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Trump's legal team uses the left's violent rhetoric against it

2021-02-12 | 🔗
Sean Hannity breaks down the left's long history of inflammatory speech
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to Hannity tonight we have breaking news on numerous big stories: New York, Governor Cuomo, in big trouble. After a bombshell, new report revealed that Cuomo attempted a cover up the nursing home death toll related to his disastrous covid 19 policy. Some are now calling for Cuomo to be prosecuted for obstruction obstruction, even have fake news, CNN, fake Jake, tapper hes, actually covering with scandal tweeting. Today the story keeps getting worse for Andrew Cuomo. We are going to update you on more with this developing story and give the latest from the multiple scandals now rocking the anti Trump Lincoln Project. Now in complete meltdown mode, Meghan, Mccain, wow unleashed brutal tweets tonight, one of their cone founders, Steve Schmidt, just resigned in disgrace,
but first the Democrats, snap impeachment charade sham it just faced its day of reckoning. Finally, the presidents legal defense team. They completely eviscerated all of the Democrats paper thin arguments, all of which were, as we told you, unconstitutional, none of which meet any real legal standard that would ever hold up in any court. No rules of evidence matter in any way shape matter or form and to add to that they are editing, slicing dicing and then purposely ignoring all damaging exculpatory evidence and presided over by a judge who already declared Trump guilty wow. This is the United States of America thats, a kangaroo court, the house managers. They were eviscerated on their argument over incitement, their favorite word insurrection. They were eviscerated on their argument of the constitution.
The presidents defense team exposed to managers manufactured selective, editing and expose the Democrats rampant hypocrisy. It was a humiliating total complete beat down. Now the defense team started today by showing how the impeachment managers actually had to manipulate and did manipulate the presidents January sixth remarks watch for yourself. We are going to walk down and I will be there with you. We are going to walk down. We are going to walk down to the capital, we are going to walk down to the capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we are probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because youll never take back. Our country with weakness,
you have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capitol building to peacefully and patriotically, make your voices heard now, as you could see. Not only did the Democrats selectively edit the presidents speech, they also manipulated key evidence, pieces of evidence and they frequently relied on guess what well their best friend sketchy news reports and rumor to make their case. I would never fly in every court of law. Take a look according to those around him at the time. Reportedly responded Trump. Reportedly reports cross major news networks,
including Fox NEWS, reported reportedly reportedly, not accidental, according to reports, spoke to the guard according to reports. Reportedly. This is why, as Jonathan Turley warned, the country, you do not do snap impeachments. This is why you actually need real time that youve got to take, so you can gather real evidence, so you can conduct thorough investigations, allow due process and even oh, the thought of it allow for a defense now. The Democrats case rests on two incredibly flawed and extremely weak arguments. Now, the first that the president said fight like hell and those words are unacceptable and they incited an insurrection on January six from the presidents rally, as the presidents lawyers rightly pointed out today, in
what became a ten minute straight montage, showing democrats themselves frequently using this phrase, fight like hell or fight fight, fight in front of their own supporters, hypocrisy on display take a look. We can find or we can fight back. I am here to fight back. I am here to fight back, but we are going to make sure that this fight does not end tonight. This is a fight for our lives. I will fight like hell to fight back against anyone. We need to say loud and clear that we are ready to fight a bare knuckles fight. Now they are going to have to actually fight back. We are going to fight back, not just take this lying down. What we have to do right now as fight as hard as we can, we have to rise up and fight back continue to fight.
This is going to be a fight. We will fight him and challenge him anyway. We can. This is our fight right now, theres, a fight theres, the fight, then theres. The fight to defend just have to say this is a fight for our country, so, based on the Democrats, definition all of them were inciting insurrection. If thats, what you believe every Democrat would be guilty by their own standard. What is their standard and what about their violent rhetoric? Doesnt count as incitement to insurrection, as as always on the show we will. Let you decide, take a look and uprising. Maybe there will be there needs to be unrest in the streets. For as long as there is unrest in our lives, we have to be ready to throw a punch, Donald Trump. I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. I thought they shouldve punched him in the face punching him. I would like to take him behind the gym and fight him. If I were in high school, I
would take the gym and beat the speed twenty four out of ten fiber and high school I would take in behind the gym, take them out now when was the last time an actor assassinated a president anymore, any anywhere. I thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House get in the face of the congresspeople. I want to tell you gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released a whirlwind and he will pay the price you will pay. The price was put okay, as you all know, now it wasnt just democrats spewing violent rhetoric, but their pals and allies, their press offices in the media mob, two thousand and nineteen, the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin, calling the Republican party calling for it to be burned to the ground.
We have to level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered the storm, they will do it again. After years of this type of rhetoric, there was a wave of far left political violence. We all watched it with sadness and horror all summer, most Democrats, the media completely silent in complete denial. The silence was deafening, the lack of just counting reality before their very eyes, one year of riots, the Democrats, the media mob. Oh now. Finally, they are telling you they care about rioting. Well, we should all condemn this. Shouldnt be political, all these riots, any violence, whatever it takes place, and yes, every conservative condemned what happened at the capital. In fact, in many cases you had Democrats actually encouraging this summers, riots watch for yourself. They are not going to stop and everyone be aware.
Some of the damage people will be waking up to im, proud of New York and im proud of the protests. There is damage everywhere. You look honestly. It looks like a war zone heartwarming to see so many people turn out peacefully. They keep doing it day after day after day, a nation of quality protests, the patriots or protesters St Johns church is on fire. I hope someone burns down your whole precinct with all of you all inside, not generally speaking unruly this summer. The vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris even promoted the bail fund for rioters, arrested, saying get
back out and join their friends. I guess, can you imagine if President Trump ever did this senator Lindsey Graham raised a powerful question earlier today? Take a look: does a politician raising veil for rioters, encourage more rioting, counsel has five minutes. Yes, if Donald Trump incited violence and insurrection, then so did pretty much every democrat in this country, especially Vice President Harris, and if the democratic managers, if they applied their same standards to Kamala Harris and other Democrats, they should all be impeached and they should all be tried, including Joe Biden, the guy that wants to take trump to the back of the gym. Then president and beat the hell out on the president of the United States. Is that not incitement to
insurrection now so are their claims about the presidents rhetoric the same thing? They want you to believe his statements about election irregularities and voter fraud that it caused violence on January. Sixth, you know when he said many of you will march to the capital peacefully and patriotically, so your voices can be heard, but if that is the case, well, please Democrats, are they going to be impeached? Are we going to put Senator John Thune? Are we going to put them on trial? Should they be censored too? Take a look of Stacey Abrams, not win in Georgia. He stole it its clear. I say that publicly its clear you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you. He knows he is an illegitimate president. He knows he knows that there were a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out. The way it did.
Votes remain to be counted. There are voices that are waiting to be heard and I will not concede. I respect where you are coming from and I respect the issues you are raising. You are not answering the question I am, you are not using the word legitimate. There are still legitimate concerns over the integrity of our elections and of ensuring the principle of one person. One vote. Todays presentation was so compelling so damning. The Democrats were forced to return to their favorite smear. They accuse the President legal team of racism and sexism yep. Take a look. The defense counsel put a lot of videos out in there in their defense playing clip after clip of black women talking about fighting for a cause or an issue or a policy, it was not lost on me, so many
of them were people of color and women, black women, black women, like myself, who are sick and tired of being sick and tired for our children. This summer things happened that were violent, but there were also things that gave some of US black women great comfort. Often when Democrats turned to identity, politics kind of means they lost the argument earlier today. Here is what Senator RON Johnson had to say. Take a look. I think the presidents lawyers blew the house managers case of the water they legally eviscerated them. I think their arguments when they show the distortion of the tweets. The selected editing show the reason why due process is important, and it certainly proved that the first amendment applies to political speech, probably more than anything so yeah. I think the presidents lawyers just blew the house manager case out of the water.
As you can imagine, the media, the mob was not taking todays evisceration very well. In fact, they were so upset by the facts of the case. Amid a multitude of complaints, they decided even to attack yours truly. How did my name get brought up in this little event, while titillating and surely satisfying to viewers of right wing media? None of it defended the tragic consequence of Donald Trump speech. I hope and trust you have never used the word fight in a live report, as you will be part of the afternoon montage. This presentation is very partisan. It was a Sean Hannity mix tape. Almost literally, what we saw Timmy was a preview of Hannity tonight, and it really did seem to be trying to make this as much of a partisan process as possible because long video clips so many of them that we have seen you know Hannity and other
shows on Fox and the video presentation gratuitous over the top repetitive about Democrats using the word fight. Was that meant to do number one make the client happy the truth that they wont tell their audiences today, probably many of them seeing their own words in the media and the Democrats? Oh incitement to insurrection. That is why this program is independent. This is why we dont rush to judgment its why we conduct our own investigations and we provide important context. That is why we got it right and they got it wrong. On the Russia Hoax, the Duke lacrosse case Uba Cavanaugh Ferguson, Cambridge Police, Baltimore, the coming in ten high school kids, the media mob got it wrong again and again they rush to judgment on, get it wrong. They do it every day. Every time we were right, they were wrong every single time. Thats the same going to this snap, impeachment peerless comes onto three facts. One Senate
has no jurisdiction over a private. U dot S citizen and cannot remove president Trump from an office. He does not hold two. According to the FBI and Doj court documents, AOC and even the fake news media outlets, the attack on January Sixth, was preplanned. The presidents remarks, therefore did not incite an insurrection that was planned ahead of time now, a small percentage, maybe one percent of rally- attendees, sadly participate yep and they will all be held accountable and three. If the word like fight like hell and election challenge is not grounds for impeachment than the Democratic Party are in a lot of trouble, the snap impeachment Schiff show charade will be over. The present will be acquitted, as he should be commended in the coming months. Democrats will be forced to answer for their own conduct, the height of a pandemic, millions out of work. Millions more suffering Democrats chose a political show trial as their number one priority
in the midterms. I hope you remember that you now need to know this as well to vote Raskin and swallow well and Warren, and pretty much every other Democrat Schumer and Joe and Kamala and Pelosis Fight L as part republican senators, like Senator John Tune, reportedly open to continuing this charade with a censure of the former president, any Republican that votes to keep validating and legitimizing this madness, while never ever John Thune having the courage to ever apply these exact same standards to your colleagues on the democratic side, he would need to be primaried, and when did John Thune ever lift a finger to help expose the Russia collusion hoax. I dont remember anyway, any Republican. You are going to apply these standards any more of this to
Donald Trump, apply it to Joe Kamala Chuck Maxine Waters.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.