« Last Podcast On The Left

Episode 540: Mothman : Redux Part II - Don't Kill The Messenger

2023-07-28 | 🔗

To close out the mysterious tale of The Mothman, this week the boys discuss the catastrophic collapse of The Silver Bridge, an elusive extra-terrestrial entity known only as Indrid Cold, and how the more recent sightings of The Mothman could prove that maybe he WAS just trying to warn us after all!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A roast is dark ass, the night perfect for fuelling the cryptic reed such an mad ravings required for your podcasting. Do mine the red eyes he's just trying to warn you of the bridge. Finally, from the I feel able brains of spring he'll, jack, coffee and last podcast them. Let me bring you off men's red eye blend. Yes, delicious, panama beans, go to last podcast, merge dot com to order yours today now, there's no way to escape to this is the last time on the left. Cannibalism started,
but again the main problem with these with these was God has been blown and when I see anything for show I'm right here. Yes, we amira twitter, you tweet amid a boon between the general law, bunyan, dance in front a c span. Indeed, all the spoken garbage where's, the pictures or, as the body always universal. This is what I have been saying, but I also understand is allowed the gates to open for david brush to go and have now the new closed meeting from winning getting own he's. Gonna tell them. Who was the guy that too
I have no other leading to a new day. He saw. I then the opportunity else, guy throw the pictures of what you want. The guy was standing next to get the red cue. The size of a football field haven't seen shit. I'm fires on concerns war burnt orange. How vain as Bobby I'm just anything. We all know the number one whistle blower of all time actual arose We do a lot about getting left everyone with everything orient mark is, I don't know if you are the same after the ninety minute. One full testimonial there on seized me, but were not here to talk about you oppose where you to talk something that actually exists more man, relax. I can't begin. We already know that the united states by it's my own ideas about you, oppose worried about something that also exists: bull, moth man and you foe, to activity. I got into you for this week. As a john keel, real abolition of a lotta, John keel, eight, you ve got to get you.
Now I know you are marcus for twelve years, we're going to colonel. He knows you're going to change. No! No. He hasn't me for saying who followed yes, followed. Just sounds like it sounded like a man who studies you oppose has bent over and another. Just as my mind asserted cylinder. Recital l, you never know yet he does a who fell, but unfortunately kiss or they are not separate. You ve been almond on more linked? As a matter of fact, our one is it's more of a euro foe, chicken or the egg fucking. Since rio. The way we did it in a goddamn center. They did officially say that the egg came first of all right, let's go onto moth man reductions or do somebody said it some bread. twist idiot ban radon far too soon will let them off. Man story. The moth men had been seen hundreds of times in and around point pleasant west virginia over a period of about a year, but with so many sightings
so many variations in the appearance of them off man, they're, inevitably came multiple interpretations in so far as the man's biology and intent is non human I allowed you to rig, I love nonhuman biologic. My favorite new c span word elsinore understand how they can I an entire gate, literally groundbreaking government hearing, but you oppose they both make it you like all. This is interesting, but extremely boring. Are you you cobbler given to in this regard? We are onto moth man, redoubts part. Do not David brush shits. The battle He hasn't shat the bed, yet sell unlike juice, while some people, like our big hoot expert last episode. They believe them off man to be nothing more than a bird that simply too large a it's just play.
Could be raised at a whole more according to george dorey, let me ask you: this question could possibly be a pterodactyl. Now seriously. Just doesn't ask me, terror that were used, Let me reiterate: guy, it's unbelievable. Only a super calibre. ask watch yourself down the lunch they share an ant right. Is it a family style gathering? Is everyone family here? While you macabre there's a dinner, we don't know italian or not do it. What in this big, bird scenario: it's a bird that so far outside of our expectations of bird size, that it freaks people out her
into the day, though the big hoot guy says that it's just a big bird doing big bird thing slap or man big bird? Is it also strange at the sesame street big bird, like you know, carnival galapagos like isn't real lucky it's like he's kind of like fuck. Like tyler Durden, why? What do you mean bringing our big bird? Why half as world on tests must review of This wilderness machinery whelm, where he talks of the elephant, like he sank, dangerous in your presupposing, here. That sesame street is the real world that big bird lives and that's how I view it like you are going to look at it. Imagination, land near show, imagination latest where they go. That's really goaded on the weekend on right. Will you never know either way great document you're the man who played big bird, varied got to do it is, I would imagine, sound seas for crack cocaine.
Double duty or other people of course say that them off man. Flap was a cia black ops project testing american resilience in the face of a possible russian sign up involving russian made ufo. There's some facts and you ve got the nazi angle that henrietta on the sea. This is where you ve been wrong This entire time is a matter land cutting them off. Man speaks by injure cold, in which I dare you to read because it is a man self describing what how do we, he self transcribe, in an interview with someone who doesn't exist, within the interview. Ask some questions within the book that he then does not answer that make up the answers. You made up questions questions and then answered something else. Like email you be like saw what was your first fixed? into them off man right and then he goes into a really long description of how she met a black their often described as this is an old term. He called it. The oriental am I b's
I would like to use any more and then he said that these so called them. I bees with the actually are were robe monks that works created. It literally lab like myself, there were girls went home to america, because when we are trying to win, the cia was trying to get the dalai lama out of tibet with his fellow monks were trying to do was send the new dalai lama to america to be born at an american pussy. Am I bees were like rogue agents against the dalai lama and against the cia themselves, or are they a row group within the cia? I dunno, but they should have a point pleasant west virginia in order to fight and the new dalai lama born in west virginia well sounds exactly like the plot of the golden child snuff.
I like the plot of golden child. I do remember putting them well, they make that look good, but jump right in let's get into it. Well, the cia black ops shed the big bird. These are the more practical explanation, very much rooted in the conventional realities of biology and government, skullduggery literally sensical. Of course, there are explaining in saying that moth man, however, was indeed a conscious creature, but still something paranormal or, if you're being difficult a crew. Sure of the fourteen million. You were difficult. We are not bends. Norwood believes me. Yet if you can, no me at my fortune, male ye, you don't deserve me at my very good. That's just
margarets, that's march, see something that the movement was and is a harbinger of. Doom only shows up when something terrible is about to happen. He is not the cause of these events, but merely a side effect. So isn't that isn't that a good thing he's like warning people bring a lot to collapse, get off the bridge. I dont think that he should take thee. They don't kill the messenger, but at the same time, is normally the messenger. No one could understand that. That's what the message was raised, which is the very difficult movement needs to be a little bit more specific neuron is shows up in squeaks. People means go to your home hunger now, but that kind of speaks to the fact that maybe their intelligence outside of us that have been guiding, humankind all along the moth man, sort of fits into one of these precepts
bribed notions of encrypted regularly limit of c span really changed when you re projected out, because some How we know time ain't real I'm so everything's happening all at once. Maybe you're throwing a lot of the world was. I was stuck in a car yesterday for five hours, driving o c and back for or I could not fit into my own fuckin car and the time no movement go. I am Well, I mean ben. Perhaps you like this believed that the movement is more of an altruistic care. I bet he shows up as a warning to us, but the problem is that, of course, the warnings are vague. And they are delivered in such a way that no action could be taken. Based upon those warnings, you can't say the moth men screamed at me.
if something bad's going to happen, police need to do something. Nor could you say I had a dream in which something bad happened: you'd go to the police, say hey. I had a dream, something bad's going to happen beyond the alert. Cops are going and when he tells me. As we know, if you tell the cops, you have a dream, they assassinate you, but what is it? You see that mothman just as go home, yo, yo nights over night over see you want, but no matter of the mind Man truly was trying to warn the pupil, appoint pleasant about some impending doom or no longer. That's ms roger clunton logic. Clinton we all should have understood. Why are you here? We regard ready when you are in agreement that rapid yesterday of assent, piety pointy right, roger clint, rain innocent he arrives into this life. I will now we re learning. We get that show that all politicians are indeed human right to warn us of this fact, and we can never really know what roger Clinton's warning about because always gone
export right, roger clean bill Clinton place acts of java. He did that. Wasn't me like this. Sammy he's in our own fang songs mortmain remain neither you just a liability, Angela ability and any other privilege so that he was able to go on stage of semi hagar and the? U don't kick the president's brother off stage it. Nobody wanted. Leave him, anything aneurysm absolute. He had no message at the bottom of the message: he'd format, you did for me deeply chuck bury alright, let's array, let's, let's just get better moth man read a lot knower adder living a moth man truly was trying to warn the people appoint pleasant about some impending doom may I continue is or if naw man was a part of the doom itself. The fact stands at the mid sixties, moth man flat, is intrinsically linked to the tragic silverbridge collapse of nineteen
sixty seven I'll, be thirty, and that's why you know from then on every time you see them off, and you can bet your bottom dollar friends that thirteen months from the moment, somethin else is good, at the british school. I've seen is horrifying. Yeah and I've been driving all over california and there's a lot of bridges and if they collapse you fall about. One hundred feet knew died and I hate bridges and I'm scared of heights, and I and if you want to shut your when you drive around in berlin will probably not be good. We should not arise. Opening our usually about the time men flap came to a head with the bridge collapse. Fourteen invest gator, joan q, had already been on the scene for months. Interviewing people in studying the mothman phenomena, do you know that he was not there? three one. He was not there originally to research them off. Man,
the diversity is pleasant, so he was in west virginia where the ice cream competition he was telling and writing. The story was investigating story about a cat with wings which he owned. When he arrived to see this cat with wings that had been given to a teenager, because it's unfortunately yada yada, Its wings had fallen off just these mountains of griswold. They then had a because then the woman originally had the cat with wings gave it up, because now that the cat didn't have wings, he did We want a regular cat. What's the point yeah, that's that's literally what he was doing and then they're like it's a water main downtown. Thank god. John gill, my god great life, uncle has he goes wherever you call that error just amazing, because one day I'm just a normal, the border and the next day, I'm in the mouth, man business sense
business it is within the rest of his life. Was him just bitterly just been like making money offer me there this is why a billion dollar bills, and yet, at the same time, pissed off being known as them off man. Guy, who goes then he couldn't aims, is incredibly difficult to finally got lifelong bachelor. Finally got his big check right because mocked me prophecies. The movie finally came out now near the end of his life. He doesn't too and useless like millbank like so he was like aerosol excited. You got for me, but the next thing I know apparently, according to the fact that no one knows why, when temporarily blinds just had on temporary relief, I didn't know we could figure out. Why I mean that's almost again the moth that's easy. He did blame yes, but interestingly, keel said
He was getting strange phone calls from people claiming that they are in contact with aliens who were making vague predictions of future events on a national and sometimes worldwide scale. This is in the months leading up to the bridge collapse, Thank you. Thank you. We have reached the lions jill Would you kill? You bet you working with kids. The trade union leader is used to finance. These decisions is a very odd. That's probably addressing arrogance. Indeed, they were capable of garbage guy anyway, I said that misgiving, It's fine! the images of the topics, no not at all. In the end up in a dragon. With some of these predictions, not to be true and some didn't, for example, one prediction and which the pope was stabbed
Never came true hold on said publicly. Fuckin stabbed that never happen, he did get shot doesn't assume fourteen years later, that doesn't count that hasn't cows and count if it was Ten years later, we will have to make it count for new morality. I beamed our tat okay, but Another warning did prove to be true. One collar said that robert F kennedy was due for an assassination and sure enough or f K was killed. The next year in nineteen sixty eight, however, that could have also been a Guess because, when it came to assassination trends in the mid late sixties, the odds vegas the been pretty high for our efforts. I mean your brother is that Did you know that was a suicide suicide says that they do they link. If your brother, whose president got like very publicly assassinated, it does seem to speak what you be higher on the list or of kate save lives. high on the list to be assassinated, then, like stephen,
like yours in borneo. He wasn't born yet, but check out that speech that he gave to the speech he gave right before he was I was amazed a general way or what I'm saying more from the fact that a lot of hope and change people are getting killed in nineteen sixty only mongering address it was just sixties, was at the time of assassination and our was trying to change things so yeah, it's pretty likely you're going to get shot not to derail too much, but there is just some new documents about malcolm x, but the cut the person that shot them down. After like is here with us now, as who knows, was an insight, It was very the olive it was that it's all deeply fucked up in there all like had the cia was all up inside while these movement times oh yeah, let's go back to goof baldness, let's get back to goof baldness, but I will say that book on Charles manson, the new one came out. Chaos, I'm reading it right now it's fucking great graham, more and more certain that key definite mean he got Ass it from entail, for we know that we know that, for certain
the programme but yeah, but I don't you know, but look at that gazette ski same thing. You just had a psyche shudder, but who knows mountain? You got me but now easier. But what's most interesting about these predictions that at one point, someone called John keel to tell him that the sole bridge between canada, ohio and point pleasant, west Virginia was soon going to collapse no home I gotta get to could not hi on how this could be the power of suggestion, but in november of nineteen sixty seven one of keels moth men, witnesses, Mary higher. She said that she had a nightmare in which people were drowning in the ohio river and christmas packages were ominously floating in the waters around them with any of us. The john geologists down there nor on the bridge is it well, that is rather this out you just like we did it I will also say it's a fairly poor part of the country, especially at the time you know
look so the whole thing that you can kind of was probably disarray and it's very scary which also not as port wasn't as poor. Nineteen sixty seven as it is now things are much much worse and west virginia now than they were back there. Every time I was driving to day of k in new york city, you look under the bridge. You see that negligible, rotted out at any time. You can basically in this country. At this time just say a bridge is going to collapse and you we write seven out of ten to migrate. Reportedly Mary, was not the only person having these dreams and ass. It happened at five o four p m. On december, sixteenth nineteen sixty seven as dozens of cars were stuck on the silverbridge in rush hour holiday traffic. a low metal mon began to emanate from the structure noticed now. Orgasm mean that moans soon turned into what was described as a metallic scream as the entire bridge twisted
counter. Clodagh lies in a chain reaction of structural failure. dna internet, forty four people, fuckin dialogue, is theirs dunbar when it's like school were because the bread I got the good way. Ok, it is interested within just a minute. The bridge and every person unlucky enough to be driving over it had fallen into the oh hi o river. Thirty seven com, has plunged into the freezing river below and most of these cars were occupied by holiday travellers carrying you guessed at christmas present like that is really there. Some there that's very creepy adele and then you spoken watch moth man smoking a cigar. I want an old aiming like thought. Chris,
much like malaria from eyewitness accounts. The scene was madness is happening at both in seeming slow motion and far too fast for anyone to do anything to help us some of the cars that fell bobbed for just a moment as it by some miracle they might float, but, like all the rest, those cars sank to the bottom of the higher river. Forty six people died either by drowning in the cars when the windows broke in the river waters rushed in or when the wreckage of the bridge itself crush them openings. I just What what's worse? I don't know I with any with any luck you just pass out on an impact will use, hopefully get crush instantly. That's my why I will roll death. I would that I would hope that upon impact, my head would get knocked on something and I'd just go unconscious yeah we started. I would hope that I would have enough, for you know just rolled on the window and swim out. I just u s.
yeah, that's what I do. That's it again, it's always a, but that's a good ripcord. When one thing that I couldn't find, I tried looking for it like I tried finding any evidence of someone escaping. I couldn't find any. It happened very that's what it's just it bloated oyster bloated one of the items you buckled from underneath it nor think they'll butter to a matter of seconds how they do take. That's an interesting description. It's very fast, but also use, it happening in all in real time your brain slows things down literally row every other car. Something is happening that you'd never expect a bridger on is collapsing, and so you don't you probably just don't feel like that's a four. Oh man, rich moving funds. And then by the time you wrote it. It's already happening up forty four of the forest bodies were eventually recovered over the following weeks, but two were never found. These unfortunate souls had either been crushed completely by the rubble or they had floated down the river after they die.
But this is again another day. Another reminder dont jog, because somebody found those bodies now no one ever found them, no one ever found in crocodiles, are they're crack and ends not winner winter, in ohio near there's, no, no crocodiles, cold blooded animals. His mouth bass of your disappointment, lesser bear attacks, and I thought there were before we take them as industry This shows sponsored by better help. I'm supposed to about a time when I felt uncertain about where I was going in life, but I never have I was always sure of purpose. Captain Kirk, like my devotion, to my own exploration of my own inner and ends Lena jolly, like and house, Actually I find myself and my decisions. So if you're not like me, you might think of starting therapy, give better dry weather you're dealing with decisions are on career relationships or anything else. There be helped. You stay connect.
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defect was so small that even a season spectre would have missed it. Lets reassuring, never would have yet inspector the didn't. Have any salt pepper area is made in a laboratory and allow me, as indeed really the revolving nineteen of comedy, taken a world by storm, but really the bridge collapsed, because its engineers didn't and frankly couldn't foresee how many cars would be using the bridge in the decades to come, and they especially courtesy just how heavy cars would be in the future just get bad infrastructure managers felt our bridgetown collapsed. What it's even bad infrastructure old, victorian infrastructure that is didn't know. No one thought about is our coordination with mcdonald's here roseate fatter and found out about a cars that are cars that get that are themselves between nineteen twenty eight, the year of the bridges construction when model t
we're still. The fuckin kings of the road and car will never get on prove that less than one dancing the charleston Nineteen twenty eight nineteen sixty seven the year of the bridges collapse. The average weight of a car had double They get those massive fuckin. Cars live. If he's in sixty just feel like when they made the bridge. You gotta have a little foresight and below cars might get heavier. No. No at that point they need to know if cars were going to fuck or is it fad walking the only way to get everyone, god would rise up and residence, I mean by nineteen twenty eight you had new still had some pretty fast cars like you know, you must have all are striving anyway, because one needs a slave to travel on bang, more magma door without having pain in his eyes a girl, but they still, they couldn't account fer. A you know like a two and a half tongue car right in an out and out of opium revolution yeah, so the silver bridge, in addition to that it had bompard a bumper traffic
five days a week, so it had pressure being put on in its infrastructure and every second. From unit nine. Ninety five, a m: you should see I've warped, my belt, you imagine what a bridge would be like, the lily I'm happy we didn't do. This episode before went to san francisco has given in to san Francisco's, all die, ranging ridges gnats outrageous, just you're on it right thirty minutes earlier. In other words, it was just a matter of time, but the silver bridges collapse a flurry of inspections around the country to make sure that something like this didn't happen again. They all started to think like oh shit, built a lot of bridges in the terrain so yeah it did happen recently with the minnesota collapse. It was five or six years ago, where it's, basically, this bridge had no redundancies, most like, for example, like the brooklyn bridge. If one of these beams, like snaps, there are six after that.
yeah, but you know that doesn't collapse. This one didn't have any say in their superman. Always remember that probably go. What are you coming to fix it and superman movies does show a right on cable what kinky disabled people from the bridge. Clamps. Well, you you'll want to save everybody, because that isn't superman not needed anymore. You want to see. remain yourself out of a job buddy, but he's still say, but he started to say most of your film of them will also have to die otherwise, supermodel save us real HO remain economy. There was There was a really fun comic book. They did play on that idea that people just stopped taking care of themselves because they fear the supermarkets and more
to bear of some kind of cant, remember what store was a very controversial, libertarian supermen. They call me bootstraps man, but when it comes to our story, several witnesses claim that, just before the bridge twisted and fell, the mothman could be seen near. The structure A man, as I said earlier, there's debate overman's role here, whether he was a harbinger of doom or an ineffective warning system. But what never comes up, or at least from what I've read that maybe half man prison they're, wrong place, wrong die, who use just having nothing to do with this? Like a god, damn it I go on fuckin vacation ones. You default that beautiful
see into area point was in west virginia innovation, but it is what I was dry. This is most be. They gave him for my bra moth. Man really loves the smell of dynamite. In the morning I mean did this I'd like that idea. It wishes there. He was just there. It happens tall coincidence. I also believe that again times not real, we are all a pancake between a billion various multi versus right, rural and it may be something like this- is a rejection of this sort of like innate knowledge. We have. things bad or I you don't. You might happen in, maybe add that to like some form of like natural, I saw mine's mafia and speaks of atonement, the salt mines being utterly the ground without our I kind of like amplifies sort of psyche, phenomenon. I will say I am happy. You didn't give a eulogy, forty, forty six people to die
because of my to those people who are more in the last one. So I know everybody's cry and a boo hoo a wide web, but what I do know that they were just little marshmallows in the package. You just see that little blue dot why? Where they show right here we doesn't really matter right now. In this morning, my mother died she's, which she was found. He was just bought a fall. of atoms in me. Nothing me a limit. Let me ask you: how does the argument the time isn't real? How does that help like argument wind within your marriage. Oh I dont dec,
it lets. You say that there are certain things that you say as soon as you know for a fact, during a fight with as soon as Henry goes to the kitchen starts, making pancakes or something with these idle hands, then some point towards the fact that quite a few relatives of both men witnesses were killed in the bridge collapse along with a few direct eyewitnesses. They point to that as proof that there may be something nefarious here, but remember that point pleasant was a relatively small town, so people are gonna, know people. Yes, people like Linda Our now who did, but when I got a really interesting letter back about how their there were like you know that linda scar, Mary, was super like serious about her sightings of movement because her drug use was so prevalent.
Time she would have never have spoken to a police officer voluntarily. I mean there is a truth to that letter back, were you writing to disney adventure or what happened to go through my pile of letters. People also attached nefarious shades to the fact that after the silver bridge collapse, the people of point pleasant didn't talk all that much about the moth man. That of course was probably due to the fact that their minds were otherwise occupied. A heavier share ever buy the off man was just here. In fact, that's probably why moth man sightings drop off considerably after the silverbridge collapse, or at least twice people stop reporting sightings if someone's grieving the death of their wife or child. I don't really want to bring up the moth man and the whole town knew somebody that die yes right. I guess it was a matter of tragedy, but they also believed that he moved Charleston west virginia. This shows that there is more
inside and outside of europe and with virginia outside of charles had bought me inside and outside of jaws trotted west virginia house, not ass. I did There are also weird shit about how, like you heard the story about how moth man like they saw him off man, and then the ideas of incapacity or fear of the moth man he'll transform into another right. I was only in the bees, and so you see the bought that for scare, but he couldn't hold good hold yourself like this when they saw him and then he turned and Oh, I didn't little boy. I make permissible boy that, like dance in a field in which, as I was, that not scarier good again are truly, I would have said I was a little boy anything and about real that can you may also you're going wrong ways wrong time as we could have gone by god? I know this was lying. There was a lot, but it wasn't a boy with both man's ultimate goal to be Chris hands indiscriminate. That's some say that the movement disappeared after the bridge collapse because it already done. Would it needed to do yeah? Absolutely
I think that if you only a little deeper on it, if we're talking inner dimensional beings and the unconscious, it could be that the magnitude of the bridge collapse. apt people out of whatever shared experience they ve been having in the year leading up to the disaster and poof goes the point pleasant, moth man, ok, who no, I don't Well, no because I I wonder, I don't know whether or not it was the the because we've talked about people are trying to put this in kind of a practical place that we talked about with the blackbird of chernobyl, of other people. When we did the plot black plague series, where people will talk, about seeing cloaked figure, John keel and all of his books like? Have they talk about cloaked caped? That you can also say, looks bird like that, like this time Both harbinger of doom has been around people want to put in the thing big. Oh here's, the a b c of wine a man was here and what happened, but it just seems a kind of all be this weird commissioner on men and black
by the cia, the fucking money. In a natural fumes. From the ten t mind, you got fuckin mock, nanda travelin entity. That's like devoted stole the massage of a big, dude is right. Absolutely it all comes together. Doesn't it and does it really neatly, but either way the silver bridge collapse was the climax to the point pleasant, mothman flap, but the mob It is indeed a view here, your bridge moaning and groaning like it's your wife on your wedding night. Taking more, we would be my it's just a lot of weight on to like lift myself up with my arm were doing more seal love christmas Let's go and I'm a whale near the beach. However, the mothman,
was not the only mysterious figure poking around this region of west virginia in nineteen sixty six and nineteen sixty seven. The other character in this story is, I suppose, it alien named in dread cole, love injured, called man, injured, cold was not the widely. Parents phenomenon, but the moth man was colds. Exposure was minute to only a few people, but it mostly focused on one man named woodrow. Darin burger went to his rents. Salt lear, yes, and salesman. My love, a daring berger, I think they're van testing, every third one will kill you very good or you want to eat one if you dare now you recently in LA as last episode. You said that the moth man was the son, a youth of care.
Did you say that you need it? I actually I actually can a lot like I've worked out for an opera, Joe garden, sent me a very rich wrong. You out of your mad is one of the nicest guys we, but where would you put injured cold, wow injured called if I were to put injured cold anywhere. Five guys know so you know: and the you know, and in your neighbor like have you heard of the biturbo fuck, Why are you seriously? I was like hey buddy, what's goin eyes like I've, just been lissouba kraut rock all day. I've heard it. I never even heard of you know what skull tap isms like what's that is like me enough it's when everyone tat day. is on bone was mostly was music from nineteen thirty one for two weeks in nineteen, thirty one when big back up in germany, nineteen forty one. Yeah, I'm to say, injured cold is the clara rock more there.
Artist exacting twentieths exactly well, I knew so cool, that. He knew that I fear for the random, nay, the collective splash I've heard from every woman who listens to the show there were like blue secure, ferryman player, I'm about to I discovered clara rock, more really weird night, where I met this woman. Add bad detroit rock city. Remember that place in lower east side went up to her apartment in harlem. We did a lot of cocaine and just sat there listening to theremin music, and then I just went home. Oh what a
story, Marty, son somewhere, that no matter what it wasn't romantic and oh, I believe what you do know. The reason why entered cold is sometimes folded into the mouth. Men story is because injured. First appearance came just nine days before the moth man, citing at the tea in tee plant that kicked off the flap and it occurred just an hour north west of point pleasant, so another embers. Second, nineteen. Sixty six. woody was driving back to his home and mineral wealth. West virginia from a business trip around seven thirty p m He was a traveling salesman and had been out. No high o selling sewing machine gazed, normal gardener knew, but as it was, driving down this isolated road. Would he saw strange light ahead, not first, he thought he'd run across a police roadblocks, so he stopped later. It would come out that multiple peopled seen those lights that
and all of them had driven right on by as fast as they cook, as they were really fuckin. We're remember them up to the beginning of the official first moth man, flaps it's a lot of your fo activity, a lot of weird lights, poltergeist activity. This is conf. Why, while John keel was doing the cat with wings bit, it's also kind of like what he would do, which was kinda makes him both the coolest and loneliest man, that's ever live where he just gets early, did, was follow you a full lights. His whole life now rows of sad about that you'd be happy now, but what he did up, and he soon saw the lights were coming from some sort of aircraft. It was shaped like a kerosene lamp chimney, fly bearing at the top and narrowing down to a small neck than large, to a big ball and the bottom baby,
I would point out to you now I d no candle borders, originals that are tied on either side. I get it took a guy. Like a hot babe and look like kerosene, limp dick? Is he just set up All the different lily different charge we are describing is like a boat down unites our picture. I just got an about you're describing how you saw. I oh yes. Indeed, I wasn't thinking well voluptuous actress with a big all but sure I'll, try to think of one, but there are many, but not but sir out right now. I guess we'll to what he's great surprise. A figure soon walked out of the ship, but to all, parents is. This figure seemed to be a normal. Why? Guy bout, six foot tall hundred eight I pounds with dark thick hair and from what he said. A very good ten also window leave. It he's in need of a sewing machine. I mean I'm feeling you're, so he's ineffable guy right is used to talk to strangers.
Is this guy, so he's driving? And accordingly, I listen to its it's great. Does in a piece of captured audio of woody darin burger on a radio show the night with it. I was in the night after this thing happened, so he called his body. He was all fucked up saying I saw this thing and you re to fuck I want to say was might have been a television. Your television shows bilbil mineral, yes, and he jumps write to us. An odd wasn't the audio of it this. Why it's it's fresh and he was saying so. A car was like right in his dick behind driving the car is right and he was just like what the fuck the car pulls around him and and ghost bike speeds ahead of him, but then he sees distinct, followed by a fucking ua. We watch is at fault, and you hear me I'm not the only way to describe it knows some gown of loan identified phone number that I've heard of them several new style magazines. Anyone,
should go Bassam. Many want you to meet in it stopped across the road from him and he stopped his car like after you own uselessly what the fuck is this thing and in whose wash you go like door appear pop out there korea is very well dressed. Individual could also ensure gold, interpol. Like look good name, feel good yeah right. The only thing unsettling about him, though, is that he wore a large unmoving, grin huge, grin kept his hands. Tucked under his arm pits this strange approximation of human body, language probably meant to be non threatening, but as it always goes, it had the opposite effect. It is a horrifying think as what's he doing down there, were we can't see as an I dont legs just smiling for no reason you tito anybody who is not molly, shannon near superstar superstar, even more in settling was the fact that this man did not speak to woody verbally, but telepathic lee we also, he asked them you straight about submissive, which would you
for you, because you wanted the sight of his car, so we went to the non passenger window in his eyes, you're, a great one and then the injured cool. But I remember when you look at me like, would you prefer to speak with our minds or with her mouth which I always do not allow me with our mouth bologna travelling salesmen. I think, are used to that guy because at a time, especially thing if you were in the algae community was lot more done, winks enlightened on its ups and somebody got we're really say you don't tap, but did you start sequentially assuming because he's a traveling salesman that he has a proclivity for men? I just said they were just like no he's thinking of a new stereotype. The fuckin traveling salesman can carry
yeah everytime a cold war mess right there and I'm trying to sell this like encyclopedia and then the next thing I know I'm like naked was guy. Where shower and we're just. You know so it's like. Why would I need encyclopedia? I have goog was recently so yeah. This is like several days ago and I was like yeah fucking was involved salesman, it's not gay. If they're traveling well injured, asked woody. What do you do for a living and what he said I sell sewing machines them responded in kind by saying he was simply a searcher and what he had? No reason to be afraid, nice. I can very disconcerting way to follow up. So do you do for a living? Oh here
Oh you you're comedian surgery and I will do no harm. I'm no serious area, one arm you and I hear other endlessly search hold me long years. He my incredible ten year, not italian, weird, obviously what he was frightened, but the man telephone- the clear told them that he met woody no harm again and wish him only happiness or something so far, so good, every single time. You say it, though the gets less now help Yes, I can't. I don't want, I'm not really feel we met I know he just nice, that's what I'm going to wear your skin. You know I'm horrible things to you and eat your eyeballs that he was just like. I wish you no harm him. A good dude, I'm going to rape, your like I'm a traveling sales, but he didn't say that so I feel like overall, I think honestly, it's a little. It's a little bit
alien bigotry staring eyes is doing nothing wrong. Waiting, burger, wouldn't with their entering with de guess, is dread in dress is his age. He did say: buddy downward was like I felt no like he did. Put me. Eddies aegis was like he. Obviously we say he looks human, but his dude was altogether alien, such a nice cecil. Use as nice, as I hear so many conflicting things about this guy about woody darren berger, almost as if these stories get told over and over again and the details keep changing every time, they're told by a different person cat the world of crypto. While mythology its nail down not well. Finally, the man, What is your name and what he said? I am what Oh wow. In the man introduced himself with a single word, he's His name was cold and just like woody, he slept and breezed and bled justice humans dead man. Does it go good?
The information that I call you no great you bleed often put in miami eventually would would come to know the man as andred cold, but just as cold and explaining the similarities between himself embody, and so just to be sleep. Then we breathe the meat lie. There are many things to be share. Would he suddenly found himself parked in front of his home? He walked inside with such a shocked and disturbed. Look on his face that his wife assumed that he had just had the accident and had killed. Somebody thirty would be unable to sack on the door neighbours up You ve done that remain only giving you here, but no matter what, though he really was affected by the slow its because he said that he pointed towards entered cold with his elbow pointed towards the city There was a guy thing, was harrison west virginia and just like what is that means? Like that's called the city gets harrison. He says like na, or I am from and moneyless.
Look I'll bet, a gathering enemies is lying, all will Isn't it similar readjusted searcher? That's all I do is search. I look in bonds Now, look indecisive bows! there are no. Never did that no, never know cold was quite the gentleman You didn't do well now, of course, all what he could think about. The next day was injured cold, so he does. They go to the police to report. What he'd seen they question impotent. And a half hours, and somehow woody story made the local radio and the local tv news. Somehow what the fuck elsa But in this way and wants to talk in there's, a camera crew were ready to listen. This is a very specific time period. There's something about this time period. Where there are a lot of people world. They were extremely interested in the story. I don't want it. I really getting is because
what he himself, because the regular guy he really was just like Jay Leno he's just a regular guy hot rod magazine, sits right there. He brings him up yep. Now, if you're a skeptic, you might say that What are you Darren berger story of a man in a you, fo airing just days before the first mothman sighting? You might say that prime the people of the region, west virginia for paranormal experiences in them off man and everything became after. Additionally, when you get into woody durham burgers further adventures of injured cold, it is frankly very silly adds comply, planets full of hot nude peep. great, I hidden civilizations, on saturn gray. Moving walkways, We owe me that we, I just had a fantastic conversation with my uber driver yesterday about space babes and we all agree, these chicks might be hot. From space. We don't know if I may pizzas I wanted, but then, if I'm supposed to find beats sexy
a girl me boil over also, we were also thinking if they are squidlike will eat m o after a while. I welcome, may well we'll see if there's squidlike, you think, would eat m kiyomori. so I actually do yeah. I definitely think we I can't write. I love Kalmar, Adzuma barbecued squid. The other day that was delay shows a new right baby right. There is very possible we might just eat failings roy. I wish we had asked these questions. First of human, biologically jangling, but I was reading around me it's alien but as with the wooded woodrow dared, euro visitors from land yellows, but he also had, which is a great book that does outline all these various adventures with injured cold. But then there is some tail, some What I have heard tail was was that woody was felt that his co writer saturated a lot of his. I am what is interesting with great. It's grew in the terms of light.
Hall of high strangeness went to great book now, injured, cold actually does not. a lot to do with math man at all. Well, at what we're doing. Moss man We talked about it, we did have pages of pages, but the adventurers for blasphemy laws. I'm road like I'd seriously road like four pages of landlord stuff and unrealized about two hours ago, like we don't need to talk about any of naw man at all, but we'll get to my goals, adieu, robes gallery like a suicide squad of ultra liberals, because there has been a lot of these side characters throughout all of this and will cover both ways. Good gettin, injured, called out of the way because injured cold was, in the movie them off man, prophecy league andret, go yea. Supercool is a really cool, well, the movie, the injured cole just sounds cool. It sounds mysterious. It's got it's own little corner in the mothman museum in point pleasant. You know, like we joke around a lot here. Sure, but at the time
I always wondered. I won jude kind of like stress that more man is very frightening everybody and this hi period, there was a very. There was like a high suspense. What level like people, which is probably dispute to what you're saying that like price, and people to see moth man with a really was like there was something in the air them will bear a very strange into there's. You know what John kill cos, these like window areas which he believes like he's a whole list of these various areas for which book enlarges to my peeping, but he has a whole thing where you like this it a spot of the world worth something weeder crack something open. While we are mining link. If you want to get super like a number one, both dumb and practical again did
crack something open while we were mining And- and we open up some weird hole to another dimension and that these window areas kind of open and shut every once in a while, and sometimes the window gapes enough to lead in a big old cryptic, sometimes it just like forts ghosts and stuff like that, war is both made. A goddamned dared backed we just, don't know. I wonder if there's any sort of correlation between the rise in you, a p sightings and fracturing died. There must be a be wrong to say: given a guarantee, cracking something open man, will we better just keep on doing it until we find out the only way to keep on doing it until we find out how horrible it is? But if you're a believer the fortieth minute you you could say that, at the very least,
these initial encounter with injured called was genuine and therefore the beginning of the overall nineteen sixty seven flap. If he did, had this experience with this alien. Yes, he has carte blanche to exaggerate. Oh yes, yes s in speaking to flaps point pleasant. Is by no means the only place in america that has been plagued with moth man citing now may about dates back dude in a big fuckin way, leading covering an outside stories for five years now, not yes and days at twenty, seventeen chicago illinois and the surrounding areas have been hosts to a moth man, flap all their own. We're just like the sightings and point plan. The movement of Chicago is described as a seven foot tall being with ten foot widely and red eyes, and just like the point pleasant cases, this moth managed straight up into the air when it feels like they better give this guy. On the chicago bulls, he sounds like you'd, be
a ballplayer, I don't know. I think that we need come down, is the key to understand that he has a high price point of your issues, because the sphere clause now to get it back up the court. I guess puma could help I think there is another big star attached to them in a law. I think I got the melos always here is you with him? I didn't know that with that in color is colonel gap, but I know this: you must allow. That's all I'm saying is low mellow who's that he's the one with the big bawler brand father was the one that it ruins. Like always a super aggressive fathers pushes kids, you are, but it turns out all three of his guests made it to the nba so tat it may be added. He was correct if you have a good dad. I think we may well be, but he took it out. We was always capital g, great men, and we start from then call out with a capital de dad. I mean where you thought it was on fire out, or rather a lot of pressure, but everything's gonna work out. Yet more of I would actually say he was a really good boss there. I want him to be my dad,
I don't want my data we might like. That's called haven't lip of during the largest flap, Between march and July, twenty seventeen dozens of people saw creatures that either were definite moth men resembled the moth man or, at the very least, had all the features of a flying creature. That was simply two large em off, then people den bigots everybody's been documents any a village. This concept, with his sword about the garuda. What's the difference, Sid Mulder giant merge the thunderbird beirut. As a is a certain native, a mere Can communities only don't want you talk about the thunder, because if we show up- but this is people can see in this type of shit for a very long time, But now we have the lexicon for really brilliant all movement, so its aim- all moth men or big hoots, but not all big hoots are moth man. I really wish you too
This approach to society as a whole amazing give me so open, minded new highly. It's me with some people say that hearing this chicago flat that they saw massive bats with red eyes? Circling the skies. While others said the creature was lulla. Judah the terrifying! are now with a woman's head. That's sits on the edge of your bed and dreams that you all night and she locked sooner trunk forever. If you lie there, triggered some earlier debate. No, that's my most terrifying childhood memory. What the le tutor, why here the legitimacy of the goblin? Yet these that we know about your it'll kill that fuckin? What was it? observed marla nutria, I didn't see it. I will just told about it over and over again, I grew up in a community that was largely like mexican immigrants solitude. was a very big thing that you would tell children like, if you lie this bird,
if the head of a woman is going to come and she's going to sit on the edge of your bed she's going to scream at you all night and scream at you and scream at you and then finally, she's going to lock you in a trunk and you're going to die in there. So don't lie analogy for marriage. It's really ok to honor women! True absolutely I heard about barbie I haven't seen yet, but I read a plot description on wikipedia: oh, don't ruin it for yourself now, but what almost everyone described when coming across one of these flying creatures, whether it be moth man, giant, batter, terrifying, owl woman. Everyone felt a feeling of dread and foreboding as if something terrible was about to happen its most interesting about the chicago moth man is it. It seems like the most involves stories current in and around chicago's o hare airport, which is one of the best. the highest in the world. Oh yes and there's been a couple of these, which we dealt with this quite often during twenty twenty. The idea of this, a jet man, man, we see outside of old ally acts a week. No one identified results in germany.
There was some reports they speculated about. Some do manipulated. That's it an insane thing to remember the drones that were happening when twenty one, the swarms of drones, and no one under no one claim there is no private companies like these. Like there be? U s. Government said it was an pham they would investigated. They couldn't find where these drones were commonly run lie night, not of a you'd advise in order to provide more from the stories were about to get into. It seems like the brass at O. Hare were well aware of the moth man proper, see in november. We six twenty nineteen trucker said that he was having a smoke outside of a cargo bay at six. Thirty p m, just outside o hare, when he saw what he thought at first was a seven foot tall bird, just beyond the perimeter fence just to ST lamps away, and that was the most beautiful lot lizards. I've ever say. I gotta say that barred should be on the ship,
go both backlog, shot the front door when he said that it looked like a person with wings that were stretched out flap and that's interesting thing about this. cargo moth man is that in the old off man days, the wings never flapped resort of shot straight up, there's a lot of flappin and this flat morph. maybe even more comfortable? I They cut a wonder about like ok, I'm sober but come with me on this shirt pixels. So as excellent wing with cameras, rain has go like it's camera pixels. You can take more detailed photos, you can zoom in more, you can do he got the information. There's more information in the photo sure right, as we have been reigned brains and enshrined by the internet for capacity for information. We have so much more information flooding in at all times, Now we ve bury aspects of screen everywhere you go. This information There may be some. Is it away its expanded, the sort of wren,
when the quality of our mind, do you think that people have gotten smarter? No, I'm just more complicated. That's what terence mckenna talks about this concept of novelty in that we're we're moving towards a more complicated future. It's not better! It's a it's! Is he your it's more? We have more access to information that shapes her perspective. You have to go and make things so complicated. I guess I must be Avril levine and did love with a skater boy, but I could see that as well. were more used to the moth man. We're has made them off man unfurled his wings. Now that he's more cosy with us people from the more we can just understand these things tat we ve seen gay. I know you don't want. The information overload, your fuckin t shirt is covered in Formation, ufo types is wearing today. I five thoughts, not these doubt that they actually will figure see. I do five calls at once: yeah wow, that's really really bored. Sometimes I put phones together and have them all talk to each other funny when people do that as a gag. Well, the truckers said that it looked like a person with wings that were stretched out of flapping and after the creature.
Walked away from the fence and walked up. The creature began a fat between wings before disappearing into the sky. Ok, no penguin waddle year, no other some discrepancies Here when it comes to the mothman, the trucker said the creature's wings were six feet across, not tent. Well, how do you really know what was in the cab? All the time doesn't know how big things are. I mean I trust a trucker, but where he's not going to be know as well, that they do know a lot about space yeah, they do yeah. I mean well yeah. They know a lot about eyeball and said that he knew the creature was seven feet tall, because the fence that it was standing next to was eight feet tall, so that was about a foot there, so he could mean on p, could extrapolate gotcha and instead of being grey or flesh colored, the creature was black and he never saw the tail
tail red eyes of them off man, because it never faced him. The next report, however, just a couple of weeks later, also near O hare- was far more moth man, like an around ten p m. A man named Daniel said he was heading two aboard near o hare to have some drinks with a few friends. Nothing more for the new report Our figures is their captors before they fly the next day. I hope I'm not your flight failure as he was driving. He said that he saw a seven foot tall creature with wings sporting the glowing red eyes of the moth man. Again it was standing next to offence. These stories involve offence. Somehow it's aware no world, but also remember the first time the man was seen he was caught on a fat smithy. He likes fences, expenses and pika. he's my man. What do maybe well, maybe I'll be this europe of man get you even have a winter code.
we're. Just like all the other witnesses. Daniel said he felt an evil presents easier and on it went the next two years with more and more people reporting sightings of mothman, like creatures near or at O'Hare, and it wasn't just around O'Hare. I mean it's dozens of people all across the chicago area, a lot around lake Michigan, I mean as dozens upon dozens of people and it security was paying attention. This is real in a part of the reason why now I know like it is interesting what part of what came out of this little hearing. That was at the we with deep regret, screen, pontificate and gabon, but they basically, there is so much weird activity that it is now a part of the d briefs for pilots as they go out, so they are taking. They take it seriously. Enough that they are saying that be the roma's run into these weird cubes with spheres inside of the or the opposite. They ve run into these weird shit so often that they have to live,
hey, hey just you, know, watch out for this stuff and I really prove the point they take off their undazed for the debris, for they show the shit that they actually had when they saw this cuban. That means it's validated, I'm a search Indeed, I would take a dumb some off manage it might pass. I've got ere, I probably like. Where would you Mr Mann, on ask anything here knows you are too afraid say anything when you got a fucking wait for the fear to pass, and then it turns into a little golden boy. You down you get arrested in and you have to deal with a guy like I was a man but I do live Only twenty one three people were getting off work from the united airlines cargo facility and were walking towards their cars when they saw something moving about twenty five yards away? On the other side of a security fence? Okay, all three of them pointed out the figured. They all saw that something was there, but quite suddenly
white as you ve came screaming onto the scene, flashing, emergency lights and when two men jumped and shine their flashlights on the figure it turned around. Again it was seven feet tall. It was a dark shade of gray and head large glowing red eyes, seemingly sitting atop the creature shoulder maybe just loves aviation Can we get it at job. You never like a guy used to steal the buses and the train serious the train guy from new york. He there's a dock on that korea about ten seconds after the first vehicle arrived another pulled up in china ted lights directly on the creature, says little review, possibly startled the creature than opened up a pair of ten foot. On men bream, yes, bat wing, straight up into the air, letting out aloud screech that sounded like tat.
In break Zella that'll, get tell you how many times every that cuba laying down in front of the tracks are able to give away all we're. Not gonna dig store the error every time you up. I remember the regular that the J during all the are actually now you d say that well, greece the wheels you often the everyone's while they just a roma, I in there just a lot on their law. They gonna be surprised. When does the suddenly the creature flew off a t s, a truck pulled up to the spot where the witnesses stood and told them to leave the area immediately, someone had made a call these people, that is, they were told and ass. They drove away more cars, both marked an unmarked bag.
and the gather around the spot where the o hare moth man had taken off. You know large airports do they have teams to go out and they have to knock all the birds off the runway now to actually feel like it's kind of it was almost practical, like a bunch of brooms did no more than hide out here. Those delegates yellow gmail com. Let me know, because I know that they do get. They do something with the birds and other gotten that they have little poppers, that make noises. Like guns and then also the real, the gas and the gas him to every. Once in a while, they do gas was canadian geese that real canadian geese are vermin or saying things. No, I remember after sully's plane got taken down the guilty. It was cool, yeah yeah. No, they have these little poppers that just got pat and it sounds like a gun. The all the birds fly, oh really, yeah well learned Over that thing is there some fuckin? Why should you can learn? But while almost every story, we ve
old. So far, has the moth man either fleeing the area immediately. In the first episode chasing people in cars, there was story in march of last year, the chewed more curious. I had a salesman We knew a witness at the scene. She, The guy we're out driving around outside o hare, just crews. one day ruse and get to know each other, their old man on a day such as its great distances out nice tommy sounds you drive around outside of an airport will now on the area outside of the airport yeah munich, I so nice happening. I think it's is correct. That is miserable, but you are not ploy, if you like all you're forty you like playing, let's go out there at the conversation is
nice in the music is good. You can drive anywhere in anywhere does anywhere on vs mesh leave your new girlfriend yeah yeah rings of such a great, as you know the words no manner in the special one point. You say why we park not up a joint only ever We have how soon it'll be listed. No, we go to the airport and I can pay twenty dollars a full night for us to park. Yeah. Alright, one point: they parked literature. They got a little friend leave. You know what I mean we squeezing y know what they lead to another, and the couple were soon in the back seat of the car check out the seat belts to ensure that a work, but even amidst the passion, the woman notice that something a bomb the sight of the car out what could ever drew up a romantic chicago evening, some bomb, some big Oh, my god be John.
We know that chicago guy up there near the movie guys minds that it sounds like the chicks getting the deep dish right now. It's at that point that the guy she was with. He started screaming what the fuck over and over- and I was fourteen- got right. I've got the woman sat up and saw a pair of right, glowing red eyes all big black body bending over and peering through the drivers side window into the back seat, tell my god tat barge plight, but early school, creative, creative stuff. There is great, so he was watching. People make love was watching rubs learning. Perhaps both of them started screaming, but the creature just kept. don't look at me? Well, you go, but finally did disappear straight up into the sky. This board I've had enough yeah, you guys are bad at fucking, weird. Interestingly there
couples car was surrounded by security guards. Just after the creature took off the security they were, they were, they were dick it in the fucking secret vienna, either their security around air although that would maybe that would make sense. But it's a coincidence that isn't a fuck and they're not Al Qaeda. But is it because you don't know what's next, but is it a coincidence that they showed up, just as the creature took off is it aware that it is. It says it is. What a coincidence after questioning the couple who were still in various stages of undress the security guards, told them to put on their clothes and get the hell out of here now from the war. his recollection. The creature was tall and thinly built. Yet it's ill reminded her of an hour a tall thin out. Ok, more importantly, those said it seemed as if its eyes were set into the creature shoulders, making it like. So many
the marksmen essentially headless people, don't like things with no head saying, also be leaning down to take a look at the window right man's overriding. Yes, others, an art bell, talk john keel and he just so much funnier than at the. Unlike what listening to our bella Listen, george. Norway is just so fuckin sad now because our bell, but I was his whole thing or it like red eyes, can't stand it telling me about these red eyes. I hate them, scared the hell out of me you of course Disasters have befallen o hare in the years since the chicago moth man began showing up and he's haunted one of the world's largest airports for years longer than he was ever in point pleasant. Erin I got stuck there. A whole day, and the next day when I was holding a dump, it was a disaster area wholly hell those nachos, nor would pull pork, not you man. I can't tell you what the death its mulligan than a twenty award, winning actor came in the bathroom read after being, was really upset. I still hold that is like a point of pride that
I kept telling you guys, like you'd, better leave early. Are you going to miss your flight security? That was the security yeah cause? That's why you leave earliest cases of security that I never miss a flight. I never missed lights, I'm like that. On five june, but once it is incredible, there's a place, a bid, maisie rate, so disasters at o hare, not bad happened in no plane crashes, nother know that you're gonna, say nothin, but they have built like in the ship. Goebbels have seriously fallen there, This guy is I used to, but it is really nothing to do with it. So very well could be you that while the moth men failed to save those at the silverbridge, oh so many years ago, he may indeed be a sort of guardian for the thousands that fly in and out of chicago every day that doesn't make you feel comfortable that I don't know what else will I do think that its aim?
windows who does not man is still out. There were seen him all the time. I don't care. I wonder if it should weigh more he's kind of slid into morbid straight up, cryptic territory verses. They john kiyomori man, is kind of you. in this whole, you will fall. Menem black aspect because we haven't met men, black and quite a bit. We really haven't, but I do I do. Can I put the mothman? Definitely in more the john keel world. I do not put moth man encrypted territory at this point I don't either. I do believe he is more psychic than he is it is not a cryptid. No, I do not believe I do not put a mothman in the cryptid territory because it put it in the cryptid territory we're talking more a biological entity. I do not know if movement is a biological. We didn't literature. I started this series last week where you ranked the five crept its yeah and mood you made movement. Cryptic militia globalizing over
no use your ruminate no longer subject to remember what does your macabre bigfoot mogg, maybe I did say, was acceptable now uses that he set the thing right at the top if it was a cryptic now you look on, and now we can actually talk about it, how we feel about just so straight or even beat shirk as it seems as if you have a flip flop cure, who gives a shit about mars flip fly working. I can't just I love story. I can't we do more. We're gonna fly. What's monster, we're gonna do again all separate, even though it's probably a moth man, I would go and look at them off me. What makes by andrew Colvin. If you want to know just. I just want to say you buy it. Since I see what I put a researcher droll thrill, yeah yeah read this thing in and comb through this thing and and understand like how we'll war three nazi germany, russia fuckin on forbes.
far both of the above, the the g. I D, far energy. Far behind that somewhere around me is gonna start happening. Oh buddy this guy, who build a shrine cause? He the shrines, shrine to the and then sought in a more men, showed nine eleven was going to happen and then more thing was at nine. Eleven documenting it'll show you D, better, shows a model that nine eleven again doing nothin right. Rapid anything, not stopping but not necessarily supported, reason, did a good and say indra called after thinking about. more more the Brian Eno of kryptonite tourism as a right to know of aliens yeah, I know but brainy no during his ambient face. Don't know about that this, the airport, music, music for airports. Nay, I know I know, I know that album right everyone. Thank you so much for listening. We hope you're, smarter dumber, and then you come out bases and got some function.
Next week. We also have a another serious had a little bit more true crime and its some blood in there and check out check our story. Mount Ah Noddy LP and tv, the grimes years, which our tv such less by gas network ten ten, be estate me a book blast. That's true yeah, but I'm really very excited and check. the palace alain of ember. Fourth, we're going to do in our last ever model may only we go again shows it is to check out murder, fist twentieth, yuri twenty you're in a burst of september. Twenty third dynasty, typewriter in los Angeles Julia than ever very only debt younger. I can tell by how I hurt myself sweeping men than ten twenty cindy agar. Ten twenty at the bower come check out of the alpine show at every fucking pike ass. You can possibly imagine from our network of either allowing any thanks to everyone who came out to heal your
Love in LAS vegas be sold out, wiseguy, ned and various with ever more supervise, and thank you for seeing happy birthday and they do so if everything's, a happy birthday to you happy birthday to rob everyone that we did it guys, indian and I'll, be in ontario california, this sunday as well. If you want to come on out again, if you're listening to this at any other time other than the year two thousand and twenty three, I will not be there not show up in random places. Years from now, gave me one hell yourself I'll say no, because let me know I feel can never know the year unless it's an even year. You know twenty twenty three at least you're, as I always have to check to nature. It is twenty twenty three, but once it becomes twenty twenty four, I wanna be good. All your long look- and I was looking at the validation from my license- places this twenty twenty two as a perfect update your land,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-29.