« Last Podcast On The Left

Episode 449: Alcatraz Part II - The Dark Hole

2021-04-17 | 🔗

On part two of our Alcatraz series, we cover the history of the prison itself and the abysmal conditions that would consistently break the men of Bird Island.

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There's no way to escape tourism is the last time on eleven cannibalism started tat, all right boys. I know about back that your career poacher and your career charmer last night I stole money from the president on the smallest Mandela Y, got the poacher being holes your size because you couldn't relate to a normal size woman's you had to go to a little girl. I don't eliza that I dont know why your crop up so bad, but guess what we gotta get off this rotten we're gonna get out those wrong. I saw there was a shark, I believe I saw sleeping lighted H, we gotta jump on it, put a saddle on and get off at, but first they make an pancakes her dinner
and we have this day, for there is no pancakes Hidalgo installations and in Friday they have the brooch, sir. I know I am a registered child below three. Why don't, you think depend gigs will slow us down when attempts to swim to the shark? I wish is hoping to have one last meal of sweet sweet pancakes before we turn our lives as outlaws Welcome to the last gazed at the loved every word we are. Our laws. Are your bed with you that we stay adds a motorcycle Get off this goddamn gotta get off this rock, and by rock I mean crystal meth. Our right of today is really excited. We're argue part two of our tale of Alcatraz. Before we begin this episode
The next also used the true crime classic escape from Alcatraz by J Campbell Brutes, which is still considered the definitive work on the history of the prison. So when we last left Robert Stroud, he was at the top of his bird game at last. worth prison still serving a life sentence in solitary confinement for the murder of a prison guards decades earlier he loved it they're yeah. I actually was reading a really emotional part of looking outward last night whom, where he was talking about the feeling in a kind of fell, on the inside of what it's like to be a young man to be nineteen years old and have those door slammed behind you and realize. Do it no way out of those whose go right seems to be very harrowing, It's absolutely horrified and of course, remark is says: Stroud on the at the peak of his bird
that means he is covered in three feet of bird shit and that's how you know he has reached the top from some of our letters from side stories. We found out that actually, the really bad smell that comes from bird shit is the fact that a birds asshole is both its policy has only call aka, and so it comes out of, it is thicker is that the shit doesn't actually smell as bad as the thick pits comes out mix. With this, oh, my goodness right, lucky male bird. If they got the two for their no in America entered World war to a large number of prison guards left their jobs to enlist in the armed forces As a result, Leavenworth no longer had the resources to indulge Robert Stroud burgeoning bird business, and besides that, Robert Stroud was also known to be in excess.
mainly dangerous inmate, who, as I said, was in solitary confinement because he'd murdered a guard over trivial argument. In a moment of blind rage and he kept saying how he had a list of people to kill and that if he were be released. He was gonna start going down the let ever want to be the Chris Jericho of the prison, bringing out a list full of names. That's a deep dive reference to progressively, and so since Robert Shroud was a high profile prisoner with a history of violence against correctional officers, he was transferred to America's most famous prison where our country put the word of the worst for decades. Alcatraz we gotta get over this or it means look it really to get an idea of what Robert strapless facing an Alcatraz am because it's in
lily fascinating place? Let's get into the history of the present itself, as well as what conditions were like by the time Robert Stroud awry. Would I do like, as I did, watch a couple of like history of Alcatraz documentaries and the ocean. Start gave an imagined native American first washing ashore and seen the birds are plentiful, and just then she looked delight in the native american space is a sob, how many eggs they were to prepare in eggs and a pile of eggs. So many documents just talk about the just and click out, so you just stay out contrast back in the day which is like
restoring where they go to get there eight year, for example, those the KEN Burns side quest. Nobody wants to go on, except for can burn titles of eggs tiles ex sea. While we tend to think of AL contrast as an ever present twentieth century american institution, it was only actually used as America's first Supermax institute for thirty year from the blood soaked days of prohibition. In till the early timid, sixties, architraves island itself have been used as a prison in some form or another for centuries prior to its uses supermax, but its existence always had a singular purpose. Alcatraz was meant punishment without an ounce of rehabilitation and not to be confused with these supermax that popped up in Bay side, of course from say. The bell he started because at a maximum burgers refine won't you believe that heist, those high school kids, gave him so much money after by so many french fries. He was able to order or
due by the Supermax, which had even larger galloping your papers had even larger burgers. I could go on with this bit our high. I could for hours and say that I had in my head. I formulated it and I was like this is gonna get him giggling. Maybe it didn't work, but the premises. The restaurants areas this. He did fucking better. You better, fuck you to rise. You tell your reform a reform in order to act as a sign of our age. We gotta go, for this rock. You didn't stop you're these professional job. Unless our Europe will, at the first european explores to discover Alcatraz Island in seventeen. Seventy five disguise, get as a bleak baron mass covered in pelicans and as such, Alcatraz was coincidentally first called bird island, but eventually took the more specific name of Alcatraz, which in Spanish is Henry said mean.
Bad luck and it means parliament can really does it. As we know from the last room on the left, the pelican is a very dangerous animal ITALY anything now here you really will, but that rock the reason why it seemed to be also this perfect place because it was unseasonably com. old and at all times and surrounded by sharks- and it was this this craggy lump now almost completely devoid of we'll or vegetation Alcatraz Island is simply, as the famous nicknames suggests, a big foot, in rock just jumping out of the bay nobody wants you to its four hundred and fifty feet across in sixteen hundred and fifty feet long with cliffs as high as seventy five feet, dropping straight into the frigid waters that move through the sand Cisco Bay at five knots, which is apparently a latin. Ok, that's a lot of not this is It's not for my family, not only you know what a nice two dozen Motts yoga could get those nice
HU. I garlic now that's just as bad as my supermax higher tonight up. It is smaller than I thought it would be. The only it's for Fifty by six. Fifty, it's really it. I went to try a couple years ago. It is very surprise. How small Alcatraz really is like how small the prison is, how small the island is and how small the cells are. Cells are terrifying. Really small started as a military prison, but its it. We're ended up in like like ARCA Asylum as the ultimate like supervillain prison, real small. and silent super of illicit notoriously thin. Looking at you, Mr Parks, I do have written, I have riddler body, I got Joker body, I'm fuckin, I'm ready for rent learn Joker. Unfortunately, I'm lookin
Ah Luigi, it's the same body. It's about you all you need is that stand out as well. In other words, Alcatraz Island wasn't really good for much else. Besides incarceration and, of course, egg harbour. Thing: egg eggs are plentiful, got those gun even imagine, needs a Sunday morning. Native Americans are gold. Scared at the public know for a fact that pelicans produce some of the most perfect spherical eggs native American put inside of it or I will. The Spanish were the first to use Alcatraz as at present they tumbled into the rocks, to create dungeons, rebellious american settlers the army deserters, but when those same settlers rose up against Mexico in eighteen, forty, six dear and the bear flag Revolt, the authorities who had won
scaled the Americans for being a bit ram bumptious, where they themselves locked in the Alcatraz dungeon setup of course, the worst army deserter of all time was Gomer pile. You couldn't keep that you can keep a cake in the fridge when he was around Sumer, my fucking you trying to make. I just tried more cases Instituto for diarrhoea wedding, absurd to impress on even more like ailing airlines is wanting. I remember how it wants to be around me. I'm having a great time will be able as an absolute priority in all that we are, or are you also said who could be mad at a person who makes cookies, and then I pulled back. I say today, I'm good from now on will two years later gold rush hit California and settlers began sailing from the east coast to the west. By going all the way around South America to have
the long and dangerous trip across the continent through the american wilderness. So in God's name, going around in a boat house have removed easier. It was much easier by Israel. Yeah really was I've by watching can burn the west. I know I'm sorry. I forgot I slipped into a coma than time it was like and why, My colleagues is that what because the crossing of Amerika was very seasonal, if we remember from the Donner Party you, there was a very definite caught off for wine You could actually cross over. You know through the Sierra Nevada as an all of America really so, if you we await, and since there was only so much gold to be had out there, the more impatient settlers would pay to sail all the way around the Bottom South America to end up in San Francisco. I think I would do, though I would go on the boat when I urge us a lot safer people died, fucking continent
still didn't have, as member from Donner Party like they still didn't, even know how to get to California. They had two different ways: they could go right back in assholes their sullen paths to a laborious that lead nowhere just into the desert. It was very dangerous. I guess I just don't trust boats except for dangerous to them will as a result of the increase ship traffic, when Californy was admitted into the union. Eighteen fifty Alcatraz became the first. U S! Lighthouse and military force on the West Coast, complete with care capable of firing. A hundred and twenty pound cannonballs through the golden gate can I'll fuckin fires of off will be fun doing every once in a while ago, region of Europe, but it is understood again, there's no reason. No enemy ever came to San Francisco, the war, the battle of law, Samuel. I Richard Nixon and J Edgar Hoover will because no ships came to attack San Francisco. The fort was torn down and replaced with a military
as in during the American civil war, although itself was little more than a wooden shack, full a confederate decades. I dislike scene of cold in eighteen. Sixty seven, though the war Department built a brick building specifically for all types of military prisoners and officially me a prison for quote long term military offenders and incorrigible, you're, just gonna jail people for having a bad attitude for on gas or jewelry and I don't like big bang theory I hated so by world where one Alcatraz was being used for enemy aliens and espionage agents of assent. Franciscans were lobbying hard to turn it into the West Coast, Alice Island following the construction of the Panama Canal, YAP interest in Utah, the place? It has been a perennial hell hole and being like welcome from
welcome from ITALY horse trip to American, aiming at all the only looking to warbles. If need be. If a man, I think that would have been much nicer than the prison they may by nineteen. three prohibition had been in full swing. Four year, and, as we all know, prohibit intoxicating substances. Inevitably, needs to massive searches in violence, and the banning of the hall in Amerika, had created a breed of hyper violent, and we will get to each one of these at some point Our career at last podcast and left because some of these guys have they are Hitters involve themselves pretty boy Floyd. Very dangerous person. So was John Dillinger. There was John
wonder there was baby face, Nelson, it was Bonnie and Clyde and all of their cohorts remember there was like ten people in the body and clogging and they were all psychopath. There was machine gun, Kelly, pretty boy, Floyd, Al Capone and them Barker, Gay and that's his name and a few, and that's it and counting all of the law millions that each one of those had and while some american, saw these criminals as heroes. Most of them had peg these people, as terrifying monster, floods, the to its one one group is kind of they were a weird extension to the spiritual extension of the people that were the great outlaws Jesse James and all its people. That were, I think, we said last episode, essentially just confederate soldiers that never stop fighting the war and then the rats. These people came out of that kind of class of criminal rubber shroud, even talks about it. Looking out, were he malls essentially superveillance, where its specific type of lauded criminal that were pop culture, people that there had to be treated in a very small,
the pic way, because what are you hurt? You ve already technically hero sooner or later, the other day I enter your yeah yeah. You can't make martyrs of them, which is very easy to do, but you also the pagoda we do have. punish them to figure out how to make sure that other people to follow in the footsteps shore down, because these people really were usually warrant too bad about killing. Just regular folk, but if you are a law enforcement officials, were fair game to be shot. The fuckin had oh yeah, yeah and, what's more, is that when many of these criminals were arrested, sentenced and jailed, they prove to be strong ordinarily talented at escaping from prison, or at least they never stop trying to escape once they were born in bars, and I learned that also from the robber Shroud book that actually it was illegal, but it was not illegal to escape from prison until
eighteen, sixty four, when I think about you, can break through the wall, you're free, you're out, because the or forefathers their wisdom they said. You can't punishment, his natural inclination to be free. So. I think there were right about that. Any kind of agree with us. It interesting anybody's ethically said. If you can get out, you can get out. Will we catch you? We can charge you with more years for justice. Cape You messed up, you haven't, got it's a slippery slope. It's a slippery slope code, it has. We should stop put now these slides attached all the windows here in this prison. Everyone keeps I'll get natty here. That's your fault! I just heard him say we that's nice, so J Edgar Hoover Head the newly formed FBI petition for the construction and establishment of an inescapable supermax present. An Alcatraz was handed from the war department. To that
Parliament of Justice to house some of the very same criminals I just mentioned it was weird. The J Edgar Hoover referred to it as the creepy ex dungeon. He always wanted. I know before we even get into the security features of Alcatraz federal penitentiary. It's worth mentioning why Alcatraz was nearly inescapable, even if you manage to make it outside. prison walls. Alcatraz island is more than a mile from any other shore, and the waters surrounding is so called hypothermia sets in after only thirty minutes, or so some say- others have different opinions, but the put Nanda perspective, even a competitive swimmer, would have a hard time making the swim in thirty minutes in even the best of condition, I bring. Can I bring flowed lorries allow president keyboard well, we'll figure but really the geography of the
was the last line of defence, because the first warden James Johnston turned the former military, as an into the most secure and, ultimately, the most cruel prison in America. James Johnson is one of those fun guys. That seems to kind of be like a criminal. that has in charge of all the right thing about this. Prison is a moral card every time he did not like humans, must have enjoyed the suffering of others. Honestly, I would say, This was it takes a sociopath to keep a sociopath and present they put a sociopath in charge of Alcatraz right with tear gas outlets in gun galleries, as well as gun hours and gum boxes were placed at strategic areas and crude metal detectors were scattered throughout the prison. In such configuration, the prisoners walk through them, no less than eight
times a day and ashes job Eddie, the metal sniffer, connecting very real shit every time you Caesar sorry, just the fork, Gimme Gimme a bed play, and I cannot wait until we have technology to replace this shitty every possible including the sewer system, was barred up, that, even if a prisoner managed to make it to that point, most bars and Alcatraz were round tool. proof ultra hard rod, impervious to hack saws and besides, just the fortifications them. And overseeing everything was the armor. sealed away in a vault only accessible from outside the prison, the armour was the all know. all seeing God of Alcatraz, who, at least by nineteen thirty stand, are sure yeah. How could he see everything without like Cctv, he could hear everything. Microphones were hidden
all through the reason and they all fed directly to the armory. So he was the first podcast audience and The armor received twelve total inmate count today and the most an image with missing both the coastguard and the San Francisco police were immediately alerted in the event of a riot or prison break the armor. hit and alarm which summoned all off duty personnel who lived in the tiny Alcatraz town to come, help where they would be armed with rifles, pistols and sub machine guns out of the armors personal status so people act. There was a little enclave, a little community on this small ass island. How would they? I was watching this documentary that its very similar? To that I mean you know it is very similar to the tiny towns that you should be in Auschwitz. It's the same thing. They built this area where people guards would live in the warden would live, and it was this
and their families to the other rallies kids used to have kids there, and it was this Bonn balance between the most cortical danger. Criminals in America and Chill drain, and where we, the kids, play it's a bunch of Iraq's there's no field. What school did I go to? You would go right next to the yards, where the prisoners would also play radio greatness to the research recess yards and they said the most treasured thing. A kid could find on. The island was a ball with these hard rubber, like hand balls, and he took that's only could have been found in sight of the prison cause was one of the very limited that they sold the people for recess and this one little girls, you told what could she was an old woman, but I'm sure whether the story ass a little girl there she's like I, was toward never to speak to a strange and never man prison. But I'm a one time. I met the nicest man I've met, he was on the other hand, the gate said, Camille, comedies, evaluation, new bar and so in this big man just like push the ball through the fence at her, and it was like,
about the nature of the wheel child. It was this weird everywhere you wonder if they taught them, maybe the prisoners, people or whether it made them just absolutely afraid of their entire life. Oh no will either way that was nice. The prisoner gave her a ball. You fuckin grabber, they didn't do anything. It is, he was in a professional jobless. One word said there was a wonderful little community. You said they didn't even lock the doors at night. They say it's a fucking, isn't it was safer than ever disco. I bull. I actually do believe that, except their living on Fuckin Pelican island, they think of the eggs wholly PETE, humming daughters and sums that they lose to these damn piling up we'll sparse who the Alcatraz guards were each one was handpicked from other federal, penitentiaries architecture.
was the big leagues homelike. These were men who were efficient, intelligent incorruptible, crack shots who were all also trained in the art of June no it's that may martial arts, that's even cigar, does Judah yeah. You use their weight against him. That's all they did my round weight as well, so they got double way and as a whole. two other prisons, where there was one guard for every ten inmates. Alcatraz had one guard for every three. Ok, and eventually these guards were given colorful nicknames of course, that this is the nineteen thirty. They all have. Nineteen thirty nicknames. Ok, there was salt water, oh yeah, otterhound, weasel eyes. There was big stew, stared adieu and big down. I don't like the last week, a cool big stiff. Do you like that big step. You dont like big donkey. I ain't no donkey
Are you not a donkey? I'm a man. I would say that every day when I went to work in occurs, there's my favorite ass kick in fact. since we first aims Middle kickin last is bad, but concerning that out rest on we mentioned earlier, and entire community existed just outside of these prison walls, these people had square dances bridge parties they had an annual Christmas gala and it was all put together by the Alcatraz tries women's club and they even had a fuckin ballet, What's the Alcatraz ballet wow, that's extremely interested, but also showed her something about that sense of control of the warden being like. We have this neighborhood of of pure piece on one side and then this other aid on Crete Block of silence on your side. Will you
We got a mini dictator, lifestyle go and our sure absolutely. But what made Alcatraz one of the worst places on earth for prisoners was not necessarily miss treatment by the guards or even the cold San Francisco Bay wind. What made Alcatraz appear hell was the monotony. That's what people kept saying with more, but could I was reading an account of Al Capone. Google talk a little bit about him later on, but his they're all saying the city at outcome. The point was to never be abusive. They were specifically trying to say we are very easy on our inmates. Here we don't hit them. We don't do corporal punishment here like who you'd like corporal punishment, but what they didn't leave out is what we do, though, is we treat you If you are a faceless like like when we talk about you
seven thirty one lying on log. You are, I read your non person here. We make sure we drew rein, the humanity from you in any way shape or form, which I think what it does is. It decreases or will to live and to react and to act out, as I know, it's like the movie Pleasantville before it becomes in color, yeah right from the start. In black and white sure I mean this is essentially Alcatraz treated inmates as meat to be moved from room to room and had now regard whatsoever for the fact that these men were actual human beings. Now meet that's cool Dignan it's a cool may only. Actually there was one gardner nicknamed meet head. That's cool network, then ass now in our.
Ass. No one was allowed to talk to each other except to ask for a tool in the shop or to ask for someone to pass the salt at a meal, and if a man talked solitary confinement- and I was watching this- do talk about the only thing that he would do so they put you in solitary confinement, for they put you in solitary confinement for ten days at a jack like that's, ok, they punish you and he was like there's only a heck of a lot. You do. New solidarity could only think you can only pray, pray to anything. You could possibly bleed but also play the button game play this button game over here we gotta get on your games. Terrify you take a but not reassure you. Flip Epinay are for You turned a right, although yeah you flip it up an air. You spinner will you I mean cause? It's also pure black beard. Darkness get on your hands and knees. Look for the button. you know how it works, and I was I know one story about a man in solitary and in modern times who why he would play
this fecal matter and make little sense. You make little figurines and then the guards would come and I hear he would they would force, you smashed the fecal matter into the drain. That was also his toilet middle of the floor. So I want to say: is things are like that much better than I really think we get buttons anymore. You have to play with your own modeling plague, which is human shit, yeah now Warden Johnston claim This really, the silent rule wrote wave one really all that bad, because my were allowed to three minute gab sessions a day in the morning at nightfall, minutes to talk about approved subjects. and they were also allowed to talk to each other once a week. Or an hour on Sundays? Oh, my god, it emits at anything the garden like solitary confinement, ok back then solitary confinement was known as the dungeon and on Alcatraz it
more specifically known as the dark hole. Oh, I don't want it everyday mothers pelicans again, my vagina but whole combo, solitary cells were brick walls. Rooms painted black to increase the sense of hopelessness prisoners were chained to the wall for the duration in the very early days. Little do you know, I'm actually in your forbidden, incorrigible, Garth, incorrigible Gogh, I'm actually quite enjoying this dog dogs space. I actually think if you liked in here, I think one division is for normal, it's in the cells themselves were damp because they were close to water. Sister. Selecting the walls would sweat would make them colder and the inmates were also routinely deprived of shoes when they were in the Dark Hall for sustenance. They got a cup of water twice a day and a slice of bread once a day and toilet facilities were limited to a bucket
they got emptied once every nine day. right. You know when you're pissed become solid, it's not all right, but again, Warden Johnston insisted that the Dark Hall was humane, because no man was ever left in solitary for more than nineteen days at a time at which point he be taken outside for a shower Bobby. What right back in our parents thought that they should all get parent rewards of the year because they didn't beat us within it. Of our lives here apparent I've got an interesting fact about the showers. Alcatraz is that the temperature was always had at a higher than normal level, because officials wanted to ensure that no prisoner ever got acclimated too cold water water than you might be able to make it to the shore? If you ever got your ass in the bay? Ok, interesting and I dont know if it checks out scientifically it's something, but it most.
Jails. They gave you cold water, though this point, I guess that's like one like. I guess. I'm glad I mean Alcatraz, but they also made it too hot to be comfortable. They still made sure it was uncomfortable right now. I think that the Dark Hall would be reserved for the worst of the worst, but the smallest infraction could send a prisoner straight to this inky hell for intolerable stretches. If you didn't button up assured all the way you get the hall, what you feeding clean your plate at dinner, You skip the meal for the first infraction second infraction ten days in the whole. What do you want me to do? Play look like the piggy game like they did in that Christmas movie, a Christmas story, words like how to The piggy tell. How do you William finish my play? What are you talking about? It's horrible food Alcatraz was they had prided themselves and the fact that they had the best food in the prisons That was one of those weird things that they made it a point that the they gonna like as much
food? Is you can hand you're supposed to be able to eat meat neat need care, have anything on your plate when you're done also serve dessert and they would do like certain I dont know why they did it MIKE Ngo that there was a psychological reason why the point was like we keep em that so you can't talk shit about nicer than they do now. A days were seen a lot of inner workings of prisons because people have cell phones have been following. Some people may do food reviews of the full, and it is disgusting, not human food, and if you eat it, you just get sick and its horrible. Anyway, that's nice anyway, gap that Mean Alcatel has been decorating yourselves in any way whatsoever. Even if you just put up a pitcher mother geiss into the hole. couldn't unfair. Who wants to stare at their mother? I mean I could not get yourself some critical eczema, you this model, and I have an idea. Forty in the Koran
yea already supermodel Betty Grable people on animal natives, use like everyone's, like who she's wealth, but as bad as the Dark Hall was. There were places in our countries that were even worse at the bottom of the list. Was the strip sell? The strip cell was a cold drafty black painted room with no light in which the prisoner was forced to endure the entire stay nude. Really. What broke minute Alcatraz was what one convict poetically described as the exquisite torture of routine every single minute of every single day at all. Travis was exactly the same from the moment. The image woke up at six until they went to sleep at nine thirty, excepting Sundays, were inmates were allowed one hour in the yard.
Two hours in the art. If you wanted to skip chapel, ok, but despite the constant monotony, there was also no peace guards, work, constantly firing guns in the yard during the day practicing their marksmanship and on foggy knights, of which there were many foghorn. On each side of the island, went off every twenty to thirty seconds. But it wouldn't be like every thirty seconds, so there's like a rhythm, it would be either twenty seconds or thirty seconds and it would just sorted into people just when fuckin the young guided said that, during when the guards were doing practice target shooting one day, the guy just lost his mind. Go. Would you please stop? Just stop I bet you honestly, I better not one of those in the grinding grinding. The grind, you that's the point of this and that's why they thought this is. Where will put the worst of the worst to make sure. that they know we're in charge, verse You who lived this life of your freedoms is solitary confinement, more quiet. I would
you could still hear the fog horns, probably they'll hear dislike ever so faintly. Despite the restrictions, the prisoners. Still, you're out how to make their own hooch, but the huge and Alcatraz was the worst each I've ever heard of in my young. I they made it in the bakery to disguise the smell, but it was still. It was just fuckin milk mixed with gasoline. That's a walking phoenix drinks in the master is that same heritage which yeah, ok hold on a second was the size beyond a mere mixed with gasoline gasoline is the gasoline and milk makes it white drugged, you're, not an automobile gasoline can make you drunk it can't make it
it's. Not you! Don't I don't got a few things you can drink. I mean ambient triples it'll go mad, for you is that you should not working at. Thank you for the piazza. It makes you, though, like oil, like you, think, a poison. It does bad things But if you do it right up to the point before you die, you just get really fucked up. So the milk cuts, the gasoline milk cuts the gas yeah. You know one of the only moments her flavour, it's her flavour, you're gonna, want a flavor. I bother with my grandmother because we both enjoyed the smell of gasoline amateur. We would suffer. Gas has Lothar, would yell at us, but we would just go up there and breed the urban environment. I love as well. I guess I can't let you do Graham also it's good. That's it! That's how I adore. I love this melick atheling. I dont want to have it, though all right. Let's up the rumour for years with the Department of Justice used Alcatraz as an experiment in penal law g deceived, turning a person, to a silent. Hunk of meat would have some positive effect on who he was ass.
oh yeah, and every time I treat a man like a t bone hums out as it does with such a poetic new view of America. Absolutely will they thought that, because they did should on Alcatraz that they didn't do anywhere else. A really all Alcatraz did was break men's mines in spirits sometimes permanently in one three year period. Thirty, five, Inmates were sent to the federal prison Bureaus Asylum in Missouri and straight jackets. Star graving mad on others, simply committed suicide to escape the rock. I think I'll go full crazy, yeah, I think I do that just to be back up like a type of like fuckin mumbling and screaming, like gibberish kind of crazy. I would even have to fake it.
just happened on wages, bang my head against the wall until my brain falls out of it in there that happen. Quite a bet that happened a lot. A lot of guys died in the whole because they would just start bang in their cause. They would say: by because they would usually leave them alone. In every few days, they'd send by doktor to look in and see if the guy was dead or not, and if he was dead, they just pull amount barium, that's. It was far as the people lost Africa minds when a counterfeiter named John stating bent the promise of a fork and used it to pry a vain out of your once. The vain was out. He didn't even cut he just fuckin, primarily as a bit the veil who go to get the blood flow, and, oh, my God only did was make more money and he was in the process of prying the other other risk. When a guard stopped him, but Alcatraz had already broke John Static, he was transferred eleven.
Worth and as soon as you get to Leavenworth, he broke his glasses and cut, jugular vein with a short a glass Jesus, Fucking Christ, another in named Joe Bowers, was an Alcatraz for stealing. So ten dollars and sixty three cents from a store in California. That's it I mean, but the charge of an bumped up to a federal offense, because there had been a post office in the same building. That was before federal crimes are really a full thing. The main the main federal crime was fucking with the post of the more lax. What else Alcatraz it was definitely used to put those where they put the worst of the worst. But sometimes if a prisoner just happened to piss off the wrong person, they got sent. Alcatraz, Surinam, you know that's that still goes today. Now you do happen to piss off a cop, especially in a traffic. Stop they'll start going through your whole car and training
That's right you up for some wrong with your lighter you're fucking, literally your light, stopping balance, they can write, you take it further into a lotta and then sometimes the only when half a piss them off is dependent on your melanin. They'll just do that anyway. So one day, Bowers was being called back from an outside work duty when he bolted for the fence with the obvious intent of sewage, I'd, buy guard. Ok, the ceo in the gun tower fired a warning shot, but when Bowers just cap go on guard shot him in the chest and kill them, which was they were bowers wanted. I think that now that I think about it, a baby head against the wall You know you go out for the run, you get shot. There's something got a poetic about you. I can make use of our chance. You never make it no! I know and never made it or did they
They cliffhanger and perhaps the most famous inmate bug out, was a robber from Arkansas named roof personal. He was Workin the Alcatraz docks when he very calmly laid his left hand on a block chopped off the fingers on his left hand, one by one with a hatchet out wow this one trillion are now he sense, NAFTA, dropping off all five fingers from the left. Heathen handed hatchet to an inmate who'd been watch The whole thing go down. He then lay right hand on the block and quite forcefully instructed the other prisoner to finish the job. Listen. I know that this is a thing that you're not super into, but I'm in view chop off my fingers right now and I'm not going to raise my voice in a second. Why you don't do this even Al Capone
hops known as one of the biggest hard asses of the prohibition era had his spirit broken by both Alcatraz, and syphilis or perhaps more simpler than Alcatraz Comin up the rear we ve got syphilis any exited. Alcatraz is a mere shadow of his former self. I read the chapters on Al Capone Stain Alcatraz further in the book. Al Capone's, the life legacy and legend by Deirdre Bear which is actually kind of an apologist you about Capone Al Capone like like he was just a family man, cattle nominal, say he's a fund character and boardwalk employee is, but they were. The it's interesting goes went by time. He got to Alcatraz, he was already a pile of walking
syphilis like he was just a doddering old man, look at which he wasn't an old man. Three was thirty. Eight years old arrives ii was absolutely riddled with it. There there is that that book as a fair amount of debunking in it, which I think we're interesting, Bulgaria cause he was in the Atlanta Federal penitentiary, which at the time was the former the biggest baddest place where anybody could go and you got shipped from Alcatraz. You got shipped from there to Alcatraz because they needed to fill contrast with their roads gallery literally well, we got we They have Al Capone year because he's the world's biggest criminal. We have to have him in our biggest worse jail. Meanwhile, in the Atlanta jail D, like he's actually theories
the same is not like. He was like. We need in these two dangerous to be anywhere else, so they went Alcatraz where the hospital facilities were nowhere near where there were in Atlanta, and he just became a shell. Deeply afraid of God did not really did make a heck of a lot of sense people. Alcatraz. Of course, we're like we got folk and put a head on and on Capone, while he's here could at first you were afraid to budget over two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle, and they were used to him like beaten the fuck out of people. Nobody try to challenge him, but they did a couple of like sincere attempts at murdering him that currently the the vibe was o, he so diminished? There is actually no point.
To kill him and have always did its work were good, we're good and then he spent his last days left are getting at Alcatraz. He spent his last days in his swimming pool fishing and it lookin for fish. You just go and rely you criticise pole argue, would cast a pull out. Louisbourg sky, like now Today, I hope that's kind of five. Also we don't we say. Oh then he went to all countries. I can imagine that journey from Georgia to safely disco to EL could drag, don't be a nightmare in itself. It was in a box car and on our condition box car. It was a train remain lantern, the San Francisco. They said there were some they were lucky. There was no meeting committee when, train arrived when they open up the boxes of the men sitting inside of it for, like eight nine days, I've just sweating the in this crate wooden Craig Disgustin. Now, nineteen thirty seven it became apparent that may be the rule of Silence- was a bit
my and the inmates they'd started their own version of it coughing game in the prison cafeteria to protest. The policy the coffee going where everyone Sarka, but they up. Yet there will one person started talking and then the next person started talking and then everybody in the cafeteria started talking there wasn't enough solitary confinement cells to punish everybody, so and then they started doing that day after day after day after day, like ok, we can't they fight. They figured out after four years. I love that deleted entire season of the show glee when they went to Alcatraz, let's ride to silence them. When the song comes out, it doesn't then I've actually Warden Johnson came up with his greedy. It's ok! I get this area instead of a solid entered of solitary confinement. What are we have every body confinement where we put all them into one's once and that such a brilliant idea, so you may do so Warden Johnston, eased up on the talking rules and introduced a few privileges. He started
permission to the men to keep little mice as pets. Handymen with some time needs to put it in their pocket scope and made right. They re did a mess hall and they give local food their level now lets you do. Is they got for animal programmes in prison as they do? They do wonders for the human beings they really do, but concerning Robert Stroud, even though the all said, loosened up ever so slightly by the time he arrived. He was. still not allowed to bring a single bird when he transferred to Alcatraz Island. Go him in what would you bring bring spaghetti dollar garden called the ballot but he wants its own. The olive garden, spaghetti. It's not! Yours began: there is a lot at every three pelican in a canary yeah, come from
People say what is their neighbors entering one? I've got the bigger TED Canary, yellow, Wilfred Straub. The good times were now in the past and during his time in the segregation block and architecture ass, he would become even more of a growth weirdo than what he'd been Leavenworth. When Robert Stroud was informed that he would be transferred to Alcatraz, he saw it as a personal attack perpetrated by Bureau of prisons, director James Bennett and games. Bennet. Of course, he was called the Alcatraz talent scout. Because he personally oversaw every transfer any would go around. Looking for people to put in Alcatraz solution, gothic hair who's, the perfect little fat who we look, we're looking for a Terran working for a cane and- and it's very bizarre that he liked the movie money. Ball started using statistics and he was even than the math doesn't lie, figure Given the last episode Stroud had made a big
embarrassing national stink about keeping his bird business when the b o was a step. wished and straw believed that Bennet was finally getting revenge by sending him to Alcatraz, but even those Stroud was and sent to a prison where no one ever got special treatment. As a matter of policy. The highly manipulative bird and still managed to receive special privileges. But that's what looking outward was looking outward was directly addressed to James Bennet now and as this nine thousand page treatise against all prisons. very pro having sex with your brother. How much are you have to anger, someone to have them right? A nine thousand page book. I don't know I've seen some of her old Itunes. Reviews are blurbs, even those out lost his birds when he went to Alcatraz, which makes the whole bird man of Alcatraz thing a complete misnomer, dammit his cell
still filled with bird books, bird papers, legal pads and bird. As a seller. You oughta LISA smelled a heck of a lot fuckin prettier, absolutely, but just because Stroud had more privileges didn't mean, that is life and alcohol was easy. Remember Stroud was still serving a life sentence in solitary confinement, although he wasn't in permanent residence in the Dark hall instead Straube, Sir his time at Alcatraz in the segregation unit where he heads um interactions with other prisoners here and there, but for the most part, relied on guards who absolutely despised him for human interaction. My watch this old timey tv segment of Johnston Talk, to Edward Moreau Guy provisionally back in the day a cigarette use the last bit Teen were really good cigarettes, the American Spirit Brand, almost nay. He just sat with a burning cigarette for the entire sector. he never even software, but which has kept
burning and burning a learning, but Johnson was talk. Mozart, as you see, we got all share engage in unit it far more accessible than outside of Derek Abandonment unit, and he went and he This was shaken the bar shaking the bars it's perfect for re, a bit take. It seems like the guards were keenly aware that Stroud was an Alcatraz because he'd killed a guard and most considered him. easy resistant obstructive and, above all, extremely d, just hold on a second guys. How can I be lazy and resist, and can you tell me really, the only state member who liked Stroud was the Alcatraz chaplain, who described Stroud as friendly, talkative and studios sawhorse six. Pervert direct. No, oh, my goodness from his prison cell Alcatraz Robert Stroud again worked with his brow.
there. The magician formerly known as the great market. Just they re tired leverage walk. I need your magic now. You gotta give me other alcatel right now. I've quit that. Now I just listen better than me trying to help you escape yeah, it's kind of nice. I was trying to maintain his standing atop. The bird whirl work real fuck and are to be a big Wigan. The bird. Where did you meet how many people have to step over to get on top of the canary fucking dynasty? I can't even imagine the competitive nature. Truly, the competitive nature of the bird world must be hyper intent, so it's mostly just looking through binocular gone yeah, but then you need to prove it led to organise all you. You see, leave all birdwatching addicted to the attention. Stroud essentially began a Kickstarter campaign for the publishing of a third bird,
but yeah, and he wrote it in any made his case and a series of newspaper and magazine articles titled. I wonder I was, I wonder, dot dot dot you need to start right knows, mark. I wonder you know. I'd have all three of us. I feel like The US combined could do a great like dear Cathy years there we can do that, but in the end it was the great Marcus who foot the bill with a fifteen thousand dollar alone, Robert Stroud released a pamphlet called the life of Robert Stroud, except Stroud. Didn't claim authorship republican credit I just made by retirement savings this did you did instead, Stroud created a fake bird club called the National Bird Protective League and he released the pamphlet under that name with the great Marcus's home address printed on the back. Ok
which we would have spoken before you put. My personal address back student is indeed written in the third person because to start writing was in the third person, even when he was riding as Robert Stroud. The story of Robert Straube play down straube to murders, while his court unquote intellectual achievements were used, that Stroud was completely rehabilitated and deserved freedom. Now, even though Alcatraz was a prison in a constant state of near locked down, it was not a prison under total control. And Robert Stroud, even from a segregation cell, was able to exert his manipulated powers over other inmates, without even looking them in the eye him the red I get from Stroud and way people viewed him because, because they talk about in every albert, as documentary I was watching it Robert shrouded, always at the very top of like one of the most infamous criminals. Weren't you you look at his series of crimes. They weren't that crazy put. He owes
triple murder, yes, but double murder and attempted murder, but he's a how those words are city, fuckin, criminal mastermind. Ryanair has no impulse control in he's an asshole, yes, and but the thing about Robert Shroud is that his or raw really proceeded People were held, by him, because there is a part of it there. There's your game respects game where people are like well, he's managed to figure out how to manipulate all these prisoners. But also there is just the in. You can ask us how that feels as New York Times bestselling authors, someone who they professional important co author of a book about, even if its fake canary diseases, he had this oral us like this genius.
The people vote you for their problems like like how died I mean. Are Ip Bernie made off off God, ornaments, and I saw too soon, but Bernie made off was also like getting prison where people went to him like an like kiss. The ring and you'd go and help them with their taxes and, of course, in dirty made offs. Talents in prison would be extremely useful. I mean that Goin he's a lawyer he's like everything tat. You have a college degree in prison. You'll you'll never feel smarter. Yeah go as far as how Stroud cause a ruckus in the prison. He was a famous hypochondriac. What a habit of self diagnosing every ailment any also always had a cure to help that ale, oh. But when doctors disagreed with his prescriptive orders, Stroud would start screaming about his demands and when Stroud screamed he knew just to say to get every other man screaming along with them and before long, was able to destabilize the entirety of his cell block through
nothing more than a well thought out? Hissing and everyone just screaming about the benefits of hydrochloric Queen Cor and when it's like awry, we in Austria have named. It is weird. Each color has that that ability that he does have an ability to connect to the other criminals and whip up YAP instantly but Stroud was also smart enough to never involve himself in any sort of physical action, and he never once participated in a fight, a mutiny or any of them. The many escape attempts at Alcatraz. So that was one of the weird things about Al Capone that they discovered. Eventually was doubt. That was why the faith in him began to erode, because people caps didn't understand why he did want to be in any escape. Attend and they would hit em up. They will try to extort him for money and he just like that,
the gap is fifty thousand dollars. Al Capone Gimme. Nobody in himself like a day is an umbrella really, my head, it might be too little fishes and you have to go like how do I guess not get that money on when major got to amuse done a really. The only time Stroud was ever involved any of the various attempted prison breaks and riots was Winnie, played a small ancillary role in the so called battle of Alcatraz in nineteen. Forty six battler address fuck. It see because racy the battle of Alcatraz was an ill faded, escape attempt involving six inmates named Bernard, Coy dutch creditor Marvin Hubbard SAM sharply ran Thompson and Clarence cards K a that Jacques talk here.
the man- that's what I want. My that's mine could talk here. What have you done to deserve the nickname? The chalk talk me. I want you to be my friend anyone's all to go out to get the he'd be alike name each one as we sit that link this great place up in the valley called Celso E beer going. I yet is my boy Dutch: would you walk burrito these very intensively name, your friend, that's my body, jock talk it. What do you want? Some natural's, he was very aggressive as opposed to some of the prisoners we mentioned earlier. All six of these men, dangerous individuals with multiple murders on their rap sheets and half them have been sent to Alcatraz for escape attempts at other prisons. Marvin huh had escaped from a county jail in Tennessee and have been sent to the rock after inciting a prison, mutiny and Lana Moran, Thompson had escaped from prison. Eight
time dutch credits or had killed a man and his escape attempt and the chalk. Kid only sixteen when he committed his first murder had escaped from his last present by using Hacksaw smuggled into the prison inside a watermelon cool, but have so fun. That's just like an instant. Am thing now up. The Dutch had already attempted escape from Alcatraz wants and he'd been sent to the dark hole for his troubles, but after he returned gin pop. He joined in on a plan orchestrated by Bernard Coy, who was about to attempt his first prison break. Could I just ass this? You know. I know that things have gone way too strict and I hate our prison system, but at some point
Oh here's, a huge watermelon, I'm just gonna, give this to the prison. It looks like this could be almost a showcase. Besides the cedars you get round its irrational. What's going on military, better, give it to you, because you know what we he loves to get watermelons. What is I don't know, though? The plan itself exceedingly simple, almost to the point of stupidity, from what I can tell, but for original plotters, Dutch Hubbard, Coy and the Choctaws kid had planned to take advantage of the set schedule of the guards. They'd noticed a flaw in the guard flow and we one guard would be alone and out of sight for a short period of time, so their plan was to knock out. That guard then use a bar spreader to break to the surprisingly poorly watched gun gallery once armed the prisoners would take hostages, pit off the guards in the gun towers, with rifles and flee to the deck and freedom.
they're after a yadda tells us a lot. A yadda yadda worms because you just get it was like one of those are all when you do is kill all the guards get through the bank notes of breathing where they did get. As far as knock out the guard and they broke into the gallery and they were able to heavily armed themselves. Can I say this if you are trying to break out from jail? I would I do greed that the key is simplicity, death. instead of doing super super complex action, road actually best to find a small hole, had no laundry rig yet or try to fit into a watermelon trends and put returned to send her on it, get a waller men and a watermelon longer melons yacht it fit inside of it returned to send our rapid yourself, a toilet paper put a little side and yourself say I'm a mummy to Egypt in so many ways to do it. Well, my favorite Alcatraz escape attempts was a guy like apparently the
prison had a tailor. So these prisoners would actually like make dresses and soon people, Al Capone was trying to work in the tailor shop, but he didn't have the these with tiny of that ILO. Fine motor skill, yea riddled with syphilis, but one a guard died and, for some reason, the widow thugs like ok one- and I have the prisoners make my morning dress for me to wear to the funeral and so she sent in the order and one of the prisoners, the prisoner that made the dress actually put the dress himself and made it all the way to the fuckin doc before finally, Osama worked so back to the battle Alcatraz, they have not got a gun, They ve got a bunch of guns broken into the gun gallery. Alright in since the first part of the plan went so well to more prisoners. So, sharply Moran Thomson. They decide they just
can jump and see how far this right will only happen in a little way, but ok, but for them anything. better than saying on Alcatraz, even if it was kind of a half baked plan, but his high when on more guards kept popping up, so each one had to be subdued tied up and locked in a cell with first guarded assaulted and before they knew it. They'd subdued, captured and imprisoned ten How could travel guard sippar them and they were no closer to moving off, see block than they ve been after they had captured. The first want there has to be a finite number of guards, they're not responding rioters like a hundred guards, and now you ve only got there like can of em and theirs there and you're no closer to get now and now you're like? Are we just now hang out guards today we gotta do it. It's gonna take a wild so when it became obvious that the two cells they were using,
for a prison inside the present could hold no more guards Bernard, Coy lost patience, despite the fact that the plan was obviously going to fail, coy open fire, on a gun tower from a kitchen window with a thirty six and once this, and went off. Everything went quickly downhill for both the prisoners and the God. Oh my god, it's like that. Youtube video when there are plain call of duty in the one guy runs in it, became iconic Euro eleven grass world of work and little every Jenkins gap is guy, pollute their cover totally blue. Will you have frequently don't shoot anyone right now we're trying to be quite south mash up we're gonna, Sup unity. Eight reminds me of playing either the arc of asylum videogame were in any one of them. The other foot up did Spiderman game with others, but not can people out at intervention. We just get the point legally dies,
everybody on with you. Also spider ham needs a game. That's all means I be fun, but remember. These are all violent criminals they're not really known for their impulse control. A dutch creditor once the sirens went off, he demanded a key to the guard from the guards, but when they refused to give Mickey he shot one of them in the stomach twice with a forty five caliber pistol SAM sharply. One of the bandwagon jumpers then loudly yelled killing we want to do you, Billy bastards we wanted it s only against get it's a stealth mission is a decent lot more guards these ten girls, so men and heating. The call Dutch opened fire on the guards and, while most survived by playing dead, one was fatally wounded and he became the first casualty in the battle of Alcatraz. By that point, planes were flying overhead boats. Were Circling the island and the
Regions had even been called in to help regain control of Alcatraz. Oh my gosh, but Ward Johnston still wonder Regan. control himself, so he ordered his guards to retake, see block in the ensuing charge a guard named Harold States lost a pistol battle with dutch credits are in died, while Dutch came away unscathed, having wounded an additional three guards, but the next day the Marines took over and they declared all out war on the would be escape la the inmates had been driven back into a utility corridor on sea block, so the Marines
build holes in the ceiling and dropped in anti tank shells to flush them out, because I think they're getting pretty serious thought it was gonna. Move more like a wall are often turns out. They want is dead. Now, I'm really sick of subduing people. Now the Marines are here is while the shells were being dropped, a warrant officer named Bognor fired through the gaps in the bars with it. here and in one rifle, then the Marines dropped an additional one hundred and fifty hand grenades through the holes while fighter plane blew over at birth, psychological effect? Honestly, the Marines were just having thought this was an exercise that they ve been waiting to do low stakes. These are world war, two veterans, real low stakes for them. After that, the convicts contacted the warden looking for a deal, but Warden Johnston refused to negotiate and told them. They're, only choices were surrender or
death. All we wanted was double pizza Wednesday. If we could just have more beans in our proposals on Thursday is always all we need a protein by such as alone and round pizza square share. Just from your own office, where stuff the convicts knew that death was their fate, no matter what, because they darted killed two guards, so they chose to bite on and the gunman continued the rule out a second night, Gordon ordered another sees far at nine p M in the Indo. The conclusion to the battle of Alcatraz was somewhat anticlimactic, on the last day, the Marines took over the operation fully and starting at eight a m, they simply moved along a cat, walk and methodically fired through each window as they went by over and over and over again for our oh, my god, how many I'm sure we'll get to how many people were killed or the other
resistance, they got was a burst of gunfire at nine hundred and twenty a dot m and three shots at one thousand and forty followed by coughing and silence means retook, Alcatraz, Bernard Coy and dutch creditor were found dead. Still holding their firearms and Marvin Hubbard was dead as well. Not as many casualties do, you think you're still, five people thirteen won't what's good it so well protected legitimately it was an old army for where you're going so they had little gun slit windows, effectually very difficult to get them. They just work our ring there like stuck inside waiting for to be over if they were one of the three psychopath shooting at the moment should ensure, as far as the other three when they were all captured and quickly executed for their part in the battle about traps, tickle death by top right. That's our light to go great concerning what Robert said I was doing during this to day battle. He was heard
who have immediately criticized the escape attempt, as quote Promeus he doesn't know without work ass. He tried to one of them are either I to do their turn, go out, net, sweet, sweet beach and find themselves bound, mischievous words. An older use of the word promiscuous that the owl another the word promiscuousness, haphazard, I myself am deserted and its adjacent Dave monitor. He didn't were managed to save the lives of three inmates because win was one hundred and twenty five grenade started pop off Stroud quickly, closed the solid steel doors to six isolation cells and save the life of each man only good thing. Robert Stroud ever lie hey. You know what technical he's negative one. He gets one more kill you one would save three he's almost but
These are all with with murder. Man knows that you wasn't rehabilitating and we want it. Chess partners claim that Stroud would routinely say during a chess game that if he was released, he would grant. Little boys and girls off the street cordon quote, eat them up and kill them, because that but he was owed by society. That's just chessboard locker room to that lot at how the chest guys are either always consuming the flash of little girls. They soon followed the strike now and then Billy bushes they're, just be like you. I wish I was straight. I know he knows all about our guys. Talk that concerning Stroud sexuality. He wrote massive volumes of highly detailed pornography that showcased as author Julianne baby. At put it his preference for plump, enjoy boys are with bright smiles and flashing thighs. Henry
Where were you when you're always technically load the virus? I was too tall, or do you up at the meet me so upset in looking outwards? There is little section where he does talked quite a bit about the doktor checking his asshole for weapons, the Doktor Alcatraz Ass, though this actually before this isn't the doktor Leavenworth than he was. How could anyone it out and out yeah? They went to go, look they give em a swipe at these guy was cut in his hair. You would talk about how how he would often go and feel at his buttocks like while he was there, he would cut his hair. Livin gonna feel was buttocks and feel is buttocks, whose very detailed LAO ok Well, it's an interesting little addition to your barbershop. The thing is:
stand out because anyone you got your hair, but here at grab ass, barbershops its expiry, isn't very etc or building up of is already predict is pornographic output Stroud ambitiously declared that he would write, porno story to end all porno story and created a highly graphic near novel involving a family that featured every sexual configuration work could think of when it came to a mother or father. Daughter and us on the aristocrat clearly believe Yoke started. Of course it started with a mass murderer and solitary Cynthia, but thank God, Gilbert covered. after nine allow God I was actually very it once you Gilbert, however Stroud pornographic writing career ended in nineteen. Forty eight, when Edwin Slope became the second warden of Alcatraz Island, nicknamed the cowboy slope resented
droughts, privileges and confiscated everything Stroud had written and Alcatraz. They call me the cowboy because only where the front part of my pay all right, very fun with smoke, then figured he'd, make the lives of every prisoner and saw Terry, including Strauss, even worse, when he introduced something called the Alcatraz cocktail. Oh see, every prisoner by law required a certain caloric content with every meal, but slope directed the mess hall to blend every meal for the prisoners and solid confinement into a semi, solid math, and that slurry, the Alcatraz cocktail, was then served shield in a day after day, just you further dehumanize, whoever was in their gap, You are an animal that each pig slop ah not deny,
that much better now now didn't take long for Stroud to get on slopes. Bedside and Stroud was soon put into permanent, deep locked down. In the second floor, prison hospital completely cut off from everyone. except the guards. A strong new room was actually larger than most cells in Alcatraz, but it also didn't have a toilet. So for the duration of Stroud eleven years in this room, he was forced to use a bed pan and as a result of that, decisions and the isolation, Stroud totally lost touch with reality. You say
He doesn't have a bathroom. I say yes, open concept. It had no open watching hdtv. Everyone loves open, gonzo nothin. I live better than a big drain or dish that holds all my shit. Robert Stroud really good gives everyone in your own quarantines gone like all like I'm willing and able to wear PAN sampler this well under question. When people stop looking at you, you think Can you those perspective on your behavior in any way shape or form, because you don't have to worry about, am I we're and am I act and we? because nobody's looking at me? Did you go inward and other human It is very strange, fuckin place. You want to find a nice middle ground between no one? Looking at you and the whole world? Looking at, you can either way makes you not a human. What, if I'm right in the middle, the Stroud started shaving every single bit a hair from his body, because he believed, bald men were more virile and therefore, if he removed,
all of us here from his body. He would become in effect an unstoppable superman. Oh yeah, like Gollop gap, the perfect sexual icon. Early on path is the opposite of the biblical story of Sampson. Error is supposed to make you stronger. My mom said that my back. There was a sign of virility, yes indeed, but because straw was constantly shaving, he developed sensitive, skin and he'd spin worse pouring skin soften haughty cod. He must have been like a big old trout with China. Sulkiness oftener did he have? What did they give him fully age or something or axe I'll idea when he wasn't shaving, he was drinking endless cups of tea or eating endless bowls of chowder. Sometimes heated the thirteen bowls of chowder in a single setting, so much that he'd look pregnant after them.
It was done. I'm aha me, I'm gonna be a mom to phone zoo. That's up that! It's the I guess he had fallen Thus, the charter again mean I guess once he got put in the deep isolation cell, he got it's actually very confusing because it does seem like the rules. It Alcott tries changed all the time opening on what the guard wanted to do. Icy Stroud conduct became like one of those people that river spent longer than six months in a hotel where you now are now like living in a hotel room were shroud was put, would seem to be a sort of like I don't think it was supposed to be permanent basis baby. Hame permanently changes in the then they kind of developed a prison system around him. Now we're because he is this high profile criminal. They can't, I guess, put him in solitary confinement, there's too much heed on that, so they just kind of The men leave him in his own little like apartment and then they just kind of freedom. Whenever he wants India, and though I mean the guards would also interact like there was one guard who said that he would play chess with Stroud
all the time. I was actually very good chess player, but any if you ever beat Stroud, he always made sure to say I'm just doing this for fun. oh you're, so he's staying at the prison equivalent of a holiday and extend its gas, and you know, what's it extended stay because as soon as you get in there, you see advertisements for divorce lawyer, I met as soon as you go into your room. You see the last person. Oh, he left one those frozen burritos for you and you guys. I e the dent on the bed where the man sat to contemplate his suicide. Now Robert Stroud story, most likely would have faded into obscurity. Had it not been for the efforts of his brother great mark my backing guy you're, not as we go through the great Marcus, had long and moved on from magic, but he said additives, showbiz instinct, to know that his brothers life story would make one hell of a
Movie USA, showbiz instinct, I say not naturally having a conscience up so in nineteen fifty Marcus Stroud effectively became Robert Strauss agent and before the book Bird man of Alcatraz was even written Marcus, Straub again drawing up contracts to sell the rights to a bird man, film wow, however, when Stroud found out about the contract, he contributed his thoughts. and his thoughts were surprisingly shrewd. He was not on intelligent man. Up to win a weird way was very brilliant. He just was completely hairless and slippery to the touch like a giant chess playing tadpole or in a long letter. Stroud demanded first look and final, on the script really he demanded a fifty thousand dollars signing bonus and five percent of the Gross Box office regardless upon
May I make use ass good for points then re contract Stroud also stipulated that the movie be released no later than September. First, nineteen fifty in India, of a delay, Stroud would be A thousand dollars a week for every week of said, delay beyond the deadline, in addition to the promised royalties. Also this what right Right now, while the bureau prison still headed in four roberts, drown out and if you remember that seal a thing, it was hold them back on a mighty Ben. You can see Buster Keaton signing up for the role and can see this appetite and if you remember, the rule banning prisoners from making money could only be rescinded. If the warden said it was ok, no way in hell. Warden slope was given Stroud anything so once the b o p put the Kai Bosh on the deal, Stroud took the opportunity to respond in the most dramatic, manipulative way he could think of, and the half hearted suicide attempts began in
tension. Europe for the first one Stroud, somehow got hold of a bunch of pills and swallowed them all at once, but a routine check by an officer saved his life that's exactly what Stroud was counting yet well. He got that from the bunch of pills. Room is run, naming these make it more secret, nor rumour had it at the time that Stroud, in addition to solving the pills, had also written a lengthy thesis about corruption in Alcatraz on toilet paper. It rolled up the toilet paper and put it in surgical glove, then tied it up then swallowed. It is. Plan was The coroner during his autopsy would discover this thesis and would tell the truth about Alcatraz, so he literally wanted to shit out. A script It's actually gonna get you shit out a first draft, but I don't know we would have lasted long enough and of his goal is pretty
the rate of all. Would he thought the rubber gloves would make it through and that's it? That's why I put it in the rubber gloves, but rubber stomach ass is gonna eat through it of rubber go up pretty fast owner of Jamie sounds are also used. A fiction, mule while some of the dumber inmates even believes Stroud when he said that he'd somehow fit a one hundred. Ninety two thousand word manuscript, which equals about four hundred. Eighty Ages is already fit that into a surgical glove and then swallowed it and then left for the coroner define I put chapter two in my truth, visit Stroud had actually written a small note about how James, the director of the bureau, presence how he driven him to suicide and he had it knew a glove and swallowed it, but his survival ensured that the hidden missive simply passed right back into Robert Strauss. Bedpans then he's Poland and out- and these look at me, like I, really could revise that Syria, it's interesting like usually you look at Europe. Stool in your door, remember eaten that he was like dont remit,
Writing that attracted a really good. After that, Stroud half heartedly attempted suicide once more by slashing himself in the groin, when a razor blade front of a guard who watched his straw, stood in his cell naked and bleeding meaning that he'd be dead in ten minute I'll be dead in a gown downs, begun better me, I didn't come by and I am dead two very soon, maybe other tragic life really minutes left, I'm beginning to carve, but after that also failed, Stroud, just sort of got back to his me started writing letters to the FBI, claiming that he had a foolproof solution for getting rid of, Ray Communist agent in the United States, but the plan would only be revealed, its Stroud would be released
Really you wait until Mccarthy shows up at his work in jail cell, but eminence distraught. A writer named Thomas Goddess had been reached searching his story. Since nineteen forty, nine hundred goddess had been publishing articles about the so called bird men of Alcatraz too great a claim so great marcus- saw a work around to the Bureau of Prisons roadblock and contact a goddess directly. He gave goddess over two thousand letters written by Robert Stroud, as well as eighty nine hundred letters written to Stroud and these letters form the basis for the book and later the movie barred man of Alan France had spoken savvy yeah, it's very sad Knowing this, it's really not hard to see where everything went wrong, So we know now that psychopaths a narcissist like Robert Stroud Present, a new
If the world were nothing is ever their fault and its obvious that this is how strong presented himself in these letters- and there was some sentiment in the public towards this- is well where it, the Meath, were the myth of ham like spread. So people, but the you'd him as an aggrieved prisoner that was trying to get out as a or rehabilitated man, and no one knew that he was a hairless pedophiles. Maybe just a week in the spring, is revenge on the world, but he loved her Look, I just player as well the Stroud painted himself as a man fighting against the system fighting for freedom, justice and bird about every misstep in his life had been because he'd either been defending someone's honour or because he was fighting against the system in one way or another. Ganis also presented the formerly shit cover Stroud as a man with quote meticulous personal habits, because that was how Stroud described himself
Get us never fucking met, Stroud Drought, furthermore, held up as a paragon of loyalty, because he'd risk everything does port his mother with his bird money, I guess been covered in so much bird shit is but Nicholas I meticulously make sure I am absolutely in the birds yeah there's something about that. Not a missing part No shit is on you. The ground is actually clean. I want you to check what the doctors call Mungo. Do you see about a single hair? No in its covered and birch absolute out. I got that there. You must have been Playin Human island to know. I just put it on a chair, and I sat on a K. Writer, Thomas Goddess also didn't know jack shit about birds, but because all strands bird books sounded
and because they're still wasn't a whole lot of bird literature out their greatest portrayed Stroud as a bird genius, despite the fact that many have Strauss bird recommendations were Lee, It was outside, or science tat. What was one of them again He asked you if you read a over how to cure cardinal, how to cure canary it is one with fish soak pound Kay, in sherry you needed to good, I mean he was, is put in all kinds of shit weather and put out. There's like this is how you carrier bird of fuckin dropsy all, it does is old. Shoe pancakes. Soaked in cherry does is cure. Dom Delhi's is bad attitude and honest, never had about love. Dom Delaware is less. Do you think the Ganis? with merely a naive dupe. He fully admit it after Stroud died,
that. He was well aware of Strauss patterns. I loved him a lot, but he neglected dimension it in the book because he felt it might discredit straw. the overall message of redemption. But what did we learn from the auto biographer Cosby you're gonna? have to add the jap was the third like the caused me doc came out under the bio came out in words like you're, missing are key to the story enemies under thirty, but despite the completely inaccurate and full of glaring omissions? The bird man of Alcatraz was still one hell of a red, so regular folk. After reading it again began. Writing the president to demand Robert Strauss release from prison. After that Robert Stroud STAR, took off for a SEC while in every news outlet from news week to the New York Mirror or calling Stroud. This
collar of Alcatraz. They presented it. He was an eminent scientists. Will I'm hanging wasted, bind the walls of America's most notorious prison? I'm happy that we can always been batch it and say I thought it was the publication of an open and based on this swell of support, strives lawyer submitted an application for executive clemency, grounds that Stroud hadn't killed anyone since nineteen one. I just did they like. I was a while ago and in the intervening years he had paid his debts to society contributions to bird's eye of ad sites, such as skill in Burma, but at the review the facts and Stroud's prison records. The attorney general said absolutely not, but out of this application, Stroud did claim a victory, because in the middle of nineteen fifty nine,
is transferred out of Alcatraz to the medical center for federal prisoners in Springfield Missouri. Oh, what this man is, that Robert Stroud I playing a very very long game, managed a weasel his way out of his solitary confinement Senate's, although it did take him forty three years to pull it off. Oh my god, it's what he did. He give dress for the clear that you want, and if you wanna, be a petty file, gaol nets which he, but he got himself out to knock. You can go to hang out again with people and like nurses and doctors and aid we're all. I got you really fuckin reared for doctors, that's fund for them Oh yeah psychopath. This is gonna be a great day for me. It's going to help me on my thesis yen and once they got that they started given impersonality test after personality test, and they discover that, despite his advanced age, he was still a say difficultly disturb psychopathic deviant, who
never under any circumstances, be released, and I agree with that sentence. But I will also say this: I don't believe in human torture. And now I think that now is, he still didn't- deserve the solitary confinement Noah no person does know, will accept for the executive producer of young show that absolutely one hundred percent correct is just a war crime against every one of us, except for love, met these on the show is alarming needs the show, but I just how God What is happening to all of us you're mad hobby, great actor. I mean I believe in solitary confinement, but there was something to be said for keeping Stroud away from the other prisoners, because at the moment he was allowed around a young inmate. He immediately attempt Wait just a medium level, ground middle gap, Minetta Programme, but at this point not even a diagnosis of incurable cycle but the and an attempted rape cut
slow down the momentum building behind the Robert Straube. You mean Brandt, you're, going to be a lifestyle nationally in nineteen sixty two, the movie. Based on Robert Goddesses Book Bird man of Alcatraz was released. Two rave reviews, huge box office, returns and bore Oscar nominations. Why yeah and Berlin Lancaster's, the one of those old school like classy your because he was known for their reading like one of those like AMC. Breakdowns of it were. He was like the he's known for playing, like straw, men with a heart where he had just got not here played wide open gunfight at the ok corral by as Robert Lancaster played Heroes, oh yeah, and so you just like that. Just get disease amazing to skip and issues of the big men Nobody would get me out of the Jews they filled with, can we shouldn has. But if you're shroud, that's a huge com,
Woman was mighty, Bert, Lancaster and Kojak was in really without air. Tells us without without ok. He does it have here. At one point I technically was born. Without here he had hair applied as a younger boy, not be balled up until He was thirty years old. No Burma out the trash did more to muddy the waters of who Robert Shroud really was more than anything else. Simply because it's a great fuck and move it. Is it answer to classic of american Cinema to this day of the public did make one more push to release Robert Stroud following the movie success, but Robert Kennedy, who was attorney general at the time, also quietly denied it and that's what got him killed in the end, no Roberts,
actually got the romantic and poetic conclusion that he neither earned nor desert while she support for Alcatraz have been eroding in Congress for years, because it so fuckin, expensive and bird man of Alcatraz eroded the public's support. As result, Alcatraz prison closed in March of nineteen sixty three less than a year after the movie was released and Robert Stroud Weird gross life, ended up being partly responsible for the shuddering, the institution where he spent the worst years of his incarcerated life. Then eight months after Alcatraz met its end, Robert Stroud died as well of a heart attack on November twenty fourth, nineteen sixty three coincidentally the day before John F Kennedy was Assassinate ha. However, Robert Stroud was not the only factor that led to the end of Alcatraz. The other was the infant,
escape from Alcatraz and its with that escapade, along with all the other attended escapes that will our series next week. While, because I don't know if you know anything about the escape from Alcatraz, you ever see the Clint Eastwood moving. No, I did not see it. Is businesses want to fuck and watch it area, good good rate, so we have become so. We got an action movie. Territory X, Y know Harry Cool, global warming continues in temperatures change. Perhaps they had. The water will freeze over make it much easier to get there. Draftsman, nothing, I said it was ISIS. No America's heading into a period of tropical innovation is actually the opposite. We're about to get real nobody puff. Let's talk about, it
the next thirty minutes. That's where we're experts know about by clouds due to cloud the enemy and always people it was godson, are full of glee when there like a fifty years, it's gonna be Florida scary, but you won't have to move. Here is a big announcement. Our remit in the biggest above a big enough, but I don't want to do a drummer all, but it'll be limited, so excited about selling. We were selling babes their common out foe to win we have them in right. Now it's limited locations, we're going beginning rolled out even deeper and deeper into deeper, so cholera but right now what we have is an we didn't Santa Anna. This is on for twenty. This Tuesday come up. It go check it out, go by of apes there, we and also reviewed, and also the boulevard, which is a storefront positions.
Dialogue, San, Diego oil, Santa Anna, ok and them with the one that we really want you to try out is that if you dial one hundred cannabis that see a and is a Nancy and is in Nancy again a b. As in Bronx. I asked so you ve made her so much emotion views eight one, one, eight hundred tat. If I didn't like honestly, I look at how to spell cannabis each time within a not an. I ll stay Jesus. It's too ACE one. I dialed a number If you're not in no way we're gonna be getting in L a very very soon, if you're in the of specially Northern California, it you can dial one eight hundred canvas, it will come to you.
come to your home will be in the Ellie area very soon check this shit out the logistics, we're gonna be indifferent stores all around the Ellie area. Obviously this is a new venture for us and believe it or not. There is a lot of red tape, so we're cutting through it, and we are doing this all the right way and we really think you're gonna love these vague, really out the package's yesterday and I like TAT, like a thousand friends we weren't got back actually got. My father got back to me and said how proud he was, but that was a different text was responding. New Orleans kitchen floor doesn't look good. I thought that I won't talk, but we have three different strange, so cool. We have the you for not stream, which is a hybrid which is pretty easy go, and then we have our illuminating. It was and is a high powered city. That's gonna, take it to the moon and we had at gains couch law, which is indicates that use the other night and it does make you feel like a throw pillow on being, but also want to think to Tom Neil. You did the box
design, work on two of the boxes and Michel Dugan who their brilliant and we put a lot of time and effort into you'll, see in this- and I hope you guys like me and we- so put a lotta de Hc and well we're just again we're just so happy and thank you so much for all your support and we really hope you like the weak and the rapes and will can too. You two flower, it out as long as we continue. So thank you so much for your support. keep support. Another shows here on the last part gas network. If you can go, all the different chosen Spotify and follow them individually, that would really help us out as well, but you, alright, everyone I hope, you're doing well out. There be safe hail yourselves, Hale, Satan, hoagie muggers delay a shown. What a nice time we added Alcatraz today. Isn't it means pelican pilot? Can that's that's all I picked
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Transcript generated on 2022-02-06.