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Episode 541: Creepypasta XIX - The Law of the Jungle

2023-08-04 | 🔗

Mmm, It's that time again... hope you're hungry because we just boiled up a fresh, tasty pot of delicious Creepypasta just for you... and it's... al dente - featuring tales of public bathroom horror, a headfirst journey into "The Horse-Scape", a Bag lady that no one seems to like, and a breakdown of the do's and don'ts to creating proper Mothman-based erotica.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Radio- andy, hey you sandy cohen, join me on Andy Cohen, live where it's just you me, and some of the world's biggest celebrities, paris, Hilton chelsea, handler seth rogen. I love you miley! Thank you! So much you can listen to Andy Cohen, live at home or anywhere. You are no car required, download the sirius Xm app for over four hundred and twenty five channels of ad free music sports entertainment and more subscribe now and get three months free offer details apply when it comes to overheating is a nightmare one way to stay cool, the all new temper, peter breeze collection available at ashley, the temper breeze collection, is the ultimate solution for hot sleepers pair all new cooling technology that pulls heat away from the body with the comfort you expect from temper punic. So it's cool, from the second, you lie down all throughout the night had to your local,
ashley store to talk to asleep expert and shot the temper peanut brief collection today there's no way to escape tourism is the last time on the left. Cannibalism started Regrettably around suddenly my goal is weak because we ve done is their ninety. Are you asked a ninety nine eighteen enough to dash no war but not old enough to drink alcohol? Yet or cigarettes that is really allow or rent a car. Now, for I have only five against. Let's see what our kids you do at nineteen I mean nothin, fun. Regrettably, Boston, I mean tat, you re better!
is that you should stop the average age of nineteen, but I wanted to find something genuine like genuinely frightening. I we say the. I always say this and this nineteen times and you have failed nineteen every time you make it all erotic all the time. This is just genuinely. You are absolutely incapable of not making it rubbing a cloudy matt guy use. Curs work hard, that being scary, yet the enemy right he's mean scary, that's good! I want you and I went to. I went back to my old stopping grants to. I went back tanks to on your chair while and I gotta say man, they have cotton or just so stupid. Well you said this every time you get that! No! I was really. You just said this the last time of the time before they had done before that, each time we will, this time when I found was what they called the conspiracy theory iceberg chart right with you.
This whole thing he look at us. They look at this image right as his long things areas boeing's started had started. The tribute icebergs starts with, like you know, tromp russia collusion russia collusion. Epstein Epstein in a lasting on here is called the final understanding in the milk should tear varying my god is being raped, is one of the thing about the logos is that I don't really need the lds term, but I started looking up stuff to kind of see what will be looky spooky and man, it's just I offer me. You know iron security, so maybe maybe something scary happy
I mean I chose all the stories for this episode. There's a couple of things in them. Do the last lap and hanging out with henry and Marcus were doing creepy, pasta. Nineteen, I'm sure you could all figure that out. Kooky ac begin to very good this time, this time we're having spaghetti lunch, and I think that there might be some stories here. It might tickle your frightened little that send it further into your head. Well, the henry already knew how hard it is to tickle of writing the peanuts henry. Can you please tell our audience to roll up a hog's like, of course buddy? I mean you know. First of all, have you taken your blood pressure? station to that's? Not for our audience! That's for you, because, when I found truly sometimes chase and now with the boss rape, sexual economic, I'm in their view of the doktor, said. What I would recommend right I'm not a mouthful in to a whole world of we'd, especially during covert. I got real fucking nerdy with it and really like it. I think the key You mean you gotta get a grander right.
She has now many things to do before you start this episode before we get into this number. One call your mom to let her go. Fuck yourself, that all she's deal? It is our common down on you been like lonely, tiled floor little fish who is in ready yet radios alone allow foreign already it is honesty, is taking longer than issue, but that's what? What else does your mom have to do pages wait for the oil is extremely busy doing. I don't know what he's extremely that's. Ok with you known for, then, and once you're done with that. Take off your shoes. Take off your socks. Put shoes back on, ok, take your pants off Moreover, the issue is welcomed: a vaudeville when I used to do that's how I got to be a good performers. I learn how to do it very quickly, learn how to remove, because when you are because mostly loose skin rate. I stuck in my room. Just fall straight to the ground is true reformer born to be it before me, before our dna all right summer there and then when I want to do, is go my mean
It is now my separate my keith's right, so I collect them in a little tray. Is you have just keep Canada's render them. People get to smoke and get it takes about twenty minutes. Ok and so have now got shoes on your pants around your ankles. I guess you're wondering underwear need, yes, you aren't. You do fifty fifty fifty fifty again on you because I'm gonna what cherry or sit known because for my family is openly express, is probably good vomit. I you know I'd very rarely sit new The final hits right on the other we push and there it is. We know up on it. We know I don't sit on my chair in the office could nude, because it you can leave a doubtful streak now. It may never know when you're gonna get arouse dynamic. We ve got it all nude everywhere policy in our place, you can set anywhere you want, wherein whatever you want or nothing at all, You are so hot market that real now I've. Never, even though I can, but it's weird me that
but even think about it. You make it on your couch in the living room wherever he ate his wife gatwick. So what I mean is as a man, I'm not so his couch everyone anymore, but we're gonna be eaten up that you know what I do. I mean nobody likes did not would gradually felt they were. There should be a divide, the I agree I had with them I doubt either girlfriend back in college used to yell at me anytime. I sat naked on the comforter on our bed. The date your filthy, ass there is a little rooted out was a well. She was rude. Also you? Probably she also probably the boys I cima anyway. So with the key me. So I said who buys a tv inimical. I have two separate grinders one for india and one for settee, though, when I do is I kept steadily like rains? No,
I don't know if I can have one god, I just audience. You want little utensils that I purchase. They went to a story of a little spoon now, yet no don't you. I know you're already to go. Just let me know rejoined the audience is already got. You know you poor little bit of a due notice, a tv scoop of the city. How are you mainly as at old laurie I mixed up, then I take a scoop of etiquette. This is completely stupid. On top, I pray indicates keep layer just right on top of it layer cake, you re a ring and quick. I got to say that this is a really good, waited not be able to talk to your family anymore aches. Is it just make? It takes all your responsibilities, a human away, sure so tat a man you spoke it. well get everyone will go through those steps and follow them in order. Otherwise this episode is going to be signed. read it all doesn't count. It doesn't count, okay, so mark, as you have done a great job. What
research is always finding the tales of woe that we're going to talk about and read today, Henry thomas oblonsky, I believe Europe first yeah, I feel, like I'm other dm, the dmv htc, who knew ok since public submitted by Austin brought news in full disclosure, and these were all sourced from bug. Leech carried out. School, creepy passenger united kingdom. You wouldn't give him thither. That's the font, the delta. That's fine, I can go wait as many as they like. They don't come here for the queen bee pasta. They come here. Listen, that's right as a committed to listen put on your best, drag up it and read to the children Here we go. Oh my god, there's been nine eleven too, How do you think I told my secret service? I've always hated public bathrooms, it's just so awkward trying to go with others,
will around. When I was a little kid I sometimes get so nervous. I forget how to unbutton my pants premium is scary. Do I know well during school. All too well entry and most of junior. I moment junior most of our junior. Oh, you always that one day where you had to break your own More you just like I gonna, like which, yet all liquid shit, I've. I've told that story about how, Well, I had to. I went into a stall in the middle when I was running sound and the talent show and I was forced to buy the tech class, and I I had a liquid shit. The show, and I ran down to this thereabout renewed quickly as possible, and I fuckin do she fell Adam. He saw all over the rim only seat at all,
the inside of my pants and I didn t go online and I looked over releases, a toilet paper. I then I call me these states between area other stall. I then I looked. I saw an older asia man and his great on our common, and I just watch the should govern our three hundred largest crawler style between about them and at the end of the story of interest rate, I can see what you always hated public Beth, I ve heard in public bathrooms and getting an over I've been getting over lately. Since high school had been able to go without too much stress and now that I'm in college I even sometimes use the year and if I'm the only one in the room I thought I was today. Alright, it was the ground floor bathroom in the library, and I was feeling pretty comfortable because it was almost always empty. Still, mostly out of habit. I checked the stalls for feet, none time to whizz in peace. I headed for the urinal.
why go pretty bad bad songs, you everywhere through miley scary, when I heard the creaking their distinctive creak of something that was deafening not supposed to be cut. Then there was a moan, low and raspy shit. I thought obviously mustn't somebody in thereafter all the moaning in there, wreaking, intensify near the three hundred pounds is the president covered in his own shit. Then, just as I was shaking off the phone from from sound like someone had dropped, a bowling on a piggy me, followed by water, surging from shudder pipes, Jesus Christ, where they so fat they,
shattered the toilet, not the most mature thought, but the first one that bob did my Ed yellowed water started flowing across the floor from the handicapped stall. I lifted one foot in silent, discussed rose sorrels of red join the stream pooling on the floor on the current sailed. What that shit? No, it had veins and sometimes hair or flaps. what looked like skin and was that an eyeball the groaning started in the stall again I really asked ass. They needed help, but a stop myself for some reason. What was wrong with me? whoever was in there must be hurt apparently pretty badly. If pieces of them floating down the drain. I was
standing there, when the stalls door swung open, pushed open by the wall of flesh had had slumped against it. It was fat. I dont, like a fat earth, was corpulent fat like an elephant, see laura hippo, then lumpy huge and pale and flesh you with blue veins, visible just beneath the semi transparent skin. Like the The belly of biology class, frog, cadaver it lay flat on its face, What I assume was it space for a moment before struggling problem before struggling from rolling reversion only for stronger recently to his feet. It stubby arms can wield
yeah or even puppy, swollen palms, that threatened to engulf stubby baby fingers. Kincaid hang a hanger really good. I slowly slid my junk back into my pants as it found it's footing. I took a few cautious steps forward, here. I stared straight ahead of me straight at the wall afoot for my face jaw clinch beautifully trying Will it out of existence to make myself invisible to not be here right now, suddenly, trembling. I slowly turn my head. It had checked again slipped in this a stream of water spewing from the ruins toilet, Mandy kept stall, starlets headed bashed against the other urinal, the one right next to me, half ripping it from the wall, adding another source of toilet water to the door.
Lose scary, give me, but life is bourbon. It is not right to reject in a little bit more flesh on the voyage to the bathroom drain. Its head with sudden was definitely not human. It must have three feet wide with stubby Snowden reptilian mouth filled with short thin evenly space needle t despair. Add the entire width and it was making a man cry about the end of bg acting around dirty. Then I do the bulging toady eyes, stared blindly and unblinking, from either side of it's freakish face which was bent awkwardly towards the sky. After it's high speed appointment with the porcelain must we must have been dying already the way it was gasping, struggling this
for its own weight. It had, it would be remiss smashes on brains in. I was starting to exhale in relief when stirred again it now appears. Once again he was Instead try to support itself a world level urinal it had swinging lifelessly from its shoulders. Joseph was hanging on only by the skin. Think, ahead of a mass got costume. Tat had been dislodge Valiantly resume my interrogation, the bathroom wall. Above my urinal applauded plodded through the flooded restroom pitch pitch, pitched pitch passed me. It stop and think leaned on heavily for support schemes, check its face in the mirror, though neither its eyes pointed straight, the glass or even showed signs of movement or comprehension it pod numbly at the false it.
on the water more with its debt, would do we palm than later dexterity of its fish that your fingers gets his latch that modern itself and that seem to calm somewhat dislike myself? I got my jerked suddenly in turn, so that shoulders face me, though its head was daring into space to its right, seemingly noticing me for the first time at held up its polish, adequate rosamond? Oliver, I add a route or anger towards the door. Then turning away, half plunging have falling at the back door. Stubby limbs scrambling on the wet bathroom tile. Stood in the middle of the room alone. Again I set my fly. A sudden curiosity overcame me. I tiptoed casually towards the handicap stall. The door stood wide open to look at the toilet. The toilet had burst like a pop zipped or maybe closer to a ruptured abscess.
Shards of porcelain, like bits of eggshell, clung to a meaty tumors Wong of aachen, broken pipes, jutted from the mass like cut arteries, oozing, a mixture of blood and sewer water, clumps of hair, dotted the mass and a couple of things that look eerily far too much like Human fingers, I put my hands on my knees and dry. He ugh, then I staggered into the bathroom at my frantically for the quivering been no sign of a couple of wet footprints. I bet you're further down to the stacks towards the exit. I noticed that to a chevy silverado dangerously a couple of books had been pulled. Half hasn't me from a shelf and lay in a massive irregular, rounded damned spot in the carpet. I stepped gingerly around it. They passed the checkout counter. I told the receptionist that the men's bathroom was out of order lucia. I still don't like going to public restrooms, but I hate go and in depth
but restrooms alone, worse yet now eat They have gone into it and now gear with good nice short story that really went somewhere or zip up the store. Yes, he said I stood in the middle of the room alone. Again I zipped my fly. I zip my fly through as if you remember that, what's his name, the member that video you showed remember like it was good from back. In the day it was like the the weird like pink herky, jerky style man, walking down the street, going like a lebron, or anything like that. That's where that guy reminds me of yeah, but I just imagined to be like was it to think of it, like you know, look bobo load double from. I do remember the old in windows, yet the scariest nightmares. I'd ever as a child was a reoccurring nightmare where I saw a flattened man
That would come up to the door of my house, organise again like an beetle julie, our judge doom and who, from roger up when you think he was ex smeared and he would walk a parallel lie, and these guys, like me What it is you let him in no evil, but then I laughed and then I found a unicorn made out a gap for me. Remember you're at it may mean that we used to just have fun with science and chemicals gap was just god knows what cancer that caused. Now I love that gap is still live in and was the one that had the little crunches did it. It was like a deck derivative spin somewhere although it was ass, though they had texture and we are doing, is still living styrofoam. That's what I was made of with a cold night: oh no poohpooh, ling, Chu go some might learn some fine drag. Brewer prepared me?
the term or is this is now that line. This is long. Thank god I give you the shoreline stank gal. I love that nematodes amended by in for often infernal thing here like old, and I will say, castles reading over the years it has improved these vast I fly read for fun. I only read for knowledge. You guys read your little books to try to escape but escape reality. I live in tat. I never did you write your absolutely correct. The it's good deny. We think that my stories, I read my articles, but I dont reads this bull shit for try to four for pleasure competencies. stuff? Like I read a news article this has pigeons are giving people? Can you ever got it? I don't know. I have a father's sense of knowledge. I think we may have just like pinpointed like that. The first thing you need to start working on
escape escapism know when it's going to end, but the one thing we all suffer is there now there were also do more, the sub stuff into which I cannot read a new username. I can now. I can't believe how stupid I come Is it a user? And yet it is hard, so in full. Then in northern europe owes it all started with the dominant bade. The frequency of these symptoms got worried that I went to the hospital to see what a wise israel, no, this is this guy needed time. Just because I'm gee, I feel like you might the only time I had to go to the hospitals where I broke. My arms last year that no one seemed to care about. We we did, we cared about it and knew you played it off. I had to
her my hand. I also believe that energy- I didn't, throw a lot and no one even fuck. It knows it rising. I haven't gotten, we know each other might try to show concern. You know no bono rationalized I've, I've got it all The frequency of these summits of these symptoms got me worried and so worried that it the hospital see what it is and the doktor told me I've got infected with intestinal worms and he told me that these worms in particular are highly dangerous and I should get right at all. He did the removal operation and offered me some bills, and then he said I should take some more pills to prevent future infection. Despite taking the pills a few weeks later, I felt the same symptoms. This is like bad. I haven't really heard a little harder to get operated on again. Nematodes gave me a thick with you know me gets to the end. I wrote He gave me me those pills again now. I know what the coincide
It is, but another. Few weeks later I got infested again. This is ridiculous. that was no. I got rid of those around like this beggars. Respecting we end up with what the hell are, these pills if they don't do their job one day I squeezed appealed. You are opened. Strangely, inter was filled with some white foam. On the day of the seventh operation, I regained just this during the operation, but luckily I was still numbed when I turned towards the doktor. I saw to my horror that he was eating the freshly removed worms and I get sick Actually you just be like. Oh did you even pay for those worms? Those are my worms using may apply as a worm horvitz because you want to be eaten. You learn zagreb's oki bogeyman. Mama, there there's a ressler.
We managed to my thinking the villain from nightmare before christmas, notably bogeyman made a worm. I know that bothers also progress or who, like would eat worms that rings of well. Yes, I was at the mercy, the guy that with a voodoo guy, No, that was just copper. This guy was like legitimate, would legitimately eat worms or nematodes or around worms gross. Right well there. It is scary kind of medical one now now No, your! squeezing in one last get away this summer before you take off. deck jerome with the latest innovation from simply say of homesick Geraghty, now of an intruder breaks into your home. Simply save professional monitoring. Agents can actually see speak too and deter them through the new smart alarm. Wireless indoor camera available with the fast protect monitoring plan. Twenty four
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Our member areas is that you can unlock a new revenue stream for your business and free time up in your schedule by selling access to gated combat like videos online courses. or lose letters. Is anyone even you, remember newsletter, and it's easier should seize up and about my summer now really plan to do is wait for a moment in the beautiful henry cavil security team to just fall asleep wait for that precious moments so can finally show him this amassing pile of civilian, Henry cavil horse picks. I have for him, and I just wish you understand it's for his family. hats monogamy times, and no matter how many fences he erects. I promised to be there for you, Henry cavil, showing the world The majesty of you is a horse and trying to monetize that through square space go to square space. Dot, com, slash, ellie empty for a free trial when you're ready to launch use, offer code left to save ten percent off. Your first
purchase of a website or domain. What lessons called same as it ever was saving it ever was. This is not outside tipp submitted by sticking up. Neither have you two hours. I love that side. You need not my beautiful wife lyrics from once in a lifetime. Yes, indeed, we sought by talking heads that most people now that's not true, burning down the small as farming for executive disable. do unless they were the most famous bands Volta, but it's the most relevant song in my life right now. This wasn't my house and that wasn't my wife. This is causing touching on the plane, have said this before it so obvious, but they won't stop. Trying to fool me. My wife is five foot three with black hair and a bob cut beautiful green eyes. So nice nice was sitting at the other side of the table is a mob mother.
I'd get a map up said has been died, black with those little googly eyes glued to hurl. There are long strings attached to it and they reach up through the ceiling listen. Let's talk about, you Never my corner quote: wife moons. She just bounce around and a high pitched voice. That sounds nothing like my wife's velvety tones and more like em up it offered a company's obregon, LISA dont team. You notice anything different, though my kids, I figured but they're both two years old sure, they're twin, that makes sense, saw just talking that up to childhood stupidity, pockets. Do the other party glad you only don't kid? Don't fuckin fuel cycle,
at each other organs- elegant, dumbest, fucking, kids, on thought, these moron kids. This is not my house, neither no man for one thing: the walls and my house are not colored like coloring book, but instead painted like that of a normal persons. have you tried using a james taylor? Oh I mean everyone. It arrives. I mean really something calming. How do you quite james Oh you mean, as that is the only right that yet together the bad effect gowns. Just yesterday morning, Well, I know you will do as long as sad as it as the sounds of the plane crash man. Another thing about this house that weird tour is that all the furniture is hard even the bed. I cut open a pillow yesterday and though it was actually a piece of puffed up card, poor guy. If I haven't received enough emails that do read like this, it would not be a scary.
I have seen these emails in our side stories as well. It seems like this is kind of a maybe a setting for yes now I dunno who's doing this, but I'm getting fed up. stated burn. I have been able to leave the house and three damn days because madam MOP wife keeps blocking the door in saying she wants to spend more time with me. Even sneaking out at night is impossible since the window seem to be nailed shut. Although I have seen any nail cries: the biggest mystery at it. This isn't a status that this doesn't stop soon. I will do whatever it takes to get myself and the kids out a here, no father John, ever get to the term whatever it takes. Absolutely. No, absolutely the next chapter o today, Ok, I pushed my wife. I didn't mean to write such she forced my hand. She stole your why it's a mob!
She was lying on the couch, pretending to watch upon graham on our cardboard delegation, to tell me when I asked her why she was doing this to me. I'm going to act all of this out tonight. Yeah mop life through me Why ass to mouth and she knew damn well what she was doing and I grabbed her by the handle and shook her scream an interface not seen it. think just screaming, and a month now she's a mob. Then I shudder. She flew backwards and landed on the floor. Mop life than begin. That's not that's. At I ran for the door, the door was unlocked, so I opened it and went through it as quickly as possible, great purely forgetting the fuckin stupid kids. Fine by me when I say we should advocate more, but I came up. My bedroom have not left the house at all that this can be a nightmare. Its last too far too long year,
but now my mop wife, won't speak to me. Oh no, lord you're gonna have to talk to your shovel, mistress and there's a loosely, and the children seem frightened that daddy will hurt them too. I would never hurt my kids Accepting that someone's about to hurt their kids would say all we said he would. it's okay chapter three Aubrey was replaced yesterday that one of my kids- yes me, it's not that, and yes, there's only three characters. So yeah we caught up and got up to fucking alien entering a small dustpan took her place. She sounds just like her mother, only it pretends to speak. Like a baby, google,
is janitors like fantasy or something might be, Aubrey could say full sentences before I've taken to ignoring her and not letting LISA. Out of my sight leases the other katie others yeah. Of course I have tomorrow. I don't want them to take her to while mop wife was pretending. The cut up chicken for dinner, which meant she was bobbing up and down in front of a cunning bored with raw me no knife on it. I came up with a plan. I gotta go see this shell options yeah cause it's not even about the matter, or the dustbin inside the argument they had. Oh yeah yeah chapter four, I caught her strings mop life's, not pan operates real or not. I will never hurt my children, they don't hurt. The jug disputants don't have strings. Didn't there is is keyed it. Oh, she fell to the floor, milk.
pouring out of her mop strand, hair and the voice shriek the how shook I fell to my knees, LISA held on Aubrey and was starting to be lost it into the air. I grab them both and put them back down as best as I could, but whatever was controlling the strings was too strong. Oh all I could do was watch as lisa and dust pan aubrey were poor. into the ceiling. I climbed upon a chair and slammed the remains of my wife against the ceiling screaming for them to return my children, but it a congress not absolutely on the net. and not none at all. A barely I'm alone. Now in this card board house screwdriver some of these, a screwdriver talkin. I've been riding down every possibility, aliens, government, social experiment, psychotic breakdown, the nasa make sense- I mean if it was to billy Joel. This might all just be piles spaghetti
yeah. Also, I had a remake of we didn't start the fire with new modern, modern stuff when against orb sounds awful sounds awful. Awful brow of wood ever had me has abandoned me. The food ran out two days ago and I haven't eaten cardboard. The bug. Is you elegant? Cockroach? No wonder if my real family is in a cardboard house somewhere else, but mostly I regret killing. My my wife see I liked life during wartime yeah right. She wasn't my beautiful wife now, but it was rather than being alone here, and that shows well, don't just chase everybody away, because even shitty company, company, right, maybe maybe also pirie saturday ressler. He had to have a groan terror storyline involving a mob as punishment. Interesting, yak z hurt somebody in the ring.
It was a guy story, lorry actually like one. What is it? What is the guy not It's just a guy who is just crazy. I dunno. If he's gone nuts I think he's just got a mop wife and I think, oh, my sounds like something everything except becoming real damn, but I don't know I feel like I was waiting for like it all to sort of make sense. They didn't what I really or I love the story. I love history. I like what is, if you like about it, the most the mob, like I'm, not one of my work in the end, that is in the voice. What about elisa you? Never? Who care about lisa you care about LISA. She get taken up through the ceiling, but the rearing she was with operate. Yes, you can operate, does tat Aubrey grabbed onto or at least I'm lonely ermine world yeah it is other examples are supposed to be a peewee herman. Now you just wakes up one day he's got my wife. What if peewee herman is in hell- and this is the reality now actually really like that concept, though I dont version p. We held not real life, but in tat show would be awesome. Yes, room or I will very soon
Very straightaway, my shadow, I love it. I don't like the idea of cardboard. My pillow I mean there. Actually was the cardboard. Anyone knows that fat. It's this figure no cardboard. Anyone move on our lord, my pillow no leave. I think you're wrong. This already unites like some cover bad, that does that we can start the fire, but with all like, cab. I now Nan I ran on long, never hear. How would I know is that what the fuck is this cause? I heard the beginning: the sun was like I'm stardom ready Julia, but not if it little If that is real, it is rather like, but I would rather by like jason, all de I'll, just like by his grandmother, was that it was horrible, Brigham case file to spooky. or do yet admitted by thomas F, Johnson hunter spooky to be
funny squire squire. Indeed, when the timbers on the pier I was to be so. No no, under the guise of aid reaches its creepy past is all about interpretations that he can interpret our very like this, a guy in ITALY right. You got different bus dish with its venetian. Tuscan sicilian could be read: crack nutcracker era, the timber guide, you we need to demonstrate a seriously aging mean hazmat suit stepped off on. Are you I'm going out of it. Is that the rules on the page there s about Africa also do it whistled ads in this spoke crack crack? with the timbers. I always get a good move.
Why don't you like, if they really like when we were in scotland, it all started dancing's report fiddle music is we're just like our knees. Why? Just like me by a spirit of life, the did you know that has meant suits, stepped off. The one person government issued motorboat flat flat What is he doing? That's why I've Johnson there and tell me why you do not like this flap flat, we're going to tape marked, do not enter quarantine, being pushed back. This is what I love to hear about stepped under, to see what the damage was when the compressed air to the cattle Boca at us,
building a united europe is necessary. We hated madonna's johnson is hard to keep it. It's a long story. He's gotta worry about he's, gotta style. Oh my god. This is really log book. Yokels end is the size. The agent thought he at least their deaths will be quick and painless. Shriek point the Madame dragged himself down the prayer screaming under the weight of the cartoon, which shape tat, shape tumor crushing, is by big tumor ship like a which guy he's looking at, is a tumor shaping a witch on right now and he's a government agent and he's got a cattle gun. You know like they get that goal big boss, man, mounties, remember them tasting! I'm thinking wrestling the age you look down, and was weeping and moaning like a cock
Great green head tumor tackled mindlessly acts like evil dead. It was proper protocol to take on an stragglers course to patients era. He placed a bolt gun to the man's head. You may be placed the bolt gun to the man. Tat and mercy was granted the cacophony hack a became more evident as he's into the town of port. Recently a cartoon allah wean hell out a bosh cartoonish spooks growing like great fungal cancer, gardens of orange and blackened It's a hallowing lies ahead of us is very on. This is very a crystal world. Genji ballard, and also just real, oh no country for old men. Wasn't that the gun I m in them, flip flip, the cackling jack o lantern grew out of the sides of buildings like fleshy wards and ghost like white
mass dragged their way out of the sewers he walked past a dog was dragged pass, the agent how willing, as the giant gug allied spider attached to its head, walk down the asphalt it in with the momentum, mildly ruling pseudo dracula pseudo frankenstein's talk cause as they boldly protruded from dragging their useless limbs in a way that should not exist. While this is if it is Nine elation meets our spirit, always now oh. Yes, there is everywhere, of course, of corpse. I caught their course of poverty. everywhere, but powerful blights, spooky cancer, crushing pale and bloodless bodies of men, women and children like piles of halloween decorations. Almost comical there were so many of them crush between twitching goblins, mummies, nigh balls, smothering the faces of the dead clawing scream.
Again sidewalks and edifices of still moving mummies an eyeballs and stretched black cats, Who will I like I want? How are we to come? All read the age it felt like he was choking on his own heart. They walked through the streets, granting bitter I say to whatever he could men women, children, animals? There was no cure His sickness of the world no skate, whether as a victim or watcher, every step D hoped it might get better, and every step d was further gouged in the soul. As the borough Colleen play continued on, stopping the living amongst them were the worst. A line of huge skeletons merrily danced on streets, numerous jacko lanterns black cats is the people growing out of them screamed and bade. Do they did it? I'll, do is drag by its leg. That's a huge purple, owl fact and flew from building a building
in the same mindless pattern. Over and over again, a tangle of humans are trapped scout. first in a meteorite king of dracula, sir wolf as they fought over the scraps of corpses living in this rate for all living in the street there. I don't does Yadda Yadda that that's you live in industry, their debt industry. If there are they know what they're doing carry Elinor girls, they loved them, but they also speed of ours. Boy from our guest. He has owls well and he d records with the best actually very kismet, kids adorable a whole haunted house. The size of a port of John was dragging itself through the street one else of the wreckage and humanity growing out of it, as it would know, em particular all were given mercy the agent Has he worked towards his destination? Assign reading costs, low costumes was his destination middle the piles of dying and undying nearly blotted out, the Heavens brickwork and window sill
leave isabel amongst the need grown from the rancid edifice when he stepped upon an they miss heart of this, the hollow core. If one could find in some disco, nylon november? First, it was growing from that buildings. Walls moving howling hooting, choking, croaking laughing gatwick moaning every noise, you imagine, yelling creed, I feel What we need is a good reminder. If you do want halloween decorations forget now you get out no not a. I just bought a giant animatronic mars attacks. Alien there are many is my friend I love that potato, but I was in the same you buy them the day after I told her after hollowing cousin there and say I am really see you get a name could levelling out and when I willingly how you're actually buy them a peep party won him out. They went out. You bought him a threat, but you didn't get the run out a ghost like lump of white. pointed at the agent going as you.
Gary, he paid no mine the lump sum pumpkin, which skeleton rolling enter inside there with only a few glimpses of, must be floorboards and have torn miles of costumes, being gnawed upon by mummies. Untie me three mom doesn't load low mine. The word edifice I love mommy's too. I think that my means don't get an apply. I think that mommy's need to be redundant away. That's for the kids rights I gotta later this week. I need to go to high school. You coquet, you mean through the revisionist history, with the mummy like we do with design, because we have fast mummies. Why can they be fast, willie, What is the mummy that money than the mummy didn't war that the coalition classic mamma you shouldn't matter, but the speed of the money, because the curses all encompassing right? It moves at the speed of course. Language is global leaders and nobody dead knows why the age and thought
story, continuing why you didn't have to do this to yourself to them. Why didn't you? Listen? He reached the back door, grabbing the knob in the eye ball growing through it and inside upon the wall covered in the tumor, is to the point. Where was almost impossible to tell where the tumors began in the human ended was a man and a shred of cheap magicians outfit with eyes begging for death, hello, primarily, The man in the wall, slurred drool, coming one can only barely be seen as a buzz mouth. A limp wand lay in his right hand busted top hat on his head. Oh frank, the age said so you want the council to comment upon three new hampshire residents. Marty is truly a guess. I once you fatherless fine
Slowly, the man said this ass. You did what they did said as he put the cattle bowl gun against what could be faintly deserve as the man's head amongst the bumpkins dumas, Please, please. Romania has pleased at this point. He breathed the tumors past, They sounded in hollow mindless screams and the aging obliged. So you see I do not see here is a magician Yan magician he did. He did so. Judicial powers is your name. Her asked how we did it under the one guy named marty from the cdc arrive to shoot him in the head. What are you a magician? Has, I think so I know you- and I was this need never said just one person government he's from the government, but it never said that he was from the sea these end to think as all struggle with grech crack gut.
Zander as they didn't have resumed. Were what lies solely so the magician worked there. He made a curse now and then everything came to light and then he had to be shot so everything everything began growing out of everything else. Everyday halloween became tumors. What is it go? It did grow and this I have joined the EU showed at this point, because every time we do creepy pasta, there's somebody out that those be like dear, not taking it Syria will regularly if you're gonna get where I really do me good, because it you see, how do we need the thirty of a gimmick you like dead, away from. I think this holloway. We should all go with people. Just with normal diseases. Little take us all. I have cancer, that's great, perfect costume! That's what you guys! You might have cancer. You sound like a libertarian, hear me lighten the niggers is rule on yet hardened to deliver.
How do you make out that I am the night? They call him. Sir Otis beg lady. Let me with his neck story by lady by Brian Zack the He d, a media, started Ed. Ok, the pity in stirred Fred Williams. The head of the pda stood up. Thank you for attending the murder, We owe the bag. Lady interrupted no one light the bag. Lady! We have different language law so that we may know don't don't help em, don't open, whoopi, a story, a parade, we is in non denominating austro raptures, archers husk of europe's your options. Now now give it now give it a real hot matters. Look good memory, look at the letters that salons easier than think. It is right. Now it's easy places where the most difficult language was the world s white languages to undertake understand. But there were each is noise, so
looking zoe lou pie loop. I surrey a pure is alien. This non demo a s europe days, pesky areas, is it omnia, that's very good. At the very least, I feel like it's, the vatican sent another piggly wiggly, but yeah, so I did that yeah fred. the head of the bt, a blood from the mouth of the ears of the eyes, what deaf people wanted to? rub the bag. Lady, no one day you see in latin links, you scary. In fact, I cheese that, unlike possessed my dabble, in fact, cynthia rock the gym teacher- she rubbed her chest There was still a staple in her heart from when she interrupted the bag later when she interrupted has died. Last pda meeting in the bag, lady, apparently sting They were all there in the chest and it was in her heart and they didn't remove. It fits the. I think they understand why these short stories they give a full name
and a role we arrived here in leisure and nothing to me that one third of pda meeting guy, so yes nasa to key. this review of tractor viscous risk is dead. Axios gymnasium tactile some the real rerum ridden. What did indeed the bare lady anne? like the bay later like them back later, like the bag way. I wish I knew what those curses maintaining here. Look it up. Yes, because obviously means Jim gymnasium! You look up the first when I woke up the money actually caused a rupture in her rectum. That's, I think, that's what that means steers. burning regime, that's what happened without manatee No, I know the one who like to death by the brother bag lady, or this just as it out from this thing. Ah, ah, this is that this is fun okay, so the second one. Ok, so here's what the
Lady said the first one is what the first one the bagley said, would starve and do not harm strangers. Children and feed the hungry. All and sundry. The second one said we are. also dealing with new things in the fund, for the revival of the gymnasium room feel that there is a big lady was just doing nothing but good stuff here, yes, she's, evil, net she's, evil and then she's also adding she's in there. This is in the meat and adding hurt at the same time. I what a great story lady, this this next one. It's apparently from series of creepy past is called the boxes socket by SAM miller and this one is called horse whole again good, a room.
but color red neighing. My awake, I see a huge thing in front of me. It is frequently tall with lanky and nobly legs covered with pinkish, skin and sparse here A? U wanna play me mad. Yours is another drug. Let me know I'm real power play. It has a tourist Don't blame me: a man I'll beat your men, it has a torso, but it is so far away from me, so as to be nigh on noticeable know its head. If it even has one is completely in an reaches of the sky. It bellows job. If you are to be yeah. I would recommend being wary of my children will. Ah I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am or a high horse. No, it is or sooke, okay, okay or so. Where are we instead of
expanding the egg is going to do this together. Let's say I figured it would help change a little bit helps cheating a little bit yeah instead of a spot. Why is it cheating because see you guys? If your quads are in english by the way They do it. I was unable to have quoted in you. Obviously, do you mean lot of those good. Instead of responding the acquiring be simply gallops leaps over the immense walls of the chamber. I men neighing as it goes along. I see ya. Well in the ground where one of horses' hooves was sitting, Far from whatever material the floors made of rough stare scrawl around its circular shape down into the pitch darkness since there as in any other way out of here, I climb down the circular staircase darkness, darkness madness, step, step, step,
more darkness, more steps, juror stairs in the dark ass. Her careful, I see a patch of lit steps and continue crawl. towards them a whole doug into the site of the staircase. I see light at the end of it I crawl into it, so that I can have something to do besides keep on, fallen downwards and downwards. I crawl up into it and keep on crawling through it. Okay, I crawl past dirt and roots, and worms and thing is this: allegorical is l gurgle single grub falls in front of my face and I'm lonely was flat rate
hey. Don't you say that about you, sir? I would like to say: I'm not fat, I'm just big boned, but I don't have any bounty hunters out pretty hot and dumping them. Thank you. I looked down. It has the head of a fat I'd fetal horse, my god, what are we reading? I dunno. I have no idea what these are the light at the end of the tunnel. what is this? This is my on the grub with the fat horse's head. The light at the end of the tongue gets even closer, I'm crawling to it's still and it is beginning to take shape. Indistinct shadowy, with the exception, Two orbs of light they are blind white is their role forward. Even further. I can see the things head. I can see its great flat teeth chats a horse. I can. I can see its paladin,
wet skins, a wet horse. I can see who is still going to worry as the poking from under it's flabby mass. I get close to it and it Lurch swamp, moan a drawn out? yeah moaning. It slowly drags it's mass for the dirt of the tunnel. Walls crumbling against the acquired mass, I edge away from the immense creature. It speeds up. It's crawling, it's drag. It nips my clothing and at my skin, with it's huge chapman deem it speeds up. It speeds up. I crawl ever frantically. It's pale. Flabby flash were against the dirty surface, tearing at the skin and rending, but tongue Emmy reacts to neither of you is. I would never do many I dont like horse. A lot of these are just about
flabby flesh is, is it only continues to crawl at me in ever increasing speed, ravenously, gnashing, nipping and doing the pale beast, and I get to the edge of the tunnel. But it keeps on trawling in crowded coughing and pushing have you have both of us fall from the tunnel hit the dingy stairs? fall down the hole. I can the immensity of the beast. Now its white she body worming its way out of the tunnel indefinitely, is any editors for these I feel like we are missing parts of the store. Okay, we fall. We fall we fall. I you know you just because they are ones. I assume your continued to fall until you somebody's that fall. Kids need of help b, we didn't. I rode off Jesus, something soft and solid, forded wouldn't use garage? That was not afraid. I was gonna poop yeah. Well, I'm scared I get up and I see I need to
he'll things, whole wormy body is still ball man, I'm not already crawling yeah extra. That is true. The ground is here we the grounds midi. I can see a shape Turning about in the distant rebirth story. Add my story, for you too, Didn't we really good, really creative, I won't do it tomorrow it will now give you your next I was reading. I actually think you need to describe the falling moment and it is an immense head of some klein thing, a massive meudon tumor, covering the area where it is,
is it just happened to be at its a tumor swimmer, it's a shoe which a tumor episode, regional there's, a lot of the nineteen lotta tumor startled do more, but in this case they didn't lies that some mulatto year query the heads whistles its levels to face me it. I edge away from the head. I wonder enough edge away from me. Ed. I wonder in the horse skate horse gave you my dear I kind of like this is our escape. Its is netscape. I would avail wishes. I love story so much. I find more heads somewhat similar, tumors others with immense bulging Why wear is are so much more to the store to the scape hope or partner who cleans almost just begun. I do I always hear prove cleaner with without extensive. Yes, you never know when you're gonna get lucky thorough. Even some forces which have Fang
rather than the usual flat teeth reservoirs, really difficult with a very I meet a massive hoods head. Were to be found. Legs nodded together to form some strange thing, approaches me and begins to beat in my body it, beats my head in with its flat and hard work feet. I am powerless to do anything. I haven't had any food for days upon day, which is why it is so important to vote The lonely here on Monday is good. Is that people we put into it you're the landscape, the people? This is the kind of shit that your response- before new, be voting in the horse, gave Alex's of crush, manages the klein mass is too strong and violet For me to eat any me from the ground, because ermenonville rounded remember the ground is harry and made me what you, but you can't trust it. Neo entrusted by darling, you're going dry? It sure my body is broken
and bruised and caught and hurt by the mass of hoofs and feet. I can do nothing, I am kill and I will write for ever and ever in the voice, of horses, iron man, so daddy think it may be. This will get me a publisher. I asked think it might work yeah, I'm well connected while work. Five didn't follow my advice, stranger, ok, go and have a use for you now bear the mass of hoofs. apples forward on its many lags. Yes, I, like your eyes, are like a son. I have used your name in her lap Billy, you that's what we named. Billy's, the massive hooves obey Yeah really is the mobility of her away, and that's also my mother's name. Yes and your father's yeah thousands bill Your dubai were masters.
so drawn the whole thing up come on now. Here we believe Billy the whole thing grabs my palate and weak body with some of its many legs and drag me away into the darkness. I opened my eyes and looked out my hands. I'm not here and hurry hoofs moves, ah dogma owning charge, horse bellows words we want to see you know a mirror in the shape of a horse Who is he gonna or gave no airline a mirror image? of a horse is placed in front of me, and I see when I look like three a man's eyes with long lashes gaze. Had me, please.
Son. A mouth was newton mass, with eight nobly in lanky awkward legs, holding it up a long tail of me. It is clear. However, you drags behind, maybe quality I Ah You sit down Everyone is that when I gave my sorted, my guidance counselor, He puts an application for the grocery store. It was really was always something about a couple of years. I am a horse, emma whores am along jail, but now we can eat value. Well, you don't you need the rounding off. I don't think he needs the because I don't know The horses eat where as they they would have to. I think you need the grounds that horse scape. I feel this is. least we're. Maybe we don't know all the physics I dont think we know the rules of the horse gate. I mean I went to that radio and I'll tell you one thing: these horses are beautiful,
can't you. We always we I ruined. I love horse with a measly audio, reintroducing on side stories. Were he talked about in an hour's gorge, automatic sense, not erotic, No, I'm not a beautiful and I'm exactly on the same page as you bend back. The horses are absolutely beautiful, beautiful creature and you always still when you're going sixty six miles per hour, that's horsepower, and still now we still gauge it. On horsepower. Kaiser comment me real hard about how beautiful horses are. I'm I get. You know what I think they're nice, when I think you're gonna have to stand here and if the cinema, shoulders at the next rodeo and then you'll see bear their job to get their gates. I felt when I go back home to tax is one of the first things that do they go out, and I say hi to the horses, because that I haven't been able to say hi to horse in a long time and is so beautiful, so high organ his mouth, and I hope you do you better, read this story to the whole of the war since some of the horror, although not all about what is going to, let you go up to the main one in do the whole, like our stranger
or to be wary of children? I did you do myself. I am oars. Every member has remember me, they do remember me, I know they do when you got no asshole safe I love new york sponsored by better help. I know when I was a young man and I was contemplating being a fashion model just because how many people approached me is saying like you got the goods. You got the looking at the walk and I think, as I didn't, want to be boiled down to just a gorgeous body, a beautiful voice, an inspiring face. One time I was on the shoe Monica any the eunuch just live in that of the platinum life. And this guy was like you know, you're funny to. I was no way you think I'd be comedian, you'd, be surprised what you could be opened up to Have you actually listen to yourself, specially with working with better help? Everything about starting therapy give better help. Try.
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which is why use rosetta stone to thank the people that are putting in my driveway for all their hard work and then came in and took a big old dump inside of my house and guy. Be just wreck their place, but they deserve it. So long, we get new language or right now for very limited time, less podcasts and let listeners can get rosetta stones lifetime membership for forty percent off. That's one hundred and seventy nine dollars for unlimited access to twenty five language courses for the rest of your life redeem. Your forty percent off Add rosetta, stone, dot, com, slash, ellie, F, t today, that's rosetta. dot com, slash lap? How do we continue Yes, we do reject gipsy shouldering things like a marine say. The only way is through the only way to finish this throughout the next. this is then raise it submitted by Iraq. Rob shiner entourage, ronnie, Called,
maize sets its golden daddy laos frowning are always is appointed kind of subconscious stuff you I like it. I like this. He always liked many jews than that weaken peer and new in the miser conscious. I am, of course, really gets amorphous. Horselike creatures, you try much your file. Also europe is really are they don't? Don't you don't say We're not the same because bill and billy are very different names that my father's name is william. My mother's name is billy. Yeah is willing amina yeah, my grandfather's name, was also belly. I was his name. Was billy wing Billy way guy and we know Billy would give us a fabulous. Community the absolute absolute first time. I met him at the thomas, my grandpa's name is billy wayne and what he said. Yes, well, area, spirit, murder. When we interviewed somebody who was a victim of us, real killer and Henry just said she reminded him of his aunt
I remind said that she I mean she did look very similar My aunt vanozza gets a bad thing. No one wants to be illegal, my aunt. I need say made my daddy and by suicide, A thing like jack does go ahead. Look because it threw up. When I looked better myself, I, like my. Look! The Reynolds family, weren't, bad kids! I was in class with the brother. randy in my friend mercy was the little sisters class. I never did anything, but you'd expect abuse children to do. There are pretty much normal if quiet, kids, what I'll do that might have stayed a secret if we didn't start carpooling school, oh This whole thing was written by the gas companies. Absolutely the hollow ring. It's about sponsoring more drivers, cigars, high occupancy,
the goals renew and wondering the about what really makes sense, because carpooling is bad for the gas industries have seen its anti corp anti carpooling. Ah, now commentary reynolds had a station wagon and a greasy mullet. This is the it is time in the eighties were so hot in the nineties, so as to add a place them member. He teased me and mercy alot when he picked up the gun. Teasing adults play office funny, but it's actually really mean irony that, like my boy either he came up with that. He used to celebrate their own holiday instead of christmas called hungarian degas. The dad was like all fucked up, but he used to drink a lot. They just took dairy. He was just a giver. He was a very bad alcohol and used to drive the old fasher driving with a beer in his knees and hold his beers for him. Suffers I was born in a way it is goin away when it's no don't you like our there was probably from a gorilla. Sad was ever everyone out. It was a sandman
Gary and then see. I remember you called marshy catch up because of a red hair which made her face turned red. So then he called her tomato age, god, I've never seen. Kids look as in comfortable as the reynolds kids were in that car. That day. The quiet funny randy I knew in the playground was gone. He is little sister lillian were frozen in place as my grandmother's milligram went grab it's when you open their cage rainy in the front seat. That left me and more seeing the back seat lily between us course me more. She wondered talk. We been friends reverend. Since we lived in the same street we weren't loud. hyper. We were just talking quietly about things we loved the Mr Reynolds ass wanna be quiet, or do you want me to show you the daddy face? Yes, he chose to read it like that and finally dynasty logos to put in a lot of gay. Why? Why do you want me to show you the daddy their way? Your moral disc is no scare area. Anyone may be quiet,
I'm in a show you, the daddy, face but the thing that scares that sinister is scary- I mean- I guess, vaguely sexual but sinister yeah- that much I never knew much about. Mr Mrs Reynolds, I knew she worked a lot. I don't know if she knew what her husband did when she wasn't home, o terrified. Her kids were of their father. What mister Yes, that is kids immediately started screaming and crying only through a very randy, just begging him. No, no Mr Reynolds was perfectly calm. You smiling at the thought of it was funny. Is the craziest one? Yet he repeated the question. Do you want me to be quite or do you want me to show you daddy. I don't want to see the debt if its martian. I were very silent. Mr Reynolds decided it since we didn't answer him. He chose anyone know. Yet that's what you told us to do is not talk. He took his hands off the
hearing wheel and put them on the top and bottom jaw. Leg was going to rip his face open his eyes. Bulged stood the sort of pointed in other directions. Randy kept screaming, begging him not to me and marcy, held each other tears streaming down, faces, lily, had sunk down nor seat and thrown over at armstrong over Mr Reynolds made it gagging noise The station wagon had started drifting over the line, so a horn blast from the semi behind us broke the spell Mr Reynolds swore and took his hands off his face and put them back on the steering wheel, still wet with saliva. You drop off, he bid us a cheery good by sea kid. I was horrified to jail grim as a funeral procession all day. I still in shock when my mom picked me up school. She asked me what was wrong. I tried to tell her, but the daddy face I end up crime, were there in the car. Mom was based. I believe
she saw Mr Reynolds pulling up and station wagon and told me to wait in the car. I screamed after her. I was terrified. He'd pulled the daddy face on her. I even know what look like when you didn't want it to have it. On my mother, the distance. I saw her approach, Mr Reynolds, I guess your body language ass. She spoke to him. This riddles was dismissive as first I could see me. play it off the joke that my mom said something else. Mr Reynolds shot me a furtive glance. My mom saw she started back towards the key are shouting and Mr Reynolds, Mr Reynolds, had taken on the defensive stance, making the same pace. He made me called mercy ketchup. When we pulled out, I could see the kid the joined him at the car. The tipps of MR reynolds fingers disappeared as he dug them into his. I shoulder my mom wouldn't tell me that a conclusion that she'd come to she's told me not to worry about as we stopped off for mcdonald's. So nice always cleans up the database. So lately she let me get a toy and even cola. What are normally was allowed. The next
She went to a meeting with the principal just her because more she did hadn't told her parents and reynolds parents. I do know the exact outcome, but the reynolds kids weren't in school the next day or ever again Well, we grew up yadda, yadda yadda. Didn't do me a morsel stayed in dutch. We weren't super bestia, we're still friends, you know, so I guess it's kind of a shock when I found out that she's had begun dating randy but you already face, guide us out on this- lies in to him again and had grown up rather nicely use blight. Funny respectful everything is dad. Was it marshy been afraid to tell me, because there are still some pegana closed off about randy, the frightened her little bed? She sure to know him right so is it was a whole thing she didn't for three months. You couldn't I'm pretty. Well the parents divorce dad just fucked up ports are known. The little sister was now starting to be a british it and she gave him for three months before she told me in there all the time.
Ever asked what the incident the car, but, finally, one night, he looked at her and he sighed. You want to know about it, don't you? Oh, no! The daddy face marcy, didn't answer rainy said was: something only is dad could do beyond that. The people who couldn't tell about it gets an old homeless guy. You probably pissed himself and at a stroke spot a poor waitress you'd, given a milk instead of half enough, but the worst part randy said was the very worst part is that it was. It was genetic. Does he hadn't data too much. He was afraid of close anyone because he was afraid of himself, but of course you wanted to see really wanted to see it. He would show up. I know she said yes, even if she never alright emitted it.
Randy was, unlike is that you in spring that on somebody without asking marcy, doesn't remember the face she plucked out and when she came to renew was gone. He stopped answering his phone. Stop going to their hang out, basically just disappeared from her life. Are she still can't see too well out of her left side? Sometimes she gets his bright flashes when a stark outside this bad. As I feel for her, I I think I feel worse for the rebels It's because she had only seen at once why that was what I learned scaring one of you, a scare you out of base daddy face. Then what is the base on which to do today? face right now, the audience kid see. Ok, had he faced right now, let's say sleeping well, watching old
if I'm gonna say golf, that's a sad! That's a saturday afternoon gulf, I was asleep. It was last month. It's actually granddaddy. It's a good daddy scary, scary, one yeah yeah, that's a good one. Yes, we all know that hole is the same bit. Is the dan Ackroyd from the top of the twilight zone movie been like? When I see some really scary yes indeed, right? This one is called the goat it's about Tom Brady, Michael drawer, on this is submitted by james dave I'm really only one with officially the nickname, the goat knives and whatever it soon. you want to make it now: you can people call never james nicols butts this is the guy he's higher, whereas the goat knew that aid and whose the lebrun the call him the golden.
Others, like eying, he's the king came out nothing. I've gotta get angry, I'm losing the helicopter crises, the goat roby greatest of all its. I know, he's member technically technically did Michael Jordan. Anyone let's do it here, the girl, that's my that some good masculine, but this was a we might see baseball the night. Maybe it's also its hello kitty fires. I don't really want to see that, but yes, indeed submit about james Dave as legitimate avis is its Jim David. jabez. I think this is the age of data is separate from the guy the creative garfield. He always goes onto weird obscure, creep up, also forms and most story. We really surprised you know my brother wrote him and Jim Davis wrote back. That's doktor legs to two years, There was already out a garfield zone, but he still framed it, and it was very nice though, back. When you had to write letters. Yeah, okay, I wrote a letter to Michael Jordan once and I got back to you well, a representative got back to you if I printed off eight by ten glossy that had have and it hadn't autograph on
printed on the paper. Its awesome, ITALY was actually, I trust I actually cherished at so many are within the Michael Jordan administration. I saw your name your own eyes. Yup, you earnestly right in a year ago, the goat- I have a heart, time. Tell this story. It's a barrier. part of my life that I am not completely over well nobody's gonna therapy are right, I'm new ways It's very hard, and I like that, I'm not completely over. I don't think a person could ever get over it. That you will understand why soon enough now, though, you'll probably just think I'm insane moi. Your vote could not sleep. I live on a farm in mexico. We have a lot of livestock and we're deal with a lot of wolves and coyotes, and I'm used to with them. So I really no real expectations of anything too extreme. On that night it was Normally, it was common for us to hear the goat scream. because, as I said, there were wolves, as I was told to go.
Check on the barn armed with this not gun. I walked out to the barn he sunset abandoned. That who is it? Who does color commentary for baseball games, he's had a stroke, regions areas we are allowed sloping sound and the sound of a goat. I looked to see. I looked to see. terrible site on top of the goat was some kind of reptiles, in creature with a large spied on its bad, you powder on its head was like a dog, but it with massive bang that doug down the goats nick it's scales were by leumi nasa and biological S, island reminiscent green and blue its ears were long and pointed out. It had somewhat of a humanoid stance and its eyes were vibrant, lay glowing purpose. So there is an exaggerated ship, a copper buddy
like the image. As you ve got java goblet, it's a superpower with twist you just wait, youth with a twist common. I caught the shot gun and the creature looked up at me and he s its teeth were covered in blood, the dribbled down its gin, the terrible things hoard smell. I looked down at my goat and saw the eyes welled up with tears ass. He looked into my eyes. The goats head then lifted up and smiled. it's ok, John I'll. I get what other goods via well, I didn't. Go that is how we like l b there. You are dead, go as you like that, so that you could cover in the gulf I symbiotic asia. Now, education like it, I like
No that's the choices that they go. Also talks. He didn't even know the cause. That's a double mine fuck. Is that all my money on average rail sends it also my gut knowing does Michael top up my goat knows my name and eleven blood drawn from it, because some people do have the bam peer fetish. We know we know that, but I'm thinking it's mostly at the day with lebanon, orleans wearing a corset near me, could be lot of blood up their right. Well, this it's another, one of our thomas f Johnson, bringing him back. I don't mind him. I do my imaginative. I met him as a man. No no I'd enjoy him. Mina was that this one's called mommy, sis, manassas, nieces, okay, so bad, background, but I live in this dog shit, neighbourhood, wrong side of town and a small seti most of the low wage. a dried up after the factory left, for god knows where. So all we, I left a call centres and serving in gentrification.
I've been living here and now, when I in a shitty apartment with my mom, the streets have broken down I gotta community college- I don't got a cop most people, don't so I mostly walk and take the boss nothing wrong with that live in a good life which had happened. Sometimes it always does, as is usual for what happens when you're in a poverty town? But this is we began. We had shit like horror, movie, weird shit up. Oh Anne and since I in the in some other shit from other people online? I thought I might as well share my story. The first of them anyway, frank, is that you Men. I coming home from gettin milk at the food safety. When suddenly a plastic bags start the low and in no way we'll get stuck in american beauty on this maize. Flood ran up Ben about, like
do usually at first, I'm all like big deal. I see lots of plastic bags in this body, bowed beg bay, trash birds, then its thoughts follow. when I think that sort on unusual, so I start walk in a bit faster, nothin unused just me, he being the kind of superstitious you get when that reptile party a brain start. Second, but then you see it speeds up to oh wow, interesting. It looks like it's flattering, even though no wind and seem to be getting any, I movie, and it hits me I'm a leg. This Ok in any normal day, a minor spoke a little laugh, then back home with the milk yeah you're like that you're going like the gets. was. The british did emerge peer, milburgh, begged milk. You know you can then, but then I feel like my legs on fuckin fire. When I looked down, I see this ban
clean and straight on to my leg: let not some kind of liquid, but it doesn't look like a bag of both. So I took up my knife: the switchboard I keep bagasse again bad neighbour. He heard and watchers which bolivia and I caught it off. It doesn't screen, it doesn't school early slows down when I got it release in some sort of sticky, clearest, rich stuff. I got through it awaits, it hangs on even tighter, I find the price it off. It crumbles in on itself in a soggy, Here you do you go but closer to it. It twitches it smell like vague and an end the sultan vinegar bag. I am wretched little as a pocket with the knife I twitches a bit more. It looks like a jellyfish more like a
the fish than a bag. Up close, though I've only really cinnamon patchy, Zita jolly. If I were you able to gauge the only thing, it's the said. I doubt even saddle on all makes sense. Js Js old would make sense. The logo looks blurry like the markings on an animal. I looked down at my leg. It's bleeding I think I'm going to be like coming home with this milk doesn't hear me is soft, wet rustling in the distance eh. I look behind me. It's a whole bunch of plastic bags come among very familiar manner. I run, of course, but they just keep up run through the alleys, the loathsome they keep following me climb up a telephone pole, but follow me up.
events and hide nepal. They swim across the water even vast wise to want it's very athletic jump when the old abandoned jet and bar up the door they crawl in the gaps in the park and when thou is go home. I think, after that it pretty much duck well past my neck of the woods. Still run in barely breathing. Just me, the road, the rope kill the desert and bags and milk I saw come in please smell the road kill across from, I can smell them common told since mingled like an aesthetic, a chronic, would then a jaw darted out from one or two things, a rogue ill towards a bag. From this I would like one of those alien mouth thing ease but longer like a set of gums. Would
in July, is oh, my I looked at where the came from it was a pile of roadkill. Look like cougar cougar, be a horse. Maybe this guy's, a young lawyer. Let me oh, I am so sick of horses me, no more Maybe a few have a maybe maybe just a big slag meet that look like some sort of like a big rock mammal carcass it rude upon its huge slimy legs like crab legs but jaws were chewing on the bag, cock, a steel, the bag he. I remember the very serious it scuttled tunnel. bags were more like villainous, just food aid and scuttled towards the other scuttled towards. I am beg rotten holes open up in its sides. The more jaws came out to this.
At jeanette, I'm in to win and only got a few before the rest fly away. Bobbin and fripp lin like the sad little sheets of plastic. They look like it gave me hope for a moment, but then it finished wolf and things down match made short work of him. In fact, you're in a turn towards me, and started Scotland I backed away, and then I noticed something I've been so occupied with the chase before. That I hadn't noticed that it looked like there were do sons in the sky and one of them was getting closer and closer glowing. Needles were come off it. As an open. Why Roy behind the road kill jaw law A jungle says
There's always a bigger fits well now that is Actually fascinated so now you ve had a jungle in various malta. No word on how the milk is doing. No, I didn't happen, I'm what happened. I actually think that this man should never write again. You'll like it. I've tried. I, like you, I'm not answer, has a wonderful and I love a stream of consciousness. Writing, I think, he's great right. I do too, I honestly I'd like these tone law. This jungle says always of bigger. It kind of reminds me of almost in a I mean it's a big job but he does your I'm your little bit of was appalled. The lamy. What's the name, the guy, the route wrote dumb babble, seventeen right man, you gotta, have a cronan burg thing going loads, got a little bit about what this but spent six. It polly appalled to buzz, pulled the lady. It was because the author is it. I did. The allied samuel arguing salmon are delaying gas
yeah Emile are delayed. A couple of these are regarded as a law that Zhang it's not really the law, but the odd there's, always a bigger fish is a law of the ocean. Yeah yeah! Well, yes, yes, swiss law of the jungle, but it still it actually isn't your point. Yeah to my point the ocean is that there is always a bigger than the law of the jungle is, there's always a bigger threat. Bulgaria's diane predatory lie in europe. They are pretty much pre, pretty top or justify or more but yeah beta their serengeti. jungle, animals were tiger, always a bigger tiger met. Perhaps yes, my raps rush. I think it's kill or be killed. Therefore, the law of the jungle, yet a law of the jungle. Above all, though idea the ocean is hanging, european me You know what I did not hear me. You know what I did see. There was a cute.
video of a rhinoceros helping to hippo pick its teeth wits with the rhinoceros answers, horn, worn, wow, that's one sunday and by the way, hey man as long as you're watching peace instead of war yup, it's very funny. A lot of the jungle is actually anything goes. Anything goes is the law of the jungle life. That's it robs has been acts. That kind of creeps me out that feels like everybody's common in vietnam. thing going. I will happily, you can watch chest a tiger, that's a great subway, because if the law of the jungle is there leaving those living. Do that's true. I d be examined as the law like north dakota everything, my good friend listen do, but we do have a tradition here. I want to thank you for the last. marcus this, the or this would you put together here- was absolutely fantastic annual. If I learned how to speak,
latin. You did I mean I ve learned about horses. When we learned about the daddy face, we ve learned ass. We d be careful, appears now dead and I actually I would go through all of these weird ass things. They learn on fourchan, but I'm gonna skin a strip say they are really fucking boring now either couple ones it was interesting. I dont know if you ve heard about lost boy, Larry nope. No, like a real, true story of a little kid that showed up in a sea, be why radio. When the nineteen seventeen, where your rental story, a real, already, were used to be able to determine the day said officially it's a hoax, but there was a key its voice over the sea be radio, those begging for help, and there was a two month long search for this boy while I do not remember, though, that is a funny hoax and why they want. You have no work like when you were a kid you're. Just like this is gonna, be alarmist. I of think I'm dead of is, but that wasn't that wasn't very funny. There's also an entire website called arnold height dot com that is talking about. There is a massive discrepancy about the actual physical height of orange.
Sports make? It is a fight tat english there's been. He has said that he six woodbury here we it for measured out front you bunch at measured anything worth. He was six and a half inches, but then six foot, and when and a half inches yeah it'd, be then another guy said well technically. He was at the end of the day when the measured and potentially believe they were actually shorter. At the end of the day near the top of the day, you sure you don't waste. Your letters are really an entire website, but look at he's in the seventies. I bet you is five. Eleven gap now swazi shrunk doubt may he was never seen three that that is a lie that what I think is like six want that with his legs one, but I will say that to one thing, though, that that's when it was also got real deep in a phantom kangaroos understand woman. The next time we might as well how a weed, I believe us or whatever they want do listener, pasta working all that, but that's why I again, we have a true,
in here and as in spirit of limiting go on. I have to read through at least a chunk of this, sadly by contract, because I feel well. The one thing about this is that it's not really like, like how do I put it like when it comes to cryptid erotica yup we're getting to sort of like how do I say it. Almost a lazy place argued about this. For the past five years, very much credible is replaced with women if we're, if we can compare cryptic, erotica grunge right now, we're in the senate wherein matchbox when ridden by uncas doll, but I have no problem with these. These incredible hardest couldn't get. These stories know how hard it is to right now, but under single goods dig a little deeper because I sort of reading I had somebody what we're doing them. Muffin serious someone sent me this book, did they said o Henry? You love this ray you're in all this book, it's called bisexual, moth man mailman makes a special delivery and our butts and I was looking at it and honestly number one it's. It's lazy
koane darts, they didn't know they not appropriate. I rather than lore. I read this whole thing over the whole thing and it starts with these two guy. These do a couple rain. Your tongue come on. You know, like oh no new neighbourhood bubble, blob layer, male man wanted a mailman doesn't show up their male normal male man is replaced by what can only be described as a moth man. Sorry, There's a sin before me as a mailman that I didn't recognize. We ve had no delivering packages for the last six years. We ve lived in this home. It appears something has happened, because the guy standing before me is certainly not noah and red. Faced with the muscular ma man. The creature covered in grayish white hair is supporting a large pair of wings fold against his back. His eyes are huge and glowing placed lower than one might expect and giving the rare cryptic a distinct appearance as though his head, actually position somewhere deep within his muscular chats here's the male still been delivered on time. It will. This is yes, but look, that's fine, but if I know but I dont again do one sentence of car come off
and a big its common norms to work right. The moth way. Does it he's gonna be a male. May I love or male man community, a male woman. Your group sank, you haven't you mount people sent as to jail humans, but a camera feast feel like. Would it with my man osmond do it. I guess there saying these aids about its wings, beating uses, wins, really travel more transport than again he's harbours of doom and unless a mortal mean we're just delivering bills. That's all may. Always I only had the joy hate mail, you get your shoes in the mail gauge use is indeed, all the exciting world of male
Don't go out of sorts of things about me. I'm out, as I get my discards orders in the man s human teeth in the mail using the tow clippings in the may already back to bisexual mafia mailmen, take makes a special delivery. Alright, just get to the size of the kok we gotta wrap it up when we go so he says here, he's dress quite conservatively in a typical male carries uniform at the cut of his pants hung just write about the moth man's perfectly tone. Ramrod good. When you got this saying its title So he this guy with secular his book. The guy in the story is an author and he wrote a book called bisexual buck. A ruse, seven via group encounters in over. We're going to get tingle, I think he might be doing chuck. Tingle also wrote a book called pounded in the bought by my some sentient library card who seem to other worldly but in reality, is a natural part of the prices. Resources of our library system provides, which is very worrying, that very funny guy as vitally important objectives. Gotta think, but jingle yeah I would say, is that if you're writing an erotic, cryptic story, don't write or lore oh yeah, what
If your right, if you're writing, don't write an erotic story that has more men. Yes, why I don't know, rhetoric story has moth bennet. It write off men story that happens to be eroded, This is the thing you're here options that go. What's your name and he says that's right, my name's in dread, so he does that one piece of lord. I mean that's more than worry, dark and stormy, the cock size on them off man, our religious, guided, irritated jump right in here, urrey gallery with yet was one. How big is its call to baggage deriving reposed, a circular eagle eye handsome? It reaches down and begins to unbutton my jeans, eventually tugging them down and allowing my swollen cock to spring forth. In all, it's glory injured, gasps, and he was the moth bad thing about the mothman cock. Again, it's like. Why is he gasping houston? can sucking for so long. I, like you, you know your mouth and mailmen having sex with a neighbor Lulli right now
next thing I know their hands a mob means opened his mouth wide and taken my record dick between his lips slowly pump in his face up down across the length of my shaft. I lend my backing to let my been wrong about. This is more men than those of men in their story. My city fellatio the moth ban. How few lovers begin to pass my shaft back and forth with this wife, sometimes dragon their tongues. Long may lengthen the time. Suckin me off of france already, as he has focused view its it before I've. You open your mouth wide takes my cock between your lives. Pusher face further down. My shaft deeper deeper should live. Where we go are so kieva, I'm sure he's his dick. It's perfect! Okay, it take me, hand in the back of my wife's head oreo that not that far there we go on key grabs, the guy's taking place.
My new cock, ring over the end of that he slides the rubber circle, the without the bates man's dick. Now, let's take it for test driver, my ass, the cryptid said fabric away, or he who chiseled form injured, is completely naked right. Now, where is the dick or I'm gonna? Look I'm looking for the guy. Just that's all we need now he reaches back and he gives his rear a playful slap gripping his butt tightly with one hand and spreading yourself open. What are you waiting for injured, cuz come fuck, this time off man, as you heard m. My wife tries enthusiastically to no movement versus himself against me mike how complex, deeper and without this is this? Is this vessel on community pulling me the most arose? Pompey? Might there be something special about the mob man's asshole? I opened up his wide star firefly and I saw the unique yeah I've got but who yet already far more sentences we gotta get the waves put then a strap concerts, fuck him, oh man, I know them aren't bedstead book and against you
era perfectly before poly rhythmic, dance begin, obama, moan and, of course, the of ecstasy, I'm so close everybody calms. How does the moth com said of my dick fucking injured, the muscular crib is now preparing self to plow away at me, my wife, on the other hand, has flipped around laying on her back of your legs. Just a story of this is just an erotic story. Is it just? You could put the name's steve and play some mothman and be Steve the mailman who does Steve the bisexual male man. This is the closest we have suddenly the mothman enters me from behind and causes my breath to catch. In my throat I thought my wife's strap on was big, but this another level entirely. So it's injuries. God is a force to be reckoned with it. I'm lucky I've been signal I want an armed up by one category c asian I wanted I wanted about me. I want to have a big. They had coming all again, how much spurts coming out it's like pass over. How is this thing different than any other night?
It's like how do we would bring in what we do, and yet you could clearly during control, f and replace with any by agree with you, and yet this is not slandering chuck tingled. Now to me, this is all about. Like just take it. We read a lot of this stuff. What about the loch ness monster ivory flat water? now we just about lisbon with big foot. The? U turn dick was special, clearly neutrino, aimed at quantum mechanics in a way that was easily understandable for people that are warning, true gerard, so this is something so again. What's let's puts its dig deeper? I say: let's dig deeper, yeah. Well, it does worker deaf. We gotta be taken some corrupted erotica submissions in the future. So please, please start now I'll pay. You might be himself to reign over a good. You show up with what, but remember your writing accepted story that happens to be erotic, not an ironic story that features encrypted all right now for lessons year. Every creepy
Lastly, you learn something: don't you even if it's just did not listen to creepy boss. Absolutely! Thank you all much for less than this is so much one. We got a really like sky We women wanting to tell for a long time is coming up next week is an american troops. Prime story is that is, I I think you're going to like. I think I can and if you, if you like, gape and now you're, definitely going to like, gape and later yup. If you like, big cocks, this story, three last bought gas network duck amber less buck s, lap and channel. The tour dates we have we know the ethics of age of twenty three. We have motivated dynasty typewriter, los angeles. We have ten twenty two a day balbo in san diego, the entire lp enforced will be, as one doing shows you and eleven, for I always say angeles the palace last mike s north and thank you also much for all.
What's a twelve hour cried out by this now at this point, it has been released onto which together can enjoy that merely out of using our best. Oh yeah blue. If you wanna see the whole thing start with a since sweet that good compels they're gonna get there you I mean I I I took I borrowed, but I voted against. Or to a good artist. Borrow great artists steal. I stole to pieces of music very blatant actual How brave, alright everyone failures to elsie to buggy. Will you join me thick go fuck a whore fuck oars these guys billion a lot. I am, but you know it's interesting is that you say don't fuck a horse, but there was never any thing in any of those stories about having sex with the horse. the unit alluded to. He was mixed. But you gotta his. U dont going dick on the brain. We words who worry about this. I gotta go to the dodger letter
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.