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Trump remembers 'spellbinding' Rush Limbaugh on 'Hannity'

2021-02-17 | 🔗
Former president calls into FOX News to eulogize conservative radio legend
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Really was gold, which is a pretty amazing thing. A true original joining is now on the phone. Is President Donald Trump? Mr President, I know the honor of his life came from you and what that medal of freedom meant to him. I know the behind the scenes story. I know who made the first call to me anyway was Matt Drudge, and I know that you made your decision with your wife there in about five seconds, and you said thats a great idea tell us about it. It was an idea that we had that a lot of people suggested to me frankly a lot of great people of our country, largely Republicans. It was an amazing night because the Republicans went wild and the Democrats sat there, but they all respected rush. I think it was one of the great honors of his life, the
presidential medal of Freedom, its a big deal, and he was very honored by its. He was a great gentleman. Just like Mark said I listen to mark and mark is so terrific, but he said he special and rush was a very special guy. You said irreplaceable and its true hes irreplaceable. I remember discussions that we would have id often ask you if you come on my radio show or on six hundred stations, and you would always ask me about why our radio numbers so massive rush had twenty one million plus listeners and you would always ask me about rush and id explain it to you and youd, never for a while. I dont think you I knew you knew radio because she used to go on Howard, stern youd come on my radio show years and years ago, and but you are surprised that there wasnt this competitive thing going on.
I kept telling you theres no competition, there is nobody in his league thats right. You did say that and radio is big stuff. He made it that way. He was the king and by the way, congratulations because I looked at some numbers. You do real well on the radio. You would be the first one to say that he was there first and he was a brilliant guy, just a totally brilliant guy. He could do things a lot of people couldnt do he could just talk for three hours, no phone calls, no anything just talk and everybody found it spellbinding. So it was an honor to know him. I got to know him right after coming down the escalator. He was there right from the beginning. It like you, you are so great and rush was so great and it was something very special to
know him a very terrific man. It is a side of you that I know a lot of Americans. Dont know, and I know many people that this story holds true for, and I know on the case of rush and when rush had his diagnosis a little over a year ago, I knew you were calling him regularly minimum of once a month, often much more than that, and you would always be checking in how are you feeling? How are the treatments? How is everything going? I know you talk to him a lot. What were those conversations like? It was interesting because I didnt know rush at all. I had gotten word from somebody that rush was with us all the way we have this guy who is so big on radio. I knew a lot about on radio. I knew a lot about
rush, but I didnt know him. I wouldnt say he was not outgoing, but he was very, very warm, just a very warm person and when people got to know him, I used to call him the bowl, because he was actually a very strong guy, physically, a very strong guy. He hit the ball a long time and when he hit it and went along way, but you got to know him and he loved this country and he loved his wife because Catherine, she was fantastic. She had this last period of time, which you know better than almost anybody. This last period of time was very rough for him very rough or him. He really adored her.
You know its interesting on his show. Today I was listening before I began my radio program and they played a segment of rash in that segment. He said if you took tapes of him when he started in nineteen. Eighty eight in syndication nobody thought anybody could syndicate during the daytime and be successful and prove all the naysayers wrong. If you look at conservative justices liberty, freedom, less government, intrusion, less regulation, less taxes, lower taxes, energy independence, secure borders, choice in schools, the second amendment free and fair trade, peace through strength, some familiar clicks, because that your agenda thats, what you did he was right there. He understood it. He got it and hes been that way. For a long time, he hasnt been somebody that changed.
He didnt go from being a liberal to being a conservative. He was there from the beginning and he hasnt changed his views. Havent changed very much his audience, as you know, probably better than anybody. The loyalty of his audience was staggering. Nobody had seen anything like it. He was just a very special guy and hes going to be missed by you and by me and by, as you said, twenty one million people and I guess a lot more than that. Even he will be missed by a lot of people and the most loyal audience. Your own press secretary said she was a rush baby, her dad would be listening in the car and it shaped her viewpoint to conservatism, and he did that for so many of us and so many around the country I want to. Thank you. I appreciate you being on the program. I know I read your
statement the other day and I know you said in the months ahead. You have a lot, you want to tell us and we wont do it tonight. Obviously, but when that time comes, we are looking forward to hearing what your future plans are and what you are planning to do. I have a funny feeling we are going to hear a lot more from Donald Trump. Are my instincts correct? There is a lot to talk about and our country is a great place and we are going to make it even greater, as the expression goes, but we have a lot to talk about, but today is all about rush dont, you think went he left behind. He will never be forgotten.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.