« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Epic Meal Time

Harley Morenstein comes on the podcast to talk bacon, bacon and more bacon. There's also talk about how he started Epic Meal Time, Matt invents a sandwich, and Tyler Lemco, also of Epic Meal Time, hangs out for a bit, too! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why don't you another noticed by gas? Hey guys, we are coming to say: your comecon bride, eight July, There are doing that above all, our nervous project live we'll, be there there's also a nervous panel. A channel panel push it. We totally different for the pod cast new illegal ballroom, the Saturday of COMECON, the ceremony go ballroom, will be there and very special gaster near the grass Thyssen will be there to talk about star talk will have some other guess there, as well as its gimme. A fun panel go up by the nervous channel panel The nerves broadcast live with his aunt Amy Garlic on they think are also gotta. Have a booth at the Youtube is gonna, have a space and working have a booth and there as well. So it can be fun to be far more details as they emerge more details. They emerge. That's pretty obvious thing to say thanks to being dot com for supporting a separate,
notice podcast. So obviously you know that being is an amazing searched all, but an additional searching news. But whatever you want to find being actually now has a social search, so it'll severance pay for Facebook, friends who recently liked or shared research relating relating to whatever it is looking for, like I wanna bite about dark night rises and because people that you actually trust you can find out what your friends thought about. The movie thing They were thinking about in relation to that little service people on Twitter, as well with knowledge about the thing you're. Looking for best of all, you can easily posting comment to your friends on Facebook from the search results, so it all in one place just kind of condenses everything and sort of crowd sources. Your results from people that you that you know and trust, and hopefully like oh really being social search, amazing, new amazing, to arm of being dot com. Thank you so much to them for support are, we are we little podcast you that most people are interested in a thing. It appears that in a thing, then, you should use being to find out about that
and then use your friends as a knowledge base. Mine them for information make them useful for once. Yeah. Take that friends thanks again to bring that com for supporting notice. This episode of Theirs broadcast is epic meal time, Harley Morenstein, came and sat down to talk about this was several months ago, but it at the time we've been talking about. Like we'll someday, you know what I'll do an epic meal toy others. I was holding onto this in holding onto this until that happens, and it just so happens that it took several months for that too considers it live here. There lay a man's Canadian, so we did a star wars. Themed episode of Epic meal, I'm, which was unbelievable. We cook we made Crispy, Taunton, F, P S, Russia was their muscles. Glasses is both that was their saucepan with. Was there there's a scythe lord,
Abbots Chloe Dexter was there as a she will keep. It was, and it was so much fun. Epic mealtime I'd really like those guys they're just with the really sweet dude there really funny. Do they built an amazing thing off, just something that they love doing, and I I was super superseded to be involved, so brain ever go to Youtube Dotcom session or, as you can We see it in our time line. You can see the epic mealtime episode STAR wars. Epic mealtime, get ready, for course, of the force next week, where we go, there's by gas, with ethnic mealtime now entering murders, stock,
You here, you're right, it is it's my mistress, but those good. I thought that was me for a second you to take their ETA, that Bob demand that worry about it this. You know this has turned into a drinking game now for people like like, like the fuckin shitty microphones, falling and hearing it in a studio Imelda because it takes place? it gets worse and worse here. This isn't I'm so sorry
better job mobility is a warm and here is more or less fat. Call me mostly from Colombia WAR. Many airlines should in fact it's it's. The kind of guy too fast assigned a warm too early you created in host epic meal time, which is some of the episodes, are hard for me to get through, not because I because I think I think the shows great, but I mean just like- oh my god and your God to deep fright at the opposite and you're gonna be deep wherever we have a couple stages there? It's actually like. Ok, We could we do now we could rapid and in bacon, if already did that, it's like, while we can drizzle cheese over he that it's like we could deep fry and and then at that point is defined
What do we do now? We're like we could rapid bacon, hunters and she's on with deep frightened and it's a vicious cycle. So we have to know- and you know you may not like you- made this crazy, deep, fried burger tower. Where you took the patty, and then you put, I mean it, I'm telling you something you already know, but I'm still, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it, and then you bone marrow in Patty and then Bacon. On top of that, then more patty and then cheese and a boost gravy on time move. It approves gravy. We had a hot girl rub that booze gravy all over my buddies chest off. Just some girl internet fun. Yeah we're did you even need? This is completely epic. Mealtime has completely.
Changed your life, where, where were you a year ago? Actually you, every month, I'm sorry but act over a vote of two thousand and the exact. So what what were you doing before that? You know it's funny before that? I was teaching teacher, and so I guess I to whole mission was of teaching was to go. You know, reach out to the children and enlightened them and then for Halloween this year. We saw a ten year old boy dressed as the sauce boss. I hold her booze run like oh, my god, I'm creature, more children than I could ever done as a teacher exceptional, horrible waited net, it's really high. When you say you, students like hold this booze, but if their mimicking something: they saw the internet wade. I actually still get calls for substituting really don't do some years ago on their like the call cycle, the I get. The call would you like to come in and in a substitute, have you ever thought about doing an epic mealtime during a sub?
all that would be a good idea and I mean yeah. I did think about that. Already we towards the idea of a calf Attila mealtime. I got into a Catherine rescuing the kids, but you know there is the whole viable. Like you know, bitches imbues doesn't flow well in the air just into the night it does with the king s by that Israel, the structures that what what did you teach schools have their captain Buzz code? I taught a history, don't get excited those copeck history, ok talked about in Berlin and fur space for the extent of it, oh yeah, the whole english french thing where you have kids are like did the rest of Canada start near dislike. I I don't know what you're talking about. No, we are Canada. Then there was
media, so I mean a couple months before epic meal time. I had some students- and I was talking about you- a target advertising things like that: Google, Facebook, digital footprint, just basic things- you know in terms of media nowadays and fast forward- five months later, and I'm on the front page of Youtube in these two. Until I call My teeth shall gay that guide teaches people can knew was talking about where others our it up, shit yeah, don't let this gorgeous facility. Oh you're, like a blackened swear the content of the usual. Don't let the market! I add my cat naked sake. Yes, you can drop the sea bottom sake. Whiff of my grief, my grief, So you are actually need the fuckin children, a beggar, their cuts all bent out of shape colombian priorities it on a third grey area,
let alone the master every like third bad. We really have appointed acquisitive that if someone knows what epic mealtime is, I don't think they're gonna be like. How can they say, though filthy, word, yeah, and if they did have a problem with it, they would go and check it out and they would see. I say all this filthy word off your case and we did we don't we don't we dont bird bleep the this words here. I was that as a good idea for for sharing it is, it was a very smart energy actually cause. You know that there is. There is a certain amount of structured chaos that happened. On your show, which I think you know anyone who setting out to sort of me now figure.
Whatever it is, that there are on line thing is gonna, be in our and our digital culture. There's a fuck there's a lot to be learned from from what you guys did the shows simple. It moves it's very simple idea, but very but a writ but creative and- and you guys have fun and it's like- and this shows or short, like their super easy to digest. Unlike a lot of the food that you and I we don't really ass much from people, four to eight minutes a week. You know what I mean to watch while a man s add a laptop or on an Iphone can be very long. That is our usual. When I pull up of open a video of its more than three or four, I was gonna are not going to invest especially now on Twitter. On my phone like I'll go and I click a link, it will start to open up the EU, like now get up. Another letter, but your watch, the ruin my
as usual channel large as your watch, although our programming right Jonah course, because this can be involved in any way through your ass. That's how do you know how you guys manage to do you feel any pressure we ve done. So many shows that even uniform, like how you just keep kind of building the stakes in the shower to even think about, then what like as soon as I mean. I remember the second episode third episode. I was like oh my god. We have a cooking show and no one knows how to cook, but we have to do this next week we have five days to film and edit a video and upload it by this time next week, and we don't know what we're doing so. I sat down. I remember like what we started coming up with ideas for that week. I started from just right on a list. You know it was kind of like it would be like you know, like greek food, how much is list Mexican and I would list you know Italian. I would list, and
in our starts right out, meets and things like that or dishes. I liked as a kid and start to combine them and makes them around and do a whole bunch of things, and I remember you know the other guys on the team started to make their lives to it. We have even touch their list, yet we we did see food like barely for the first time like two weeks ago. Allow got lists for days. You know I mean the show can last for because the agreed when you get down to the nitty gritty of its people, always need to eat food yeah food psych, it's like fashion you know I never go away. I feel, and I feel like a shrewd food, a list get ready. I know I need food everything Johnny, you think, I'm very sorry trips. I dont care you're thinking very food forward, Evedna Preteen episode. You have the opportunity I we put. The saddle
one day we ve made a candy Putin was like I'd, deprived kid catches, the french riot Iphone Airmail sauces the gravy and marshmallows as open motherfuckers out there are eighteen. Is this disgusting? These relations, wow disgusting, yes casting off mealtime. I, where energy guzzling love it disgusting and delicious, are the same May you love preteen? What does that mean? Jonah I'm not! I don't want her joy the Middle Assembly. I know you, I wouldn't leave out of them either, honestly with girls worthy to what's the matter with you. I love you t backing away below legs wretch. Rather than granting rights, urgencies curtain gravy putting off and on which I saw the states on so called disco fries. Nowhere you ever seen, Now not here, though, unlike weird states,
on its own? Ireland by authorities is weird, is going at this. Overall, I don't know if they just maybe there's someone thought they found themselves. Protein mean like whores food now, but it is the fruit of a whore translation at three when you're leaking unfamiliar com, you're going to stumble into into with Eric and when you get a new material and you're driving from the airport entered into downtown. There's a place on the on the right that you drive by its huge and it's like Putin and burger. The Erika is care, whereas the batteries for protein in Montreal everyone says: oh, you gotta go this way, so you gotta go this place again. At this point, I really do hate saying please, let's get paid to solve a donkey
Do I get forget, but they have like about forty different proteins on their menu. So I gotta are gonna, give him credit for that call upon keys and you go in there and they have like just a menu, it's all about custom, customized proteins and hold different bunch of em, but at the same time, I'd like to go. This place called Labelle Promise as French Roy stupid Motherfucker. Everything really still face. Just tat, the beautiful province in its you go. There need shit. Forty dollar forty sent hotdogs where our protein they do in your drunken you with a whore forty canadian through whose actually benefits consumers. That was no dollars are worth more than America down. Why are we still charging them over magazine, I gotta chapters and like will you know the dollar's, aren't the same wise, the canadian one five dollars more. I don't give a shit what I said. There's no epic mealtime polar chapters or
care on Europe. Wine, ETA, reversals and five as book evaded protection. Really burgers political say. We end up with a good father, it's bad I don't wanna be talking French, I don't know my whole got when I was substituting was like. I don't talk in French Homolka teaching friend, which is matter which is interesting for come back as they probably want you to teach a lot he ran out. You have to know French. If you want to be a teacher and Quebec, but once I got the job no not doing it, and I had that whole. Like I don't give a fuk attitude like I'll, walk out right now and have kids. You can have lots of shit cases. Would have thought it does not get a teacher French will be avenant them. Is that ok yeah? They did one that battle How long was I really would cover
zero. How long does it into the series? Worry? You realized, like I don't know, I can't quit my other stuff and just focus on this was before the absurd started. Believe it and I had like, I will add six thing- stacked up that summer- that we filmed epic mealtime, one of them being like a fool out. Kids shall actually do like. I rode out. Nothing else can be cool and have a kid show, I'm gonna be in it. Children and I used always lorries to call my buddies about who were in a working with me on a comment, ago. Lunchbox money art that lunchbox shit had always dumb kids by our faces on lunch by now the whole planet in. I also was thumbing music videos. Virtually local artists are decent local artists and things like that whenever any good look learn, but I wish I tried hard to have it while there is a real aspect of like please man, I gotta camera. Let me from your video, where there is not interested when the about it has a different too
being so now in French yeah. That's right! Although bands of pleading and I'm not listening to you, had your chance had wrench Canadian Ban sell us right. I just call them all right now, you a chance. Sarah Mclaughlin vacuum us yeah, she's years slim Real, says: there's rays Back she's got back out ice, ok, we'll take an alien to them, and I can well I'm on land or that now we're only low affair, vibe yeah noses they beaver no, I don't really like you, I'm not going. I really want it in regard. He was communities, a brain attempts from Skype well yeah, that goes revitalize the right out of several times. We vote as they are, assuming that we care enough about these people to Renault Leather, Canadian yeah did some other. How do you consume thirty?
five thousand calories in a meal and not fucking die easy. You don't because you would die. I remember we first started lake I go and bigger and bigger. I always too. I brought on a whole. Bunch of other friends sounds like going to kill a friend on this internet. If I kill a friendly internet semi way to fucked up, I can't have that. So I called a whole bunch of other bodies. Simulacra rotation type they once a week, saw so bad right kind of forgot that we would become this lacedaemonian bacon cheeseburgers every day in between the shoots, which is why rocketing so fat and dying, but he was very rather we started. Seven people out and the meals got something like, for example, fast food, Lithuania. We haven't seen a Google, it fast, fruitless.
Nea was about forty pounds of burgers and meat and cheese, and so we sat down and ate like six six pounds of it and my body a mere who used to work at blockbuster witches in a rest in peace with neither the work there. He I still one as it somewhere. He thought he would bring it to work as leftovers. So like this epoch meal, that, like has like ten million views that you know, let's say two million people would love to taste, is sitting and like a blockbuster fridge for a week later, the laser casually come an inch by cutting office live as like driving in eating it for a week and it sat there, for I don't even know how long That is a key care. Even now. Those are my hands you does. May I make that internet? Does he keep? Is none of my concern? Catherine? We did it and now it's someone else's problem exactly blockbuster it speculator its there's a partly or wholly
mould culture that formed and consume that made me like, I'm Ripley, believe it or not. They used to be like the old one with Jack talents there was a guy that out Looking at here is a guy that that would eat like fucking expired me and, like the more grew, in mouldy it was the more he loved it and it was like the more of the more disgusting things. I remember seeing my child and have you ever How have you super sick? No, we have. You got a little sick, really yeah! Now I mean have you felt a little louder than I don't feel so great while you know like, if you go to eat way too much a dinner ever and usually sit down, you say:
if we ever you mean every time, I feel sad starlike holding a God. That's my working at her! Maybe it's just a here inside my products. That's what happens the extent of it'll be that, but in other beginning to get it we were getting compared to Jack Ass in the kitchen. Yes, we were being compared as non cigarette. That's cool! I love it, but one released monogamy Barford on our shall ride, managed, never even occurred with four buncher guys, don't fuck about cooking, pretty amazing that we do these things and having died yet well. What's that it'll? What's amazing to me as it is just like you, you never know you never know what the thing it's gonna be that's gonna pop or that's gonna. You know like, while this we just two Dramatic right turn in our lives. You know like it fall of last year. Yo? You are due to the teacher and you're you're trying to get some soft on, and then you have this one idea you commit to it and then have a sudden. I mean the about the amount of fucking views you guys get is pretty staggering. I mean a successful youtube
It might be, like other, got a hundred thousand views, but you guys consistently do like forward, million views per video. When the first video came out, I was like ok. If this gets ten thousand views will do it again and I got a hundred thousand views and others like ok, the next one of his guests, thirty thousand views I'll, do it again and went from if a video, if I had released a video once a week in about ten thousand views as there, I can make a Youtube channel out of this, and when that for that six hundred thousand views than six hundred thousand views and then a million and then two million out of a while. I'm like this is a thing there's a thing here I should play with. It is legitimate. You is it didn't you been playing with a thick and he's been playing the thing ever since? If it isn't your, is it just your thing or their partners involved or other people are as and I gather as other people, I mean I've got a team of guys you now I gotta. I got that bitch mom, mom, saying she's a grey lady seriously, but yeah there's plenty of moving parts involved. We have
partners in San Francisco who are revision. Three. They do revelry our environment, reinvents, big tall, pink man Greg real, easy to spot and crowds Shaka blonde hair Schroeder James, I'm good sweet grandma. I was actually this building up here and, like I text in a picture of it all because his For some reason, his name is still losing awry advance here is that yeah there's another event is not his Norman. It's been it's like it moves guys it's another guy. I've been on its be I've been out there for Algeria is not an accident happening where this guy keeps getting move, it doesn't actually work right, maybe they really getting? Paychecks yard again does like getting paychecks them now? I don't know what you're saying Wendy I knew he loved your name still here is on those problem, other guy him it is held like it keeps on though it is like, along with someone else's name. Everything would have email addresses in Poland. We address. If you can find it does not go.
But he's a good guy. How did you did did did rind right? Did he tracking down or someone else like how came he came down to Montreal through itself by southwest likes indignation should goin on some guy? Our end ran to them. He flew out too much all he met me and he was a man. I thought that you guys were people I didn't know you guys just a bunch of Jack asses find you that I would have called earlier. No man, we jackasses help us help us and he kind of you no revision. Three at that point in, and we ended up just to say that it was a good move. And so we did that and at the same time Gosh agency represents epic mealtime. Roasting management. Found familiarly, wouldn't team San Francisco, your team television in team internet is. Is it a weird team wins softball? Broadening of add, though, that is pretty SEC he's pretty tall he's got a reach,
can reach the second base load pages. You just take one step unease. First and another is the only thing that I will play every can't he's always gonna get. It he's, always gonna score, homer, we're going to preside over its head, the universe or in other words, I think about fog, thinkable book, but is it weird for you too? You don't care
There's a lot of business minded stuff here. Fuck you hated man so dumb I was about to Cameroon, I'm like now. I could feel myself being. No one can tell me anything like is getting popular like this is awesome and then about like episode. Eight I'm getting like calls from from agent from getting documents and contracts, and what the fuck is this and that's when I reach, I recall you know I had my brother had a friend who's in the big is outcome has looked through this shit handle on like I got fuckin bacon to wrap. I got liquor to drink. I got thing to do beaches to train diddle. I can't sit here and looked through my emails. You know, reading these contracts and whose budgets are you gonna get on the middle? Now they ve been, did ok, good. They ve been dealt a market where they re just before a few little them with a previous doodling, I think, is what Jonas getting at you. Maybe they re really a deadline, make them a bitch. I don't know
Moreover, the next Euro Arab, like a bit here here, yeah, like a vital alike, are ambitious exhibitions. Interminable near maniac is a term of fucking research, No, it is not as easy as it was a very big. We hate with No, no, no! No! It's the way they couldn't me. I love William women, a great I get that we get that sometimes on a big mouth, but you can also like almost thirty percent demographic unusable females. And make a higher at it. Let's get him I don't like anyone thinks that you fucking goofball, we call ourselves. Do I don't? I don't think one thinks. You really mean that in you know like in the way, an angry aggressive purse, the torpid Rina. That's your orange valuable part of your vernacular. I love you will meet. You call man here, human material guy a guy like they like they expect me to cut years later, ass, deep, rather also
does your Canadian you get away with a lack of people just think if they don't understand something, they just write it off as being part of your culture of society. Do I remember that when we first started, I was like: ok like we want to get popular. My southern popular about Canadians. Do we say we're canadian? Do we do we come out in the second absolutely fully said, we're canadian behind that, if it is the kind of just you know, hopped over that whole obstacle of like yeah Americans would do that there, but they do that. Banana, like fathers, fuckin Guph, now man? Hey you too besides westerners Laugh at it. On Canada has now arrived. Great, I love Canada being a vacation. Every party granted aiming to import of Canada has a really great personality to it. Really that I really love? Although I've never been
I've never been really far north in Canada does? Is a? U been too late. Montreal Vancouver Toronto vendor the Big three yeah. So it's like being in New York and Allay man, see the rest of the country were not wrong. You're right, I don't know. I got a New York many times I went to Maine. I will name is Canada. Any kind of candy AUS cool. There is water Nonetheless, there are moves people, arrogant and Canada. Yet there is in this speech the speech patterns, closer to canadian name. It man, I always thought of his Canada. Do I sound weird Now you have a canadian exit really. What is that it's just hit Words will differently here come into your mouth. I see how they returned give you what you think you would say: Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada.
And we would say Canada this is. This is where I think this is what I've I've I've. I found my axe and from just people's calling an enemy. I I wear pants when I dance, I am glad that there, so those are the words are really and mock me. And the outs out, yeah yeah. That day and legally we say a USA, how we do say hello, film and I ain't you got dollar film and also say sorry why they say yeah instead of harm sorcery, known ass, the most annoying, I think, yeah, why you didn't is our annoying country? That's not a word sentence. We can no longer be any advice that an accurate asked is just what is it?
We therefore now is it with you now to be like if we are to be the Fuckin food guy, like that, I don't know she knows. Where is our walk on street one? Second armor happened like couple months back and so was I kill sauce boss, sauce boss. I turn like oh man, I'm the sauce. I dare say that on the internet is always of official and I turn out like some other forgets. The South Bow pictures bitch in our like rate into it. By, like I walk, swallows man was we're on the south. I was Mister Morland Steamboat a year before that Mr Morris has become the sauce boss. Pretty sweet, that's a pretty sweet transformation of the power of the internet. In less than a year, you can go for Mr Morn steam to the thoughts boss. I like even more my life,
body who had nothing better to do with his life went to China for no reason other than he really had nothing to do. Comes back from China and he's just pretty jack he's been Workin oaks enough should do in China either, as I like present goes to bed with the sun. Wake up wakes up with the sun has nothing to do. I invited him over to come. Eat brought a sunglasses on yeah. He became muscles glasses. As I said, I was a cool Is he actually I'd like this? Is like Peter Parker again bid by the radioactive spider? He is like a supermarket, how glad you're over their muscles glasses with fuck. You marry now he will, he always go he's. Coming is coming to he's going to fuck. You know my god and then fuck you up ain't earlier he's gonna fuck you and but you always always always ainly sunglasses, Albert Matias, Glasses vessels. Gaza must sunglass muscles are another card will introduce Susan three: are we? Are you you complicated. We talk about that. I met you briefly, energy high, like walking dead and eyes.
I like marvel when I can read it: oh there's: nobody Tyler should ease walkin by he wants to get in here. Could you aren't you want you want to come in yet MAC? Can you go get going Tyler and who does he know who I am. I gonna, yellow just young irish exports that I remember their team comics. Yeah. I do I like like us. I love Marvel at further. What it comes down to unduly image. Comics I read were walking dead. No fear you keep up with what walking dead. I missed the last to upset I've been an ally and ass for the comics. The last one I read was trade. Thirteen also fourteen is their fortunes are rightly I I think I may be missing water to trade their manner. On two issues behind, I need that need to be ninety. Ninety one lay issues can keep up with those because it is they just still have the mine to be like. Oh shit, I go get. That's just what
or the trades of Asia and puts it gives you more. I read I write whenever I get the trade comes. I read the last one again, yeah you're gonna have to because you, get there and issue in my ten minutes and you like, though I have no way to the earth. It's horrible trades kill me Tyler, thanks as a government, more rights either welcome. That's Tyler he's on epic mealtime. Also, round of applause. Cuz he's put on the most weight since the show started when I'm done Tyler. Can you share microphone with Matthew? I'm like a well how much we haven't gesture lips to share data stew, some snoop in the last one to uncircumcised, guys, rabbits and around each other, I thought that was called docking. Docking values might have come together. Garbage bagging is when you upset gingerly, two balls together sets of Bosnia, twisty tie your penis is around each other causes?
when you push mushroom heads yet either because the only said, what are you doing that I would have a gale gay dogging requires uncircumcised and uncertainty. I was that those neutrally Tyler. I would call that a slit, kiss rattler at all, that's left, kiss plus sign. Of it. Slickers like this is my favorite female kiss cover ban. That's that's Kelly's! Look kid. Yea, whether she was homecoming going up. So how much weight have you game since that, starting to show I'd say January. I was like to twenty five now and probably around to fifty five, it's the error rate dollar five love it they're like for like Tyler got the fattest, therefore use the most dedicated. Therefore he is my favorite. All the others are faking gay, a truism arbitrary. You have people react to another right here.
At your committed show and you're, actually you're, actually lilies, live and I'll. Show you hadn't blood earlier by the following fact. I yet lying in their body, but the big difference below the differences that are under an awful lot of you will have us, but there are a lot of cooking shows, and I you know I can't say I don't know who specifically, but I know that there are people who we are not necessarily like, but as the thoroughly like the high and chefs. You think they are. They just host shows and other people prepare shit them, and then they just sort of pretend to prepare it and they may stand identity, but you but you, but you do actually consume the shit that you guys are received. Do you do not make the food yourselves now do you I got. This is the sauce boss speaking, I don't touch the food. Ok, I sit down on my MAC Book or my I followed the architect and I'm like how men and, like all, be good. What what makes me horny cheeseburgers. Ok, what what? What
would make me horny about it. She's will rat them and bacon. I know, let's get a hundred of them. Let's make a mountain, unlike it'll go from there. They call up one of these guys and mobilise all men. That's good! Why don't we throw liquor on top of it? You idiot widen, I think of ass. You know the go from there and then we have. We guys some guys who put in their their work You know, I think, moved Prince Atari, who are the real guys at all sit down and really bang it out. But at the same time, though, they'll call me in there may, because our legal, I don't get it house, may not a stir the liquor on it. I was gonna ruin my address. I always wanted to stake and cheese sandwich that had waffles for bread. If you could send improve upon that idea. Ok, we'll. Take that rapid and bake it dont. Does they wanted liquor? believe it is another example of love them. So you wanna waffle stakes what I want every time I get a little bit drunk and I met the farmers market at the grove. I want to stay here
from fills, but I went out and I didn't recognize the honest. I think this is a great idea, and this is the prime example of how an apple time starts. So stake sandwich wrapped in a waffle that read the bread is now waffle rights. Special butter on the awful. So we like throwing aside at this point, let's take the cheese and there too, and we can make it a grilled sandwich kind like a girl gave sour. I like em. Who put? Could you somehow incorporate MAC and cheese and that yeah Do you wanna? Take the waffle, stake sandwiched adjustment grilled take another one, just like it, and we're gonna put MAC and cheese on top of one and close the others, and I would wish sandwich sandwich please you're, making rights that are using sandwich vandalized that that's fucking may see. I need that that all over your body, great there really doesn't good feed their at a now. Now we should do something else too: it throw liquor on it s right, throw liquor down our throats or something sweet and then I'll yet
The camera I be, I will make a liquor will make a liquor syrup is what will do and you know what we'll just make it special for the upset, we'll get a big needle in sorry, oppressor, Kaufman's, nobody technically didn't say, belts button, yes, so that was not. That was our balance. Taken messrs enough We're taking users limiting us nothing about this now, where waddling lay person radio combat, rather than only ever now, Jack Odin had acting with Jack Daniels Europe, not giant dynasty of any liquor serum hunger. How do you mean syrup out of liquor look. Wasn't asking? Who doesn't do that now, as it might be from Montreal abandons bring together horse, was a so the act is like lacks any back. You know Europe, but I do. I do have to say that Europe, that the people are much the people and-
in general or by so much more polite? There was, I was walking with them Garfunkel and Oates last year at the at the just relax festival which of them fears and these guys leaned out a window and their cat call to the girls was excuse me. Do you have a husband? that's all class they do other nuts doubled and it'll be honest. Epic mealtime can cause or kind of like you. You want these figures knuckles, deep, but and walk here. What geared to bring underfoot in front other areas. I don't feel like. I could pull it off. I don't feel like. I could pull that. You know it doesn't work for us unless, unless it just happened to be, if I saw them- I saw that I have been. There was a guy I was in New York is gonna stoop girls walk about. By guy he's, just as they have been cut, your talk to me and then she's like Giggled ever walked over to him, and then they fuckin worked well. He gave us the deadlock and
restraining. Have you read that a hundred times and failed every time we want those girls like the foregoing, apologize, I gotta go he's gonna get trash rocks. I feel like I know to drag it should never. I could never pull off. I mean I'm, not! I'm not aggress and on that matter, my I think it has to be organic. Like you were, I couldn't say: hey Bitch come over here, I can instantly.
We like the area. Please I desired, I'm a bad person. I was by love. My mom says. Sorry, sorry! So, what's next? What? Where do you want everything to wear? Where do you see everything going now that you know you have a year plus I was like epic meal time to be a restaurant. On the LAS Vegas trip, with MIKE Tyson of french shaking hands to people going in and have ninjas serving the food I've, I've heard nothing that couldn't happen. I sometimes muscles glasses or drop down the middle from the skylight like mission impossible sow the shirt off like Unrobe. Second, the laser scene drop down there with a whole bunch of bacon and grab it off his body that flies back up and you never know when it will be. So if a leg version, I feel like diving anything that couldn't happen in LAS Vegas. There is absolutely every reason that an epic mealtime restaurant could exist in LAS Vegas land of complete debauchery and the fucking
when you for our bacchanalia there really feeling the recession right now with all that means is that people are buying condos, they're laughing going to values if there were its having its own place in the world where an epic Milton Rushmore browsing Man opened a restaurant voters. I fuck off. I make an internet video we would kill, so many people will make running a rat. Somebody else is this: really what we want to learn about, one in LAS Vegas General wages like right in the hospital there's a little at the mini casino and an effort mealtime Russia that harder tat girl that guy they had a spokesperson was like six, nine, five hundred eighty pounds and I d like twenty years old last year, and
My mom is one of the first articles. It was like. I asks for aid to enrich power. I fired five hundred pounds spokesman for the heart attack girl. He died. Meanwhile, in Montreal, people like hardly morning are advocating this type of lifestyle and start to explain what how I kind of killed this guy ready. I was really fucked up and is one of the first articles This is this is wrong, could do consider it only lifestyle or is it just like a thing you do every week Tyler it's the ads turned into a lifestyle. Are you? Are you drink anything burglary that yeah I'd think a break Hezbollah will, after we have together like dry out? No, I have to drive yes. What is it you have one still does it feel like a job? No, it's pretty fun. That's just the! I was drunk pilot, ten thirty. This I thought we were laughing ass. We have granted like two hours in the hard, but we had to do in other words, they are all. There was a girl. Did you party, because how gay those seamen
super guy wasn't moment, We had a real. I made eye contact with a tv exact as a as I was like picking out a wedge and he likes saw me. Do it myself, like either I and he that may silent, waved back awkwardly there's a good What are you guys? I'm I'm fascinated by your lifestyle: because I don't you and that we have such diametrically opposite. Like I don't drink, I bribed watch what I e to like. I don't know- maybe maybe, but I feel like maybe there's some feeling I'm not really having that much fun with food village. I don't have what it's hard to have fun with there's gotta be acts were doing he's gotta be a happy medium somewhere. I'm a happy medium now, you're, like a large very happy, maybe I'll be right. There doesn't fit anymore verbally sickened at the bottom say. You know what it's like beer, it's ok Guinness, is actually healthier than Mug Miller light. That's like me,
right there. You know, as long as I don't eat food. I can just have a couple Guinness in a day and if I don't need than that, would balance out live knowledge again speak I gets taken out, we ve actually all gone sober. We started naming our got city of guts yeah, it's all about the guy who had won the names or my MIKE S. Name is Balthazar one month, guts double muslim last month, as for the ratio and fuck you guys, but fiercely fuck em you, I want you to fuck em for a hundred of right now integrate, forget. How did I get waffles make? There are, however, a television show you do you're going to do in the effort we got there for years. People are yet forty. Four people are doing things like there's people their that'll that'll get your cigarettes urville, though They'll get you burgers. Israel is far cigarette summarised. I hesitated one guy to be my drink. Rockefeller he's been great, which means that those name
It's not all that matters. Is this cup knows or do you know, there's a good crew on that ours really really great awesome. Regular, my country's great right I'd make Henry. I don T mind ran at it hey my country. Henry has a good use of groundwater. Is a vegetarian. Oh yes, I'll bet. He's are being without one writer on the shown he's a vegetarian and ages. He gets it now, he's If you have a good writer, my legs amazing. He all he's really talk really long. Mother fucker is lacking. Also he's a great artist, good musician, really going. There's really funny, Dude wrote on web soup, and then he wrote on a make for my buddy, my phone, and I with him on a pilot that we made for an enemy to pilot that we may always target those huge balls. His breath is a break. As used by many doc.
My country is one of those guys we're he'll sit in the writers room and hasn't standing for fifteen minutes and then out of nowhere he teaches fire something off it. So goddamn funny funnier than what anyone other studies I only just to some other. Whenever this is it also Ben Bloomers, directing their their shoots her on his great, like he's he's a great fucking director noses shit is: is the tv show? How do you feel that did you like format, wise you didn't feel differently you or what do you like? I said I start getting these contracts, like I said, like episode, seven eight, I started writing a concept of what the tv show would be to me how I think it would be if it ever did happen. How would we extend twenty twenty two minutes and I you know we went around. We actually picture to a bunch of networks like six months ago, these seven eight months ago,
and I pay my format, which is just basically an epic meal. Aquaculture focus, you're gonna get really epic meal at the end, basically bigger than we can go on the internet, just because the budget is a much bigger per episode. As you know, this ultimate epic meal we're gonna get a lot more from point. A to point b, with kind of like a little segments in between will epic meals and between car worked out It is time to build up our characters to play off of and stuff like that. So many like the I came in the other day, you guys are shooting Van Gogh Bit and adjust its from that one line like from that one, like thirty seconds, dns all hilarious yeah, I'm looking forward to this good. It's like you, said it's a good squad on their sir. I am. I worked with lean people before like shooting people here. So no ship people are not really mad, like everyone's everyone's really cool and it's it's a fun environment, never one just kind of their for whatever
everyone's nicely, just as there is a really good environment, and I think what I love about, what what I love about, what you do is there there's there, certainly now like ours, is fuckin around and drinking and whatever. But in just hearing you talk, you are very thoughtful about how you approach this. There is a process to you and there is also for anyone whose just thinks like, oh you know, I could just be a fuck up on the internet like yeah, but listen you plan stuff, you wrote out a pitch, you had a plan, you talk to me you brought in the right people too to see that plan through and you been consistent with it at me like there really is it's it's. It's it is like our just. You know what I'd like you, you actually do have a vision for for what you're creating- and I think that's probably, I hope, an important lesson that Europe Ex media students or whoever might might take away from factor students. A mother I totally agree, like I said like when I first started I'd I'd from failed. You do things before
Domine Tyler. It even works on a bunch of things in the past on Youtube before Epic meal time, and it just wasn't happening, but you know I'd learned enough from the past. I want epic meal. Time did pick up. We were able to run with it. We knew what to do. That's why I kind of people thought we were like a production company cuz. They was just out of the blue, but no weed we tried but just didn't work out, and his do think regularity with the other week to week was a big important by far the one, and only like the most important thing is you come out with a video once a week, the first video we were like. Oh, I will see what will wait for this video to get up to even more and when that, when the number stop release new video, I noticed that after five days, like its dropped now known position anymore, five days old, they'll come back to in three months, granted that you ve been releasing every single week, but they're they're done after five days five days
a lease on Youtube is like this: over the internet news five day letters you fucking Idiot Oil review in Build post thou. My wall well, and I think that's important thing about the difference queen, you know something online. They can just be sort of a one off head like. Oh, you know, of a cat shit on peace, a toe their whenever I love There really was a great video that Lisbon I just made up my head, but if you want to build community around your thing, consistency is so important because you're making a deal. People were you're, saying: hey you give us, you know, is sixty eight minutes to your time in our case in forty five minutes or whenever an hour, and I promise you that if you stick with us, we will keep our into the bargain, by regularly delivering stuff too you until it's not funny anymore. I would we go like off the the prototypical episode that we do something a little bit different people killer.
And with them their pattern. In the comments section, they go crazy. What's this one lay our body with his army episode in one of them was great, with the brain of Yellow Bureau, put the factors new swearing about Jack Daniels. What are you doing totally, ruining the show that you're ruining your ownership of use, we're like doubled or other videos? So it's like it s a bad does a good VR, not like last night. I we stayed true to fan, but just like you know a number like about a third of the people, as they don't really know what they want or what they like and don't like these dumb cuz. It's different and different is dumb, so fuck this, and then they go back like three weeks later and We met that it's like I kind of do like they have nothing to say as long as there's bacon and as long as you yell thereafter. The idea that up
the important thing is, I think that you guys keep having fun and if it's fun for you to do a zombie episode, the new fuckin should be able to do. Is Abbe episode with your show volunteers on this I feel like desire. We have such a fucking idiot. I'm sorry right if you happen to be listened to this and you dislike that video fuck you Then, if you like girl, videos, watch her old videos yeah. I don't think you're very sorry about that at all our late there you said, but I thing, I know how long you and early for each year for the pilot justice, by a word or two fuckin milk. It you know, I mean truth. Is Canada's cold now really get it's like the winter? Is there we don't want none of it. It's dark like twenty hours a day, yet
so fuck it for now they were his heirs everywhere. Governors have, you could bear yet you know it's funny in one of the pitches. I'd said like yeah, we're gonna. Do this thing? What we're gonna? Do you know? What will do this and will likely? I like it. I, like all fuckin that puts impairment. Normalcy, oh dear me, african bear me not having the others ravaging. Bear me what's happened. I merely lesson about bearing an alternate low limit. Final and then, like I, walk out economic agents, for I can t bear me next time I made you go, get a bucket. Bear me pie at the at the corner. Fuckin I do not want any nearer than eating a cow. I want that. Well, the bear is on our side, That's right, other home. If I firefighters goes on the California grisly is, but you know that you can still dumb ass black. There thought that there
There are other rare that adds little bare racist, pepper seriously. Jonah. Yeah. That's how I am a bad person Well, I'm alive Eliza hate bears there. Could they grew up around him? but then yeah, I don't know, I think I don't know, I don't think a bear. I don't think bear meat. Is that is their weird. Nothing bear me say special we can in this fucking bears are Words Party, a party or it's one of your resources, for Christ's sake, Gregg actually Gregg on the show he said it, he tried bear me to take a wet carpet, This must take the fur, but that's what that guy he's just now I gotTA bears shoulder value, is not really a vaudeville joker loved so where what, when? What's what wins and accept? Also going up? Or what of working people look forward to?
far in advance of the planned this Wednesday in episode, because we ve been doing a lot of shit. You know we don't want to not release the internet, which is like common mistake. I seen some, U tumors do it, they are they get big on Youtube. Have like you know, twelve straight videos like that are viral, and then they get a job like, as you know, on a tv show luring apart on a tv shows, and they then they drop their internet like who does what happens with the tv show whenever? But it's like, you can add something special there you had people lost, people are paying attention and you just kind of like drop them off, because you had your next. So I always found that it would be very important that we keep the internet going every Tuesday and I said it so long ago, because you know we don't know what will happen to know. What's with tv we know our brand works on the internet. We have two million people that expect us to release every Tuesday, so fuck organ release every Tuesday, no matter what, even, if we're. You mean a title dies and you may you make some which happen yeah reminder
right money on the merchandise, was uncertain, sell yet teacher muddy Collar Tyler. If Tyler dies, will he ever provision in his will? That says you the cook him and make an epic meal out of him. I wanna be stuffed and put in your bedroom. I thought that, like the most amazing thing would be like noise, as each of us die we're we put ourselves like you know: cremated intellect little space bottle with some other spices. Now has the epic mealtime team in last may be. Someone gets that why's that, it's getting over. Who knows how much you guys are going to make this mining girls yeah, like the spacecraft success, get our eyes no vaginas generally such prevent these only us to gain a hundred pounds for the movie I've been easily gonna play you Anna Maria he's gonna play neither tire people always Coloma at the beginning. They call me that another like now it's the fat than these yeah. Will you?
it's really nice to meet you I I love. The really cool thing is a really cool thing. What you ducas, I love seeing someone take, but we just an idea and then overnight, but then also sticking with it and making it making it succeed. That is the key out its that's been like such a fucking trip. We are that that house I can offer for the g for showing how the regimes like this eight million dollar homelike were in it and we see bright and they're playing Xbox. They just like everybody TAT show budget with The other night, where I was on the balcony of this, like a dollar home, looking at the pool in the jacuzzi, and there is like fireworks going off in the distance, though such like us, the real scene and all I could think of dislike laughing and my headache, Bacon. Did this scar, Bacon vague in this? Is that's really you have allowed to take four breakin? Well,
I've got a little mutual low mutual. Don't get me wrong. There are bacon, is a billion times bigger, asked Billina we're we brought a stalker get. If you love to see you do something with African Shorty Award Rwanda Shorty awards in January Dragonettes. He at last the award at our last meeting their testimony- and I saw him not not too long ago- might call me an idiot Thank you. I swear. He was as it your requirement. I dont carries the man. Well, things are going on and will lie with, focusing that I hope the pilot get picked up. I hope we get to see every meal time on television. But at least no matter what people will know that every time will always run free and wild on the worldwide webs. That's right, free and wild. Unless you know internet changes possible, Twitter
twitter, handles throw yeah. Ok, we're! Ok you because of all that at epic mealtime, ok, ok, ok, I get me is at heartily plays. So your style of mine is at tea, Lempo, T, Ellie, M c o I let you know what actually Tyler is a good person, a follow on Twitter, like you in alleys and eighty on epic mealtime in an idiot on Twitter, but I'm tired of this translates into a good a hundred forty characters, excellent out muscles glasses to local here. So I must have glass. Couldn't here, but will you please now my would last Saturday I gases the dumbest thing I mean we can access easier ok a word from muscles glasses Great is the man thanks around here and the ehler just lucky and called on the patent teller of Bacon, because we accept fossils beat the shit out of a feller war of here.
Yeah they were just disappeared. Being allusion to punch before he gets out of the jacket would be there we had. We say something at the end of every episode, but now I feel, like you could say, enjoy your epic burrito with enjoy your burrito at the end of every episode. Should have been a burrito that we ask these guys to make up a region your Tirana sounds: there's a brute could come as they do. So, we see other some larger cheese on the tortilla on the inside rather exile? Ok, so it is a Vito that has waffle, stake, MAC and Cheese, some sort of liquor syrup and anything outside Super zone is negative. It pig feed as leg. I just want to you, but I don't want it for your mouth and one or two things here. This comes at a job like this weird we take the males of it.
There is actually just ass pig feed now leaving noticed tat com, enjoy your burrito? This episode of the Nerdist Podcast was brought to you by Bing. Only been now integrates information from your friends on Facebook and experts on Twitter, so you can tap into their knowledge, opinions and spent less time searching and more time doing now, search go social checking out at Bing dot com
Transcript generated on 2020-07-14.