« The Joe Rogan Experience

#700 - Dr. Mark Gordon & Andrew Marr

2015-09-25 | 🔗
Dr. Mark Gordon is the Medical Director of Education at Access Medical Laboratory and is recognized as a top leader world wide in Interventional Endocrinology (Anti Aging Medicine). Andrew Marr is a former Green Beret and founder of the Warrior Angels Foundation. http://www.warriorangelsfoundation.org/
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Manic, brain injuries and Andrew MAR. Andrew more is the under of the Warrior Angels Foundation and what he has done as he is set up, a foundation to help people with their traumatic, injuries and to arm to help them find treatment and help them help connect them. With Doktor Gordon integrate conversation really great guys, and I hope you appreciate the podcast so without any further you please welcome Mr Andrew MAR and Doktor Mark Gordon will gain. Experience would lie before you take any of dark towards advised. That's why you know folks,
scared of shrimp shell. Pork he's never had wild game any refuses to eat outside of a very narrow dietary discipline. Is Galileo very? What is it hello? you really do really? Who I dont need? Pork you'd only Port Newport does. But you know about bacon right. What was last time you had it? Turkey bake in a day yeah I had Turkey think is absolutely that's. Is pathetic. Turkey, sausage turkey, disagrees with two condoms totally unnecessary. Some of us, don't even use that, but how could you Turkey, Bacon in and the real bacon bacon, I used to eat it, but after gettings one got sick ever in the history of the world from Bacon, do eat bread. Yes, you have no problems with gluten Well, I don't have a problem with gluten. Ok, there's a lot of people who do have a problem gluten. Well, I have a problem with pig. You don't have any. Pay us very much
doesn't look as good as it does when I'm not on what you don't go, go over your store, the kind to you better believe it can do this morning where here with Doktor Margaret my good friend and his friend Andrew more. Who is what your position in the Warrior Angels Foundation. I found it Joe also founder and former member it and tell us all about what it's about and what the commission is. Absolutely our mission is to get no costa, traumatic, brain injury, treatment to veterans, Unita sorts, alternative means for two guys: treatment outside of the medical model, which is located on medication and psychotherapy, which it does not improve. Quality of life is changing at all. Because of you know all the work that Doctor Gordon has been doing in there's been a lot of disguised heard outside of you even mention of your name. People bring up your therapies and things in promoting for several years as
are changing in the community at all. Where work the change it actively. So well, we're gonna have a meeting next month with some mass and top people and to do decide a house were also meeting with, are in and works of getting with the veterans, administration and working. So we're going there. Want to know everything across the board about these, recalls why they work. Why, whether better, how their cost efficient our time efficient. How this can not only improve as soldiers life, but the life of the family. Chow second border effects go on and on and on so the evidence is out there. The science is behind it. This isn't false hope, we're not offering any false hope. Everything is science evidence based report, we're doing an based off Doktor, Gordon's clinical application of years and years of doing so. The short answer is yes, their hearing about it and we have a five year plan to overtake The system and haven't implement these on both sides of the house, so to speak. Now for
People haven't heard any of our podcast before and haven't heard you discussion about it, the one of the biggest issues that works currency. What soldiers coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq is, if you hear my voice, I built a little bit of cold these gentlemen brain injury Elk alot. How dare you it's pay, includes it up, big invade bacon and a clam a lot The soldiers are coming back from these. These wars with India, that may have been fatal in the past there no longer, because while these advancements in medical technology, but their steel, still dealing with the ongoing effects of the war, the traumatic brain injury now, what you have found and many others of supported this is a lot of this is dares damaged. The pituitary gland it stops. The production of hormones is leads to deep depression and leads to some pretty significant issues that soldiers are facing If you could just fill people on that well
What we found is that, because of the body armor being so efficient, a lot of the blast damage. Instead of killing, someone is leaving them with trauma to the brain in any form trauma to the brain, whether not it's a blast from being hit on the head slip and fall of automobile accident turning upside down or whatever the situation might be. The bridge changes its chemistry because of inflammation, and that's from tat of little nerves. It's not only the pituitary. That's been some of the problem that we ve had his folks as I focus on narrow minded diet, focusing on just two pituitary. But what we found is a group of chemist, in the brain called Neuro steroids which regulate our personality in some of those Neuro steroids have names like testosterone or die hydra testosterone, estrogen pregnant alone in the little
has been around since about one thousand nine hundred and eighty six, showing that these regulate our brain function so head trauma of any sort can cause it to decrease number one number, two with any form of damage the brain. You get inflammation and had inflammation expands. Let's see if there was Small area of terror in the brain were bullet that penetrative penetrating injury to the head that air where the bullet toward the foreign object diminished amount to brain too it grows larger because of inflammation industry is more more neurons in the more cells? the brain that are called neurons are destroyed. The greater the onset of cognitive impairment, your ability to use your brain in of function in emotionally changes. Now. How did you get involved in this? And how did you figure out what some people haven't, figured out what this, with the emphasis on therapy and pain, medication antidepressants. How did you see through a well, I really did
discover anything all I did was in reading literature as much as I read it saw that people had already laid the pathway for me to follow, and I followed it intensely for the past, while twenty one there's is doing endocrinology in the past ten years, doing specifically Neuro and Chronology which deals with the brain and it's in my population patients, I used to see them for hormone deficiency and then started going back, asking them those with the home Deficiency if they ve had any kind of head trauma in the first book that I wrote, which had the first introduction me to write about traumatic, brain injury and hormone deficiency was young by Name Michael who had been Anna, who had come to me is pair. Brought him in any at hormone deficiency in we corrected his personality, improved quality of life and prove, and then read article, which I shall be in the past, which came out of thought Turkey about pugilists, who had the specific growth hormone deficiency in that was my epiphany article, where I started. Looking
further and further anti Literature and Moutan Muti. They had done hormones. Currency and then boom all the on deficiencies. So this kid I went back to him and said: have you ever had any trauma of any kind? He said well when he was seventy one, anyone at the time when he was seventeen he was in a motorcycle accident was in a coma for three days The comment is neurologists at all. You'll be fine fully progressively got worse, so that's it. The stage for me to start looking at this relationship between any kind of patrolman than two thousand- and I think seven, my first military was a green break. I met the the wife The emergency room dock in North Carolina- and she called me and told me about her husband who was six towards a duty was having some problems. We ran, we donate the money for him to get the full
testing internet, whose hormone deficient mommy corrected as hormones. He was back in the goods good light with the military was getting rights, get kicked out for insubordination. And that progressed on two thousand and nine, with opening up our practice to military and it just kept on repeating itself the same pattern: the same head, trauma, blaster, blast, injury and come on deficiency and now house has been received and, like the rest, the medical community, because well this appeal battle because the way it's being treated presently, if you look the literature from two thousand in twelve four hundred and ten thousand servicemen came back his veterans and were diagnosed with PTSD now post traumatic stress disorder is usually perceived as being a psychological, pursue psychologically precipitated event where they witnessed something that was horrified to them a death.
Friend loss of a limo, whatever the situation might have been too stimulated and that immediately open them up to simple treatment here. Take this packet of antidepressants and you'll get better, but they didn't get better so they think it better because they were having what's called treatment, resistant depression which now we find is due to hormonal deficiency. If you look at the civilian population, people with hormones are with treatment, resistant depression. You check him out, need testosterone, deficient or estrogen overdose or low progesterone or low pregnant alone. Other chemicals that are in our brain and these individuals have been the foundation of what I do in trying to find a simple replenish What you have to do is test them and that's not being done its homework he's just a hand to pack and say you have PTSD
the majority of them are traumatic, brain injury and I was on Doktor drew show with one of our patients who was army Corpsman and he didn't have a single scratch on his body, but within two years of leaving separating from service. He started. Developing depression mood swings explosive personality ends up coming into our programme, and we find out, he has two and a half hormone deficiencies in the pattern is indicative of having had had trauma well turned out. He would walk behind Aber some tanks, as they were discharging their shells, and he said man, my body would shudder and it was around Evelyn missiles. He was around repetitive gunfire. He personally didn't have a score that's incredible that just the recoil just a boon caressed as the sonic boom, the impact that that no shocking his body can do that right. There are books out and the government Let's books out on blast from, in fact, where the maid
things for me to have read was the army did a study on individuals who had had blast damage blast trauma, no physical images blast and they put him on simple product called in a seal Sistine any sea and those that were on it got better. But how can we not hearing about? what is that stuff and a seal Sistine. It's a precursor to include a fund which is the number one Anthea inflammatory, semi, Anti free radical. The accident system in our brain and its becomes deficient its and dodges within our system include a sign of the same stuff that you, you recommend taking a right of booze. It outta fine, helps with metabolism delivered to detoxify, airs, Think about it. I see, though, also that mortal men I'm on that product, but if I was be if I was taking that, while so operating, the problems that I had never would have happened. They would cut it off.
We can essentially cut off these problems. Just by being pro- active and preventative in this way. So we were right now today to administer to all special operations. Soldiers- and I see why this browser haven't out the window. That's crazy! That's crazy! Right, preventive medicine! You know club! What's going on is all you know, trying to catch up always trying to catch up with what we do is proactive. We see patterns in the blood that, if we let them to keep on sliding until their sick, get even now. Absolutely sick in the medical model. Right now is right, the second you're, not sick. Let's wait until you get sick before we do something one of the more shocking things in working with the? U have c is we got involved with that? We do these events called fight for the troops we Duma bases and We are. We gonna, via the intrepid of foundation, ripe, call intrepid, foolish
you find out how to run in their how little money that the government gives them what they have to raise outside in doing functions like these big. You have seen and send them to me, was one of the most disturbing things about those events and like how is it possible that we can have this money for all these different missions, all this money for all these different things, but we don't have money to take here- these guys when they come back home. That seems that seems criminal. Well in unethical gently at a minimum at a minimum close to the highest level, and this is if you, if you count on soldiers to Do what you ask of them and put a body on the line to to please missions, and then you don T take care of them when they come back How do you ever expect anybody to be patriotic? More here's, the thing Joe, like there's millions of dollars, spent on me personally on my training and then you,
can't put a number on that experience right so too, to produce a special operations soldier, millions of dollars, so it makes sense to put in proper preventive programmes, extra those guys reforming, performing at elite levels right we're gonna, do that for our weapon systems. We're gonna do that for our vehicles for aircraft. Why would we do that for the same thing as our guys, but you know what we're not waiting for anybody else to come up and say: ok, we're gonna do this. We, fond Doktor, Gordon's led, started the foundation and we're doing our in it were changing it from the inside out from top to bottom. To combine the top well, I think maybe it takes guys like you that are on the inside to do the that I've. I feel like the bureaucrats, the people that are in the air conditioned offices that are, you know this adding where money goes. The data
have a stake in it is economically their dissent acted, so they don't know day. They don't feel it, and then I understand it, but it it's. It's simple, because we're providing silenced evidence based solutions, not not bitching, are great and complaining offering solutions based on science and how long have you been involved with this foundation? We see January one of this year, yet taken. I have yet to see, get your average systematically retired and in June, so I started up. I was actually I d go outside of the military medical system to get alternative treatment, altar of being not medication, not psychotherapy. When I mean medication very soon, are too when magazines on your Navy Sea or in I was on thirteen differ. Medicine. For you know, I like you're just your ear, not the person who they used to be. You know I was an elite capable of before an elite level in situations of life and death consists ITALY and reliably and and all of a sudden, I have a problem We know handling
things tat? Just don't add up. You know your behaviour is not right. I can't remember thing driving home. I don't know why. I'm at five years have driven that route everyday. Also, I look up. You know no way rat writing a sentence in the map in the middle of it. I can't I don't know what I'm writing about. You know I mean so those kind of thing, so it was easy for me to put my aunt em say: hey this this is some is going on here. This is not right and those basically saying I'm on fire summaries, but this fire out and is kept thrown medication occasion, medication and start having anxiety attacks, which is completely foreign to me right. That was something that some other person a week recent problem has, I perceive it and I'm having these anxieties tax, where I'm breaking down emotionally and crying in public, and I can't I have no control over it. And having front of my family my wife, my kids and I was ok enough is enough and going out trying to find from things. Let me to let me to mark that Gordon, and he he introduced me to his protocols. He actually sent me an email and
this money says: hey Andrew. You know I'm this and we're doing this and I'm not a coop. By the way. I was a girl like that. I'd like to be able ripening, very debatable, right introduction and not a cook, I'm interested in what is now who kooks will always tell you, then kooks, there's! No, That's what I was trying to you by the way, I'm crazy What do you do? Have a specific injury or a specific moment. We were things change for you. I was explosive preacher, so I was in around explosions for my entire career. You know I mean I was only knocked unconscious one time in combat, but the thing democracy saying- and this is just discos outside a veteran population? This goes with anybody, but on the the symptoms can come in months weeks, years days, whatever later right. So it wasn't attributed to any one thing. So, six months later after my last employment, I'm starting have these problems are starting to manifest and when I'm, when I'm bringing this
the attention. You know it's like ok. Well, this is a psychological issue and I'm like well doing this for a long time. This is what I we'll be doing that's bullshit our psychological issue and you know: here's why, when they will perform like this knowledge- and I can't do it and and so that that which is very frustrating you know in that regard, trend trying to do come out and try to find some some real answers and only like more said what it as an individualised approach right and at that This evidence, based diagnostics, to pinpoint entreat the underlying condition, but nobody was trying to figure out my holes. Story and when you don't do that, you just take find out what symptoms are, and you treat those symptoms with medication. Then you're, not doing anything to fix it but arms that's kind of why it's hard to four four. I think the medical community understand it right now, because if you have a problem
you can't necessarily attributed to a major accident or major injury or major explosion, then ok, what we don't know what it is, it's a psychological problem, we're gonna put em on packet, a and we'll see areas in two weeks here, Expression. Psychological issue is a real tricky one. Isn't it because your psychological make up a lot of times is dependent upon your physical health and what's going on in your body, can greatly affect your mind. But when someone says psychological issue, especially a guy like you were there trying to say is that your weak right, they're trying to say you can handle the pressure salute and that your cracking- and this is what it is right now. It's the integrity of its called co morbid- and this is an argument that going back between the psychiatric world and the non psychiatric world where in co morbid, which can first, the stitches, that precipitate depression with depression. Its develops the situation in this particular
instance relative to Andrew, is his chemistry of his body was doing great until he had that group. Insults tomb, whether or not it was that huge from the Gatt blown up feet in the air and you got the shockwave that knocked out or repetitive gunfire that you had, or the breaching the mermaid amulets hesitate to get to this, inevitably robotics different forever about every are not so different. So what happens is as you start losing these hormones. I mean one of the hormones that I've repeated number of times and, I repeat again: pregnant alone has been found, to control the anxiety affecting the body in the brain so morning, anxiety or pregnant alone, or social anxiety can be affected and in peace, oh have been an auto accidents route, never had anxiety, attacks or panic attacks and they wake up six months after the injury and they ve got morning, anxiety, their pregnant
levels, instead of being average about a hundred and ten or down at six or seven. You correct him back. Two hundred tender anxiety disappear in what is pregnant. Stagnate alone is called the mother of all hormones. It comes from cholesterol. It's the first hormone or stairway hormone official storied hormone, that comes off cholesterol. So if we interrupt cholesterol in our body we lose Prig Mean loan, which becomes the precursor to data testosterone on one side and print progesterone and cortisol in another side. So we low pregnant alone. It can lead to all the hormones that help to regulate our brain function and our life cortisol. If you dont have cortisol, you get his syndrome called Adsense Disease and you can die and most people, so cortisol with high levels of being problematic, right, stress, correira, stress related, and you know everybody its emotional stress, but there are five stressors. You know there's emotional into
actual stress, emotional stress, physical stress nutrition, stress, can precipitate high amount of quarters off your fasting. Cortisol goes up and then there's chemical stress. Like chemotherapy or certain medication that you take alcohol to certain drugs can do it and they can influence the drink, glands production of cortisol, which is called an adapted in which allows you to go, one level of physical functioning mental functioning to another. It adapts helps you to adapt. You know what I want Tell you what I have these conversations with you about. This issue is kind of frustrating to me because it seems like you're you're, making all the sense and you're talking about this. This is broad spectrum of different hormones in all these different variables that exist in the human mind and how important they are to maintain proper levels of them for how for function but you're, not a lot of people like you out there they're talking about this. This is, What you're saying is is a fairly true virtual treatment. Doktor Gordon burden
this is like it's. This is like nineteen sixty were saying we will put a man on the moon by nineteen. Sixty nine everybody says you guys, Rabotchikh crazy. You know I mean that Rats were at its it seems like. Is it because as there is not a lot of motivation for innovation when it comes to treatment or is it is, What's the resistance to understanding all these different variables for thirty plus years, you ve been told that you treat depression by giving this pill, SS our I heard a b c d or whatever it is. You are going to give that Ryan is someone comes in. A cook comes in and says, look at the literature for the past thirty five years, even as far back as nineteen fit the eight would deejay showing that the eighty eight is antidepressant. You come in with these natural products that have no patents on it there You can walk into a g and see you can get it from on it. You can get it from any of these companies and take it natural hundred percent now
coming from mexican Wild yams and its fixes your depression and it cost you three cents a day, five cents a day. Ten today, as opposed to the cost for some of these other medication who you gonna, believe this cook who talks about over the counter product or the pharmaceutical Rep who talks about this prescription medication Dennis problem: right, official sounding names in designations and grant, and I got it and soon uphill battle in the way that I approach With my science background, not just medical, but the science research I did in the beginning is too low up all the information, irrefutable information and handed to someone and read it see for a dummy like me who are obviously in the outside of all this. What you got running away from me, how are you you got me in trouble. You put them picture. We had lunch together in use wooden here with the brain doktor Gordon. I got a lot of shit from your people. Why? Because they eggs,
that you know: you're, you're, smart guy and I said you're, absolutely brain guy trust. A dummy, stories that must be done in such a way that it gets more its tat only if you think I'm smart, there doesn't in Rome Ii Dumpling us, but what I'm saying is like for someone like me that as zero science backgrounds, but I always assume, is that the way Things got better in the way people figure things out is that they just looked at the facts and then, when new facts came in the adjusted accordingly, but it seems like there's resistance against the wreck. The status quo is very clearly hand- everybody this antidepressant we're not gonna happen. Is natural product. That's been shown since one thousand nine hundred and eighty six one thousand nine hundred and fifty eight on another large group of research to be beneficial. Double blind, washout studies for benefit and depression, natural product products,
thus it is in essence, as I see it, stating that well, you don't really need the pharmaceutical. You can just get a natural product so do you think, did you so much money involved in pushing the pharmaceutical draw? Italy's doctors are reluctant to go against it or not, prescribe it or did step out on a limb. Well, you know the the medical community, the medical boards of every state, its standard of care in your community, which means that if there are a hundred doctors in a community of physicians and the standard for ninety nine percent of them, is to use At this hour, I, the one doktor who uses anonymous, are our. I can be pulled into the Medical board as practicing outside the scope of the medical community, as well as doctors in general. Dont want to be looked at as being that
one person who was trying to introduce something new revolutionary, something that's work, something they worked very diligently. For twenty one years to show the science and the clinical cases that it works its maverick and our medical society doesn't work with mavericks? It works with mass The latter forces that are constructive begins but that doesn't mean that that's a real the coward and not stand up to it right I mean it's either. It's either writer isn't right and we're saying Doktor Gordon is right. And we're going forward invited to do our last breath to change it. Me I'm three hundred million people in America on end. The presence and if it, if you're on antidepressants and you're still depress guess what it's probably, not, that and that the underlying condition its what's science has shown us. Hormonal imbalance were able to interdict that an effective we treat it
the problem is, as you know, using the term hormone. I've been slowly getting away from the directive. Steroids, that's right, proactive steroids! These Euro ACT, neural active starts, are will say, Neuro steroids We found the nineteen eighty six by doktor blew out of they lose out of Paris, France, that the brain has the chemistry to take cholesterol and to make it into testosterone make into pregnant alone. Make it into her es Ronaldo pregnant alone in the brain for many many years, biopsies of the brain would find to start from it and they thought it came from. You know your testicles or thyroid in the brain. It came from your thyroid gland at the neck or finding is near steroids are made what we called the Nova within the brain itself and we You have tried more inflammation, you lose that! That's why I believe. Based on reading the lid turned my interpretation, that's what could be faulted. How I interpret it is that that is the cause all the transitions in the brain, but there are receptors.
In the brain that regulate how nerves conduct and what they found is the nerves have not only magnesium sink. Volume receptor and they found pregnant alone receptor, so they found a receptor which pregnant to regulate, to smooth out the calm you down so that you're not having panic attacks were most old, turpitude and yelling screaming and pick begun in shooting someone or throwing something or yelling beating someone up getting assaulted, urgent sympathetic, nervous system has just gone crazy, but the entire nervous system goes off. So what, in a sense, what you're saying is theirs different types of testosterone, different types of hormones that are produced in different areas, the bar- that's, not just your testicles that are doing wrecked. It's the same. To start strong, you know people buy or quibbling by all is it? I'm gonna buy identical hormones, testosterone too,
testosterone has to be equal, bio, equivalent. So the brain, produces the same testosterone as the testicles, the brain produces same pregnant alone as the cholesterol. Elsewhere in the solid when the brain is injured, it no longer produces it at the correct levels. Correct you lose, it ends these that are done in Alzheimer's patients. They found the frontal lobes of the brain, which regulate executive function, making sure that you make the right decision you're able to make the coffee in the right sequence me voters at the end is all regulated by the front apart. The brain, which is, most common area that is damaged in to and fro kind of, auto accidents or explosions, throwing back so they found programme alone in L, a pregnancy deficiency, the same thing were finding and boxers in pugilist. Emma Name, everybody there's a deficiency, and I think I shared with you.
Fell did a study where they found that nineteen times. Faster box of ineffective players are nineteen times more prone to develop Alzheimer's disease between thirty and fifty years of age. Wiles. My second thirty years of age, developing Alzheimer's. Did you see that recent study this had ninety six percent of all former players, Gaza guilty, nanny Six percent? Ninety six percent, as incredible that see it was ninety seven out of ninety eight people of brain that were tested head city, which I guess his ninety six percent phenomenal Why don't they do the same? Testing for military and soldiers were none of that year. What darted Gordon was saying about all the different Neuro steroids Princess, like cholesterol, he sent his precursor to tat testosterone. So, but if you take it, dat and drug that lower your cholesterol guess what the by product? That is a message your testosterone, so what
understanding is or trees, all linked man. It's altogether! If you do it, you can't just treat testosterone if the stuff, above it isn't as affected, do not treat now guess what the military mom doesn't even test for that, and if you not true things below testosterone that that produces at that level with it if its deficient or insufficient than you're, not gonna, get what you need. So until you look your body, your chemistry as a whole, any interdicted. Accordingly, you're gonna contained to have this these mass problems across the board. And the ones that are manifesting and with soldiers, fighters with football players? But you know, and then, if you take these drugs alter it, then this population as well. So it's just like a niche market here, it's everybody is affected by this. So this is the what's amazing about what our corns doing. It can fix a lot of things. One of the things that has just come up on the table is looking back at the thousand plus people that we put on a programme, Fortunately, we only have about fifty veterans on programme, the rest or civilians. What we see
it is those that are addicted to opiates, narcotics or alcohol addiction are able to get off rapidly when Matthew was on here, Matthew was on fifteen different drugs of that grouping. He was on eight oxy cotton. A Dane. I spoke to him recently specifically about this. He was taken for eighteen months. It was on Morpheus forty tablets, it's either forty a sixty milligrams per tab and then not sentinel path, Dental Patch Sentinel patch, which is a pain patch. Six weeks. He was off of fourteen of the fifteen medications, a paint patch on top of all those pills act, but he had no. He had done surgery on this job would sixpence. He had shrapnel pulled out of his less left occiput and he had his left I think it was shot out and he had chronic pain, That's. Why was on all these pay medication? She's off all that now, while because you know Indeed, efficiency has been found to be a cause for inflammation
it also low vitamin d. You have a very low pain threshold. Increasing vitamin d improves at testosterone changes how we proceed pain, stabilizing the pregnant women and all those hormones in the brain changes how we perceive life. When you depressed you proceed pain, very little pain is big pain. Will you not depressed? Ok, bumpy self, get better, Well, you know what we were having this conversation at lunch. We're talking about this. You are bringing up stem cells and the effect that stem cells are having an stems injections on p will it have all sorts of serious traumatic injuries. It is that with the brain as well, have. They fear that sort that shit you don't you in that scene, night, two thousand and I think twelve I went to Germany to do so. Does Germany to vote for the doctors there who was taking a target stem
those who take out of the patient stem cells sent him to Israel to get him augment. Increase them out and get him back in forty eight hours, and then this absolutely incredible three dimensional positioning needle that you three dimension, three accesses X Y, see and was able to. Are we drilled a hole in the skull and we put a needle in directly into the fourth ventricle, which is that fluid compartment? rain and injected the stem cells and spread out to the to the brain to the brain stem, because this gentleman had a brain stem, hemorrhage and within forty eight hours to seventy two hours he started. Having these improvements hearing improved physical functioning, he was in a wheelchair with a belt to hold place three days later, he's not using a belt for twelve years. Since he had his so stroke, he was unable to pick up a coffee cup of coffee mug
and hold it? He can. Only use straw was picking up his coffee cup and drinking it. So there there are places around the planet that are using stem cells and people with Alzheimer's, with a less with traumatic brain entry and it's getting benefits. There are benefits in my projects in Beijing. The stem cells, called message, kindness, stem cells, which are the ones that lovely organs come from in diabetics, injecting one injection of ten million missing, camel cells into the patient through an ivy. Thirty none of them lost their diabetes of forty five percent had decrease in their insulin requirement and twenty five percent of them didn't have any effect. While, and this is Secondly, twenty six m D Phds in Beijing that tops in their field, so there's a lot of hope, and that is why correct. That seems like something that would, if you, if you're in
directing it especially directly into the traumatic area this experience trauma? There's orthopedic buddy of mine in tunnels? its internal, whose some was using autologous stem cells that he pull out a patient injected into the knees and get rebuild of knees, not one. That is what I am hearing two's about. Rebuilding cartloads purified Bonum bone Carla's, the rebuilding a correct. There are a cup of protocols. Was won by doktor. Alan are done out of Miami orthopedic surgeon who showed that if you go in with their Arthur's coptic Scope and you a bird which is like a young sandpaper D. Yes and you rubbed the bone and then injected with growth hormone that he was able to get food five to ten millimetres of regeneration of cartilage in our the swedish politics huge significant and he
the Harvard study, this publication came Harvard he patented the tone millimetres a thick ten millimetres. That's incredible nut, centimetres ten, maybe twenty file, what's like that's that's a pat to nice, thickness that develop so but no one is doing that because its illegal to use growth hormones that fashion growth on his very restricted sprang. Resign. Wise acts like baseball players, and I think that had a lot to do with it. Public impressions of the stuff works. It works for normally well to those who frustrating to me when something, that's really really effective gets illegal, because athletes are using it and becoming more effective it's so silly as a complete misconception and its ludicrous. If the goal, if the true altruistic golden medicine is to fix people, then why are we being stricter than using the things that we see fixing people.
Stem cell stuff was. Everybody was always worried that people are going to get it from fetuses and then somehow is going to encourage abortions until they figured out how to get it from other means, and once I figured out how to like get if one then now that that that debates off the table, but for the longest time that was the big issue like during the Bush administration they held stem cell research because of the right wing Christians. I think, there's mistress save one cell single cell was not a single. So here single cell, I think it's at ten years that they put the moratorium on doing any, researching and yet themselves, which is giving Switzerland this guy. I know you are giving Russia in massive advantage me away too big to be most likely is daddy to be brain dead? So if there is not even a brain in their house, how can you say that taking a single, so I mean picking your nose? Is gonna, kill more single cells than doing that for stem cell research, but the real market for young people a kid Rubicon, you're single cells, but the repercussions of that country,
a game changer cross border for everything you know I used to think of stem cells is while that's kind of interesting is some future therapy, that's gonna, be cool till I got shot in my shoulder. I wholly fuck. This is nuts like this. The shoulder this bother me for a year not bother me at all. Any more money and how could turn around a couple we ex cop away just started feeling great. Now it's two months out now it's been two months out. I don't have any pain, Pierre yours or stem cell stem cells where they get the simplest centre for Hope Center. They technique, which is pure p, which, platelet? Ria you ass, my was similar to write. It gets a barocco boats at similar to a regenerating right, except that I don't either rejected cars, that stuff that Doctor Peter well, figured out an in Germany. That's the blood, spinning procedure. The heat up, the blood This is a more advanced version of plainly richly plasma, and they do not, but he was Austin.
They exposed to a specials frequency of ultra violet light to take care of any of the inflammatory chemistry that's in their through of photo deactivation and the p r p works very well since we know and yeah something it's more acceptable than doing autologous stem cell, which there's another way is to do with those appoint, there's a number of different ways to get themselves. There were a lot of you have seen fighters getting it now and what they're doing good percentage of they get their fat suck. Other body adipose in them, they're turning that into stem cells than shooting into their knees in their shoulders. And what have you and having incredible results, a lot of them and they find a lot grappling doing it. I need to get that, don't you dude. I'm telling you man I mean, I don't know of minds and isolated incident, but I'm just so blown away. I was on the verge of surgery. I was thinking, ok I'll, be out for three:
it's been a sling for eight weeks Bob. I was gone over my head, how much downtime? What can I do during that downtime it? I was out preparing to have a useless shoulder now this I'm doing everything I mean with zero pain. Its makes. Some weird noise is still cockroach, but there's no in and no limit no restriction and movement like there's, no does. It does not impinge rents, Nazi Germany, it's no problem. I have what you do. It's crazy mark of a Non union, my left fibula. So it's it's broken and I would love to do that didn't I'm not a union. Any fibula feelers small volumes now wait where non white bearing bone, singing and tube I've, a metal, titanium plate and got broken to pieces on. The first point is never had it fit so the plates broken to you yet broken and so Ivan they wanted to fix it like a nine month. Rehab housing, no wait. Nine months, yeah yeah, absolutes it the work now right right,
they would take the titanium played out ree graph. It had granted graph it take stuff from my hip Apparently it's like it's not worth it. I'm gonna keep on keep on keeping on. But then I knew found out about stem cells on I'm going away till I can do that. We back next in Kenya stem cells fixer? They can help with the setter non if their close enough with Non Union fusion help with fusion yeah it could help regenerate and then the speed up the the kind of the therapy time the turnaround time for you. Well again, you know rights of his three of his nine months now, maybe it's three nonce means alone, It's so frustrating when you hear about how much timely they spent by, meaning stem cell research because the new research there doing now and regenerating things I mean that they'd they ve just they ve sequence, the gene of genome flatworm and they think they're gonna- be able to figure out within x amount of years. How to regenerate limbs like what the fuck man mean?
then we're we're getting into some really crazy area with innovative science and medicine. So what do we do? We stop using all the time, algae that can help people today waiting for the technology of decade from now even sillier, deafening old actual, it's so fast, no reasons being applied as problem, but it seems to me that that that stem cells would be a really good for people traumatic, brain injury and when you think about ass, I think stem cells is a good option. You know, but what is it that Looking at you look at someone who has had a loss of a segment of their brain. You wanna, try regenerated. We know, possible well, we know from studies, We're done back in nineteen eleven. There was a duck, cage all nineteen, twenty eight is a dock up enough, he'll university, Goro, Goro Goro, whose does regenerative research, The only reason why nerves can't regenerate is because there in a non permits
The environment is what I call it lecture. I give on this specific topic, is that there are so many chemicals in the brain that are trying to foster regeneration and nerve For instance, you sways doing a study on a byproduct progesterone called aloe pregnant alone, which is narrowed, regenerative snapped eugenic, which mean that the connection from one nerve to another nerve is a if its damaged it can regenerated. Also prig aloe pregnant alone, is a free, radical scavenger, as we age as our biochemistry changes in the energy production in our brain through mitochondria changes a lot more of sedation furs or free radicals and that's called occident of stress and its believed, especially in great articles by german at you. I see. Caliber finch talks about aging,
green and loss of our functioning. Due to this occident of stress- and he believes that Occident of stress leads to hormone deficiency, leads to physical deficiency and death in recent group of articles showed were sing. A lot of a type of diabetes, called insulin, resistance, diabetes. We making too much insulin because it's not being recognised by the cells, so they found in these group of Article came out that if there's inflammation of an area, the brain called the hypothalamus which regulates our energy use that it could predispose you to developing this situation, called
insulin, resistance, diabetes or the metabolic syndrome. So we ve been tracking our patient population, who have had significant head trauma, whether not its blast with physical injury or blunt head injury. Someone who fell off a second story and at their head was unconscious. Four month there developed they ve developed or they came into the office or ready with this insulin resistance and it's easy to fix, correct their hormones, given chromium and monitor them with Chrome,
Romania is a mineral metal which is important for insulin, recognition at the cell soul, and it was called by sea effort, coop the the insolent, tolerant factor back in the late nineties. So this chromium hooked up to a nice and called chromium Polly negotiated trade names called the chromium. We use it for our patience with this type. Two diabetes called insulin resistance and they all reverse the I'll get better. Their blood sugar, stabilized fats get better in their insulin comes down, so we had in fact one of our neighbours had an inch level, a hundred seventeen. It should be less than twenty five once we corrected is testosterone and his chromium. His levels drop down below thirty, which is we'd like to have it in also says, is radio lab podcast recently, and they were talking about lithium, there's one or takes lithium cause she's. I guess it's biplane ruler,
and I didn't know, lithium is just a salt with him glory sodium listen Generate- is just an element in public that she takes this and she's huh yeah. I haven't looked at it, but there are people you can buy it over the counter now, but very little. Yet lithium we combine the counter ended. I haven't for what that's what I need to go. Learn, haven't lithium got. It seems like little bottle for me ignorantly when I heard that I was like life are lithium, with some hard core prozac type drug dead, are they put people on rather fuckin mind? I didn't think it was just a salt to its metal. Was it official but we're. Nor can it be monopolies that official starting to what started it was. I would see patients coming home with by Paul and being on lithium and then started seeing patients who are coming in on it. You know just taking as because of articles
in Life Extension magazine or one of those other science based Journal Sort magazines. But I haven't had a chance to go and look at it closely, but for press of its the metals. You know it's like magnesium works on. One of the brain receptors that if you take magnesium it'll, make you calm, magnesium metal, you talk about assault, Maggie Carbonate, magnesium, zinc, make sure testosterone grow up, correctest, zinc involved and three injure processes in the body, its anti viral anti cancer and its Anti Alzheimer's, and three and reprocessing in the body, one of them is a natural rheumatiz inhibitor. So I've never used remedy x. In my practice or an actress all in my power, What does that mean? Rheumatism barometer swelled testosterone, converts to extradite natural and its body adapts to what we do. With. If you give our overwhelming amount of testosterone to the body the bodies has now. What am I can do this?
either send down to Estrogen Esther Dial Portal, send it to another thing: called die: Hydra testosterone, extra dial, obviously get man boobs you get crying limping and so forth and de hd. His hair lost causes testable, to follow you really look. My headland seller. Sad, I back. Side effects so in in replenishing testosterone. You have to be careful with the bounds you use, otherwise you start throwing things in like and asked her soul which blocks yesterday, which is extremely important for generating growth woman in the brain, helping blood flow and keep the immune system unique to the brain functional. So it you know everything we do. There is always a risk benefit factor that needs to be looked at, and I think that some of the rich factors are being ignored. This woman in this, this radio lab podcast, whose having issue with kidney failure and they were going to make her get off of lithium, the limits
lithium has a negative externalities. While it has toxicity and its dependent, toxicity and then the uniqueness of the persons biochemistry can make a very low mount toxic for you were another person is meaningless. Two silver, this woman of this massive conflict, because this this state was saving her and she had allowed her to be herself and now All of a sudden there telling her you're gonna have to get off it and she had been off of it before and just lost marbles. Saving going on at the same time the ads crazy. It's a laser another way that people can avoid as there is another way that they can avoid. The effects are being bipolar, exercise diet! Anything! Well! Do you want to say anything about that Andrew? We think that countries that, by treating a nor active steroids in the brain and its it's, been shown that that's been backed up by evidence, improve and his clinical application as well, that that's very much
so has at work. Testosterone is only perceived as being a sex hormone or being a reproductive hormone. What were finding is that its involved in an incredible array of different process, she's in the body study on the emotional centre of the brain, the Olympic System founded. It helps to stabilize panic and also anger and aggression and reactive next to our environment. If it slow, your hyperactive their finding that in an erection nervosa women who are starving themselves. Who do have psychological issues to it if they dont respond to treatment, giving them to improve. So what we started to see is these new.
Steroids, interactive steroids, have influence on an array of psychological or mood disorders, and one of them is in bipolar in the case that were just touching on a German who was diagnosed with a bipolar by the military and was put on to with him and also Abd at the same time. So and then happen was he was given a challenge test with a low dose of testosterone M within thirty two hours, or so who has any symptoms disappeared. That's incredible that did that the combination of things working together synergistic leaves one the most incredible parts of a crack, and this is something that it seems that a lot of people just simply not aware of correct that you now She that I use uses brand new corvettes, absolute bitch in cars, and it's like having a corvette with four flat
hires now would induce when Philip one of the tyres with air and you're gonna try and drive the car you not can be able drives. Harlots, fill up the front to tyres and drive. Ok, let's go and Philip three and a half tiring of DR. It's not gonna happen the synergy is in all the hormones that we have in our body all the chemistry work together to give us a level of benefit of function that on by itself cannot do, and if you look at the failure reports that are in dramatic brow, country since nineteen fifty nine, it's called a futility. Failure where these big pharmaceutical companies took these great drugs and gave one product too, an individual which magic brain injury and they don't get any benefit greater than ten percent. That's called fair your futility failure and its because, in other people writing the cause is because our system is so complex. How do you expect one product to fix it.
He can't and how to get everything gotta be balance it all gotta be balanced. So does such an issue in this country when it comes to mental health that Mental doesn't get looked out like the health of a ball or the health of a muscle. You know, if you have a torn muscle, you ever get an emergency operation to read accurate, but of you, your brain is fucked it's like command. Don't be a pussy willows toughen up or you now stop stop being so down on yourself where this or that some of our our chemistry I mean that that that's the deal and when that's affected, that's when these these different things that manifest that's. Why we're seeing so many of the vets coming back and committing suicide because they ve been instil with exactly what you said: don't be a pussy no ran up, and do I that's why it was eaten and that's why it was easy for me to say all I can speak to my credibility. That's not case so what's mine, some, let's find some damn answer right, because we're fine follow.
Crazy train right right, right, yeah for a guy like you, that's that's where it so clear. It's like you know, you're, not a pussy, so where the hell's Goin on yeah exploiters ankle that have self doubt. It's like love is right or may maybe maybe they're right amendment. The psychologist says right. Maybe I should take this medication, and and and now that's compounding problem and make an even bigger So our having these suicide- and also you know, one thing has been fascinated me over the last couple years- is finding out all the different things that we do, that change a hormone levels of our body. Like all the different things you could do during the day that up your testosterone, including like just Would they copy cocking? driving a nice car around a bunch of young Ladys, actually right rises. Raises your testosterone like what fuck is going on with our bodies like how we're does it is like mood
the changing mood like happy moments, correct, like literally, will change the camera evolution, the abolition of of man in line, and that was a natural selection that when women were round, I was gonna wriggling Erika and the damage to hard. I gotta be right party in when a woman obsolete said De Neil fourteen fifteen. Sixteen theirs bacon testosterone, so she's obviating she has. Spike inner testosterone. What she wants to do our party, I get a party on she once again that fertilisation dance go, look out for relaxation dance, isn't that happened. That happens also to a lot of women. They get older when they put them on hormone replacement. Once they experience many pause, they they they have more testosterone, they get heartier correct. If you just follow aging of men and women as men who had testosterone based age. They lose their testosterone and they have more estrogen. That's why we become hostages, ass. We get older women
on the other hand, loser Gin and gay more testosterone. Why start seeing facial here and they start taking the command position in the relationship as they get older? Ets is flipping of thee. The hormone aid for now, I want to touch on the and Joe you asked about the able to re Grove. Anything in the brain is called Neuro plasticity right, not Gordon, and I wanted dumbing down for, though the listeners guys that make our like. Neither listen so are we able to fix our brains, and scientists said yes, and I found the set before I'm a doctor. Gordon in I was hearing about some of these things and treatments. I was at about Neuro plasticity, basically being able to regenerate the neural pathways. Ok, so have shearing sharing of the neurons unnatural. Brain injury and that's causes all some of the issues that we have, but when what we now know is we can for new neurons pathways in the brain. We can stimulate stimulate that through a number of ways: learning something that you ve never learn, will stimulate that,
treating it with what you efficient and Nora Stirrest Gerard Wise will fix that We thought like can't you can you treat any teacher old dog new tricks. We thought the answer was no, but now we know that that's not correct. We, can regenerate Morocco ways in the brain. Anybody can do wood and you cannot keep yourself. You can continue to get sharper azure age through these treatments. I think we'll get sharper to when they try new things? Now? Absolutely, and that's that's part of that size, my ok, all that that build new neural pathways, and we didn't think that that was possible Autonoe how long we just figure that out, but when I heard that, years ago and and people were tell me hey. This is the new you just accept it will this last class. I was any Tommy, don't neuro plasticity so, which one is where you can regenerate and renew, or you can't I was Collins and a doctor, Twilit Willie, who was doing just that
introducing too that's who are dramatic, brain injury wooden intended with certain type of gains to get the visual hand manual dexterity, which would help to improve their cognitive ability, because of doing just that using learning something new would set dove thing called Subdue Coups Dakota yeah we did so Duke, shove forces you to do intense thinking we can help build new pathways in literature that I used to read in Alzheimer's have a lecture on it. There's they found that if you looked at the academic, the dammit experience of an individual when they get Alzheimer's, the people of the highest academic achievements, meaning empties phds and so forth, compared to people who just have a high school diploma that those people with higher education.
Of slaughter progression of Alzheimer's Disease and that's because they built parallel pathways alot of pathways. So if you lose this pathway, but this one boon all turn back to work in a back back the side door. So you know will also make sense in relation to exercise like the more exercise when people don't exercise, alluding to experience atrophy right. When you know when you, your beer, life has exact same path. Every day the exact same stimuli nothin varies when when that happens. It's very easy. For your your mind, just atrophy you're you process. You dont challenge yourself in life than you're gonna atrophy in every area of so that that's the onus on the individual. You know what I mean by that also by people that are sort of adrenalin junkies, they cut a wrap it up. All more and more more till the other people around. Like you're fucking getting a little crazy, your body, but it's because it takes more for them to get that juice. They don't get it from that that the original
their baselines pushed higher area. You know I've patiently and onto a programme and after forces months they say doc. I don't feel the same as I did at the beginning. I said Let the beginning you at zero, now you're at a hundred, were at the top right. What more you forty had that contrasts from zero to two hundred. In the analogy I uses two hundred Greece outside you, gotta pull that eighty sixth, Greece, when you jump into the pool its initially cold and then your body adapts, you don't feel at temperature differences, the temperature any different, the same thing you ve adapted? So what happens? Is we adapt to not feeling the contrast, because there's no contrast already at the top. Does it make any sense at all in my says, so this is what people have to understand, and you know every week one is to patients soon. I'll call up is a dark. I just don't feel as good as I didn't beginning. Have you change of dropped in your functional. No, in fact, I'm going to be running in our marathon will we be able to do
last. I know I'm not a nominal Jim six days. We consider once a week or once a month said you Entire lifestyles updated, but you not feeling is good, and I just can't get a full understanding Their level of function is up here, but they are telling me that they are not doing as well as it just because they just there stu it. It's like the massive improvement they hadn't beginning right was like this new state like almost again water. In your ear in it in the water comes out. It's a contrast, hormones, always give the body a contrast, beef between low level and that higher level, not excessive, but higher level, and you adapt to new think it's. You know what happens with heroin attics it's a bad example, but the same thing they get what's called flax if they dont feel the same high everybody chases that first high rank and you're never gonna have that first tie, because that was the first that you just whacked all you neurons in your brain with this new drug heroin,
Jason. The dragon chastened dragon glare, it makes sense mean when something is unique in the in the beginning and special and fantastic, he gives you swine, but then that's a normal thing right. Then you go to snow it. What work from the beginning that it stop working! Five has changed and you'd show them their blood levels that blood levels I ETA. In fact it was nothing was Jordan who was very, very alone to start writing was like a two when it should be a fourteen, and his total was like two two hundred and twenty, and should be about seven hundred and he complained studies feeling is, what we did is blood workin is free to stop us from was like fourteen thirteen nine nine hotel was eight hundred and one so is like four times above where he was for any say, he's doesn't feel any better, that's crazy, so he just got used to this elevated state wrecked he's at funk.
He had a higher level. You know I've been on tritium, happens, a rich people to raise our right, that's what they so little of using a ball you, you start to crave different things, writing and but the problem with this as we lose focus and the clarity of the present moment right the problem and create a different emotion when you need to be experiencing the majority that that having right now, Lydia Lydia living in that is not part of what the problem of being a fuckin person is cause. We're always striving for the new thing were striving for improvement. We always want a better time at our raw, and we always want a better this, a better than the newest car, the fuckin update to the house. All that shit we were constantly when no one has ever like hey, is pretty good, I think I've apathy, I think it's chasing certain emotions and trying to run away from other ones when, when there's this opportunity for growth and developed, aunt and ultimately contribution and all of them and in their all, they all can produce that if you were able to and set a run for
maybe look at it and see what that can provide you and what good? But what can you do that right. That somebody else makes sense Tell him make sense. It seems to me that the way you approach life and the full, to feed the you have that you take through life, can either they can even contribute or take way from your happiness and that it's not it's all these things is not just the hormonal balance is not just that. That the physical body? But it's also the appeal. That you have to live the way you things can sort of effect in and balance all that stuff out unaware, meaning You need everything, you need the big picture. Absolutely I can give you wrap your happiness round, passion or our pleasure, those or beef there's a fleeting. You know I mean so if you can end instead wrap it around purpose or meaning Then you're going to be a long term happy, but pleasure passion things like that that that that that short term
people chasing pleasure man and then that doesn't make you happy in the end. No do you know my friend, Steve Renault has really funny way of he talks about things that are really fun when you're doing them and then things that are really fun after their done he's like things are really fun. Why you're doing them, but after that done, they don't give you like rollercoaster run. Rollercoaster, doesn't give you anything after it's over, but there's a miserable trips that you go on while afterward This has been hours and hours laugh with your friends like do that sucks. So absolutely every laugh and about how fuckin cold you were, and you can't being free you, dick off gas terminals, we denounce remembering perceive negative time and then putting a positive light on it. You know, I mean absolute, also understanding that a lot of like what is good is very different. To do, and it becomes like ear your goal setting and then Achieving those goals becomes. Is this feeling of pleasure and a good thing, whereas up
to some people just want comfort and quiet in peace, but none of the hard work and that you don't appreciate it. Absolutely you you like us wheeled child, like spoiled kids, don't appreciate what they having their life. Somebody really hard and they ve gone through hard times. Then, when things turn well delay, cowardice is so good did not have to, about money now do not have to worry about where my next meals coming from the haven't. His home and in a nice bed to sleep, and if we look at the Richard Branson in the jobs and so forth, they came from nothing and they build something they work they were hungry and develop something or had a world that was fulfilled. Everything that they could think of. They have the desire to achieve their goal as opposed to people who are give everything on a silver platter. They dont have aspirations the drive yeah. I think your choice
that goal, that is kind of pleasure, you're talkin about Joe, but like the we look back and look at the journey that it took from where he started to get to that goal. That's reconfirm purposeful, Nan and proud of proud of it that last longer than the feeling of accomplishing that goal. The journey, yet what a weird world we live in. Isn't it in trying to manage all this stuff and trying to figure out what what's the most? What's the optimum way to get through life, the best way to approach it. How much effort is to put on the mind how much emphasis to put on the body the relationships that you have with the people in your life greatly affect how you feel life in those people in your life too. They can Hector hormone levels need an effective Europe. Your quarters all levels taken effect, all those things he s daughter having you know. Someone said that TED talk Latin. I tell them that costs of having for women in home three daughters in life, that the opportunity
have to speak as always outside cousin at the house you know you just listen. I just listen. Just try and ensure that it is aiming at you live with and other structures I'm. Actually. I got three daughters, you have to say that I also got you boys commiserate later before house. You know they are scenario, that's how we live in feces urine and improving on stop but as they get older, they mature into this. The light is my daughter over there in the other, two daughters that aren't here just at the light end that journey you, talking about the effect of the environment on your psychological. Well, being you know, it's or its rollercoaster. I've gone through a roller coaster with each one of the daughters and I've come to that landing. We know You get off the roller coaster. Finally, this age and you look back you start laughing on some. The silly things that happen in my daughter came to me:
love weeks ago, and basically no said there. We went through some silly time, let's have some great time and it was one of the most regulating kind of knights I could have had it was the best knight than going on having a good meal forty year old, scotch or something. What you owe me that this Last year I read Viktor Frankl man search for meaning and change my outlook on everything and he went through the Holocaust and the basically a book was a permissive some people, Sir, the Holocaust the only the Holocaust and otherwise that's a text. That attacks must formally colic ass, well ass. Some people survive it right and were able to able to to have meaning, while others just gave up and died and what What was the reason behind that was kind of how the book looked at it and it was people who survived that, like nine percent was the commonality was, is nobody had some kind of a meaning rights
somebody is some kind of purpose outside of themselves. That was wrapped in how they could better. Better somebody else's life in some form of fashion. In that purpose, that meaning to their life allow them to be able to endure whatever came their way because they had a purpose to endure it, the personal didn't have a meaning put on there. For whatever reason just add at the end was too much. They just gave in and said I give up and am and eventually died, and that was the difference. And we can replicate that in our own life, you can wrap your life around meaning and purpose. And that too how you can contribute to put valuing somebody else's life. I found puts value into you- you know- I mean I think the Ito life is a little left purpose a very good way of putting it makes you feel better about your life. To, unlike cynical people will say, would there is no purpose in the end? You know you can take a dirt nap and that's all the time that you have here is just bullshit, but
the reality is that bullshit is way better when you believe that you have purposely live for a purpose and when you hard and you achieve things like goal setting. They say that one of the most important things for people to achieve happiness is setting in achieving its goals, setting in achieving of goals. Whether it's simple like on completing a project I wanted, regarding my yard, you know you want to put a posts and grow plants and then, when you need a salad from those plans to go, I fuckin did it. Do you get a feeling now a feeling of accomplishment from an art project from anything you want to do, fixing the shed what it whatever it is like when you set a goal- and you do your best in you achieve that's part of What made human beings what we are today in two thousand fifteen those those natural ward systems are in our dna and if you follow those and you live by those you a more fulfilled life, a happy life agri angry in its it say, the film I did say joy that you get that you don't have a need
nobody has to say to you the job, because it self generated your own self reward, as opposed to people search for neither once someone else to tap on the back in all people come up to me and in on three cents of about fact people say what a great job I'm doing whatever I'm doing, I knew I'm doing a good job. Because that's my purpose, it's my purpose. I don't know. To have someone to tell me to not been doing good job. You not us black like they weren't you in your best. You be going guest yourself right, so you may need any ban on very hypocritical about myself, because you know you look around the planet, how many people are putting an effort for helping other people, right I mean really truly helping without help and not that I do a hundred percent, because I've selfish, I need to have my dear I search and my our and whatever else, trying to improve well being right of well being across the board. Yeah, it's
there is really no good manual on how to live life, and even if there was it might apply to you. You know, I mean no. Nobody could tell you that you're, like what's going to make one person happy not necessarily going to make another person happy what were? We are talking about goal setting and working hard and training for some people down? That's actually not it for set of some people. What do you want to do just want to have a good group of friends, then be around them in and have nice meals and good conversations, and that's it. Did they literally dont have a desire for these other things, but for people, you that have this burning desire to to know things and improve upon things and to do good work for you. That's that's your path! That's it I think, suppose, get so wrapped up in the data day rat race of life? It they don't put, took their head up and say man, I'm told in the boat and I'm not there. There is no meaning there is no purpose time doing anything. I would think people really thought about it. They might
you do it? I know Joe rub unless you are more Gordon wants to do, but they're they're like hey out to do something, is if it's not just tight around totally doing you know. I just want to hang out and not give anything out. Anybody and I think, in anything, return, I don't think anybody wants to do that and in their right mind you know it's so hard for people to find out what it is that they want to do. And then how do I go about pursuing that? And how do I go while pursuing that, while avoiding the idea of choosing just a job. That's gonna give you security. A job. You don't want to do but hey you know it's gonna, Gimme Dental there. That's that's a big factor and allow people's larger than non pursuing of dreams. But somehow I gotta go out. Dreams are dangerous. You gotta go after it with her with no fear failure that in no even let failure enter into the equation. What would you do if you knew you? fail at it. That's what I would tell people do. That's right, for my kids would have your passion about that's where you, start yeah. No, I mean that's really to go and gas dental programme. You're gonna have failure, but absolutely failures. Important for growth and learning
You know I haven't all the time. It's it's! It's! It's good! Take a vitamin! Take it! You gotta will feel yourself what the fuck are. You that's what I was talking about new failure. One of the stories I keep on repeating and using as a gulf myself as it was up, reported that interviewed Thomas Jefferson, Hamsters and Thomas Edison before he passed on And he said to him, you know status in Europe's development of the incandescent ball was what revolution. I took us from the stone ages to modern living and you know, but have you about these over eleven hundred and eight failures that this that you had with the bulbs in Tom Citizens is small son. I don't look at him, being failures, justice, things that didn't work by having that attitude of looking at what we do in our daily life is not failures, mean you are worthless and you're incapable, and therefore you should stop what you're doing, but look at something that didn't work find another pathway that
Great Thomas Edison, impression by various other when they become from Alabama, whereas if well some hours, I will not only that he ripped off Tesla, though we know that was really only got ahead. That arouses rewrote off ass. He hated alternate current luggage, antigen elephants, shit DC. Remember that you all about it, it s all about direct current fucked up because a dumb uses lucky there was a super genius around the city of Rome. Luxury with smart. Don't get me wrong, but we can it helped, helped being around Tesla I mean I've, Michael Jordan, commercial. You know like about how many times failed failed over and over and over again, and that's why succeed like you said men and make that that spurs growth. You know you have to be able to feel. I look at as data duchess. I d give me readings about where I was and how are you too self correct course? I'm at without you, you can't
The good true measurement and that feeling that you get from failure is awesome. It sucks at the time, but it's like the like we're talking- things that are far. Why you're doing them, and then things that are great after years later, when you fail at something that feeling that you have afterwards is fucking horrible, but that feed being will fuel you. That feeling will you to avoid. That's, that's what they're more big to rearrange the way you look at it. People look at it like I'm a failure. You can't foreign yourself by mistakes, you, what who you are is you are the thinking saying you are the same that can figure out what the problem is, how to how to form a solution you the results like you're, not the failures That's that's! What a lot of people run into that firing themselves by failures and people try to define you buy failures, United still like how many times you run into self from I remember the time when United School, you do not like it
care that was twenty years ago, you're still live in there. You know I learned from that. I move past it that but with a lot of people right that people. Will a drag you into a guy friend of mine who had to get up here to break up this girl because he was dating her they talk about things. They would have a disagreement about something that she did it bring up. Something that happened like fuckin two years ago had nothing to do with it. Like you did they give. Did he You said that it was too I can years already. What are you talking about as bearing on who we all right now, none zero she's, not writing rational. I can't use China defying here by an argument that they had no two years ago or would come and let you know enemies. I know when politely job in trying to define soberly with a set of failure as a team guy man. Anybody on on the guy on one of my team is a guy who's failed and failed and fail, and every time he got back up in so I don't. I don't give a shit. I'm gonna keep going because I know
when bolster our fine and the day. It's tough working Keep moving. Show me somebody who's, never failed hours, one every time as soon as they have a perceived adverse, your difficult situation, they dont know how to act. I don't want that got my team, universally one's life and death big issue with fighters yeah with fighters. A giant issue. It's called being a front runner and there's some guys that just they don't do well when there that the nailed great when they're the hammer, but one that also under the nail did a lot of months are doing. They fall apart there certain guys it if their dominating, finally, the most terrifying fire in the world, but the moon things are going away searching cracks in the army, he starts here. Mental weaknesses and they fold and they perform at a dress quickly reduced level with no reason while the reason a psychological or because they are confronting adversity, their confront they don't. What to do in that? When you see a fighter, that's able cable, able, capable of being hurt and on the brain, failure and then coming back and when
a fight. Then you see a person with character and then this there's other people that their grey. Whenever things going away. But the moment things are going their way. They just fuckin got their back home. That is what I love. The wars is the guy that those fights were the guy was down, and even he didn't stop soon learn about about God. You learn about Turkey said Joe their character s remiremont some ice characterises kid fights NEO see right now is named Thomas I'll. Meda is very, very, very highly hyped up fighter and He had a real, tough fight recently with a guy named Brad, Picket, Brad Pickets, a tough veterans, for a long time. This kid I made has been beaten, everybody up and then also it's? This fight with veterinary gets cracked is no gets broken. It gets rocked, really hard came back, ex round and knocked out, not pick it out hidden with flying knee and knocked him out, but the point being that this kid got pushed to the Rick, never lost composure. And Then you go. Ok, the hypes real. These kids are held
and you gotta, see that you gotta see that no, because otherwise, you don't know what happens when they get in trouble, absolutely no getting in trouble at being able to operate while, under that kind of intense pray you're being in trouble is what makes champions hey? How do you replicate in the fight world and in training for a guy to be able to be in this situation were aid. This was going to feel like, and this is how you need to respond. Or can you replicate them, you all Can I mean, I think that that kind of mental training is. Is it so difficult to try to replicate that there's third, certain drills you can do like you, do much really take five fresh guys and in you go and you spar one guy for one round and then that guy goes out. You bring a new fresh guy you're, tired than that guy's friendly, nay, they try to break. You may try, but this is also people don't agree with that, because I think that kind of like experiencing. Failure like that in the gym is actually a bad thing, because their need come comfortable with failure and you understand it and some people
think that it's just an attribute. That's a psychological attribute, either you're in shape and you're prepare in your ready and when adversity comes you're gonna be able to handle it or you're. Not, you know it's it's, it's really tough, to put an answer to that, because it's really tough, like think about, like buds training, think about, like how many people go through that that kind of training and just get to the point where every bodies, uncomfortable everybody's measurable, but they get up and they quit and who doesn't quit the people who don't quit the people you gonna cannot ratify what why? Why does the first time doing as they made the decision right beforehand. I can tell you made the decision beforehand like I don't care what happens and how much is gonna suck in my mind I've now embraced it and I've told sulphur and enjoy it and no matter what I'm not kidding it I'll lose a leg before I quit. But if you have even the slightest inkling of the socks. I can't believe it Do our twenty miles an hour
a hundred pounds rather than you're thinking, it's easy to step up to the side over there and be done. But if you have a minute mind framing, you can train it. If you have them into my frame of, I will not they They might not take me, but it wont because I didn't finish this damn thing it won't be because I'm not physically and mentally here doing everything that's asked of me or when you say you can train it. They don't try to train it in you, though, before the prepared now, absolutely not they want the person who does it on their own in eight. I think it's the same fighters are really do either you have it or you don't yeah. That's why? Similarly there's just a small percentage of people that ever get through that kind of training, the right there's. Similarly, a small percentage of people that ever get to the elite level of petition. I think, in any form in any sport. In anything, Were you try to push yourself anything it's difficult, Any really difficult endeavour reveals character. It's beautiful
if a process. It is it's amazing, and it's amazing, seeing yourself and even you know the people that experience with that quit either There can be a lesson we can learn from that lesson and and and rebuild, and never never experience that again and a curiosity, in your training, what percentage of people actually complete the training? so through our initial special forces assessment and selection. Only about thirty three percent get through that. Then you go through the training pipeline, which is anywhere for about a year and a half two to two and a half years, and that's about fifty percent of people like so you have actually to sixteen percent who get threads yeah, it's a very small percentage and that's p that have the courage to join right. So you know think about how many people are willing to sign. I mean that's a small percentage to source.
Percentage of a small percentage of a small percentage. Everybody wants to be a cool guy until things go wrong earlier. Women's view cleaner anymore. What it is yes, eels inside it's it's fits very similar, similar to those kind of each other's all, very, very small citizens. So the question is, if it sixteen percent, and that a Reno Boxing Europe am may or invite email is also does a lot of physical gifts that come into play like work, about guys acquit. There's Gaza quit at the elite level, but they just stated don't run in anybody's good as them in his lungs he training. They keep pushing ahead the bill all those in bomb rush, all these guys at her in there with them, but there's guys out on a net mention names, honeybees fields, disguise of one world titles at quitters fact really, there's really good or they ve been cheated. Spindle asteroid use
EPA a lot of different thing, but even then they have to fine tune those skills. Who I mean any anybody, can do those drugs and can't hit Alexander. I can't put us a minor we're, not your job. There not entirely weak, see you know they might. They might like some p Balkan run a marathon? Can they run an ultra marathon? Can you do a hundred miles in twenty four hours, a lot of people kid, but some people can. So the people that run that ultra marathon they'll look at other people can't run a marriage or the people that run a regular married. I will look at people that can't run a marathon little quit at mile, sixteen or whatever, and they go. You just fucking. None of the mental toughness made they don't have the metal tough does do a hundred miles. There's levels that everything in this life and there's people that are at the elite level of ever may that I know I know that if they get a bad spot, the going to quit, everybody has on breaking point. I can tell you that fact everywhere in the EU, every every human has breaking point. So there's no there's no unbreakable nude walking around to do. You know that might think,
yeah a lot of people thanks a lot of people think so without ever being tested, and I never think they think it. I think they're just saying it so that they think that they can convince you and maybe somehow no little convince themselves if I believe there is it nurtures at Nature- is adjusted to question what they were wanna do? Is it a psychological decision? Do it, or is it there are matrix of how their put gather. That's a verse desertion. This is the limit of their capacity. I had this puppy and this is our a dog in person, but I had this dog named Frank Sinatra that crazy fuck and I remember how it was not his mother. A wild boar hunting dogs from Hawaii, his dog was fucking crazy. He was crazy when he was a puppy. Whether reasons I realize he was crazy, was would always like to play buying stuff. He was really little only two months old Oh, you know, you'd comforting and bite my hands about push him away and they run up bite my hand again push more and my coming sometimes, when I do this, I pushed him
eighty times before, I got tired of doing it. I got one a push to three form a fuckin human. Ok, I'm a grown man and he's a baby. Pushing him away from me and he knew not discouraged not once at number eighty, a minor abided by my hand, lets us I call this the laws but like that and was a hundred percent nature as la nurture autonomous dog. That of time, to do. As you know, get Patten given dog food Jim kisses. But in his hit news make up. And there is the question of epigenetic like what how much your character! Do you get from your parents, like just in your dna? How Can you mould on your own? I mean, I think there are There's an untold number variables and
nature and nurture its neither organs all the above absolute environment. There are so many different things that are so you know you can't really put these people down for now being able to succeed at the level that you ve likely now you did with the Super marathon, a marathon rumours and does like I do a five Kane. I'm wasted not a runner swimmer. If you decided you were a runner and then put in the work, you re a runner given any you know, I mean whether knees hold up her ankle, Problems are all a jazz have you decided to you: can do it's not outside the realm of possibilities like you can't fly can't fly either. You know have wings, you know I mean I gotta about non physical limitations is a simple thing like running, not saying: will you beat Hussein Bolton a hundred yards dash? Know you want, but we're talkin about some simple stuff right, making a commitment to do it now, keeping is innocent, go at men and yeah the physical mental capacity, and then just whether you gonna be committed and whether or not you gonna break the saw I've been committed before that that
That's a difference Joe. Instead of turning from what are you doing embrace it man you have, you have to truly embrace it is this, then, is not something that you're trying to get out of here, you're trying to live in that moment and in truly thrive, and that's the difference from them illegal former, an anomaly yeah. I mean even like simple things like that. Tell yourself: you're gonna do an hour and a half on an elliptical machine. What seems real easy for five minutes and then ten and its anti like fucker got an hour and twenty more minutes this bullshit and then you know, as you go, you know and not reduce the level keep the level of the same and just forces. To do it does not easy to do shit comparative would alter marathon, so they levels to everything and then humble these crazy fox that do like this there's people that, due to alter marathons in a row like they'll, do ultra marathon and of doing ultra marathon back, because a regular ultra marathon is now. Crazy enough for these people, because they do want to
the edge, what when's the edge. I hid it. No, I think, no further, on building up more enduring sitting on building all more mental toughness. I can go further. Have you ever went off, heard that what is the ice man? Yes, that crazy for their good ran a marathon in the end in the desert without drinking water yeah, he goes and, as is crease crazy, submergence and in Ike freezing temperatures, and he can keep his Four temperature without changing the rules will wreck, two hours yeah. So he saying that he's come up with a method that he can teach you how to change our physiology to be to adapt to these things, as with breathing techniques, commitment and a clean water, Emergent went fuck an alien may I did it. I bought his thing their day and Mean Becky did the breathing thing on my wife and the first thing I did it. I held my breath for two minutes and forty one seconds by: why filled it for two minutes and thirty seconds after after fifteen
doing is ruining stuff, and you have the floor for five minutes before we left me. Guys somebody rather forty one year in short, in short, in short, to know it no sure yeah yeah somebody Everest You took twenty six people up to Kilimanjaro, they summit it and they all had A cancers are elements whatever train them for three months. Sixteen of them cemented they didn't in twenty thirty six hours and didn't shorts. I mean the thing is, I can train you to take take over your physiology and you're on atomic nervous system, or a guy like that. Seeing you know, like people talk about mental training, cowboys geronium the other day, and I asked him is involved, and it always talking about like mine ox and things go wrong, fights might have you ever done. Any Mediterranean island is ever fuck today that stuff, but I think get a guy's as tough as like. Our voice, Maroni, any teach him some shit,
this. Absolutely it's all next level that down this is elite of the elite. You know it so you can get your physical perceptible physical performance up to the top level than you're selling. Yourselves short, if you're not only have also having a mental aspect to your game, you have a mental aspect. You again, you have to be mentally training. I think also, like people get used to shit, you get used stuff and you get used to stuff like where it's not that bad anymore, I do this. Have you done the cry of therapy? I don't know what you're doing after this you wanna go. Do turn it. Seventy degrees below zero for three minutes, fucking so my mom says amazing. Amazing get out there. You feel like a fuckin werewolf, like gonna run through buildings sign hits. The fact is that the point is though, like I It's so often it's nothing, but the first I did. I was like who issue now but I just stand like I literally like they did, that I'm it goes off three minutes online. I can keep gone. You just keep going.
My body. So it's so normal to me. I get used to it. I wonder let's go out is when half guy too it's like his mind, has a category for these states, and he puts himself in these two any can slowly but surely increase the duration of these states, and this the suffering and the internet? Is body understands how to mitigate whatever issues might come up from his gotta documentary on Vice Joe check it out very nine forty minutes Yankee hearing about it? I haven't looked into I now. I want you to fasten much, I'm Bob. I bought the programs like a two week programme for tuna because I'm getting it that's loss and I want to do the needy get that guy in here. Yes, yes, people that are like that, those outliers those real outliers. Those people that, like like I said when you talk about doing an ultra marathon or something along those lines like for most people, are at the moment until toughness evolve knows insane, and then you here this guy wrote about fuck what is always going to be someone who's taking it to the next place. Next guys going to do it. Fucking barefoot! You know I mean it's just
he's. Cork has indeed hooks upper scientists and they regulate everything I take the blood before and during after he's echoed through the machine, so he's like ie can prove now saw. Its proven evidence proven that right, what he's doing you know? That's that's really cool about some from give being different from sunlight, some villages cougar whatever I do hey. This is how I'm doing it. This is why this time effect, My ought atomic nervous system, and now I get to sign back it up right so lotta people, they look at that and I think of it like walking on calls which is really just kind of a horse. Turkey's walk, fast and forgets fucked up at your fine. You know what this guy. I love that too, that he has brought and scientists to make sure electors zero thuggery involve writer a guy that really understands how to regulate is body temperature is breathing and No, I want you know false hope, and but that's exactly what we're doing with Doktor, Gordon and Foundation hate. There's no false hope here you know. So what he's doing what I love about them is a hey, no false hope but were put in.
To the guy's a here. If you listening, there's no false hope and Doktor Gordon's programme, and the Word Angels foundation. It's all science evidence based and we ve a system that so advanced that you really need to go to a doctor's office. We all see Doktor Gordon everything's. Paperless done through Skype, so we ve got personalized individualise methods, for medicine, to see the world's most around people treat dramatic rain. Injuries were now brain to every veteran that signs up to our programme, did you brought the whole thing full circle like I did that fuckin you ve been doing media. Do you now to bring it back now the Warrior Interest foundation? What does anyone have to do if they want to get involved in this, like say, someone's listening to this, and they say you know they think of themselves. This is
supplies to me right by guy. I know I know this could help me. I know I have this issue. All you do is go to our website, go to our treatment page and start film, and information in the website is Warrior Angel Foundation, we're angels with the actual Worry Angels foundation, not orgy, so you go through you fill out your initial information, then you get started our automated process, you, what you'll get doktor, Gorgons Dutch Gordon's patient patient in for you know, did that the long one and your fill that out get it back. Through email, never pronounce anything, no printing nothing at all, digitized Alden! The clouds, so we get all the information once we get all your information in Doktor Gordon his office check it. They make sure you're, good candidate ones, Spain decided we'll go ahead and will start where funding you. We make the funds go through. You'll, get your blood test Wilson We have access labs in Florida. I so they'll do your labs, so they send the lamp to you too, you, wherever you rat, and they will
plans for you to go to a loud. That's the closest to your geographical location sets what time do not leave her house to do the snake go you're gonna leave your house the go, get your lab drawn, the ticket fail. Take the lambs are sent back to Florida. Forty will get Their analyze results through sinner results, Doktor Gordon Doktor Barton gets it. He gets the result, mixer he's gotta, they schedule I met with you to do a one on one consultations and go over everything, incomplete detail and answer all your questions there and then go over what your protocol was what do you think you're protocol should be it before we actually do a Skype. I write a four page report which get sent by e mail to the patient in it English is not just about medical reason and explains some of the results, and it gives them a chart of what the suggested first group of products or the first approach will be
and then through Fedex, we send a very comprehensive patient handbook. That's put together specifically based upon their lab results about eighty, ages in total and explains why we every single one of the tests and how they interpret out and then supportive? communication from the general medical literature that's out there and then through the Skype which is for five minutes to an hour. We go through every single one of lab tests and how it pertains to them after we knew discussed there traumas or whether there are accidents that they had or if there are civilian, lack of any accident, but here's what you results are, and then we arrangements for either their doktor to participate with us or one of our doctors in Austin. November twelfth. When I saw you last year, my new book contributed military came out and new lecture series came out, and we did that in San Diego and part of the room
why there are now more doctors aware of what we want. We do because we train forty five adopts from five different countries in the protocols that we ve developed over the past ten years, result we had two Andrew. Was there and spoke to them? We had a night of Friday night, which was for military night, since we were so cool Two Corneto island and invited the the jury. Anyone active were presently young veterans to come to the two meeting into here. Andrew talk about his own life's experience, and I can be their head and tell you about the sign sets behind it, but what really impacting on both the psychological, emotional level, his listening to someone as you did to Matthew Gascony when it was on the show and Andrew telling story of how he transition from this phenomenon life to this great military life, then the injuries, and then what happens after it and then having all the
standardized medical procedures done which really didn't help to bring him to the love? That is that right now, which is, according to his mother father, says to brother, your dog, OS said that you were acting much better than you were in the past ever not right and his this transition the emails he sent out quality that is experiencing. That's what it's about regards, what we do it's always about. Unfortunately, the end point of the journey that were taking right now is that but bring you back to a functionality were enjoying life. How's your life yeah couldn't be better better and in that's what we're that's, what we're saying hey! We want to bring this to everybody out. Their who's been told. Like I was told, this is the new you taken no book I'm with you cause. You got the right step down. You're, not gonna, be all remember it in here important. Does a donate link and the donate link, Warrior Angels Foundation, DOT, Org, the donate
Think is really important, because there's a lot of guys that just did not have the funds they want. Their friends for this country meant, and it's not covered by insurance companies and meaning insurance covering. So what happened at sea a massive guys- and he got in his high- take a percentage of my practice and put into a separate fund and that's how I think, and started of funding. The military is through our practice because it's you know for a year the first year- it's five thousand dollars all inclusive everything, because we ve donations from our laboratory laboratory that we use access? Medical lab has given a lot of money to help offset the costs for the lapse compounding Pharmacy universal company firms who gave us a hundred thousand dollar grant so that testosterone for free any of the compound in product free another pharmacy Ike's firms who gives us all our climate so that the first
three months of product for the the less in forty year old veterans, they get comment which helps to late their own body to make testosterone. We just got a tenth. Dollar grant from turn caps waste as for the key antioxidants that we use for brain health and a lot of help streamlining those gas coming to get this Joe, the five thousand in year. One is compared to what the VS bands, which is fifth ten thousand dollars can end the congressional Budget Office report in two thousand twelve for tv. I PTSD fifteen. Sixteen thousand dollars to treat and although uses medication and psychotherapy so gets more as yours goes on, whereas we're and underline condition or fixing the problem, five thousand dollars for the first year above thirty, five hundred twenty five hundred thirty four the second year and then every year, thereafter, the cautious about fifteen hundred dollars the same She'll be. Was it data sixty six billion dollars?
they're paying for all the medical care in two thousand and twelve sixty six billion dollars. Why were you listen took us we're like look at the difference and variations of these prices of what you guys are spending and Amazon Annie and, in the end result don't but no sure. But in result they cared about numbers from occurs in here. Let me just tell anybody who is listening if I made my daughter, has a joy company and she's volunteered to two gift. We want who gives five thousand dollars a coin. Would, choose eighteen hundred years of age, silver coin from Rome, all authentic. They look brand new coins as gift anyone who helps us with five thousand dollars. Coins, sword era, vacant, save her website, you're. Ok, it's e r, a be why are G doc and under you see giving
actually shows what she's producing in her jury company and donating Two warrior your foundations so that they can be handed out to be who are donating money. Nor is there any resistance to this. This type of training is there any detractors? training incense over the seven chart, training treatment. Rather no, in fact, everything is empty. Moved. Everything is being used at physiological levels. I think I shared with you on past show, we use a blended testosterone, injectable that we developed about fourteen years ago, which gets to the brain, a lot faster than the sipping Aden, the and Anthea that's out their different types of testosterone, and we use very low dose, forty milligrams, which is the amount that health twenty five to thirty five year old makes in a week's time so using everything physiological and it's not just
bout hormone replenishment it's about the micro nutrients that we are using to help with the hormone so that they work. I mean you need to have a well balanced machinery in the brain in order to get all the benefits: India, no one is addressing the inflammatory aspect to brain trauma, and without addressing that, you can't get improvement, No there's sustained improvement there developing new testosterone, that's animal based instead of using yams, they re using animals somehow another and that their avoiding detection The army's drug testing, when they're doing carbon isotope tests, rightful like them, you This is the new thing that that the people in the fridge, of the cheating movement, while if you can get them it has to Astral, more so into the brain, because we're does too ass from really work here. It does work to help build muscle, but what controls, the muscle, the brain we were just talking about
People succeed in freezing in iceman and killings, which all the brain, so a few, can increase the brains Billy to be resistant to failure, meaning, You ve got a mindset, you're gonna, do it, regardless of how hi? What are you gonna? Do it? That's really with benefits are so the end. Testosterone increases those benefits, erect and law. Those very well absorb, would like to start from propane aid gets into the system into the cells in three to four hours and out of the blood. So you, u dont detective, propane it. What about that? The Euro DE develop drops libel, some policy as national, I presume it's a compounded product. We developed the vehicle that, though, compounding pharmacies can legal, put legally put the two stars drawn into this liquid in the liquids under the tongue, was put into the mouth and washed round and gets absorbed, because the particle size is so small, it gets absorbed rapidly.
But is different worthy something if you every day right as business ones that are testing showed that either once a day, ideally today is the best, but you get to regulate the responsiveness that you have the response. So if you want to have a nice easy day take one scored on the tongue. If you want to have really energetic that you take to, if you want to have a fun night for many hours, you take for skirts. That sounds like you're, encouraging people to get fucking crazy, gate everybody prescription only and with all the great doctors out there, they'll regulated in an end, its is not a magic pill, but what will do as at allow you to to live life away, It was intended to be no, I mean so before. If I you couldn't react to something now, you'll be able to react to things appropriately, you'll be able to do things appropriately towards if you, if you have a
Neuro chemistry is not an imbalance. Didn't you you can't, so this would give us an opportunity to do that in closing is anything else. You want to say Warrior angels foundations, dot org is where you can go to learn more about this. We got a crowd funding campaign that you get too through our website. We got all some perks on there like a range day with me: ass, shooting at the range get videos on there for that cool. Mugs or whatever. So some incentives to give and and anything you want fund about, Doktor, Gordon or also his daughter will be on our website as well will say that Life Extension magazine that in two thousand and twelve did the article on hormones. The brain in the military is doing a follow. Ups follow a particle I've gone to six or eight of our patients, for I think military and two or for non military and interviewed them to get their experience.
Over the past four years. That does, since the two thousand twelve article, and I think, it'll be important for those people who are thinking about maybe getting involved in what we're doing to read that. I think it's coming out to the end of the year to he did and listen to the experience or us go back to the matter does need Jason Hall November twelfth of last year and listen to the progress that was done because I get a lot of calls of how many people exactly what he said was what I'm going through and I think, listening to those that are injured and get onto the programme more important than anything. I can say and also Joe because everyday lives will be changed. Man. Spy hard to comprehend that. But thank you for this opportunity, because he's gonna have a ripple effect that The pilot. Aren't they will understand, being on here, things were things will affect people's lives and positive positive.
Why that's you that's what I hope and thank you thank you. First starting this foundation. Thank you for being so active with a dark. Gordon I mean this is all amazing stuff and whenever you hear about people getting help like this now effective, is it. This is a beautiful thing. Is really aren't you folks so Warrior Angels Foundation, DOT Org, go there check out the crime. Fund link, check out the donate button and become part of this folks, you can help. I think everybody That's it for this week, was he soothed by thank you, everybody for tuning into the podcast Pritchett Fucker, you folks, and thanks to our boxers thanks to Caveman coffee seo. Forget us through data caveman, coffee, c, o dot com and thanks to zip recruiter go to recruiter dot com, Ford, Slash Rogan, and try that shit for free zipper, cruder, dot com,
slash rogue in post you job. You try to fill with one click to over a hundred different job sites. Browser brought to talk again sector. As this part, those rules are brought to by legal zoom legal certainty care of all the legal bullshit. You would ordinarily have to go to a lorries office, do the comfort of your whole, naked and drunk go to legal zoom, dotcom user Referral code Rogan at check out for more savings. We, finally, last but not least, to more drafting draft dot com play for free this weekend enter the code word rogue into play for free at draft kings, dot com as drafting the car musical word roving plehve, afraid is weakened and Finally, this is it on a dot com
and an I t use a code. Word Rogan save ten percent of any loss of lives. We will be back next week, logical gas, that's cool, go on down egg. So much thanks. Nobody came out last weekend in Vancouver S cavalry. Super taken. I had a great fucking time and all shows to do a lately, even crazy, Hong Kong in winter. Those friends, that's it! For this. We see sir.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-15.