertainty by the train is how to keep walking or one when there's a bunch of things being thrown at you that kind of stuff, and you learn through self play hard to be able to
get us a certain environments. When there's a lot of weird objects and all those guys things there's no Reason why you can't do that with with submissions and so on, simulation obey fascinating, but once we might be surprised, the kind of strategies in similar. nation is ass. If those will develop and now might make a much better gorner I in a much better job, donner in weight it in asking the demon, question of like? Why are we only using why we do not do acts but on the actual sort of grappling event in the physical space have been very surprised and a little bit disappointed by how difficult it is to build a sin.
Thumb. That's able to have the body of gordon right or a human being, actually, which means it's not just the the biomechanics which is very difficult to do, but also all of the senses that are involved be able to perceive the world as richly to be able to there's something called soft robotics, which is is incredibly difficult to do. through touch understand the hardness of things we don't understand as human beings, just how much were able through touch to experience the world and to manipulate the world like that that the process of picking up a cup is very similar to the press. So grappling all the feeling that you do all the leverage to your applying? There is so many degrees of freedom in both the in the interactive sense. In this sense,
in the applying sensing and apply you doing that through. So much of your body is just going to be very difficult to build a system that able to sperience the world an act onto the world as rich there's we humans can here is if picking up a cup a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Then, then, can someone down trolling I'm getting The Legs- that's gonna, be one hell of a project, exactly the mean that could be short cuts. But that means currently that sam. that does the few cholera robotic manipulation which is picking up objects easy there. The ball and a triangular object in your whole task is like pick it up and move around generalizing that to the human body is harder, but perhaps not some so not as hard as we might think. The question is: how do you construct experiments
We can do that safely in chase. It's very easy, but here it's very, very problematic. Yes, you do to save robot verses, robot team with each other, and then they learn and neglect to take on a human opponent. Yes, exactly see, you have to physical robots that interact with each other. Everything you say so far suggested many. The problems of these tat elements the the easy tasks for humans so which becomes more powerful, more quickly, robots, retorted think like humans with humans that are given the computational power of of of computers and robots themselves, which ones the cycle, Gordon ryan, or in official robot, gordon rhine really really strong question, and I think, I think, by far
the cyborg corner right, yeah, that's what I'm thinking here. The problems you talking about, I was regarded robots, those it there's a deep problems. I get it if picking up a couple is problematic. It's gonna be damned difficult, but to issue in a day in the two euro can do then you're high, a very important differences. Human beings have something called common sense that we don't know how to build into computers. Curly that's what picking up the compass is. Basic rules about the way this world works were able to. This is one where children and would crawl around pick up where human, don't, how the machines have is incredible: computational power and access to infinite knowledge, Computers can do that if you have a gordon arise with the infant knowledge and compute power, that's just gone too We know how to do that. That does gone too. blood of the water
the other day on the phenomenon of of cyborg austin, Your chest that there was some debate as to whether or not cyborg jest teams could stay competitive with the latest. machine learning. Has there been any update on that as yet? I believe that this point machines do many over the of this machine human pairs with the human peers. When they first came out, they were good cheer players, but not great chest plays Does it make any difference? If you have say Gary, kasparov and and a computer work in unison bessest near Joe blow from an egg. It does make a huge difference, but yet both a destroyed by machines it entirely and it's not even committed, no nostalgia competitive, but they also lost interest in this kind of idea. So I think they're still competitions between
in a human machine pairs versus your irish impairs almost like too, to see how the to work together but in terms of machine versus foolish, impair machines, theiodamas interesting so as now we ve retrieve back ass human beings, carry most about human persecution, combat areas which is probably what the future will look like a strange thing to think, but like that that in chess happen really quickly, it won't happen and was so painful and just because we care by chest, but it's not so fundamental the human society in when you start talking about, we're goin rise, which really beyond grab he is referring to robots operating physical space or human robot hybrids operating physical space. you're talking about our societies now for cyprus use and that
damn right. That transition may be very painful or trust woman is the way we can even predict and that very much has applications as both China and yours now have legalised- is autonomous weapon systems, so the use of these kinds of systems and military applications so used to I have been a big con. The acme to ban atomic weapons to the use of artificial intelligence in in war just like by weapons are banned. Naturally see you're not allowed to use by weapons of war. She most people, even terrorists, have cut have agreed on this ban is not weaker than it has been. A key Agreement like we're not going to be doing is cause. Everybody's can get really pissed off with the ton was weapons systems does not been the case with china,
it is said that are going to be using a lie in their military ends, the? U s in two thousand and twenty one just released a report saying They're going to on there going to add increasing amounts of artificial intelligence, entire military systems into drones into just The thing there's doing any kind of both strategic and actual by bombing in defence systems. I presume A drone army would easily defeat a human army in the near future. I can think about this. the top my head to speak about the application of chemicals drones. This is a naval fleet. Because he was humans and would lead to the terrible damage to our navy. Imagine swarms of of mechanical chemical these which have no fear no remorse, thumbing buddy
the very inefficient kamikaze variants You want to be very unlike wars. It's the same Did you get the right? You want to be sure you want to create an ace, the tree of power, and you want to be efficient, is no way you deliver that power. It's actually goes back to the picking up a cup currently. A lot of things we do in war like us most, the drowsy about their, not autonomous, not most, all the usually piloted by the pilot remotely by humans and humans are really good at this kind of farm was necessary to deliver most damage target damage effective as part of the largest as have about bombing the area, are all that kind of stuff. I dont know how to but that is to automate, I think, the biggest concern I actually have assessed as very difficult to automate. The biggest concern is
Almost like an incompetent application of this and consequences there not anticipated. So you have, a drone army we say we want to target you, give it power to target a particular terrorist and then there some bug in the system that has unlike for or has a large uncertainty about the location of that terrorist. So decides the bar an entire city in almost like a bug. Software buggy now much more concerned about lake, programming and software engineering that I am about like malevolent ay. I systems that d the world. So the more we rely and automation. This is the lesson in human history. The more we give to try to solve. where to robotic systems. the more we forget how to supervising overseas, some of the edge cases
All the weird ways that things go wrong and then the more stupid software both can lead to huge damage. Like you know, even like nuclear explosions, what things? And if we add a I into the launch systems for nuclear weapons, for example. I think human history teaches us that software bugs is what will leave led to wild worth three, not. malevolent ay or human beings, interesting interesting, the deepen pressure on knowledgeable. You are about the history of artificial intelligence, those also known, as is fascinating stuff. You know I remember reading when I was a child about securing tastes and things like this in visionary from the nineteen. Fifty had ideas will to see it
As far as the fascinating to me, ok, so so what can we do to please take away from this? We saw that when it comes to computers versus humans in chess torments, humans had something truly valuable to give to the computers That it was yours, dick rules in every coaching programme that I run. I make an endless quest to search out and find effective heuristic rules as the basis of a good training programme. She rested rules and principles, give vast in Nation content, which can rapidly increase your performance on the mat, just as they are rapidly increase the performance of chess computers to overcome this? adversaries.
The great human weakness is computational power, most people vastly overestimate overestimation durability. To reason and problem solve under stress, in fact, Numerous psychological studies have shown that humans can balance a relative small number of of competing options in stressful decision making, but what we do have, what is it the great and unique human gift. Is this idea to come up and around That's your rustic rules and principles, which turned out to be very effective guys to behaviour for both human behaviour and artificially intelligent behaviour. Make that your folks in study? Don't try to remember ten thousand? different details on a move. Ok, that's that's human weakness, nonhuman strange how straight this heuristics make that your focus
not endless computations over twenty five charles he emerged with twenty seven details here that that's not out does not assume as a good at the unique clear human strands. Is right. These horrific rules and principles which guide our behaviour, which provide some vacations, which enable us to take vassals of information and perry it down to it. Simple rules that effectively guide our behaviour. Take that core inside for a discussion at lakes- and I just head- was a complex discussion. We both upon which one I spoke with a little bit overboard as awesome, then dragging you into some details there, but take that away from love. It it'll make you better at jujitsu. Sorry, legs, dallas, thousand really saying discussion and that the depths of knowledge in the dimensions of knowledge. You have an inch see I was just as they deserve vice. You have for complete beginners for white belts.
There are starting easier to their listening to this. They haven't done you jets. Would, I know, there's a lot of people who are super curious, start their advice. You would give them on their journey. Are you I'm discounted just getting better on the mat. Ok the thousand things, you told him that intensive, like morale assistance in power, If your train is one thousand things, you'd get rick up with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Saying let's, let's put that aside, that's probably the best advice we give and it goes It's what we said earlier. I always advocate start you train from the ground up. Ok, you your first sessions and you too, to you're going to find to your horror that everyone gets top of you and you can't get out, and it said dispiriting she's kind of feeling that you just have no skills, and you have no prospects in the sport. So your first skill is the skill of being able to free yourself from positional pins.
most of the escape. Send you to go to god position, and so one you get someone your got to go. We look to pass your god and get back into those positional pins that you just escaped from and that's is this: crushing is getting pen, you feel like every time we try to hold her, my god. They just eventually pass you by sea or first to skills, You gotta get out of any pin and europe hold someone, you got so pin escapes and got retention first to skills. I generally advocate hate the idea of learning to fight from your back first and then learning to fight from on top second. Why? Because the brute fact is, when you first start off, you just don't, have enough skills to hold top position or gain top positions, will take down so in it legally. Are you the nice people from most of your training time? Your training should reflect that? in the early days as a white belt start with a few. to skills you need they not them
exciting the not sixty skills it again to make it look. They start in the train room, but they're gonna keep you alive law, We have to learn those sixty skills in the future that will make you look like a stuck start with pen escapes go to god retention and focus heavily on those? Do we start to get into orphans, start with bottom position. Susan, clear continuity between your pen escapes you, god retention and then you'll god itself on. You thought different options with god some of you going like close got. Some of you were gonna like variations. Open god. Somebody like Seated saw you like to be supervised suddenly, you're gonna, like half god as a job rule. This is a heavy realisation, but I'm gonna give it to you in my sperience, most people benefit the most by starting with half god. First, I know that traditionally, Judith was being taught close, god first and in all the other guy, come after that, I'm a big believe,
the idea of start with pin escapes. go to god retention and then start with half guide. From that way. You get a nice continuity between your first three skills and you make good progress of yours first critical six months in jujitsu. What does it take to get a black belt in jujitsu very little at a show up pay. Your fees, don't sit! You girls, love again, don't even ask yourself that question! No one cares. We gotta bible. I gave you the council, the skills you have. I know plenty of black boats that suck Again is a lot of them out there dont lower your standards. By saying I wanna get a black belt, sell something much more important. How good do I wanna? Be you wanna to be, good right when I do something in this time. Anyone we, the best you can work belt around your waist doesn't guarantee that build skills.
focus on that. Let me ask you about the fourths thing in facet face of jiu jitsu, which is self defense. Let's say the bigger things are of you. I dunno why it's called self defense is cause fighting, let's fighting! Ok, maybe maybe you can contact us that terminology covered non sport, fighting none, none sports fire, street fighting what happens if you go out in a playground, you're fighting on grass then no longer be funny. It's like tennis, yoga wimbledon land corridors and, as a whole, thing. No, there? What do you think is the best martial arts for street fighting? What is the best said? We talked to buy advice for why boast advancing, and in grappling engaged to what is the set of techniques, may be martial law that is best forestry fighting.
Ok again, you you're you're asking some truly fascinating questions here, the this gets framed as a question is often condemns you to bear answers from the start. This is as the questioner, I'm trying to achieve a symmetry of power and am winning put you in a bad position. Don't worry so much about people's his ego. Is this marsh lot better? This ass, much I'll bet it? The truth is, is only one way to say this. Combat sports are your best options. Self defence, there are many martial arts and there is a rough divide between the two, those fallen to combat sports and those have fallen.
non sporting martial arts where there is no ah competitive life sparring element where most The knowledge is limited to theoretical knowledge reinforced by passive drilling. If you have a choice between a combat sport, verses a non sporting art based around theoretical knowledge and passive, drawing go with combat sport. Nothing will prepare you for the intensity. Of a genuine altercation better than combat sports. many people. As I say, these words are probably horrified to hear me say this- and I've
immediately going to rebut and say no combat sport is exactly the wrong thing for you to do because they have safety rules. I said cetera et cetera, which would easily exploded, a real fight and for the world championship box, are obvious hokum honey, I'll kick him in the growing etc. There you pities agnes a thousand times. Yes, there is some validity to these things, but as a general rule, if you asked me a bit in any form street fight, call it what you want between a combat sport at here. And this is somebody simply trains with drills and talks in terms of theories of what they would do in a fight. I'm gonna go with combat sport guy every single time now. Having said that, combat sports need to be modified for they use,
Of self defence street fighting, we have an agreed onto him, yet both figured out later what does modification consist of one some of it is technical. Ok, for example, a box you're in a street fight now has to punch without wrapped or gloved and that's problematic in your hands and not really designed for heavy extended use of clubbing. Hot objects is a very high likelihood of breaking hands. Mike tyson was one The finest punches that ever lived, but one of his more famous street fights against Mitch green in the night late night ladys. He broke his hand with one punch. These rules apply He had the wrong part of the head and broke his hand, And he was one of those gifted bunches of all time. If he can do it, you're certainly have
trouble, but taken your hands when you go to throw blows. Nonetheless, this is easily modified and saw a basic and throw with open hands or with elbows, and so just a small modification techniques can overcome that problem. So what you ll find is that the general physical, mental conditioning and skill development that comes from combat sports, allied with technical modifications and in the most important of all technical modifications will provide your best hope. in alterations outside of sport in the street or wherever you find yourself, the least effective approaches to self defence that I have observed in my life had been those. Whereas I said people
talked theory drilled on passive opponents. and generally had no engagement in life, combat Fishing sparring in their training programmes, the most effective by a landslide, with those that put a heavy. says on life sparring and sporting competition modified both technically and technically, for the circumstances in which they found themselves. People talk, for example, about how you know and with some validity that that weapons will change everything in it and in a street fight is absolute truth to that. But extends into weapons is well, ok, the most effective forms of of knife. Fighting that you,
sea will be those who come from a background in fencing, because it has sparring and a competitive sport aspect to it, but would pure fencing be the appropriate thing. Of course not you'd have to modify, but the real lakes is enduring physical mobility that you gain from the sport of fencing could easily be modified to play craft in it and a fine situation. What you want to look for with regards street and self defence is not ok, which star should I choose? Should I choose type window? Should I choose karate? Should I choose this variation of comfort now, focus on the most important thing. Does it have a sport aspect to it, then, once you ve, made sufficient progress in sport aspect of martian stunt ask yourself: what are the requisite modifications and technique and tactics that I have them to use or to input to make an effective history situations? That's all
the advice that I give you a museum, very particular aspects of street fighting where I will I'll do it, fact I disagree with Mr Jo rogan and your saint Pierre, on which the suit entire situation, not criticise, usb yeah, he's very accomplished and everything, but to to criticize him for a bit he made claims about how dangerous the tie is in a street fight in adding situation without ever having used, then in a fighting situation, so he made sort of celebrate brow, proclamations without understanding the fundamentals, so I thought I would go to somebody who thinks in systems. What do you think? Is it is a dangerous to wear attire, not in a grappling situation for
It's all the other way which we met in a street fight. You present a stranger, wear a tie and a grappling competition. It would be, it would be a yes. In a in a street fight situation, okay, yeah Joe rogan thinks it is like the most dangerous. It's like it becomes your weakest point. If you are tied, because it's very easy to choke george St Pierre seemed to have agreed with that. Also george added that you can grab the tie and pull the person down ought to a knee yeah this. This is the go to Joe rogan. Go for the choke. George, ST pierre will go for the tide to the knee, which I was saying is ridiculous. So what do you think? Ok? First of I actually can speak with experience on this because I worked as a bouncer from over a decade and most of the clubs. I work that did not require certain time, but occasionally they did ok, let's first
differentiate between the kinds of threats. When you were a time, if you were a tie, if there is going to be a threat by far more imports, threat is not strangulation. Ok, being strain by your tie is possible, but it is a porch There there are many other ways to strangle, be lit a far more efficient if Frankly, we did you buy a tie and lively in front of you that makes it less. I go to apply the stranglehold I can easily be I gouged, etc there. If you want to strangle people on the street door from behind- and this is a much better way- to do it in that year. The jargon was regards. the snapped down question? That's that is more of a problem I always recommend if you are going to work as a bouncer, with a tie, wear a clip on tie, so it just comes off immediately. If you don't like clip ons you can use a boat. I used to work for years. Work in hip, hop clubs with
members of the nation of an is security team that were known, they had very factions, but the one I worked with with the x men and they would always we're both ties, which of course, copy grabbed known. The boat I was, it was a recognisable part of their brand as security got, so everyone knew that that's what they wife. If I were a bow tie and a security situation, people would probably think that I was some kind of nancy boy and done what the fight with mozilla I couldn't where one. So I wouldn't where a tie which you should become for me was, Mr Friedmann, that's the texas bowler. which is a kind of shoestring tie, which is very, very thin, website shoestring and rather short- and this has a simple pendant in the middle of this- is perfect if you need to wear a tie in a situation where we believe is a high likelihood
You been grabbed because I have you grab, there's nothing to grab that slurry, like string like, if, if you pull that there were just slipped hand that tie that you're wearing now very well. That would give me Tremendous control of your hit and I could easily turn into a hockey five situation where your head was being pulled down out of balance and do it at a hot. I'm recovering. So regulation, not really a problem. Getting pulled down possible problem solutions. Clip on I vote I or if you don't, want to look again at sea boy. Where a young of Bolo tie beautiful z, disagree You're gonna agree with your saint Pierre love. It I feel like with like this, isn't it Actually put together on street fight and the thai now speak. no jargon. Let me ask. The following question. He is
currently doing a pie, gas with gordon ryan and probably going to try to convince him and you, as has already been doing, to move to us than what are the chances. the donna her death squad coming in to ask in opening a school in austin and making Austin home, so I can attend the classes there. I would definitely have to think about that, and I do know that I personally love new york Yes, but every single person in the squad despise new york and wanted to leave for a long time. So What was the nature of your love new york? By the way it was truly international city, like I'm a big believe in the idea of of breast of experience, and if you want
breadth of experience usually require extensive travel, but training people means you have to be in a fixed location, working according to a schedule and debt push. There goes to push in different directions. New york was the compromise where every from around the world, came there so had brits of experience of world culture, but at the same time he had a slow occasion. So you could run away the programme that produced world champions set, was the idea compromise. It was a fascinating thing too, teach causes of over a hundred twenty people were literally, the entire world, was represented on the map and go outside and see the same thing. It was truly The world's leading international city, it was, it was like the world's unofficial capital, fascinating place to live so I loved it, but the squire hatred for them it was lacking,
spencer things they never. She lived in Manhattan. They always lived in new jersey on long island had to commute in. So all I saw was the bridges in the tunnels the expensive daily parking face of that they only saw the worst of new york. and despite my these for them to move into manhattan, they never did, and so they they hated. when all you see in new york is the bridges in the tunnels and near the parking garage, and it s not a pleasant thing so, I understand why the coming from so then, when covered broke out They wanted to to move to poor weaker and and work there now poor, rico's a beautiful alternative to neo. It's in many ways as many votes except every new york, it's physically beautiful, the the the people are wonderful and dumb. Ah, it's a it's a it's a just, a one
A place to spend time freedom, low taxes are these kinds of things. It is so weak affairs for its takes us. On the other hand, I know everyone compromise right text is a compromise between those two I must say that everyone on the squad, myself included, loves taxes that there's no question about that. I know one gordon loves it gary Craig Nicky that everyone comes it just loves, takes as this, that is, incontestable of course, in texas, this ray cities: Austin is always been one of my favorites I've, I've loved dallas, I love austin, and it has the advantage of better in structure as it is a place to train. It has a much higher population density so that you could get a larger number of perspective. Students
from a larger squad. It would do It would definitely be a fantastic place due to open up a jam I I couldn't give an answer off the top of my head. It would be a big move if we did make that move, but deep, the the is. The idea would be very agreeable to everyone on the team. I will say that while says if com, a russian connections to threaten the right kind of people. I definitely would love the way your approach, training the way approached martial arts is something as I deeply admire. scholar desired, so you'll be amazing it do come here, but either way be amazing to train together the mask big ridiculous question. what do you think is the meaning of this whole thing we talked about at the beginning, the car
station about death and the fear of it. The The big question we ask about life is its meaning. Do you think, there's a meaning to our existence here on this little spinning ball that the you throw some some powerful questions, that's the most powerful and for most of human existence, the meaning of life was very, very simple survival. The only thing that humans cared about was just surviving because it was so damned difficult for the early years of human existence on this earth. If you look, it ourselves as biological agents. Everything about our body sit up for one mission: the net is survival. Every
reflex. We have every adamant about structures is built up on that. The battle to survive. And then humans did something remarkable: they elevated themselves through the use of technology social structure to the top of the food chain, so they went from ex roma extremely vulnerable. If you take it naked human being alone and put them in the serengeti planes. In africa there in some deep shit If you look at a human being as supply, but organism just by itself naked. They are among the most feeble. at that task, an entire animal kingdom
compare us with predatory animals. We are weak and soft and easily killed. But if you take that same human and put him in a group and you give em basic technology- steal a spear, a knife- he goes from the bottom of the food chain, the pretty much at the top and so humanity found itself in a crisis that emerged out of its own success. The most of it history, there only this was the battle to survive and they did it. I don't know how they did it. They did. They got through ice ages, droughts, famines, disease, everything found a way to get to the top of the food chain, and that's where it, oh god, interesting.
because was organism whose only interest was in survival head for the first time history a more or less guaranteed survival. and so the big question now is now what we survived. There's no more danger The average human being finds himself in a world now with is almost zero danger from predatory animals. We're getting a meal is the easiest thing ever way. Getting to and from work a problematic at all, where the majority of in fact, These diseases, medical complaints, can be resolved in a hospital feel easily so they start casting their minds around. Ok, What do I do now and so the minute
mankind's existence, became more or less guaranteed the problem shift from survival to meaning And we found ourselves grappling a whole new issue that had never occurred, to our ancient forefathers, but which now becomes one of the centre piece is about modern lives. you look at your own life when you look back, do you think did a hell of a good job. You a hunter thousand as this line that I often think about the latter should not be a journey to the grave, with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to in roadside in a cloud of smoke
thoroughly used up totally worn out and loudly proclaiming wow? What arrive? That's news is the complete opposite of survival or not complete opposite a survival, but basically embracing danger, embracing risk going big, Just living life to the forest, so within that context, what would make you proud of a life while lived when you back you John donner, looking back at your life first, I will address that question, but its first look at. Why hunted thomson could say that, because his life, for more or less guaranteed and safe. If you look animals in the animal kingdom had pattern of I was very simple: they take the least risk possible to secure their existence lions. Awful creatures, but when they go hunting, they typically go for the weakest animal.
They can kill in order to eat, because I don't want to take the risk of injuring themselves no net if they do they die. brute reality is the only people. Talk about having casual danger and their lives alone. Whose lives are guaranteed and fasten. Small tangent hunters thousand took his own life. That's that seems like a deeply human things. Suicide yes, That is the fashion in question itself. It, though, if you look at this the number of suicides per year, set shocking, shocking statistic that gets almost no recognition and, yes, you human you, dont, very very few animals. He see killings was because the whole thing is just survival and that humans, paradoxically, when survival is more or less guaranteed at killing themselves in vast numbers, usually linked back to the idea of meaning because it so hard it's. It was
hard to win the battle for survival, but its tenth, I'm harder to win the battle for meaning. When I think about it. First, I'll say russian imbedded is never going to be. An agreed upon sense of me is. As I see it, there is one thing that I'll I'll physical bodies agreed upon and which is pod wide biologically into us net survival. But once we got to a more or less county survival in all bets are off. At that point, you just have to start list in your own criteria and what one person describe as a meaningful life and other personal decries meaningless or wasted this.
something terrible about the idea that we were sitting around citizen and awaiting the meaning to show up on our doorstep, but what I find the best people do, as they they charge of it, and they did their lives and in a form of authorship where they see their life is a tale to be written and they do their best. to write debt tail and put as much control over the direction. The story as they can. In the end we all have to just. try right our own story, we We have our own interests. I try to bring in the sense it even I'm, an atheist. I don't believe that we go on to deliver, To this end, I believe it is a possibility of after life, I didn't say it's impossible but with me to believe that they exist. I have to see better evidence and I see currently
nonetheless, I do believe that there is a god value in the idea living for something bigger than yourself them but you see yourself as be all and end all of your existence. For a meaningless life, some will never satisfy you. You can have all the money in the world. You can have all the power in the world you ll be empty inside. I do believe that humans. Heaven deep biting need to follow the interests of a group big, isn't themselves as an individual. Is it ideal? No, is it an answer to the mean no, because eventually that group will itself dire so is a sense in which it it display. the kind of delaying game, but I do leave that in order to live a happy life.
meaning as a central part of that and deepest since of meaning not fully complete answer, but a better The most people gave us too to find something which hopefully does very little harm to the people around you and mostly benefits them, which enables you to become part of a community and to live as I see it for something larger than then you as an individual. If there is such a thing as a perfect conversation, it would be a conversation on death, meaning and robots with great john Donna. Her john I've been a fan, is a huge honor that you'll waste all your time today. Thank you so much for talking to my pleasure. Thank you. Links thanks for listening to his car
Visual job done her and thank you too, on it simply safe indeed, and linwood check them out in the descriptions. Support, Spock asked. and now let me leave you some words from john don her himself in fighting and competition. The objective is victory in training. The objective is skill. Development do not confuse them as such. One of the best ways to train is the ideal. if the strength of your various partners and regularly expose yourself to the strength. Thank you for listening and hope to see you next time
Transcript generated on 2023-05-08.