« Last Podcast On The Left

Side Stories: Nothing but Blubber

2023-07-19 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news including an update on the current state of UFOlogy, Ben confesses his love for the "they're not real" lady, the capture of LISK (The Long Island Serial Killer), a cruise ship sails through Whale massacre, "Prison-Karen" Ghislaine Maxwell update, 40 human skulls, spinal cords used as ‘decorations’ found in raid on Kentucky home, a Hero who's a Skate Park, the Toe Suck Fairy, and MORE!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Radio, Andy through user and eco enjoying me on Andy Cohen, live where it's just you me, and some of the world's biggest celebrities, parasol chelsea endless, have broken. I love you, my lady, I guess how much you can listen to any common live at home or anywhere. You are no carve acquire download the serious thanks them for over four hundred and twenty five channels of free music sports entertainment and more subscribe. Now I get three months free opera details apply last biogas to the left is brought to you by progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now: you're driving cleaning and even exercise in, but what, if could be saving money by switching to progressive drivers who saved by switching save nearly seven hundred dollars on average and ato customers qualify for an average of seven deaths. Gowns Malta task right now quote today: a progressive dotcom regret,
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there's no place to escape to this is the last on the left side stories. The cannibalism started the no were alive, gum, india alive for my, if not life life, if you think this is live your broken, well. Maybe it is like oil is useless to your loved, that's a, but you see that but dad, but is filled with terror. this call the police nine one one. I rely telling you what to do all your drive and its allies in its life, and I don't even know what to do. I don't even know what would be good fun live news because, honestly, most sublime news. I'm here recently socks. Well, it's kind of it.
Citing and I like to watch the world burn from afar? The? U s, peace, stuff, that's kind of there was just another out. Well, it fell from the sky, but you know what I think we're in Joe dirt territory. I am fairly sir. It's just a bunch of human share. Have you heard with this new thing, while you're welcome, said using the danger of welcome dial stories Ben you know it. Henry is me it's me it's always been me. I never not gonna. Be me no matter what I do. You were placed into that skins. You're not allowed to leave that skin suit. Until you die contractually, I'm allowed to die. That's great looking for good, but did this guy in europe tenure. That's all about two years as the tenure and put it or you get a year's left in the muslim, but the guy the ross call. Her too was the investigative reporter It is the use of one who first, the long form interview with David grow yeah, I was who who's talking about these. Like twelve various objects,
but we have somewhere and we don't know what to do with hiding from? U S, government very specific data. Very key deals very specific, but roscoe hard has been saying that there is proof Yeah will eventually come to light. Leaping, say this now for weeks, I'm not, we was yes, we're glad of it whose media with politics, the walls were closing their eyes are causing injury close it, and so this is the last a long time, mistress eyebrows. I know you are looking for answers. My friend, the money, he's not in the answers just ass, much like cancer. The money is not in the gear, the money's in treatment than as is so. They just want to give you that slow. You have four drip. I said Adler enough, maybe on your death bed, some one will come in a whisper, was thought and then he died. I actually wonder: there's no money and voluntary within a little by little by little babbitt's, but only to the targeting top one percent of you fall. Adjust Tom
long being one of them who is a rock star folks to be fair. He is a rock star who likes you ology he's not you follow jesse's gotta, you fine house through me, You know how you know he's them. You follow just. He went back on tour that did they even allowed him to go back on to the fact that he could so mix with the car dashings. Next, you Travis barker me that he is not. really you you followed just they will not let him anywhere near them. If you had the actual, do you know what happens the skin rashes you get well, of course. Naturally I mean that's a that's a indicator that your scientists do, he'll that isn't really science You do that pilot presentation in stephenville, texas, I'll. Never let go, phenomena show got picked up and we want an army that was awesome.
the universe? Honestly, I'm glad I did because then we wouldn't be able to work and fuck these fucking faggots when it comes we're making our own shit- and I want you to remember that- that's how we're protesting in our own fucking ways we're making our own shit for one goddamn, selves, fuck, the studios and there'd be wanting their meaning. People have already been scanning background actors for ai purposes. They've already been done, it's over, it's fucked, but we after it. I liked this. I liked this side of you. We have to what good aggressive. Also we have a new guy, rob, isn't the booster, but he didn't he's all got old guy, but he's knew that he knew, but he didn't realize the pan. Flutes may have been needed there, you time use regular, even ready when china made a good irregular bed, because again, I'm trying to move past the medication, and it's one of my meditations saunter finally been naturally easy. Breezy, yes, cover bore, you are so glad the last twelve years.
Jack's if these objects with their saying that the here's gonna be some proof that is going to come out. That is going to add. If I all this in a thing that bigger saying that is the big proof that somewhere ok object, yes in which it was so large that they had they had to build an entire facility around the object so they literally built it and that so this is less runway and mouths, but then he found it literally crash somethin like that and then like a disney like you go to disney world or whatever, and they build all those big scapes. They basically did that where they built a lab around it, which does sound, first thing that I haven't seen anything I would say it sounds a little bit does stupid because it seems like liquor. don't leave, it will build around it. I guess we know what what do I know- maybe I guess,
I think that we can do a lot of things you ever see when they do. The windmills viewers seem one of those when there are the trucks. Yes, it's not true. The huge those are oh yeah. How big is this fuckin thing? Fuck knows everything again: what happens if you lift? It does a turn on who fuckin those very scary. So again we have not got any ongoing information? I did recently see that on. I was Through again, our most did the other guys at a right there. The truly that determine the spear view, photos always fortune they showed a leak. Another legal guy come for saying I just want you guys know. I am a part of this surgical biological team that worked on these bodies that worked on some of the bodies that came out of some of these crashes and we've been invited to Look at these bodies, you know a buddy. I've been re watching and watching a watch again, basically because the chick is a little bit of acute importunity that chick on the plane. Yes, maybe she was hammered. Maybe she was just freak out
but there's something tuesdays. Woman come out to the back of your here. Who is the name of the woman who was on the blind? She said not arrive. Ours- and I know that's not really- is not one that I want to find out what her name is because she saw something again. As we have mentioned, we ve talked to the front line of the war against humanoid reptilian, which is your stewardesses. and a or sky waitresses. I dont know what the term is any more. So I typed in the man is not real woman name right in Google will have everything. It comes up. His understanding non binary people, look around you to my earlier, but I didn't even mean a get here. I did meet at the hall Not one and a man is not real woman right, but I guess I believe in trance is, of course we support. Everybody have a good life. Do you have doing this goddamn world leading this gentleman from the tick tock video, she was not talking about someone who was not by your. She was talking about someone always made much like you, MR aroused key in the lock
I'd have been or she I think, whatever the person wasn't real sounds like it was really more about the flip out over a lost thereupon, it I don't know, but that footage I've just been watching and also we watch it was scarce music b. I didn't really instagram feed as just like boom boom boom and you're like this is now really, but and to remind gary, and if I was on that plane, I may have followed your right offer that guy owes you you'd hammered at the airport bar. Love is made their own tee if someone walks off a plain somebody's not really If somebody's, not real on the plane, I'm going to do absolutely everything cause. I'm definitely not going to enjoy my flight from here on out, unless, of course that would make the flight the safest flight ever because of how much money does it take in order to make someone who was not real look real, I don't know, but these objects right. So you do believe this whistle another. You know when they say whistle blower, but
Do you have to see the whistle for you to be a whistle blower, or can you do from a high in the shadows? Oh, you can do it from behind the shadows. I think I mean honestly. If you want to stay alive. You probably should should hide yourself with this. Guy came out. He said he was working on these alien entities and they are all to rio that they are physical creatures that might be built in a sort of two speck manner. A match. a body, a biological body, that's more machine than man, and when you do, is you you? You could cause here. Pistorius like oscar pursuits, It killed his driver and he was more, but he was more manned the machine because he killed his girlfriend yeah, but then the this guy right. He says that you build these things. They are built by something they have the they have a little slit of a mouth. They have little your head because they have little nose holes, they obviously drink some form of heavily loaded, sugary water. That's just four men in black lady, I do wonder, but then you wonder, did they wouldn't they know this is the
they probably recycling fell dinner Ali would create, or was it created in hollywood was told by the entities that nobody's creation is that new should go put? in a move in a normalize. It, yes- and this is where the mystery continues to reign supreme. They been talking about this for a long fucking time. He also said the grade that you see on a gray is not in fact the skin of the, it's the outer layer ago. I really thought you were going to go with my color theory. No, no, unfortunately, no, no, no, no color! That is not know which someone did dm me and say I was half right. I have definitely had several people, I'm gonna, go on women said they were intoxicated aachen, deeply into the creole color theory, their color fairy color theory in edinburgh and on board across the board very go. I just don't cry, could care will have fun whether wine. I try not to wait all anyway, If you look inside of the alien when you flip the skin back its way way out like this white, it's like polish.
oh it's like, and it is why you see in this way. This is the way that our enemy dissected, a frog and I saw a white it becomes pink and browed will. So what that even mean then tunnel. So it's so the gray itself is actually the close to suit, and then it has lenses the black belt black drug dolls. He's the black eyes commonly equate to in a grey girdle here, their their goggles, and that when you pop papa off, it looks like long aided human eyes, like with, like actual human eyes, have and ensured without play. The theory that indeed there were humans from the future. I wonder because that their withdrawal, saying according this fake whistleblower saint, fake, recover. Merely good among grass know that he's real. That guided, who taught me my eyes for doing the surgeon guy was that of the or that you dear built to be destroyed, did at any point he bring in people the jewish faith. No, did he bring? It? Are you alone in a document? I always make job because its they save it
course. I think it is logical that the ideas that you have to have already gone too far right have spent too long on this website. Yeah and then all of new reading about the real issue behind the graze. More like good again. What did you wish? Color, I dont know I don't know, but I'm trying to deal with get to the end of an island. None of it. I scanned diameter. Right, but you never know what these people you'd have renewables, but can people are already trying to take you out buddy. As soon as you start talking, you follow g, you either hurt yourself. or by somebody else. It's nice about this. They fake whistleblower on four. And is it no one's properly debunked? Yet it still. I guess was the only way you can really debunk. It is going back, which is like the forty and you're allowed to do that. But you get what you're doing here. You are sort of like ie.
and that's not debunking. That's not believing that did not believe to debunk you academic science. That actually says no. There wasn't a grey. This is my friend tony. If this is the dress them up as more of a sturdy dark brown, and then that would be a debunk. If you just said there is no real effort to debunk nesters in a pin. That is just you are absolutely correct, and the guy has no proof anyway, cause it bush we're all waiting for you, everybody's just waiting for this goddamn proof. Well, let's von from the skies and go to the sea showing because we do have some good news we have some fuckin proof right now, you talkin about the guy. We just got, who won you're kellerman know. I was thinking about this story, but won't, let's do that first, and then we can talk about. How are these people one on a cruise and then a bunch of whales were killed in front, Oh yeah, I look on it, look at all the way web of the sea. Mommy adapt whales, making juice also know that's blood. There was an adult. Only crew
is that I saw advertised and I was like no doubt looked upon as the virgin cruise busted. They were in a virgin on that one. No seriously. I feel that too weepy. wanna go in an erotic. Crew in southern Iraq is just adults only damage erotic baby there, because they know I mean that's cool with normal tourism casinos I, but they really show the casino align this advertisement, but I would just go buy yourself. I want my David. Crosbie. I need my three year. So we know we have this and it will probably do we fought for five more years of blab and staring each other before we just take a small breather. Five, you hold us new doubts. We might be forced to work for forever. I need an eighteen month, David Crosbie, in the middle of the sea journey you I feel it gets. To be honest. We send you out with a microphone, it's fuckin content, shore levies, out there and we get involved nor ashram check loose in the bathroom or I will checking of with you on the high seas he's anymore like saddam. Your and you believe what you pay for- yes, indeed enough,
or it would be fun walk around with your pants off see if you can get a single, the dog on your weeny actually would not only a very nice appy speaking how can you do that their gulls their beaks? You just so you know you want him to touch her. The tender flash of your very it's, not a small penis is when it's off it is I'm not a reverie hard like a thing of my penis was hard and a gull attacked it. It would be less, it would hurt less than if it was warm. Womanlike bleed more, but I think would hurt less We are keen us with soft little say I was life for some reason, thinking that my seat, my penis needed to see son. like on a new movie, you do that they say the vi. India, ironically enough is good for the penis. No, it's not that's what people have said. It's never seen sunlight before you, don't tan your asshole. No, I'm not goin. If pal do do that, I got us. No notice because you have to have all bad people who say consumption and you have to have an asshole cloud- would could billion rubber with ammonia
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dot, com, slash, lsd, beauty, Jeff Louis from radioactive live in uncensored catch me talking with my friends about my latest obsessions relationship issues and bodily ailments with that kind of drama that seems to follow me. You never know. What's going to happen, you can listen. Two Jeff lewis live at home or anywhere. You are download the sirius Xm app for over four hundred and twenty five channels of ad free music sports entertainment and more subscribe now and get three months free offer details apply so anyway, but, yes, the guild go. Is it gilgamesh? I rob you from now, it is it'll, go garbage I'll, go easily and even escape one island, even if he wants you he's not gonna angels and its right back here. The long island serial killer, formerly known as list has been called, we often less coins or a sauce on that sounds like a train line that you take too,
the body, because it was take the risk this. Why e assessment has been identified? a huge headed man by the name of wrecks you men, I he really does have Well, he has a mount rushmore ahead. It is very, very big, he's got George Washington's face, but he doesn't have his habits no well. He actually might Benjamin franklin. I am interested in this. First of all, I think one of the reasons it took forever. His name is rex, when you think of a rex, he's got things, figured out. I think he's what I think is fun. I don't know why I dont have friends named racks when Israel erects is the kind of guy you when you're a nice girl, you ve got to Iraq's at houses where we have wrecked, and I read a guy who's like gets older. Yeah he's a guy rex, you bastard your early wrecked your card gonna drive and again name in this guy. He didn't seem. We haven't any fun. Now he's an asshole. I do so again innocent until proven guilty, but they ve got a lot of
evidence on him already till he was an architect that lived a fairly high level wife, he was making six figures a year is a big time architect. They found his house, which is this like me. The little bloke down fuckin hovel in the middle long island. We was a very good architect who commute is really strange. You'd commute and it was like. and long island classic your witness said yellows. We because you look like a businessman, dismay bodies, houses, top really were immediately, throw shade. I do love when honestly that that's then actually shows you. The good news sure of the people of long island? We already goes you only everybody with I've, I've? U queens, isn't along aided version of our island. It s word is just a them despite and the range kind of keeps us altogether less talent. Food, though in queens I believe demands away. You're our mediterranean will queens, you got will depend, sir, that's northern quaint. You got the there, the greek singing at the turkish miguel more that and then even num forerunner of the queen.
at the careening at all, the delicious chinese food em and then harem a good chinese eve of the seven all the way to the other side as regatta that good asian food. Then you got kind of come down to that down south you do have the good italian food, but they do have a lot of caribbean food and and and south american foods incredibly breast place quaint, sherman, fifty nine years old been charged with murder in three women. No, no word on his diet. We know, and only as although no word on a strongly suspected and the death of a for they are pretty certain. He is also involved. This are the women there are named right now is that he believe that he is tied to his marine brainerd Barnes Melissa, barthelemy, megan waterman and amber Castello in their believing that there is they're gonna catch him to somebody else, which was a phone call from person named fernand gilbert, they're, all sex workers that they were found on craigslist and his use craigslist rags less. He with key. They basically have figured out a bunch of different ways. One categories before craigslist was even around twenty ten.
It's like late, the first decade of the art, so they were still not talking because I'm not People are familiar those parts of long island littered with bodies right, yes, gazelle, the mob guy mafia. For years, there we go and he would go to long island sound, but guess what happened fucking gentrification and by a realistic, similar bide all these real estate and find no these dead bodies riah these guys alleys, these whacked people up a lot of sense shoes indeed nicely, I think they're still looking for Jimmy hoffa, it was probably just eaten by a bunch of shark. You said to the dogs, that's what I gained. jobs told me when I was a little boy. I think you would actually affect dogs brand. Chapter eight, I eggs are actually the basket nose like to going on human going on human flesh. Not really we have got a bunch of different shit, they got him, but they believed number one. Yet over three Your guns attached m day licence them a lot
I would actually difficult to do that's almost a gun for each day of the year, which is kind of like this. Now that's my april fourteen gun- yeah. You know you you, you wanna, then of course, the nine eleven gun or which is got an american flag gone. I was just something to never forget, as did the map of iraq with a target on joan under thy. Lay that allegedly, why? Why are we doing that, but they trace seven different burner? Phones to him that they believe came from. Eighty came from the victim. Cellphones were buried with their bodies. Insurers. He also within, was finally truly nabbed, and I believe this is another, a twenty three in me nab, where it they got. They got his dna because he has been a suspect for a minute based upon his car. Has poor was seen by witnesses several times in the areas are on time that these bodies were discovered, so they be treated with car. They finally got actually been followed. Dog in the sky for a long time and they got a dna sample who really retrieved it from crusts in a pizza box. He discarded- and this is
The thing he's roma long island. He didn't eat his fucking crop What do you want? It means you, when I tell you get caught mother fucker yeah. I guess so. I guess you fuckin cross what the fuck is wrong with you. You fucking piece of well terms. I don't beat and the entire balkan country I dont. Sadly, danbury connecticut which is weird good pizza, is between long island, staten island and you fucking, you pizza shit. Well, you might as well roll it up and eat it like a goddamn takita, more like pizza, shit and anyway, I do agree with your overall I spent. However, sometimes you do just want that cheesy, a goodness with so as not to eliminating red for their there or narrow, and then the bread is gonna, build autonomy operator you dip. The quest merely now I wish the italian. Then we should have a pizza base,
and like something that is a little bit more I love her as marin and the pattern so interesting about this total of eleven bodies. Mostly women were found again in two thousand and ten. Now, what's so strangers, they re open the case. january, twenty twenty two, which means at some point they just closed. It now You got eleven bodies. Why don't you just keep the case open because they don't care about dead sex workers? but it was like. If we only twelve years, I only came could wrap it up. Then they deciding member one point: they did no one another long. Island, serial killer was even a thing, but maybe was a dumping ground for mafia guys, but and definitely no want to get involved, because why, while all So what is really I'm? I'm a shabby boy through through. You know that no, I do have always been a shabby guy. I dug by no added look at home and in an overall up punch wanting
identify and hugging agenda logo along the edges by logo and overall he had a green chevy avalanche which are not cool, no and dumb, very distinct avalanche. I feel it gets back to have its name. disaster. Well, you know somebody. I hardly know what saying that you can survive an avalanche with me. It's a asking for an avalanche. Well, it depends on the seas. Ask used if some normal god knows would be the worst thing that happened to me. I thought you were a juggler man. I'm chevy loves that when you look up the chevalier avalanche, the first pops up as how the gil go taskforce, scott wreck tower several years. Everley avalanche peter crossed and dead sex workers decisions. Jesus Yes, that's right who human beings should be the list, but about alleged war? Would now does the shabby avalanche have the same, notorious infamy as the white for drunk? I dont know no, no luca, the white for bronco
stopped television. If you ve got a little with pay, it was lying vital. Saturday, life was quaint, with the wine market is a bit higher on the less freedom of previous breeds assails spite whenever once they live watch oj IRAN, but I also love mckenna, get its mass of people, so you get. All of these guys come in at the fuckin word work to all give their cause. It just sounds like the crowd. The belt around. These cops resting this guy who's got from Etienne deville yea. We ve been here about thirty. You guys been quite he never really bothers anybody. Why we kind of shock to tell you the truth. Would if you weren't shock, we're really yeah, of course, It kills because it's all he does my directs his weakness. He calls will consist of thing me. I like looking for good new mexican spots. To be honest with you. I think that's why they closed the case early because they're like yeah. That's what whoever does that does that's my guy right day? It's what he does. I know and that's my boy rate and like I said we shocked, because this is a very
very quiet, babyhood. Everybody knows its long. I allowed you why name of Are you I? I don't know what kind of shock I because I can't everybody knows each other northern neighbours will friendly never been approved. Well, why? It's got nothing to do with you, because you're just some long island family knew not a pack of sex workers offer craigslist that he's trying to murder. He starts right, a motor you you're, just his meat you're, his neighbor, you shouldn't be trying to you shouldn't fearing normal, though I guarantee you every summer, the barbecues or I have Ronnie over again. Well, he said he wasn't. Gonna knock nap, unworkable, Larry age, it no more. We said a lesson: a wine stay You kill nice vocals here. Why don't you try to perfect that merits do made on that salmon. Well because I gotta say rex it be spent, we'll have more time and then instead all your model, and I think that you might be able to get a master. Shall you what rex
we should talk to somebody allow yeah, I guess, but guess what who also jesse now, because I know you ve been concern about this, and the first thing I thought about this is when I heard it happening ass, a pizza So you know, as a house other through Billy baldwin Billy boy old went on the baldwin family? You say how the murderers talk about no class but still buggy Baldwin's other raise it s a big, either christian. Wonder the guy he's the fat when these his eye, that's it I'm not! I'm thinking I would pat william penn was an impact, the effect when he died. Oh you champagnes brother sure he died, did know even had a brother gay. He would you'd see characterised you'd like I love em dead, now, ok, but billy bobbin, so life We came out of red. He went to high school with wax terminated, everybody's. These are out war war, so my fucking chasing serial killer, out by immediately admitting that he knew of rice or if I found out that I would die, is both a serial killer. I'm not gonna just immediately
No, that guy I woke up this morning to learn that the go beach europe gillis suspect was my high school classmate rex, ormond, Billy Baldwin, says, and then you it is even more neighbours. Shine in your gabrielle, a body she says, tat house sticks out, like a saw. Some there were over grown shrubs. There was always would in the front of the house. It was very creeping in my wooden. I send my child to you. Why would you yeah? Are you sending your child out again? It is long or is it everybody's ass trick or treat? He was just a weed business be yeah coke and some cabbages like for ill. Interestingly enough, the cops did execute a search warrant over this weekend. Strangely, named amityville storage facility was linked to the big old murders to the odd murder suspect, and apparently they are so in four body. Parts or air quotes trophies for his
fr? I am going to the county police commissioner rodney harrison. He says, don't worry when make real progress earlier hop of copies. Billet, don't worry we'll making real progress married, I am just lately were, but I'm happy they gotta make out. I mean all only knows: you're doughnuts are safe. This guy he's got a fucking head on hand, He is, I whereupon tune boat for a god. Damn hat I will simply keep on saying hulking of is hulking. Why were they might go? They will say, as we ve talked about in the past, about we ve said. Are you too big to be a serial killer and I've seen a lot of people who use and just this guy's an example about six feet? Or maybe I mean I shall look at me. he's around a bunch of italians, they're all super short. How do you know because look at them it can be like an off yeah. That's true, no he's a big guy, but then I did pull some video. M doing a little interview. I have to come in and cut it up and play some clips as we get more deep,
it is because they think they pulled it already. Has he supported this? Like he's an architect and it's a weird nerdy guy, like this, a french guy, there was interviewing your men, anything is holdings. I can- and I owe you know, buildings that meant to stand up. he's a very long island, yeah, really long island truth other long island guy, not the because we got so far- will we time moron that runkles wrinkles without Ella, when I write it How do we have that? The other guys from the amityville? How see amityville has a family ronnie defiantly, either failed in one fuckin guy would cover them so fuckin boring, which one night on a structure that are where are the written rikers were ripped rippled in a rat round me my boss, big what it was a moment in your mind. No, we covered him We're like oh you and killed. He lived with his mother. His mom killed women, kill, rifkin rifkin, think I'll pull them
You got it by well, it's pretty great. I gave you a lotta hips. That was, you could seriously again it's like the idea back and they nine. These have some sort of a night look. Maybe now, indeed was was you only Bobby. You walk nanny state, you'll one. You can keep your head on a goddamn swivel as new york I grew up in. I know it was buddy. You gotta keep your head on the swivel. Of course you were keeping your butt on. This will attempt to get molested and nobody did it. So what's so strange about this is this? Is First time. Evidently, in the thirteen years of the on and off again investigation were rex, his name and came up. Yes he's they weren't fucking close were nowhere dignity. It took a long time because he was just not only thing had on him for a long time was circumstantial evidence of car being in the area of the crime when he found the bodies. So that's all they had you didn t just bay because which I do understand they wanted. It pits flush
into all of us, but they are looking to amass as much evidence as possible so that when they got the guy, they don't have to worry about letting him go. Also, I'm just going to say this, the first full year, six foot section and apparently one of these head boy, barely one of the pimps of one of these gal soon be. They need to treat him better manager smash your mom. integers. Whatever again, you can be an independent lady can make the money on your own. Don't give it to the third body, don't care about it. They described him as an ogre. then a little rudy I know is a killer. Oh now, we'd now, although it now is, but he did, we didn't know he was a killer see. The thing is my castle, which I know I've been. We have you guys are now being around pistols, and people do naturally assume that he is extremely dangerous, Oh they actually normal for them to be, like also even so again to bring that up like I'm are we went to cut out? I was writing a scots, so chafed, but remember that, like weird that cop gummy, unlike they boil was he was eating, do
What you gonna do not only should guess what I mean. It smiling like an angel with a bud light watching the game on oil is standing side, not either. Like your thrashing reality and huge human look, which all boy gonna do you know it's like, I think, he's gonna be the one at diabetes settings from us into one verbal confrontation. Every two weeks and I dont know people do come up in a big hole like a big boy, but it was one time it was out one guy. There was a part of the jokers biker gang. We had what you meant. We had akin laugh at him when he came over to kept me, look or for hours they we all like. I am and enabling us like a w lux die. While I do not feel there, that's not the attributes of stories the got a fucking under in and in the last got of war game, you have a great drunken bargaining with them any ways through this guy evidently cup,
Also found a bunch of torture born an amused re own, even gazeta Schuman, sharm in He is. This is the conclusion of a case. But again and we'll see to be honest with you, that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot. I gotta get up here. We gotta get him in jail, first, marriage and anyway, the amended at most right now. This ease killed four, but again they were timber. Oh yes, so, let's not run around with a ticker day parade. Yet will now that they're going to try to do to sweat about to see if he's gonna say that he had some directly result with any of these bodies is closer to having a canoe and all of us very much so even army yeah, so anyway right. Let's, let's talk about this. Actually I do so. This was a crucially did have to apologize briefly are yet. This is the whole thing I dont fully understands it is rare through a bunch of wales getting slaughtered did their water is red with blood it's red with blood, so
was a london. Is was one in a cruise liners apologize to a thousand passengers because the ship went to port and apparel this time of year, where they were at port. Was the faroe islands she's the time where everybody decides to merge all of whale. Has you see the here even if the furrow islands has killed more than five hundred dolphins since is controversial? resumed in may again style. I feel it anyway, ireland, dolphins, so the thing is registered there, just the ivy league there, but I dont know I sighed swords. Lp hotel, a gmail that comes from them, but in a litany of super sadie mouse. You lose a point made. They allow them. This is some kind of either cultural thing that they allow its role. Yes, but what's the point you don't eat the dolphin meet you dont need the blubber. You can go to you. Go get a candle nowadays. I don't really know what it does. I guess it's crazy. It's been there for a thousand years. Fifty thousand fifty three thousand feet. on the island of faroe islands right, they said explaining the valley.
Use of the wailing hunt, which is the furrows, have eaten pilot whale meat and blubber, since they first settled the eye wins over millennia: go today, as in times past, the whale drives a community activity open to all. Well, while all well organised on a community level and regulated by national laws. So you will A good kid gets the sab off it its whale organised, to say the least. Here, according to the the ship here, they say were incredibly disappointed that the hunter at the time that our ship was import. I we strongly object to is outdated practice and I ve been working with the arc of community in order to stop. This actual purpose is also involved here to absolutely, but I just kill that we'll meet the reason. Why you, The whale meat was because you had nothing else exactly and you just literally needed to eat fat because your body and has or has it aren't you just needed to go right to the source of of life, which is largely feel like now. It
days, half do? But I feel I do wonders how you know it just everybody's having uniform rules, and I would consider that is This thing about me: no one else gets to see a massive whale calling known disease. right. Have you got to that's cool? You see you will give me no one's gonna, get it out And to that point- and we learn about this to that point- dont yeah, you're, gonna, come into our house This will be the one to use. That is what we do. I hope I don't do you like fuckin forty being tuesdays, because, as we do in our house, we beans we followed each other. You came here you
to be in my home. That being said, is party being tuesday really necessary? I don't know it's a tradition. I guess it's just that house. It's that forty being too right, because there's only fifty three thousand people sousa small ass, very small, but I just feel bad because I or even saying it's saying it's bad for you. Whale meat and blubber blubber contains protein iron, tine and and vitamins right. But then there high levels of mercury and pc bees, which is like that's the pollution, is literally ocean pollution. The well just like sock into their bodies. You just eat, they eat the big swathes. The day of the weird like done, but the motherfucker microscopic little counted. We talk about this last week's episode, the whales revenge that we saw where there were just taken over shaped all over. I truly they know How did they are being on? Did they know, and also what is so interesting going on right now and I'm not necessarily against it, but a shark love out there near as big I leave. I didn't leave in shark love, but this is the we're seeing what we talk.
but now done well here, history series, the essex yelling ladys on real that this shit's real, but does that this be wales have been exhibiting this behaviour for a long time and now it's kind of in a little bit. I don't know if it's just more people reporting on it. More people are alive to witness it are and are experiencing it or is there an uptake in whale offensive maneuvering against human boats. I think there's a down tick as well in the whale population, which is also why people like gas, let's give him a reprieve, yes, but anyway, so that must have been a fun. Keen day, which is that was allowable just oda, smell oh well, browns and just the person with a little on screen on their knows just wanting dab. So sometimes life comes at a fast. It does. Does anyone have a nice little vacation blow event, none, but nothing but trouble in this case, not a blubber nothin but bubbles. I got him
blubber, less than inverness, Stuart mill. Welcome. We me there twenty doing for income, your fuckin city, you fuck precision. Maybe we are some places yet we catch a sailor welcome to your sick. We don't know who there's gonna be someone who writes us an email at me like I'm in florida blvd. And then you guys didn't come to my town of ten name. You are going to come to ever, don't know. I wish that we could alright we're not tom segura. We do we have to have. We have to see our family also, I dont know I I'm very Mr saguaro he's crazy stores grades. When every person moment and penny counts in your business. You can't afford to take any of them for granted stamps dot com gets, because for the last twenty five years they ve been been businesses like yours, save time and money, so you can As on your business, knowing stamp, com is all your postage needs covered with premium. discounts and great raids running a bit. This isn't cheap, especially when it comes to
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Hey it's laura coates host, laura code show on sirius xm powder. If we go beyond the sound bite, we break down everything politics and the law and pop culture. It's what you care most about, but listen to the laura code show at home or anywhere. You are no car required, download the sirius Xm app for over four hundred and twenty five channels of ad free music sports entertainment and more subscribe now and get three months free offer details apply. I want to talk a little bit about our favorite bitch jeez lane. Well, my my problems in prison, which makes me smile. Like I like this little bit of uptake corner, we ve had recently with Larry nasser guidance in stab the dismally. Maxwell is gained, a new fund nickname prison Karen or a remedy to this, I'm a little bit,
I think the terms will ever used. She gave out four hundred complaints. Will what what would I do know you could do? I did know they had a complaint department in june, you know what we are going to change the name. No two tracy eurylochus care. I met some of the game. Mom fried a very good friend of mine, heron fee and a very funny comedian love Karen, because she's a karen karen she's right and she'll correct you, yes, but I was fully Tracy's Always out they're gonna be in treaties can be real, mean too. Don't get me wrong. I sometimes I feel like Karen sometimes it's. Maybe you see the hair cut when I see a care- and I imagine nodding urca where they do thing where they have like this pan of gold. We have a panel of here that sort of sticks all the way up and then they somehow create the recipe into a sort of a swoop to it's heart into it's like an food network now she's a carriage he is a carriage, has actually been labelled several times. The difficult person now she's had several full mention staffs mutiny against her, ok, ok,
Really, I think you're gonna die, whoever whatever the name of that one chick is from that one show words like ten kids encounter negotiator, vagina, husband, cape us, eight yeah, yet kate cats, anyway? Who yeah colleen is not so these are so when we say filing complaints, like our Larry lawton, a man who why at winchester interview prison jeweled? If I he would file complaints against the prison system church, because if human rights are violated in unfair, absolutely yes, but the lane seems to just be upset with other prisoners which is gonna, get her kill I am solitary good, maybe ask that I have two things here: she'd demanding to be murdered, maybe Is she trying to get our isolation? I think that would be easier than you think. I thought it would be much easier, but she's in a four person cube and so she's dealing with until her above caught neighbor
is a ah a trans individual by the name of bat man who has been halved extremely loud sex. Above her it's been leaving their boxers and socks to dry on the edge of her cot. Gis. Lane has been complaining about this again and again and again, but she's been doing your own protests by no longer showering she's afraid of getting assaulted in the shower. Nobody knows even frightened even said that they're all ignoble even threaten high profile. No one wants to deal with her. Like I mean it would make you famous it would. But it's yours. Most people in prison are not just trying to get fucking ripe and is obviously enough for you that sounds agus cube. These people probably aren't murderers, they tend to warm guy it is what it is, but I would be surprised if the people that she was with her lifers
because if they are alive lifer they just that's when you just get killed because they're like what the fuck is, the difference, are you here anyway, but they're calling her max in jail max has been threatening people. It seems like what she's train forgot is how to get herself alone in her cube. So she's been complaining about all these various things that eventually one roommate of hers threatened to beat her to death with a sock and a padlock. he complained about that. Got her out right. So they're like didn what the hell that's gonna, do I'm she's in jail for because both the serb twenty years would put our hope she serbs, every fucking minutes Will gawayne says that she would hear heavy grunts than moans it? I was trying to sleep and then and then she said the beds are bolted down, so they rode back from side too. to make a lot of noise, but she's complained about the lacklustre, vague in many option. my explained about unfair treatment in general and demanded the jail thirty's, give her immediate access to black haired. I yes, soak data
well, interestingly enough, a measure of black hair, diy ons, bad, alright, lush hyperdrive, allergenic betting. After grumbling, the staff of the standard issue, prison pillows were triggering her allergies so you're saying about her allergies, she said that she has been kept up because she's on suicide watch all people looking for her been on suicide watch. As he's afraid she can go to sleep on which I can seducing. That's a problem. That's also what Jeffrey Epstein complaint, before his forehead, and indeed so. She did get batman removed from this but then somebody else came into my right hand: their lithuania, stink, oh yeah, technically she's, the bad she's, the Jeremy pivot. This is.
Pc. You dare jerry Bevan David Spade go to sleep, she's, the bad roommate, but listen to this is the type of jail should she's got to deal with two cuban inmates who are dat thrown into solitary confinement after maxwell, bitch them out. They found out when she had a strict vegan alike appetite whenever this fucking bullshit julie does met this menu. She must follow she and her arrangements to joys, disney maxwell and arrange with the kitchen worker who would slip her extra fruit, vegetables tofu the end, they realized they found this out and he thought that we could extort just lane. Maxwell This information right and it said, maxwell a letter demanding three hundred sixty dollars worth of items from her commissary allowance, but then Julie, natural flipped on them. You know that's what she does She is indeed a flipper. Much like it those creatures that are being killed on that island. I can't believe it'd be thrown in a lake and get stabbed with a fucking hook. Well, I let's let her live,
then the enjoy the fruits of her hard labor hunting children for a corrupt man industry. I do, however, I want to go into a little bit of a dog at some toe sucker updates, but I feel it we're at time for bureau the week we could well there's also by media, you do it sucker up did there is also this one's during kentucky almost again asked. Did you see that this guy's gonna. You fuckin humans, gold. He owns this guy, they were all united erentz. Yet james, not they went to go pick him up. He is a part of the illegal Howdy industry be illegal, a bodyguard industry that we ve covered up. We ve talked about several times inside stories I at last by gas than left, and we talk a little bit about the connections, the harvard school of medicine- and this was one of the guys, siano Epstein, this guy James, not was one of the like body park fence.
Guys, so he had job was to sell body parts for these. Various counterparts they were working for harvard medical speaking of smells. I don't know what this house would smell. Like forty human skulls, spinal cord spoke you mean a marxism. I nobody denies that he doesn't have basic biscuit, only have orca salivate bones, have no smell yeah, but think everything give something a little somethin I was We went to the ah weirder mozilla catacombs o the guy, I'm too big, dirty and harris is really interesting because the truly was no smell. There was no smell a paper because there's old old button, demeter museum smells a bomb. fluid and I almost throughout the last yes, because I was very hung over it. I didn't realize what I was walking didn't. I should not? U dont go if you can't really handle the smell of open formaldehyde. He really it that's the only thing about the meter. Music have a greater say of hassock points. Yes, just I gotta stop going on over I've done twice now. I just it's always the day,
after a show and ways when I'm ready. That's what I'm like my day, my free day: that's what I'd go do it, but then they gotta didn't weak vaseline of my nose like we're corpse collectors. What the hell's everywhere we go. We had said so anyway. He went pseudonym, william burke and that's very strange, oh yeah, oh I'd I'd, just like old some guns. ah, he had some guns in there. I think that also have adds to this down the hearts brains longs to fetuses. is that where he was real german guy, william burke. I was also the name of one of the grave robbers from the edinburgh that was very famous that we covered from burke and hare, and that was one of the guys in the old days, so he had a bit of a o heat a bit of a cheap to him
Indeed, he did awry. Let's try to find a fuckin hero. Good luck! What do we got I never. He would tell you know the shoe and its come now. Kiss was gonna talk as if now we got nothin to You idiot empty supermarkets here of the way an empty supermarket. That turned it while I thought said: that's a sign of failing economy, no because an empty supermarket or that sad. What's not turning into an indoor gate park for the community. That's really it's open it again. Where do you live margaret knew that gives it it, but daily building itself didn't use. It did so state borders, be a masters, scooter writers, an roller blighters. If you wanna be, they are now an abandoned sales, berries, berlin, a stronger areas, supermarket marketing and you can
They work, but it is an abandoned, store, as it is now either just any around, but now it's not so the founder and skater at pit street islamist Jacob Skinner, cool name for a skater. I feel like a hero. Here's like skating, know it's the it's the location in which people are doing these things as a child. All these s, gate boarding was my island, and I want to give. There is the opportunity to use it in a positive way, so there you go, no longer full of ham and eggs. It's full of people having a nice time I not to skin their knees and looked sixty four, the gales. You know good, because ordinary wonders again, I have a lot of questions by I. Attacked, said I know. Don't I don't need sorted out. I don't need to attack from the west to the east we, but a text in the south and the north. What are we not attachment?
I don't to be attacking you from the inside. He says is again yeah, I'm I'm just the idea. I'm having trouble grasping me, of course, were a itunes where you can handle that's wait onto the site, but I like kids and finally, he says we are really passion about changing the view of skateboarding, barely there's a negative view of skateboarding in the community. It's also so import Remember that the crime noise ordinance issue- I hate scenery, get to their long short. He also finished off finishes without with a lie, but it is nice that he said he's as says also important to remember: you're, never tool to scale new are well. You are asked socially, but physically physically and then also get you old to learn at to gave you haven't learned by the time. You're twenty two skate, that's pass actually dont know we'll find out
It's always lp hotel, a gmail com would have you overcome it routers your challenge. It seems like a reeks of mid life crisis. While it depends, you know what it is. Is that until it out, if you skateboarding over forty of gold, I guess Actually we always did it. I'm told you just have to war. Have always done it. You know what the key is. Don't add braces now. Would you wouldn't brooklyn time we see a guy in a razor scooter show up with those like clear braces on each other. It's not cause you're going to try to fuck my girlfriend. Well, yeah you're not allowed near animals, so do some of the kids in the community that they have. They have a group there's one called the silver surfers and another one gold, the teens barbours, which I don't like. I just know bids that about old men. The allies, men, Jerusalem, I hardly quinn yang- I will be used for a guy, but you know what I'm not attacking, I'm, not joking eureka. So you need to do foreign, whatever the rocket as former saintsbury supermarket you're here of the week, you know, what's good for you, ve saintsbury.
Mozilla, marking at any. Obviously at some point will be purchased by somebody in this vital and oh, I mused sorts closed. I think, may I take it never jack is undergoing ursela languages. Sons barrier for there is somebody is. Can you like you do in what with why? What near We won't have the real dialogue before their time capsule snacks around here. It would be cool. I did it'd comical like it was last of us. Yes, oh Now, let me read to me this email, your and we talk a lot about toe sucking recently and ah it in the fuckin here. When you just we lied, we put a mirror up to society. Do did you see it is now a fucking movie called quicksand about mud, dangerous mud. This is what happens when everyone goes on strike. I need to make my own stuff aimed at my own movies could and should have been, so much is listening and then there's like now, it's a about mud bought me. Obviously this wasn't carbon out. We ve only just talk about mud, but now I'm a big model out I've gotten
how many you mail still to this day about how dangerous, but there's a lot of mud heads out there. It's very scary, I dont know why I don't more houses, less mud, I agree we go so run for president again, we're back to last week took over to suck and and a hit just didn't wanna use about hard about the crime have to sucking, as that depends on the police officers, because some of them just don't take it seriously at all. I would you'd better tickets seriously cause I'd fucking freaked out at freak out really an invasion of privacy. Oh yes, so here we go, though this was. I was listening to side stories this week and I figured I would share my encounter with the to suck fairy of arkansas I'm provider at a university hospital specializing in orthotics and prosthetics. In short, I build and fit fake limbs and custom braces, but a year ago I received a call from a patient that was supposed to go to. One of my female colleagues is especially strange because he claimed to be a prosthetic patient of hers, but she was
new, higher and hadn't seen any prosthetic patience. Yet I grab my colleague and throwing the patient on speaker phone as she started to try and get more information about his medical history. It became more evasive, and so it s a more explicit questions. Do you like working with stops? Will you rub my stops? don't think stumps or sexy. Oh my stumps, or sexy right now. last weekend any straight up ass straight up at the very end: hey, let me suck them toes, to this woman because he'd indemnity toes, nor yet I guess who does what We stand. We made our uncomfortable ass. He had already specifically had asked for were and had some of her professional information. He somehow find out this new brand new hot woman that was working at the mayo clinic and decided he wanted to suck her toes and he boomed as winner, and we end up getting sending with a recording in his info to campus police, who tracked his phone number to a small city estate away in arkansas. They put us on a conference call with the local sheriff in arkansas to file a report,
The sheriff seem pretty disinterested about trying to find some random guy and then some the other county ram. Blah blah blah and he was harassing hospital employees Didn't understand who stayed away? I could lead. It could lead to something very danger until we mentioned the context now. As soon as we mentioned feet, toes the sheriff exclaimed. Oh that's! Michael whoa you're a foreigner and explain that he been to community been beaten. Communication with the tosa ferry of arkansas fernley he's been arrested several times in the past for similar offences and here's a visual whole thing, so this guy turned out to be a jacket. This is a foot and toes based villain wow supervillain if in two thousand and eleven when an update in two thousand and seventeen, he called himself the to suck fairy right than ten years after he entertained local infamy for sucking women's toes and threatening to amputate their feet. Michael Wyatt, fifty was behind bars again after two women claimed he asked just slurp on their digits. Really
one stuff beagle lead. You know suckers now in custody. Rights to women picked from afar. Line is the man who approached them in local stores, commenting on her feet and asking to suck on their toes now this guy. He said that she would Woman was saying that she was outside our apartment and a man came up to her and grabbed her toes a man with no less oh grab. Your toes the started suckin on right down arrogantly apply believing he didn't. He got a whole rap sheet. He was in jail for impersonating, a podiatrist fondle and suck a woman's footing route and department store. I many steed each put him on probation her oh well. He said that he wanted you serve one year in prison for threatening the dominion store. Port, but he chop off her foot and suck her toes while she bled to death,
I would just say that, while you're at the store, I don't think it's very charming and got in trouble again and nineteen. Ninety nine for flashing photographs of women's feet to another woman and asking her if she'd like him to to cut her feed off, will know until this guy is out. There second okay, we'll get into as hungry your feet and remember the sheriff. I just you know I'd say, put a pin in it. They don't keep an eye on him. I feel like this guy. Might you might want to keep a bit of a look see upon him? Just people look seem to have someone with real nice people Well now see how he reacts every now and again then here's another. Let me do a little of abductions. Torture was the first time I've ever tried to put the story in a written words, but this memories always stuck with me stuck But I assure you it is one hundred per cent true. It wasn't until recently that I had started giving it more thought when I was little probably around five or six. I remember a night when I was staying at my grandma's, a frequent thing of the time and a room with my little
sister wit bunk bits, and I was always on the top bunk and ass. Many times had woken up there. was able to feel my way up the pitch back to go down to go to get my snack remove the bathroom this one night, I had a dream that I got out of bed and I went to find it were only to realise that the walls were smooth new, devoid of any one, any sort of thing. They should have found along the wall, and I followed it for a long time. No dressers, no closet doors, no windowsills, at which point I started the panic begin screaming banging on the walls which, to my child self, felt seem like an out within all of a sudden alike. im on and it was my grandma on the opposite side of the room. Then I figured I was a little sister was now jason and me doing the same thing. I was clawing at the wall and panic with tears streamed down her face. this is a memory Helen onto about last year, but to be thirty two way I recently got the talking. bryce learn. She murmured at all
I've only been about for at the time, but you could have sworn that she was the one who woke me and recalled having the same nightmare. Now I haven't been able to stop thinking if there's something to that, but we both had somewhat supernatural experiences our whole lives, but my sister in particular seems to have been found. followed by ghosts until she was into were lay twenties. Maybe it's the alien enthusiast and made it makes it feel more like a tandem reduction. Well good. Be could be, or indeed you were abducted. that's it by our ally up near me. Up with that, it's either of fear to see or your above, the very scary. You got me everyone by couple things really got murder, fest, generally typewriter. I think it's only sold out. It has the right to know we're going to do. Another date will find out, I put on their aid not to Your horn, but I've been watching mould, murder, viz, sketches and of truly for It was murder. Fest is the greatest catch group of all time to come and check it out.
they are going to have its just such a fund. Fucking show obviously and is probably sold out, so if eating get tickets before now. Who knows? Maybe you know if I could show guys there might be there might be, and then we have a couple. The we ve got a lot common this year, I'm so excited we got a gun. We got fuckin on alpine. Show. Ten twin There is a sunday alloa go check us out we're going to be it's going to be fucking awesome scan everybody's going to be there. We're gonna have some other special events we're that out. We have said all that in stone and november force we're doing the palace los angeles will mean we can't wait. Man come check it out with you just schoeffer, mama mere here we go again Lana a ten year door, oh yeah, and then I will be this sunday I'll be a las vegas, so common check it out and there is no way and in the boys are gonna, be over COMECON. So we're we're split. Norway's years over those states working away, my over the states are assisted, we're doing a man work with a constant presence,
We are going to live every day yesterday. You want to suck toes, but maybe don't suck somebody else's temps rain. Maybe you can laugh your way to the Bank. Second, on your own got him to my knees. When I would do is just think about this. gonna love. This advice, shave one foot just verdant, make that foot as hot as you can make your own foot. Well, you might like the harem as I don't think that they do, but I dunno I bet, but I don't think they do and you work on that foot until that foot the foot you want to fuck right reason to doubt got foot on tap or what I would say is buy a prosthetic foot. Sectional someday. You could such a network and dolls what you could put in a bunch positions now those dolls things It all would like a surprised or like mad or disgusted face year, which is great for you, unless you didn't, because then you can have it alike, have not look alike. Secondly, we want so that we see
make these robots girlfriends almost alive, I'm fine. That is something I think is gonna help. People could be it could in my earlier, I feel it. put it on adults and adults feet or just fuck it I don't know man just get the fuck over the edge is like fix your life, ok by your shit, ryan. Everyone will take you all so much for listening, inhale yourselves, a logo to leisure newly my goddamn feed alone. Was you know, I'm a fucking, because I know I know with the boys want. I don't think you're gonna Mama What brings all the boys in the yard and that's what I call my milk foot cause they gotta drain it good, bye, good bye bye.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-22.