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410: Rules Can Aid The Wise, But They Are Snares For The Fool. Navy Principles of War.

2023-11-01 | 🔗

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An examination of Navy Principles of War lecture by Vice Admiral David F. Emerson, 1963.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is jacobite gas number. Four ten, with echo channel and me jocker willing good evening. I go good evening vice annual david. F emerson was born in september of nineteen twenty six. He listed in the navy now in forty four ways. in the pacific theatre. Then, after the war, the nineteen, forty six use appointed as a midshipman at that Wes naval gaddafi graduated nineteen fifty and became a naval aviator. He once again went to war this time as a pilot in the car in conflict and after the korean war stayed in the navy kept flying in a combat a third time during the vietnam war, oh that's three wars: there, his career, he was awarded the navy distant wished service metal to lead of merit with combat distinguishing device. our service metal and the combat action ribbon.
in between wars, he held a bunch of different jobs in the navy meaning officer educated the way awarded a master of arts and government and gradually from the naval war college, had a wife, three daughters. I Did some research research about this guy couldn't find a ton I to find out? Why did isn't enlisted guy in world or to find out what is job was couldn't find it, but I did find in this what got me on the trail of him, I'd, I'd, read a document long time ago a lecture that he gave a nineteen sixty three about the principles of war, the naval war college to the command and staff department and the notes of this lecture. I think back in the day when it give a lecture they would have the notin like he was poor, their plan to publish them. Maybe it's it's like are you can some some pod gas, they have you order the notary or pay for the notes, or something like that. I think that they used a kind of
that with lectures. So I got the notes they're out there. this lecture- and I think it's a good examination, of course not only the principles of war but the principles of life and the principles of human nature. So let's check out this right here, the princess the war, a lecture delivered at the naval war college to the command and staff department on october, first, nineteen sixty three, by lieutenant commander. David F emerson. U s! Maybe he starts off my subject this morning is the principles of war and I'd like to begin by categorizing war as a science and as an art let us defined science as a body of systematic knowledge and art as skill in the apple Cases of knowledge to the accomplishment of a concrete purpose, when he goes on to say, however,
should caution you that any systematic body of knowledge of war must progress. Some way before it can be characterized as a science, so assailant their cholera. Besides, it's not a science. Is Gotta get along way before they can really call to science and indeed It has been said that the science of war is so obscure and imperfect that it. So foundations and support our prejudice. Informed by ignorance. I thought that was a great way of explaining the science of war. It's like your own, national private brought your own personal prejudices about what you think by your own ignorance that way to describe what the science of war is? You know when I got it when I want to pick up me to read. You know kind of looking for than that draws me, and you know remain something that says of this person, as it has a of fought a way of thinking. that I'm interested in there's someone here. Somebody spiel a bunch of facts out here some angle, so
hurt, and when I read that- and you know a lot of times, if I, if I can't find something in two pages, we're not getting through it skipped getting leads getting deleted from the from the city center So he has this prejudice confirmed by ignorance. So he goes on. Talk about how do you you choir this knowledge. You can do it through the study of history or you can do it through case studies and he said, about studying history and studying history. We have to be careful of a few things. Obviously, we must be sure that the facts we study are correct and this is not always so easy? Second, we be wary of the prejudice of writers, no manner were made himself. Look bad in his memoirs, for instance,. third, we must be careful in passing judgment. It's one thing to study a battle or campaign in the quiet of the war college, free from pressures with all at least most of the facts of the situation in our possession. And it's quite another thing:
to make a decision in combat citizen the think I this guy's got some. This guy's got some some deeper understanding zack look. Do you can set to work out the details about decision you weren't in the field guinea your ash shot up, you're sitting in it, air conditioned office. Space flipping free through your textbook, come on we're the lunch break, but with a lunch rick and he actually present practices, particularly the pressure of time. This is free from pressure and its as particularly the pressure of time so like what's the biggest pressure time, what the number one thing that I think around the leadership loop at a word about regional strategy and tactics, field manual, number one think time the number one. I'm thinking about the first thing I think about, and then he has. Finally, we should all remember that any man in a position to become a great failure has gone
that position only through many successes. Good point I had a body mine, he was a basque where an he lost the state championship, he had the the free throw like he had, whatever a one on one free throw and they were down by one and he was about to just win this game and he missed it and it was a senior year, and so they didn't win the state championship and, I kind of said dude did you like how bad the question he goes. Well, you know I scored a lot of points. You know he may squeezing what this guy's a like a man. You know in that position for reason. So I get it fast forward a little bit, and you can find this thing online, just look up for the pdf or something you could find fun read the whole thing. I'm not reading the whole thing wait! So, what's the what's the message there behind a message there is like. Oh you look at this person that made a bad decision. You can remember that they made a bunch
good decisions to get to a point where they made one bad decision. Read it right and like it mattered, do you mean kind of a thing? Well, it's you're saying, like the guys, ninety nine to one write some about leader. They got. They made good visions ninety nine times in a row as a as second lieutenant as a first lieutenant is a captain goin up two major league, lieutenant colonel carnal. Now He's a judge made a bunch of you know, he's made some small but to make a great massive mistake, you had to get in that position and it took a lot of good decisions to get there. so you can just throw a guy out because he made a bad call. So it's almost like the opposite of that is like eight. If you make stake if it's a if it ends up being a big one, you can be in a position to make any got a big mistake? If you haven't read that you made a bunch of good good end work, can we find people area? It is, of course, Johnson is generally speaking if a guys in a senior leadership position, especially like what
or to yet what do they fired? They fired generals like if they school fired colonels, like all you did a good job on fire. do that anymore toward to get fired in the military. Now they take carry they don't take care the troops they take care of. The friggin guidance should be getting fired, so I'm in a fast forward a little bit now down to the principles of war. First of all, what our principles in the natural sciences. A principle is a statement of cause and effect or of the relationship between cause and effect and is true under all conditions. A principle of war, on the other hand, is something different. It is an act strapped now or phrase which epitomizes an idea so there's a big difference between a principle of science and the principle of war principles of work, pyramids ideas, but do not give precise statements of cause and effect. Second, they are catchword
Here we have to watch ourselves because the human tendency to use catch words or rules may lawless away from thinking. Some good advice or getting right there right now. Here's the role fall, the role and that you're wrote move. Just do what the rule says. Maybe an into question Neither teach my what my wife's habitual rule follower. I mean you know, if there's a sign on age or somethin, then says: don't go past this mark or what you have just random is no one on the beach. It's a sign from nineteen. Seventy, too, you know this footprints everywhere. We would like a passionate what we talked about, what it says we care about. We soccer people over there by the way, there's other people that we just watch them walk by socialism. A oral volor lies that I don't know. I don't know some people have a more rebellious streak, I'm on the other end of the spectrum, yeah. That makes sense
I'm not quite you know some people that just do stuff just because it's just cause it's against the rules. Yeah, I'm not stare on it cause. That's just seems that. Can get ignorant right, but there was a habitual rule follower. I gotta pressure, you know when I turned yellow like when you're driving right punching. It That is what it says accelerate now my wife is like yellow light means all stop. What about like written rules like here and I'm asking for reason, but that lets say: there's a right turned in traffic time made in there's a right turn come up. Maybe half a mile The lane for the right turn is bound by way of finding the right in the back of a land or ireland right outta, my blinker with aggression, the relay you know whatever handle the now listen, there's a move where that's like you're, not just breaking the rules, but now you're like the international right there's a there, isn't the thing that
you can do driving where probably not the best example the reason I ask for that exempt bullshit, because because you're absolutely right about that, if you're, just an asshole you're like who cares about like the road is here for me and you guys, we just sent my way: that's an asshole approach to driving hold on yup. It's! Yes, let me say this sometimes the reason there's a long line is because people don't know. There's two lanes open or their like in their causing problems. You know this where I drive every day, or something like this like going on the five north from sea I'll drive, that's a situation, It's a situation and I go to the to the right lane of the light and then in that light turns green. I punch it and I get over to the left, so I can make the left under the five north. This is a guarantee that people just don't know that this is the left goin back, it's back to pass the two lights prior This people just don't know
by the way, but get on the highway is to wait. There's two lanes get on my way in europe. Held up a bit. as people don't know, yak disobeyed terms like a young, but my wife is ignored way, but is that really breaking the rules not as a kind of broker on that one like she's she's, all about it. Now she read she's getting you're just in the know, because a big part of driving even lines in general, like standing in line when you're standing there. A lot of that is just hey, I'm just following the crowd, a lot of yes, so unless you're like while you are in the know, if you're in the know like no no there's an like at the airport, whatever that's another one, where it's like Brophy brothers, another light rate, this three people in there. Meanwhile you're standing here with fifty, you know kind of a thing- that's different! That's different! That's different! I won't like hot flagrantly caught in the wine with someone. If there's like one line at the cash register, and that's it- I'm not gonna cut but if the line goes around the corner and minutes Putting the two lines in like people aren't seeing that I might go
there are others two lines- and I want to make some stuff happens okay. So this is why I ask because I'm wondering about your wife now, what level is she at? Because I think there's some function to tell all of this, but so what level share? Okay, so here's the ears example real, quick, so I'm gonna put in patch with make it. So if anyone zeal reason not last night So if you know it knows about this part and is part of this and sorry, but this is this is the way it how we now it is not the first time it's a system. I am an aggressive driver and I'm not an asshole driver at all at all at all at all, in fact the opposite, but at this particular time I know cause we go to this can get patch more than more, more or less every year they with cool towards fund for the kids. Whenever sore going there, this turn off the fifty two. Maybe this thirty seven, I think mary turn off to wear the pumpkin bet is during this time of night likely early evening, traffic jams and this
right turn is like backed up to like. the freeway back done, backed up back to see see the suck up jump in line it's the kind where the right turn lane is the one this backed up, there's only one lane straight up, so you gotta going. Otherwise, if you skip it, even if you miss the back of the line and you kind of dry pass, it knew you missed it, because there is a whole line there. So you either got a cut in front somebody or miss the turn right So that's the end. I know this from years of going there and I know it's backed up, I make the conscious decision to relocate weed stan gaunt driving, lane in Lyon traffic mine, I'm just gonna, go right up to the front in just handle that productions at that taxes are weak and edit this out of the park gas, because if my wife hears you saying that right there you ve! Never she must not gonna like meaning yeah. Ok! So that's why I'm asking like? Ok? What? If being,
let's find out if there was to lanes, which is entirely entirely possible, that there's it's actually a two lane exit, but people know this was to get off and there is a third half operators in the right lane re right- that's different. That's different! I'm down with that cutting in like what you're talking about really it's I am not super down right, so this is why I ask because I'm not down for that pretty much ever like I'm, like hey man, just follow rules like everybody else, is why this whole system works, because we all follow rules or whatever but every once in a while can any exception be made. That's a question that that I'm asking around charles crew, the overseas. You known america winners. I got you going from two lines into. One may emerge just automatic ultimate in america. other countries did is hawk and caught based hawk and caught like they're, not letting you and you gotta- be willing to sacrifice your bumper in your fender here. He has other country driving
flows, the flow of driving is different, their different budget. We support it. He jail at times. You wanna, then bro sometimes is like no lines in the brother just flying through em like bright the end, the taxi germany's companies is rolling right through friggin traffic cutting through this car, that car is different That's what I'm saying, though, that kind of backs up what kind of what I'm saying where it's like hey. This is a system. You know we, you know the the less people follow rules, the more jammed up. The whole system gets so that system running smoothly kind of depends on anyone. Following these rules, even if they're kinda unwritten and we allow for some fudge factor. You know, like a guy, miss lucy leslie mid, like the for some eight hundred that line I missed it on acts only gus, I'm so sorry, I'm leaving to the guy that in my life working my wife wouldn't be mad at you for the rest of your life. You did that that's what I did the most that flagrantly just caught people.
Cause. I know that's a system, so I kind of pre plan for it I'm going to act, cool, I'm sorry, you know whatever and just deal with the fallout, which is nothing by the way a person gets mad for ten seconds and then we're off to the pumpkin patch that everyone doesn't think. Like you bro, I know you crawl. I know you're right. I agree with how society starts with echo charles's, but you know what you are you're doing like little conniving driving, it's not even road rage, little sneaking around yeah it's I don't. It doesn't feel like conniving because just like these leaders that you're talking about to get in that position where I can kind of justified to myself. I have this long history of uninterrupted. Just etiquette drive It's simply saying, okay, so used to feel like you get a pass a little bit around a little bit once a year and can pumpkin better. If that's what it feels like you notice for real. If you're for whatever reason we probably don't care carefree late for anything that is watching, but
if I happened to be weight or running late there. every car is slow. Every stop. it turns read like everything sock. So what do you do? I know I'm behaviour is always the same. No, I leave early But let's say you look one in the trillion times that year were hiding somewhere, you're kind of late in the car, the slow and other stuff. What do you do I suck it I made early. I literally think to myself you. This is my fault and you have to deal with consequences. Europeans onerous through your good our eyes, ring on you. Remember such thing as red sky at night sailors delight. This means a lot to some of us, but do you think any meteorologist makes his predictions by stepping up the door in looking at the core of the sky? Get us is like a catch. I things he's remind you at a third characteristic of the Its walls of war is that they are Someone'S- and they are rather abstract assumptions at that forth, Principles of war are neither sacred nor immutable anyone
who ever wrote a list of principles of war, says that his list is it just from the fact that the lists have changed. So much brings this viewpoint into question. As you will see, when I show you some of the lists of principles of war and how much they can vary. There's a whole idea like this is a navy. Do there's a theme in this talk based. We- that the navy is like look- you can't just put rules out there- but you can have some ideas, some some some principles, maybe guidelines That's about it! That's kind of the navy attitude will get to that are going on either there are some dangers of you the principles of war the dangers that they rest on assumptions on the assumption that all wars are alike both as to cause objects and methods with area. This kind of crazy right in a second great danger- and this is probably the
greatest danger is that they lead to an a priori reasoning, a price We recently deducing cod. Quinces from principles assumed as self evident, and history independently of factual observation obvious. However, your first principle must be correct, basically, like, oh you're, gonna, do this thing based on this principle, but the prince well that your basing it on which you you assume it self evident. You assume it's obvious, but it's actually just someone else's idea. You know what I mean. That's kind of messed up, so be careful of that. And then he says, another danger of using these principles of war is that they tend to lead to over simplification. This is because they are catchwords. easy to over, simplify it's easy to say: I've got mass. I've got security. I shall therefore win without serious considering the situation
without really knowing what the situation is. You may think you have these things, but you haven't thought it out. So beware of oversimplify over simplification. You heard the Mme mouth like a beats, abies b cbt, cbt. Lot of this in Mme because there's a whole slew of variables that you just don't know, what's going to happen, you just don't know and If I bet on the u have see over the years. I dont bet on the usa, ro, I should say very rarely because occasion have still been like, but I theirs couple times where I have bet not speak you're gonna Yossi, but on mme in general? I thought I was just like putting money in the bank. Putting money in the bank dude and then just lost a been what we know
totally agree, I'm talking like guys that I trained with guys that I had insider info to get arrested for that now, let's, like wall street insider info cause, you know back in the day when moma we all knew each other like we were. We were probably probably two degrees of separation from any? You have see fighter, certainly back in the nineties pro We too, maybe Degrees of separation we had lillian connections we had american connected. We are wrestling connection we sambo can't we had all kinds of connections, so you we're like two three people away from just about every fighter that there was and I'm sure we could go down the list and I can be proven wrong, but it certainly seemed like a lot of fighters. We were connected to I mean who camps that we knew p. both from you, you get a whole camp that you everybody in that camp and you get second word, and this guy's injured is got a bad. This he's good at this. That guy, like you, find that stuff out a couple times. I found this
I thought I was gonna get the insider. If I don't have it good insider stories. What I thought I got the insider information on a bed, and I want now Of that there is not happy I've had insider information and lost total upsets, told you didn't see it. I it's kind of like the seal training kind of great, very, very similar, very similar to one never know yeah so it's the way it is. You have these principles, but you can't put one hundred per cent faith in them because there's other things out there, like the dudes just got an iron chin or the dude get crazy strength. He's got wicked. Flexibility always got up torn. You know, Groin muscle, you know me, like that kind of thing can have an impact Then you find out he's got it. You confronted turned toward growing muscle, but then you to find out he's like a physical mean that doesn't care about paid. You didn't know that part z, but it gives him he doesn't care all right. Next,
another danger is that war cannot be fought mechanically by a book of rules. Here is a quote about the enemies of a great general napoleon's opponents move their men on the chessboard according to the rules which they took, four immutable principles and the game went on so long as their antagonists were also guided by them, but when the adversary appeared who only awaited the development of their methodical. Moving to play his own secret, profound and decisive game. All equality chances disappeared in the only variety in the result was the mode of defeat. So here's the rules. This is like what happened with enemy. You know like, oh you were you know, boxer versus boxer, that's the fight, then it was boxer versus hoist. Gracie was that guy's name generous art, Jemison
I won boxing glove on it I think in the interviews he's like well. How does this guy even touch me yeah, I'm going to jab him like. I am fast that I think that guy is a ranked boxer by the way, and No one just ever change levels grab your legs. Took you to the ground near that's what we're talking about so thinking. you're going to follow the rules now. Goes on to say the key word here and we are when we have all noticed it immutable. I don't. leave that a principle of war can be said to be immutable. Immutable quality leads to inflexibility, here's a quote, admiral see our brown at hearing to one principle. Frequently demands violation of another any leader who adheres to who is inflexibly two. Once of commandments, is invite.
The disastrous defeat from a resourceful opponent no sets an admiral to navy guy. That say that. now there an yet another danger. This is that the principles of war can lead to a blindness to the real situation. They tend to lead people into preconceived ideas about what the situation is by blindly following the principles of war rather than into considering what the situation actually is- and this has happened frequently, oh yeah, this is when you you, no look pattern. Recognition is great It helps you, but if you start, overlaying the pattern onto the situation and kind of making them of what you see not is actually happening. That's an issue! That's a big issue!
going on. However, there are some values to the principles of work, and what do you think that they're all wrong the first value, is that they help to get us thinking about war. If we think about the principles of war, not merely repeat them or memorize them, but think about them, this is good. We are thinking about. War if we are continually testing them, seeing if they do apply? testing, to see whether or not a principle applies in a historical situation, then we are thinking about war and we are thinking about the situation, so there are some benefits, and it's nice to have a framework to look at oh yeah. They should be doing this, but he could see a little outside of it. Oh they're, doing that! That's what they're doing the princess
of war have one other value. They may help to keep us on the right track. Perhaps they at least help to keep us from getting off track. Okay, so that's good good information. And then is going to fast border bit. He starts getting into some of the examples of of the principles of war around the world, the first one that starts with his son sue. We ve covered suu on his podcast. He said talks about sun tzu having thirteen principles of forty sec. I couldn't find him and he goes through the thirteen there's. Thirteen chapters. but he says, laying plans laid plans, not a principle of war. Classification of terrain is not here, It's will for the army on the march is not a principle for the use of spies, not a principle of war. What he does come up with is the five essentials for victory, and these are some of the popular ones that you always hear quoted from sun tzu
he will win. Who knows when to fight and when not to fight that's accurate He will win, who knows how to handle both superior, an inferior forces very act he will win, whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all ranks. Watch out america He will win, who prepared himself waits to take the enemy unprepared. and in the last one he will win, who has military capacity and is not interfere, with by the sovereign. nope micromanage me, civilian dudes. You want me to win our when I'll tell you when we're not, I don't need your. I don't need you, president John
isn't calling over to vietnam telling us what targets to strike. We don't need you to do that. You want us to win, will win otherwise back off. So there's onto the next, when he talks about klaus wits- and you know we have covered classmates on on the pot, cast an eye. I guess I'm biased against classmates. To be honest with you, why beetle del heart, you know more about that, a more about that indirect approach are more about that bh, the dalhart and, and the other reason I think in the beginning, it was because it's so so common so popular. I was like yeah, everybody kind of knows this, which you probably do at some point. I'm not that buys dickinson. There's always lessons to learn right sure. So, here's clausewitz for rules, No major disagreement here use our entire forces with the utmost energy. Ok,
to treat our power as much as possible against the section where the chief blows are to be delivered and incur disadvantages elsewhere, its concentration of power which, by the way, prioritize next, you never waste time. Surprise through swiftness and follow up our successes with utmost energy, and he goes I say now. At this point, I would like to digress a little bit in. When a langston lecture lecture, you were told them. Auschwitz said that war was an extension of policy by other means. This may we'll be true, but I would like to pay I doubt that sir Walter raleigh said that war is the failure of politics. I I must say that little bit more accurate right and now you get these freaking idiots in the government and they're ready to press the war, but
like in you know thirty seconds if they're like. Oh, we have a disagreement. Somebody else, let's attack them, but these are. These- are the idiots? Do your rates kind of defeats, the purpose rate kind of thing. Yeah. Well, I'm sure there's a lot of reasons why they make that move number one they make that move, because they do not have any kids that are going to war yeah, but like how you said like politics is also they own a bunch of freakin military. You know defense companies were defeats for, like I said, oh like you, if you're here, if your job is, if used to political, though the reasons politics exists this, so you don't have to go to work more. right off so hey, look in either on a personal person level like hey, listen, let's diplomatically, resolve this, you know, so we don't have to fight. Not me If my diplomatic approaches to fight bread, kind of disease,
purpose of having a diplomatic purpose hundred percents, I'm saying so yeah man, so essentially, we've got gotta expect more out of these politic type people, politicians, you think yeah they they're terrible, terrible. Alright, So there's there he had classmates. Now we get into bed Storm and look I'm just not written, discuss whole speech, arms written some sections of it, but Sorry, principles, gypsy, follow, ten twelve put these principles are put the british army field service regulations book in nineteen twenty they put these principles in their. These are also the basis for the: u s, army so as principles, but here's the british army principles of war, selection and maintenance of aims which, by
with its along wing of saying objective, so the selection and maintenance of aim. So I know what you're gonna do so pick out your aim, what you, what your objective, is and then keep going towards the same thing. Next one is often of action, could be an office next one, his administration, which, in america, we call that logistics, cooperation concept of cooperation that is covered, move by the way concentration of forces to prioritize next to you, economy of effort, prioritize and execute flexibility. Yes, great thing to have surprise. Yes, great have security. Yes, grating of maintenance of morale, so there's the british next coming. U s army principles, there are nine of them and he says if you re rooms this list, you can form an acronym for remembering the army principles of war This inaccurate, this acronym is moss, comes if you want to
member principles awards a good way? Perhaps, but I'm not so sure you should memorize lists of principles. Scans got more of an open mind and you know what I'm saying the it's strange that some people have an open mind naturally, and some people have a closed mind. Naturally I mean you can hear Jordan peterson talk about this right, it's one of the components, the big five components. The psychology So in the end, you know you meet people like this all the time. People on all over the spectrum right here So here's the? U S, army, principles of war and we've covered these before objective, and that's again the same as like make sure you know what your objective is: offense of mass economy of force maneuver. Unity of command security, surprise, simplicity,. And we're going to get into some details if you're wondering like when he sings I'll meet will get into it. Next year of the year,
as air force principles of work. The air force takes a little bit of a different stand, general Mere s fair child, who is the first commanding general of the air university, refuse to allow blind acceptance of any principles of war. He later became vice chief the air staff and this position still mean we can't have principles as official doctrines, which would be followed. Finally, he desired a blind acceptance. He insisted that each principle has to be restarted. Costly in terms of the situation, so he has more open. Might here's the? U s air force, principles of war, objective, a fat off intensive cooperation concentration economy. Surprise, security, mobility, simplicity, and are you to the? U s navy in rubber the guy? This writing this was at the time can a commander. He ventured becomes natural. Says the: u S, navy didn't have a list of principles of war until fairly recently, this written in nineteen sixty four.
In fact, as recently as nineteen fifty three, there was no official doctrine nor official publication, which propagated a list of who s navy principles of war in nineteen. Fifty three, early under the pressure of unification, admiral r, L connally, whose president of the naval war college wrote a list of principles which he published in the naval institute proceedings at a magazine in his article. He said that under unification, it seemed We are going to have a list of principles of war and submitted a suggested list. Now there quite a few reasons why navies have never accepted lists of principles of war, for instance, here is a quote from a british general. a few months after gallipoli, in which the british tried to around the stalemate of the western front by applying see power and going to the flanks. He said,
the power and command of the sea are colossal assets, yet see powers, also a great seducer from the print principles of war, meaning you think you don't need to use em if you got legs z, power, the army and navy approach of the principles of war or sorry army and navy approach the principles of war differently. This. What the army says about the principles of war quote. The prince rules of war are fundamental. Truth govern the prosecution of war, their proper, proper application. Essential. to the exercise of command and to successfully combat of military operations, these principles? are interrelated and dependent on the circumstances may tend to reinforce one another or to be in conflict. Consequently, the degree of application of any specific principle will vary with the situation, so, They do recognise that there's dichotomy with some of these things. Theirs
decisions that you have to make, but they do com fundamental truth that govern the prosecution award, there was a strong words here. the navy says core principles of war war war first formulated in era when the moving the forces and logistic support were operations, much more simple than they are in the twentieth century. They were intended originally as a guide to conduct land warfare. The principles described briefly in this appendix do not agree with standard list, either in number or titles rather there- represent observations relating to principles of war, which appeared to be applicable in some degree to naval warfare, so he's hagen, he's gonna inside times, there might be a possibility that this could have an impact They are not listen any particular order, since relative importance will vary according to the nature of a given situation. These principles, which are somewhat interdependent, are suggested
general guides useful, or study rather does immutable doctrine or, as in Will the laws guaranteed to produce definite results. Since war is not a precise science, there is no standard formula for translating any set of principles into action, interpretation, Adaptation must necessarily be made against the background of past successes or failures in war and in the light the evolutionary nature of technology, naval doctrine and national policy- and this is what I find pretty shocking to this day- is people think they know. In a giving those can happen. you, don't know what can happen. This factor Just like an enemy fight, there's factors: you cannot comprehend. There's things that you don't understand and because of that, you're gonna have to make some Decisions and when you make those decisions, those are gonna further impact, the variables that your facing so on paper
You know who wins on paper who ones this guy or this guy? Oh well, it's gonna, be this guy he's got money. Well, you can't say that. And by the way, that's an enemy, while Mme has less rules than boxing emma. May has infinitely more wars than war, war has no rules, virtually no rules. When the number of rules and wars tiny so there's many things that can happen by the way, guess what you can do breakers, But what we can do like if europe, mme fight and you pull out a knife in stab somebody in the neck you're going. arrested you're going to jail the fight over? If you in war. and you're fighting another country in europe. You're gonna use of chemical weapon and you kill. What are they gonna do with your already out war, yet that thought about that too, where you know how, like certain cunt,
We have certain rules for the way they do war and, like all this stuff right, but at the end the day does that like. I said the rules don't matter and they really for real in real life do not matter and this is why, because, if we we're trying to win this war and then This rogue element that does some some inhumane stuff in some some stuff that that breaks the law, the laws of war or the damage that they do to the other. no matter how illegal still counts, It counts towards your war effort. Yep in Mme, don't like, if you bring bus at a knife, stab them put it back. No one said to them: do they played the reply? Oh your wind does not count, doesn't count and you're disqualified. Fuck you lose automatic in real work, doesn't work like that. The damage you do counts and the retaliation going account too That was the rogue element over there. You again that roma. Let's party or dig
watch this it all out. So we. And when I say we, I mean america looks at these situations on paper all the time you're like yo, here's what can happen and its oh, what while you're that will never happen again, I will never happen again. I was explaining when you go to see the vietnam war memorial. Hmm. Have you been to so it's a big giant v? shaped wall, but when the beginning of the wall, when you start so, you walk you along the one's got all the names, the black man. All the names are carved it. Well, when you walk as you get to it, you start looking on the sidewalk and there's a little wall and his party, like six inches taller, got like whatever for names
keep walking and use. So it doesn't seem like that big of a deal and then you keep walking towards the towards the angle like the vortex of the v and as you as you walk. It gets taller and taller and taller so finding when you get to the main you know to where the two legs of the ve meet it's over your head and it's covered with names, and this is what happens with america and wars it's like starts off with. Like, oh there's, you know we present some weed potent forces in the country they're not going to be engaged in combat they're, just advisers and one which has doing some logistical support. That is what is always a. I heard this on the news. The other day like this is not a combat deployment. Just two thousand soldiers going over into the vicinity. They're not gonna, be actually in combat you're, like I've heard this before and then look up and also your embroiled in another giant or that What happened in vienna? So that's the end. We get.
lulled into it and by the way the whole thing of like, while they will, they actually attacked our guys workers were there, that's where they got attacked. They want to got attacked, but who you know what politicians Likewise to get attack was more and more Where, on you know, I own a decent amount of stock in these various military industrial companies and they make bullets and when we shoot bullets, those guys gonna make more bots way works. Is it all like that? No sun all like that, but does that way I mean think of your own. Accompany right They give you wanna a company you're nice guy echo charles echo, chose a pretty nice guy and think if you made amber's and you are at the you're at the fair, you're, the fair, you're selling hamburgers and
all of a sudden. There was like that, the other burger place they had like a little fire. Now don't get in your life and you had a fire extinguisher. You may or may not with this I'd help them put their fire out. Now, listen you're! got you probably ok, here's a forester, but let's say let's say that. Let's say that other hamburger stand was like, where you couldn't really see him and you didn't know them yeah and instead of just selling burgers for, like you, know, you're going to make an extra seven hundred bucks that day what if you were going to make seven hundred billion or sorry? What's a seven hundred million new now fully dude You might even be like hey, let's put some matches over zooms out of money, people start to deal with,
no new, this lady and she was part owner of a satellite cell phone provider, service sold the cell phones and they sold plans with the self these satellite phones, they work anywhere under all circumstances, kind of a thing- and I heard this freaking chick say: for you know in regards to like sales like we need to boost our sales, all the stuff she's like shoot. You know what we need and, natural disaster. That's all we need. She literally said that out You may have that mindset wishing evil person it well You serious enemy, but she's, a woman. She had like a. Why should a husband, jack here such as the norm, for some sure she has actually wants of numerous eighties we're and she's a ill. Orders- if we just have a nice little hurricane, we need those sat phones or those self towers knocked out brown bro. So imagine if you could kind of like steer, thinks that spooky cause that's a lot of
things there, because that's what the thing is you gotta remember, there's like up this is: like someone goes look I want to start a war. They don't do that, but but there Reaction to, like others, turmoil the real Instead of being my pay, maybe we should just like and in fact it's like there's church, I'm while they could say hey, that's not really are business, that's not you! can I stay out of there what they ve got going on it? So they go. You know we should help them it's actually the exact right yeah? We should help them. Why should we help them? Well, I mean, let's at least give them the supplies that they need, what spices they need. They need bullets. it milligram. Well, I do, but that's not what I'm saying we should help them just on the spirit. Ok, so you can't argue with that now again when you look at the world and you go hey, there's places that need help right, but a classic exam, was rwanda with Rwanda masker took place. I was off the coast on a ship, see opportune that that
massacre was happening and we definitely could have gone in their ends. stop it? We could have saved. I mean eight hundred thousand people got killed, we could have saved blood say we saved a thousand people right wouldn't go in. Why did we go in cars Somalia just happened. Black hawk down just happened happened there like a we're, not send you guys in there couple elements. Marine corps went in there with a couple of elements to like do a little bit of relief and they came right back out, so we had like a bad memory. America had a bad memory I really do you know not really need none of that right now. So what a whole. We got, but then you fast for ten years same situation, some other, hey man. We could help those people out at you? You know that what happened there was igniting ninety four nights. Ethic was nineteen, eighty four, the rwanda and,
I caught down and happened nine feet so better. If it was like ninety seven a few more years, I bet we will got it done something to help them, but we didn't. So there's all these little factors when people are making decisions in one of those factors have little bit the back of her head wait, looking at some of them are sure, are evil they're, just like let's go to war and I'll make more money. Some of them are just like. Well, you know is the right thing to do. We defend their you, don't whatever the cause, and we can help in this in turmoil. We should at least make sure you don't like that's what we do as little something in the back of their head. Making that decision yeah the money piece is like hard to ignore as being a factor. It lawns in individuals, decision making. Oh yeah, give some conflict. We certainly remember blood. You ever watch the movie diamond. Were you like you, use, explain in what areas like so they're, not there starting wars from money, but they find self in a situation where it pays to keep it going so
It's like one of their things, so it's like. I don't have to actively do anything, but at the same time I don't have to- or I don't want to actively do anything to stop it, because it kind of pays to become a kind of a thing like men. How hard is it ignore that, as a factor its prior to the same thing with like you, like pharmaceuticals and stuff like if you have like type two diabetes? he's the medication or something and they say this all the time where it's like hey, they don't want you to be healthy. They want you to come back for the you know February. It's that's a great example. Do you really want that person to go on a key lex. workin out, as you can reverse that I am not a medical doctor, but I know people reverse type, two diabetes by going on a strict like cato genetic die. animals are to work out an exercise and they go big, become new. longer type two diabetic that happens to desert the insulin do you want that happened now, helma so they're like
when you're leaving the doktor there like hey here's, a cookie this is a cookie and another another prescription for four insolent. Isn't it Is that how, when you leave the doktor as a kid, even they give you a lollipop, crazy right like something that literally make you less healthy as you leave the doktor, they give it to you when you leave echoes demon alright. So that's what we're dealing with here, yeah, the first principle of war, should be avoided. Yeah bruce Lee right the art of fighting without fighting art of fighting without fighting, but these guys are idiots so there first principle of war is also one that gets left out all the time. active this elisa? U s! Navy principles of or objective morale, simplicity, control, offensive exploitation,
billowy concentration economy, surprise, security and readiness. And there were a jump into those a little bit deeper, but for for comparison he says, let's say look at the russian principles of war. And here they are- and I wasn't companies but you'll, see why had to russia principles of war advance, consolidation offensive. bind arms cod Contrition economy of force. maneuver and initiative surprise, and deception quit reserves morale. And annihilation, so there you go. They have, above all, that's called annihilation that should make everybody. You know say: oh I don't know like arm. Paul Harris the enemy fighter, Paul Harrison earlier
because he would annihilate people's needs with a huge here. Am I wrong you're, not dude! He got kicked out of you see forever because he did let go of hugh hawks here the principle of annihilation bicarbonate get you ever hurt you so logic as I do not want to fight this guy. So at that you see the principles of wars, annihilation, people, look at russia like dude, I dunno. If we did into this, I dunno. If I want that beef all right They go to the global, deeper dive. The first one is objective. Here's what admiral brown says about the objective vehicle active is unquestionably the most important of all principles of war is the connecting link, which alone can import coherence to war without the objective, all other principles are pointless. Gives the commander the what the other principles are guides in how so this is a really good
and to think about your life, you need to know where you're going to need know what you're unified strategic goal, as you gotta figure out, where you're going at me in your team, you gotta you're out what is, I was just board meeting yesterday with one of the companies, I'm on the board of and we're. Having a great conversation. and all of a sudden. I realise that we're than this the who conversation with splintering in a couple different directions and I I said, hold on a second: what what is the objective. I don't like what is what like what? Why would you make that decision? Why would you make this decision? Why would you make that is what is the ultimate goal? What is our own the object, objective and applique was to know the white board and put like a thing at the top of the like. What is we're trying to get done? What do you guys want to do and then they put it out
there is now we can start to see how these different decisions will lead to this objective. If we don't know, if the objective is, we really can make decisions so great thing to think about in everything that you're trying to do in your life, and I, like with Britain right as the aim and the maintenance, because people get sidetracked right we're like. Oh, I want to achieve this goal, but then they get distracted, they're trying to do something else then tried to jump now so that they just need to figure Well, you're objective is indeed try. Maintaining now I will say this sometimes gotta gesture, all this, be it through the heart alex. Sometimes your objective needs to change. You look round We, like oh yeah, this this else, that's ok to, but You need to be conscious of it. That's the main thing people go. To a zombie like slumber. Maneuver through the world without knowing whether actually going did you change we're going? That's fine, but you should be aware of that
Ex principle we will take up is the principle of morale. We all have our own idea of what morale is I'll. Give you the definition, morale. Is the general spirit or state of mind of an individual or a group of individuals, as reflected in behavior under various conditions. Important to keep morale up doesn't really talk about in the speech. How to do it? That's on the commander's. I guess, but you might want to get some wins. But when you give ownership is ways you can help out with morocco. Little wins but wins go a long way the winds go a long way that that hurt. during a wrestling tournament, well, it's good. Depending on who you are or if your number one seed guess your first matches against the number sixty four seed go mark somebody, like the number one seat, seed, interesting tournament.
It's a number sixty four like in a high school tournament, the number sixty four she doesn't know what he's doing yeah he's going to get marked. Why? I wonder why they do the lake to day basis We carve out easier paths for the people that are highly seated cousin track if you're like the finals they base it on kind of like that, that's it it's different, but ass, more or less the same where, if you're seated like number one, you get your first choice of lean around there I mean less of a factor has track. The lane is less effective than who your first matches big deal. But what about those like college track tournaments when there's We have to do multiple races to get through an they do. Any links to write when multiple races to get to the final finals, yeah yeah. But it's not just the rack and stack that thing too yeah. So if you- and it depends on the thing I dunno they do it in a limp ex, but if they do like hope, we did they go. Whoever had the best time zone.
Let's say one hundred meter dash yea exactly so so If you get the best time you get in the next year or next, he get number one pick up your lane. Same deal on them on the semifinals c deal on the final. So, if you're, the best attic number one check so when I was going to say about that is those little winds. You have good morale gone into the final year of other people got some. ashley morales going down, so people quit wrestling like I'm done with this pays to be a winner. Aka has to be a winner. You ever heard that thing about, if you put like a They put two rats in a tube, they have to fight each other, and like the one that wins has like a seventy percent chance or I dunno what the numbers, but a massive percent more chance of winning. You see that with little kids, yeah fully contribute to tournaments that kid wins. They get all amped. next principle is simplicity. Simplicity is clarity
We need simplicity, implants, strategy, weapons and command one man should serve one master, the nature, Simplicity is relative. However, what is simple, free well trained force may be very complex for poorly trained force. We should avoid over simplification at the expense of accuracy, completeness completeness and flexibility? There is such a thing is being too simple: so as to why we rather book the dichotomy of leadership was one of those one's work. Whenever I wrote down the four laws of combat leadership that you can read about in any of my books. I made those up from what I experienced. I didn't die into history and look through the sea. Otherwise, out of maybe driven by some of these things. That will really renault simple was my own now I'd heard, keep it simple, stupid and seal teams like there's a cover, move, I'd, heard civically amasine made these things up. When I
put them down, what was gonna be important. I, after a like a few months time, I'm teaching the stuff to everyone, but I need to make that these are good principles. I know they work for what we're doing and sure enough simplicity every one of these less is always almost always on principles of worth keeping simple. So that's a fact. Next, up before principle is that of control in the? U s navy control, which replaces cooperation, coordination and command from in other less of the principles of war is composed four elements command an organisation in which the chain of command responsible is thoroughly defined. If communications to serve command training and indoctrination and professionally competent leadership. So that's what they mean by control. There's animal communication they're talk about having a good christian command there,
can show that everyone understands the making sure that he's got well trained. That's a lot of things to be covered by command. Next principle is the principle of the offensive the offensive is the act of seeking to obtain control not previously held navy doctrine states that victory can never be won by passive defence, only stained. Often offers of action bring success. Check our days, a lot easier to defend the news to attack in law the cases, but none of these things are immutable. yeah we want to be on the office. Are their time. We're being on defence works better yup, no doubt about it, don't mean Look at mohammed ali do not rope adopt my defence seven rounds, and these will crack. You know you don't say Where is wearing you out, there are times when this is the opposite
the time, I want to keep my opponent guessing most of the time some of the time I want to see what their got we'll make adjustments again its point to be aware of these things. If you're not thinking about these things, then you, I'd, be doing something like a zombie right, you're going through and you're doing what you're doing without thinking of being aware of what's happening. That's a problem going through the motions is a problem when it comes to leading a too but all this is just where we're going. No, where are we going, and is this best way to get there the sick, principle is exploitation. Exploitation is follow, up success, it is closely, allied to the principle of offensive and the principle of soup eyes and its closely socio with momentum, also plans
Operation must be flexible enough to take advantage of local successes. Are situations order, fought and actually just f? Why the the part This speech that I'm not reading has given you gives historical cases in this particular case as an example of failure to follow this principle Failure of union general need after gettysburg, he defeated lee at gettysburg. didn't follow up, some of them when a story and say that he never had chanced to follow up. The point is that he never seriously tried to. He left. Sport much too late to chase Lee scenario? I just came back from gettysburg and. Bro ask in general, aid and the union forces to go in chase after they just had this complete? Not a blood bath is asking a lot. Their bro mobility. Is the next principle? Mobility implies rapidity, plus flexibility, plus endurance, don't
confused mobility with speed, because mobility has all so the element of endurance insurance is achieved through logistical support for the navy. Only replaces maneuver, which is essential. A tactical term and movement which is essentially a strategic terms. Goods, endurance, gotta, gabriele, to move. I agree with this. One gonna build move your mind, your brain, Guy build it got a bill to see things from a different perspective. You to be able to maneuver your way of thinking the eighth principle? concentration, concentration, implies superior force at the defensive point or start com. Tracing implies superior force at the decisive point at the proper time, incidentally, you'll notice, the word implies, we can't say equals, because these aren't
poles of natural science, and we cannot say that there is any mathematical proportion to be found in these principles. Constantly and is used in the navy instead of mass or superiority because of its content, connotation of dissent. sickness in time and space. This is all Oh concentration. Is this priority next year cause you have a lot of things going on the battlefield, any you like. Ok, this thing we need to focus on this. We need to put our forces, that's what concentrations and it also good economy cause I can't spread amongst plus, I need is what I can now. for the right thing right reasons. Economy is the next principle. Economy implies an echo michael use of forces and a judicious expenditure of resources in order to achieve maximum efforts. What that means is that we can be strong everywhere. We must be
in some places, but we can't be strong in all places again. Prioritize prioritizing execute the tenth principle is surprise Surprise is confrontation of the enemy with force. He is not prepared to meet fair enough. Classmates was enamored surprise and of course, many battles have been won through its use, but surprise can be intoxicating. one may get so wrapped up in the contemplation of what his surprise will do to the enemy. You will be surprised himself in the meantime. It is interesting you could think of every one of these things works in jujitsu. You know what I mean like economy like saving your energy. Surprise, obvious. Surprise can be achieved through originality, audacity, speed, secrecy, concealment or deception. All those working judges. By the way I dont forget that the principle of experts
aviation is closely allied to the principle of surprise, be prepared to follow up sure enough. The next prince boys, security, surety implies anticipating and minimizing unproductive loss resulting from enemy action. So one of the weirdest. This is the one that I was coming Ok, so I'm regarding security implies anticipating and minimizing unproductive loss resulting from any action. So you do want the enemy. Do things a you, joshua secure? it gives us freedom of action, but we can't be secure everywhere. We have to use force economically. and it is well to remember that some time security can be achieved better by offensive measures than by defensive measures. Here. Aren't, I think, is that, once long stuff to think about
one or or let me see, let me rephrase that a lot of stuff cover security me it's just too obvious. Yeah I mean the idea of keeping things and yourselves safe. Like that security, you know It's like hey, don't do some, you know what and it's this basically like, sometimes a good orphans or a good events. Is a good offence, is so keep in yourselves safe. Isn't this like a big political, you meant to rate where it's like, hey keeping you sell safe, isn't, you know, looking up all the doors in Hopefully no one will get you it's to be caught the capability to actively keep yourselves. It's kind of a proactive patrol. Your neighborhood, yes or safety, is the idea of safety at sea, but If this is the idea of being safe, you don't always to keep. Self overall, save doesn't necessarily mean defence seems
I guess that's what you mean. I brought you under community ginger example of security. I guess it would be like keep your elbows in yea and you, this too, like you know like if someone gets mount. You like it mount on you you're the the differ. Keeping yourselves safe while you're in mountain is like this love, from approaches, depending on what they're doing you know Sophie. If I'm there Established position also trying to go for your arms you're gonna keep your elbows, meaning that defence of safety, but if you we stand now. If you don't wanna stay amount for ten minutes, you better start doing something else kind of. I think so. There's different approaches to quote unquote safety more in this case security is what he said and that's what I got from it there you will take it napoleon had this to say about security. A great captain ought to say to himself several times a day if the enemy appears in front on my right or on my left, how shall I act if he finds himself in one of answers. He's your paper I used to later.
Really tell guys this, like you're out on patrol every step, you take back or forgive tact over there. I see a ravine over there we can get into We can get the high ground right over there if we get hit right here. If we get here from the left, I can do this. You should be thinking that's all it's I'm just contingency planning in your head as a leader. on offshore and as everybody else, John S or even if you talk about it, The idea of safety or security safety. So body are for example, when I'm going off of what you guys have been saying for years. Body armor, it's like heavy axes might have been jody minnick, I'm not sure anyway, body armor is like okay, it's way heavier or a bunch of bullets, actions better right where you, where you have too many bullets, that kind of limits. Your mobility limits, your endurance, all this stuff, so you're more and more mobile with less bullets, but at the same time the more bullets you have, the more you can shoot, people like that balance like, depending on what you doing you know, but either way the idea of security or safety has to factor in to your decision. Making kind of a thing
It's not something that you're. Just not going to think about is what I'm saying. So, that's lamps! That's what it seems like why it seems like Included down- and those are great examples, because you know when they talk, but the dichotomy, that's a great dichotomy. Do we want to have fire power, and longevity endurance. Or do you want to build a move, cause you don't get so heavy do decide to move but You can also run out of bullets. I don't want to be running out of bullets, but you don't want to not be able to move. So what are we going to do find that balance kind of analyze? What should consist of. Are we as Hell we're making decisions here are the last principle is readiness There are five types of readiness, command, readiness, intelligence, readiness, personnel, readiness plans rating and logistics readiness. Command. Readiness requires an adequate organization, a train staff and leaders fair enough
intelligence rightness, implies an intelligent structure in being organised and fund. Running before hostilities, comments and maintained. Afterward young, we held a gathering, intel personnel readiness prizes in part, training programmes and personal replacement plants. plans, readiness implies the availability of plans for anticipated operations. Finally, logistics rightness means that we have with six support ready. We know how we are going to employ it and we have tested our plans for logistic feasibility ability. Will I mean you once again that can light you better? Be thinking about that stuff, I guess I guess that's why it's in here it's a principle, because you you'd better be thinking about these things, because if you're not you're going to get jacked now he gets we're getting towards the end of this. Now now what have I Hold you in this lecture. I hope I got these points across first, that the principles of
War are not a substitute for logical analysis, common sense, broad professional judgment and good leadership. okay. So everyone lesser that, second, that you can't fight wars by a book of rules and that reliance on the principles or on just one of them can get you into trouble, both napoleon and hitler observed every one of the principles of war. Invasions of russia. Obviously they both did not achieve their goals. A british. said referring to the principles of war. by themselves. They will not help us in order to solve a problem of war, any more
Then a knowledge of the principles of painting will, without steady practice and natural aptitude, enable an artist to paint a picture. That's a great a great way of laying this out. You know you can watch a youtube video on how to paint something you can watch it on how to do a free, throw you can watch them how to play a guitar. Lord g cord see cord beyond that. Ukulele. You can look at a youtube. You can watch it. You can watch it fifty times fifty times and how to do this court. You still You won't be able to do it at first you're going to have to try it and you're going to have to drill it. And that's the way life? It's you gotta, try things! You gonna work out a swell gymnastics stupid. So if you
if you watch youtube video of a girl doing a double puncture, flip king twist. The landing and she walks. He threw it hey. This They did ray, you run you dumb twist here in the dollar stuff can just jungle The man, yes to master classic some of that kind of stuff. What's like their tea you sports on master cross. Four and you're gonna get tips, but if you watch, serena Williams, yeah teach you how to serve in tennis or master crazy, different, you're not ready for world No, you know the analysis if you play a: u watcher, newgate points you like. Ok, I could do that Frankly, with my mask russia, you watch that thing. You can get points, but if you think you're gonna roll out of that and you ok good gonna, know no use same thing. You gotta, actually go and interact with people. You gotta, keep in mind. You have been told people like if I'm if I'm learning to be a leader from a new leader and I'm going to me
with echo charles you're, my subordinate, and I have been a lot of these one on one meetings- can actually make some preparatory notes for myself, like don't You know I got real emotional guy he's kind of a hot head, don't get drawn into that make sure my ego stays in check, but still make sure I cover some of the shortfalls he has book now, but to go in and a mature get through this, and when I get done, I'm like do life I totally got emotional. I got defensive. I didn't finish my lit, like you got it right stuff. There, and you're gonna make efforts when you actually do it leadership. You practice at you, so obvious, so obvious, like it in the seal teams, when a guy's, a new leader, the they can't see what's happening when you experience later, just look around, I answer was happening. So yes, though this is the way it is those rope laser so valuable in that way. Where covered the union too,
like a poor or class or watch youtube, instructional of something that you ve already done a bunch of times and so Its essentially you have x, you have knowledge through experience. Only something in racy youtube. Video, explaining it out on paper, and you learn it way quicker because you motor oil yeah, you get better at awake or deadlines, because you know the economy it's part of it already, and then they just basically align all your pieces to be like okay, this is kind of correct form or whatever you already have. The experience that you can eat like anything like this whole menu. It really is like this framework that you can just start with and be like hey. If you just followed this framework, you'd be pretty solid, good place to start exactly right and you can the more experience you have, the more knowledge you have, the better chronicle you get at this, the more you can start to deviate from that framework. When you see fit right, that's essentially how it goes and how effective you can be no matter how much debate or don't deviate is didn't, determines how good you
I think, that's been huge in not jujitsu dear colleagues, because back in the day, You can watch a video, but do you have no basis, framework now. We've talked about this on the underground podcast. When people say hey, I live such and such a place to close schools an hour away. What should I do? I cannot, I can only go there once a week. What should I do? yep, go there once a week and then get a body, and do you two videos, are god, be dj fanatics or go to one of these online training things because you have the founding. Just like a little framework, can actually build on it. Dean lister teaches, albeit like, if team, just gonna teach how to break open, someone's grip in our mark. If you are the figures, A three budgetary year knock and understand anything that just happened and the exact same class. A blue belt will be like. Oh, this is awesome I'll, be able to use this, and a proper will use that in his next role for real life.
roll it right in their fully in there and that's that's one of the main, here's what you just such good examples in this life, learning process in a lot of stuff the ice because you know how it feels to be in that position. So now you can more accurately assess how This new knowledge is gonna rolling in practice in on that's really what it's all about. At the end of the day, no matter how much you learned or didn't, learn or no matter but you learned on paper video and by experience it's, how are you going to perform in the owner in the end experience and the performance and look, you will be better like why Jim, like I said, Serena Williams. If your tennis player navy Never play danced before. It's probably not gonna be hugely beneficial, but if you're attend player and she start saying hey, make sure on your forehand, you do this, you, oh ok. I could probably do that or on this approach shot. Or your back like she can give you legitimate pointers,
If you have some sort of framework now look, she could probably give you some strategy that you can understand pretty easily whether you played or not right. She could be like. Oh in this situation. You should use them like this and say, They with these videos nowadays, like back in the day, was kind of a judge. It was actually no kind of it was a joke back in the It would be like oh lack I've learned due to on video. It was a joke at now. People like oh yeah, I learned this rum whatever Gordon Ryan's instruction online course he's in there. With a agenda shin you so tat, I met gordon ran a few weeks ago. He's he's a big dude Yeah he's big supervisor before, but I was ikea. He's a big dude, Joe moss church was I You gotta, do you gonna? Do a he's been whilst trying to get you to do so match against corn rhino, my Joe Gabriel about me.
Gordon wrangle bowling, preferably a solid yeah, but people learn directly from video. Now, They have a fundamental framework back in the day in the nineties. No one had framework wasn't even their other. Maybe what you see, but even that everything going our standard there's. Some people have a knack for somebody back to just learn and create like dean, lists, heed and create things. That's the next level yeah? We ate things from what exists already yeah, that that we work in that in the b in the experience? the scenario like regions ghost and symbolic premature, even plumbing is like this, where it's like. Okay, you have the diagram and you get okay. This is the move you gotta make in this clinical diagram. If you don't have, any experience in it, like you, don't even know how it feels to be in that position like all these.
stern. All things that are not part of this demonstration are part of this lesson, all the extra things that exists when you're in the situation like art there. So you mine, can't like you don't think you can attach the lesson. Anything there's no scaffolding, there's no framework yeah attach it it's just an arbitrary or lessen, no contact us like also like with history but dear caprice heap. He can take little things. Could there in this context that he has in his mind, from reading all these books over all this time said when he learned a new fact that, like fits right into a spy in here- and you can tell to every once in a while because he'll be like you know, it's not you're, comparing them to the mayans. You know, and there may be there will be going to do about everything like europe. We are seeing they like it's like common knowledge, but he has a framework already established so obvious you in his youth context. So though, are things to think about what ever you are trying to do you have to try and do it. Can't whether its leadership weathers play guitar, ukulele or jujitsu. You can
take away some knowledge from observing and from reading and from listening, but you gotta go to do it, Otherwise, you're not gonna, get anywhere. And then he goes on to say it's actually cow causes the sound. He goes on to say every critic knows the principles of painting, but very few of them can paint. There's no substitute, facing each situation and dealing with it as it actually is right Then, as you would like to see it in terms of the principles of war, some important, it's so important. to have the framework and then like a race it and look at the real problem right. It's so and to have the framework, as happens in fights, so you have a game plan and something will happen that will disrupt the game plan and in year they loose.
Because they had their framework already in mind and they don't doubt I remember. Dean was in a fight and I was cornering him and do? You know? Dean's half guard like halfgar, come up on a single rate, in this was late in his career. it was one of his moves. It is used really hard to stop what he does that, but you can't stop him especially if you know what he's doing, especially if you anticipate especially viewed, sat down with your coaches and figured out a good way to stop, it then tested it a bunch. So dean is in this fight and he's in he's in his most one of his most common positions, bottom half guard come up on a single is really about asia and the dude stopping in africa go back and austerity she's doing some with his hair. Please put his hand ass. He was stopping it. and I was like being the guy. Has he
He has your half guard. What is it like? Hey he has it pegged. I was told to go full guard. He didn't when the fight, unfortunately, but the guy had pegged his hat, guard and dean, which was surprising. I think dean had been so effective with us for so many years that when it got stopped, was he couldn't he like make. An unlucky to fight is getting worse and head there, time limit if would gone one more round? Ok, cool but those and you gotta watch out for it- you gotta watch out for preconceived notions of what you think things are going to be and how you think they're going to go down so really This is why we're talking so much lately about having an open mind cause my idea. That my half guard is great and I can come up on a single would just about anybody. That's preconceived notion. it closes my mind to believe that after my mind. I want somebody stops at twice the mai
and should be fully opened like okay. This guy has a he has me pegged and I'm going to adapt. I'm going to change so so having an open, mind too things as a book says, deal with it It actually is, rather than as you would like it to be that is a life mode operating that will help infinitely as posed to. I think things are a certain way. Therefore, in my mouth and they are that way there not, and then it says finally. If there is a real principle of war, it is the principle of the objective. The objective means more than all the rest, and this is again already talked about it, but this is like going through life without actually knowing what your objectives
actually knowing where you're going you're not going to get there. So you have, above all else know what it is that you are. Trying to accomplish any calls out this speech. With this line. he says. If there's anything, I can leave you with it. Is this rules? Can it aid, the wise, but there snares for the fool gotta known to break the rules, I this is something a lot you gotta know the rules. you got, another was, and you gotta be competent and proficient with the rules, and then you can break them and you gotta know when to break them. So let's get stuff in here. these fundamental rules sure their principles for war, but if you think about them- and you put them from my- they can guide your journey, the rules can guide you journey, but don't let them snare, you gotta, keep,
no promise. You know I haven't seen open my lately, no one, I used to say- and I used to say it a lot on this podcast free, your mind, free, remember those days, yes, I think, because keeping free your mind, I dont think was transit. the people the way I wanted it to open. Your mind seems to people seem to understand what I mean more than when I say free your mind like free your mind. Think people oh, just just be wild. Basically, for your mind, I sound like a heavy price little bit even open. Your mind sounds like, although hippies aid, more I don't think so, but area. Ok, now slightly happier sits its related. You know cool open May I haven't about me: you never met a hippie that was like. Oh yeah, you norma very close minded person. That ideas is key he's embrace that idea for shrimps hippies. a freer mind is even more hippies, free or mine. CBS! Yes, I I that's flavour for sure, ok, so I've
I, like the way for your mind, sounds better at me. It means exactly in my mind. It means exactly what I think, but, as I would tell that to people You know I'd be like talking to someone. That's in leadership. Presumably do you get for your mind it and they kind of like angle, eventually starting or you can open your mind and be seen to it- seemed a train, and be more understandable to people you too, to open your mind. Because they understand the opposite of more openness is closed, yeah, the opposite of free is trapped, so that does quite and convey what what the what the idea is. Yet I want you to feel I dont want you on trap your mind, examined your mind, stuck which open your mind, so you can see different possible woody's. Yes, a closed. Mind seems like closed off turnover thing free.
an open means like your open to new info now info. Now you more capable a feel but free in, like whatever trapped or free. Your mind is like hey, think about everything Just for the sake of thing rang, almost no kind of a thing is not about letting things into your mind. It's more about liked, letting things out may be an unknown leg. You thoughts our kind of a thing than those like opposite almost in a way the feel. So that's what it is, you ve, gotta, open your mind, you gotta for your mind. Otherwise you you don't make adjustments in. You don't make adaptations like like this book when he won't. You won't get there and in fact I will say this- you can even get married to your objective, and I mention that, like you, have to have an open mind that your objective might change your objective
in your business in your team in your family. Your objective might change it. Might it might go up, it might go down it. Michael left him like a right, There's businesses. People have a business that we want to be able to do this and then also the reality that that's an unrealistic or that is. Take too long we're that's gonna, cost too much and they adjust their objective, so You got it realised that your objective, my change, but you ve got me. For that. You understand that you are going somewhere. What is the objective it if you're most fine move it and then know what it is a move towards it. So that's it! We got skinner these laws can certainly help. You this privilege can certainly help you think through your issues, help you see more, hopefully and hope we help you to win whatever war. You might be fighting right now and echo if we are going to war, we need to feel secure.
We think we're needs of your now. You been up. I noticed from the I've heard of heard stories of her things that sir, you're up in your hydrate situate. word on the street and whereas a word on the streets, and so are you doing hydrate after every work out during work out not before. For work and sometimes after, but more mostly before so. Ok and after you say yes, but I'm not a duty for like two weeks, Almost all you gotta do injury, the tendinitis or something yeah and the inside of my elbow kind of bad. It was kind of bad skin color, though nonetheless, that aside, hydrate, and I tell you this morning mix every morning. No compromise Every single morning, hydrate, obviously mixed in water with creating the morning mix in the morning. Well, yeah doesn't matter what flavor, the blue and the green one. Whenever you like about those ones, I like them both equally as so.
doesn't want to it. But if I'm doing the work out right when I get up which part you know sometimes boarded the gig, not always, but sometimes it from doing the work up first thing in the more like you can add the pre work in there that's them? Are you going to fall? Scoop pre work out. Half scoop like little half ish little more than half but yeah giggle pomp you victim, alright, so you want, you want to get the stuff go to jocko fuel dot com get yourself. Some hydrate get yourself some greens, the greens do not have to taste like dirt. They can actually taste good. We got you drink, that's actually good for you, which is witches totally unique? There's no Else can be like oh art or energy. Drink is literally good for you You know why I think the whole idea of energy drink has always been, and I think we ve all just kind of grown to accept it or just reject energy drinks altogether. But the thing they too, that we ve all kind of accepted is I can,
Is it just a short term fix, there's teague, yes, yeah and that's just part of the gig. That's what we're doing you know, that's why people are like addicted to energy during that little I'm addicted. I know it's bad or whatever you know cause, it's not a thing It's good for you know then you're, not gonna, think of other poison, preservatives african other chemicals. In there we don't now we have them, that problem no downside who downsizing Jacques of your dot com, which does a mark, what now you are apparently convey since that banana, ready to drink mark is the best one ever made its currently in the front running of my favorite. Yes, the chocolate is good but child. No, no. What you said to me: today when you are literally drinking when you see this is the best ready to drink protein. Full time about the one of your list? Yes, and it happened to be a banana yes, but also could be a banana chow Let the veneer hadn't bout that, weighing not part of my delivery knows why the
for me as melted ice cream, we'll everybody likes me, but you know I would rather melted chocolate ice cream to be and you're a little bit of a connoisseur of radio drink protein here that case of how the conversation when, if I remember correctly This mentioned. It is basically me just expressing myself and expressing my feelings and loud, which sometimes I'm not very I'm a girl that I make from time to time. It happens. Nonetheless, it did happen. This is what sets what expressed I know ready they drink protests in Austria for proof since I've been live since ready to drink protein, has been a even available, even before was a thing available, but I've been down with it like you know, cause you just buy it, it's not like a soda or something you buy the the milkshake protein, whatever you trade off for some tastes, whatever so I know I'm familiar, but it's like one of those things or thick I can t all I did but hey protein right all good, but this went to I don't really go to the sword. Just buy em all the time before the sun,
We once in a while, I will justify me, Mac also before it was like a substitute scenario or an extreme situation where own catabolic millions of rapid growth exactly right, but now your pro actively is in the end, the point of language. What I said was, even if I didn't know you at all, listen if I didn't know you at all, I would still by this one all the time just for the sake of like the whole. What that everything that it offers you should get the stuff of your background gaily get it while walk people by the way them the more is going in the wall off we ve been up. You know. find a worn, walla, there's lots of people that, but other companies they want. You have that healthy option but or walk vitamin shop. Vital jobs got the whole everything you need: dnc military commissaries, a fees have just out of the air force base the other day No doubt we got it. We're live weight to mock, wasn't in wala mock was not in while aha,
what we want to go away and I'm going to now. Let's go conifer dashed doors in maryland, awake for shop right, hd, be down anti ass chaos. What's up take us, there does get after that aid should be you better. You better give respect agent. in texas, like you, you, if you on play, or this age the indexes first, There's no reason you, but if you did you just wild you're gonna get you're to get punished. So why not? This aid should be this yourself in texas, when it is actually be in texas, you're gonna pro. Yet talking to get for like it s only the mire up in the midwest harris teeter lifetime fitness shields and look small james people, people again it in their we're going All kinds request, because people in Jim, if you wanna Jane, if you to jitsu, to give your across four jim european lifting jam, Yonah fitness gm of any kind.
you wanna help your clients be better. Female jeff sales, Jacques, through bar com, you can hooked up, don't forget about origin. Usa got American made clothing boots, Ain, t shirts, the whole nine yards did you. Your gear, by the way we talked about getting a lot today, why is a digital reflects a life in many different ways and if you can get good, it did to, you will be better at life We have worked out you're there too, as well and hunt gear, and then, of course, we got jack was stored, not up which echo made up. name. Mr original, yes, well, not hundred percent original, but it it's the ability. Oil. Well discipline equals freedoms, for that goes represent when you get it jacko store, so it all kind of fits together. I just the males who gave me a discipline, equals freedom, deaf, core freakin, guitar pedal like so when you play electric car, you can put effects on the guitar and in its day
into pedals and there's a whole cult around different pedals. Yeah. Well, guy just sent me a sick one that he had made Austria, which is pretty thick yeah yeah, that's crazy! So when the album comes out I'll, probably you that that well this we don't have petals, but we I do have other things to do battle, not on the stores what I'm saying, but nonetheless, you know, if maybe it could be a thing. I am kind of eager to see what it looks like, but yes, for his hat hats and hoodies shirts. That's a big one, shirts, we're sure it's pretty much every day so let's say you are into t shirts. We have a subscription center. You can get a new design every month called the shirt locker. That's on chocolate store. Please subscribe to that, and some soap on there. That's the thing I haven't really been talking to. So you got where you could soak jocko soap death
some discipline equals freedom, so this all natural for other kill herself killer. So that's it! That's the strong antibacterial when I think it has the the. the charter, and I think it's got the tea tree. Yes, I think they all have teachers, or they all have tea tree. Oil soap is g, t g, yeah because it has the what do call the scrubber stuff in it I don't know I'm estralla, is like it has like an ex fully like peremptorily charnel, but that's a good anyway. There's a lot of new things to renege on the sea around. Don't act like you, don't know you know, but here's the thing christmases Oh yeah, that's right! I added a christmas inspired item socks discipline equals freedom. Suck look brow represent. and so here's the thing with socks as a kid, nobody cares about
when you get socks for christmas they're like old socks. It's like one of those joke things like week. I got socks that sucks right. I got a lot of socks for christmas or brothers as a grown adult. I'm kind of fired up to get socks, especially if they're cool ones, and these are cool yeah. I'm not. You know him and for someone else. If you want or you get your wife on the orange be like hey, I got some socks just saying. Chris, just saying sensation of others gift cards, and there too, if you can't decide boom, get the gift card. You know you you're good to go later bomb you out just go through it. I like it. Also, he gets primates mistake. Look mistake. Looking you even have that opportunity mark good, that's good dessert, what the main course main course com! our craft, beef, dot com or primal beef dot com. Look it just next level, that's what we're doing so check those out. You need some stake for you, fridge for your dinner,
You wanna do the the shot glass methodology, I think he's doing too like stay or what is it that the cast iron pan, He said, I think, he's a two two, two, two, two, two, no two, two two two. So like four minutes per side at my wife virtual rule follower lithuania's she's, not doing his protocol. Doing. What is three three to two no cover out. four years. So I recently because you said the two to two to four collective minutes on each side, but it was without the cover. I usually do the cover two and two done with the cover on it perfect every single time, but I did your protocol cause, maybe there's something missing, maybe another element, so I did thou bernardo like same though, same result, but as just matter it matter the it I could not, and the difference eat a lot of sticks for our all
primal beef, that common colorado, craft, beef, dot, com, park, Ass did not care about jock back com or butter accord, one of those right now little alternative. on gas where's. Your question We give you some guidance on life. That might not be. You know little adjacent and a little bit. It's it's it's more adjacent to this podcast, but it's also a platform that we control so that the tech overlords can't control us. We can do it one thing to want a sport that eight dollars and eighteen cents a month. If you can't afford it's, no big deal just email assistance at jaco, underground, dot com. We watch their youtube grab that psychological warfare get some of that first canvas dakota Meyer make goes up to hang on your wall, and then you got a bunch of books. Run, a bunch of books did the book. If you want a little bit of doctrine a guidance around these leadership principles. Get those books also get kids get on the warrior kid box come on just Your kids and the neighbors kids you'll have bet
neighbours, your kids Neighbours will be better than we better human beings I'll be thankful. So there you go on books s front, we solve problems through leadership which back from the muster sold out down Dallas texas, then we went a battlefield up in gettysburg, just awesome events, learning leadership, everything, We do cells so if you want to come to one of these events, could echelon front dot com for details and we also have entire leadership consultancy. We ve got incredible doctors from a bunch, different backgrounds and we teach these. principles that concern the problems inside your your company or your business organization, so go to waste brought dot com, if you need help in this, categories, we all have an online training academy called extreme, ownership, academy, reach, remorse, dot, com. Again.
look. Are you going to learn to play tennis by watching masterclass from venus Williams? You might not learn to play, but you can definitely pick up some hints that are been improved, your game and that's a physical sport. So can you do the What will you learn if you, if you go check out my master class you're, going to large sums of yes, you will, but you can me to go back to the gym. You go back to Jim, go to Extreme ownership, dot com and you can really get granular. Learning about leadership and the leadership is going to apply not just if your business but not to pvc. Oh, if your dad if you're a mob, if you- a friend. If you run enough a little league team. Can't help you run everything in your life and make it better. So san diego, extremely Yp com, if you wanna, also differ wanna help service members act from retire. You wanna help their families gostar fairly check out market, more molly. She got to charity
organization if you want to donate, want to get involved, go to america's mighty warriors dot org, don't forget about heroes and horses, dot. Org micah fink, currently out there in probably just a light dusting of snow in the montana mountains he's out there barefoot in a loincloth and he's dragging a bear that is going to eat for dinner, feed his family heroes and horses, dot org. He takes veterans and first responders up the wilderness, so they can get lost at get found and also Jimmy may is got an organization called beyond the brotherhood. Dot org checked out as well, and we want to connect with us. We're on the inner webster echoes echo charles Jocker, willing and we're both aunt. I algorithm know what that monster. Pricking grab you. That's what's the ass, what is trying to do? No brain, I should you got your pocket to suck your brain away. Just be careful of it thanks.
All service members who are in harm's way right now, but world Is a volatile place? It's a hostile place. We know that our military members are there on the front lines standing by. So thanks for what you do, stay alert, stay alive and also Thanks to our police law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, empties dispatchers, correctional officers, border patrol secret service, all first responders, I know There is a lot going on in the world right now. There is heightened risk. So same goes to you all. For what you do, stay alert and stay alive and everyone else out there. the principle that you could find a most these list once again was the objective you have to know your objective. Yeah have to know what it is you have to know where you're going, because if you do no know your aim. How can get there
We gonna do to get there. So no your objective write it down. No, you aim know your unified strategic goal of your organization and know what you're trying to do as an objective for your self. Keep it front of mine, keep it front of mind and then fight to get closer to it every day, by going out there and getting after it, and until next time, the echo and jacko out.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-02.