« The Joe Rogan Experience

#1297 - Phil Demers

2019-05-15 | 🔗
Phil Demers is a former professional marine mammal trainer and employee at Marineland in Canada. http://savesmooshi.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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is captive. Marine mammals he's been embroiled. In a law suit with marine land in Canada where he used to work for, are more than more six years now and I can't say enough good things about this guy. I really can't and when what he's done and what he's exposed and because of him a lot of people better understand what dolphin and orca captivity and walrus captivity is really about. Please give it up for my friend, MR filled dampers will gain experience. Petrol will gather whose Legal marijuana on your hands, you oughta closer! Look! You activist you
tyrannical man, the streets are not safe when I'm out on the loose radical seem like a regular guy, regular guy, with the irregular amount of stresses the walrus right their detailed my mind putting it now knows. I have you to come back and now its days on the dust things this means as much to us as anybody, but except for you? Well, it's nice! you this is my. This is my happiness, This is my safe place. Travel across the country to be safe, but it's certainly pleasure to be here again enjoy always Thank you. I listen. I frankly too, I was texting Whitney today. I said you're a hero. Your legitimate, a hero, people don't know what this is all about. I give but the back story, I used to work at marine land, he was an orca trainer and he also trained walrus name. Smokey and smoke. He is still alive.
Lee in captivity marine land, all those no photographic evidence you're, pretty sure she still there. I was told that she still there and she's in good shape and I'm hanging onto that. You came on upon TAT the first time, which was how many years ago now so six years ago. I think it s ear. Thousand thirteen, so he's been living there, law sue life for six years. wrapped in a law sue with a gigantic cooperation, incredible amounts of money. That's been trying to crush him and they ve made up stuff. Well, tell me: what's what's happened you give
Give me your your perspective on how it almost back in two thousand twelve I made, I was forced to make a very difficult decision, elected to speak out against the conditions of which Marie lands animals were living in. I did so knowing the risks, knowing that marine I was illatici company, but I did so on account of the fact that the animals were suffering. Incredibly, before quitting, I had an agreement with marine land that look, I'm leaving this long before it spoke up. I'd spoken out, I'm leaving, but Here we have to establish that can maintain this relationship with the walrus, because I imprinted on her. It's important stress that that she thinks I'm her mom. She was a baby. She was a bit when she came answers, use wild caught, and you can imagine probably witness her mother get slaughtered. That's the that's: the method of collecting babies by the by the captors unrest
and so she comes in traumatic at the age of we estimate about eighteen months of age, which is pretty old. In fact, for in our experience and realize experience of of acquiring these wild caught baby wars through a sort of traumatic experience with her that I was there with her this anomalous thing happened where her brain circuitry opened up and much like in the wild where in the car I've heard animals the babies? familiar with the mother. Sound sense, look everything! All the senses are acute there there aware of who they are where they are so that they can find each other amidst these thousands of animals. Will this happen to her, so the brain circuitry opens. Suddenly I'm imprinted on her I wasn't prepared to leave marine led unless it was of the understanding that I can continue to help her because starkly my relationship with her had everything to do with her health and wellbeing.
Quit with the understanding with marine land? This was to be the case. I've been gone for a month. I come back on announced They don't want to. Let me in their hiding something I get in I see her she's in terrible shape snap a few photos. I leave now amidst Lucy, terrible super cool. You mean she was emaciated. She was born dry. She hadn't eaten in the My having been gone a month was the longest sheen. I've ever actually been physically apart. I've been trying to win my presence off of her so that other trainers could be able to maintain a healthy healthy diet for healthy light allows. She was emaciated because she was needing to distress. I wasn't there for that month. I can't say, but she was certainly not eating super skinny, their hundreds, of course, not a bunch of drugs which include psychotic volume, anti depressants,
I when I saw her my jaw had the floor. It's important to note that during this some new papers had been calling. They wanted to know why I quit. If we back up a little bit, it should be noted that in two thousand seven my relationship its misuse retook in the early sort of internet viral days, and what not we made front page of like CNN and Jimmy Kimmel did a peace, and so there was a sort of that back story of the then I guess you could call it a fluff celebrity type thing, but unless my having left started, people are asked questions. I started feeling calls from this newspaper whose looking, whose keener do an investigation of Greenland, so I wasn't gonna participate, had no interest again, stressing Marie Lens litigious history and also look I've got this relationship with wars that so to have to maintain a real. I have to keep this relation with Greenland healthy enough, so once I realize they weren't, holding out of that The bargain the panic sets in
First time mom, it should be stressed, so I I basically called the newspapers. They said you put my face. My name doesn't matter, he just print it. Let's go. Let's, let's get the story, a story gets out well marine land as expected starts their lawsuit, dead, like up. It's almost like a scorched earth. They take a scorched earth sort of method in this was when the original owner was alive. Yes, is no longer alive. He died three dies last year in June, in fact, so years into this litigation. So they suit me. They suit me for a million five. They soon, my girl, and they suit other activists. They suit newspapers. They sat there soon, everybody. The mistake they made is in all of their absurd allegations that they ve yet six and a half years into into litigation. Yet
If any of it they can not. It's never gonna happen doesn't exist. It's a fictitious lawsuit, it's full of lies and bullshit bottom line the mistake they made as they suit me for plotting to steal spooky. that's where the headlines take off and so called me, the Congo West of animal training we want at. I got your attention on the internet and that's how you got my I sent you tweet, I say outweigh the Canoe Westport didn't get my y know. You said they call you could tweet was, I said Joe you just say when all book a flight to congratulate you, the link to the to the story. The headline was canoe West of animal training being sued for applying the steel wars, Europe, they called what and then you'll live Diane's inside did if you ever had lasted unjust man. Why? So, reading the story when I started I've in our, a peace a long time ago, on my blog and down I talked about it in one of my calmly specials that
crazy experience with the dolphins wants most really really high. and I had this sum It sounds silly even talk about, but Burma feel like I, I kind of understood that there are like us, but they just don't. To their environment. We realise that, when they were playing with us, when they would jump and by the bow and there they were looking at you they're looking at you why they were jumping around with the boat, and I was like they're playing, and there Can't you, like a person, would like a water perch, interacting that are almost a language at this point, to some level of bridged gap in the ambient occasion. When you get to see that their expressing themselves in interest in you and what not an and scoping you when you get really close and and establish a relationship of these animals, that's one thing circuit real squarely because you start to find that happy medium language and now the sun. You are starting to sort of speak so to say here,
why start again, really weird feelings about c world and in the animal captivity this. But what why do we need them? in this day and age, this isn't the dark ages we shouldn't be put in Wales and orchids and dolphins. bring them in these tanks. These fuckin water fit swimming pools. Therefore, swimming pools and you have these we're are probably as smart as us think some different way we're so prejudiced in that, we only think of intelligence is something that can manipulate its environment, that art problem like we're, like look at them their bit. As world in Germany houses. They can't write a letter dated Fuckin stupid man stop at their stupid, but Dolphins apparently have a surreal. Cortex is some something around forty percent larger than a human beings. They have super complex, lying
just their emotional intelligence is the mystery, and it appears that its far beyond anything, we ourselves can understand a semicircle. They ve got that they ve got another part of the brain in the front, which is that its function in that the front of the rebel cortex that function is to ask for communication and for it, and enhance their emotional capacity to a point where we don't really know the depth of which they are of the power of their mode. But we know that they stay with their families for their lifetimes. The males born from from mothers won't wool, rarely leave the mother's side. Quite literally, the distance of orca itself, the only time that mail will go on is when its matured. It will go to procreation and back to the mother and it will live its entire life as such, and the sad fact about that is in my experience, working with male workers caught from one of which cut from the wild a big ball. Orca is he's a mama's boy. You can see something was missing
He was traumatized from something and, of course, even myself as a regarded whale expert in the capacity of working at a frickin place like marine land. Even I would have never known this information when I started this does not information that was available to us back, and I start in two thousand. It makes sense. Now this animals traumatized from birth is as well to live as just gone it and it the mail. It appears to me, in my experience, the male sex of while I've worked with seals. I've worked with sea lions, I've worked with the wall receives dolphins, balloon is enormous, all of them die younger. The males die younger and, I think deafening they orchids in it and the dolphins cases is they just don't have that will to live with that that strong maternal figure in their life disorder try to explain to people, don't see
I think that the dolphins get treated well with Org is get treated. Well, does what it imagine if someone stole your son and put him An air barks at the bottom of the ocean and dolphin in Wales and fishes came by and stared at him, a man and he lives is life like that with no Contact Then, with his his dolphin handlers oh overstating care him, and he just lives in this box, miss in his family. Missing is love ones missing is lying confused lost and with with a language that is especially with workers and often they have a language is so complex that we haven't been able to really decipher it. We don't understand how it works. You know John Lily spent date. They spent I think decades. Working on trying to get Often, to speak human noises, he had a bunch of studies that he did and dumb he even had the ice cream.
store, I'm sure you ve heard of the woman who lived with the dolphin sheet. you try to establish a relationship with the dolphin where They made an apartment, there was half underwater, but the dolphin always wanted to fuck, so she just jerked the dolphin off and which he jerked the doll. that was in the calm down, and then she do or work so for her It was just like a technicality. I just gotta jerk this dolphin off its in animal. It wants to be rubbed all the moral stuff. That's it That is all in my own head, she's, like This can be a scientist and there, guys, get that fact what's think they were also injecting ketamine into the dolphins are some. I do not know if they were doing that and dolphins, but I do know that they did some experiments with LSD and that John Lily, who is one of my personal heroes, he's the creator of the flotation tank. This is John Lily stuff. You is a pioneer in intra species communication. You take acid and thing to do
communicating with dolphins, did you know you're on the cover of one of his books. Last yes, we talk about your face. Is I mean it's it's a spitting image on in one of his books? I wanna lilies books here to this house. This treaty that some areas in terms of travellers shit did it's in there they are lying. You I'm sorry. I was keen we man that's book and weird. yeah. Well, so that's programme can't read that what does it say something here by a computer about yeah? I didn't read that one. I read the deep self. The deep selves really interesting and the deep self. I think the deep self is the one that also has diagrams and how to build a tank who's trying to get people to build tanks, it was like. Listen man, I found shit. You gotta try this the last am. I was here not the last time two times go. You actually sent me to cry
Yeah man crash out to crash the float lab. I thought had been there for an hour turns out and therefore a couple and when it came to dictators written for the knock like animals, let you stay in their like. Oh shit, I'm looking at a time of crisis like a legit hippy delia he's got his great the mad scientist vine Float lab. That's why Things are so well engineered when I met him ass, like what's like Zeit tanks before that, when I first got a tank and like to thousand and to somewhere on in two thousand to two. And three and down was it was great, but it was like it would break things go wrong flooded. My basement, it was like those disasters was and then My friend who was a tank technician is actually tank technicians. He said this gotta get check out the sky in Venice, some mad scientist down their Venice's. Just making a super over engineer float tax and it was they looked like walking, meet lockers.
great heights and those who showed Laud yet like apart and start I had. It is a very good tank, it's just dead. Is it wasn't as well? locked. It also was nearly is expensive. Just he met the distant human existence and he's still it keeps coming over. You're gonna change things about it, we're upgrading. What do you think he's is good for him away and enhance the experience for everyone and yet whose always trying to make it better he's the front of the law and when I first started working with him, like when I first I haven't among on the pod cast, and I hired him to build me, a tank and as like, there was no tanks was it was real rare, the fine tanks, hunters now they're fucking everywhere, man, they're everywhere, will say this. The experience I had in his tank versus the one that I does a local place from where we're I'm from was hands down a different here, not because he really isolates you. There is this
like a part that they Barton installed in a room, I mean it was grateful. His is super insulated, so there's no fuckin noise get in that thing. He gave you the tour the whole backstage two hours, all back there check it should have such were rise. If this, it's got a serious complex that its depreciate, but when he I started making tank site that which, like again, I think I've bought one his tanks and two thousand five. I somewhere on duty was no one, make anything like that whose he's making these super high and crazy fuckin double wall, insulated tanks- and you get in. There just nothing. and you just swollen. You just get taken into the this in its a good place. To think about the subject that we're talking about today. We gotta stop doing that with dolphins and because it's gonna be thought of the same way. We think about slavery. Today, it's her with that its horrific we can understand, and we can't believe that compassionate
beings would be willing to isolate members. the super social, highly intelligent animal species and just put them in swimming pools. It's fucking, barbaric acts. Crazy, it's torture! It's it's! What sad here! As you know, we were years removed from the documentary black fish yeah, and you know that was really impact, for I mean arguably responsible for the paradigm shift that work that were experiencing here, North America and other places, of course, but maybe it's time for people to revisit it and see world their started. Undervalue started going up now. Granted did you know they change their numbers, they ski without free beer day they pumping numbers up and they have all these different problem. Since whatever I mean everything that comes out of these. These forces These these assume it to be all bullshit by the way. It's all bullshit banana people question amount.
but as we speak, while we're amidst sort of a paradigm shift here- and I mean I can speak to it- because I am very happy to say that we have very effectively decimated marine Land- will talk more about that, but over in China. This is now a burgeoning a businessman ended. We discuss this a year and a half it's it's tenfold. Now it's happening very quickly and I'm sure you familiar with the whale jail situation in Russia. Have you seen that no they ve got enclosed in this bay? They ve got over a hundred wild caught beluga us an orchestra, the book ten work, as if I'm not mistaken, and some activists fluid drawn over it. This got world Why detention lot outcry alot of anger, of course, So what happened was Jimmy shoulder to us right now for the folks at a listening looking down at the what looks like swimming pools with, I guess all believers those involved in Seoul. Those are essentially sold and re.
To go to China, but on account of the fact that the activists got this and created a real worldwide stink, all the negative press that came of it. They ve now resolved that they want to try to whether they ve hard considered releases. the governor in the area signed a intent to release. We met with the world's sank by with the whale sanctuary project who sent Seemed to assess the animals health and what not- and this is all of like three weeks- it was not a long time ago and they are is that all these animals should be released. A couple of issues there's a couple of things that that are becoming conflicting aids going to require low cost. If it's done responsibly be, it appears, Guess what happened is as we know, Russia is not exactly a democratic environment. Only one person makes the decisions on account of what becomes of these whales.
Whereas there was some pr stunt to say, hey we're gonna, we want to release them. We want to do this. Disorder mitigate the global outrage. The captors have propaganda. Is this entire effort to free these whales? as a means for the west to undermine de Russia's, Russia's economy so whale trade economy. Here's what marine life comes into play in Athena theory at this point, but it has this in very intense implications what we know, but what marine land is doing currently their transition from brilliantly successful business to virtually decimated. Thank you. Is there shipping their whales out? We know too are going out if it's not this week, it'll be very soon I'll, be shocked if they're not out, I'm an ally, so I can't say that's happening right now. I think it may very well be happening this week going to Spain, we know that five other permits have been
questing to send these animals now to the states. It was it there. liquidating there, the Inter Alia that they're going to liquidate. But the issue is if, in fact, Russia cats just when that marine life sent sending their whales. The let's use the worst case scenario to China, invalidates the russian captors propaganda and concerns. Suddenly what were concerns gonna happen? Is those animals suddenly pollutants as forget it seldom ship em out? That's that's a scenario why? Why would you do that? because again, though, the cap as a propaganda that the West wants to cripple that Russia's economy, there were their wild whale sale economy, so it's Marilla selling whales to China from Canada Suddenly the chapters have appoint they'll say the Putin look, their selling whales wise at such an outrage that Russia's doing it when Marie Lens doing it. So there's that concern the other one,
and this just came up with in the last twenty hours is. It appears, rather than go, they most responsible route, which we know is gonna, be a costly. Never, but you know where game and we're ready. Is there now, considering just dropping the nets and saying see you later and letting all the animals go? Here's what we suspect they're going to let the orcas go, They were captured illegally, there's some grey area as to whether the beluga whales I've been captured illegally or not. So I think it'll probably start with the workers rights, then move them to where they were at the same time of year when they were captured, so that they can be next to their put their trend, transient parts or their third. Third, their power They just want to drop this this net Cecile later. Let us as their response was it can get, but that's crazy. It's like look-
Making someone a slave for how many years lower them here somewhere on the planet, but imagine their hope you can imagine would be I'll see it didn't work. Jesus there's a lot of theirs, and this is a big issue were on theirs. It there's a great team of activists over there. Would be accurate to say that maybe what these groups are doing right now is recognising that there's probably radical changes in the way these things are permitted, what's legal, what's not legal and what people tolerating she's not the same as it was ten years ago, catchment sellers facet, ok, I just get. Why you can, because it Michael Point time would not only could they not sell it, but they might be responsible for doing exactly what you said and bring it back to the area where its family would be. It did, which would be an incredible asked Emily an incredible costs. It would be an undertaking, unlike any other rescue that we know of, and how much
something like that crossed. I can't even imagine I mean I would be the wrong person to ask. I can't put a figure on it. I just know that it would take a lot of time. It'll be a lot of dedicated, I mean we would need a flash rasta pod you'd have to figure out. Was that would be all too rarely whales out I mean, You have to be able to somehow another get close enough to the other worlds: thou freaking them out, it's a whole thing, but it's possible. I mean that's important, fuck man, the hot just one of those things that are really think. As people we're gonna look back on we're gonna go man. How did we in two thousand. Nineteen not know that that was insane. Does that is not a chicken in I'm sand.
it's not like somebody, you just keep in a cage, that's dad it! So, let's back up to, as you know it for well over four and a half years. Five years now, I have been advocating for bill s two or three which ban against, which is a national. Can Canada wide ban against? I well and often importers captivity, so I would include no more breeding. No more port no more export. Any of that, during these this this by the way, is going down as the longest bill ever researched and canadian history because has been a lot of issues from opposition. I want one centre in particular, in fact, if I can have a moment to just give cited Don T a big ol. I win. You piece of shit is which comedy look at that. I win you piece of shit, so I shall be more but those at the other. Guy though this is the aim of this is the senator that has put every possible block in front of the passage of this bill. Haste
to kill it silently. For I mean this is an epic epic story we ve had to as activists and the community at large and again I have to stress how much you ve had a hand in this. Is I've had to re I've had to have these campaigns where we literally flood the Senate servers to the point of crashing honest on a couple of instant instances where they were going. Kill the builders silently through a sore procedures, as his role is a is, is called the Senate whip, so easy actually yields alot of influence and power. He he creates the committees where people do the studies happening. He sets the that the data committees- I mean he had this thing studied Flex seventeen straight months. It was absurd, again longest tenure enough in canadian legislative history. It appears, but this guy was doing his is so heavily to kill it. Do you think that what do you think
Why was he doing? That is why these guys, who looks at this bill- and he sees it as a activists or a left wing Libert, NEO, liberal sort of fluff bill. doesn't see that its necessary. He went to marine land as invited guests. Here is very publicly declared his friends for John Hall there I don't want to speculate as to whether there has been any money changes, but I know he's certainly very interested in killing this bill and by virtue alone of activists, pressuring in exposing all of his as efforts we actually see this bill on a number of occasions, the most notable of which was just a few weeks ago, where in the house comments. It appeared this bill is gonna die and literally, at the eleventh hour I packed up. We drove to Otto
I had a tweet storm set up. We put pressure on I tweeted individual senators, or rather individual members of parliament, and I promise them- and this is a sensitive time and canadian politics for just intruder leader of the power of the Liberal Party, as I promised them. If this, he'll dies on account of the fact that what what was happening with the liberals, we're gonna propose amendments to the built last. Second, that would send it back to the Senate for further review, at which point we know, Don Plot was waiting and lie to kill it. There is nothing we can do at this point. This was going to be here to kill. The fact that this was being fixed, facilitated by liberals was really an inferior thing, but none. we applied an incredible amount of pressure. I draw my ass down there. I got then a student from every which one of them- and I look them all in the eyes and just like I'm gonna, make you famous, I'm gonna, make you famous and I'm gonna, make you famous. I make you famous and I dont want us, you're late. If that's what, if that's, what save the day, although it was mentioned in the House of Commons, that special interests pressured them at the last second, but in aid
a lousy legal. Can you that someone something I to make you famous. I think it's Of course this is my most effective tool like a scene from like that would set, would lose the cowboy movie where Thou Kilmer played dark holiday, member tombstone yeah, so the lion tombstone right now. You know what it's from the one with the bond Jovi Song in others, those in shadow, blazing glory. You know, you know that Those does cute guys in it was in the Eightys and Ninetys at all. I did a western media again said it's from that will make a famous oceans are at. I knew I'd heard it from somewhere. I think it's from the wide eyed hoped at home. Was my line, but nonetheless, whenever Emilio Esteve as this is this is
Arguably the camp is cheapest of the cowboy movies right. Is it the camp highest idle today and in saying that there are handsome hasn't devils? Sorry so I saw show up Arusha literally they re before the meeting starts. The entire committee stands up and leave the room. What now we're we're there prepare for this today. I am therefore a funeral. They come back in. The conservative members of the committee proposed their amendments. The liberals which outweigh the the conservatives are either our voting, so they're just knock on these things. Down knocked him down come down and then suddenly it comes to the liberals time to propose their amendments. First guy comes up and says: I'd like to withdraw my amendment. No one on the record sits down. Ok, we got
here too, I would like to withdraw. My amendment sits down number three like to withdraw my men willing holy shit, I'm looking back it. I've got some. We ve got some people there. The odyssey with of of this with the same interests as men. I don't even know exactly what's going on at this point. I just know that their faces are indicative, that this we might win this thing and the fourth member policy stands up. He withdraws the amendment and we save this thing in the last second, and I absolutely no, it was a pressure. Can pay because, like I said I was gonna, come on this podcast. I've already had this date written for some time, and this was going to have political implications that I dont know that the liberal Party could have sustained it's a really bad time. I think this,
from the top down, whereas efforts to kill it came from the bottom up, this came from the top down you not killing it will. I think people are understanding. What dolphin captivity really is what order captivity really is the thing their understanding? Now I think it's just one of those things that exists because it's always existed, but if it didn't exist, there's no fucking way. Anybody would never let you do it if there was no captive die, friends and workers of someone just went around and kidnapped em with what scientists, no now about their social structure in their community, do they're so complex the way they today have fuckin dialects right. It's they have dialects. Workers have They have they share languages in different regions and actually have a different accent of sorts. I mean it, sir. It's really remark stuff, you're right? It would be a global outrage if, today, for as day one there's someone said, hey, look at best thing was put this in this. I'm only because we have already well because
how them in their some legacy, businesses that have been around for a long time to greatly pudding. Now they have the means to fight. They know now that look. This is not good so whether you can, you can see it in all the advertising these days. Seaworld almost rarely shows any orchids and commercials, although it seems the industry switching to baby walruses. In fact there there there, the new Orkut their sort of new Brandyball cute. there really is happening all over tapping Canada's well, the Vancouver aquariums running with it. Yan same see world. If you go to their their twitter, it's over. I can't say that present day it's it's like literally the case today, but yeah a lot, a baby, walrus stuff, it's worth going, it's they know that they can run with that, at least for the time
What's crazy in all this is here this bill is passing now we know it's going to pass, it says should be. It should get. Royal assent comes second week of June shy of some some catastrophe. This thing will become law. That's why Marie Lens trying to get rid of these whales, quickly as they can get him out of here, because at least now they can just what sounded to to export permits have been approved. The two to blue, the whales are gone. Spain now granted that's being facilitated through and coover Aquarium. This becomes an ugly mess here, because when it comes to Zeus, All part of these associations, okay- and these are these- are industry voices anything it's if an entirely told, while this is an ace, Eddie, accredited facility, YO most schools, for instance, heard or general people to all its credit, it's a good place, none, and what that means is these places facility?
animal transfers, one or two other member facilities. It's really just a club and this club protects the interests of these parks and keeps any type of oversight lack their lobby groups. Basically, so it's happened is now through the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Lance Marina, sending these, whilst Spain, but their claiming them to be Vancouver. Aquarium, Wales, which is not They were never on these animals inventory, or rather this facilities in the toilet has never been any knowledge of any this, but what's happened is because Vancouver quorum is accredited and has an affiliation with these at eight. So in Canada we call Kazaa the canoe associations, Uisnech worm and Marie mine. Isn't it fact not they no longer have their accreditation, they did. They didn't have the best of relationships shortly after all of our revelations, it's all just renounce, just as the industry as a whole is breaking all of its own rules.
the seller take getting these beluga whales. Marilla has fifty one of them. Ok, there's five born every year, but they always have fifty one and they don't they haven't ship than Orca out in nearly a decade. At this point, let me do the math what's goin on exactly so their dying. There always have fifty one day shipping anyway, I can tell that, yes, when I was there in my experience, you have to watch my words because I know Marie lands lawyer Andrew Burns is listening. High Andrew I'll see you next week in my experience yeah year for as many a born you're just about losing as many so you'll lose two old ones. You lose three young ones that are the ones that are boring and be successful. Just what half are so so what's happening now. Is the industry wants that bloodline, there's fifty one captive workers, whereas others like contrary
in importing animals from other places. The states cannot, in fact that can bring the men from Russia without Public Council period might still be the case with Canada. So acted, the public might actually be consulted about the import of these five balloon. Is that real seeking permit for to export so that something that certainly has activists level lobby I'll be helping to guide towards are the proper resolution, but yeah that's all happening. It is a race right now to to get rid of marine land animals and it is a wild time. Is it's a wild time to be inside the doors that marine? Let us? I can imagine in the fences and its most wild time for me to be on the outside, because I've never in the less six and a half years of of litigation, just of my advocacy being sorted and basically being engaged in war with Marilla. I've never seen them work harder to suppress me and to try to see
it's me than they are now add. As breaking news just today, Marilla had built this fence aptly named, fills fence around the park, and just today we found out they blocked it all out with tarps, because come this Saturday may eighteenth and certain am inviting everyone to come. Join me I'll, be joining as an as a guest. a big demonstration outside a marine land and we're gonna protest it as their as their anticipating, because article my coming on the show they worked very hard to try to keep me from a coming, be speaking of anything see, certainly not promoting this event. So I certainly hope that event is it is. It is a well it. How did they try to do that? What because we're in litigation? What happens in litigation? Is you come to a point where you start to negotiate and so there's
that they want from me. There's things they really want from me. They want my silence. The problem is. They're, never going to silence me. It's not an option. I've said it before and I'll say it again. They can offer me one million dollars to shut up. Go away. It's not going to happen! I'm not going to delete my twitter, I'm not going to delete any of my tweets that have the word marine in them is. This is a request these. This is layers and layers, and there have been layers of requests. Basically, they'd hoped that I wouldn't come here. They hope something worked out in our litigation we have so now I chased marine. Let's go back when reminds owner was still alive. I put forth a huge campaign to try to get here
to be examined legally by my lawyer. Much like I've had a sort of submit myself to, but as these lawsuits and as as litigation continues to reveal itself as just a perfect method of abuse, You know that their just the only resolve these things appear to serve is to exhaust both parties and have them come together with a resolution sought to six and a half years. I'm really seems intent on a resolution. They don't want to go to examination so while we were in so while I was there be examined. Couple weeks, you, my larsa, take a walk and the two lawyers began their talks. We put off the examination because we believed there could be some good faith that can be shown between parties. It became quite evident that it was not the case. And when we really were to resume our examinations, which was to be last week, marine land on account of the fact
coming on this show through an absolute time rain and said we are not doing this now bear in mind. This is a court ordered examination date. I've got a trial coordinator who is trying to nudge this thing? forward, because I mean that's something- that's that's emotion- I had to win in the litigation itself- is to try to get someone to look at. This thinks that it can actually move forward like let's get someone to manage it, so we're we're incase management, so that case management judge has issued a very aggressive schedule. It's in back in February, we had a court date of thank you very much. I won a handedly Marie limits pick up just a little more than twelve thousand dollars of my legal bill, which is really on this project Motion this event kind of a drop in the pan, but nonetheless it up a sound victory in court. We have a case conference call next week. Now I don't know
the stands because now Marilla has breached the court's order. So we went In short, the examination I got a fourth what's call day certificate of non attendance. It means the person that was supposed to be examined that they didn't show up realise owner John Holder, whose now passed away. shot. The tourism is examinations knowing full well that I have to pick up the seventeen hundred bucks to caught to just be there to get the certificate and he just knock in short, no big deal that doesn't seem to be. Punitive damages there and they there. I mean we're almost seven years into this thing and there still like brutalizing me, but we're at a point where there are actually in a very uncomfortable position of having to keep this thing. If you dont want this litigation to beyond the public record and transcripts in evidence and everything you have to stop, it seems to me the court's appear to facilitate resin of that sort, they like settlements. I was promised to trial on day one it's. What kept me going there lying about me delaying about everything,
everything there saying in the train exhaustion financial will. Of course they are that's. That's so that the prisoners you count pursuing them. Well, I'm countersign. The premise of my counter suit is so that they couldn't merely drop my my the lawsuit against me over a period of time and then that just be it and that I would I would then, after actually file emotion, it get some cost back. I'd be lucky to get fifty percent higher than in the early days. My larsa, let some back, and so we did. I'm suing them for abuse of process there they're using the court's time resources this I mean even for that matter. We can extend that to the police and other departments organizations exhausting these things in bad faith, they're doing it because they just want to try to? Basically, they want to take away my right to free expression, which is a canadian chartered right. I mean I'm protecting my own history, this is insane. I can't even believe that, after six,
yours, I'm still here at risk of being silence that the fact that only looked full disclosure- our modem, The last time I was on the show we raise a mean and again, thank you so much sixty! or maybe seventy thousand knew you'd have that's gone. I've spent my last penny last month. It was a very aggressive last three months. Do you have a girlfriend? May I have a go funny about information? Please what is it it's if you go save smoky dot com as Av S M, O S, HIV dot com. You can go there, there's a small documentary, it's a little dated now, but on account of the fact that legislate, nothing really moved forward in the lawsuit and the legislators. I just right it still very current. So please spend the fourteen minutes to sort of a priest. The story more. I guess, you'll get a better, more context to this. You know some some footage and there are some back back states doesn't puts it, tells the tale quite well. It's it's. It's good piece, young folks, if you, if you hear
please help it out. If you can get out, I say it all the time it s. The thing I hate to do most is ask for either they ask me well bureau tensions are pure. You know you really are a person who is going about this because you like you, are uniquely qualified to talk about it. You have actual information you know what's wrong, you know you know- and you are part of the system- you understand it better than anybody else- can I have my walrus and they have yours still, we think, and so when and so when in the litigation my lawyer says one hears what Marie less prepared to offer. I say to my learn more about the wars and he says to me: do we talked about this? Is crazy you're not getting a walrus, and I said to marine land. I don't want no money, not a penny. I want the wars. The two left
Three have died in the last it really mere months. Secretly I find out what would you do with her. I mean I dearly. What I would like is. I just want to transfer it at this point. You have the facility, I would love to see a transfer to the Vancouver Aquarium or theirs officially in Cuba as well. I just want to be a pass. I just want to possibly be in her life it if she needs me which, when I mean there's a reason one of two still alive. If I would accommodate listen, would you moved Vancouver if suddenly Dan Bills Erin on the horse is failing Actually my way does the Baxter that to actually get some leaf with him inadvertently. But what will get back to that? But a few to suddenly say: hey. I got this Arctic Beachfront home and deal by your worship move. Absolutely I mean she's got no ten years of her life did up. Does you only one way of our destiny? With this walrus play the music? Just there
better and others to the story, I mean really, it all sounds so crazy, Joe, but here's the six and a half years ago I was like. I want the walrus when suddenly here, I M negotiating for war it's kind of crazy, but so are they ruling to negotiate for the wallaces is actually in consideration, yes, not without layers and layers and layers of the compromise and but bear in mind not in the capacity that I see it. Moreover, yeah maybe more We won't send her to China. Has that Mabel sender somewhere and not deter that facility from you visiting? Maybe we can do that for you, that's what I mean it's. It's really bad faith negotiated. The problem with the thing that I have a hard time dealing with is look we're in litigation
n n n litigation. You have to exercise a certain amount of decorum and it's not exactly. My strong point is just not I find decorum to be just a thick layer of bullshit. I just do you wanna hope that there's gonna be some type of good faith negotiation. I I want that Marilla negotiates with additional hostilities and threats. It's not worked for them in six and a half years. What makes you think it's gonna work now so here I think we're going down a path of possibly good good faith in a ghost nations. The the honour that the villain of the story is gone is out of the picture. The new president, who is the widow, the wife, is a wonderful woman. I mean listen if I honestly and truly believe the lawyers himself wasn't the controlling mind of the business, now tat S, sort of facilitating the transfer of of of the business as it was to just being sold off pieced, often and distribute the wealth to the remaining family members. I think that we could, I think, the story
so good note I mean I have no hostilities you. I have every reason in the world to despise the man who suit me, and I don't I don't even think about it. It was never about that they made every case in a world. Every argument that this was personal between me and him and with its cause, you look in the Cameron, say fuck you, two people, it's personal bitumen Don play. You bet your ass, that's a different story for journalists, and did I make a famous Are you aware that, maybe so Where do you stand right now? Well, what I dont know so next week we're having a case management, the case managers, gonna talk and we're gonna see what becomes of marine lands once again, skipped examination, it so hard to believe the system.
on two working to my funded from the time? You first came on the pod casting now that this has been justice, scratch and claw every day of my life? I live with this looming cloud of threat of like there's people out there that really want me. I'm not talk and physical thread that date they did. They played their games in. I called everywhere there bluff at every corner this thing, but something about when you say they play their games? When are they going to my house? Yeah? There's video in fact that those on that documentary you'll see these. They send some tough guys. I mean they were sent in people at six, a m harassing my girlfriend was taken. The garbage out, I mean, really got pretty intense, but we set our ground as light. That's not gonna. Go down like this like a fucking, the wrong guy. Do like listen. I come from a place called well on Terry? I dont know that you are familiar with them in assume. Not probably few people are less.
An avid hockey fan because we have produced some pretty amazing and it shall talent, but in others population like fifty thousand, I'm a well under. I don't know any other m Frenchman. I mean it's stress, but I dont know any way to deal with things are then, Sir fight it out. Now Cowan run. You don't. You know you stare the especially when you on the right side of things. You're not gonna, sit antics, Mckenna, it's not gonna work for them to continuously try to threaten me because dude I'm invested and I'm Talkin money. I mean. I know it's like a hostage situate it's? How it started my only interest is ending the hostage situation that my own interests. I should say that, of course, now you'll have interested in and I ve been advocating for the four bills and of obsolete, advocating letting people know that the sort of taken the veil off them
should that the industry primordial your negotiating for a hostage in smashing they're they're, using her as that type of chip yeah, that's their bark, that their bargaining that's what they got and they're keeping this constant pressure on you, whose com international threats, constant, like My lawyer, in fact, in this work it's kind of weird because listen, I dont understand he's possibly representing me. The answer is no to everything, fight, fight fight. I want to trial. He instead is coming with listen. This is not how litigation incident like you don't seem to understand how his ends you dont, have a cripple, how little litigation work and I'm just like. I am glad that I dont, because my guess is representative of ninety percent of the public. Asian that don't know and its important we find out. I was promised the trial because they said I was this this this this. This will, let's get through that fuckin trial is what I've been doing. This doesn't end with negotiations and what the trial, I don't understand, like what. Why would you sue me unless you want the trial o, because it's bullshit
Well then, I want the trial, because I need to show that I need that. On my record, I want that. I want the truth. The fact that the wrong guy, I hate to say it on behalf of all the losses they ve launched and launched in an excess of twelve and threatened and and its importance and I've been threatened and constantly under threat of additional litigation and the only one and the only lawsuit, that's I'm the only person who hasn't had to compromise their free expression. It's too dirty see. about the legal business right that does as a loophole there's something people can do two people to silence on just to drag them through hell for six years. Maybe ten, who knows how to ask right, and this is a case manage I mean I had to fight in court at great expenditure to get this case management and, if you put this up to the general public and have them look at why
the actual facts are and had them look at what these people, what their businesses, what there actually doing scaling over its game over it's a real problem for them. The real price Ms, it's an indefensible activity. having those animals in swimming pools for people's enjoyment bike, but to follow that up with to crush people. Don't rush my fiscal sovereignty, Emmy look now, there's nothing on their side by what they try to do to you for what the businesses like tolerate in full transparency. Because look, I guess, I'm sort of sponsored by the public's. I feel like a level of transport, in all this. But I had a little bit of money. I'd one a tv show called wipe out and I had fifty thousand canadian dollars tax free in the back
which has sat on because had to know precisely what it is I was gonna do within. I felt like there was the potential of a rainy day around the corner. It took that in the first six months to six months to to hire lawyers for everybody and one that will get sued, I've come there, are five thousand retainers foregoing There's a purpose for this money. I only have it because I got on the show because of my relationship with the walrus. So I'm infer Good chunky, changer it it's crazy, the length of which and the ability corporations have to destroy individuals. The fact that the key is there to facilitate. It is precisely why I want to go to trial. I've been told the figures are, and please don't call me I'd, love the facts, but I've been. hold that something in the area like ninety percent of lawsuits get settled without going to discovery I want to be, I want to be the ten percent or less I want. I want a resolution by the by the judge. I can sleep. I now have to judge says
it ends. With this fill you get fifty thousand dollars of your at this point in excess of two hundred thousand in legal bills and marine when lost so now you you gotta, eat the shame and walk away. I would assume be more comfortable with that than of marine life. Said here's a hundred thousand dollars. Don't talk about the I mean it lets in the basket. scenario, said his trunk a chain of such issues, a hundred thousand dollars and said just don't talk about the terms of the settlement, but other than that you have no impeded speech. Account is be free. I would be more comfortable with the judges decision, then that hundred k, because then at least I know exactly what it is that I went through at the world- can find out what function these courts have and what their version of Justices I mean I'm just stills, I'm trying not to be jaded because, obviously a heavy load to carriers in your data dates. I've been on the cusp of crazy thankful for plant medicine for safe keeping me grounded and keep me in
the proper perspective, but plant medicine. Listen, you happy Huh, trying to call me hippy, Alot tunes interest them in primitive limit of out of a different version of it Yes, it's me, I dont mind war while you're your God cares about these marine mammals. Now wars like daughter due to some degree, Billy's dress it. But it's now there's you consider that fact. You're just like do that, he's got it. They ve got your daughter, that's a mess than just try to put yourself in a perspective that if they had your dog, your neighbors got your dog in his eyes and an unimpeded Lee by your definition, abusing neglecting their life in Europe.
to just watch silently amid that's disgusting. That's a disgusting scenario. This is the point that I live with. I need, I need a proper closure. I am relying on there being a level of justice so that one day I can live in this world without being just that old jaded dude. Look last Alistair was not nearly as fuckin gray like starting to feel the effects of long term litigation. You don't have a pod costume. I want to do a pod cats. I'm urged to do a pod cast our new. While people, you know they just do not fill you wish F pockets to pack has to end How to get a real, simple thing for you to do. I know it running only guess, allows the saying, you're great talker, thanks to appreciate that. Might you do it? I, considering it really get mad at me that I keep suggesting the people get progress to extort bro top do you know you said to me when we are in trial at dinner? You you should be a comedian, as I heard that before menial restore that's what I heard you
now, I'm here on a bright eyes, turned out to us that, while this so few of us on this more podcast was now comedians force or close this like? I think this. And six hundred thousand podcast now on Itunes, so yeah there's not six thousand comics, there's like that's a big pool to wait in by MID I'm into I've, even if I did, it would be for my own purposes in I would become categories coarse and for someone new. I guess you'd probing is conservation, category or wildlife, or something like that. You know you do you launch pretty quickly and it would be fasting for people did I ever heard like one of the really well produced, and PR podcast like the drop out was invaded NPR. Do the drop out the one a list homes in the fair knows controversy the blood scanning stuff anyway. it's an amazing multi part series
describes how these people made this phony blood testing technology and sold it and made millions of dollars and was worth value to billions. Another literally virtually worth nothing so as by ABC Radio. That's who did it Nightline? That's what it was ABC News Nightline, but some like that. Could if someone wanted to follow this and an document it from the beginning in a pot, get form This is something that really could be like six one hour. Episodes of you were talking about your history with training. Org is what it was when I first got any. We went into them several, the other episodes but think about this me you and I have talked now metalogy banana. This is my fourth okay, so each times been like, three hours. So all those all those hours of discussion. If someone you ve condensed that into you,
story. I think it would be super compelling, and then you could also update people on the case. You get update people on the state of marine mammal, captivity legislation and and because there are countries, right now, waking up and realizing. This is crazy, like this is written almost like human slavery. Its finding aliens and just keeping up in a cage somewhere in the timings right. I don't do that. So is perfect, then, with the looming litigation, I do get a little bit sort of tongue shy, because this is just gonna be pursued again met of freaks me out. I really what a premise of writing a book. It's a great write, a book, but cant do anything with it because I'll be sued. Bassoon seed is a virtual guarantee. Now, though, the bright side is, it seems to me, like Marie Man is not going to be around for
terribly long, a terribly long time once their dissolved. You bet your ass. I got less talk about, I mean I would love if I could speak of everything without having to sort of watch I really do have to keep from saying a lot of stuff, not on account of it being illegal, but just on account of the fact that little version guarantee me additional hostilities and Leah I can I can. I can fully understand. I do that to that day, where I'm sort of free and unencumbered and just can just be fuckin me again, yeah well, if you're in their business. Right now you gotta be looking at the future grown we gotta get out. We got to get out, for they take us out at precisely what's happening, so the speculation is, marine lands lawyer is now the sore controlling mine and he that's precisely what his job is to transition. This from me, that they ve sold property. They saw the golf course they sold the campground. We know now that there there are,
I use the word selling. It might not be the right terms, because Marina Claims will be no financial exchanges, but so that that yet to be seen, yeah the writings on the wall. They're gonna be gone. I dont think the wife has any interest, were any she's she's, pushing seventy something
pro doesn't want to be a part of this. She's, never really had a heavy hand in it. I mean she had her, but she had she sorted, took care the cash business aspect of it so tat. She had her role in it, but it wasn't like a management position making decisions on animals, health, importing export in things like this, like it's just beyond her, what what what we ve been told is that's real lands honour in his final days, there's a wishlist. This is what happens to the park. This happens with this this. What happens with this, and you can bet your ass, but there's something about a walrus and there's something about me in there. What it is, at least that I know of right now is obviously hostilities till the end. I think that, what's happening as the lawyer is fulfilling. John holders wishes with me. I think it's, I think it's in the books that he catches and this thing or I don't know it's a guy- require time I not the guy's dead letter folks. A lawyer doesn't like me
We in the same you talk shit bro, you, nobody objects that camera seldom go fuck himself, Rota Risa, that's gonna, be in court document that and say that so that to Senator hurons, that's Willoughby core documents or he's watching is listening. I mean I sort of half hope that he said you joy to say that I forgot to say: I don't wish that on my best of friends, but man with that's his son. It's not gonna happen that's how the fuck do you know something I know it needs. Torture is pulled out their mouth guys like that you do. We talked about this last up to. I think that what they do in turn of that business. For there own sake. They should stop for everyone is profiting off that you gotta find an exit strategy and our own. This may marine land. I mean anyone who understands my language. That's
hearing my words you should stop. This is not the future. This is you can't do that anymore. This has got you. This is going to look horrible just a few years from now or people. Who ve seen black fish people who do understand what those things are, the more We find out about dolphins and workers the more We understand them can be more and more its I'll wait a minute. We did some test father, though it crabs Brow, the dumbest FUCK gauges Edam, It's not gonna happen, man we're more more impressed with them. The more we study them. I am more than happy to negotiate with marine land that, rather than signing any type of non disparagement, because I don't want my speech virtually locked in a year in a legal document, I'm afraid
in person. I dont need I'm only responding in kind to their hostilities. They come at me with war. I bring it back. I don't want to. I have to take a ride back up to where they bring than they do this. I gotta do this than they do this when they go, he fucking thinking They were just that just dial it back. I can be a happy smiley, not chirping marine Lamb guy. I don't have to be. I don't have to do that. I've done what I've had to be. Where I am The man who was who created this scenario is gone. We don't need the hostilities anymore. So what is the lawyers motives exactly? I don't no, but I can assure you now that they ve blacked out the fence. They are doing everything they can to suppress our information. They ve bought up all the billboards in All the available billboards in Niagara falls so that they ve got marine lent size because we have put up as activists activists have put a billboard, one of which a slick read the interests of marine. Unless there is a thing of beauty, so they Billy bought all these things up. They really do want bad people
right now my guess is trying to get rid of the animals mitigate the pr losses, because already the sound foundation of it of bad pr and sell the property get rid of it all I think the other try to fast track and accreditation so that they can facilitate animal movements and what not my greatest weapon rate now, unfortunately, is that I can assure them a great deal of of financial risk. I have- and I certainly can and am right now they need to take that into consideration when you consider the price of a walrus and let's just use the number, a hundred thousand, which is a grossly inflated number for a walrus and that same reelin were to say hypothetically well, Why would we give you a hundred thousand dollar asset when it's gonna cost less than that? Just to finish this litigation and willow you, twenty five care Vienna, some shit? Why? Why would we do it doesn't make sense- and I say to them- is because I'm gonna make that war is costly. Tens of millions can,
or that lose the hostilities I'll make you guys heroes. We can do that to the nearby narrative doesn't have to continue. The narrative of war can end with with the dead owner. It could have ended, but well, there are invested in one of the things about law suits certain people when they get started as a game. Go on trying to win eternal Turning to the side cave mean. This is a lot of what this is all, and obviously you ve taken this very personally dissolve part of you now. Can I explain something really messed up? I now because we are coming to an end, the law, the law that I've been advocating for Israel. Pass. This lawsuit is going to end the animals. Will that mean we're going to find out what's going to happen to them in in the in the near future? We already know, what's what's becoming, of some
I don't know what it's gonna be like to live without a lawsuit. Once the prospect is not nice brow, you gonna be on the beach feet up when the price Spect came round of me not having one anymore. That's how I sought it's weird, I'm oddly connected strangely Dick did and married to fucking lawsuit. I get you'll be fast. It was somewhat She threw plant monetizing, look about baby, don't say it again on its about right, that's be real stuff! That's duffel, put you on the planet. That's outside But are we having discovered yet? And I see you gets the Thyssen Ranch Box? Oh yeah man, I gotTa Thyssen Ranch Box. He woke me up and then the Big Box is from what what is the company that give us the big bucks speed we did help, but writing it. I think the extracts company abs extracts, sir. I'm not sure who asked on now. We shoot up
shout out that company different things and I had I was elbows most all these box speed. We know the best and their their fuckin. They brought me a war chest to get in I am actually gonna be on Thyssen's podcast tomorrow. Are Europeans? Don't do it yesterday, and I was kind of stoked unending Campos posted They re in world. Am I sitting down smoking to launch a weed with MIKE Tyson? Well, it's the one that was created on account of these crazy decisions that have made the fact alone. We come together like this dude, I'm talking with with Whitney whose you know she she says to you that I'm a hero she's my fuckin hero men, like I say that crazily drove all the way to Texas, with a fucking pig tried to like help. This pig outage found she said you pig and they drove all the way to Texas whither. I love her level of crazy annexes FUCK, a perfect that fits exactly what this needs and again on bless that you'd that you sort of
turn around two to me, and I know she was. She was looking out a conversation with you with regard to some legislation and with dolphins and we'll kept him in one user, steered in my direction Let me touch on the damned bills area. Think its iron, if you come in here and in May, is right on the past. Yes, now that I know somebody said to me, I don't hear devils annually and he's going on before the guy knows that he has. I thought these come about through the case may be nervous Cosette. So I weeks ago, Whitneys, like just trillion. Danville and on Instagram, for having this polar bear, rather very of a polar bear for the Fucking Party, feeding it she's she's lie Y polar of port. Kyoto is like a big, isn't it barely grizzlies big grizzly bear from early on and off the lecture fence around over there. So she knew was he probably want creators house for our genes stared bulgarian. What's a brow My god, he had a fucking break, bear at his house. Look at the size of that thing
oh, my god, I'm gettin anxiety did he ever see the fuckin. What was the way they do? Yeah the one the bear ripped the guy's throat apart and I was on a movie to US bear was in a movie. The bearers of football movie moves that movie, along with the Basque. Well, I think, he's been a few movies, but with welfare, where there's my mask money like wrestle them in the middle, the basketball game was at the bare I think so. Well, there was a bear that had been in movies and had done stunted movies and this guy the videos awful does the guy's literally just standing there and the bear just go optimum and just decide to attack it rips his throat out in a second It's exactly that video minus that this can happen at a different time. Only forty five girls in the back scantily, clad We could happen in which really crazy is that that bear that killed, that guy they went back to training.
They're not gonna, kill an animal that has value is the same as the orca that killed all the trainers. Legged they're, not gonna, kill em. It's not gonna happen. finally figured out whether non who's gonna. Do it again like Jesus Christ, what are you up? soothsayer, how how you gonna figure, what a bears gonna do. It's gonna be a bare asshole. That's gonna! Do better air stuff. The people that are bringing that are trying to get you interact with these animals like that, due to their relying on the animals shock, factor the shot can, I know they're bringing these animals in close proximity to scare. You that's fucked up thing: man, that's the baron look at, as I said throat apart So so horrific. So back to the Whitney thinks I witnessed just just harping on Dan bills and he's deleting the comments as quick as she's toughness right, ok, well, I'm away in their rights. I throw comment, and I forget about it and go after him. I think and then that night, I'm on the filled. The Franco show me personally, but he actually takes the comment because they don't got a lotta likes and stuff. I said something to effect over. You know that
abused animal. Above about this not said somebody smoke more we'd. They put the comment, oh by the way, the guy who handles the animal he was sort of, he was some legal sort of jargon with me, as if he'd maybe was talking about loss in our pockets, legal jargon- you read into the guy who just written amatory, because I said that's a starved, abused, animal and know how to night and day history of wild animals, when is a barrier walked out, so they become fuck friends with someone today ineffective in this regard about when there are loop Cubs, you know that, of course I, and so they starve them. They abuse them. They have I mean but I might even if I said, but do they have to do that train them. I know there are people who claimed to love bears that train bears that take care of Paris and I guarantee, We all do that its as big. No, no there's nothing fund, abusing a drug, starved animal delete this in your pension for exploitation smoke more, we are no smoke more. We dislike gonna help that, but it wasn't a cheerful. What do we feel? The Franco Centres,
smoke or wheat flour just ignore smoke more readily, go inside out and got it then I was honour yeah. It see, I feel like there are people that have bears that raises not in any way, shape or form endorsing keeping bears in captivity, but What I see is people that have these sort of intimate relationship, so these really well FED bears their big and happy and they feed him in that. In the pool with them and its looks ridiculous, but I don't think there's Starvin up I think their abusing that bear, and I think you have to do that. I don't think you couldn't romantically assume that a bare starved and abused I assume the start part. Certainly can't say, but as a big bear, there's a fat bear lies feeding it. It might be hungry that damn you, but once I will look at the body on the bare of big not well FED bear you gave a welfare. animal. That's hungry for a week is questionable that the, but it's not likely to die
things started my definition of abuses, there's an electric fence around that fucking thing, which is there. There. You can see it s about the ankle. Edible ankle he's a fucking electric, Hence it tackles warehouse sure whoever killed back to their pick, your whatever installation is the person who brought this thing does has to keep the animal within the confines of alma. Again, just imagine if we just went on a model killing rampage like that's a lecture, I that's again an assumption I'll say. But again I, see how that wouldn't be what the hell does that serve as a barrier, just a trip line. Otherwise, for that is so, and that's a welfare bear those on a number of the factories. That is a big ass. If you wanna get animal something, if you wanted to be docile, you have to train if the sort of theirs there's Gary making the animal in many cases but
I assure you, Joe, that food deprivation is is in training, is the most effective to it. Just as you can find a healthy balance right, but food deprivation is moved. I want you. Ve talked about this, particularly with dolphins, to be fair in my memory experience of wild animals, it is with marine mammal, so not worked with bears I'd. There are bears Emory Man, it's a really. It's disgusting display its an archaic. It looks like it's out of the eighteen hundreds. Even I mean it really is a disgusting place, but the practice was to starve them and what people do there's they pay like. I think it's a buck and they get like this. The slick, cupful corn, pops neath, the bears are like wave historically there's been, bears, I mean he's, got they ve got forty or fifty bears in this little confined spaces. There's nothing, there's no more! No greater abomination of nature than I can imagine than a solitary, largely Salter animals are confined to
bunch of them of the speaker and then historically, if they have ripped each other part, and I did it I raised, I can actually dome in some regions history deeper than I can get to hear the full spectrum of some of the things that happen and bear in mind. In its point to note, there was a different time different times. Different things happening, that's just that was the that was this. That was the norm is its starkly trusting time too, when Marina started. So, but the stories are like really it's jawdropping, it's really jawdropping stuff, but there's it on one hand when you have children and you bring a child to the zoo on one hand, it's really fascinating to watch us little person. Look at all these different animals and an freak out and and and see how amazing is, but that's the only pro is introducing human beings like little human beings
particular to these animals. Everything else is a con, except for the animals that are like really endangered and they protect them and help breed them, and then some tea. zero responsible for some reintroduction efforts, but now that's an animal prison. We're I don't take the position are ideal. I don't I'm not an at this person. It's China represent an ideology necessary them, not against all Zeus, but I have to say that there is nothing so more sad than seeing elephants. Cats bears in cat man, the cats, when their pacing back and forth and just get him out of there who who serve, whose purpose is serving as a good for you and me seeing an animal, that's got zoo Kosis, I mean it's it's it's. It's meant and we don't know what the fuck's goin on their head. So we have no idea most people just right. You think this is just maybe normal. Something read aloud. People were not just because
The veil is only now it sort of coming off and people are starting now getting the truth on the matters. You start to see things for what they are. I watch the video on Youtube some weeks ago and it was marine land in the seventies and man was this place busy and the people were just I mean they were they were. They were climbing over each other to be next to the pool. I've never seen anything like. I worked at twelve years. I've never seen the amount of, let the thing had we looked in a pool, there's a bull orca whose it he spans the literal length of the pool that he's in on the side with as it is dorsal fin over is literally staring at the wall not moving, and then you get to other massive orchids that are in
poor. Like maybe five times the size of this room kind of thing and people are celebrating like it and the view the video has like this store, Corky Music and got a funny unfunded on watch is going what a disconnect of time like where this you're looking at exactly what you said today in terms of the animals in the conditions that therein yet here these people having knowing nothing about it. Just in the are the beauty the met, the majesty of these animals than the majestic nature, these animals, and yet we couldn't see for ourselves whatsoever how abusive and rose. This was its. It was really a weird and strange thing, but that's Marie lends a legacy business they built. They built themselves, are not on having people come and experienced the shock and are of these animals and it, and they did very, very well, but that time is long gone. No longer I think we're going to come to a time in the future. Will people think the same way about zoos? I think it's we're just we're going to realize. Like I get that you want to see them, I get it
you want to see them again. I want, I won't see them too, but God damn we stop doing that This is no way also foresee did the problem is humans. Don't have any real experience with animals? We have experience with dogs and cats, which are these masticating weird little fluffy friends. They are not animals. We don't have much, experience with real animals, and even the animals that you have experience with their urbanized in alike regions can feed, are squirrels, take peanuts from you. He can out into the world and the world of the wild of forests. In mountain. And you you see actual real animals and it's almost psychedelic is like a weird like Maritime shift it goes you when you see a wild animal
in the actual. Why, like all this, is where it supposed to be a kind of feeling really consider in their world gonna be out, because I, like oh, what became of the series of of of of tools that that animal has in its world that doesn't translated in captivity. For instance, wait, a second that think in spring on me too, I'm not like, like I'm in its world now, it's time to me, that's the hour of the experience of witnessing animals since the year and a half that expire than that from Alaska, and I had the blood that the gift of seeing dolphins and the wild act I went down to my camera would be to us, but it was in california- and that was my first experience in fact again from small place and then this year I was able to go to Washington State and see. Org is in a wild. Now I've jumped off orkut rostrums into the air, so high, that you're looking down into Dixie CUP to land and that's pretty awesome, but there's nothing like having seen a fuckin bull orca with an eight foot
mass on his back swimming next to his mother out. If I'd, never my heart sank into my stomach. I'd never seen anything more majestic. Do you know anything about? What's going on the Pacific Northwest where there's a part of workers that exists primarily on Chinook salmon and there, Sir are they know, that's the! So in fact it's important that I'm glad you mentioned because just yesterday and today a bunch of different protections are being announced for the southern resin killer, whales which are in the sale of sea, so it's gonna impede sort of vessel in other, get there the really focusing on doing what they can what's happening there is they ve got this River, damn system that needs to be weapons. They put the system in and the Chinook or just die. They can't get through. The floors. So they put the system in a long time. A long time it was its virtually overtime has been decimating. These populations. Owen really knew why? But we're at the point now that we know that these workers exclusively Chinook and this just now
nothin, whereas these to be massive once now, they ve got these two little tiny ones. You know there was a that that the plight of the southern resin kilowatts is really I'm glad that it it's got gettin global attention. I'm sure you are familiar with the mother who lost its calf and mourned for an excess of like forty days and carried her on her head in the type of vigilant in this. Was this captivated the world and you can't look at an animal capable of such suffering without being acutely aware of the damage your doing when you separate them from their family, the natural environment. Let me explain the deer when bears see their cubs dead, they eat them. That's a different. This is that we are talking about something. That's insanely, emotional, two different kind of animal and that's the thing that were learning is the most notable aspect of these animals is their social as their emotional intelligence capacity, I'm afraid of what it is the depth of which we can find out that their capable
of banned, because but particularly if there is ever some sort of way of translating communication if they figure out a way of breaking down those sounds and expressions into something that weaken decipher we right now they don't. I don't think they know much I've been underwater with workers and dolphins and I've heard them forget. I cannot tell you the sounds. I mean they. Ve got a wide array of south, but you know I could Two to two to the best of my abilities. I could tell you and animal was excited based on their sounds. They will make eloquent when our orkut Oh sure, was pushing me underwater to do a rocket re, which is when you jump off into the earth to this big, majestic jump You knew it was gonna, be a good one when she led out this squawk at the bottom of the pool before pump in her tail and large. You just knew it. Man is too is OZ is on fire and another doesn't use you just now. She wasn't into it, and I could I could know by the sounds:
you can really determine underwater sound alone. You can really get to know Europe again. I was there twelve years, I'm in a really get to experience. A lot of things are the people can never really truly understand which really, what's important, really important, unable to speak to these things, because many moon when it comes to the legislation and passing I've had my name mentioned in the House of Commons mean this is a national state. I have mentioned and Senate I mean People care about what is coming just yet, just a few days ago in Niagara MP, access to the grid, video you could, if you could pull up, will be my twitter when things are retweeted with the MP local MP heat, he bash is Marina. That is a thing of absolute beauty and glad that I'm able to talk in it and explain to people what it is that my experiences show me in the things that I know if people know not do better.
Problem with their videos, if we play that video gets coined already, has a common serve idiots public and government thing those easier, ok, so here on earth, is it from a news. Although you know what the add that the group that put it up didn't like because they Ok! So, but then, if you go to my twitter ejaculate its sudden, the marvelous beautifully have to be really care food. I leave a shitload of problems nine were region. When I can assure you little swearing, animal justice will have no problem with you doing some good friends with that's, ok, Gimme, a lad. Shuttle would just tell me how to get to bits, but that back up sort of either sex Marie LAN an unfortunate place with horrible conditions,
I mean this is a member of parliament. This is on the net on. This is that this is the big stage rehab he's. Finally, and it took a long time for people, anyone in in in the UN in public policy to ever wade into this subject. Now we got people alright, sandwiches places hole. I mean well. What what how far we have come in last six fears the world is changing. My friend varies changing whether people like it or not- and this is one that I think it's it's unavoidable. This discussion in this resolution is this has to be. We have to come to grips with what that is just this is all kinds raw man talk hands wrong and dumb. The fact there still suing Fuckin year has, if they think it's working as if it serving them any purpose, and here I am again on the fuck J R. U, like you kidding me dude, you, you don't even know the fever you're doing me. I don't even know what you ve done
come on what? What? What? What are you? What do you want to accomplish? What have you failed in accomplishing? What do you think you're gonna accomplished by king may continue Jamie's the virtual death definition ovens? it's, not a good move Jamie who was it that was on the pod castle, was explaining the the processes place of reintroduced into the wild other we're gonna have stages in nets and stuff like that and these big. door, areas where they can transmit dolphins and work as to who was that do remember too many content compress beside me. Wasn't you we talked? We spoke of the Whale sanctuary project. I mean that would be that the minutes be essentially on the basis of the
it was that maybe was you was discussing how there's places where they're gonna have like intermediate step out so much. Maybe maybe you guys expanded with someone else, but know that this is the basis of this project is, and I mean the Good NEWS is the Well sanctuary project in this thing is going to happen. It is the future through their there at their there well into the process of finding a site. Considerations are being made for a Washington States, site Vancouver Separate appears as though there settled on maybe Nova Scotia. The community there at large is looking to work with them. It's a wonderful, that's wonderful news and I'll. Tell you something show. Once this law gets, royal ascension becomes law. What happens is marine land is not able to export the animals unless the Minister of the Deaf or the deployment of fisheries notions concurs that it's in the animals best interests? Well,
If such a site exists and Marie line is keen on getting rid of their animals, we'll have a place for them. I told you last time I was here that my dream is to save wells. This might happen. Additionally, if there's a real, concerted effort of real effort to rescue those animals and Russia I made. it will be a part of that t, so we're six and a half years ago I was talking to speak of a crazy dream where there was no blueprint. There was no foundation. I just had served through myself into the universe and said: I'm just gonna. Hang my head on a dream, I'm watching in real time as its materializing. That sir, however perspective humbling debt is amazing. This thing that we are talking about with the Pacific Northwest there are its.
Resident population that has an issue because they owing each salmon, but then there there a another hard that comes through, does transience in their thriving because eat everything the transience. Are there they're giving birth to downplay while the Marine Animal sate Marine animals? While I was yours and stuff, when I was there, the guy that was with us literally said can smell that, unlike noticed, this smell that sort of oily we're sure a seal is getting eaten somewhere. I think we know we saw the activity of the dorsal everything and Yasser shutters, a certain smile. She could smell that that the seal was being like They teach these smart whales to fuck and eat what their friends or eating. Why? to be rude. It's like they won't eat. Chinese flock chinese starving to death, nor want a burger, that's araric
but there's something called a super pod where's, actually a congregation of all the different families of orchids into this into this event with the Arctic, they congregated it's big social event and is a conference that happens every two years in Washington. State called super part which is organised by a good friend of mine, Jeff Entry to its an amazing event. I look forward to being there again speaking. I gotta get to another place for me to speak and and and Roma, but with experts and what not learn a great deal of things, I was, as we were, on the cusp of that almost happening, because the boats are radio to each other, like ok, what we ve got family go in this. We are finally going to waste sectors. Three families going the same same direction, sick, there's, gonna, be crossing of past, and this, where the borders get real excited, either at the prospect of a super.
Research or conflict have conflict? In fact it could be, but I mean for the most part, its verbal. They just tell you like TAT day. Fuck you, I imagine, their messages are quite clear and you ve got to fifteen thousand pound bull male orca, the bird. FUCK yeah Societe Brandiles man. We see their mouth wide open and see their teeth like what fuck. Are you why why don't a start eating mammals, and I wonder if anybody ever studied the difference in the behaviour between the transient pods at eight, the marine mammals versus the behaviour, the ones at only exist on salmon, like maybe they have a different, maybe they're, like you know it. The tyrant, like those different different kinds? People out there like how'd, you like go to source is enough
Visser. She is a top she's. The woman in New Zealand swims authorities rescue as she is a top the though the really that the global spectrum of while Dorcas scientists should be the one to talk to you about that. I'm your! Unlike what a fascinating person attack the Holy Shit, the wealth of knowledge has an end. She is a she's, a very passionate advocate, a very proud of very, very that's dough, good work with her loves doctor, I have run the show yeah. I would love to act or a month so curious about those things. I should you would know what if there was a difference, if it at all and behaviour viewer to invite or on the pot cash you would get on the next flight from New Zealand, I'm here I can assure you that we have already introduced for early. I- and I see no other way in home, thought you'd say what I think downwards. I think she may that allow universe. Maybe she told me that their amazing animals? I have always said that I mean this is from a self admitted bigfoot dork, I'm a big foot dork. really wish. Bigfoot was a real pleasure, but if Bigfoot was real
they wouldn't be nearly as calls and work. I give if we found some big. stupid. Stinky ape has been hiding from people forever and by wow, that's cool, but it isn't much cooler than a champ or a grill at what just cuz. It's bigger know what an orca is is really cool. That is a super intelligent superpower that each shark stealth killing schneck. Now that that has great white trash can tell him run just fuck up a great white shark. like it has no business know best. Being an ocean perfect weapon in their world. I mean there's nothing that touches them their literally at zero risk. They have no predators me they're, just too damn strong, tint and too damned smart and coordinated. Did they do their kills? Us teams that your lily up against an army out there today
five pound ceiling. That would be a big seal and morality of thirteen hours and pound killer. Well, who has a sort of enjoy playing with you a little bit behind I mean it's. Our interpreters play, but more often than not its training their little, the young ones and Hungarians of it could be a brutal thing. I mean I don't love watching it personally, because I've worked seals is for a minute EC team Orca, all their native it. I can great odds, but up at the house on Yo Yo, a get some returns. One annoys everytime amazing videos I ever saw was an orca with a beach seal, the seal. He had bitten it and toss it to the end, the seal it made its way to the shore and it was asked on the land. Just with a little bit of water and the orca beached itself, grab the whole the seal and just start smashing it in the water there, and you see the waters, flood red with blood, and then it hops back whales itself back in the water and swims way like holy, crazy, holy fuck, pleasing
the beach themselves at things, fifteen thousand it may be. That is now. Do they ever get stuck? do they do in New Zealand. In fact, that's word Ingrid work, as is really special that she's that, Do this is crazy story? I have a friend that I grew up with Matt Harrison. He went onto the to be real, are involved in the armies DEC. into the army. Now he was I training mission in New Zealand. They were doing this training on a beach and didn't they get card to go to perform an orca rescue. Just like, oh, what's now he's running in now they ve got shovels are trying to figure things out and now It shows up as the guy's choose the person a car and now there's a photograph I'm waken up in the morning to a photograph of Ingrid. At this end of an orca, my friend, Matt Harris from the same places me a little town a well at the other end of the Orca Adam Beche DE fucking kidding me I get to reunite the two of them back and in Niagara falls in the summer is Ingrid, had come down again and now
Clearly, these are blessings that I couldn't have even ever imagined, and yet here he wasn't in he'd, be the first to tell you when he came back. It changes world a change of never again relent done. Before it might have been witnessing the case, he steals part of this rescue he's changed. Man he's just I mean now is fastened with workers can imagine he is you got the bug now. That's amazing, Lessons or anything else, probably million things. But now we're done for sure. I'd like to give a couple shouts. Let's do give you shut out the Canoe West Marine mammals. Would they the kind of West Virginia West of animal train absurd so animal Justice, Canada, I gotta do showed a meal whose it was next. We call on you to continuous one. That's it from November Loughborough two thousand thirteen that started at all men. I say they're calling the kind while the kind he was a watershed, so has defended, advocates one. Why, if I were a lawsuit
yeah showed old man. It's it's been an honour to be your friend our duty of you. You ve changed the landscape of all of this. By the way. I know you don't look, I get it. I can do this all day. The fur shouted to you, the last Wednesday, the one the middle to every one of them make you ve changed my world personally, but you really change the landscape of this entire thing I witnessed set a destination. Was you know, Joe really? Is the guy to move the needle on this thing, and I, like your damn right so like a couple of foxy worlds out, there is often, as you can just keep stuff up, because you you had a heavy handed all this along with, for instance, Senator Wilfred, Wolf, Wilfred more. Who is the person who tabled this piece of legislation, Murray Sinclair I got extend thanks to the leader of the Green Party, Elizabeth May, whose whose really taken this thing it's her baby and end process. This thing through and yes, you do Hear me shudder. You named sorry kid there's some
very satisfying things about having to podcast and one of the really satisfying things is being well, to let people know about something that, for them is very important for theres many people that are listening to this as many people at a hearing. that are trying to understand what you're busy life with your bills in your relationships and work and your you're, also living in a world where something is happening that most likely be thought of a horrendous act in just a decade or two decades, and then we're gonna be looking back, seeing how the fuck than we let the slide. How do we do this, and I think guys, like you, if it's not for your sacrifice. Many millions of people don't understand this as well, and that's real. That's you! That's a hundred percent! You your sacrifice, your ability describe it so eloquently and your courage to keep fighting this,
This is very important. I haven't play for the human race had faith through and through and its now write me. It's not failed, listen, you're, right, you're right when it comes to this, you're right when it comes to these marine animals that are super intelligent being stuck in swimming pools, it's fucked up, it's gotta stop. Gotta stop. While we understand what it is, you can't your head in the sand with this. This is this is madness. A terrible, terrible thing and we need to stop it. I've had a hand in it. Thank you to my pleasure. Listen you wars spur on Twitter Instagram, just learned in Sudan, but I'm on get this. Is it all walrus whisperer out I've there's the the one Instagram, as Scotland is a little bit of a different, but I'm tat. You know it's it's it's attached to my twitter there, but if you look at filled the mercy of you'll find it opened them easy enough to find your bad mother, Fucker Phil. Thank you for it by everybody, say
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Transcript generated on 2020-10-06.