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Trump slams Biden, Congress in 'Hannity' townhall

2021-06-30 | 🔗
Former president joins Sean Hannity for an exclusive interview from the southern border
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
At 1000, thank you so much. Thank you. So much welcome to Hannity. We are broadcasting from the South Texas Airport, and only a few miles from the U dot Smexico border. For the entire hour, we will be joined by 45th president of the United States, Donald J Trump with Texas, Governor Greg Abbott, and we will also asked president about questions of the day, of course, Donald Trump. No stranger to the southern border. After predecessor, Barack Obama left a mess. President Trump made it a priority to restore the nations borders. That means enforce laws, protect sovereignty, protect the borders, restrict ohmic, restrict asylum cases, stopped Obamas catch and release program. He instituted what was known as
the state and Mexico policy for new migrants and negotiated deals with several american countries to expedite the deportation of illegal immigrants. He successfully built nearly five hundred here. This is important because he told migrants around the world do not come to America illegally. He was very clear and he will make this dangerous trip. Dont, send your children, unaccompanied through Mexico, come across the Rio Grande and the desert into the border. Make no mistake, President Trump. President trumps actions are rhetoric or as effective as they have ever been a purity. For example, look at this headline Trump immigration policy showing results with illegal border crossings. Plummeting another from Axios illegal border crossings fall as U Dot, s enforces asylum agreements in another quote like him or
not it trump policies are reducing illegal immigration. Sadly, after Joe Biden sworn in them, he reversed almost all of president trumps border policies. Now you might remember this Biden and Harris told migrants come to America and seek asylum in America on the campaign. Trail Biden literally telling migrants to search the border lets roll the videotape. What I would do, as president is things would change. I would in fact make sure there is a surge to the border. All of those people seeking asylum deserve to be heard. That is who we are and nations. As you want to flee and fling depression, you should come. President Sippy CUP seemed a little more alert in two thousand and nineteen. The results of the border surge have been catastrophic in February illegal immigration, more than tripled
one hundred thousand and illegal immigrants apprehended in February. One hundred and seventy thousand in March, one hundred and seventy eight thousand in April and a whopping one hundred and eighty thousand inmates, by the way that is only the number of people we caught record setting numbers a 30 year high for illegal immigration and get this more unaccompanied. Minors are now crossing the southern border than ever before. It is a crisis of a monumental scale, border patrol agents. I spent a lot of time with them here. They are overwhelmed, overworked dangerous cartels and making millions in human trafficking and taking advantage of the fact that all the resources are being used, two basically processed people illegally into the country that gives free reign to the drug dealers, the human traffickers. We know where ninety percent of Americas Heroin comes from our southern border. We know the fentanyl crisis, the number of deaths that happen
each and every week about three hundred all across America because of these drugs migrants facilities now operating at over three hundred percent capacity. With the help of the Biden administration, illegal immigrants are being relocated all over the: U Dot S in exchange forfor in your promise. To show? U to a court date if that date is even given out. This crisis has no end in sight, but instead of reinstating, the successful policies have Donald Trump Joe Biden with whole border duties. He punted to Kamala Harris for months and months flat out refused to visit. She finally decided to make a stop in Texas. She had time to stop by El Paso for a couple of hours on her way to LOS Angeles one big problem: El Paso is not where the current crisis is happening. It is happening right here where we are according to a new Harvard Harris Poll. They rate
Kamala Harris performance as poor on immigration and a poll sixty eight percent of voters believe the Biden administration are to blame for this urge sixty one percent also blaming Biden, the surge of unaccompanied minors, a fifty five percent Think Donald trumps border policies never should have been undone. Eighty percent think illegal immigration is a serious issue, but its not clear at the Biden administration is able or willing to secure our southern borders. Actions speak louder than words to that end. During his presidency, Donald Trump visited the southern border all by himself six times Joe Biden has never visited not once lets. Think about that tonight. Im a we are here with a crowd of great Americans, including many friends of president Trump. I see my friend is in the crowd. Congressman Billy long is because purity, Governor Abbott, will join us on the stage, but first joining us right here
in South Texas, the 45th president of the United States, Donald J, Trump cheers and applause wow wow, what a crowd chanting former president Trump. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody! Thank you. What a group thank you! Everybody cheers and applause grab a seat. Sir okay, I have one minor complaint.
I did not get that reaction when I came out laughter. Thank you, Mr President. Cheers and applause nice Sean boy come. I guess one boy come. I guess one question my asked this crowd com. Are you missing me yet? I think I know the answer: cheers and applause from day one the day you and Melania Trump came down the escalator. You talked about securing the countrys borders. You had a fight hard to get the money to build five hundred miles of wall to stay in Mexico policy. You built the wall, you ended catch and release. Now we see what is happening. Your reaction to all of it well theres, never been a better time six months ago and never a worse time. We had the tightest security and you could come to our country illegally. You know what else massive amounts of drugs human traffickers commit bad, bad
people, criminals emptying their tails into our country. Other countries are emptying their jails into our country. We never had it better and now weve never had it worse. In the history of the country. I just saw the governor Lieutenant Governor a whole group come, I think, the largest contingent of congresspeople Eve at the border. From what I understand. I think they are mostly here too. By the way I see a lot of them cheers and applause. We had the largest. We even have dock the doctor in the White House, who became a congressman by the way Ronnie. Would you give Joe a cognitive test, laughter resident sippy cup? Come I dont know how well he will do, but I wont get you in trouble. I think I can say I a state he didnt get one question wrong: thirty out of thirty wow cheers and applause
and they are getting a little more difficult. I heard the first three questions. Are they take the first two or three questions and they put them in, but let me tell you they would not get those last fifteen right, certainly not the last ten. I can tell you, but anyway we have a border that is very bad right now and dangerous for our country. Fortunately, we have a lot of great people in Texas, cheers and applause. You know what is fascinating. All of a sudden Biden is blaming you for the current crisis. I know a little misinformation, they have done it for five years. Six years: Russia, Russia, Russia, I told Shawn, the story I go around and people are saying. Sir, do you know anything about Russia? And this was years ago, when I was running months ago, do you know anything about Russia?
Another guy? Do you know anything about Russia? What is going on with Russia a russian hoax misinformation? Now they say the Republican Party want to defund the police. Do you hear that im a bill? Lee Billy is not a big defender of the police. The republican party want to defund the police that started yesterday. I dont know how they get away with that one. The good thing with you, you take the old eclipse clips its been when I all when you look at what else is happening too, and it is interesting in states like Florida, South Dakota, many others. They are offering Texas and Arizona Support Health, and there are law enforcement in the dark of night. They are taking illegal immigrants flying them into the states. Now the states are responsible for food and shelter and health care and education and the states dont even know they were coming. They bring people into in the
states. Dont even know it take this commit is an allotment. It is called an allotment and the republican governors. By the way you look at the well run states. It is all done for the most part republican governors, all of them cheers and applause. There is a crime in terms of everything else. We have great republican governors, we really do. The policy is to has been reversed. Joe hasnt come to the border, you have been here many times and Kamala Harris didnt come to the border, but it seem like a photo up to me. What would you want them to know that they dont know, or maybe they do know, but dont seem to care about speak to wouldnt come. I was invited by the governor, and I said yes and very proud weve built over now. I guess five hundred build an extra two hundred.
We would do an extra two hundred and Nobodys ever done this, and all they have to do is go another two months and the wall would be totally completed by the way they have to paint the wall. I will give that job to Brian. You have to paint congressman. You have to paint the wall because it is starting to rust. It is supposed to be painted. They dont even want to paint the wall, its so disgraceful. Two more months. Everything would be completed and just like the Keystone pipeline, they will not do it. Forty eight thousand jobs and an environmental pipeline much better than other forms of transportation for the product. When you look at what is happening, inflation is going to be the killer of them. All inflation will destroy our country. The border will destroy our country, and you know what else will destroy our country. Predilections come up on, elections will destroy our country, cheers and applause.
I want to talk about all of that if Donald Trump and we had a hard time getting, videos congressman- and I know louis- was part of it- TED Cruz and many others and im ignoring a lot of you. I know if it wasnt for them. They wouldnt allow cameras in the new cages for kids, but in two thousand and eighteen they accused you of putting children in cages. It turns out the video was from two thousand and fourteen. You were not president. Now Joe Biden is building these pages in the middle of a pandemic, high rate of positive cases of covid and kids living on top of each other. Imagine for a second what with the press have been like and that Democrats have been saying that these new cages, but I really had that because in two thousand and eighteen and even after two thousand and eighteen, they
came out with these horrible pictures. Somebody came up and said: well, who is the contractor? I built those cages in twenty fourteen during Obamas administration, it wasnt trump. It was Obama that built those cases. I got a little bit lucky after he said that come all of a sudden. The cage went away. They are building them again because so many kids are coming in and you know many of the kids are on suicide watch, something we have never heard. Think of it. It is so miserable it is so hard. It is like I will say, come, although right now, I think it is harder in New York than Texas, one hundred and one degrees New York, but the kids are on suicide watch. Eighty percent of the hero one crosses the southern border. Now fentanyl two big fentanyl boast in the history of the country. We are losing three hundred Americans a
week and some cases more and Sheriff Joe said in a meeting with a round table. The sheriffs are incredible: the law enforcement in Texas and other places cheers and applause. He said, and I didnt even know this- he said towards the end of my administration. We had fentanyl virtually stopped now, he said is coming in at levels hes never seen before it was nasty getting through the border, especially with five hundred miles of wall. It was nasty and these people I gave them the right to stop people. Now they are not allowed to talk to people. You are not allowed to talk to people, but again, people coming in is bad prisoners in real, serious criminals, murderers walking in it. I will never forget im watching of all places: CNN, okay, this was a short term watch and
they had a reporter. No, this was I cant hear you now. The ratings are down. Seventy nine percent cheers and applause im watching CNN and a woman reporters asking: what did you do? What did you do? A very famous clip and murder? She said what murder she immediately: they cut off the camera, and that was the end of that, but we have thousands of hardened criminals like we dont even have in this country, practically MS 13. We took them out by the thousands. You know my told the story. Just now. He had the border three countries, primarily Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, MS 13 and other criminals- were coming up and they wouldnt take them back in the Obama administration. They refused to take them back, they would have planes on the runway. So when the planes want to run they couldnt land and they would stop the buses to be paid these countries any money they wouldnt take them back.
The three countries- and I know the heads of the three countries are very street. Smart dictators come okay, but they are very street smart people, I like them, and we get along here and spit on. You know they are evil, but they are not dumb. Look. We got along how much to repay those countries. What is I have to do with it, sir? Everything we didnt pay any more, we didnt pay and then I was called we stopped payment, we stopped payment and then the next day I get a call from all three president. You stop payment, no more money coming into the three countries. I said that is right. You are not taking criminals back, but we would love to. We would love to take MS 13 back. They are wonderful people. I said fine. We sent them back by the thousands they took them by the thousands cheers and applause, but nobody has ever done that before
nobody did that before. Do you have a theory and an idea, because I cant really think of one except that you know come in years gone by. I would argue, Republicans wanted illegal immigration because they get cheap and Democrats want great work, which would be amnesty citizenship. You do have rhinos a lot of rhinos out there boos these people. You dont, have any rhinos in this about forty five congressman here and women. You dont have any rhinos, but you have rhinos come. I called him weak Republicans. They walk into the White House, ive been watching for four weeks now they walk in and they meet Biden. He doesnt know what the hell is happening. They are sitting and talking about infrastructure and then finally, they walk out and they have a deal. The deal is a terrible deal, but it is a deal
it sort of reminds me of being in there a long time ago. We have a deal, we have a deal and you remember the deal with german question work. It did not work out too well, it reminds me we have a deal. We have a deal and typical come a couple of good ones. In there I dont know how they got roped in they have a deal and Biden canceled the deal, because a radical left said you cant make that deal no good. We want to spend six dollars trillion spirits be when they would back door for think they didnt get in the deal. They would back door through the reconciliation process. You need better leadership. Mitch. Mcconnell can no longer do the job. It was a very typical process because I was covering it every night that was, Congress was not assisting you for the money for the border wall, which was a signature promise you made in two thousand and sixteen, but you found a way to to get the money and build the wall. So
what I did is I got a big lead, Terry Budget, and I took it out of the military. The way I look at it, this fence I spent two and a half years winning lawsuits. We won all of the lawsuits eleven every one of them. I started building the wall. It is two months for completion.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-06.