« Last Podcast On The Left

Side Stories: The Spaghetti Incident

2023-05-10 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news including the mysteriously massive pile of pasta found in the New Jersey woods, the woman who dressed as a clown to murder spouse's ex - and got away with it for 30 years, Vancouver man opens Drug Store to sell Heroine, Meth, Cocaine, and other drugs: immediately gets arrested, Nashville hotel manager arrested after sneaking into room and sucking guests toes, Widow who wrote grief book after death of husband, charged with his murder, the still developing story of Jesse McFadden: pedophile, rapist, and family annihilator, a fart spray prank shuts down school and sends students to ER in Texas, an unlikely elephant becomes a hero, Listener Stories, and MORE!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Support for the last bog gas on the left and the following message: come from silo in apple original series silo. Based on the best selling books. Areas is story of the last survivors on earth and their deep. Underground home, protecting them from the toxic and italy world outside in this big sigh saga, murder, love and dissent, can begin to unravel the silos mysterious secrets. If the lie Don't kill you the truth. The will silo now streaming only on apple, tv plus, I love driving with uber, because I have access to twenty four seven live support as a female driver. I need to feel protected. Uber has my back for sure. Uber earn like a fox sign one today at uber dot. Last.
there's no place to escape to this is the last on the left side stories. The cannibalism started, the debates actually kind of heavy. For me, it's a very heavy day would eat, allow ass night. Let's go Why doesn't everybody I wish you could be so easily laughed away when I woke up and I saw the newest verse, I didn't want to believe in nine. I actually double check my sources because king Charles these king, now don't don't disgrace the throne. I hate his big hat and stupid cheer and is dumb wife. I wash that entire thing from like four a m to like a haiti, and why would you because it was so ridiculous? It was like cause play. We didn't consequence. It is it's all fake itself, very bizarre, I so I, but I the news I had a double check it twice because a eunuch, as do I get a lot of people sent in this story.
About this, I even you're saying you gonna like send shutters Spain, ITALY, but is it asked the dump that happened in the old bridgetown ship, new jersey, they're saying- and I saw the past. I am the first thing and is it said, martin pasta. I look at. I didn't want to believe that it was real and then I looked at the date and I saw that it was exactly twenty six years, the date that we all made, that promise guides. You remember: yeah, the old, dumb, the pasta in the park in new jersey premise. No, no! I don't think you guys, you don't understand you weren't there. I wasn't there. Okay for you. I dunno you remember you remember tiny leg, Joe. you remember what a lonely idea like Joe super long legs money, black gregg of italian use asian oh a they call me skinny goes on flat. We were there, twenty six years ago. Do you remember what we did and you remember what we had to do. I actually still feel kind of icky that we railed that girl together. Did you kill
italian mobster and is this his ultimate revenge know there is an entity that is from new jersey, we thought we put away a long time ago, but I guess this passage shows that he's fucking bad, who is it I can say, is that I can see it Were you remember long leg? What does it look like? tiny lay joker, literally long legs lex. Here we have to remember our prompt and britain urine. this freedom friedl shape door, no fruit, you chips, scattered cut back again it up. For you know the generations prop o my lord. It's it's penis wise.
The car related cloud? Oh it's you know who it is you fucking liar? Why are you saying I can say at workers or is everywhere they are ruined everything. You know we re around here a break in its body. I am bringing nothing back, but spaghetti is full. be there if you are hungry for carbs, if you're running a marathon fairly soon gonna wanna go grazed home eat noodles in estimated three hundred to four hundred pounds of pasta were dumb in old bridge and there's a picture of the pasta, a lot of people speculate on what it could be, the don't touch it don't scoop it no parmesan cheese for you, MRS madam, according to need a jackal wits? She says it was like that song. of spaghetti a cupboard with cheap Is the sing in the cupboard that is the. I remember it because I remember emirates were there. I remember was in the canal. Was meat tiny like Joe? Yes, tiny? I think it was
like Joe, had Sherlock regulation whose age we do. I still remember, hunt We ask you slime, evoking god, damn npr who thinks there so fuckin good day say that it has been said All in all we are, then I bet you would you like that? I'd? Like to hear if there was other sort of past slash, antipasto mysterious happening. Yes, you value because it starts with the past assured it seems innocent enough sure comes into pursuit filled. Olives many friends in too I don't even want to get a new okey doke. means and what that will for the rest of us also nokia sounds like a great new character from mortal combat
I do not want to mess with the gnocchi. It's also the only pasta that teaches us all about consent. Isn't that fantastic? So when it comes to the spaghetti, as you were saying Henry a lot of outrage, a lot of people said who could it be would waste or this food, whereas all the marineris us one person, ALA cocoa, said I can fix this. Just give me a just give me time to gather and three for it or cups more and there I saw you- I remember it tommy rococo yeah. He was buddy So the mayor uncle miller member because he pushed me up because you had your coconuts you gotta do any work, as I remember him. I remember him and ran back in the day. I remember that alley: mandala, loco Meyer I remember:
it was. You is the biggest female bully that we had at the time, and she didn't want to believe us. The old township break the old bridgetown room. She won't believe our tales of what we are being so she said: oh yeah, oh you think about it means you wish my belly up in arms. I will have the scar. Can you see? I can say it's right here: it's under oh yeah, right here. It's under review there it has demanded a safe, is look where she car initial reality through an area of hers, four and a half crazy sex with me. Nineteen these seven the year that this began within those around let's go in and, of course, don't forget to watch that hit movie. I know what you ate last summer, so the mayor's office actually heard wind of said. Spaghetti incident. Is the council member history of johnny murphy, the third. They have responded, four requests, but don't worry they have the police. ass, the gate in the incident which could the issue is so now again
If we wanted, I guess ground. This is a really big deal. I they had. They said that maybe it came from someone leaving out and they left a bunch of dried passed out by the river and then the water itself made. It will amp. Isn't that interesting. So perhaps the pasta wasn't pre cooked, but nature did indeed cook said pasta. I don't belong to carry it out ass. What my smiles! don't be a lousy either by says you know it's literally, destroying wherever the pizza seeing the idiot now is that the amount of possible they and the way raids as it sits in the water. It's actually very bad for the river renewal in my view, living in the river. Well, either way because they're not supposed to be eating. The public works department has cleaned up the mess shortly. After all, things are okay, a bucket one fork and little spoon to scoop it up. Well, I think they just got their largest boy. Who was they to separate him? miss television afterwards watching Sopranos season three for the tenth time and say you know what a we finally got a job big enough for you,
I am so anyway idea. I can't believe it eighty. I know that this is not gonna beating ended. Oh, I guess you to your boy. And real guarantee when it rains smells like sewage and as to than that bad girl, who would have thought a little plastic gotta gone such a long way. Regular mouser tiny lagged joe. remember alexia, which was We have no idea what Alexi I don't care, what anybody says guys or get back together, eminency our favorite chinese restaurant in town, which was strangely protrudes protrude. In in re going to and then maybe you will catch above the dregs in dublin, then obviously we'll we'll dive defeat the iceman man, if we can get around to it, but mostly want to be nice to have a reason to finally come back to new jersey. Well, you know what goes well. Let's do a little segue way here to this story. I want to talk about when it goes well with pasta. A little wine? Did you hear this tale? A woman's survive I do stranded in the bush in australia by eating sweets and drinking
single bottles of wine, I would say: don't rescue me, I'm fine, the I do think that is true think she's waving off people trying to pick her up she's forty eight years, young lilian at lily. In the name of my grandmother, a woman so unbelievably sweet she hated squirrels, then she nicknamed my little brother squirrel. She was all of a sudden she's in the bush, and this is in victoria state, and I still don't fully understand how you just get stranded in the bush, but you go there, you look around and it's like being underwater, you don't know which way is up and then you just sit there and you eat your snacks and you drink your wines. I dunno, if that truth is something that Karsh doubt and she did was lost. That reminds me of that. You didn't even try to escape blows universities, you got hammered kid just got drunk in the car and then she said I thought all gonna die. They my boy, he sat down on freud, die. She leave and try to do. Any notion of you is laid there and then got drunk can and should she said there are only thoughts were going,
we shouldn't wait, and I wish I hit some water and I wish I had a cigarette. That's right and thank god, the policewoman, the pounder had a cigarette for so in there nice, and but you remember that movie, it's a surprisingly scary film there's two of them and a woman, creek wolf, cree gray. I think about movie molly. I wait too much because they all of them are super scary. The second ones funny because jumpstart woods that its gates plenty, but it's about the real it's scary dangers of the back and the fact that people go missing there all the time and then to lie they're like intrepid young tourists, are like I'll go for. I like how I go for I gray went to bed meddling. I went to some worrisome outdoors. Gosh, you know they all want to be fun. I can we arrive at the trail and then we're like I don't have the shoes georgians, and we have no water and I'm wearing generally not force like dimension arrive, heard spite us spider despite or I may spiders? No, not these these earth
long, they say, don't, kill you but looked like the ones that are. everywhere in we when I always so one big spider it ready. When I'm sitting on passenger by Spain, yeah. I like the dairy, long legs and I like the ones that eat the mosquitoes. But then I know like the ones that bite because they will kill you. If you get your dick bit door to chop that thing right off so anyway, she was found. and the funny thing is she doesn't really drink, which is actually probably good for, because then she got super amor. I feel that she could have tried harder survive. Will she did survive was did survive, but I feel like right other things. I think she made the right decision by going into the bush weren't you that is probably true you're supposed to stay where you are. I do know that that is the rival dep, is that you don't go looking for civilization. stay right where you are and then hopefully somebody comes. It binds fifty fifty fifty get play by air I've. What, if you're like in d
what, if you're in the case of one of your and robert envious, junior backyard, get given castles wearing a football jersey, but about where he has never been to combine? No, but I did watch it in time. You have. You definitely have had a couple of con by my eating the foods, and, oh, my god, if I could just do that at the combine all the increasing, although these know aggregates? Oh, my god, it's all high protein low carb, great food, but have to work out all the time to make you not fat. That is the idea, but now this is a story that I think that is really really fun this I e again we're here. here I gotta see we're in a bit of the murder business and we do like, while stories of crime to be fun, incisive, but I'm not supposed to like merle,
re everybody's mad. You know I I get and I'll say that officially here at lpn for all of us we're against it. We don't think you should murder, but I do think. Okay, if you're gonna do it. Well, it's not what some flair isn't it like good? Let's have some fun with the people currently do have a lot of flair when they murder and is one of the probably your all the time if you're gonna do it have fun with it. This woman is a hop a pip sheila, keen Warren fifty nine now she is finally, just as of last week has finally ended her case were murder case and a pleading where she was arrested in twenty seventeen for thee, ninety ninety murder of a of a young woman with a name of marlene warren and the career. Is it you are keen Warren arrived in a fool clown suit, its believably scary area was fuckin. I can't say that its awesome,
allow ever bigger than on us. When the idea of like she went, she bought a clown costume because she was completely ape shit because more lean warren? Who was the woman she murdered? That was heard then next spends rachel. Marlene, worn was married to man that they broke up, Morally morons ex husband got married to sheila keen warren in a fit of jealousy look, you more and who really man an organ when undressed as morally and warrants favoured thing, which was clouds, Indeed, so flip did you fuck and became her ultimate nightmare by choosing her favorite thing to be her, and it was the morning it was may was nineteen ninety first, the clown a k, a sheila, keen war and handed the woman, some carnations in some balloons and after that she shot her dead, and this is a very
strange case now, really ninety. How many years ago was that thirty, three others woman's thou, fifty nine, some quick mad there she was younger than twenty days came to aid. The case really came to a head recently as they finally figured out. was her in two thousand and seventeen. He got away with it for like twenty seven years, yes, and because they were able to get some dna from her and they found that the found hair in the clouds getaway car, the victim. Okay is really very interesting. Visitation, chapter cars. For that whole time it was a lebaron rachel, do you know how many get up down. Do you get the twenty five clowns inside of a cappella barry and it's incredible clowns have a way with fitting into cars. I dunno how they do it. It's they do. An elephant were white with dick in, but they do it like file folder, where digging but digging, but taking busey, dick and pussy dick and pussy.
The file together, should never a solid three to four inches klondike room to compress. Now she committed this murder now First of all, we also always talk about. Oh you know Women, don't murder as much as men, but this is an exact example shows that not only should she put a care, They pointed to other queen. She did it disunity the entire culture area go out and fuck a corpse. You gotta kill a lot of people do that, but she she would keep covered up her crime. She did it really well, so I guess I'm a happy with their. Nobody really must now do everything. Also this I asked you don't wanna talk about the sentence you're in a second I don't know if I think that she got off pretty You know it's really crazy, he's crazy, so Sheila came more and I've.
there. I don't really know the whole story. There's gonna be more more common. It is a good dateline. A sort of watch unless I voted on is desired by daylight producer you're, like cloud I e they women, women, murder and I d ninety. Thirdly, role was awful cause. It's just like goods. Poor, non unit actors like really hoping to make up on so they develop some form of animals. towards each other. I believe it was because morally Warren was the mother to heard now and new huh, been to some of mistress. Bullshit is just something that we have just one picture, but something clicked inside of her, where she decided to use his imagery against marlene empty, went to that she plans she's going to do this thing. She stole a gun. She went you bought. That too, which is I cut us at the cheapest possible clown costume of you went straight to the costume store, bought a clown costume. She then headed by double. could you wanna make up her face and she just walked up like lord on its right of a clown.
You got any more about it to call it. You have better, have ordered back twenty near mouse and get out here should never be a surprise. Suddenly mungo bucky. I love that the EU should never be surprised, so she owed up both as a flower deliver person over their open fire right drove awaken the boar woman shot is instantly dead. Apparently her final words were: oh, how lovely, because she saw the flip, then I used the final words. Nice final words run siddle. She runs a little baron and they keep bringing up a little baron. I guess cause it's the funniest scar, because that nice, wood, paneling and, of course, it's french for the baron, the baron She then drove she abandoned the car, but this is how they found it. I guess they got like some kind of clown tracker. I have no fucking idea what they do the way the guys were talking about. Oh a year, and we we we entered the vehicle and, as we could see, there were several obviously clown hairs that were involved, and it just showed like
This cloud hairs rule over the inside of which is able to fully the goofy forensics that half ago, like us, any regarded, I'm gonna get a clown squad for their therefrom pies at each others, should each other retail, naturally in formulating the scene. But you know that the shoe prince rupert quite comical quite large specifically did she did not wear the shoeprints knows whether she said there were like them with we be went out there like lookin for a clown with no clown to sell the woman was long suspected. That's keen worn she'd been Jim. awaiting trial for the first time ever since two thousand seventeen. Now, interestingly enough, you would think o. This must happen. worry reaction amongst the people of west palm beach, but no this entire. The thing was handled basically with a plea deal. It was a plea deal and, instead of it being like a crazy literal circus, the circuit judge scott suck our he handled all of this during his lunch break from another
their motor dry, oh yeah, so this woman, I dont, know why they kept. Maybe its causes Oh embarrassing, for them and everybody else will they get there saying there's couple shit we're like I guess there was a long process. They ve had a heart, I'm getting her trial, but didn't they for blame and cultivate ex. Forgive me. I have no clue how that works and now you're trying to get her on time served because I think that it is they that could she took a plea deal. Let's get to which I don't even understand how you bet a second degree manslaughter, please deal for straight up first degree. motors, because she had a plan with the husband. Could you went on to live happily with this new husband for, like
Twenty years they lived this incredible sidelights she's only in her late fifties now, so she's gonna have more time with them. This is according to one of the people that is obviously devastated from the laws. They say, sheila keen war and has finally been forced to admit that she was the one dressed as a clown and took the life of an innocent victim. She will be convicted for murder for the rest of her days, Unfortunately, as you will be a committed murder, unfortunately gimme a trail The rest of our years old calls for a twelve year sentence, but key. Worn, has already served six of those years, which means she has six years. I would love for someone explain to me side stories. L p, o t, l a gmail dot com. How does she get that type of deal like? I guess it just gets going on for so long that it's almost like our attitude. You're just done yet just take guilty. We're we're gonna wrap this up. We can poppy in the fridge while, but then, when she comes out, she I feel it she's gonna not be better because she spent six years
in jail. You really mean that only the marbles no were gathered when you're sitting in there no. No, I don't think jail is really helped. Anyone psychologically I'm her trial was supposed to start next month and then, if obviously, she could have been looking at the death sentence or a life sentence, but you're right. This plea deal very friendly. Maybe the guy thing for clowns, or maybe that's what it is. Are you the women that they're in the dateline episode the women that sold her the clown suit were so funny because there were like we knew something was going on when she didn't buy. The shoes I mean, first of all, I dont national guys. Rather you don't give me that shit, you're selling me the shoe separately, the clown costume. Only it's pretty quintessential to the clown caused in the shoes Allah carte blanche occurring during a time greg, rosenfeld. what he had to say. He says the state of florida originally wanted to execute her, but now
he's going home in ten months? I am well. It was difficult to plead guilty to a crime she did not commit. This is heard a privileged partnership. it was kind of a no brainer when there is a guarantee that you will be home, which are fair. Ok. So it looks like the six years and then his ten more months because I guess she was really well behaved and did a lot a balloon tricks in jail in your life. That's gonna, get you some time off. All she's gonna do that bit when you, If you drop a awol and then you try to keep picking it up and then you kick it before you pick it up. If you couldn't make that last for six years. Oh in the saddest thing is marlene, warned son, Joseph Aaron's, he saw them. Dorothy. Had I was twenty one he is now. What is it days. Yet it's fucked up partner lorry, really as an you? Do wonder you know, as obviously just like? Can we just get this fuckin done already and then, of course, with the time? Thirty, three years past me the emotions of obvious shattering people who have suffered, but the emotions
the corridor, just like you get on the scope, she got got cheap, basically got away with murder, yet she got away with murder any, but I do think bullets the clown, as agreed cloud camera. You know everybody where I got the five g in my blood have reminds me of when I watch shakes the clown, and I was like way too young. I think my mom rented it for me bucket nasty dude, look what I made my boy. That's one would be safer way to do it also wanted loons! It was a silver balloon and it was bought at public's and the balloon. That you're the greatest of all a dream, a barely. They bought loans on opposite day flow. My
It is a very, very sad I but again you're gonna commit murders. Do it in a clown costume for us think about the commentators. Think about the comedians. About these poor late night writers, they're all on strike. There's still committee be cobbler. All writing jokes, each other just to keep each other company on the strike lines of the bigger lines. Thinking so you're gonna kill somebody do it anyway. I mean like again: I mean don't Do you like a dog cause you're doing fine like furry outfit like just do something and I know they all encourage any more murder here I think we're fall. We could just do this because, as has been denied its work can go. I bet you there's like thirty clown killings that we it even discussed. Yet we did the santa. We recall that our warriors, which a soccer really wrong john but Michael, warn them and that, I believe, was having an affair. He was convicted of grand theft and racketeering and also occur.
Real characterise was in nineteen, eighty four grand theft, racketeering and you know what the third one was odometer tampering with that for There's really was a level that is only tearing the fuckin tag off of your mattress He is. What does he was a car salesman? He certainly three years in prison for black know. That's all I got twenty miles. You on credit, get you on fucking fraud. That is when they get. Oh, my god yeah, because that's what the that's an old school scam that only looney tune. You can't do that anymore, no notice, because you literally had to go in and manually change. It was back when it was like actual physical numbers that would roll over on a on a wheel. So you had to go from behind it and flip them back to zero. It technically was harder to do that. Scam back in the day guess all right. So there you go be very careful, never answer the door for clown is knocking unless it's your birthday someone's like I'm, send you a clown. They're just has to be all It's just a ton owed, but that also we have two people have fun sure,
I also be like oh clown. Hey, I feel, like you know, we're in the age of consent and seeking consent. So there should be some form of acknowledgement. Some clown transfer would like just a just a thing like. I just you know pending clown arrival, no matter what does that you know. So, even if you have to have your own guns loaded, your unfairly, certain that consenting existed in eighteen, ninety as well, I think some so anyway be careful and that women category it with murder. Murder. All you gotta do is be funny about it. Then you know prison in fine but lady. It is as bad as man. risen, so I dont rob he's gotten girlfriends and anxiety. I got them really interesting eels. We were talking about prison guards of female prison, get pretty normal. Oh yeah get located add some crazy being punchers in their man. Here is the cliffs letters that you can't? Even I don't wanna be anywhere near these guys. I don't like the new name, the rockets, the cliffs slingers their eyes.
keep it. The rocket's support for Last bog gas on the left and the following message. Come from silo in apple original series site, oh based on the best selling books series Is- story of the last survivors on earth and their deep underground home, protecting them from the toxic and italy world outside in this big sigh saga, murder, love and dissent. can begin to unravel the silos mysterious secrets. If the lie. don't kill you the truth. The will silo now streaming only on apple, tv plus worley. You have trouble it up and work whatever down maybe clouding your mind, California, It says an adviser, that's right for you that car A foreigner psychics provide you with an cycle guidance to help you, find the answers. You're. Looking for
Ninety, ninety five, california psychics, is connected. Some of the most sperience, psychics worldwide to millions of customers, each of them I just go through a rigorous screening process every reading as risk free back by a hundred percent satisfied. Action guarantee, so, whether you feel and lost in love or just feel more sure about the road ahead. California psychics can clear away the doubt and help you Experience the joy of certainty, in California. Psych digs dot com to put your first reading. No, you a story that will last exactly ten seconds. There was a dude and
coover. He opened up a store, selling heroin, meth and cocaine, an m d m a it was he was arrested twenty four hours later and the stores shut up. It's very rare that guy's name was Jerry Morton, but you know what why is it not also opened? It was called the drugstore and I just give him credit for trying. Sometimes you never know I would have what we learned most fraudsters taught me is Brazen confidence really really helps these issues over without asking for permission because they are all drugs. I think all drugs are decriminalize icu for my incorrect. No, no, not like this, because the police said they started gathering evidence after the suspect started, selling cocaine, crack methamphetamine and heroin out of the mobile trailer park near the main main and cordova streets. So I think he was just the thing I leading role should be legal. I do think that they should all be legal, but at the same time, until they are you a mass, the evidence for them,
Yes, I sure I am not against that entirely, but I also don't know if this man necessarily needs to have a store right where people are addicted to all of the straw. Why tax? brow. Why did he on the deal? Don't? Why put it in paper dog like you, keep that all of the below the guy open up a pass. The store, whilst the store many jobs, not just to any other kind of story. You sell drugs at the door, but everybody shows up, says egg and I get five. Ghana loans it's all you gotta, do and cover up just a little bit and honestly, it's kind of fun cause. Then you gotta play like it's Oh? No! Oh yes, area! They may go right to the past the cupboard and then you go and look, and I get a fun day, everybody's roleplaying. Up to that point. It would be nice if we did have somebody that was tested these goods before they had the streets to make sure that full of poisonous sentinel? So do I bet that story?
be very careful. Also it'd be good. If dick again see the quality, what a great day for April, if you are addicted to drugs, though, when you walk by and you're like ooh, Chris wouldn't go what a day. I think that if I was fully addicted to drugs- and I saw that I would have to be honest- I think it'd be pretty paranoid about the idea of like one some drug store called the drug store. Drugstore unopened already seems to be the best flash worst staying ever created yeah, but then no big chance. Take a chair again, I would argue, dig Jed's love. You know that you sometimes you shouldn't. Oh no, I Should there is a story I will? I was gonna. Do I dont want to quickly kind of during up the jesse Macleod and storing you're, the quick, just as we do with gotten a lotta message. About this man. That was a basically about to go to the court for being in possession of pedophile a of child pornography. He was convicted rapist,
who serve sixteen years is got out early can now, and then he killed himself, his wife, her two kids and to visiting kid it's a bit too really racy, fucked up horrible story. There we're gonna cover it, but there so much information that is pending that I really can't understand. I dont really I out on bail. He was. He was well in jail. He was charged with sending lewd pictures of himself. To a teenager from an illegal cell phone in jail reason that wasn't tacked on to his sentence. It turns the some other like weird covert issue, like apparently was going to trial and twenty nineteen. But then his prosecutor broke his men. There thanks for tags files believe so A very bizarre. I think that we need to have a little bit of intelligence when it comes who should be out, who shouldn't be out dude, thirty, nine, years old he was, he was doing
court on Monday, but he's to show up, he just didn't show up, damn appealingly cyril rape eschew, as obviously the ability to murder me db, we don't just wanna, be like see a monday. Oh yes, not fucking, work now and then the girl that he was sexting now gian after the fact. Basically saying this is all your fault I am doing these things because you wouldn't let the charges go for me, which is obviously a visa to absolute felon but still the only good thing is that he's dead, but it's really sad that he took out all of these people who were here, Obviously, the stream of young people through the oldest one was thirty five. No, it's very varies a horrible story, but we, I would want to unpack. I want to have more information just because its kind all over the place. There's a lot going on, but the some small, simple story, sir, are more simple stories that this is a really simple story, because you know we stayed lot hotels.
I love a nice though daylight urbanized though tat ever seen. Could I've been to the Hilton downtown ashram you been there yeah, We did stay there. We might aid there by brick, stone or bridgestone centre in roberts and all those present side, and this I think that has left mighty nice hotel. Uniform hotels are going to really nice high level. Hotel him, it is a big there. You know just to educate educator audience at an overview org you travel as much as we travel. I always lee do not disturb sign on the door. or you're always doing. I don't care. What's going on. I want you in my room cause I'm only there for a couple of days. I want you to see. I need to shit in peace, but I feel like this is a really good example of why you should Keep that on their height I do is. I know I don't think this would have stopped, and this is where you need your latch and then you can and by little things online little dangles that are extra security. All you're not going to happen with errand andrews when that weird S, hotel guy, was peeping through or through the whole uttering you're all it's crazy. What this guy horny
grandma, under the name of neighbouring neil user charge with aggravated burglar, an assault with the connection. Do they marched thirtyth incident where he used a replica key card entered a room of a hotel, guess p brennan on five o clock in the morning. and mister Brennan woke up to kneel sorkin on his toes. suck it on his toes and there was a second like thing about now, I do not want. How do you not wake up immediately? Withdraw bins, encloses! I don't know that's in tat. They can sleeper that that how hard you got the if you got the nightmare and go and rolled pitch relax you're tired, but how are you gonna be slip into somebody search? Suckin undertones, like you, woke up mid suck well, we don't I'll long. He was sucking. So this is what Peter Brennan said. He says. I instantly jumped up and was screaming, went into a sort of a fact but your bad mood. I love that who are you wire? when my room one you're doing here god, although you know
for all interesting, we enough bread and again that the data may, I think I could see he was wearing a uniform. He had his name tag on. He was talking to me, but I'm giving you is substantial, probably just be like. Does your slogan toes how many times as this weird owed, There is, I don't know according to Brennan, he says I'm having problems sleepy now, I'm your answer. Ptsd all knock into a fair is locked up and he said the worst part is that he went to the securities okay, so turned out. Leave neil he's the manager manager. You and I may show he goes in their god knows how many toasty Sequitur in my mind, I wonder how many times has he sucked men's toes and that they woken up and, unlike move up there, I go to the ankles you suck Will you need a little bit like another online videos about who knows, but so he took another tells it keep obviously got freaks out is like all the guy leave, but its way more like himself. Sorry,
Desires is at this business of misunderstanding. She he leaves a bright and go straight to the security and he's like hey. you know your boss broken. I and sorted sokolow, my toes, and they can work then like be. He needs to sue hilton What do you say? Yes, I'm going out into the night manager David Neil does what he says. The manager David Neil told cops. He let himself into the room because he smells smoke, but he didn't smell smoke. Investigators didn't buy it. So Neil was charged with aggravated battery and me he smelled smoke is like well. He may have been trying to bust him for smoking, cigarettes or smoking weed and tried to be like or he wants to be a hero but a fire out, and then what happens. So you go in there and you say: ok now
Now know you smoke smug, denier, hi y'all, all about it like a knock and now as an overall monopolised no day, there's no bank, my ma it's easy to. Stick it out and leave the blanket. He says, though, cow saying we need to suck sake. Gee, it's easy them human. I I guess I did smell smoke because they impose a hop way out there. I smoke they ass and then he just got there and you think he got down on his hands and knees and approach the the toads, like a bunch of like, like like all horny gee? I Joe don't think you do like a little dog like and then you think he's fully. So I don't suppose you think you smell little bit and then giving If you start soccer lovely, you can really give him some test lex right, tho, going to assume your tl a gmail dot com. I know saw me all you like sucking on feet and dirty feet, but is there no? Is there sort of indicator rear like a at to stop sign, oh
person you dont, know asleep it in a room that he doesn't want. You and me I mean yet you damage a genuine consent and that's actually assaulting someone. I'm talking about everybody's. There does octopus angling, you wrote you set of toes that you're, like I'm not like into this one like no, no on yo type c, I feel like it Otto guy, you take the toes and you can get cider na couple Michael or look like fuckin, which would be surprised. You think that someone would still suck my horror movie because that's part of it. Sometimes they want a little gnarled uptown. Even if it's like minor bad, did you really one succumbing to Chris. Pratt shows have a little fun guy on them, but they look just like mine, so I think he is nothing more than a fun guy. Most of the time is spent keeping toadstools because now he's one of the Mario brothers. That's right barely Yoshi supposed to be in the next one kind of a bit of a reveal at the end to gives a fuckin sure, not children, I'm will speak children, a you Tom mom. She wanted children's book about greece,
It is a good story, not even the first time we ve talked about a woman who writes a story by areas and for someone she knows die they ve brophy did they also did the still it turns out. Corey regions is charged with first degree aggravated murder with the connection of her late husband. Eric just now, so I will say that was a chapter two when it comes to grief, if you did it itself funds also. Maybe that was a little hint that perhaps so one of the state of grief for her words to harden the body. What this is its unique it is. It is because again if someone here is to be honest, one of the lorry valla chat day bell, like defence postures me like a cat, so much for the children and want to be dug up by scavengers up this. This story, is another one of those that does it really like make full sense to me, because this guy said multiple times too
many people, arab regions, my wife is trying to fucking, kill me ass. It is you the mormon the accuser poisoning her husband reality. This is came out. She was I share. Her husband died, ed, I believe a lethal amount of phantom oh yeah, was in on a further twenty. Twenty two is not a bright myrtle. She also, interestingly enough the vehicle for the sentinel dinner. Was moscow mule moscow? mule there, which is, if I don't think I've ever seen, anyone poisoned via moscow via before come before this guy had made several satisfying. Also sam surges was sadly he got Moscow mule, because we celebrate no real estate deal for her business and moscow. That is a celebratory drink as it is. I love the copper cop I do like I do. I really do, but this guy, feel really mad, but you know again, you never know. What have
You know inside remarriage, but it does seem that she was angling for money, idle, filling psycho. Bitch brochure killed her husband, who wrote a book about killing. Her husband been annulled fat. She was so this is. There was a process so sought with Eric richard Eric regions, sir complaining that he felt that there was a suspicious amount of time, essentially the he was getting sick directly after something corey richards bed him or gave him to drink choking with his friends about how I think cory's trying to kill me and then what happened? Was it she behind his back after these? These real estate deals when she gets his complicate red flag but one. Your wife decides to change your life insurance policy with your company without you, knowing about it to having basically double it up and make sure that she's, the beneficiary, The company was like woah well, what's happening here and they stopped it. She then try to do it again. We should try to
up. Another life insurance policy on him when he's in even the hum we kept saying like. I think something really going on here. I dunno. What's up so on february, fourteenth is the when it first started of twenty twenty two. He had a drink that she gave him after had the eating together. He got violently ill and go to hospital, and you didn't Again, I think I was poisoned. I think the tomb somewhere near me. I think I believe, with ten days later, she begged him. This Moscow mule that had fun five times a deadly dose of petrol inside of it and she had a guy to dissolve obviously at her little drug body, the guy that sold her the drugs was the one who flipped on a rainy said, like obvious, had been selling to this mormon mom right and buying set for she's been buying some finding this guy buying stuff from this this drug dealer- and he said the first thing he bought. She bought a bunch of drugs from him and then she came back and she's like these weren't strong enough.
Yes, you do about hydra code word. I didn't you wouldn't gonna, think she said straight up. The term was I need that Michael Jackson, ship, which really wasn't that, wasn't I don't lead central was not a profile net. Yet that's right. Also, rich and allegedly obtained fifteen to thirty sentinel pills, nine hundred dollars. Yes, fucking hell, that's expensive yeah She d all was all for the insurance money she was trying to get a bit. Then she discovered it's actually really difficult to do. Insurance brown, I do believe they don't worry, no, no, no, no, that's the one. They will all or even its correct. No date out insurances, I'm going to say a scam. They don't they life is about Listing condition and animal insurance, I had it, but I just stopped it cause. I don't pay for any that they actively dont want to pay these things so good. She probably bumped that so she said that she looked out of the market and she was like you know- there's no books about.
a grieving mormon family meeting to celebrate a who lost hustler actually also don't think is- is real. What about the book of mormon? Isn't like there's a bunch of death in that I'm sure for fucking cocks and this year, like the words, are too it's called the book. Jiro was called. Are you with me, It was a picture of her husband. It was done with full puffer vast hat beard as an angel rooting, her son on and a soccer game and here's the bow god are you with me? Are you with me has written to create peace in comfort for children of loss of one reassure children. Although you love one is not present, their presence always exist and they walked through life with you as if they were here. So it's like your orders, they're alive. It really is like they're alive, their poor child they'd. She just took their father away or I think you might just be one either way. It doesn't matter in new dedicated to my amazing husband in a wonderful forth. So wasn't that worth it isn't that worth expire.
in this light tears and basically she tortured him until. Finally, she got the right drugs that we're gonna, kill, em keys, also just straight up a fucking. bad criminal. What a because they set a meet the who is highly suspicious weigh up top because she said she found him I sat on the floor when she woke up in the morning and then she was dead right. They all say the same thing with Tammy Davis they all like where the chad day bells. Version of tammy day bells death is greater we're both key literally said. I woke up. She was laying half of the bad. This is Chad table and then she just flip that a bed dead would you doesn't up there? Isn't it reminds me a little bit of that? Other psychopath was Martin, I always say Chris Martin, but that's the guy from cold play is used in others. Type recycled gets the pieces chevy. Well, I did hear and his friends that, with that has ever local bah. I know that they and they know the drummer coldplay in this city. Is the perfect life
as no one knows we, as the aid granted means fret about, nor that the other douche bag with short blonde hair, who, just like my wife, was abusing the children's I'd, kill my wife and step to begin with, I notice board, but at night or as I know, we are turning to just watch this thing. I forgot this more easily japan celebrating florida. Yes, but this super geek. She said she came up. What is that and then she immediately jumped into cpr within all the police. Will I know you'd absolutely did not write us. When we came, we saw there was blood foam, imply. They were coming out of his mouth, very obviously the obvious sign of a overdose right, and then they went and did a toxicology report immediately, fentanyl five times a lethal drug dose in his body they're like. Ah, this is a work either and then she tried to say: oh you know he always had a pill problem. Like he was covered up from high school near like well know the powdered that no one is this. that really how goes and you all was ingested orally. Isn't that interest She chose a mule, the drug me all of drinks,
the Moscow mule. You can get the ice age she works for, put it very possible also, what's the one? What's it called when you make him with the killer, it's really good a mosque, I'm used to kill. Yes, it calls its called something else. It's called. I am using a mexican you'll ribbing telling us go to mexican you'll. It's really good. I like to be able to give up. All right, yeah, you say you do with the mexican mules with candy crash soda is the perfect game for players who just want to pick up and play it he played alone or with friends to see who can pass the most levels and care The crush soda recently launched a detective season. Players will have to reach level thirty seven to get detective season, but its quick and easy to reach. It takes only about ten minutes and you get the perfect war but before playing detective season, the detective there is currently a chapter three this but tat of candy tone. There will be only clues to unlock all week live,
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but the hospitalizations and a bunch of classes were cancelled with these linked, but I've dealt with stink bomb issues before in high school. That was the whole thing it turns out. It was just a high school kid using stink spray as a prank and it sent six kids to the hospital. But I guess it is: are you Whew dear I mean you can get a headache from the stuff it's for real grow gross bad. It is one of those where, if you this gives life, and be ruined. Now, because of the sea was just trying to you. This is the most innocent. I wish kids would just do this I always think spray part by its cure, because you tell me if we're gonna get into semi harmful pranks that at least fun preliminary edge, Does it directly hurt people with a camera people sick? You did get you research like that story of the cereal. did you know now. I wish the cereal brick toss us
Oh housing, taxes like its wheels stories. I was recently watching an old feel her doug stand, hope podcast from last year. You know that's one of those things have been going on. Since I was a kid oh yeah, I remember there was someone that, through a stupid s, cinder block over and over passing was gaunt and, like I remember as a kid, my parents be like better much evidence which otherwise would such it's one of those stories were you in a horrible you eat all quorum quote like fucked up kid shenanigans, Emily, although nobody really gets hurt and that's the worst. That's like the thing about turning of the close, the middle age is that, but that thing we start to realize being like you, children, don't understand that your whole lives or head. If you would one stupid, angler that actually fuck up can fuck up the your and a lot of other people's lives watch the movie sleepers good.
The next thing you know you kill a person ads accident, you go and get molested by a fuckin praised, and then, of course, you do have to kill that praised. So in katy creek high school, the principal Jeff stickler, he told parents the police are investigating. I just want the police need to be investigated. This is the thing. Is it really gonna get the kids like gets we're gonna get the kids involved We still he was voted down to a top. That's what I don't like He was using a highly concentrated prank yachting spray called hang plot, fart, surprise at the fact that made it to the news. one of those rare like even that, like. One student has confessed and we anticipate others may be identified through ongoing investigation again. This is in taxes. lot or real, had undergone on access than they are working on this in taxes velvet, the other girls in this far body. This sentiment officer and disable those georgina where they live
We would only bring up you ve already it's very getting known, even protect any. They will do anything. This is what we were more protected from smells faces: the yankee candle police. I'm really enjoying this always if the breeze brigade on there we go now you're getting there are we're so close to our show on fox news now is that this is not fox news. Talking points according to the district attorney's office, it went all the way to the dictates of why we happening in that fucking bullshit. I am with you. They said we're going to address this to the fullest extent all the student code of conduct and laws of the state of texas This is our heartache corner. We really. This is where you notice. I urge that this is: u finger, impassioned, we're once that a woman killing the other woman? No, I know, but you should have it a little bit more, but this is I I feel you because literally I don't believe that the I think the kid was trying to make his friends laugh
And when you're starting to just drop the school trying to understand, like you know the this, isn't the be all end all they used to tell us. Oh look, your permanent record. Everything's going to come down to this you're going to look at all these. These math classes you're not going to have a calculator in your pocket, all the bullshit that could have a calculator pocket I'll, never forget my type in teacher, because we want do of we went out. The school, but it had like no money. Oh you never know computers go out of style, but I do know how to type a little better. I guess cause the typewriter, but whatever we spent a year on cursive, I dunno how to do my taxes. I'm also, by the way, with chat g p t you watch what's going to happen. Students are going to happen. They're going to have to write they're gonna, stop writing their fucking shit down with pen and paper, and that's what I would do we're going all the way back. If I was, if I literally, if I was a highschool teacher back to what I would do been like were dial on this all the way back, the ultimate iron
we're going back to cave, drawing a k, a emerges, and then people are gonna start writing again with to fuck hands. I may I would would have keeps his children honest it is learning in the end will figure we're gonna we're going to eventually work alongside you stay is a program right now we are we are set. We are fascinated with them. Because I'm a lenny as we are the glass group of people, the group with you how we manage our interpretation of the people that created it do seem to hate what they ve done. Bullets because near all now being blamed for a bunch of people losing their jobs and ate the bad press, give a shit they dont care at all. They don't know none of them tat, they might be the human emotion they feel nothing. Well, I just simply don't know if that's true, but I dont disagree with you. Because they are in they just don't want any credit as they just don't want to be blamed. I got you so firefighters still do like smells like farts. They called the fire dept.
meant they checked the entire. Now we have this happened in my eyes. I want to say this happen to my middle school. I've heard this story again and again and again no reason to get the police involve. You just get your principle out there don't like if we need a godless brows prowess like that's right. We need we needed to have like this was, should we all go forced to clean the highway? I guess so. Fourteen students felt ill I don't know how strong does his tail may teach him light. Responsibility. Have them go experience, something in the world have them have to go like do some form of of civil service then that's it then number one! You got him. You taught him up the wondrous world of all entering which it I actually very thankful. I got to do in its cool and then you also, then we can all kind of life about it and then six of the students were taken at the hospital, but don't worry there currently and stable condition. I do think that this is getting more press than most school
should it, I think, there's only one of your mother. All you like. I will take a twenty minute- article, ok great! So there you go, can't stop we care for their kids. I just don't maybe incorrect m inside stories, l b, o t I'll, you know These are largely raise our monetary. Maybe they are chemical grade weapons. Now I don't know these are our opinions and world. To be little snowflakes on here and then express are fun. Little perfect, unique ideas. I just feel like that would have been something that myself from our absolute duty that there still doing the prank wait you ever. I remember one highschool did they stole their principles, car and then put it on the roof? Well, one of my friends in the house. School, stole the school van and drove it through a house that was right across the street from the I that a lot of credit for the creative always used hammered on that one, and then there was the senior class prank. So then some people put a bunch of poor,
manure and the principles parking thing we had like the principles podium, simple stuff. yeah faked a seizure here or there, I want to say they removed all of these letters at the top of word, said our schools, nay, nay, like shit ass yeah, I mean that's just very, very calm and our own. let's do, hero of the way and some might not agree, but I don't really care I like elephants. We delete the yellow, the fuck aloud I used. As you know, I give you push back when you we do this little bit, where you bring outta here of the week it's out of human, and I have the goal of google the volume, but this is unworthy. There's a woman. She is from new Hampshire. She went on a big. In bali see you know she was fuckin annoying He was so imagine He is there a mcdonald's out this food, so
nick. Why am I here? What's Beth bogart and so she's taking this picture with a bunch of elephants- and this is I'm happy that at least you didn't fucking. Do big game hunting wolf! You ride the elephant. No, it hurts the elephant. If you go when you do, those elephant rides and actually hurts their backs and that's up they're not built like leave all of these animals alone. Let them because I love those nature shows and yes, there brutal they'll kill. You Ella your back, because once you natures house, you're under natures rules, so that is to the elephant It was used to taking pictures. The trainer had known him for twenty four years and the trainer was like stick your arm under the elephant's trunk, but the elephant was like. Can we just not do this right now Beth? So the elephant ended up biting her arm and then she pushed him away, but she said that she could hear cracking and she just started to panic. Yeah I bet, and then she went on to claim that the mason elephant park and lodge where she says the incident took place initially offered to cover half of her medical expenses.
Which were ten thousand dollars? Will you how the elephants post to get a job in the meantime, Ah, she says. I really hope that this save some one else. From the same experience it was case that I was dreaming about and it did come to a screaming, halt at the barrier but the elephant. You know what he's not your prop for life he's, not just because you spent some money to go. Do some duty that were in bali any he's that Chris Evans and others are no press. Thor is no fuckin ideas and elephants. Twenty four year old elephant, you stuck at fucking the you and his mouth is gonna, be my bite. It you mean yeah, you do you could see, however, one might have a form of responsibility because they only elephant, but still it's the elephant. And what are you gonna do a hired. It's probably threats bout it surrounded by all these tourists through yellowed and screaming all around us? We really lucky did fuck to stomp everybody to death and also she's from west chair
the field new Hampshire, so I can it maybe she's a great power supply, or no only, I feel I guess we're ragged honour. It is more like I'm not mad at her respond to being shocked and upset about being built by the elephant. It you understand that You sign up for this is gonna get the elegant killed. You rightly asked yes, they're gonna go in there going to turn it into doing that, and we can't even use it anyway. You can do with it any The irony is that you are of the weak, because it's about self protection- it is an elephant, did not say he put your fuckin end of my mouth. Also. You want to the elephant before you want to make sure the elephants are super happy and obviously this gas all in bali, who is trying to make money out of this elegant didn't do a good job. Might you know, get just be respectful and understand? Sometimes elephant can come out I really willing they dont forget member. That story recover the olive ass after one woman killed it son. Twenty years later it showed up in its view, at her funeral torn.
They do remember. They are social. Beautiful animals are very smart or emotional indulge get. Would I don't know if you should? your lot aware. No, I don't think that. Would I know you will know it, they don't make like america. No, I wouldn't I wouldn't deal with large animals. I've indiana with this, I really hot. I really it. I feel it. Special care really. I would have dire someone who knows about elephants, but then do you want to be around the elephant? Honest often they should begin one is, you must be like it's focus on if you hired a little bit drainer and then you just show up with big ears on that big to cover all regret there. You go a man was elevated early listener. Email me Maybe that's what this is a warning for people with numb feet where slowly this one thing we can't do we kept fully turning into coast sam, where we only cater d to forty two, seventy five year old. Now that we do a lot of people with medical advice,
a medical questions, and I have asked for it and we know already we're gonna do art and this, where we are going to answer all the medical issue, questions and you guys have sent us over the years, because you trust us- and you know it are the number one source of medical information on the internet will also stop him in your feeling. So much pink floyd up up up up up when you become a comfort What about? If our feet had ears would have oliver body parts of different years ray all one. Do is hear mom hear my wife sing to me, hmm now in reverence that the guy did know his feet were numb until his dog, eighth, oh right, yeah cause a blood clot that was a blood clot two years ago, I had my feet. Go numb all. Once very suddenly. I haven't having back pain. I thought it was coming, so I've got back pain that everyone has, and it was just standing there talking to a friend and all of a sudden, my left foot went completely numb actual numbness images full pins and needles at all of a sudden. I just could move them anymore will see. That's the point
when you think nam you're like oh, you don't feel anything, but you do you do that's pins and needles rent to another. My l, four l five had exploded, as my surgeon put it. My feet were numb because of severe spinal stenosis If my emery look like a finger was pushing into my spinal cord, I ended up having paralysis, moving up my thighs at a check to make sure I hadn't pissed or shat myself, because that was the go to the emergency room signal. I had a hemorrhoid burst two days before my surgery and my painkiller raised. I thought my spinal where is draining out of my ass all laid the surgery. Most are mostly all good. Now the paralysis went away immediately after surgery. All this to save the guy had spinal cord pressure. He's good just hit the foot numbness stage and bad news This aid is toes before gower or if it is just a general, just sort of role fallen apart, we're all phone apart, and this is another one about this kind of more towards your distrust of our little helpers When I run through area the power out of my house? Might sound machines
so immediately woke up. I sat up noticed there was a light coming from downstairs and was moving. I held my breath and started to hear something bumping around. I panicked and a smack boyfriend awake great. Why heard was I who was cool, but I was also you so he ran to shut them. The door unlocked locked. It will listen for a while longer my doctrine, our always regarded was fast asleep, not the basque ardour grubby on standards, and we could didn't you. Having something around. I merely thought someone had caught. Our power was trying to break it. We live in the mountains, so my boyfriend thought it was an animal of some sort then we begin your scratching noises and sounded moved upstairs. I call the police or my boyfriend, got the gun out, pushed the mattress up against the door because it move to right outside our better bump and scratching generally freakin us out said that movie the visit. Oh yeah, the cops came when They taught them into our house using a spare key which confused us, because here
wondering how this thing then could have gotten into our house. If the cops couldn't write. Super creepy I finally got inside came upstairs dogs bark in his hour of dogs barking when I told us that they thought that they had. or corporate. We hope we open up our bedroom door and we found it was our room by, hang on upstairs to his previous. I forgot I plugged in apparently when there's a power outage turned itself on and it made its way or to the top of the stairs, with the light was showing down the staircase. So basically it was cleaning and the cops came and put five what's in the higher the daddy, you might want to shoot that room, but it is the room was get more respect by law enforcement in humans, but that's all right! Well, there you go, don't have a dont trust, aruba, don't trust the room. I don't start by to get rid of my room. I know you did I believe- and I live every day with the guilty that night
you threw away their room by the ride right now and then I got a headache here in that room by and I mean I gotta gave it to a loving home, but you never know what these rumble fostering just dump. You knock as well times is papa flashlight gazing around here and then all of a sudden it service and papa? I mean, and eventually you got it love. The fact that there is there are these protective systems for these You really are flawed. The landlord in an laugh, no one perfect for workers, rumor, save you re the laugh. No one will highly single parents love me neither the horrible state I therefore thank you so much for listening go to my instagram bent. Guess one I'm gonna have a bunch of dates for hale yourself, yeah I had ever to ever. Do I have to live or die snowed under one you don't know. The show was happening that no one shows the buck up. You gotta pompey bay area, gotta pumping out there because we got chores covet australia, I'm in a document
It looks, do a little bit of around, I can do in australia round up. I just wanna say thank you for all the love and are heavy hitter series. Honestly, it's been great to get back into blood this. This we're going to complete the chicago ripper crew series, speak, but they re really spooky before we get into a big summer history project which improvements. somebody's rebranded, australia dates august. Second, is the new zealand eight? we're governor way august forth adelaide august six brisbane hoagie seventh, melbourne archives, tenth sidney and august swell were coming to Perth I'm. Finally, You see the bottom scott stature, the buttons nazi jubilant, scott bonds, not mecca! That's what he's permissive. Decent does right about one thing: Visited these boats nor serious shows and everything else. Ok,
it's a typical solutions. Everyone used to do trespass cloud or kill anyone unless you're supposed to call but make them laugh first and then Kim. His show is made possible by listeners. Like you, thanks to our ad sponsors, you can support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listened to go to the last podcast network, dot com. When it comes to, Hamas, delicious is in the details Those heads collection of exceptional homeless. Flavors is in a class of its own expertly cry. To achieve the perfect balance of creamy texture and refined taste from the flavorful, roasted red pepper to decadent dark chocolate almost made for you to savor every delicious. This is almost so extraordinary
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-12.