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Relaxed Fit: True Crime Roundup - The Cheesecake Killer

2023-05-26 | 🔗

Yeehaw! It's time for another True Crime Roundup! This week the boys are breaking down the story of Viktoria Nasyrova, the NYC woman who tried to murder look-alike friend with poison-laced cheesecake to steal identity, an Australian Bouncy Castle Business Owner caught burning down competitor Bouncy Castles, Indiana lifting its ban on throwing stars, Police fatally tase a 95-year-old Great Grandmother in Australia and MORE!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There's no place to escape to this is the last time on the level of cannibalism started Are you going to do in my view, to conquer lining? Pablo picasso never got golden ass old now? Well, yes, no having you probably enable new york would know that be taken here at everyone, knew no demands on manual and help someone out too well during your fuckin asshole. Here return. Do you know this is a little bit of the true crime round up were roaming it into our big seriously cowboy boots. I do have some spurs kick cow on, but you don't know resources used. Where do you know? I thought it was used for kicking back it's getting
I thought about giving them give them a kick with the heal them go fast. Honestly, I think they're for digging in when you have it a little too much fun of the ranch. Now we're going to get letters from these boys. They are not bottom, it ain't gay if there's a cow watching, but today's also a wonderful day because we lost the mount rushmore of last podcast on the left. We lost kenneth painter, one tina turner, okay, wade boggs one day I I'll never go on a plane again, thanks to Kenneth anger, blogs and tina turner walk into Heaven, yeah just laughing thinking about it. Is that something, although I don't think Kenneth anger, is in Heaven? No, no! No! No! He would not want to be, but you know in the interview
he didn't hit the or the hail mary. The very end he's very famous steal a bite, so he goes where the yellow lights go, which is the vape store and, of course, the iso part of religion. I dunno why well they're both are dripping with horrible juices. Alright, let's hop right into it. I'm going to beat that till it's dead, welcome no, a bed henriette bark is we drew crime, roundup ye hall I was gonna like please switch lawyer. Rounding up rounded up the criminal law is gone round up to criminals. Actually, I'm ready always do boys get your title dawns on going out there to get some printed. Hey be careful out there be allowed their hastigt burst out buster
at a new york city. Woman is got twenty one years for trying to kill her dapple gainer with poison cheesecake. Now we enshrined and cover the story on side stories a couple of times, but I tracked by the cheese get we really has been more than one occasion, and then this has then got into what kind of cheesecake Is there drizzle? Is there a grand at the bottom and you're like there's a bunch of other info. He also did she make the bed when she walked over the brooklyn bridge repeated a what why mtv is making the man. I remember that he'd walk over the brooklyn bridge to get p diddy a better take from junior the junior. Since that's right, I remember cause it's the nothing to do with music, always remember, juniors. Over by the alamo draft drafthouse
I was the original junior downtown rugeley barbecue. The big over the brooklyn bridge to dump downtown brooklyn near the alamo draftsman, the dallas barbecues ever the imo draft, has wants it only area. What sends a newer reference from japan sketch when he's? U, when he thought they make him, carry him and suffers as speedy. Remember that me. I do remember that is, but I don't know where to go from member that others will increase. Farley s ball. Bacardi view was dead, restored smaller. My brain is already filling with all protected. When things doing it's, gonna be fantastic. Along with this episode. Will this story I want to make sure we get through shit we're not getting sidetracked on juniors we're getting through the story, a russian living in new york city was sentenced to twenty one years in jail for poisoning her similar looking friend with sedative laced cheesecake, then stealing your identification and other valuables hot
girls poison their frat, I'm just what is her name? Her last name is nazia rover. I don't know how you spell cause. I'm gonna look up and see what she looks like Nancy rove, it's m. I l f, yes, her lesson is Nancy rover. I dont think you need a sedative for cheesecake cheesecake itself, rich dead, creamy dairy is in itself a set it as he poison them. It wasn't just making sleeping. No. No, but you know that issue is highly. It was poisoned. With the highly potent sedative that she hoped would cause this woman to die. Then. She scattered pills around her body to make it look like a suicide him anyway, Your stand. His death by chocolate not have my cheesecake. Knowing over this woman was a dominatrix one point: she was dominatrix before we get nor background. Now, let's get into the crime itself. Nausea.
Brought cheesecake over to beautician, oh god, civics home on august, twenty eightth, two thousand, sixteen the two were close. An age. Civic was thirty five and they were also close, and since they both had dark hair, then same complexion, they had similar physical trades and both of them are russian speakers. Although the woman in question is russian and the victim? Is ukrainian them eaten see yes same eyebrow structure, one as a bit of a plump or face where the same I call her words. I actually think is really interesting, but you know in russia not take Jesus, you monsieur over. I mean she actually was pretty clever about this. She came over with the cheese cake. Believe is, Dublin was cheesecake every time we talk in a slice retorted. I actually think its offensive to bring a single person a full cheesecake. Now here's what we, which he did she brought three slices. She sat down she herself eight to peace.
of cheesecake those former recognisable to begin clumsily oil. Fourthly, everywhere I go, I'm always consuming ambrosch, two thirds of the gift herself. Yes, she ate two pieces of cheesecake first to show them the third flies. after she showed her how yum yum yum, yellow eyes gazing on the right of all of all the different? Graham, I would have wished, but so does she brought three cheese, cakes, eight too, in front of this woman. This woman's just sit there. Look why the fuck you bring cheesecake either by house. Then she offered the third slice. I couldn't possibly eat three slices of cheesecake. I have ordered their diarrhoea this morning. I believe it when you think about that. You watch this. Woman power eat two pieces of cheesecake. Honestly, it's more of a dare it's morphine. No, no! Hey! Now, hey! I want one too yeah right. I guess so until after this woman ate the third slicer
he's cake, which was poisoned and you're, not gonna, does your over four figure and for keeping track of which ones are poisoned and which money one in bar I I'm sure that one, just like a giant pee on it for poise also my god. I will say that the russians plutonium very good poisoners nokia, although I heard that so she is kind of good unrightable. I believe they're using that's what somebody said: believest polonium blood had they been jailed. What did I say, tonia which audiobooks, because it's a they use a powder ice version of a radioactive material. You just saw another guy that was speaking out against the a war currently, the ukrainian war of yo, russia, vs, ukraine and another guy. Just mysteriously fell asleep and didn't wake up plane very, very sick, he was a critic of the war, and apparently that gets you. It makes you real allergic to bologna. So bizarre also have a bunch of people just jumping out of buildings yeah they really are they need ace venture on the case?
woman who was the victim here. She felt sick after eating the cheesecake and went to lie down. She soon was violently. vomiting use floating in and out of consciousness, and she was terrified that there was something wrong with their civic said that a lasting she remembered before passing was seeing as robia walking around her room. The next day, a friend of civics discovered her unconscious. In bed with peace Those scattered around her body was not big business. She is like another mario bugbear game. You haven't, you got the only way, the beers they pop out the verb jain liquid. If she was trying to commit suicide, she would take them mount ver, but that's a big. I guess
it's just some sort of pill explosion attack seriously but a night through a handful of pills in her mouth, so she was taken to the hospital for treatment under the assumption that she had tried to kill herself. But once she returned home, civic realized that her passport, an employment authorization card were missing, as were a gold ring and other unspecified valuables and that's why you always gotta make sure we don't. You know again we not trying to encourage murder here, but no complete the job this is all about us that she did not mean things through gonna, wait around and tell she stopped breathing, but then you're their way too long? But it's mounts technically you you're a bunch of cheesecake cake. Once she's passed out, you put a plastic bag over at you duct tape. The plan that has those goes in nepal noble then she just die. You were moved back at the end has now she's dead. I wonder if they could tell you just use a pillow plastic bags as well,
too much. I ever this way too much residue left behind on the handling of data. They decide that look suspicious and in the just looks like a suicide. You know you write a letter and extra going like I or beast nokia right, walk right. They are my letter. Meagre really sad. You push her lips down to but she's round and avoid the bad boy now. But I think if you have the pill scattered around, if you have the Jeez gag, if you have all of this, then I think you take the chance with the pillow that quite possibly no one look into that they just gonna say like ok, another suicide, let's move on is this not true. when it comes to marilyn monroe, that the pill bottles were full and that's what people think See I feel there was only in a place where there was like a bunch of pills and then there like well, she took hold of bills. Why were they we bunch of pills there? We should probably do an episode at some point. If I dare not annulment around, I think we did didn't want
We would like an extra like after the j f k. Didn't we do like, and we never did. We never did it. No, never do we want to do. I want to do it and we may one day I answer there. I ought therefore I will not have an opinion on it, because I have not looked into it enough to form there's a lot of often there is a lot us if we don't know because again, yes, one of the pill bottles could been fell for, as you probably could burn through a bunch of whom she was doing habitually. But then it was kind right, but she built a certain tolerance of repair time. Why now why true crime now, but where do you want
jody magic. Oh, she was with a lot of the boy is usually yes. She was with Jody monsieur. She was also with them, but does dame who wrote or miller yet now ain't? No, he was our rocket, must set out the order. Miller thing doesn't make any sense to me. I found out. I can't you see that isa, handsome guy trunk, tropical cancer, tropical capricorn- forgive you it's very sexy, not Henry miller, O arthur miller, is eight unattractive. Playwright. Viola monroe's said that would she loved about him was his intelligence. Marilyn Monroe was the type of person that really Marilyn Monroe was a concurrence dropped. Kenya was ignore. Madrid met. Yes, you do very bright. Lady agnes. She actually was felt that arthur miller brought that more out of her took that site more seriously. I many also love jumble in the bumble or as a part of it. Now I mean
the same way about Anna Nicole smith and Jan was the first person that we watch die for our entertainment. If you send out all of our had you see the documentary? No, I mean I watch. I love her, it's very sad and the economic did they go into the clown, video, well, the club, videos classic, but there can you remember? The q is addressed as a cloud talking. Your daughter, who is all suggested technical issue has been fun. Mom united, some be fun mom. She was so credibly fucked up on pill see. What her intention was to be fun mom. I get to see Henry because what I remember he got a confused look on your face. I remember way back in the days when we used to do those live, shows at the creek and the cave, and we used to share videos they use, are that you wanted to show the analytical psmith clown video and I argued against at seeing it was too sad to see that no, no, no, no, not people are gonna love and it's gonna be great, went out and when you shine or people got really said, and there was a strange silence that settled into the room and power ass have to happen.
many snails and drivers, and this is actually before I was ever on stage with the two of you. This is, and I was still back up in the both india and I get is extremely sad. I guess you're right now happen. You have, you have given us as your sad clown foot intervention across wheeling a toy baby and parameters, but at the time I thought things that were really sad were really fun. because I was angry remain our way more like you did. I am saddened. Yet I am sad in due course: lawyer, howard stern s and we ve all grown over the years like simple. I don't find the video of the two russian guys swirling my mother, I know by now, partly because I die ridding- opens because it we're not
that strategy live. There was still the satisfies the saddest celebrity video ever leaked was David has evolved even that that hamburger I was about holding a mere up to a body in her new bodyguard regard. Mama were bodyguard as saying that animal Psmith actually played up the pill diction way more for the cameras, which I think is actually not like that she had a mass of usage winning than harvey, that bout, howard, stern character lawyer was beaten, or only when I don't and others who were not able say he was actually kind of of weirdly good force in that home for a period of time, because he was but in all cases, weird baby, we don't know who the father of that had. The sun was as along structures that will carry springer den will never know and throughout its get back to the cheese case. Well, the next day after, of course, she, we came back and noticed that all of her gold was gone. Passport was missing. F b I came in tested the cheese
residue in the empty dessert container fat assed fuck in new york to tat may apply and lives like jerome, new rules are followed by actual com, should play a big bang, maybe We need only above all due to other case load. Needle has a book in markets is often one tough cock. Angle dumb. I read a page, the dumbest thing: I've ever ready Do of do love. How, like your new york pop political references, will forever remain in the year you moved away from new york, but yeah. The mayor will always be bill. De Blasio, like it'll, never change, while once they tested the pill,
and the cheese cake residue, a came back for finance of ham, which prosecutors describe as a highly potent sedative. It is available for prescription in russia about not controlled in the? U s so weird YAP, she lace a slice of cheesecake with a deadly drug. This is what the attorney said: the district attorney cats. He said she sliced us piece of cheesecake with a deadly drug, so she could steal her unsuspecting victims, most valuable possession, her identity, I mean it depends on the identity yet, but isn't the identity? Still what you make it like since she still gonna fuck that one. I doubt if it is blocked her old one up. I think that she was hasty. that she didn't fully think all of this. Through most people who do identity theft, don't worry, I think there s a common problem, noble idea,
gotta be identity and then you're like. What do I do now? I, like the guy they just. I just had a guy break into my you try to get through my amex bulbs, but he went you're, my wayfarer carry but broken my way broke out, and what are you by three big grills, whose like very strange, I guess within ten To sell by that, can you pull a guy over and then looking back into these three grill in the back and you like well, actually, this is now I'm your kind of a propane dealer you get arrested for selling girls. analyze it that's why you always just want to have like an eighth of weed on. If you have a canal, they think you're going to distribute yeah, and I always take her out right out of my ass, but that's where I keep it nice and warm. Yes, this russian woman, had reason to steal an identity, because at that moment, in two thousand and seventeen interpol was closing in because she was wanted for a twenty fourteen murder in russia Where was Franz Ferdinand? Interpol sounds fine
think about the very that's very good, very good! Yes very is good, but how drawl hydraulic? Oh drawl, they're, all even pull a thing I could choose. One agency to work for interpol sounds pretty fun, you get to travel the world and you get to find real criminals. This isn't the fucking. You know this. Isn't traffic cop to post office, cop territory or post office you'll find a real criminal. I think he interpol would be a very difficult job to get you have to know multiple languages. You have to be like a true in earlier when those robia was accused of killing her friend Allah Alex Simcoe, instilling her life savings in russia and twenty forty. the following year, interpol issued a red notice. Varden us rove use arrest for murder; in other words, a request to law enforcement worldwide. Locate and provisionally arrest a person pending their extradition or surrender? You no doubt If I stole a bunch of money from a russian, what am I with all these rules
What do I do with all these were behind a serious question, questionnaires, lobbies and answer before you. The murdering the still rebels, great name for money. I I will start. I would take the name or rouble over the name. Dollar hear all about the rules at a life is all about the roubles. This the roubles you make along the way, makes innocent actually does not have a job. I'm looking woman and she is interesting because beautiful face beautiful beautiful face and not as beautiful as the woman whose identity she tried to supplant. That's what I'm thinking dumping in the woman she was trying to take the identity of was actually way. Otter way. What's way should always uruguay, our league, I've got a problem, I am so I saw you should, but why would use deals? Why would she skillet uglier person fidelity its proven scientifically that life is easier when you are dragged its to show your humble by think. Actually I think stealing,
and attract a person whose identity is more attractive than you. I think that's actually better, because there, you can just say: oh what happened you all I let myself Well nigh yeah, you know that's a solid point and I have some prior level. They are now. I read the manga. I would use my middle brother Chris, the model I would use his idea when I was underage and I was very happy- you think I'm a little chubby now you should have seen me. Seventy five pounds more, but I was able to just be like yeah, I put on some weight cause they'd, look at it, but we're about the same height, ish, red hair I put on some weight, then they got shamed and then didn't want to be like well you're. fuck. Now they would just give it to me it s. My hairline changes are just tell the police officers was you can see my skull and brain are expanding. Also, Why does tsc not understand the people grow? Facial, air, you don't know, I don't have any fuck invasion layer. My pet of voting media limited like that, you're like osama bin laden,
nor must it be given, but also someone was radicalized I need. Then you were radicalized bent like you were made supercool in the eighties when this woman knows robia in new york city, once arrived after murdering her friend in russia who she was not a model citizen, while she was in new york city, she was working as an escort or dominatrix, which that is. It's a bad thing at all. That's the purest thing about. That is absolutely the purest thing about her, but she would sedate her client and rob them of their jewelry and other possessions that they honestly, when it comes to sex work when it comes to being a dominate jerks specifically, the key word is trust. Yeah man, I don't like that. She was drugging. All of these people know smack their balls. You know gaped or bottles, but please leave there
This is alone honestly just help. I've ever help everyone help over what it's been an ongoing problem in new york city for many many years, escorts, dominatrix is etc, etc. Stealing watches from client stealing money using their credit cards. They a bunch of crows, had a fine weather gamble. On the fact that its highly embarrassing to be robbed by an escort be robbed by drugs. Arrived, I haven't been robbed, you would you gotta do is raised the prices for yourself understand at the bark it bears higher prices for dick, sucking and dick mangled If projects didn't get in there- and it said you set your premium, I dick sucking really isn't even that common of a practice within the art. When you mean that some condoms and then sometimes that is but latex gloves zonia are you I got latex gloves overwhelmed meal latex glove full of a bunch lou beneath his views that its condoms, many of you are wrong.
We speak about other people's experiences, a babe told me. Those robia has been sentenced to twenty one years imprisonment or the cheesecake attempted murder. However, she said quote: I am not the killer. I'm woman diameter I wouldn't know, doesn't I'm I'm woman, only woman who the fuck does that mean. Transgender issues in others it is not a killer she's. Only a woman, I'm only one. What does that have to do anything here with a smile should go home with her eyes, which actually that village old already shown what it means to be a one in which is then heraclea murder women can kill. Women do give us books are called women who- do as you please, as she's nobody's fools, you could ask forgiveness no no it's every street No tell me: do you think we're gonna do this forever? Oh wow?
Only a woman- I just think, that's horrible x, you use it only woman, I'm only a comedian, that's it. I say at every turn around there we go so we have successfully covered the cheese killer story, now actually kind of note the story ass. You know how she got the interpol request put out, they actually they were looking for and they found a red light camera where she was rising with the corpse ran across the car. Just sit there dead No you may believe. Randal name is burdening. Then we ve got to pitch global together. Then we go. We make fun visible. Why those that would be very far I'll, be fine, I write bind. its do your favorite events shouldn't be stressful game time is the path an easy way to buy tickets for all sports, music, comedy and theatre near you with care
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matter to visit california, psychics dot com to schedule. Your session. I know you will do for our next story. Let's head over to australia luke down under. A jumping castle operator has been jailed over arson attacks on his rival see we are again this is I once a bouncy health. culture and the business. Is there a hind funds, you I'd boa as well get into it? There is caught melbourne at the very least melbourne. Australia is big and the bounty aspect this community, but it's, I would say ten gentle to carney We lose meant industry and then, if we are dealing with these with car needs me right here, yes, amusing, to people these carnival people, they have sometimes reputations of ill repute, but that's what you want, because then they also
I have to be carnies forever, because it's the only job they can legally have and also don't. We give them a lot of power over our lives. Yeah we'd literally give it all up to a bunch of absolute laden checked out sixteen year olds that had been up all night drinking gasoline out of the till. Well, that's why the interesting thing is with the corner. You want to make sure that their job right and fucked up enough to do they lose system, lose, say, prayers it also they can. They can focus because again the boers time or the most dangerous time when alcoholic or a drug addict acts out. Usually they don't come. They need and keep him drunk. You gotta keep him cut drunk keep them a little messed out now, and it's going to be a vicious cycle for the carney too, because once carney's on your resume, I mean you can't you can really do anything else. It's little dates different. I can. I get goaded sorted this probably an executive carnies. We rely on the night of where the latter is delay. It's gonna be lateral moves for our currency, the euro, while yeah we'll james
outcomes desire to be number one in melbourne. Jumping castle game has seen him jailed for up to eleven years over a series of arson attacks on rival lets the opposite of a house. He'd. Take these guys out at the knees no county court of Victoria, the balkan, whose company awesome p higher was rang the number one on google after he commission the attacks on rival businesses. He was arrested after he ordered that his own shet beat burned down. Fucking. Talking about real is a bouncy house lex luther yes, or this is also the court heard that, welcome, had commissioned a man named Craig anderson to burn down his own factory called kangaroo flat ass. He was concerned. Police would be suspicious But he was the only bouncy house building had been burned down so keys thing. I'd like ok, the cops the amateur
seems, the only one who is a burden. So I gotta make him think that there is some sort of bouncy house criminal who wants to take down. all the bounty houses in Melbourne K? Who do I pin the son who died of him? I met. I guess they guy you. It's real tours of stable house Is it all these guys a cover for the bouncy out? What we gotta believe goes about phone about gm boring. A normal structure to house it man Imagine if you are forced to live a normal life in a bouncy house. Ah, oh sure how horrible with that turned out to be. I feel, like I won a good. Would you rather like? Would you do it for driver if you got like twenty million dollars? I am delighted about the arduous live it about. The house voted for the rest, your like yeah, you know I bet you could make a work for twenty million dollars, I mean that's the thing: is I sleep and about that's recently when you, after your laptop and there they would have you had your back? If we go on vacation,
can be a lot of parameters here, though so like ok, so bathroom wise, like is about new shit and either out on the grass or about the o. Then let's go out with you. twenty million dollars. Can you install a porter potty outside one of those really nice, one that I really really how everything has to be inside the whole? U have to live in the home, I mean check your reason just pots, because that's the thing, if you use in anything of you're you're gonna pop abounds. Yes, and if you pop the bouncy house old man, you, don't you ever Bob. Also I dont know if the term commissioned is the proper term for This man was all he will. He didn't come easy he's up, painting the obama now He was just told to go below of my bar. Is this guy? Is there sit near cause they're both at both in cloud make up. my work. I meant that you are being a little bit of about bouncy houses, bouncy house people easier, not cloud warrior ornate fire to his own fucking.
If he's motivated, I can see where Henry's coming from. I do think that the carnies in the bouncy ass people are definitely in the same sport. The same ballpark have been. I do also grew to where I think that the bounty. As people probably look down on the carney I'll handle the clowns look down on both of them, because clown clowning is an art one of the oldest arts of old time at once they stood together. sera go comedy its various stand. Ups looked down on sketch people and collectively we all look down on people who do improv does not always has to be somebody below you enough in a structure in the number of people, as they did they must be down on nine anybody else. They look look down on the guy who thinks he's funny at the office can do it and then we can now I may having sex with my sister How will the court heard that bout combat
the bounty house company owner, he met bouncy, malcolm bouncy, who travel of three days after that march tree seventeen fire guy who he commission to burn down his own factory? He got arrested, they caught him three days. And then he named Malcolm as the instigator of that blaze and then once he gave up that information anderson, build the whole story, and I like minded others bouncy house, fuckin caper, you get two days. I don't you think it's the diapers story. A male been imagine that took as that of course, you're fucking, bouncy houses, s gonna flip bouncy house, Jim. You re, not stable. You know, I love australia. I love the australian b of court has great, but I have been a little bit disappointed in their lack of criminality. Would
was growing up. Those like they're. All criminals throughout crazy, but now they're all, I think dirt. I think they ve been subdued by the state too much like there's been a lot of won't dave. They do have effective control over the you know the hour of honour rifles and automatic weapons, I think very close. The bars early cause some dudes mayor, some kid got fuckin down county and it's getting the hour figuring out, but then the rest of them like honest, we had ned kelly in character. There is a lot of ireland's. You got no snowden murderers, we're just gonna collar bone. Just up, there's a lot of fucked up. She wolf creek is all based off and, on the other hand, was already out back while strictly after mark brian, they sort of lost their taste for it differently. Here we keep it alive. You keep mass violence, sprang yoda mary been thrashed, whom we keep doing it bigger and man. Now, as new laces new locations, you dont know where it's come at present just irony of the human mind. If it continues to happen, don't we forget faster in a day
is an interesting irony that it has given me and what was the last shooting net was lashing net in the last mass shooting, I shot an audition yesterday. Alright, there we go there, we go be a zoom that was improv, yep or balcombe. That's the bouncy house, man. Fifty eight he's fifty eight years old. Is this a fifty eight year olds crimes, this To me this seems like a forty three year olds crime. I don't know how the guy got busted in three days for burning down a fucking barn. Forty three years was when he was a carny could be well. He appeared on thursday. by video link from prison in the county court and their income He was jailed for eleven years. The judge Stuart Bayliss said that, while balkans gold may and to advance its own business by orchestrating the arson attacks the damage it extended. Far beyond that, the judge said quote: it impact the lives and livelihoods of others cause significant law suffering and emotional. Tromp. Ok, see I love because they go there. We go about two house.
seem to call it a jumping cast a germany as well as being cast it is it is that that's a similar number did James bell come and like I feel it could cause god I get it on some levelled. I want to burn down every other pod cast studio that exists. Yes, absolutely rail would just to make sure that were the only ones, but I also known as any empty with there has to be there of others, so that people can come and say: oh, that's how it's done they see. This is the balance is when there's a phone If it was me in charge of this, I could very well see me in the same hands as james. Welcome who definitely, what can you look like, you did and it looks like bubbles from drug he's, gotta
What is this one of those guys that do you use the forceps on his head and it never went back. He's got birds, fucking haircut. This blondie looks like no that's good, but no, I I that's why there's balance yeah, that's where there's balance, because that's the things that As you said, I want to burn down all podcast studiousness. It yeah that sounds great and been made his argument, and now I got to think about. his opponents, I think, and then that's where I can decide like no been yours. All shouldn't burned down all its all into higher there. It's too easy for us. We need that the challenge of being the number thirty five pod cats in the world. yes, indeed, it's almost impossible to find these places because
in recording live from an undisclosed bunker three and fourteen wilson road in austin Texas, that the guys were going to move again. While the judge said that balcombe was so set on destroying his rivals, he told his burn man to return to businesses when the initial fire only caused minor, damn it ass. One business was targeted three times before the fire was deemed, while good I actually think the man should be in prison. The burn mansion press, thereby if there are both in prison. How did you know he know who needs to get together, and if I can suicide squad, fuck and evil businessman? Is we gotta get this dude? We gotta get Joe exotic. Madam president, I agree with teams up with papa John. Yo exotic got a career out of fucking prison. My friend is the gay suicide squad that could possibly due it gonna, be out of bounds
the prisoners get right now in ohio by the way, lock your doors, hundreds hide your sons and another incarcerated for, but when it comes to papa john garlic butter, maybe the greatest rest due to slip. We're right out of jail, drown, flung need fleeced gap, slowly senior power of chance, Karl popper gale slowed down. there's no papa johns. You knows issues yes, but let's, but can not forget the pizza papa johnson. Hell, it's gone. What does act under grub up? Then you have a picture of pizza He was a picture of the cup, some pizza and have not yet it's like the plants and gentle to beat did you may mean that you be centred on as the he was the tony stark of of greece men and address its weight? Starck is no longer allowed to do conference calls when I was a delivery driver for papa johnson, the fall of two thousand and one yeah. That's right said timber
and I was there- I was told that brought lie in private we have already written under what did you do not want the pizza anymore? I wasn't driving on for papa jones on September eleventh, but you know what I was driving on September. Twelve, who is the country with morning just eat this pizza that it looks like the building of Europe know that you drove her papa. You get outta your papa johns backing college. That was what am I felt like. I was my second or third job in college azure for propaganda and let it be clear I mentioned regions guy, abidjan wow. I didn't know that yeah, it's weird, that's really sure I did a first semester until I went back to I took a semester off from college radio, and then I delivered a pizza to one of the peep one of the executive staff at the college. Radio. She paid me in court leaders times and middle god and then, while she was counting out, orders James nicols, she said you know you should really back to the radio station birds threaten the spring. We all wondered why you
come this far and that's why I'm sitting here today if it wasn't easy island, I am one thousand percent serious, but if it was not our papa johns during this entire podcast would not exist. Are you I wouldn't go back in radio honestly, I'm so shocked about how central papa jobs has been our entire. Shall I'm telling you that garlic butter change the game one with little pepper, chino, unjust, so happy that what you saw was in a woman who is obviously borderline, almost forced to pay with cold? She was here. I thought you gotta do. Is you choose taboo? She was a college student, so And you said you know what I want quarters to innovation.
and you got your coins and got my corridor. You are probably making more money as the delivery dried out a workout or the radio station know I made Mart once I became underwriting director the next semester. I actually made more money than I did at papa john's because people in lubbock tip for shit and we also- we were also kind of like the shitty set like we had shitty or people like we were the trailer park papa John's, which was because that's the thing you waste thirty minutes, trying to find the fucking trailer goddamn numbers are in order and then it's ninety three than its six than its fourteen and there's always somebody that's flagging down, as they see the fuckin property in ordinary, rang it down a guy. I use my hour. I pay judge my page and then he gives you fuckin ten bucks and you get back to the fuckin store, They set a guy book, an apple bow trailer park in due to look at what is going on. I got down here, they're out there you, I really honestly dilemma of this region. Nine. Eleven, I also very much a part of this- is that I cannot believe you didn't use this to go. Deliver aid,
I must do barbara in the house or in the trailer went back to the bouncy house. I love this door. I love the story so much as those of me of like cause. Why do you need to set fired about the houses? Don't you just pop them yeah I was going to say can't just a needle, just it was a nice nah, that's the thing they might be able to reboot. They might be able to just order more bouncy houses very quickly. You want it destroyed the infrastructure. You want to destroy everything about the bouncy house business, for when he gets out and starts doing this again. I think you should use a knife and slide you basically sliced the bottom of the bouncy house overnight, and so, when you take when you've already rented it and it opens up it deflates and then all of sudden you're all mad at you, leave a one star recommendations that, if that's, how you properly the business you're in a way it is, but most of the time, though, he was unsuccessful, most of the fires they just a peddled in an hour, but for aid. jumping castles, the burma through malta cocktail. So the wind,
and that our went up in flames destroyed a hundred and ten bounty, why hanging or a ball fired. That was one point: four million dollars and damage in found the areas as a lot about the owls yards of couple, the only place Michael, an alien andrew. They had to close their business and they bought now both work, casual jobs and child care. The insurance cover it the whole. is that the whole thing went up in flames totally destroy these people's lives cause. I bet. If you do arson and somebody else's business, these insurance companies the best the they never won pay now so they see it being arson- and I bet you the limits of the people who on the business- and they said I bet you set fire to your own things- mobile, we're like what's the where it is it bouncy house The other does bouncy house people also another work and child care and I'm sure they're fantastic, but it does seem like it could be predatory. What are you talking about? who do you think bouncy houses are for yeah. That's what I'm saying to our you are you gonna do
the pedophile thing again call everyone pedophiles just because they work with children would he's you say I just don't think he trusts bouncy else. I think come on gamow I like gives bounce. You don't think you also think it's the people in about bouncy house profession have assumed. more inclination to watching children jump out joint one who does it say just like seeing jive just picked up if it just like. Seeing Kids, be happy get one of these other jeweled, one out of the house of seeing a woman or lose tanked about something else. At the moment are allowed to go in. I've tried what you're saying, Well, they said twelve years I could go on your seventy two hours. I would say,
what year did you go on with your friends or you're, just putting your rage against being born within human phones against the entire world? Doing the thing again, where you just collins, somebody you dont like a pedophile, I don't do that. He doesn't even know riddle dislikes about c I a neutral of bears a fun little coated, this story, malcolm before he was arrested and he was charged with eleven counts of conspiracy. To commit arson me was released on bail, but he failed to show up to court for final directions. Hearing his lawyer handed over a fake medical certificate, saying oh, he sang a warrant whether issued for his arrest and he was found living on the their side of the country, the other side of the continent in perth running a fraudulent stamp.
Immigration under the name. Paul Johnson is just so much harder to run all the scam businesses. Then you just go, get a job yeah. It really is also do people. How do you do counterfeits there? I don't think the government issued. I have no idea, it's perth, it's stamp. You know when we went to Perth yeah, it's fair man. It is this is weird. Did they call him purfling for a reason? Yeah, do you remember the smell fear? It was a beautiful place, beautiful city yeah, but it's strange lot like at Jews, yeah statues, there were less yeah, but it was the smell. The odor there was an odor amongst a group, a certain group he's now is included. Everybody would be the right. So what are you about? Our stand out there, which is there, was an odour amongst one group of our fence during
meat and great idea. I got those email relying bizarre. If it be in the smelly birthplace, we're just creep up, they were, but it was. Unlike me, I'm not saying it's bad m d seen it was unwise or even smell of ever encountered. In my life it was unique, manual, labor highly hard working early, nothing smells like put patchouli, it's sort of. Like that sure It was like that it was a particularly like sent, though hippy deepening. damn added. It's kind of crime mandate rub all sorts of crystals LU, lu, stop. What's come, Barry America for the next door too Indiana there lived in there and on pro and stars. I believe that of all the issues in indiana surprise they took the time to ban them in the first. What I say, I can't believe there, finally, lessening some of these horrible horrible anthony ninja loss,
I agree with that and I hope that that starts a wave of this country them to bring the ninja back, because What a good man just another attacked class eurylochus and turn into legislation really has been a problem in this connection. I know em just super excited for the big, and I say this with love: don't we fettes midwestern what could now can throw is ninja stars I've, because there are so funny because they're gonna get nothing better than a junkie. Jeff, our body, their fun. I know if you can t if you can be sneaky an chubby. That is pretty impressive. Basically, you guys see thy set of professional, dar players. You can tell if you watch their whole bodies la times. Metion right provision are players, it's good The best love a good hour play our full part belly, because what it, because what is the movement actually starts with your turn
whose I then you start a wave across your body that ripples through your body on the arm steps it boob, dogfights costs were right, throng star, say, muscle, I've you like it to be a professional green thing, it's like a bowler to drink and man's professionals. More also, why can't we have throwing star fuck the darts throwing star boards now, you're, ok, local, your local bar, that's dad said you have to trust your client will actually where this is coming from this actually coming from the lobby. That is does involve a fair amount of drinking depending on where these businesses operate comes from the axe. Throwing Bobby back. Oh yeah, I yeah trying to diversify yeah they're trying to diversify and it was actually a senator named Linda rogers, who pushed for the legislation she approves of the fund. Version. She said. No man what type of recreational activity you wanna make sure their safety precautions and planes, and she said that she knows these businesses will certainly make sure
that's the cakes arrogantly monster energy drink, a lobbying next they're gonna bring back long, darts them If I know I'll get a bunch of kids adds eared my grandpa law darts, and that was. Suddenly they actually thereby dangerous downward entered almost so powerful. The row of true javelin and nine years old, now, yeah, I rule into the bed renaissance fair just a few weeks ago. They did have a full like they had acts, throwing Andy had throwing star throwing. I remember that right here, there's a soccer bar there's a throwing star range. That is the real as an american bar. That is a ninja justine's suck, A bar is an bernardino birthday. Let's see if it's still open, but yeah right here, like you can see it has the I o notice is just a click of a of a funny fake
I have a ninja growing, a throwing star to a man dibs, unsuspecting least from american ninja, two near the brooklyn brewery there in brooklyn their head. They have a bar that where you can throw the axe- and I tried to do it and you don't you throw it once and then it's your gut. We gotta do it right, I don't like, but you don't and I didn't, and then it's just like I don't want to throw it again editor. I did it at a ren, fair back in like two thousand and eight I didn't get it I didn't understand. I didn't really understand what the appeal of it was I'd. Rather do I wish that there was a bar concept where you'd go and line. Up like a not home depot. Has the window like directive sets up and they give you a cinder block. It aren't you you're, going through like riot bar yeah. Do all that stuff that you do in orion, but you get out of your system like I love it. That would be sweet. You call it. The finest traitor yeah I love- it meant fantastic, well, the guy that is behind this or the guy that really is very excited about. It is talking in the press about his name is Ryan Dustin. He owes the flying squirrel acts throw
in speedway he said we get people coming in every day, asking us about it, just fine or five for trying to find a way to get rid of these throwing star and he's planning to start a throwing star league after Indiana lifts it's ban hundred of florida. I could fly or were you have acted, looks like a human growing star. Your luggage m, o added is widening love or white ninja. It's gonna get some alternative medicine bag limit so very much, but but one day one more thing about the throwing stars. They wish. however be dulled. The sharp edges will be dull. While what's the point, then you can't you can have points but not knife edge. It's just throw rocks ours is hosting the ages and are going to be when he can be pointy like is that right?
How dare you trust me or not, state of india and either you just made this legal? Now you made a bet. What they legalised was a piece of metal in the shape of a star. This is the delta eight of whether route. Worse, set ones worse, make it either do what are they heard? Indiana, no fuckin governmental control. We need to go to the capital young. I agree to take this whole system down our? No that's what Dustin says he's gonna. Do that's what he says he's gonna do, but Legislation is not credible, lasted strike a blow for game. This is very indiana when the legislation was first proposed this session. All they want is to just haven't recreational businesses, but house law makers broaden the bill before signing it into law allowing them in quote almost any.
Ireland is dies. The anarchy acts throwing championship these cocksure. Just I love you know heads at all: it's a bowlers body. We can learn about a man who has got to find a community of their own, don't how the how many this european community. Do, you think was at january sex. There's a crossover white whiten images were then there's over, but you know what I actually don't think many they're going with more celtic style by urging neighbourly when store and other fantastic met, those nay very much out, but their attempt to do. But we don't let we will let him take. Now not at all well for our last story. Let's go back to also Oh, my god news, whales. New police minister has spoken out after being accused of being missing in action after a cop
izzard a ninety five year old, great grandmother, give that guy a purple heart. What does this woman do to deserve? A taser, I think covert, did give him a purple heart, oh well. First of all she has to John. She weighs ninety five pounds. Lord, she had been holding a stake knife when she slowly approached the police officer at the yellow. be lodge. Senior constable christian white, thirty three lasted a taser, Mrs Nolan, The collapse of the ground knock her head and suffer a bleed to the brain. She is receiving end of life, battle Diana? She can't data now ninety five pounds vital to ninety.
I've years all l, you can't taser her. You know the only person that contains remain Michel pfeiffer when she was catwoman our guide member, that's just the person with the days are they so may I had asked he had a projectile days. He had of projectiles allows him. He didn't even have. The ball is clear. This do a close up taser. Now he shot her from afar because she was approaching like one of the creatures from it following she was slowly shuffling towards him. With you cake Where is tat, everything is breaking while we just to edit Y yeah. He tears, I mean don't take me grants there was another case. lemme, get ninety three or will do in texas. You got days, we gotta stop these old people, don't need to be too. I do feel like they did. Cops are like. Well, I didn't you,
I may be no more to do. I don't know they will guns in australia. As far as the cops go, I don't recall seeing the ilo me the cops having gone the jet of automatic weapons, and you know with the latter with a lady. You could just grab her by the shoulders and push her down russians that flying knee honestly takes on a woman. You could throw ahead a lattice at her and she'd fall down or, like you, just back away, pull the carpet out trickery. In the going into the bathroom locker. wait until she called out and so These things are so many things you can do all you gotta do like she's in a package that got out of prison. So, what's going to happen to this cop, I don't think you should have a badge anymore. You absolutely should know he's on administrative leave, he's thinking real hard about what he's done. The woman was ninety four pounds, five foot, two guess this guy size, six foot, seven, three hundred and twenty.
That's appear american male, those australian, six foot, one three hundred pounds shoal, you know to be honest, showing that is the size of a man who is too lazy to take down a grandma. More do look ass. He is that six one three hondo. He is wrong as big you. I think it may be that greece has given this guy. I mean we're a thousand pounds too much credit, but he's like my hand, tools again use my hands on the woman, because our breaker brittle bones all I sciences G. it's a call of electricity. We you know, but the thing p you know I set it to a similar ten. You set it to different sadie inside you're, probably made you there's it causes specially, like you, ve seen those guys we women at once. was, I got using that that viral video, that was the guy that was agreed, it out and then the the cop shoot him with the projectile stunners and a zap zap zap, and then he seated the guy just stands there and he goes
I'm coming for you son, and then they need air. It's great. You should look up everything you do not have control over the strength of a taser, yet you well, I thought you'd send it to like war. rumour you'd set at his door. No, you don't have stone or kill or anything like that manage batman utility belt. Yes, I feel I started work. There is a market for their yeah. I agree that the levels of the ash, everybody gets the same old lady. Yeah lady, you do already set in old lady setting words, mostly just like say and, like you know, like guinea, girls wearing pants now I thought you just like all ass, a good thing. It all just scream that yesterday about just stop being daily day ass now already math is great grandma day out. I know no deal, that's one of the biggest mists of all time. These old people are preferred it
I, though, that old people don't have sex, though they know. If they're like. To be honest, I feel like you're sexing each other, but I dunno if they're like reaming each oh, I think that they, I think that they too might think that They have done it all. I make it the eighty five retiring for me. so gay lingus, saint linger, sees retiring age. Eighty five or what the big controversy in australia is right. Now, though, of course, everyone's shocked that wild excuse, the pun over the use of his taser on the grandma, but what everyone's really mad about is that the police commissioner, a woman named karen web has declined to release the footage. Not always decline to release the footage. She says that she won't even watch the body can footage of the way that she's gotta watch it
How do I see how nice it is you won't. She says that the investigation is gonna, go any faster. She watches that are not yet well just want issues is not gonna. It will go faster control of evidence to see what it's. What I like, not watching, the oscars did, I don't want them do exist, but you did it you won't for much longer, but the nice thing is if they did ok, if they did released, What are we seeing here? You see in the daylight, given gettin takes an old woman, gettin taste yeah, I kind of like a left up to the imagination, because, I just like see like ooh yeah, you know kind of funny. It's like it's very sad. It's going to be funnier in your imagination, absolutely cause, I'm actually just for some reason: picturing an elderly bugs bunny in a dress That is why yeah icy as you, I don't want to see an old woman suffrage. I looked up to elderly people, eat ass and then this came up. A woman's air is turn me on when they lie in the stomach leg. Spread ass in the area here, dinner bells, nothing better than soaking wet.
See dripping down to a tight ass, better than cake sticking to fingers in the g spot, rubbing the cliff hung and, as usual, leads to organs. For her me as well in poland or bodies like the greatest play ground, if it means better orgasm, the girl that I'm willing to do whatever you want, and it was an older person, the wrote that I mean it's misspelled, no regan former freaky lesbian, feminist. Well, there you have movement, is the four hundred and ninety nine questions on this or how they re the answer. Questions such as I saw my husband licking my daughters, but should I confront? Why does my eyes and insist that he wants to lick my, but my boy there has been rimming, my but whole reasonably any loves that italy warriors really the only problem
I I saw him I was at. I saw my daughter rubbing my husband, or I saw my husband rooming, my daughter. I know my daughter, my husband was licking my daughters, but are there any ass licking pictures available? Yes, the prompt yeah. Are there any looking pictures of all? Well, I mean I do you think you don't have to go to court for You think you could google at first year and there are alot my husband licks, my vagina ananus after I'm done, urinating or devastating before letting me wash. Is there anything wrong? I really enjoyed and love him to the core. For that short, just have thought you. Why are you on core on citizens rights here now got to news friday? I'm get my buddy installed. Well, here we go mere rail, hungary, a drink and henry I get the same
When you guys, I got the one that opens up offensive two months. I think my zyobor piping for proper you'd come over here. Give your little girl driver breaks. Are you want, might well it's a solid keith, morrison friday. de I love teeth, morrison, Keaton, Keith, more in morgan freeman, who would you rather have as the god voice in your head, but give more to make it? the framework of the sexes granddaughter, that's not true there. You go you already at your perpetuating a masterpiece. Intellectual capacity you perpetuating may mark, has yielded poet, avoiding slander, sir perpetuating slant, aggravating slander. I'm gonna go with me in freeman, then he had a sexual relationship with his step, grandma
yeah step. Oh baby, then that's it other than the other guy who got hit by a car after he helped a bunch of baby ducks across the road eleven year old saw it yeah. It teaches you to forget now: watch your own goddamn back He had keep yourself, it's very sound he's, not a victim. He crisis. Now you cross the street when you shouldn't, have any got hit by a teenage that teenagers not traumatized because she killed a guy. Then he she was not a fault it all. He was crossing the street without book and use helping ducks. He was more concerned with helping baby ducks and our girls is now has to live with. Maybe I'm needs a thing about why some husbands licking their daughters but actually go anything to intervene. Writer man, this is it would lie weak, it's gotta know we are adding deep into history local territory in the next couple of weeks, a massive historical story:
it's gonna give you one hit twentieth century history, yes twentieth century de history, very important too. Where we are now in america, we're going to go through a lot of interesting characters, lot of fucked up stuff. Actually, a lot of it's quite sad. Isn't that funny? Well, that's right be discussing the rise of the t v dinner in the microwave change the american family together, but yoda tore him apart. It really did didn't it. Okay, everyone! Thank you so much for listening. Areas now has a new game. Methuselah me dirty old fuckers is good laws. ro. The bond. That's why we gotta do these took around at some love green, you show was made possible by listeners like you. Thanks to our add sponsors, you can support shows by supporting them for more show
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.