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Episode 533: The Manhattan Project Part I - The Living Dead

2023-06-02 | 🔗

This week the boys return to the world of dark history with the introduction to one of the most devastatingly deadly killers in human history... It's time for The Manhattan Project and the creation of the Atom Bomb.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Peacocks got your next tv obsession. It's a dark comedy called based on a true story: lost jealous couple eva end nathan feel like their lives, are falling apart, one ray of sunshine immersed herself in true crime, twenty four seven, when a unique part asked opportunity. Capitalize on america's obsession with murder, arises the cup find themselves in over their ads from me, award, nominated producer of the boys and the executive producer of ozark, based on a true story: stars emmy award, nominee, cayley cuoco and christmas siena stream at jude, eighth. Only on peacock, when I private. However, I can rent tesla from hurts, so I don't have to worry about that. Weren't here my car, it's nice my riders. For me it s like a bad sign up to an today. Open that com is large parts
there's no way to escape tourism is the last time on the left. Cannibalism started the woods goes out. For my grandpa, I'm not proud of what you do, everything you do is kind of gay. To me. I don't mind it because hey you're fired the podcast. I disapprove. If ever major decision you made in your last year, you rush limbaugh, I will use the atom bomb on america who kept a little. That's the left everywhere, bed, egg, it out with energy and mark, as today's episode episode. we are going to be historic, exceptionally violent.
And, dare I say, usa, Where are you say you are hearing about the big? There lies a big there that I think you might lose you got. I damage on personal manhattan project. Is that the red or the white. What we are up to the mark and clam chow yup, yeah, okay, gotcha yeah? We are covering the manhattan project. I feel like. We need more fanfare, because this is going to be big. I gotta remember this is our that's our basic able episode right here right here right up does is an old school at your manners. Also history, channel, viewing we're dead in the centre of it were com a lot or you normally there would on the history heritage as in retirement, your grandmother, they told me if you eat skittles, you father said stay at home, but what this series is that this is something that I personally been wanting to do for fucking,
years been talkin about doing this, but what what took so was just the man and roger while we can put it in a full year because of the phenomenon movie that's coming out, but what I? What I'm hoping truly, is that what we talk about new series is going to take a mass of shit and whatever oppenheimer movie has to say. I'm sure going can be great film, I'm sure love christopher nolan, we're not remotely associated with them. I matter of fact, if you feel like people are immediately all like: oh, they got an oppenheimer tie and I am certain they want to distance supper on our continent, and we do not. We do not speak for except for no, no, we Don'T- and I know oppenheimer ooh something bad happens is still sounds like someone who needs a swirly. Doesn't it it does, and I'm also going to say, is having matt Damon played general leslie grow so fondly the dumbest shit
I've ever why lazily groves is bit, he has the body of foghorn. Leghorn should not be laid at all. He wouldn't the famous and some parts, while Damon he's porky big with how its inlaid do what they did with charlie's therein space when she played eileen, worn else to mad damon's, but an legs jamaican, look like it now. You never know you will win rather they're gonna, give him a fuckin moustache and then put an end to it. They should give more but ask her up asker writer, when the man and project episode, one and moreover, queensberry mama project was america's collective effort to create the world's first atomic bomb. Now, while it is one of the most impressive achievements in mankind. Sister, the greatness of the manhattan project is
not just in how it was developed, built, tested and dropped. Rather, the bomb is also objectively impressive, because the aftermath of that first atomic explosion on Hiroshima created quite possibly the most concentrated period of misery, suffering and horror. in human history, zanger woodstock, ninety nine it is actually that's just on- I mean this, is I mean hiroshima and nagasaki? think of the atomic bomb. It was the perfect cherry on top to the deadliest conflict in human history. Worldwide you guys. Don't watch all of your world war, two documentaries with limp biscuit in the background and watch them on mute. Oh yeah, I mean honestly, as you can see oppenheimer. In the end, he did do it all for the no. He didn't and he did break stuff. Indeed he did. He really did our goal on this series is because we are three he as y'all know. We bleed red blood web red blue eye.
Our canoe man is my roots. Go back before the revolutionary war we didn't come over on the mayflower, because the mayflowers a bunch of fuckin pussies, why lowbrow fuckin criminals like the rest of us, good, then, to pluck and trap wolves and shoot shit up. To my mind, the rapidly growing out of my way inheritance law get here. Sixteen hundred mother fucker, my grandparents and land is that an island to the nineteen forty, so I'm innocent my their got here in the seventh yeah. I know sort of reverse waiting. Also, first of all we're gonna say number one, we're gonna say some, maybe unfair things about kisses lineage. If, during this entire period, and almost four like people didn't mind the most intelligent p, from nazi germany. I let you do a blanket kizil. You you're just gonna, have to take it I've never do. Our goal is because we are so american center. We have been trying to figure out a way to kind of break out the mindset of the
Eric narrative about the atomic bomb, because again it was a big, oh yeah, was it messy? You better very good. Now we do best. My was not like cool, but it needs to have people superbad did it need to happen. We shall discuss what in terms of lives taken. Only the nazis beat the constant the death toll at hiroshima and nagasaki. They had little thing called duration reinhard. With that undertaking, approximately one in four: seven million jews were killed in death camps in just a hundred days. That amounts to twenty five percent of the entire jewish death toll and all of world war. Two, but as we'll see it was the justified fear of a nazi victory that those people would win, it wasn't the threat of the japanese. It was the nazis that led the owl,
to believe that the development of the atomic bomb was not only urgent but morally necessary. Can we actually for this episode? Can we go back to call old fashioned fashioned his neck, he had nancy works. Ala put fuckin couple season there, like a pile of a sort of an interesting thing. It's kind of like parallel parking, it's not so difficult to get in, but getting out is, you don't want with worrying that the American It has always been that we drop the bomb on japan to save the lives of a million american troops who would have been cut well during the invasion of the japanese mainland. We were all being told that every man, woman and child were being trained to fight to the death for every blade of grass. Hey you gotta, be you. You wouldn't even believe what the shiba inu were trained and also it's like such a horrible thing cause. That's completely true. One foot of land cause like one human life, and we like you, could have the soil.
my life is worth one blade of grass to the united states government all gone ass was raw know. What is more, the opposite is more. That my life is worth a blade of grass to the japanese government. Yet, as is the japanese, that's what many of the japanese were thinking, because the that concept that every japanese person was gonna fight for every inch was propaganda of the highest order. It was a half truth. There were certainly too from being train to kill american soldiers, women being trained old men in train, but most of them were like hey, we'd love date eat more by the end of ten forty five, a lot of them are like hey. How long is this going? I'm looking at my watch, your ooh, it's glowing, it's incredible that this, but rapid yeah I mean there were multiple avenues to peace with japan, avenues, both bloodless and last year we got it all. We got all of it, but at no point was a full grew invasion of japan, even a good option, no more.
Lest the only one that lay before us at the end of the war and the settling was fucking over? The sad thing is, and I know I'm supposed to bring that will bring a little truth, drew it loud. Children were so young during this war they actually called it operation tell it tubby, and I thought that was right echo is similar in detail is saying that is re. Did you give us also, if I may have also been blanket, remember what, opinions are gonna get thrown around our show right. So we are going to talk about this are, in our opinion, needed way, but it also try to break out of an american centred view of history, but we're gonna walk in some detail. Nor is it a loser, but we're gonna break out the marrow, centric ideas, of course, but at the end of the day we still fuckin dead, my meaning it is like my other side of dislike. Yet and now right matter, america, ooh ooh. What did you want them to get? Did you want the nazis to
You said you didn't want them to want it, so what you fucking wanted. They did not want them to get it. This is human nature at it's worst generous, but really that's what the story we're going to tell over the next flight If episodes is going to be all about we're going to cover why the atomic bomb went into development in the first place, we're going to cover how america pulled off such a massive and Taking and how the allies engaged in the ultimately unnecessary task of keeping the nazis from getting the atomic bomb to and at the end, I promise you that we will fully cover over the course of two episodes. The unimaginable almost unspeakable horror, almost unsuitable whore almost because we can't we talk about it, as we have already on medium right. The horror that resulted as a result of our decision to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and nagasaki. It some of the worst shit I've ever read,
my life, it's pretty fuckin bad, and so that's. Why? For those of you who are like Oh, I wish you guys we're doing another chicago rippers siri ask about. I thought I mean literally said you don't worry older nipple cutting right now, we're just gonna do bunch, irradiation, poisoning and nineteen forties. I jinx, but we're gonna get to two hundred thousand dead. Don't worry right when you say to me: the day, you gonna get real tired to hear in the word slow Oh yeah, mad at you re not in just three years at the of two billion dollars: america created an infrastructure that was as large as the entire higher automobile industry of the united states at the time to research, the necessary methods to build and deliver an atomic bomb to a foreign enemy. As a superpower of unfettered capitalist, it does
show you how times have changed two billion dollars is like a hammer and a screwdriver now for the pentagon. This isn't that expensive know that that's two billion dollars in nineteen forty one money right, but let's get that's going to be hundreds of billions of dollars. The lot of money- I don't know, do math on that I don't know the madonna, a trillion dollars we spend on the iraq war, but pretty impressive as well. This effort included multiple locations in three different regions of america rebuilt cities to get this shit. Don't we built cities in months to get the shit done and involve thousands people, and most of these people had no idea what they were actually working toward. What I like about this series is that, like it's sort of like, if you looked at more door in lord of the rings and you're like a man
took a hell of an architect to put all this together like he is looking at that giant factory of violence and has been like holy shit. They all showed up to work on time If you have to lie you for their shifts, we just simply don't know about the orcs. Nor do we know about their sex life. How do they procreate? Why can't they not roan while the thorough cause your though or okay yeah their works? Fuck. There's women orcs! There's a lot of debate on that, but we're not here to debate that, but the dark shadow of that impressive feat is it since the manhattan project was such a massive undertaking engaged entirely in secret. It gives conspiracy theorists fuel to justify the feasibility of the most byzantine conspiracy theory, see most of the big conspiracies, like just say. For example, nine level is an inside job. Ok, they fall apart when you start looking logically at the massive infrastructure needed to pull off such an opera
and without anyone knowing anything about it before during or after. But if you make that argument, conspiracy theories can always say hey. If America could keep the manhattan project a secret than they can keep any a secret jordan and then, of course, when it comes to lies by omission or allowing things to go undetected. Amene nine eleven has a lot of loose threads where you're like how to them car would cause the you know the idea to better deeper out. I think we're going to see a little bit of that here too, because but where you're talkin about is inaction, I'm talking about for action and the thing is, we didn't keep the manhattan pride, to seek ruined. I know you have given that the way we did it was a secret, but oh
What good will that mean the people? We were all a war with raw racing to do the same exact thing same exact time: yeah everybody knew we were working in an on an atomic bomb. I mean it wasn't front page news, but even the most innermost circle of scientists developing the bomb they had spies, feeding secrets to the soviets. There was this dude fuchs that put the soap it's like two years ahead of where they would have been without us, and there were other people like there were deeds. I richard feynman, who would like poor pranks. security can you ruined? I work that above it off the lingering sticking his finger in another set in the food network, food network channels, studios after a midnight mass massive ptsd from world war. One. Could you please stop playing pranks on me like that, guy he linked sneak in and out of
ass areas just to see if he could and he knew they couldn't shoot him yeah. Did we didn't? Let us see what the ship was swiss cheese and perhaps even more germane to the conversation is the fact that, as soon as we drop the bomb, the present when on tv and it surprise it's called the time bomb, you fuckin law, you awesome shit and here's how we did it look at how much it took for us too. Fuckin do this. Can you do it? I don't think so you be afraid, mother fucker, you could subtitle that with literally It was this moment using the take here is here it is a hairless room, but the point is: is that yeah? We did keep it mostly a secret for a couple years, but we immediately told everybody. What we did. We didn't keep the manhattan project, a secret forever, the bomb explosion itself
The cover the honouring our line, but I do think that, were you see the hints of nine eleven, and this is actually on the other side. Like we get into the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki. We will talk about the fact that they did have some vague warning at some mysterious plain was showing up that wasn't acting like any day let's say I was told that they did have warning to me that matter community to not get out of the sky, and then they didn't so we'll see it's like that in the thing where it's weird like why? How nine eleven might have been allowed to happen could have been done by a small group of people that had some idea of a like long view for the united states of america, the manhattan project, it's it's very difficult to get that many people or pulling in the same direction without it being a sort of like positive pro nationalistic thing, not everybody's, going to be fighting for the america for a country to fail. Yes, there is, and that's the thing is that those conspiracy theories are active. Conspiracy theories
know what you're talking about those are passive conspiracy theories were to make markets work today and active conspiracy theories. Take massive amounts, then, for rwanda, racial, yes, its cooperation and that sort of thing cannot be kept a fuckin secret. And really at the end of the day, keeping it a secret, completely misses the point of doing something like this When you tell everybody look, this is what we did, and this is how we did it. It tells We can do this to you again, and it also tells them we have the power and resources to do this over and over
over again and if we can do this in a match and what the fuck elsewhere capable without still the only people to use it in war, announced the in wheat. That's also we'll get into the demon tally of why we dropped because of that means, and more kind of showing hey that it will be built. This big stick ran away you with it to now and allison. It's also not only by build this big stick em a weapon with you too, but it's also going to congress. Essay like hey thanks are given all that money to build this big, stick, yellow use it, while congress is like one no problem thing for the kick back. We do appreciate with that, but I I think one question that I would posit is human nature. Was it just bound to?
used, didn't you had it any longer. I need you to go quite honestly. That will actually be one of the central questions of specifically this first episode. Ok, you know, and in in the future you know it's. A henry does have some interesting ideas about that. We were talking about earlier, john atomic bomb of I just want one I'll get changed so much. You could change, thus far sources go. We ve got a babby that our research team has done an incredible job, with use reviews like five bucks, for the series we'll put that full westerner instagram, but for this episode in particular, we used quite a bit from a fuckin fan. hasta book called the bastard brigade, bastard brigade of an area by sam keen it's written from the perspective of the allies versus the nazis in respect of the development of the atomic bomb and, of course, the bastard great they were brought together. When the general said all right who, amongst you, have another father food,
father. I know you're willing to die for that country. Uncle SAM's your phone come up for your jaime mayor in your little table. One such this first episode is a whole lot of nazis because had not been seen now have because have we not been so afraid that the nuts We're gonna make a nuclear weapon happen. It's almost positive that we ourselves would not have put manhattan, project and emotion, but it turns out all those facilities were just cooking up more math for the troops and hitler a lot of it's math in a lot of a lot of it's drug, there's a lot of drug building and a lot of like I, you know they love rockets, they had fun, they loved rockets, and so, let's start with the people who discovered the scientific and mechanical principles that made the mass slaughter of up to two hundred and twenty six thousand people possible, see. Kids. Science can be fun, it can be it's almost. It's a quarter million people,
then scientists coup and not all of them died immediately see they suffered, stand malware, not gonna, get to into the weeds with the science of the atomic bomb, because after all, this is still a room of liberal arts majors, who have avoided science math at all costs for our entire lie. I will say some of them or challenging reading I've done. It was some of trying to understand how all of these things were still mad about that when they added the fucking ladder. Asylum and that is literally what you're talking about chemistry yeah. I was like. I thought his numbers are your type of algebra that even the letters completely real cause like every upset algebra, I'm good with letters. But then I was looking at the letters called chemistries
these letters like their numbers. I had almost like what the live in thought and then they try to like the old age arouse a golden put three about algebra reed. I can about chemistry. I look at a lot or all his dog I can't even have a conversation about science talking about the same branch of science. I dont know what science this aim I know physics: it's its nuclear regos, level of science is still like what, if I mixed like garlic butter with peanut butter, does it make a baby? If you put, it we don't know what I mean: that's what we're get we're gonna do our best to not gloss over it too much, because while the science is indeed complicated, it's fuckin nuclear physics yeah explaining some of it gives context to the people who discovered it important essential. Context, and it tells us the motivations for why certain people did what they did and why some of those same people didn't do thing
that they should have allowed sounded in judging the one thing about hiroshima and nagasaki. When you are not in favour of it, you do sound a little prudish like all of MR beatnik, I'm actually talking about them. Honestly, they did it rather than get these fuckin bumble, this all fucked up, that's what we're gonna get into, and furthermore the science also gives us insight into just how horrible the weapon an atomic bomb really is because we knew full EL, the consequences of setting up a nuclear explosion in a city long before we actually did it. We knew exactly what would happen You ve probably heard about simply save you know they were named best home security of twenty twenty three by: u s news and world report, so they're probably resting on our laurels right,
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true in store only with eligible portents, free phones via instant rebate, if congested users using greater than thirty five gigabytes per month, may notice, reduced speeds and metro customers may notice reduced speeds. Vs t mobile due to prioritization video streams in ST now put simply america began developing an atomic weapon for one reason and one reason only which was both understandable and necessary at the time, namely all of our intelligence and all of our best scientists were screaming that the nazis were developing an atomic bomb themselves and if the nazis were to succeed- and we had reason to think they would. Then it was good, bye, london, followed soon after by a fawn farewell to washington, the sea and then new york and in baltimore
The out of your baltimore, probably would have taken out been taken out with washington dc might have been Milwaukee. I bet everything has to be taken up with bad liberal policies, but it's did you know that that msg madison square garden and the big old nazi event like it would have just taken a couple of years, just judging by what modern american society, I think we're just taking a couple of years for the nazis if they, When to be like. U S, states of low, oh yeah, right now, I feel like I'm old truck. That's all charles lindbergh thing I mean Charles limburg was almost elected president and he was a nazi. You all know obliterate nazi, just said what heisenberg
warner. Heisenberg literally said, if we just gives the nazis a chance in a couple of years, the cool out, like literally like that, was the line, the ability, no, no, no, they call out the figure ass, their treatment, Letty nettles time for treating them like a fuckin toddler whose linked with putting destroying your kitchen. Let him tar out an eventual yo fall asleep on the floor. It still a fringe idea here as well that we just they give a lot air because they make a lot of noise, but to understand why we knew that a nazi atomic bomb was basically the inn a free society the world over the wolf and sign scenario. I agree that we get to do. It was self crooked, all three, those games or ass. We ve got to understand how the world knew how scientists knew just how powerful an atomic bomb could be, and for that we need to go back to our little element called radium.
Yeah. I get that you ready to learn about radium, I better be issued. You want to go, get stoned in the bathroom. Don't worry! I haven't put your hands hims hers to reconstruct the street from MR parks is fucking, boring, Mr Burke, teach me about funny. Little mother radium the elements that we all o the future do not always do this alternative waste trying to keep us things radium this covered by marie and pierre curie in eighteen. Ninety eight is them radioactive naturally occurring substance in existence and open door to radio activity. Research. Seeing the early twentieth century radium was thought to be a sort of miracle element. It was used in everything from medicines to the minute. In our hands on glow in the dark watches that were being manufactured for world where one soldier
Yes, they can be constantly bombarded by radioactive material at all times raised a page just to know what time it is or from what does seem like it. First, Medium was saving lives, even in the smallest of application, because ages took a rock out that literally gloat. Yet I knew that gives a rocket glowed in rural areas who nice it's kind of interesting I mean, the goal in the dark watches. You know all the soldiers haven't they can tell the time without having to you know, light a match. Sure that would have got their head blown off by a fucking sniper to remember that in a band of brothers, when he was a thing, is unlucky for you to light three cigarettes offer one match: yup yup, that's how long it takes for us. Or to see, also there's a new seriously. I don't know, there's a new series. Not. After six hundred pound life called lap band of brothers, keep it coming. a year ago, but these idea, watches came with the price to the women working at the factories manufacturing. These watches would pay
the radium onto the watch hands with little paint brushes, say and with the painting of each and, oh no, my brush, it's gotten a little which there I'm not going to be able to pay these little hands. Nick, oh. No, then they go back to another radium. They go back into the radium black, like back the radium lick like all day, all day, all day, eight hours a day and as a result, a number of these women developed source, anemia mouth cancers and a horrifying condition hold radium jaw in which your jaw just fuckin phone roger larger. They make a whole army roger even what that is bad for the movie industry, everything's a thumb. Yeah eaten marian tongue sandwiches and it's not from gas, but that's worst case scenario basque, scenario and radium jaw, as that you just get like extra plus judge
I like a grapefruit sized tumor on your jaw. God, that's gotta, be bad and just like, oh god, and you don't even want to be near them. If they're all learning how to whistle with greater born on a birthday cake, the calf don't want to see him with us I you get me out of this lodge very good. it's a long and it's been a long time ago. I'm allowed him if I'm allowed to make fun of the radium girl you are. You are eventually one hundred workers died from radium poisoning in those watch factories enough where the women who work there were nicknamed the living dead. This is just This is normal, but it does not really work may end up those the living dead. Look at em they're about to drop at any second, but you wouldn't know it companies
I hope I have is elzevir mistake the living dead. Those are the people who did have radium job. Those women whose insides we're just fucking cooked you know, because you that the way radiation sickness works is that was the one of the big mysteries after the hiroshima and nagasaki is that there would be the survivors don't spoil it kid, don't spoil it for you up here, we're okay, but I won't spoil it. I won't spoil about how yet people died of radiation I think after hiroshima and nagasaki, I don't want to give away that fucking crucial plot point that could have gone superpower for about like how we showed up saying: hey guys, don't worry, we'll fix it, and then we just want people melt. That's one way to do. It is her, but even with the bad press, concern what came to be known as the case of the radium girls, business interests are fully dodged.
dangers of radium radiation and they continued contributing to america's obsession with better living through chemistry. We trusted radiant. We trust it. Atomic power work. As a scientist said, it was ok. Now at we didn't know, our glowed with just figured out was gods liverpool love to be fair, since god, no poop radium is still used in some medical treatments today, although they mostly phase out a cancer treatments by like twenty fifteen. Is that those same material that they inject and you to see that they know they do sometimes inject a light radio material, and only then shall we not die than anybody. I already know big deaf. We don't inject radio menu. Absolutely not all may act radium india, I mean honestly, I loved it not for what you're saying I mean forget for that said, because That does not too long ago, and definitely I wasn't radiant. They were too. if it was radium, wrongously told you was radiant indefinitely. Certainly there always completely transparent. a lot of doctors work out of tat, cardboard boxes.
Yeah. Once I started my treatments, it was incredible because now I don't need the night late at night. Yeah just walk through glow and everywhere scare. My neighbors know when twenty fifteen radium, while it was used it up till twenty fifteen, it was used with far more care than the original methods. Origin rigid, We always radio popular, often fucking, pay large. You people making watches non nude, I'm talking about when they were using radium for cancer treatment. Could use radio for cancer treatment abdul about twenty fifteen and they still use it every once in a while to this day, but back Then, in the original times they just cut. You open took a piece of radium popular the tumor and so did on I'll just left at the roma or simple.
It's a nice day to be a doctor or easier than yeah or they'd. Take a radium needle and they'd, just stab at ah pap pap pap. They just stabbed the atlantis the tumor lines of oil nurse nancy. What we're going to work on today is skipping the radium into the body, so you want to get to skips right by the heart, the navy getting anglia waynflete want to may be kind of know, Ben sway, me wait, a movie about David. He gave me a ball or eighty mps July, one yes, Atlanta got all he needs is racing to his liver. It's a swish, although basketball was invented. I don't believe you. I think James naismith put up that pair basket white men didn't jump and they were allowed to trouble without interference. Bob, but, of course, the most famous death associated with radio is marie curie herself. You know marie curie ye, I fuck no polish
died of melting and melt. That actually is a bit of a misnomer. She died of aids. stick anemia emu in nineteen, thirty four, but she was also fuckin sixty six. She met for a woman that, like free, bald radioactive material, a couple of decades. That's a long life, it's a very long life, but, to this day her notebooks and papers are kept in lead, lined boxes and handled with protective clothing because there's no highly radioactive, almost a hundred years later, even her fucking cookbooks, just that did she used in her house will give you cancer. You dont want all of your books to be stored next to the next am a con for safety reasons, but it is a bit of a myth that she died from radium exposure, she's famous for dying from radium exposure, but she didn't actually die from that point. We help what she's not like. She wasn't like to. forget the honesty cover sport. Silly jeeringly, where I can come in with my argument about covert statistics
some will radium in order to actually die from it to get sick. You have to ingest it, you have to eat it or you have it has to be absorbed in your body. Somehow you can't just like play with radio doesn't, but then we have these little things that could observe many would have gone into the body alone lightly. It does where have you been jargon? Yet? You can't just be in the same room. Is a chunk of radium and get radiation. Poisoning doesn't work that way marie curies death by radiation probably came from her extensive use of unsealed an x rays during world war, one, but that only further exposes radiation as a slow, silent killer. Even if you aren't vaporized in the first blast of an atomic bomb gets they radioactive poisoning, reddish poisonings, the jelly, the month club of slow death, right lonely, but here we have a back, but you don't know it was the marmalade or language laws. Now there was an amalgamation breaths. Now I'm
carry, was a scientific genius in her own right. It was her daughter irene who played a central role in developing the theories and practices that led to the creation of atomic bomb, the first jab ladies she's, the first narrow base is not a nap. Oh baby. She was a brilliant woman and researcher. She won the fucking nobel prize, and I probably help from her mom and sister parks is really in love with us. with this woman, I am bored on third base with radiation, poisoning, yeah see and ninety two six irene married a junior scientist named frederick Julio who was working under I in at the marie curie institute in paris, half of the bastard brigades chapter and an carry does basically say that, like the it's weird arose, serve all types of her how frederick like two hot fur, and then they called their him her gigolo in that he was like pound or
she was a handsome woman. She definitely more concerned with radiation and then dressing. He loved her for them, giving a view proceeds. Sarah Huckabee Sanders husband he's not totally knowledge here. He married her for the free transportation. Does he hops on her back and she got twenty five miles? Creature strap the author fraud cheesy rise, which you didn't slowly ass. You of your movie reverse our dna is that got forbids DR what she's a modern and others a modern. Yet oh yeah nebo nemo marrying the work, marriage relationship of irian parents irene. frederick, built on radiation experiments performed in nineteen. Thirty, two by german physicists, that's nineteen! Thirty, two just a year for hitler came to power, and only thirteen years before america drop the first bomb to put it in a similar way possible physicists and the twenties and thirty's began to understand the fundamental principles of the EU
yours at in an extraordinarily rapid pace. The work of one scientist exponentially built on the work of an other until mankind had a relatively deep understanding of how the universe work on a sub atomic level. It's crazy that it went from math to boom boom. In thirteen years you might get went from fully just be right. cool ideas about the universe, and but it was about where these ideas got hatch. Dear, that's the thing and me these same physicists, unfortunately realized almost immediately after discovering these principles that this understanding the universe could be used to make weapons. It's basically the story of the human race. We are far too violent to be this smart with there's something about it, because we're kind of talk about it. If this had happened in a peaceful country during a peaceful,
I am the first thing you to imagine tat the Jews and peaceful world I may be, but the idea you'd think you're. Like major energy. We split the atom. We get free energy, no one will ever have to fight for energy. Ever again rose you will the world, though it may be, the first idea, but because it happened in truly like yes, height of nazi durham, He was extremely dangerous, but no one is about, I admit my mind, one most dangerous time periods is right before nose like early thirties time period were nazis were still kind of cool when they up and coming when you build nerdy. Hearing me when they are common in area, though the reichstag fire hasn't quite yet have their liking. Like thirty three percent of the reichstag await you get your hair. Like you know like that night, they re not we're alien, fuckin, madison square garden could be filled with nazi guess that at that time period like these scientists, they're all wordly either you know jewish people that definitely we're gonna, be there
The focus of the ire of the nazi party- they just saw like oh they're, going to kill everybody with this, then I would question: would it have been made in a time of peace? I don't know. But I mean well, if we did the atomic bomb been made I'll, let you decide at the end of the series or basically irene fredericks experiments with radioactive substances, helped another scientist to discover the existence of the neutron. Then Other scientists discovered how to split that neutron and so on and so forth. A real fast is that thing kicked off. They were like they were really all japan on the top one discovery and top of another down, but when it came to the further discoveries, the curious yoll goes, the creation of the atomic bomb wouldn't have been possible had not discovered the ability to create artificial radio activity, which is the process that creates the inn. Reached uranium that lies at the centre of an atomic bomb, and that's why you
in find that same enriched uranium in your classic white bread and white, rich whites. Whites, but you don't because we understood immediately that in order for you to get the proper chain reaction, that needed to make something like an atomic bomb, you'd need very specific, I top of uranium worth and whatever the term as uranium. I stop you're in him to thirty five guess at its that they will get no here in a little, but they need to figure out because it happens. Rarely originally like, well, the no one will be able to make a bomb and then they figured oh, but then we could figure out how to make that stuff yeah. We yeah, because that's that's, because that's the thing is that trying to get the uranium to thirty five like it was almost impossible to get an it like. They said it would take decades to collect enough, naturally to create enough to get an atomic bomb, but then they figured out with this uh. Oh here's how you just do it in a lab will and doesn't theater
bomb show us the power of working together. That's what this is all about, that it really is what this is all about, where once we start get truly get into like the development of the manhattan project, you're going to have your mind blown it's a whole episode of work to get up come on, come on. Let's work together, hey man did you eat my sandwich under the goddamn launcher and got me yeah? Well the discovery of artificial radiation, radio eg, artificial radioactivity, it was so impressive, the irene and I were awarded the nobel prize for chemistry in nineteen thirty four, but in a sign of the times the winner of the nobel prize in biology that year was a full on see named HANS seamen who show horned attack he zig heil into his nobel prize speech at the time were paper like. What's he do? labelling. Now it's like white, I'm travelled mentioned by time, travel back in time right. I won the nobel prize, and I do my long speech by how for great. I am smarter,
I crush it, have a beach day by day by day, everybody want to fuck me. Everyone wants to suck me. Buy me dinner. Buy me beer, a little restriction and then I damn dab here. I don't know about that, and they were like whoa that would be cool kit. It will be yeah, I mean Nineteen thirty, four, like the jewish people, deaf nobody will be nobody It's that's now right, I didn't sign up for this kind, succeeded not me, I'm named gruber kisses that was there having this incredible play in front of the EU. Was he at the within the catering guy grandfather was working with labour euins of the labor unions that were manufacturing? What labour? yes, I can't wait as regards their concerning the nazis. In science we established in are empty algeria and in our Joseph Mengele series that most of the brightest scientific minds injured,
he didn't buy into nazi ideology. Physicists in particular, most mostly albert einstein left germany in drove. Can we use a serious to correct its eyes? Shy, ok, I'm staying, einstein Alber an iceberg eyeing shying street. I make you feel better if they say it like that. Yes, but here he has a sense of humour. He would like the show he actually. What it's our only six is dug out. His ears are big eyes is ongoing and I'm out of my college again he's funny isabel walter math up later, my one that was granted aid out. Meg rioters actually get a corpse of walter math play henry Kissinger now great, but the all this contributed significantly to a huge brain drain in germany, but Morton remember that, while nazi germany was definitely stock with a bunch of psychopaths who thought that the height of medical science was so in two,
twins together to see what would happen mangled. Oh, my goodness, there were still plenty of brilliant minds who decided to stay behind and roll the dice most of them were, as we know, in the rock upon labour union smith, you had vernier von Braun, who is brought to america after the war to head the apollo program, which eventually took america the moon during the war he developed the veto rockets that terrorize england, No it's a lot of the name is will say that are involved and the nazi end of the atomic programme. They do end up eventually somewhat nineteenth. If these waves american flags, at betty Betty. Both as a black love. Your denham blue, jean love, it betty Grable. What additional betty boot violent, violently heard the child
armed now what this? Actually? I don't? Why you boston about this behold the whole second episodes about the store you bet whoops molestation that oh, my Watching some hollywood films from what they did, what these young actresses that good, the interview, Ah temple I know holy what she was straight up now. go back to her vampire. Who could do tat? We can do all things are surely temper. We actually could ok, I guess, but besides bomb braun only if he killed people, now read about good having finished. Our numbers is that you but besides bomb broad nazi, germany managed to hold on to one of the most brilliant mines of the twentieth century. A man whose arrogance, narcissism and moral bankruptcy made him the perfect, alias for breaking bats walter white. That man was Varner heisenberg. My name is Vienna eyes book and if you could not handed me a
I was the unit deserve me at my back, what's worse in developing the atomic weapons programme for the nazi, what machine? What's your best to I'm really good? At making talks always knows perfectly look at the text of the prince. I e to apply to its one. One seems allow worse than ours, or at least I was bad it doing the atomic bomb threat. I was bad and, I might add, entirely was behind the bird was a bit of a boy genius at this point in history he just won the nobel prize for physics in nineteen thirty, two at the age of thirty one, These were for theories on quantum mechanics. I can't explain them to note, and this had been preceded by the publishing of his famous uncertainty principle in the mid twenties. I also can't explain the highs and Burson thirty prints. I tried to I tried to understand yeah and it's hockey, on a quantum fernando. You know it now
handle, just furrowed, is brow at you and anger lucid, and what do they want? A lot of condoms, real small right things operate, is both a particle Andy, wage and bates things about how hard? does happen to be wasn't any it's about hearted it location is a tricky thing in physics. Ah ha, that's basically words about how saying something were where something is in space. Time is actually very difficult to actually ascertain in an honor quantum is it is. It is the principle that you changed something by simply by the active in arriving at now. Still all its value fernand has given me an almost it's pretty about how their that, what if only you mean a hole in a way means wow, hey, good, a good look at that we're just gonna get really.
people are going to talk about. We don't know we are history, people we are how you look at history like stories. I play him like movies. In my mind, when I see fucking science, writing, I just go dead. Yeah? I guess goes black eyed, an english professor in college, you once we're who used to wear a wizard had to close school, sometimes to class, because he taught literature. The fantastic he's, gonna go and how much too that class cost eyes? Why can't you Asperger's universe? It was quite possibly the most viable class. I took it all of the whole entirely to party rise, and, of course, quantum is quad owes brother and I used to hang out. Arnold oil asshole do run out of steam. My friend buddy, the steam drank, keeps on go a nip minutes, gettin steaming, but the point is: burner. Heisenberg had a reputation the world over for being a top mind in the field of physics, and history proved him
be one of the most influential scientists of the twentieth century, despite the fact that he actively worked on making an atomic bomb for adolf hitler. While there was also the massive whitewashing process that happened after the war, you could try to distance him and his legacy from what he did bore beethoven now in private heisenberg claim to loathe nazi whenever. But if you read between the lines, it seems like heisenberg more found nazis to be like You know like annoying and like embarrassing what he said. He wanted to be a political like, and so it was his idea he's like only one do was pure site right. Didn't he hated the activity of the world. You wanted to be. What is it a doctor manhattan in the watchman worries that I'm sick of being these human lives in dialing when dealing with their cycles. He was kind of like that work. He just wanted to do science in a room, but you went into the night
see. You're gonna use the site I get over. Something like this is usually it's like. Yet you're not just servant peanuts at the edges, for in the catering world you mean, like I mean it's not like he's deciding leg, whether like all, I can fuckin work for that guy, because I don't, like his opinion on the capital gains tax yea. I like. It is therefore not it's not not something. I can work with that. Guy well heisenberg claim that what matters most was the continuation. Of his beloved homeland of Deutschland germany, the fatherland, and it didn't matter to him who was running, meets gothic. Would this, of course, was a convenient excuse? This is a justification. What matter boast eyes amber was eyes amber. smart people thought heisenberg was if you ve seen german women, you know it's the motherland man he's just it does at the idea of like he thinks all countries can talk like the report of the peewee herman met me. They began now. Germany does it give a fuck germany's tectonic plates and mountain
Germany doesn't exist if digest the land borders, a real germany is hans, struck me really helping very good, but even the highs where it was often harassed by the nazis for practising the court. Unquote, jus, physics of out einstein yeah, they said they like VI, always doing. his ex. Why don't you do area in physics, area physics is so much better. I owe you, physics are all like how many like brought worse. Can you fit into a canister? None of them are really was also its ancient bath and stop the thing. I don't believe I rolled over by the theory of relativity. Will it's like organ energy unites it shit like that? It's like how can we use crystals to levitate continents like they're talking about the science Maria others. A lot of people have still believe that ethic of former president, as a matter of that, believes you just get a certain amount of time alive on and then you just dies. There's no need to exercise, exercise actually hurts
drains your energy that you die or there's like a lot of people in our work in this, but just like Walter made math with no thought it towards the consequences of his decisions. Just so long ass, his ego was fed. So too did Verna heisenberg develop atomic weapons for the nazis without carrying what the nazis might do within it mc make, but but to that analogy they also realized they were going to die. They knew that no way did he adolf actually think that this was going to last forever. I was talking with my grandfather the thing is: germany is the size of wisconsin. They knew they were fucked, There was also had the end then add. The very very word of this is at them there at their most conniston. Those god not noted terminal cancer, yet no, no, I'm not. I would where they at their most confidence. At this point there are at their most powerful, like thereabout, to put the entirety of europe on its heels over for them. They just got done it did this point, you know your watch them take. Poland take denmark
Take all these things in the right. All we're almost me, like kids at that point. That was that me. Jeanne was gearing all right now already in the military machine was gearing up and they had a plan for that. Like that a plan you earnings from wisconsin into the mid west was you that he's flip every because they all thought like once everybody gets a whiff of this knots. they are gonna love, some do and some dead mature. Actually, your people, your people, the polish, Then one day in the beginning, when the nazis were true, the root out. Anyone with jewish sympathies prior to world war. Two heisenberg was given a lot of shit for not declaring his support for hitler in public. Like haunch beeman had done with his nobel prize zig high, but the thing about heisenberg was that his mother was friends with heinrich handlers, mother, so just about women, the quilt together, amazingly what they call them a white jew in the newspaper. I was all day
kept on away white you and then he freaked out because again and neutrality swung both ways. He was trying to have it all in wonder. I want to choose aside. He wanted to make sure he can play never was there to pay him a jackie was he wanted to be there? So heisenberg went to the head of the s s directly heinrich himmler, one of the most terrifying people and nazi germany to complain that he was being harassed and he felt tat. He had the right to do so because their mothers were friend, my father is getting flames own. the internet, is literally what it is. Your mom go yell at donald rumsfeld. Somebody is fucking literally making fun of you on instagram. By the way, this show was sponsored by better help. Now, I'm looking at this scale, they asked me to do
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we dug the right hair and anytime. Someone comes into the room or opens the door. It doesn't matter. If I have my headphones on the one sneaking up on me, say you bought a re recording, but we don't non sequitur. If we just did a bathroom break and Marcus just said, he bought rear view mirrors for his computer monitor, so the we can't sneak up on him, so nobody can sneak. Sounds like a real himmler to me or to reproduce. Oh, don't kid. The heisenberg was important to not germany, but he wasn't that important sort of proof that he wasn't sheltering jewish people because he practiced cordon quote jus physics. He actually requested a full up. The ass investigation from the This complete wiretaps and spot at is the widest thing. I've ever heard to write riding yourself out. yeah
The fine investigation do come through with a couple of different sexual kinks, though, but aid the cities with its racy. Nobody wanted to direct attention of the s s now. Nobody cares if they find something they are going to kill you right out of principle, not this, of course, infuriated heisenberg, wife. She Scented, the intrusion, but all heisenberg cared about was that his scientific honor was intact. Don't baby we're gonna branded as vander plump rules. Woe he even capitulated. To nazi command when they said that he couldn't mention the names of any jewish scientists. It made the teaching of the theory of relativity, particularly difficult again. This is more it's fascist, dumb, brain game. Yeah we're going you're like you can teach these principles. It cannot say who maids principles, cosette
get. Everybody gets all like how nice or they round pool newborn. I mean I'd is new name floor gore percent. I may have authorised in emu, yeah jerry, daddy Michael, submit new, but even after kristallnacht. Arguably opening night for the holocaust was it's show. Do I mean it's fucking horrible? It's a fucking, crystal nacht, yeah heisenberg saw this. He was there. He was like ooh, he refused to leave germany. He said that someone needed to stay behind someone needed to thin german science. He said quote. Germany needs me actually doped, though now nobody actually that that germany does not
does not need you know like germany. Have you know not at this point, I sometimes think if it wasn't for hitherto are truly the most brilliant minds on earth were in germany. Yeah, oh, you know with washington credit, that's kind of what their wicked this is where heisenberg is coming from. Germany was like the centre of nuclear physics in the forefront of all of these sites, and that's the nazis, took over bade the brain drain happen. They all went scattering and running, but it why that's what heisenberg meant by I needed then german scientists, which basically mean like its leubronn staying in cleveland right saying. Where he's as I was there, I have to stay right. after the law, because now he becomes number What everybody else treves now on the big bad, daddy, left down terms you gotta, go income
though, to win the championship. We learn that the hard way by sending until it sitting at all to have not watching television now, even though America's work on the atomic bomb was closely held secret all throughout worldwide to every physicist worth their salt had known that an atomic bomb was not only possible but inevitable, since the mid thirty's before world or to even more yeah. Well, it's not like how I ve been talking about a lie in drones, because a drone just killed a soldier yeah, I guess we haven't got area after I in frederick Julio curie accepted the nobel prize for their work on artificial radio activity, and italian scientists named enrico fermi figured out before I read and frederick speech was even over, that their discovery could lead to a weapon to create an explosion, the likes of which the earth had never seen. You know what I think that the italians- yes very smart, but you can't be
smart. When the food is so good, you're gonna take breaks just your hand, we have been saying, is we gotta do? I will always saw them, as you are probably the shell, but like? I really want to do a mussolini seriously. I really that is the one thing I know that about europe's were too is italian fascism, and what sauce goes with that I know mussolini, it sounds so good clams and everything else. I could definitely see. Hitler sounds like a player rocks that has shit net because, like maybe I'm completely incorrect, but it does sort of feel like italian fascism was kind like fashion light, while you was like oil, do they could go we fashion, I mean I don't know. I say it's fascism with a smile really pretty strong over there. Isn't it. I mean it's bad, but its fascism with a smile longer mustache, so better food through working off irene, fredericks discoveries enrico fermi discovered that, under the right conditions, any element could become radioactive which put in place the next piece of the puzzle of how to make an atomic bomb
see after fermi radium, had been the primary element for radiation experiments. However, radium had become extremely expensive because of its wide commercial use. At the time it had been too who are starting to use it and hair tonics bath solves man. Vase creams, support, stories. You gotta, keep it as teeth that are too good. Try radium cereal ever breakfast daylight hours. You try to make your but whole glow of one of the most popular toothpaste at the time was radium. Toothpaste, oh yeah, we'll get new that later I'll glow all that labels asshole move ever those radium condoms radium. Names were made by a company called. Not acts are not, as they have the slogan, this. The fears that the slogan printed on the tens gate next to no, they are not.
Back then gently I maybe was neck, knew tat, knew tat new tax, but get next to new tax. I don't know bed, but it said as for them by name You could give me another. Well, usually I go to the store and just point and grant, but can I get them come again? fox legs, but as a result, and was sitting at the extremely high price point. Of four million dollars programme in today's currency. We, but with the discovery that any element could be made, radio active under the right conditions, the element of ways for radio activity experiments became the element that radium was extracted from. It was considered a junk element the time nobody wanted it, but pretty soon, nobody wanted uranium by, alas, yes uranium and uranium, I think, and then I think I think I think it was chosen because the right can
actions for making uranium radioactive was here than making like say, iron radioactive gas yeah, because you know already coexisted with actually radioactive subsidy or you're about the siting. His loss on us he's completely going to record everything that he said for the test and then regurgitate it I'm going to get an a. I think, I'm just trying to this using logic provided in use like fuckin dirt. I'm really just mad already, because the oppenheimer movies not going to do this, but I know that there's gonna be a movie that comes long words. Just every sequences can be set, the some nineteen eating song or they're all like. I think we just found uranium, like an issue, is going to be at em all lying with sunglass zone and later at origin shit. I just em the ongoing I'm gonna have that is going to have a now. If you think I'm just become debt, your work plans and glancing about and trail, he doesn't have that much by nominees created, but by these are funny
you're oppenheimer, Oppenheimer's a complicated character, We're going to get Oppenheimer's very just about the movie he's going to be a brooding little bitch. I guarantee silly murphy's great though he was going to do we're going to have one that tip. He is great, but he's going to be, if you put sibling, emote murphy in there he's going to brood hearing I'll, do I'll do an impression of silly murphy, not, but I'm already ready to You know it's a silence staring because you know, there's gonna be ten words in a movie. They made him a rabbit that could column hoppin Eimer say oppenheimer app. This happened. A hammer now opened on nineteenth he ate the idea that one could split and adam and release the incredible energy contained therein. It was theoretical the idea of chain reactions. If you split one item Then another item will be split and another and another, and they will be split so fast, and so many of them will split so fast that it will create a massive release of energy. An explosion.
clear explosion below elderly. It's like a border sonic. An taco bell, consume that in the same night, the next morning I don't have a cosmic explained by sea in the element. Your truly missing is what they'll have to figure out is. If you really want to expand your ranger splatter range, Your liquid shit, yeah, you're, gonna wanna, get his sin and a strong of a toilet paper to that. You could put right against her. Asshole concentrate the force of this latter. Yet ira up through tube and up and out and direct the energy outwards. That's right really how you get yourself an atomic shit bed. Thank you, professor at brown sky, MR parks. You can learn some from this. yeah, I do things a little differently no beds at crappy university. To this is nineteen. Thirty, eight hitler's! and in power for about five years. The concentration camps are built that
thanks are massing on the borders. Shit is about to go down, and so it was particularly frightening that Man who took the splitting of the atom from theoretical to practical was a german renamed. Otto Han nuclear fission had been achieved. The power of the sun had been unlocked and it had all been done inside nazi germany. Well at least he was safe hands. Actually it was safe hands because they fucked it all. Now Otto Hahn had no love for the nazis, so he led his findings to scientists outside of nazi. many saying, oh I this you guys the nazis yeah. I figured out how to do this. There eventually gonna, have access to this knowledge. Do something. This is a real life, horror movies.
This opening up the box in fucking hell related issues like wow. This, though the opening I imagine of this movie or you're just like us, it's so, especially in the book, the basle brigade. It's all like these forces all running towards a centre toward each other. Now, to collide non enrico fermi immediately recognise that nuclear fission could be harnessed into a weapon s actually in the hands of a group as aggressive as the nazis. Another scientist realize this was a jewish refugee from hungary named LEO szilard cellared knew that fermi and frederick Julio had come armed auto, hands findings on nuclear fission and they plan to publish their finding filler begged them not to do now. do it in fermi, agreed by julio being stubborn, in a way that only the french can me he refused ye argued that is, they did not publish, they were
He betraying the very principles of free speech than air was threatening to destroy people in their own way, and it is sometimes speech like that can be to free. You talk about willy nilly speed up there. I basically he was saying that if we don't do this thing that might help hitler win in reality, Hitler would win in principle and really kill those things more. My riley using along the lines were important. New decisions range largely very abroad, or we do it. You know what it is possible. You know what life ain't theoretical near it is, no nine is works. Not your precious work out now. The second new say the philosopher. Life is some form of box of candy
our own house candy is different in its way and you don't really actually not even the greatest allentown. These radio, many like all our economies will occur of calm very good, then so worries price thirty, nineteen, thirty, nine. No one had heard of nuclear fission julio made sure of that. The whole world knew of the existence of nuclear fission, quite possibly the most destructive force known to mankind. Yeah man just broke desperate, pull old straying mayor. Meanwhile, auto hon was working from the insight doing his best to keep what little uranium germany had out of nazi hands, but that became a moot point when germany gate access to the richest uranium mines in europe when they annexed czechoslovakia. Thank you, neville Thank you. Never chamberlain, yeah yeah guardians, Christ,
The fuckers know nothing about history. Can I just feel like you threw shade on a band? That's been dead for seventy years at least cause of they signed the non aggression. Our time I add a sign in an aggression pact and then they all were like now. Hitler. You promise you're, not tat the rest of oz. I was like us as well Not until I do I do now. Thank you never know. I know I just the way you said it was like he's not That way I throw j exact were music were, unlike I like an after oppenheimer ta. back in a novel nobility previously published works LEO szilard figured out make a simple nuclear reactor using graphite in uranium. He concluded that, even though he couldn't tell you the how of the process, it was possible to use this technology to make a devastating weapon that could destroy the world,
nuclear weapon. You just hear the butt holes of every world leader get warmer and warmer, because someone just developed a weapon that he also deduced that if he had come to the conclusion that such a thing could be constructed It was only a matter of time before the nazis figured it out too, because remember they still got heisenberg. With this information at hand, szilard knew that he needed to tell somebody, but he needed some heavies on his side, someone who could both understand the concept and have enough social clout to get the information to the right people. So szilard set out the magical land of long island. Hey get this situation, we feed him he that, through the most famous scientists in history, Albert einstein, was cool and his heels after he fled,
Germany hears before very long island long island, and I wonder why not one I'll indisputable plays suzette story. You are telling me about what happened when szilard went to long island. Also, at that time period, can my dad taxi, because my dad this isn't my dad was a kid in staten island and he was like it's all farmland I'd say you go so far- might examine the major city. Bards long island was like a farm town, and so these scientists, back in the day before you figure out also there trying not to let everybody knows that they ve rushed from Europe to america. To reach albert einstein. To ask them these highly sensitive questions about nuclear weapons, and so they get along island, they show and they are literally like. I know where the fuck you is a sinner from hungry. They just know that he's there what to do and they're like well Ok, we're lost,
We're here to some guy turn to sell me. Strong bowling is also trying to detail my car. I wonder why you what car you ask it, but then he's like how the fuck that we figure out where he is right in here like well auburn, unchanged, most fucking famous scientists in the world. We can just ask somebody, so they say and promote a little do their bags little kids plain street just been like a lot children dune albert einstein do know what albert einstein s I'd like to little prototype long, ireland or skolnick cano gain or fuckin. Einstein is this: why, until it literally, they followed kids go, find albert einstein. They just found him just in the most silent but daffy scientists. Way where you showed up and he was like washing his pants. It is underwear and his end it shortly outside we and I welcome his honestly. He invented the was pinnacle long island thing on the face of the planet, which is washing stew,
yeah literally just. Why did your wife beater, which was an old term that we used for an asia? We call them a shirts now, Henry I'm wearing right. Now I wear one. Every day of my life, I've been wearing one calling them in a wife lover where you grow real nice. Well, when silage showed up and these other scientists they showed like szilard, showed up, he plain how a nuclear reactor could be made an einstein some along the lines of Bonn Ben. I never fuck bought about god, damn it literally. Could you couldn't because again positive aspects, theoretical ass by a few One is the building on Einstein's work. They have excited about these concepts now cause. You know it's interesting. Imagine if we found out that you know that there be anything it's a b. One might say that true crime comedy part casting was of the most devastating forces in the face of the planet. You told us that now you, like you know, what's about to destroy the hulk and the whole thing were like I just wanted to.
We will show that we didn't have to pitch the somebody right to show that we could do honour, and so einstein A and a handful of other scientists sent a letter to president franklin, delano roosevelt in an effort to convince him to immediately start a mass of nuclear research programme to develop an atomic bomb before the nazis could do so and detail soon after I read that he jumped over his desk liaison ran down. I only got in his little vulnerability, chair rolled out till it everybody knew what was going on you like its fake. You thought it was yet he's in a wheelchair do not the only conspiracy theory. I might point out that what is like that make sense- and I can it didn't help a blatantly now they had a high that he was in a wheelchair. Yet all the other thing, aero miracles, don't need real like that and our later step, not this can ever be showed. I feel it in my However, I think there might be road you, I do the universe
the pencil into his leg in that felt at our yo. Neither these scientists, actively lying to themselves about what they knew about human nature or they were showing just how little they understood people, but they reasons that the creation of the atomic bomb would actually accomplish world the piece some ways the dead yeah I mean they. They had the theory of mutually assured destruction. They figured that once countries have possessed atomic bombs, then there would have to be a higher authority established to keep country from using them because we'd all blow up the entire world. If nuclear war were to occur and nobody was crazy enough to do the whole body is clear. Use an atomic bomb, but if you look at it, india and Pakistan totally worked. They haven't done killed each other. Yet plausible The bomb fits a run it already. You were simmer, I mean that's it abortions in the eu, as we would have had a land war without a doubt during the cold, we will learn that land war yeah. We one may be they stole the struggle going on a winter
so that a union, thereby out of the winter yeah there very, very topical Is that a limit their decimated by the end of world war two and they at the day we had our offer to china. We have a chance to catch up with their pants tat s true rummy. Technically, this is four steps away from me saying we need to arm teachers and some peered through the idea. If everyone is long hours with deadly hours, no one than peace can be ideal. It is it philosophical point than one can argue that we fight, I mean filled about only waiting, mostly witches shows you how many wars can be fought by proxy and in a cold fashioning you real, get dad's thing. Vietnam still happen. Korea still happen background. You wanna both in russia and the land word ukraine right now. Both afghanistan still happen and then worse I could have been worse. It could have been worse because we could win. We might not have gotten all that great music, but actually you know again going back to my earlier thing. We probably would have just used it during vietnam. Well, that's
thing is that we will get in a later about how the spies or within the manhattan project, actually prevented amerika from using nuclear weapons in korea. excite him you're, really jazzed, really big day when I get a new pair of shoes to wear immediately just want to wear them on the rainiest muddy as day possible and ruin the media well and the thing is, these guys did sword pre bag. They did sort, but you know, but foresee, like the? U n, you know: why was there too? We can only get all his yea all this shit. We do not want a new rule, but the problem is that they thought that, if nuclear war Where was abolished because they thought that they would be. This thing is his big, but you know at this: gigantic organization was gonna, going abolish nuclear war because everybody had nuclear weapons, then all war would be is abolished, never be a war again,
do they know? Biological warfare is so fond of go to war or go to war against my guys awards pretty nice right there's a lot of ways. We can kill people that wars really good, but that's the thing is that they thought that they were harboured disappear. Ass. They thought that by creating a new nuclear war it would usher in. Is your that's the thing Sadly, this is the exact same thought Alfred Nobel had when he invented them. it was not. Oh. I thought this exact same thing almost like the norm no less than a they didn't finished. My rushmore. It's also the same argument that was made by the tec utopians at the nineties, who created the second most dangerous weapon born in the twentieth, the internet yeah. I girls have a pocket, and just it's just a weapon at dinner time, trivial, but now, but
matter how, by ye these physicist, where the creation of the nuclear programme started, sounding pretty damn good sdr as summer turned to fall in nineteen thirty nine. Yes. I he just see fdr like martin short and arrested developing where's. Like pick my legs up on the desk and I feel like I wouldn't ragged passionate in september, nineteen thirty nine hitler kicked off world war. Two he invaded poland and he was soon giving speeches saying the nazis would soon have access to a weapon that no country could defend against. What's that day like we're, just like, oh my god, look the night before oh yeah, like what is hitler likes It like glee is Chris was fear as it likes. Let's do it, but drug is allowed a rock and back and forth because he was on a lotta. Math lies a weirdo few and they d get out. He was, he was pretty weird
yeah, that's the worst worldly goods, learning movement of a weary. With these speeches, the allies assumed hitler was talking about the atomic bomb and, as it turned out, the assumptions were correct. Two weeks after the invasion of poland, Heller summoned a handful of german physicist to a secret conference in Berlin. There they were given the task of developing an atomic bomb, but the third reich and they dubbed this group. They gave it the guph yeast fuckin aim in the world. They called it the uranium club sounds like they opened up for duran duran. It sounds like a shitty after school science, fair hate, but really it's like it sounds like a place where kids, who get bullied a lot, just have to go for an hour after school for the bullies to leave the hiding place of a burner but also we keep getting. These guys all got the ability to do not go to the war yeah, so hitler given a like, I think, was like a small amount of pass. It's like I, four hundred pass
where does the amateur do they could just faked bones? Purse would normally ought only about user interesting. It was actors, singers, artists, that's who he people, he handpicked people key light down concluding the couple of june. People, because that is the he decided, was the thing he can pick and choose who you want and then the a lot of the scientists other ones they had to go fight. They literally how to go, get guns. They are drafted and forced to go these group. This group, though, which is also very appealing to heisenberg, because one of his biggest fear during this whole time was please those that mean what does that mean a walk down ration, oh yeah, because he woods did want to go but honestly, technically at the time it makes you pussy. You now underhanded, but it during world war. Two. What made you a pussy? I would I'll take the term for two out. Biggie call me when you go right ahead. You call me a pussy and I'll call you a court. In five years and move on- also have you ever heard of stolen valor I'll, just pretend I was there. That's incredible now.
Oh burner, heisenberg was naturally a member of the uranium club. Germany had experienced a serious breach, drain, since the nazis are coming to power. Nineteen thirty, three, it only gotten worse. The scientist left behind were therefore not the brightest bulbs on. tree and heisenberg himself had his own problems because he completely lacked a moral compass amongst many other personal failings. We also showed up- and he was here being the smartest guy in the room being the number one guy, everybody's literally trying to suck his dick, but then like the guy, that's his boss, The uranium club is this like nazi flunk This guy did they all made fun of this guy that they would joke about. Like his hair was was messy and his lab go was always fucked up. You just was like weird Nevis piece of shit that word, but he was an ordered knots Then again it was trying to cut all of the quote: unquote: jewish science out of it, which meant the correct stuff dance like how you fail up at news, corp
a company of five years. You save mumia you just new, basically hate your way to the top and absolutely, but nevertheless, even worse, all that the uranium club still came far too close to deliver. an atomic bomb. The nazi germany is now in order to build an attack The bomb one needs enriched uranium which, all the time I bring uranium to my various pottery classes, another we talk about the history, enriching it culturally. Is what you are taught that was horrible that as well. You know what, but you know what you know. What that's! Ok, though, because the arts, much like science, it's about failure- gender ties with our obligations, but an art is a failure and then lies with work. Tat life is worth yes became the uranium clubs first, ass, ok briefly, but naturally occurring aviation is no good for the chain. Reactions needed to make vision. That's uranium to thirty eight an aim to thirty eight, that's naturally occurring what do you
Any club needed was uranium to thirty five, which had to be separated from you to thirty. Eight in a process called enriching that I can't explain you fenced ass, you go and you take him to a peace plan. Everyone s role in this area is an opera maria something, but next step for the uranium club, however, would be the sign, experiment that unknowingly decided the fate of the entire world germans needed to build a nuclear reactor which was the next step and understand. how to actually make an atomic bomb go bone. Not by this point. Heisenberg had fully put away any trepidations he might have had towards nazis and for him the uranium club became a chance to prove himself to the same nazis, who had it punish them for using gordon quote. Jus physics, in other words heisenberg, was developing the atomic bomb for the nazis
with nothing more than personal prior warning. Is you swastika is actually a buddhist symbol of not giving a fuck, so I've decided not to fuck know he he was. The real law was a real prick. He definitely wanted to be the guy that invented the atomic bomb and he would be who ever was, but wherever team he was on. You wanted to be that guy, but he also was like trying to kind of figure out. Where does he fit within the ecosystem of the scientific old, now all wittily nazi germany. His ego was in real time. He was like this is gonna, be huge quantities store at me? Yes Jane. You wanted to be Einstein we organised, I became, are absent, the also cut. I had this concept because he was quite a quote: it someone and not so much programme improved germany because he was like the problem is, if somebody else's the atomic bomb there can use it on us. Yeah love. If you don't want it to be used on germany right, but the thing is that what I rather gloomy again it wasn't. He got me real close thing was the keys and now he's not einstein. He still
fuckin heisenberg dep he still one of the most brilliant men of the twentieth century famous nobel prize winning gub known around the world. So yes him to really have a his accolades right on the top your heads, I need a man, it is just the truth, but the thing at the point is that that wasn't enough for him. He wanted to be as a guy who could do work on solid practical thinks he a guy who could build things, you can make things move out of the theoretical in two practical and he had absolutely no hesitation handing over the most powerful weapon to ever exist to the most evil people to ever exist. If that proves that he could Sometimes there is some people that are more equal than that, like the people, his fitness centres seed, an airplane romantic, both the fuckin armand. Naturally rude of them it's really that technically, I would actually argued that's there's because you
ireland, the www, open strong, I actually dont, know what that's actually a fine, that's that is actually a constructive the airlines continuing to make the seat smaller. Having us fight for less and less land now charging us more. So there's a lot of anxiety, alot of anger, love rage! Am I we'd on media, because the sinner seat, if they don't take both of the arms, would you now take one. I find it interesting that a simple throwaway common for me does generate conversations. Are you? Are you doing you're Tralee enriching us? He said nothing chain reactions, part forty one as well. virginia. Miss me already marcus parks, thirty, two nine forty one, one soon to be really jazz. It was put in Both the making of the atomic bomb heisenberg saw physics as blood sport, and he brought this attitude everything in life. You did not want to play this
ping pong face it. Jesus ended by way of using both thought tat now by december of nineteen, thirty nine just three months after he was put on the project, and this speaks to the speed at which this should happen. It seemed as if Heisenberg was on the fast track towards an attorney weapon, so he opened a test chamber for nuclear reactors in a small. in berlin code named dos villain house? What that mean the virus help. Yes, you know we would go here. The other mixed, however, its at this point, the both the brain in an heisenberg on blind spots started to show a scientist name. Walter Bertha was put to the task of creating fissionable material. Is the same experiment. Leon Szilard had done with graphite and uranium, the one that had set off so many alarm bells, but the thing was is that walter bosa wasn't as smart as Leon cellared? Oh, he did this
im experiment with graphite and uranium, but when walter both did it, it didn't work because the graphite both it was using, wasn't pure enough, and he didn't think to check if it was if he didn't, even think that- maybe it's not pure enough. It's very it's kind of interesting cause. There's some happenstance here cause about the graphite that they mind. If germany had too much boron in it's natural them and that's what caused the issues with it, while the graphite that we mined in america when we work on the manhattan project, naturally had less boron in it, they made it already Well, the boy you two million already on how to work in czechoslovakia to write that we're gonna uranium how'd, you that's the german uranium stuff in here to now. You start the kind of this conspiracy theory about burner heisenberg, because they're saying now like after this back every one thing like, but actually burner new secretly to finances. So what she was gonna do
sabotage the bomb resided. I work on his map slightly higher if it makes it clear what they point towards my grandfather. find out. We incredible, I would love to reveal the nautilus went of laws without my grandfather- and I are very good- all they need is the proper lazy german funding slower the machine very handsome bird working by so burner. Heisenberg called it cut up. Some point there it's about budgets right. The big want to come in. They want to ask be like okay, how much money is going to cost me bomb. We need right now we want to killing blow. We want this shit right now. We want to take over if we want to hold the world hostage, Werner heisenberg, hopelessly low, balled the project because he said actually it was only take about a couple of hundred thousand dollars, which is why they're saying that he purposely sabotaged the program because he knew
Truly knew that to make way, according to his calculations, to make them out of enriched uranium that you need to would not only be impossible within the decade, but it would cost a trillion dollars. So he basically said all of this shit because he made massive mistake because he thought it would take something like hundred hundred pounds of uranium to make an explicit, but in amerika we realise that actually is a smaller amount. We will get into all those details later but burner iceberg. Like said all this shit yeah gave this lower budget, but the reason why he did really the reason why he did it and is again my fault, the guy. I was watching a couple of documentaries on this one stealing this point of view, which is that concept that he knew that if you give me a million dollars of nazi money and I don't the atomic bomb ray and right now you guys look on the fast track to win, and then the nazis win- and I haven't done this job
Give me all this money, and I fail I'm going to concentration camp sure, and so you have. The key was betting. He was still betting on nazis winning, but he thought we'd when the old fashioned way, which is borne up with rockets, and now he gets to his former little research on the side being funded like in this project. It's not gonna go or less money, less responsibility, less his head is cut off if he doesn't do what s tat, but I also think there is an element of ego. There is well how much more impressive would it be if he would have done it on such a small budget. I think he did the in some part of some part of them did believe that he could still do it bite. The budgetary constraints face interesting lot of money needed to be spread around. So then, you look at what the american spent on it two billion dollars, and we were already correct on the map that they were incorrect thoughts. Now it's nice, when you don't have to fight a land war, now will nevertheless Walter both came to the conclusion that graphite couldn't be used to enrich uranium when in fact, the exact opposite
true. As a result, the nazis headed off in an entirely different direction, researching an entirely different and far slower method. The entirety of modern history hinges upon blunder because had the nazis not change their research focus if they would have kept it up and tell the enrich that uranium with graphite. It is entirely possible that hitler would have obtained an atomic weapons, while america was still trying to figure out how to get past nazi forces in north africa. So Is the donner party deciding to go, get em Billy had an accident or maybe we're sakharov. Another cup of eight minutes has. This is then taken the hasty short conrad and the later on the our shores, missin right, the group that would go to try to stop the nazi atomic to open up about you, but obviously there are bad ass group milburgh
both a use a catch or for the yankees and that american spyware right, oh yeah. This guy is one of the great characters american has asked kennedy: junior high billy. Was there the couple guy, a very interesting group of ragtag adventurers with no worrying that america was willing to write off. god you're, really going suicides glad I did this. I do not believe this is not a movie ass. Abrogate is it yeah adds a bed Paul. There was made hunger catch awful, the catch. Her was a spy guy plus in bad. We started out my work. They have paul red playing milburgh mulberry looters recent yeah, I mean like ten years, all right. Twenty eleven lowbrow like the evil baby from the simpson, never ass. He is an oracle figures who never they never do because didn't want ugly people out there. All all glee, people created history, That is what the people in the world rain we'll do that point and for all
when the ocean is that when you go looking for this shit, this is one of the first things when they got to the many finally found. sooner heisenberg like famous nuclear reactor, there was can be they thought was gonna, be this crazy underground cavern because they ve seen these nazi build out. The nazi brothers were huge and then all the others, If I can t be sure, chokehold nazi mega weapons crazy, but they went to cool down nets like a basement room new, like the entire nuclear programme for the for the fucking, did nazis was like two rooms. You when you just like. Oh, You guys really low baldly me I'd like when we get to her son records. That's it yes, MA am students very small, but to the point I'm line as the germans came relative inches from discovering the secrets of atomic weaponry. America was barely getting started, finally letter begging after yard start an atomic weapons programme was delivered along with the presentation that somewhat soft peddled the atomic weapons point list.
President, with a huge, huge memo common in want to stand up for this yeah, but I'm salaries by god and he jumped up. Oh great? There you crazy mayor. We got that piece of shit with the scientist, charlie yeah. You got that piece of shit that took us through the fucking depression in the world war. You got em, yet god only knows that the series is gonna be longer than fdr the entire presidency. Yes, indeed, twelve years, it was the only the black remembers it off. After him, they were like we gotta, stop format, but ever get a warrant for use you mean you, don't know what he was good and he was really good at it that's right get only dynamic if he also give up what the scientist charge with convincing the president said that developing weapons would be the third use of atomic research first gonna use it to produce power, then we're going to use it for medical them. We're gonna make a bomb, but all f.
Yeah heard, was the words nazi blow up an unbeatable, where I think those were the important words at that point in time down. Yes, but since this is still a project that was going through government channels, Sdr gave the go ahead to start a commission that look into the possibility of starting a program that might lead to research on ways in which an atomic bomb programme could be starry. Am that's what makes your eyes bleed, but nevertheless this was still the genesis away become the manhattan project, and if your questioning the urgency here, baron and this was two years before pearl harbor. This is two years before Are we even got involved in the war, and we wanted nothing to do with it at the time after yard, jesse logic mucky new cause? He understood he understood ten years before we allowed pearl harbor. I add my own amendment.
I allowed it over forty three and did fuck. We still watch after your hide you a couple of lays in his desk, so people would know what the point of his Now after the nazis had fucked up to such an incredible degree. When it came to use graphite, to enrich uranium, they decided to switch their focus on nuclear weaponry to something called heavy water basin, heavy water is exactly what it sounds like its water, but it's. could have interests, is dead, dense, one nets dense water, and enjoying what they put water in water. So you can wet your water, water, cooling. World work to this stuff was considered to be eerie. Almost unnatural, freaked winston churchill out for some reason he would even say have water. He called it the juice. Yet it s. Garrulous scarier is water, that's like we
that must be accompanied by cover. I'm happy that's what free Winston churchill out everything else you did, though all you need to know is that bombarding an element with heavy water intensifies nuclear chain reactions. So it's therefore possible to use heavy water to enrich uranium. This, as I mentioned, is necessary for creating a working atomic bomb The heavy water is rare. It does not exist, naturally, and in nineteen for There was only one plant in the world that made it that was norse hydro in norway, which, at that time was the largest hydro electric plant in the world in the market for heavy water was still small in the nineteen thirties. The norsk hydro plant only sold eighty eight pounds between nineteen, thirty, four and nineteen thirty eight, but in nineteen forty, the nazis very suspiciously ordered several hundred pounds.
with a request for a further two hundred and twenty pounds per month. After that they knew it s day was only used for nuclear experimentation. There that's what it was for. when they are doing it, could they? Norway- and I mean again it's nice when it's not just capital, and what they can do that they can really be like. Oh, I don't know if we should sell all this said the knots yeah yeah and so a little isolated in their own way. I mean they're, also right next to him. Yeah. I made that north korea and ass. You like hey, why you want all this the nazis, like all you know what, if we say, ok, all right, how would I hope, will explain so heavy
author- I have you, blew it too soon for heavy heavier. You got your google yeah, yeah rob. I've got a mix of crazy heavy slew. Heavy tomato studio having been a soldier is hard, and I love this really. Heavy tomato suited really does build up against winter months. Some colds into four lines: lunar regions, ripely assume there. No good, you know when I can sell it to you and back on the allied side, physical, frederick julio knew the heavy water could be used in the application of nuclear fidget, so allied forces spent thirty six million francs, or at least they offered thirty six million frank's to buy out every bit a heavy water to keep it out a nazi hands, but in the spirit of buck the nazis in north hydro, offered to hand over all their heavy water for free, just so long as someone else figured out how to get the fuck out of the OECD and other last days are common for guys. So they liked that they wanted to save them.
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at the time that I type spy so to smuggle the heavy water to the allies of the french intelligence officer. Named Jacques l E, a came up with a plan we find a big butts this week the water, the baghdad to being a heavy anima. First, he had to custom built suitcases made for transporting the heavy water in one meant to act as a dumbing. Then he recruited a second spy and bought two plane tickets from oslo airport, one going to scotland and another going to amsterdam and crucially, these flights were scheduled to leave on the same day? At the same time, and this before nine eleven, arrives at play here. These are not fully invaded norway just yet, but they still have considerable power, so their intelligence, probably
by asian earlier himself told them that the heavy water was gonna, be on this flight to amsterdam. This, of course, wasn't there we want to stress the nation now I'm having water. I would like to buy wade. I actually would love to know barrack higher than ambergris alter. I love every I've been every waters, so bad issues by heavy clock. That is some that was the waters of rudolf christie. Chris Christine Great rebel, heavy water, but agent in khartoum meaningless, market this mind. No amsterdam was, of course, not its destination, so agent earlier and his fellow spy paid a guy at the oslo airport to cause a scene by demand to be let yeah yeah. I get there I go to play
If we get mark is obvious meds for ten days perfect, you go absolutely knots of shit all over the world May I call you see we can, but that's. The thing is that this guy was paid to comply to go in and cause a scene. to let him on the plane he was supposed to show up to his flight late and to let me on the runway. Let me on the runway, because they're going to like and lay on the runway after that, it's already left the gate, but he was there to argue. Let me on the runway. I gotta get on this flight and he, of course, it eventually turned into a physical altercation. Most of the. Gordon pain in the ass in history. What a job in during the commotion earlier and the other spy surreptitiously switch their luggage from the flight to amsterdam to the flight to scotland em they got on the scotland flight. While the nazis were intercepting the amsterdam flight mid air, two diverted to humber, had you'd scariest thought they were set up. Fighter gets any lily, found the blight mid air, grounded it and then took em.
buddy I like bearing her hearing earlier and the other spy were telling the pilot of scotland flight that they with the allies and they needed to get to scotland as soon as possible to outrun beloved via who no doubt soon on their tail. Let's funded telegram where's your pilot follow that cloud, whereas I think it must have. I would have a workman scary, movie, absolutes area, thankfully, joint earlier, made it to scotland and took the heavy water from edinburgh to France, while the nazis were left stamp. Their feet? In hamburg, age, yeah, but you know that guy they discover that they were in possession of nothing more precious than eighty eight pounds of gravel, and I bet there was a high note left by an
I say to you in scotland indeed, while you can use that to make your hitler as long as you shit on it, although the gravel, the gravel and shit that it lord, I am not just a month later, when he invaded norway and though, the norwegian resistance was among the fiercest of world war, two legendary the nazis nevertheless quickly sees the north hydro plant, meaning they were now in. True of the only heavy water production facility in the world. As a big get me, I gotta figure out how to do because all it was interesting. I did not know, too that there is a way
to make heavy water and active and second that you'd, basically dumping juice into the you put cabin you're gonna die. A coke in their cadmium are castor. Oil is something that you mucks it. You shall aim at all bunch call your fat day when you need them. Why are you can't? Even you must not be healthy? You know we're gonna be comedic actress or a singer in amerika. Was he loosened wade, heavy water clearly sack they feel they have. You wanted me to be built up a great. How else are we going to render it the uranium indeed having water has got. No confident I mean there are heavy water also needs to be learned as well. If it gets too big, it's going to start sneaking snacks after midnight and die of a heart attack Now the heavy water whose life is works, not work. As you know, the heavy water smuggled on scotland flight had made its way to the top french nuke. your experts, frederick, in Irene Julio curie since the nazi.
now held north hydro. The smuggled heavy water was now even more valuable they're, not in any more but after a while. In the heavy water, frederick, and I in turn arranged for it to be hidden in a bank fault, two hundred and fifty miles south of paris. But after only five days, the bank manager freaked out and made the move it so or else why do people want there or to put it simply set up in business, and at this point this is france in working together, that's the allies right now and there like okay, we gotta start building. Gotta get this heavy water, someone's gotta be moving ass to be moving is also the nazis are coming straight for france yeah. We gotta we gotta get this fuckin. Have you aren't we gotta start making a fucking nuclear programme now and so after the bank manager kicked it out, it was placed in a women's prison and after that it was taken to a maximum security prison where it was stored in a death cell in there in the death row cell, frederick and irene Julio curie plan to set up
laboratory to conduct heavy water experiments. Isn't that a bit eyes, ed's more appropriate if they to say that america we want or ignore legs like AL if they were to send a letter, you already a buyer. You correcting me on that. It's an indictment on you know it's night is because suddenly ass just allow things to go almost like heavy. or of ducks bag or ass. All your noise in it now because this does Chicago rippers, remember that I see as if they were there. Set up a heavy water laboratories and maternity word they'll, ironically, to a lot of death. Yeah What are you know? Like Libya, IRAN, Iraq, Europe actually wronged? You take heavy water experiences and you doing experiments you do it on an air, hot air bowler, I rather it's hot night, and nobody, I wouldn't miss only now, because with the maternity word they would be. Creating an instrument of death
I don't have any idea how many babies die in maternity wards, letting us go back to the script, no we're not, but as fate would have it, it became clear by mid june of nineteen forty that Hitler's meth fueled blitzkrieg was going to make short work of the french army of the heavy water, had to be moved to england to take on this most dangerous task of transporting topsecret materials across a body of water filled with german. You boats, the british, called upon a scott cole steamer called the broom park at your own domain door. Mental or fond everyone arose that heavy water must have gotten from the other water people are, I know you know it's like. We make fun of each other a lot by war like friends, but so bored in waters like hey heavy water and I enjoyed the ride. Actually would say, though I what are actually would write on everyone s with a ship. The broom park was captain by the twentieth,
earl of suffolk, a man named charles mad jack howard, who is basically a rich british. Captain is crazy. You know the fourteenth earl of where the twentieth earl of suffolk, the you know, the fourteenth earl of suffolk yeah yeah, I'm not him. None of the other of the twentieth, earl of suffolk. So kiss me. Can you still kiss me kiss me? This is a odd story about the crazy characters that are all within the beginnings of the o s s as well. Yeah cause it's like these are all guys like we're going to. This is all during the bastard brigade I'm period were always running back more than you needed these crazy people to make these decisions there were deeply gets. There will be no you to have crazy. You had to have civilians with balls of steel. Do the shit off like that, and that was that was one of the strengths of you know the allies of the british of the americans. It was like using a radek people to get shit done, because nobody could could predict.
They would do all we had a little known fact, balls of steel, another side effect of radium point all very motivated come almost like. So when the law pretoria assistance transporting the heavy water showed up to mad jack's boat. They found him strewn out on the deck shitless showing off his tattoos to two ladys, while making jokes in a foe french accents. Not called not mad, max boat. I love the de facto he's this mania Parliament is like all did your mother, and you like this is the man It is going to get this the most important material currently in the world out of war torn met, it's match, Jack yeah. That makes them. This is what mad jack dodds, yeah, matt, jack, howard totally makes sense. Furthermore, the crew of the broom park was simply hung over and despite the obvious urgency of the mission, they refuse to sign
sale until their recovery. First, great god, has fifteen vague eggs better, but eventually they set sail. Carry not just the heavy water but to crates of diamonds, valued at three hundred million dollars in modern currency. This is bullshit that have been smuggled out of amsterdam there just trying to get everything at a year if they can, because the nazis are common. They know that nobody and stop him. So, let's get as much out as we can't gotcha. It took the broom parks three: harrowing days to make it to the coast of england, but mad jack kept his cool the whole time and reportedly once they got to england safe, he laughed slap one of the laboratory assistance on the back
said man. We had a fifty fifty shouted making that why you're more likely to die on the way to a year. I love with equivalent most sayd hooper driver for dear life. He didn't wrong, I love magic gets done, gets it dead now say, in england the heavy water was thereafter transported to a prison called wormwood scrubs. Oh god, I want to go there. I think I think wormwood scrubs. I think it does have a weird history, all on it's own. It sounds familiar, but after that it was delivered to windsor castle for use in any future allied atomic bomb project, which was still at this point all but nonexistent, because hitler had put the entirety of europe on it's heels. Jack, meanwhile, unfortunately, did not survive the war diabetes. Now he died being mad. He blew himself up while trying to diffuse and on it
bloated german bomb. Hey is funny. Funny invariably was a real like pastime amongst thrill seekers in in the area I bury where they drive by these line mines and try to live our minds. Law bombs it like a dog that would land from the sky and raise what its I'm now the nazis soon marched in paris. They took france and when frederick julio returned to his laboratory in the city of lights, he found to me birth of the uranium club they're waiting for him, no doubt flanked by two ranking s, officers, saying, Julia must think himself very, I indeed hmm, I was your boucher up to die, hate a condescending nazi. Oh now, the reason, why the nazis were. There was because they didn't have access to a machine called cyclotron, which was a necessary component in this.
He of nuclear reactions. Julio had a cyclotron he'd belt, one a working one, okay, so the uranium club basically said sorry, but this I would take a spinning machine who do as we did with it was spin it. We will shoot, support but it personally they were like they were going to disassemble it and bring it back to germany yeah, but then they're like Oof spinning This will be happening right in its local. Finally, I know I like a local spoken of artisanal julio. Meanwhile, not only allowed them to do so, but he agreed to help which got him branded a trader by the french. But, unlike many who made this claim later, like heisenberg, Julio really was staying behind it I'm up the work. Several agent young, as well as his assistants, were essential to the effort that stall. The nazi atomic programme through active sabotage, he really was. The view is the real deal like yeah. Then you learn a lot from his wife man.
His mother in law yeah. They were both hard patriots by marie curie, was fuckin hard woman. And she was hard on her daughter where daughter was not did not pass muster with her. We often, but you went cheap. There was crazy green curie got famous for bringing X ray machines, but the same whatever. When her mother did during world war. Two events Julia would become a valuable member of the french resistance, which also does not get enough credit for being fuckin incredible yeah. We should, at all the episodes euralia or two. We could just spend something about a summit about our goal and I am of course those like you know the vicious government, but though the french resistance was fuckin incredible, I mean Julio didn't just himself. He staged fate car accidents to help people escape nazi occupied france. He arranged fake idee cards to help french choose to safety. He smuggled weapons. He organised rate
he personally murdered traders and not see double agent jam, and this is a gotta spoken answered. It sounds to me, like he's committee, in some illegal activities our know how you seem to praise would appear to be a villain Oh god wow his grandfather's coming through finally happening, but back in england the allies were trying to figure out what they should He doing with all this heavy water. They got ahold I'll, tell you what tastes rural funding, magic. I just like can't drink it. I would imagine taste the same I don't know if you re a good idea to match? I wonder if you can drink, have you? What do you figure it out? I'd area? First, the allies thought about just kidnapping burner heisenberg they could kidnapping, he could just tell em
it's going on. That would be my idea. Drinking every water, small kind of quantities doesn't harm, but drinking in larger quantities for can cause dizziness and low blood blood pressure. Folk might be good, lower that made us on a month, but since the nazis were at that moment, of their power in europe? The idea of kidnapping scientists was tabled for later it happen. It just happened later, yet that's toll ever not a bargain bag, now, but the law like that year, but in the meantime the allies figured that if they couldn't figure out what do with the heavy water than they could at least make sure that the germans didn't have any more access to it. Therefore, the british formulated plan called operation freshmen to blow up the north hydropower, yeah. I follow right before there was operation verve pipe,
was very devastating to all of the students. They couldn't believe what they saw, that yeah, that song freshmen came on the radio the other day, and it just makes me feel not good. No because it came out when I was a freshman in highschool, and I like to think this one's about me, but then Now it's about seeing a murderer's ox. Now I think it's very yeah. I think it's like whatever. I brought this as a borough girl who died in a car accident or something something like that like let's just get rid of all the classes. Anyway, you know, first year, what me to come first years, they do not work. that's the guy. I know this plan put together before america entered the war was formulated by the special operations executive, which was chiefly referred to by the british as the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare, wherever she has led a movies reason. Then the ministry for first contacted the plants had engineer he'd been covertly sabotaging the plant by pouring castor oil into the bridge
action lines. This, however, was only a short term solution, because the nazis and control we're gonna, eventually figure out that some one was sabotaging the process from the inside. Then again you don't wanna doubled trickle knack as you go to a con, in trail you, if you even make it that far then yeah you just get shot in the head most times. So the british planned a secret mission called operation freshmen in order to break in and blow up the filtration cells that produced heavy water as they didn't have to blow up the whole plant. They just needed to blow up the machine lot easier while this is like the end of visa, the christopher no one first batman melchior narrow. Yes, the plan was to airdrop thirty british, and those into norway, then, once they laugh- The commandos would break into the plant and blow up the filtration cells before them sees knew what had a cool helped to get parachutes was a massive and deadly failed, total failure on all fronts. First of all,
soldiers were dropped in to norway, not by parachute, but on ill conceived, contraptions call glider. Why don't we just use? The parachutes improving the one that we've used for thousands, maybe hello, belgium and I my wife's- other in law. He makes these new things called why we're taking your brother in law was pitch from thanks, giving or please god take these glider fuck. It mentions in one more time make named flying coffins that there are not so like the nickname, airbags forty thousand feet. There called what gliders were notoriously ineffective and dangerous. These sixty five foot long craft were toad by law. Your planes and then the right point, what they guessed was the right point: they just cut the rope and then
had the glide down on fuckin plywood craft, with no engine in silence, hoping that you would get to the rights by sir. Can we just walk any I mean just feels, like I didn't mean to near sighted fields like this. Is I think, maybe to eradicate the commission of making war more difficult lighters it at more obvious than parachutes. No, it's not you do at night than that in the thing is about it. Is they who do the difference? Do get to take your equipment with you? I, like you, get to take a quick everyone is. Everyone is guaranteed the land in the same place. Yegg at you, you got a bunch of chivalry, landslides, very dead, poorly, very much. Everyone die at her with brad pitt about to be seen, electrocuted, it's a good idea and airy yeah, but it's not that If the theory is also so many years ago, were just coming out with this shit. It just wasn't ready. It rarely went how it's supposed to go. There's a n, a ken burns documentary the war. There is a very
very long segment on how awful the gliders were covered, how deadly they were, how much everyone hated them. How much everyone would argue, don't put me on the gliders? Don't do it don't do it? I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die they everyone guys know. How are you out of the thirty. How many made it down? Ok, let's get into! I please oh, and by the way, gliders were also constructed with corrugated iron floors. So all the bonnet could drain off. Our unstable now understand how sherry was on stable was everyone throughout while doc, as you could also airily control. It really helps me destroy a secret heavy water for reality inside of a well armed nazi hydrogen plant is being supernatural can has always gives me busy right now
it's space and, as it usually went when it came to operation freshmen, the gliders were the source of its failure. The first glider lost control and plummeted into the sea. The second crashed and instantly killed three out of the seventeen men further wounding six and of course, while they're trying to get their shit together, the nazis immediately found for yet another nazis. Guarding north I draw were under secret orders to shoot all foreign saboteurs on site, but there were little unsure of what to do with these guys because their active duty military, but there also savvy torch so thick cookies, avatars thick, but they should probably be p o debbie's, so the ranking commander called up his. Period and in an incredible coincidence, his superior was a guy named wilhelm keitel, who just happened to be uncle to kitty oppenheimer. that was Robert Oppenheimer's wife,
oppenheimer was the father of the atomic bomb, weird rear, Jeff really weird can stretch. Nevertheless, cartel gave vague directions. That you got orders you should prompt. We follow your orders, he didn't explicitly say secure prisons or not is are so good at like not like. I don't know like. Did they come up with euphemistic way, so yeah very went about that yeah big, I mean that's. It could be argued that concentration camps, where a euphemistic way to exterminate the german people, because the way they spoke about him to the everything was code, because it's almost like the new that everything they did was eve yet because it should always be yeah. They had to find some sort of like you like a different way of killing, but that was not quite so horror.
Well for the people who had to do the killing, but it was bad. It was bad. Of course it was bad, yeah, not fun, so the commander on site took the hint and shot each of the survivors in the head before dumping their bodies in a ditch that was glider one. Ah, meanwhile, the he's from the glider that a crass into the sea had also been found by the nazis. At those fifteen commandos, six had died on impact oak or had been ends at five, had come out of it on my lord. He could just see the whole time should be like what we say about god. Damn glide not good, but with this group they did not have the luck of coming across a commander unsure what to do. They had the bad luck to be captured by a german off sir, who is known due to his brutality as the red
ava ooh. He ordered that the injured survivors from the first glider be murdered by morphine injection, while the others watched, which is, I mean far crueler and slower than a simple shot to the head. To be honest, is kind of dumb yeah it's well! It's it's about the cruelty. Cruelty is the point at sighs about the fun. I know yes, as such after the first commando was killed by injection. The three started resisting so. The red devil strangled one injured commando, with his belt, killed and other by stopping on his neck and pushed a third down a flight of stairs four shoot him in the back pocket intent nazi. He pulled down his pen. I just looked in the mirror it his dog like dick and said that's where they call me the red that swam a red devil. As for the uninjured survivors of glider one they were sent to oslo for
interrogation with their hands tied behind their backs in barbed wire and when they refused to talk, they were shot in all every sing. A man who went on operation freshmen was killed. Thirty do is dead, that's dead, that's an the nice thing is, though I do think we were kidnapped, forced to talk weakened Our yeah do you and I don't really want to talk about the right into bed. With that. Tell us in that just you impression, affordable by targeting Where's hydro, specifically, the allies had shown their hand, The nazis now knew that the allies knew about their atomic programme of the germans, reinforce their defences are on the heavy water plan, making the next operation even more difficult. This was not the last time they go after north hydra. With a need to do is operated sassy made, it has left rule. Men are boys right, dress in their finest rate. Like you know, we give him think boobies with the nice makeup on there,
moment have line or lemon one. I just turn no, no, no! No! No! No! No! We want the men long, wigan, hair french wade. Outfit. Have him go in but surely go when a problem, but spend a couple here, they like the maids their slowly spent Copley years building up trusts are consumed. Dick. You teach you my honest, because that both can be snap and you don't need a necessarily need to have a policy to have a fog in good time by the subway you're going to discover the cock and balls in the faked. It's not about why, then you have already been like bell. Von hall is better than any other. I tell you what this whole is my home again, you that happened during the war. Your hope and they're gonna do thou more fun, bugs bunny thing in what's opera doc that by the end of it he stood still gonna be love because he realized tat. He was in love, no matter whether he had the yet. that wasn't me now, but it says, is that other crying game ended by judge villages more control over a bundle than there is a pussy
you know one of the major, but we don't know we just don't debate About another one o secrets of world war: two by the way that second raid north hydro, which will get into next saturday aberrations ass. He made wasn't operate out accurate idea, though it's one of the coolest emissions in all the world were too in so fuckin awesome, but we'll get into that. I hear in the next episode or two by nineteen forty one, the british figured out how to use the norwegian heavy water they were. on their own nuclear programme code named tube alloy Now I get them. The germans, meanwhile, were obviously also working on their own nuclear programme with the uranium club. The americans, however, having not yet entered world, were to still had
committed to a full nuclear weapons research programme, although they ve been thinking about thinking about it for a while. Now takes some time you gotta come around. You didn't set these people get a pre debate before you debate and without us, but by november of nineteen forty one. It was obvious to roosevelt, if not the american people, that our inclusion in the war was inevitable, if anything even if we stay out of it till the end. After your new that if a man like hitler, had a weapon like an atomic bomb, we sure, as hell better have a cobbler arsenals. While yeah bet my numb feet, we can do so, president, roosevelt, the go ahead, order to officially begin the scientific engineering and industrial production that would result in the atomic bomb which slowly set in motion the manhattan project. This turned out to be a prudent move because less than a month later
On December seven. Nineteen forty one japan would bomb pearl, harbor amerika was in the war and its with our entrance into the bloodiest conflict in history. That will return for part two of the manhattan, practical laws and fuck initiator. Another fell about, of course. Empty are wants highways, he wants rosy wants row. Muddled ought to be in a wheelchair, with gravel road, not road use in its wake up. They make the roads thinner. So he be. The only one on if they are wanted to do is go between upstate new york from her park back down warm springs, George ere he could be out with all their as the only way we are. As you know, I love you. I love you you because of the unanimity we did rings. Georgia was really the only place grab your cell, because when you your money when the eu is with fellow polio patience, you can truly letters.
dangle because the most the most horrible force in the world, the apathy and at this juncture that creates, and as it Well we're plus episode to two half hour episode. We just stored. We just started America actually hasn't even started the manhattan project, yet this was the run up to the run up We're gonna get her dad we're gonna get. It is not the nine zero is where you be cloths. Next episode we're gonna get we're going to introduce. Robert oppenheimer we're going to introduce one of the great american military characters, the twentieth century general leslie groves we're going in Niels bohr and his massive head made him unsafe. But yes, well, then you know what maybe four or five. I don't know how many we're gonna do here: they're ready to fight, but this is I I ditch it easy cause now we're getting to operation paperclip territory. It's weird AL. You like at the end of this will have caught up to the beginning of the end.
Old dry areas. I wouldn't you are going to that. But it's true. It's like it's weird! How each one is now the worst. We have covered this much history down, because I mean really that the attempt to keep the nazis from getting the atomic bomb. That was partly the genesis of the oasis. Yes, you know that's not so much so much. History of the twentieth century comes from just this fear that the nazis are gonna, have an atomic bomb. So it's one of the most concert when your fears of of product in human history, probably reason why the american society, especially our leadership, has been so obsessed with casting the central villain for us again and again and again. So the pretty little now is were of wrongly malign, not no, not at all. You know he saw Alex yet because it's the nazis, because how inspired the nazis made us now? Well, it's the same thing, they tried do with the iraq war with saddam hussein and his course somebody will fell fort lotta people didn't, but that was the. That was definitely that the idea behind it. If we cast a big enough villain
Then america will get bind us. You know my thoughts on so damn you can see me July. Nigh that might drop comedy is good and untiring. All the all too dominant, saying all that of anyway check out. I got a couple of shows that people should go to seven. Sixteen cobb's comedy club of this, it is funny show it'd be like, then you can check me the wise guys. I don't know how they sell. These tickets are everyone's going to yell at me. No, you gotta, you gotta, come see him if we are not worried about One thing it is: it's not that it's funny you care about! My humor bodies is more money, he's gonna be bad at it. It's more than I am doing this tale, but a friend alright everyone. I can't wait to see you on the road, but thank you all so much for listening, hope. You're doing well keep on supporting all the shows during the last podcast network, thanks so much for all the serious listeners, because it's been so sweet,
and if workers and do we have anything else, and we do it a lot. No dogs and space you re has begun the further maurice, the monks. Thank you in the first year, is now out. It's a two parter. If you're waiting for things to come up before a lawsuit, it's not fully out parts, one part two and were actually jumping a little bit ahead with the monks. This is like a big germany month. For the end, because the monks are banned in germany, so lot of cold war. Stuff. And then, after that, we're gonna get into a series that is rooted directly in post world. Germany, you, you wanna, rebranded june from pride month to germany. My there's been a work really good that in germany a lot of people were proud. I way online at the head on That's right! Everyone, ale, yourselves, failsafe again, mother goose! Do let me and also a silly to murphy. I want you fuckin instrumental snap fancy number five.
Anyhow and driving down the manhattan beach. I'm gonna go like syria. Why are so serious that started? I was using joke. I want him to do it for me, but I am delighted that care is the right move. We oughta be they will you could hardly due to better lie down to the better line by jangling. I are never gonna meet him. I've been here six months and have still only seen stephen route. Instead when it comes to celebrities and that's a good one, that's a real good I want you to go out to eat more. I think we're doing. I saw him when I was at the end of the day. I saw the gaelic queens. Gambit honestly will go to smoke house we'll go ten times. Seven times will see somebody castel saw anna taylor join. He didn't you scare at all. No areas You show was made possible by listeners. Like you, thanks to our add sponsors, you can see but our shows by supporting them for more show
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-04.