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The Law that Guarantees Success | Inspiring Podcasts

2023-10-24 | 🔗

Listen to episode 842 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Law that Guarantees Success | Inspiring Podcasts. Edited and adapted from the work of Gardner Hunting.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Anything we ever achieve is accomplished by our knowledge of some kind of law. Health, wealth, happiness, success, prosperity, freedom! Anything you want literally will come to you if you will obey its laws just as literally as you obey the law of gravitation.

The secret of getting what you want lies in obeying the law governing getting what you want. What is that law? ...


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Before we get started today, I'd like to remind you to visit our sponsor hello fresh. Why? Because, even if you have a jam packed schedule, may make whipping up a home cooked dinner, actually doable low fresh as quick and easy options that include fifteen minute meals, that's less time than it takes to get delivery low fresh, does all the shopping and meal planning for you, greedy and survive at your doorstep, pre portion and ready to cook long way, step by step recipe cards with pictures. How easy is that? Well, from my experience really easy, they are soy. Glazed, chicken, shrimp, fajitas and old school deli. Burger were a breeze to make and tasted better than the usual takeout ready to see why hello fresh is
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in in an adapted from working with god, I gardener hunting published in nineteen thirty four. There is a lot of talk these days about the power of thought. Some people are disposed to sneer added, but there is more in a man. These persons suppose, and they suffer because they don't realize it's power. Consider this Can you do anything without first thinking about it? We discovery your invention and he work of art book any newspaper or tool. manufacturing nor any crime, any deed Good or bad every proof, without someone's first thinking about it.
in other words every the thing that you do is for less than ideal. In your mind, That is where it is first created. If you want to make a chair or a plane or a sailboat printing press were long. Or a broom. He ain't much for shape in your mind, an idea. As a matter of fact, the idea of a thing the real creation of the physical, putting it together. Afterward is a mere cup The idea in your mind, we are accustomed to ain't that a certain amount of time and energy is required? no visible copy of the idea, the visible chair war plan were brew, but the more perfectly We think it out. There is crucial
it s, a complete idea in mind, the more quickly perfectly. We can create an invisible form and as waste get out better and better. I we require less and less time to me, The visible thing and lead less and energy. Newly invented machines, for instance, are usually crude. Cumbersome. Heavy and require a lot of power to operate them, but as they are perfect. That is, its layer, thought out, leave come later, simpler, more efficient. our operated by less power and There were more quickly during this process. the time always comes when the thing that once took a long period, labour to make is made at a speed so high that the production is in
cases almost instantaneous, If, when we began making this thing, we had stood laws of its making Could I made it instantaneously without going through the process of learning, how but that would have been a miracle exactly the difference. Between what we call a natural process we call a miracle. is largely a matter of the time required to reach the desired aim. But doing a miracle is merely a matter of understanding the laws by which it is done. The first four Required months of gruelling, labour to bill within Relatively short time, low ford plans could make about, If I'm have cars a minute. Or one about every ten seconds,
miracle. One time people would have thought so, but not today, because his car Manufacturers now have a better knowledge law is involved Knowledge of the laws involved in anything not only the most valuable knowledge that we can have parity absolutely essential before never would have mean a car a fee started with no knowledge of law. but he began by using what he knew about no laws of mechanics as he usually knowledge he had, knowledge grew stay as your muscles grow with you use them around. intelligence grows by use or, anything else. and wouldn't henry ford him in foolish not try out his ideas based on them
some knowledge. He possessed think this over. You'll see than anything we ever achieve is a com wished by our knowledge of some kind of law, health, wealth, happiness, success, prosperity, freedom. Anything you want literally will come to you if you will obey its laws, just literally as you obey the law of gravitation? Now, of course, you see the direction of this argument, our work It is not primarily to do something hard that brings a sweat breaks. The nails tyres. The muscles and exhaust the win something that is a drudgery. not at all Secret of getting what you want lies in obeying the law governing getting what you want,
is that law no love giving in receiving. Now you may be thinking What have I to give? Perhaps you conclude that you have nothing but forward had nothing at the start. nothing, but an idea pines, people, man of fifty seven varieties fame and nothing at the star nothing, but an idea woolworth. The fireman. And the same store owner had nothing at the star. Nothing, but an idea arthur, ashley tale who build a business up from nothing new, twelve million in six years, nothing at the star nothing but an idea, is thing about. It is that these entrepreneurs all had the same idea. What was it
It was the idea of giving the world something. We needed something value. when they began acting on the idea by giving what they had to begin with They learn how to give more, and so received more. And when they gave that more king, until every one of them reach the point where he was successful in famous and money ruled in upon him faster than he could use it. It will work for you, this law. It is work for me it is working for you and for me, whether we know in or not whether we believe it or not, what you give out comes back to multiply. If you don't get what you want, it's normal, he's fault, but your own
finally get what I want. It's nobody's fault, but my the law works if it works for me slowly at first, That is because I must learn my giving one I have before. I can get more knowledge of the law and thus have more to give. but if I will do what I have we're I am just some who needs it, I all the knowledge in the things that I need. I go along giving happily rise toward the point where I shall do easily and instantaneously the thing It now takes me a long time to do just that. My hanging skill and speed and ease with a hammer. Or a drill or a baseball or a boxing glove or a camera, Or in automobile
Eventually, by using all the knowledge I have, a law in giving service to the world. shown gain the ability to do singing miracles as henry for pay? Cobb, Thomas edison, Madame curry, Helen Keller and many others have done. if you believe that my argument is sound as it occurred to you that the conclusion is not new. It says. East is all the year. Thirty, three, a d. In other words, it is been taught to the world more or less ever since which time? Oh Jesus? In fact it was and his his teaching many people overlook the real teaching, no Jesus of Nazareth, but listen, then these say Gave in it shall be given under you, whatever you
Think about Jesus religiously. Did he know what he was talking about? Did he stayed along? I believe that Jesus of Nazareth did not merely found religion but nanny. torn away to live to live happily successfully prosperously didn't he said I came late. Ye may have life and may have it abundantly. in other words, he taught not merely away to be good and moral and honest and industrious and all that by a way to live bivalve law that bring success and money, fame and love. In all the other things that we want in the law- He taught was give and give first You want to get anything. He voiced the golden rule.
So every would that others should do to you. Do ye even sold them wisest of the world. Cynics saying that you have to pay some time for whatever you get. This of Nazareth said in essence, pay you You enter solar. What you want him pay first, maybe This sounds impractical to you. did to me, but try it out. I did you'll get results. I certainly did it won't fail you He hasn't failed me. Why because there is just one maker of law in the universe. And that is the power we call god and power made the law giving and receiving the best you have in law.
For the best in return. Prove me now says: god when the rain will not open the windows of having poor you out a blessing greater than ye are able to receive him only condition- is that we should view first, that's all, commonly we do not take this sort of promise seriously, but it is sound in true. If you will stop Thinking, no god as a joke, whereas a terror, whereas a myth as a dream, whereas some in far off an outside everyday life and will think of him. The maker of the law of gravitation the law of love, one away, just as real as the other you'll get somewhere. if you want to know how the whole,
realising beginning we didn't do it is to do it where you are now, indeed give something good to the person nearest to you and Keep on doing it, no matter what you seem to get back at. First, do don't talk lift yourself out of your troubles, no matter what they seem to be or how equally, you seem to be sunken them. Try you owe me surprised. I was try, it is patiently and as hard as you In trying to get a drink of water, if you were very thirsty, you'll get a return. a reward, you don't even dream of year. You will No learn anybody fool you about it and, besides,
if it doesn't work, you don't have to keep on with it. But you will keep on. If you do a fair chance to prove itself, because it works.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-26.