« The Joe Rogan Experience

#1563 - Tony Hinchcliffe

2020-11-12 | 🔗
Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live-streaming YouTube show Kill Tony.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello friends, welcome to the show this episode. The podcast is brought. You buy trigger grills, I'm not going to read the ad because they use a trigger forty five nights a week. I thought and love it. I've been using a trigger long before they respond through the podcast. It's just an awesome way to cook it uses wood and fire, but it doesn't really come located in well engineered way. It's a pellet grill. What upheld grill is is the you saw it so when they cut oak or cherry or you know any hickory they they take that Saw a dozen, they can press it using the natural sugars. The wood, no additional chemicals at all and they create these little pellets. For these pellets into the hopper and the trigger grill. The grill does all the rest of the grill feeds those wooden pellets through a worm. Drive to heating element sparks up a fire and boots. You got fire and would, but it maintains a pervert temperature super well insulated
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and a comedian please give it up for the great and powerful Tony Enchieveth will gain experience. I cast my vote. good to see in the right sort of America feels good out here, feels good right, hold different Theo Hills, normal YAP people aren't terrified correct, they got everybody scared is thought in California, it's horrible man, everything shut down. Everything feels bad. It's sad. It is said the more the more businesses are completely closed, the sadder at it. Seeing stuff that you know, then the memories that you have there, it's also think it's hard to bounce back in big places. Please harder for big places about back cause. You get All these stores closed down, like all the same They got hit hard with the looting on Mailros, like there's, still closed right.
Millennium, combat near here when you drive down the blast animals there's like boarded up, boarded a board up for these four Liese, for least like this a long time to come back. It feels that way for sure some places are open, but it's not the same, out here, they're, not interested in shutting things down the same way, especially the governor he's. Gotta keep business is open and in he's right, like you can do it safely. I mean, I think you could do it safely here better than California, because his lower numbers is less. People is not just want everyone's smashed in together and everyone what relax, because that it makes you allies when you come to place it as less humans It makes you realize, like out, that's better, which has plenty of people out here. It's not like, we're in the forms in the car
tree in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. It's not like that. It's a city but it'll, less populated city and everything just a little more relaxed, allays giant county. Yet it did it. People think it's city and its system massive huge place and its motion in with Orange County with even more populated right. How are known Ellis by more popular than orange count. Orange County, so dense the others, the traffic in Orange county on the four or five is mine. Blowing it's mine, blowing like when you drive down the San Diego and you just like where These people come from to so many of them in north till I went up to Pebble beach couple weeks ago. Add traffic's, just crazy, twin XIX lanes, you're, all in with the gulf and look at you, unbelief took a trip to Pebble PETE, I'm telling you did it's a great things out of nowhere? I went to go smoke pot with my buddy PETE one day and then
like am golf and of my great I'll smoke pot with you. There I figured, I would just drive the cart and have fun arrests, history, addicted Ike myself the other day watching thing on the tv like Gulf lessons or whatever, and At the same time, I was on my ipod on Youtube, not realizing. I was going to once learning how to chip. it's some very dangerous, its wider replayed, wise, a dangerous because a suck of time it sucks time not that it's bad people enjoy it. and as far as liked activities is sucked time emulation. Walking around Europe nature. Yet all the beautiful green grass you know. Does this positive to its definitely an interesting thing to suck time has it gives me energy and when I'm away from it, I can think more clearly about everything else. It's likes it very meditative you're always?
king about your neck shot or your last shot. What you did wrong, what you could have done better for the next one, so it's like when amount there. It's I'm not looking at my phone for four or five hours, which is great, I'm not thinking about anything else, when I do afterwards, and you know normally most days. If I don't do that, I sort of like crash around evening time, but if it's a golf day, even if I'm up at six five seven a m, I have energy all day all night. After that those are the best days now yards, like every like arteries like that, it's meditative it helps clear mind because it so different. Why you're concentrating so hard on each individual pot and shot a separate per com shots drives it depends on what your shooting the derisory and now your knowledge here that derives from the tea. That's the first shot and power, hopefully some accuracy or aiming for the Middle EAST at the hardest, get good at now putting the hardest.
Will you help me? What about miniature golf all touch that putting the most like Archery Miniature golf isn't really is now on the golf course: there's no wind milled a knock it back. I gotta get up there. Ramp, Thou ramps, narrow ramp near the rail windmill ray you gotta, get it in the clown as mouth. Just like a pebble beach like excuse me where your clown there's. No other sport is worth millions of dollars if you're the best. That also has a miniature version that little kids play rates flock. version with all like bumpers, everywhere and weird holes and its announced on concrete, with fuckin fake grass over it. There's. No, I guess, there's bumper pool but pools not pulls not nearly as popular scarf in terms of rum in terms of money.
Golfers make quite legitimate Bryce. Indeed sambo. You know that is powerful, drier hundred twenty three yard drive. That is insanity that so far and he did to some purpose. Others, like an interview recently about because he's been getting popularity. He like decided to like good Jacked did he hit said forty fifty yards farther than take woods ever dead she's, so he's just decided to get really big. He looks like a football player whose at one do that does the thing driving ranges where he steps his leg up in the air like it's throwing a pitch and then he stepped forward and crazy. Torque he's got this crazy movie does wear lifts his leg up, and then he steps HU it and wax it yeah he's others, videos of among you too. We ve actually talked about it before, and I think you said not that far though I don't think anybody setting it for twenty three may be familiar. driver guy, but yet this guy's a freak was this guy's accurate means if right is hitting it,
sadly in the middle and would wear it lance and he just one the masters. I do believe that says going on right now in the: U S open the? U S open and what's crazy about him, so it's crazy about the sport. A gulf! Is that that's your first shot and then, after that touch as you get closer to the whole touch become so much more important, so this guy, can do that and he can also make a ten foot path that has a hill right the laughed and then bends from left to right. Like the into this, compares, I guess, to pool the brake shot. You know some guys have crazy break shots, but with a lot of power and afterwards to touch and finesse game bright and some guys might get in their head on the ape all which is necessary whole every pot. It's the most frustrating yet rewarding part, also does not play a flat surface. You got little hills don't like look at you, gotta get low and try to figure out where you hit on the hill, make a drop in the animal and in the morning, because the grounds moist, especially
We in California, they water, everything and then you're just in a desert. So if you start it say seven or eight a m. It's pretty straight. There's not oh and also its slower, because what right and by ten eleven twelve. Once the heat kicks up, things are moving much faster than you have to adjust throughout the day for from slow, too fast, and all these things so chain every hole, literally chain, just as goes out you're. That does the same with pool with moisture. If your planet place and has a lot of moisture got some of the best players on earth come from the Philippines. and what happened is soldier I believe in the Second World WAR brought over to the Philippines pool, they taught them poor and they play a lot of people outside. So they have these outside areas like chickens, run round shit and their plane pool like a lot of open air pull tables.
And it's obviously it's an island, so it's near the oceans lot of humidity in the air and the tables. They also have this we're thing they do with a poor powder on the rails so like they have like baby powder because it tables kicks everything, gets so slick as its wet sweaty and sticky waste, so they put baby powder near the pockets and they all touch the baby. on the fingers and then in the queue runs smoothly, but then you're always touch on the table. So you put in powder over the tables that tabled its really dirty, so that play only like dirt. these slow, wet tables, and so they develop these like real fluid straw, Oaks, because they're so used to having to power the ball around these and disgusting tables like not discussing, but did you would be upset. If you plan on table like that America you to want to clean the table, but over there they don't give a fuck. Also they don't give a fuck there's a bunch of people around the table, so they have these games, and I watched these games like if you looked in my view to feed you'd fuck and laugh because, like the suggests
videos, the vast majority of them are filipino pool watch, Efren re as if you look Jeff galling production, Jeff Godly, It is a guy who films like simple stop. They film likelihood tripod in a cell phone and then they did just film. These poor matches and people get obsessed with watching. For re as play these young guns in the Philippines Evan ranches power. The great pleasure of all time, like put widely regarded. He liked the Hickson Gracie of Poor and he's playing any packing our aid may grandiose killer by the manufacturers, a killer, popular really, oh god, world class, like many pack yo, could play professional y yeah yeah like gambles with. Fashionables yeah, my friend MAX Everley Hustle, you met MAX
no, you have he's a legit pro like MAX's, like world champion calibre and he's gambled with Manny Pacquiao, and he said Manny Pacquiao's good. He says you have to really bear down and beat him like they play race to ten. He might beat Manny because MAX's world class, but he might beat been like ten to seven or ten to six. Where is he beat me like ten to one or ten to two is much better than me. He's really good and easy, Then you a pool of yeah yeah he's lodge theres many right there yet duty. We then take up all his son get position on the six he's He super legit, super legit and he's got a gun. stroke and is also left handed, I think there's a thing: left handed people
this- has a right and a person, I think, generally there better it shit yeah. I agree my mother, my best golf bodies who helps me get a lot better cause he's great because it is due to seriously look I'll, fucking good, easy, bumped the eight hour, nothing our position on the five areas might have fucked it up, but he plays Ray good. Yeah, like like, like I said, if I saw him in a tournament, didn't know as many pack built our skies really good. Is a pro centrally approach, but that's also because he's in the Philippines and the Philippines Could he gets a perfect position on the seven wash seven to eight eight to the ten and he's out? Ten ball washes pop iv. Watch out a stroke. The ball, like everything, super precise legal position. That's he's a professional, look like a legit professional, so if man
he decides to retire from from fighting and goes in the professional pool. He we might win some world championships like no bulshit me and he still fighting actively they're actually talked about fighting, Conor Macgregor right now, which is kind of bonkers, gets out beautiful position. Why do you say it's kind of bonkers Because you think I ain't gonna Macgregor dominate Connor question. you're, not even one of the greatest boxes of all. I agree against. The guy was one professional boxing. I agree and I'm a huge Manny pack, your fan, but bad luck where his bite gotta, believe it the. Other weak ties and Jerry watched Mick Craig Earth may well since its been like Don. I just webs on my show time app and I wanted to watch some boxing popped up and I clicked on it, and I did not remember. I remembered Conner shocking me with how good he did. I did not
member it being. As close as a truly was, let me explain some of the reason why it was close whiskers may, whether let em blow was bought right, yes, led him. Looking may whether will a jet legit left uppercut early in the fight and those conniston as I've wow. That's really jet washes Hugo see what what Conor ITALY that and if you see it, was this left apricots. If, if they are not very planets, really sits brute Rwanda little bit suggests I could see it. It's really really good. I mean only that lead. Left uppercut. Here's a thing may weather had a figure out, Connor's timing, because what Conner is Connor is not a professional box. Okay, so because not a professional boxer, he's not as efficient and he's gonna get tired, easier, may well There is one of the greatest, if not the greatest box or of all time. I say this: a real good argument, he's grace of all time causes undefeated, fifteen o and
really only been hurt by sugar shamelessly and Maidana two guys in the spectacular career fifty and up and just gets hit less than anybody any soup smart about how he sets up fights. He sets. One of these does it talks, message shit and gets everybody wanting to route for him to lose. He'll show you always rolls Royce his show you all this money to show you always watches and everybody he's gonna go broke, he's gonna go broke, but he never does. He keeps Megan Murray gives very good money so because, if you can his style he's he's got a brilliant style. Style is take the minimal amount of damage, fine you're openings and then establish the game and then dominate, and that's what he's done to everybody: that's region many pack now in their fight and in many backing, apparently fucked up shoulder, but that's what he did. A Ricky hat and dominate Ricky happened at the time was
You know one of the best in the world and a guy that a lot of people were interested in, seeing how he would do against May weather and then the second fight with my donna you to see the brilliance of May. Whether, because you know you got clipped in the first five so he digested all of Madonna's movements and what he did wrong in the first thing that came out of second fight and just put on a clinic he's. The best of all time, but Connor is a free He's an explosive guy he's so fast ass in there's no remedy for that other than getting tired. So what may weather? Dylan was box and with them, but preserving being safe, got Clifton. we'll tonnes realise O Connor can punch, conduct punch but just drag him into deep water dragon deep And that's what a guy like me, whether we do he's the most he's, the most intelligent, in terms of his overall strategy to preserve as hell yet always win, he's the most intelligent. He so good
all the grades have suffered, losses and setbacks and set him yeah Sab em. We don't even know what it's like I'm you don't even know how he would recover. We know he's had tough fight. He sets a couple, a tough fight but dude he. So damn good he's so protected, he knows to beam were not to be he so compose Look at that. Look at that movement. Look how moves away from everything. So you your punching at air and used threatening but you're not really hit nominees, making you throw punches and occasionally Click on with a shot is moving away any rules with a lot of shit. So it's real, you gotta, be a guy. like sugar, Shea, mostly clipped him really clipped em like really hurt him and he just grab to hold only held on dome, eventually started. Kickin sugar chains. Ass just took time he's If you were young boxer- and you want to know what it's like to be a forty one year old and still be at the top of your game, you got to be camp or, like Bernard Hopkins, when Bernard
it was at the top of his game. He was older. He was like an is forty say, because I think it was thirty six when he beat Phillips Trinidad and a lot of people. I Bernard Don it's over Felix Trinidad, Tito Trinidad as a future, and he let Felix Trinidad on fire and then the same thing with Kelly paddling. literally, thank God. We are not expecting that we were expecting that to be Kelly Public's big. Like return, he got some mashed Bernard Hopkins National Treasure yeah he's because what he will give you the kind of pop some of their job and that was uncomfortable. But its legs like look how come he is stopped, backed up backed up a second lookout Damn com hears washes, jab, the floods pace. He doesn't even blinked, it touches them in the nose, but he knows it's not gonna hurt him. Forget this a lot like this look at this it has even now he doesn't even move he's a master of distance. He really is your master of distance
Bernard was a master of distance to and Bernard was a different kind of style, different kind of defensive style. Bernard liquid, frustrate guys a lot we clinch with them. Tie you up, make it very Physical guys get real frustrating, they didn't know what to do in its one, fuckin start winging punches and then you get right in your face again. To hold you, but then break You would catch you with a left, her break catch with right hand, always defensive always protect, always disciplined. You know, frustrating our opponent boxing's. One of the interesting things right like holy, I said it's crazy. Everybody remembers that year by, but not a lot of people talk about the massive amount of clinching and head, but that wholly field was landing on him in that fight. Oh, yes, very clear when you watch. It again will the head, but are interesting. It's like the question is: do you do it on purpose and that's what Thyssen was In that he's doing some purpose is trying to cut me and cut my face and cut Thyssen, and that's when ties a bit his ear enticing.
idea at the time at least wasn't he was doing it on purpose. You know what that's also like it's tile styles, to get it to put his face. Put his head on your your chest, Noah put his forehead and chest and just get a test. A wills like very few human beings have the kind of will that event wholly field ass ever wants a Riddick. Both sites yeah those crazy to watch his Riddick, both way bigger than wholly filled euro member wholly field is a cruiser way champion. The whole oilfields, I want to say he fought light Heavyweight in the Olympics. I might be wrong about that I want to say he fought like one seventy six in the Olympics finality Fatah have a subscription. When I was a kid to the ring magazine, oh yeah, of a bottle of boxing son. They ever lineal heavyweight belt. They give out their own belt, like the ring belt is
prestigious as any other belt, doubly BC dummy be. Oh, it is red white and blue sea side straps. Yet like crazy ruffles Yahoo. It like old school, looks like something Jack Johnson. What war so cool cause it's weird huh cool, trophies and stuff, sometimes get weird I was thinking about that the other day about the green jack at them, So let me give you a weird, basically ugly has to ask what is its like. It's your search too bad ass, our disgusting jack, you see those guys who, in their altogether and like like there are like so have eighty wearing these ugly jackets together in diamonds role. where the gross jacket scissors first professional, light heavy. But right before that he was listed around aged twenty one and one seventy eight, which is the right time using Linux.
So and so probably fought at light everywhere to us, for if his first professional fight was light heavyweight and then he went on to be the crews re champion, he beat Dwight Mohammed car. We who used to be Dwight, Braxton, Dwight Braxton, was thus far goes five seven two hundred pounds- he was a tank just to any would come out- Sheila real low. He would get in a crouching guys Billy what the fuck he built way down here and it's just. act and he was another guy out of prison, so just tough shit like per Bernard Hopkins. Spring Hopkins learned a lot of discipline, but being locked up is like I never want to stab me again is a famous story about Bernard leaving prison and one of the the guards sang you'll be back. You hungry, but its Bernard in some other programme, be a world champion and I'm gonna get. This gives this choice. They're out of my life, We're gonna be one of the most discipline boxers ever that's why he was able to compete. Deepening its forties me locked
to Joe Psmith? I think it was fifty one when you ve lost his final fight and Joe Smith Juniors, just fuckin savage like one of those barbarian construction worker. who was tells a full time: job still fight at a world class level, scary, savage, savage. Limiting. Did you see the fighter who had his jaw split in an phosphoric form around with it, but the bodies, the bottom mandible that happens, embrace and half right here goes up now slots that oh Jesus look look out drop down. This is to happen in the second round, and then how can I think he wanted to fibre dead like tell him hate your jaws broken. That's not good, while the problem, a guy that so, let's broken the problem. Is that a tear all the tissue and then they will never he'll right? Oh my god and german Hussein from Austria who
Adam Ben Marconi visited dislodge. They thought it just dislodged as mouthpiece and then a bunch of blood start coming out, There was a woman who had that in an enemy fight Kim couture. She was ready to go towards wife at the time of her job. At the same time drop down, you can see my god that is crazy? That's crazy! Look at all my god! Oh my god. Can you imagine the headache. The next day, the song, video of a lion that got kicked by a gazelle had a broken jaw. That's that's a hardship to look at cuz, you like wolves not to last there's no recovering from that right now we're a lying to cannibals the hawaiian Hospital Have one shot getting injured, get injured.
Once in your life and then it's over how long do you think they? Last after an injury like that dead, dead within a couple weeks? It usually started you think I'm starved does we? Can you think the lion keeps thinking you think they have like memories and there like that fuckin gazelle fucking know but think they hold no grudges right? I think grudges are connected to cod. function, like our ego or our understanding of our self get him back is like ego the animals have an ego, derive their sense of fair Animals have a sense of some animal Stuteley chimps. Do one of the reasons why chimps attack people is cause that if people give something to someone else and give it to them to have a real sense of fear, Ernest yeah there's a famous story of this guy who had a pet chimp, and then about chances. You can keep em when their young and then they get older and it's like a man, but a man. That's five times stronger than you
and likewise going to listen to. You is not going to listen to you, so I think start biting off. Fingers is one things of chips. Do what you have to get mad at you that bite off your finger, and I just let you know they're the boss, like they don't give a fuck if you're injured. They have no remorse right and their intelligent say have his things. Not a dog is not a person, this is weird in between thing. It's an animal, but it's also intelligent and so When you do something for someone else, we don't do something for them. They get rage. I career rage says: guy gets rid of this. Chimp brings to shelter the shelter accident and he goes to visit it every year in the chimp goes to see him. I call my friend I miss you. I miss you. Why can't I come home, but it can't come home ever because you would just take over the house right. Cuz he's a grown chat, meet they don't castrate champs. The way they castrate dogs Are you only castrated dog like everybody, it standard people think it's good. Oh, did you dog neutered yeah? I did
don't you want you dogged have no testosterone, you want dogged, have no balls, but then it becomes a different thing. Then its likes tired and I get the like of Europe a dog get snapped. I had one of my dogs get snapped and when it was five years old to aggressive, and so some
talk me into it, and then when I am snapped also news is tired. All time his lazy, I realize it all. We didn't have any testosterone anymore. It's all gone MIKE. Why are so the dogs at different dog now? So you can't do that chips, for whatever reason you can't do that you can't neuter champion. So this guy goes to visit the chip and it brings a birthday cake, happy birthday body and the other chimps that are in cages right next to it. Like this mother, Fucker didn't bring me a cake. I can't believe this shit, so they figure out a way to get out and they got out and attack the man and they tore him apart. They tourist face off towards Dick off towards feed off. They. They bid his fingers off it's one of the most horrific cruel attacks, you'll ever hear of because they did it to try to take away from him the things he wants and needs.
It's like chimps recognize. You need your fingers, nor to do things you face nor to see needed dick in order to fuck. So that's the things they go after fuck ass. They don't you didn't try to kill you. They try to take away what it means to be a human. If you try to hide your hands, you pull your hands away from open him out and buy them off like crazy, easy with rage, filled, look in her eye and they don't communicate with language, so there the sense in their head of what's fair, what's not found what you ve done to them. So if you do something that makes them jealous, they think immediately. You ve dancing something bad them. Then Think that no no, I just gave my friend a cake, you made them feel bad. So it's you! You made them feel bad, so they go right after you see it's buzz. it's like a sort of up, it's an interest, study in the way. Sometimes people look at things like we ve all been jealous right, you been jealous, somebody see some
doing something. Well you! Ah, I wish I was that guy, but you know to attack the person right. People recognise like it's, not his fault, that I feel bad, that he has this corvette. I have to just fuck. I just got appreciate guys hustle guys out their kick his ass all right. I gotta get my shit together, but there's a thing that we have initially was pursuing their children. We feel angry, I could feel upset. I could feel like you been shorted like someone's. Why didn't I, at that this bullshit? He gets it now. It's a fascinating part of humans and then humans as we get older and more sophisticated with language, but still carry the same childish motions, find reasons to be upset. At someone for being successful, we find reasons eat red.
You know, we find these bunnies weird little ways we can justify our jealousy or our anger or I'd are disdain for those who are more successful than we. So it's like we were coming up with complicated, sophisticated ways to justify these primal behaviors that chimps exhibit in just violent rage. So this guy to famous case like this, he could see the pictures efficiency, the pictures of the cake guy. of the guy who got his face ripped apart and fingers bitten off and yeah I mean he was in the hospital that sounds great did. Do you think the boat repair don't show it on the screen? Cuz it's rough, but he's a this soil. Give a tramp a kick me: I'm not doing that
y know knows silly bit his nose off kind. There looking face. Oh shit, the bit his consciousness said. Rather, this happened. Oh yeah course look is sees write him the fingers, but not so they do they bite off your fingers. That's the temporary their chip. Click on the chair of the right hand corner that's champ picture of what is at issue surprising. Let him keep his ears are. Thus the guy's face Jamie nets that is he's got a trick because he can't breathe What is mouse yeah? Well, I don't think you know exactly know the human anatomy all that well, but they know what's important to you, face your fingers fuck it's! So if he the broad pieces of cake and given them to all the chimps and all the cages. It don't I'll be happy, but there also angry daddy's dead to their captive, so when they get captive, look being captive for a chip
it's probably a similar feeling as to what it would be to be captive as a person. What have you see it camp at the zoo and year you're in this big there. In this big team. They always monkey bars stuff. They could hang on, but there's a bunch of people staring at them. Like all day long people staring at your glass and as a ceiling does a net over the tops. You can't go. The top and its fences and dislike fuck every day is boring. Nothing happens. Nothing here, and every day does no lions. There's no no fruit to go pick. no places to go journey to explore chimps travel around man then just sit in one particular one hundred yard area for the rest of her life. As I live in a hundred yards right, Yoda L as you yourself small than enclosures yeah
What the hell is. You once really high, really hard luck on inedible and I wrote of a piece of my website called animal present as like, because it made me feel I get up because you know you're really fuckin super begged, her sensitive to everything, but just I recognize how d, instead of thinking about myself and thinking about you know, oh I'm gonna go to the zoo and see the monkeys. I went there and I immediately felt sadness as like. Oh no, these poor creatures- they don't want to be here like what are we doing like. We can't do this. I was thinking that I going to get out of here. It's now you're right and it's very bizarre, same thing with sea world same thing with all those places ass, he worlds, worship is there a smart as us have nots mortar? We don't know we don't. Really know how smart workers are right. We get our or dolphins, because we put him in these weird categories like
how much emails to this send they make houses. Now they must be seen but but their survival cortex is forty percent larger than ours. We don't know how smart there they they also they communicate. They have we sophisticated language that we can't decipher. We can't decipher it. Dont, know other languages, they ve been able to recognise specific accents so than others like you know this The next in Cleveland acts and Chicago accent. Org is have accents like we can tell those by the sound of this Orca from Alaska or this worker from Seattle, crazy nuts. Meanwhile, employment swimming pool of society, other fin droops looking a little rest, salted thicket depressed, don't use it. It atrophies, So your arm, you don't pick gazing up with it. Just gets lip, give a break your arm. Now.
when you break your omnipotent and cast one the weird things as you get your arm of the castle so little. So your arm atrophy minds always like that. I always look like I had a broken arm for I did break my leg ones that was fucked up. Roma wrestling season got run over by a car here. What happened girlfriend at the time dropped me off after sir war and of is getting my backpack out of her trunk, but she forgot that I was behind our car. Getting a backpack out of her trunk started battling for impact of you on purpose and now you're justified, and I am made it out of the way it was the last second I'd owed, and then she had any out of the way up and turned the wheel. He up, cracked, my leg and the two pieces month before My senior year rustling started big somewhere. What's up Jamie turned his back to this chimpanzee story. Bone got
it's a little bit crazier than you, probably like you probably stop. Looking into this out your closing I he won a lawsuit against West convenient to keep the champion the sixties, because the judge said the champ quote: doesn't have the traits of a wild animal and was somewhat better behave than some people it, but it like. I said there is some I was reading more about the story at eight is TAT made according to the reports at eight is testicles also- and there is some report that at eight part of his brain, like they ve cracked openness going got a piece of his brain. This chimp was later put into another holding place escaped again and like two thousand five or eight or something has happened, the regional store happen on our two thousand to maybe the people who originally owned the champ like rented a helicopter to go, find
there was more law suit, but that, but you say that the aid is brain. It wasn't that chimp that aid is brain. Wasn't his jaunt, believes it. But this chip got involved with, like it says that it's his champ the got involved that it like that there is a police officer that got into like, wouldn't when it got out one time like onto an alteration with the car. Cops! There's like eighty percent of cops they suck at fighting drunks magic. Finding a chant like you, Emily videos. Have you seen of cops trying to pull guy over in the guidelines of kicking there ass? It happens a lot in as required, two and thousand dollars and medical treatment for the police. then a lorry or read was defending the champ in court, like I swear to God, it's like Oh my god, it's hilarious! It's the tombs, thereby removing the first time didn't have good enough lawyers. This second, a lawyer. Well, yet about is so crazy. The champs have lawyers How can a dream of a lawyer
dogs, dogs, don't get lawyers rights of a dog by two. They just put the dog now, but if a chip bite you that I called on this sham sound so good. He almost represented himself in court this guideline escaping from prison, eating brains, tartar bullshit, out of these same chapter, eight, the brains of things, attempted attack the guarantors, decaffeinated brains. They do take. Take your testicles off. They seem to know that. That's why you're you're come restored. That's not good! At that. That is not cool. It's o grazed, the boy. You know the one about the lady in Connecticut right now now someone's even break you? This lady had a giant champ like a two hundred pounds. It leveller and slept in her bad and gave its annex and red wine and one day this lady, her friend, came over cock, blocked and champion, lie so. He tore apart a lady apart same same way that tore that man, apart towards lady part or face apart,
ha terrible story. Terrifying story. This lady thought this chimp is like a pet, and then she really this chimps as no idea what the rules are, and you can't tell what to do if it was tyres lady coming around and it wasn't the lady there, is gonna red wine and knows not always teller. Do not give him red one not give him than it needs by dispatches carport. You think the chimps looked for testicles and was like what the fuck die, we note was a female, but already we know I'm joking around about the conflict in part by the he, whatever didn't like that, lady and decided to tear apart you just can't keep them is passed. There there too, it's so strange their animals, for sure heavy everything around us so close to him. Have you thought about getting any wild animals? Violent actions now that you're in Texas file. You said I have a couple drafts on order
I will have giraffes. As of had a bit of my act about what a draft you know about, the only animals the zoo seem bombed out at all a giraffes. Could they just like another day with no lions? a stroll around there so happy. There, sir, com at the zoo that they let babies. Freedom like when my daughter was to borrow the zoo she holds. a peaceful lettuce and the jury, I've come over its drafted in train. It is tongue. reaches out, grabs, hold a lesser the let us it's really kind of cool the way they do it. that's the only animal that I would keep as a pet because you don't seem to care. They seem to like it like this stress free they just chill. I held a Koala when in Australia this last time, some of the whole kill tony crews alike, like ok I'll. Do the tourist stuff that I've never done there in the seven or eight or whatever times had been there and we went in healthcare all is and they feed them eucalyptus the whole time that's Ali
when the reason why they keep feeding I'm eucalyptus is because the second you stop giving them eucalyptus like true it within seconds of them, not having the next leaf. They turn more and a bare legged flick. They start acting. Instead of being this mellow little bundle, a joy feel their claws tighten up and they get you just before. it's a fuckin bear. There are angry like cute and and slow and dumb and then, as soon as they did it's a straight up drug can I v drip of just heroin to them and if they come off it,
Zira and other animals tat only one plant to good question right mean cosy grass, she be grass, but they just eat will eucalyptus one weird plant. They smell like it, strove oh yeah one! What it s! Like! That's a good question: let's do it to get real country with you. Would you cook one yeah? Would you felt like little aggression from online absolute down a truck and leaves where's? My fucking leaves like a fake baby, zero tightened. You remember that story about a girl. That is this couple adopted and they thought they were adopting like a ten year old and it turned out to be a tiny person and a tiny pursues completely insane and was pretending to be a little kid Not a story. Scary now is a terrifying story causes couple. Others like little tiny person that in their house, it was like Chuckie, they wanted to kill them
I like, and then they realize, like oldest Ladys, thirty readier ukrainian orphan, the sentiment. Option. Scandal might be an adult here. Eight adults who are caught posing as children has happened many times yeah, so Look at that imaginative thirty year old, playing with your baby, and you like we're going to help her. She can have a better life me, while she's when heroin, when you're not around there, there may be these are the different stores these at the different stories about her oak cliff cousin that one pair come on you, pop up. You son of a bitch, looks you using an ad blocker, weird, a cock block, your ad blocker. That's a laborious! Why don't you shut off the ad blocker online as parents who are acute pain? Sir accused of abandoning an eight year old, declining girl city adopted. Are they adopted say she was actually a twenty two year old, mentally disturb adult. Looking the parents, it's a move,
The is a common brothers Movie Breyer, those two why a budget which well it all started when we try to do a good thing and adopt a baby, no Daryl Balls didn't work. So we decided fog, crazed, frightening, homer things grow back up again, we're just we're Chris Barnett says Natalia terrorized, her family in Vienna. with a daily mail trusted source, Christine Barnett said the adoption of a scam, the girls not who they thought she was Christine. Barnett that she and are now ex husband all they got divorced over this read to an emergency adoption of Florida, two thousand ten she said she didn't many details, but the ties background, but we're too told our previous adoptive parents gave? Europe for undisclosed reasons like may, because she's twenty Christine Hundreds of Natalia Terror, your family tried to stab them when they were sleeping and once tried to
sure towards an electric fence and poured bleach in her coffee. There you go, get rid of the corona by me PS painting me to be a child the abuser, but there's no child. Here she said Natalia was a woman. She had period low shit, adult teeth. She never grew a single glance. What should it would have been even with a child with dwarfism the doctors? confirm she was suffering from severe psychological illness only diagnosed in adults that scary Natasha, as a type of dwarfism called woe about. This word help me out spawn. The low a pip be have Cecile Heizer spawned a lip his zeal, ok displeasure, which makes her age difficult to actually record without a birth certificate. Why don't you said to be six when the Barnett dog deterrent two thousand ten NBC New said it's our
for the record showing her age as about eight in June of two thousand ten with others me anything. Ok, hiding court document stubby? I s age TV in Indianapolis, see W Ophelia reported that the girls age was changed from eight to twenty two and two thousand twelve, set a scowl to survey the Peyton Manning, hollow paint, Manning, has zone children's hospital, Peyton Manning Children's hospital deemed her to be eleven at the time while she was twenty two with a twenty year old scale. and when she was eleven while much made a career, perpetuating her age, facade school back up, it's weird that they did the tested his child, hospital. Natalia was an adult. The document has been verified but says it. She made a career of Perpich, perpetual, perpetuating its Whitworth healthy, say that perpetually habituating Her age was announcing that very often a red it a lot. Continue to fool those who had the best intentions, that's crazy, where she now.
I mean Vienna, kid is pretty awesome. You'd have to work. You get free food. Your challenges, dab, deepen. They think you're. A little kid how'd you get to adopt any year old new. Keep like. Let's check your hide me do a little pencil mark on door, you couldn't even make that movie cause people say that you are being in a blast. You can make them about ten years ago, but if you try to make that movie today, people call you piece of shit studios, one fund, it thereby scare the backlash itself sad little evil did. I saw some staff other day about how they're doin remakes. Unlike there's no original and taken out of movies, I saw poltergeists here today, ay. I almost went to the drive and last week and saw that that was plain at a local drive and I haven't seen in forever you gotta over. I didn't remember so much of it is probably twenty plus years since I saw but one thing I recognize my sounds like.
the times were so different. When that movie came out. I want to say that movies. It's like its eight way was like eighty For some shit, like what money thing that came out, I guess eighty two, you forgot the rest of the store she got adopted again and went on, did more interviews and said that, like she was sixteen, not thirty, three, the girl dot on the thing your picture ever on the thing. Ah, that, oh, my god, oh my god, shall Associates forty, that's her. The girl told him so, even though the tire grace Barnett I'm sixteen, not three. Thirty, three Earl scandalised, all that she's old interface- that's not true love! Your face! Go back up their face! That is not a sixteen year old face. That's a woman's way, Yeah, that's crazy, bullock. Smaller hands are relationships wrestler face too. By adopted an eight year old and that's what showed up at my door edge, immediate, immediate return, but I think when she was
twenty. She pulled it off, but we saw that other however, the other pressure over she looked young. She looked like a little kid, but you look like a look mean from twenty to thirty three. She does not look the same ass, crazy. How about you and washed it or something like a harder talker did we? I don't remember It was like flashing back dude I have theirs. I was on my youtube. Feed watch filipino polio, the and old interview came up with us with someone I didn't. Even member was a guest. I give you had said. Is this guy, but I guess I never heard of him. He was that now, if three hours do to protect, my man returned the dog shit sectors too? Many too many people in their does too many sick like Overwhelmed I have no room of nowhere. Hard drive space. I gotta get rid of all the new like when you find an old joke that ever happened. You, oh yeah, it's the best feelings, craziness, every citizen. Ninety, ninety eight
That does not mean that I was telling you run white stone. I guess spot on the show, I'm doin tonight here in Austin and he's Goin back looking over his stuff and today he was of hanging with him and at one point he goes You know why this pretty goddamn funny goes wrong. what are we talking about attacks politic, poltergeist? Oh here's! What the movie, I think, is what we were years at eighty three Egypt, ok, so the movie is in the early eighties and apparently it was ok to be appeased ship back then, like super normal, because, like there's a scene where this Eighteen year old daughter goes outsiders, people doing construction in their backyard and I mean like the windows right there. The parents are right there and these construction work like LUCA Jus, the guy's got like like a tube and is looking out through a took a toilet paper towel.
Youtube is looking at her like yeah, I love you. I love you she's like to talk to you and the wife. The mom is laughing their daughter almost got raped. It is the crazy scene like look at this. Look at he's looking. I love you. I love you yeah. I like this one. she's like full, do she gave him that this fuck you this is like the is a soft thing it's a lot more motion and you have to use your arms, but the wife them Why? What's the mom react to it, but she's a gear and they're laughing them, Watson They go to the mom, the mom, since they did everything in the mouths. Like? Oh boys, we boys- I rather give that was today. If you put that in a movie and try to pass it off like it was normal behaviour, people would fucking freak out at you.
And it will, at minimum you'd, have to kill off those guys. What's even more interesting is that's not yet that's not. Establishing them is bad guys that get killed later on right. Those gas survive, oh yeah, You ever hear of gleaming it. When we still, you did it. You'd have to fit in, storyline, they got. These guys are gonna, be the first to get killed because their bad people, instead they a whole family. The deal with AL after about guys are going on about the day they got paid for the construction they did more later on the movie. The guy steals coffee that, look instruction area still food. He reaches any good. they're like she's cookin, spaghetti sauce dips, a spoon sauce taste the sauce reaches. through the window and she's like how is it Earls are really very good. No people were precision back then it was standard. It was like you too, like, instead of getting outraged as an irish member, which would you most certainly would today that's one of this free. movies. You knew you learned about the history of that right
daughter, the little girl rather little girl, there's like a lot of things that happen on that's like a super cursed movie, Tammy, so bad. I wish I could remember all of em, but I remember her things very controversial like she was. should have been taken to a hospital much sooner than she was like of his like its. It was a sloppy sloppy ending. Remember all the things get confused with the Twilight Zone movie quite a bit too forecasts, members their fuckin pop up, shut up. You ve frame for cast Members during and soon after the filming of the series, the series there, more than how many more there is. I think at least three Caroline freely. I like number two number two I think was at home. tell right that crazy, hotel, Caroline little girl, so go go back up to the top care.
Land freely was the young point. The serious played by Heather O Rourke only six years old, when the first pillar, Two guys film was released. A roar captivated audience to did it to do she's mister, I note with Crohn's disease and night and eighty seven the following year, Orourke fell ill. and in their symptoms, were casually attributed to the fluid day later she collapse and suffered a cardiac arrest after being airlift. Do a children's hospitals. Nigger or work died during the operation to correct a bow obstruction. It was later believed that she had. suffering from a congenital intestinal. Abnormality. So she had the out. Basically, she was bleeding, but that was the sentence was born. The inside answer is another one. Dominic Dune pray the original older sister, although the girl, with a girl up the finger equally tragic and unforeseen fate. Eighty to doing so braided from her partner, John Sweeney November of that year,
He showed up at Dunes house pleading for her to take him back when she refused Sweeney grab Dunes neck choked her until she was unconscious and left her to die. He was sentenced to six and a half years in prison, but was released after three years and months? She, oh my god that was my daughter. Like God, you imagine your three years is not that long. Ok, here we are in two thousand twenty three years ago, Two thousand sixteen and a half, or not even cause we're halfway and write more than half way and work towards the end summer summer of two thousand. Seventy one and all sudden guys out of choked or dotted lino chimps have been imprisoned. More than that, I should wish put him with jump. That's it is due TAT, each woman a doubt they put you with a chip and they make you feed the other jumped the birthday cake fell so interesting how they wrote that helped her until she was unconscious and then left her to know, you mean killed her right now. What the fuck you dog in choked her to death, NATO to death,
wrote that yet we invented a guy that risks that together anyway, I love it. I accidentally whoops yeah, maybe just really into choking urban, with a girl that once get choked yeah we're right, yeah not and do not end up onawandah. Let african Junior the bottle last thing you want to do is be really into choking right. You know it's like being really into feet that weird, but way worse, because it could lead to death yeah acoustic, if you really in a free and then you didn't normal girl, you know like to reach that what like for a lot of now that would be a deal breaker looking for a husband looking for man, take care of your children for person be responsible, want to go. I want to beat off on your feet so for guys really and feet, and then it breaks up others, woman and try to get a new one feet things quite important
but that's what it least does the dangerous is just creepy, but for someone who's and choking p. because you have a real careful test. Those waters in I'll give girl. That's like you yet a crazy relation for ten years. I don't fuck choke each other. TAT S! Why miss amidst and fuckin hole, things, fawn grabbing fun grabbing by the throats fun, applying pressure, isn't fun. It's not funny rabbit given fund European with a girl that your hooking up and says hit me. No really yeah, yeah, woe, and I owe it stopped there nothing would. What do you mean he's pretty? What what do you mean when she got slap me like a pang of different, that's different than head because hit and flapper two very different things yeah. But
still hitting Rikers landings in here. If you slap a woman called the cops, the cub see Hitters assault Duncan slap as they do that in a fight, spitting in someone's face is assault. There's a theirs is crazy. Video of this woman screaming in these cops face in New York shirking Fuckin fascist, and he's a stand. Taken, inch spits and his face is up. Ok time to rest, you need grabs her and she screamed. What are you doing? Why doesn't mean spitting is assault if you're gonna spend summons face, you might as well kick him in a ball. Absolutely that is the we are fighting. That's a fight. The Abbe spent summons face is strong, conscious, you might as well just gotten a sucker punching should have just on the punch. That's that's that its assault. Is there anything worse than that is the only thing worse than spitting in another humans face, while the only differences you spit someone, you know, you're, not gonna, kill them, but if you hit someone you really could kill them.
Someone to knock them out in the fall hit their head on concrete. They could die. That really can't happen. There's so there's a. I don't think it's the same as sauce. It's just it's fucking gross. It's mean it's definitely like you're, basically as close to starting a fight as you can, without hitting a person, but if you're going to have a scale of like murder done a spitting in the face like there's a in what you're doing you know, you would certainly provoking someone to extreme violence. If you spend someone's face leaving a lot of options specified ever attemper, like most people spend their face. They're gonna, throw If you hit someone and they fall and they die, it's not the same thing spitting in someone's face. Believe me you're, going to jail for a long time unless you get the judge that gave the guy three years for choking a girl to death in writing. I too, but it's like I'm telling you the world was different place back then, like women are ripe help now
that, like I know, a lot of these feminist went crazy and some of them went way over the edge, the poor. Will they actually dont like men, but right you watch movies, like that and you see a woman who got choked to death in the guy, got three years and she was a movie star right. She was in poltergeist and she got took choked death and I still only three and a half years crazy. Being a woman for most of history must have been fuckin terrifying for most of history still terrify. for most of history. Like you, you hook up with a guy. He had a really worry about this guy killing. You is, we're not gonna happen one out of a hundred times, but one out of a hundred is like the Alec who's that chick that died, while hang out with Christopher Walken and whoever oh yeah, the girl that
murder, damn I can have wine drinkers. Sat a name hug me how monotony drink like pure diesel fuel taxes, whisky, Sabbath, says, church. I need California, person, whisky or there's a bunch of those stories like Natalie would cause that it. That's the one right to drown about Christopher Walken, with their Robert Wagner, I think, was the one who people were point the finger at the Christopher Walken. I think this like hanging out there like on the boat or something I was there, ten tension seems weird that here I am not a boat seems like he would be. Natalie was deaf. Christopher Walken breaks a silence. They will argue strew I've watched dumb him the other day in just I just watch that prove
of some that movie wagon seat, a future holds people's hands, was called dead zone. Was that what is Stephen? King book fees are dead zone yeah? I was while he was so young baby faced and there was a guy in it who was played by Michael Sheen. Who's gonna, be the president, a crazy egomaniac present any wanted to detonate nukes one star nuclear war. Christopher Walken could see the future there is. He died and came back to life when you get back to life again see the future. When you touch her hand, you hold your hand and they could see was can have
What do you want? A pass? Look at young, Christopher Walken. Look at that! Fucking guy he's great wasn't he's been great forever human Harvey titled it'll get enough enough love. Crisper walk has been so many great movies man, what's a vampire moving scroll down and what is that? What the fuck is, that movie, seven sleepy hollow sleepy hollow no shit. I remember that at all this too many movies timbering, just watch the beetle juice for the first time in a while. Oh it's a classic, so good, my family, and I we watch nightmare before hollowing or never before. Christmas was at every year its great it's fucking, fantastic in it. incredible while watching beetle juice. I was thinking about what we are talking about earlier about how ill what executive would make that today not knowing gets a hit Nemo like just like ok, so there there's this couple,
dies? Then they like okay, well, at least for not a likeable couple No super super likeable couple. They died within the first five minutes of the film and then they go back to their Heather's couple. The once said that people want to buy the house after they die. They take over the house to basically creepy move about real estate and them now listening to the leader of purgatory. That tells them to do anything but say beetle juice three times, but they do. The exact could be like. What are you talking how does he told juice? Ok, POW Great Let you know you don't. I watched again recently corollary gypsy, that I think that's TIM Berners. Well, ninety nine percent sure it's amazing to really good serenely. Creepy animated likes it now. It's not, who is it
timber. Henry cyrillic timber is involved at all levels. Economic, trade and producers. Much check slopes. You know what else I watch now that we ve been going back and forth about snobs what snoops, but exactly watch king pin the other day, that's great! Moving on b above fairly Bela, probably their most underrated movie earlier for sure. It's so good And what I realize watching at this time that bill Murray plays the bad guy. Oh and is crazy here, yeah the anything Hilarious, bad guy and Woody Harrelson plays the good guy in Woody Harrelson. A great dramatic actor and Bill Murray's, the silliest sky of all time and just works, perfect, lids and amazing movie- and it's amazing movie- about bowling the up: yeah Bilbil, Murray's
he's right is a bad guy. Who's. A bad guy Groundhog Day is a bad guy. Because a good guy by the movie he's a great golfer. Bill marries here and sit down tribes who were better, You should see Bill Murray out on the golf course he's so funny man. He does he's really silly out there like I saw video of a he called over the guy with them. microphone. You know how you hear golf shots when they happen, the guy that holds like that thing and he called him. Oh, he said over here get closer. I want you to hear this fuckin bomb about the head, or something like that, and the guy gets certainly sets up again as closer and closer and the guy the right up on it. Does this big backs me so I the hell out of this ball man, it it sounds, it sounded like fuckin have and when he had it, because the guys or for hate hot, he had a walk right next to it. He can play our third parties like pro yeah
Do you see it anywhere TIM Burton corollaries that nothing no came up that people are asking about like you didn't, direct or produce came out sometime or some time as anything, it looks. One of his movies us it's crazy. I assumed he did it. It's so ten Burton, like you know it's, but his progress. Unless a fan does like similar, weird absurd strange, I think he's working. I think that I worked with two Martin, his articles as he stepped out of the shadow to make oral. Ah there it is music protest, AGA, Interesting De Burton didn't producer directed interest Time book just like no member of the court, while he nailed it, wouldn't whoever that gentleman is really good. It's just the strange movie about these people to move into this house and saw animated and this little girl.
Finds this door. That's been sealed off. I just little tiny like two foot to wash this, but it's been covered. Wallpaper finds a key for it and she opens it up and it has a tunnel g goes through it and fines A version of her family that's way nicer than her family, but they have buttons for eyes like the mom is like doting like her. Parents are writers and other donors like we have to work it out of here. I'm trying to work and then like did not into hanging out with the kids she's boards it's rainy and shity, and then she goes through this weird tunnel and all the people over there or the mirrors of her parents, but much nicer than all their into is her. The care about is her and her wishes and they give the most delicious food and there with her all the time, but they want her to have button eyes. They want her to stay there forever and eventually she realize, like something's, really fucking wrong here and she's going back and forth,
the two worlds: it's really cool. So whenever you have kids Toning shooter live one. The old lady and new make a little baby get baby. Toning baby can make em too much Corleone, so it could be worse, yellow, fuck, fuck, sickness lady wants it so buttons in your eyeballs, sound scary. It's it's cool moving and then they get creep ear and creep here, as a movie goes on the parents get progressively weirder croupier like these is: slow burn, they start off real sweet spoiler and they keep getting wider and wider Edward scissor hands turns into a Christmas movie at the end, yeah. I don't think I ever wants that to get one sure, that's a fun when the watch, how many movies is Johnny Depp in Christ, They booted amount of this new movie because he lost a lawsuit, see that I have here the recordings where she said
two hitting him to submitting to punching him. I guess the judges insane on this case. But it was It was a civil suit right where he was suing a tabloid for describing him and inaccurate manner or describing his life and in any lost that suit, because he lost that suit. What if it's like? Just the optics of him using that suit. So the studio has to step back in and get rid of them right. So it is, I think, so that's what they do nowadays there I dug out in our working, not working. I think these to have to pay him, though I think that's also Part of the thing is still gets, an eight figure paycheck we are sitting here and it gets to stay home. Beautiful near doesn't have to do. The press releases doesn't have to walk the red carpet. and he gets it just be Johnny Depp. I went very nice if richest the the
They haven't you the movie, but that might just pay her off get out yet stop living alone, and I think she gets any money anymore. I think he's soon her. Now, I think that's what's happening. It is a bad ass, Jeff basis. Panada divorce made his axe immediately, the richest woman of all hi you don't mediately. She became that thirty six billion dollars the richest woman of all time want it all in a divorce and then right after that which was two thousand and nineteen. He goes in a double their triples, his overall wealth, so he got out right before making her twice over. The richest woman of all time
so she got thirty, six billion or whatever, instead of seventy two, which she would have gotten a year later, once the pandemic, it pisses some women off at the way the richest women get to be the rich swim. Minister doorstep Carlotta women are acknowledged. Estonia talking here, not just like dumb kindliness, not mention that stop it richest woman of all time. China, beware chicken ass, yet she did it by getting cheated on. Did she? I think they're already broken up Moscow, do she's number twenty two analysed overall, as September shut, your mouth is and stop richest people show I'll try to seize the richest. What twenty two for women of all people, of all people she's, the richest woman. The damage is, I am I missing stock vice premier Jimmy I'm, not I'm just as she seems like not some of that money to do redundant about she get fucked
did not get fucked nursery to me, like thirty five billion right, didn't she yea eyebrows satellite big. The point was that he got her up before the livestock went up like she just went up, but what he knew, because he knew what was coming. He probably dead, probably dead. Oh yeah, he got thirty five, thirty five billion at the last mile rice, a third. Well, I guess I'm the world now she's the most well, whatever it's gone up in just a year, she gave a bunch of money the bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to like, I think I think some Billy's crazy gave a lot of money being pledged for that's com. What is the charitable giving campaigner which she willingly committed to give away almost her most?
Wealth to charity over her lifetime or in her will says he take that back. It's a non legally nonbinding good change, Maya except when they get older, stop haven't periods, start get mean yeah develops and to start from this, things that you see all Ladys moustaches yeah. They get testosterone, really bodies dumps producing as much estrogen deal with more rugged. So should we have to fend for yourself? That's the amount of testing sir, and that I have naturally have the testosterone of an old way. Angry lady went no periods. Same must stand by them. Doktor, that's true, but there. I do that women who fend for themselves and who run businesses and women who were like entrepreneurs and go getters. They do statistically of higher levels of testosterone and they think there's a correlation between not just their actions, but that one
forced into the role of the breadwinner in before The role of the actually develop naturally develop more testosterone. They would, if there were in like a situation where there are mad Jeff Bathos, negative, Chiu, Ming Sense Toy, make sense people adaptable. Unlike testosterone, I mean, of course they have to who's gonna. Have that type of go, get her, go, get it energy without it like that check from mom man. Ah, the one that may try to make the machine were a test. Your blood, oh, I was gonna, bring her up Elizabeth Animals, yeah yeah, you know it's a faint voice. The dew borsier so's you face diary. She faked a voice I want to hear rainbow people caught her talking on the phone and their work will whose in your room and they were
and then I saw her and cheat place on hey. Let me call you back more. She pretended to be like a female Steve jobs, Is there no do exactly a man a put on black turtle, necks and everybody celebrated her, but as a cure? Amazing, you're amazing. They wanted a woman to be an entrepreneur. So bad shoes Riches self made woman ever, I think, on one point, is worth more than nine billion dollars in now. Nothing till it was all lie yeah. It was certainly a lot of lies. I don't know if it was all a lie, I don't think it worked. I think they really exaggerated what it could do. and they sold it tight. I think they sold to Walgreens and The thing is not just a simple as they align its also that people medical screenings with that device that weren't accurate. So it may be feel good, maybe have a history of cancer in your family, and you like on my gotta think of mine, have something and then
you go to wherever and you get that foreigners, blood, screening and Oh, no, MIKE your fine, like food back to bosun. Meanwhile, my skype, colon cancer MIKE's gotta tumor in his liver MIKE's, got in in you never find out, because this blood scanner thing is here, shit howling. Did they put her away for them? Put her away She hasn't lost in court. Yet the I believe the company went bankrupt and then they they owe so much money like, I think, Betsy Divorce. I think he's into them for some astounding amount of money. I think she she went in, for I want to say more than fifty milk,
In dollars and a lot of other, like really high profile people get sucked into the narrative right, the narrative was here's, his genius woman, whose really like the female Steve jobs achieving dressed like Steve Jobs, and it sounded great. I remember here in the store like loudest, chicks, bad ass. I remember thinking like oh that's cool I can get a blood test is by us. finger prick way better because I've I get blood tests all the time. I always want to find out where my body is in Turkey. I take so many vitamins of nutrients and testosterone replacement and all this shit, and I d- I want to find out how the Toronto homes may pursue mental disease in her defense yeah. I heard about that. They, she might say she's mentally ill, which is why she lied alot, but there's a really great podcast series about her
the drop out. It's called the drop out its excellent. I think you might be wondering fine of its wondering finer who makes it, but it's turned tv show yeah, but it's the podcast series ISM, Is it when I was living in California? I listen to it like back to back back until it was overlooked. Every week when the new episode come out, I get pumped Lacy Audio ABC Audio, whoever made it thumbs up gets killed it because it was so compelling, like you, fine store, there's a guy named sunny, who is her boyfriend drove a lamborghinis reflagging guy and the two of them put the scam together. but he claimed did not know what she was doing and you watch the whole thing on each be. Alright. I didn't know oh man yeah,
I know all about Sonny, you gotta watch it man. They go to work together they day and they editing honour, knew they were Banion right, you're, hiding it which cannot yeah total pretending, oh yeah, I'm so tired, sunny, should think of fire and write. My son is a good thing. Elizabeth Lustre Mine, every day send a role in the work together hook up at night. Borrowing bunch of money for a product that was never going to work having they were doing coke or somethin, because I think he me, when you see decisions. I dare you know like there's no He's gonna work what's happening here. I usually think someone's on some sort of speed and feta means Coke. Something some crazy very easily could have been. So you know all about this and you never watched the HBO documentary Series. No, it's it's absolutely incredible non shirts.
I got the whole story from the ABC podcast series ceiling, Pretty crazy acknowledges the machine is like it was just it. never going to work in every scientist to show you knew was never going to work on. It shows you, the needles and the glass miles was breaking is just a pool pools of blood in these dirty plastic machines. that they had all I mean they had to get these orders out to Walgreens you probably know they were training people at Walgreens with that had no cash, fears that had no experience of the such how to They ended up having had trot the plight of the people the because they just kept lying the people they like this thing isn't working. Today you got the past for the the fauna, said again thought o Sarah knows there knows, but on fourchan We today it's down we're just going to take your blood with a syringe.
They had to train these Walgreens employee has to do with TAT in a vain. Yes, oh my god, that's crazy and that's how they cut the con going on for even longer Swans Walgreens was behind it. They paid the money there like outlets at least, do something fascinating about cons, yeah, something fascinating super fascinating. You know I went to a boxing. Jim wants North Hollywood. In the box and coach navigate. This he's like you, should invest in this thing. I'm doin, unlike what is it was apparent scheme. He says: describing it to me as I go you buy an and then, when you get older people to join up than Europe cash out of I will you just Europe you talk about a pyramid scheme are kidding no appearance comments, as I do that make its money for this good. You know it apparent scheme. Is here now What you describe is a pyramid scheme. There's no. Google back then, when I was like God, damn it and like I got to stop,
here like a guy, wouldn't stop talking about really I'm Tony should invest in. This did a great deal on get money back on put money and you get a bunch of people to join an. I got what words go and mother investing, and what in what who's was? he didn't understand like, as is like the biggest pyramids get scheme ever the biggest ponzi scheme is Bernoulli off with super super super sophisticated. He got Steven Spielberg, really, ok, he got some sophisticated people. The guy made poltergeist also got taken c c find out. all the people that got like famous people that got taken by Bernie Madoff it's a big list yeah because he was he was bringing back real returns like real return. So I could get you know certain percentage every year he was as nail in it and there was a lot of financial people there like is this: what are you doing? What this is? This isn't add up what's happening here. What are the odds that his fucking last name was made,
is that the weirdest it's like, oh Jesus, name, being cold, blooded, murder same made off with a bunch of money or or wiener right right, another perfect one do always shows dirt, yeah disguises Andrew Wiener, so what is? It was really happening. Every Weena, where is he. he's out of jail right. You should be doing Stanhope. That's a good idea. Gaza, Comic Steven Spielberg, the directors chair, de the wonder. Kinda foundation, Lawson undisclosed amount in November, two thousand six. It had assets of twelve point: six million. Seventy percent of its interest in and dividend income reportedly came from made off why Kevin Bacon they got taken in an Kara Sedgwick. She had taken Norman brand
Where are those eagles IRA rendered look at him? He should be taken. I don't trust you tie our colleague shirt forgot here, John Jago Bore God damn it took Georgia, you piece of shit. She suffered attend. And our laws now she's from Green wrote? Goodness they got the holocaust survivor to sending over of acts. who else now college? Oh, my god, my God edge you son of a bitch. They should kill him, for that is most. Them recover, shut up in a way, recovered, finally, receding padded and not recovered. Everything is finally getting my starting at my back. This choice of four billion of recovered funds or another look at his face. They wanna things. He said that was really fastened about him. The cops that that handled him and all the people brought him to court lucky, never felt any remorse. Never. He was a straight up. Sociopath. He didn't give a fuck. He kept demanding things.
He felt he should get more things better treatment when better rooms, no no remorse, never felt badly. All these retirees is people that is save their whole life. and we're gonna put all their money in his account. How Norman, I think we can agree, it could return our money and just his stolen stolen. I steal that much Honey was, I was, is what his business was. What's the difference between four billion in one billion, unless your three billion you fuckin, it has thus cries when I am giving you math, I've got a real problem for what can you buy with four that you can't buy with one Ireland?
but it does anyone do that. No one wants their own island you're. So now you listen to me. It's like everything. We are playing a game. Ok, let's say playing golf right and you get you what's good handicap zero, zero yoga and say what are you right now? horrible Anna, whatever will say, starts shitty. Whenever you are you how to than me. What are you? I am not sure my exact handicap, thirty sure. Ok, you won't be fifteen, don't write many one before Ok! Well, when your Eli Mosque, in your worth twin billion, or whatever illegal Jeff Bays like that piece of shit the old ideas, this fuckin project, blue, wherever that bullshit rocket formula thing he's, got lie about his achievements.
I want to beat him right when you jump basis and you realize, like you, were three hundred fifty billion, but you really some saudi oil guys progress couple truly be nice to me. The first would yet trillion here from the western world, and then you didn't like why wouldn't Basler quit wisely stop working, wasn't just line a beach somewhere gives balls massage drink, cocoanut juice. Why why do people keep working? The keep work because it's a sickness because number see you get numbers you want more numbers is one thing: if you're getting numbers doing what you loved, do I give you a baseball player and they keep painting. You love baseball, but if you just a straight up numbers man, he never fuck satisfied. You are more numbers. What does it Bernie made of asking trumped reduces prison? sentence for mass upon these gave. What here this solution will be does Obi does just for the spectacle at all I hope be Pardon Snowden.
And, I hope, be part, pardons Julian assange- that's made off out oh gee, Samson, a full pardon, went out there. Zeiner its MIKE Tyson just down the list of everyone who ever went to jail for Emmy pardons. Do you get Unlimited Gould, oh my god. What, if you just opens up the presents everyone? Pardon? He might argue, TAT loves you. You get our vote. We chain is that opens the prisons makes everyone pardon for every crime ever and then of our enemies that murder, rape, Debian everybody setting storyline like if you know, he's gonna push back on this thing. I know what's gonna happen, but it be an interesting that be an interesting movie, a president whose mad that he didn't get reelected. So he lets out his anger on the country. Industry uses all of his power. While Europe fired, was secretary state. Now, the second sector, defence yeah he fired secretary defence- are you
fire and people two months in Andorra, Z, media is near times I was reading about his schedule. there were saying he shows little interest in job right now, yeah, but what Eads backed he just lost election, the expected I played golf more than any other president. Ever in the history of presidents, who complained about a bomb playing golf whose playing off more than anybody ever we towns, the jobs over he's, not gonna make it is going to keep working. Why would you do that, while to keep working plus you? Don't you I believe in the people that you don't believe your wife the people that went against. You will not everybody when it gets right. I agree I mean and locum I've always been weirdly. I sort of like the guy. Well, you like bad guys yeah. But I don't think I like bad guys that are actually good guys, but her bad guys. You don't
are you a cobra guy? Now you should watch it. That's the whole team in the movie show the series remember the bad guy that grab macho fucked up he's a guy route for in the covert series, really good. It's really good at really cheesy in a good way. It's like watch now really well written nineteen eighty movie, but it goes on for hours and hours and hours. It's like a network nineteen eighty movie with two thousand twenty writing, but like a old to nineteen eighties movies and Ralph MACHO, what it was through our do in this he's the bad guy but is also a good guy, he's a good guy, but he's making some really fuckin petty decisions in a against him and the bad guys cover fuckin loser, because a route for him wrath modules, a winner car agency. Real. Well, yeah Larusso the so auto sales fucking great.
You know when Trump wasn't Madison Square Garden. I just didn't. I just didn't get divide from that. He was a bad guy. Well, that's good enough! It's a song from a distance seems Jesus Christ you're the average american voter, hey. Seventy million people can't be wrong course. They can get em Johnny Lord Yeah Johnny learnt what is his real name is really good. The actor I now know what he's done since Coburg, I hope, is hardly regular jobs. I haven't seen him in anything now not found and at this stage I am always surprised. The things you end up watching this is a bill burst suggestion. Bilbil suggests oh yeah he's a pocket. He news, a Z. Zipcar is really Is really good in it?
I knew a lot of those career dishes when I was a kid, I know a lot of those guys never surrender knowledge never surrender, and then you just kick him in their chests and they surrender immediate. Well they weren't the best schools like gum. My school, I was, really lucky. I found this the school when I was fifteen years old age, I had at a place that I went to before that in Newton. It was Joe Esposito, those karate school, and he was. I got Newton Legend whose Karate guy was. It was a good school, but I didn't have the method to get there too hard to get there to get my parents gimme rides, and they couldn't do in time, because when by time they got off work the classical started restarted. There's no like public invitation when I was fourteen, if you get me, there's so didn't go that often, but then
the tea, which is the Massachusetts of Boston train system, drop me off like two blocks away from the J unkempt like windows to, and I found it when I was fifteen I got super super lucky because they were the most hard. Or- and this is in nineteen eighty- they were there. It was just different. I guess I was fifteen those eighty one wish eighty one. Eighty two, it was They were hard core man, but the warrant like note, we're treat no surrender. It was There was none that shared. It was yes, sir. No Sir Honour Boeing, you know it was like the tenets of talk window the outer follow there was. There was no shenanigans or factory, but there is no tough guy should either there was. It was very stoic. Very stoic you know was devised. We will go to tournaments. Any would see it was no retreat surrender. You see those guys neatly, weren't good. As per the problems there are trying to make up for the lack of
the skill, and why is it all about lineage man? It's all about whose teaching you, whether not. You learn your techniques correctly. If you go to a bad school one things and I found out, I was teaching. Is it's really hard unlearn shit when I would teach people things like if they had a background in, like a Marshall art that in the seventies and eighties there is Oh you too bright. So, like you had a fine good instructor and you didn't know who the good instructors worse. Some guys had bad technique, but they were just bad asses and they figured out how to win with bad technique, but then would go up against. Someone was also a bad ass, were better technique, and then he would see the difference. We think that the really good guys, the tough guys that didn't have the right technique. They would eventually fall off. It was really hard for them. A real learn stuff. So when I teach people would be real hard, relearned stuff, like the best students, were people who knew nothing. The best students were girls,
Because I didn't have any macho bullshit, like one of my best students was a girl that I train from the timeshare fifteen till she was like eighteen. I was so proud of her. I would take her karate tournaments. This title no tournaments- and she would do Well- was like this crazy. Weird and tore relationship, a hammer. This girl she was, she would do, send to everything. She never thought She knew more than you so I'd have like fifty people, my class, but this one girl would show up every day your parents would bring her in many current her it was really cool, but girl. wooden. They wouldn't fight. You want things like guys, teacher Mamma, you gotta pick your near. The wall sometimes goes close alert to do. I just like listen to me. You gotta pick your nea do you want you want to kick like that? I want to declare jolly you're picking me up we'll do it right guys would have This weird ego, shit, girls, wouldn't habit. I would say you ve picking me up there go like this, and they are yes and then turn like that, and they would you do
and if you learn the right way, you had a way better path. If you learn so I got stupid lucky, then I walked into the right school and found these people that would like hard core with technique. Everything had to be done correctly and if he were off at all, We call every instructors, misters, Mister, Mister O'Malley, Mr Kim Mister Mallory. Mr can the correct you not like that this did matter how hardy weakening the pact, if your name was low or few knee was everything. Your position was wrong. Your foot wasn't pivoted their correct. You techniques everything. You know that from wrestling right hundred percent everything off it everything you need to say any more on that would take a golf clubs. I'm gonna hit this ball so hard without doing the thirty things at once. That you have to do will fall over and looked like a complete moron That's why it's so good to learn new things.
cuz. When you learn new things, you start from scratch, get to be a beginner again and one of the things that I think plays a lot of people is they they never become beginners again and things. So you get proficient in something and then you become stagnant, like whatever it is whether martial arts or whether its even pool, I would remember one out plain tournaments alot there was guys never got better like they were where I was when I first started and then I got way better and they were the same seemeth martial arts, some people they they do so for a long time, but they never do it right. There was averages we're flaws in their sty order there that the execution of the technique- but I think getting good at anything, whether its chasse or golf or in a musical instrument, I think that one of the most important things a person can do is learn something from scratch. Will you suck at it and I'm trying to think of the next thing, because I'm
graded archery, but I'm pretty good, I'm pretty good! I'm pretty proficient I to keep my shit together when it comes to like the moment of truth when in a boat scenario because I've been nervous, alot to stand up and fighting and all the other should have ever done, but I need some new I'm trying to figure out what it should be done. I think gum guns like wearing that shoot pistols correctly turn tactical that helped a law. That was an interesting thing to do to get better That gives you realize this is a totally different thing. Anything else you do, and so you and learning from all the people there are like how to hold it correctly. Grab it really hot with your right hand, but your left hand or your left hand weather, but you're right, hey, you don't really grab at heart, which essentially exists the trigger finger, but you know him while attention and that the tension is more on your left hand and all these take, makes. You learn from those like people that, when these world championships and shooting. anything you do in man, whatever whatever it is, whether its yoga or with any justice
I saw a new right and get better at here. I play golf with one guy who wants to be good, so he's not getting any better because he's like cheating, you know what I mean yeah so, and we all know that he cheats, but he doesn't know that. We all know that we're not to him the whole time. So it's one of the funniest running things three out of them or of us know that the one is cheating continuously. So I'll do it thing where were he'll go he'll find his ball if he finds his ball by the way which, if you can't find his ball, held to say that he found his ball and drop drop. Another boy with a little hill? He paused are over and then go to the other side of his card, so that were off locked out, no magically find his ball, but if he doesn't golf, I will try a fact that now, because that's what he does, that's it every
Now these people are full of crap. You watch tiger woods. Heat hilltop is one of the best golfers that he's ever gulf. When I want to go to Morrow, I ha ha ha. I live in Florida. I want to go to Morrow log on not only bear they don't want to know during our bureau. That's why they don't show you clips of Trump playing golf because they don't want people to know. Gary is that I'm dead Syria. I will not listen Mr Blair tromp would have videos of him being awesome Gulf. He got there. That's out. There was watch him. Ok, you think you have videos of Trump, like your videos, many packing run ample. I told you many parallels widget pro you saw they need. There's this videos of tromp playing like many Papua, please pool trump, probably doesn't release the videos because he thinks people are compare him too pro golfers, but to a nun. Pro golfer he's a freak listening, bitch,
I'm Tellin, you write about you're, talking nonsense. How and why present chop treats golf. Even one is plenty and tell your words fake news I have got costs. Are you can go to the New York Times and they'll tell you Trump is bad it somehow, if anybody's conservative, its golf players see you think Tiger, but how many conservative golf players do you think there are? Is it a thousand percent? Is alot trombones, like ten of the best course understand, but people to play golf or generally business oriented folks, business. Oriented folks want better tax breaks there, the cup Will there be conservative yeah, so they're gonna buy golf magazine right about off, maybe a little bit more liberal as a journalist who, exactly every journalist, liberal, not everyone mean there's a couple, but nobody's wasn't conservative newspaper trumpet and just chitakov he cheats like
three Card Monti dealer throws it boots it moves it. He lies about his lies: he fudging fools in fluffs at winged, foot we're Trump as a member of the caddies gets so got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fair way they came over. The nickname for it. Pay lay hid. That's a nickname for him. Paler get I play with him once Brian Marshall along time, winged foot, member and the chair of the coming two thousand twenties men's. U S open, I would say that's a legit source, his quote it was a Saturday morning game. I got to diversity and he couldn't have been nicer, but then he said those two guys. They cheat see me. I cheat, and I expect you to cheat because we're gonna beat those two guys today as being funny. So yes, it's true he's gonna kill you but I think Donald in his heart of hearts believes that you're gonna do
him too. So if it's the same, if everybody's cheating he doesn't see, it is really cheating, but that makes sense cuz. I would think that a lot of his friends are dirtbags to like one of things about joke thieves right. We all know that they take kids on the road with them and those kids become joke. right, namely, but we know we know comics, who started out working for thieves and those comments became thieves, doubt yeah, because they really lives. Gonna Mercedes was a nice house gotten! That's how it's done. That's it's done right, you're real. If you grow up in the wrong environment, you will you think that that's the way to do it. You know- and I think, if you're in that fuckin d Peggy Dog, crazy, egomaniac, pre internet business world which struck me seventy four. It was fifty when the internet camera stop and think about that right. They weren't expecting that two months on. Thank you just keep being a bit
a douche bag. Speaking two kinds I saved day I save data. I stopped one. The other day I felt We call on the I felt really good about it says we even my place going to get a coffee, and I see this guy leaning out of is like brown Franco Yell at this lady in the car in the lane. Next to him, you know your uncle. Yes, unlike the organised one. Now I did what you like a bit o j want yeah the alike on your speed up OJ wanted it's like beat up and brown and something just didn't. Look write about it in the guys, like yelling, like no seriously pull over Lady Babar and I notice that no, my that something TIM shady, what's going on over there and then they're light turns green and he's like beeping at this lady aggressively, that's in the lane. Next to him. Whatever I go, get my coffee, ten minutes later. I pull into a gas station to get something, and I see the same car and this guy there's a weighty pulled.
at the gas station and he's yelling at this lady and the Ladys like I'm trying to like less than, but I'm not again. Oh my screw it on one of my own business and I go in the gas station She is. Line behind me. She's going to the atm and, unlike page a static curiosity, what what what that guy say to you? She does, I think, I'm being scammed like go. You are, it turns out that the sky was screaming Ladys that, because of how they were driving, he had to swerve and hit a car, and he doesn't want to to go to the insurance. It just give him a few hundred bucks. Now, since I saw him, do it to two different ladys at two different cross streets. I caught on to it and he was just about to get her. She was literally at the atm putting her card and when I say what's what SEC I talking with you
and she knew it in our God. She was right. She was scared. Those issues cannot do it right and that's how they that's. How big that's I'll get you a lot of those man. That's weird about allay. You don't seem like those three car mounted things? Have you ever seen three card motto in? Is that what the CALM York, yeah, yeah, yeah or cards three card monies with cards, but the cup thing is similar: kind of scam is like a little ball in the company move the cups round. His is like sleight of hand when you, see David blame manipulate cards. You were you realize I, oh ok, like there's levels to everything like David Blank, undue, crazy shit. The cards like you did shit with my daughter, like ie, like to these car tricks, and I was watching everything he did and I have no idea how he did it will ye did things well at cards would have a stack of cars and keep tapping, the stack stack would go smaller and smaller to dislike to cards. You have no idea
how we did it. You just look at, unlike what are you doing like it's like he's got access to time, travel he's like pulling those cards out when you not look at and then coming back to normal time. I didn't make bright ace. I'd know how to do a couple medical card checks. In my view, get at them by, like I, have an idea, Peru, money for the one line on other fields, not got my good at them, but he was we can now. I was watching him do when I swear. I was like on my catch him right now. My fuckin quetcham as two feet from him, and he did something I don't even at just disappeared how the ones we did with the guys were holding his wrists. We had our security guys hold each of his room. He asked them to do it hold each of his rest. He rolled sleeves up any made. These cars disappear like what is happening. What do you do when you generally is a matter of more than just car? It's like psychology, unlike yet misdirection, is mixed. That are altogether at a level that we cannot just he's, so it
Vance guy. I took one writing gig like six or seven years ago, just in wheelman his genius great magician heap, he puts his the Netflix Guy now and die. I took the job because as Robert Morton, who used to be the executive producer of Letterman, was the EPA this anyway. I take the job just cause. It's a short too for weak were making a pilot for this magician. Unlike I like magic, magic, school and Mortier, the e p said this will be a cool thing. Work on right, short job, so I shall, a day. One and If we were all in a big writers, room or whatever- and I go yeah, you know I'll end like we got Tony Heraclius, you know he's going to add some edge to the committee on this shows it was a comedy, was comedy central. First, ever magic comedy show the pilot and and I go yeah. You know a punch up whatever
You guys show me the tricks that you want to do and I'll write jokes around the trick and when I read this is when I realized how cool this job was about to be, they go. The main guy goes now. You write the trick and you write the jokes and, unlike so you'll be able to do whatever my imagination. Things would be a cool magic trick and, like him, and like four their magicians, which was basically the rest of the creative staff at the same time or like yup and gnats. What excites them is. me, because they can't even think of things. You know I mean they can, but they want to hear what indifferent mind thinks would be impossible and then they figure out how to do things. What will was an example? Well, we ended up because it was a pilot, a show. We ended up having to figure out a theme for just the pilot so that, for example, the that was technology so one of the things was him.
Verses him verses, three, the printer in making things appear did was really funny, because there is this kid: they went to this new. You gonna, defining this like nerdy, smart school, where this kid was excited about his three printer and basically it was. It was just him. Making things appear out of absolutely no where well one kid was still printing. One thing with a three printer took forever. He infectious pigeon, pigeon pigeon, pidgin Qarqar card leg. It ended up being you know, it's a comedy so bottom, I'm trying to think of what other ones there are some really crazy ones. I think it's all a whole world tat There's there's things that they understand. They know where the average person you look at a deck cards. You have an idea of what possible, with with a deck cards, but they have is ten acts.
Times more options: how to hold them. How to move them had a manoeuvre, those cards, how to distract you with other hand me like to hang around with David blame for a few months and watch him do tricks ended up being one of the most fun gigs, I ever worked on their resist. I'd get home after a day. where can I find like the seven of spades and issue like this guy Craig? To bid? Is that one chopped he stopped a folded card under Jeff's watch band and he's like where's the card just like where to go? You look at your wrist. These are like realise, like yours, folded and stuffed under his watch by any. Has a fuckin g shock right. So it's it's not like a loose crazy watch band. It's a tight buckle, rubber, strap watch ban. He stops it in there It is like what the fuck am I, what the fuck? No one side. in that area. What your fill in some of the right!
did you film some of the other people tat? I was wondering I was a bit. I was a big fan of his growing up. I was like a huge fan of MAGIC, David Copperfield, but like after figured out I'll take that was moved in a street magic. Is it's a little harder to do? You know tat. He was big on so well. My whole life watch em up close and he's got to be two feet from, like I said, and I wanted to just I wanted to try to catch him and he added he was so good at a delicate, seven tricks and firmly kick it he's a really nice guy, really nice guy my genuinely nice on camera off camera with everybody with security, guys with My family, with everybody like he, could tell just really nice friendly genuine guy, but some stuff. He does back and weird, like you, maybe Shovin ice pick through his bicep yeah woollens. That, like I mean what that, like, I yeah.
It's not a trick. Right is just pain and I think a pain is just a sensation right and if you could just tolerate the sensation, it's not deadly in one time. I hit a nerve and we had a back it out and do it again to do the second time I got it and is the sub stepped up, getting hit the nerve sire back out and do it again, I think it was supposed to be more disturbing an impressive. Then I reacted too because first of all, I am used to pain of Bin when martial arts most want some always hurt of that a bunch of surgeries and also have butchered em, most likely understand, muscle tissue, and I'm not just like why we do this so is more? Why we do in this than oh, my god. I can't believe you're doing this like
one was not a good one for me because it's like ok, like I could do that. Like if you want to shove that through my arm, I could just sit here while you shot that threw my arm. I wouldn't like it, though I bleed, I bleed a little bit yeah. We had to stop and refill me He had like a little bit of him at home or a German. Wasn't it a little Ilin up, yeah yeah, and so does the security guys out of public fuckin bandaid on shit check it out some minimum matic How do you think you do you think he went through the muscle I pushed through his fucking arm dude like his muscle, a hundred percent not between the bone, in the muscle, no No, I shoved it through his muscle, one hundred percent. How are you you can do that? Was it the needle? There was an ice pick, but I'm telling you You can do that. You know there's guys this one thinks we found out during the show that I don't know those guys use there.
shove. Swords through their body, their whole gig was shoving swords through their body and we want to live. We mean not live. Watch videos of these guys shoving swords through this one guys body was famous for it, so it takes a long thin sore. They shove it through his chest and come out. The other end may just be stamina. the sword through yes, oh here's me did you see this now, so here's me shove at the he's action. We have to do it, but just shove it through yeah poked right through a one hundred percent real. But again that's not the best one. For me, because of your person is like doesn't necessarily see a lot of pain or the oven used surgery or someone getting feel like. If you did that to a doctor, write the doctor, Blake okay, I see what you're doing
in some through the muscle and Prodi hurts right, so good joke or a trick. It's it's an illusion. It is doing something that hurts. I gotta like steel, could do that civil programme at a hundred times. Does things like the electric? Did you get a clown college or something like that but evil climbed in a fuckin train headlines come chasing after what is he's the best? He does a lot of shit that fraud thing to like another thousand different thing. He swore followed a frog. He swallowed a shitload of water. So during the podcast he probably drank the kids he probably drank fifteen bottles water, something crazy, and then he swore this frog in the frogs in his stomach with all the water they swallowed and then he sped up the water slowly, but surely in a buckwheat, an ice bucket on the table and then eventually got to the point where he felt the frog common up
spit the fry out in my hand, good yeah I mean he knows I do it. That is the difference between David Blaine and Stephen VIVO hits the fraud you're watching to come out of a different hair. The frog comes out of my nose. Games played out, put unplanned you're outta, my, but all that stuff hold that man, those movie nothing, makes me laugh like those movies, I swear it ass. He up now raising thoughts. I could watch it over and over and over it's amazing is Stephen walks around. Like he's, fine doesnt seem that her mean one time real recently had a bunch of skin grass memory got brill badly burned got one of them. Oh yeah? Can you put together with this new special? I actually he had me come over to to watch it and I'm telling It is so freaking good huh saved a lot of his favorite things that he wrote himself for this?
did you ever see the momentum Kennedy choked him unconscious on stage? Is that this one, this new thing now stands while ago, but my friend him. Kennedy who was top notch Middleweight knew of say, put the fuckin choke term, choked him completely conscious and let him come and it falls. Bounces is get off the ground. Like this most recent one unless the money taped himself. I so funny this that he does my favor thing. I've ever seen on this one where he pretends like he's a bicycle bicyclist where those goofy outfit, yeah. Just a painted up. What gets me was saying in all these people? He always falls next, somebody in it than there are just about to help him and they see that it is Riddick and balls or does painted black does a really ever by low uses. Oh my god,
Joy, Knoxville just kick them right in the balls and dick that's pieces of his skin Jesus. Giant boils a one point. I think he does it shot of it does a shot glass of one of his infected burn. Pouches, yes, on good, very funny, so we're way to make a living right because after while rose you gonna go Houdini eventually, someone's gonna hit you somethin die going to wrong, but maybe not cause he's been doing it. How old forty five? Probably a forty five, forty six, forty six! The dual long ass time he I think you're gonna, let chuckle Adele Pension. That's a good idea. Think TAT was one of the things he was doing. Something's gonna happen. China also got knocked out by butter being with enormous man.
and he let him knock him out and get a boxing match of Butterbean, which is means you got to let Butterbean knockout, cracked and I can't win, probably gave butter being a little bit of a thicker boxing club on that one right No, no! No! No! It's a regular glove. its regular tenants, glove sentiment of the damned dimension. Its regular glove right, I don't think so, the sparkling glove. I don't think it's a sixteen out or an eighty nine club. I think it's a legit ten ounce heavyweight boxing glove Butterby was this jackass, what's at the early days of Jack Ass in their legs to and also to show them tv still just
Movies are, this is different. He fought him in a ring to this is inviting him in a store it has had on display, I think, would be beat the shit out of em. That's legit is beat him down and the slaves like what in fact clearly these people like, but this is legit like he's not like faking So this means that Johnny knots we'll get knocked out by butter being more than once, because those actually visibly sixteen hours gloves on me ass, those bad gloves the Johnny has on cause. They have velcro under always late, lamented Don T, let him have a couple: battalion is not a bunch of software, and then he tales of eggs terrible, but there was also one maybe use diva, someone boxed him in a ring, see if it's you know you my We think about you might be thinking about the tough enough progress sling tournament. They did not thinking about four shore jacket,
where someone boxed butter Bein in a ring was an actual ring. I think that was all they do with them It might have been something else and pretty sure someone box them in a ring, see that's why it's domain, you ever see butter being Cayos, see text but are being chaos? Diva have jackass butterby gibbets, take Jack, ass, just Butterby Knox out Steve. Oh. as one of the guys fought it was this. Is it We must without one that would keep Goin now the one right below arrogant downward there. That's not regular that sovereignty, when we just is not the same thing sunshine ice for this one in a ring, is like a false memory oh the doubly Debbie. Once did this thing, I had a horrible idea. It's famously one of the worst ideas ever think of is called the tough enough tournament and Vincent
big idea is, you have to see was just gaining popularity was to have he took lake. Sixteen of is least favorite pro wrestlers that were like on the cutting you known, unlike the about easily quickly, could be fire any decided to make this tournament called the tough enough tournament, and would he didn't realize that some people were just better fighters than others and the guy that ended up winning at all. He didn't expect to win it. So then he put him up against butter bean. wrestling mania in butter being apps Mutely demolishes him oh yeah here it as its really sad so famously they hype this guy up factor here. quick right, hands right hands wide open is hello, hello is hello, is left in a so crazy. That's so crazy! You can't you can't do that going to get up. Cuz he's tough YAP. They ruin this guy's career
because now he's been beaten by a boxer and a pro wrestling ring so over. now you gotTA beaten like legitimate at last. One, isn't it got up from yes immediately dust him off Look, you still get his left arm low, oh my god that is so bad, so bad at such a bad kayo go back to that again, so that guy that fight overlook. Oh my god, that's horrendous! That's horrendous, had kind of others. False memory of butter, Bein, fighting, Johnny Knoxville a ring attain a few things I just get for any other celebrity or some dead. Maybe, but maybe it is it's not Stephen tale.
butter being either way, but a beam was fuckin tank of a human. He was a weird galaxy was like the king of the three rounders wears a five rounders, what it would if Megan Fight but didn't really have the endurance to go twelve, so he would go short distances, but he was so big. Serbian versus Conor Macgregor, who wins butter being three rounds, butterby and targets the crazy butter being at a four hours. They call them Butterby duty hit some once it's a weird number: two land, not right. That means he's hurriedly retie heard by Russian via he, so big you're, not kill him his he doesn't have a neck is head starts at the top. Is next darts here to look as school straight out. His is like a lot of getting Kayo. Does twisted right. Your head washes around you brainwashed around inside your head did at a crazy dream, and I'm remembering it that a friend of my lists, tell me that he's got an opening between his skull and his brain has to close, as I already talking about any like lifted,
skull up- and I was like looking into his brain- and it was all a space whose, like his brain and then all this this- space and then the skull and the outside, and I well you gotta, get that fixed, fixed is a dream that is freaky. I had won the other day sort reminds me of that, where one of my one of the guys that works at the comedy store was coughing hysterically and he was coughing in blood started, shooting out of his neck and then out of his ear and like each cough as doc done with. That is what that's the comedy store dying in your head, and I can only sustain self so long, the way things are going here I mean that will see Creasy Times man. I think everybody has to move to Texas somewhat to keep colony alive. They gonna keep Ella unlocked down for a long time. I definitely seems that way. Some news hit that today, just labelling of origin on Joe Biden from Kiev- and I like that by billboard posted something that is particularly
or take its about getting tested and having it linked to an app tat. John Joseph sent me this yeah that also one that seems to have it connected the vaccine company and take it master. I sought to get mascot into alive nation, then yeah. So if you're going to come to a show, listen this very controversial right. If I am all for testing, if you can test the day of and then get in like this rapid test, like we did rapid test today, he drew a fifteen minute asked. The problem with the vaccine is right now, like the Pfizer vaccine. If you read into a ninety percent or effective, it's really good, but the people that do it. They get horrific headaches and real bad hangovers, and what their experiencing sounds a lot worse than what Jamie experienced having actual covered.
tell me what it was like? Having actual could I slicks I've I've set at a few times. I thought I was getting a scientist infection to it felt like was like Cummings. I've had one before it's like ok notes about to happen. The matter may be have two or three days of nose, pain, whatever head pain and never actually came as such was like. Maybe it still coming urge like just never got that. How many days was it like that one really in another room felt like worse than may be sixty seventy percent of normal life, as like, I just kind of starting to feel funky whatever. Maybe tomorrow be worse and it was like not worse is not really much better, but it wasn't a whole. Wasn't worsen and even as days went by, though little better. That's when I came in, I like they can find out for bad a couple days ago, but not now you didn't think you have. You thought you had hay fever on right. Yes, I thought, because I was looking online. Ragweed is both real bad here they said even like don't go outside. If you have ragweed allergies, it's like very, very bad sign,
inside the people get weird allergies, the weird allergies out here the cedar ology around here, but it's not really cedar forget with no second plan. It's a tree to type a tree. It's not really cedar, juniper or some shit got cedar fever. But what does it actually look? I think it's juniper her something that that gets you for whatever reason they call it cedar. Allergies, that's not really cedar, but apparently for a lot of folks out here. They dont get it the first year, didn't get it the second year they get in the third year. He likes.
like, where even get apart yet says symptoms for the cedar. Fever include, fatigue, headache, facial discomfort, sore throat, partial loss of smell and a feeling of having plug beers, and what is the actual plant? The gives you that shit mountain cedars, but this is your fears. Allergic action of pollen from mountain seated in Texas, medical Oh there could be a different one issue. Google or also cedar fear, is actually from blank. because someone was telling me that it's a different point out like why are they called cedar fever than usual? But anyway they blame it. Blame it on this is a joke was blamed on the pottery Archy pay.
Turkey does icy patriarch email, Jamie so addicted to bullshit, because they would say patriarchy another thanks a lot. A paltry archeo funding picture make a funny tree pay tree Archie yeah. What is the actual plant, though they say cedars as well. Maybe the cow told me is different for shit, maybe as well Guys, like you, know things they doesn't believe in Google. Only it's weird me does fuckin bullshit artist used to be a thing ass. Just tell you stuff, you like really yeah man will one day of cables killed. They immediately went underground point woody, what happened at the J of Cape Nano. This weird question to you: if you can't find today or if the internet existed then, but.
What do you think would have indifferent about that? If that had happened during an information age like this, or would it not have happened? The murder yeah see Jeffrey Epstein hit is here is a thing point here: thing about murders. Today it is equally horrific as murders. One thousand nine hundred and sixty three, but there's also more information coming at you and never ends is never ends. It's like voting controversy and Tifa. Take. Over Seattle. Fucking died down down down down down down here, you is constantly get inundated with information We forget about what you are mad at two days ago, yet that's part of the problem with today. It's you get an information over like I was telling you, I don't remember, having this conversation with someone on a podcast that just saw a clip of them like oh yeah. I fucking completely forgot about that guy. That is
like if I had a really interesting conversation, was if it was rare for me to have an interesting conversation with people. If I worked in a factory and very rarely I get to sit down, have a cup of coffee with some scientist tells me some really cool shit. I would be telling everybody about that story. I be like dude. I have this conversation three hours just me and the scientist. He's telling me all kinds of crazy shit. I would, I would have remember all of it, but I'd see too many. I have too many too many of those stories and they just get lost in my head. I think that's how we are with breathing today. That's why no one does a fuck who killed Jeffrey I've. Seen this, if you like, had a national like there was a clue. Or a chart. Rather they showed national interest in the Jeffrey, Epstein murder. It was like twenty percent, and now it's like zero zero, zero point one. Now we just fuck no one.
Google, Jeffrey Epstein, murder on twitter. You like three crazy people, but also or into Q, and on their there the brain of the Epstein things now someone from the wreck Number two records from the flight logs or out everyone's factor are going to jail, came and went. Nobody cares, bill gates, went, jeer, bill, gates, went, came and went, nobody gets. Nobody cares back revenues. I wish a summer when stuff came out got back onto down another. That's how we are that's. I mean they probably anticipated that may kill them. You know, there's so much news that would probably just figured we'd get away with us and the county can and if things get more and more chaotic, which they appear to be doing it's going to get worse with that, you know it's going to get even more strange. Where do you think
goes: where does this crazy? Never ending new cycle? Mexico stars be more safety, nine states people start moving to Mexico. United States gets more more crazy or go to camp. but terrorism, let us end to call their we well side and that didn't want us hooker I'm glad you don't wanna squeezed, you come Mexico. Canada becomes united, it sought to call their you and I've been there. I now, but we go Here we go straight into a car in straight to a hotel and straight to the venue and straight to a restaurant. In than back home. we talk about that. When that story leaked about is like a hot MIKE Abc News producer got the obscene. Thank you and basic. Wasn't answers ABC a different
he's suing ABC for ten million sustainable. It was, I run it and be Syria Bc Milady at ABC new staffer sues Disney own network, overly Jeffrey Epstein tape, Ashley! Oh, it is ABC seeking tenement yeah. Ok, I was wrong that could in Europe. I thought I was NBC services. The tape there like, I can't believe they arrive and put it out. Outlier set her as a different one says: not the rule. ordered us is the girl who found the tried the report was, the girl was on the scene. I broke that story. I knew her story with it. Then they buried it. Yeah she's got fired for leaking at or something.
Oh that? Go that far for leading the tape good for her the fur above someone harder. I think we'd, like there she's doing what they are supposed to do like labeling things, a certain whatever and then it gets us like there. I have the sleek. She said she didn't do it, so she did good. She should that's crazy thing to hide here's the tape that your prior to video dazzling. That's it that's her. yeah good. Whatever happened that lady, the lady who led to see the real worry is that they were black balsam. Unlike that, keep him from work again. Someone needs to come up with a legit network online like a legit news network of like really trusted news people and just give them total autonomy, never restrict them and then give them a security detail and where they go,
expensive for years, but if you think about how much money they make it like Fox NEWS, and I believe that what they wanted to seek a story. You gotta like fly to somewhere stay in a hotel for weeks weeks weeks, money to you now get information gap own. No doubt not cheap look? It what's happening right now with Fox news. You know people are abandoning Fox NEWS, because I think that Fox NEWS is turning on. Conservatives cause there. There's people a Trump campaign, it we're talking about the the election results, election results being fraudulent, nor is different things, and so Fox NEWS said this is these are unfounded accusations they cut away from this guy, explain, as in the conservatives, are freaking out right cause
but Fox NEWS is trying to say is like hey you guys. This is not. This is not true according to them, or its at least not accurate, like the amount of thought or fraud not accurate, or maybe it's got enough to sway dealer. One way or another. It has been proven. So once One says it day from whatever reason decide that they're gonna stop that purse sang it from broadcasting on the air. It's an interesting choice. Gaza on one hand, cedar point if it's not true really shouldn't put it on the air, but on it's like the president's, People are saying this, so it may NEWS, even if it's not accurate your support, I think you're supposed to let it air and then say this is
what's wrong with what he said in terms as far as what we know right now, but it's a tough call. If you had a fox and someone starts common out on the errand Sansom Shit, the you is fake. What do you do what you do, especially if you press re, if, like there, if it seems like it's gonna, be Joe Biden in office. You gotta to make a hedge bats because of you get into a situation where imagine. If- and this is not outside of what's possible,
Imagine if whether its Biden or the next administration who the fuck is gets into power, they say we're gonna, make laws that punish people for spreading false propaganda for punish people who spread fake news, we'll make laws against it and we're going to see what's fake, what's real and so then Fox NEWS gets find hundred million dollar five hundred million dollars to get they get league. They go blank think of dark for a week. They have to stay off the air for weeks, I'm crazy shit gap because they decide their enemies of the current administration and the current administration gets. The support of the people can support as the people of most people into the president and they they elect what have they have control of the house or control this. You know what they get all that, the next day they could do it. You never know not now right now. I don't think they can do burning it. It's not impasse
If you think of the people had been silenced from twitter right, people been kicked off, a twitter people have been kicked off. A Facebook Newark Palace near Prospect kicked off a twitter for that Hunter Biden Store that that would have never you ve, never, would have imagined that be impossible. Just a few years ago, but its powers Well now, now we have a new sense of what is possible if we keep taken that further and further could see how Fox NEWS. Both he'll kill that right we got a business here. Rupert Murdoch his elaborate. Rupert Murdoch saw, I remember now the sun's got it now right. are now the line of control by he's still alive yeah, the other guy died, the owner doesn't Rupert super hot wife S, wife, and that would make sense, yeah. I heard she's a real fox in her, but Come on there's something about those like.
purely transactional relationships. What's a new one but Jaguars X Y tartar, what come on son for real embassy bisher in him to get that when write them. Wow you waiting she's away maybe the most her while she was, has fought back matures MAC Jesus Christ. We're upper left picture that you just click on upper left now, above their rebellion, checking, policy is nice day it's holding on internationalism. The abalone maybe wasn't look at that look about our bodies got. Does of our body if you really into like anatomy You know where the skeletons are like. That's what I like it I want to know where our joint sir, I don't want anything, be cloaked buy meat. There's his heart
clearly I could see a beating Teresa, weird trends. loosened ribcage. Don't how do you think you're gonna live to be? I don't really think about it. Honestly. If nothing happened, if, if you were to go natural causes sure very, very healthy guy, what would you guess you were to go with from old age is healthy, as you are the last day, wealthy eminently yeah. Unless it is the most stupid now you're gonna stay wealthy. That's gonna be interesting. You'd have to really he'd have to choose and pretty crazy stuff. I mean islands and islands or amounting to buy and things like that right. I think I think it's possible today lived beyond twenty. I think with a right and I think what we're deal with now we're on the cusp of what's possible. I want to
I was in need of Alzheimer conversation in the day with a blue millionaire. Very wealthy man who believes going to live to be two hundred years old has explained to me all the different things that he does and where he thinks like medicine and science is gonna, go any end, simple advice: is there a secret out their salary juice or don't do all the things you didn't spot? Just don't drink whisky and smoke cigars. I think for sure exercise seems to be the number one thing: if you keep your body movement, you gotta give your blood flow on, and you have to keep your body strong keeper body, vital. There's a difference: train working out an over training over training seems bad for you. I've friend he's twenty eight
the cove id and he's really good shape, but he caught it when he was working out really hard. He was doing a fitness instructional and whose training way way way too hard, like really beat his body down, and then he caught it caught up pretty bad, yet a bad for a couple weeks. These is young health. so the thing about training, and this is a thing about guys: training for fights they get sick, alot cause your ear. You break in your body down you're. Getting to this like this, a fine line between training, huh, hard and over training. It's a really fine line, and it's it's hard for people define the exact spot to land in a lot of fighters. Over TRAIN Tim Kennedy guy. We talked about earlier,
famously over trained for his last fight with Kelvin Gaslight, because he had a fight cancel. He went through a full six week, training camp and then fight castle, and then you get another fight, come up in those six weeks or five weeks having and he went Strip a measure by the time, but he went straight into another full camp and that by the end of that camp he was so tired. He never gave himself up you body cannot sustain like peak performance levels for very long. You can sustain a good level for a long time, but you gotta know when to peak and went back off and really good fight train, as they know, when of a fighter is touched too sharp, delicate, peeking, we're gonna, put you back, and so the poem back and also take a few days off the let they'll tell you like: go watch tv go lounge in the pool swim a little bit to swear lack of Reich Shell, the fuck out, your body recover, let your body recover, let all that broken down tissue rebuild itself
it's your body just rebound and then come back at it again, but do it slowly. So the smart once their monitoring heart rate, heart re, variable, this thing I wear the whoops trap. That's it that's all about all about monitoring what how well your bodies recovered like every morning when I checked my abba checked by Whoop APP and tells me, however, covered from them for whether not amend like where whether I'm good to go for today, with an, I should take an easy day. It, like the show you so your heart rate variability, but allowing Don't do it that way they did not want to be a pussy in all its wanna, keep pushing and keep pushing, and you can break your body down doing and that's when guys get sick and if you get sick, we bodies or a tired of compromise and then a virus gets in there and weakens you even further being really sick. I I'd pneumonia once for tournament that I want to.
is when I was training really train like a moron. I never wore a heart rate monitor. I wasn't even take his vitamins back that I was just eating whatever and training like a terrorist, and then I came out here. Oh, I came out to California font in an hour. I was nineteen. So as like eighty six, ninety six, I find the nationals and an home and at the moment- and I fought three times when the Mona was horrible and then the next day I was so so fuckin beaten down. I was so tired and I can't believe I was. I haven't. I fight yesterday with the fuck, but that's also what happens when you're you, you, you take yourself past fitness and you don't wanna be a pussy should keep pushing keep pushing. But it's really dumb. I guess smart athlete knows when to back off a go
and experienced athlete knows their body really well and they know when to back off, but the right way to do it with heart rate monitors the right way to do it like Steve, well tell me that a long time ago you should check your heart rate in the morning and if it's more than x amount of beats per minute over your standard resting heart rate. It means your body has recovered. Yes, he should not work out that day, it's hard for people to do that. Or if you do work out, if you work out really like maybe do some positional drills that doesn't tax your body like you, some things where you like framing and just go through everything in slow motion. We never really break yourself down, but it's it's also. Sometimes people want to do too much too soon, like frank campaigns: campaigns when he's training for ultra marathons will run a marathon every day as not fake. I've seen him do it. I know he does it It shows me as fucking is his
Here's a under armor apt that he uses large tracts of his is distance everyday, its bananas, but he's done it because he he's done that slowly but surely is built up this base over decades. Of training hard, you couldn't just go out and do that and if you ask like these to be conventional science or conventional with, am rather would be that if you run a marathon, can you take six months off marathons every day, because this levels like you can build up so the athletes stay in shape level, a much better chance of getting through a training camp in not being over trained, but the athletes that take a lot of time off and party does the ones at wind up a foul I think I'm going to pay my pants copy, ok, Jamie's gone to you, gonna, be which area is the first time ever.
there have been left alone on a par cast. Ladies and gentlemen- and I already talk too much so now- what to do I think that all of us are real nervous right now. I think this is an unprecedented timing. History, where everyone is wondering what's gonna happen. Next, everyone is wondering It is so easy to say that we need to be more empathetic moon. We need to be more nice to each other, but I really do think that that is something that we need to concentrate on this idea that people making lists of people that voted for Trump and supported, tromp and and that their they're gonna put em them on these lists and they're. They gonna send these lists out to potential employers, and you gotta give people the opportunity to make mistakes in you, gotta keep give people the opportunity to grow and you gotta give people the opportunity to have it
for an opinion than yours and just to say that if you support that guy, you support this. Or that whenever whatever horrible thing it is whether you think it's racism, more fascism or whatever ism. It is a really think. now more than ever is a time to come together as a country into realise. This is not healthy. For anybody to divide ourselves into these two groups and the more we push against the good, especially people that one the people
the in the Biden Camper. Now it's now we're going to make lately even AOC wrote that we're going to make a list of all the sick of fans and supporters of Trump. Like I don't think, that's the right way to do it. I think, historically, black lists and lists of people that are forbidden from working or forbidden from being considered part of accepted culture. It's very dangerous people are malleable and people that make mistake. befallen the groups of people that have different opinions and we just got to be legitimately, got to be nicer to each other. That's what I think, and it sounds so cliche, but we have to be nicer to each other, but that's what this country fucking needs. We need to realize like yeah yeah, it's fucked up yeah, when
that place. Yeah just fucked up two people were riding in the streets and fucked up that this police brutality is fucked up to this covenants, fucked up the people losing their jobs, but the only thing we have together. If were we really truly our community to treat each other like where community you know you could be. Look, if I imagine a world where there's a republican and a crap living right next toward each other and they drove around and they laugh about stuff. They talk to each other and they they have different opinions. What I've nope site nice Eddie like a five minute I needed, Just so severe fellow you go bathroom, oh ok! Let Russia you! When I did, you came back when he saw I'll go back and I like you, don't have to tell us something our work back what's happening. did you see cut p short now's balls? Are echo gonna shit, Kosovo of loud?
yeah. I really I d, and then I I would hate reach maximum p and then once I saw Jamie go unlike Jamie's paying, and then I really started thing you are paying and I simply couldn't take it anymore. I wash them people really in a day. I bet a lot of people too. It's the middle end of your podcast. You don't realize that cause your bodies in a superhuman, whenever, but then they have to pay a lot because people get extra hydrated to do your show. Then they drink coffee in and whisky dynamics. Hippy yeah onawandah have to pay to be at all Where sometimes do, though, I've had podcast were particularly after yoga, because after yoga drink a fuck load work as I do that yoga and I'll. Try I'll bring a sixty four ounce, hydro flask with me, fill with ice and water. Drink that whole thing during your class, then afterwards, its we just PPP Bp here can stop it. Yeah. It happens, man the worried about the future Tony,
sure I mean no more I was too young. Ago, really, yeah no different, it's just a different focus on it. You know it's different. How so I'm just stop. I'm just concerned about you know here. Let me do Let's go back to what you were just talking about, be about being nicer to one another in a unified front. Is I had this thought the other day, which was I was thinking about America after nine eleven when we had a terrorist attack and we had what appeared to be a clear enemy and brought us all together. That's probably the closest we ve all been
gather right as a country shore can then how will real way of since high school a sophomore in high school Solana, sixteen fifteen? How will you no thirty six, the other make sense khazar I was, I think I was thirty and I think I remember remember, hearing about holy shit couldn't believe males thirty one. I couldn't believe it. I remember thinking, while everyone so unified always be with Eric and flags on their cars. Remember that a super super unified demented J, London yeah J London used to sell those american flies sticking your car really Jack an idea that pre last comic standing or yeah yeah yeah is last common standing was later in the two thousands right. Wasn't it thinks so, two thousand through.
your for using last comic them. He had a moment in the sun, therefore, while here, but before that it was essentially exists. Like a street vendor whose salaries, american flags ones it attached your window, you roll out the window flies born, so one of my conspiracy theories going back on that too. That nine eleven thing is that one of the reasons why this country is so turning in on one another is because right now we don't have for the first time in forever, create were pulling out troops of everywhere. We don't have an enemy. You know we don't have an actual targeted. What's unified a beat this opponent type of situation? Instead, troops are coming home for the first time in forever from Afghanistan, and this in that, and we we realize
were we were we were. We were fooled into getting too into I rack, and all of this other stop. That's all becoming so clear and since we don't have an enemy were starting to just a little bit for sure yeah and then is also covered in the lock down which exacerbated everything to so many people stressed out not a work to some crazy number. Thirty percent of the people has country can pay rent. This never happened before in our lifetime insane and how does that bounced back? That's my my point about Mailros like a big city, who's gonna invest in going back into those play. You know when you see these closed down. Places to bring back up to study took two to imagine a time where you gonna drive down male rose and, although stores are filled again in his all hustle bustle trafficking in people walking on the streets and not dangerous fuck.
Gangsters everywhere. I get seems weird now right, yeah and sometimes it picks up. You know a nice warm Saturday afternoon its it looks, sort of the same out their sort of yeah thirty percent. I know it's weird, I'm trying to rationalize that in my head, but not the same. It's not really did this thing for them. store where I was Whitney comings and bill burn. Poetry is in Manny, Letterman and Jay Leno and and me we're on a roof with MIKE binder, and we're is the first time I've been in Hollywood and long time. In the first time, I've been at the store in a long time, and it was really emotional and it was sad- and I was sitting there hanging and you realize there's no one on sunset, no one in every now and then like lamborghinis would go. racing down sunset like flying You idiot
go and ninety miles an hour plus down sunset, no cops. This is raising. This is so strange, very surreal. When the last time I was at the Conniston, I got pull over because my muffler was too loud, The car pulled you over upon over so much fat like that's. It seems like a scene out of a comedy movie cop walks up to you and then why does he not only the idea now now use our pony, overcoats you're mufflers too loud. I go it's it's a factory muffler right, it's I have an m three from two thousand and five: it's a dining and comes at a diamond muffler. You know in an effort to six is a forty six m. Three really. There's a sweet spot in the d know anything about Bmw's used evident whichever five five series yeah beautiful car great car, that year did. You have was two thousand and two two thousand forest,
same year as the EU. Forty six is the loud people, is the Goldilocks zone of Bmw's, because its before Bmw became is really cushy. Like luxury car and was more of a driver, focused car and my the that I have is two thousand five actually out from a guy who contact Jamie, who we are I can about e forty six, as is like. I got one that only has fifteen thousand original miles the silver E4 three, it's beautiful took a classic look and car, but it has a that loud since cabbages lookin for shit fuck with people buy, and if I was an to some asshole or
the young black guy, I might be getting a ticket, I might be in trouble. Like he's just decided to pull me over for nothing. I wasn't speeding at all. I just took a right out of the comedy store parking lot and also in the lights are on like immediately I pulled over and he pulls over and I go. What did I do and he goes caesar you gotta aftermarket muffler new car, I go home, I go, I do Hey: what's up I go, I don't have an aftermarket muffler I go. It's a diamonds is away comes from the factory They seem pretty loud because we re the formula. Ok, like yeah, that might be too loud. You might wanna get that checked like okay. What do I do now he's like nothing. You're right. I gotta I'm not really trying to pull people for this in our world over bad guys and drunk drivers are launched in two. That was a fame privilege moment,
and a white privilege moment, because I was driving away from that. No, unlike if I was just a twenty five year old kid white black, what Ross, pregnant and ticket for allowed muff, It wasn't even loud who's, just a cop looking to fill he had like You probably have like this. Controversial consumption is cop, say it's not true and I've talked to cops say it is true, but they have a number of tickets that they have to write in a week, a month or whatever, and they get in trouble if they dont right enough shit, and so this girls, I learnt that unseen that soft only pulls dude over just no reason just was it there was no sir. I mean I was he was going left. I was gone right. He did a! U turn pulled me, overs, instantaneous, yeah. I got off on a warning recently. The guy just lied to me. It's like I got. You doin was at forty five and thirty five,
now now listen we're going out there. You drive a corver yeah, he probably we're doing for you. But I realize you didn't say forty five. I knew I was Doin forty, five and thirty five. He said I was doin like forty nine or something like that, but I knew I wasn't his eyes. Did litter This model corvette has like three speedometer is that you can't miss the girl did giant Digital one there's one there and then there's one on the other side. That shows you another speed. You have more than once, but ominous positive there simply of attack you fuckin luddite. You don't even know how. Retirement, cares like the engine. All its attack commoner shows you how many revolutions familiar engines going. You fuckin dummy. I know what it is now call it attack of nuts and our guide you talking about its standard. This is what you have you a spur, an attack on what are the right next to each other on every single car. That's a performance, car
but there is there's a regular sped amateur all as positive as theirs and regular wanted a digital one and then in the digital one tells you right in the middle, exact numbers right and then roll over the digital one on top of the art yams, there's also one that digitally shows you to digital ones. You don't know what the other it is way no, I'm first of all that one Look. It is a fuckin tack on the left, yeah yeah. I know on the left, is a phenomenon that won the middle is attack. That's it, talk out of here and in the Tec Amr than as miles per hour in the centre. The tat right. So the attack was show you when you hit red line, if using your paddle shifter, so most of them a lot. I like you, I'm sure you put in drive like a fucking afterward. You live in those paddles. Do food aid them you
you know what I like, if you press the paddle all the way down in DR goes fast here is I care about right yeah. The best feeling in the world or even you don't need of a clutch need any of it. You'll need to shift of shifted first over the ads around man. That's a lot of fun blast and we did it a car. No, no! No! No! No! I mean a real shift left foot com. I got used to her right hand I used to have on which have well I'm the only they hire Andy. You launched. Ah yes, party, powerful Gummy prepared for my corvette, but not when I rent cars and stop sometimes on the road up I'll get one. But you didn't write you a stick shift sure they do who are? They will lose run you a stitch. There's a lot, a junkie cities out their Joe ruined the idea. Would he would what he rent was less army rented a stick shift? I can't I don't know I mean it's all a blurs. Keep me
shut up. What do you mean? You don't think Randal cause I've staff chefs they do, but you have to. I really ask for it most They drive automatics their stickers people put on cars. They say anti theft deterrent and it just shows a manual transmission- is most people just don't know how to drive a manual. I did I mean I and then, if the car was, manual I would have. I would have done that it's fun fun have stuff to do. I guess that's really what it is that kind stuff to do, they're on their way out manuals. Unfortunately, You know these two have manuals on motorcycles, whereas an actual stick shift, the really old ones. Yeah Josh, Sir Leon, is the owner of black bear brand, their real cool clothing company. They built me this really dope. Leather Jack amounts really cool. They makes a really interesting handmade stuff, like
clothing and shit and he's in there like craftsmanship, an old stuff and he has a motorcycle. I think it's like, if you good, as Instagram Black Bear Brand, he drives us really old motorcycles as Brad Pitt doing it's. I think they call it a suicide shifter, because you have to reach down and matter Brad Pitt beautiful. She has no helmets travel around see it no upper right hand corner that picture. That's what it's like see shift like a clutch like you press and shifted by him just gonna black bear brand on Instagram because he does. It he's got videos of him driving through tunnels, it looks so bad ass and he sat at will knocked him bad news like it's the most alive I ever feel he does. The tank only for twenty miles. Slew last tank in this engine deceives gap it's so inefficient. It's really all bike basis and shifting with
One arm on hand the bar and shifting like this, but there's something about various this Gus Josh Thee. So He's drive in this thing and then, when he shifts that thing off, buys a dick. That's a shift to the sea has to reach down a shift gears weird right yeah. How could I make a motorcycle more danger for some ever saw. That was a drug dealer in Phoenix. I met this drug deal When we read the impasse, a temporary property patterns about right and is a humane coming out with us cut to you, holding on him and the bad guys. Motorcycle delay is right, as we really chef during a god there. I didn't avoided M p c to see my trouble a little too enthusiastic about paying little coke cocaine enthusiastic here that Tempi improvisation, wow yeah well, Tempi is college town
and it's surrounded by like that Scottsdale area, which notoriously its upper town, but does place where I think Thyssen got arrested. Therefore, coke. It's a lotta coke, like I am in I'm ignorant coke Gub never done it, medallion number not once, but I was with rubber has done a lot and red there and I were in a club- and he goes. You know everyone's on Coke one because look round Evans, in real out to each other in their touching the nose and those all cyclical. Nancy any rules or, oh, my god, I do their ones on culture. I go well really. He throng Cook makes sense, though what's that. Scottsdale area lotta rich folk, while people's party here Like hanging out with those people, because I don't get tired until four five, say I'm normally in old, normal life. So sometimes I just I'm completely.
Oblivious to, and then I realized that they're doing that, and they don't want me to know that their doing it, so they keep it secret. For me, everybody wins rolling, fond of you ever had desired desire to try it and see what the fuss is all about. Now, there's nothing really with with anything. That's an upper that excites me. One time I took a half of one of the pain, pills that my dentists gave me when I had a wisdom tooth removed- and I immediately ah ha. and he told me to take two or something crazy like take two of these, if you feel any pain, I took a half of one and I could see how people would love to do heroin and all of it. I can media later the warm sweaty feeling of hat pure happiness went over me? I was smiling ear to ear, just so happy and so that's a scary one and that that was done in time I got a whole
the old school Nyc. Well, like in the nineties are sick. I gotta hold school Michael and I took it and I was lying in bed and I just like it was like melted into my pillow, like yeah yeah, just be comforted, thought you were in the womb yeah like everything's, going to be okay, tony everything's, going to be okay, you're, going to get a big, warm hug by the way That's it that's exactly how I felt that day when the argument for people who don't have anything going on their life like washed and not do that right now right. Luckily, I had already started the adventure of doing stand up and all that and had a reputation or whatever, because I could totally one hundred per cent see myself. Do it made me feel so good yeah? Why think a lot of people, if you don't have
a good enough discipline. A thing you're into that requires work that you really get joy out of. You don't have that and then he found the drug early before you ve had the good feeling of accomplishment that drug feeling could take you over, and then it's really hard to like sacrifice. It's really hard to did to embrace discomfort when you really into their coding feeling just drift away. All your worries go away, Tony That's a big problem with people with opioid addictions. You know, if you don't have something better than that, a lot of people like. Why should I abandon it rhino and it's a it's a tough argument. Cuz. What's your argument for that? What do you say? Hey? You should suffer in a factory
you should. He should work your way up to mediocre existence of debt and in struggle and hate your job every day and stay clean yeah, it's rough! What do you do when you Tom that's, the that's the number one problem. I think people have they don't have a law gone for them and they also get into drugs. How do we fix that? What do about mushrooms being legal, noun organ two steroids early on organ. Why legal, rather everything's legal or that's what I'm gonna do when I go to Oregon, get fuckin basket Joshua my balls off become like dorani aids to acid, whose story and yet how? Dare you dare you door? news when a great body, those of all time you know Lee Hany- is now son of a but there are many common disease attack. Speedometer now I know, run Coleman Columbus, Ohio, the Ohio State University over clearly yeah Ronnie Common, oh
I'll run. Com was running our common. I am thinking of Marseilles, Bitch White Guy brush a radical metallic where the greatest body builders of all time he was so big. It doesn't seem real legal Ronnie, Coma just this year, you did the podcast recently recently in his look. Big baby was: do it was so big back? I could picture throwing an ice pick and one in one of his biceps. I ain't even notice it he's had
every single disc and his back fused said like one or two, I think a bunch of back surgeries back as all fucked up from just lifting in immense amount away and pushing himself to be that big. That strong, like you, have to have a crazy work. Ethic leaders back gonna upper right hand, corner picture that what the fuck that's alien at so crazy but is but cheeks Jesus. We ate goodness yeah that's what you look like. If you move to Oregon start lifted, there's Dorian look at door in door has also been on the podcast he's a normal size guy now, but back then He was the champ go that won the middle by their bam, who the fuck come on son
that's what the size him. That's what I look like after listing twenty five pound kettlebells a few times brown in my head, like the size he was for his day, like roared, narrow massive. Now is like he sort of as one of the group of the next level of body builders it that took mass to a new level and he, when he know he talked about it on the part gas city basically live like a monk all he did a z in train. A key was just obsessed with being the best. Is it just a life of pain, tearing your muscles that they build grow back bigger again and again and again, that's a lot of it, but it was just the results. It was addicted. Standing on that stage gone back home and everybody boy holy shit. He wanted just unveil
that's like people have a narrow minded perspective of what art is. You know- and I think body building is an art, but I think it's an art that only people who participate in it. Truly appreciate these alot of arts, like that, pools and our like that, like when I watch a guy like ago, Saint Efron, Efren Reyes, a watch, him play the? U s egg, I play like why way gets ass, like it's beautiful, but only people really understand we all know how difficult the shots are or how he changed the angle with english version, and I think, ADI building. We see a guy like Dorian AIDS or like Lee Hany or like Ronnie Coleman when they get to that peak form of there on stage like only a personal, really knows how difficult it is to be that massive and that shredded and to be stand and therewith veins on your feet, all the way up to your calves in size and your fuckin, all the way up, your neck in your head. That's it
massive raising dedication it sterile AIDS and dehydration, there's so much involved in reaching that peak form when you get on stage there really unhealthy when they get onstage. At that moment, when their shredded are super dehydrated, they cut all the water yikes. It's a big dogs The crazy way to live, but for them because they can understand that medication involve like people at a really into that man. So I got tight knit community of people that are wrong. really intellect looking shredded and vascular and what it means Be that guy. You know now, MR as you can tell by my body, not really my thing well, but for your thing is killing. On stage like I was talking to live, talked a bunch comics about this, but I think resale talk a cigar about it. Commander, live in your whole life, never killing. Never.
It's like just just crush. Thank you goodnight. You know to lay down in Netflix Special, you know and have people watch it all around the country and can't go without it, and now it's hard Donna tonight that weaken that we did in Houston man since the last time. I do those July really August September October November, those four months ago there was only one weekend, Maginot much fun. You'd have you came out tonight, cheers chairs and blew off. It's gonna be fun. You and me long white, who also launcher young tone. Can see us. You can call me on turning to see if there's one young junk Jane and are now is still young Jamie after the corona virus didn't put a little sick for day. Son of a bitch twice
because he's young Jamie, the magazine, gray, hair now to Stockholm, young, ask that have stopped dying and I've always have when you start having gray hair twelve younger hair salon here? Well, jet black what are you a wants? You go watching. A corn rose I've had at once, Corn Rosa. I need to see that picture picture of it. I'll give you raise, the corners would suffer for that. I am glad that I gave you the answer. I used, will you in trouble? If you work on rose, will that be cultural preparation of they? Have they lead that go problem? Our emergency? It's for white girls, thrill issue both for a guy might be Ruth out at hurt Automatic We're very tight. You re favour got that when he fought gives you you're the California kids just belong here, he gets corn rose. You could do it during a shell. You could just have one
the coroner people behind a doing it. With the pig deal outdated. Origin was announced on a ban at long hair back then you are in a bad way, Germany recordings Pierce. Were we end? This absolutely, I will have you, oh no. No! No, it's not gonna know that's why it's girl car and, let me make funny it on Youtube. No, it would. There was no Youtube. Is there a long time ago it's on you to saving, we put it on you which put on a Jerry Chaff I probably now, if you have it, you wouldn't even norm in the band, those on that singing a millionaire Woody landline, basing guitar and the ban selling there's a bunch of other people that they probably wouldn't be big fan of that being out there either I was out of our brain that back now that we're in the centre of live entertainment. This is the last I have had. Gotta come back now people ass- they were trying to book me.
gig already has a good nurse. What was the name? Your band Please welcome, eat shit. Thank you. So much worry check tonight. We're gonna music, like heavy metal, music you do your plane, metal, wow. That's how I turned I ever ear for music, like a turn your that fuckin about us, my errand Jones yeah do he's. Right, good up I've got into a bunch of his share. His people reached out a season, send us the atmosphere but sat on his very good he's he's very good and very unique. Seattle. Sound, I think, is what they're gone, how much good music humanity Adam not is a crazy part of the world, lot of despair and rainy days motherfuckers get going I like how much good music comes out of Miami right
and by the way you notice. The item has one more day of rain. If it's good per year than Cleveland and Cleveland has one averages, one more day of clouds than Seattle, save an equal amount of shitty days and loud agreed should come from clean yup there on the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is facing a van Santo from honey, honey, yeah yeah. Honey. Honey came out of a lot of people coming to Cleveland those places the really sock. Those people have a lot of broad weird, those like live in places that are awesome, don't give a fuck about spots? People that, like broken! Hang in there in Pittsburgh. Organ hanging, ear: pittsburger death! You now there's a due to came to my Cleveland, show at a t, shirt on said Cleveland or death and put a Mamma s room so that shirt needs to be seen. Tat was what it said right and make sense. I'm sure something like that. I pick death
Will you young guy now even on youngsters dream of moving to Cleveland yeah? Now I know I'm kidding but Yeah, you know being from those places great, but getting out of them and getting out of there is better. It only works. If you get out well asses fuckin winters, man, yeah, I'm talking with joy ideas about Joe Robin Spoken, one It's gonna be a cold when I could feel your there's always a place for you in Texas, he's dreading winter like a fucking game, Thrones character, writer or playing games were playing games eventually, gonna get a mountaineer scan. It takes them It's all right. Look at the other day, Joe. The comment, let me know when you open up that club open up that club you'll be their day. One. The floodgates will open up put out the bat signal. cuz, I don't think the comedy store is going to open up and I don't think the club's New York going to open up. I think it's going to be a while, but we have rapid testing here. We we do it at the YO. I think if I hired this is my thought. If we have a parking lot
In the parking lot you have a team of ten nurses ETA. Everybody come an hour before the shows it eight get here. By heaven you get tested. you just have a name, you you're right you already, whereas a mask you get the it's, a quick, no swab, it's not hard to do a quick test, Everybody goes inside when you're, when you clear, and will you not clear get the fuck out of there, but I bet most people would be clear and eat. we catch a few here there that did not have it right, If you have it, you think you don't feel good Don't come or get tested at this resource and come on down, and then you have people, they get tat Did they go inside and then they can have a drink and wait for the show to start shows
at eight or eight thirty. Give people plenty of time a southern reasonable to ask our people with before the door is open up at the store people wait in line for longer than fifteen minutes right yeah. So if you could have ten nurses, I mean you ve got your test today. It literally takes five seconds to administer the task but ten seconds rights, ten seconds, the Swami knows this: Are you knows they do the test? It takes fifteen as yet the results, but you could do If you have a name and a number like number. Seventy nine! Thus me, your clear are a good. You got you ticket, maybe a cure code or some points out the skin at the door sought hard to imagine that you could do a real show out here, The real show like three hundred people pact place size of the colony store, main room. Three, fifty four hundred people. You could do that here. It's not like,
because there's a disease doesn't mean, there's not a work around where everybody can still be safe and still be a we're doing right now. Everyone in this room has been tested, we're ok, so then we can just sit across each other and have fun and not even think about it. That could be done in a comedy club. It can be done, and is it easy to do right now? It's all a complicated, it's all expensive, but better than not doing it yeah, especially if you're a fan of comedy If you know that you can just get tested and NGO perform in front of a real crowd, I packed like the old days were. everybody's clean. Having so much fun, we were having too much fun, but this is Wake up! Call it's a little reminder that you and I and II
an army and Duncan and then, and so many others we lived through the golden years, the communist or it was a golden years, an almost like poetically. It ended at the peak. It was so that every night every night Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday multiple shows a night main room, o R. Remember, going there to say now do is to show sold out in the main room. all in all. I was completely. Might they were doing two shows an all. Remember that the start doing an early shown in the late show as there are so many people yet have rotate the crowd, belly rooms, pact pact. Everything was packed. Those are always two or three shows a night belly yeah and people are flying in from all around the world it was literally the golden age of comedy and then an end. And now tell me: will you tell me what Ella, how fucked up Are they won't even let people you're doing a show with no audience in the main room crash streaming it to people in them
art in law and they won't let you do right. They gave they get the comedy swore a ticket because we were streaming the show from inside to out side on television, but but you can also stream other thing you can play the Lakers you can play you see, you could show anything, you want! That's live! You just can't show what's happening inside the building live outside to the parking lot so how's that making sense right it. Doesn't it's ridiculous and by the way, the system so messed up that one week, it'll be one person than the next week. A different person says that that's ok, but this isn't aloud and and performing in a windows. Okay, but streaming into screens isn't or it changes continuously, because there is no consistency and they don't know what to do and then a one point it got up proved by West Hollywood.
They were allowed to do certain things shows yeah in the partner. Yet They send out newsletter puzzling, oh shit together, shows on the part and then city valet, shut it down. The L. A county was like nope, even though your your own thing, West Hollywood word on allowing you to do that? What do you think? That's political, it's it's! It's all a mass man! I just eight It doesn't make sense if you can go eat it. Boa and outside right hasn't make sense right and also when you factor in that people will be talking less then they would be especially. You know right around the corners, the saddle ranch which is playing music, and you have people tables talking over the music to on another so dense about protecting people from a disease. Yes, and then you factor in that. Almost nobody talks during comedy show other than the law person talking in that they're all facing one direction and
Clearly, if there were scientists, they'd be like oh, it's much easier to spread it with the music and that that's totally legal, then, with that we're almost nobody's talking and then The commission is also proposing a big shield. A plexiglas, she'll between the audience and this in the stand. Oh yeah and there is still no right because its live entertainment and they think that if they do that people are gonna just start Dan. Sing or something making out. I don't know what's going on, doesn't make any sense. What I talked to Dave Smith about yesterday, we're like these governors and he's mayor's. They also may have power and it's very difficult that power go. It's not it's not nice and they keep getting paid. What should happen is their income should be based entirely on the income of the city or the state, so an income. The sitting this day is drastically reduced the salary of the governor The salary of the mare should be radically reduced as well some brilliant and then you would see how quickly this modified.
There's an open things up sent and on that note fuck faces. That's it. That's it we're tonight. Well, we'll find out? Why yeah? But I'm a diameter Vulcan gas company tonight in Austin that you Jamie and what is it, oh shit, this you, are you that you are their play? This shit leaving no come on planet play it play. It will leave this Sancho play half the lad. Gimme a volume, and each shits pretty good. Last comes out of them. Shit come into extreme stop perker we're gonna close out with this. Jason dreams, bitches, I'm in Dallas this weekend, though, at higher as high in the club or shows the I do that I go there all the time. It's so much fun keep their volume gone.
we work with very good to me. Just you yeah yeah, I'm workin, Tony Cassius again is going to be there and and yeah someone else. I'm not sure some Yeah another more credible local talent around tween, two guys, but that's it Dallas this weekend, COM some? What don't answer them? Go the pony, you're moving here right. Yeah, hey guys just stupid, argued we just gotta get everything open. Here too, there is moving here ribbon already bought house. You know that yeah commanded craze come on come on, in January January's when I'm opening up our wait till the I want to wait until the new. Once Biden gets an officer once you what they do, I'm worried about lockdown whereupon nationwide mandates and Weirdness Vienna? I'm hoping that they recognise that this is a way to do things. An opening,
and also they recognize people have to go to work. You can just keep your mouth shut down. Lot of waitresses and a lot of waiters and bartenders that got fucked over during this shit. I wanna. Let's bring them back and get everybody back to work, bring back some comedy tax as let's tone ay a man come down? Ok I'll, do what I just cited each it to six get some new ban members. looks like they are now smart machine billiard harlot there than the best billiard how you play pool and have music lock on Armenia to singers a guess. And it's got one guy sounds like tool. The illegal sounds like mega down the goals. It has. The girl figure this out a fusion US denied everybody. Good luck, Godspeed! Let's keep it together, she's. Well, thank you
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Transcript generated on 2020-11-12.