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Side Stories: Ghosted

2020-11-11 | 🔗

Ben 'n' Henry break down this week's true crime news: the Lake Michigan Mothman, a woman has marital troubles with her ghostly groom, Chris Watts, hot spring chicken, and MUCH MORE.

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Their buddy. Don't forget! There's plenty of last podcast, now March, available over on last podcast marched out com who gets shared, for all your favorite shows like wizard. Sir paid seven, no dogs and space and, of course, plenteous stuff for life. Pakistan left last part as much darker. Thank you nobody was able to use the laws on the left side, saurian animal doors, hey guys. Who else is super excited to have a winking skeleton for president actually love skeleton? It's always hollow. We be from a pumpkin to a skeleton. Sometimes you can hear. No,
galleries, money, please calm down rings everybody pretty calm down. Am I gotTa Jim Gary? You are so good is right here I finished my numerous Joe Biden and our new paper praised, but I love of God stop trying to kill me. You may have gotten the part of Europe s an outcast member. Unfortunately, they just cast those people till I get coffee for the celebrities they hire them. Then they get to feel really important that the appearance, don't they welcomed aside stories everywhere. This is bad. Hang it with Henry for those that are no. The up fronts are when you're a star on the rise and you go in. You show your boobs in your penis to a bunch of people. I judge it. Yes, a people, you mean advertisements, they're, not people have no blood now until their fired, and then they become people again with. As we are now they route, generally transform into people, and then they remember their people. Indeed, Well, also speaking, people Alex drew back a camp.
yeah. So what a strawberry its old, its old person talk but observe that is the most vague sag way. you mind than ever done. I've ever. He said speaking of people, which is a category of exists, You could have even said something about apples and out open. Like speaking of apples, people eat apples. Speaking people see that's it. You get there anyway, Perhaps we can have apples how but a good apple whose now a brown apple Alex drew back by the way. Let Alex true back, let his body cool before that, decide. Who is the next jeopardy host? Have you seen? these disgusting Parana like their common,
going. A man is ready to power vacuum in the George stuff about boy Duncan George, Stepan, Arkadyevitch, hey man, trivial, not gonna, get it. It's not going to ask itself actually knows it's just on the cause they could ever robot knew. They should have the robot, the Beacon Jennings. Without new hosting shit, mobilise name like Maktub, then he got us to a bunch of transport and I'm hacks and mythic stomach that its dames life is like bottling barber to rot right, rib, rob you ever on the non know it all robot, let him in. Why then all looked at birth and that robot to be present in the United States. It would be good if you think about effectiveness, but it would be bad if you think about humanity. Yes, but can Jennings I'm sorry very smart, but is he gonna be those of jeopardy? Am I looking at that face every day? I don't think so. I I never understood the cross appeal of CAN jennings our eye. He is very smart. Either
it really is. All you have to do is get very quick thumbs. You better watch out girls, because those sums will arrange that climate. He is like, if you were on double there and you are very good at double their because you like to eat the slime now all of a sudden, your bathing in fun and thought a punishment see that began slowly, the reverse. It always gotta live in reverse it. You gotta make something that you hate, be your feet, we're thing at all, so called learning how to change your diet are Ip Alex Drawback. I you know what we gotta kill cancer, but we're going to figure that out later on. In this episode I mean, but if anyone not, he was onset doing jeopardy. Ten days before he died. You give me a hang nail in working out. We have I'm gum kind of queasy and I almost said: let's bumped us tomorrow, alright guys IP this last week because we're in a new world- and I think that, finally, once the dust settles from all of them, bake outrage, those their allotted held out until now. I guess it's a lot. It does, but it's kind of its whirling and everybody's really interested in it. Swirling.
eventually it will. I think people are realising that people on Twitter far too lazy to do anything. Actually, it's only Percent of the american population on Twitter. Twitter is not real. Remember that nets to territories that are the only people we are using it actively and then everybody else's just lurking. It's not a real environment. not real. It's imaginary you just get off of it. You are correct, but let's talk about something a little bit ominously way more real, which is this year doesn't the mix of all of this horse shit? I'm askin! Could that's what I call the election right. We have been dealing. We have. We not being attention to the important issues, which is the fact that we experience disclosure of your office for this year- and there is a lot more there's all more interest in just the subject in general is bigger than ever, but have you watch the phenomenon? I did
The last one I was. I was the one that this battle information agent. You know that last year's integration, no, the warmest even greer- that was very nice. Will you say nice? I load encounters of the fifth. Why did you lie to me and play with my dick then why there is nothing wrong with that? It's not! I dont want to speak to turn your, but technically your wife has to do that on average. Every night you have to lie recently. Does Padre lie to me a boy with my pay money to do that today. Sometimes you know when I you know who I dont need that from my barber HU, I don't either from my didn't. You know I used. I did actually a little you to pull on barbarism and they used the dentist they used to be on guard as they used to do. Everything is my wheel. I mean that that's what real capitalism one yes, it was, but now we did this things might be coming to now in twenty twenty one. I think we're gonna have a lot more time to really focus on focus.
The earlier in story, my question to you on this before we get into this story. Do you think that it was? There was more disclosure because of the complete evaporation of a federal government over the past four years at least dna other than in the worst possible sent where, like they'll shoot on the street? But they all you have no one to stop the information leaking out about you oppose or do you think these next for years. Looking to get this is going back in the box. Lock up we're, not gonna talk about it again. I wonder I feel like that next year, we're gonna be doing stuff like doom with look foreign wars and deal will is kind of like weird other, be well, we don't know at work on fuel through going to war with the aliens. If you have your way that oil Stephen Clear he's a peacenik its thought about going to war against the aliens its. Understanding that the aliens whatever that is whatever this phenomenon is made
necessarily have our interests in mind. Their guide. You couldn't measures in Ireland may mare, but he D, Chinese along you, wear he might have understood that if we actually, if we ask the aliens to come here, They might just show up which might not be grateful, Well, all I know is: if we play In days long view to the aliens they're gonna star, rock and they're gonna love our country, they're gonna love our world. Before take all of our water before they take all of our elements. They need to perhaps fuel their spacecraft bill rock out with us for a little bit. I actually find it interesting because what we had sent out we sent, I believe we sent Chuck bury to whoever is announcing an example of music, and I wonder why maybe that's
why these so called you for not might so interested in our dick holes in our assholes, how they did a little research on truck baron. I'm a minister or is it seems to be some humans on our treat other humans, as if they are human kaleidoscope interested. So the man wasn't, it was his niece. He had sex with, no, no, no, no! No. No, that was Jerry Louis who had sex with his own cousin of Irish up, bury put the cameras in the toilet, so the bathrooms, and he liked to see he was a real cute, so curious, just sort one person had to go into Chuck Berries office at the actually, the restaurant bar that we performed at oh, that was great, was his bought yeah. Of course we saw them taken the cameras out of the bathroom before we came in and I was like, but TAT was my day bill. This was gonna, be my dear booby. Yes, perhaps there into watching then now in Spain, but I have gotten didn't you so number one. I have found quite a bit of reason.
you have all forage and I've been watching has been really good news, a video that was sent to me. I am doing this as an information call out to whoever sent this to me in Instagram message. They sent me a video that was one of the best you upload videos. I've ever seen it look like flying structure in the sky side story, they'll, biotechnology, Imelda COM, it came from I want to show you was from Hawaii, also send. To me again, I need to see it again. I have been able to, but what I did get into his story about lake by cool this is a nineteen eighty two in Russia. This was a place with a b the by collar by cool. This was a true. I love this story where they went down this route, Russian, with a call from men, ok went down, they were doing some kind of search of the lake back who back you?
bear it damp, and then it know what was at the very bottom. If it's any one, you could do more want. I interviewed it's always more water. Sometimes you find rocks, they went down there and they were doing an exploratory mission, a Russian for Tory Mission. Yes, today, thy real hammered. They put a bunch, awaits us ankles there like yours. Reed, oh yeah, you're, the torpedo. Let us know what you find, but they found what they said, because I, I'm always Marian to U S house the unidentified, submit urged objects, I think, are fundamental rights. Are your picture myself? If I never in the EU would be such a great submerged object? That's what you mean Oh forest Halloween, every year, the actors in a big, just not the wet tat. Do you think is that ok. So, first of all, we ve heard that, like ninety five percent of the oceans haven't been, you know, exporters up is that still true dummy Antonov. You have the answer to that, but it Billy Maybe we made sure yeah, ok, sure yeah. So do you think what?
think are the odds. You are the export alien gap. You move on that you don't have it on, but you always have it on don't go to stain on my soul space or see. Where do you we're gonna see our first alien. I think that they might very well be in the sea. We talked about credit in the: U S limits. The one of those objects that were seen in one of the famous videos are weak and twentieth seventeen and there was a: U S so had come from the shut up, and you see this time time again. There is as well story. Did I was covering a lake by cool story, but before that was that a rush submarine happened upon six dis in while on a training mission can cause he's exists This there were floating towards it and its broad itself. up to the surface, because I thought we were going to run into this group of deaths that were slowly but surely swimming along the floor. The ocean of Sydney what zip and they just shot up out of the outer out of the water into the sky and step up, but not
any sort of beet Mara cool. But this story and like buckle ninety two of these broad memo down there they're doing their exploratory research, and then they saw a series of nine foot tall aliens wearing belonging to the EU to describe but it was small like fish bulls on their head. Ok, they saw each other and that they have this moment where they were floating in front each other. Like No, no I'm just gonna run its course Russians. They know how to visibly smoke underwater. The very talented ITALY led out route and I could not believe what is left of utmost, and so their first idea was to say good classic Ghostbusters get her. So one of the guys swam forward with a net trying What? the aliens name be so we are going against extra terrestrial beans, theoretically much more technologically advanced we're going after
with the same thing. We would catch a carbon those now and that no may there's gotta put carp, maybe as Helmut Kohl, many a ship car tell you what still falls to the net, things that comes to the net. By the way, if you catch CARP, you have to be added to that. That's kind of the ruler parameters, their parameters, Parana their prey. Or of the sea of the lake, really was a true. You had a carp. I've been watching the show alone. Have you watch it, got back and we'll get going to think in a certain way tat because I would just be watching it alone with two dogs and then I feel like I also. My friend sent me this great recommendation for a warm will be, but well I just sometimes they could do scared, but I just don't than those damn your home in legal right now there was damn your home invasion and ended. I notice that was a jerry, we'll take care of it. Do any wasn't you just annoy you heard. No, it was a person coming to work on my home and major element in the ocean. Didn't know that because you're either Doc this year. We can't understand moving on
in my home. That is true. It is up to unite Europe. So the approach these entities with the net they want to go, throw it over the one of the entities. It made some kind of hand signal, and they all shocked to the surface with a shot of the sort, so fast they got the bends in three them. Fuckin die holy shit very just an extraordinary away. I dont know what else is, but I want to get deeper into the research on it but yeah Absolutely man. Will I love that a more stories if you do have any tails seen a u S or whatever it might be side stories, LP, O high level doc. Another one right here I'm so this is my head can finally clear and get back to the ship. It really
There's this you're like a real. You focused on politics for about three and a half day. It's because it's awful sisyphean, bullshit machine, you're, just a thought in Egypt. Everybody's lie we have now. We are now so hypnotized by propaganda that everyone ages, constant panic. Well, let's talk something that has no propaganda you if this is what entrepreneur earlier this is pure. So this is a story that comes back from. This is a singular forty and again that calm. We need to get their people from seeing the forty and on this I want to talk to them. Yes, I singular for fourteen its singular for tee a M fearful single further him bias and Emily Wheel and robust article, the mother and daughter report signing of red eyed winged demon in Schiller Park Illinois. We are in a fucking, more men, renaissance right now. It is here initial between this and the jury pack, I our skies, are just have just got a little bit safer,
Have they got unsafe or no? I think that is a just really does clog up the streams. Did it airs dreams? I think there are Airstream. That's why you don't you so much fuel going on intercontinental flights jet black man is going to end, didn't sucked up through an engine of a plane, he will die and hopefully that plane is piloted by the next Solly solemn burger size. The only one here, because if fuckin jap pachmann kills me or one of my friends, because you to dump genuinely has to be floating around upstairs up. There be real pissed off and kill him, and we ll get brought you want, but going attention just do this on Tik Tok. Do make a dying on Tik Tok delegate attention to what can you powers didn't he spent and tell you where those water machines it later flying, but you don't have to fly and then you get. You can seem like your fortune. A bunch. Document living like life, twenty percent wing eleven leg. Why manual? Never out of the Euro for Clearing House, received a report recently from a woman who said that she and her mother witnessed a demon with red eyes and very large ray.
and very large wings at around nine p m on a twenty six and Schiller Park. Illinois. Ok, I got the kitchen I make myself a cup of tea and, as I was Phelan cattle with water, I heard my mom scream and and call out to me this is This is your voice of the thirty two year old hispanic, beautiful woman, you're gonna make her sound like a plumber, who has ever actually unplumbable oil arrived when I was Doin ran around I found or in a room with the lights off. She told him and keep the lights on. It come to the window and looked at the back yard by the way, that's a great service. If you're a plumber, you go in, you take the dump, and if you want that dumb to be plumbed, you gotta call me that's cool making business for yourself keeping yourself in business, that's true, american entrepreneurial spirit. I looked, and I saw a large creature with red in very large winks park than the back. Thanks my mother was whispering ACE.
Demand eel cool. I soon demand he. Oh I'm sort of praying and as we watch this thing, it was perched on a bench and it was look inside citing kept slowly moved its wings. We looked at it for bottom many before flat, bits wings and flew off.
The demon, poorly frickin trippy, did cover thirty two year old, some hispanic woman who was operators at that you did. Why was just doing an interpretation? I do love your safe zone, which I would assume you're trying to land in is somehow more offensive than if you actually just did a nice pleasant, hispanic female axis two months, man. I can already feel my time free speech. She I'll just get fulfilment. I've been here all just privatized, free speech, joy with more true than ever, and ever more on this word. I'm actually I've heard this and opportunity for work. Release programme get well a little, but I am unfortunately waffle houses and higher in any chefs at the moment. Will let you know the net when the next one kills over? You could get it dick teach you how to cook the comic book. Witness this
very interesting to never. It said that he was able to speak with both both witnesses, the ones they following their signing. He confirm the approximate time of their signing along with details originally submitted in their report. The woman had been in the kitchen making herself tee what you heard her mother screen, prompting her to drop what she was doing and run to run towards her mothers bedroom the witness. did that her mother has fallen before uninjured herself and that its, but she thought had just occurred that scary. That is scary, but then turn such direct aids. Wouldn't Romania gives life human just go no mom, oh what you re a demon, the demon, his father time, isn't that upon entry
your mother's room. She found the lights off and her mother standing by the window. She can t he continued. The mother told her to keep the lights off to come to the window and looked into the back yard. To witness. Did she ass in upon reaching the window saw that she would she described as a large humanoid creature perched upon the back that school she described? The creature is black with large jet black wings and human. Like features when I asked her to go into details, you said that the creature look what you could only describe as a demon. The creature had human, like arms and legs at head. Looked almost human, with bright red eyes, all also, why, with the demon, what if it just wants a cup of tea than she poured in it can have it because it can't connect with its little wings to its mouth number one. These flying humanoids are often associated with being harbingers of doom. our bad news brings so often times. People see these things and then something weird happens. There also kind of digital, beautiful, just a weird feeling of seeing a thing which Epoch wing synergy with red eyes, which is you don't like thing about bats? How
or bats vilified as they have rabies rose, but bats are sweet. One full little animal eat mosquito, but look scary, so They still, she saw them off man as she said demoniac, but that's just because you're, just seen him in his uniform right exactly on time didn't seem at potluck. You and see him at the pilot, but that doesn't mean he's not a believer. I say you open the window. What what's going on in? There or do the classic already the classic Budweiser or is it Jackie Britain that back about once a year you try to do it once again on the show, but this is you now we basically there of calling the late Lake Michigan Mock man at this point. They believe it's been. We now attributing ten sightings The richer warehouses putting, this is happening again and again and again, and we dual witness here, of course, mother and daughter, they began to pray the witnesses their full.
convinced they saw demon or something outside their house, and why would indeed they they prayed to Saint Michael apparently, Saint Michael, is the saint. He killed the demons. You know what it would just be nice if you didn't give me make me the saint of something so our do. There are also the patron saint of everything very patron saint of joy, cheese brand. What's this ain't, your saint cheats? Lombard families? Also, I heard the he's into the sea patron saint of chemicals, but he might be. Of course, that is what, when you bought, it begins to look like cheese. That means you had enough Saint Michael stuff to be in the afterlife in your local gotta. Go find another demon. Just give me a saint of something like all of the pictures that people are drawing of like Alex Drawback hosting jeopardy in with, like you know, like ham and, and no credit score. Now, unrivalled Williams and shit inflict met the man take a break with him. Take a bridge was just working, also
I love is he hanging out with Chris Cornel I don't know where no Minnesota zone, I'm from us Johnson, but I shall love to the MID West now that I'm away from it what who's extra to hang out with an haven't. Smart enough. It seems like a lotta done. People have gone there. No will now you can meet all the people, that of her old kids. Will Heaven with me so much crime and you go you meet every. You ever thought of everybody? You ever had a question about and then you found out. Everybody can just say, I'm sorry when there are about to die and get to have any better food God damn Eric, but maybe out her back and finally, experiment with being gay in Heaven. I hope that he can experiment with just be, happy whatever you want to do. Mr dramatic eyes, Mister drew back where I live forever. You are gonna, he is hearts and our nor mine, but he was not go live forever. Speaking of sideways, this fellow that was found, you know what you know, those big igloo:
that you put the flavor radiant Kool aid in they dump it over the quarterback. Everything went well. This car, the cooler yeah? This guy was found in the cool. was not worthy Gatorade, his name on identified they don't know who he is, but he was found by a guy named TIM Andreasen who was walking his dog there. Is in more bland? I am TIM Anderson, a man and I know what I think of him he's a jail. And bill resident. He wishes walkin around taken care of his dog, powerfully pick it up the bulbs. I saw a person to walk in their dog here, in LOS Angeles, not pick up their poor country yell at them. You should elegant you're leaving over a few months, I dont have the car bombs to do that. Yes, ablishn dominance in the neighborhood, oh, my goodness, so. Authorities in Florida, their investing in the deaf, the death of a man whose body was found in a year usually celebre, Tory Kool aid container. This is it according. Do you not know that this wasn't celebratory folds,
of himself inside of a cool, because if your team wins a super bowl in you throw the Kool aid, what did it cool or to cool? It's a cooler? Yes, if you throw that what's in the cooler on your coach and it is dead body that they're gonna die and then the oh, why we won the Superbowl but like who is that who is the dead body? Get there again after their winners, then they'll probably would be looked over. Unless the other teams amazing punter that they had killed in order to win the game, because that, guy during the coffin, get that right partners. Man is that the only the only worked out, the one leg, That's all. I do not know what you gotta make them easily seen Punta, but he's always used it. So weary Kyoto, we'll barrel with junior colony, yeah, no put w hey the Packers. They got a great by drove TIM Anderson walk in his dog. This is what he told news.
Jack's news for Jacksonville. This Is this mortal come out here and I saw a bit What we now, thereby the water- and I said what is that- let me just take Look and see so this guy said Eureka CAT, I'm saying, as I learn a play, how to play among us withholding the other, NATO and so on and use the word sauce because they use that in that game. Is us YE because to be honest, I'm Walkin Wendy and look at anybody. Right elegant Wendy, because I'm one when he's real curious about whatever he's, not with whatever things she was sick or face something a little dots, especially when she gets lino. We just gave her a bath now she's like her try to find whatever the grossest thing a shower face into right got some good that good I mostly starin at Wendy, or phone being an irresponsible person on the by fuckin phone. That's not good. It's not but at the same time, if I saw just a random were floating in the bay. Oh, my god alone. I'm Jody? I am the Jody areas. Is victims roommate?
nothing. I've seen nothing. This guy was opposite. This guy was out there who was the first line of defence. Is a citizen on parole on parole, its Jacksonville? He might be a citizen operational Vila, do you're different form of com Now I feel like we're all citizens on parole. Yes, a citizen patrol, he says I was kind of but it wasn't what I thought it was and it turned out to be here was a cool. I was kind of hope and it wasn't what I thought it was and it turned out to be. I thought it might be. a dummy or somethin stuck in their because some kids just playing around or something. But I closer- and I said, o thou looks pretty there is so close. A Halloween really is above the the dude according to the cops, they think the up the body was dumped twenty four to thirty six hours earlier, so we have to find Whatever minor league team did when a sporting event, I'm sticking with that through life, yes, and we need to find out who had the cooler last and why, Is it full of a body is actually very similar to remove those two girls they're on ticket?
They found the suit case. You are here, or did they ever discover that held out was who did there was some arrests made? I believe that there was an update, but we just didn't get too and I ought to look through our emails, but I believe there was an arrest training. You have that update email, us inside stories, LP ideology melter come on, but this does sound some very similar to that spoken or find this what he had to say again the duty values that it's a rough world we live in right now: a lotta kill him alive, violence this time of year, so sad to see that happen. Sometimes a term Andersen's gonna go and he's gotta equalize. Some people that have done wrong in the past years at times to man who stood needs to add to the chaos, will add to the vile too. Anderson found the body you got to make a body, I think that's the rule. He says you know who would act dump a body like that. Many says it's kind of depressing, so too having a tub life? This is hard. Israel wants to walk, is dog and sure enough the dude in
A cool airy was a blackmail. The pandemic hearted already two. Forty truly the pandemic is hard enough to without just finding a dead body. Could you this is what you discover where you discover a dead body running you, the cops guess. What now you got it with the falcon cops and that is not on their show up again. Your sauces Falk, because you deeds look like a person. A fuckin galler into the garden. Emotion yourself abso your little, but I lost consciousness when it comes to putting a body in a cooler it is maybe the dumbest placed. Put it in water, Yahoo or slow. So whoever did. This is obviously a moron, because you put them in Europe. Dude, there's a reason they put them like gas, adding tat there was anything stupid about, but I did. What do you mean no cause? No man, he promised me he's from gaining cornea Lobo the serial killer. Do you really think it is appropriate to put him in the cooler? What is appropriate me? It means that
It's something that you do. That's normal, something that's nice. So if somebody, for example, needs help their groceries. You say all I can upload your don't take negotiated spanish and repugnant noted the woman approached it down in the back seat of a cop we'll see you had the right idea initially, when you took the groceries, the thing was to help her. I always did. I was bored all bad. Well, you know what people are born bad there may be so I believe your parents and I think, you're wonderful gift, Eads Changeovers, nurture. I dont know Coli Hill either way be very careful walking around Jacksonville and if you are not giving advice to anyone who ve been needs to stop a body of something, but just don't stop it. In the ports means that no one say that soldiers usually advice, no I'm get rid of the body is a big deal would do and you don't kill get off your view. Then you have a body, you better be a mortuary stewed, nobody, no crime, unfortunate Do you not know the orange light? If that is true, nobody knew right now
There was a crime, but this is what is it without being accused and then convicted of crimes. Then you are going to be the star thirty years later of a reality. She series on a tiger king and the You're gonna get off character, but then believe it or not. You become the main character because you killed your husband. I can't we for dancing with the stars just to be a place. That is just the pavilion for people who need to be confident that it is little. This is nothing cairum. Asking is literally on dancing with the stars. Yes go if you don T without very much already Dante as you, they voted on this area in the Basque. Nothing tells me more that we are in a new scope, yet the number one literal murderers on dancing with the current code stars, also the car we are watching. Just at the end of the night we put on While we were watching the holiday baking championships? Three people were during the holidays Bacon championships in order to win enough money to pay their health care bills, that is addressed, opium
our current or you locked me or their their backs against the wall, making cupcakes is whore, it's the only we eventually we're gonna be. There was a sketch forget where the sketch was richest. Have a lot of people are going to its about what was about Russia? It was in Russia. And people were black. Trying do game showed you win food where, really gonna be in that. But it's gonna be like for justice reform, we're gonna, be just you ever like you're throwing do the double. Dare obstacle course agenda, it make sure you're be like the deep we charges are overturn on your brother. That's my favorite thing about the show chopped where it's like. I don't know how much they take into consideration the sobs story, but somehow relate always. Maybe they, while sometimes insisting tat, just knew when my father had his face. Obliterated What he had his very sublunary bothered by this horrible man in the rack, or that I knew I'd, make a proud he make. Jumper Oh, what's so funny is there is a little bit of skin left on my shrimp and it got my tooth and sold for that
your chopped, funded and honour to lose on a technicality yeah yeah you're, the first one to For some reason we ask for gumbo from brought a cut up unfairly vivre I'd go. I've got a lotta on this is a story again pandemics, harder than ever. it is hard and so many relationships right, I helped me Natalie are closer than ever before. We have such a good time, unlike hold Mcnally, whose very aren't you going to demean his marriage right here. Got you dare to say that he said that he was in his wife's friend. He said that there huh, but in a way forgotten to huge. Why are you with the huge horrible fight they got into where I was like now, and I are genuinely very good friend, more ass, she ran is enjoy each other hold out a laugh, a lot and we have sex. I hang out with two dogs, so I did onto the latter when it comes to the sector. I do it firmly conversations with them, but isn't the whole point of a mess?
age. Then we get our money rather than a single im. Thirteen angel isn't friendship. The base that's right. So if you don't get a marriage, is that what you have done? What the marriage is just so go so much pass humming gathered arranged. When did someone I'm you could at any time I'm not going to download. I have kept it Kali Anti for like up until it's in your bottles earlier we implement bicycle tabasco there, but when it comes to hold it should he's so lucky these are the hardest. Like you so incredibly lucky. You should know that need other both do or throw anymore. But if we were do maybe get worse these incredibly lucky needs to hold onto his wife with The boy who used to be a lesbian have somehow you so feminine was able to flipper buddy. You better be careful because the yeah right. She could have for the whole world, the other man she could choose. So this story about how hard it is keep a relationship going on. This comes from the venerable New York Post. Woman calls on wedding, with ghost after he quorum quote. Captain disappearing,
right. Is this a joke? I dont know always, as in the post, natal joke carefully on They certainly go sitter pause Gama. British woman who claim she got quota quote engaged to a ghost was now has now called off the wedding because he quarter quote kept disappearing and her good partying too much right. This woman called the waiting off says m. Rail model is to hold out a second that's other birth name em this round means purple whole it meet. It means someone who makes money on only bans dressed as a cartoon character. I want you to death for real job it I dont think distance. He just company they China, realm said: she fell in love with a sexy spirit, name re during it, rip and Australia and twenty eighteen and even consummated the relationship of the flight.
Echo Ma- am ma- am you are coming in the body of a man? I really the rain, my childish supersonic ma am we need an incredible if you scooped her her purple hole and you found last they're. Not only does she become like sadly wearied out those yeah, but up with what it that's, the first real evidence we ever have of a ghost in its inside of return, Then we need to get that evidence out, but that needs to be done in a very safe setting. We'd have no one from the actual knows what yourselves you need. Em, I trusted in according to do it and you know, he'd have fun with any make it fun a joiner. I actually don't think you would like it enough, which means I think he would be good, for. I do think that ten accurately he's gotta still be like super horny, the damn accurate, has a wonderful relationship with his wife, his wife's smoke, it yeah, that's it that's the driving to denigrate is probably one of the more well adjusted celebrities that we have ever spoken to every time. I see him talk, you only talks about things he loves would yet aliens lot range that that's pretty pervert. So
there are no more Casanova later pop. The quite got ok hold on a second. First of all, you can name the ghost anything you name it right. I mean he named himself. The ghost aimed himself Well, you know what I would call it fill goes back there and get it the life out of a job where we are still struggling with. We are struggling as I'm podcast. We are struggling as men, we're doing better than ever that technically, when I wake up I should be smiling everyday of debates that other when they heard the name of innovative they got married and things were going well untold recent vacation to Thailand. She said, I think, might be he fell in with it. A crowd. When we were on holiday, he just started becoming really incomes. red realm said in the out of with world interview. It was suddenly as if he didn't know boots, about romance she told the show. I hate, I'm I'm not even the
because I'm not trying to Jamie author- but I'm just that- I don't enjoy this now- he disappeared for long periods of time. When he did come back, it bring another spirits to the house and they just stay around four days. I don't know how to do. It rots importing energy March, which is increased, four goes cocaine that sport is hell. I think we're about to get some warning signs into this woman's mental health when it comes to just our relationships with tangent, human men that are still alive. If you look at this final quote from her, I think she's had a history of problems in relationships, she's kind of attractive. She says quote at the end. She says: oh, bastards, even ghost ones so I feel like maybe honestly, that's a mug I want to make that markets March. That is actually gray. Birch all met her bastards even goes was, but I'm sure it is the fact that she couldn't ever relationship with a ghost that she made me
be means she is the problem in most of the relationship. If everyone M Lord, in this myself, I'm going through some self help ever if ever relationship falls apart, new and you want to save the day you're, the only one consists in all the other guy's going bad around you often that means you are the problem, something or you know- and you can have- maybe not all the problem, but you don't focused on you, so I'm am pleased that we not engage me if you're not engage in enough of a human being to keep. The ghost do made ups attention for an of time to stay, to them. Maybe we need to start thinking about my view me new Hobbes, your Hobbes, maybe I'll, take a police, maybe go and be more ghetto. Take it. class. Take a Ricky class like my mom. Did that's how you meet a bunch of weird single men, like my mom, surrounded by revoking Ricky class. Other is very much alive and doing Grady is doing, he is still alive, but then she goes to the re, causing just filled with all these like weird,
ngos men who we're Birchen stocks, all the time, they're always like talking about their feelings and shit which, if you know of experts, speak to our family. Men are not supposed to have these feelings right. I also a feeling this woman is maybe just doing this for the press story, goes back into an eighteen, I know. Well, de la the article here is doing this for a chance. It's possible. She apparently she had sex with twenty goes and was just one of them. She was being a real bachelor rat. She really was very cheap by the way to cast that reality show because you just need one bachelor rat and everything else has just made up in your. So this is she had to say that the same tv network that brought her on almost like they are doing a massive disservice to this woman who was mentally ill? She says
there was no going down to one knee. He doesn't have needs succeeded, struck it up. When I had you fuck, you never easy to their everyday calling this about your goes with it. She said she said for the first time I heard him speak. I could actually hear his voice and it was beautiful probably alive long ARPA now know he had a deep sexy. Let's go. I'm. I'm gonna find all the way from how she goes The sky was Mamma. Will now I'm here in Amerika your mind, we re looking Moma Tony Clifton abortion. Right now. She says I have not had a phantom, calling for a while, and I was ready and it's a way on business. Starting a new relationship was the last thing on my movements rapids. Yes, then one day I was walking through the Bush in May
I suddenly found this incremental. I deny why just see her physically, just like parting butchers, just like looking under Mangrove Odo, well, either way she said and incredible injured and she felt an incredible energy. A new lover had arrived, but now this lubber book his party and too much and do it you may drug so who You draw, you never know who you're married to him. You never frickin note by the way. If you watching that documentary series on the frickin psychopath killed his old family, the family- and I talk about that's, not really but holy shit. I owed I'd, always crazy, but he's crazy or that I haven't. I impressing Marcus and doing a series on Chris was family and I later is in general, because Chris Watts is absolutely fascinating, he's just a dude brow duties just as, but that's what makes it so scare have you read his prison letters yet know. I have not all send you. Some self Manly showed me some virtue crime. You too deep dive that she's in the middle of she sent me
spiles like the reading of Hin keep Chris? What does a breakdown of how the murders went down so that, if you dont know Chris what kill. This is wiped. Sure Nan Watson is too young girls and he did it all. In one weekend he met a chick, sickly. He got a new girlfriend, would they were spot? They were separated for five weeks doing some weird, like his wife, went to go visit family than they were supposed to meet up with them. Did it separately, which is why I did he had a plan for a long time, but he definitely planes it over this five weeks. She having an affair, is so hard to do not only difficult to do, but also it just so dumb leave just leave. Debt did where's this for this guy. What I've island watched episode, one of the others Are you serious? If I did I dont anyway? Whatever you just go, humble watches. Oh just leave
It was fine with his life here, the beautiful wife, I just don't understand any of it. He was never real. You have to his letters, wouldn't basically find out is that he did The family was murdered are intensely oh a week and they were all strangled. The death and he hid them where he worked, work didn t work for an oil company like he went out. We were we're a bunch of oil wells, and here I am all in this all field in the most like the all most awful way possible, he put two little girls in a giant oil filled tanker, like you just put him in a big oil canister and was in, was rough if you find out we ve Rita letters. This is the guy get out again. She Nan was a very active facebook, mom, so and Chris wants to support, their lives were heavily documented, which is kind of like you can kind of sea you. What kind of dead mine eyes, just in the face of videos on Youtube, constantly pose right. It was very much like she
or the pants and the family, she would like some kind of openly kind of order, em around and look curses and know how to do anything. I got you MIKE. You knows how to do anything, but it turned out the whole time. He was never the person that she thought he was in any way shape or form, yet and kill his kids twice yet it highlights does he tried to kill him and want in one round he tried to kill him once with what strangled Mothering them lie down and they woke up He came in the middle of him, murdering his wife and then he drove with them in the car with them in the back seat, with the dead mother for forty five minutely, broke out of oil canisters, where he triangle and then put them in the world. Masters so just in case they survive the strangling. The oil would drown. Oh my God, year anyway, we should perhaps cover that fuckin, in reality, brutal story, but I do my family and I let us because I'm just so fascinated by Rob well fine who, having just
you know one of them. The news I want it is technically Venus. Just don't you know, I'm not gonna blame Facebook for this. Just no one has the perfect family no, and so you presented, like always perfect family. Everyone knows like it's not possible. Maybe there was no. I idea, anyways on social media. Everybody is their best Phelps right, urology the highlight real of someone's life at all times, and I feel that if you are really constantly being on camera and your constantly of projecting this image out, all the time to adjust to appoint we're like, but what's happening on the inside of the family. I don't blame you in any way here before deserve to be murdered, but there's sleep. There was something not being addressed at the heart of this relationship was the fact that Chris, why aren't a psycho was a a where he was
Never a real person- he literally always was a collection of you is a mirror, would be useless wooden more narcissists. Flash sociopaths do is they appear to be What exactly is what you want them to be? So you have a coup, especially if you are just a gig they, but she played hard to get the in a relationship cushion and specifically said. I didn't trust men anymore and she's been diagnosed with Lupus to deal with autoimmune disease and she met is due to became like the saviour of of her life and its put day, had a flawed relationship were obviously Chris Watts was pretending to be a husband Jeez Uk Programme and I just showed you can pretend to be oarsmen for real long time a no year. Well. They definitely decline in showing up, and I know it because The way you have little girls in the letter shows he was just like you know, cause the night before he killed them. He like this one
give em like a kind of fun night like use talking. Only what you put down a dog like with like I want to give a very sad. I was just thinking about that the other day, not that I'm a bad dog debt but puff was not necessarily feeling great. No one is incredibly scary, but it was horrified I just anyway. Yes, Chris Watts. I will finish that document to adjust these so fucking ass, the ultra media, such a fork in disease and all of this disease. Is it really accelerates these problems? I just kind of whipping boy, What we are talking about aliens, the astronomers, the astronomers, that's the name of an improved group. your actual astronomers he traced the mysterious space radio waves on its within within the Galaxy cool more now is Is it a banking story, a story: did it? Could I ll actually do you want to talk about it? This story is, we were the There was a lot of discussion about these fast radio waves, his these kind of these pulses that we get that we thought they seemed real
the organised and they were coming from. They thought that somewhere like deep in space, they thought it was already, at least I. Yes, they will that's what it turned out to be used to think of the matter, which is this some kind Somethin Conall Falcon collapse, arson! bullshit, but a huge off radio waves that look look like so I'll for no one is talking. I'm like I'm is still there in the morning on the donor it on the magnet our eye. Mrs gaps are, unfortunately, on the heathen on a magnet star, but no to chose it. Did those radio seek frequencies that we kind of talked about, because I thought it was like repeating that everything that it might have been coming? The calls when it becoming from inside of the House
the scientists like this could be the myths Elaine? But if you, if you also want to twist your head around in another way, good scientific exploration, dot, org and look up this essay I read about for there was written by Jacques Valet, which is called five arguments against the extraterrestrial origin of unidentified flying objects and about an hour bunk. You know it's on it, it will it's us, it's a real bunking, oh, where it's not necessarily saying that what with the phenomenon does not exist, but this is, and the actually one of the best, even outside of his books is one of the best explanations. I've heard of shock, malays idea of a thing called when he says this is, which is a control system. Ok, he thinks that this is either and intelligence, that is on all of us. That is, that interventional intelligence that is trying to We would surely mauled humankind into thinking, more power that really about the environment or his Demain thrust.
that won't. We see you a foes and new ideas and what they are, our actual physical projections of our psyche. In order for us teach ourselves lessons of the unconscious literally are unconscious. Part of our brain is projecting image into reality, that are being used to teach are all, brains, basically we're trying to teach ourselves how to evolve. Well, I think you just described Tiktok Isn't that find? If you drive your car really slow, you can get out of it in depth next to it and then get back in The two year old meme is well, that's very fine. Well, let's do here of the wake, and I'm not sure if this is a euro or not, but he's a hero to me he does face, have defined because technical, what you did this ability
gay. You never thought the euro before never stopped a hero, after allegedly trying to cook chickens in a hot spring. Eight there why we have a hot springs. We could take it in one eyed. Oh man is learning the hard way that flouting these rules come with pricey consequences, months of timber tenth, two years after the offence, the item ampler guilty to multiple charges, including put travel in a third malaria and violating closure and use it's basically. What happened was this: he had some chicken. He had a cook in part he put the chickens in a sack placed him in a hot spring, the IDA. False. Thus bird, who was not mentioned by name, will serve to years of unsupervised probation and is all oh ban from visiting Yellowstone during this time. Additionally, he is charged six hundred dollars per count? If you can't cook chicken in a book- and now How do you think the guy isn't? Americans did yellow?
Are they did it Yellowstone as the biggest concentration of active geysers? Ten thousand, you tell me, you can't cook packing chicken and one of those. Apparently you slide into one of those hot springs. Aren't you can disintegrator body here, that's cool. They are, but I honestly it's like discuss it here, because he saw a chicken and he says, the safest way? German natures often use nature is not natures. Dutch Evan use, natures, Arbed, Cook, some chick and ate the chicken have a nice camping trip. You know what the United States You don't own Yellowstone will You know you don't own lugers, others, the auditors and others. Do it the earlier. By actually reasoning, we only animal, not in Yellowstone bark routers are there. I don't know why yachts coyoats, bail, outs, peo now what is it all, ok logic and give a little bit too the Kyle's two layers of unsupervised per parole which,
means voting that honor code, you just can't get to hammered and then inside out, you can go into Yellowstone, but it just like a forced big so you could just walking from like another place. Well it really seems as if people there's a lot rangers out their lot, a park rangers and I'm sure they're all still still gainfully employed. I'm sure of that. didn't you honestly, pretty much assume that I thought most of that was, like God, it like most of the park services were got it and well. There's three but they were all cited, the infinite A ranger found out. It was a group of ten include. No child. What yeah you got to feed the child to and they were, they were cooking with cooking pots. we found to chickens, I mean I just don't do whatever the whole group as a euro as far as I'm concerned, if you can't cook in a frickin thermal hats, boring What is the point? Why? Why are we living man is for major chickens for major
comes now: users of her nature. The only thing not from nature is a God Damn Yellowstone name on this park, the exact because the agreement, one of four shows up either have a name. You know gives it a name fucking invading white people discover that early on you just give it a name obsolete. It's yours, we don't know. I don't owe while that works well and the Yellowstone officials they try to flippant and Bialik will more than twenty people have died from burns and all this stuff and honours yeah, but they didn't die. They just cook chicken. African morons me like. I wonder if I put a straw on it, I wonder what I would be. I know you what these people were. I've watched whole episodes of chefs table word. The least you're celebrate a guy like burden should like a guy, just like haven't among the logs on fire and each european. It is incredible how you could make the jar have so many different variants like cool. I actually had my first. I was watching one of the barbecue shows, and I say one of them, because thousand of them are networks, and I didn't wanna barbecue shows now they burner right on the calls that gap and honest,
I think it looked very ignored as more very tasty at all of these have stable, then Aspasia. They will offer major criminals motion that we get. Why is that legal? And he can when he came home what they boil and if I don't even made a boy, no so he's an unidentified here of the weak, but you're really good night. Our natural springs. We're gonna get some fuckin like very carefully worded email, but oh, why we're completely wrong? There's ten? That it's just because the day because yellow These people ruined it. So all these will it died. birds and shit. You ruined it, but we're just like, I can cook a chicken in there and you imagine that would taste ton sleep. I get your taste good. Neither can be pretty pointing to spoil checking When you have like ass do know, you put salt in there and I don't know, he's got salt and something I felt sure it's into your camping. That's incredible that we were. going to happen. I'm taking you giving, I need a bed. I needed look at your blow a bed. I hear some. I work for certain government agency that was involved in the east
your keys case a while back so you're podcast has become a somewhat underground favoured among the office or, but that's not what the stories about this. worries about dab, dab, talking, spaghetti mighty, that's my guess: dab dab! No! Yes, we're talking spooky last year, and since I was getting everyone involved and punk ass, I mentioned bends encounter with dab dab. My one co worker is very religious, so she did like that, I even mention the name, but we can't even think too much about it until late at night. She was in bed asleep and was broken up by a very strange sound. Naturally she goes to investigate. Since she has a toddler allows one of her kids toys was making this crazy, ha ha ha ha Noise, even though, was in a pre programmed sound available on this particular toy, while toys of change, and they really I've Rogue Remsen, oh yeah, thinking that just malfunctioning she turns and often goes back to sleep only be awoken by the again the next day. She brings the toy. Your mom's house, where, to this day the ha ha noise has never happen again, would actually happened. What we have
baby dead baby on a rock and horse, like a scary, toiled on our house has been set up again, like earnest, scared, stupid, and it scares me every time I go there and we haven't taken anything now. It's very scary, you have some yosemitic tackles actually use the bathroom. It scares me. Shit thing actually did come alive. Lastly, don't like why dont know why it keeps coming, but it keeps you added shut off its scary. I just think it's not well made could be. So that those worryin will jump down my goodness. So that was the We Gi Board in that we summoned when I was in high school, almost killed. My friend Josh firmly even if only or it to you this good this response from last week about the story, but I will admit me too: to go with the mom and and the sound is like died with the chocolate cake for no. Yes, thank you for the mean, by the way, last part cast means has been doing some good stuff. Uninstall though I like, if I may, keep doing those things for Poland, a key blown out well on most
inside so, as you mentioned, starving to death and wondered what it would be like, while admitted I was too young at the time to understand much about it, but my great grandma starved herself to death She was a lovely elderly, german woman. I think she was eighty nine when she died and had recently had a hip operation. Following this. She didn't really the appropriate physio, which was difficult outrage anyway and ended up finding very difficult to walk. We spend more time in an arm chair in the living room watching tv one day, a relative mention how much time she spent watching tv and suggested that suggested that she might try something else. occupied and being the stubborn woman. She was my grandmother, turned off the tv and didn't want it again and said, choosing to just look at the walls of her. The room and the photos of family she had on the cabinets. I just I do feel like this is something a nine year old Kizil might do as well, not only out of the live where land roughly a year of this, and presumably a lotta thinking. She decided that she was done with wife. However, as you can
It is not legal UK. This became very drawn out process grandma realise that the only option was starvation. She started by Fusing meals only eating a very small amount when people insisted towards the end, if I remember correctly, she wasn't eating or drinking at all. This process took three years. My parents didn't, wouldn't let me my parents would, let me see you're at the end, which I am very thankful for, but I've been told, did she looked like a skeleton. Naturally, she became very weak and spent most days in bed, half asleep, which brings me to one of my greatest spheres. When a person spend too much time in one place without movie they develop something called a bed sore skin and the places of contact, basically roads, and if the person hasn't move, the sore will just get larger and deeper. They can reach down to the bone. Most people.
then their final weeks in a bad, not me I'll, find now spent mine on the battlefield of years. Indeed, of course, the work of the machines where you're helping the machines cause you're, so I will be in a bed in a battlefield against diabetes and therefore most people will have to endure bedsores at the end of their life. Honestly, I'm hoping I die fast. I can't even imagine the mental strength my grandmother had to go through with this. I think her stoicism and strong german blood contributed towards the last things I'm just gonna see, though, if you want to die in your alder, just go out every single day cross the street go live your life you're gonna, get hit by a car or somethin till starving death, of course, is not an easy process and takes much longer than you'd expect. It takes complete, commit and the irony is is that only the strongest people can manage it. That's a lesson to learn your desk in store for them. So anyone who was just like struggling to die just keep on living. It's gonna happen. I mean I promise on that score you'll die you're gonna die,
Unless your me, whose brain will live forever forever the right ones and zeros gonna beat all born of the robot infinite of the nine billion brains that they have to possibly harvest either it's gonna be yours, I'm just gonna keep voluntarily. Until they tell me yes, and even in July I won't that's exactly dislike. You are correct in the beginning. Just lie to me just love, but sometimes it leads to four years of our presidency. It does all right over what take you for less. We decide stores it's brand new world out there in many ways the same, but in some way it's better lights. Eight fifteen percent is totally different. An eighty five percent near well now thirty five, but I don't know what math you're trying to figure out what delivery. The red. What's the other? What's thirty, five would be we're just gonna get to January there
then we'll figure it out, but the guys. I can't believe this whole fuckin here. I need to stress how you guys deed to live your life and I M going it's not just that, but you don't need to stress any that you're you're. Definitely to stress, I am more than opposite of to stress to be blessed are two blocks to be stopped. I am? I am putting to sure has to be blunt, but I will say guys they spoke in this year of its taught us anything said I mean I really do think we're gonna get off of these social media. since we have to get off the twitter, we have you can use your role in this in your trip, oil. I am because we have to get past. These knees, rage machines that are trying to do This is upset, as humanly laugh on gas means on Instagram, speedy forgets. Really. That is very fun. I you got a love December I'm too love your neighbour. I guess I guess there depends how they handle the pandemic if their hoarding a bunch of guns
and then they must be drawn up, and it's a lotta, weird stuff we want. We can laugh every day if you want, to especially fear, was Kenneth Copeland. It is for the footage of telling your lunatic like like spoken Joker, just like well screaming with lands. We don't laugh like that when you steal so much money from poor people based on a lie you can laugh do like can cope with hey man. This is good. This today trust yourself you're all my yes, because that's what you do, we only have each other. That's the only have yourself and your own brain and breed Fuckin guardian and re the guardian or the economist. If you really want to have fun with big big articles, they read a lot of words and not a lot of work on species to ride. Everyone emphasise at a critical stage, way, I did say so. People were like Burma, gray provisos. I think I did a great job unless we request I we will see, but the next moment will see the next one there.
I feel it gathered all real the next time. You always have their ex won't. Tell you don't know men menu. Then then you aren't app. ties, there's probably would have saved that woman. If you would just going to Applebee's. You tell me you. Can you tell me you can starve yourself when you got half hour, I mean I don't enjoy Applebee's, but am I buy me I'll eat a spring role of on their. Yes, you it's not a spring role to Guantanamo Eric and you know why don't you go it's an emergent of cultures It's just. I was all dish all right, everyone else it because a all man me this. Indeed. Yes, indeed you show was made possible by listeners. Like you think, store, add sponsors. You can support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listen to go to last part cast network dot com.
Transcript generated on 2022-02-07.