« Hannity

Terrell: It is chaos in our California cities

2021-10-26 | 🔗
Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett and Fox News contributor Leo Terrell join ‘Hannity’ to discuss two San Francisco prosecutors quitting over lawlessness in the city.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In San Francisco in San Francisco, rampant theft and property damage and violent crime is disregarded by the left wing district attorney. His failures are so glaring that two San Francisco prosecutors are quitting their office joining a recall, accusing him of letting violent criminals out of jail early and disregarding laws. He doesnt, like the residents ever Nancy, the residents ever Nancy Pelosis cities are fleeing. Here, is Greg and LEO Terrell. As long as you dont take more than one thousand dollars worth of stuff, you get to walk out of the stuff thats. True, there is no prosecution. The golden boy Gavin Newsom, is in Scotland on climate change, ignoring the crime in the state of California in San Francisco. One hundred and fifty families
hired their only private security because they cant depend on the police. Its chaos in this state we are paying are the price because Newsom defeated the recall and doesnt care. What does that mean for the rule of LAW Greg when you dont enforce it? It doesnt exist this guy, doesnt care. A whip about victims of crime. Only cares about helping criminals hes setting killers free, so they can commit more crimes, some violent, including murder. It should surprise nobody. His parents were domestic terrorists in the underground they murdered two police officers and a security guard and the d dot a spent most of his
time in office in San Francisco lobbying. To get his dad out of prison, he succeeded today. His father was granted parole thanks to this man who lobbied Andrew Cuomo in the hours before he resigned to commute the sentence making him eligible for parole. This is a radical d dot, a who has no business being in office with a duty to enforce the law. He wants to disregard the law, its not only in San Francisco. In LOS Angeles, we have George in the Democrat cities of San Francisco and L dot a you have a prosecutor who allows criminals to roam the streets. The people are the victims in.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-27.