« Last Podcast On The Left

Episode 535: The Manhattan Project Part III - Sometimes You Need a Daddy

2023-06-16 | 🔗

Continuing the story of The Manhattan Project, this week the boys shift their focus from Oppenheimer to the rest of The Bastard Brigade, The Alsos Mission, and the bizarre occult experiments discovered behind enemy lines during the race for atomic dominance.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Last podcast on the left is brought to you by progressive? Most of you aren't just listening right now: you're driving cleaning and even exercising, but what, if could be saving money by switching to progressive drivers who saved by switching save nearly seven hundred dollars on average and ato customers qualify for an average of seven deaths. Gowns Malta task right now quote today. A progressive dotcom regret, casualty, insurance company in affiliates national twelve months saving of six hundred ninety eight dollars by new customer surveyed who saved with progressive between June twenty twenty one and may twenty twenty two actual savings will vary discounts, not avail all in all states and situations that much hard lemonade. We believe the world needs more mike's, that's why we work hard to ensure every bottle is bursting with a flavour of handpicked limits for more refreshing, moments with refreshing friends please drink responsibly, my car
lemonade company chicago illinois there's no place to escape tourism is the last time. On the left hand, abortion started yeah. Man knew very well your money very regret. We have My how they should play that song over the footage of hiroshima and nagasaki down new immoral or shot down as they do they didn't know it was aired thread is warning. I was looking at the information last week I had a slightly hannah realise marcus's oppenheimer, his leslie groves, lively groves and I'm
genius albert einstein: I definitely think we all. We all have the similar eating habits of those people tat. I got a little like it's. The little einstein, tunneling guitar, yeah. You really really do hey. Everyone welcome to last podcast of the left bed and hanging out with the henry and mark as mine does your ratio is we will know. As a matter of fact, This is old school mankind. The day when Henry became a big celebrity and had it moved, Hamas Angela's gave us a little slugs back your sit, I remember we had to do it. This way were henry is out of the room henry actually in the crux subsides, ecology right now in the clutches of scientology, in clearwater florida I am not going to say that there was several recording studios that denied my
quest, is real. There were several recording pseudo denied my request to record there, and then I had really wouldn't go through. I was like look at the addresses they're all right next to the death star and I'm ready man, I'm feeling the he that atomic level Yeah man, you don't have to worry about recording, no studio that has pictures of the scientology jazz band in the lobby. You don't need that shit. I don't need it, but it would have been nice honestly to look nice, but here at soul studios. It's absolutely incredibly see that it's not like splice block the block. There go good blog with any luck. You walk in there they'll think you're, l ron, hubbard, okay, well speak at a death star, let's get onto part three of the manhattan project. So when the last let the manhattan project, the science An engineering side of the endeavour was well on its way to success, although it would take a further year and a half of trial and error before they completed construction of the bomb itself.
But the thing about that year and a half a science and engineering is that it's a year and a half Science and engineering mostly involves the minute details of uranium refinery mechanisms, various another atomic bric, a brac warrior chlorophyll more, like fill my fuckin ass things. Why we're doing a little bit skip around and will give robert oppenheimer, when it's interesting again get the juice really comes from, the data, so we're going to wait until the juice is flowing hard and fancy fantastic. Therefore, for this episode, we're gonna, shift to the side of the manhattan project that was ultimately unnecessary. It's a sad because it's the foreigner side in terms of like action and adventure and all that gonna put its the unsuccessful side, it was bad, they didn't I'm on. I would not say
successful. It was successful, just unnecessary. I would say this is more a story of war. What is it good for? What is it good for magnetic a more humane given money ready But otherwise, nothing now so from April back on the artists is this is when, back in the day, you'd villager writing packet scented into Jimmy. I wouldn't say he's gonna love it, but they never read a lot. You did a good job yet that exactly that's in an incredible analogy, but this side did end up a common, sing, something that was wildly important to the history of the twentieth century? It's just that they did so halfway by coincidence- and this is the rest of the story of the bastard brigade, the men who had partly make up the manhattan projects, espionage, reconnaissance and recovery wing. Again all read the bastard brigade by sam keen it gives our highest recommendation entails
for more human world, where two story and what you're? Probably you still it's, really good its highly readable. Like I flew through the first three hundred pages of the basle brigades. It's a fond adventure, its terran tino ask you can kind of sea. He must have stumbled upon this material when you working towards inglorious bastards, because it has that feel my grad tag, a bunch of people who, like should be doing so. Equally important jobs doing them in a way that you can t do remain like that. Naivete and lack of skill is sometimes extremely powerful. Their software. it has. The feeling of you just want to see a bunch of nazis burning alive in a movie theater. Rarely can you see footage like that and celebrate publicly, but you can when it's nazis, I was going to say if I was going to be arrested for anything esp,
Hey I'll, be a honey trap, go to washington dc little girl. Have you ever been to see the Washington monument incredible you're, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life? I could also put an address. I could do a series of different things with a lot of questionable by air were at address. Our is always a very loose shirt lot of soft law they are signed. I do my thought that you are just the seven breasted woman, another honey pot, potted. No, if you remember from episode one, the british had attempted to blow up north hydro plant in norway because it was produced heavy water that ostensibly could be used and what they thought was a rapidly advancing nazi nuclear programme. But, as we know, the nazi or nuclear programme stalled in nineteen. Forty two lurching along and ultimately futile, fits and starts right up until the very end of the war, the ally,
however, we're still operating under the assumption that the see we're ahead of them in every respect, so they acted accordingly, if you were going to overshoot project during any time period, this really was now Europe's lately, also lurching to the qatar the community- that is a derivative of the l word which is lurch, and I will open doors for people, but I don't need the responses and also I don't need to be called Hodor. So, if you're going to mention that, please give me a heads up, match can be prepared, ideal age for you or for you truly Hodor should be the h word, because it is unfortunate how many times I hear it, and it's like. Okay, all right! Technically, he spies speaks for a living.
He's just this, he just displaces the same amount of water as the actor who plays hodor. I asked my friend I said what is that a compliment or a disease? While everyone loves him, but he is the r word. He very much happens a lot at comic book conventions when we were at Wondercon there was somebody in the elevator with us that just straight up called you hodor, like it felt bad fell a real bad, just like the manhattan project in settling the weird sense of like blow racism is all about, now the first mission to blow up the north hydro plant operation, freshmen that had been a massive failure that had resulted in the deaths of thirty british commandos
these deaths that occurred either during the botched landings of their suicide gliders or at the hands of sadistic nazi commanders worst possible fucking ending to a mission you can imagine, while, additionally, the other fuck up with the operation freshmen also made it clear to the nazis that the allies knew about their atomic program, which implied that the americans had their own atomic program there. But a year later, the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare made it to be a process. Administrative and gentlemen know that these fucking british again dates insisted imperialism. the answer, they're all like spying cause. It got to us right. We had this idea in america that spying was an gentlemanly right that we we didn't want to do, but the british were way ahead of us man. They were already doing that shippers. We learned from them now Nobody was ahead as the russians thou the russians doing by craft for centuries. I do like the name. I think it's fun. I like it too.
I is very, it seems, like they have knives and their keynes, but they decided the allies had no choice but to give north hydro another go because This is also partly because this sort of action this is about all britain could do to contribute to overall nuclear effort see their nuclear programme project tube, alloy stew, I mean we must not run your didn't war war. To really is it had been stopped mean by german bombing. So the brits help pick up the slack by preventing the germans from producing the bomb, and they also took on the task of sneaking european scientists out of Europe just like they did with news Oh, you know how difficult that is with their creaky bones and thereby yea I niels busk. Niels bore is just anti intelligence. He I understand that what secrets are because his head was just so big aegis, assumes everybody's inside
just seamen prometheus the film is his face, is right against them, but the item at supper, man, we're cover and all of the manhattan project- pistres, that's not gonna, be in their oppenheimer movie, because you know that happen. I'm rubies all about that dusty skelton man eaten pussy next to nuclear reactor and it will be them all. I not get we're going to be hard. You I mean how much is be oppenheimer, saying goodbye to the woman that commit suicide for, like yours like eyes, willing to this blow sheets. When you know a synchronicity with the oppenheimer failed europe. It comes out of my birth. I why July first, hopefully that's the only one and we won't have a nuclear war Oh and yeah we got right here is the creator of the second biggest bomb in the world called his comedy career? Come on guess I'll. Come I'm sorry, buddy
yeah. I thought he was going to be a battle. It was going to be a deprecation shirt because I just took a massive dump today, cause I'm going to digiorno kick closer to new diet it's. The disorder that one digiorno a day keeps the doctor at bay yeah well back to north hydro, while the british would organize what came to be known as operation gunner side. it would not be british commandos, doing the dirty work rather the job of blowing. The power cells at north would be given to local norwegian soldiers and resistance fighters, and this needs to be a movie this whole there's that there's like three movies that are based on good? I do not know. I was looking at it. Ass, though, is that really what movies there'll norwegian We all see naked
one like my vacation year, that that's not a bump? That's a medical problem. I was wondering if you re a bell. A mark was in eighteen. Sixty five movie star must have been born as hell there's also movie heavy water war, which is just now boring as spock emma norwegians. This all looks dumb. reminds me my my older brother Chris was anorexic and I got him. The the movie heavyweights for his birthday as a funny joke. As a funny do you know he was you knew yeah? It was an l nano model model in ITALY and you thought this was funny that he would think it was funny, or did you do because you thought I thought it was fun, but he was an offended everything's going did it was like a good you're fucking interaction, kinda. I like to clear up is actually probably would then makes it offence and why its offensive,
is that there needs to go like his younger brother. I can do this. Did you said I'd like to sit outside of his door and play all you can eat by the fat? Boys know what we did watch the disorderly orderlies and I yes, I used to see there there's a scene- and that involves a lady. Ah, you can eat ain't dead, treat and over again I do not know when it came to not collaboration in world war to the government of norway, unfortunately has a reputation for are capitulation, to wit the man who weasels his way into power when the nazis blitz, Norway was named, vit coon, quisling, subscript, whistler bouquet certain definitely looks like the looks like it Flee, looks like one of my tits with ad on these guys rubbed his complexion. We're quisling capitulated so hard to the nazis.
that his surname is now a dictionary listed noun, meaning a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country. Wow. Is that also like boot? Licker, that's very offensive to boot. Licker can be any any money manner thing bulik or can be like a man who owes allegiance to his boss, even like the boss of a corporation, even though the boss has no feeling for him sure yeah. That's what I normally think of a boot licker ass, like that fucking guy in the new el? The game was holding up all the fuckin signs for abbas who doesn't give a shit about him. He does even though the buck you are, I hold up signs all over hyrule and I gotta come along and I gotta fucking pixies you inside you, fuckin, boat, liquor, doesnt, bootlegger, unjust and as long as ok zelda is actually the name of the princess ireland, which is actually the main character. I heard that bootlegger was the name it was. It was a native american moniker for the first ever us sub fair, but has so long
MR president, sometimes we know guzzling was tried as a trader and executed by firing squad after the war, so he got what was coming to athens. He's crazy foreigner ways you to return to swiss cheese how many career made in a lab may landfill could kill. Me did, but it would be wrong to paint of norway with the same brush as quisling, because the new region resistance. Movement was one of the most ferocious and well organised of world war. Two at forty I was in strong. They call themselves the miller calmly at amsterdam I don't know what it means and norwegian, but it sounds crochet dog, cosette s. Mental ban tat sounds like some that lives in the minds of maria milosevic and their ferocity was largely fuelled by nazi brutality, for example, norwegians? Could be executed for her?
something so innocuous as a bag of british baking flour, as was mentioned in the bastard brigade, one village was burned to the ground after a single bag of british flour was found. As far as the people in that village went, eighteen men were executed on the spot and the rest were sent to concentration camps. Like an honest question, what do they know the ethnicity of the flower. Truly, I got two guys in the bag. He probably has said union jack on it or something a name of a british company, and this is like because they were trying to very fully stamp out or because of how strong the movement eyes to fight the nazis from within Norway. They whirl bid to try to punish them. Is all possible. By doing that, words like we kill everybody for one infraction one, in other words norway, had a few grudges to settle a hand.
of norwegians got the chance with operation, gunnar side cool. Now, instead of a commando force of thirty british soldiers making a direct assault on the plant, the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare decided to use norwegians and in the process they played Norwegian strengths are yeah, they are big bottom women. They don't like clocks, nobody likes downwards Is anyone got blackmail? all their ships. I also think the election epps in vessels of the sea? Don't they thought There is the plan involve pickled dish up. You know No. Why should we not look at ozma? Perhaps they had pickled she longed for the right as rations. So maybe because I cannot confirm or deny the existence of pickled fish in operation gunnar site open who is one of the least favoured things about norway is what else they gave us was garrison killer,
here. Thank you. Fucking garrison, keeler, very comforting Saturday afternoon, prairie on gold god had a little voices. I quiet radio, I hate them or will it seems terry has to say hey that type, a comedy where users goes like these root. They their green and around me I ate. Well, there is one killer. Beer, in just lives, a small recluse life. Now I believe in minnesota, yeah, no small back as safe around garrison killer meredith go the new plan was to use ten resistance fighters, who also happens to be experts scares who could quickly ski there. Way to the plant after being parachuted to the ground? James bond task that scene inception was based on this, I'm sure yeah. This isn't just emmi. It was, I think,
also used in the beginning. A true lies: wasn't it you're skiing. Those are fun YAP boobs after getting the plant they'd break in play explosives and the heavy water power cells and hopefully cripple german heavy water production? That's cool as also reminded me, a metal gear, solid yeah tell you at the time they gotta worry about heavy water being created because they had sergeant kisses someone there and as long he kept slid stream felt he was making that heavy heavy. What fantastic ass beg you henry so on the night of february, twenty seventh in the dead, the norwegian winter, the team ski to the location staff. There skis and in ITALY they made themselves and scaled a six hundred foot tall, sheer cliffs at the back of the plant, to avoid guard posts because the nazis, owing nobody's fucking Chris easy enough to scale up that there's. No, they don't. Even it didn't even cause they're mine. That summit.
To do that. What's any get you would feel them was truly pure ignorance and met with like all we can do this like they did not truly understand that it was in the bottom of a crime, and, like this thing was literally like perfectly safe from any sort of overhead bombing and so the stats whole breakdown and the bastard brigade of them like trying to figure out like okay. Can you even climb Fuckin fucking wall that surrounds this thing and the one has been like. If they are planned sprawling, then they are places fighting the girl answered and they went to having a blast, bears great praise a blinding that's interested after following nazi the troll routes to hide their tracks. The norwegian It's found an unguarded gate and cut the lock whereafter five men provided cover, while the demo in team cut a hole in the fence to gain access to the plant itself, but when they got through the outer perimeter, the team found
contrary to their advance, insider intelligence, every door and window had been bolted, shut improvising. They found a utility ducked and crime. Their way to the room where the heavy water was both stored and produce. A strange man do like persona five royal shit now, and you know when you have to like, did it's all with metal beer solid deal with violent events? Yeah lot of end use also with the arc of asylum with the batman game, which is actually wait. A little of the bank. It batman game is ninety percent vents. Alot of answers now knew well after dropping fifteen feet from the ceiling to the floor. The commandos snuck up on the only guard improbably the nuts he's had left a frumpy old norwegian man named Gustaf regard. What was supposed to be not these most treasured scientific resource are, you know, can solve the fat boy, water
is the gugu soft. He just definitely seems like the milton from office space where it's like. Okay, Gustaf we're going to go party. You stay here and have the guard of the water rope car I would also give a fuckin shit girl is that he does a kiss. I me up basically a prisoner here too. You know I'm being forced to watch this thing by nazis, so he's like yeah just do it also getting dad you're watching water yeah. It's real boring now, of course, and so Gustaf was was captive and warner, while the demolition team placed enough explosives to blow up all eighteen fuel cell and seven hundred and seventy pounds of heavy water or worse, was when they started quickly made. They were trickling, in the corridor. I couldn't get out. losing our new. It got bigger and bigger
remind me in five skiers and all it takes. Is one poll to make a little bit of a side war party removed for the route? What ghost of the entire time it's like please be careful around that. If you are not careful runs as you are going to have a heavy all, I see that you are doing. Ok, you didn't, if took em, all the figure out that they had showed up to destroy the plan right and so after planning or be explosives. They took gustaf with them and at one thirteen m two hours after they climb that sheer cliff they lit the fuse and the cells went by yeah, but they also knew that the nazis were going to come and round up everybody within like one hundred miles of the plant. So what they were doing was as they went. They ripped off a patch. They had british they're all dressed like british soldiers, so they ripped
if the british stuff, it's like it's cool, goes again, if you like, I don't like an action movie unlike through like the signal british sidney is down, and then they would talk ignore region about how beautiful one it was around all of the people that they were grab. Actually kidnapping throughout the heist part of it. It's great that they ended up with two hostages. Buy me a goose job in another, not in an actual nazi garage along the way interesting. What am I feel like Gustave would be played by Josh, GAD dad You ve probably heard about simply safe. If you ve ever thought about me, If you know they were named best homes, security of twenty twenty three, that's not Henry's brow sky with his pie, thorns and his mind on revenge rent? they're always intimating. Those guys they crazy,
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Indeed impressive. In its planning an execution operation, gunnar side, didn't really matter because heisenberg programme had stalled even first, while north hydro was supposed to be out of commission for at least a year up to two years, it was back up in and bigger, and better than ever within six weeks, wow what a dent in it by this, They had been in the book, the bastard predicted by the time they had the big congratulatory dinner. They took all the guys that did out to dinner in london by the time they had got. The dinner the plant was already do in its thing again It was good, but do you want to tell them? So they are all like they were literally all knew they'd be scheduled the big celebration? No, I didn't even matter, but he was nice because they all got to get out of the war is still good from around. They did it. They gotta higher. They blew a building great from around here, but the
engineers work twenty four hours a day in shifts to get the cells repaired and by the end of it they had managed to actually expand the heavy. or operation from eighteen cells to twenty six, their production of heavy water from eleven. Today, two fifty scum of really just sort of glory a demo day and then a rebuilt accident ida made space for them. In a way that they don't even think about it all now we could actually put so much so much more. The heavy wants to go, it is actually kind, are not used. Thank your income as the government. I thought this was a road bearing more turns out. It's not regular opened it. We can have open concept only about right. Now we ve got up on one side. We ve got moving born doors because grace and erosion of space they were really are fantastic. I'm illegal world trade center, one yeah a beautiful, is that building nice big target amnesia
a big mall they're, not gonna, blackmailing, I had them all, but the mall that looks like a cadaver that wouldn't be there in the rear, and I did and we have the bug and I got a burger king merman You do know the british refuse to acknowledge that operation gunnar side had. Ultimately, Then a failure, at least they refuse to acknowledge it to the americans and to this day many historian still refuse to believe that the whole thing had been all for not because it is You said it's a great war story here, it's an inspirational story: oh yeah, but back in nineteen, forty three general leslie groves head of the manhattan project. He wasn't about to accept the british view of the mission, especially after he received intelligence that the whole thing, been an objective failure. I will say I don't think it's unwarranted, but the bastard brigade has a for certain anti british bias within the us, because the entire thing is.
HANS and we talk and shared about how the uk had no idea what thou they were doing, that they did know that they had. Second guess they were incorrect alden I mean I don't know if it was real or not, but it's like leslie groves god. Damn these lie me asteroids. They have no idea windsor due heed them all in the book and you're going on, and all of this is just dialogue written by a man that once got his teeth, broken on a bad scotland or something and british things we will resentment, perhaps from the from the past, possibly see when it came the groves. His projects were all matter any feeling to go outside of normal channels to ensure that his current project was a success. He did it. After all, if the nazis b, the americans to the bomb. That would mean that the manhattan project had been a failure right, so groves call for help and contacted the office of strategic services
oh assets waiting is, as we know, the antecedents to the c. I a This is back when espionage was fond and only done by old money, people that within form the fate of The country later, I would disagree with it. Being only old money, people old money, people in charge- yes, but there were people I need a weirdos down at the bottom, doing the dirty work. That's the thing is that you learn. It was a classic american approach of blue blood running through the very base of it, and then everybody I freak everybody else is a literal and unwanted person that knows and doesn't fit into any other branch of the government or society. That is very easy. Leave manipulated, then an used very effectively for espionage. Work. Now groves, a hold of o assess founder wild bill down of it and brought him up to speed.
The situation and the two of them got to work on a plan to take out the north hydro plant for good. Call me wild bill, but I actually just have early on son alzheimer's. I actually to have I think this very wild bell is relying there's this. My house, while bill are. That's your house behind wild not being wild. I don't know bill bill. Please god, where am I does not to the plan the groves and while bill came up with to stop the production of heavy water at nor skydrive that didn't work out, finally was still the beginning of the manhattan projects. Involvement in covert combat espionage recovery- and I said
the nation operation. Also, I didn't understand that lists the groves could call a bomb a bombing in. Did he literally could call the you governments say like, can equal bombs place and they would just go. Do form an animal. What we get to that in the second but remember he was general, he was general leslie groves. What a fun or to have yeah. Oh yeah, you imagine. If you was a specific yeah, that's cute really get it
you need not a general he's a specific, but this is really something being made in the lab edward. I literally, if I knew it, I think my dream thing. Let me I was it nor as all day, very mama's depravity version of the avenue episode of orders or, if you like, I shouldn't, I want everything zero out and in anything I gotta throughout you got no, don't you understand, that's my wedding at all, so I can only endorse inside stores, yeah you're, going through a law right now. Henry is at home help in his mother throughout is that she will not throw up yes, the wedding dolls from her first marriage to get rid of these things. Now I am here cannot believe that I would say yes now does not want to go through. It. Jumping chose common, forcing the morning- and I do not imagine right so that explains the joke. Fuck, you
These under a lot of stress, is now we were talk about land as we covered in our income ultra series, some of the first man in the west, came from the most powerful families in america that departs the morgan's the vanderbilt, but in addition to the rich boys Donovan also had wild car. He had mafia contract killers. This is on through the bastard brigade, mafia contract killers, bartenders pray, wrestlers, oh yeah, and as it pertains to our story, professional baseball players like former white socks, catcher
Oh Berg, Wahlberg is one of the more interesting characters in history, because it's such a good cry like a weird combo of a lot of different qualities. He was a genius. He was a multi lingual person. He literally could speak japanese. He is great, very interesting. I yeah moberg was a natural athlete. He was beyond brilliant. He was fluent. and at least six, and maybe as many as twelve language, while he was so comfortable with, like just latin that he could talk to a second basement in latin during a baseball game when you played shortstop and they'd know exactly what the fuck he was talking about views a batter, that'll confuse, a runner and again he was played by in the way of free of the catch. Her was a spy. He was played by paul rod, and I said this on a stream, but he looked.
Like the evil baby from the simpsons labelling, our elder marcos, Imelda Marcos, was from brought the brok slipping. There's something about him. He's gotta gummy bear body. You know brow used three merely compelling spy people love this guy. It's just really bizarre. because obviously we want to be inclusive in this world. But how do you get people to identify his hideously ugly? You know me That's just use it! I we do here. We are all proudly ugly it's a pretty handsome man feels hands. Marcus feels and I've been told by many people that I'm quite the hanseatic I'm just saying how matters Louis halloween needs to stop pretty in up all these ugly people through history. I agree with that more ugly actors, yes yeah sure yeah. I mean I was a mobile. Was nineteen thirty's handsome good, witty personification of locally?
stay with him and men want to be. I've always wanted to be a catcher diver mobile was also an inscrutable loner with no close friends or relations, in other words everything bout milburgh screamed spy nice nemo had a surprisingly long career in baseball, an impressively attended colombia law school full time throughout the season. during his early years in the league land for the white socks, think his career was like eight years long sought my gown or too bad, but after an injury and nineteen thirty, he was demoted to a bolt and catcher for the washington senator once you tear your taint as a catch, her you're done. All tat was crucial organs and organ. That's an order. Yeah. It is it's all tat. I was a catcher I nowhere see I gotta catchers niece
I know that an arm pyres mind a bird came to be known as professor burg among sports writers. This is due to his habit of reading books about none euclidean space time in the bullpen any understood it well enough we're after the game, he'd call he got out Feinstein's home phone number and he just called up albert einstein, said: hey you want to talk physics, wow, yeah, okay, so this guy really was intelligent yeah, as cousin albert einstein was like, I will teach you about the physics of your teach me about baseball and then he's learned. He taught him about baseball and you taught him about physics, but You try to teach him all the rules about baseball and you like, I do not get it I'm not a fucking jock sought huge the black hills were even more impressive was the fact that after milburgh baseball career was over, he made an appearance on a national radio. Quiz show called emphasised,
Please look at him, I'm a man! really annoyed because I'm gonna be held on hold for twenty minutes. Now I m going. I just gave it to the automated says. Why do you need my information again dean, thirty eight, and in that year he became an overnight celebrity you sort of a king, jennings, well and of course, henriette night. She blog for a bit. Run it against the interview congenital subject a conversation him can you make them? Yes all see, he kizil. Definitely didn't, try to use them as the info booth and ask them a bunch of trivia questions. Yeah my axe body spray is so cold when it goes on your body and you thought that jeopardy question needed. Explain it. Oh yeah, that's it! Well, maybe I'll have to listen to me. You might as well so many other americans when war broke out. Milburgh wanted a fight for his country, but the military wouldn't take him due to his old
he's. So when o s was formed, while build Donovan trusted entrusted is gut and recruited mo burke making burg one of em, his first international men of mystery. What milburgh, for some reason, was kind of obsessed with the concept of either being a spy or wanting to do something because She took a trip to Japan as a younger man, and he filmed a bunch of shit from the top of a hotel like he was not really into taking pictures of, and he for some reason he took, he did espionage film, where he filmed like a of what's a putz like a a port, he filmed like where the boats came in now he filmed a couple of places where there was like a to reduce strategic, this stuff ass, a sort of almost like up like some kind of real like us and espionage real, so that people do it. He spread this video around and apparently it was so useful to the. U s government, because up to this point
information. They had had about the japanese shoreline and everything that happened in the past. japanese mainland had come from like tourism box speed. We know what was happening over there. So it's very interesting, mr, like he was obsessed with it. He shot. A pilot me shot up now see I or the now understand your show and there they saw that they're like that churchmen, interesting now being in says agent was just as dangerous as being in the cia, if not more so because the always says was very much making get up as they went along, and they often did so in a dramatic fashion, for example, oh assess, regularly used the infamous cyanide capsule, which of course could be beaten down upon the agent was captured by enemy forces. Foaming death would come within seconds and the agent secret
would die with him. There was a recent situation above what it was a five or six years ago, the dude in russia who took it on the stand, and you can watch him die, have you seen that have and it works real fast as soon as they knew what he was doing. They like lunch for him and try to get it out, but he already did it and he was dead in like forty five seconds yeah he captains real fast. I also did not know that they were rubber coated, so I guess there's a thing that if you pop it in your mouth you don't have not mean to kill yourself, you can just eat it and shit. It out apparently line you literally it's a rubber capsules. You could you just flows right, dude, all interested I don't trust it. No, I went rusty. I have an eighth of an inch of government rubber. I always imaginable we're putin as it all the time look at chestnut use, Do you read me like a bit dislike? Some copenhagen is right in the lab. I believe it. The bees,
were trained and sabotage tactics like lock, picking phone bugging and silent methods of murder, but since it was all hush hush and since it had no precedent, the o s, s had to create its own covert methods for graduating their training programme. Shits claes such it out landis concept in moat bergs case key, was tasked with planning a solo heist that involved infill trading in a mirror in defence plant, to steal any classified document. He could find no matter what kind of document that matter what it said all matters it was stamped classified. So this is the tangible they get someone who knows how to like hack into computers to work for the government and the like. Indoor system, so we learned to do it, but this is that in the real for bank, can you imagine that, though they which could put up until that point, if you hire a hacker that has happened to the government, you know that he can do it. This is literally be like. Ok, we put you in it
one house training segment, where you have to shoot at plaster nazis that pop up in window frames like it's an old like put Keanu reeves does for John wick. They do all that like type of training and then its literally or goes spy on us and come back it's crazy to me than here. There's no, not tell these companies that they would do it and it afterwards they have to under pain of death. Go to all of us have been basically like. This is no assess training than any ethical. Like okay and then somebody just had to be like. Catch her for the fuckin socks. Do what always? With a point was that they want to see if burg could, come up with a plan on his own and executed under pressure in a real life situation, but bergs plan wasn't as clever as you would expect He somehow got a hold of some white house stationary and he just kind of wrote be forged a note and tried to bluff his way through. And when he was unable to charm, is way past a guard. He sheepishly had to admit that
participating in what amounted to a glorified panty rate must come on sick wait. A second. Do you want to see the panties I can just see these spanish perhaps another come this way. And, as you see all of j edgar hoover spanning up in these, you re me like this. He comes here each morning and debating on his mood. the empty w p s assets, yes, space, the weak panties his boss front has you'll notice. This one here is used five dollars. You conventional means, but even though burg failed, the o s still decided to take a chance and by the fall of nineteen forty three, he was being parachuted into Norway under the command of while bill donovan in general. Leslie groves on a reconnaissance mission concerning the north hydro plant now burg soon found
sound and interrogated scientist familiar with the plant and those scientists confirmed that the heavy water production had only ceased for about a month and a half that enter nation was relate back to groves and donovan, who both said fuck it, let's just bomb the fuckin thing into oblivion, right, it's just so within a weaker after the information was delivered groves and on having managed to gain command of a hundred and forty two bombers from the bloody hundreds of playing with colorful names, as boss, lady us star run, to chew off names that were simply name any area of naming seriously have said Mary am I She is this my plane now already.
is her name. Yes, she is ready for a good. He can't even sit in the seats slide into the cockpit each stuck with the men. They also had colorful names, bubbles. Handlebar hank. Lucky luck, adieu, the two harry's, the three bodies and a guy just named beale. Oh man it sounds like you're describing a bunch, a rescue dogs, the look you don look a little right do list on toby, small dog, rescue, labour or adoption want to know why we call him horny. Got me villas because I'm a little shape no. What is it real? Beef veal is If it's cow, that is a brutal, any really traded at a very young age are not isolated, made very tender by far too small cages, making them blind
the all point to kiss you see they are supposed to turn into sort of what arby's does something between the liquid in a solid, earlier this year. The idea of making, I think I'll living slurry well: that's nice, that's humane, but the reason why there were such levity awry, the bloody hundredth cause. A lot of them got killed. They were while the bloody hundredth fur reason an alternate name, a much less cool a name, that's a lot less fun. There were also called the vanishing americans. Oh my god is banned, not aim during or else so loosely, but the thing about bombing is that no matter how good. Your crew was targeting joy one building is really fuckin hard and its even harder to target a single room within that building. That would be the heavy water room in the north hydro plant. Therefore well twelve bombs hit the plan. only the power generators went down and twenty to seville,
Villagers were killed in the process that they were a little reticent to go. The bombing were that's all twelve fuck out of twelve bombs. That's all that it was able to do. It was literally inside of that joy. This is why I'm so glad I have a bad day now. Do you have any idea how get to the dingle berries of the very bottom of the gravis extremely difficult without help? That's why clear in the fields, let's creaking it by its name, The whole around material, but sorry meant that new says in her. I do, but this is different because can't get to your body lay kill. Can I ask like truly like however, in the end, when they talk about war casualties is just a general question. How do they like figure that out, I think the old one I too have her got. Do we, as at sea bob method? I always house Emily bite the head off the fourth They called it a big just after the war is over.
There's no record keeping this reckoning. How many people were in the village at the beginning of the war or how many people in the village now winded those people die, usually someone in the villages keeping track all this year. Did your husband not come home. Yeah with earlier very morbid nerds job yeah? That's the reason we're going to do it, that one of the only reason why we know so much about the black death that we do know is because we are, the results of certain countries were insane record keepers. That's why we know more about one that we know about the other, interesting that this failure again enraged. as lee groves cutlets leisure damn. It is like a lot of that. A of punching mayor playing with his belt got angry real fast, well, this seems like a reason to be angry. He wasted what millions of dollars I would assume right. Oh yeah didn't do a good job at a hard target, couldn't break it. Much like jean claude van damme Kissel, your leslie groves. How would you react
Get me that god damn wild bill, I urge you bill nor in his ear, I see this little sign you, I see the sign. I guess I must be bill, but yeah, I don't know bill bill man, you are fucking wild. You guys have a bunch of birds in here. What's that sound? How god? Whereas were there a bunch of birds in your fucking wild trust me. This guy doesn't remember shit. Emma bell, while bill. We going mission for you whoa me your while bill. My will, while their mental kills him. That is While it goes back no eleven,
of calm down. He realized that by just drop in one of his deeds into the thick of it, he very quickly had gained highly valuable operational information about the nazi atomic bomb programme did matter. If the bombing worked or not. He still knew that it was all up and running and he knew it straight from the worse his mouth, so groves talked it over with wild bill and moe berg was given. Over to the manhattan project? As america's first atomic spy, cool now. Smartly groves gave burg no specific about the manhattan project, but burg did learn enough quantum physics to be able to intervene, european physicists in their own language. Yeah dude, it's crazy because they could not anybody that had any operational connections to manhattan. Project over the future of war because he knew of anyone these guys or get scooped ray. We love our scientists has brought new. We need site
it is doing this? They can understand the actual like whew, what they're looking at when they go look for evidence of a nazi atomic programme and the, but he knew they can't have somebody from the manhattan project, because we love our scientists. But let's just say once it came to being spoken, two in the quote, in the style of the russians, you knew that they were going to fold immediately any sort of the result of physical like it. They they can't be tortured as soon as are torture that concern spell. Nor does, and I dont disagree with the network meals bore, could even stop talking about being an atomic scientist when nobody was torturing write about it. I did that the forty nine years bigger nuclear sites, like just that's not saying about, did all right I didn't want to judge all your MR radioman those with every everybody knows what you do. In addition, burg poured through the work of the great nuclear
physicists the day such as the julio curies, auto han and enrico fermi, but he was especially drawn to the work of, nor heisenberg, who would soon become more, herbs number one target for first kidnapping. Then assassination and also I just you know I have had a lot of people talk and I got a little bit of a push back, but I don't want to give credit where credit is due at otto are actually used mostly stole along with a work, probably some minor. There is actually the person that was the like. The actual bird aims, and the operation otto Hon very similar to many of these guys that are in charge of a lab, we'll just kind of be like that's me up. I came up with it. But it's a boy who everybody on their team were really gives the people that, like give the actual information interesting issue, I didn't do it. I don't know I don't know I didn't
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Well now I would that be aggravated, because it was not a very good secret keeping name well. Because rob was very much famous for being Anybody within the world of the military knew that he was running. Then called the manhattan project, there was probably associated with us building some form of atomic bomb. So soon ass, you see the word grove attached to a thing. That's a bunch of people. Looking for not the atomic bomb secrets in europe, nor immediately like all these are all these, guys when the manhattan project and now we know, maybe the art that far ahead in their atomic. What bomb programme also is a gross you sit like the british troops. Maybe egotistical on his part as well. Quite possibly could be, but never, ass when it came to the man who would lead also see groves chose a fiercely anti communist russian named boris pash, formerly boris passion. of ski? Oh now, Boris, had been born.
The dawn of the twenty onest century in San francisco, but in nineteen thirteen, his family returned to russia, where his father became a russian orthodox bishop during what was it an especially day, see time, you know that I see Dimas what we are to govern it. When, with what baby you're talking. They will see that their ears, show honours. Oh yes, I am on the show of theirs. Sir, you there's you. My drink must be. I've been talking, oh Am I wild bill's me or dicey time, their rugged, icy or being russian orthodox bishop and nineteen thirteen in russia? that's only nine was that it like religion. No, we didn't do they have a leader there. There was anti religion not yet, but All I know is bishop fuckin flog. It make the jews
I really is a numbers game authorizes the numbers game. You never know you never me. I don't know it's your brand last one world. This is right before the russian communist. Most of the good dicey tie, and when the russian communist revolution came, boris, not surprisingly, fought for the tsar as a part of the white army, which is made up of major zealots and the capitalist bourgeoisie who benefited from czarist rule, as we the revolution ended in the death of czarist russia, so boring, slowly made his way back to america, where he was born, may eventually, every one of our topics is gonna touch. Each other It does that's. All rasputin has touches. Resolution directive does not do so weird, so pray, let those targeted action between boris passion, rasputin's, etc. If that's what it they recovered. It rest. I would say no because right
beautiful. Just hang out in the power have hoping I'm hoping, I'm hoping for an extended universe, be nice and by the net. nineteen twenties, boris pashas name. been shortened from pascal ski to patch, because when came in through immigration. You'll get your past now it's a lot easier that way and he was soon teaching high school and hollywood other. What I school I drive by every day, man, Was he actually hollywood high school? I may registered a high school in hollywood, so maybe hollywood, I swore probably alibis goals all crazy if it so weird and like where judy garland went severe ass drainage does a mere. of all, the actors that are famous for marijuana outside of the schools, strange thrill strange, the one on the way to the sirius Xm. So I know exactly which one you're talking to it's very famous yeah yeah- it was actually it probably was that one yeah, I think that's what they said. Nine, oh two one, oh, I think, was based on that one wow
Nineteen. Thirty, though, Pash returned to the military and joined the army reserve ten years later, Pash was armies, intelligence, division, tasked with hunting pennies insurgents in the baja peninsula in an effort to prevent and back on san diego after a japanese sub had surface in santa Barbara california to fire on an oil refinery. Now that's about blast. No no answer. And wherever found and baja nor were any japanese american citizens ever found guilty or even tried for espionage or treason. In fact, out of the ten people convicted of spying for japan to mess, lee during world war to all ten of them were white. We a boost What are we about a man, a person who is absurd,
dinner, who is extremely obsessed with japanese culture? Oh, when money is marvin, anime thing but sell. These were people who worked extremely obsessed with japanese culture to the point where they were traitors against their own people. That's what got grids too funny untroubled, because she said I'm kind of japanese but she's not Japanese, you. I have seen the documents, but I, when I see I see a white woman and you just never know. Never do you never know what's inside, because me, I'm half entered mario, they sat down to san cool. You were the most interesting of these. We have whose was a woman named velvety, dickinson, ay, ay ay the doll woman
men, the nickname scary. The name is sexy, but sir nick day miscarry, you think velvety Dickinson has succeeded in meeting its indefinitely sounds like a woman. I didn't bruin and at all for me, ass one who's out. Am u valve only get out a mamma globally dickinson from a long line of dickinson's? What added value? get out of the trunk of my car. I ain't going nowhere without you. Normally you got me current availability, Dickinson yeah she's, a babe after becoming obsessed with japanese culture, bell Billy used her dull shop in manhattan as a front for japanese espionage. She passed military intelligence to the japanese in letter, that relate information through dull lingo? Well, I don't like it she's doing that.
Go. What is darling feud referred to things like fish nets, ekdahl accessories, and they would be set things yet yeah fish nets. It was that was one of the weirder ones, with vision at tat. I just I don't like all this slight accede. Little dolls, usa, like I'm, getting an order of two fish nets from san diego or I'm getting dead, I'm getting a set of fish nets repaired in san diego gay women, elderly, which told the japanese that there were to ships in the harbor at san diego being repaired at that time? Oh really, you know what I mean: whew man, those letters you can even read through the letters they she's got a body Indeed, although fishing nets need to be cheaper, you think so. Fuck inexpensive Have you ever gone to? One of those stores were the ladys when the lady was to dress up all funds and fish there's no material, I don't got dollar, does difficult mango. They
her. Why are you frightened out fish? A buyer who do I say there very expensive for limited fabric is true, but it's that it's the quality you pay for an you pay for the labour know you're supposed to be able to tell em open. Linear guess, alas, no heed editor dual weird thrived part of your life. Now I've got a great eustace rip up part fish nets at home, like you're, a giant horny dolphin has gone like you're good year. I itself not think I didn't take me like putting put it over your head and discriminatory or other fun with it with the letters written by velvet. Lee were sent to japan via buenos aires, and she you. whose names of people in the dull trade that she had grudges against was that little bit a pettiness got her cot because there
letters were intercepted and they certainly like. Oh this sounds a code. Breaker looked as though this is obviously all code, and it would have the name of like mars. johnson who lives and bolder, and they go and talk to me johnson from cauldrons ere you fuckin spy for the japanese she's, like that sounds like accepting. Velvety would be in you and so yeah? may have done a treachery or two, but when it comes down, stay on. Love and wall of a legal right. Velvety can, I show opinion nobly ben I gotta pretty hot steamy picture. Go into my mind, and I bet you know it looks well as I understand one another, the doll well known me is very different. So you know is also the retaliatory back. Their purposes repeat ourselves and early sought says,
in a word, which is to say in a blonde bomb as well, as you know, is slinky like just a rabbit, The aim of that we want to be fair. There's one picture of her in the looks to be her in her like fifties. She had something I'm looking at it from certain angles. I think this figure is from her in the thirties and she looks like a melting skeleton well aren't we aren't we all still it's about. Why she's got the trip. Personality. That's what she's, always playing with dolls, looks like before the wicked witch of the west turned. She looks like in the real life version, do and say what you want about their wicked witch. You got a date bad. I must be horned up today. You really hear me ass the church door, while EU jargon with oblation. Yes, indeed, but when it came to boris pash, he fell, love with the military intelligence game. During his hunt for non existent japanese insurgents, he was gone. Managing agents. He was a master
in disguise. He had a knack for putting wigs on straight, but for all intents and purposes I should love this guy, but I hate this. This is what you would be doing, and I know any was pretty good at funny: voices but, like a alteration, of as doesn't use them and are fucking adds because they don't like twenty reasons we ve got some ass to be recorded. Boris Pash therefore caught the eye, the o s s, and he was soon. head of west coast, domestic security for the manhattan project or not boris pashas first task was to investigate, leads interest, Robert oppenheimer and his associates, to see if any of them were passing information to the soviet union, so it seems here truly there is a lot of distrust. Oh yes, the investigations are all alike within their. How there's no reason right there, that is really interesting. No because you think about like that, the combined front, the united states
the copies of never want anybody's. But really no everyone's like who the fuck to redress workers. This entire lab was based off of basically current and former communists raw, like there bunch of people there were all or some of them card, gearing communist that were the ones that were the leaders in nuclear science, so they're all at the minute project rat los Alamos I'm, so they basically higher guenaud and internal affairs guy did no one you're. Gonna watch us. While we watch ourselves because we don't know how this is gonna work out like we actually dont know because he again warring factions? Half of them are the russians are allies, there should be a free play ball. Here. They should be osmosis of our science and bear science that we should be sharing it button bay, you know, were not fully privy to the idea that we are setting a veil, another villain number two from the sequel and
The point of everyone coming together for the war effort. That is very much a fact. That's a rose colored view of history, america, when we were first stir ration. We fuckin hated it. We were dry, long live streaming. The entire your time. We did not like rationing, we did not like sharing we. Basically, the government basically had to hire a daddy to everyone to do it, but if they wouldn't of forest are going to do it. We would know one the fuckin more so there you go near sometime, You need a daddy. No, you don't do you then, In any event, I think said, I tat I just good guess all. I think that, if you add, is very special little daddy, I feel, like you know, she doesn't have to be controlled. You allow me, I would add, have enough. I have enough little people around me up
There is a group for me to just go talk with other big people spoke, these levels, that markets are guided and I heard mba locker room sound. I don't need their own issues. I I think you're all just get me laden and paid to be anger, now burn ba guys are pretty happy with the fbi had already been investigating one of robert oppenheimer students and that student was indeed passing information from. Bridge in LOS alamos to soviet agents. Pash, however, demanded that he be given total control of all investigations into manhattan project staff. That authority was swiftly given and pass by and a lifelong career, a being the type a guy who would fit his entire head up your ass. If he thought them
be a communist hiding inside a pretty daddy got a couple of communists. In my you want to call you sure you wanna too much. I asked a lot to lose my god. This is that clear, it's. That's all I've ever seen there wasn't a communist in here now there certainly was one. He had recently cleaned up put a surveillance team on that man's asshole. There was a kind of a problem, though, because a lot of the shit he did was completely illegal, so he'd set up a house that he wired for sound and he'd invite communists to it and go yes. like what do you think of this genetic, and so the students got caught, but because all the evidence was a crook
Some was built up illegally, didn't know what to do with them, see like well, we can't prosecute them for espionage officially, so they just sent em all no worse details in the war and the guests, one to alaska. Is that one to another place where they just like put him away from anything important possible, and just where I got, you hope, you'll potatoes for the next two years. Now you have potatoes you're communist. The installed surveillance worth a hundred thousand dollars and modern currency in the radiation lab at the university of California barclay while interesting that he also had undercover security agents, follow any one he suspected of having communist ties, and he flipped oppenheimer's driver this body cards into becoming informants that reported directly to passion I so it is that there is a really interesting potion pull in that time period. It's it's not as heights very difficult to cover accurately on a pot gas verses, a book but like
oppenheimer understanding that everyone was trying to out him as a communist spy was a part of like one of the big pressure points during the. any period of manhattan project while they guff, as they were, going up to the trinity test because of it see he's under a lot of pressure, as it is he's under pressure for his in his own mind, he's under pressure from the us government, but now they're all looking for any evidence that he's a communist too. So he he tried to quit like four times yeah he's like I can't handle it. I have to go and you're like I Robert come on buddy. now. There are gonna make a movie about ya don't worry but, as I said last episode, the unfortunate reality is that, as I said, there were quite a few card carrying communist, both orbiting them. And project and quite a few inside the project itself, even a few in the inner circle. Although most of them, weren't feeding, information to the soviet union. There were just communist simone. A political I got was they were american, yet their american gone military intelligence.
however, is not necessarily known for something out nuance and by late nineteen. Forty three pashas, hard on for communism, got to be so Use of that everyone in the manhattan project and He always s hated him. He eventually there, like you, know what the honestly, the communists are crushing there right now, you're gonna kill me. No, I didn't kill anybody everywhere. You go because he's just like you used to good use to good at being at internal fires, god damn big fuckin. They wanted to send him away here, just as very annoying extremely worried that gives an aggravating persons is bringing the vibe doubter and he's probably Annie's, also fuckin up your day in the process. He is setting your work behind because you can't get the fuck em project on. If half your guys are in it being interrogated by boris pass or if their fuckin costly worried, the pash is gonna arrest them. Weapon eyes, day, jar and actually willing, as it is- and this is partly how boris patch got put in
charge of an also mission that track the developments of access nuclear programmes which necessitated a relocation to europe ice. I feel that this is the type of thing that show just how much of a genius leslie groves. Why? Because he cut have understood well, yeah yeah, aided communists to use. Die hard american, but there's a part of him that did understand. We need these russian nodes right now. What we need then asked the war. You guys get all terror all these guys to pieces? If you want, but right now, I need to just this. All of this shit needs to stop now dead matter by nineteen for four boris pash was in italy. Tracking down a former assistant of enrico fermi is to see what he knew about german atomic studies. This was a mission called operation, dark blue, that's dancing, member the day Seeing in shark, are you baby sure, yeah, baby shark? God help us all?
god help us all hope. Mr people becoming slowly just the obvious, while bill in my hand. Now it's not my dad God you're, my a shadow of myself. That's wild while the bill for three allowed one shark? American agents? be sent to rome to quoting quote persuade this former assistant to effect the allies. If the assistant were to resist, however, agents were, rise to beat him into submission and dry to a submarine by force her. I guess you know what I was going, just go with you, but since this spy craft stop was still pretty new to the americans. Operation shark got double book, unbeknownst either man, both boorish pash, an mo bird, had both been assigned
to interrogate and or retrieve this italian, assisting up so dumb. So a thing aids, humanity again. We always talk about the human element and it just so crazy, just like both at the other that, because everything so secret, nobody can know what the stolen items are what are you doing here now Are you doing here? the news disabled see, there's no equality out. An entire seem like that. Now, if you remember me there was a minor celebrity and when he arrived naples on his way to rome, he got recognised in this three by none other than a group of major celebrities who were in italy on a troop more I'll, miss you, oh no young by the I'd, buy the I'd. What is, called the usa to organise yeah whose good medium bite, but, like athlete, celebrity like, I would say open like now. I like the way I would if we go back to the navy's, let's say: Dionne sanders.
with celebrity were soon jail was usually make. If somebody who's like medium, that's us like you'd, have to be. rio, Ricky Henderson Ricky Henderson, but I think he's never once you realize you be. Like is less vein. I got a feeling I added Ikey woods. Ok, words shoving. That's perfect. The smiths argues that very very, very many years, you're saint, although these very famous people- I don't owe you know, that's all milk and then with shrimp, is the answer shrimp. I'll go by right, while the crew that recognise milburgh was baseball. Star lefty gomes I tell me tat because I only use my right now- a heavyweight chant named jack, cherokee and humphrey bogart If you want to go like talk today, they were doing you. So don't hang an insane, allow their hand out and they got a free trip to naples out of it, because this right at this is not too long
after the allies took italy. Okay now, since burg had been a baseball player of some renown. He was known do you shockey? They know they hung out and when they spot the three they got bow I'm leaving. You seem like not now guys, not now, just like cut it out any day. Now guys it exactly. What is he put it. He put his finger to his lips and when, Let me just disappeared in the crowd at such a funny coincidence. so in arrived at the italian assistance home in rome, he did indeed find the assistant, but he also found Boris ash who'd already been interrogating. The assistant bash asked burg, who were you embark said I'm here on behalf of the also mission and pass it. I am the alsace visit. That's me, that's. Why do but he did the thing where he was psych carry on like he was hard intact.
Regarding the scientific right and do just couldn't handle it much rather get and jerry gonna buy milburgh network large, rather milburgh was actually pretty very good at it because smart, we have because he's very smart and he's charming. So he's a cop, boris, pashas, backup, gotcha, an pash had not gotten anything out of this assistance during his gazing, but bird he was able to confirm from the assistant use have confirmed that the this assistant had been in contact with several access: physicists, italians, germans. This guy was in contact with them all burke then went back and re interviewed every scientist sure, but at an updated better and each person he uncovered something new he's crazy he's one of the most
fact of spies of what is really cool, raise fuck this up and hammer movie. I wouldn't know the mau burg story. Well, I'd say: I'm lay artie did it and it failed in its angola's it. By who areas pipes are naturally spy. Yeah that it had the catch is a spy. Oh, my god. I don't even want to know about. What's going on these gay porn sites, I know that is a horrible name to terrible and it stars paul rudd as motor again what that's paul rudd. Yes, that is what that was the paul rudd movie. Oh god was the paul rudd movie yeah garbage. I watched about ten minutes of fuck man make another one then journal they made to steve jobs. senator lord Ashdown. Could you never should have been cast at it now otherwise like stall movie, star movies, just a foot. all little turtleneck walk in a room being like we did. It
da mayor young girls, the other good store and that's the story of apple for bird came across a postcard sent to fish, This giancarlo wick that postcard was None other than verona. and by the proverbial big fish of nazi nuclear physicist LA this is a smoking gun. The postcard clearly stated the ice amber Wasn't the bavarian alps scouting for a local? and for a new lab and with it Location in hand also began formulating a and to remove heisenberg from the board one way or another I got one way, or another. Meanwhile, back in france, some of the other nuclear physicist stuck Europe were spending their time day in day out. Avoiding nazi capture and or death were about to get the people who are in the shit. You know you, whatever, the ship which wanted do their zigzag
really goes exact. Serpentine serpentine substantive change up. You really need to do to change the way you go very mania take an elm street. Take wisconsin avenue. You gotta, move it around. Absolutely that's true! That's how I avoid getting kidnapped every day. That's right! I forgot that you're constantly worried about getting kidnapped due to your small stature. Yeah there's you know the the roaming gang of children that follow henry around with knapsacks just be like: oh he'll fall, don't worry, he will fall, I'm training them. They're training me at the same time no bagging contain me: will scientists frederick an irene Julio curie they'd been in the thick of nazi occupied france working for the resistance, but the situation. Was starting to get too hot. Even for them, you act. If you remember, they were running a cyclotron forcibly by the nazis, the nazis or making them do all of this research for them, and then they were intentionally sabotaging it as they were,
and working for the resistance. At the same time- and this is before the allies landed enormity like this- europe is still totally under nazi control very interesting incur. though even though they knew they had to get out of france as soon as possible. They delayed their escape for a month, so their daughter could take her bachelor's exam in physics. While it shows range that, like real life, things are still happening. What that's? What I'm yeah it's one of the things that people, I think really goes by the wayside when people think about world were too is that Europe yeah. I mean a lot of the lot of fuckin people die. but life went on normally for a lot of people. Even Nazi germany, like for a lot of people in nazi germany. They skated through those for the twelve years of the third reich, They just came out the other end and nothing really changed for them throughout life, which is kind of kindness ain't, grandfather. Otherwise, two million dollars sharp but
I mean? I know there were no way he deserved there? Are there any other way, there's plenty others who just fuckin skated through the mengele corporation. What mangalore a writer on the other end, still owning their tractor kinds. It's it's really weird cause they cause. I guess it truly! In america we don't know what it's like to have. A war walked through your country. Up here I mean this is kind of what so we don't understand that life doesn't just stop like this all like it all keeps going down. I mean we'll think of it. This way it's like, if there's a war in which new york reich, wash in DC loss into a seattle. All these places are bombed like if you're living Cincinnati I mean my have like less chocolate, and you might have our time getting hold of like certain goods, but overall yourself on a school, you're still gonna work so that fuckin, chile guts. I tell you what does those real estate that stone up absolutely. We have something a kind of a solid plant many ways. Deaf super aggressive, real terms.
We are change the face of this kind, using light to domestic terrorist, I don't know escape from l a escape from new york. I dont think that means escaped to Cincinnati. While I would say say a more apt description would be if taxes got bombed, unlike Austin and Houston or gettin bomb, but, like loves us in Houston, lover, cargan bomb. If you live in an avalanche, it really does change. Module unison, nothin to bomb that, however, the jew The au curies leaving a month late that actually ended up being their saving grace by complete cohen it? The julio curie family left paris for switzerland on d day and since the germans were suitably distracted, the julio curies escaped had they left a month before they undoubtedly would have been stopped at the border where they absolutely would have been captured or killed.
yeah. It gives member no one knew d day was come, nursing do d day was come, you know what The allies firmly planted themselves on french soil and began marching towards the capital the resistance, in paris, turned up the volume and frederick Joe. yo curie, who remembered this guy's. Just a fuckin physicist by day he returned to paris to join the fight wow using his scientific know how julio carry made chemically superior molotov cocktails by mixing potassium chlorate in sulphuric acid wit. The picture We hope to make the weapons that much more effective in deadly. I would imagine, say we re sitting year, its name ardor, yeah, something it would just. Oh that's a bad way go now now man were armed with the julio carry cocktails, thousands of french police successfully defended themselves against german tanks after the police had barricaded themselves inside their own police station.
but after that battle, Julio curie received a message that was finally time to end the fight with France all but taken back the americans, boris pash, was coming to take frederick, Irene julio carry to safety She found julio curie in his lap, which was still covered in stamped swastikas, even though the germans had all been chased out, and I just don't. Why do they do that? Either the nazis always but they always show up. I think the first thing we do a change that the core rights, because they are unoriginal and what they want to do is they want everybody they want to rewrite history. You know it's a we're gonna get into that here in a little bit like how they truly try to rewrite history, but if they stamp everything with swastikas enough and people will start to think o swastikas if he's been there that it's a subconscious thing like. Oh the nazis must have done that it's got a swastika on it absolutely doesn't take long now and with that also had it's first victory in their mission,
secure a nuclear physicist, who'd been floating in the wind now by the fall of nineteen. Forty four, the manhattan Object was still a little less than a year out from even successfully testing a bomb and they still I have no clue where the germans might be, building it or how far along they were see. Even though it was almost certain that the allies were on track for victory on the european front, an atomic bomb could still be a silver bullet of sorts for the nazis. Of course, at the very least. If they didn't have enough to hold the world hostage, they could also use that atomic weapons to make the law. Just suicide bomb in history. You got that and then have always has. We know with forementioned scientology their fantastic film battlefield, earth leverage they hit that deal coming out of the w w deal would look a fuck ton, different yeah, oh, it would and then there's the also we're very concerned about just them under dos
in radiation poisoning in genoa, just like between the dirty bombs or trust leave in uranium out like you just, would leave it and dropped off places, because you know there's no You can't smell or take deal radiation poisoning. It just happens to you. So it's there there's a whole interesting chapter in the basle brigade about the geologists that helped figure out bike how we could find out things are as its areas where new kill air before we went to it because they thought they would just start throwing uranium places and poisoning our advance, as this matter again be limiter of better than does the great job for wild bill. A bill ones go lick the mountain for awhile and see if you get a dead now likin but is lacking. Your tongue would you do with your life? Perhaps cunnilingus can now this is you? May my mouth penis in your mouth? it's just go like the mountain or wait. A minute
guess I should because I'm just a shadow and that's what became of those people will to the point of the uranium. It was known that the germans were in possession of hundreds of tons of stuff. You in germany conquered belgium. They gained access to all of belgium's colonies. These two, tories included the congo, which had the largest uranium mines in the end, higher world, but once belgium was paraded in september of nineteen. Forty four pash tracked down again amount of uranium thirty tonnes. Why the lot I'm fucking Urania is a lot it is set. Uranium was then send to the united states where it was processed and finally, an outer he's a fun little bit trivia for you right, that's the uranium. was used in the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, some foreign driven.
from belgium to Boston, barton, manta, LOS alamos world right to japan's, where my home and open everybody really yes, I was many times in the black forest One beautiful gorgeous land gorgeous land and will actually get to the black forest. Here in a bit and possibly reminisce a little guy had fantastic memories, we would go find castles school didn't have a thing called, I feel like because they went It's doing the line that the user actually very similar to the nazi rat lines that they use the iran, because america would also travel to europe. Fear south america order injure thing. They have to govern the trampoline, the freedom to bounce uranium, all the way around the world to get back to america and the problem was it known that the nazis had been in possession of a thousand tonnes of uranium. Ok, nine honey Seventy tonnes were still unaccounted for. That's a lot that mission of finding it was given to boris pash, who would take the rest of the war to accomplish that. Miss
wow, so he's better than HANS blake's yeah. Oh my mallette, gm maize he's gonna find that yellow cow K. Meanwhile, the allies also closing in on verne or heisenberg. His secret lab was located deep within many black fora. That's where bears can duck and lions wrong, and you can't sabena and god there is more food than ever before. Heisenberg such a little. it is they who you wrote all paper like, so we got into philosophy during this time period running his work and on the bomb, because this whole thing was try. He wrote an entire paper, basically exonerating himself. How among these are fears writing off actively fifty rota paper, basically saying that a softly, unjust scientist and these sciences uk,
attach anything me any sort of meaning to this science, and he did all because I got three hundred page book about why he was in a slow. You know I do understand. For me, scientists perspective, I don't know We think that if eleven tent, they just want to convey just do it, they create the artery router. Besides how my pop there were making a tonic follower than the knock, I always knew it was bad. They weren't making this in a vacuum cleaner. We might actually where the mommy d of the black forest very bad behind. There is little rocks. You can climb imagine bugs oh yeah Finally, like allied bodies out there, like german bodies, like nazi bodies, note in funding bodies like nazi gold, but nazi loot, nope didn't funding, not salute weeds. There was a castle walls which was a cafe.
And find that it's just a place on the side of the proposed law. It was you that it was in the black forest, but yes, it was the tour risky, but then there's other stuff. You have fun stuff funds I was Davis decide driving with over because of their weren't. Here my car, but often has a problem. When I can rent at this level hurt. Now I drive with no worry it's a nice car for my right and a nicer for me. You know what they say: Nicer cart might mean nicer, thief's and like a sign up to her and today, as opening com is large clause,
Hey hey, it's blue, see our blue bunny. Our research shows that humans, like things that are many like our mini swirls or mini golf or mini poodles, who are dedicated team of bunnies, are as excited as ever to announce their new it's development in many innovation, blue buddy, many buyers, many in size, mighty and crunch. You can never have too many. I mean be too many or sorry have too many minutes, blue bunny. We make fun or for the kid heisenberg mission, the o s, s chose a guy named coral, I Fleur, who is pretty much the stereotype of the tough as nails, special forces, spy soldier who snap Nixon, Oh carts all will be in a family. Men of the worst thing is man, I loved you and then you're gonna go and kill me. You sort alike, the schwarzenegger in true lies. Oh no kidding that sort, a guy this is coming
The sore audience side stories, l ptsd gmail that come every single arnold sorts, an acre movie. There is a beautiful woman all over that mayor Can you imagine being kissed by all Schwartz, an acre I feel like here, is nothing less sexy. I think you said about the muscles. It's about that big foot are you you have? No, let us have no bearing on. We have when they are going roby boy into just at present. Citizens is actually the parochial. You can't breathe over here, no party,
what I have raised. I pod, like Lou highly unless they got here, are you am I literally, and he didn't redefine what masculinity is for an entire generated? A job like this is what will enable that you guys actually think for one second when is turned off by arnold schwarzenegger. A man who was only succeeded in every single thing is ever got them that if they were allowed to run for president would win, but masculinity has nine homosexuality and sensuality has nothing to do with them. Succeeding keys merely saw an immigrant success story, ben raw, unknown reason. Why is hot? salaries, elbowed EU values, you're, no wrong! I mean yeah, but the head come on towards immigrants who might have What I mean he no lips, I am not
We now know these moodily chow he's literally one of the most is considered a secular humanly. Having is it's just while Is this wow that you guys would even think for a second to to that wow yeah? Of course he has hot women. Yeah, have you again I'm all day keep eyes you haven't bought. You did. He ask around reason. We're coral, iceland He had made his reputation in a mission that seem to be a foreigner for quite a few future cia operations, see if you can tell a pattern here: ok and nineteen, forty three I flew, had led ten thousand burmese citizens in hit and run attacks against japanese forces. At the end of it, the japanese lost fifteen thousand troops, and, while I Fleur had lost,
in the eighty five. All I don't see a lot of comps. I don't see a lot of similarities there at all with what the cia would later. I could be wrong, but it seems like idlers mission was the template for using local forces to advance american entrance, whether it be the cia's early role in vietnam, as military advisers, the securing of corporate interests in south america for the united, company flipping iran with the accuracy supporting osama bin laden and afghanistan, or any of the others in the vast menagerie of cia guph um observer get about sedan outside I witnessed so forty three, so is it started, and forty seven, the sea yea, so yeah were right there just about start fuckin, a bunch issue that I have to we say it say it now:
No, it's got nothing to do with the bureau that they also want this series, the lavender scare gap, where they lumped a bunch of gay people with communist there's, a bunch of the cia started out hot nap. They did so, but that so I was thinking about raising the pride tweet that they had the audacity and made out of the sea. I don't worry. Their pride because it's very some of many gesture at plan and dune from where they would go ahead and plant planets with archetypal religious stories. That would work their way. into their culture and then later on, they would go to complete those religious ideals in a way that was completely manufactured again fleeing over the populations. Does it have to do some? Ok,
instead I'd say no one against the pants okay. Well, I begin, I think, really what this is. It's a lot like as it went with rooting out communists, many of the ways in which america fucked up massively throughout the twentieth century and beyond a lot of that shit. roots in world war. Two, because a lot of those methods worked at least one and so they worked in world war. Two eight can work again, but the thing is that we keep hit norfolk and heads against them over and over again trying the same shit that worked in the forest and expanding the still work today. It also against item pure black and white enemies we ve ever had so it's like you
if the templates are incorrect at that gets it like they did. All of this shit- and it's like no war, two- was this one: what seven year period there was the actually that all of that shit was in play and then that's it, but they yes, we are. I've just been. We are where we adjust in love with ourselves out there still stiff nor botz about world or two Well, hey wine! I will take it we'll take it all, take a little but snip around that they say. these drafts failure, but we will you know what wars we ve had four words too: and is it is important- has been made and better does you have had? A war had never have bulgarian all, but it does seem as right, even if we lose a lot of people seem to win now, but way, we're dogma? Carl? I fear he s after you is done, leading the burmese against the japanese. He was sent back to america and that's where he met
wild bill Donovan, while bill gave I fled the assignment of kidnapping burner heisenberg. The plan put together for I flare began with a ruse where I where would pose as an american customs agent travelling to switzerland? Ok once there he would meet, a team of commandos break into heisenberg lab, not heisenberg out. Ok, mug, Linda Switzerland, steal a plane and fly back to england. Why does this sound exactly like the plan from more rats deficit? and barley get that got very similar, but this was beaten by idler because he also hated the british refuse to work with them. Matthies, british guy. What they did to make everybody? So I dunno why ass no one likes what they did during world war. Two they'd give em are happy with it, or do you tried churchill,
was fine, O Daniel. I don't you gonna, use that stupid movie made him out to bail out there. I mean you know, and they were quite resilient. You know during the blood and all that that there were very resilient dunkirk was a huge mean. It was a defeat to be sure it was a huge defeat. Church lasted evoking by every the good story. I'm times it's better. Sometimes you see it's better to have had all born laws, but none have never had one november the Alamo I kill literally it peak war. Every day, three p m. He had to take a nap yeah every he didn't eat at a, but that got him through. I didn't do anything he's like much bill gates. but the ip he did not know hildy, whose reason guilders all many meetings known, gotta smoke, a cigar, you gotta other bowl or a lot of the war, was hard. I only had a that for a half hour today, any about no. You start every day with the scotch drink, a lot of brandy
That's. Why do my point I can do? That is all. I think that you should lower the rage and see more of yourself and Winston churchill and how you one day, beauty leader of men because all takes? I can't wait for the knock on the door when you guys are both there and its called something like an intervention, because I've been chair. my injure greener winston churchill negative hammered research. This way censure chilling right have you starts and he can read wine into my dad got bottles, one study of the british plan, if teeth lips are just listening all day, no idea fuckin hammered well. Instead of the british plan, I flirt signed and even whack year plan where he would impersonate a german general after parachuting. Any would find a german generals out that, via eads by personated german general, then on brass balls alone, he'd kidnap heisenberg and bring heisenberg back to america himself,
what chris Farley David's? Hardly any of you want what come with me with them. One of us these men alive. I will go with you and we can come together. Almost me a little frozen misinterpret taken a borys accent but timetable David made. Chris Farley had that plan. I've got a plan, and then they had they take the stewardess outfit there were. You know it has nothing to do with us, but it really is there? Is there an all I d taken a nasty shit anywhere? Can you can connect that to this story at all That was a building. I know one thing can prove brother tat was a big part of that scene. Remember when we all data sharing, a nasty yeah yeah either way could seem, and I don't want you know again. It does seem like he's gonna. Be racist though, because muttering
go in, and you're gonna try to be a german. I would love to see what he does as justly puts sauerkraut and his beard caught. I am no one. Ifor asked what he should do with heisenberg. If the two of them were captured by nazis, Donovan gave him full permission to shoot. a bird in the hand over it soon became clear that ifor plan was a bit farfetched, not to mention quite dark. So operation was handed over to a group that included mo Oh yeah, that's the thing you're going to this guy and his only concern is about like just excited, to shoot somebody and like cause, then he's sitting there because, like I can always shoot like yeah. We know we smoke, in his says right there. What am I right oh yeah sure a lot of options. We refer him safe, but- by drought,
have we didn't mean if you didn't run a bath, tell him I'm going to make a more lax, and then I go up a you know it's good to have. That is an option. We're heading that team was a swiss physicist named Paul scherrer code name, flute flute had been friends with heisenberg. He mo and another scientist named samuel gouts net, formulated and to meet heisenberg at a conference in zaire, whistle which talked like cats. Please don't call me flute, I can't do it, but you ve got a huge fuck and got but skinny in long knew what they were at this conference in Zurich. They feed They could interrogate heisenberg on the spot or kidnap a warm and be kill em, but they What they really needed was to gain intelligence on the german nuclear programme. What, if I take a little boy, and I put it because I'm lookin explosives bell another good idea. Another good idea: let's try to keep them alive. Just for now
losing all that. However, like almost all things also soon became unnecessary, who dare this is how this all things about unnecessary skip this. Could it didn't girl daring the liberation of france, a treasure trove of documents were found at the reich university at stroudsburg, which was located right across the border from germany. This reich university was one of three whose main purposes were to spread propaganda and indoctrinate students in nazi ideology
if the nazis had won. This would be where Mengele would have gone to teach after the war see it's just like c r t what they're doing with our kids. Now it's just like that. It's just like nazi germany trying to explain racial disparity like nazi germany, but so called area in physics had been taught at the reich university is well what are area in physics safer than other fizzy state. All different from gives literally dumb should get actually tell that, like they told heisenberg that he was not allowed to teach the to physics of albert einstein, he had to teach area in physical physics. It doesn't know your nationality. Basically d,
not allowed do because to do most of the jewish population. The scientist committee were the ones that created all this about quantum mechanics and that change the face of physics, but they'd nazis didn't like it because a jewish person came up with it, so they what they were like. No, we use you clytie in physics, you that's all you can do physics. Perpetual motion drop a feather one of the poorest. Sir. At the right university was the son of the nazi secretary of state. His name was Karl VON weizsaecker mamma, and he regularly corresponded with burner. Heisenberg will soon
to the search. Also scientists, Samuel gouts met, found letters that contain heisenberg address and telephone number wow, but don't put that on the letters but, most importantly, the letters clearly stated that the nazis hadn't made progress on their nuclear programme since nineteen forty two, this is nineteen, forty four. So this is like bread. War of testing the governor, mrs it would be like. Do you think this is a legal edward like everything is thought were totally failing. Here is a letter exactly that's exactly what happened, but the problem is the groves was like thing about these nazis do is forty just like me like this is not an incorrect. The distant higher section of manhattan project is truly not to be a day. They were correct too, but the over ass demanded the nazis
these alot of people, that it really assumed the nazis were like just about to fuck up everybody at all times, and they this like unstoppable machine, but it didn't really under and upset points, like naturally mostly was a lot of work, incoherent cycle paths and weeds, better just thought everything up again and and again from the inside out, but at the same time the nazis were also highly dangerous and very scary, varied absolute and their shit. What I mean the blitzkrieg was fuckin terrifying. You know the idea, the idea- and they didn't know that it's just a bunch of fuckin meth heads and tanks. Witches Even algeria, tunisia, I'd sweet to upper twisted metal. Actually, we kind of stuff- that's very now very american view that now it just like it, because you just let me go. Let me know your great are. What, because general groves dismissed the letters as disinflation, neither the production in the bomb nor the hunt for heisenberg slowed down for a second
Oppenheimer, meanwhile, wasn't doing groves is paranoia any favours. He started speculate research, saying hey, you know now that think about it may be the jury men's aren't, enriching uranium. The same way that weird maybe they don't need these big factories that were have an abuse to build this stuff. Maybe he now, I'm really thinking about it. Maybe The science is so new that this german, it bomb, could be built like anywhere like with which, by a retainer, obviously I'd I'd I I am thy really die just just I'm already just kinda. Unlike do it, a bunch of should have but if you like me, remember not late an hour or not, but I dont know how to do it. I don't know what else I you know what you're saying you know you think too much. I need you to just think this direction needed
taken another weapon. It is good to be scared. Keep your owes its war? Its threat to peace, but tragically for the also mission scientists at the right university they stumbled upon an entirely different kind of nazi research in their quest for atomic knowledge. So the right university had been the home of heinrich handlers on an airbag institute, a k, a the legacy of answers Is there on a nearby where the guys who always there's something new like add: ons eldest born again exerts a hundred dollar thirty minute, a piece of land but there and an airbase where the guys who went on archaeological expeditions all over the world. These with the guys that went to tibet, the ones who went to ukraine. These the guy these are nazis. These are not seen as any other difficult nazi and nazi in tibet, because this all these people be like you, we have to do that, then that the symbol
but it is absolutely symbol. Known is literally they did see a bunch of nazi symbols, but they probably was just buddhists. Why? What I mean? Well, that's. Ok, you just can't broke. My brain and trying to explain that, gee that's what they were trying to do, I'm trying to untie that knot and I'm not jerk in dinnery help me up. Basically, the nazis were caught a banking on that, which is why they stole it in the first place, and then they went there to kind of backwards. Prove that everything that they set about being a nazi was correct and that it was like this natural the thing, and it was this powerful force and it came from the universe itself, and so they use that to retroactively when you we were seeing this. What's it got most of europe did not know that he was this ancient other symbol.
They would go in use this school to bait to cover all of these ancient things and see the sooner. We ve always been that these guidelines should not yet they can go. They win. I gotta be measured like the noses and the faces in the barn structure of tibetans and to try to prove, because it's a things these guys were high on their own bullshit. They believed what they were. Teaching bearer were, get all this shit coming down from Heaven. I add up there: so you have to look at and they were therefore also involve heavily in heinrich handlers, a cold studies. All this shit was tied in with the thought society, but in their attempt to prove, the racial superiority of arians members of him there's on a narrow, babe, mutilated and dissected human beings and even kept a collection of jewish skeletons sourced from the dachau concentration camp once the also steam opened the door.
To the institute the legacy of ancestors and they found severed human limbs left behind in mid dissection, and they were faced with giant tanks full of alcohol containing floating human corpses. This the scene for lowenstein died. It is stein and also the house of a thousand corpses doktor satan. This is thus nasty. Now will most likely. Those corpses had been a result of the polly gall experiments in these a victim will be given a tablet of a substance called polly gall, which was made from me. It's an apples o o our new? This policy can be sold an arrow better, this boy, but the victims with me shot through the neck or the chest. They would have their limbs amputated without an aesthetic while they were still alive all the sea. What effect Polly goal might have on blood coagulation. What affected that thing? It's beaten up your wife. What
this is the nazis eyewitnesses nazi physics, all I know is, if you take fifteen of them, your poor gives all kinds imagine you never know, and sometimes I forget that he took it the night before then I was like oh shit. I'd have kids just been like, oh no, I always take my been with. These corpses could have also been a result of the nazis, extreme pressure and temperature experiments, which rivaled the experience perform by Japan's unit, seven thirty one in their savage. This is the type of up to see like how high can pilots go? How much frost can take. How much need can they take like these? Are some of these? Were you did seven thirty one of its? wet hands in the freezing cold temperatures be hit with a stick, tat yeah. Those things are so nasty. Yet Some of the scientists who saw the shit they had to go home. I liked Oklahoma somewhat samuel gottesman had a mental breakdown he just had been. He said I I gotta go home because its critical yeah yeah yeah we're more mobile,
Business. Don't like a thing is that's why you got a switch at the end, you first, but you gotta, have their relief pechiney when there's all this has nothing to do with a baseball mile not allude raised now. Guy severed hand is kind of like I can't tell you how ya doin you gotta be careful now right is when he was engaging in their last ditch effort to drive back the americans and push the british into the sea. That was the battle of the bulge. The nazi media began, suggesting that this was. They would finally use an atomic bomb which would win the war in an instant. This is actually a genius bit propaganda, because an atomic bomb would have been just about. The only way for germany to win the battle of the bulge, the most cable, german soldiers were by this time either captured or dead, and the he was near the end of their resources and equipment capabilities. The german people knew all of this. The manhattan project, however, wasn't taking any chances.
we're still on the heisenberg case and on December eighteenth heisenberg gave a lecture to twenty fellow physicists and the audience was move burg who had concealed on his person. A by read up so? Yes, he put it inside his giant. Extravagant we decided is beautifully lace course, as he was dressed as the absolutely sensuous veil Believe robert upon us measures again no way a former catcher or for the wise acts. It'll. Take you on a day or two, like physics will most assignment was simply to just kill heisenberg after the lecture we're not going to get them. We're not going to kidnap or just just fucking kill him, but by the end eliza birds to our talk. Moberg just couldn't do it. He wasn't. A murderer come on mo. This is why never won the big world series
any idea how many assassination attempts were stopped again celine day on one. She hid It's all coming back to me now there there's me, like. I can't you less credible woman. Well, I just really hope that Sweden's doing well, she has a severe illness. She does bones returning homesick ossify, yet it sound permission for really zoos are random. Name just show you just came for me either I forgot the real ill medina, frail and since from you- and I know I know this- I'm sorry if it locked in areas like locked editors, aids book it slowly becoming law would make jokes about her. Lunatics rose just I mean it's bad taste horrible. It's almost like zone florida willingly that right now, they're gonna they're looking for a proper locksmith, because she has locked out syndrome, which means she came
back into her own and is watching from the site is really very sad. I should it shows Michael buddha, Michael blue blow, hot down their implored on really hot model. I must leave I'm on a ban. I shot my my parents got futon on disco at. I am slightly I'm sleeping at age, you, twenty twenty five to thirty greece land. Like I'm slick, I am one of those air presented on the side of a mountain right. I woke up pool that and of my own man, that's good! I'm sorry! I watch a boy. I saw a bunch of pictures of myself at three hundred pounds. I just need a move forward. Absolutely europe in a rough go of it, gotta, get well mo, couldn't bring himself to oh highs and Bernal, so he took a less violent route. Flute hosted a dinner part: in icebergs, honour and
was where a much simpler plan was enacted. Ok, they were gonna, get him drunk. see, I think again talk about the atomic bomb that so much nicer than kill him of its own eyes. What if we could kill only may target sitting there, both orchestrated like? Can we point out, put a balloon brain or we can have freedom, a bunch getting drunk all I get to I get icebergs like that. Second ideas- a dinner party but Heisenberg was interested in talking about nazis, and they related to his beloved germany for urgent gorgeously pontificated, again about why he's innocent Andrews tongue was loosened by wine. Heisenberg said that the good people of germany- what being demonized nazis. There was the last bulwark between civilised europe and is coming red hot. Besides so nazis hadn't really done that bad stuff to the Jews.
really nothing more civilised and attempting to take an entire continent. So civilized now he's a far easier for polly s. Finally, though, after all about blustering, heisenberg admit that germany was gonna, lose the war. However, he still said quote, but what does been so good if we had one? That's it yeah, but it would have been good if we wouldn't want at every was dead. I might put it one way or another. We wouldn't want everything, he's the Sarah jessica parker of the nazi party, everything well. The thing is about highs of cage all about him and what he's dealing with at all like as mr big and are they going to get back together? Aren't they I dunno, I actually kind of feel like he's, might closer to a kim trawl. Sexy wise words thing was that he loves you many that he was erle. He loved germany, so much that he figured van vince sees. You know, yeah, we'll let the nazis has a good time, is in there
tyres themselves out as an actress ads in germany will get back to normal, but then germany will be job as well, which is what we should have been doing in the first place. This is like, if you go on a date, and they just start talking about Andrew tate, like oh, my god, just shut the fuck up yeah, it's like glove and he's like. I love this carousel yeah, my mom's getting raped, but I love the carousel. Like I just love the horses and I love the polls again taking the aggression out on his mother. He was just a random relationship. This is not written. I don't follow. This is just me making shit up in a room in for a slow meltdown. This feels like a very rare. I feel I guess I can, under the town the water going out on this episode, but in the end, heisenberg still Does wits about em to keep quiet about the bomb? Ok and Winberg reach deep,
Once again, they said, if you can't get him to talk at the party, you're gonna have to kill him. He still couldn't do it. my this is the one I manage. He had a chance, but he has a chance to get one. He can actually get a righteous murder, not easy to get went soft skills, his soft skills he's a talker he's a charismatic he's, a despite not an assassin, really meaning that there is an inherent deference, because you got two because I forward the assassin. If you wanna get that dude husbands different ways to kill the sky and fought the auto mean, like he's ready to roll I was david driving with over because of their weren't here my car but often has a problem. When I came. Rent at this level hurts now. I drive with no worries, it's a nice car for my right arm and a nicer for me. You know what they say. Nicer. Cart might mean
nicer thief's, the air like a sign up to learn today as open com is large plants hey, hey: it's blue sea, yellow, blue bunny. Our research shows that humans, like things that are many like our mini swirl or mini golf or mini poodles, so our dedicated team of bunnies are as excited as ever to announce their new development in many innovation, blue body, many buyers, millions eyes mighty in crunch, you can never have too many. I mean be too many or sorry have too many many sloop honey. We fun now, after the allies won the battle of the bulge it was all but over for the nazis, but behind the troops we're running germany was boris pash, who is still on the look. For those nine hundred and seventy tons of missing urania. She says, since the nazis were caput
what as mission was no longer about preventing the germans from building the bomb? Rather it was about keeping the russians, from finding the uranium? Yes I'll quit the friend turns, do an enemy, but by this time german, He had already been split up into the fourth zones control by the allies, and it was discussed The uranium was in the soviet controlled zone. Pash had therefore made his one personal crusade to sick, the uranium for america to keep it. the hands of the godless communists and you know its american uranium, they put a little flag on it and they listened Good old fashioned carter sisters, a higher up soon agree, said to hell with the russians so, than a week. Pash organised two hundred and sixty vehicles packed with men who all work together. To steal. Nine hundred and seventy tons of uranium right out from
The soviets knows where you put it, they have drink. Goes you. How do you get all that they loaded up into two nine hundred and sixty trucks? Why? Not? Because you know it's jerk, germany, in nineteen, forty, four, it's fuckin chaos right, everyone, s, yeah! This of course made the soviets. areas, because they ve been planning on using that uranium or for their own nuclear programme. All guys come that was for our nuclear programme, and while it would be an over simplification to say that boris Pash started the cold war, he does have the dubious station of being one of the men who fired the first symbolic shots. He was happy to contribute but even though also was ultimately unneeded when it came to the manhattan project, because germany had no chance of making a bomb mo boris and the rest true, nevertheless ended up serving an important function. It was pretty much in the same ballpark as the mission to steal the uranium.
see when the war was nearing. Its end also said already been on the hunt for member. of germany's uranium club. So when the dust began to settle, the americans were perfectly position to scoop up as many nuclear physicist as they can. I find I just imagined, like you know those things where you have to catch all the dollar bills, all when they're shooting up everywhere, but it's just like you know screaming germans, but you know what you do there. You would let the dollar bills come to. You press your scalp, The wall was to amass around this. Was it not sorry to the manhattan project because, as opposed to our space programme, the nazis had absolutely nothing The offer us in terms of atomic knowledge at this point, oppenheimer's right on the cusp of building a wall in prototype yeah. I remember yadda yadda yadda. They been doing a lot of sites where the germans still turn they'd like convert shit into gold, alchemy, yeah weren't they like the Wasn't hitler into alchemy
building the big body had the big god I forget with the three. So they had the giant like what was supposed to be this, metres long gun nine foot, bullets in beverly hills, nor were they talk about. Is that you love giant works it was a thing, is Daniel. Damn that the most concrete ever been poured in eastern europe, is he loved the year that so that's where he was focusing a lot of his energy because he said, get a dream fred. First, he dream that the feature program programme more work and so he halted everything. Does he had this dream and Albert spear had only common convincing more like he was. The guru couldn't called reasonable nazi, they would say like hey. We have to think about all of these things, because you know it's kind of important. I know your know. Your dreams are great adolf, we'll all loves Amir, but that's where they were born.
all of their resources, and now is this thing of distraction because they were trying to one programme they had was to attach a bomb to a tiny play, no attached to a big plane, so they can fly across the atlantic to drop that another playing a bomb new york receives obsess bomb do you really wanted abandoning our target a big played, the drop a little plain that has a big bob, the second world war, the point. Bringing the uranium club members to our side was that we didn't know what they knew and if we kept these, not he's on ice. It would prevent them from being captured by the soviets. This mission came to be known as operation big at the same time, no general groves and the rest were starting to realise that those letters from heisenberg were found, the right university, those were genuine when all those caught up to uranium club member walter Bertha. She proudly showed up the cyclotron that he just gotten running by wars. End: Why? Why, right on time bell also up
asian big thirteen year old makes original boardwalk becomes a mad and then is nick raped by a woman, did she sleep with him? Who did cheat? He just sex with him, and she thought that his boyish character was charming. He was a boy and did you was indeed a boy, four continue merely take it a movie. A party really is very sound. So there's another movie, thirteen going on thirty, I dont there's something wrong with hollywood yeah. We're all year. These seem to love the thirteen, but like pretender older than its is back in it. Those back. I would like to note and we're we're going. I mean I would say it's more to do with me. No one. to play the adolescent fantasies of the audience that a thirteen year old would like to see what, if I was big and got to sleep
that woman, instead of it being an indictment on their own personal, well fantasies of being an older woman, because, as I already older women that were in charge in hollywood as if there were ten year old, you was big fuckin, a nightmare you're supposed to be an adult samuel goldsmith when he was shown walter, both cyclotron, he could barely stifle a giggle, because what both I had built was an after school science project compared to the cyclotron that developed back in american wow. Even so, though, the top priority was to track down highs so called uranium machine and ultimately heisenberg himself. Still in the wind, the after the battle of the ball ties, bergs military exemption was revoked. Almost every one left
live in germany following the battle were drafted into the volk stem the people's militia. This is just old men, women, little kids. They were all expected to die for hitler in a symbolic mass suicide. Throw yourself about that. Combating mass, obeying, exactly me. Why is the berg of course, had no interest in doing such a thing, so he teamed up with his buddy Carl VON Weizsaecker to continue atomic research on his own in the middle of a war zone riding their bike those through germany and leaping to the side of the road to avoid bombs heisenberg and Bonn Weizsaecker secured some heavy water, then they buy. the heavy water back to heisenberg secret lab that was in a cave near the village of hager, lock, ok, they're, here
in birth performed one last nuclear experiment, but it's still fell short, although this was the furthest, the nazi atomic bomb project ever got heisenberg. Never heaved a fully self sustaining chain reaction. In fact, he had never even built in thing is good is what the american team had built in Chicago three years earlier, the pile while, however, I did just realized something. This is what he accomplished when he was left alone for two months too much he's a left alone in a cave, and this is what he accomplishes Imagine if you was in the middle of a fuckin more zone. Imagine if he hadn't been forced to go to nazi dinner parties and rallies and all that other bullshit, and they would have just left him alone.
like the americans, did with oppenheimer put him in the desert, and let him do is fuckin sounds like the origin of tony stark and iron man by the monopolies. Calculation collation shows. One of the true inherit flaws that our, why in hand, fascism is a non sustainable gum Well, yeah, because when you're in that sort of ideologues center, you can't get like yes, a lot of people too, who are quote unquote pro fascists, believe it's because oh they make simple decisions and then things can get done quote unquote, but obviously they fucking, don't know, because they're also in love with themselves that no one be can't get anything fucking die just end up with massive blocks of concrete it's? What best leg? Only at the legacy of the third reich mohammed each and every you notice is all the stuff that they couldn't coke did they did on a mass scale was just pay enough, which is actually an extremely do. You know we talk about destroying
Here's. What he's your complaining of those like its gates, they get all its it. Does it take that much cleverness too great a place in a concentrated group of the place of pain like this is something else, and then I got just think icebergs such a bet. now. Is a bitch yoyo statements about that nazi visa is a badge, but that does not mean is any less brilliant unfortunate you're it became onawandah images. Aid does become slightly less brilliant. It does, I think, I think, has choices Shall I mean as a priority issue as a purse? It does mean the whole. I like the whole pie in the whole pile get yes, so he's less emotionally intelligent because he's a narcissist and half a put sociopath news. But when it comes to pure scientific brilliance, he's one of the smartest man of the twentyth century he would have followed where the good science wasn't he would have went with all the other scientists who ran away. That's where the thing I true good scientists will also see no, no good science is being done. You now for you what he was a bad person.
Why you so he wanted to have as he wanted to eat his cake and have it to r. I p TED kaczynski is yellow. You got god another hero gone well, but when it became obvious that all was truly lost in the either the americans or the soviets were on their way. Heisenberg and his team hid their assets and abandon the cave lab where's pasche soon arrived and blew it up. Then pash begin searching the nearby village for uranium. Club scientists. There he found I han with his bags pact he's just ready to go. Gotta go blue, jays, yeah, Han directed pasta, three thousand pounds of heavy water of the Eisenberg had hidden in a mill just in case he they had fucking cut up
who tons of uranium in the cubes and hidden and buried them in a field. As far as their technical reports went, heisenberg had hidden them in an active septic. I think this is the best, though this right here is sort of like the one of the greatest quirks of history. When the tank was open. The also the team found pretty much the entire archive of the nazi atomic bomb project in what amounted to a big bucket of shit wow. That is crazy, oh my god I'm surprised you didn't just dip! balls in it that got a body sigma digging the measurement data. Absolutely this date, a successful television show briefly. Burke, meanwhile, was surviving in the chaos yes heard this day is that they apply balls that in marine, oh yeah, they might as well, because nothing they were doing was working behind the borg. Meanwhile, surviving in the chaos of germany. Only by the grace of god and through bribery, since
hadn't recorded for the tuesday and lastly, the bribe motives with is a priority area. Since he hadn't reported for duty in the vogue sturm, he was technically supposed to be executed on the spot for desertion, while and indeed, and ss officer, almost killed him for just that, but he was only stopped when highs bribed him with a cart. Nepal, em all cigarettes, tat, solitary life and his life was worth a carton pommels wow. Soon after hi arrived at his dilapidated family cabin in the black forest? That's where he found his furious wife. Well, she was my heart. She was freezing, starving and suffering from scarlet fever, along with their six children. We'll go have fun with the target, errors in the cocoanut trees? Rail area is a magical forest. Do really is magical and deeply ought to do onto it, but when hitler it's suicide on may. First Henry's,
first day we got bin laden other blood. We also got on my birthday. Look at you burner and his wife broke. a bottle of wine and celebrated it was all over because remember the nazis, he didn't like the nazis, he just love. Germany. Also often I'm are, as I said July, twenty first, my birthday. What is your birthday involved in this story? And you know I don't think so? Ok, I don't think so I am talking about the three and bad: that's not bad at all. What they were clinging to. The hope that all germans clung to at this point in history, pretty much, let's hope to god the americans finest before soviet still, now that you know for a fact any new for a fact that hitler had lived in moved his way to south America knew that eventually, come back to create the ninth reich. He he once he hit ninety and he had robot legs. You wouldn't be able to really orchestrated a new thing there. There does have to be somebody be like that of music. There does have to be someone who's just like what, if they forget
What did we like? Truly so? What berlin like we didn't quit yeah! If you know a lot of actually in germany have been doing a lot of research on it lately and a lot of people in germany did just try to forget you. Do I just like I mean they all just item, although they did, they wouldn't talk about it like that's, why get real, weird and germany in the sixties, because their kids, like hey, so what were you do in between ten thirty, three, a nineteen, forty four and most of all kids came and they they all almost universally. Everyone would say you weren't there are you no. It was what it was like. I want to talk about it. I believe that now, but as it went, boris pash was indeed on his way. The day after Hitler died. Path arrived after, following a rumour only to find that verna had just left to go visit his mother, I'm wife called them home and pash made arrangements to have heisenberg and his family taken into american custody. After that pash soon
collected, the remaining nazi physicists, which in the end became the lasting legacy of also soon they were successful in keep Every single member of the uranium club out of soviet hands wow, and even though the nazis were far behind in their atomic research, a mind like eyes and bergs could have easily brought the russians up to speed if he'd had access to the intelligence that was being funneled. Los Alamos by soviet spies and heisenberg, however, was still convinced that his experiment in atomic research was, as far as eighty one had gotten so stupid,
Nor is he was concerned. He was on the verge of a massive breakthrough. He was therefore excited to continue his work with the americans and ass. He put it. He was gonna catch up the world on all this nuclear reactor. Business has thank you. So much it was only when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima four months later, that all the members of the uranium club realise just how far behind they'd been while and its with the testing and dropping of that body. that will continue our series on the manhattan project. Holy strange trip it's been, and next week were finally get. It gets all that melting. You guys have been asking for your when the gold frying slawson laughing problem, let's to be fair, slopping will come and tell us out. Five net it will be mostly vaporizing paper, rising getting super hot. You gonna be
gonna love it again. I abyss there's one old book that says it didn't happen. I'm right, don't know how why they think this. So I made to go through this whole thing. It's very strange, but it's god, man, we're gonna, get into it this! there is one gets real grisly. You know, I'm guy got up. My conspiracy had on here that when it comes to this cause a deadly happened, but moon landing. Fifty fifty fifty fifty up, I feel that it is great we have done so much and I now ask for we too, you have literally just orne up in one statement which markets sitting next to you on camera went to literally drag all agrees with me. Now I don't agree hours of rest. I don't agree with you, but I'll meet you halfway and you know how I'm gonna do that. Fifty fifty fifty fifty I'll meet you halfway. We did land on the moon by lot handler. Edgy lost the freedom, and so we had to recreate it as well.
reality we was, then we don't know we do not like him. I saw the employee now if you go up to buzz aldrin, and you say that to him he will. Saki party wants to kill you right here. I watched a clip of bus and dynamic, and that was an instagram That's a male surface, lax that it no. There was on instagram my favorite small epilogue from this episode. Is there bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Otto han called heisenberg a second writer I used to insult you can do ok every in germany following also oh went on to live what he just after the war. He just stayed in europe and kept drawing up check from the usa, like yeah get into the russian and he just fucking gallivantin or on europe for a few years and then have hired an architect to argue with the cia and telecom died in his bed? How happy man and his last words were held them?
it's due today, oh, I love that it's unfortunate they lost, as in boris pasche just became an asshole for the rest of us consistency. I lie below regret. everyone will thank you so much for listening, hope, you're doing and with anything that we want to talk about how god don't worry about it. Let's let these people are, you are, you are all let's get out of the jar right, ten reason: gotta go, take care of his mother, hail yourselves, everyone else hates it now again, my goes deletions. Don't make a bundle. You got a minute, don't make a bomb if you've got a minute. Help me come on here. You go Try a drain on your way to the store Then you just think about it, gives you never know
where do the helium seems like a strange thing to do after this episode, using that ties in a highly massacres, entirely demonstrated workable, everybody, Bye, you show was made possible by listeners. Like you, thanks to our add sponsors, you can support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listen to go to last podcast network dot com. That much hard lemonade. We believe the world needs more mike's. That's why we, work hard to ensure every bottle is bursting with a flavour of hand, picked limits for more refreshing moments with refreshing friends, please drink responsibly, Michael Lemonade company, chicago illinois,.
hey, hey, it's blue sea, yellow, blue bunny. Our research shows that humans, like things that are many like our mini swirl or mini golf or mini poodles. So our dedicated team of bunnies are as excited as ever to announce their new development, in many innovation, blue body, many buyers, millions eyes mighty in crunch, you can never have too many. I mean be too many or sorry have too many many sloop honey. We make fun
Transcript generated on 2023-06-21.