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Episode 547: Jeffrey MacDonald Part I - Acid is Groovy, Kill the Pigs

2023-09-22 | 🔗

Henry & Marcus are joined by Ed Larson of The Brighter Side podcast for part I of a case that remains one of the most litigated murder cases in American criminal history, the grizzly tale of US Army Captain turned Family Annihilator - Jeffrey MacDonald, who was convicted of slaying of his pregnant wife and two daughters, while stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina in the winter of 1970.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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If any of you listening right now are behind the harassment, the threats or two social media accounts being moved, you ve done wrong you're, acting completely contrary to the message and spirit of the show that you claim to love. She is a human being. She is a real person. She deserves compassion and understanding like anyone else, and if any of you out there see this harassment going on help taylor do not let this mistreatment continue To the rest of you, I just want to thank all of you, stick and bias, and we appreciate your patience, and your understanding as we work all this out now there's no place to escape. Tourism is the last time. On the left hand, abortion started
the minute, you're shutting down with the call reporting I'm looking at mark. I know you're cold and very cool with this called fat man's temperature. There's two of us here. That's right is one of you. You understand eventually, as every episode right, ambulance time there is more than the temperature in the room will rise. Son it rises rises. We not always you. What are you talking about? I am already I'm already sweating stand. I'm swearing be marks undermine
Alright, here's not marks under the under your breast at the end of the show, we're gonna have a fucking chat, chat, press it to your forehead fucking, the last podcast on the left. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is marcus parks, I'm here with henry's the brows and at Larsen. Oh Donald had some kids that no longer around today we're talking about family annihilator, Jeffrey macdonald, oh god, toddler listeners out there honestly the toddler, true crime reach is getting more amazing. I mean, I can't believe the br. I I think, there's a whole thing is called manson furbabies for them to understand. Just before we started, we were talking about shapes for awhile into it, yeah exactly interests like an easter egg. Apparently yeah. You look like the what they've, modeled peeps after yeah,
like a cop that fell asleep at a poker party and woke up with his hair blue yeah that come with a bunch of costs wings. You no why you may have never heard of him. Jeffrey mcdonald was one of the most infamous an imaginative family, annihilated of his time glad you called them imaginative you. What's he deserves that credit in full beware of nineteen seventeen jeffrey murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters in a frenzied amphetamine fuelled rage that invites two knives, a wooden club and a single icepick got all my props honestly. Renewing the murder fisher right now we're working on the murder of a show and it's kind of crazy running around with props. Again. Oh, it feels great bed. I've literally been texting. People like you, have a gun at a bar yeah, but unlike many family annihilator, Jeffrey macdonald escaped justice for nearly a decade and in fact, rebel
then the celebrity that corner quote surviving the brutal murder of his family brought him. They didn't even touch me you really proud, because in many ways I think it's getting it's weird hearing his testimony we're like in his own. had he is here, the hero, you kind of forgets about the entire family, all too at their at its borders, be like, but he's in it amazing that I survive you always had to make himself look good and that celebrity course, came because Jeffrey created a damn good story to tell any actually acted as his own booking agent to tell story to whatever media outlets was willing to listen and those media outlets were legion. Oh yeah, if you are super talkative murderer, buddy loves it more behind our camera day. Do he loved the tension, and he just why it all of it and they were ready to take whatever he would give them. This is, like you gonna brag about killing. Someone did you shouldn't be kids
you know you re really get a formidable opponent now, which should have been fresh from the sands of EU oji said the cover up his crimes, Jeffrey claimed his home was invaded by four hippies, who might have been satan, as you never know, although you couldn't be for sure, they then murdered his family one by one with all the fervor of the mansion family mistake is leaving Jeffrey, a trained, green moray with little more than bump on the head and a punctured long a lightly punctured long since Manson family murders have not heard you ass on the previous summer, alot of that it gets up over a lightly punctually. Does it out, because I thought about puncture lung of I think I'd die like if you like. You know when you poke the skin of debate. They don't in the oven out some air some. There are no one of his interrogations, one of the causes, like I've, seen a man get shot, no heart by a thirty. Eight slogan run a hundred yards, and yet you get taken
down by a lightly punctured lie don quixote say how put my lungs my afloat, but my athletic be the since the Manson family merce had occurred just the previous summer. The psycho, story was accepted by the public for years and could very well have contributed to the satanic panic that began in the late seventies and reached a fever pitch a decade later, but contrary to public opinion, investigators knew that Jeffrey was there man immediately and although it took a few years, jeffreys. Inlaws came to believe that he was guilty as well. Together they eventually brought Jeffrey to just see, brought everyone together. this family, annihilated man that such policies, yet it'd, be a real man and leave so many times, we'd be like and I'll say it again directly into the camera if you're thinking about it for a second it just so much easier to just get on a bus and go fuck.
In anywhere algolia uk during the game. They're emptied the bank account it's ok, yeah, it's bad blah, blah blah, but just get the fuck out of there. Because then you don't you know you just don't, then kill your family. or get a bunch of lung there that support it. If I have puncture your own long, and this is why I am going to adopt you know, because if I snapped mama killer mike story, however, also has a fun true crime industry twist, which arose Today's source, fatal vision by Joam mcguinness see mcguinness was hired to write a look exonerating jeffrey mcdonald of all criminal wrong doing. But, as time went on, it became glaringly obvious mcguinness that mcdonald was guilty so Dennis instead wrote the most extensive account of a family annihilate or ever written exquisitely, detailing the murders, the investigations, the trial and the years in between
that led to mcdonald's conviction and that guy. The one thing about this piece of shit, Jeffrey mcdonald, is that he sticks to his bad story by the letter. Every single time I saw you on foot and a full on true crime documentary about himself. He was a talking head. His own murder. Lucky you got you Larry king live saying the same dumb, horrible story again and again. And again, but I guess it's how you do it. You have to stick to it yeah that was. That is the one thing that that's probably why he got away with it for so long. I ain't got that I mean- I don't know what he's trying to get at this point, but I also don't know what he's trying to lose disease now we ll spoil our life in prison no properly. I guess there's nothing to gain here for him to see. We still allow story, yeah its own brain, that's great! This evil fox won't die. no the gravity of the evil or you are the longer. You live everywhere
who feels everything that gets forget ground up the goddamn regime, not to put it simply Jeffrey mcdonald, was a day born in queens and nineteen. Forty three jamaica, that was where I was born. You are born in jamaica, queens, yes and my wife was born. Kelly was born in jackson heights. As long as my city, I got lost there and I missed the train once a nightmare that lots of places you could buy a live chicken. I remember, though yeah it was always the. I was always baffled and excited throughout the years living in new york just like, when you turn a corner like wow, I can buy, live chicken here, Why was it more expensive than a cook?
because seriously. You wonder why, because the chickens, it's more tasty when it's alive as soon as you fucking kill it, and then you eat it immediately. That's one thing also like you can have for the eggs business venture. Okay, now you've become a dairy farm, for some reason ended up fucking railroad apartment in the middle of brooklyn, but I was just in Tampa and it was the same thing all night long, with the roosters error. I mean it, they don't just would in the mornin man, it's a forever big jus, it all fucking all night all day you earlier given search been pills out your when a jeffrey was a born narcissist. He was charming superficially, but once someone got close, Jeffrey would ruin relationships by getting in the fight with anyone who didn't do things Jeffreys way, nice home, I've growing up wasn't necessarily traumatic, but it was definitely strained and without a doubt, toxic, his father.
Was a domineering, terrifying man who was? we're obsessed with masculinity that he wouldn't even touch or hug his children out of a fear that expressing love of any kind might be seen as feminine or worse for him gay, and I find it really funny because eddie very similar growing up fashion right, but it just allowed him then take his own wife's name in their wedding ceremonies. Would actually, he failed another hug you nobody bob missions, but it can only do this attitude of extremely insecure toxic masculinity was passed on to Jeffrey mcdonald, many men who feel like they have to constantly prove that their man's man, mcdonald, would often post about his sexual encounters, going all the way back to child, while just like John holmes, one way they all thinking it so cool. The fuck is as a boy they I because it they think they think it makes them thing.
The like I've been a man, for I was a man yeah, I'm a lethargic Here I would write poetry in poetry as what I got and I had my little bray, you wrote he wrote, poetry and had a birthday as a child yeah I had so much. It was worth so much more than sex. It was romance. and drama just a year. I spoke with you. How do you see before mcguinness switch the perspective of his book from possible innocent to definitely guilty. He had a long correspondence with Jeffrey mcdonald in which Jeffrey bragged in it asked over his coxswain ship going into full detail about every sexual experience that made him look like a sexual dynamo. You have ado sixty nine, when your six and nine tellingly, both the woman he chose for his wife, collect stevenson, was not sexually adventurous, nor sexually driven in any way whatsoever. In fact, at sea if sex terrified collect from the moon,
She and Geoffrey began dating a long history of cheating began that did not end until collect was dead and was therefore no. we are in a position to be cheated on near where'd. You get this information from Every year is this was rob instruments specifically from yet this was jeffreys. Letters to joam again I guess that makes sense. I was reading. His wikipedia page was like a ninth grade. He dated sosa like what the fuck it's cause. He did nothing but not shut his fucking yet yeah, like all he did, was talked about himself in his crimes at all, if it over and over and over and over it, but he talked about not doing his cot. Yes, yes, that's thinking. He can't. He constantly talks about his story, but yet it was like the guy joam against sin is just like page. After page after page of sexual conquest. and absurd obsessing over how sexually competent he was also you could seize similarities in, I dont know full ever coverage because one day, maybe the chris watts story right where you could see how again the kick
damn killing his entire family was because he met a new chick He wanted to move on with a cordon, unquote clean slate in that, like a lot, people obviously kind in many ways. You think about that. What like, why like one like it, it's That's where the we're like he's like mental illness. Like comes in that's what the glibness of psychopathy means, where every decision is basically wade exactly the same instead of thinking he did not think of killing his family is this crazy, traumatic thing he viewed as a problem solving mechanism that can just be done. I just move on to this new life as if you were not even thinking that he, then that would be like traumatic to himself, because this person does not feel it yeah and even then I think, that's given him a little bit of a little bit more kurdish reserves, as will soon get in. Oh, yes, but as far as wide jeffrey chose, color
as his wife. He actually liked a shy, timid woman who lack self confidence, because if she relied on him completely, he could easily feed the toxic masculinity complex that was passed down from his father, but all three, Jeffreys correspondence, Joe Mcguinness, joy, we made sure to say again and again how in love he and his wife were. Oh, we were popping off the, but these proclamation we're, always in the superficial contacts of how passionate their love making was, how they loved each other so much that they do it in public, how they couldn't keep their hands off each other and so on and so forth. It was never about who she was why he loved or nothin, like that. You know how many times a day I lose my wedding ring in that little coin, holding inside a gene, I'm always in the same time, though, Jeffrey actively made fun of his wife and his correspondence with Joe mcguinness, and this was while Jeffrey was claiming to be a grieving widower still searching for the corn quote rio killers. He wrote quote
he's left handed, you know, and so she was to share this like funny, looking shot and the basketball court or whatever, and she could dribble we gonna intermittently. Well, would sometimes boltons thumb, she's, very feminine prettier than adults distressing to see. with the you know, almost scraggly in Sweden, in growth in complaining about the pain and the the fucking, the fucking. So great, that's clearly one toxic irishman taking stock into another one, giving Is that like that just called like if sports bar was a flavor, the big than your wife, for not like being able to play basketball is like megaphone, your wife for not being able to like nail in a fence posts, his waist shoulders shoulders and all this fucking bullshit cross place. He could barely kick a field goal. All that
supposedly passionate sex eventually resulted in a pregnancy out of wedlock, which quickly gave rise to marriage in september of nineteen sixty three remembering birth of his first child Jeffrey wrote, quote the baby. Quite honestly, Timmy she didn't look very Everyone can see what a pretty baby came. He was an issue was cute, but she wasn't, like you know, like an we'll get looking back. That's quote. That is not a joke party. Is that like it's? Not until? I finally hear you say it in the acts that I see how fucking queens this guy? I, like the word like elegant,
it can be like a fucking queens way of putting it cause. You don't want it and also with certain words intermittently yeah. It sounds like gangsters got dictionaries in jail books that have to kind of figure out how to communicate legally. But how do you make a baby look? Elegant is covered in caviar, honestly, yeah ooooh go with Jeffrey was already pre met and he enrolled in north western medical school following the wedding. Another baby kristen came nineteen sixty seven, but soon after Jeffrey suddenly decided that he wanted to join the army and the green berets specifically, so he could fulfil his patriotic duty. Fighting the god the communists in vietnam jealous communists of its work, I found his kai school quote. What was jeffrey, Robert Mcdonald S
fun plus noise in them is really no one, quite like that's why you want to be green bray. Yeah, all green berets are filled with their fim. I think VM is a yeah. That's what that's? What got osama bin laden, so he so he fought in nam. No, who did not make it will get to that you're in a secular gonna, see Jeffrey felt, It was an americans duty to unquestionably obey the president. Any further felt the congress was filled with less wing liberals who didn't have the sense to see what the real patriots already understood Vietnam needed to be defended, or else all of southeast asia would fall to the red menace you give paid even a message. Horror will russia be enough, beats being put into the god damn spring rules? How can you even fucking? Imagine I do it get about the it now vietnam.
Wanna, be an army wife at all. Nor did she relish the thought of her husband becoming a participant in potential deadly shooting more! Even if he was going and as a surgeon Jeffrey We found a way to shall only attaches decision to join the green bahrain to sex, saying that in mind, the idea going into the service because colette didn't have sex them enough anyway, I can't even imagine going. Did you wanna go, be a professional killer, because you're not gonna, wait. Now or is it didn't matter like you're gonna need what what do? I knew why for our forces, not fuck me anyway, telling the end Jeffrey did not go to vietnam instead He was assigned to fort bragg and north carolina outside of fate veil. Thank you, vows Faye it than I stuck advance fell, want saw as on a greyhound bus and new. Did things start moving and we were in fact it feels like a day and a half- and I was just walkin around- was on my way for tell ass it in new jersey. So I thought I was. Jesus gets
its literally the worst bus ride. I've ever heard tallahassee Jerzy Buzek, atlantic city of all, here inside a home at five fifty forecastle, Dr Jeffreys, five old daughter and two year old toddler would meet their grisly ends along with his pregnant wife. Now, as far as motor goes for annihilating his family, it's kind of hard to pinpoint exactly what Jeffrey macdonald was thinking fucking. With my money yeah. It was obvious from his constant cheating that he didn't want to be tethered to a family, and it's often the case that a man who kills everyone who depends on him is looking for a clean slate. You don't get one though the slate is then dirtied. Yes, yes, however, it is very possible. The mcdonald turned a mere fantasy of freedom into a gruesome reality during a split second decision. Amidst an impediment, the old rage. I mean I don't know it's a pretty extensive murder and it took a lot, will
you know will get into more the details of it, but it took a long by now. I have my theories. I definitely have my theories as far as to why I do believe that it was amphetamine field and why it was. I was able to fantasy very suddenly come to light you made. It was a camel meal feels like what does your murder. She wrote fuelled now see jeffrey wrote in a diary and early nineteen? Seventy that he'd been taking a diet pill called s control to lose weight. Man in all starts with being skinny, lousy snails! Wasn't that you wanted to be skinny, it's that you wanted to drop weight because he was a box or at the time, or something like that, he's trying to drop way to make it down to the lower way class. I think that's what it was. He had a lot of different explanation for why he was taking an extremely dangerous fuckin diet pill because, as apply Two other diet pills that were straight methamphetamines s, control included both dextra amphetamine.
procure paralysing bloke broken personally, can we just say jump? Joseph sides is showing off at the names their medicine of their medicine. I jumped juice idea. Is that now that the that procedure, that was in jump juice, that was a that was a down drop? Oh yeah cause? The first is basically speed, which is what almost all diet pills were back that yeah, but that second ingredient that was an anti psychotic that should help yet didn't work. we think there was an anti psychotic in a diet. Medication, yes, well, go crazy, we're wait. I know you're crazy before thereby nineteen These studies have proven that s control was an incredibly dangerous drug that function as both an upper and a downer because it contain both an emphatic mean and an end, I say caught, he said negative, real normal failed normal. You Jake, you're, still normal. You gotta go right in the middle
somewhere between phuket get steady, feel like I Aid of actual flame will of course, come. Dangerously unstable individuals. It was so dangerous that, manufacturer took it off the market in nineteen. Eighty, even it was making a profit of six million dollars a year, which is incredible when you consider that you can still be prescribed oxy in this country. Oh, my god, it's fuckin inside these still all kinds of shit is on the market that especially back then I memorized take this difficult, andrew state which which we do as a kid with dinner debt like cause, you did like it's on steroids, actually says cause like it was. It turned out. It was steroids, they took it off the market but like not before, like that, you go to gnc, were taken off the market better by an all. So we have at all because it was like legal ino solemnly taken fucking bite me while mark mcguire's, the spokesman. I'm out on the football field ticket handfuls of grass and put them out.
I don't care to normal, but also I'm looking to somewhere near Jimmy buffet talks about s control and his song called the button rang and it gets. Apparently he the the the tone is, is that if you mix it with a bottle rum is can make here. Foolishly to have a good time should be above the big, a billionaire of being ways you like that occur heating, toxic step farther got rid of a man. That's in your house, half the weak, but the best s good for cause insomnia, restlessness nervousness and dizziness, but in self studies. It was proved that in large doses s control could come. psychosis and insanity glee the recommended dosage. If s control was one pillar day, but as far as Jeffrey mcdonald's consumption went, he was taking three to five
as control pills a day in the weeks leading up to his family's murder. You don't his belly, I beg your family me. I guess he's not eating yeah, there's nothing in there to hurt his belly. Yeah knows a tip it was drawing little horns on himself in the mirror there. I am. This was of course possible, because Every was a doctor who could prescribed these pills to himself tat. I think, for the audience to understand this. Man is a dock. He's a sir specifically is a surgeon. I know I've known a lot of creases surgeons. We've covered a lot of crazy doctors cause. Sometimes I think, to do the job right. In many ways you have to kind of look at us like walking hunks of meat right now. You're one of us is just a pile of tubes and you've got to pick out. You got,
You've got to clean out the tubes you gotta fuckin get our juice out of us all, the fuck bullshit. They don't give a shit yeah, because if you care you might fuck up getting emotional, you have zero emotion. That's why they all think they're gods! That's right! I got doctors in my family and you know they are gods. They pay for everything. thirty three to five bills: a day: free would have likely suffered from irritability hyperactivity, confused in hallucinations panic states, all of and finally full psychosis? Oh, my god, it's incredible improper wrap skills. Then the oldest checks out, because peers and neighbours noticed during those few weeks that he would work twenty four hour shifts, followed by full days at the office, then he'd clock out play basketball for a little while and take his little girls out to feed their pony all without resting or sleeping or stopping their guy
that yeah you're just fucked up this, probably doesn't even want to play a horse with me. That's hilarious, yeah go everybody. Wake up as christmas is early, cannot imagine buying a pony for someone and then murdering them. Yeah like a murdoch, family story, magician Jeff. he would have shown abnormal cardiovascular reactions like chilliness and headaches, and these symptoms were both clearly exhibited when Jeffrey was examined by doctors on the night of the murders. considering how Jeffrey murdered his family seemingly on a whim. Maybe maybe it's safe to say that It was most likely suffering from something called chronic, amphetamines, psychosis somewhere. In other words, he turn himself into a dangerous and reactive meth head, but he did lose fifty pounds in three weeks.
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I want to save them from the embarrassment of my crime scene. Here that a like I like it. I don't want them to deal with what I did everything else or just like slot times cause we see with family, nigh leaders is a money faction, especially with the men who do. It were like the idea of a change in status and is always about like yeah, I dont whenever it so embarrassing to be poor. I gotta kill fuckin every locked but in addition to the two young daughters collapse was pregnant again accidentally, which should of course added mcdonald stress level no way Jeffrey. Meanwhile, was full on manic according to his colleagues and collect, was worrying enough to tell her friends that jeffreys personality with significantly change you guys gonna, come see me the crutches family. I know it's for cock. Guy, can't mornings exercised. I've been crushed, get your family about Jeffreys per.
Now the changed from a simple narcissist to that of a total psychopath in his amphetamine fuelled rage exploded around three forty. A m on February seventeenth. Nineteen seventeen whoop would take it back taking it back. Take my notes that early three he's got a burly represented a lightweight and now in the night in court, In a nine, when one dispatcher received a call from Jeffrey who, weakly and proof admittedly said quote: forecastle tried help out five. Fifty forecast tried stabbing that's all his angry. Ok, there's a good basis, mcdonald's lived within fort bragg, it was the military police who showed up at their house and within ten minutes Doesn't mps arrived to find the front door locked in the blinds drawn on?
dead, silent, how things look safe here? Let's go back! We soon discovered, however, that the back door was open and upon entering the house, they found a crime scene that would have put richard chase to shame. They first found jeffreys white collapse On her back on the floor in the master bedroom one, I was open one, was extended over her head. Her face was battered. He was covered in blood draped over part of her chest was a tall in bloodstained, blue pajama top, but once the top was lifted, the mp saw the full extent of what had been done collective stabbed nine times in the neck seven times in the chest, with the knife and twenty one times in the chest, with an iceberg. She'd been hidden head with a wooden club of sums, six times, but not before both of her arms have been broken while trying to defend herself
the blow, and normally, when you see something like that, you assume I mean truly like it's. A rage is a rage based crime, but as a final and dignity and in service of the narrative, the jeffrey planned on pushing the fetus and collects womb had been removed oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, leave it in boy, what they know it cause again. It suits him setting his store. Yes, he setting a senior he's telling a story of work. A lesson. these were fully assessed. Mps the roll off Jeffrey mcdonald himself. He was found face down on collects chest with an arm wrapped around her neck motionless and wearing blue pajama bots. ok. Okay, next to the couple on the blood soaked rug was a small pairing knife, but the most interesting clue in regard to the future. Narrative was a single word written in letters. Eight inches high in blood on the headboard pig.
You could see it for like. Is that part, oh, my god, is this: a puppy based crime hold on this guy. Hey caps mean again so worst worst way to do this before all that could be processed jeffrey began moaning that someone needed a check on his kids because he'd heard them crying. That, of course, was when the true horror was discovered. Stepping, The five year old, kimberly's room, an mp, found that the little girl lay dead from having her skull bashed end by the same club that a broken her mothers arms. That, however, wasn't the end of it because jobs free either wanted his story to be credible or he was in the throes of the aforementioned psychotic rate. This is again what will come and go back and forth on this, because. Prolonged rage die
As far as I don't know, I like I don't how that. How long does an episode like this last and what point does some form of rationality come in and then, like you, have to sort of like figure out? plan in the middle or is it at the end? they do. I have a theory. as to the exact point in which it changed from rage to plan yeah yeah for sure it has to at some point: oh young, she after kimberly, I've been smashed and they had so severely as to cause instant death. Thankfully she was additionally, stab in the next several times. With the ice pick with some stabs being so deep that they went off way through to the other side. The last to check on was the two year old kirsten and the scene in her room. She was five bucks holding, for the machine gun at no, no, no less horrific, Rather than being beaten, she'd been stabbed sixteen times with both appearing knife found,
the bloody rug and the master bedroom and with the ice pick, but in this room was another coup. Although this one was real staged, since there was obviously more blood than you can even imagine in every room, there was a single bloody footprint made by an adult. The footprint, however, was bare making it easily matched to whoever had been in that room. Meanwhile, as each grisly scene was being discovered. Jeffrey was speaking to the mps back in the bedroom. She free had already implemented the first part of his plan by writing pig in blood on his own headboard yak as they are. You know that this is. nineteen seventy, so the demands and crimes happened in nineteen sixty nine so you immediately or reference that everybody is like kind understands which is in a way I mean at makes it bad because he's he's is Carlos men see I another group murdered. I wrote
pig on my headboard, just so I know where to sleep yeah and some fucking shit. Of course yeah for those of you versed in true climb lord. This is an obvious reference to the Manson family murders, specifically at referenced the crime seen, a chair and take home in which the exact same word was written in the exact same spot, but now that the pigs He had been noticed and geoffrey was courting quote coming. to my memory, you he weakly and again, formatively said that his family had been attacked by four hippy yeah, one of them a woman, kept chanting, two phrases over and over again ass. It is proving kill. The pigs asked groovy, kill hey over an overall ass. It grew keel, the paying our budget you have asked screw you haven't. We ve done a lot acid ever been in them, I mean I guess I've done that, but never
We been that way. I guess onto like hallucinogens so there we like. May this is good like I've, never had that. I know the one. The first summit did acid. I was sitting in the front porch I have my buddies house. It was like my birthday was like. I think it was twenty years old or whatever, and I remember sitting there were both looking at each other and it was like I finally stand tidy it makes sense that there's been plenty of times when I've been on hallucinogens and just suddenly thought like man, I'm having a really good I'm right now, because it is if I, if this is a nice, I don't know what is providing it. Yes, that's right, your last summer ass, it is groovy, kill the pigs. I was at a barbecue, fest yeah had incredibly jefferies. Digs to this. Eighty audit claim to this day, because I mean even by nineteen. Seventy like fuckin, noble said. The word groovy any more like outside, elect scooby do yet nobody said groovy. saint trill, now nobody says
Well, now that's what I'm saying now ash said groovy that was cool, yeah, that's cool, but that was thirty years later. It's right, yeah, and that was thirty years ago I think it was twenty years later and thirty years ago, Jesus fucking Christ. I am that's a lot of fun about me. I don't wanna talk about and yet grew He was the word Jeffrey chose again and again in relation to his attackers vocabulary after courting quote passing out for a sec, prompting and impede, give Jeffrey mouth to mouth. He very quickly tried pushing is past saying that he had to go check on his kid I'll, just fallen kissing. It's military, police, yeah. Sorry, I thinking I should have been a character yeah. He should do a couple more, I mean yeah. Have you ever tried to do mouth the dick when he stood up you look down,
its body and set down the next plank of his story, he said quote: Jesus Christ, look at my wife, I'm gonna kill these god as it heads I dont know why and how I fuck with them. Gonna help them any more. What No idea he setting a scene is planting, see you know, what's rightness down for someone composing aims jeffrey said that there were four intruders to white guys, a black eye and a white woman with long blonde hair wearing a floppy hat and high boots sat holding a candle holder, and with a guy I guess, he's gotta get that called angolan gathered. Raise yeah, he's gonna, make it spooky. All of them, though, wearing distinctively hippy stuff
EL clothing, united states, like macro, may lotta tassels no want of homes. As I saw a dab of apart, I love his cast a character. So now it is the scooby, also in every one of those watching the documentaries about this, and there was picture the menacing woman in the floor yeah they're, just looking like Shelley Duvall from an old man phil, if he would have had one in the wheelchair, would have been like the burger king kids club yeah. That wheels cannot be trusted spot about him. If you need him to leave you hey big day, There will have to performing a bit more by saying that he'd been stabbed in the back and was going in the shock and after give the mps, a quick lesson on how to care for some one going into shock was which is an incredible feet if your actually going into shock Jeffrey with
structure carried to an end and I got it you use how'd, you like nominal lift. My legs nor am I dont get it done not doing right now. What comes next week there in the ambulance? He kept talking saying that the woman with the long blonde hair cheer The action during the brave struggle, the jeffrey had with his assailants she kept saying groovy hit him again, Jeffrey then broke off from the story and performed once again switching the focus to his murdered wife. By saying my dad, she was brag did not jefferies no, she was pregnant, no, no, it was held. is there a at why he was say he was like my god I'm doing it, acting as if
He knows these are bad actor, ending up with a cry. I got time, but I don't think he was much better now, because that you know it necessarily trust him immediately. Nor do they believe him because I'm fuckin, none of it made sense that our hippie is gonna. Fucking sneak onto an army base. Well yeah, it's actually there. That's an interesting thing about that. To give you a little bit of background on fort bragg, like fort bragg, is an unrestricted base. Four lane highway going right through it. For oh, I didn't that. Has thirty points of entry so like there's, no danny they can go in. Anybody can go in fort bragg gap, pheasant a shitty base. You know I think it is a front facing base right. I dunno I dunno how that works. Yeah I mean it's open to the public, but is it is the largest military base in america, though? Oh okay, yeah now jeffrey captain, everyone that he was going into shock, that he'd been stabbed in the back that he needed fluids and so on and so forth. But when he got to the
urgency room the only the jeffrey agree, moray. The only thing he needed medical attention for was asleep. All wound on his right side that had barely punctured his long ha. That's enough. Now you should look at Alright gotta fix fixed super glued. Yes, nothing required stitches, oh my god. is, of course, a great contrast to the near demonic. Slayings of the rest of us, yet they were brutally murdered. Yet there is a doktor scott knows exactly where to stab himself. Just our yes, he does. He must go, will go into that later. Okay, well, hell we'll go into it right now, because you know this guy fucking did it might as well. Not even I don't even need to keep you and ye know when they are checked out the blood spatter in each room. They went to one of the bathrooms and they saw that the blood spatter pattern. I could have
only come from a man leaning over the counter and puncture himself on the right side his chest with skype idle. In spain. The rug yeah there is It's also a magic markers circle around until you exactly what would otherwise Jeffrey had a bump on the login that didn't even break the skin, as opposed to the head bashing beatings received by his wife and eldest daughter, and none of the other cordon quote wounds. He suffered even required stitches, those by the way where four punctures along a linear track, spaced evenly as if some one had dug their fingernails into his chat. Awe and most likely that ripped flesh was someone's fingernails back at the house now. The next U S, army, see, idea, agents and an fbi agents arrived to interview mcdonald, as opposed to the emotion, ranting of the night before Jeffrey, had barely a hint of emotion when talking about his wife and eldest child, but he refused to talk about the top. Ok
the reason behind this, I think, is most likely that he killed. Wife in a rage that woke up the five year old daughter who walked in the room. She also had to be murdered to cover up the crime, while the rage was still at a high level, but to completely cover all the spaces and tobacco psycho hippy story, Jeffrey had to cold blue thirdly murder his two year old daughter and her crib then mutilate the body afterwards, most likely Jeffrey did this after he some calm down from his initial rage reaction and had at least the presence of mind to set the There is a story, so its fight with the wife boom go out back add the wood bambi. bam peter to death. Daughter comes out here on the head once and she's fuckin dead, she's fuckin guy on and then finally you like, oh fuck, what did I do and then you have to construct crime scene and been that's when the fence he kicks over and says oh falk might have. I
Oh that's what I'm going it's! What have I done exactly what I was about to say: it's o fuck! I can get out of this completely like. If I get I can totally get rid of all this. Like I don't wanna be a fuckin single father. I don't want to take care of a fuckin taller. I've already killed two people. What's one more a cot killing a tie, learn killing your own daughter yeah. That's it to be something you want to talk about, even if you're, a psychopath stressful. We had a lot of guys. We we've had a lot of guys who do this now they save something for themselves, because in some way and cheap we got TED Bundy one dead bundy because of his first crimes are they always like? Maybe he probably hurt- or at least, if not hurt or killed a little girl when he was like very young and there's something about like saving something for yourself, and I guess you could call it dig. It up. No, no, the arm chair diagnosis here, but it does sound like what it someone with some form of narcissism. One he's got things when you walk all these things
often side of your own mind, so you can keep kind of like yours one quarter quote sanity now, because you know again, he didn't have to like. If you could He didn't have to kill his whole family. He definitely could have killed his wife or whatever and then have freaked out, and then you know you confess, and he figured all this shit like if he was actually guilty. This shows what the actual the glibness of the thought process was as that that was just another fairly perfunctory. decision. He decided to make a little better if he kept the toddler alive. No, I know now it's all bad yeah. I know it's not good, but during this interview, Jeffrey had his story a little straighter and he was able to give his account of what happened the night before he claimed that sleeping on the couch that night, because his daughter had wet her bed and she was therefore taking his place in his marriage bed with his wife. Quite suddenly, though, He was awakened by the cries of his wife and child and when Jeffrey
when his eyes he said he saw for people a guy nor be jacket to white guys one clean shaven one moustachios today and the aforementioned floppy headed blonde with the candle, anxious, hey, hey, I wonder if he decided to cast beforehand. I want to be thought of actor yeah. He might have whatever may be the loser, the eighteen. They were all wet because it had been raining that night and one of them Jeffrey thought one. The white guys may, had been wearing surgical. Gloves knows Jeffrey tried getting up. He said that the a guy, hit him with a baseball bat which was already covered in blood from previous beatings. Jeffrey struggled, was suddenly stabbed with an ice pick which ever so slightly punctured his launch got after yeah. They brutally murdered three other people that is going to go a pink. I think it would have probably felt good for him. The shit. I've himself do we really should I went for it now needs yes, yes, struggle, however, continued, but is jeffrey. Try
making his way towards the two steps that led up from the living room to the hallway he claimed to have fallen forward and passed from a bump on the head that didn't even break skin. I was rattled, obviously, and pretty soon, no one of those guys left behind a banana pe by adopting a laugh sometimes, but when he came to his blue pajama top, which was now torn, have been removed and used to tie his hands in the intruders were gone up. only the psycho hippies were happy to simply lee the unconscious pig with a bump on the head and sing shallow stab wounds, worries the house wife and the children had been butchered to the nth degree. Jeffrey claim He then went from room to room checking pulses in it string mouth to mouth on each corpse after realizing Everyone was dead, he pulled the knife from collects chest cutter, her with his torn pajama top and went to the back, or to see if the intruders were still there
would you believe it? I got into the back yard? and it was the for them. Then I saw them I'm as end the purpose hanging out. Some recent dune I know, is like what is happening with the next thing. I know we sing in We're hang in our little baby girl out next and then I was like oh yeah, my fucking There was so much going on that night. Nineteen. Seventy you a b there. A bowling then went to the hall bathroom to assess his injuries before calling for help. Then down next to his wife's corpse and waited for that help to arrive that he claimed was all he knew. the first investigator on the scene. The night before after Jeffrey was taken away, was a man named william ivory. After examining the house, ivory canvas the neighbors who
Did they didn't hear anything that sounded like a fight, a break in or any disturbance at all? They definitely didn't hear a hippy yellin as it is, grew the man kill the pigs, nothing next fort bragg, Chief law enforcement officer. Franz Joseph grabbed know what it's like. Why would they be yelling it? would they be young at all the past year, I think it's way more like there was beatniks yes and that that makes for brags chief law enforcement officer, Franz Josef grabbed her arrived at the house and immediately recognized that nothing about the scene matched mcdonald story ass. He put it he'd been in poker games that had left the house in worse condition, pretty great analogy: family annihilation, yeah thinking when this scene,
was supposed to be a life and death struggle between four intruders and a green beret officer yeah. It should have been destroyed, she'd been like a jackie chan movie and there they should have been broken furniture and a guy threw a glass fucking window, there'd, be guys fight with pots and pans and shit. I'm surprised he did it like this, because it would make him look like such puss. Yet now, though, he would that's you see. There's I failed with the term. Is there's something about better, but that you use. Who'S- that if there's a way to inspire legitimacy, where you admit something embarrassing about yourself, quote, unquote and then could allow them or for it's like the tiny penis clause, or something like that where it's like. I felt the example where it's like the, if you admit having a super small dick. Like me, it shows that yours, hyper you're, crazy on yeah, like I gonna violet criminal, shows up the court. Would like a walker. you know, they're really, second, should young, and yet the living room was curiously tidy. Considering the circumstances a coffee table,
tipped on its side. Next, to the couch resting on a stack of magazines and empty flower pot stood upright floor because one of the mps had stupidly put it back into its original position, but the plan It had spilled out beside it. Finally, a pair of glasses with a speck of blood on the lens was in the corner of the room. It's got one white glove and I do see there's a bit of a smudge down here and that sort of those grab sued like I wish to tidy up the mess. You're, not gonna, believe about these fuckin idiotic mps dead, you're, not gonna, believe we're gonna get to it because aquino it happened on the base ms away to do. A crime is you're at officer, and you do it on a base with these guys are automatically may be going to try to stick up for you or some shit I don't know, were also they probably oh, no, I'm guessing. There were no other murders and fort bragg. Up to this point, I have no idea of the military. Police probably never dealt with this condition.
I mean I don't know it would certainly have a homicide department or some shit, that sea the criminal investigations division yeah. So yes, they they do have experience with crime scenes just wasn't enough and I might be wrong side stories up: yo tl at gmail dot com. Please I'm wrong about this, but I believe, like mp, is something you get busted down to yeah Oh no! I don't! I don't I'm a soothing about military boys. Now I guess I love you in our view the military they come for you now. I know they might be, but those the full extent of the mess left behind in the living room. Additionally, The adjacent dining room plates remained balanced on their edges in an unstable china, cabinet and balance card still stood upright on the table? None of these things would have been announced if a struggle between a green bray and for intruders had happened in the next room, so he thought to get his wife a valentine's day. card three days before he murdered his entire fancy. Was it that's? Why wonder again about the rage entirely wearing
feel like he had a little thought in the back of his head of like like a little bit of inspiration. Also there was a m. There were, has been homicides at fort bracken, witness a big umbrella, stone article that nice, more than nice. But sir, are you will get your legs investigators found all the murder weapons outside of the house. The so called baseball bat was There are thirty one inch piece of wood that was found outside the back door and I mean away in a bush where a second knife and the ice pick, both of which have been wiped clean, a blood and there's some reason. I find just a plank of wood to be much scarier than a baseball bat. Oh very much so make it in the one to you know an answer either. I would imagine that he was in the midst of an argument with his wife. He was in a rage, for some reason: the club, the piece of wood outback just popped into,
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Tori soon after a news of Jeffreys condition came back to ivory and I've began to wonder why the hippies would take off jeffreys pajama top while he was unconscious staff. It at least forty eight times just for funds ease then run, but around jeffreys risk when it was after completely destabilizing its integrity like making. It are easier to rip open, but at the same time you know Understood at that moment, I you know what they were, the one who try to make a scary rope and that was the scariest. She honestly just doing that was scary when they were stabbed with a shirt in front of me, I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa, whoa yeah. I know he just killed my my family, but that shirt did nothing, I believe you was ivory, examined the bodies and murder weapons even further. He began to find little blue threads everywhere. They were stuck to the club They were found in the large blood claude uncle, let's head wound and they were found
and underneath collects body it immediately. came clear that these blue threads came from what else, but jeffreys pajama top or possibly his matching pajama bottom, and it was quite odd that they should end up underneath, collects body if he'd only draped it over her chest after it had been ripped up by the supposed hippies clean, killed them. Additionally, ivory also found in Jeffrey, collects bed the finger, latex gloves that had been torn away as if some one had ripped off the glove and hates. That explains why some of the hippies madly in love never figured lying outdated on vital up again and again. Is it cover everything's gonna story, the late tex gloves it was stained with blood, obviously making it the finger that had painted pig on the headboard. Neither best gaiters, of course, pegged jeffrey mcdonald as their sole suspect, immediately and didn't believe. The hippy story for a fuckin sack, oh yeah, but when the newspapers were,
stop to the sidewalks the next morning. The heads red offices, wife children found slain at fort bragg victims of heavy cult right now headline leaning heavily on the drug problems in nearby fate bill that were the result of american soldiers smuggling. Drugs from vietnam, the article claim The intruders had me sure. The house chanting quote ellis these great Ellis. These great You know it is not what we were wrong. They don't shut up at any point. They punch it up. They switch some things around worsening the panic. The fateful county sheriff said that by his estimate about two thousand Hippies had recently moved to the area. To quote the mall bought the gather live online like animals, quilts on the flow paid. No kinds of pitches declaration however everything's an owl who can't just be normal,
we're just wanting not have shag. A power plant wrote too much textual. You did of course, reference the Manson family murders which again had occurred just the previous summer. The sheriff claim that any and all hippies were capable of, grotesque acts of violence. Celia good has done. Is it now its anti happy across the country? Will I mean the man's a family murders were august? This was February. Ok, so fresh everyone says oh fuck and fresh, and there also an immense and families also freshly caught because they were caught until october near would do you member like when titanic came out and then, like a month later, there was that movie godlike like titanic. That's like what this it went. Deep impact came out the same week as armageddon renders to Robert kennedy movies and some other ants bugs pre fond to pre fontaine movies. Now the weirdest, where that is really where they well there's behind that all these sites movie studios heavy scripts, ready to go so when they hear
the other movie movie studio is about to put out like a volcano movie. It's like now, it's time for our volcano movie push out there, Dante's peak and I think the other cano volcano yes yeah and I believe that Dante's peak was the good one. Dante's peak was better. I wouldn't call it the goodwill yeah yeah. They say that's why we'll never have a houdini movie, because we studio, has a houdini script ready to go, and it's like this, like mutually assured destruction thing cause, you can't shoot cause which one's going to be. It's can be some skinny guy and I just wanted ha just got. Not british make it about his brother yeah that'd, be yeah, losing your sword. I did a re, bad assume. Will the sheriff also just ratchet up the fear that much more by saying they were probably satanists after that national and became the most talked about event in america. But speaking of media,
you're, a wind, your brain, just a bit. You remember that I mentioned that the coffee table had been tipped over on its side and underneath a stack of magazine. I remember pretty pointless dimension. Dammit, you see tat s, my yes, my the magazines. Yes, they see, like a superfluous detail in the past, but you will now see that it is in fact most important plume. You fucking area never ever know anything good. By the way I do look, there's no one! So I think I'm fine you're gonna be ok, we're gonna, be now I'm comfortable, I'm happy! Thank you, but speak will the caption red, eva in california, gray marvin, is afraid. That's
our will press for the release of storage. We not afraid I like it, because it was just a picture of Lee morbid hiding behind a blanket furious, avowedly assists the six million dollar man and then we might have no blue. Marble was leader of the dirty dozen this is like the man's man he's more bad ass, see mcqueen at this point yeah, let me, but I think that was the point that they were trying to make. Is that the the problem is how corneas, so fuckin horrible that even Lee marvin is afraid. They evolve as scare these skinny ass boys, you ever felt tat ever I wanna do is just get rid of destroying the sanctity of movement.
the reason why Lee marvin was afraid was because of the focus that issue which I love to get a copy of. This issue cause Lee Marvin was on the cover and everything the subject was: witchcraft, cults, drug orgies and violence perpetrated by hippies in calif, in one picture detailing satanic orgy. One could see an acid queen with law, blonde hair consummating, a candle lit orgy by copulating with the blacks, on spring me in, I don't know how that works. Now what you with this one normally is there. I also think the supply hopper, leading with it by a feed on your pussy in his swan gets a never ending up its head is got along that, in fact, the whole hat nor I let s do not lay on a good fema version of the durable say he had his slaves around here, be that words just fuckin their underneath your balls, alien woman, it was it was a woman play we're too pussy, back
added meal, kunis coolness and now the portmanteau fashion. We terms do the real. You scissor with a swan. You get eggs and said but perhaps more important was an about the and family that focused on the grizzly details of the sharon. Tate murder, specifically the article spoke extensively about the use of the word pig. He the crime scene, of course detailing that had been written on the headboard and share and tastes bedroom exact same seen. He copied it. Yes, it also didn't hurt that both tate and collect were pregnant. Another so the puzzle will always points to from the blonde acid queen to the pay graffiti, with the fact that Jeffrey mcdonald had taken direct, inspiring and from this issue of s squire to stage a false copycat cry, he had that idea.
Night. Now he literally scary, looking through the magazine, was no fucking way. modest mar gimme some have you received an answer. Very thing is the answer. Is that's? Why I'll write a letter to lemme? Tell you gotta be family. It's like back, then it's not a copycat. It's a copy coca showed for top brightened. This is about our new toddler base from crime initiative in our ted but Bundy for babies. Again. I think I will also be done. That, it be wonderful tax net chase for children, I will now it's problematic problem, be graded bake, a bottle top was beloved by children. the town baby, sitter loegria as completely where every time he
is the word beloved really loosely did he was tolerated and he was a simpleton that they just sort of allowed these. They were like eyes less worthy. You know what to do. Just did there gone. He just waving the road like every day like we're roadside like women. Like you know the bird Tell me about I killed my mother and I get up on the night that Bernice wardens body was found. He was having a pickle dinner. This is no shea remembers. A pickle dinner at his ten year old, friend's house at a little boy's house with the parents. Of course it was Corey Feldman yeah. He was a friend to adults, as we were pickled dinners, just a pickle with a knife and a fork his hands at that point yeah. It was mostly pickles focus of the meal was pickles, no initial the forensics had a field day with evidence gathering. Firstly, blue pajama threads were found
in every room, a murderer occurred in places, the only the murderer. What a bank additionally threads were in places that they should additionally threads weren't found. In places that they should have been. and the same went for splinters left behind by the murder club. You wouldn't believe all right. The threads, Why every way We were one of the most includes, was the fact that while every room was soaked in splattered and streaked and stained with blood and while Jeffrey claimed it everyone's pulse to make sure they were dead and while everyone, extensive neck wounds. There was blood on the telephone, Jeffrey used to call for how again why stay in the land line, What are we doing now? Massage legs? That's exactly what he later said. He said I am a surgeon
wash my hands out a habit? I look down. I see blot on my hand. I got it all. I'm on watch. Shannon money spoken that anyway sort of photo. You call my mom for such a fuckin, her ear. What do you want me? I'm just a guy. I finally neighbor who had been afraid to get involved at first came forward and reported hearing collapsed, angry voice coming from the mcdonald house, that night even more stir bingley. The name daughter said that she heard Jeffrey either sobbing loudly or laughing hysterically, neither however, heard a struggle was I will end my alternating back and forth my render what my neighbors here, how would agree to save this is simply ass. It is groovy, tells them again it's about pork.
the euro, without forty four days of forensic investigation, which is that's what they did on the house, they spent forty four days in that house. Oh my jeffrey was the main suspect by the second day me ma. You didn't know that, though, by february twenty third, six days after the murder investigators were confident enough to contact the fbi and tell them that they could Stop their nation wide man hunt for four killer hip. Meanwhile, they ve just been haven't so much fun bees, no living falk. Adequate measures are not being met, ok all right. We know what have we stop officially lookin for a bright idea as though it will fund the problem was it even though there was a ton of forensic evidence, the team on the job fucked up at almost every turn and what was left that pointing towards Jeffrey was mostly circles
and you'll see it's one thing to look at a scene and say holy fuck. It's so obvious that this guy totally fucking did it yeah him no wounds. I know pi yeah, but it's another thing entirely to prove beyond reasonable doubt in court that a charming green by re would suddenly murder his entire family, especially since the Manson family murders were so fresh on everyone's mind. Additionally, color parents had nothing but the highest praise for their son in law say Then he was not capable of such a thing and everyone best together spoke to also had nothing but the highest praise for a man whose biggest weakness. probably that work to our care too much. I know how it is. You know, it's. This shows that what compartmentalization can do and how you can basically live level, separate life and no one will have any fucking idea. What's goin on the centre, your goddamn rang exam, berries like someone you look up to a few hours ago and believe that nice guy he's a veteran yes doctor he's an he we need. All of that. I think against his crime say not only
Like you got a really remember the context that the crimes here then you gotta remember the year. This is nineteen. Seventy this is when vats are coming back from vietnam and being literally called baby killer jet lag that is the narrative that is going on among certain. You know, people in america. Meanwhile, the ones that stay behind it then go: kill babies, drink real coffee, lotta, ins and outs. When it comes to this, and so the prosecution We have to rely on hard evidence very low, of which still existed, for example at the hospital mcdonalds. I'm a bottoms had been burned with the hospital trash because nobody thought to keep them Jesus fucking Christ. I mean it goes on and on it, so aggravating back at them old home the sea, idee hadn't secured the garbage there either in the trash collectors, were allowed. Take away bags that might have contained, say a bloodstained surgical glove with one finger, messing,
Concerning that bloody bear footprint that got destroyed by accident, when technicians tried removing the floorboards and fucked up the whole operation is just went snap, crack done good god. It was so a piece of skin that had been found under what's fingernails member that and, I said, yeah there's some skin fingernails cop eat it. I forgot my clothes sports mean that such a lot of refugees, who are you, wanna, go now. Then we get on your feet just law. No one knows where I went. No one where how how it was lost, where went is inexplicably losses hanging out with J, his brain yeah flesh flash amount, but while the investigation was being put together, Jeffrey returned to duty
six weeks later, though, once investigators fronds grub dinner and Robert Shaw felt like they had enough to rip apart, mcdonald's narrative, they finally brought him in for questioning eddie. Do you think your father feed is in flesh mount haven't, I you know is what are they think? What do they do with that stuff? They burn it more than I also think sometimes they just throw it out while they have by illogical waste biological hazards, but I think it eventually goes to an incinerator. I think that's where it all goes. I dunno side stories, EL portillo, gmail, dot com. Where do our body parts go when we die? I would imagine cause. I don't can't see a landfill just filled with, like you know, diabetic feet, I can it rita that's good. That's what we know we are gonna tube extracted. I kept them. That's it because I normally they don't let you keep those. I talked about that as she's nice, lady yeah. He knows a guy.
a classic cat and mouse game. Grabner neuron Shaw slowly gathered information from macdonald waiting for the moment, two pounds for the most part, though, if we did not do well under pressure, he spoke in a rapid high, pitched tone, most of the time stumbling and stammering over his words, but pretty soon grednach started hitting him with questions about the hippies and the suppose it ass. It is groovy chant. This is mcdonald's said: oh yeah, all right, we can get. We can get into that yeah you. She was jumping up and down and screaming in agony as she was saying to kill them. You know that the point was it'll. Seem you don't when you see it like plugin, easy rider? Why I made the mistake again see that fell back all the stop action things dwelt. That's that's what it seemed like terrible. What are you talking about? What was the question of energy going? Go through the story again again again: fronds grabner went for bad cop and told Jeffrey that there Just too many discrepancies first story to be true: the living room was too tight.
for a struggle to have taken place, jeffreys wounds when too insubstantial, now and all absolutely not ignored on all most damning, though, is that there was no evidence whatsoever that for rampaging psychotic hippies on ass, it had been anywhere in the house blonde hair, no footprints from above what we have heard that it is at this point the jeffrey began panicking saying quote: ok Jesus Christ, scary, but it was a scope, circumstantial evidence yet well. well hey near what else you have what you doin use: tell me that killed my wife and my kids, my kids unbelievable as I believe a ah man. Jesus Christ is a nightmare. It's like edgar, allan, pow wow, barely, don't know much about my family and myself I tell you that to come up with that conclusion. Bore me for that matter,
sitting ears like us or save ii failure, but by the end of it grab, nor had when he needed a report was filed, a fish. Announcing the Jeffrey mcdonald was the main suspect in the murders. While little charges were not filed, and this is important. The army was going to conduct an internal article. Thirty two inquiry to see if charges would be filed to give you a little bit a background on article thirty, two it just it's not necessarily. I wouldn't even call it like a military tribunals, it's kind of like a grand jury for the military, where they go up, they put forth all of this evidence. You know you got your defense. You got your solution, although it's not really defence and prosecution, but it's just to see if the army wants to bring forth charges on a crime committed on an army base with an off we'll go to the f b. I can't just say fuck you.
The way the law is worked out. The would allow like the way you know how legal system it's the aids, the army's price, dan and the army has to do with the milk. The military has to deal with a good with killin, not sullivan. Now you know as see you in the article ready to renew the filing was reported on the national news that very night and a film I feel lawyer, name, Bernie siegel saw the story and thought Jesus Christ disguised fuckin guilty, but much to his surprise, Siegel soon got a call from Jeffrey mcdonald's, mother, asking siegel to defend her son. ironically, Bernie siegel was mostly a civil rights lawyer who defended war protesters, draft resistors, military deserters and people with drug charges. In other words, he defended the people. The Jeffrey mcdonald hated the moat I e hip. Nevertheless, Siegel took the case and ended up.
Finding Jeffrey mcdonald for decades to come, wow dalia once the article thirty. Two hearing came about. Siegel proved himself well worth the money he's guided by ripping apart the many investigative fuck ups perpetrated by the fort bragg mps. This isn't even investigating. This is first mps on the scene. This is just not malfeasance but incompetents. Here they didn't control the crime scene. They didn't keep a list of officers entering an exiting the apartment, some I'm tracked in wet grip, oh my god. Several mps just started touch and stuff was no attempt to control the evidence they hammered know. Did you hire hairless? They must super super carroll and they're. All just fuckin shocked. Why I seen there all just incredibly traumatize, also one of their young, but we are also yet nineteen years old down, not known shit about me,
the absolute worst example of their failure to control the scene was the fact that the ambulance driver stole Jeffrey mcdonald's, wallet, you started going through desks, unlike checking ceiling, I have like a water tank that cash leaves the wallet. We all know that the mps They even use the fuckin bathroom you the dead. Droid dna, mind. If I cut myself shaving cutting his toenails and likelihood of further Bernie seagulls cross examination of the forensics teams would have made johnny cochrane, proud, sego added. The team is confused, disorganized and utterly out of their depth. Using too many examples to go into here. We'd be here for another fuckin. Thirty minutes yeah. I went through everything they fucked up on Jesus Christ. They couldn't have fucked up worse,
I tried, I think they might have tried you think. So I don't know I mean I don't believe necessarily the idea that they would go in and they're not trying to exonerate this man. I just think that they just did a. I don't think they knew it would have made you know what the hell does. Not those guys didn't want him to be caught. It may bad look fur and off a green, bahraini, kill his family option for brown on our yea merrily lad a military that yeah, like some army recruiters. I now none is really can be backward, eradicate, bear Julia, let's get a medicine and then send them home to vietnam of guilt, as it has done next legal brought in an mp named kenneth Mika who revealed that february seventeenth, nineteen, seventy he'd seen a hit me not in nodded nineteen. Seventeen Phyllis forgot them in make us said that on the night in question just after the murders, known to have occurred here,
a young woman, a half mile from the murder scene. Wearing get this affair. Be floppy. Had the group like this is not evidence that, unfortunately, No no units were despatched. That night define the floppy added woman. No, you have to send the haberdasher squad, god. She was wearing affairs that it would never been able to find a somebody's perhaps in the story brays, but as it was, this woman did exist her name was holiness stoutly in she'd, be a character in the Jeffrey, Tom case for years to come supposedly stuff Lee was a member of a witchcraft, ca yeah and she was known to wear high boots hair, a blond wig and a floppy hat. I did to cover my brain since it either
you see the wings for beer for in reality, stukely was more of a burn out who sometimes dealt drugs. Former neighbour of hers named william posey, told Bernie siegel than on the morning of the murders he saw a car clean pull into holiness dope lease driveway containing two, possibly three men who were all just a laugh and in a giggle, can't believe high, now george there for joy, but they were doing a script kill pigs are you know they were fuckin stoned out of their gourds and having a great not yet at her stupid, floppy, probably sharing region or laugh it up. You actually can both be seeking my hey happily the liner was then seen rushing out of the car into her house in the immediately, sped away then The neighbors said that, on the day of the macdonell family funeral helena,
we're all black and hung a funeral wreath on her door, additionally, after february seventeenth nary, a single floppy hat. Nor, blonde wig was seeing seen upon her stoke stop head ever again. Maybe it's because there was a fucking ap be for a person with a blonde wig and floppy hat a bad stupid, not me out at all, but she's, probably like betsy with temporary, speak up any other brunette and its also. Possible that you know javary took this image of the supposed woman and you later starkly. I it's quite possible. He saw around town. Policy then said the left fate will weeks later because she told him, but the cops were given her a hard time about the murder, but when he returned in august. Oh yeah imposing point blake asked her about possible involvement in the murders. She said that
Remember anything about that night. Jesus. What she did remember her boyfriend, saying quote: well, guess your kinky married until we go out and kill some more people. Why don't you ever done in earlier years, she's out of her foggy she's light along mention destroyed just fuckin bride. I can't tell you what I'm saying right now nothing doing their heads doing to think now, fully acid, fried like crazy acid, fried along with every other drug. You can forget about me. You know what it's like to eat care at least been bernie before is it at the murder? I imagine ass a little different backgrounds taken more of it from here. I dont even know, and you are now like full sheet.
paper. Oh yeah, did you get it all over you? I remember you, you told the story, but when you get around the pep rally and then the guy that you were by an acid, the buzz liquid from if a and he like and we are putting in a fur stripe gum delicious great idea, that's incredible, but then he put it on my head that he just looks up only goes oh no sort of a buyer fill of ass. It I've spoken ass during council and I'd like load bosses up for grabs night, I turned to the principal at the gop's. So you remember that picture that the picture was like the guy who would think the guy with all the different like. I forget, it was like a how schizophrenia progressed. We saw like the cat slowly turn into colors lagoon, kaleidoscope, spats like what he did to me. Teachers must strictly was called in to testify, but she would alternate between confessing and recanting, and the only thing her stories proved was, and she did a lot of drugs. All the yeah, you religion,
well. I just need you believe what ever you both locally was a bit of a non starter: Siegel brought in character, witness after character, witness who all testify to Jeffrey mcdonald's, unquestionable character. Even jeffreys, father in law testified saying that he, if he ever had another daughter, he'd still want same son in law, but I'd ever marry him when the time she was years old, in fact worse by what we believe in their law I finally, though, Jeffrey Donald himself testified. on hearing and he was far more practiced. Then what and since the interrogation heed straightened out his story considerably and any description. he's between the hearing and the multiple interviews. Since the murders were chalked up to either the fellow
lady of human memory or the blow to the head. He received that fateful night. Honestly now, most time truly, I can. If it's, The floppy hat have just beside myself made his bucket. Hats are supposed to be coming out soon. I know what it's going to be a nightmare for me with such by the time the article thirty two hearing was concluded. All charges were dismissed due to insufficient evidence, but in article thirty two hearing is a criminal trial. It's not even a grand jury. This was him an internal investigation with in the military, so rules of double jeopardy did not apply. It just meant that he wasn't gonna get charged with the crew and the government was another charge him and them a wasn't gonna charges, but as far as Jeffrey was concerned, he was scott bree, oh yeah, he'd, gotten away with murder. In writing that high he decided to parlay his tragedy into stardom by becoming a highly visible,
Professional mourner- oh my god, it would be arrogance, however, that would eventually land Jeffrey in jail and will detail every bit that led him to that point. When we pick back up next week for part two It's just a bunch of lies next week. A lot of that allies lot of nervous hand, wringing a lot of anger from the father in law once he figures out like oh wait, a second that new wife of his back yeah god, what a horrible story next week, I'm glad we'll get it we're going to hunt him down we're going to get him we're going to put them in jail. Thank you guys for listening. We got a lot of bullshit up twitch, that tv slashed last pakistan. Where can watch all the shows on twitch we've got a murder
it is happening. Right now is happening now. Yeah, we are already has already done. Where did the chinese typewriter shows of this weekend? We can't fucking wait. They have all these horrible men in town, it's so nice to have all of the murder fest over at my house. I miss everybody. The man to wake up and see a member of murder face in my house in the morning. Isn't scary? No, not any more! This beautiful man was so nice and it's been amazing, cheapest. Yet yeah, of course, been nice to have any fluency fuckers. By Again I am able to four guys you show was made possible by listeners. Like you think store, add sponsors, you can support shows by supporting them for more show like the one you just listen to go to last podcast network dot com the. Ebay motors is here for the ride. Elbow grew
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-24.