« The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

378. Posie Parker: Anti-Trans Activist or Women's Rights Champion? | Kellie-Jay Keen

2023-08-03 | 🔗

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Kellie-Jay Keen, AKA Posie Parker, discuss her rude awakening as a women’s rights activist, the irony of arguing for women’s rights against transgender “women,” the censorship now abundant across leading streaming platforms, and why those speaking out continue to do so against all odds.


Kellie-Jay Keen is a women’s rights activist and founder of the group “Standing For Women.” Her group events, #LetWomenSpeak, became so popular in the UK that Keen launched a world tour which has greatly influenced international discourse on the transgender movement and the importance of preserving women's spaces and affordances.  



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For Kellie-Jay Keen:


X/Twitter  @theposieparker https://twitter.com/ThePosieParker


On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@KellieJayKeen

Standing For Women (Website) www.standingforwomen.com


Adult Human Female (Website) www.adulthumanfemale.us


Adult Human Female (Store) www.adulthumanfemale.store

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello? Everyone watching and listening today I have the privilege of speaking with women's rights activist kelly J, keen also known as posey parker, We discuss the cooperating and invading of women spaces the hatred I see an attraction toward what women naturally possess, which under Why is the transgender movement, the rise of compassion as a means to censor and control. What posey parker to accomplish with her let women speak events and house. shall pressure ideologically captured police and terrorizing mobs have not and will not silencer. Thank you.
much for agreeing to talk to me today, Kelly J D tell me about the name parker policy first, so when expecting one of my babies that that was that there were two names on our list: podium, parker and so when I joined an online forum. I just jizo sesar, anonymous name and it stuck, but that I go with my real name these days I see ok, and so do you wanna you can let everybody are whose watching Listening, know a little bit about you and I dont know Much about you, I've read your you, your wikipedia page and done some background search as well. You you sound like quite the monster when you read your wikipedia page, but its awakening the page? So you know that's that that has to be taken with the requisite green of salt. We can go through that, it's quite interesting for exam the ear described as an anti transgender rights activist. That's pretty can
for the people who don't like what you're saying right that you're in de transgender rights activists. The left you gotta give the leftist rally. Was a certain amount of credit for being able to warp language like nobody's business. So, but Who are you and why are you doing what you're doing so I am a mother, a full and happily married woman of been with my husband for twenty five years and then in twenty fifteen, this issue came around: I've fallen labour, voting, lefty and, joined an online forum of women and then loads of men started populating. It and unlike the women who actually work completely ineffective in their campaign. Unlike the men, women weren't, talking about themselves what they look like. They weren't posting photos, but these men did and they was really masculine. Looking man with weak some sort of nineteen eighty, secretary looks and I just
one of them one day. I do really identifies a woman and the vitriol from and was bad enough, but from other women was just a standing and I just saw well I'm not let's talk about this, so I want to talk about this having anybody telling me that I can't talk about something so significant and then I just started twenty eighteen, I put and they went out with the dictionary definition of the word woman and that really so solidified my place in this way. Yeah the billboard that was adult human female yeah hateful here? Well, that's pretty here yeah, ok, so you said a couple of things there that I found interesting so that the first was that asked one of these men who was in this woman's forum, whether or not he identified as a woman and received
a lot of hate and vitriol in response. So well, first question is: do you feel that you crafted your question in that might have invited that sort of response or what other explanation do you have four and then the second thing you said, which I think is equally relevant, is that only did you see, receive a lot of vitriol from the person to whom you directed the question, but you received excess vitriol from women and so, first of all, let's inquiry into the quest in that you pose to see. If there is anything provocative about it and second I'd like to. your thoughts on why you have experienced
the fact that women are very likely to jump on this particular bandwagon, for example, and provide a noisy and self righteous support for the people that you are hypothetically pillory. So, let's start with the question like do you feel that you asked a fair question and to have this of this can a man I ass. She don't think I asked if the questioner and that's because by knowledge in twenty twenty three means, I think you're probably wasn't provocative enough. I think I should do Basically, not ask the question: do you identify but just told them that it wasn't a woman, and it was in wanting to pretend to be one so yeah. It was the wrong question, but I've learned a lot since then, as for women, I think I'm supposed to say as a women's rights campaigner that women, are oppressed ended up
trail key and therefore that just trying to struggling to get their place at the table- and I dont get that I think its currency and I think the reason women competes and who can be the quickest to give way rights ways, because then they have currency. Of being these very nice people in and I think women are often use. Can logical warfare and austin I and niceness, shall we say as a strategy to to, and against other women. So that's why I think women to them so well, two things about that. So. there is a pattern of anti social behaviour: among women. That's been well documented in the relevant psychiatric research and show anti social men tend to use- evolve towards physical violence, but anti social women use gossip militia.
slander and reputation, savagery, and so that's been documented for decades in the female pattern and anti social behaviour, but you tied it into something you tied it into currency know, and so I want to tell you a little story. So I interviewed this very deep. just thinker his name is Matthew patio and he wrote a book called, but at the same we all remembered momentarily it's about genesis and I d: to him about the sin of eve in me. Story of the garden of Eden and it's a sin of pride right. It leads to the fall and the sin of pride is that eve proclaims That is something like she can. Even class the serpent to her breast, the poisonous serpent, so imagine that it is the case that women are cared version especially caregivers of infants and that their ability to pay
I, care is one of their true strength, but it's also a potential source of let and saw a woman who wants to make a false and pride full status claim can claim that her maternal embraces, so it all encompassing that even the serpents can be included right now. The next thing, of course, that happens, is Adam Harkin's to her claim I think what happens there is that men will enable women by telling them that their desire to embrace even the poisonous is law audible, and that the social structure, which is what Adams responsible for saying the genesis the social structure can be modified to accommodate to their wish the course that precipitates the fall. All of that- and so you said, the reason is I brought this up is because you said you're conclusion has
that the women who are defending the indefensible would be. Let's say, the male claim that femininity, female hood. his merely subjective identification, women are claiming to support that because they want to obtain currency case. Why have you become The of that and what exactly do you mean by that? I just think it becomes. I guess status is part of it, but I think I, everybody just something for self serving reasons, and I think by a process of nation. I can't think why I just can't thing why else a woman, would do it and I thought about it a lot. You know what I've already tried to think what is in it for someone who says the
Sixteen year old daughter, can share his face with a man getting addressed, know how. How else could it be justified besides some sort of self serving motive, and I think it just comes to currency that they can. They can maybe pretend that they don't have these feelings, which may just be heaps of cognitive dissonance, but I just don't buy it. I think it's just First, I don't buy that somebody who's experienced any female, only space where men have entered a most of us women have and what happens. those moments is we breathe quietly. We wait and the threat is gone and we understand it before I can rational say I understand it as a threat and I just don't buy the other one don't do that, so they must have self serving motives. You said when we first started, our discussion that several years ago. Within this ban, the decade. You're carrying member of the labour party and that your political idiot,
Well Gee was tilting towards the left and I suppose the classic desperate rejoinder to what you just said was that no, you ve just developed and unreasonable prejudice on behalf of this directed towards the poor, oppressed, marginalized trends, men, say the men who are claiming to be women and that all that and to you was that you reached the limits of your tolerance and that your genuine prejudice was revealed in that year. rationalizing the emergence of that prejudice by Gas lighting, the women who are genuinely compassion and about marginalized and the reason formulating the question like this is because you you or are I dont know which, on the left politically in the left historically has been, at least in principle campaigning for the rights and the inclusion of the dispossessed, and so look kid Kelly? I've gone to to wash
several times and talk to Democrats in the house and in the senate. And I did the same with Robert Kennedy: the lot when I interviewed reason And I always ask them quit the Democrats that I meet the same question and that is When does the left go too far and I've never received an answer to that question no and they ask me at reverse- and I always say well, I think they go too far when they push for equity, because that's equality of outcome and now it's complete bloody disaster and their response. uniformly is no no. No, they just mean equality of opportunity which they most I really don't but you or on the left and- and but we can delve into that little bit, but for some reason you appear to proclaiming and do believe that there is something false about the compassion, that's being manifested at least in this particular case,
what is that? What how do you square that with your original leftist presuppositions, and how do you Distinguish genuine. compassion for the marginalized end and oppressed from whatever, It is that your objecting to now I think I had a journey- shall we say in this x factor world in which we live where I live, last night, I was being lied to about this. and then I realized that were independent was as total hatred and dismissive ass choose to towards women? our fears and the reality of our lives. You know wider and potentially more important. But for me I'm a women's rights campaigner, but also regarding the truce in favour of a point of view and ideology, some sort of power? That's handed over to these people, so
at that moment than I then have to very question, because I've been foolish, not two wires so I believe the things I believe and are they true do they want? exist and the arts I came up with was categorically no there. Nor is it true that the left is less miss sancho less than by absolutely categorically, not the trade union. human side. When you look at those in the uk, they don't really care about women's workers, rights and I don't mean gender I gaps or any assyrian kind of concepts that we can discuss in twenty twenty three whether we agree with them or not, and I think you and I are probably closer to agreeing on that- that it doesn't really exist but yeah it just it just made me think why the left ways like this, and I was just stupid and naive or cafe very dramatically changed, and I have answered that question funny, because maybe I'll just have to admit that I've been stoop is most of my life. But now I can't possibly I don't
I don't think women right now with this ideology and nobody really standing up for us. I don't think we can place our flag in any pathetic political camp who well you know. I worked for a leftist political party when I was a kid. It was a long time ago from the time I was fourteen to the time I was seventeen and the I got to know the wife of the leader of the socialist party in my home province of albert it and I her lot. She was a librarian from our junior high school and me and all the other delinquents used to go out during recess in lunch hour and go hang out. Librarian bother, mrs nobly, and we did and partly because she treated us like adults, and I did it. cause. She used to give me things to read and she gave me a great book street. She was the first person who really introduced me to serious literature to know her and her husband so kind of game. Privileged access to the strategy spheres of the labour party, the so
this party, the indian canada and I met a lot of the leaders- and this is back- nineteen seventy seven about the servants a long time ago, and there you know I found a lot of them admirable. I thought they were there, often labour leader types. You know union types and they had done a fair bit to give working class in canada, a voice and they'd emerged out of farmers' cooperatives in saskatchewan, and so that seemed to be like a genuine medical movement and a genuine voice for those who were shut out of the political process, the concern of party at that time was clearly the part big business and sort of unashamedly so and the liberal power, was in the middle, but they're the indians, they had admirable people in them. You know, but I watched the activists back then, and they really bothering me I thought they were resentful and bitter and whiny and narcissistic and
that was eventually why I stopped working with Andy p, and that was in in seventy nine. I guess so I would say I dont think the left has always been like this. No, I I think that the working class needed Google voice and I think that still true now, whether they can find it on the laughter not now. I don't think they can. But I dont think that you were merely blind, your entire life and that the left is always been pathological. But I do think that compassion is the best camouflage for narcissistic serpents, and so is the left proclaims itself as the party of the pressed. Then it opens up the door to being invaded by those who will use claims of compassion to put forward their narcissistic. What would clamouring and groping for power and one of them was being on? The last is that its very high
for liberals types to draw boundaries. And so you risk it being invaded by the real predators? I really think in some ways that's what's happened to the left is that the nurses have invaded and they now dominate and this is an age old story right. This is this is a danger to this has been a danger to organizations since, since the dawn of time- and it's certainly happening now- so I don't take, it was a complete existential catastrophe. You know what you believed, but. I do think that that inability to draw distinctions on the left is is is potentially fatal. So where do you find how do you conceptualize yourself? Now? I think I pointed out that, if you your wikipedia page, then what you apparently, is an anti transgender rights activist in that sounds like a pretty damn reprehensible sort of person, because I mean here
these poor, marginalized transgender. May let's say who are just trying to struggle forward? You know what would you say bravely, as president Biden would say world hell bent on their oppression and genocide, and there you are, you know, posing their rights, and so what's here this is horrible. Think DAS, but what's yourself definition the bible is the root of all wisdom, inspiration in spiritual nourishment the hollow in powers you to explore the bibles profound teachings into effortlessly incorporate them into your daily life, a great place,
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Oh, I have struggled with it on a daily basis. It safely ways I'm just an adult human female, I'm a mother, I'm a wife, I'm a as subject of the united kingdom, I'm just to a person but it's just so I'm just not having it than that Men are vulnerable like if you feel vulnerable, you don't want to be, and you You genuinely fails at the world, hates you so very much, no, why you put on women's clothes, leave the house, I mean it's just I'm just talk such a nonsensical silly ideology taking over what myspace is look like in the spaces of my daughter so white. I call myself a women's rights sector, because I believe that women's language I mean so much goes back to that word. Woman. and what it means and who can use it, and we, niger debating what sex means in the equality act, which has just
fundamentally just ridiculous. We know sex means and now we're having to reclassify what? in law and in our sort of in our rights act so that women can have spaces, and I did For me, the equality act is a nonsense. Anyway, I digress slightly illness, but for me the equality act is not is just doesn't make any sense, because surely a proportionate reason and that's one of the things you need to know If I women are need space or women? Only group has proposed that means well. If I May I just want women in my group's and that's proportionate. If I said I wanted women on my board of accompanying, maybe not so. But if I say that just one a social group that women only for women I don't know why. I need to justify keeping a man. I who says he's a woman and then it goes that's the geo ray and I'm sure we'll get onto that than I fundamentally
having a legal fiction in this country is, is preposterous has led to all of their full lightly. I see if we were tolerated, Just let these men do what they like call themselves, whatever they like stare of women so it and just all out, our days, but we don't. We have to protect them. They are actually women and I'm not doing it. So there's a lot of issues that you just brought up there s the well. I would like I would like, if you want to explain for those who were watching in listening a little bit more about the you call the act and then maybe we could turn to this issue of. I think I think, it's a hatred and jealousy of women, some to hatred, jealousy and attraction to what women hypothetically have that's part of the, what would you say nexus of psychopathology? That's driving this desire to to
to tread on the grounds of women's rights to to appropriate the domain of femininity. That's so how's cultural appropriation in its most fundamental I'd like to delve into that little bit, because I know I watched Dylan mulvaney any there carefully and Dylan mulvaney, makes quite an effective comedian, know his he's good at parodying women. In the same way, anna, that's akin to what the monti pies and folks used to do, although because they were, they were, you know very masculine, looking men they had to parity, they made themselves into can only hideous middle aged women and parodied them, and they were- funny about it, and dylan mulvaney is actually quite funny, except that he doesn't know when to stop telling the joke. You know, and there is this element of parity in his behaviour that absolutely paramount when first saw him. I thought there is absolutely no way this guy, serious, he's trolling everyone he's just this is just a very
elaborate joke, and I thought maybe you'd have to touch your genius in it, because it was incredibly elaborate joke, but you know he he's taken the joke a little too far, and it seems to me to be quite clear that he will shred his connection with reality to elevate himself. Narcissistic lay in the public eye, and- and that means that here gone too far, and the people who need Him? Who are these? What would you say? Narcissist of compassion on the left are doing him, absolutely no faith, because I can't see a good end for Dylan mulvaney, like I can't how you can go where he's where he's gone and continue. Anyways start with the equality out. Will you bring everybody watching enlisting up to speed about that said? There are different characteristics, be disability, religion, freedom of religion and freedom from religion sexual orientations gender assignment. So when that started, that
to be also engender reassignments, that would that used to be sexual somewhat, they did. They made it so vague and opaque that they could revised gender reassignment actually meant, so you could be protected to what extent either actually sure. But you can't be discriminated against for having gender reassignment. Well, I think there are elements there are points at which it would be inappropriate, for example, and we do have profits in the uk, we now have got jobs so men who don't much surgery. You called as women now profits in in large shop, so so what'd. You have kept a goal of that. I take it, there's no. What well like I'm I'm crude preservation is very few of chances we take to know and get profits it anyway, but certainly if it was ass, if it was a man, I am person, I would call a man I e and the man, then I wouldn't do it and also I've been you know
a teenage daughter you go for a first profiting it's an incredibly amber. sing and to hear a male voice in that space would be horrendous because We know girls when they developed through puberty, it's the most embarrassing time and also the time when they most need to fit in with their pets. since those two things already the us anyway, but at a magic so did the equality act as a balance of different rights based upon different characteristics and at the moment, and that and the westminster hold by yesterday there was a they on whether or not the equality act when it talks about sex even though we got gender reassignment in the equality at nice. Sex is supposed to according to People mainly on the left, includes men call themselves women, which then makes the whole thing pretty. Damn laughable
If sex in our law in our legal system actually mean someone who says there at a particular sector, It pays to someone who is a particular sex, and I just You think this is where we are. We have a giant, for example, have a gender recognition acts which means that you can change your gender, but there is no such is gender throughout most of our laws that they actually have any definition and the same in the states. I should imagine it's the same in canada, where they flooded all of our laws that actually are reliant on biological sex. They flooded with the word gender. So therefore it becomes mixed up and you can pretend all along- you just meant people who identify as one sex or another. So you know for me, the equality actors is a little dated. Now, when I think very confusing anyway, and I think we need to rip it up and start all over again,
kay. So, on the on the broth, fitting question that say so, why isn't the proper response to your concerns Well, it's the modern age we ve already dispensed almost all together with men, only spaces. It's now time to do the same to female, only spaces maybe the right attitude for you, and your daughter is to just get over here, provision is to accept the fact that the people want to do something, including our sitting can do it regardless of their sex or their gender. So why would you you you appear to reject that proposition and why? Why do you think that so two questions and his? Why do you think it's appropriate for you to reject claim, and and for you and on behalf of your daughter, let's say and then there's a thorny question under that which is well under way,
decisions is discrimination which, by the way, used to mean judgment as well as any any number of other things What are these situations under which discrimination actually becomes not only appropriate but say ethically mandated This conversation we have had no culture for- and I would this is the fault of the left, although the right wingers have enabled it by being so hapless yeah, we haven't had a discussion about what constitutes appropriate discrimination. For you know, since, like nineteen sixty four, it's a very long time, So first of all, why do you think you're justified in your phobia? There we go beyond your phone. be about going, do have a broad sitting with a man who claims to be a woman. Well, I think it. I think if society had moved on to a point where women and men one uncomfortable naked around each other s, there was no such thing as socialist. So if there is no such thing as a low level, sexual assault, which is why resume and indecent exposure, which has an opportune- this crime, and we know that most of the people that would do that will be men
most of the victims will be women and children. So I think, and in that regard, if that had changed, and that that no law existed then maybe I would be open to listening, but we is that men and women don't particularly like to be undressed in front of each other and if you're in the uk that includes everybody, whatever sex, they all were relatively prudish. I'm quite happy to be so, but you know I just I just think with we have naked bodies and we have boundaries of answer sort of naked bodies and in situations where women feel more uncomfortable and in a state of andreasen, and I know that boys feel like that too. around the opposite sex at certain stages of their lives, if not all, of our lives, and so I think, that's, why amended we sort of joke about this question, but we both know that that question is asked It is a genuine sort of question from the left when you ought from transact waste. When you speak about this, and my first
questions used to be. Does my leffingwell daughter have the right to be in a female, only say the nazi and adult pain us, and I would ask that in female, only labour women groups online- and I was too no she's transfer she's. He raising a bigger. Why your daughter staring at genitals. Is she a pervert you no one, and so I think it up he realizes that cause I've religious cults and its don't matter. Can it doesn't make any sense in its indefensible because they have arguments have have mantras well and, and you you know that that's also a good place to observe as well that that issue of currency that you just described, also rears its hideous head at that point, is It's a competition between the women that you're talking about to see who can virtue signal the loudest about their loving kindness, intolerance and that becomes monstrous and devouring when taken beyond a certain point. That certainly would freud observed, for example, when he wrote extensively about the eatable complex, because what we are seeing in the culture right now is
the Oedipus complex gone mad on a scale that would I'm sure making freud rotate in his coffin out about a hundred and fifty you know a hundred and fifty spins per second, no one could have possibly envisioned that this that this onslaught of tyrannical compassion with devour the whole culture no it's a. What would you say, the onset of a new kind of totalitarianism? That's predicated dinner in an anti she'll feminine ethos. So so here's some things that you might find interesting so course girls hit puberty earlier than boys and so and its in some ways more dramatic, and I would say it's more dramatic, because women clearly more vulnerable on the sexual front and the and are more vulnerable is manifold, first of all their physically smaller it. So that's problem and second
smaller and weaker, especially in the upper body right so they're, not that good at sending off like full scale. Physical assaults, let's save from a large man and second there sexually vulnerable does a sexual mishap for a woman can result in pregnancy, obvious, and the dangers that are associated with that and social, shame, that's associated with inadvertent pregnancy and then that lengthy period of dependence, that's it she with the child and those are all real costs, and so what happens biologically two girls is that when they hit puberty tooth happen their levels of negative emotion increase because there are no different species. Negative emotion, baseline, negative emotion for boys and girls, but that puberty negative emotion of women increases and it never returns to what would you say, parity with men? It's it's. It's raised up permanently raised up. This is why women are four to five times more likely, something like that do so
or from negative emotion, related disorders, including anxiety, depression and the reason for that, I think, is because if you're vulnerable on the sexual front, which is the case for women, then you should be more sensitive to threat because the world more dangerous and now the other thing that happens so women's, society. A negative motion also tends to take the form of bodily self consciousness and that's more true for women than for men, and I think it's because the body that's when we are thinking about it is the law guess- of vulnerability for women, for the reasons that we just outlined and its also because we our evaluated in terms of their status more harshly on the basis of their physical appearance than and are a manner evaluated more harshly on the basis of their let's say: socio economic steps way more harshly,
but so there's some equivalence of harshness, let's say across the sexes, but its differentiated and so you're you're. Your daughter, has every reason to be lived, and wary in any situate. that she might be exploited and the. For that is well. She might be blinded and it's not trivial. I mean I don't think, there's any less trivial form of exploitation, then export nation on the sexual front, especially for women you know is it is: is rape worse than death, well it's in its arguably worse now and it's not taken with requisite seriousness, So I think you have every lay you and your daughter have ever leg to stand on when you say well, It isn't obvious to me that its content, ashen, allowing these. unbelievably narcissistic and self centered men into women spaces like what the hell are they doing. If, if a man,
to turn himself into a woman and then just write off into the sunset, not bother anyone for the rest of his life. Like you know go to how, in the hand basque it your own way there buddy, but when you start programme wing that you should have access to, let's say, barely pew besson, girls and too. With their feelings, because you're all that matters, I think you ve gone little. too far down the narcissistic path myself, for we ve always terrible people rival people have always existed that want to do bad things, and I want to impose themselves on others. We just now have a state sanctioned like narcissists charter were means. those men can can go into women, spaces and celebrated for doing so. As a stunning and brave forgetting undress in front of teenage girls. It some its if it wasn't so serious that it would be amusing. That just doesn't make sense and coherent adults like
sensible, intelligent out of adults with sensible jobs will actually talk like this will say that that's what's the hurry you mean you mean, like the president of the united states. I presume you ve been watching what happened in the last week which, which again falls under that that heading of If it wasn't true and dangerous, it would be so funny that its unbearable category, and so they The white house invited this. You know absolutely narcissistic, exhibitionist trans, I never know trans man transport. can never get the damn terminology right, a man whose deluded himself into in believing that he's a woman and whose insisting that everyone else participate in his lie about that and what did he do? stood up on the white house lawn with one of his he had friends who had had a double mastectomy in, she showed off the remnants of her chest,
proudly and he showed off his silicon breasts, and you know that was pretty there comical, given that it was the white house. But what was even more comical was the white house response, because Biden had proclaimed the very same day that there's almost nothing braver than trans man, which you know is really quite the. buddy claim and then claimed retrospectively to be shocked and appalled by the fact that the well celebrated for doing exactly the things they did on. The white house law actually came out, din and so yeah it's an evil parity in oh, and I think there is Evil parity element to told materialism that that needs to be all doubt and noted because everybody in a totalitarian system is an evil clown playing this and game, that's a parody of real life, and there is an element of unbelief. black humour in It- and I see there The behaviour of people like Dylan mulvaney right cause he's on especially parodying women and I think he doesn't cause.
He's insanely jealous of what he thinks they have right. It's the honour and privilege of being a woman is to be elevated onto a kind of pedestal and two and two to have the world at your feet because of what your beauty cause. That seems to be what he's chasing and and all the right and privileges your crew crew mean merely because your feminine, and so it the deluded vision of resentful man who think that those of the opposite sex I have an elevated position in creation. I have all the rights and none of the responsibilities of beauty and none of the ugliness. and their jealous of that- and I can't have it and as a consequence of that, I think the hate women yeah something like that. I didn't hey women, I wonder what the devil, whether or not this is not the vehicle fanaticism, as opposed to. I wonder wondrous that the rest of it is a bit of a sideshow for him,
thing feminine, being generous of women? You know he said some pretty dress, four things, but I wonder, features hated women always- and this is just happens to to inside. But I think he's driven by extreme this is a wanting to be famous, probably more than he's driven by wanting to be a woman which I don't actually think he does. I think there I think I think well, I think that's right, although I also think watching him like he is, famine feminine in his mannerisms and this is where the distant Between sex engender becomes complex right because I don't believe that there's any such thing is gender, I think eating. I think the people who came up the notion of gender to call them appallingly undercut. in a fight, an incoherent academics, is to say almost nothing about how unqualified and incoherent they are. However, he'll do very temper and there is a relatively low
the proportion of men, let's say who have temperaments than on average, are more like female temperaments than male Improvements and the reverse is also true, because there is wide temperamental variability among human beings and so our lots of feminine men and masculine women. Doesn't mean they're born in the wrong damn body. It just means that the range of temperament within the sexes is actually quite broad and I think Dylan is relatively feminine in his temperament. and I think that probably is confusing forum, especially because he's also very high and openness, which is creativity, dimension. Right, I mean he's been an actor forever. Any still is one and actors and creative people do have actively fluid identities because being created having a fluid identity are the same thing now if you combine that with his narcissism, which that desire for fame that untrue,
Well then, and what would you call on its viciously unit bench, the desire for fame. You do get the kind of behaviour that he's manifesting, which is a key it looks like he'll sacrifice himself on the altar? of his own faith, and but that's that's all Not that uncommon commited, certainly one school shooters- do, for example, right there they'll commit suicide too. To get a front page headline, and you know that deeply rooted in me motivational structure of men because, of course, men are judged on the basis of their social status, and so their highly motivated to attain that status No by fair means or foul come come hell. I water. Do I just wanted to make comment about femininity cause. I find it really interesting when manic accused, if you like, of being feminine, because I think so called a feminine men. Take up a lot of space, a lot of public space
may live man spreading. I mean literally volume wise what they were to do how they enter a room. It doesnt strike me as particularly feminine if we look at stereotypical feminine, which make better use. Small stay, quiet, be submissive, I dont think flamboyant. family men? Ah Only feminine, I don't know what else to call it setting up sk in, but it is doesn't seem to four may need be fed into what is feminine, bugs yeah. Well, I think, maybe there's that such a good, that's a good, distinct. Well, I think architecturally their sort of two classes of feminine right. You can think about it. Does the virgin and the whore, and so and in theirs and uneasy tension between those two obviously and the kind of family behaviour that you're claiming to be not feminine, is more on the horse side of things and its histrionic on demonstrative and
you know you can see elements of it. You know you can see elements of that in the year in the icons that game. For example, choose to idolize on the feminine side? No, no! would be they would be? People live Marilyn Monroe, for example, whose an icon among the gay community and that's because her femininity is I don't wanna, be unfair to marilyn monroe cause. That's that's not my point but she's her purse, I was very glamorous and demonstrative, and when that gets pathologist the psychiatric community, the psychological community, describes as histrionic and it certainly the is that the behaviour and that's from hysteria by the way which wandering womb and wandering uterus to begin with and back in the dark victoria time? Sometimes histrionic women were cured by by hysterectomy, which cured their hysteria right. So
it's all interesting lee and bizarrely intertwined, but the femininity that the men that you're describing flaunt isn't the reserve chased end of the feminine district sure it's, the more histrionic demonstrative attention seeking fence patel end of the distribution, like your typical trans man, like Dylan, dresses up, like a movie star, not like you know not like a nun. Unless he's parodying nuns. Yes, he does here, you re. So let's talk about what happened you in your public speeches? So what are you? What are you is it that your account? What are you trying to accomplish with your public, your public communications and less Where would you tell a few stories about? What's happened? Do you so, for example, is what aren't you new zealand became worldwide news. If you like, we could start with, or maybe you could maybe you could
is the development of europe of your public speaking said that this must oh come is somewhat of a shock to you in and produce a lot of changes in your life. Maybe we'll do it that way we can use, speaking publicly. So what, after the billboard? I got taken dan. I was sort of my banning from this public square modern public square. I twitter, facebook etc. That began, so I was banned from twitter for nearly five years, so my voice in the public square just disappears. I'm not even allowed to sign a petition on change dot. I come so band people were made. as for me anyway, so I was banned from everywhere, so as well, let's go back to the actual public school and make real life connections with people, and so I started doing that in about twenty nineteen we started doing speeches it speakers corner and invited women's comes
beak and then women all over the country couldn't get to those events. I also did lot, jan. So we did a speech we did. We went to leads which is in the north of england, join locks, and but because we marching about our black lives matter- we could catch covers. So you're gonna rested for trying speak earlier than public. And then I visited, sell it was covered in sort of body fluids. So I think I've is more at risk of catching covert in that sell, but I got arrested live on my life's dream, but if it's just about the it's too far, or maybe more than that at this one It means that women get to speak in public, about their fears of for their children. For the education system for the state specifically to do with this cause, I religious cults of transgender ism. So there will be one element of it. So free speech is a very important part of that
enabling women to come along, who don't have to buy a ticket to watch These special women on a platform and at panel speak about their lives, but ordinary women speaking about their lives and we live stream at which means other women may be in very similar situations will hear their story and it will resonate, and it's about way everybody up, tat what the dangers are of this count, and the other thing is that we we basically through through bait and perfect fishing. decisions we bring out the message any and we we conjure, we basically play the opposition who belong and object violently and aggressively two women speaking in public, So then we show everybody just exactly what's going on You started out as speakers corner in you. You ve traveled around the world now holding these events. What What countries have you gone too?
did the? U s. So I did about ten dates in the? U s, I couldn't go support and you won't be surprised because they were cracked, credible, death threats. Important we didn't go there we went to San francisco, I objected to it senator who brought in the bill SB one three to which is about men and women's, avert scott scott winner yet It was what I Oh yeah he's real funny. Man yeah, I think so. and that was chicago, and I made a documentary about it and what what I learned in america, as you may have the right to free speech, but you do not have the right to be heard. So we got protests, it's as long as people didn't touch our faces or touch us in The police they were allowed to just be this close to our faces, banging making noise We couldn't be heard so that was very interesting.
and then I thought well I'll, go to australia, new zealand, the relatively lovely places to visit. And I went to australia and I got defamed by one of their politicians who my wikipedia page, didn't fact check a single word of it and put it The television which they made my life very vulnerable, and I went to new zealand drivers mobs. By the estimate is about sort of three to five thousand people who who really did want something terrible to happen to me. A lot of people in jail, and you can see that it's nearly half the country, I'm told and so day they came to to protests and- and that was very aggressive and then I had Please protection until I could leave the country and am even in the police station. It was only on a need to know basis, so even police officers didn't know. I was in the police station to keep me safe. What was there like for you
zealand I mean. I watched the footage, and it was quite it was quite to show mean what did they do to you and an? Why haven't you stopped? could just go back to your life in principle, maybe and maybe you're too far into this now so that you know you I will never be what it was that's possible, but in principle you could stop saying things that you're saying, and you can stop exposing yourself to this pretty high level of public threat to mean I've been in nasty nasty demonstrations and they're, not exactly fun specially when people are. You know six inches from your peace and screaming madly away and I'm afraid I'm going to do something would regret in a situation like that, I mean I have security people in part of the reason for that is so they don't. Let me do anything all regret that someone is screaming madly six inches from my face or using an air horn in ill to shut down, but really so that their sadistic, the little sittest devil,
they ve allowed to dwell inside them. Can what would you say delight in the fact that their pay and deafening someone and that's happened multiple times, but I mean was a lot of people who are after you, and I was pretty situation to say the least, and so what did I do? you psychologically, and why are you continuing to two to speak out? Let's say I don't know, maybe I'm a sociopath because it didn't. Actually people's. How you recovering are you ok and eyed, and those mode I just put one foot in front of the other. I think you do when you in moments. I that you, you focus on the things that you can control and for me it was about setting for Do not letting anybody fall over so not making a person in front of me was a bench coming up fall over the bench, because I just felt that we would we would be stopped and probably killed if we had the floor. But I say a law on my
can or like. If not, if not you, then who- and it's me you know in this entire movement to be rather. Modest. I I probably the most known female this women's rights movement, not innocent of the broader free speech movement, but in this women's rights movement and I am really lucky. I dont have an employer, I'm self funded so much merchandise. In order to for me to do these things, I need to sort of very expensive security. See and whenever I go into a public event, because I can't be set I'm gonna be. Ok, sort of exit strategies and plans, but you're just like you know, there's a bit of me that thinks how how dare like a who denies it lay on. Why would I stop? That's those women and girls in the night
america, each thirteen having their breasts, remove, probably dozens today, I. Why would I stop? It's I'm an atheist, but I would say that if anything was gonna, do can convince me that there was a devil. Be this it's just plain: either with lots of people, lots of people come to god through contact with the devil. That's for sure we are well. You know. The thing is is once you have countered malevolence. You start. understand the reality of evil, and once you start understand the reality of evil you're compare biological necessity, deposit the reality of good no one? God has been defined forever. time- is the pinnacle of what constitutes good. And if you start to believe in radical evil? Well, you start to have deposit that its opposite exists right, and so
that's an interesting, we might say that's very interesting road to walk down in you're trying to figure out in part. No. What's your moral obligation under such circumstances- and you alluded to the fact You think that somebody has to speak for people. Let's say like chloe call, was think she had a double mistake to me when she was fifteen and the world never ill properly? Surprise, surprise, because you know it's butchery, not surgery in, but you know You also alluded to the fact that you think in some ways that it self evident that people should stand up against this, because, while look at what, in front of you folks, but most people don't? europe pilloried quite roundly mean you're wit. Idiot pages. He actually quite a work of art because you deaf become across quite the reprehensible creature, in on that page- and you know that's an example of exactly how you're pilloried painted by the radicals on left- and you know the the one of the
interesting issues. Here is we'll just exactly what it is that what is it that you're fighting you know, I read the other day this very interesting paper, there's about ten papers now that our looking out the What would you say, the nature and the Psychological traits associated the nature of left wing authoritarianism and the psychological traits that are associated with it and so some of the latest research shows very clearly that malignant, the system. Psychopathy machiavelian, ism and satan are very, very good practice, predictors of left wing authoritarianism and left wing authority Harry seems to be a pastiche of sort of progressive left wing. nickel views, which would include the expansion of rights in this kind of compassion that perhaps originally attracted you to the left years ago, but also the insistence that all of us
can be, could and should be imposed by force and and through the means of compulsion? So it's the aggregate of those two things and the well, who hold those viewpoints are remarkably disproportionately likely to be sadistic, psychopathic macular. In narcissists. And so you know you might ask yourself: are you engaged in the political fight or you just engaged in the age old? What would you say right parliament of women to put this and under their he'll writing that's what god calls upon women to do at the end of the story. The out of unease story. Genesis rate is too to bruise the head of the serpent with your heal There's this great image of mary. That's a renaissance image. It was very common renaissance emma and it's an attempt to lay out, the symbolic image of the divine feminine What you see is mary, whose thee
or of the saviour the eternal mother of the saviour, the mother of a hero. Let's say, and she has like a crown of- starts twelve stars round he and that means that her head is in the stars and her. for. It is on the head of a serpent, very common motif, and what that does mean is that you aim for the highest impossible you simultaneously put your foot on the head of the serpent and that that's actually you're Would you say, that's your divine obligation as a female. You know that and women of course, forever have did the vulnerable from the real serpents in our mammalian heritage, going back sixty million years. That often meant. What would you say doing everything possible to stop your children from being eaten right, weathers, theirs being eaten in the real world, concretely as a consequence
exposure to genuine predators thousand otherwise. But there is also all sorts of being eaten. Your children can face on abstract front and so well. These are all You say religious ideas lurking beneath the surface of this strange political signal. should that we find ourselves in. So you feel a moral obligation to do this in. tell me again when that started, to emerge in is he fifteen. When we elected a conservative government, because I I I don't think many of us, because I was in the left, so I had no idea what was going on outside and I didn't know that we will get away, let a conservative government we did, and so twenty fifteen and then in a way that I wrote a letter called grieving. The left when I was in twenty. Sixteen abide you don't I just couldn't tolerate being part of some.
Thing, and even I women that around the left trying to fight this, inside. They still haven't gone on that sort of discovery of what else am I? What else is wrong with my assumptions? So I think that some, you know I think, about clean coal and and girls like and I think overwhelmingly the thing I've I think is the greatest harm is that they after themselves to blame. Now I dont really think they do their children and they can consent and banal million situation we could say the children are to blame for things that happen to them like the magical mutilates, and have their bodies, but she must have the rest, with that they almost when they come to the decision that what they ve have. What they ve done to themselves is wrong and they must definitely last summer that blame- and I just can't believe you if you're lying therapist, let's say and
your goal as a lying. Therapist is to elevate your own moral standing, in your own eyes, even at the cost of your clients Then you enable their darkest motivations. And so when you do that under the guise of compassion and so chloe told me when I interviewed her that when she was starting to go through liberty. She was a real admirer of the kardashian girl with her no exaggerated, hyper, centralized female hourglass figure and I'm not critiquing that by the way, I'm sorry The chloe had adopted down as an ideal and she became can inst- and I don't think she's ever told anyone this she might have, she certainly didn't tell her demented idiot lying therapists who enabled her her worst impulses.
she decided in this- was all part of you might say previous and fantasy, that she wasn't going to make a very good woman because she realized, rightly wrongly, would started to go through puberty and that happen fairly early that she was likely to have a comparatively boyish figure. Now I mean compared to cartouche, virtually all women have a voice figures, so you know you could say that her standard of comparison was not precisely wisely. But you can understand why she might have done it and she does that was you never going to be a very good woman, so maybe she could. she could do better as a boy you know, there's a theirs, taken in that right and in that board bears on this issue. Moral comparability is, she was toying with irresponsible ideas right They were dwelling, they were, they were away
to dwell within her that's a good way of thinking about now. A good therapist would have listened to her. So hard he would have elicited that's realm of fantasy, let's say and then walked through it. You know because the right discussion is, Well, why did you pick carnation azure as your tongue? four for femininity and isn't it the case that there are men variety of female forms of beauty like audrey hepburn wasn't carnation. No, she looked share that gammon. I think that's what they look which is more waif lichen and in some ways more boyish, and There is no reason for close to assume that the only acceptable female adult human female form was that exaggerated, hourglass, feminine dick? rise by carnation and that should have been delved into land, but she got hurt to call her psychological care, poor, is to give far more credit to her
therapists than they deserve, because not only was it pour, it was it was the reverse of helpful you know one so she was entice down the garden path by our own fantasies. But still are fundamentally, she was enabled by the liars and the butchers than she ran into yet I mean son, it son Fatima bowl I mean if we weighty, if we think hospital in america right now, dating somebody getting ready for double mistake to me in their teens. It's it's just it's difficult to think that way. I could I just can't. I can't leave it like. I can't stop Adele it stops. It has. I've got four children. I want them to live in a world where they can speak. I might one of my sons university. I can't even dropping off, I get hidden But he can know that I'm his mother, you know it's some, when my kids to live in a world where
can we talk about everything even really terrible ideas? They should be able to express in public or to their friends, and they can't do that. So I just think it it's yet nothing will persuade me. I don't think too, to stop because them All people tried to stop me. The boy think I'm I'm right and I'm on the right path, and it has to be done here. Well, that's good! That's good! Uk tradition, you know that's for What do you kids think about you and what you're doing, whether all quite We actually, even if I do say so myself, so I have four children. I have a twenty one year old boy. Twenty year old boy, sixteen year old girl and a fourteen year old boy and my fourteen What is the most likely to try and engage in the topic with his friends, which has not been very successful. My daughter said to me quite some years mommy, I think you'll be in the history books says she's on side. They off. They also
I'm, I'm very lucky I've known about this since twenty fifteen and before it was ready poisoned all the way through the school. So I had a really good chance, and we're quite open. You know in my eyes- and I don't mean, like we sit mind, saying in combining the. If my kids at an issue, they can come to mean talk about stuff. So yeah, ok, so so you send its partly because your open your communication star, but it seems to be likely from what you have just said, that they must I ask you a mean that this must have been quite troublesome for them to see all this happening around you, and so why do you think you ve been fortunate to continue to have that familiar Supporting these issues sometimes break families up. So what why has, that happened. In your case, I think because I'm a parents alive parenthood patented children. I think yet when it comes to my meetings where their children can't be told that because their children might fall out with them- and I just think about the role of the
and my children's lives and not their friend. They don't have to with me. I don't have to agree with them that somebody Doesn't every everything that comes out of my might is right, but I their parents, and so they trust me because throughout their lives when I've said something I'm tired, the trees in an age appropriate way, and so think they understand that my sort of final authoritarian of the wind and relatively close, I suspect when it comes to my parenting, but you know I'm dead if I say that something is ok I did I'm gonna be fine, that I'll do it and it will be done. They ve seen time and time again that that happens. One of my children in their school. They, they wouldn't have bobby great, go in and give a presentation about gender ident, He say why I said my son, one I'll I'll go and so decide I went into the school and I had a meeting with the head of pious hiv and I
That is where we don't really know what was teaching. So we ve got this lobby group then, and I said who or what- I to education group, but I know that a lobby group that are pro trans, nobody group that trying to indoctrinate children, schools and she said damned. Oh, it's job and I said: oh no, you won't know and tom, she said. Oh any reason, I know you won't be doing that because its harmful to children- and if you don't know what you're teaching, why would you let someone else I know that that will not happen, and I think I have enough authority in my voice, and it did not happen because I said it wouldn't happen, and my kids know that if I do that it happens, I could put your mind at ease on one front, perhaps So there are a variety of different parenting styles and one of them is authoritarian and the other. The opposite of that is. I dont remember that
technical term, but it it's. Basically it's basically lax in prague. But what it really is is irresponsible in the guise of inclusiveness and compassion and then in the metal, there's, authoritative, right and kids with authoritative parents do better I'll be that one there so well right right. Well, that's not to say this authoritarian, and it's really useful to know this, especially for people on the left, because people on the left tend to think that, thing authoritative is authoritarian and that's just not true. right and near while I would say that's partly what you ve been clarifying for yourself conceptually as you ve wrestled with. What would you say the problematic elements of your your previous? Your previous leftist stand right. Where do you draw the line authority authority? If people draw the line
when you draw the line, what you mean when you draw the line, is no you're not going to do and no means something like if you continue to do that. So you do not like rules will happen, you with one hundred percent? What you certainty? That's what know me! you know there's a certain harshness in that and if that's implied all the time well, then it becomes authoritarian, obviously Because authoritarian say no to everything, but people who are judicious say noted the things that should be it should have no said to them, and that is very what would you say it, it's anxiety, relieving for children, because. children want to know where the walls are because they want to know in what space they can play and what's there to keep the predators. and so they push and push their pair since everyone around them to fight
where the walls are fewer asking. You know why did children? behave and test the limits is because one if they find limits then they can relax comfortably within people do that in the car next of the romantic relationships, all the time to make provoked to see where the walls are and if anything there is. While there are no walls anywhere, then the upshot of that is that your exposed everything in the world and near terrified and so the progressive parents terrify there children, because there are no boundaries, and so their children just explode, every direction, testing the limits, desperately to themselves that they'll find them somewhere and the progress type say. While you know there are no limits, because all limits are nothing but authority and their children are are desperate and and lost yeah. Well, all that's not much fun. That's for sure
So so would you tell me a little bit about about mermaids because people in north america don't know very much about that story. News had some entanglements with that particularly lovely organization. so I've been interviewed under coercion by the british police on two occasions at the behest of mermaids. So mermaids is a charity in the uk. I would class a pro transiting kids lobby group who claims to protect trends, kids, which I think there is a nonsensical thing that doesn't exist. There is no such thing as her trans child. Just cite, there's no such thing as a vacant cat, and you have susie green. When her son was twelve, she took him out of the country to see doktor thick, his name's doktor crack might not be, but I remembered it like that
just wanted to be my actually you don't know it's back, but I haven't. It is, though, declare or just put it in my memory back, say sorry. he took him and got puberty blockers, we didn't give them out in the country back then and then at sixteen. She too, to thailand and had hidden because remove which I called castrated on twitter. And I got, which is what it is by the way. Yeah Although my in my police interview, which I did know covered all the way through in the interview the hate crime officer, which is an actual thinking in the uk, the hate crime officer said did you know, sex reassignment surgery doesn't include castration, and I wasn't I like to think but I just thought what did you think he came home with what testicles for earrings like, of course includes castration, but yet the sixteen and since then in thailand. They don't do surgeries on children and cut their testicles off.
slice member penises into never hailing home, but yeah I got in trouble. The british police twitter released my information to the place and then I was interviewed under chicken and they were to charge me way. What does that mean? What does it mean to be interviewed under coercion? It's kind of like you, right to remain silent, submits its recorded permanently you say and that can be used in a court against you. So I see you know they said they said voluntary. But if I didn't go to the interview, though yeah yeah right, if I didn't go to the end, do they. Words may become it s made my high. If I was pulled over for traffic offence, they would arrest me or if I try to leave the country, they would arrest me That's I see so. Soul was voluntary, except for the force part eight yeah. It is valid
that you're like didn't like punishment. Yeah, that's right, you are, you, are you guys are ever more defined in the uk with his whole hate crime, officer thing and interviewed under caution and yeah? I guess: I reassure running down that road pretty much as fast as they can now putting forward the world's most reprehensible hate speech, ah policy, which I always think that hate speech policy is inevitably derived by people who hate speech, and so that's actually, why they, they call it that Yes, well it precisely, and so so what was it like for you to be to be interim? by the police. In the u k right the does the home of liberty, central, you might save for the world, because I think that's a fair description of the uk mean you. People, broadly speaking, brought liberty to the world. that's not a bad way of thinking about it. I mean you have some help from the judeo christian today. That's for sure, but the uk is performed
stellar job on that front, and now here you are with hate crime officers and people, you being interviewed under caution, and so what due to you as a uk citizen when it first first, I thought it was a joke. They text me, so I just I just did, seems I didn't know he was so strapped for cash that they would send me a text telling me to go to an interview and I think the realisation that the police are ideologically captured should should instil fear Everybody whatever Even if it was an ideology that I agreed with, I think it should still make you afraid, because alone, should be the law, and I should just be quite cold black and white right or wrong? I am quite happy with those things I'd say to know that they ve been entered ideologically captured, was significant. The fact that they sent officers from the opposite to the country and they stayed a night in a hotel in auditing. in total, that's interesting was
use local officers. Now, no doubt sneaky I'm in this I've done this three times, for one of them was saying that that was so in bison last year, I said that a woman who called a south south trade man and then non binary just as she shit. disparaging things about lesbians cause, she wished, she could have been won an accepted herself, and I was I was the place again. That was a that was place from the opposite side of the country from brighton to the west. Where I live, and it's just Actually, inside the other occasion, I had placed him a door to police officers because- and I quote I had been- toward about peter farms, and I did about you, Jordan, but I thought they were one group of people event that you could be untoward by were paid evolves. All yes well spoken like a true fascist. You in your prejudice against peter files,
so yeah well, hopefully, hopefully won't well we're probably gonna get. cancelled on youtube for this interview anywhere, but now you ve made it a virtual certainty. So you and prejudice against minor attracted persons. Let's say: do you know that fifty three percent of mothers with children who purports to have gender this, for you, have borderline personality disorder or something roughly equivalent. You know- so you could say as a clinician if you weren't, lying and or compelled to lie, by your government, which is by the way now the case for all clinicians that any that this suspicion properly east, when confronted by any child who has gendered is for you, is that the mother has borderline personality, disorder and borderline personnel. disorder is a very, very serious disorder and its associated with cluster be in the dsm foreign. That's that's where all the traits like anti social personality of narcissism inside carpet,
and childhood conduct disordered centre or cluster, and so the mermaids mother, you know issues one to be viewed with suspicion, to say the least, especially given. But she did to her son which to call it reprehensible inexcusable is too. To say that Joseph Mandela was not a very nice boy and and She is very interesting to see that you are in a situation, the uk, where someone who's as bent and twisted, is that can great- an entire charity and wheeled social influence and also set up circumstances so that someone like you can persecuted by the police, the ass quickly emergency see. This doesn't seem to me to be political anymore when it comes to that it something far darker than the mere. little, and I don't know what do you think about that? You said that you're not really, is that your atheistic, but you you I understand that there is a strange sort of battle going on and do you still can
true it fundamentally in political terms than that. It's a battle between say belief, systems or how do you? How do you sexual they wore that. You find yourself. It. I think my view on it is instinctive, and perhaps I'm quite lucky that don't try and rationalize my instincts are just go with them. It's always kept me pretty safe and that's why? I talk to my children about that site, one of the big lessons if it feels wrong it's wrong in the end, I feel if actually it was a situation that you left there's no harm, but you know trust your instincts. I think it's I think I'm law, as happened in order to get to this point. I think one of the biggest things as I. Move through this movement is the lack of community, and I wonder if, if we didn't who so far away from our natural communities. I wonder if people would get away with this stuff because we would have a
broad range of people in our lives all different ages? That would be talking to us all the time and we would get a wide. a plethora of views on any given anything, and I think we learn actually that human behaviour pretty standard, whether you and the fourteen hundred the eighteen hundreds all right now, I think of it pulses. Energies are pretty similar. If, if not the society in which we live, maybe we don't have to size them in the same way or express him in the same way that I think that we are We are all this time and- and I don't think we we change that much, but I think it just goes down to currency again, and I think a borderline personality disorder or not and I'm inclined to agree with you, but women women get sort of social keep from transitioning, their kids, a man I was there people. You know if, if somebody said
well, I live next door to John he's a racist, you should he's, nobody would say. Oh that's great, well, then you must be so lucky. But if someone said I live lives next door to someone she's gotta useful trans son, I'm paypal then again in this nonsensical kind of why that so great say to people all the time. You should say. Oh gosh, that's awful that poor kid we should be saying that Paul can't, because we now apparently the parent, the actress megan fox, has three boys who were all trans am session. Does, she seemed to such and such a resolute, sensible woman here are wealthy stage. The odds of that, I think, are one in twenty seven million, because you the odds of having one trans kid. This is before all this blew up and became. You know a statistical morass, because you can't really estimate the prevalence accuracy anymore course because it
the social contagion, but originally the estimates, something like one in three thousand, and I think that was probably in overestimate, but whatever its close nothin so the probability you'll have to transfer is one in nine million and the probability that you have three is one in twenty seven million. So you think well, the odds that the mother is? What would you say a narcissist willing to say sacrifice your children to Moloch for the elevator in rural moral stature is twenty six million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine. To one side, and you ve got jackson. Getting I haven't. You got just general you're having a whole programmer by about him and his distress. I mean, if that, isn't it at versus meant for do not do anything to your kids. I don't. What is it's yeah. Well, the question is: what has that been an advertisement, for I mean when
like you watch is that program you think? Oh my god, there's a little. What you say window into the abysmal, but I would say that in all probability that that has the fundamental consequences. That show has been that a whole parade of currency in virtue, signalling, narcissistic, compassionate mothers have figure. a great way to exploit their children to gain social currency, yeah I make this anti virus area for paris hilton Kim kardashian they just then they just by the sex type. They haven't sacrifice their kids know maybe The mother should be encouraged to do that. Instead, I am joking and they facetious, but it's like I don't know. Why see you're. I don't like that. Given their right, territory trying to to organise out the different levels of hell right. Well, I think, where I think we are in we're
and even one and accommodate you know invasive are there was in canada in america and the uk, australia new zealand were actually there is there is a challenge. five children into this cult. I think it's it's the level of hallo will all of his own and the fact that you care will encounter there. We pride ourselves, we pride ourselves and canada on being on the cutting edge of that particular butchery, so to speak and in a way Prime minister he's, like virtue signalling king of the universe and one of the things that really appalling Doubt is that he really does have canadian women fooled, it's really something to watch, because most canadian women still think that just intruder is the right leader for the times and its because he's got that superficial. Charm and grace that goes along with his consummate out, ability and he can use compassion. Two guys is true. Nature like nobody's business and so canada's in rough shape, in consequence on all sorts of fronts, and in oh thank god. We we lost
just send our dern and also Nikola sturgeon. She was a really interesting example to me. You know I've. I thought it was so fascinating sea because she really fail into the leftist abyss and in a most profound way, because her stance was of course, any man who says he's a woman is woman, and rejoinder too. That was the one that the journalist to really nailed her provided, which was. Every man a everyone one day how bout a psychopathic cereal sex offenders hobbled them. Well, of course, their women to psych. Ok, fair enough! Let's play that. I see how it goes right. and men trans women, whatever the hell, they are demented men who claim to be women so that they can get access to women, you're gonna. Sorry for them? That's your doubts doctrine on the political front. You know that pretty much did Nicholas turgenev in and it was well deserved kelly, what
what what is it that you're trying to accomplish like? If you look five years down the road and year six full in whatever it is that you're doing? What is success? Look like to you. I think it It's lack of appealing of the gra, so there's no more legal fiction. The gra is a gender recognition act in which men or women can pretend that are the opposite sex and be legally recognized. I think if we, if we take that away, I think we begin to get this item our institutions, I'd like to I'd like women to be able to go to the hospital and if they ask for a female members, if that that's was delivered here, it's sunday for women with my organization, we do some research and only four out of all an age has trusts in the uk, which all plentiful, so every single area has a different in each has trust they recognize. Four percent, I think, was a fool I have all of them recognise
A man who called himself a woman is a different thing to an actual woman, so what that would mean, for example, there is an acute mental household for women in a hospital. I think its inception, and they had ass. There is a man who was fetish, no scare for kicks outside of the hospital. He now calls himself a woman and the first thing he did as the head nurse of this key acute psychiatric board for women who clearly have been through probably You know a good. Fifty percent may be trauma at the hands of men and no violence. He moved his office down to where these women sleep and he was celebrated for that, so women. Oh that's right! That's that's great! That's that's one of the most demented stories I've ever heard. So thank you, for I know I've angie some other way. Does everyone you didn't have a look at the photos. Its. I just don't think I could make out
some of the things that I know that are happening. I know I know sick senior police officers who are all too files who make it, cases to come and speak to female victims of crime where they normally wouldn't, because I thought mania rights out. This is what you couldn't I too people and say a woman has a penis or baby has a you want to once you can tell these massive lies and people go along with it. There's deceptive take to go along with pretty much anything. That's here that view really put your finger on it there. That's, I think, that's exactly right! If you can force people, to swallow. The insistence that a man a woman. Then you, blown out. The law of non contradiction completely and you are now allowed not only to say any and thing you want, but to insist that everybody abide by it like it's, the dictates of god himself, absolutely right, the trick. It's quite the judge must not question I may we we know, I did feel
Jesus degree, it's fine. Story, but I am a gold star. Atheist. I've never had belief and got it all for open in eighty. As household with a relapse catholic mother, but I'd at this there's just there's, something so religious bite. It ended that sort of dogmatic way that you cannot question at all. It is like a it's. It's like a religion. From night there, the fifteen hundred seats it's so inside the the thing that frightens me, I'm afraid is that. There. There are no non religious beliefs that not, in the final analysis and if the religious belief that properly unifies people is sacrificed, disorder, the nietzsche, an observation about the death of god what you see is you don't even see the rise of new religions, kelly
think what you see is a regression to archaic forms of religious belief announced essentially a polytheistic paganism and so You know it's interesting to talk to you because it looks to me like you're someone who's come to believe in the devil, but not in god- and I d make allusion to that earlier and I'm not I'm not by the way, rendering judgment that one way or another but you're also seeing There is a religious element to this call light move that you're opposing and you might ask yourself- and I suspect you probably do- is that will what's the alternative to that. You know what I've seen is that the kind of humanism that's been put forward as a moral alternative by the humanist types in their generally. Theistic has proved prove to be not only a force that absolute, a one hundred percent unable to stop this tide of straw, polytheistic paganism, but has actually enabled it. You know that does beg the
question! Well, what do you have as a replacement you're replacement today was you know you rely on year what you said on your instincts, you, no one and you're here intrinsic sense of what's right, what's wrong and you let that guide you and you know that works out pretty well. if you're well constituted an your moral sentiments are properly what function properly in the absence of too much delusion. But you know it's it's it's not a reliable, for people who are unbelievably deeply confused and so we're all to have to contend with the question of what is it that should believe as alternative to this strange called like narcissistic nonsense. That seems to be spread, threatening us on all fronts. So what so once nick for you, sorry, maybe you have some comments about that. I just think about the dead
religion, I'm I'm not so stupid and that I dont acknowledge that I was brought up in a country that was religious Certainly my formative years and I do think they lack religion, uncommon purpose and community. That's I think religion and faith brings. I just when there is a vacuum created than we do, fill it with some some pretty terrible things. So I wonder if, after all this chaos, people will be looking for a very prescriptive religion and nine. I wonder if islam will be the same that slots very happily into that place, because it does give people order, and I I just think that what comes after no ban, Listen. I think people be looking for very clear, concise boundaries to keep them safe because we all gonna end up. place where we don't feel very safe, because oh no in the ground that we stand a pablo film, particularly solid. So I am I've got a lot.
Very religious friends. You tell me that I'm, the most christian atheists faith they ve ever met and yeah and all that I'll, probably end up being some sort of evangelical pastor before my my days on this earth, probably you'll end up canonized that that would be that'd, be good revenge on you, that's for sure, that'd be god's little joke for you, yeah yeah, so well! Look we're kind of I dunno at a time here on this front for everybody watching and listening I'm going to flip over to the daily wire plus platform and continue to talk to kelly and get to know her a little bit better. I walk her through her biography. So that I can and everyone listening can understand where she's coming from and why and so, if you'd be inclined to join us, That you'd be more than welcome of course, and that would also give us the opportunity to support the daily. Where would you really I want to think about doing, especially because at the moment, all the people who are participating- adventure are under pretty sustained attack from.
You two, the Google puppet masters that are behind it. God only knows what sort of weird radicals are. You know nested in the crevices of organization and that's become, their dire recently I'm sure the discussion I have with Kelly here is gonna, be banned by you too, but probability that's really high because you to buy and my discussion, with Helen Joyce and of course Helen Joyce? Is you know just any just a journalist for the economist and a very well regarded person? So what the hell does she know? So, probability that this talk will disappear upon. Its emergence is quite I am the probability that my? U do. Journalists gonna go up in flames and the next year's also quite high, so anyways. Having said all that you might, want to give some consideration to lending support to the daily our applause platform, because there are some one of an alternative. I know they're made out of reprehensible conservatives and you know fascists of all stripes, but can
did the woke mob and their carnivorous motivations. I think they're quite preferable so you could join. I, on the daily, where plus platform, if your inclined to count thank you very much for agreeing to talk to me today. I appreciate that very much and it's it's good that you had an opportunity to share your experiences with everybody whose watching listening and good luck. I hope the bloody I hope the bloody tooth mob stays they all away from you and and and- and it allows you to Can you what you're doing- and you know hum we'll talk about a little bit more when we go over the daily delaware plus side. Thank you so much for having made absolute pleasure. The
Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.