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Episode 546: John Holmes and the Wonderland Murders Part II - Four on the Floor

2023-09-15 | 🔗

Henry and Marcus and joined by Ed Larson of The Brighter Side podcast for the latter half of the John Holmes story, picking back up with John's unhinged, freebasing drug dealer Eddie Nash, John's fall from glory, and how the once heralded adult film star's poor choices and selfish actions lead to the gruesome (and technically unsolved) murders of 4 people in 1981.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Here at ford. We don't know any first responders alone. They give ninety percent of farmers work. to build our towns, roads, infrastructure, they don't. half way, good luck, finding a small business owner whose happy with an eight percent effort. That's why they use for trucks or deaf series. One hundred percent assembled in america, because we are all in america built or proud, four A logical they don't just cover or blur the problem they actually treat their highly trained. Skin therapists have massage extracted and soothed the skins of millions but see others
else for yourself, get a personal life, skin analysis and treatment plants a day at dermal, logical dot, com, slash tree and to get a special gift, but the thirty five dollar purchase use the code, treat their dues and new debts under works or go catch the way forward. european beach, we, like you, think, not only about both theatre in san diego october, twenty common check out all of tat and the crazy lps show tired. Now saving and grinding in front of you for your entertainment, leisure for organic The big talk about that being greasy guy. I'm talking about away. dude seaweed
just so. You know it's can be inside of a theatre, so any physical wetness. You speak, We is your own personal, Bobby heat or the sweat of one of the performers come and check it out. I'm certain. If there's a part cast labour. You need on your tone. We got the spoon for peace, blanket bingo, maybe oh god the there's no way to escape. Tourism is the last time on eleven cannibalism started.
Do you think you come to my blog? You now largely confused and knew not why we're not going to play baseball is nothing long, longing some man in the linen in amerika and see them in amendments on these men of my glasses, of about a bugging mix tape is then I can put the sultan any fucking order that I want to work and put them in granting presented. When you buy an album you by alcohol abuse, they put the songs and funding to order it has been. They want you to listen to the best love. This guy is right. This whole script, me for hair annoying moon later I just this script like I'm not like. You know, You have one of those dreams and river had one of those dreams where you're like truly either watching crime being committed. I've had this happened, or you like
I too horrible dreamer, wash my father kill a man. Sprint fun cuba fund, which will soon get out of bed in doing so well, but you know like in when you wake up and you're like just think rice, that's not real you! I think rice that was just a whore no undesirably ridden, scenario: my brain merced media and it's nice to read this script. It's one of those were like thank Christ. None of these are hey, absolutely not none of them are any of us. Welcome last pakistan Ladies and gentlemen, I mark a spark some here within reason, brodsky and sit in for castle. We get at larson you know what's going on, I would never tire of time I went to jail and I had this dream when I was in jail that aliens taken over the world and alien. The only way you could tell they were an alien is, if they blood red or they erode, that blood green of their are greener now and yet to kill whatever they look.
In humans, they looked like us going around with my friend dooce sure, to remember going around we're trying to find out who's an alien who's. Not we go to her mom's house she's acting all weird. We should earn ahead. She bleeds red yeah we've been jailed, I'm like, thank god, I'm so glad he's on the show. Just to remind you. Mister castle is taking some time away from the show to take care of his mental and physical health, and we got is why we got one the mayor in placing water- yes you're. Oh, my god, I love salmon when people known as a piggy, well, yeah girl. I I prefer you is in a ragged tat man, yes, well, not, according to the fans of last progress when I get harass Industries- and they call me pick band and owing may day hey. I guess that's us are retained. How dare you come at our street? I observed we are onto John holmes in the wonderland murders. Part to do so.
last left John holmes. His free base, cocaine addiction had reached legendary high. I feel it doesn't take much to get the legendary heights when you're doing free basin, go while he taught his penis how to use a later. As result, he got himself caught up in the drug dealing game as a delivery boy for a group of murderous heroin added called the wonderland gang so named because they lived at eighty seven. Sixty three wonderland avenue actually drove up there. A couple a nights ago. The house, is demolished. Our lately replay indiana done because, honestly, it was dog shit out your dirty I was honestly one of the worst parts I mean when I was watching the crime scene walk through. I watched all like you know when the they show all the bodies, one of the worst things of the whole thing was the fixtures as I, where is where is Joe Joe here
There is magnolia farms and it's a very creepy narrow street to drive up there to wonderland avenue right off a laurel canyon. It's up in the in hollywood, hills and even felt straight. I know that it's now very, very nice and bury posh, but you still feel this a creeping sensation like something bad can happen up here. It's also just weird because the bunch of mansions and shit- and it's just like this creep- apartment, building in the mill middle of all of the very strong I have you ever spent time in mobile and drive at night. You should go. I get a whole david alleged like experienced myself. You should try it. It's free! actually like driving around the hollywood hills alone at night. Oh yeah, now don't walk, not don't, don't walk but wonderland gang, wasn't johns only source for cocaine. He also fed his addiction through a lunatic nightclub owner and hard drugs dealer named eddie nash, who was again brilliantly and by all counts perfectly interpreted by offered molina in bogey nights, eddie
nash is a motor fist. Character met. I can't would you know we cover so many different stories within programme, and you know that one of my favorite things like that hit. it kind of characters in all of the nature. Gosh and Eddy NASH is one of my favorites of all them cause. Strangely, his son of an immigrant he's an immigrant himself. These are working hard, and a lot of this is really about him. Expressing the american dream. Eddie was a palestinian immigrant, whose real name was Adele caribbean as rolla and heat arrived in Lhasa listen! Nineteen! Fifty one at the age of twenty two as many do. He tried his hand at acting, but only a small role on a tv western called the cisco kid that had very few gunfights, but lots of bulwark pick him you fucker
in the middle of the screen. I don't fucking understand. Why am I over here and I'm small in there? Why? The fuck am I over here and on this site, but on smaller yeah and go like this entry as a consequence of his time on the cisco kid which was very whip heavy because it was a show for kids, Eddie NASH himself developed his own obsession with whips are you gonna trade, the only weapon you couldn't be. Do your mother's house and she thinks the belt, but after eddies acting career petered out, he opened a wildly popular hot dog. Stand on hollywood. Boulevard called beats straight into the hot dog. God do you think you put like beef on top of the hotdog? No man, I dunno why he called it. Beef chuck yeah, like maybe just a ground beef on top, like chili baby chili dogs, to put beef in the name of the fucking restaurant this is some kind of perky fucking bullshit
I also think that hot dogs, like would you say, health, wise thing. Hot dogs do just about the same amount of damage, its cocaine So it's a stalwart illicit substance, engineering, industry and now he really graduate just fuckin. I mention hot dogs. Once to the two a year and immediately goes to nearly goes. Hey you guys just fuckin fantasising about hotdog hotdog, the movie theater, yet last night, disgusting yeah I've also realized when people talk about handling calamari they're, all like you know, actually a lot of times. It's like pig, asshole fury. I what if it just turns out we as a country, wolf pig ass, just what it is we just like it adds pig asshole eyes, the high say: I've consumed entire bag or frozen calamari before yeah, but what about boat? But it's got the little legs high level.
What's that I don't want when I think ass. No, that's gonna, say that's what it's like the bottom of a pig's. That's how you know it's real! If it's got no tiny legs, that's how you know it's pig s. Yes, the mid seventies Adele was Rolla had become eddie nash. Indeed made enough on hot dog in various other murky sources that he stood buying real estate across los angeles. Any soon turn that real estate into a string of night clubs that cater to all time got a fucking disco, I've got a lawyer, bakery incredible betty had a strip club, a kick cat, a bus stop joint cross. street from man's chinese theatre named the seven seas, cooled off first gay club and allay to allow same sex dancing and a jazz clock zones that he summoned,
he climbed his way to being woke, somehow understood that he saw the gap and he shot it. He did, and he also got it just interesting cause. Now we we've covered other serial killers, especially that are in like homosexual communities to go out to the cause like it's. This part of like having to keep everything under the guise of literally a mobster had one it to be open is part of the reason why a lot of those crimes happened. They were under prosecuted yeah, but, interestingly eddie also owned a club on the santa monica boulevard that is incredibly important to the los angeles punk seen and the hare metal craze of the eighties. This Vanunu was called the starwood and it also operated as a quick. lu depot that should the depot it's in a away from home debo
I can only agree. Allude depot was examined credible other, like we couldn't find him from off. No one could find. No, though, how eyelids don't exist anymore, that's proof that they don't exist. Yes, with starwood was one of the only two places in the late seventies that would host punk shows and, in addition to launching the careers of punk legends like the screamers acts and the circle jerks. This was also where quiet riot the crew and van Alien got their start, that's crazy! So this is a you're hot dogs, it really is. We actually have a gig listened to our series and the screamers are no dogs in space. We go fully into the starwood and, like all the weird shit that happened at that, They have an acoustic album
the scream. I actually have no help at all. They never there the most legendary ban to never record an album than we have at the moment. We have a demos and lie performances. It's actually one of the greatest tragedies of twentyth century music that no screamers album exists at such a marcus music opinion that he loves music. That does not exist so so later. When we did not materially exists in exists, it exists in the term oaths and they did a couple of videos, but it does. They never went into the studio and recorded an album took my favorite crypt. It is wax santa yeah there, but perhaps because the store what was the least respectable of eddies clubs. He used it to sell quail eludes by hiding in plain sight, seeing cops drove by this. our wood and saw people lining up at the box office. They assumed
we're just lining up to buy concert, tickets, fucking, junior it's. Obviously, it's really smart, really fucking smart. The kids were lining up to buy lubes out of a cash box that held thousands of pills, god damn all out in the open. How does this place stay open? Because I will find out why Doug? Well? It's because the cops didn't we look into the starwood all that closely because, as one caught put it, the relationship between the lapd in eddie nash was courting quote. Never in paganini. Stick. It was now wherein tagging mystic there buddy, I didn't say it was bad. They just sit. It was never in tagging this. This is during a time period of not there were not continuing to be, but if high corruption in the area Be the lapd has been ways been, could be thoroughly reviewed comes up quite a bit on our chow. Destiny seem to be, they're, not gray, all the time again police officers. Again, I will talk with Nypd cop before a duck wherefore I fucked women
I don't know that they'll leave you out in the middle of nowhere there's so many places to leave you here. There is all the space to take. Forty five minutes from here is inhabitable desert yeah, but by the early seventies, Eddie nash was considered by some to be a sort of godfather. Hollywood and by the time John holmes came. Around nash was rumored to have connections to both politicians and the police force, possibly because he allegedly had important people on his side. Eddie nash could be reckless. therefore absolutely terrified he swore I can't use it. Are you put it he's a bit much villa extra back ever accumulate besides owning the clubs, NASH was also a major coke and heroin dealer who got high on his own supply nash, free based two to three ounces of cocaine. Every day
I really love it's like examines, like a cup cakes worth of flower beds with it as an ounce of cocaine. You get like four hits a free base off that that's crazy! It's not it's not much at all hours, you're, just fuckin, your coconut down new crystal no, when you cook that crystal it's fuckin, poof light as a signal as steps it, it's the least cost effective way to do coking. Yes, There is really no it's very willy nilly very unsustainable and he would sometimes makes the high with heroin to take the edge off very base. Cocaine is pretty fuckin intense, but perhaps because eddie often left himself so vulnerable in a state of intoxicate and he was never seen without his bodyguard gregory dials. He really any nash is such a funny character.
Because in many ways the total unrepentant mont mobster drug dealer, crazy person murderer, probably will get all I mean who knows lilies director of murder, but he also was like He really needed his friends, you have loved his friends and he loved every body in this other perverse really crazy way, and I think it's probably because if you look at, I do not understand that free, basing it only last for like twenty to thirty minutes at a time then- and so like he's going up and down he had to do heroin in order to go to the bank. He hadn't was bodyguard, gregory, dial ski was a hundred pound karate expert, convicted fell era drew near the once chased a man out of one and ashes clubs at two thirty in the afternoon, across six lanes of traffic on santa monica boulevard than he pulled out his thirty eight in em.
the fucking gun into the guy's car you now some people vagary work because they need money. Be I go to work because I love If not, then person ass, my life underlying a rear, both a chase about god, dammit. It's incredible surprise. He was able to get his finger in the trigger actually we're gonna get into how his media appendages actually cause problems later on this great there but because Eddie NASH apparently contained multitudes, he did have a song. side. If someone he knew was in a real jam, meaning not a drug jam eddie would help them out all the generosity in the world, but if you're fucked with eddie, were more often than not as good as dead. I gave you a fucking. They got me, you know, let's put it this way, I feel like he did. This is almost ass. This
from of control nor in any way exams what all bob stirs and drug dealers do. They ll do anything for you ever not wine them out the decks out. That's what kind of funny they learn! That lesson is a little boy, because there was mafia, my block, Our member, just like no inner stan, was all just. I can't really believe that, like this was kind of just at the ecosystem of the neighborhood, because my comp father and my mother would always we say you look, you know I love you. Is that crazy? Absolutely? But you know what as long as you don't own the money as long as you just don't get involved in business, the kind of nice cars they build, playgrounds and shit, yes, but he received any
and I'm like. No, that's not true. Now did you ever like run errands for them yeah, I told you the story valley used to give me like I used to go across the street. They used to give me a little bag and he will take this over there and then I come back. Was this little corner store and I'd come back and they had a soda machine, and then I thought it was so impressive that they put on the soda was free and it click thing in the free soda would our analysis, those back mandates credible when he was a mule. They were crying grooming. You yeah like view. If you kept going, you would end up, did just fuckin ride. Like eventually would she trusted following but I never would have made because I'm awfully fully. Ah, yes, but that would allow us to take advantage of a cops on both. Nothing would make them happy damn. Well as it when eddie ashes. Friends were just as dangerous as eddie. Reportedly he was friends with the godfather of the israeli ma. yeah. He had been linked to the death dismemberment of two israeli nationals at the bonaventure hotel in downtown los angeles. According to the police, the bodies were dismissed,
bird in one of the rooms and removed from the hotel in a large suit case and a garment bag, both of which had been put just in the lobby, that's definitely not kosher. Yeah we're going to throw out these plates. Yeah parts of the victims, including a woman's head, were subsequently found in four dumps. Hers right around here in germany has so exciting all of this history, right around us. I love when things take place, right: yeah, rome, yeah, eddie nash, who become such a coat up weirdo by the time. John holmes came on the scene that he hardly ever left his ranch house located in a cul de sac, at the bottom of the hill, but separates hollywood from the sand for No valley from this house is located not five minutes from eighty, so
and sixty three wonderland avenue and it kind of even kind of set the scene a little bit is that these types of homes, eli homes are, are interesting because they are they look kind of like ranch style, but I find that a lot of like eli home sort of like expand on the inside, like you get in, especially in this neighborhood. I get looks like a small house when you arrive and then you open up the door next to kind of go was back into sort of a long like kind of sprawling thing, and you can kind of see how you know. This is the beginnings of a of a great place for a literal, mythical monster. Live inside of you, because you can really fortify them really well, oh yeah, because he got one entry point eddies body, it also taken such a beating from years of drug abuse and its consequences that by this time, one of his lungs had been removed. He was missing piece a scientist cavity because of excessive.
Cocaine you get at it. Go yeah sorry, I had it into an h, o v lane yeah and he had a steel plate in his head. For god knows what reason protect my booking brain cloud. and it still can happen. This conversation- let's listen to Jesse's girl, but along with eddie's other eccentricities, was a habit for collecting rare and expensive objects located within his home was a huge collection of jade ivory crystal and so, ivar. In addition, he owned and original rembrandt and most of his furniture was of the highly expensive baroque, antique variety and worship. Is why? Why is crystal still available
I wanna join us, so my mom schwartz keys. You should see the looks like I know. I gave a five bring all your mother's, precious memories, to a man to sell being like listening and filling all this. We try to get a real gravestone. Personally, I have Some take one of these glass owls dog, shit, we should in the trash two quarters. Zulu thousand architects. Thank you. I don't know how what's wharves he's a fucking scared, scared organ place, these that we take it down. They ve got a too good for too long. You can email me side stories, lp ordeal, gmail D, come MR swore rob scheme that is down we are at the ball together, open in a new schwarzkopf storage? Why? A brief is: who is the store? I you know you, I think
We want a fuckin disneyland over the break. There were so fuckin swab squeezed, look in downtown disney on the way in today's needs, its for me moves and pop. Yes, it's a bit like I brought this is the breathing. I you don't bring a it's something you leave it a tombstone. I always tell when my dad wanted casino, because there is a new schwartz key and carry curio cabinet each one was an I'm sorry, but that, but that is all this. Say that eddie NASH had a pretty nice house, I'm sure at least it looked nice. It looked like the old lady's house. It looked like a very dangerous grandma's house, yes with a bunch of firecrackers hanging around, and this was of course a great contrast to the absolute scum bucket of one that contain the wonderland gap, but entering eddies home would no doubt have given you the same sense of danger. The only difference is that any nash was just a little classier, even though he was still out of his fuckin mine to most
the time true two million is portrayal, eddie wore a room, silk, robe and bikini brief soon. Innings me I had, and he was almost constantly sweating from the drugs that were running through his system. From the moment he was awake until the moment he passed out days later time. Long trip Snap rewards in some way be merged was also the type a guy who bought you do drugs with them. As soon as you walk in asking anyone came by if they wanted to free base cocaine upon what we now call a crack or a mess pipe. He called this playing baseball by play baseball. You smokes gulf,
but you ve ever played inside basketball come on. Let's go because I feel it is my duty to is that which we cut our snap who he is and how like he just wanted you to have a good time, is what he likes, and so you must like a joke. You got cause. He can't lake free, basing cocaine as much as you want do unless you're also free, basing cocaine You can then all talk about literally the structures of snowflakes, again gather for hours and hours. I also think he was up, maybe in a sort of drug dealer, maybe not conscious but unconscious way of telling. If someone is a cop are not made a cause, I do think that, because we put them again pushed back, let me know if anybody's workforce any sort of narc unit. I would love to know side solely opiates. Algae mother come under cover, cops deftly dewdrop, oh yeah, they do height, but I dont know if they do
something that extreme. I know that will do a bomb puddle do something else too. Languid save their fuckin life. Here I don't know. Maybe I feel like free basin. Cocaine is a step too far for a lot of police officer spree back. Do you think he had suffered nicer than just tinfoil like? Do you think, like you, like it metal sheet or something he had a bit? It was a big glass ball at the end of a small I own, as a small, to the small glass to crack, but yet again, fancy like people get fancy like yeah yeah The butane lighter get up before butane lighters can be bought at head shops. No, I'm sure he had a special order. It from somebody yeah home depot was around, but no, I think he had a fuckin find that shit else. Does it weird? I feel like drug paraphernalia many weights with both harder and easier to get during this time period, because they had a lot of open cope. I mean merch yeah. He had the cocaine spoon to the coke spoon you could wear like in the movie, but I remember a good during wolf. We all had those things where they called bullets
It was like a little light, portable cocaine administrator that you could bring with you that you, like you, basically like flipped it over tuck off the top hit the bump, and then you put it back in and she will cocaine in all their or their little button on the bottom. I would push up the odyssey you'd lifted that were gathered by the we got of age. We had to deal with usinor keys and a shitty bathroom. Yet rockland listed into the fog didn't stripes. the strokes amongst the rest, all of them yeah, but after taking a hit from eddie's freebase pipe, you might be invited to partake in one of eddie's favorite pastimes. Russian roulette at is also elder about, although partaking usually met you just watched eddie, do it to himself
while all of you were out of your fucking minds high in many ways. Well, yeah, I'm glad it's not you! You should be glad it's not you, but that's kind of almost works do a bunch of drugs. You just watch the guy who owns the house and he's a spear like la la la la land. Like he's skipping. the house here, quick, you should see your photo it's a bit freaked out. That's what's so incredible about that. The eddie nash part in boogie nights off from that because they distill everything that is eddie nash into like six men yeah. You know it's like I do it jack shadow than ever, but not many back in and then just moves on to the next? Thank the recycling he's like laugh, you guys are all birds dared and share that allows a showman booby was because he's out you get the kind of a comedian. Fireworks is gonna play wimps. However, would involve new guess, a game that they didn't even know. They were playing when a new girl
old guy or whoever was brought to eddies place. He'd sometimes make them go to a room in sit on a couch before them strewn across a car he table were literal piles of cocaine and jewelry. In addition to large wads of cash. in front of them was a large mirror. That mirror was of course, to way Here you go. I'm going to leave you with my kids. I'm going go by renewed once the new guest was sat down. Eddie would watch from the other side of the glass for hours waiting to see what they took. If anything now way of assessing the guest you know, but thankfully, like there was no penalty. If you took anything now, just asked to leave yeah hey buddy, that's fucking route before he shut the doors by your mind by his coke I met its
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like simply safe pays, noxious when companies have those sneaky. Gotcha, and deepen the fine print or bills, and seem to go up for no dang reason at measure. By t mobile, is not a yadda yadda. That means no contracts, no price hikes and no sir, rises. Berryville want me to speed through the legal. So here goes when they say no price hikes. When you join, they mean your price will never clarice for talk text in smartphone, data plants there. Only exclusions are for limited I'm promos per year, charges and third party services. I guess there really is now adda, yadda yadda metro by t mobile Nada yadda yadda, thus far, is how air in John holmes hooked up, they met at one of nash's, nightclubs, the seven seas,
which is now a souvenir shop called the hollywood land experience located across the street from man's turnings theater. I bought an oscar best piggy is that not only do I would love to have all the oscars up, one of the best best peggy that mark was the story, goes jobs at the seven seas to obtain information on a porno shoot in san francisco go from someone that one of our sources, the devil and John holmes, called the lavender hill mob are the only lavender hill mob. We could find. Was a gay activists group from the mid eighties that a lot of good work? So I think the writer was just trying to distastefully. Can cheaply suggest that John was there to meet a gay porn produce very, very well, I believe that no get how norms that alot again I'll tell them used to describe it like back and like I was at the maltese falcon when Peter lorry play that game character. They couldn't column gay, but there was said he smells like, haven't yea and I hold here rather ends
Lavender hill mob was also a movie from the forty, seven all kinds of lavender, by yeah that that is to say he was deftly. Therefore, gay porn, but our the way mommy's essay happy and light hearted by the way the producer never showed up. While John was waiting, he was recognised by eddie nash, who was of course a big fan of jobs, work, the gatt died, I only got there is nobody asked. How are you What asked asks about? Who gun he's never really yeah the match eddie like showing off john at its clubs and eddy, also supplied John with free cocaine in exchange for introductions to porn actress. Yes, sometimes job and would even pimp out his under age girlfriend don t eddie telling him that dawn was his niece from
organ she's in tat, he would say, doesn't mega, but not now. Now. Could you both because I weird thing and eddie was actually that makes them. And yeah best from Oregon? Oh yeah, of course, yeah yeah he'd tell he would tell eddie nash. The don was like yes she's in nursing school she's visiting here from Oregon yeah. You can have her, but at the same time John would also talk to eddie nash about is, like my precious dawn, my precious don. So there there was a Weird disconnect in John Holmes is brain and when it came to dawn and pimping her out, essentially not essentially explicitly export their language, really hoping roddy pimp draw to a multitude most multiple people. Just like one of the few people in his life there was actually goddamn she's, the only for well mean they dame damn, she was just hosted. She uses oxygen, his wife took care of him yeah exactly, but he knows genomes, not a nice guy get off his I'm she's like seventeen yeah. Now,
John Holmes would later referred, eddie nash as evil incarnate again and again, but he also said that he and NASH called each other. They were brought Surely the dragoon shit, what happens with doing when you do hours and hours of rebates and with each other you get overly familiar guess it's at that again the scene and buggy nights with heather gram and Julia more in the room, doing cocaine together for hours upon hours, nook. Let's go for a walk. I don't want to leave this room. I don't either like it's that shit down, but the thing is about, on homes and adding ashes seem like John holmes, eddied ashes friend, just so long as now psychotic behaviour didn't splash over to John sure, now sit here, of course, if you're just getting clinical fun idea of a friend for a second for a bit, but it ain't been real. Not an laundromat missus John holmes was close with both the wonderland gang and Eddy NASH. He began work
is a middle man between the two dealers. This, of course, was the connection that set the events in motion. that would result in the wonderland massacre. But this is what we talked about last week to remember. The theme of this entire series is that free, basing cocaine for days and days and years on end will eventually affect your decision. making process it. Well, this isn't easy cause. You can't this is not a sober idea. No, you don't really think things through yeah but see when it came to purchasing drugs. Eddie would take most anything valuable in exchange for cocaine or heroin. He would take gul jewelry guns whatever and happened. The wonderland gang had just come into possession of three extremely valuable and unique. Anti can guns valued at seventy five thousand dollars that seventy five thousand dollars and now teen. Eighty one money yeah, but this is not shit. You could take to like a normal like fencing operation. This is like a visit off. He growed show ship is like smithsonian shit
his auction shit and that's what eddie knew he knew that these guns were so unique that if he even tried to resell them, if the cops caught when they're coming straight for eddie nash and his whole fucking operation falls apart But at this point the wonderland gang was critically low on heroin, therefore pushed John to make a plea to eddie, because eddie had a soft spot for John holmes, NASH agreed to hold the guns, canada faith. for John no, never have ever favorites delighted this bessie, We agreed the guns and some gold for seven days while advancing the wonderland gang a thousand dollars for heroin. So they could sell the heroin to make money by more heroin. That is the nigerian prince scamp about that. If the same you don't worry, that's gonna, that's as good as money knows, I'm sure ball you
there's all right now, John holmes, with somewhat confused by this nonsensical deal, but from what I can tell it seems like it's kind of a pawnshops situation right, it's like you, know any holds on the guns as collateral and then once the wonderland gang pays back the grand of they all the heroin, then they get the guns back at you feel like going. You were cause, you delight, we'd stuff, and this I sold weed and intel ass. If large everyone went to jail already, we could talk. Yeah did you have a barter barter? No, but like you'd, get in situations where, like people would give you weed or whatever, and they would want you like. They want you to be in debt to the ocean cause that's when they can really milk it naked fuck. It bring up how much you oh and they want to give it to a junkie who's. Gonna do a cause. Then they could just milk, the guy for all time,
So, as you say, it's it's a good thing. It's good business to do that by actually eddie did not want to really do it because he didn't want to get in business, heroin addicts. That was his rules and he didn't want to get into business with heroin addicts, because heroin attics could kill you yelling for effects. He's like the on on a fuckin roof like dangling back we're playing basketball the river. The buildings been, I think about when attics is that honestly be unreliable the one guy we had to deal with. That was unreliable. He was also dealt coke and he would often try to pay for his weed and coke and black know. We don't need that much coke. We need It is not now, but I was the only one that can actually get a good deal out of this guy cause using his name was acts so The money
and with ex used to deal used to be the we guy for towards Clinton alone, and then he got mad because I gave the whole beef on guys a better price, and so they left acts and they, like yeah, he's case started coming to me and at one time he was being the shady like pretend to be georgia. Son in shit, and I just he was driving- would be a real super shady. So I'll say it all this by god. Let's my, as is the only thing you started doing sketch com and here in the middle of olive oil. That's how I met your roommate. Then you can then comedy bark yeah, but you know you you, you show him the gun. You unloaded your hand it to them. But like look, this is my gun and then, whenever he comes over, when did you get the shady guys coming over you? You, like put the weed in a different place. You keep it in your underwear drawer. When he comes over, you pull it out from the fridge Of course, you know stuff like that. You know, but I anticipate
really it otherwise is for all that shit. It's never if he had caught it's when o o yeah, you know and like we were doing great and we were doing better than what thou through assay, but it all came freshened out of court in a very more much more friendly with it I can see where you know when you're dealing with like large sums of money and crazy people, like you, never ate, be eddie nash types. You stay away from very much so yeah you never get to the top dog yep nup, yeah, Eddie nash was the close the top down here. I know he was still even just a minor boss in all of this fucking chip, it that was just his is fun time. Yes, you're the best he was a business on a global basis, so we really drug dealing with like his hobby, yeah mentally did for the passion He may be washed a lot of money for a lot of people. Always allisons is especially with that punk rock venue I mean, like I bet it made on the books like I bet it made. The guy four thousand dollars a month. I bet you know like two had now. Of course, the high
oh guns, fur cash for heroin and then get in the detail in the heroin and given the cash back. That's not at all what happened. Instead of selling the heroin. The wonderland gang did the hair off farm. Once was gone. They started robbing people to continue feeding their habit. Little by little in none of the money for eddie nash, not days turned into weeks with no repayment, and the view of attention should feel it for that The thing is that none of it came from eddie now, just what we are calling for a guy got about. A thousand dollars means nothing to enough like nothing at all. That's an hour of coke drug fuelled chain of congress. Asian, the wonderland gang convince themselves that eddie NASH had sold their guns and was keeping all the cash like. They had somehow created a situation in which they were thronged ones. There were the victims, always
John holmes, communicated the wonderland gangs, anger back to eddie, but eighty nash wasn't worry, you didn't care any of it. He care about threats. Is it then you know where I live, unless, of course, you to tell them where I live, John knew. This is where John Holmes enters into his professional snitch stay well, you'd stage before right. Against that you'd been searching for a while, but this is when he turned. I was ably berlin murder. You wanted snitch and turns to murder and yeah and as you may have already guessed, that's exactly what happened now, there's some debate as to why John Holmes gave up adding ashes location to the wonderland gang, but, according to one side, John- had taken a cocaine delivery for himself and free based, I'm good or I mean I just what is it? What do you think we're gonna have to have a coffee coffee, some tylenol
No man, I know I did only last for a period of time, but I guess you know it's all like you're doing it, and it feels good for second you're like ah, and then that bet feeling like I've. Even thinking about this is the put a pit in my stomach of like it's all gone, the the cocaine you're just about to bring, and then the fifteen minutes of you being high is over and that feeling of just oh no, we want the war. I do. I do now and then use constant scramble for it. Well, this caused the problem with wonderland gang members, billy Devereaux and ronnie lobbyists, who were If you remember both murderers and desperate drug ideas there, just this crazy. His whole team is just as crazy as they are The guy who's running all this board. One has a yacht and the other one's got a rowboat exactly, but after beating John as a precursor to something much worse, Ronnie told John that he had to quote unquote make this right,
and john being the power that he was immediately thought about his friend eddie nash, the wonderland gangs increase vendetta and all the valuables contained within eddies hauser, nor nor no, nor should have been the last thought like small business. Little really do go some way, but he drank some part of what was I thinking. Maybe eddie would just fuckin kill these people, you know what that's? Actually, I bet you going on about that, but yeah you, maybe I'll, just freedom to this I'll freedom to eddie. You eddie old, makes your work. These guys, like you, can beat eddie. But, on the other hand, John also needed the money, because he'd already he just made that documentary exhausted and he hadn't paid the editors yet and unless he pay the editors that fucking seeing how we can get the we need. The tapes to take
the deal will come back and we'll back? You will the for the day when we get the David deleted. The record deal wedding, it's the nerve racking so John agreed to give up any national location under the condition that he would get caught and nobody would get hurt, and so on the evening of june twenty eight nineteen, eighty one the wonders and gain gathered around their breakfast nook to study blueprints of eddied ashes house, the john either procure from the city or drew up himself from memory the fuckin ocean's eleven. I would go ahead and guess he drew mother yeah. Let me see, if I remember see, if I remember, if you are okay, I know there's a door couch. as a co k does that you could just see them all just kind of going back and forth and is being like. You know we need its. We need. A small guy
filling the tiny elevator. What are you? talking about why this boy John, had extensive knowledge of now only the layout of the house itself, but where all of eddie nash, valuables and weapons were stored, name They were in the goddamn safe in the goddamn about establishing. But if you remember whatever happened to him and he says, stood a little thing, sir he's gotta make pearl you jerk oh, what a figure and then and then, if you remember, Eddie NASH also had a massive karate expert body guard roddam at all times geo gregory dial here No o dolls wasn't always armed. He did keep a sawed off shot gun in his bedroom at national place. He lived there are always around, but to make up for the press. Of grigory dials, the wonderland gang added another guy to the crew and ex con named David Lynn,
was gonna, be the one with the gun covering etienne dials. While Ronnie Billy would ransack the house to you see again the trinity. We don't want to help the audience commit crimes, but if you are going to look, let's say you have you want to do big masseuse, and my thing, I would say, is use other people that have just as much to lose as you that are brand new, don't bring in just some extra guy. Well, they knew him. You know like ye. They knew him. let's just say like. I still feel like he was extra now damp, but now me who you gonna, use, John, you can't guess you can I guess use a jerk like a dog we back. The first and that the wonderland gang came up with was to send john to the front door. Then, once nash, his door was open. wonderland gang. We just bum right.
We draw immediately closet. Your plane was getting out of this. Course, fuckin stupid and would likely end in a shoot out with multiple fate. How yeah yeah, instead John suggested that he go over there at a party and unlocked the back door, so the gang could take
ash by surprise in the early morning hours this was the plan agreed upon. So John was sent to Eddie's house that night at midnight, though, like pocket, we got the plan, we're doing it right now. They gave him four hundred dollars to buy drugs and then John smoked those drugs at nash's place over the following six hour, and I really feel like he should have been sitting in meditation thinking about what he needed to do here, centering himself, taking some time for jon Hamm, but instead I can't believe how an irresponsible he's being the night before the heist yeah now doing drugs. Stealing drugs never do the drugs at the dealers. She do the deal is drugs at the dealers housing. You take your drugs at you bought you domino eddie nash was a little bit smarter than that, the out of it with a drug restaurant way out. Well, that's what you do. The first item two dozen times come to eddies house and then, after that eighty starts to get wise to your game, then
So you just keep people in it out you eventually, you are not allowed to come at you'd be able to party for while, but that's also was a weird about, and then he was oddly, not forgiving, but whose oddly just mean like what we said before. He wouldn't just mediately future that will come nice snow and I hung the coke dealer once like who buy it. There's even just hanging out with that. Guy like there was a we're like we went over to his place, yet we started doing coke and then at one point he hey guys. Just gotta be honest with you. You gotta start pay and now is that we can keep hanging out? I love you like. I like hanging out with you guys. Y'all are fun but, like you, gotta start paying for your cocaine, yeah, ok and we did. I had first goal responsibility, and that was the last time I ever did cocaine. Why? Because it is going to cause. Monte gods in you, but that was also my cocaine rule, I'm not paying for it. Yeah yeah, that's good to know I paid for it that night it was just such a weird skill.
Is the scummy night in isn't even like in new york. He was in lubbock yeah. It was such a fuckin, weird scummy scalzi awful awful night bed after that was like you know what I don't need to be in this. No more, I'm just so glad, oh crazy. What like will just end up and went with drugs unit. Lay I tell ass, he I'd go with this guide in jail and I he was solid gold. We go over to his house. He throws two fucking vote books on the floor of the church, yeah. That was just having fun trying to relax and now John claim that he felt a bit of remorse over the plan. While he was partying with eddie nash that night and he claimed that he tried warning eddie- that the wonder gang was common in form, but since eddie was
day. Ten by johns estimate of a no sleep bench he didn't really process were John was telling everyone who wanted eddie to kill these mother fucker or he did never do you know you never said anything as should we must resolve recant from it. I forget that this all probably lies yeah Jonathan's mouth is is probably alive because he is. I just think that how will you know when they will deeper and pack, and so when all the coke that John bought was smoked out of existence John excused himself to go to the bathroom, but instead he unlocked the sliding glass door in the back bedroom his body was in the bathroom. But his cock unlock the new electric snake are like: why is my door covered in piss yeah good go at least we go yeah John left, just as the sun was coming up and arrived back at the wonder.
house to tell a gang spoken time ago. Boys problems, though the lange gangs, heroin addicts, they spend all night doing harrowing and they all nodded off wrong drug. It took John two hours to wake them up, but They did rising jain. They sent John back to add his house to make sure that the back door was still on locked following behind him in a shitty ford, granada that was supposed to be the getaway car and so after johnson around the back to confirm that the door was still unlock. He yelled quote its time, go Ghana, boys cheese us Why don't you think? It's time you robbery now, that's him and he said he did it's time
soon after the gang entered the house and found eddie and his bodyguard gregory dials in the living room, their chest steer and love. Grigor, dials and eddie NASH were like in love with each other. In any way, I think they had a very comfortable I stick situations like kind of a married couple. Gregory dials up like making breakfast and shit like hang out, need eat on the veranda and have a nice time and it's like living with a friendly karate bear yeah. There's just something about your comfort me, god, damn it. If you weren't my wife, I treat you like one yeah. I describe them as like a nurse who was willing to kill me, I just met all I want will, unfortunately, for dials, though, when the wonderland gang rushed in. He was carrying a little tray that I didn't say what on the grey was either like drugs are like, it might have been. Eddies breakfasting are you are you know, is that he had nice stuff like a less like silver,
a ladder elegant little flower and a on smiley drawn, I'm fuckin cocaine on it. Just like a relaxing eggs friendly. eddie we gotta, well. Eli was, of course, caught unawares on his couch wearing only blue bikini briefs. That's my father's entire uniform for my entire childhood. While I remember how many times he had to be told, especially if my sister's friends were coming over there to put pants on yep man same here now, oddly enough, my they're only also only wore underwear, but we just let him do it yeah we do. Oddly enough, the wonderland gang entered pretending to be the police flashing, a stolen san francisco police badge, while shouting
freeze, police, you're under arrest. Oh all right, then yeah. My track marks, I'm a cop police officer, uniform yeah that really didn't seem all that necessary because David lynch, the new guy in the group, he was building a massively imposing three fifty seven magnetic that got jameson and boot. Mash was brought to his knees immediately, while dolls was made to lay on the floor, so he could be handcuffed. He was so massive, however, that they couldn't get the handcuffs everywhere, too bad to arrest. Not I love this year, this comedy of air, continued when Billy Devereaux went to help but tripped and fell into David land and david land who, We didn't have the best trigger discipline accidentally fired the gushes jeez
a bodyguard, wasn't technically shot, but the three fifty seven was held close enough to his body in the discharge was so powerful that it caused powder burns that we're deep enough to cause bleeding have been like a sharp ass, sharp ass. He has a good you're, all just total insanity area. Finally, though, the gang got the handcuffs over the midi wrists of grigory dials. Then they threw a rug over his head, so he couldn't what was happened. I don't know why but like so, he could like. Why did he use the rug thrown over his head and cast in many ways many many ways bodyguards are like canaries. If we just put a listen to me, listen this! Isn't the heroine,
I go to sleep. She uses one weapon against them, yeah, with the bodyguard out of the picture. They took nash to his bedroom and told them that they wanted the goddamn code with god, damn safe, now, NASH refused at first, but when the barrel of the gun was forced into his mouth, he fucking broke. He started sobbing and he told him immediately. The code was now for a bunch of drug addicts. Whole contained in the safe, was ink. Radical inside were to massive zip, walk bags of cocaine on a jewel region or on a pile of cash and thousands of quite eludes in a cash box. That was no doubt bound for the starwood box office you know I saw that amount. I was about to rob somebody I feel just the amount alone would be like. Oh no now my is, these might be too.
but she started, which is on our own system of vice fewer listeners. You find yourself in a scenario: leave half leave, half just leave some, you think. So I say just the clear political we're going to find you. And went to find you no matter what they leave have immediate will be as mad it does it now, there's still that day, You just eat their already dead at this point, you just take it, or the searching the house. They found a laboratory, vile, full of heroin in eddies, dresser, Gregory, shot gun in his bedroom and, of course, the antique guns that it started. This fuckin mess in the first place to talk twice let's get you have still not happy there. ronnie lonnie, who, if you remember had thirty possible unsolved homicides under, is about when he died. He held a hunting knife to Gregory through
demanding to know where the rest of the heroin was, but even as Ronnie began, to draw blood gregory refused to tell em, possibly because there no more fuckin harrow here rug, overset roared out of my way. You want it. It's a trick drinking. It was at this point, though, that the rest of them told ronnie. Had more than enough, so they escaped their shitty forward granada, which took them to the wonderland house five minutes away fibre here John base I back the base at the whole thing was over and done with by ten a m, and, of course, John hall is waiting back. The wonderland house, almost giddy, with excitement to see what the whole was and therefore how big his cut was gonna, be
agreement beforehand was at the three guys win and pull off the robbery would take twenty five percent each while John and the driver was split. The last quarter pretty standard for robbery, doubly though the wonderland gang, ignored john return and walked right past him to the back bedroom to take stock of the loot. This has, of course, been a last minute change to the plan because between the house and the getaway car, the three robbers decided to short, both John and the getaway driver, classless an hourly. It where's the respect, the game, god damn the it's a blunder. Squat like these guys are all in the one. Relief that we have about this whole grisly scene is that all of these guys are unrepentant moron criminals. All like this is one of these. The eye just a constant fuck curry between each other, it's
It's so funny. The jobs would even like believe that they would all be cool, like all this, like, like gallery, here's an inability to kind of learn here to kind of absorb a lesson: really is and better things that no relation cocaine merely hurting alive, Being president in the moment here, you gotta, skip through all the yeah the dotted I's cross. The t's yeah the brushstrokes guy, well, nobody a wonderland like to respect John any more. Like I mean, he'd gone from being a hip porn star in the beginning, then he was just a big dick party trick. John show him your deck. and by the time, the robbery he was seen as a pathetic thief and a drug addict who'd sell out his friend at the first sign of trouble. I mean he just if he didn't did it with eddie nash, in the teeth of all he's ever done, he's going to do it to you, that's the thing and all they'd come away with eight pounds of cocaine. Eight pounds five thousand quay loads, a kilo of
I know white heroin, ten thousand dollars in cash and jewelry worth a hundred and fifty thousand dollars she's smoking, war and out all that they gave John holmes three thousand dollars and a low pinky ring, and he would know either way. Maloney may now he knew he is like he's at you If there's way there was way more eddie nash's house than that and when he'd complain, they punched him in the stomach and beat him with a walking stick as they as he deserved. Yeah yeah yeahs. He deserved defeat that it's possible. They could have beat him up. Being able to do that later. On You'll have the most fun with prize banks, as you could win up to twenty five times your money, this football seas and you just like or more players, pig, more or less on their projected stats and place your injury testing skills bryce pigs, this football season is them.
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didn't immediately figure out, the John holmes had been the facilitator in the robbery since june. The bin, the middle man between national wonderland gang eddie, didn't know what the wonderland gang looked like. So you didn't even oh, that it was the wonderland, look, long, hair shoes, bad shirts, that are probably also forgotten. The John had told them justice hours earlier, that the wonderland gang was common form, but that's, if John actually did mention it as he claimed. That shows that he didn't, because I really do believe that any nash would remember distinctly gap that he was told that they wonderland gang was coming for him. I feel like now you any idea like, after all was happen, he'd wake up, and we like, oh yeah, that's right.
albatross on so much drugs. You just think it's like the fuckin walrus that eats all the oysters and a Tweedledee and tweedledum that people tell me there's walking by a garda yeah. I hate gambling Two days later, though I mean this is just the dumbest shit. Fuck dumbest chet John holmes ran in degree three thousand liquor store, were immediately dials notice. That John was wearing One of eddie nash is very distinctive, stolen, wring its probably had like its public and iii. time and without a dig him, but a second to put two and two together boom banned there? It is found the liquor store. Gregory dials walked into eddie nash. His house, Dragging John holmes by a stupid white boy, afro in the midst of a party and since eddie was known to key
well, anyone who crossed him John figured that this was his last night alive, just bring it into this house. You open up this house you're like this. Is it he he was he made it. Oh, of course, sounds fine. I was feeling why were the ring? Why were the ring because well, let's just say I don't think it was going to be for long. I don't think he was going to be fine for very long, because there's many theories of what went down in this last couple of this little section of the genomes life and I didn't get- will get. Will this party it wasn't the eddies usual standards, because he just had eight pounds of coke stolen from him. Sorry guys, we had a bit of a supply line issue today. You know like he's stock and look at the beginning of covert now also a hired an illusion.
I thought you shooting at its current fuckin lie enemy. In other words, everyone was agitated. While they were waiting for more coke to show up eddied send out a couple of cronies, then the man responsible for the agitation just got Lynn early dragged in the door. Now one of those agitated people Interestingly enough was a man named scott foursome orson was the livin lover of liberace and had been so since he was a teenager as it was described, thornton who was nicknamed buber by liberace
was the famous singers lover pet and sun ma? Am I rolled into one matt? Damon, add Dave yet as an item in the move, because liberace was famously in the closet, because there was a pause. My mom always remember, it was like I was very manilow was very similar. Rather liberace was always kind of painted. Is a man who just loved his mother and he loved his mother? So much that you know he could never have the room in his life for a wife and amber my mom talking about Barry manilow she's, like you know what it is about, Barry Manilow is that he he's the bachelor. and rightly so, hard to hear by the woman is settled down, because how can he chooses you know? What did your mama have these conversations with you over over again, but this is no place in a very man. Are you know, bury manilow? He needs a wife you can hear it in his song is disappointing. She's in love with my mama's johnny mathis.
Now we have a johnny math, as was yeah he's visa strap, and I gazed rubber guy liberace, the only guy who was in the closet, plus another generally very good and better unusable. The severn this mom by nineteen, eighty one liberace in thorntons relations They're gonna, be on the realm of the bizarre see a few years earlier. Liberace had ordered source and to get cosmetic surgery, because liberace was aging and liberace one or two preserve his own face on force in space. I've been trying to get Natalie. Let me do procedure to Wendy. Just again, as I am aging ledger, face facts right. I waited organization for the first time. I've never had one those before and the woman resourcing she came down she's motion my fucking meet around and she's like. I can't The notice used to see your losing elasticity.
I'm gonna fuckin snap, You want to literally you're, like I'd, say then gets through thou. But yes, oh one day, Wendy will look like me. That's terrifying. There also government should lily shaven, what it's all about your area in order to get this procedure to put liberace s face on his face.
Thornton had a loose thirty pounds, so a crooked doktor prescribe orson a cocktail of drugs that included pharmaceutical cocaine. The procedure was kind of a success, but thornton was left hopelessly addicted as a result, as it just so happens when the bodyguard burst in and ashes house with homes. Eddie was in the bedroom, free, basing with scott thoughts and have you guys, met liberace pat, but by the time nash, exited his room homes, a bid sat down in a chair to wait his fate now, eddie nash, alternated between screaming and sobbing you're. Fucking me up yeah. I trusted you. I love you yeah great party. This is in this is all
middle of a party that appears in the middle of a party. Is an nash was so article but he pulled out his own three. Fifty seven any smack john em in the mouth, with barely busted. His lip searching, johns pockets NASH then found Johns pocket address book and began looking through pages and naming Johns family members threatening the hunt down and kill every single. I just need to know how much it takes to build a fucking crucifix. I will do this nana and fucking nancy yeah. Thank god I could just. I could feel ripping pages out of place. Dad dad when very per capita really was like yahoo? Is this in Montana? Debt is one neuter or that you fuckin mother, tat, lay back in an incredible then that's it, but that's like the movie scene,
when it gets weird, he started like magically making phone calls to like old friends business associates even ex girlfriend. You switch from english to french, to arabic, he's too everyone that he's holding the king of pornography, John holmes, captive at his house and natural, tell em people like homes. Fuck me, oh If you want to come see the show swing onboard, y know John claims that for fourteen hours, eddie Gregory and even more bodyguards, tortured him in a room just off the entryway, as his hands were bombed by electrical tape and blood poured out of his mouth, he loved this whole seed cause. It's just out of the movie society by johns estimate, sixty to seventy people paraded by as all this was happening, and not one of them. even the people. He knew waved hollow No, no, no one said hello. How are you doing
gotcha here Ever is where things get murky. John, of course gave up the wonderland gang, but after the torture was over John claim, the eddie gave him a direct order to return to wonderland avenue. Saying quote: bring me there. I balls in a back as pretty good line as pretty good at john accomplish this at he said, would be forgiven that that, however, is not what John told his wife Sharon that's what John said in his autobiography no sharon hadn't, seen John
about three month by this point, but at three thirty I am until I second, the knight of the wonderland murders. John holmes, showed up on her doorstep, with his clothes ripped and his entire body covered in blood john claimed at first that he'd been in a car accident, but when share and traded ministry first aid, because if you remember she was a nurse, she found that he had no cuts or vibrations. This also refutes John story that he was tortured. It was we're of like a few radical car accident during philosophic, most likely John gave up the wonderland before he handles. Even let the fuckin liquor store I can am. I would. This- is our thea guys that, when that he saw dials and dials was like
said. Eddies ring he's like the wonderland gang is a sick. Sadly only ireland, they are right there. Honestly. I bet you they're asleep right now, young, they went back to the house and then he was just. I imagine that I do think that some of the scene with any nash what did happen. I do think, like him ransacked and raving you're being a bunch of people. They are biscuits, scott force and technically backs up ratification. Orson does pat back that up. At least he did go there, but the idea of a u a parade of torturers that the only way the John Holmes is will could ever have been bent to ever. How could he possibly snitch on his best reds, my friends, my compatriots, Michael,
Right now also pistol whip by three fifty seven, the skinny guy, like that he's out it's dead, set right there. It's raining area is baton, yeah, it's fun right there yet was share and later told it John told her that he told national wonderland gang lived and how to get there all outside fowl drawing on leave how fast we got back to our house after robin you take a bite match then said John with remain over to the wonderland house to get revenge and retrieve eddies loot according to John, as one of eddies guys held a gun to johns head to make him watch the other two made sure that the revenge murders were as brutal as possible.
By beating all, but one person in the wonderland house to death with steel pipes are the only one who survived did so only by the grace of god and still had such severe brain damage that she could never testify as to what happened that night whew it that whole scene, if you go good like not to you know it's it's really fucked up. Have you watched, there's a whole walk through of the crime scene? These guys got like this. Is it's hard? Hey it's more! It's it's opposite message, each other everybody to the entire city. Yes, yeah. The wonderland gang have been so thoroughly beaten that the steel pipes threading had been imprinted on their skin and even on their bones.
their back on their air half their faces were completely unrecognisable and their heads had been bashed and with such fury that chunks of brain were stuck to the ceiling. There was so much blood that commissar detectives later describe. It is appearing as if someone had taken buckets of the stuff and thrown at all over the walls and carpets the only evidence linking the I am to any one was, of course, a bloody palm print left by John whole fuckin cry in the room where Ronnie lonnie and his body was found a look at this deck detective martinis. I see this kind of line in the carpet here, I'm pretty certain. That's a cocktail. Yeah homes, however told Tiredly different story. Novato now he said that any nash, forest to return to the wonderland house after the murders to set him up into the massacre of John claims.
He did what he was tall and walks through the crime scene and indeed His account of the crime scene in his eye autobiography is incredibly graphic. He said that a trail of blood lead from the door to the master bedroom. John claim that when he walked in a long shape was twisted in the sheets. The body was intact, but the head was split open and the face was pulverized into a mush gatt, based on the close and hair john recognised that the body belong to Ronnie Lonnie. My best friend with my roddy would never find out. If you kill Thirdly, here I let me have you committed suicide, like John them walk up the stairs where he found the owner of the home joy miller lying.
The ground in the house coat she always wore. This was the only thing that identifier, because her face, as John put it looked like it, had gone through a shredder as far as billy Devereaux when it appeared to John as if his brains had literally exploded. That's how where'd he'd been hit. Nothing remained of anyone's head. This is how John wrote it yeah. He said everyone's head was just slime. Oh damn he estimated everyone had been struck forty to fifty times, but I dunno what forensics John Holmes is pulling on to get bring to come to that I actually believe him in this situation. Cause he's not creative enough till I get him a metaphor, the medium getting creative picture like doktor it. So you think it was a guiles at that this probably dials isles yea you're thinking to giles back ass, the most likely yeah most likely
was gregory dolls and, like to other guys, is now acknowledge that guy's yeah yeah, because obviously also I wonder if the gregory, I don't want you to get your hands dirty in northern sweden That was my friend the rug over my nor could cure. My very very mean butler My husband is okay, so we need a whole doors. We need a more this together. also. Henry brought up this possibility to is that it is possible that they may have made John holmes kill. One of these guys are at least bash him in the face a few time. My theory is that at one point, because he had a bloody and print on a bed right and what it looked like was the day he was bracing himself to pay. we'll be strike. Something new literally was await bearing thing he was over bed over one of the victim, so I think it would run on a thread this ronnie lobbyists. I think that what they did was that at some point there were like
now you're going to take a swing there? How will we already dead derek and they in he's like now, you're gonna? Do it to know you directly are involved in this or are they just grabbed his fuckin hand and put it in the blood and put it on all said, relieve the exact, a frame you with the literally being like we're. Gonna put this all on fuckin, you want to make it look like you are cereal color and that you ve you fuckin, had a free basin breakdown than you killed. If your buddies in a scheme of your own now now it was an open secret amongst the lapd vice squad that John holmes was running drugs for the wonderland gang, but if you'll remember John was protected because he'd been an informant for the pornography squad even after the murders, though John Contact was still reluctant to give em up, even though it had been years since he provided any information. It soon became obvious, however, that was no longer the high rolling snitch that he once was and see the bodies were found by, like a word. I mean, of course, is a guy
come on about why this point or ideology: it's always that it always jogger yeah. It's always somebody who'd, like you're, like bruce literally getting too old for this shit. I shouldn't have to be pulled into one last traumatic. for the rest of their life yeah. He just looked in the window and saw a bunch of dead bodies and a bunch of blood they're trying and they're trying to figure out. Okay, like what connections do we have like? Okay? This is the wonderland gang and one I'm like. So I think I know a guy a who runs drugs for these people and that person ended up being John holmes. So his contact tracked him down in hand them over to the two detectives in charge of what was now being called the boar on the floor. Murdered these cops fuck. I love this. bob south on Tom lying may love this factor to show a creative work the former days. Walkin is war. Before the floor. These are the same. Cops are wrote. Mixture, malice
in wonderland, odd that we're just so they just didn't want of work with firm and am I wrong tomlin tomlin working on this and oj yeah tomlin was yeah one of the biggest detectives in the oj case. Yeah, it's what's the spot, som lance, fucking, crazy, humble how nuts is that man, that's horrible. You can't solve shit yeah. These guys are so to go. This whole book, malice in wonderland, is all just like. You know again, it's the same guys that are like scald, malice in wonderland, which, reflecting on Alice in wonderland, because all the name wonderland. How things were unfair? They were, if unfairly treated and how, like you know the city, it sets the problem the city held. I had now couldn't do our job with all we want to do is bust at yeah. Of course, not all this that occur
just before independence day and right before the murders landed in their laps. Of course, these two hardball detectives they joked like pop- are going to be a fucking, triple axe murderer in the hollywood hills, just a fuck up our fuckin weekend. I love it and it dead fucked up their weekend, bad. They were now in charge of the biggest l a homicide case since the manson murders. This thing, lula. Of course, now, once John was brought into custody, he said that he was ready to lay out every evil illegal connection he knew about in the entire pornography industry. I, u months, met a guy from a bodega who is selling mill. At four dollars and when it was supposed to be nationally price to do what else you need to know how I feel about using pornography legal at this point, all its and yet is it is its legal at this point it does. It will now it's, but it's so also like russia
yeah I like not none every case, but like it's a lot more money, that's roland through pornography, any said that he had information of mafia actions money laundering operations in new york, chicago miami mob related arsons. He said he knew of a former Cargo hit men who had retired to oversee porn productions in los angeles, were anybody who was it nail doubt yeah the only thing the homes refused to talk about was the wonderland massacre itself and since everything else sounded like bull shit and there wasn't enough to charge on the murders they let him go. is detective lying drove drawn to nor hollywood. To pick up his impounded malibu lange looked at him and asked in point blank off the record. If any nash was the one who did it in johns just said, yeah NASH did, and he said so with such sincerity. The detective, believed o ye? I feel it in the end. They already knew there.
He knew that they know what's going on here and couldn't were. Indeed they were just they needed his words. They could go fuck and get the search warrant, go figure and all the bullshit now, but it was one thing say it to lange and another to say it. The record definitely another to say it to a grand jury and definitely a different thing. To testify to the fact that try, oh yeah john, had no in two joint of sticking out his neck, while national goons no doubt knew. The John was talking to the police, but in what I think is the balls. Yeast move I think I've ever heard. Eighty one make John went back to eddies. How once and we italy after being arrested by the police to ask for a thousand doll! You ain't just takes, takes two big. We brought this up last year,
broken big through this. There is no reason for this level of confidence in areas. No fucking reason for him to think that he is remotely correct. This is it's just like and it gives it the audacity, the straight audacity there, like literally It was so crazy there will ensure that a kinder really good, worry dolls like, of course, immediately dropped down to his knees, put a gun to his head, and he asked you know. Why? Should I blow your fucking brains out right now for talking to the cops John bluffed, he said somebody's I'm supposed to meet somebody. They know I'm here, I'm already late. If you kill me, they know that it's you who did it and so fuck, it eddie said far and come back in an hour and look in the fuckin mailbox so kay bank in an hour and then the mailbox five hundred bucks yeah, so
nice new tuna for all time say now that it's nothing one of the things for old time's sake, romantic and now I guess, remaining through a nurse. I also wonder if there's like he's now, it's too far for John John spot. It ours eddies concern johns fucked, we plan to them at the scene. Everybody knows at this point like I've. Actually fine now cause I'm lonely tangentially connected by you, I free basing more on that is like talking all these people were like. I am. I got here to this point of success in america by not being a fuckin more and I'm fine faced with one so yeah. We'll give you fuckin five hundred dollars, because I've already fucked you yeah. This is already done, and not only that but John was asking for this money, so he could leave town trend you know for, but you know he's like man. Just just give me the money you'll. Never
see me again, no one will ever see me again I'll, never testify. The cops will never find me zone and so blah blah blah blah blah, yeah and john use. The money to skip the state of california, with Don, unfortunately dawn stone. The picture this he saw oh yeah, but yeah at she died at this point. She had left and come back. I'd start. However, it's fuckin horrible relationship yeah, but that immediately John, the fbi's ten most wanted, lest in regards to questioning over quadruple homicide. Eventually the cops try. John knew a shitty motel in miami and we opened the door. He was still half pretending to be johnny why'd, he said quote, I've been expecting. You laugh as all the cops yo yo yo. Technically, that's what David Berkowitz at I did so I dug its all. Took you so long John was tried for the wonderland murders, but the only evidence against him was the bloody handprint above Ronnie spat they had to try to make. Someone in john was
they had via, but all the blame handprint proved was that John was at the scene of the martyr either during or after the act, and that was actually the argument. They made a gap he was there. But why aren't the real perpetrators? Why isn't eddie nash? Here? We are with their yeah, and yet he made some mistakes he's not the best person. I wouldn't be friends. John curtis- oh thank you, but does that make him a murderer public defender? I imagine it was a public defender, definitely a public. It actually turned out and took it for a long time. We were like the cars. We can't find the name of the guy who turned out that the public defender was just his dick,
it is in his suit, he did a laugh, a little afro on his own. The lab from here. It's always within oh yeah, and I too am surprised by these actions by John will, based on this reasoning and the paltry amount of evidence holmes has found not guilty, but not guilty not guilty even though his entire defense was eddie nash, did it homes refused to testify before grand jury to that fact, because he believed his life and the lives of his family members would be in danger if he did so. That's a credible belief. Yes, yes, eventually, though, Eddie nash was arrested on drug charges fact he had three raids upon his house every time It turned up massive amounts of drug money. Weapons. Spot eddie was rich enough where he paid his bail every time I dive would finally kept him in jail, though, where charges of racketeering, arson and insurance fraud sure
fraud is where they definitely get you where they get your way. It's always tax evasion that you think he made like an insurance claim on the raid yeah thats, a business during eddie's drug While his lawyer actually tried claiming that the million dollars worth of coke and eddies house it's a drug trafficking. That's for personal! I have a problem. This is the whole thing and you you just arriving here Fucking thing didn't need. Honestly. You hang out with him for a day. You can make events guile, ok, he in bulk, even during that trial, eddie, would sneak out to his car to free base, takes them alludes to calm himself down, and then you go back to his trial. You know what it really is. Is it's just it's the rat race. I am sick of it. It just the idea of going into court high on cocaine and then so I guess slow down
by a queen, elude yeah it'll of all of this shit I mean- I don't know it just altered is where you can complete. Lee, I guess, ignore everything that's going on in just stare at the fuckin table for the next six hour. Yes, as you say, anything you're fucked yeah. I use my having gonna put yourself into an in holding position. Not yet, but that is a most defendants are given tranquilizers during the trial, so they won't react anything. I had some fuckin xanax, somehow tat. Eventually, Eddie nash was sentenced to eight years in prison for the drug charges, the racketeering arson all that shit, but about but after just to his was reduce and he was released as time served because he had a scientist tumor that needed to be removed. As the judge put it quote, I wouldn't want to be operated on, and san quentin bits doubled. Eddie. I love you, I
it'll, be doing well, because, obviously, if you're not doing well, I'm doing now, however, completely turned his life around here her return to cry or even caught for it yeah. At least he said he was reformed. I never use never caught again, yes, but he was also completely broke because his fortune had been wiped out by his daughter of all people. who scammed him out of millions of dollars through this huge. I can't even get into it. It's a fuckin massive scam, all on it's own. Ah, but eddie eked out an existence for the time being, wow no yeah, he can you know, comes around whatever dials dials will get two thousand a second okay called Sarah in one chapter. No it's fine and as far as homes went, though he served eleven months on an earlier theft charge, plus a hundred and ten days for contempt for refusing to testify against any nash the theft charge was he had stolen a camp tutor typewriter worth eight thousand dollars and a cop found
in his car and not any told the cop that he found it in a dumpster. I just this guy is a ha. I just think he's now bright. No, he didn't even probably know his computer, no, absolutely not viewed her or John holmes, was finally released in the early eighties with a hundred dollars and a volkswagen beetle that was given to him by his lawyer. That's a good lawyer, yeah john who's that belong to derive directly to the home of one of his old porn producers. Bill emerson, bill emerson was actually the guy on whom the character of jack corner in buggy nights was based on the character played by bert. Reynolds is at a big fat guy,
as a big black africa of john work with bill quite a bit since johns introduction to the porn business in nineteen sixty nine, but that of course fallen out when Johns drug habit blew up everything. But in the years since John, a completely dropped out of the business bill emerson had formed a production company called John Holmes productions without johns knowledge or consent, because porn performers were paid day rates, no matter how famous they were, they had no ship over their work, their image, anything there was no big deal snow, but in a scene reminiscent of the conclusion, a buggy nights bill. Still had a room waiting for John holmes in his own house and therefore brought him back into the industry. He should adjust god she scope by a grocery store another place out. To try and explain that your wife back baby, it's john
and yeah john right, yeah he's fresh, often equivalent to morrow, jar yeah. I don't know it just like a sweating alot niece, offering a lot more than look too good because the wonderland murders have been such a big news story, John holmes at officially become a mainstream celebrity, so he you used is notoriety as fuel to power. A comeback right as the video cosette boom truly set pornography on the path to becoming a twelve billion dollar industry. That's how much porn makes today by nineteen. Eighty three John holmes was actually sober. He stayed sober for the rest of his life and he'd moved in with a nineteen year old porn actress named misty dawn, whom he'd met while
filming a porno called flesh pond hoped, which I'm sure was of the fine fucker in the ass variety, yeah yeah, eventually, John and misty, would marry would marry egg exactly on youtube. Member, our audience you can find love you get my aunt find love, not see. My johns life was turned, rome, but in the mid eighties, John holmes, contracted hiv right when the disease was wanting to become known to the mainstream media. Now the company that John worked for had actually instituted a testing policy that everyone agreed to this is actually much to the company's surprise, because some porn actors at the time were refusing to be tested because they said it violated their civil rights lord and as it was even those who got tested, used fake names, John holmes, for example, tested under the name. Guess the name?
Peter north behind her. Really that's it. You know, I don't know. John Holmes is fine, but I heard the word. No Karl Marx, oh great, gave us a rules. it was honestly george, washington stats. We need to get that back at dirt. Yeah george washing stone, george wash stone. Member. How giver here were Ricky Henderson, his fake name whenever he would lay check into a hotel, because Ricky Henderson, very full himself of Glasgow, came up guy. I've always liked oneself in the third person yeah, but would have rejected what hotel his fake name was richard prior national fair because he thought that no one knew
right? Yes, there, the john tested negative, the first time he took an hiv test, but he soon after started showing signs of infection. His ears began to bleed which is doctor somehow blamed on johns years in the army. It turns out he was always allergic to tanks. the problem, really that's an order its, but it's it's a mortar fever and his penis would break out into a rash and bleed had sex launch I can Christ god. Finally, though, when everything in his body started falling apart John tested again and came up positive, making John holmes, the first well known person in the porn industry to be diagnosed with HIV, they say he was the first in the industry diagnosed with hiv, but I am sure he was not the first. There is the first they knew about. It was the first that didn't go messer yeah and he was meat. They made him the first for the story
Well, the porn industry did not act in the first well according to homes. His widow, though she believed that someone in the secret service injected John with an aids needle during a trip to washington dc on the direct orders of ronald reagan in a bid to help destroy the porn industry from the inside out. You know, honestly, I would agree, but if it wasn't runt, it was nets. less than one thousand she's the one who had been doing that she had access to the needles. Yes, she made up bates
that is a bad light out. Her see, I m on Kennedy who didn't die but regardless and arguably johns most cowardly move. Yet its company released a statement that his bad health was caused by colon cancer. He kept performing in films with full knowledge that he had hiv. He made twelve more movie. I heard about this yet know what a lunatic. What is really just like, though it might be the worse for you yeah. Well, I don't know it's it's between that and trafficking the fifteen year old girl, yes oj it's between those who gets really just connect although he figured it and he actually wrote this in his book as a defence. If his fellow performers didn't get aids from him, there were likely they get
from somebody that said: does it make any you figured if he had it, then everybody hats, very nihilistic, then the eye is rearing its very selfish towards. Yes, it's just fucking justifying your own actions, but incredibly to the best of my knowledge, Maybe you know different. Nobody in the industry contracted hiv from John holmes. I dont know I'd come on I mean nobody came forward, Mary, Louise, yes, yeah! No one came forward. No one has said that that this was directly connected to it and we do not- and he did I mean he did have scenes with some vit walk. He was positive. He had some scenes with some very he had seen a trace. Lord, yet very winning special gary, very famous people out and at so crazy. Now you think, like really is it like it do that you got it from
The gay porn deny me area horn, my own, who not actually no one knows it's a donor, it's kind of a mystery as to where he got it, but most likely that yet the gay porn they find. That is the private life of John holmes, probably where he got up, and we really think he was sober at this point too, I mean Dump me by all accounts values desires that he was fine hearing that point, but even or insane. Then that is the fact. The porn industry completely denied the cause of johns death from aids related complications when it finally have in vienna hospital in nineteen. Eighty eight jesse it was such a dirty fucking business. They probably just disappeared. You Oh, are you at age ivy? You walked away from it yourself in they basically said get the living fogarty or its free. We know is very cruel time for this down, but is john, was laying on that death bed. He was visited one last time by detective, lie because lang was still trying to get any nash for the wonderland murders, see both per scott bonus and
I love that day. Oh yeah, yeah again pet, the dog he's a little dog that looks like liberace yeah since terrified around Scott thorson. I believe he has to be dead. I have, I don't know. I think he might yes Zayas sixty four year young man dear god, he tore it, doesn't want to play the piano, get what I was ghost pm that I can get it yeah sharper yeah. I know that conga drum yeah thanks scott scott boards that have made a deal with the police to testify in exchange for clemency on a drug charge you remember, thornton was free, basing with that he nash when homes was brought into national house by his hair and thoughts and claim that eddies bodyguard gregory dials sent to the wonderland house with John holmes to get revenge in this area.
Oh John, probably covered the wonderland gang with the magnum bog. Gregory dials beat them to death one by one or dials met. more of nash, his men at the scene either way dolls in homes went to wonderland together, ok, but, of course, John refuse to get involved even at the end of his life, and he died a month after detective lange's. Please just before dying, though John made one last request to his wife. Was it to get up east to come and help me with my way to Heaven, and it was not that he asked her to view his naked body right before it was rolled into the cremation chamber. Just so, she could make sure that nobody had cut off his dick This is really for. Themselves sounds like it was about the fall. We I barely, and this is corroborated by both thought and share in june.
had a lifelong fear of someone cut off his cock after his death has a keepsake side show or medical curiosity They tabled rasputin. Oh, you know he thought they d thought they dead now as an essential gave it its own cough. Don't you understand now is the only part of him. There was successful His appearance was the only thing that was that worked in any way, shape or form, it is like the only thing the made people happy. Everything else is awful, but nobody touch the thing and, after the cremation johns ashes were scattered out over the ocean far as eddie nash went. He and gregory dolls were both tried in nineteen. Eighty eight for the wonderland murders based on scott thorntons testimony just six months after johns death oath men, however, were found not guilty.
Which technically makes the wonderland murders and open case to this day and one of the only cases we ve ever covered. That has a fucking know really this solve case technically when our guiding- and I don't know what's going on, but definitely no. What happened with his whole fuckin story is just so fuck it I'm so glad it's again, I'm so glad it's not me! That's what the fuck it the detective. What is it lang he's like people. Fuckin always act like these wonderland merge, like some fuckin big mystery like its aliens big forty such you like that, we know fuckin did it. We know pocket, didn't fuck. It eddie now mad about it. I was due to consume. Of some of these evidence would have its likeness. Detective, creepy imagined the size of dials, gloves
baseball myths, garbage normally so much eddie, I beg, and so my favorite. Thank you so much for listening. This has been it. We did it John Holmes. The wonderland murders were come back next week with another fucking drew crime series which were super excited about them like historical, true crime are like, but like recent history, we're going back to the seventies for this shit damp fuckin way this and some that have been waiting to do for a long time excited for a tenant as murder. A show right will you please come check out murder fest. We are in los angeles dynasty, typewriter september, twenty second and twenty third right now. I believe the twenty third still got tickets, the twenty seconds got tickets. Twenty third sold out just check it out dynasty, typewriter los angeles twenty years in the making twenty fuckin near it is. Can you are going to see a bunch of duty and I used to fuck and slammed
saying any more do in italy we have stretch and we have the new all. We got a really take irresistibly martinis. Yes, you want me do the work. I do. I don't think it's going happen, but I might try it I didn't want you to It- is the last sketch, maybe so, maybe even via myself, The shows of the shows are good, but life continues to shadow around no dogs in space, a middle to part. Two is out this week. We continue on our series and experimental rock are going to be talking about one of the fucking coolest heaviest hardest. Psychedelic albums ever put out yeti. It's fucking eddie. Gotta fuckin listening at least you can do a lot of things yet. Yet the fucking, the fucking, Eric or sick I'll, be no dogs and space live stream every other monday.
on a bridge at tv's slashed last podcast network and check out all our new programming. We've got it all over we're going to have stuff next week or tears. The clowns come back good, put through it, a bunch that were really excite and, of course, others. I will the greatest back ass about positivity oliver fuck up here. It's better the machine. Adam is fucking plastic. Tell you this! This pitch comes for my game activity. Bobcats got Michelle obama to step up my fucking reg. This is a good way to go without really good old fashioned, anti michelle obama's, that's great but writers. I would eminence yeah everybody else satan sums having. Thank you, your honor, I assure you I, like you too, bye
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.