« Last Podcast On The Left

Episode 555: The Hatfield and McCoy Feud Part I - Hog Justice

2023-12-01 | 🔗

This week the boys venture deep into Appalachian History - beginning the story of one of the most notoriously famous feuds in American folklore, the contentious tale of The Hatfields and The McCoys.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh largest, debt. While your attic is so dirk. I know right, it's the perfect place to stream horror movies. For me, when movies that I haven't pressed play, it abc fibre with all five covers the whole house. Even your really really creepy attic turned healthier a dip Jimmy. What have I told you about can you guys get aid? the bible with all right and live like a good deal in their limited availability, covers, may request. Under that additional charge, sergeant, and mrs smith you're going to love this house. Is that a tub in the kitchen theirs field manual for finding the right home. But when you do u s a wonders insurance can have protected the white restriction, supply.
Primates listening? I knew much more for seven, nine. According to studies of purely mammalian rights, we discover do like very good gossip and while it is all illusionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake invitations to give it dry on new blair from spring he'll, jack, coffee gilliam in the morning our proprietary blend of, like the roasted cacao lasts when you immediately energized about emerging from the pain kalac up with all your slippery new thanks, honey that I'm cold blooded, tough extra spring heeled jack and last podcast on the left, I'm ready to get out and eat. Some babies goes away, never returning
There's no way to escape. Tourism is the last time on the left. Cannibalism started I am merely ask them how you see I'm trying to do, levant valid and yet make you weren't going now. A problem is you're, sober, I brought it about ninety one is more to be done, but I didn't. I just didn't work like three beers in land development round already has sat down. we sing in that area. It is a little. You know that more is the horse got my time here. Do we have that all conversation? While you can follow forest cup, you can't vulnerable perot, I bring that was ross. Probe meets forest.
because if you years some of these guys right where you get deepened, appalache gets cryptic and near there are signs of that. You don't know what they're saying, and I know it. There's a union founded on it. thousands of adult its half emotion, no business, soda yeah really well. what are you a deal? Get educated, gonna, kill me now. I learned about you, don't just the voice at all that go in like a couple more down like this very here we go is an avalanche of all. Have a larger area. Mother you get that given their network, you been smoking two packs a day for twenty years. I don't mean to fail to reach for the los angeles dying. biogas on the left. Ladies and gentlemen, my name's marcus parks here within these brows guy down level. Every blast the guy wants
It already is fine, that's fine! We have two hours to get it all and, of course, at larson talk today, I'm excited, oh, so much hog talk seriously talk about like ooh. Never have pigs been more important, the true crime, except for Robert pickton, absolutely guy. Thank you for correcting me, but a lot of people say: oh, that hatfield, mccoy feud is not just a fight over a pig we're here to tell you know it's a fight over several pay. Some of them were ladys in the family. They are taking place in the tug valley along a small river that forms the border between kentucky and west virginia. The feud between the hatfield and
toy clans has been a part of the american identity ever since the two families began killing each other in the late nineteenth century. Yeah man gangs is a rat fuck em and I want to talk valley, this more the dispute was by no means the longest nor the bloody is seen in appellation during this time period. Measuring and by the way appellation an awful lot. You are both accepted pronunciations. Usually if you're more northern you'll say appellation, if you're more of southern usa Apalachicola savior wrong, you seen appellation, but in Appalachia I want to say upfront before we get in there. Obviously, I'm struggling with an accent, but that's just because my lack of training yeah, but for you guys, but I know we got some appalachians out there- that listen to this show alright, and I know they're going to get immediately hopping mad about many things. We're gonna get wrong and say wrongs about their town, we're going to say their towns wrong
are things, but just no, we know you're separate and valid on. Another term is indeed hill sindifu than ours is well saw goggle, and these are people who use their feed is musical instrument here, yet clogged yeah. There were the first musical instruments, they were the first deadly weapon, but yet it was not the longest nor the bloodiest few, that was an appalache at the time. Why don't we covered those ones, because the hatfield mccoy has seriously has a built in narrative structure, to accept as a great about and sore. I think that to partially the reason why the half yield mc have been absolutely riddle, throughout all of media. Ever since it began, I think they said bed in the silent era. There was
Like ninety two films made like adjacent to the hatfields and mccoys yeah, I mean the films were far shorter back then you know it's like you know the eight minutes, but yet there was a huge. Like outburst of you know, there was a kind of a trend of like hillbilly films, yeah, but yeah. Even the wasn't the bloodiest nor the longest. It still resulted in somewhere between twelve and twenty four deaths depending on the source. How do they dont know? They don't know. A lot of shit will get to that. Here knows that these death often occurred in gang land, sal execution and second home and asians and brutal hand to hand fights that turned murder science. My mother, your strangling now is it a home invasion? If there's no doors that face shack invasion that are really more there remember commercially when you are dealing with the indian males believe would do that point. It's important to know that
Neither the hat builds nor the mccoy. Neither of them were a bunch of bare feet. babe overall wearing simpleton shaken their fist at each other across the crack. Is there often portrayed can then some of them were some of whom I'm worried, I mean, did they make their own moonshine? Yes did have names like bad, Jim Vance, cotton taught mounts and squirrel hunt and sam absolute as they should, but some were also community leaders with great economic power at least locally, and most of them live lives not to do so or from any other american frontiersmen at the time. Yet they just work truly kind of extra isolated. They were absolutely extra isolated. Really. The hatfield mccoy feud occurred just before appellation turned into a pit of poverty and despair, and it was in fact the industrialization of the area that helped fuel them.
Islands, I can't wait to do our coal belt torn and the longer we already did norfolk the result, was fine now either she always good. That was the member that was the show where there was that massive fucking orchestra pit between us and the obvious ring like then you thirty nine away, but there was no heat on and it was like thirty five degree, These are very cold, nor is it going to be bigger, proud that charlottesville did but norfolk also had that record store that was full of bootleg reykir j, absolute worth ramming that guy such a fucking crooks out with a great cemetery, the hollywood cemetery. I should go into the cemeteries but put differ We act, I'm sorry. I hope we go. I don't gamble,
put differently. This is when west Virginia began its transformation into coal country with all the misery that followed and, as will see, the feud between the hat fields and recoils is partly responsible flats reared that was it like you, wouldn t like way deep later, yes, All of you. I am certain except those causes wherein marcus's house right now, yeah. No, I know he loves the shit shit to buy that too. Why did you got? I have history aids. He gave it to me. I know as always, that we've talked about history for many years solely, but most of us that know anything about this fucking story. We really know very little. guy only know what is the name again. I know about it, but just draw headed long bearded version.
if this story and various cartoons looney tunes yeah. But I don't really know. I didn't fully understand that this kind of git what was happening right underneath and kind of because of this entire bullshit in a kind of a hollowed out that entire part of The country literally, but while the hat fields and the mccoy worked quite the stereotypical hillbillies that their often portrayed as this feud really was killing for killin said it was your gang warfare, but without any of the motivation behind gang warfare like territory or resources, were
I mean their money. This is just straight up. Murder. Nobody benefits row now as far as sources go today. Well, actually, some do benefit, but we'll get into that later. Okay, now, as far as sources go today, we got two books. The first is blood feud by lisa author, which provides a succinct retelling of what can be a highly complicated story. The other is the feud by dean king, which gives more of the bloody details. Thank god. The books, however, contradict each other constantly, which is fact. The very nature of the story of no one involved than the feud left any written accounts, because most of them were illiterate and the newspapers at the time used a healthier of yellow journalism to use the facts are straight up lie for a better story. I tell you why you don't even try to show me a pay so because I am I use, it is going to stay
Diana various cates. Their version of fox news is a major change. A fox, so the next time you hear me oh shit, I showed up and we'll god, oh it's cloudy. It's mostly, Additionally, most of the oral histories come from hatfield. Mccoy descendants will of course, have their own official juiced up versions. The paint the other side is the aggressors, while they themselves are rugged individualistic american heroes. Fighting against a force of pure evil depends on which will succeed, spends in who I am, and every day not least try to pull it a little bit because her family is from some of that area. The far far western area pennsylvania west virginia- and she did you know I might have some mccoy in me- and I was like that is what everybody says.
They have all the blood of the. If you're from that area there like yet my great graham pappy, he was tat. Field number now I southern version of the mayflower sure, but somewhere between the hatfield story in the mccoy story lies the truth, so and do our best to tell the fairest story we can glean from what the world thinks they know about the hat fields and the mccoy is now as far as where all this happened. The hatfield mccoy feud occurred on the border between west Virginia in kentucky on a fork of the big sandy river called tug value
people from west virginia killing people from Kentucky. What is it my birthday you ve ever been a yank girl was called tug valley. Suppose liquors like some of the first guys there like it's so inhospitable, they had to eat their own shoes and go away in a bad light. They had to eat their they'd that they had to eat their tugs on their boots, because if you boil the leather, that's worthy expression comes from right. Why only if this is truly My own shoe, I forget, just comes from saddam Hussein that isn't Werner hertzog. I always preferred eat my own hat I'll eat. My hat yeah could be a texas thing. Well, this was a difficult densely forested
highly undesirable place to live when whites first began settling there for farming purposes, although there were, of course, plenty unaided tribes already, there have been doing just fine with the land for centuries it ain't and want em they're, so that in ITALY they called it like the bloody land, the curse land. They try to do that thing there were there, like, you, don't want to go over there. There's a lot of fuckin crazy goes over there and if you don't just kind of you kind of believe, oh yeah yeah, I think I was so someone put it. There was like when someone like a box outside and shoot the fires, a gun, the air, every tool like every night, just so Forget doesn't happen, but as far as the types of people who settled the area went, you had crew, pretty similar to what you had out west years later. Yet former indentured servants escaped enslaved people and, of course, criminals, galore cause. It was such an unforgiving land. The people who live there were tough, an extraordinary,
early independent, due to the fact that the terrain itself prevented any sort of infrastructure from forming and told the dawn of the industrial age were about to find out what what tophet extraordinarily needed in the independent people. We're, gonna be emailing us accidental death was common, crop failures, occur constantly storms, battered cabins and settlers were under constant attacks from natives, whose land they'd invaded. In addition to bandits who took advantage,
given ungovernable lan. That's also why we don't know a lot about. It is because record keeping was spotty digitally zero, yet their feet. They were murdered by their hats. In fact, before the civil war, the tug valley had no roads or rails, it had very few schools or churches in basically ignored calendars, and when the transcontinental telegraph system began to crawl across the country in the eighteen sixties, they bypass this area of the country completely because the telegraph company figured they had nothing to say there. He asked Why did you say even a telegram regime? He will come back to you get Did it stop
I go yeah. Can you tell me how much money this is yeah? But since there was no law to speak of a man's reputation for violence was the only thing that kept neighbors and bandits in check. That meant that if someone attacked you and yours, it was in your best interest to come back hard with such brutality. That word would spread about how violent you were willing to be this partly explains why so many people in this story have the bad modify attached to their name like bad, Jim, vance or bad frank phil. I assure you. My name is bad frank, philips, because I'm bad at being
frank, is not going well for me to not call me Paul. We do not know hello. My name is SAM yeah. I bet that bad, but since Nobody really move to the valley to work for some one else and since the settlers could afford to enslave other people, families where
their own labor force and were therefore massive, probably also it's one of the only fun things they got to do, which is fuckin uncommon inside. Oh, it really is no darrin. The tug valley sex was very common. Like people gonna laugh once in a while yeah I mean people fucked and sucked constantly. Babies that are born out of wedlock were very common and where babies weren't happening was on jerk them out yeah, I'm none of these are written down yeah. As far as the main players in the hatfield and mccoy families went random, mccoy had sixteen children, while Anderson Hatfield had thirteen- and here my friends is where we're going to get into the prime movers, behind the hatfield, mccoy few, starting with Anderson, devil, ants hat, feel my favorite portrayal of him. So far I went, and I watched as much as I could have half yielded mccoy like new media. It's off
an awful. He had told him up item at the tv movie from like nineteen. Seventy eight, yet jack palates as devil ass is amazing arrears to save a lot of times back on these days, everybody is gonna play an apple action. They go the west virginia like Daniel day louis's there, you know he's whittling hanging out with their. Body all gonna shit, jack balance, obviously kivo fucking shit who use just jack polynesia. Wouldn't you, beard, hope it so funny. I watched a little bit of a you said that you amazing. I can't wait to finish it, but he lay every time he at any rate, like it's a he's having a heart attack. It gives us laugh. Yeah. Tell you what, though, as my pregnancy, a man has to defend his haul content, that no one's exactly
you're, where a devil ants Hatfield got his nickname, but as in common with his tail, multiple explanations exist. One was that when Devil ants was a child, he got into a bare handed fight with a cougar and survived, which caused his mother to say that even the devil wooden scare, her son ants, is of course, a contraction of the name Anderson which took me fuckin days to figure I'll, never understood. That did not know that that was passed, anson leg, you know you'd its use and anderson, anson ants. They dont speak right. I am not. I mean, admittedly, the texas access is wildly Therefore, only has one, but it is gonna. Their cousins are far far but about Another story is that one of them coils said that anderson was quote, six pleaded devil and a hundred, Eighty pounds, a hell yeah like an israeli fucking, go yet another is that he defended a mountain ridge called the devil's backbone against.
entire union platoon during the civil war there movie called the devil's backbone. Yes, it beneath your datura movie. Oh no. It's not beneath the territorial. it's going to airborne or no airborne the rollerblading movie and they have to go down the devil's backbone in Cincinnati. That's actually, I did not know the jack black tusk rio. I think that the guillermo del toro movie, the nice although you dont devils backbone. Again, it's it's boring, but not airborne. Now, that's grateful shallow water. to another explanation, which I think is most likely as that there were two anderson hat fields and tugged valley. They were cousins and since deadline, was the more widely of the two. He got. The nickname devil, while the more mild mannered anderson got preacher ants who will play a huge part in this story and the hog trial to come is the idea cause was it. They said that one was the heat deposit preacher and like the
guy. That was like his good, the good guy, a good one yeah, but he was the one that, like kind of like consulted with devil and during the feud, my wrong preacher and was a part of the few. Definitely yes, but he was like the good guy yeah. He was a good one. Yeah like how cops are good. well yeah, but as far as double answers, ancestry in the region went his great grandfather, F from hatfield, nicknamed F of all, because all the tug fork at fields descended from him. He'd moved to the tug fork in eighteen, twenty with his wife and and children is really weird for some reason. I imagine like that. He's like twenty feet, tall twenty. Finally, why these like full half, feel like always opossum
get a bunch of nipple? Had our monogamous now, there's no infant mortality rate back. That is a huge infant mortality era ages. This girl had turned the women are can't these women are pregnant from the time they're like fourteen until they hidden they're, just whirling out of a marriage, is ojeda. Kick up the leg. The baby flies out with it There is as yet, two weeks later, fuckin big has fought. I again do limits. Some of them are automatic, but those are the scary what it's amazing. What ephrem begat valentine, who beget big, F, devil, lances father who rumoured to be seven feet, tall three hundred pound, true to them,
sure of the area. Men would travel from all corners of the tug valley to wrestle big f to establish their reputation as a guy who can handle this shit's real. That's the thing if you could come if you're, tug, together ray I'm gonna wrestle fuck em big ass out, needs its it's one thing to pin em, but it's another thing to fall in love that ain't, a big f. Where was his downfall alone, Violence is mother. However, Nan spans was gotcha You don't get used to shoot. so called woods. Colt child cult that woods colt child that c o l tea, which was the local turn. for a baby born out of wedlock named after the instances when domestic mares were impregnated by wild stallions, occult
is born and the words yeah just the first horse, women, a bastard ambassadors, yes concerning her origin story before the vance as me to talk valley. A man named Louis Horton had taken Nancy's mother betsy to baltimore. Then brought her home pregnant nun, mehr, hey man, if I ever have. I haven't heard that story at a baltimore. Ninety five times I haven't heard it once. Actually that does sound like a pretty good euphemism for like knocking someone up and then leaving them has taken him to baltimore maryland. Baltimore baltimore is one of my favorite city. It's one of my favorite cities in the entire country. I adore baltimore baltimore, but after he got her pregnant louis dropped. Betsy on her father's front, porch and said quote: here's your half her! You take care of her raise your happily in retaliation. Betsy father
murdered Louis Horton. Yeah, though he either shot them or drowned them in the river. We don't really know which wildly both probably throw him in the river. He ain't dead enough. He then escape to what is now west virginia and staked a claim in the tug fork valley, but in an incredibly stupid move the elder van. Ants later returned to the town where he murdered Louis Horton, hoping that everyone just forgotten that he killed a guy. It's an old school scuse me. Have you don't see it alot of more amending its abundant? You know there's a kind of back to the time where they might have they might carry weight. You know, I'm not that long. The word die you. Why did I leave tugboat unions? They had not forgotten and the elder man who subsequently convicted of murder and hanged hatfield legend had it that
his way to the gallows, the elder vance stood on his coffin say song of injustice, hadn't even know where you get ten years now, and how long is this? Muslim was wet. long. Only last words song, then the torrent for an hour and a half There is another three hours and japan will supposedly governor James Monroe arrived just after the hanging to pardon the elder vance, your pardon my cats yeah, but all attempts to resuscitate betsy's father failed from the story. Though
double and supposedly learn the lesson that, when the government gets involved in justice is likely to occur, tell us about a brother that, therefore, if a man, if the government didn't exist you'd be dead decades ago, I would be very funny. Cap amongst other strong men who has issued myself within which I've already done. I wanna position myself in the centre of a budget very strong and be the more out of courts, everyone's morale, but because of this, devil ants came to believe that if a man needs justice he's better off taken it upon himself, dole out whatever punishment he sees fit pig just just as likely replace bargain hogs uphill. Thus far, double answers, appearance when he was not a handsome man now and with sometimes said, to resemble a worried trawler. I am nine. I guess I am or
difficult, this big long. Awful knows he looked kind like he looked like sick rasputin. how I would yeah. He did, however, have charisma and he often used his high pit, Nasal voice to tell tall tales and jokes all which is very endearing comedy helps young. This was in stark contrast to his rival and antagonist randall mccoy hip now, as opposed to devil anse. Randall Mccoy had few stories that lived on, partly because he was an old coot that, but he liked and partly because he lost a lot of children in the future and there weren't, as many people have passed down so I try to write the figure this out right. This is at the very top of this. The serious so goodwill will impact at more but who's the good guys and who were the bad guy, no one's, neither right it's hard to tell I mean it can in terms of society, does randal Mccoy technically was like lazy and he didn't work.
car, where they say that was his stereotype about him in and develop was hard work in, but he also sort of was like a bloodthirsty capitalist. It's really hard to there's really no good guy. I mean, I guess it depends on your point of view, and but yeah I mean the devil. Anse is definitely the more likeable one, or is he just more entertaining migrant women from attaining are very different, very true, both coal black. if some guys are still great rock obama, hang out with them. Oh man, what a great kilkenny What we do know is that randall was born in eighteen, twenty five and he married his first cousin Sarah Mccoy. Some years later she passed she got back to the the family, wc yeah I like cause. She looks like me: it's like jerking off I stayed out jerk nope, that's why the values, when you jerk off
the people know back to target tug valley, and you put the bucket bucket will sometimes we skip some of the lower facts. Yeah he's doing good work, randall was unknown gossip and was in fact taken to court by his cousin, pleasant mccoy for spreading a rumour that pleasant had fucked a cow, Randal was also known to be just an all around miserable bastard who could clear room because nobody wanted to be around to hear his constant complaining about everything, but in another contrast to deadlines, hatfield, random, mccoy, first choice for a confrontation was not usually violence, but frivolous lawsuits, which were extremely common and the tug ballot it probably help alot of violence from happening, because you gonna do all this, but it just its country court, its gore yeah. This, however,
was not because random mccoy was not a violent man. Rather, it was mostly because his wife was a deeply religious woman who took the concept of turning the other cheek seriously and randal often dead what his wife said, but much to random mccoy harm in a place where violence equalled respect and inaction, equaled weakness, turning the other cheek, only emboldened the hatfields and led to the deaths of many of randall and Sarah's children. You guys know how crazy the holidays are. You have to get all the trimmings for the ross clark. You have to talk to the evil hand, lord and answer his riddles, and I don't do the preparations for the holidays. Okay, but I've seen it and I've seen other people go crazy and that's what ray con trying to fix or recon is here to make your everyday routine. Now much better at this holiday season by adding the funk ray khan first made it
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they sell out terms and conditions apply. Now one of the big misconceptions about the perhaps mccoy feud was that every hatfield hated every mccoy and that a fight or a gun battle was likely to break out between them if they ever crossed paths. Now this was true for some, but not the majority kinda, unfortunately cause. I love the idea of like every hadfield hate error like it's. Like you picture gangs of new york, like they feel like these two huge, like t gangs, these teams all got clubs and bats and they're across the river and they're about to fucking, doesn't pump pawn each other like it's a big british battle, but that's just when we covered biggie and tupac. There are all these various these types of things you start to see like more complicated, much more. Most people just trying to live their lives not not being in a bloody feud. Also their stop that many other people around
It's not amulets hundreds in certain harsher fighting, there's enough and hanging. That is a small area, and so they would meet together as a community fairly often, but it was poor giant special events. It just below hang yet the idle and then every court every time they have like a country court thing they all get to show up at hang out do budget. It was kind of an excuse. Hang out like what we do with work, many of the hat fields him boys actually intermingled and enter married, and most of them didn't participate in the future at all speaking, a random checks, his popularity, even within his own family. Only one third of his force were real. Mccoy is so to speak and even those were essentially bullied into participating. The main reason why people started coming to random mccoy side was because the hat fields were too powerful for mccoy to be in and so many of these guys had experience with guerrilla combat civil war. The feud was never going to stop.
while some awful resolution against a hat fields could be reached, but then that calls in the government- and then they get to do with whenever they want gap with your land yeah. Now, as far as why the happier we're more powerful than the mccoys it all came down to a crooked land deal that would come back to bite, devil anse in the ass years after the swindle went down now. This is where we had deep into marcus territory, but I mean it's it's important, As for where you know just remember, you know this is history. You gotta learn it now. Land deals are part of the lab apps. I absolutely arm. If you didn't know, about the land deal. The rest of the story is not going to make any fucking sense. All I know is big hats. Longer yeah see there had been a man and the tug fort valley named Jacob klein, nicknamed rich jake, presumably because he owned six thousand, The latins a lot of land is nearest neighbor was devil, ants hadfield
at the time had no land other than a small plot, where his cabin, what those cause his father for some reason, cut him out of the legacy and he gave land equal amount of land to all the rest of his brothers. he didn't get anything they mostly. They can just because he was an asshole while they they become well, maybe not asshole, but uncontrollable. While he again, he was while daily use very wild needed, you couldn't trust of alliance. His name is devil, didn't live, again. These names anderson, Yes, it is as though you eventually the devil any aircraft apart, but after rich jake died, the land ass to his son perry Klein, but I recline is of may and that does not belong in this either. It sounds like somebody on designing women lawyer. Perry glowing did eventually become an attorney bearing up after a lot of legal maneuvering, bullying and palm greasing devil ants. Snatched five thousand perry Klein six thousand inherited acres
can double as one of the largest landowners in the valley, virtually overnight perry klein moved to the near city became turning and would later side with mccoy, oh yeah, slowly waited Atlanta was now the owner of thousands of acres of forest, which turned him into a relatively small time timber baron and it would be his loyal for years and those who had an economic interest in devil answers timber operation, who would make up a large part of the hatfield force in the few, this is definitely where you get the sort of the sleepy history part, but it is
slightly interesting and extreme. Not theirs is extremely when I learned after all, not family members, it it's like random. My back, I was counting my back, which is that before this time period often times when people move into the appalache an area, they would gather sustenance from the forest, and it would you wild hog raising where the hordes of god the force and then they would go and find them and try to get em too to slaughter and they would go and find their own individual hogs. Now this is when it started to change where they realize, instead of getting or sustenance from the forest. The force itself would be our money making area I up our commodity because right around the time, the devil s got a hold of the timber. This was after the civil war and if your mom during the civil war
A building got burned down there, ya do shit, got destroyed and a lot of shit needed to be reconstructed. So therefore, having a timber operation on the fucking border of the confederacy has been one of those big fuckin money. Yes, but there are in kentucky was burned down everything. Bernd I mean this is like sherman's march sherman. I mean that was georgia, but still, and he had to get there yeah, but when it comes to the long simmering resentments that actually lead to the hatfield, mccoy feud we're actually going to travel back to the civil war, I feel like I feel it, the good and the tin yeah we're going to go back to the point. Before devil ants became a landowner for randall mccoy got pissed off Adam. We are now in eighteen. Sixty three
this is a sound of eighteen and now we're going to get into the aforementioned guerrilla warfare that occurred on the borderline between the union and the confederacy. I e the tug valley. He during civil war kentucky remained in the union, while Virginia succeeded to the confederacy, but in eighteen, sixty three west Virginia s, seated from the confederacy too He joined the union, which is why we still virginia and west virginia. Tonight's, a little fat that charter level that very split down the middle yeah. It was like it was technically union, but it was also a half. The motherfuckers were confederacy people. However, that's where you get into the brother verses, brother, shit, yeah yeah, that's we get to the guerrilla warfare matter. water, with a gary yeah gloria, my
one virginian soldiers switch sides. The union when west Virginia was created, but other as remained in the confederacy and became x, the ordinarily violent and effective guerrilla fighters. Basically, this is vietnam and appellation as a testament to how dangerous and brutal the tug valley in particular was future president James garfield, then a union colonel wrote that the people of the valley excelled at bloodletting and he was shocked by the quote bitter remorseless killing shocked that man I would be used that orange. How we didn't have odious is vp as soldiers had they so much time. Uganda is, have you every fuckin, diana normal, a secretary of state and their criminal in a classic so bored testimony? And if we,
they get the obligatory can burn of or music. While I read that I just every single hatfield, the mccoy documentary makes me feel like I'm waiting online to go on splash mount ends Is that a bad thing, I'm just saying yeah the store the hatfields, because it's a lot more complicated than you think. Do you know what I learned recently? You know the difference between a violin and a fiddle
those played by racist per one hundred times more expensive than my cousin about my own ears, yonder bull, fantastic. Villiers, whereby new fiddle I'd think I love it will be just a good joke and how can I get through with james guarantee? You will have the musical member deems garfield. Had this to say about his campaign in the tug valley, we were there to root out the infernal devil that has made this value home with things converted this warrant. black hole in which the murder, any man, but any soldier from envy lost or eventually james garfield. Eighteen sixty one
tv. A lot of the music is so I was watching documentary documentary. Just You have before you. we are on the roof if there was no roof, yeah all my aunts but home yeah. I love that musical notes suggested by some historians that it was confusion of living in the border lands that added kindled the fire when the feud came twenty years later, because somewhere union and some more confederate, but in reality, loyalties were even within the families themselves, there were hatfield who fought for the confederacy and hatfield who fought for the union and even within the feud forces. Twenty years later to mccoy separatism,
did serve the union while another was a dyed, more confederate, but as far as random mccoy, when we even know who he supported or if he even cared at all, who were, You don't want to be involved yet, although it could be infer that he was poor probably a union man, because he was buried at a cemetery named after a union colonel who hired free black men and led union forces. That was a huge. I mean that that was a huge, huge thing in post civil war, america. I might be wrong. So please cite series. L, p, o t, l a gmail dot com, but it did seem to be at the time period. The sentiment is that if you're not choosing a side, you're choosing the union uribe, that's the that's. What you're? That's, how the confederates viewed it as your your wheat, because they are highly passionate about slavery and everybody else was not also. I imagine where, from I mean, I'm probably wrong when I say this, but wasn't attack that much just because of all the fuckin mouth
The hills I mean. Who knows, I feel I daresay enough for the guerrilla warfare comes yeah yeah, but, apart from all that random mccoy, thirty five when the war started and had no interest in serving at his age devil. Ants, meanwhile, was twenty one. When the war broke out, he ended up fighting for the confederacy, but not for the reasons you might think to show just petty, complicated and nonsensical. People's participation in the civil war could be on the border, lands, devil and problem. we would have joined the union side if not for the fact that he'd been accused of being a confession. spy by a union general before he made the decision, so devil ants join the confederacy, not because you wanted to defend the institution of slavery, because no one in the area could afford to even have them indeed,
Did he joined out of fear of what freed black people, man where's? That was what people who'd couldn't afford: slaves that that was part of their reasons for finally arrived, but they were so far from fuckin anything not nor did he joined for so called states rights, which is what a lot of other people said like we want to have the right to do whatever the fuck we want to do, even if it is slavery and he didn't do it to defend his and from invaders at least at first, which is what other guys used as a justification for fighting for the confederacy. True to form concern his later thirst for revenge, devil ants joined the confederate army for no reason more complicated than personal grudge, I got a reason fuck yeah
You know a man. You say that and now I, like I'm thinking about the fact- and I am esters you fought in the civil war, admittedly for the confederacy that goddamn, I can see a rough finance s remind saint exactly that vodka thought partially there really was won by god, was that I hear people were afraid of any form of massive systemic change. Yes, and so the idea that it would be a kind of saying here, the idea of like any change, they want to kind of fight against because they want to make their way to change about the situation. They got specially devil ants. You got a pretty fuckin sweet, even always got his book is working as well at twenty one. He actually at this point. He had nothing. Oh yeah, he he's back when he when he was twenty one years old before he got all the land way before. Yeah, no, I yeah no back that no he's just a he's full of piss and vinegar yeah, that's basically it he wants to fight for somebody, but he does
now, for who more or less than vinegar I mean you realize you wants to five or somebody he's a violent person, but Does it really know which one to choose and tell a union general seize him from across the river ngos? That says a confederate spy go get em and there's a chase the deadlines gets. And by the time he gets away. He says fuck up yet and goes enjoys. The can at our seas, say that really good may have to be because I've heard that raise many times here on my life. Yet I know these axles, I get the fight. The parks, family, cress might as well just say: fuck yeah see jersey, it's more fuck. These mother forget eyes on the outskirts of further proving that debt. France had no real loyalty to the confederacy he and forty four,
men deserted the confederate army after the battle of gettysburg? Some say it was because devil ass had been ordered to hunt down and execute his uncle for desertion. More likely, devil lance and the other deserters had seen after gettysburg. The south is probably going to lose. The war sounded like the battle of gettysburg. Was it like who sounds like bad israel. Basically, a hundred thousand people are some shit. I don't know the exact body count, but it's it's not as bad as like antietam, like I think, that's the most. That's the most american lives lost in a single day is an anti at him, but everyone, any sort, was very bad, these civil war battles are like not the infrastructure is, in my days of fucking, just people lay in their scream and bleed yeah horses dead, every so many dead horse, bad that I dont, even I feel even doing the reenactment looks like an orbit
and hard yeah I'll be more. Men died from disease than from battles which I've said is worse. You think that's worse than fucking, just getting shot man, it's really bad yeah. Well, as I said, you know, devil anse after leesburg and all these other guys they saw the south's gonna, lose the war and considering the scorched earth tactics employed, During sermons march, a year later, devil ants and his men were turned a tug fork to defend it from you in tat. And so once devil ants returned a tug fork. He formed a six hundred men guerrilla ban called the logan wildcat luckier. Their purpose. They claim was defend the vow against avenging union troops, which was indeed a problem, as it always is when ms marched through populated areas just because their union doesn't mean they're morally sound day, our armies, their armies, had we I'll give you get good number one gone, the funeral. I am against EU nude soldier number. Two we're gonna play the world's largest game.
the dragged the snakes, but while protection against the other side is understandable, logan, wild cats and other borderline guerrilla groups like them, also terrorized and murdered families in the tug valley who supported the union. Even if those people were just in their own business, trying to eke out living in the middle of an active war zone, but he's you know we're not hero yeah. This is not really the time period. Do the thing. We have a sign out fraud that says like choose love. This house chooses beer. I need to go to possess, chooses barrier. This is like renee XL wagner, cold mountain time. Read I never sought at
It's horrible gay, reese, witherspoon son, I wasn't worries- was that it was the cold kidman air raid geiger one. Even I called could have an older. That's offers a kind of this mountain hyperbole, but, as it happen, the most ruthless I'm sorry reese witherspoon also I may they attacked you. Yes, you did just attack riyos come on the show, no church of orissa peace. She has actually she's fine but, as it happens, the most roof A blog and wild cats was the very uncle that devil answered supposedly been ordered to execute. That was devil answers go on his mother's side, bad Jim vance, reportedly bad Jim had occurred.
and that seemed to be fairly common and appalachian that caused his eyes to bolt from his head and roll around on their own accord. But as people who knew him put it, he could draw a pistol faster than a copper a good strategy. You give me a cry out: traviata draw guns, so vast, I don't care that. I don't know where the paper it. In other words, his condition made him a tough son of a bitch, because he most likely grew up beaten. The shit out of kids, who made fun of that's great train and continued to strike whenever necessary, as an adult against anyone stupid enough to crack wise about his eyes. I stick. Butkus he's got that horrible name and its kick everyone's ass. Well, Well, yeah you can't handle yeah deep pockets had to turn into a guy to kick the shit out of people rp. I think he will. I think he wanted to fucking go for because he couldn't he. we went for richer, about get yeas like about on comic
it is nice, and so after leaving another guerrillas. Called general witches raiders. Who were no The slaughter union supporters on mass and raise farms while flying a black flag, bad Jim, join his nephew devil, ants Hatfield and the logan wild cats seemingly the wild cat, spent more time searching for targets than they did defending against union troops. even though there were a lot of guys and tugged fork who had joined the union. The IRA, logan wild cats and therefore the ira behalf fields became focused on a man named harmon morocco nah. I don't know why everyone has to come out, may be home and mccall. Ah well simple: what was he harmon awe and leader? I think he was a colonel I'm just a little bit. Of course, why everybody so mad at the harm
mccoy got on devil, anse his bad side, because harmon was the guy who chased after devil and when the union general said, hey, there's a spy over there yeah, that's the reason yeah, the whole reason remember. That's the whole reason why devil anse joined the fucking, confederacy yeah, ok, now devil anse might have been able to forget the accusation, but Horman had also shot one of devil anse. His friends in the chest, and stolen his horses that, although it battle now now so devil, ants first track down the general who accused him of espionage. She started clean and house He shot him in his home while he was taken a piss in his chamber pot. That's like old school. That's gangster bucket shit, yeah! That's just walk in a behind some one and pop at him. In the back of his fucking general. Do yeah attends crazy, and this is why the wars like still happening- I mean, though its winding down its near the end of it, but still pretty soon. After logan wildcats, tracked down harmon mccoy and attempted to assess
ass, an atm while he was drawn water from his well after feel in a bullet with past his face, harmon quickly gathered supplies and fled to a nearby cave to wait things out soon, an upside down. From MR, like a cat tat, not a bad. I am not a bad. Was this a good lucky? This is actually I dont know if this is the okey side of the west Virginia gives a good ducky, close scenario driving this is all borderline stopped to its close enough to not make much of a different naga are what is model Stay lie like calms down, blood being spill, new otto, but just as soon as harmon mccoy started, making his way home, he found logan wild cats had been waiting and he was subsequently shot and killed. Devil aunt said
He had nothing to do with the murder of harmon mccoy, claiming that he was sick at home and bad at the time to achieve an factors. be devil, answers, alibi again and again throughout the few that he couldn't possibly be held responsible because he was at home with the sniffles when such and such murder occurred. You bitch is ever have allergy. Even so it was probably bad Jim bans who had killed, harmon mccoy, There was not, however, sufficient evidence to prosecute, especially since there was the matter of the ongoing civil war, which ended just three months after harmon mccoy was killed. It's a time that I imagine lotta scores were getting some oh yeah yeah because it acres truly these guys were even know the wars of not not yet no one's lookin, oh yeah, sure dead body. The news hasn't gotten to you you're, so fighting a war, but the fact that begged him bans problem
It killed harmon mccoy that didn't stop one of the main antagonists in the feud to come. Random mccoy from blaming devil, anse, see randall mccoy was harmon. Mccoy's brother just absorb this yeah. Remember this as we go there. So there are some names. You did a fantastic job of slim out some of the night. There aren't many motherfuckers. This is like expert level game, a throne shed. He asked yes, so just to remember surrogate devil, ants he's the main. Do that's babylons hadfield that wrong roused act would now robert sec. What's his name, I read Harry. stanton, though the guide for they cannot looks like carrying now, which would all the good stock star got net stark robert seconds old, mysteries, ned stark right. He that's him right, lance out of the guinea once a star, the other guy,
the guy from the island town. No, I would say that if anyone know my helping, no, no, I don't even know if we're going to such as the epp, we're gonna laid out. I would save if we did transposing the game, sounds devil. Ants would probably be a I'm the one that land a stir. Yet they are the land it yet again it money. Yet what the long way under the one with the money Yeah I would say the mccoy would probably be god the add the people on the sea, the island, p, island people, yeah yeah, because they ain't got shit for shit yeah, but their better bear very better in their very tough yeah. So we got out by a kind of sort of works. Not helpful. The small, did you forget too? stem start com to your holiday wishlist. Last year you get going, it tells Santa what you need stem cells.
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gee, lp dotcom, slash last part, will starting in eighteen. Sixty six random coy began harassing devil, ants hadfield, with frivolous lawsuits over farm animals in such and such there were basically just meant to annoy devil lands and avalanche return. The favour with frivolous law suits of his own. This back in went on for thirteen year, Ghana and while devil ants became one of the largest landowners in the area, with the acquisition of rich Jake Klein's property. In the meantime, random mccoy remained a curmudgeon with very little power and very little land. Yet this dude headed go and on yet a huge workforce. He was starting a bunch like they were like. It was a good day, the late. If this confusion medieval, yeah, you're gonna guy has like a fuckin like it's a feudal lords you're dealing with them.
Why they are so many nicknames when there was given that many people. I know it's crazy right. I did think about that. I feel that what are they didn't, what they did? Neff member? How trapper keepers used to allow us express our personnel are made. They don't have funny t, shirts and wrap knight, tat, adds and voices of my head say: don't shoot ryan. If you don't have those things right, so how do they express themselves? This is what they do now, so one guy just shows up and then also who knows you trip over a teapot. Your trip and t mobility great name for a turban t mcgill. According to the irish rapper yeah, I feel like it's straight up their version of me wearing in different kinds of shoes. Okay. Well. Likewise, Mccoy many sons had even less power than him, which was a situation that was not going to change and they knew it. This some believe was one of the driving factors behind the feud see. This was one of those times and places in american history, where the next generation was guaranteed to be one
soft than their fathers generation heard. That story baby in this is like thousand cross, the two thousand and eight yet, but back then it came as a consequence of the industrial revolution right in the middle of the hatfield, mccoy feud families. All with the tug valley, were being swindled out of their land because a massive coal vein been discovered in their backyard and more were cheated out of the land when it became known, sorry to build railroads to transport the call out of tug valley, black gunk texas, shit. Who is that guy's overgorged good is very dogmas of thebes the it was soon as they want that cool man I want. As soon as that call was to say was they said it was a thirteen foot wide vein. It was a extrude. I mean this was but I got really there
were you had a lotta angry young men like random mccoy sons with no purpose no future and no hope which, as we know, almost always results in mass violence? Woodstock? Ninety nine I don't know where to go. There are definite. Do there's no war, you had no water, it's hard. They had fred durst. The businessman said that backwards cap red dirt. Actually, if you could distill it all down to one song, it would be break stuff. Yeah. Oh yes, go bad fred, fred, durst see these boys were looking for something to make them a hero, something to set him apart. Something to make them feel
anything but despair, but they also did a bunch of years of guerilla warfare and how the fuck do you just telling them shut that off in your fucking brain. While a lot of these kids a lot of the younger kids, didn't they didn't participate, but they did have uncles and fathers who told them how to do yeah they're, all like richard ramirez, his uncle through, like the same style of like a cousin with a guy they came in and deke souk explain how violence is, showed him. The pictures like here is a picture of me. Raping vietnamese woman, here's a picture of her head off do anything of light. Four meals, you a thing ass. I heard him instead of using the participating in feuds, I e gang warfare. That was the easiest way to reach this goal, feeling anything else, feeling some sense of purpose and a lot of people and appellation would died as a result. This of course benefited nobody, but the very industry,
Willis, who are destroying their way of life? Oh yeah, they just watched them all fight and they know we're going to bring my big old government's boon and I'm going to skiddaw. I'm gonna drink your fuck at milkshake yeah, the constant murderous feud boon. This news dinner spoon yermil. Forget your spoon fuck you, both constant murderous, viewed, allow companies to frame the theft and destruction of appalachia as bringing civilization to the savage whites of the mountain. it could be seen as a sort of large scale. Industrial gentrification look at how bad there fuck it up. We gotta come in and fix it. We got two. Therefore, people outside of appellation actually applauded the changes taking place
seeing it as progress, because the ensuing media coverage of the happy mccoy feud portrayed them all as backwards barbaric, hillbillies. Well, barbarian was the word used a lot rear I've. These people yellow their behavior, now know it did not by still day you know they just had our coal and there a lot of people in we all can boston. It would be like, oh that, cold mighty fine over here, but as far as the appellation people went the few themselves were somewhere between a problem and a welcome distraction, in other words, in an area where churches in schools were limited and very few people knew how to read. Feuds were entertainment, see well a lot of people and appellation didn't participate in the feuds directly, they loved fall, they loved talking about it
basically, a reality, tv show where you could conceivably get killed if you're not careful put differently, while the people of appellation were busy with distractions. The industrialists took their lands bit by bit and before the people, a west virginia knew it. They had gone from independent mountains. to wage slaves. Just ass, easy really want so to look Both these stow got. Sixteen don't worry you get another day would around
but when you get our doing either alone to tell me, I go oh, my soul, to the combination that all do very depressing. You should see once these people had no choice but to become coal minors. They were paid in scrip, which could only be spent at the store owned by the company. They worked for that's a tennessee ernie fortress talkin about this made escape from poverty or even escape from the area impossible. Dick is now you got appalachian bucks you after that inescapable fate, reverberated down through the generations, and that's partly why west Virginia now has the highest rate of opium overdoses and the nation by a cunt
my and that's how they have feel the mccoy feud, we'll head to the open, your weight epidemic and appalache. I absolutely side with the opinion that the feud between the hat fields and the mccoy is a far more consequential piece of american history and what people think it is, especially when you consider that this area of the country is more or less the cradle of the current opiate ibm just watch the wild and wonderful whites of west virginia? Yes, yes, but you know what it's like: a smoke screen happier mccoy feud story, sort of a smoke screen over what really happened, whereas we have this like super interesting, violet feud which were covering because it's fun and we love history, but whereas you were coming underneath it it's this like it's, how the people, with a broad view, view, do what they were going to due to this small part of the country because they were just rolling under the wheels of manifest destiny yeah. Like in even like you. We talk a lot about west virginia, but kentucky is a sad ass place too. I mean like I've been there. Grass is blue,
thank you, but the consequential nature of the feud makes the overall catalyst all that more ridiculous, because, while there of life was slowly crashing down around their ears, they were all sitting around arguing about a god I am happy that we have to be fair hogs that was serious business to mountain folk haven't plenty. A poor could be the difference between life and death. During appellation winners and hogs made up a large portion of a farmer's wealth because they could be sold for cash during our times it was an set as a local saying, went because every part of the haug was used in some way or another after slaughter. The only thing we wasted was the squeal yeah yeah yeah. I did
real by good. I bet you would bear that's all to say that hogs, aft and tugged valley was near akin to horse theft out west, although the way farmers kept their hogs left ownership, pretty easy to muddle and therefore open accusation and argument. What's both about over over moliere. Already has two sides to it: cause there's one side of life, but we all know each other stuff, but also the other side, as we all know, each other stuff. These pigs were marked hey a while we'll get to that year. In a second see, since the razorback hogs raised by the farmers of appalachia were territorial, they were left to wander and forage in the forest that sir their farms during the spring and summer and then in the fall, they were heard at home for fattening and slaughter seems like such a flock of pain in the ass we have to ensure that you do, though, where you are, but I still do that they must have gotten the forest, and now my family still does that you let them out in the past year and then, when you need them, if you needed being about given again medication,
I put in a better stuff, like literally there's, like other pigs that are like in a pen and ship, but these are wild of these aren't these are all their heads, yeah there's these are all yet how your family doesn't go like could without really I mean this, I thought that a farmer would go. He has he wakes up the bee wakes up the rancher and he gives They worry that guy's, because I love you didn't get me slops em up. Either they hang out all day right. They do it ever pigs. Do it and then I thought he put them to sleep. They don't know how to read. You would come and literally go hugged them and sing them, but I thought that they would have to do a train. Why don't know from eggs, but I know with cattle like we, but they are set out under the pasture too great. You leave my young every night air. No, they stay out there, so you never bring back. It sometimes do when, when the, Well now we know nokia when your want, at least when its cabin season, when you
to get you when you have to medicate him have to get back scenes or anything like that when you're gonna take how did you are led by their honour to live out their well yeah and then sometimes you gotta go out and you gotta get on a horse and you gotta go find it oh well yeah, because you go and you count cause. You do count the cows every day I got the big bang. Ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven great that not the ninety nine mission and you know, by the ear tags you know like up. Ninety eight missing gotta go? Look for. Ninety eight decide on pain and a guy is one of the waters is the job of it. Barracuda are great, yet are yet great give me they loved. They absolutely love it. Let em, but to make sure that you didn't confuse your neighbors haug for your own.
Farmers made individual notches on the hogs ear to identify a welcome to fuck and agriculture corner everybody. I worry I'll, be all of your f f a membership as he does it get is a mark was when I was born. My mother put some stripes. Oh my year, like I never got to far less like that's my heart, liver. Besides that, though most farmers were said to be able to identify their hogs by sight alone, and this is how random boy, came into conflict with floyd hatfield one day, whilst randal Mccoy was searching for a missing haug? He passed by floored have builds farm and thought that he recognized the missing hog amidst floyd's hogs, and so a hearing was convened, preacher, ants, hatfield, cabin to sell out who this hall belong ha just this was apparently the social event of the sea
and, as seemingly the whole valley descended upon this cabin wearing their sunday best to go see where this hog was going to end up. I feel like this is the perfect example of when you could do the thing of, and so I will split this whole guinea have had their while he gave them all right. He takes out immediately, sit at an actually wanted I think one of them coils later said like if they would just barbecued that hog up, we could be saved a lot of trouble. Yeah barbecue it up spot, and indeed when the hearing convene, the haug in question was trotted inside and placed in middle of the cabin, so arguments could be made concerning who was gonna go home with the heart now ass, I ought to say ass. I say we need well the hall on the stand, MR hogg, or is it mrs hall? Let me see, oh god. Of course he misses. How can you point towards
rough alone. God damn it. Mrs Haug, about economic marry, you have sobered city. This is obvious. we're latterly everyday, oh, my god, shrunken top up this is what we all ass. I do need to get the squeals like that is very important that some people upon that more random mccoy notches on its ears. Others said that the notches we're so disfigured ass to be unrecognizable. while some even tried arguing that there were no notches at all and not just how the hogs ears were just cut the ear off it faded Don't just make a break. one in the middle of all. This was, as I said, devil lances, good, natured, counterpart preacher ants, who did not want to take personal responsibility for declaring ownership of this hot pussy. Well I mean it was a hard.
Even at this point before the feud even started. It was not a good idea to take sides between the happier than the mccord. Even if you are a hadfield or mccoy preacher answer just he's a good natured amanda. He does not want trouble. I just what they call your. He also couldn't get anyone to serve on the jury, because if the mccoy one, the hat fields, might punish the jurors economically, but if the happy swan than the mccoy were likely yet violent because they were, according to one study scientifically violently, keep ethic, That is one of the more interesting wrinkles in this tale. Actually came over a hundred years after the feud in two thousand and seven as chairman and indo chronology has published a study show, that modern mccoy suffer from a hereditary disease called bonn, hippo Lindau syndrome, petulant, asshole flu
this syndrome produces small tumors all over the body, but, interestingly, seventy fibres, of the modern mccoy tested had tumors on their adrenal glands, which cause their production of adrenalin too greatly greece and this increase in adrenalin, of course, caused regular violent outburst. You think this is why hold'em tournaments such an ass, make it all and his fucking grandparents were first causing is now. I want you to give your shave the top of his love, to be allowing grew fence at length. Weaning lumps on a person do not make them happier. I know it's these to a big debts, but do your mom's make you happy they make me me. Isn't that the best answer you can give me that
fuckin also yeah yeah right on my adrenal gland generally? What might have caused a lot of their just like what are we gonna? Do This exploitation doesn't quite however, why the higher yields were also extremely violent by considering other too far please intermarried so much prior to the feud, it's possible that this syndrome was present on both sides of the conflict, especially when you consider a lot of participants were an official hat fields or official mccoy it just this fuckin syndrome is just an thereon. Yeah, yeah preacher, ants Hatfield eventually figured out a way to kick the can down the road by appointing six hat fields and six mccoy to the jury, hoping that all my vote down family lines and hang the case did. Where does the picked up that
I don't think he was thinking that never forget barbecue vision, the everybody keeps saying that's what they said. They said if they would have done that, and we could have avoided all this. However, yet we could, I beg, could have avoided All this in west virginia would now be like fuckin atlantis. How would you know what strategy hands on yeah However, after a man named bill statements, war that he saw floyd hatfield, not the haug hints with his own eyes, one of them a coils sided with the hadfield saying randal didn't have any evidence to counter bill statements. Testimony more likely, though this mccoy sided with the hat fields, because he'd fought with the logan wildcats with death
lands during the civil war and two of his sons worked on devil answers. Timber crew- additionally devil lance awarded this mccoy, a hundred and twenty acres of land after the trial jack shit. You know what, interesting. You kind of reminds me a lot of john gaudy. Can I watch a john gaudy documentary, that's on netflix and cause that's what he did when he first got off on the first like series, racketeering, charges, John gaudy, very publicly paid off like forgers Leon, sixty k, apiece now look here, and so floyd hatfield got behalf although from that day forward, until the day he died, he had to live with the name hog, floyd hat, Joseph you're. Only is there a way for me to talk to some judge You are my god. You're testified test. he got the ha. That's because you got argue became hog focus all done,
I applaud happier all watch out for him. He is going to make bills. Think about is how he got one more guy gets defensive line minutes a great nickname, floyd hatfield all sounds like a fuckin place for alabama yeah just eats from there. The feud came in fits and starts mostly in the form of rock throwing it was a lotta rock throwing. You know what to do with them and half hearted gunfights between boats on the river that wouldn't have been out of place in a trailer park. Boys episode, like you know when they get into gunfights and get shot, know like time out for yeah, but each time a hatfield got his ass, kicked by a mccoy or hatfield would return the favor and vice versa, mat towel. He I believe, eye for an eye makes
Everyone blind gandhi, said that while he was fucking a little girl, she was like yeah. What mother teresa was in the corner saying she deserved it. He was going to be closer to god, after fucking god for me, but in the fall after the hog trial, the few finally came down to murder when random occurs. Nephew squirrel sam mccoy bets guess why that's who you would play in my lp yeah say that, because I did such a stellar job with Thomas Joe and you imagined them to be the same people as absolutely that cousins will squirrel hunting sam, goin on nicknamed scorns mccoy, yes, cartridges, squirrel Michael squirrel, hunt sam Imagine he would take. You would take issue with squirrel because he kill squash us,
the obviously has no love for squirrel because he got his name because he'd walk the same twenty five mile stretch road every day, just to hunt squirrels. Sometimes he kill one hundred squirrels in a day. They'd show up at the church and say: hey: I got you d squirrels. He goes there room community, better, the worst world. I do find the interesting I've actually had many people talk about blinking squirrel eating squirrel. I think it's one of those yuki intervening on where you're at in the country, and especially in the appalachia area. If you eat squirrel, you kind of get a taste for it. Now. Imagine your chicken wings of the forest, well, squirrel hutton, SAM mccoy crossed paths with bill state and whose testing If you remember that supposedly swayed the turncoat mccoy daring, the haug trial,
bell state and by the way, wasn't even a hatfield by blood. His sister was married to Allison Hatfield, devil anse, his brother and since devil lance was a local mover and shaker state and, of course, hitch. his wagon to the happy old plan or yes, always happened. A lot bill state and is just like are like he's a hanger on his part of asia, by marriage. She's in that he's in the half feel family by mary scrip by association short term, that concerning the confrontation between squirrel huntin, sam and bill, stating it's impossible to know who the actual aggressor was, but according to sam and his brother, paris, mccoy, it was built stating who decided to take out to mccoy that day, but considering state and role in the haug trial. I think it's more likely
macao toys shot first or state was distressed. Like a squirrel terms, I think no one knew then he was out there sexually. This is my own. Turning to me saying that my personal That is wrong bill. Where bail. I'm not saying it's wrong that you think you're squirrel, I'm just saying we have one associate about specifically kill square with a kind of we should go for rooster. We gotta live all my people down on a geographical barriers.
Yeah you're, going to need to go to dogs in a bathtub yeah, but as the story goes and dean king's book bill state and hid behind a bush when he saw sam, when he saw salmon paris come and companies even act like a squirrel. He ambushed the tumor toys and hit paris in the hip. Paris fired back and hit stated in the chest after which the two of them drop the rifles and fought hand to hand as blood was just spartan out of their wounds go squirrel hutton sam, meanwhile, was aim in his pistol, but was hesitant to pull the trigger because you didn't want to hit his brother, but when bill state and sunk his teeth into paris
throw out civil year yeah, bowed to rip it out. Squirrel hunt sam, put the pistol for statements head and louis brains all over the appellation wilderness search war less hued squirrel so, we got caught. He brought it to the church, often have you started was being thought was be well after prying statements. Open salmon. Paris left the body where state and was killed. It was found. two days later: decomposed half eaten and nearly headless, and so the score was one hatfield and one mccoy check the over under
no, not exactly sure how it was known that squirrel hutton, sam in paris, mccoy where the killers but valentine hatfield, no to his friends as wall was the justice of the peace in the district, where the murder took place kind of feel like they just told people or other people. You know they came back. Mack tat are seldom call it about a happier gotta shell, the hayfield, technically essay. Fuck you, you won't have field issued warrants for the arrest of the two mccoy, but while paris was captured within a month, it took two years to track down. Squirrel hutton am because I'd imagine anyone named squirrel hutton, SAM's gonna be a slippery little feller. They were looking at the trees. Harder would be. If I was ever renting a house and on the form it said, like you know, like sam hatfield, you know like you know, they say you like. How do you want to be referred to squirrel hunting? I just feel like.
Sorry, we can't you can't be your heart and ran his garage sale and even harder to get rid of them both mccoy. However, acquitted on grounds of self defence. Although oral hatfield history maintains that it was devil ants, self, who arranged for their acquittals in the hopes that the feud would go no further. Even if that is true, though it only put a pause on proceedings, because a fateful election day was fast approaching election day and tugged fork was an important part learn and rock a social function. Well, just like we wanted to be with the matthews bay as one local put it election day was like a wedding without a pastor party, a key for surveillance. Legally and not allowed to go to keep her every one again, dressed in their sunday best farm
We came down from the mountains, they bought and sold horses. They bought and sold goods and they bought and sold votes. But it was also a drunken fuckin mass see. Voters were usually bought with whisky or, shine and because most people voted in the morning, every one was fuckin hammered by the afternoon. This is how we get people back to pulse, get into a big party like this or it's all the suckin and fuckin who drink in flight. Oh man, there was second important men picked up women, women picked up. Man say we do it now. You don't do that on election day, Why didn't I solemn remembrance, cleanse myself with the I do, a full, the animal a bourbon animal yeah. I need a couple devote for Biden at that. Honestly, it's fun! It's the creepiest vote. I've ever done, but as you get to vote for an actual skeleton yeah, it's funny to the body, do we need
if you have to do it, I've just got to do it. Do it or at these electric days, fights broke out constantly and fiddlers and banjo pickers soundtrack the whole thing, because this is before the advent of bluegrass, So this is a different type of pickin banjo pan and fell in the hut, mumford and sons without the corporate footing. Shit yeah, my dad's yeah from new york live. trying to connect with a friend is native languages in english I have on somewhere where people won't speak english and you want to learn the language. The nurse a stone is for you. I really was never able to travel outside of america until we started talking with they show, but man I'll. Tell you this when you travel. If you'll learn like four phrases, maybe five but people you talk to another country's. They appreciate it have a better time regime
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and had the best liquor in the highest quantity. Usually a variety of moonshine called apple jack. Their candidates were often the ones that got elected now. State authorities did try to put an end to this by issuing dozens of indictments, but the hat. The old never served a sentence because most of the jurors drank hatfield, moonshine, and that was besides the fact that the hatfield were also heavily armed. This is back in the day when the second quarter quote whatever would become the save. The second amendment meant something because you have the same guns that the government have not like you not against massive robot bodies, drones and tanks yeah, but on election day. Eighteen, eighty two- it was more of a problem of too much apple jack than to many guns, not of course led to the escalation of the happier mccoy feud. Now by this point, random mccoy had wrapped up a fair number of grievances against the happy.
Once there was, of course, the matter of the ha just, but that wasn't. The only thing that bothered randall, Allison Hatfield had testified against squirrel hunting, SAM Mccoy and his brother, paris, during their murder trial. Even though everyone was saying it was self defense, the land snatch that may devil anse powerful, had always rub random mccoy the wrong way, and there was a fair amount. Jealousy here cause he also was fucking good technical exhorted. Take it by force feeding ways, not a nice man now, and there had even been a sort of romeo and juliet situation between devil answer, son, John c and random stuff. A roseanne naturally healed everything. Honestly, though, that story is far too high located in long ago into, but suffice to say it did not end well for the mccoy with Nancy, eventually marrying roseanne his cousin nancy, but only after he leaped rosanna till temporarily shut. cup, with sex worker named bell. Beaver love, her my name's bow
belle, be your minds, chop, suey I'll, be fine, upheld the presidency, great molest them really asia is, but that's all say that random boy who is known as a constant complainer, had spent gears knowing his many violent sons, all about how terrible the hatfields were, and on election day. Eighteen. Eighty two, the hatfield but got caught up in that hatred was devil anse. His brother, ellison hatfield, is so exciting. We have nothing like this. I think we have a lot like that. You mean violent local,
image is breaking out in a constant murders. This is, I think, happening all over america everyday constantly. Have you not been a little rock nuts and bill, and hillary brought me on that cocaine airplane? Do you remember when that, like whole family killed the other family in that little town in ohio? A couple of years ago, wow I didn't hear about the bull I'll, bring it up on next time. I'm outside story perfect now, as I said, election day was always a drunken mess to begin with, but when for random, Why sons arrived they were already liquor up and re to throw down those sons were bail, toll bert. an farmer with a farmer with a ph. Not an idea is that the name yeah farmer, mccoy known one version of this. Worried. The mccoy brothers were causing trouble, racing up and down the roads on their horses and shout nonsense. Yeah Tolbert, for example, jumped off his horse and shouted tat somehow go fuck. You
but to that ellison hadfield, who didn't think much of tolbert retorted with quote diane shit out now shit hog, that's real thing and a great fuckin insult, but shit hogs jesse. You know shit hogs urged togs that self through the manure left behind by other hogs in search of undigested grain. The tasty. What's double stuff. Then the fight of course proceeded from there. The version of the story, though, which is no less stereotypical toby, was havin again and old time, but bans into a banjo layer upon the occasional buck dance and what you know about danton is, as we shake your button. Stop you feed a buck. Dance, oh but say lots dancing. Well, I didn't. I tell billy tap dance. Ok, that's almost like it's the music
they are exactly. I gotta go that example of its busk. Anson, that's book dance. Yet the leader of the wild I wonder if why systems he was known for I know what buck dancing fuck, that I explain to you buck dancing. Was you pulled up a video for our podcast houses? Yeah, nothing says you gotta love to see you try buck dancing, it's difficult, it's difficult, not just clipping and clamping it sliding as well. It's just fun to see yeah, it is fun see, but you know about his lab. bad ones. It did use it for its how we're picking is foreign western while well, there is an official buck dancing platform here and toby was up. There shown office skills when a have the name. Black Elias tried, join in and told her, however, drunk as he was started. Shouting
black Elias owed him money for a fiddle which black Elias maintain was a debt that had already been paid. You owe me for the fuckin fiddle fuck. You know, I don't fuck you. I gave you fiddle fucking money, tv programmes a great name in october last year, You asked me for my opinion, but I just told her pocket told you: u S, people,
I think that er audience at home should pause the podcast right now and just say: fuck, you told feel real good for you, yeah somebody black black Elias than puts in the the chin and fighting suit, which ended when tolbert, not black, eliza out cold, but after black Elias went down, ellison hatfield stepped in tolbert, allegedly called ellison across between a gorilla in a pole cat, oh I ain't come on a compliment. I was a guy agrees me, a bed, a cross between a gorilla and a skunk is a terrifying thing to behold: fucking spray. It rip your face off that spray shit le lumps your fucking mouth and so the fight began, but pretty quickly both men pulled out a couple of notches,
now by you might have like a switchblade. Are hunting knife in mind when a picture, their weapons, these guys were Holden little folded, jack, knives, third pillar closer to shift the machete. Ok, regardless, though both sorted swipe it at each other. Blades of the crowd botched by reducing our ball. Balboa album, but toolbox all are in quicker than allison gazelle. Sends you Saudi guerrilla here Toby got the first stab, although the blade deflected off allison can you got it a little bit lower, might kill them, since it was just a mere flesh, wound no
allison returned with a swipe to pull birds, fates, creating a gash the went from toll birds ear to the top of his forehead, but when the two of them crash together to grapple alison's jackknife closed on his own fingers, removing a weapon from the equation that, however, didn't stop the much larger ellison whatsoever, who not told her to the ground with his heavily bleeding fists, but his ellison put one hand albert's throat and punch torbert in the chest, with the other colbert stab ellison sighed over and over with jackknife shredding, elephants, hip and stomach, and to make matters worse. Torbert younger brother bill mccoy cowardly, stab alison while Toby was on the ground,
and ran away, but even though ellison had twenty seven stab wounds, he still had enough strength to grab at ten pound rock that he was just about to use to smash colbert skull. That, however, is when farmer mccoy, who had thus far only been a bystander pulled his revolver and shot ellison in the back. That's for making fun of man. hey, yeah and yet ellison's still did not die. He wandered over to a tree and slumped down while the constable, a hatfield named matt, the first guy with the I'm a fucking name in the city, just matthew value. I feel I developed a time. Machine ha deep inside of my home, and now I'm here gazing upon the hatfield mccoys beginning of the few that my name's that he arrested farmer and tolbert mccoy as far as bill mccoy.
He got away because he'd run off after stabbing ellison, unfortunately, for bills, brother, but though the two of them looked almost exactly alike so bud. Mccoy was arrested for his brothers crime. Also, a very old tie me thing back and have their now probably look the same year already now preacher ants hatfield, the man who'd, hosted the haug trial. He was now also the justice of the peace, so he had told bert, bud and farmer mccoy sent to pike veil twenty five miles away over the kentucky state line where the nearest jail was located. They didn't get far, however, before two hat fields caught up to them and convince the constables that the mccoy needed. tried and tug fork back in west virginia because that's where the murders had taken place so much chaos makes sense, though sorta, but still it's like a bunch of guys, show up and tell two cops: hey. Those guys are need to come with us and the two cops are like yep,
Yeah dudes were going to kill those cop, yes, thats. What I mean, but in one direction is a judge and in the other direction is devil. Anse, hatfield, yeah. and so the mccoy brothers were brought back to preacher answers house, which was the very place where the haug trial had taken place. A couple years prior, delicious we have our own european hog. Try resetting these home to death. yeah. I find this hog josie happy about. It do said the purpose loved your money.
Serious debate, devil ants, move the mccoy brothers to an abandoned schoolhouse declared that if his brother ellison lived, the brothers Mccoy would be returned to pike filled the stand trial, but he refused to say what would happen if his brother died and which of course, happened to agonizing days later. Damn that's a big while the fuck, a calf, anxious that the die in that time periods is general. Bad now takes long I'm not in the time between the fight and Alison's death, the mother of the mccoy brothers and random mccoy wife. Sarah mccoy she'd travelled to the abandoned schoolhouse to beg for mercy concerning her sons and response, devil ants promise that he'd bring her son back to kentucky alive, no matter what but devil ants made no promises as to what he, due to the Mccoy brothers once the state line was crossed, steady,
Just tell him he's gonna shoot or they have it doing all these sort of, like yeah I'll, definitely make sure they make it to kentucky. He just wanted to get rid of her yeah yeah, just yeah. I guess it not upset or you'd have to shoot her an ad now and so after ellison mccoy died, devil, anse and twenty of his henchmen, mostly his employees marched to bert budd and farmer, mccoy across the state line to a sinkhole where people tossed the carcasses of at dog place where we go, I thought we were gonna have the oh, oh, I know where we're going. This is the saddest place in the goddamn world. Oh this ain't, good, yeah, dead, dog hole. We go to that dog, never been the dug mud kentucky yeah. I think that our employees would ever allow us to march three other podcasters. get your own. When everyone knows that Macleod as we bring the smart blue sky
why is there no baby? The talks? and if any mister order. Please there be next up yeah, I think golden as you fuckin, say or yet its current mark fuckin tat, a god. Damn soft around back. The fuckers mouth about all. I don't wanna hear about how he's just is upset about this, as I thought you were included in this vigilant, Group was a young man named cotton, top mounts who was a bastard son of the recently deceased ellison hatfield, cotton top had the intelligence
an eight year old and had a highly unknowing last that irritated the other hat fields, but he was useful because he was also ink readily violent, high body count. It's probably made so once the majority group arrived at the simple in the dead of night, the three mccoy brothers were blue. in folded and tied to small pawpaw trees. For the firing squad, the commoner your own weight, the weight that now you're all going to sit here, we're going to wait hours, cotton top being the least respect- The hatfields was tasked with holding a lantern next to the condemned men, so the others could see where to shoot. God know we won't get you. We know that daddy we're going to have to shoot him in the head. I feel like I'm kinda close,
who, in the world Fire was given more than fifty shots, rang out, which ripped torbert and farmer mccoy to shreds, but no one had aimed at bud mccoy who was still trying to convince the vigilantes that it was asked his brother bill. Who would stab Alison runaway wants you, because she, because just think about this for a second, he was my brother, but it actually worked. Now now it was said that devil anse wanted to spare bud's life because they really could be sure if he was telling the truth and he seemed to be pretty convince. I sit there. Look at me like with fancies like driving he's. My brother was it now, but just as the happier
I was walking away. Bad Jim Vance walked up to bud and pointed a shot gun in his face before poland, the trigger and blast in the top. A bud skull six feet behind his body, bad Jim Vance declared quote dead man tell no tales. Cotton top then had his own, fun emptying his guns into the three dead bodies, yeah yeah, you got them cut, yeah, good job, buddy yeah. We couldn't use those bullets, that's fine! You have a spa. Village are hard to come to your. Actually, you do have to make each one, but you can sleep inside tonight, know when the bar,
These were found by the other mccoy squirrel hutton, sam out of respect, I suppose scooped up, bud mccoy brains with his bare hands and slid them back into his own. in school. We won't want to leave a mess out as squirrels get into these bright gary planes, and- and I mean because then you get the squirrel, squirrels gastronomic unheard of ten zero jointly miss
random mccoy immediately formed a posse when he got word that his sons have been executed, but his highly religious wife, Sarah begged him not to retaliate, saying that they should let the court's take care of the happy oats. Reluctantly randal agreed, which was a huge mistake, see a lotta relatives believed that if randal had come back full force with a counter attack immediately, the feud would have ended there because in this part of the country during this time period, an eye for an eye was the only principle anyone respected, but is one neighbour put it if they think they get you on the run, the keep after you and so the hatfield dead, and now Where will pick back up for the conclusion to our theories on the hat fields and mccoy? Now we have been asked to do the series for a long time and its fun to do. I love this series, so I've been so much fun. This is one those and I We got a lot of stuff coming up, but I'm excited where this goes. Just gets more violent, which I like,
There's midnight ray. I was there. I killed anybody, yet it we're getting. We. really. I mean it's five to one yet notified two to five. It is a child, seven people so far and we're gonna go for between twelve and twenty four yeah. Yeah so we'll get there. Yeah super excited for those of you. We want to announce that we are officially on sale with classy night out is going to be live in los angeles. At the knitting factory north hollywood, which I'm really excited for I've, never we haven't done a show there. I've never been there, but it's on the federal yeah. If you know where the federal is it's the top four on december twenty second we're going to have a good old christmas cavalcade and we're going to make you we're gonna make you laugh a little bit and we might make you smile. Make you cry to your I don't know your check it out. Just look for class unite out a living factory, dot com, it's a north hollywood, its gimme, a lot of fun. We have a lot of european people do in the show scene.
As navvy Jackie's brows key everybody else, forced gaffer, when its force into the show will be there. That's right, I'm gonna have some surprise. Gas is gonna, be a lot of fun. I can't wait for this fuck a charm lag classy night out his back owing to add show you will need to love you. I love gonna class united earlier river. It up there in the netting factory. Fuckin rocks. I'm glad this one and allay that's that's crazy! Also, I'm gonna be next weekend. I'm gonna be in both returned florida. I'm doing two shows on december eighth and ninth fucked, going from Boca very excited for this about oil. I performed a bulk. I was playing a cop and guys and dolls yeah so excited for the show it's at the soul, theatre, I'm opening for a guy named Brian Kylie's, like one of conan's writers, he's unbelievable joke machine, so go check it out. I can't wait. I hope y'all come out to the show. I'd love to see you there that's going to be at the sole theater. It's all part presented by comic cure, come check it out. That's great cannot wait. We also got operation. Sunshine number
two. It is for sale, go and check it out at your local comic book store. We always ask you to go and ask for it by name yet your comic book store and it was sold out. where I went yet you they may have you will I get shipped in from another common bookstores like and get it it's almost Let's go get that please, please we worked hard on it and I think it's really by really love in the response has been really beautiful. Once there were three come out next month: ok, nice food. Ever
these complex orgy to put your name in the hold one for diving. Any just learn you just learn: it's called a pull us policy more or a pull box, and then one of the treaty, article box, is also an incredible bar. The talk about that's right now, it's right next to pull box it as an island telling you to protect me like I don't know you and should disappear. Like I hear these guys are fleming Proust, their efforts are not new and honestly, I gotta go check it out for myself and over get to check out all the shows on twitched on tv, slash, l, p in tv s last week we got retires upon. We back no doubt speaks come back on Monday. No dogs and space is every two weeks monday at six p m, but he said he, it is six p m p s de our next one's gonna, be on Monday disappear forth so too, in twitch don t be such albion tv, for, though, and I love it and come check out more, do good put on thursday next, we can really excited about new motor.
We offer that in Wednesday's going to be brighter side at five pm, so we're all on that when that phuket or shit I'm looking at my calendar, the pasadena city college, flea markets on Sunday cool, oh there you go, go have a nice tie. I think I have a subaru outback. I think you'd get twenty percent off one of the things we said a here. We set it on the stream, but I will say it here again, so open lines were not going to be doing open lines because we are shifting to focusing on her new show, so not just for people. There's confusion about the sirius Xm app and people asking me and honestly I don't know the answer yet so I will let you know as soon as we know where the new project is going to look. Yes, if I'm on guys like that, actually that's information that you can use? It doesn't help almost dad's almost like he gave no information at all, but I did all that I have is what this shows all about pay. Why change now So can you get
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We ve seen all the video call fails by now the mute button mishaps, the cat cameos people, not realising the cameras on when their parents are off, but none of this makes fred feel any better about giving an entire sales bit mistakenly using a filter to turn them into an insipid see baby duck around her love. It's too late for it. It's too late when you lies it's better to do business in person it matters for you. Staying welcome to the sultan garden and fed the meeting. Room is right down the hall hilton for this day.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-03.