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Side Stories: Unmasked

2023-07-26 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news including Henry's honest review of Oppenheimer, The Somerset Gimp: Unmasked & Facing Trial, The Gilgo Beach Serial Killer Conspiracy, Bryan Kohberger claims new alibi in Idaho Murder case, a preview of this week's UFO congressional hearing, Aaron Hernandez's brother arrested after allegedly planning school shooting, Ohio Zoo Gorilla believed to be male surprises keepers with birth, Naked man terrorizing East Hollywood neighborhoods, an Outlaw Otter, Listener Emails, and MORE!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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nobody was able to use the last on the left side of the door again would start the shoe like his rider, and I love it is not its southern nah afternoon. Prerecorded, ah, is irritated. Gods call back ass. You wish the tired into a lot right into it. I yet I have you'll, see or boy I'll who, Mr Oppenheimer who Oppenheimer I heard there is a lot of hot sacks. There isn't one There was the only way they don't go, see the barbie movie and take notes like ben shapiro debt. I e that it is dishonest, driest, pussy thing. I've ever heard anybody else do ever. I went
the oppenheimer again were according to sag strike. Stipulations is real oak urges, and I do believe that this should be true, We see these movies because yoda rewarding the artists within the movies right and I got nothin. Do this movie sorting talk about it? I'm, not even if your verily promoting it, because the war Then I went to go see nor right. You, I didn't get. What's that open, killion, murphy, oppenheimer, I thought there was a lot of sex. I was told there was a lot of hot moaning and groaning between scientists. I thought humbird each other straight up, sold natalie on coming to see this move because she was, I'm gonna, to see the barbie? She wanted to see that Killian targeted to act. Like literally when I said I was like. Don't you want to see Kilian Murphy's dick right and she was like yeah the real mushroom either. I want to see it exactly That's the real mushroom binds the tape, but he I go. You notice. Looking at the end of the day that explodes resemble a penis economic.
do. The amazon logo, just a cock smiles ever noticed that once you noticed that you won't you dont other. You only see attacked and smiling kneeling on these issues. Just a cock, and there like. No doubt his smile, I didn't know it subpoena, sits. Definitely, look oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Anyone with your diatribe, did you like the movie site, it's I find you don t like you saw rob. Do I won with everybody? We watch it. If I didn't do the fucking thirteen hours of manhattan project, an urgent, I dont know if I would know what the movie was able with her. Meaning what has led to have the fund. Also. This is christopher. Northern right now is the guy who made tenant. Nay, he likes a right scripts and then cut every fifth word under the scripts. I what's happening in that weird, but I do thought again, big big If boobies, inevitable, fine weather use like how do you, I say more bomb
We were both. I could see that record, but at the same time again, oh and coming in hot here at the very top of the episode we haven't even injured, not yet. No. I want you to finish this, because this is this is what people came to the episode for so after this even before we hop right into it. You can stop listening so anyway, final thoughts, star system or thumbs up system. While how many stars, how many thumbs extremely well acted, that not part of the okay, everybody's, very serious, really circling the wagons here you can say you didn't like it? No! No! No! Could that, though the incorrect I decided, I didn't like it. I actually like the very much using a drama, but I was kind of exposure. Furthermore, bottle laughing more slaughtering army. I am I, I know that it might be inappropriate and again killing murphy's ten foot fucking, I'm exercise in its rise. Would I ve known for big business? I'm just saying I max waiting ones.
Big ding dong. My goal was to go, see it and then see if I was bigger than the pink hair three as you as a whole body, yeah yeah cause again. I was excited for you see a little bit of his balls now that the strike is going to go on forever because the executives are fucking, unbelievable schmucks. Maybe porno will just finally come back to the big screen you and we can see if our entire bodies are the size of some of these guys, dang dogs. I just feel like side stories. Everyone been hanging out with Henry. It doesn't need to be full on pornography to see a penis. No, it doesn't have to be full on. But gonna see it. I would like it to be full fully. Oh, elongated contracts. I dont want the nba players in the locker room before the game. I want to see what the court so yeah. Why, of course you want to see in europe. Yes, of course, it is really doing that is true. You would rather not soon erect penal there's something much I mean just reminds me of the I am see when I was growing, I'm all unmanned on. You can never forget it. I would much rather see and erect penis screen and an erect penis a screen because uttering penises
they're. Just did job. I feel like I'm getting sick origin stories. Yeah. I don't care I like to see the end, you know, and but you is weak. I guess that's why I was in the disappointing, but but our body david, thus Malta and always washed it here, we are running the show crush, you know what else I watched recently. It was just why without the sound subtitles, dune, subtitles and death and waste agency watch it silently, and then you read it. It was like quarter when he words of dyer was in the corner of the bar. I was at and they were played it cause it's a cool bar look drilling in june at the bar, those hipster bars. You know there was show like this is new, no, whatever you know imagine John Mccain in new orleans, Graham's bottles, and then they show you that that real idleness I don't know what movie you'd even meet postulating about those. The old senators.
You don't want your senators grunt hill dashed into the water, be that guy you we'll into the bathroom watched they put a silent. Do not, then you once and then you just once like that, like the five words crawl across the screen. That makes it much easier for subtitle in because of your subtitle list. You get paid the same as if you're Doing something: oh yeah, with like a massive word like that: you're living nolan, oppenheimer, reviewer, literally technically illegal, because I think it would be walls of a lot of words tat come. There was good though he was really good. Any was compelling killing murphy did a good job, they did a good job. Did you know he already knows you no appetite. Your hands, so called he's touching me folks, it's liar. They soak all discuss again. I bet you alive. no
feel my icy grip leah realise grit areas on you? I want you know for certain just so you know in case you were remotely concerned. Don't worry oppenheimer with super guilty in an ok, fantastic, we'll speaking of super guilty and directions. Henry. We have adopted this is a story that we have covered yet we know we're not internet sluice, but we have covered story for a long time, and it is about the gimp of the uk, where the other somerset, if they may Israel he had already two years young, any, doesn't look at joshua he is aged, like a gimp I'm. So he does look much older, but he was. He took the stand. I believe and he was not wearing any. yeah- and he was not we're in any of his give make up- and he looks very, very pretty chaise-
lady gaga know he's made it sound like he shows up like oh, I can't believe what it looks like with no makeup or not. He kind of looks exactly what I thought the somerset gimp was going to look like, I suppose, so your area plumber yeah. He really dug legal monkey teeth. You know it's gonna, hungary, air he's got to say I don't know what happens the british men, I'm not sure or something in the water. There joshua hunt he's accused of two charges of a of provocation, provocation or violence under section four of the public order act, which does mean that somebody had to be light, don't forget to add a gap I feel like they. There was that there was something even like I. I just knew this, Leather clad view this description, but there was a. It is interesting, norton order with which I find fascinating. I remember how you see. How would you? How do you actually make sure that this is being adhered to?
he say what you he is not allowed to wear a mask or possessed one in a public space according to a court order, watch him, but then he's not a letter. Wear black. All in one clothing, don't even look begin to suit the kind of interesting interests like what's your days. Catwoman. Oh yeah he's here too. I guess you because I was when he cancerous. I catwoman earth kitten, michelle pfeiffer, the two best care women around. He was also told to not crawl wriggle or ride on the ground, while wearing a full body covering or mask. Neither typically have very specific, very specific part of me wonders arc. Let's just say it's halloween, maybe to this leader. But it's not though my lich I mean Gonna get the following. I don't deal hypotheticals I don't do an epithet. How do you live your whole life? How do you live a holy hypotheticals? Come up all the time it fine. It's everything you dont know fine throat at me. Scott toper rain, imagined pumpkins brisk
feeling and I'm just thinking of the batman man, our interim like, but the key yours says a tool he's in costume say: he's allowed to be in charge. He I guess not all, and so he's got a mask. I guess he's not allowed to participate in halloween at all. How much of a bummer is that first of all, legally you're not allowed to participate, he overdid it, but then we overdid, it really did. He was living halloween out loud for too long and it's the same reason: Robert downey junior can't drink any more overdid, it teaches she'll, do it. He shows up at people's houses now and our man can't do that and him know he cannot on, but he the glitzy heat. in his own, almost say: ok, in writing I don't know he's in his own ass right he's all during a mask because he's going to scare his family or he would, and then he covers himself accidentally in gasoline gets set on. are, and then he wriggled out of his own re. Listening recalls that zone home army crawls out right because he's on fire and he's trying to keep the fires rum from spreading
family family in his rule, the around the frontline and then a police officer Bobby a booby comes by right, no weapon solely by yeah. How did you put the fire out without a gun on fire rolling around in the grass right and then you think he's even a one way ticket for you, your path Well, maybe that I owe you put other dicey, ere, you do you Roy than wriggle each case law. I like to think that uk officers would put him out first and then, given the ticket and the u s, you just get the ticket and broadly burns and put your bodies you die, but none. The less, of course are the defendant is accused of using tore words. And, the person threatening abusive or insult words or behaviour with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate, novel violence will be used against him or another, but any The person is not hung out in america? No, I don't think so. You know what it is is the thing about how they try this down, elvis presley, yeah rent
I know he's out there. Let's forget you gain even roadway, wouldn't even let us hips on television, and I welcome that shows how far we ve come. You really you god, did they not heard of roast humor? I mean this is again we're not gonna go back and too Is this a crime, and I were, I can even broken gonna do it because he is obviously now here. It's mostly just good. Do look at his face and understand. That's what the gump looks like. We know to be fired and got the most important lesson we can all learn. Is that the look at his man space and look at yourself in the mirror and side? Do I wanna, be this Do I want to be the next big again, because now I'm fighting hard against being a gimp and which is again nobody Kim's supposed to do. I did so against a glimpse culture. He's why I didn't he is. of defining jim culture to me he's kind of iron, should a light. I give culture and I don't know that spared the gay community are not given homes for those famous here. I know. Originally them was gay payments gimp outside of picture, and now we have
women than the proteins asked or I can actually. I was an extra around that he is a good now. We know I've received many interesting emails about people that you are allowed to absolutely be somebody sex life concentric. Yeah. How he's shown dusty trying to show that everyone's gotta? You got a sign on the dotted line if you do want to make that tiny about the upedes. If you take a look at the number of dog judge, sold across the world and the number of dogs that are actually kept. His pets you'd be surprised, there's a lot of people using those his lot overlap, but, interestingly enough she can be a gimp again. This expires on general rules. They all expire, in january is no use. Many will with his family inside of his own home, for I will again I dont know about, the family situation there, I'm always waited not guilty. She won't be updated on the somerset gimp as he's officially unmasked and on trial. You know usually wyndham people or masted unmasked ever like lagoon kiss was like. Let's take
make a flash? The winners are like go just put that make a back on their needed. Unplug thing they try to do a thing were yet again. I love love gun right. I love, the likud up in iraq and roll love. That's all you're ready did it doesn't have like we need when you make an acoustic, it. I you, no one knows something. My Brian Newman. You delete it whoa whoa whoa leg, it up. Let's get Donny it might be dead, but his soul is inside of you. Can you believe he fucking die embarrassed that my friend Brian Newman was his number one trumpet player and he was all over the news and I sent him a message and I said I'm sorry for your loss, but isn't that amazing that he knew a legend, an icon and the last of the crooners in tony bennett. Ninety six we'll all be lucky to get there Michael will they make people blazed and use of new gruner Yeah I did but he's that needs the new jan, but you're right
makes all those middle aged women. Just they love me and I will say in blue bay's blue blaze, a favor. He is at least like he. He fucked your mom you'd, be like I he's the adherents. Simply on government read and write about pointed I may have like getting ready to live. In fact, no british woman gets aspects of my mother, but bootblack you're, like you, have a booby play you yea, because you know away. I kind of feeling and away he be classy. He write a check it out. I like you'd, show up yait had sex your mother, milk bali, another terrible memory for you, instant, doesn't isn't that willing, as MR bootblue you're welcome back any oh my new daddy. Well, isn't that exciting I've heard some. I get some good consumer senior scenario, even over what a share about rex humans connections to the former administration.
But you can share. It is the I mean I monotonies ensure there's some shit man there. So I could they don't. How do you do decided under your eyes? Gonna know. Had we not conspiracy, irish, no data needed that just got what's that. What's this constitutes a word on the whim at a word of the wind, I got through various sorts. What's! Ok! we'll find out what job just tyrant wonder the sources, but do they have jobs? You see this digging you're out That is what I did you. I can hear that arrives unions. Can you hear that because I like you, but I did a visibly, so blowing in the wind. So what's the conspiracy erects european has it does have ye, as was on the payroll of the odd tromp community, ah too, for various Sid based work, this is good. The apparently completely real, and he has a lot of connections- are rudy giuliani design with it. There's a budget schmuck saying now: schmuck you're very possible. Who knows that rex, your men was,
little bit giuliani was heighten. The bodies with them is his job. His self appointed job of killing sex workers was his side gig. Well yeah. You don't do that you know, that's what you don't wanna go nearer weekend warrior and EU authorities, because on page here on the thirty eight that they don't have mean it man anymore. There really like anti the whole wag pay me to kill people on that. My gold here, those disgusting thing is, I think, if he did do a patriotic. He would probably attend grandam up for what speed a murderer. I already got somebody did someone here. root, talk about a movie that just got pitch the moment. You just said it. maybe I don't it's like literally and people are trying to get the stuff tat, no worried it their old tariff willing to keep it up didn't the gill go beach killer, we're going to gonna find out how that rules out, but I think will see. Oh my conspiracy by my conspiracy source
This is how they didn't wine need any webs. They we use a conspiracy, but I think giuliani was probably aiding and abetting invalid order. Chief of also, lastly, from my perspective, your branco burgers defence. So his defence is trying to say he was nowhere near idle, Oh yeah he's been like picking up varies and how can we know for a fact that we're like ass? Not where are you anyway? So that's, it depends, as it will mean I want We all know anyway, it's interesting, I'm actually interested other. oh burgers actually put not such a defence, because I thought that he was gonna make this like his big horses only show about how it is, how we did it, but I know she's going to different direction because he's going to jail because new life only very frightened of what's going, how we had no knowledge, absolutely absolutely a nightmare for have eliminated as it should this shows sponsored by better help. I'm supposed to tell About a time when I felt uncertain about where I was going in life, but I never have
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to the other side and experienced the legendary mansion like never before disney's haunted mansion rated page. Thirteen now in theatres, because you know what else could make a scarcely terrorists have been did now tweeting anymore, it's axiom its axing. What fuckin. I love it. It's all burning when a fucking turn it all around. Who cares, and but this tomorrow, of course today. This episode is coming up, of course, is the side stories permanent curse, which is all the news for some reason comes out on a wednesday afternoon hump day, I don't know why they do say that the most product the day of the week, is the Wednesday monday you're thinking about sunday, tuesday you're, like I got all we get Wednesday you like, and we get some work done in a closed, its already frank, you know we had. I tell I feel like that. Indeed, but the wednesday tomorrow is this mass of hearing.
I think you Ain t situation near sighted. The government there is going to be. There is a lot right, girl breakdowns, that's really common to come. I mean I don't know a heck of a lot. I know that David grew is going to talk. I know some other people to talk. There are some witnesses there are going to come and I'll talk about like. I also don't know what we are going to be able to hear, because I know some of it's closed doors, some of it's not over find out what comes out of the end of this whole hearing next week, we're going to be able to really unpack it up. The nice have a couple of days honestly to sit and read through everything that kind of come out because of this hole, Whenever this disclosure would be well, we know there's a dude. His name is christopher melon, miss guy something a porn stars, beacon of which
christina marinating melons ease as I've been told that we have recovered technology that did not originate on this earth. Chuckie humorous been saying the same. Fuckin thing on the monarchy. Mark Rubio is besetting hakon same thing. They're all come out of the woodwork saying that we've we heard tail and their ship sacred up a nair, but then there's other people like ross. Cold heart is the guy. That is the investigative reporter was kind of who help David crush come out and he was doing he works for sixty minutes, australia, and there is this prevailing theory that, besides what I One side of it is. I think that there is a political reason why they are ramping up this talk they want. This happened would be virtually the just kind of their near either. There's either like a super like
run of the mill explanation for it were like they just are sick of it being in the news cycle. They don't want to deal with it. Just be space dust yeah like they just don't want it. Maybe they just want to settle it say fuck it I'm sick of this. We have a lot of stuff going on we're, trying to get an election going and they want to nail it right. Maybe that's what they wanna do, but there's another kind of thought processes, they're, thinking cause of the term that keeps coming up as they keep saying or some form of time constraint, with releasing any information. This is a thing that has come up time and time again with all these whistleblowers that keeps saying that it's important that we come out talking about this shit now, because there are some kind of deadline we are approaching, seems to be a more fits. We have no idea what that means so, of course, ross cold, hearted, everybody else in the full circles and only though the world they're kind of state of their like do.
J scenario, aliens, you're gonna, show everyone's forty cannot write everyone's free as it was. Of course, we were seated by the aliens in there just come into check on their little fun, friends that they have created or seated. They really seem to be pointing towards this idea that we were told by something else like you got two like twenty twenty. Three you haven't, neighing name arrive in europe. Your show up, there's like that or there's something along the lines of one of these things is got like. Who knows because you know, if you will sit, the bubbles are, if that's real. One of the things that they found was so big that they literally build a building around it. They found in an archaeological dig rank in its ancient, and maybe we can imagine, dig in something up and its ancient, then it just says, liking electric timber. twenty, four twenty, twenty three on your life. What why why, when you marry lit near for fifty years, I don't wanna talk about it, but it
so to make of any of that son. I want to make an to that point. The officials that have been speaking with Chris were they are, with the department of fence and intelligence agencies who are leading the way when it Do you a p d, closure which is quite fascinating, or were they sandbagging it in the first place and now we're we're on this were on an already registered time period of disclosure like they all right. This has all been in them in the kitchen waiting to come out where they've been waiting and that we're going to slowly reveal in two thousand and seventeen we hit this marker. We're going to do that, we're going to push it forward, which technically would make it that's the most functional roll out governments ever done, which then I don't know of that. Then that makes me doubted immediately at the anything's on time or they have some kind a schedule. I don't think that's real either, because we ve met people who work in the government and seems like a fucking mess
apparently the barely a bunch of people. I think there's something out there, including the pope. I mean the pope wants their sub newbie at somebody else could to get some talk, muddle the molestation. yeah, although according to doktor sean m perpetual, that's the other part about all this. It's all a massive smokescreen do not like us are corporate accuracy and our total screwing over of every single human being, but, according to sean m Kirkpatrick, That's the name of the guy from dirty work who had to punch already lang lange, because I was really funny little bit. They did their he's. The director of all domain anonymously anomaly resolution office. Look out for a terrible. I hey it's a good all domain anomaly. Rest in office. He previously testified. So there was no credible evidence. Thus far of extra terrestrial activity will again scenario fresh rule is a word that they all are saying that it's not no one
No one disagreed disagree with one thing we do tomorrow, engineers. Think? U turn in washington dc god we're your followers role, man, it's one of the only type of conventions that there will be a bump in sex workers activity. No, there might be a bump in lake creams yeah, lot, powdery anything that is chafing gets specially. Then a lot of these guys because their beggin from have to beg for gas money for move on, and I count on all these years, since it gives me a lot of fast food and fluxes. I bet you're running a popeye's in Washington dc our we're about to get a lot more difficult customers that are gonna role and by I am I I'm very very curious, because guess I could see the smokescreen aspect should, of course like, because there's a lot going on to cover
We do have like we're in the middle of like we're in the middle of my landlord in Amerika middle, the land warn you ve ever gonna proxy war, but there is a very real way with its work, but I mean it's a proxy war for us hearing, we're lighting. Other people do that fighting and I am obliged to differ kind of bombs, the yeah yeah it's like yeah, but that's kind of cooking like we don't need to forget about that or you'll use like strike seasons happening in the country. do you know the pf was, it was a ma was stopped concord and now there's a lot of people talking about striking. So I feel like yes, maybe it's a smoke screen to get people talking about something else, but I feel like that's exactly what people were talking about on the strike: picket lines, with those that you would be. As you know, you got anything more information than ever getting spread because you have all these. Eyes, all mingling talking and hanging out and don't forget hollywood's role when it comes to the disclosure of amount of veal phenomenon. Yes, but you'll be really do, then you wonder weed can now is working with the government. Hollywood elites been working with a gun river alone hours of the third kind Steven Spielberg was reached out by two to he writ he reached out to jacques polite. Chuck fillet was connected with all the government that they all
and he had never been invited, as you said being like you know, to be interesting, because it might look something like that citizens, even spielberg with my parents, never words and then of learning related matters. That was very hard for me me in a movie about and then naturally, of course, I have to remember that people who work for the government or just dumb enough to have jobs with the government, so it's all just human beings as much as I want to have all the way down and wonderful conspiracy that someone might actually be in charge know anything there. All bunch more split porto villainous did. Did I think that they can undermine this again. All of this could be hot garbage. and they get. This would roll passed and we will laugh at this time period, but if even a book which would come up unless but guess I'm coming and even of one percent is true. Here is a secret history than I it states of america than many is a completely real and in all bets are off Then it's all I mean fervour of we're all gonna sit here, because I wonder what if they already it's in charge, and maybe now it's.
of more of a self realisation. This is what they're all kind of coming to a head too. If this is real now we have something on our hands that we fundamentally do not understand and that's the main You know why the heirs gloves. I haven't said that they're, just like it could literally be a toilet from fucking clicks. Are you recently and they're? Just like debts were too aliens, you haven't you that you have done, and I think you know what they're gonna receive at some point, that stupid fuckin car that you must put into space Every like there's a car is gonna, be giddy like so who, I mean I don't think it's that far out of the realm wants a bit with. What did knows you get this thing, that's like an alien version of it. emperor literally mean that its that no one has any idea what it is until I built there there is there is that there is a stripe of that in this entire. In this conversation, but the that what you see here now this was an alien plunge our and is just a really upon china, I know is: are we using new like no actually alien shed more about translucent The grand like cube and yelling owes a dozen actually help us you know
but you're going to help us. It would help us well, of course, plunder technology. When I have seen now, the people are doing they put that sheet over the toilet and they push downers cribbing toilet sepia arc, as you shall not so much that is new I'd really in and it's a sheet we're going to show you a little last cellophane sheet, the toilet, amsterdam for what you did. yeah says: what do you mean? What is a toilet sheet for plunging? Yes? Well, you don't actually plunge then, and then you put it on there. It seals the air, and then you just push on it again. Is the toilet plunging see yeah. So that's gonna find movement to use that. Actually, I think it is a developed in japan so that we can agree. Well with your toilet, does this? Will it stops all your shit from where JD this is like from like will work, I saw it. I you oh buddy, I see so much. I see so much. Where did you win? Did you You know it works through the video. You don't want to know how it works. Well, it's really good. You might glowing like someone is japanese,
in japanese? Yes, exactly and you have a japanese toilet, so I think that that might go well might actually on a plunges itself. Calls a little man in the man. Come all the way to try and although you from Japan, he plunged the right there in front of me that I then honestly you he will stay years will, as you look at that in her nan. Does he want to superbowl and then he also did kill. Two people did ya, but let's focus on the ball. If you do the one that was like also kind of secretly gay right. Yes, you ve been, which became very publicly gay. He did kill himself thinking there. Spare me we're gonna money. They commit suicide because technically he had not yet gone through. I believe the sentencing phase, so if he committed suicide, he thought his. I was gonna get his money sailing correctly in bali massachusetts. It wasn't incorrect, but then they change the law, because the public, as you on china, its indirect, but anyway his fucking brother Dennis Joe Dj Hernandez, he was just arrested for the fourth time this year. He was
have shoot at brown university, and the university of connecticut Elektra Simone wrong, the Hernandez family Bain ages. Just stick with football. I'd sounds in the issue. like they all had scrambled eggs. For now he was so fuckin. He was body that even play long enough to get the scrambled eggs brain which then, if you do that you get a jack and you get to go up there, isn't that nice was what I wanna do. According to this a witnesses, Hernandez that he had a bullet for everyone with a giveaway kind of thing. Did you it's all a bullet from a football player he played college brother, he will yeah yeah, I know but easy servants. Quarterbacks coach were browns football team for Wednesday. He wrote a post on July. Nineteenth he says. Will I kill question mark? absolutely I warn the enemy is rolling. Aren't you ask? Why didn't you tell me to answer? Need got the answer? Will I killed absolutely I born my enemies, so pay up front. That is make any sense. You shouldn't
I mean you, don't I'm trying to help anybody, but don't do that? Don't warm. Also, may I say one of the nicest pictures of a mug shot have ever seen. He looks like a nice man, but then again he just wants to go, kill everybody. He says you can program, is gonna pay. Unless I have a package deal and I get my estate and every single thing I have worked for, do you think it say they straight? I mean obviously here's a mental health issue, but is it with the fact is it to two of them? Is a dyke obviously did not get better when you honor commit murder, and then commit suicide? And yet I am certain that did it at your life? Doesn't better like you, don't turn into like a legal modification ten day this week you know like after all, I like. It really is a lot going depending on the good evening to be they actually yields a lawn did work. You know its learn from IRAN's mistakes and let me more up front with whom we are two persons, so you don't feel so angry I he says I prepared to give my life, so I dont get too
you on the outside? No, I love you always know. If I don't get to see on the outside lobby, always not all shoot, or bad I'm realising some are necessary for change to have better because he's a real shame. You said you wanted to do that, but what that's? What they're, Dj Hernandez the brother brother, he gave everybody his own moral to the story. Bates had not all europeans are bottom realizing tat. Sometimes it's nash just tell every Are you gonna kill us because in people show up and put you in a hospital, not incorrect. You mean It's called a cry for help, but isn't it and you know that without so that without technically would be. This is their example of the differences between the uk and america, because her and as was charged with second degree, breach of peace and physical threats. O o. Yet the Hernandez eventually exiting the house in the old, multiple times or officers, to shoot him when he was a taste, tat. It taste him there than shoot him. So he can't you can always get what you want
but sometimes you get what you need me. I find that out every day that we then look at me at all this is by means of a person, is only receive what they needed. I don't know if it's your, I don't know about that. Also lagoon their similar haircuts, a nip the similar yeah yeah ethical family needs in order that they may give molly had read it all family ass these through time. Do they me past thanks the babel, know what that means? Do you? because recently I've been trying to learn spanish babble. New can't can too, because of babel you can speaking a new language and just tracy manas. Why babble? How dare you because it works? Look at me, I'm stupid. Now, spanish, all apples, tips tools or approachable, accessible rooted in real life situations and deliver with conversation base teaching. One study
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who Jaffa louis lie at home or anywhere. You are downloading theories, takes them out for over four hundred and twenty five channels of ad free music sports, entertainment and more subscribed. Now I get three months free, auburn details apply. Did you see the story, but I just drove the storage is because they felt too slight wikis triggered records of my body, but it sort of good sense, surprise the zoo guerrilla male birth, the babies. with their saying two years baby right, because the explained in press release it. Challenging to determine sex when guerrillas are young right, ok, tiller, at age because they don't have prominent sex organs and both male most or sized about the same row interested so they say it's very interesting.
Separate the eight years old he'll tell if it's a ding dong or our guerrillas just had opened dicks. Let us not right, but then they reach a reach, a certain age ray it's too they are, they become sexually dimorphism, meaning males and females. Look very different, as they age still contains, however, males to develop their characteristic large size, silver maxim, arch, head bombs, called satchel, cress colbert aged twelve, because those head satchel said try to see as a g I teach you ain't got my killers guy, some cool yea awesome burned, hands and use lived in twenty zoo was young and healthy. She needed any healthy. She procedures that would have resulted in would have resulted in her. True sex knows willing, I know, but they thought that you know honestly. These thoughts sully wishes to shoot kids do just like myself, just body at the body of a mother.
And you just china baby I'll, be your report, the G8 meeting there, have any of you, the? U ever, gonna shoot a baby. I mean I keep check at nine, a m. I sometimes adopting a hurdle, that's very good. It was because I would assume that this is the endangered or in need of nar. It's always good to have more gorilla, but rarely show outward signs of pregnancy because the newborns are smaller than human babies and gorillas have naturally have large abdomen. So they just cause Maybe that's what happened cause good memory almost. Was it Gwyneth paltrow had a baby, no one saw I really going to show you know they have all the anti additions using think here, like a baby that the size of a golf ball or sub nights. Someone else had it there's no way she did it. I don't recall that story. I know about one at some celebrity that was agreed We tiny and then they, No one believed that they have the baby, and am I pay for them? That's your chance eat the ice. cream, I visited I across celebrities, though things go. You they're, like surrogates, is a big deal. You gonna get you want torn you're. Doing all
paper. Should you came right? Oh all right, so there's a baby there. Oh my a story is fuelling the los angeles, be careful this guy who's, a naked dude, he's hang out and all these elegant warm and buildings and, as a matter of fact, the building. These hang out here looks like our aid studio. Let me look at that. Looks like a firmly cover doesn't flattened out here with this. Is that when everybody was not easy at ease dolly woods, I now believe that it is little it's all I get. Juliet is scary guys what as they get the head to toe and he's got a knife. So I guess that's kind of abuse of clothing. anyway. If you are around the north surrender avenue at least hollywood neighbour, be very careful truly because this guy's out there into a twenty seven year old resident, who gave her full name which are not going to give that she says, he's been trying to break into apartments He was rocket around naked one night, just full on naked. I was unable to sleep the last week. so. I developed really bad insomnia, really bad anxiety. You know this barbie marketing is going too far
great benefits everyone. This feeling the same thing, so I hope the other areas and you know what he's doing all the newly while yankee is really too, and that is how it is. That's like tired, faked hues it's fake, lunges and shit step up the most naked stuff up If you are able to make good the german law enforcement, this would be one of those chances for you to do. Dukes get what it is: because he careful you're does not these people. It sounds like what he's doing it that he's fully clothes, and then it goes into the apartment, building and takes office clause these like outside It is fully glowed any goes in well. She says that you d want to wake up. the naked man, rome in the pool, touch it himself now children. She says it's unbearable. I feel that it's not like it does it help glory urine easterly. What you already pay
read we pass what you should be fucking, especially as it for Where are you? Are you already to the max? You work at three jobs they deal with this fuckin make it got me time that evidently there are. There was a woman, whom all department compliment I've been. I then lived in new york. There was the caddy sets, the very elderly woman used to go. You know don't do it don't delete warner. Wrangle outweigh the naked guy here in the night for the things that a first you, like all that's kind of fun. It's gonna get here We see guy around like allay, never j Have you never dewey, given that there is our biggest carcass red words, and by the blair angrily. This woman is old woman. Capping like me hey. I try to avoid her and then she lived in her bottom floor of our of our building and then I'd have to go and like help her
the tv on and she was always kind of covered in pie, and oh, please, Allah, Peter and all of a sudden. Now I'm avoiding her because she need more and more help and then she'd forget to wear clothes and shoes. Know a man. Oh! No. Older mean literally these older woman. We're story that your attempting to paint is, you is the victim is learning elderly women who needs help? I had a wedding you're, just like a minority might equal it's. Maybe I ruining my damn right. I couldn't I didn't want to deal with the union. Can we can do tat? Ye say all address like that of you. That's gotta, Kyoto nodded It would help me, nor do I know you are like I gotta go to. So it's like actual delivery is evidence of you just being horribly self neighbor hired you go to an audition yeah. I like I had a lot going to medical record on podcast, as you will help me out. I believe you stress and me out
right. While these are hard for you all know: he'd whalebone, whales, landlords, William. She go we we like wrong need of help young, but then it is like John. Like must we little hard for you? It is you yeah. It's come on. Let's have been wasted time. It's why a time and her. Well, it seems as if, maybe if just anybody helped her at any point, maybe she s not ask me: did fuckin I'm a working actor satanist bound. We want we gotta get out there. I'm hung over, gave a whole range of new, give deep sigh, that's mortality and wisely in cages use your whatever version of satanism as a reason not to help an older woman, because to be honest with you we just got secular now, maybe that's it. You should do Maybe you could have gone and helped her out a little bit. Scooped she'll know who or what was happening. It wasn't even help
yeah yeah yeah yeah, but if I had sex with you, that's a woman's deepness. Probably true, yeah, that's a good point. So it's christian, it's not as bad as it could have been. You chose to ignore, so that's good move you had to. because all night, I will have you just like I just lines where she just as in me out. You made some help israel session bright, but was it thousand, eight then or two dozen has thirteen doesn't thirteen years. we received ban coming. the economy. There wasn't bad them with action, not as bad as he was on the real lives on the red. Without actually I didn't get a lot of work into another day. No Well. You didn't have a day job, though, because you are the first unemployment for a long period of time, because I was out of work, but you were the first one to jump fully into the arts, but that was twenty. Forty I get my first job twenty two, dozen nine can Let's do hero of the way in
has turned into an outlaw disaster is very cute. He keeps on steel in everybody's serve board. It's a five year old, female otter, officially known as otter, eight hundred and forty one. What is What are we just color like we'll? Go them and I know number nine number nine. What are we call her oh terror, the otter Ironically enough, your name in wall street was the otter, so at all has come together and you never know. Apparently this order is unusually aggressive and she's been seen near: the santa cruz coast center she's a thief yeah, but in this case, tax were making her a hero, because why not so a lot of people are saying, keep a for one free, keep eight why we had a very low in other he could say, but now because again need because it serpent all over her turf, its exact your servant on her turf, also you gotta be able
wipe a five year old, female water, and they had a win. We're still supposed to be a superior species, and all of these I've seen the videos and serve borders or dislike. I guess you can have it. It's like no well aware that was your europe is sure sure, because she's exposing these huh then all the women want that these people are cowards and they won't defend you It really wouldn't be a five year old daughter. I wanted a five year old daughter to death. Right now, but anyway, not this one, because it's euro of the week I love this and stadler was a vocal. She says I don't have all the facts and history of the incidents, but it just seems to me to be at another example of humans feeling but they have the right of way on the earth Then there are the very species. Letters and their rights to their native habitats are expendable. Someone's been watching poker, in which many people have also gone back to the ferment christopher, no one's the dark night. Oh yeah, later they added a meme that is the hero. Santa cruz deserves, but not the one it needs right now so will hunter. She can take it
in these? Not our hero, she's asylum, guardian, wash forgetting the jerk a dark night. Indeed, aid. So there you go the californian. Among the rest, the otter, thou me can't number three for another. How you gonna arrest of fuckin honour smaller little. I mean you, I guess what you used it to arrest. Kids, so anyway, the otter, eight forty one was born in the aquarium approximately five years ago. She was is by your mother and minimal cared for by the staff disguised in black or rubber, suits the wielding masts to hide their human appearance, which also only made her like really break the fuck out because other still like humans, you know and then it's very interesting history and should be given a chance. I hear you ve seen is honoured. Sixty children under thirteen have shot themselves or another We have almost one every other day with unusual at because I'm one took up a couple billowy of animals because then eddie sent me this thing recently for the mobility of animal list of fatal bear attacks. You know, there's hardly any
yeah no per year, the slick almost no bear tax gatherers. Mortality loses toddler. Guidelines then bears on humans, yeah and shark attacks as well. It is all a myth, interesting idea, This measure would related believe acts. What we need are evaluating one you have on. it become here of the whigs you're, also harassing servers and again I'm disorder. The jealous, because they'll take your wife other surfers. I wasn't gonna get away, but I stayed away from land on land or sea there surfers the truth. Is servers, don't need your wife think appointing a fuckin speaking, otters tail anyway, they go, man surfers again wash board apps and it will be that type of like natural b ever has to worry about anything. You don't have to fuck your wife, several petitions of circled, supporting eight for one's freedom they got over. Fifty thousand
in new jersey, say, and you leave that out or alone I hey I'm with them, I'm actually, I'm now, on the other side, don't bus in order for thievery, it's so hard to get the receipts absolutely I mean: what do you do it? Super kid gets naval superman Before you my little listener emails here, just wanna remind you check out the stream we have this week, Sir today's le, why twenty other works on the pipe wrench somethin. Twenty ne and July twenty ninth chicken out twitched a tv slash, less puckers network from tended ten. in twelve hours. We're going to take all your putting them to learn. What do you me to work? Everybody and you are going to get them out there in the direct sunlight, we're going to do a full. Now, a tv resents the grind This is a full on grind parity of people. Dancing even be parity is gonna, be parody. It is never to be squealing. It's like the grinds back yeah exactly. This is like I watched spaceballs before I watched star wars, then I watched star wars and I was like this isn't funny at all. Oh, yes and then remembered. Yes, we got le good put
is coming into a live streaming shown is going to be regular streaming show, and this is what you really think is going to bring them in like he got to. He literally has to do I'm just too physical. Trying to remind them, because you literally cannot tell them enough. What can I put in? Do you think you'll beat it with Jackie? I dunno that's for real il okay. If I, if I don't see some get them tapioca, I don't think I'll be okay, it's got chunks in it. You've got to like the tapioca you like tapioca. I do, but I don't like bubble tea. It's like the same it just put is frequently smaller bubbles bubble, tease double yoga in frozen for him to bring console. Oh yeah yeah. but yeah still the straws so big. You feel like you're, sucking off a robot or something it's a it's a weird read: did you think we've got bigger mouth and I'm certainly way. I guess you you're. Not your mouth is more nearer than I thought it would be timmy looking at a
If you read your emails there, let me check it out. I can show that you're going to be on the fucking streamer doing your little fucking email. You just took it out of iraq because you said you've got some good ones last week use it. I feel like every every week you've said: oh, I've got some good ones I'll share next week, but then it doesn't seem like you haven't, you haven't been sharing. Sometimes I do okay, but sometimes I forget the right that sometimes when you read it and you realize it was never actually very good right, but you only read the last nine years he bestowed or something yeah. That's a great story wrote the following report for my supervisor to have on record after receiving a crazy phone call, while dispatching for animal control and spring
mozilla hooker, I decided to do not added it. I think the official reports dial makes it even better on three seventeen, twenty twenty one or on nine, am I received a call from a man who sounded mentally disabled. It was a man. Stutter did not trouble getting clear thoughts up. You started by telling me that he had brain damage to please be patient with him, an answer all oceans and promise not to laugh at him is that we need to start over this. You know when I write be better at brain damage, though those gauges be sexual bit. I promise not to laugh and said. I will do my best answers questions he mentioned to me that he had recently been in the hospital and must now in a hotel room. He said he had found the door open and gone inside nurse. Now hiding under the bed was a drop you wasn't. Paying aim is any about forty one bottles of pills. They had taken a lotta animal tranquilizers. I attempted to find
where he was, and he said he was an old tell on E elam street, saying we're downtown elm street I'll just it out, and he said yes as this. Would you discuss this report's thou? You asked me a line of questions. That was something like this. Are you an animal control officer? Are you a lady officer? What is your truck? like: does it have boxes for dogs in the back? Could I please I'm begging you just go into one of these boxes. If you saw someone in a dog costume, would you have to stop and pick it up right? He expressed that he had a dog costume. That was very realistic and then he was a small person. So I would probably think that he was a dog and could put him in one of the boxes so that he could hide in there for the day when I let him know, I could not do that. That's when he started to ask where we keep the trucks and saying that I found him in one. I could just pretend did not see him. He also wanted me to look at a dalmatian dog costume on the internet for comparison he continued talking and
Jim that he has for guns and a lot more pills, and it was wanting to kill himself will guys. Don't it dogs. Don't have to no. No, no. It's I mean they can have a gun, but most of the time they think it's streets. Now, sometimes dogs do pull triggers an accident, does kill people. I contacted dispatch and continued to try to get an address or phone he'll name. He would not tell me anything but continued to ask about the truck. I asked him not to kill himself or hurt himself. I also told them, I was very worried about him. I want to send help if you please tell me where he was eventually. He told me that the pills he took made him as small. As the letter I on a phone next, he went into questions about if he jumped in my purse, when I take it home and put in my closet, even talked about jump and why slippers, yes mobile device. You I wore if there was no indentations in slippers and if you could fit in the invitations it can either all again I q.
I'm not really at all actually police, while the guns in the drugs and the war. This is a vital element of god. Elements are is worse. You got no sexual. That assistance. As I attempted to keep him on the phone. I venture to get an address, a five one, seven yell am, I attempted to keep him on that while talking to dispatch about his location. He continued to ask questions about my feet. My toes goblin whether he can hot sauce on them. At a few points here would sound like why Kim masturbating I attempted to get a room number, his name or description of the men. But he would not answer my questions. You invested easily invested your eventually. This is some is some very helpful person because he said he was suicidal onto the trend, oppermint were you they eventually. He said, I see officers. Why did you send? The item because I not want him to hurt himself or anyone else. I told them they are just to help, and he said you tricked me anything, and for some time, if that, but he would not communicate with me other than answer my questions of. Are you still? They are from time to time, and then he hung up Well, there you go what a story. Indeed,
no word on. If he committed suicide or not, I don't, and then they did pick them up. They said the heat was found. He got picked them up by animal control because the cops had then cut the animal control had to call the cops. The cops came and they said they found a man in a full dog suit are asking to be picked up and put into an animal. Will the truck and then he was openly masturbating. Alright, there you go, you never know it takes a village animal control. We are animals, so I guess that would check out, but yeah, okay. Well, there you go near. I got another one. Let me just start by saying that this ghost encounter has four total witnesses. Myself. So when my brother and I were kids, we hung out with our two male cousins at the time. Did normal boy stuff, like I'm on the roof and jumping off new hat having rock fights etc. Me in my buddies issue show each other buckles
absolutely going to have fun with his hero, though a wink for years. One day we were playing in mind my brother's garage and decided to go play in the attic, and this is where the spooky stuff happens myself in one of our cousins climbed up. First, we were the youngest and smallest my brother, another cousin, then climbed to the top of the ladder to see us staring motionless at the back of the attic. They asked us what we were this greeny door hanging on the wall, I said missile in turn under it. I move over, so they could see any look. Justice confuses us into the wall. The very back of the attic was a granny doll. Doll style is a raggedy ann, but it was an old woman and it was nailed to the wall by its hands on its feet, similar to a crucifixion a huge old time. You oil, lantern memory that all over the fire burning illuminating dolly from underneath. cousin was. I was up there with immediately claude his we back down the attic with his brother. They both seem completely rattled. However, my brother told me to go get closer and they went on. I want a preface, with a few things,
my brother and I have always believed in ghosts. Roaches also just generally desensitize, too pretty much everything, because we grew up Internet is your opinion on ghost, has always been if they live here to treat him like a roommate, don't fuck with them, they will fuck with you. I totally agree: roommates can be rassam, don't watch them. Just don't look at don't look at your roommate they'll, never look at a room and never look at a roommate okay. I call all the way back there to get a closer look, and yes indeed, it was a fucking We need doll male to the wall, with oil lantern lit, underneath that I immediately came back down about my parents, my mom. Climb the ladder and said she didn't see grannie doll, but this she did see a light coming from the back of the attic She went in and came back with a tiny toy battery powered lancer much much more. and the one I have seen in this one was made of plastic. We never seen that toilets lantern before and even weirder. It still worked my brother and I and our parents all joked about the so called grannie doll at all in her house well into our adulthood. This happens maybe twenty years ago. So we Do a whole encounter into a sort of inside joke. However, a few years ago we asked
same cousins if they remember the grannie dull and they both turned pale within seconds and refused talk about it. Why? Well there you go. You never know. What's gonna happen, I'm ok, everyone! Thank you so much for listening urban oil at a live every day, fuckin hanging out like your crucified to an attic wall. Just member hey, I'm just happen to be I'm happy to be here. I went over eleven rent free and this goes economy. This incredible right, I'm living rent free in this families had I'm a granite. All I'm crucified, I'm laughing my way to the guys. I know for a fact that I am scaring everybody isn't this awesome, I'm just crucify here, because they stole an apple next, a cheese That would make sense, are right and then you're going to love the fact that you help open Heaven you did, did and then also a frantic, the edo the upside down cross came about because the db, one of the other disciples, was going to get crucified and he wanted to be dare be. by the same manner as Jesus Christ. It then he was crystalline upside down, but isn't that fascinated?
Alright, everyone will thank you so much for lizzie, thanks to everyone who came out too we did it. We had a really fun panel is in I'm sorry I couldn't make that, but I no marcus and Henry had a great time, and no one else to this show sounds great and thanks for everyone who came out to las vegas we sold out wise guys and you my reward, for that was they asked us to do. The club salt lake city, woo, okay, so there you go connection or rewards to be there as well. You get to go to utah, potentially, although I don't think there's enough money to actually go because wanton would cost us do it anyway. Thank you for coming out and for the birthday cake, a birthday cake. That's really nice and the everyone happy birthday. So that was nice, but I know I never did, but I would like thank you know that you can get. It wasn't with companies. Nearly forty new for you, forty no yeah this last week sucked so now this week is going to better. This waste can be better, ok betterment and this year's gotta degree.
She were here more than half way through it. No, my you're here you you're, saying it's in a year and a low my year of forty two We have just begun: yes, you're right, yeah, you're just begun, shrilly, as that is your heart. While you may have seen in the fact that the whole thing you ever so much but wasn't inhalers those relations. Tell me you won't sad day can comment on us. well done, you show was made possible by listeners. Like you think, store, add sponsors. You can support shows by supporting them for more shows like that, one. You just listen to go to last podcast network dot com.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.