« Last Podcast On The Left

Side Stories: Your Cock Is Mine Now

2021-01-13 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry break down this week's true crime news: a hacker locks an internet-connected chastity cage, Black Vault, Azealia Banks boils her dead cat, and MUCH MORE.

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
They was able to dismiss the laws on the left. I saw it all. Let me just do my daily prayer, yours, grateful. I I hate that with new particles lot as well with my closest Sima, gosh? You seem to know if you and make sure we're recording us. If it is going to see my castles working on his Shinto Open the prayer for sided or is losing you did you call me, I was doing my prayer. You are doing a sort of its very interesting that mash up of alcoholism and Shinto was my doing right January. I'm its. I had a balls and now
goes to see my game. That is fair and I'm saying everything, rights and always making fun of me. No English David said ghost of two Shimon and everything. It goes to show shimmer now now you are new element and I also wanted to commemorate today's episode because honestly Castle, howling and we ve been friends- oh my god for- in years. Fourteen years, I'm on Fourchan, I don't I shouldn't say, did for they showed olive really, because we were talking for like an hour before the show. You could have done this. I needed I needed I needed to do this something you want to share. Ok, I have it in burdened with a truth. Ok, I have not been able to share with anyone. Should I all now start to show before you do this or when shall we do want to do it up? I think I have to do it up top. My name is not pin reciprocity,
Well, I've been calling you enters a browser you for so long of many people unit and anybody nor miles dozens of businesses that your parents names you that my real name is Toronto. Mackenzie real name's. Unfortunately, this is not my accident. Well really! Well, what's the what's your real voice, that's that's my actual days ago, and then I say automatics cause, look, how you say who work stories, everyone, how you say cook we'll Henry, because they real name Toronto Toronto.
To Henrietta Brass gay. Ok, I guess I'll continue to play this character for longer. How you say, go call by good does work desired stores. Once again, everybody overdo it. Well out there we are, oh, my goodness, as a country could we be any better off. We do want to say this meant that we could not we need to train. We only rumours about a week, we insurrection or not, going to talk too much about the insurrection here. Although Henriette I were discussing yesterday, we scout the footage we looked at photographs for photographs under photograph as if we were finding out trying to find out who killed, J, F K, and what did we see at the capitol right now, one last casting a left shirt? So thank you could work. Good work could well one piece of last part: gas, merchant capital. Now one piece of last part can merge is going to end up in the law.
Or dna and waiting for the prisoner to one day where it again, ten years later after you gotta press, the only way will happen again and mark my words: twenty fifty eight Henry Zebra skis, sovereign citizen can move to Citizens army twenties. If you're a citizen army arrives at the capitals that I can only hope we will receive the same cordial greeting did. The last group did to just walk into the capital building, do whatever the hell are they were. The people on the capitals have retreated much like the comedy troop capital snaps, understood allowed. You go in there and smear shit all over the world, the archipelago style. I remember that capital step the Kapital steps, just such a fantastic facetious political, I believe archipelago group. I remember whenever one got stamp old, a stamp old trampled to death because they want to get into sea than performing good. They were o Mosey Pelosi. There
things. You will ever think weird thing about policies, really something about her being italian. It's hilarious! Where they get, though they remind calamari L, my good then a hoary day than a work. How you say can combat, while speaking of updates into Just the wonderful world, the wonderful country that we live in price Peters in the lorry veil. In the lorry valor and Chad Day Bell case. They have brought charges, conspiracy to me or children, they have brought those charges against, Laurie an Chad, the kids are dead, and now lorry and chat or been charged with conspiracy, but I dont believe there be charged with murder that would either had there been charged with conspiracy. They are being charged for thinking really hard about thinking really hard, but then the kids are dead. So why can't they just connect this dot? I dont get. They just just delete it job
two conclusions and say they did it? Yes, they simply just will not accuse them of murdering those kids hour. I had something in the water and I too how I dont know what a gray I guess it just takes a while to finally accuse somewhat a murderer: their children after their children are dead. But at this point we do know that conspired to kill children and how sad would that be you're sitting there you're conspiring again? How do I get it? How do I give, and if you look you
someone comes in and undercuts you and kills your kids before you could kill your kid you're working so hard on the map and you are working so our connect, the dots. How am I gonna get away with it and now some random shrub some Joe Schmo Argotic over and kill the kids that you're gonna guilt? Honestly, first of all number one. I understand your age, you been waiting to kill these kids, they were York, it not waiting, planning, waiting and planning all the mental energy it takes to be in a conspiracy. You have to make sure the doors clothes everyone's gonna have the sound proof, headphone young, but what's more important is the job has been done, and now you get to do is to sit back and relax and that's why I think that if you work in a plan on killing your kids been somebody's got to it, you know you need to do you may take a check for trip to margarita margherita avail. Absolutely Marguerite avail, these young men, they were Marguerite, developed apparently, but they found there was a pile of human bow They really really kind of benefiting place in Polk County Florida. One of the more be full counties, it's not easy.
About there? I love. I love. We love our flora listeners tone. for our daily. I love Florida because Florida, it's just as crazy every other state Florida with their sunshine laws. They tell us the truth and times you ve been in the day, and it takes you five dates into realise o this chick probably have sex with corpses. Florida date number one and its number one I fought dead bodies. Let me know what you are coming from and then I can make a decision right off the bat and buying them drinks. Are we going to hang out? Maybe that's why it's dead on or it's a marriage? Do let me know the truth about the windows. The woman is building up their way to destroy your life. Honesty is really fun in us. First couple away absolutely bunker, that's the magic on fades, none. But this story is about men. This comes from accounting Lord. This did the one thing about Pope County is that it's one of the land locked counties in Florida, which is so you need the beach. You really need the beach dick deputies found a shed with
just shrine and seven skulls, and this is an click Orlando that come so excited to go to our Lando. I love that is called click or Lando dot com. What great stories are we going to hear today? Oh these you're stealing corpses because they think the energy of an army soldier it can no longer than Non Army soldier Gilad Military bodies, but at least they have faith in. services. That is a good point. So yet these in forty three year old Brian Montalvo, told told him Tino. In thirty nine year old one Burgos Lopez were arrested What county after deputy said that they broke into four separate graves and took body parts from each person in Was this a one night event because, let's be honest, noise rave grave Rabin? I know yes, I've. Obviously it's don't do it, but don't just not do it because it's a lie. oh and immoral, but dont do it, because it's horde,
Greens are just there all the time and they get disturbed. It's really easy to notice, because there isn't that much grave. That has been there for about fifty years and they busted it open with a crow As you can see the damage on this website. You think it's literally all fucked up but the where they found them one of them left a cigar at the they left the score at a price. Vs grave, robbing that they did where they traced the dna to one of them. They promptly flipped on his partner and basically with That's we're doing. This is a Paloma Yom Bay Ritual, which we recall we ve talked about. Yeah. Nausea thanks throughout our doleful concerns a series of these guys. They said straight they won gotta veterans. Can they submitted? This need much more powerful. They didn't understand and probably be highly noticeable what you rob a grave also, I get a minimalist vikings amateur. I had to ask this question: who does have more energy, those who use that energy in life or those who don't, I would you a veteran their dining,
battle humanitarian reasons that we should use the corpses of people who are greater call of duty, they have the mind. A vessel who Jeremiah resettle body of a of two red, absolutely work, that's kind of the point. They were working so long energy. Exactly so maybe you need to dig up the graves of people who said my six hundred pound life, which has now been scooped by a thousand pounds sisters thousand. We would honestly what you say, because it should be if you really wanted to trumpet? If you really want do, can we get a pair of fourteen hundred pound sisters in here all my six hundred pound. Why my particular about life had like that I'd like six hundred pounds for people on it. As we witnessed, the collapse of our republic. We also wit the collapse of television. Do you think that is in
T Elsie the Learning Channel by the way the learning China lawyer matter. I learn that little people can have a farm. That's us or anything else would be difficult for how tall horses art, but then they everything also comes in small. Almost smaller words is that economic, America's crazy, we ve learned a lot from out. They filmed Lord of the rings, if you're in the euro. an executive at two you'll see. Do you just come up the ideas of adding more weight to with the said people that are going to be this years of your show just be like, which all oh implies. If your six hundred pounds and you apply to become on to go on to show my statement about life. They just reject Oh yeah, I mean now you're different is the same thing with team Europe. People got pregnant to turning round, mother didn't just rejected. You need a whole can needed it. You need a tiny, some rare, oh, you need to be you d pills, you gotta eat toilet paper. You have to have something fun,
and this is why I think it is to get pregnant and then also get rejected and also to six hundred pounds and then get rejected its hard mandated. It's like being olympian but you can have some people. What about the eleventh guy that swims we're living in doesn't make it all we throw, but he still faster than fucking. Thousands of other people around us beat us absolutely, but I'm just good spoken here, whereas both of us to know the Olympic. That's, why I'm absolutely and neither of us had made any money doing anything with swimming. Actually, we probably save money because he probably spent a lot of money going to swim me. I've actually been approach, be on United States, bobbing team just water and tread watered. It is as long as you can see many beers as you can fit well float on the other retirement olympic event, or ever done. The Olympics comes to a city. They can pick an event is coming to LOS Angeles. Do what they picked truly breakdowns in which article eight gymnastic, amazingly music. Yes, bobbing
when his homeland when impacts intelligent, Dobbin for Iraq's just Bob and is bad and joddrels abandoned. We have here, is long Bob and which is also known as planking, but you know My pitches pictures, you know they do for a lot of reality. Television shows he'll see is that they will be a show on somebody that auditioned for another shop. They will find that person it they'll, be like you be like your personality, I didn't find a new niche and here's my pitch too thousand pound umpire your way you gotta have a unique job and weak MT. I love it my friend well speaking, of grave robbing. Obviously these people in Florida there goes Eddie arrested on. There have been a lot of interests. It he's a straight up to the one of them said Lopez. When he was question he said he referred to cemeteries asshole. He referred to cemeteries as wholly sites and shopping.
Centres? We say: what's really hordes? The United States is hard for him to get corpses for religion and he blames us he's blaming the corporate take over of American. I honestly think: that's why it's important for Walmart distort get into human skulls. You know It is a really interesting accidental point. Isn't it? Yes, isn't it about consumerism and where we are as a culture, we were hours of people can't even get a human fuckin, VM alone on Ebay anymore. While speaking, I can't even get a human femur bones speaking of all I want is at our thing comes. We have to talk about in Congo. Still I just want to bring up really quick these. What the video I saw of Azalea Bank? Well, that's it so Azalea banks. She has been in the news now She was in Miami and apparently people are mad because I guess she cooked her cat. She really I supposed to do you know why did something tat was already dead, so at least
That was an ally. Is that you had a minute that, because we are at last pod Kessler Laughter thing. We support as alien banks matter. What happens when we had to? I do not. I dont want to be cursed by other members and I think that his Ellie banks should be allowed if she really wants to chicken up. Obviously she is adherence to Palermo. Yon Baschet hasn't been gone guy, you see, none are and surrender, and she didn't have that very eminency graphic video them digging up a cat and then and then boil in it. You see all the meat and a fly off the north and I just want to say only normal good for, her recycling her careful use, Yahoo com, wasn't a how're comes. This is what the right or had to say about her very normal, rational, rational, totally normal thing to do where jerked out, then we will never make on. You know, I'm not going to make a. We actually physically can't me conifer, because Marcus Parks has done this. So
exact, a restaurant that used to be called Greek in a cave in New York City. He did the same exact thing inside operational place all right. Well, this is what the rapporteur had to say. She says, because some people have been like dogs there, that's bad, do our social media could gotta woke mob whatever, so people are manager, but this is what said she says the cat where the cat went out without fuckin bag is rational, wrath after taking my bitch tomb, of course, she's. Taking the cat, do Miami editing, Gaga the ink has the cat skull. It has a bunch of what seems to be wrong and whisky. Since that looks to be some, Prince and a hundred dollar bill, so me she's asking for protection unit he bore Monday morning. When the money around to get hammered. I guess she does label she's doing that, for whoever he is the Spirit inside of the indian Gus. She obviously has been working towards that it may be, but you know she might be not be trying to
pre order, chaos. She might just be trying to make more money and trying to you don't amplify her voice. It is definitely a way to amplify her voice because it seems to get a lot of people talking about Azealia banks every single time. She boils a cat. She did come through the noise didn't change, you did so. Indian Ganga is she has a four bedroom house. I can imagine every bedroom smell just like one bedroom that had you know the cat skull at it The younger had peacock feathers, a bottle of champagne, a home, dollars at a mostly empty bottle of Chanel number five, which I have to say this. I must spirit I can destroy everything. You're gonna fuckin, give me a spring. Chanel number five you're not gonna, get me a full bottle. I smell like death. She has been lying. Richard were mirrors, is ginger I just come to life. Why won't you give me a full bottle of chanel number. Five issue might be too much for him between.
the elegant, she might have a skull were bone connected to somebody that she knows liked. Chanel Mont number five be using that as a way to communicate with a spirit that is connected through the in Gaza as a way to give that spirit, something familiar to hold onto I also again, we will never mock the great Azalea banks when, please, God, don't cursor school, don't released on crisis hit hard ever take. Ok I'll. Take that if I can get the thinner thing, but then I, but for a month and then you have to somebody to somebody else- that we really cool gets go like just come to be in touch me, the networks, then you're trot, but then you're just a super store and you're. Just like one of the crates. That's what happens that would have you bet big success on so that is a great success, but his ear, Eggs has a bit of a history of we're just gonna, say: being contrary and I'm here,
Where is she she kept outside of Elan Mosques and Grimes, helpless, ahead Marianna thing I want to tell you scared fans by right, not Instagram. I think I will end my tenure here on earth, so very scary. I don't want you commit suicide, azalea banks, I dont, want to do, and I want you to be strong use at in Gaza and power up Europe Hip hop career. Was The apparently she sings, Exxon, called big big beat pencils do, but I already have it I know they'll, I love. I love big big, be its great saw, honestly Azalea banks user in Gaza to make a romantic connection with Ben Pistol, yeah. That's why you Mary, is Alia, banks and bring her into the fold I'll do whatever at daybreak is what you said on Instagram after you know that I'm gonna call it cat falafel cat kerfuffle that think Ethel she says we got our ticket out of California through all the tea.
And suffering, and while fires and gender identity crisis the girl a girl in California convinced says it all capitals I made it out of my army USA. That's good, I mean my only the great and I like my look like my army z. Just I don't know man with a lot more Paloma Yamba in Miami, it all I know is: is she aware that you might not like Cats, or maybe she did love this get so much, but in Miami there's a pitfalls. If he ends up in a hurry. Gaga she's gonna get charged with murder cause he's a dj by now people. What is that he goes. Is he the one goes origin? dear colleagues, the one who says his name over and over again, you Jake how we yet he just says that these as the arrogant but that's called, contributed. That's like when you do you just start talking hi. My name is Henry you're interrupting me Ben
This story is all about we're gonna targeted chairs. Ok, that's a song That's me producing you all out What we ve been doing all these years, right everyone. Well, let's move onto something I'd: it's not equally, but it is out of this world and I guess I guess Celia banks and what she's doing is actually very much in the world. But let's talk, you have because we must all I wanna John, let the german them will go into something move your stories, because we also have a story about a man who had sex with a corpse in front of that corpses, family and believe it or not. They were not happy. let's get to where you have on whose, because honestly, this is coming in biased and it's really interested. They were upset. This story comes from this is from rhetoric conspiracy. None of this is necessarily backed up by any information whatsoever and again This is what I told him before the show when you go into rather conspiracy tether yourself too, like w
we now worker tether yourself like say, isn't real southern relays of unreality raw material it back in after you get to deepen tombstone, I will say their real torn over there right now. They don't really know what very hands from their elbows living. I would say I would even go as far as to say that these conspiracy theory Sorkin along the, Well, there's a lot of inviting don't know where the coup is and who the cool was and who is doing. The coup in the word coup is happening so often on our conspiracy that it gets to a point where I'm just going to to rhyme with soup. I rather think I'm only, nor could it mean so much better if there was some sort of soup base conspiracy going on because they just let them into the cap no building the cops were in on it, and so with the government has just go onto this story. This comes from a quoting quote, whistle blower. This is someone that I don't know whether or not this real but a points towards other shit that is coming out. This is it
into the sites founder John Green Walled, Junior apparently he's doing this stuff, some four nineteen eighties and for him. You would think this is a really big moment. He was one of the people who filed a fool respect for your request for this information. Of course, that's the freedom of Information ACT and it only took a poultry, many years to get that didn't work is black. Vault is now open. The CIA is opening their entire black vault of you, a foe document, documentation again, from this year? So can you trust them now, but at least you can see what they have on what they consider to be highly sensitive documents, wouldn't even be even if it is a lie or even if it is a sort of an alteration of the thing that they They found the truth, but you stole what green some information from it will, I think it's important its people that are interested in this topic is to see what the people quota quote secretly investigating. It are also interested in
can see how they were they do. Is they send out what seems to be the just collect any single thing? That has something to do. Whether you have both so you'll see. Stop from like the weekly world NEWS in their you'll see staff that is odd. Have DE bunks ran you'll, see like credible cortical in house. Memos people talking you a peace that was my favorite part of men in black. I called it a documentary by one of the things that I did think was probably a little bit truthful was when they look at the weekly world NEWS for the news because they high, the same high and I mean there would make out of so I was just about to go as far as to say you wonder whether or not the CIA keep tabs on their disinformation as go and see what has been you could still Look weathered it in what does what sticks? What doesn't stake? What are people interested in? What facets of the EU? If a story, your people, obsessed with Roger ways that we can either manipulate that information in order to
means you have something that is not real for our own purposes. Or what can we do to stick real oh shit in places that you can't find or won't know it because everything else around. It is so insane, and then I suppose, if you do find that one piece of truth, this is how they can also then, ironically, oh, you are quite right that are less well. If you believe that, then you must believe, although other boys extrapolate on your beliefs for you and then before you know it, you haven't had a chance to talk and everyone just like. In you there and your pants fall down. You walked out of the room like all good. You follow just don't you dare malign the good name of certain Friedman. Age is equally, aren't you when we are egg shaped egg shape men, their pants fall down, without their choice and guess what his cordial making us less egg shaped. No, we are continuing,
deeper, into avoid shapes you're you're gonna meet to gravity is that what you're saying is really all take your your taking down a scientific fact sick of gravity, your else, I'm sick of warmth. He could good feeling of war. See you want your perfect world. Is you just floating cold that'll be may one day when I'm deep inside cyberspace and just a form of my own mind, lawnmower. Man remake lawn, more man by the way. That movie is awesome, so Green Walled, but this is what he had just just really quick. When it comes to getting this information. This is why this guy he's been again bustin. His weird I can imagine, weird little body for a long time, trying to get the stuff he sit around twenty years ago. He said quote, for years to get additional UFO records release from the CIA. He says it was like pointy I went around and around with them trying and trying to do so. Finally, achieving I received a large box of a couple thousand pages
I had to scan them in one page at a time. So what or Oh it s actually be a nerd years, given about shook as they did they do that MR like go, have form of AIDS. Exactly it's like when you have to pay like a thief in dollars to the bank and you pay and all pennies ness like if such a fuck you words like yeah there you go. There's too there's ten thousand document scan every single one of you. When you get back to us there's another story: they came out of red, a conspiracy which is this. Someone know somebody at the court of quote NL a for those of you don't over the anyway as it is, National oceanic and atmospheric administration outlook on this is a? U S! Government! This is not this Nike Alien offshoot group is this: if you enter old girl did better look, they say they know this in. What I like about this conspiracy theory. Is that because it so specific like saying in a way is a fund specific very small governed agency that may be, or were you know, with the d a visit to this? that a main government you stay at home in a malign
anybody know variable and also, if you remember the anyway the anyway and could speak too, me of this side stories: L, Kyoto, Gmail dot com, but apparently there your career, their emo us now to ruin your career come on disclosed, disclose here chatter, but apparently this disclosure concept is going to be coming out soon. And the main thing which we talked about little but we took but the director from the phenomenon we the old slavery like interview for a patriot? Thank you all for given to her bedroom. Thank you it, but he basically point swords. Whatever it's gonna come after. You oppose the next couple years that I think is going to be: U S, house we're gonna, be tough. A lot about ocean base shit. That is, determine what this person is is talking about is first of all, alluding to this russian submarine incident. That happened, I mean again, All of this is just actual fun conspiracy to re historic him, In July of twenty nineteen unrove, remember hearing
about this better momentous hitting the news- and it was this one- those blip lips which was to fourteen sailors, died on a secretive russian Nuclear sub. Who'd. You call that this incident, a great loss he said apparently was his top secret russian submarine ahead. Fire inside of it nor the crew died. That's all horrible way to die? Absolutely I'm actually because you're also dying in a highly secret way, which means than your body just disappear right. Nobody the talk about it. What so, I'm not you think if it's a fire on a summer in open the window, but the fire out you Simply America's humorous Then I guess I just can't wait to read your heart. God, where you usually William Article four, a local newspaper, called sundry. I love it you're calling book then don't break. That's upon. That's I wow My second point is that I will break to Pollyanna, like a double
they say according to this whistle blower, this was a conspiracy to that with a fake store. No, that would then dont know they did not what they did die. but apparently the unaware. This conspiracy theory has now had thousands of incidents of contact with these under water peaks and then its fairly common knowledge among certain departments and rules and the organization the basically those people saying that there should go down with defined at the bottom of the ocean, and the word possibly happen to the submarine or something that happened. A submarine is that they essentially were investigating a reptilian stronghold, at the bottom of the ocean or some type of stronghold, and they went down there. Reptile can they breathe underwater, they have suits, they have reptile suits, they have suits castle.
First of all, I want to urge you're gonna make it. How can I make acts of our one? I just make it an awkward creation. There will need to wear a suits, but that's from turn. That's tm Anti, that's teenage munitions. Girls are enemies from I had the toy actually add the toy that you're talkin about suits, imply technology, and, if the only person that seen the bottom of the ocean is the great director, James, camera
or director. What just unbelievable our old best friend James Cameron, we ve, been shouting outside of his house for months, be like give us a movie wrong. I am I painted him all blue, oh yeah. Do my fuckin hair all matter with all the fuck, a temper paint that we got like was from music from Michael's year. Your memory slathered with it just fuck and shouting and coffin Oliver S front or eat loves it. Barely he hasn't come out. He said quote get here and I guess that's the name of a new movie or some things are going to have sex with Sandra Bullock. Would actually, I don't know if he's married Sandra Bullock can actually be very lucky that absolutely oh, my buzz. I just Jesse James in a picture vagueness. But he may stay. Priority should have stuck with Sandra there, but, but this is who knows: you're saying that Vienna, the anyway has had experiences and permanent. They swim around. They literally around these. In several areas. Ever weird ass book in species of alien life, because guess
castle where they are not alien. They live here. They live under the ocean. Like Sebastian, hey man, you know who F, no there's that you're not story, but a nice thing is instead of having to like James Cameron, Giddy small one person submarine were polluting. ocean so much they are coming to us because they're like most of our own we're gonna need learn. Golly all over again. Look at that another story, but I don't wanna talk just one one second, about how the how Mister Green World got this information and how difficult it is so the CIA. This is from two thousand twenty, because they are the peak technology. vehicle agency in the United States government. They gave him a cd rom. Tell me everything comics, as this is also definitely I d go to DM bead for something, and I had to download a pity
After that, I have to print and then nail to them. It's like dealing with your grandmother and trying to get her a Christmas card because you won't open Felina. You may say you have my back and everyday anyway. He says quote: this is green, this is the CIA has made it incredibly difficult to use their records in a reasonable manner. They offer a format that is very outdated. It's a multi page don t. I am an offer textile outputs, largely unusable that I think they intend to have that they have people using quotas, search tools. In my opinion, this outdated format makes it very difficult for people to see the documents and use them for any research purposes. Theirs, kind of like will give it to you but die. It's gonna be extra difficult to read. It's gonna be real old technology comical. the pain in the ass. Do you want it. What they do they make. You dig you gotta fight for that ancient gets. Why that any, given Sunday,
should have been about. You. Follow GIS verses, these so called food ball boy foresaw player go back, go I dont, really any old any given, but he had her SIRI shop where they they were called players approval you're sitting on earth flat ass talking into a microphone I'm an american military day of American Patriot, I'm so fuckin happy! None of you, so have no short snow deserts of the cap, and we did it. Women who I am mace intact. Very nice good, good work. not at all, but there is another story that came out to you. ago. That also, is that those weird things at eleven, those random ass could speak. Stories than pedal line up with this story, so they'll get another one says I worked pretty anyway, and straight up: murder, mermaids or fuckin real, do without no way. That said, this is a completely true. I'm looking at the website that you're looking at my eyes over its bright red, very
strange small. Why lettering? How why speculative, how is to consume this information. It must be done on purpose almost like when you make when you get somebody super tired and then you like see like how well can you drive now looking at their website makes me cringe. Makes me slightly nauseous adjusting. pass that and consume. Any information is a feat but no bids. This comes from our discussions. Are conspiracy post that of your memories when reading and it's because you think thing to see. Whoever is due. this, whether it's all fake or not, they are kind of bringing some fine ideas together and do doesn't twelve. There was an incident of a few. beached. Whales are investigated by anyway and a team from the Navy, and I was just I bought guest obligation come on I'll leave us alone. I gotta Fifty s behalf on first, they thought, which we recently found me cylinders hoard out of these whales and they,
thought it was. We are again don't know of a single shred of this is real great wells or real. The whale part, the animal, although with the whale animal, Israel, the true but didn't, know what the hell is going on, but I ve told you Thirdly, they a long story short. They said they found irrefutable evidence of an advanced humanoid species living under our oceans, using what is called a multi beam sonar we found. dwelling areas and also appear to be underwater vehicles of some kind decree, here's themselves were tracked by the Navy over the course of two weeks, using submersible equipped with especial deep sea, so with especial deep Sea observation equipment, the creatures displayed spy it's about seventy plus knots Sudan, the sailfish you're, also recorded emitting, sounds resembled. Marine communications and instruments also captured the emissions of precision sooner blasts that damage the whole of a submersible well and there you go folks,
there is no way. That's not real, because somebody wrote down some one hit you love it put that to my website and it's all there for you to read. I love they have a glow and their entire body. Looking computer animation according officer, that's all footage of the creatures, including juveniles right. They look nothing like they did gloody juveniles. Does not give it more credibility. I don't know I don't fuck what they don't have the official there completely humanoid, but extremely thin and tall of lucky the bodies covered an immaterial resembling elemental. Mercury, look like it, it was moving. There were very interested, submersible and seem to know they were being observed as a few times they would swim off and come back with more creatures. We observed in MAX five of them. once varying sizes, but otherwise identical to appearance. Their eyes were completely quite there was no visible hair, nor any features that simple implied male feet, Tina the dogma, Things are who us law, we flashed sequences of lighted, them sounds and even extended, robotic arm on the submersible to try to get some kind of physical
ample slash dna from assessments better watch out because they did that Russia? Do they got that to be very careful when we don't know what they were? Oh, how they were swimming as they were waiting or moving or bodies like a fish or even like. How are you would move at all. They were simply just capable of moving rapidly in any direction. It's interesting again fake. But who knows I, like you don't, but this not fake. That is largely by video. This reporting at my finger. You can't see it. This is not fake. This is spoken. Would Well, we are so. Why are so many oil you ve just described, get going to cultural by the way she's got near also I've seen masturbated to it not also Shakespeare in love, the only good that movie. I like that movie he's ok, when I was a lonely boy before I realized it's just better to be
Mr really like Shakespeare, Le Mayor things, changes you adult. So this is lit this up. They teach us you of it. This is useful up the east coast of a good deal in puerto rican. Look this up. Is it about twenty or thirty? More? Second, it's probably airplane. Would they showed an object of cap the plane from limiting? And it is a fucking legit. It's in areas spoke hey. How do people get there, which is gonna? Look it up you of all people. too bad. What d you and go up the way to tell I go importer Rico because good in there and you could see the orb go into the ocean with fucking noble. beautiful? Newspaper that it goes right back out, does not lose speed, something while it's one of the wilder you have over the years, have seen your walls like three and a half minutes all right check it out our rights. Let's move onto a different story involving penises, ok, giving it to something that we all know for a fact is real online. I gave you didn t realize job is to keep the people informed of the real
news will not get distracted. The more aim stream media don't put your dick in a bunch of things that has a tie to an app. That's all, I'm ever say obliged us settled on a hacker took control of a dude Scott, basically with he with the duke, but as bases in one of these, like bolder things and the hacker told the guy Your cock is my. That is a direct more. He said your cock his mind now because it s so I told her of last year's security. Researchers found that the manufacture of an internet chat, Did he cage sex toy? As you can imagine it's not something that you do, taxes with, I dont think everything to be explained to us that might we noted its cage, rear balls and is a thing. Yes, absolutely it's not like going to college, so the victim ass to be identified only as Robert need put a scan this thing and then he was leave a message from a hacker demanded of payment of point zero to Bitcoin, which is around seven hundred and fifty nine.
today, two one lock the device, so you wanted seven hundred fifty bucks, basically in Vienna Bitcoin. This is if this is like he'll live jigsaw? This is real life saw, but instead of having to like fish he out of your stomach with a fishing why're. You have to give this guy Bitcoin to get your car back. Yes, but he's wasn't even on his dick What do you mean was? It is said that he had it was locked, but his he was not, all tat? I ve learned with Skype level myself. While this happened right, that wasn't even on a he just watch the lock in front of you heard of I guess a voice can come out of it. This is like your cock, my now, when he couldn't see the cock and registered that there was an inside of it. This is accorded to an I guess. This is extremely common, another victim who only want to go further than our J. I love the shame
at the same time don't have J. Look, let's see how it works. He says I was the odor of the cage anymore. So I didn't have full control over the cage at any given moment that dog pointed out you're paid as point is almost every couple the other product. This is accorded to Alex low messages, they security researcher. He says almost every company and profit is going to have some kind of vulnerability in its lifetime. Maybe as bad as this one, but something he says. It's Morton, that all companies have a have away for researchers to contact them and that they keep in touch with them so I take anything anything touching. My balls of anything was touching your pussy or your buttonhole. Just don't let it have access to the internet Unless you know everybody who is on onto chain, certainly not somebody who was fiend infer Bitcoin because, as we know, you push and animal against a wall that animal is gonna bite and this guy he wanted
African Beckley wanted unhealthy oil and he'll kill for four minutes of our right. Well, so that store I guess it's not at all costs. That is what it is, but be careful doping in your cock and the other story that I thought was kind of fun, because when you know we ve been talking, but exercising Ronnie always do. We have a little bit because people keep finding corpses. I know that's right, decide that we be document exercising is the return of corpse via its but anyway, we almost had something similar to a corpus fighting here recently? This is accordingly. The BBC, a human foot, was bound by a woman. She was running and she found this human foot and she called the police as you should do, but it turns out it was just a potato. I suspected human body very, although it turned out to be a potato quote after a large scale. Please search a dog walker in
Gateshead. They said the officers the photo the preserves, relied gasped out, looks like they re. There's gotta be a for it. I can tell him you must get the Vulcan eyes. Could you see if you like, but some times feed have acne. So the woman found what was supposed to be a foot. It turned out to be a potato and then the please said if it does turn out to be a vegetable. Our police dogs will say thank you for the treaty, although I dont think dogs like raw potato. Yet he is in Iraq, potato actually loathing dogs can potatoes nodded duskily potatoes they can a few thinking on release it up, can Dodds yeah actually you, then I knew that I search can dogs dot, dot, dot constantly with sadness that I asked one time because you know if you like? Oh you ever do that. We ask of Euro camera nice at night, and you look at your phone God. How can our total for dog
of being like I've ever look at the very beginning of getting Wendy and then all of a sudden, my Quora Dimmer Quora. I still get Emil's eighty times a day, just get or sadder and sadder and Saturday spin like. Is it ok to cry It's so we're can jobs impotent, let's see what the answer is? Can dogs e potatoes? Don't let your dog any raw potatoes war, NATO plants, don't it's one of the most dangerous goods, a of Unita potato. It's gonna be caught, who having caught no rob you're, not too, I mean technically we give when you like little tiny bit of french rice. If it's cute, that's Kerk S deep rather more than cartoons better than coated steep rights, coodent likes, it absolutely it sets out a treat. Who were you got the british and speaking four news for news. Henry I see
You finally got the tv show that you patched finally see that you. Finally you not I'll go to air. You know. I love router view and all my big thing is Henry's Brow ski his big break was, I was gonna, be in european children's. Tell because you don't like big he's got differ. Over there. They know they have these same rules do day they will. Maybe you better hope there a little bit more lax on age. Have you read this article? We haven't. I read an article. This is, I dont know how to describe what they show its business came at last week. guardian, Denmark LAW here's children's tv show about a man with a giant penis. Somebody who is Story is its base of its character named John Dinner, Mont because apparently Bill as term for penis over there. Sloan or Somethin in Diller Mont Penis man. He is in a bit big, o p.
They repeatedly call it extraordinary its extraordinary and that it can perform rescue operations, etch murals, host a flag and even seal ice cream, though old ran all those that necessarily, but the whole thing is that it's all about how we are trying to find a way to teach children about how to be appropriate with your penis. This is true of this is that this is from a did, the danish equivalent of the BBC will and again when we say children, the programme is directly aimed at forty eight year olds. Very up, maybe maybe it'd. Nine too of your old. Maybe I don't want you start really. I don't know it's The whole show is supposed to be about the struggles and the hardships of a man with the world's longest p. I want a story, but I got the world smallest violent, employed or I don't know it's the ideas that he did his penis does all these fun things like
so the store and does all these adventures, but then its chastised when it's pretty deep. The ideas that the supposed to its must be paramount about how a man needs to have control over his naughty naughty pin? Ok, will this is went into a danish author. Would she says, is this really the message we want to send two children world well we're in the middle of a huge me to wave, but I have to say if it is doing, as you just said, Henry teaching him to control said massive Wang. Perhaps that is a good but the thing is that when a penis he's not Tell me honestly sent me down like them. I you're. May I have some chile? Will you tell me this story? Oh, this is your famous poor chile. Thank you, please, my huge son, you see, When a man's penises naughty look. Let's aid steals ice cream from a sheriff. Aren't you guys As you know, your penis, those that sometimes you just need to give it a little speck- goes by
to its home, which is your pants with is type of separate they're saying so. This is like one like one of the producers came This is a clear. No. This is a clinical psychologists works with children on the bit. This person believes that shows opponents, maybe over thinking things because obviously it's it's getting He rode over here ain't over their John dealer, men tax to children, uncharged third way of thinking, and kids do find genitals funny. They showed depicts a man who is imposed. If not Airways, in control, who makes mistakes like kids dear but crucially, dinner, to always makes it right? He takes responsibility for. Has auctions win a war in the show, tells him that he should keep his penis and his pants. For instance, he listens, which is nice. He is accountable. You that is nice and how many times have you seen somebody jerking off in front of you and you just said my good I wish you would have watched this cartoon, so you would know, put it in your pants,
Thank you. Mr see K. Honestly, though, I'm ready to be number seven under television shows. Number seven Christian grows does not share the same sentiments as earlier. He says it's perpetrating. This is a quote its perpetrating the standard idea of appeal. three article society and normalizing quote: locker room culture, that's been does an excuse, a lot of bad me. Four men, it meant to be funny seems as harm, so it seeing this harmless, but it's not and we're teaching this to our kids. Will I have to say this: I played sports and locker room called Morgan. I'm just lock room culture, is- is that there is nothing to do with women, because it's usually just about boys looking at each other than you and weird stop and then take big dumps and smell the dumps and nay Lighting O Reilly, Don Diego has all spent each other with towels and wash in each other and practice in do night. Night practices that
however, there is no risk, but it's a garden and especially in wrestling as you have to weigh everybody at the end of each lilies before a meat, so everyone's new. Never when Sweden allotted to hit the scale and there's no thought of a woman in our minds itself, man, it's all men died. I they hated so glad you actually missed out on a lotta locker room? Stop it's all due to do. Indeed stop this euro, it's hot hot. In a way it is, it is if you were in that situation and he found it hot, it would be very hard, but I was hung out with the girls I, like you, hear me in their local. No, no, no, but I was in theatre we were all in each other's dressing rooms. Dressing rooms which is putting we have longer redressing rooms. Wall about being dressed but everybody's new to them and not another type of thing, which is that you are just run him. I did. I wanted to be with the girls, because I, like girls, better than boys,
but so why I actually take a little bit of offence to this whole locker room, it'll, there's a lot of things that happen. A lock rose, a lot of growth, a lot of other by what's worse, logarithm culture or glamorous theatre, dressing room culture, I would say the dressing room. Culture is probably see more acts of violence that the locker wrote that will now we ve not alive. We ve learned a lot about LOS Angeles culture. Haven't we over the last couple of years? This is deeply because it was hard because they're saying anybody who says it is one of those like weird thought tricks where they're like everybody who says that this show could possibly be misconstrued for having. Actual undertones projects all adult ideas on it, and you should feel shameful for thinking about how you feel weird about looking at that man's cartoon snakelike penis having a bunch of like fond adventures. This is why my poems were to the sky when it comes to the cutie that Netflix
you know, I don't know, I'm not talk about it like it is not for me. I don't ever want to think I wanna watch it. I didn't look at. Why don't we get it? I just my fingers just slid Ruth ass. It right through the unbelievable Netflix series. We are the champion. I love we ve This is already, but this is I do like as another rhetoric, but the latest areas, but this is another. odds, are irrelevant. Danish television from the latest crisis is the criticism by saying it just as easily could have a programme of a woman with no control over her Vagina Food everyone got really mad. Last week, where two weeks ago we did Rock Terrio part three. When we talk about the woman's unit
fall out? I'm doing the youth school would like to see a. Maybe it would be different if I fucking throw lapse. Vagina fell out of a woman in a cartoon. Just the ends, Verde uterus, we're doing all sorts of issues and against all watch your shirt will mistress aroused you. We loved your idea about big, kick a big cock Johnson known about how we made mistakes in these learn, not aid where ever stakes this pussy show, though that's actually gonna be green light for moving. Now. Your television author, your movie on your multiple writer, my vote, because that's what happens when a woman puts up a tent,
you're like having lunch with women when they reach is there. Did you prepared UK puts its veto as as we, of course we do, they show you have shorter, like three brains going on. You have what you're saying what you want to say and then, once you said what you wanted to say, then you also think about ramifications in real time and die every day, unlike in the matrix by ass Fer, like what I can say about a woman's uterus, I just feel like we somehow managed to stumble upon problematic territory. They do not even we just time to show. I have no clue Theo. Weekly should be innocent, but I guess it's not because its directed at afforded urals I suppose. If I was the father What do you know my son like why you're watching the big show? No, I don't know, I just think you know what just happened. Frickin Barney, born Tory sucked Barney me so much on Mr Rogers taught me so much the wood to tell it Toby's top people. Why or just happen, let your kids, what pet cemetery
Why did you that's? What I did was the Org Mozilla banks? Don't you want to die like what she does not, but you don't like what you do also just real quick. We actually got a lot of fantastic up, get a lot of fan, casting emails from people that are overdue. I am talking about, the Rhine and the main. The main thing that I'm I got back is girls. Do them goggles, yes and or you do with you, because I that's the thing I had this, while you're, see me when I got eel dick when the Inn lining of my foot Dick fell out of the normal way penis. I do all that ab work to real around you're, so fucking disgusting, one other knowledge that do not stand up. The histories thou doing something visits a physical act out at this point now we hit. Ok, thank you for that. There is the eel dick. I just know that men I do know that humans could get red rocket, yeah who did this is discussed. That is honestly, truly disgusting, but this actually comes from our dear
this also? I want to say where I'm vindicated this comes from our dear dear friend, Ellie Use, geologists, you're gonna, try to make something that you're gonna try to do something like scientific with this fairly poop does turn rocks. All right. It's time for you of the weak everyone lights wow, you thank you. Thank you! Isn't it. this murder you get in the more educated you get. Your still just surrounded by shit everywhere, right, it's divert euro of, though we this week's year of the weak, reminds us of little asses its. of year old kid is named scale bell. He had gone in, so you don't want to get in trouble well because he threw a rave in his schools bathrobe. What awesome dude. So no one really came. Do it, but there's a bunch of pictures of the twelve year old DJ. He held the event
in the toilets of Manchester Saint Anthony's Catholic College, he invited all boys from the year eight to attend the set included. A thirty minutes. a freshly mixed bangers alongside complimentary refreshments and cat. twelve this boy as a user. Congratulations him with a Dj Corbett is parking incredible. It really is a mixture of heavy, so sad he's just like in trouble and for getting to be a day jail time, so mother, Louisa Bell. She seems to be handled in all of this very well. I actually cause if I find out my kid, this ability yourself different adorable, but let's, let's wait. Let's not do in the bathroom. And hopefully, six years from now, you don't wanna, be a dj cause. It's only cute when you're twelve, but this but she says she says this is the mob she's. As am I wrong, and in this funny, which reminds me of my mother. She used because constantly every to my gun trouble that every time, but a lot of times you but that's kind of funny like when my
and Jared fake, the siege Gore and then I was I was gonna theatrical. It's pretty humorous. She always at my back. It was just bunny enough, so I love this mom, so she says yeah, I run provided it funny. I to laugh, it's been a terrible year and I couldn't be angry with my son for trying to spread some cheer. When I got the call perfect sense. Kale had been up best and ready to leave for school early. That morning, which was announced of our house. So I loved it's twelve year old, Zinnia ready to God. It is. She says he had the biggest smile at a space, so I knew he was up it's all. I knew he had something up its sleeve. I asked him why he was so happy and he told me They were having a rave in school. And he was indeed the dignity around their competent up. Also, if anybody can explain to us what a dj does side story no PTSD calm. We had a pretty extended if we had a pretty expensive conversation before the show where we all realize we don't know what a dj does
yeah? That's not so decides to recital B over the cells in plain sight stories about loyalty. You wrote that coming out, even we're not gonna read this and they are because I think it's boring alot of people this for my personal information anyway, hills dad thought it was also hilarity hysterical and he said quote: go on son we did have, they did say we did have a conversation about whether or not we should be angry. But how could we be there you go there. You're good work trying to spend a little joy in the bathrooms, Kale Beth, Well, that's elsewhere. In their wake ro? I know rave our I let's do a letter. Go. We got a lot of really good response. People technic, apparently that peaks which, but it's the last summit is pica- is what you got when someone has unusual cravings I'm. So this was a letter that came from a formal. pregnant now. Mother.
Maybe not. I could go either way back in early twenty eighteen, I was heavily pregnant with my daughter. At this stage, my blood pressure was getting pretty high in the doctors were getting worried for mining safety! One day I was reading a beauty magazine when I saw an advert for make up sponge. My mouth started to water at the mere sight of it. When I was a bit weirded, though nothing of it until I realise that I had the very same type of sponge, am I make a back? I retrieved it. It was clean, I put it in my mouth. and it was so very satisfying real issuing on it sucking on it felt wonderful. I chalked up to a weird pregnancy moment clean this bunch, but it too one sided discarge that I put to one side, scarred, I told my husband, we thought it was funny A few days later, though, I found myself craving the thing again and this time tore it to peace It's still didn't swallowed, though because a later, my husband gave me a different brand of beauty. Sponged replaced the chewed up. When I throw away it was not
Why should I e one particular brand of sponge? Otherwise I would be happy to other Saracen spot. I guess so. He fix this but we do have this blunder referred and I happily went to bed challenge. But on the thing is I went to sleep, that's it! That's all but that's what I've been honestly. You just law that you have you onto these episodes. until I had our daughter by C section in April twenty eighteen and when she was there, the craving vanished immediately vanished immediately so interesting not I mean hey, that's that's good and happy. They say they eat They say, will be your pregnant you with things like pickles, that eyes grew gonna, weird oars bunches. There was also a lot of people who say they got absolutely sickened by the story of the other pregnant women on the show we are talking in last week's episode of last by Catherine lapsing that they ate all the vacuum dust I was so those are highly Fazio. I have, and I I have on diagnosed,
All my life, I absolutely compelled to eat dusty things like dry unused, clean clay, style cat letter terror a creole scoping play would ash and sticks of chalk like something comes over me as a start and zone out, and when I come back, I eat no lotta clay or ash. Sticks of chalk is easier because I'll just have one stick as already a pre portion thing. I try, stay away from all of it, because it's not food but its tricky. Something about a texture sucks the moisture of the tongue of that kind of process, poison tastes like second on a battery. I love it wow. Ok, that's a meter! no harm no foul just be safe because at some point gay, would assume your body is like that's not good for me, but yet this shit, really it's very very often level. We do. I work at a camp for people with disabilities. Wait a few.
pursued. Had pike us well as Prater Willie Syndrome. Prater Willie syndrome is another one worked kids eat meat neatly, don't feel hungry, didn't feel fully satisfied ever so would occur I could remember this camp. I remember, would ask about our next meal, literally at least twice every minute. One night we added dance at the dining hall we all had watermelon. Earlier the day I found this camper reaching garbage stuffing Watermill Ryan's into our pockets. For later it was something a constantly needed to be met I even heard once about a client. My mom knew, who had p w syndrome who had gone to a basketball came without his mother, hinder eating so much but there was no one there to tell him and he died from his stomach exploding my god, I gotta money movies. Seven, it is. that is one of those stories and will cover more varied stories x, ray holes rise. Interesting will. Thank you also for listening to this week, side stories. Twenty twenty one is off with a literal bang and it's only gonna get better. It must I'm really for the second half of this year, I'm already thrilled. We have some toward it's coming
We're gonna tell you about Should, of course, we have our red line coming out with you all so much for taking our survey and yet will keep you updated on all the things that I took the bed we took but a little bit, but this, but we're probably not going to have an official donation mark on this march as yet, because it's too late, but we are going to do, is we can only are gonna give some of this We need money to some form of charity so who we want to find somebody that people that are helping people get out of jail from want specifically for drug crimes, people that are sentenced and should not There we want to do you guys know a charity or, if you know are leaving a lawyer. Group, something ACL? You ended away something hyper specific, because of course we want to help those people out reader, freedom is not just a fun word is something we need to thrive for. Yes, DR thinking, how about freedom, but not free job urine.
A proper, then why every episode about bothers ended with maybe like you're more. This is how it is when I am I'm stupid or minority in every way. Our real I live. A life live your life and I give your home as if this is your house will eventually be applied. You can leave. Would it be nice all you gotta, prepare you honestly, you better fuckin, prepare and you're gonna love your preparation before you get into a non tat, I'm telling you right now again. I've said this before upper booze. Now, if Europe of your wedding go to bars, You need to you in wanting a prepared and wondered, aren't getting your last. I just mean: did you don't love you're trying to do get clean? You need go and start drinking harder now, because it s all poisoning the advice, you could every goes one. You got a laugh just thinking about the sheer social vengeance, you're gonna Rick. You want to see a proper reward. Maybe we should keep the gorging over longer down like hell yourselves, everyone else. It hamburgers delays these save out Everyone
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Transcript generated on 2022-02-06.