« ID10T with Chris Hardwick

Conan O'Brien

Conan talks about comedy writing, The Simpsons, The Tonight Show debacle, and the process of making a daily show. He also opens up about anxiety and perfectionism in this FANTASTIC and hilarious chat. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We'll never noticed by gas number one sixty seven guise of tabled by cavity specially to Europe this Friday, the seventeenth, unless, as after the seventeenth in your listen to this, you can forget this ten seconds. If you wanna get tickets about gotta nervous, dotcom, Slash counter, also Matt, Jordan are going to be travelling over these grand country of hours. More dates are being added all the time, but we do have shows coming up, for instance, in Boulder Colorado March. Second Austin Texas marched third Philadelphia March, twenty third Atlanta Georgia, much twenty Fourth Minneapolis much thirtieth. I can't go any higher absorb back at the bottom medicine Wisconsin April, twelfth Chicago able Thirteenth. I was in April, Fourteenth Royal of Michigan April twentieth, State College, Pennsylvania April, twenty First Boston, Massachusetts may fourth we're not done when a drag those nerds all over this fuckin country, you're gonna, get to hug him touch him poker, pension, say hi, it's gonna, be
there's a big for news, gonna, nervous industries because no or care, but several months ago I partner with a company called Geeky Daily, which kind of a geek Daily email newsletter, and we have completely mashed up our companies so now, starting this week, Dietrich Daily Newsletter is now nervous news. Yes, there is a daily nervous email news letter that you can sign up for, and you get amazing reviews and recommendations and also to
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coverage from the events on the nervous channel at Youtube: debt cancellation, artists, every night, we're gonna, do parties and panels and in life, music and comedy along the way, and it's gonna be a fun way to going to take the con out of the conflict and just carve a pact on the California coastline for days leading up to setting comecon. So you can purchase run segments is their quarter mile. One segments, of course, of the force, dot com and all the money from the run segments go to the maker wish foundations. For good cause. So lot of fun noticed up brewing. I am on over load had like to welcome a new sponsored, the nervous podcast. It is stamps dot com. I have been a stance that companies are actually for. I think, maybe, since about two thousand for it just I do not enjoy going to the post of his nothing against the people who work in the post office. It's just they dont designed to be a pleasurable experience, was stamped. I come you don't have to do any of that stuff. You can print and by official yours postage on your own computer using Euro printer, its super quick and easy
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I cast our little dream ship that we try to keep afloat. Speaking of dream ships. I am so excited about this episode. This was Conan that we recorded about a week ago. We went to his offices after taking on the show and he's amazing. I mean the sky was so influential to what I think. A lot of contemporary comedy is between a late night and also the Simpsons and pretty much everything that he was involved with. So you know I I try not to nurse out too much of a project of this really was, I mean people always said like who would you loved ever the pod cas? You know Conan was an aim that almost always came up for me, so I am super thrilled and hopefully my life is not downhill from here, because I realized one of my dreams when he was great so amazing to talk to really just a thoughtful guide. Had so many wonderful things to say about comedy and sort of a nerd brain and it was, it was an absolute blast, and so I hope you enjoy this under.
Progress observed number one. Sixty seven with Conan O Brien now entering Minister COM, that economic as well as all the others will make sure that people there, like you from the gift or their LOS Alamos like Well, I guess what my friend no wonder it set what well than ever, as I can see your friends on the red voice now, sometimes with something. The issue we say: Jeff processing material
they're not say we this business to longer earlier on its on our American, but we need to be given by the goal that we give to like twenty years. Just like you and John Foresight is cabbage patch babies were there now all you do- is work on stage with an iron, and I get in here. Yeah sides over does constitute thank you, So I will do my seriously Where were you realize that I'm Superman? That's the thing? Are you coming out prevented? The pie has actually agreements matters it like you not things over. Another guess damage is that sees only superpower, the real this round, everybody got drunk and Superman. Three, That's right! I'm very thought himself
I wish to God, you really early, I was show, and it was great doktor- fills funny provided I don't think I like such an add my own strategy. Are we going by the way It is not only to strap dynamite editor. I know my strategies always been Aquaculture ass, any leeches, this foolishness of people, the Harrison, forge a good example. He goes on. These are chosen. He's Harrison Ford. On our show and I'm such a fool. That eastwards, acting like a fool and- and so it is a fact- and I think doktor fell as an example of this guy, who you know we just Hughes, who, if things I do this horrible impression with my finger, I'm sure my ass in his face and then afterwards he leaned over to Missus Zack United.
I don't know. I don't like that. Another shows me said another guy. What we do, but its priority for aid for him like not having to shout at irresponsible moms like they'll, come on Yeah yeah. I hope so I mean I I like to I like it to be a safe environment from whoever's on the show you not my philosophy is I take the part seriously and a friend of mine alone. Ago said that it was my first got announces taking or for ladder man. It was obvious speculation. Who is this guy? started calling people that new me, because I wasn't doing interviews and my friend Eric Rife said the thing about countenance. He likes to be funny with you not accurate right, and I thought that's probably the best description that was ninety. Ninety three. He was saying madness. Thirty, and that is my things I like to very uncomfortable. If I'm not good at
talent for slicing enticing. Somebody ran if world decision it's just that's not what my skill set. Here's. What I really like to do is co op, that person and then and then make them a part of my comedy team of its and then there are shows where we will have a successfully afterwards. The book I will say: well, you know a guest is really funny necessity, say I do with my life than actually got my own eyes virtue. Yo years ass that interview you're talking to the fuckin puppeteer right and rage, but I gotta think that's, I think, that's good. I mean I don't reprieve positive on this show with people like we want everyone to have fun and have a good time, and I don't really, I feel it gets cheating to pulses onto your show and then try to attack that it's like yeah there there in your turf
That's the easiest attack in the world when you can bring about your territory and then just start laying and also the most gratifying basis, It is now really well, that's gonna, be in a poker. That's about all that John were kicked out of costly there's a year. I think there are people who reveal themselves you gotta. Let them run if a fair and ass all you gotta, let that will be revealed time and then you can try and help them in an hour after a while there been times when you just you know you just let them do it themselves, there's not much. It's not bad at all and then, but I think for the most part, there's a very it's a big part of our culture. Obviously watching people be humiliated
everyone knows reality shows in people and so that I think there's plenty places to go. If you want to see that and when I attacked a celebrity they're, not in the room with me ever further cowardly Rebecca really got a nose at this point. People know like I've got a book slowly, you it's not like he's now aggressively, taking a stand. He now exactly. I I've always wanted that to come across, which is that we're not we're. Not. That was never the philosophy behind. It was its very much a cartoon show that brought to life your end, I was so influenced by cartoons as a kid. I really do like it. When you shall becomes cartoon. And I like things to be visual and silly and almost have like it should look funny with sound like Sex Avery Caravan Airway, I kind of the Classic Warner brothers. You know yet road runner,
Coyote kind of feel to it, which is you know my expressions, even I just I'm, I'm very. I act things out alive and sometimes even Nickelodeon show, and so I ve been doing it always times. But if you watch the model, I was no sound. You see a lot of things, and I'm walking by the camera everyone. David Director who's new. Who follows me to my to know: it's locked off. It's all that shit that you do when there's a closed circuit television at a best buy and you start climbing ranch oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you're gonna walk off the camera, yes, a funny things to happen and I think a big problem in comedies. It you're the camera, There was a thing for a while where everything we use came from energy leave. It was that all of its cool, the cameras constantly up to your face Yasmine over here lower and you can't do comedy. If that's happening, python Python were masters that an end and then an AIDS Zuckerberg.
In every other matters that have just of of just keeping a wide shot and just learning something weird happening: the coroner S and not calling attention to it and letting people discover as there's nothing We are in something happening and building quietly in the background, and especially when, as an authority figure, what we ve done is a million times, but we lock off the Cameroon, I'm talking and then you know, Annie just go by and the background or in my biological disappear and then I'll be back in again and people laugh. I think it's. Basically it's like an hour. Reptile brains is what you do with babies you disappear, then you baggage peekaboo yeah. I am, and I've been doing this for a long time as we know have some sophisticated view of what this is and I think now it's really still peekaboo alot of fines and there's nothing the biggest last. I get him just looking sad ounces of- and you know someone was
like well, you know I'm in town another you're, the best looking out that would have some gas will say something kind of innocuous, but its has a slight. It can be taken as an insult and the crowd will look to me and I'll. Just look slightly in its region Any move is needed as its also smurf reared studio audience because they are donors. Have you ever been to like a saving of a talk, show items? You know people come through their choice. So whatever they want to see a television taping and they it's so easy for them to get distracted by there's a bad there's like there's camera guys so, like biggest visual, so to pull them into the show, as vital I'd love. To say that I, you know that I came up with some of these things are persist, but basically you're doing it is the sense of humour there was downloaded into my brain somehow, but pretty much fully formed out of hand like fifteen, and then you just do it because you do with you. You go with what you got and
so you know lots of people have united, look at other people. I really admire like a look at some like Stephen Cold. They are nothing he's a precision instrument he's just there. And I m really good ways very talented, hee hee hee. Can he can pull off these moves and sort of an exact way? And I can never do the same thing twice. Like I'm just area, you know what I'm doing at the time. I feel like it's just that almost I have like sloppy energy by it seems to work in a country like a province of you know. I think it's yes allotted, I'm never tried to. I grew up in a big family and it all starts with making your brothers and father laugh and that's where ninety apes, and if it comes from Most of the work that I most of my school was kitchen table stuff like conceive and get some gonna see that can really make people laugh and then you take it the school and they do it there.
Then it's just you were the form just keeps getting bigger, and then the next thing you know you're doing it on a television show, but it still the same thing I'll just get on a run about something and people are laughing, and I must say to my writers I would I would save my best staff never gets on the show. I am really Emma performer from my writers and for people in the office. I do things long extended crazy, left, brain bits and now really laughing and I'll get my colonel of the driving home, and I think that kill us. Those guys are either riders driver was roused up around people, the audience You can just news. However, I love it when things go wrong. My favorite thing on the show is when there is a mistake, I'm liberated such an uptight. I will behave Catholic that when things
Screwed up and the rules vanish in, it's not my fault, and I and I have an excuse- it's a snow day, meaning if something goes wrong of tonight. When the director made a mistake- and I can I I made it part of the bed- we're doing a bit about Craigs List and as on Craigslist, many cuts to the wrong person I sit here is my ad would looking for a new director and, you know, people love that I like it when something goes wrong, and I should I prefer that does everything going correctly, I like it when things break, I like it when The gas does something we are they weren't supposed to do and you, as I comment on it in your honest about it, people love it and there is a lie. Of being honest about whatever situation urine, and so I always do believe you go out there and you don't know
you won't take away anything that makes it seem like. Yes, I shall write because I am not. I don't become somebody else. This is it and you know I was feeling actors have a luxury where, if you don't like what they did, they can say you know who I was playing. You know That was the character. They wrote for me and I did it. I agree with you. I was horrible sort of that sort of a little bit of a freedom nickel. There hasn't been. He is a genius, but he is essentially playing like that shows almost a sketch, oh yeah, playing a character life and I always thought would be incredibly liberating tube like instead ever would ever to be a character because then you have some of us responsibility freely, but you're. So European, Europe's Proteus, like the exaggerated version yourself on the shoulder, decides it involves. It is the only thing you don't see on the show is I have theirs. The flip side, with
If I can get very in my head and depressed in you no kind of dark and I go into place and then I zip out of it. It's almost I've had people in my family to my life say I'm one of those people that needs to like go down and touch the bottom of the pool and then shoot up again, and so I need to do that. People don't see that part which is just as well as a minute. Just me with no animation and incredible lifecycle. Russian episode do right. Come so you can have all about yeah, exactly Dimas logic, weird swords remarks that you have the engineer at every episode. They really upset. You got what you wanted to stick onslaughts real or wasn't a convincing frown. You. Are you hurt yourself? Yes, you. I think that together, remember I was raised Catholic. I think that's a catholic thing, yeah
yeah, you know sometimes the writers, I'm very judgment about, because I was a right for so long. If some stray I'm I'm really. If I'm allowed day, you now say that I'm funny about something, I'm really funny at tearing I just said: I'm not good at being invoked something I'm really funny about. I think about tearing apart a comedy peace. There was a flag construction at an end, and then I haven't seen memory for it A writer sometimes will come up to me and say what we had to say: the inability I s, sons, a lot like you know space. Not yet another was, and I remember- ninety nine easygoing it again now- and I remember I remember too, that the word: what went wrong with peace? Isn't it doesn't work? I have this sick perverse memory for white failed. What went wrong who wrote it, how silent the crowd was.
A while, and then I can just spit it right back at these writers and they despiser. I find it is commonly commonplaces, underwriters room and I do not be like that's great. I didn't realize you know we were doing in episode saved by the Bell Why did you know we're doing another? I'm really you know Don't get it up, I'm really hard on that stuff and so yeah, but every eye was tell them. You don't realize that I'm his heart of myself, mean I wake up at night. Now being it mood and then my brain will think of something I did that didn't work or a moment where I was exposed in onstage. In some way and I just it's like a visceral rats reaction to it. You know you know you idiot, why did you thinking and my wife is heard me say
We should like going about Roman urinate at night or something and then I like, look in the mirror, and we should be talking to you in myself. A person I hate the moves Europe yeah, my biggest if my ear- and I hate my reflection, my art- never says I you read my body dead. I think you know, I think that my my My calls that, oh that's the fire and your valet like that's why you know that's part of what makes you successful and I guess I mean I guess I guess that sort of you, but I hate I hate thinking that. Will you have to flag late that you have to go to flood yourself in order to be successful? I hope that's not. I hope. That's not true. Not I've come to believe I've come to believe that it's a competent equation into coefficient. It's never just one thing: it's
you wanna, take one part. Talent actually think the first one is ending talents overrated. You know, I can't tell you how many more syringa parents, friends my pen, friends of mine, parents who parents who say, will my son's going after learning be fine, because you so talented and I think that's that's. Actually many people have talent You see talent all over the place is how is it harnessed, and how is it? You know there are plenty of good things in Liverpool the evil ever in their own wages is a really good he's, really good guitar, as he's great You know about our interpreters, who see a guitar centre on Sunday, ready and worrying aspect, and I was thinking comedy like theirs is yet you gotta have some talent. You can't have no talent ammunition, that's not true!
let's have been proven wrong on that some talent and then it's gotta, be you have to mix these other things in and you get this equation and I think probably an important part of the Congress of the equation is some degree. Yourself loathing now in the right amount, but then overtime. If you have too much if that grows too much, it can't hurt your comedy. I think they're comedians they'd get they'd get lost. You know like they're they're, picking apart there, jokes tumor there, you know their rushing himself too much there over thinking it and anything. Ok, it's really tricky. As I mean you know, you started. About. What haunts me is you know who's really funny later in life and you go through the last of all of you,
really you like at all, and then they did the movie where their research particular really seriously yeah, and so there are ongoing. I'm always a joke. Just a vibe seiners, those whose pretty George Glass George Grant State Funny Millbrook honey can signal, Brooks he's a funny. Guy movies are funny he was you know. I saw the thing that he did with due care, The purpose of on theater, I guess, and it was it was so, is a really, I think, he's a. I think, he's yeah. I think he's like a force of nature, funny. I think, there's also different styles age. Better than George Burns was very dry and very quiet and had Gracie for a long time, and so it's a mistake. He was a pitcher who, through like thirty five miles an hour,
but somehow get people out and myself. You know so he could hear you know knuckle bothers, you know, can play till they're like eighty, an end, but I think people who get by energy or just raw physicality, only or nerve, were, I think you know one of the things it was hard for Jimmy chases. You know he was young and brash You know you can get away with so much more and then this is theirs. Jerry Louis, is an example of a guy who is for later on? You know you don't want to see what words Louis hanging from the share of you see her Jerry Louis hanging from the chandelier in eighteen. Forty, nine at the you know at the five hundred club. Is the funniest thing you ve ever seen. If you seem hanging from, the Lebanese. Seventy five. You call the fire of this disease. We gotta get him down, he can get hurt. Nobody is either accident. I wonder if some of that, if some of that is, I mean, I think I think, there's a certain particle
they say. It's a driver is a sort of this weird broken thing in a lot of us out of this room of just like I need, I would have you know we're going to have a lively and you get older. You get comfortable their successful year, really have that fire anymore. If you like, I you know, I don't know, I think you know if we think there is a as a a fear. There's that that you can lose your way. You know, I guess it's you see with songwriters all the time after they got a billion dollars and got a penthouse woody What is it you have to see what he was it? You have the same, also go start out with Belgium alone, one but would also year. I think, also your environment changes. You know, you're not. You're a little more isolated. It's not like you, you just out in the world living. You know, like my eyes,
that's what I think it's really important to like? I am the world's, and I know it's probably not. I don't know what the real world is. I don't know how to prevent the real world, but I do I have to say environment where I can be ridiculed like. I think. That's really important here. This show Andy can will we make fun of me, the writers and go after me? I go after them, my assistant, I have this relationship with my assistant sauna, where she just can tear me apart and you go after me for being an and have you know not knowing how to use my computer and just trying to shreds- and I think the other something about that you need. You need an environment where, if I walk in wearing we're choose everyone can selling what is with the shoes, and that is good. That is that that help me in and also I go out. I have kids, I will kids and
I will let you know, they'll tell you and we know we gotta go to school and talk to the teachers and you gotta go do stuff and I try- and I still am not one of us I'm not at that level of celebrity where you just disappear into like a white cocoon gives off lightly some Gaga egg. You know I've go through Dr Throughs ends. You know I've return things to the gap scenarios that you're just like us. It's not like you. As I found a yearning independently, extremely wealthy. We live in a bubble. The biggest bubble out, there's gonna great alarm at the base of the Basel bubble made of dry while should really got to hear about standing by yeah, I saw nobody, you know and then there's just. They assured the biggest question to me, as would you rather be funny you're happy with it? That is the big question, and, and what, if it comes down to, you can be fun you you can be happy
and I think I know when I was younger funny, wasn't even a choice would much rather be funny and happy and then later on. I think now and probably getting a place in my life, where I would say now it's time to be happier You know I'd still like to be funny, but I'm not willing to shop happy, I'm not willing to do it and you know that sad I still have plenty people coming They also I'm saying: why are you in this fund or how did you go down rabbit holes of just cognitive therapists? Describe it as you just you just go down like a for tax of negative thinking and the next thing you know you're you're stuck in it and its craziness by it is some kind of you, no mechanism. That probably help me
when I was excessive team and now it doesn't, it just gets in the way of other people that rely on you and your family. Like really have the they have now. I got really found like their these really now said to me. If you have a creative mind, I describe it sometimes is a very powerful lawnmower can do all this stuff, but every now, and then it turns around and rolls over there and shoes you up, and so that's what happens to me as I just have a very good. My dad is scientists and ends a mad science. Is it my dad's, a scientist in and he's very smart guy, and he once said. Basically, he looked at me and said you are making a very good living off of something it should be he did and other loud any describing how I mean really com
a lot of comedy, is making these neural leaves that should happen. There illogical. You know there there's. If you look at it, it sees were trained to have. Magical new release, and yet, when you sit around in a room- and you know, since one thousand nine hundred and eighty five actually in college since nineteen eighty two pretty much full time. I've been trying to think of what's funny and weird, and so just thinking weirdly I've trained my boy, I mean nothing. My brain naturally wanted to do that and then had to spend What's in, that's how I wrote it sound like the simpsons. Its thinking incorrectly right is funny, was Elsie Marta recent studies last because a discourse of rethinking just yeah, yeah, and it's basically the same idea. You wanna thank you, know one of the four sketches arab summit live with. The first idea is ever pitched sat live
was a a professor whose looking anthropology professor, who is afraid of the scale. Lab and if you think about listen, illogical idea, but I just love the idea of a guy very straight closes the labs, extremities lecturing your big Roman. I forget it. Actually I think jungle GO ended up do but I wrote it in its just a whole class there of unity. Students listening you open up in his their witness. Guaranteeing them is not looking at issues. Gesture. We, of course, is the is the thickest in most densest of the bones with the seventh century. Here. You know flange at the top, which is there to support the way the tv is made of a calcium depository which, as you can see,
in its reaction to students, are you going to let any recovers and then the whole joke is how do you the ribs. There are sixteen ribs, What need on each side there giant spinal column, see they form a rate which is called the police. Yeah, that's it just disappeared each time and I love and then he goes to the dean and that was so hard is like service skeletons scaring year. I'm terrified me gothic. What have you went for smaller skeleton, it was less, you see the transition you see and lecturing and there's a little robbers hang in the window any get started illegal time. That's jealousy, he goes back to the door. Everything is like. What have you tried getting up? This gallon is something it with
don't you see, and lecturing and scale one's got a pirate costume and he's like the mandible is, of course, the figures. A region of the bone. Where any looks at any cost has pirates make em land again comes into check on him sees the pirate and got and ends with them one day happy, the other, being scared and later? I remembered L, Frank and I put certain offering instruments when he said why. Why did you think of that, like he would use to me, was a big compliment like all too weird They have sedative Reagan, gags future senator for laughs.
Rank and presented by there's a you know. It is a incorrect way of thinking and it's why you know. Sometimes I can standardized tests. I would David asked the question and I would think like really weird reasons. Why could be see when it see now it's a real and it's like? Well, I haven't weird magical way that it can be and you think now you idiot, but I I there's something about that kind of way of thinking that is actually incorrect like ever. She should have gotten. Is there really a reason for us to have a sense of humor you think about it? Is it is it necessary- is a figure that defence mechanism. I think it's the way to deal with covered by way of a very alleviate depression, but I think it's all of you. I think it is a colleague we said with a lot more analogy, but as the idea that you know as as
for whatever reason you know comedians being a sort of critical deconstructed of reality answer you constantly breaking things, gonna break things down, and how does this work, and why is this How could this be different? And then, when you run out of things in the external world, then it's like the long like that in the machine like It must be exactly what I will travel. So that's exactly that's what happens is then you become, the german we're where, if you know it's actually that it's the movie speed if the bus slows down below fifty five you're gonna die ran a blow up and what happens is I you know what I went through all my craziness two years ago, a it's so fat. I only lies now how all I did was, and it was the perfect opportunity to go away from here- Everything was now go away for wound, regroup and I didn't stop for a second and actually went through all this herculean efforts.
To make this life show into this social media thing in work twice as hard as I've done in my life at a time when you know- and I think that was a survival mechanism- I needed to go- create something again front of people right away, and then you step back from that. You think what does that say about that? it's gotta stop at some point and I dont want to be like eighty five you now taking on what it had times without facial surgeries reason there is no such thing ass, a bad guy and I would just blood- is coming out of my hips. Does work anymore about the journalist got married? I came our reasons. I gave the coat between him back in the forty two in those areas. As is really animated, and then they could you do that. I want this past year and as hazardous waste do any of you. Morgan. I living on a computer and
Eliza Iphone is much more sensitive yeah. There's a must have been correctly like I know I know you ve talked about this. I'm sure a million off I, but I can't even just as a performer, it's hard enough in this. The eminent. I know everything worked out because, like their veto, the page and you got to do this new show, but still you never fear security in this business now, even when you fucking move your entire thing across the country like, of course having now of course, everything except where they wouldn't jazz. Everything was angry and Annie richer. He is actually a good cause. We brought any back when I came out here. Do they still do? night show and Andy said. This is like the only thing communicated like being a tenured professor life Those surveying poverty to you know this, like we ve selected in international housewives, six years and he came
It is long gray. You ve been in training for fifteen and eighteen years now, you're gonna go over here, and that was actually a good lesson that Oh and we knew things were funky beforehand. When schedule stuff was happening and sheltering in slid to tat puts it will be important. Attenuate, ok, will we know things were we're going into it? There was a weird vibe, but still I have a really good imagination and I could never have predicted all that craziness and then the result of all that craziness and so there's plenty a times now. I know you in some ways. I think it's just day gift of some crazy kind. You just have to look at. Is it a gift and ok here now we're here and
we all I need to do is make this show and if I'm someplace, where I can make do the kind of thing that I like to do with the people I like to do it with and we send it out there. You know That's all I need like will do that and whether it is shown that network- or here it's just it's just gonna- have to do with it sorted it sort of. Was it father? Was it weirdly, imprisoning when all this crazy shit going on in Europe wait and see how the present speculating of people going. This must be having it is, then you know the real story, and you can't really talk about it, but yours firing off subtle things on twitter. Here there is it was? It was. My feeling was always that you know the whole world. But I wasn't allowed specific, Where was allowed to talk about certain people just to get my contract paid off. I was unaware that was the arrangement, but the the
and I always thought you know what I wouldn't say. It's like you wouldn't do me any good to go after those people anyway, like that's night out that really was that's not who I am and it would not have been my intent you that anyway- It's like, I think people can kind to see what this is like. I think I think you know another twenty people, love shit going on in the world, and people who don't pay attention to this, and why should they? my house who gives a shit and I get that that's, but for people who even paying moderate tensions you. What I think you can see like to see what happened there. And you can see. It shines a light, a little bit on how things work in how certain people behave and other people behave, and so, It was felt like. Ok, that's that have to go out of my waited get my story out, because I think that's. I think it's clear,
and and and if anyone cares to no one looks it up and researchers. It looks at some Youtube clips, they'll get it I wasn't there. A great moment in the late shift were like Letterman is so saying I wanted Joe you now and then, and then he knows producer says you know. Not its show anymore or not. That start to show you figured it site like that, was now garrison with the view that at some point you must have had a very like you know what maybe this isn't the show that I thought it was, I think there's definitely definitely know to say, is NBC cured me of my addiction to its inertia I had a very successful treatment. Merely public goods
It was so I thank them for that, and there is little thing sometimes where also you know comedy particularly Everyone in this room we got into this. It's not you go law school, you go for three years, then you get out. Then you clerk here than you do this then slow you move up, then you make eventually you make partner. Then, when you ve been partner long enough, maybe you start, on firm. Then you hire associates and then eventually you retire suburban or working, you weigh up the g ladder and then you end up by was a senior vice president, and there are plenty of professions where you move up in a sort of crime. Logical linear way and comedy just is not that way. There's no,
you mean there's no waiting, your turn, others, no genetic mean extra, especially now with digital culture. Like you right, that's what it thinks it was that I mean, if you think about it in twenty five years ago, if I it, sent out that statement said. I'm not doing this and uncertainty do those kinds of shows that I was doing it. The emperor tonight show I've been gone and I mean really gone the way people used to be gone right. You not have been lost, and we don't have that's not the world anymore, and if you ve got something they people some of them something people are interested in, you can get it to them, and so now that's refreshing. You know that that, unlike I say, I think you have to accept that
this. Is I chose this there's that great line, the godfather part two were thinking of his name, the old other, not that yeah yeah. That's it but I find it hard to further. Isn't it maybe you're right. There are now dependency, the godfather yet advice, or is it just to listen? You too have ruined this project, forget about it loads, both of you, please I'm doing this. I have a gun, me. Here is primarily Strasbourg in at one point we Strasbourg says this is the business chosen. I never asked who shot Magrini is this is the business we ve chosen and that's the truth thing I can think of about being comedy and show businesses.
It all things, get crazy and things blow up and go spitting out of control and people behave. I've seen people behave horribly and and I am delighted that I just always say to myself. This is the business I chose like. I chose this. If I want, if I didn't want this I've gone to dental school, I could probably be accompanied dentist and I'll have a fairly regular despite. This is what I chose, and so you ve, I love a lot of the I don't know. I don't think I change it. You know, I don't think I would change a single thing about. What's happened in my career because I remembered first, a measure to allay. There appeared a time where I was unaware, Lloyd and seeing a do. Pars do pars, having pancakes gradually probably real there. The dew power is clear, the unchanged yeah,
and after having their pancakes in our member states. That depressing thing we don't have a job, and I lived in these three hundred eighty dollar month apartment and I walked in- cars and once it is maybe eighty seven I'm sitting in there and I have no job and I'm eating pancakes in its one o clock in the afternoon rocketing lie in their german cars, and you know they have places to go you're getting an income. Sitting there, and I was looking at my pancakes just thinking. I don't care what happens in my career. I just wanted to be interesting, I remember very clearly almost saying that out loud, like you know, waitress thought is talking to her knees and talking to God it out of your blocking. My message to wages working here, can't you looking up dramatically whenever and so
So why are we gonna crazy? What you guys get creative industries, but you weren't in other kids, yeah exactly you're the greatest. Are you you're? Thank you your president airline fool. You graduated. I haven't job for I would not deserve the news and then that dried up in my writing- foreigner Greg. And I got laid off and, and you know, I think he wouldn't gotta per tonne job. I got a part time jobs and was working at this. Wilson's houses swayed leather like over, and I know that plays yeah. I've seen it yeah. I mean this is investment is anything you like you argue, keep seeing Guy Hindu, your heart degree off you go. What are your plans building a cyclical
Yeah go. Did you pardon and workable since our swayed leather- and I a bright- I remember thinking I just want my career- be exciting, whatever happens. I know I was never someone who was focused about. I wanted to do my sing. My way, I wanted it to be exciting and then, after that, the refugees details like you I get paid. Do I not get how does that our work at a member? Being very unconcerned about that? And you know I had I work. Same clothes for couple years I bumped into someone recently who knew me from that time who worked in production and said you had one letter jacket and it's what you where every day and genes and is won, T shirts, I get you know you can live that way, you're out of college, you, don't I dress, you, don't a higher and
I never spending money and I had nineteen semi three Plymouth valiant that I drove around in an so you think Ocampo Bulletproof, I dont care as long as it's fun and I don't have to do. I don't want to work in a job I absolutely hate I'd like to, but I think that has all come true and it's been a crazy right. I've had one of the more interesting rights in show business and I think our So what's the complaint you know, I've still got a few was as it was, the view work. Well, I mean I am still I'm still, no matter what people say about half an hour like greater used to be better at this, whilst still and ninety minute brand new show that you put together. Every was right, I really love. The main thing is, I want to be in show business, the kind of show business that you see too takes it.
Old movies. I wanted showgirls people and horse costumes. You know guys distressed nazis backstage, but will make up the other five. So I simply want to be involved veil and my favorite movie growing up was Jimmy. Cagney is Yankee, Doodle Dandy, and that was I took tat. Dancing lessons I mean I wanted back to be that kind of show business and when I first got away, they put me in a room of fluorescent lights and said just think of ideas and them to this secretary and will get back to later and they will a workshop on the show, but there is no production. There was no I find most will be working in ancient, are blocked on taxes is not. It was a good displayed to think of visual gags for, like two years straight by my whole career, was moving closer and closer and closer to show business and of everyone.
Finally, after three years out here working differences, I finally we got the call of duty store alive and I get there and people are running around bans were her saying you know there are people dressed up in crazy, costume smoking. Backstage people dressed is alien screaming at somebody like you that might everything a southerner, humiliating costumes. It's like a guy, addresses a lobster sing. Now we talked about this shot dead, a single and degree by favoured here, because those yes, yes, the same thing and that's what I wanted in the late night show was, you know, actually be remembered, actually feel like. I drifted away from eggs and one percent of life. The citizens and being in a room again, and so I would jump around the room and actively thing out. Do the voices and climb up the wall? I was going crazy because I wanted and then
The late night show was me getting to the gooey molten core of this is what I want. This is and you know the show we did we very much worse. Let's be silly and No Letterman's show had brilliantly, then the first Anti talk Show- and I ve been very ironic and detached, and I thought which I just silly- I'm I'm if the sketch caution lots of fake gas people in the audience stressed is Hobo: aliens and you know higher balloons crashing into this sad images. Madness we want to did go that way and just absolutely loving. The shop in singing songs, and just I remember thinking, ok, This is what I like to do in its worm really comfortable. I really like that it works Nice is my mind. I'm an anxious person over things have attempted everything things from nothing.
Better. For me, then, you're on in ten seconds rats organizes my mind. I just get really like what do you do? You know my right, Brain has to shut down its over. You gotta go and then you go, and we did that you didn't think was gonna work destroy re, something can for some time he don't have much. When you look at the board, you think these guess aren't grey naw man we're gonna, eat it tonight and it's just magical. I dont know why. But something happens in this. Open your deliriously happy and then you ve got those other nights. You started it. Many over and you you must have when near the middle of a thing you know like this is a worrying just as you are there just rats inside your brain, just chewing your brain, or are you just thinking like ass gotta, commercial fix it? I think there used to be reduced to be wrong
chewing on the inside. My brain. I've actually described it to my wife, not that I know what ever be sore feels like I said I feel like I have Herpes source in my brain. There fire when things are not going the way I wanted to go community, I mean I don't have any ego about my athletic ability or how I looked or anything like, but I have a real everything's invested in his something fire I was not one. I think it's happy or that you know it's these red pulsating hot sores in my brain, and it takes like three days for that crossed over you know is this:
asking is that sounds, and you need to do now. She further use of cream and antiviral cream and your current changes color. This is real. Has it actually has an effect on my body and not even kidding? I has, I can feel ill. I can get rashes like my auto immune system is affected by me. If I, if things don't go immediately at my skin. His heart, I don't feel well, you know, is one of those things and when it goes When things go well, I can be sick like a bad cold. It flew and then go out a great crowd in the show, really works and there's no, the shows overrun, you know cancers,
from this possible and then was cells or water and pilot phase. Exactly? Is it possible that things go better than you think they're going? Yes, the guy? I would you be, in other words, would you be bored if every show was like a gum and amazing experience, I'd like to try that reminded right out of it. Now I think it's you know the struggle, it's all about the struggle and like the great things you now There's a thing as a mentality you need sometimes and show businesses were people say that was great do that all the time and you think no by in its ensure read the really great stuff has to be.
Where you can even really love Monty Python that really great things. It's not just pact back to back to back. It's you ve got a vague, its there's gotta be some quality to anything creative where the really good stuff is not common and so on, I do a remote segment. It's really good people. Sometimes people suffered like men out where you had thing. You didn't you open the chinese food that was we should do that every night and cut to me throwing them out the wind
because I think you know now that took things take a long time to percolate like you know the you know, my only hope is it your judged for your best work if you're judged by your best work I'll be ok, I feel like you, you, someone explained to me once that your creative likeness is laying down little tiles and you can't see what it's all making and sometimes it's a slightly darker talent,
other since, and it's really brightly coloured tiles. In terms of what you you will lay down: seven gray tiles and around you know, you're making a much bigger piece which, when seen when its completed when it's done, could be quite fantastic. You know that you're doing it tile by tile day by day- and you can't know- and so you now you get humble about. Ok, we have shows where I didn't love that that felt Billy, you guys, like you know they can, I'll, be there just not supposed to be there's no way. I can't the magical moments that people really notice, especially in this culture, now words saturated, I mean I'd. You think I fear for the future of our country. I think you know every young person I talk to whose I kind of medical students, medical school status, is taken.
Improved class. I actually want to go to the U c B and learn improv you know how do you worry? What was Why do I did a lot of research and I know how to actually transplanted corny at its growth. So why did you really praiseworthy, but I'm going to judge that, and you know I'm really give a good engineer. I can really be of great stuff, they could see no cure brain cancer, but I want to go and you me, and so I do think that, like India, China is the reason Our lunch is that we're all giggling and making little films up on youtube- and I think the Canadians just gonna come over the border. While we're giggly and take over our country, Canada and Mexico a form, an alliance and then just like Starbucks Judges command and will be you now. Everyone of the panic on will be visiting
little silly videos with each other and integrity, all of our goal in all of our rifles and our nuclear warheads and will be doing you now. This thing we did when we present our friend then put the exact to again President's gonna, be a cat who scares itself with its own farts they were all the world's totally, but I do you now yeah, there's a there's so funny things you get older you now. I believe one of my life to it. You shouldn't be known ass. The earth availed something inside this country is worrying and employees sitting in, which is why it is right that I do this by the way where she is the proper choice in nineteen. Eighty five are not now not for you. I love you did this over. That idea of the animal S, clear, labelling
I am really without its Michael, with laboured smile dead, ultimately, is what Stephen Seagal did out his life yeah. You're eighteen years ahead of your time ass, it can be done. Using you're, acting abilities to what's our by Adam West is just a genius whether both night with you. I still think that man is maybe the pound for pound and its height, like the funny show. It remains as it is so there's such it's so insane, Adam West has such a conviction about what he's doing in its midst we're doing those movies, like fifteen before ten or twelve years before the airplane is right, with airplanes. Seventy nine, maybe some like that. Yes, yes, so that man is sixty six, I mean you're so far ahead of the curve, which is that genius governor of you say, seen things
the second you circulating accommodate. So yeah and ice and winking and letting everybody know- and I think that was the big you know revelation like my generation grew up watching Bob Hope and you know, do the specials. You know we that was an end scene is kind of sketch comedy that was had been the norm. For like six years, and I think when younger people today don't understand, when Senate Life first came on the air. The first time you saw a city, It was just so radically different from what it come before you can. And you know it's you can imagine you know you could literally at the same time that yeah, Richard Pryor Hosting sent alive, you could flip the channel and watched Johnny Ray or the Brady by a string of varieties
you're a swimming pool stuff, it was being written by like eighty earls yeah and it was like wealth under the programme, but you will you seem to be nowhere. Watch out you jack, Jan and one could get. Someone gets, pushed and falls into the swimming pool I know exactly. I know it's funny, but is it really was that that sort of that period of time where it was like now we're gonna be real and rod? You know people know that prison shiny and that's what this double game I use my genes. Provision also is the real revelation. Was the ban on Saint alive was wearing jeans like no one head? That was a mental leap that is on boy, you know today, its everyone's competing to out What is I mean other than just the only thing we haven't done is murder. Someone on tv-
you know ever Amene it'll happen wasn't a second. I was gonna. Take as when the internet slowly verges with television. There will be some sort of crazy snuff channel when there's no actually see the right. It's going to you now I mean still, I think, that's the big picture. I have your people bitching about all this. You know get ten thousand channels, but nothing good design, and I thought well wait. You thought it mankind as a whole was gonna get ten thousand times more like the creativity and culture is a constant and then it used to be that. You know, in a city of like three billion people, seven people were allowed to express themselves. They had to be rebuilt today had to be they again. You know,
I d like Apprentice for twenty years and ended in a family. They became a grand master and it's just you know, shot and ribbons and Eurasia. You finally get there, and now no apprentice, the apprentice just grabs is his camera shooting his own deck and give a sign that any gets more hits. Then the grand master you know that would be funny dominates loud and about not gonna gets so just rosin ears like when they are still this evening, I also never would have funding cut was ever was making their own videos here and there a little What's also harder, do you look it you show, shows the talent that you showed shows had As you know, it's Woody Allen and MEL Brooks and Doc Simon You know, call Reiner in the list, was on an amount of all like the funniest people. That generation worked on, one tell it
and for a number of years we think about it today you know talent is constantly You hire some to be an intern on your show, and then you lose them three weeks later because they got their own show there. In our ends its happening, More and more regularity leave to go everybody's, leaving as they got an offer to go beyond movie or Vienna. You know, and so it's very hard to corral talent and keep them corralled. You know because it it's hard to get all the hot coals in one day. Piled, create super he'd, its harder and harder, because you, everyone's drifting constantly and and
you know into making their own thing, and I my I've always said. I said this like fifteen years ago, and I think it's more true now than ever, as I think it's all it's gonna end with all of us having our own shows just taking turns being gas on each other's shows and just right. I guess what I'm saying is: it's it's, you know and literally like every household has its own show and that its people shuffling the only reason people go from one house to the other issues to be gas on each other and that's how food is exchanged at our information is briefly exchange that everyone's just constantly blasting your show out there and you know I was in a hurry. Categories either on the Oscars. Now there's fifty five best iser nominations vast shut movie, it's just get it. It's fragmenting so much, and changing so much that you just have to whenever get lost
thinking about it all. I think he got really simple. Do your show fine! Thank you something funny avenged, you'll come up with something that's pretty good, and maybe people remember that and then try and do it again. You know- and you got to keep it that simple and then at some point, you'll die that's good- I mean you're pretty firmly rooted, though I mean like you, you really think you inspire degeneration of the lovers of kind of nerd theme comedy. I don't love. You specifically thought of it that way, but it was clearly I was trying to be a job. Maybe you should have, the bonds. I wasn't really is how you guys we're getting his nerve. That's not at all what I was going for now. It is a good thing
nothing else will their wishes, and the idea was that we spoke to an entire general in between. You know that you know that chunk of the citizens- and I am a talk- Show- was just sort of late night without rank, and I got an idea, five? That's been missing, we ve been looking for that is on my belgian. It's been on my desk. What's acres, now what the nice thing I mean the big reward. All of it is, I really like, On constantly meeting young people in the US, until it's embarrassing, could you mean, like an above, an unattractive woman, initial sale Are you sure you thank you see ass? I was, for us oh yeah the biggest Common denominator to alive staff is just don't lie. You know it's just curious yourself and let people know that
you make a mistake. You let them know, I think over the years that's been you know, probably the number one rule, I've learned is don't find for Jack, something it's not, you mean- and so I think. Usually the experience people have that I hear when they come up to me and talk to me as if they all your just like you are on the show, like you're, not a different person. Do you know what I mean, and I think they I'm inside when real name's Chip Whitley and on his first that I think I think that's what I think. That is a function of what I call like post Vatican, to television, radio and the carpet, because I don't think Carson was the guy that you saw this an eye Joe. With Johnny Carson. Like that, you know, I don't I don't know yet, there's a different? Was an old school, a performer like none at all, you have your public persona and your private persona is arch. Did I hear it is actually no one ever sees it now you
Can you too happy is gonna work on television and then like when they came later argue Kika hoarded, death yeah, which is now still sitting deserve that notion deserve it why did you kill her Jonah meeting, but that's That's that's I think yeah there's just, It is changed so seismic glee and was interesting. Is that people watch tv now? Don't you can really do? The thing is to do is just keep moving and just keep doing what you do, and you know we have the these really smart people that work on social media stuff for a great and they are- and I dont even pretend to understand half of it, but I'm just going with it. I'm trying to stay loose of notice at the people to do well. Our stay loose, don't give up your core comedy principles, but just our rights, by this, I will try I wore this. Is the new technology I'll do it? I is such a.
You know leap from my ears because during lunch you're, really great adventure, but I'll buy. One question is whether you are California Harry patrolman. Why resolving crimes? You know my finding my ships and a realises that they locked themselves in they invented chips and to highlight patrolman whose job is to drive up and down like the one on one, the freeway. And in our immediate waves, like good theme song, Eric Estrada the motorcycles everyone's in Dover delivery will cost. I will cause any realized. They must have realised like two shows in nothing happens when you write up and down and so then they started coming up with the most cut. If you ve ever, and then I'll see you. I get a chip segment animals. Or I would call it from my youth these guys rising along. The one on wine and up ahead they'd have to cars that, where, where kids and then we're throwing ff
air bombs in each other's powers, and I agree that got us adopt them or else robbers stealing. You know there. Scheme was something that involved robbing a bank. On the one or one while driving, I mean they had to make everything happened on the freeway, show our driving as early as others and it's none of it any sense in Euro as a writer. Just it was that air and therewith, whatever the fixation was that week, which is hang gliding just go. They would always have that be the beak law, which is you know, Are you excited about the big disco, cancer and another big disco? Dance thing punch. You bet, I am a love those, Cars are committing a crime on a one percent deprive you know where you're going to commit crimes and then they go and I saw that crime and then it would end with him so brave tonnes can there all dancing in the whole forces turned out, but the worker Gypsy Wanna, gotten police good. Now,
It was a golden era of tv. I do think this is a golden era. You think there's more great good tv is better. Like I look at making bad it's all a cable, mostly on cable yeah, but the good stuff is, is eagerly good. You know you just think this is better than stuff. How many times have you pay for movie ticketed just be been terribly disappointed. And then someone will turn you once you like home Lander were breaking batter and you what you watch it you like it all fits together its co. He were you know, twenty four, you like, oh, my god, the level of the acting in the writing in they thought it all out. We'll do that most movies. Most you no words. It's you know it's just sort of the idea of like you will show the grating very at a smaller tables, as I fear cooks in the kitchen, they left greater people before we ve got it right with creative people for each area, and I think this is why you hired me, I have, you, must have sat in a million no possessions really. Why did you
we have you we're just gonna tell we uniting particularly now with a few exceptions. We then left alone other for doing that. I think at the late night show they people just stayed away from eggs. I thought this guy's not gonna, make it, and so we did our own thing in and by the time started work. There are just as you know, we were shocking, lay unsupervised for years there, and here they pretty much less duly completely. Let us do we want so I've been lucky I haven't had I never got into that kind of television, where you need to service Emily Notes and where I may. I was very fortunate that way. I guess you have more and on your side too, so he was probably like. I let him I think yeah. Exactly actually. Oh he's weird options. It's amazing, because I know you, you have admitted that you know it. You showed secret.
Like three years to sort, but you re job we get on my tenth anniversary, specially had Mister t come out and presented me with a solid gold, seven and then, where are my napkins saddled seven view. Seventy you know use, and I said Mister t I've been on the air for ten anything more than five percent guy got his huge laugh. It we get exit was seen outside Europe funny moments died. You know, which is just dumb lot, that we survive oft early years. It will be difficult in today's television climate to be allowed to develop Oh no, and I think that we were it was lack of there. Is they wanted to get rid of us, but didn't have led the backup plan yet, which would take time? You know when there was a lot of like you're fired soon where is? Actually there was a moment where I was cancelled, but
their meeting where, like I was cancelled, at the end of the meeting you know if we cancel it, we have to replace it with you at so they went okay. Let's wait we're going to bring Greg Kinnear in or something and it was like. Don't handsome yet unhandsome him, but there was a meeting where we were cancelled. Ninety four and then they had on chancellors to keep us going and ass when we were put on it wanted to press on week to week droughts o language guy. That's all we can do it. We contracts, because some possible we, the writers, no agent, will make that deal for the writer. So that's when they said you can do thirteen weeks surrounds Searchingly cycles for So you know that what some of the and I'm ever thinking ass, his crazies my career, will ever get
that was you know before the ultimate thing that was ten times crazier in its own way two years ago. So if you stick around you'll see everything you know, I give you. If you stick around This is long enough. You will see insane behaviour. Craziness. You'll you'll see relatively intelligent people. Do the craziest things it's it's really incredible, it's better than quite a experiment. I guess the trick is just a hang on. It's like you, think you don't quit the field like if you still on the field and you're still playing you, you can there's always a chance that things can turn around them and if you still feel like you're doing good work or something it's I mean I I dont have. If I thought I wasn't contribute-
anything that we ve, I wouldn't do it and is not even a. I dont have to accept that some money in the bank- it would be- I just wouldn't have. I have no energy to be funny. If I don't think it's good and I just and I have no desire, like all of that, goes away so that everything was the women. The greatest thing I love doing. The great thing about doing poverty is when you think you have a chance to make work, but when comedy isn't going well, I would much rather dig a trench for electrical pipe. You know like I would or collects your cable. I would rather do the worst kind of physical paper. Then then the five people and how
It just be crappy its money. How people use money is as as like as like leverage against people who are successful and they they do. I feel, like they're, not learnt these people are given the leeway, the successful guarantor of the leeway to like hey. Just because I have this chasm levels. The mean I'm never going to be unhappy about. They looked up your fuckin million early, but I still decayed myself in they way before. That's that's the thing is I mean, there's no Illusion always is that you can get to a place where there will be no unhappy. And be nice to have you told me, you have your own show because the counting shower late, I was gonna Brian. Are you know I announce people recognize you
be nice to you. I would just say like I'll, be completely satisfied. If I could have that. Have you told me that in two parts I said you know we're very great, I will never complained about anything again bullshit. You know when it's just you know, I've read interviews with Palmer Car reside complaining about something you're, a billion air right who is acknowledged as the greatest entertainer of all time and you're a healthy. And you sooner than you know, have become you why why why I mean you ve gotten full credit for it and you thinking because he's a human being yours there's always in the happiness, there's some sorrow in the star or there's some happiness by Q. It's you there's always going to be that Nick Stars going to be the saltiness bleed and that's just the way. It's got to be we're going to have a good show,
we have a bad have a pretty good show with a great moment we're gonna, a pretty bad, showing a great moment will have a horrible show with no good moment. Will jobs, will have our downs I'll, be on everyone's list of the favourite and then I'll, be on the non? No less than that I'll, be unaware of the worst and then I'll be back and always innocent you just if you're a long enough. See how the whole thing is kind of justice absurd. Like this journey in your eyes, also covering. That means that you never it's not like. I got this. I just hosted a showed something: didn't go right, Then it's over it's over now know that they are. I don't pick it up again. Yes, something I mean yeah. You just stay you now that sad, I completely lose my perspective. Probably five times a day mean asked the biggest I wish prospective seems to be something that we have
four minutes at a time. You know a close friend eyes and you think, oh, my god, I can't believe I'm worried about these trivial things are nothing to worry about that. Again. Eight minutes later, because my snake but what we're swears you're so used to being an aeronautical over like street view, like Google MAPS, you're sleeping on reveals like the tile. Now that you just it's hard. Sometimes you still want to get things done. You still want to be relevant. There's a really does like the hope. This isn't a dumb thing to reference, but I always even as a kid I always loved this moment in the movie. Parenthood were Jason robot talking to depart and see Martens like freaking out about his life and in these robots goes you never pass the touchdown line. You never spike the ball right it's. This is just life like you. Just keep going, yellow right- and I was kind of felt like right. We'll just robots is wrong,
and now he's got an asshole yeah. There is none of his two under review. Yeah got out of his own over now, the year? That's the same funny thing about careers: do is careers down. You know, careers just keep going peoples. You know I mean. I think, that one of the great things about that. I think one of the reasons things it add someone Carson Legend visit, AEGIS recite by some I'll see you later and then was gone and image of vetoes broke up and probably would have reformed unlike nights in eighty five, some and you know I later something will have played an original song, we wouldn't have enjoy you know something would have, but you know it didn't happen, and so there was this magical, its magical. Us now and I'm in
Overstay you're welcome school. That's it. I believe sticker happen, filthy. What I heard the body there is a jig? That's that's the best idea, There's a there's something magical about that, and no one. I would I find it. Nobody goes away and mean I'm guilty as anybody Nobody, because when a culture now were you know there is no going away. Those way like Phillips Lou demonstrates this. It's her gentle, ah shit, good call didn't go away, he's back any interviews, an rules about battles and using Waterloo, diverse areas, colonies in parallel use of younger
That's really at this early hour like Logan's right, I'm sure terrorist cells really awesome if you're twenty, but then all the thirty year old Joint wait a minute. I really think this were amended beers, yeah, there's, there's no, nothing stops now I'll just keeps going were all you know, and then people who had incredible careers and then it sort of has a natural end will be on Youtube. Video faces just fallen,
like hot wax answer. Your ears on tv- let I it's true- I love there, but you know like and then we'll wrapped up in a second, even more than cooled at the time of us, but I am, I I'd heard Fergus over them. If I have a couple years ago- and he was I can't- I took the german- I really didn't understand what it meant to have to do is show every day every day, if I was sick or had a fight with someone or didn't want to be there and but to me- and maybe it's because I crave just the constant distraction. I think it sounds amazing to have like a home base everyday decree acting. I think you know the only thing I can have errors, the truest thing I can say about this kind of television, is the bad news is your on every day and the Good NEWS is your on every day and it is theirs. It's this crazy. In Yang symbol of your driven mad
are the volume and the volume is. What sets you free the you know. If we only did shows- and we were completely ready to do them out of made seven in my entire career and we would not have arrived at any of the really good stuff. The good stuff is all come from desperation. You know you're back against the wall. You try something. It hits all of the debts that people have like the most from the time that I've been doing a shows its ninety three. You know the good stuff has always been a happy accidents and its come from we get over, you know, and then you, you find these Betsy find these things in these characters, but it's the volume of it in its also with kills you, unless you crazy, you're drunk you dream when you're, no one cycle of shows you dream of not doing shows, and then the minute you're not doing shows you ve done
and so I, my wife, As said to me many times, your shows the organizing principle of life, yet is what everything else is organised by this you know iron ride in the centre with which is the show, and then everything else gravitate surrounded. It was her way. Send you don't love me off after a day. But I have a lot of trouble ahead. More trouble in New York. Then I do here. This is then me, I'm, I didn't have to pick up on energy around New York. I could not settled down and so I didn't sleep well oh and I was in I come home after doing a lot of showed no his energy and then you come back to a small apartment and there's your your honor. You write you sharing of you rock with eight million people when you're just bouncing off the walls and you go outside and in IRAN.
Because I hate wanting you just you you you get its overload defy it whenever I could get out of the city? I like here it's a little easier for me because I have like a forty five minute drive home and you just sort of you know it's something. The decompression I'm down at the bottom of the sea, and then I slowly come up and about the sphere. The freeway and then I get home and am actually and its nose and a little bit grass outside yeah, fine and there's a tree outside my house is ok, it's not so bad. I have a hard time ever really hard time. Coming down from shows and very what you see is realised very animated. A battle in again ass. Your strength is your weakness. My strength is, I have a lot of energy and my weaknesses. I have a lot of energy, so I look and intense energy
in answer and the show when it's over I'm kind of managing the meetings. Afterwards, tonight popopo fast- and I got all this- I have to say and uncertainty the show and zinging people about things. It didn't quite work whenever necessary Sometimes I'm wondering how is your movie here and you know trying to make an intern languages. So let's see it, as the flip side is really hard to come down to ask you a personal we're performance mode now, stop being in Vermont. Like usually does it just you gotta like it's an adrenaline, Russia's just like it's in your fucking blood, in its also the big. The big thing here is that when you do comedy misses the tricky thing, it's probably in some ways healthy, but in some ways not- they sure you're going out there and you're putting us?
from the line and you're you're agitating this part of you that, as you said, probably defence mechanism mirth, so you're your poking it as your picking a sore, and we know in some ways you don't need to be that negative about x. I think it's It's a lot of release, there's a lot of like a very healthy expression, but there is also you're grinding away, you're insecurity every day. So that's the thing it's kind of interesting. Is that you, patch awaiting your enabling some part of you that may not be healthy over and over again, and sometimes I get out of my staff because they'll give me time for being overly knocking woman will make fun of me and give me a hard time for being overly analytical war or overly high. Things are
man s core to obsessive, obsessive, compulsive and I say to them: I'm sorry, you're! Your paycheck is coming from my sickness In writing. The back of my mind, mice, myself. Files video unless you're, like as you are working to, but were all taken a ride on your enabling this by working. For me, this is your answer and I are tied up and you say to them like it's all your fault. You should have taken me the hospital once him again had to have your checks. And you got your money you kept going and now. Let me know what you ve done: it easy boy dance yet! Sadly, now you now, you want to stop stop for us. Oh yeah, Islam, it said well, this is
This is really awesome I mean I can. I think you will find what I love. I love talking about this stuff and- and I really like a legacy- I don't know where all this is going, meaning the comedy Zeit guys universe, but I'm always heartened to me and my talk to young people were funny in sharp and I think he has all, but that's all I've ever wanted out of. It is just when I'm eighty a second still bump into younger people who are into it and try. I mean I've always feel like I can always with actual writers roamer, whatever work on a guy like the process, I really love the process and I believe in it and I think the scale of it becomes less important to me. Like you know, it's even you know. That's I think ass. The good news about this new World Berlin is that you can be
the creative and interesting, and explore great areas on a podcast united Mean and people here it s. The other thing is like people hear it, and I know that I'm gonna be in Seattle, visiting my in laws and are going to coffee, placing a guy warming up. My facades chemists. I urge you- and I podcast- and I love it when you said in it- that to me that connection is justice. Is someone seeing you on the Oscars there yet guys, just as we ask the what enables the it's better together, they ask is currently you so much. I was a great I'm coming to show and get mad. Thank you so much. A thousand, we get it right. We figured it out I didn't hit record nice well played with sir I ruled out.
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Transcript generated on 2020-07-15.