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Sean Hannity weighs in on Cuomo's resignation

2021-08-10 | 🔗
Sean Hannity weighs in on Andrew Cuomo's resignation amid the sexual harassment allegations on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I go and what door slowly he meanders across the yard, but we with night top story not really a surprise, but in some ways it is Andrew Cuomo stays as governor of New York, officially numbered after a bombshell. Investigation by the near state attorney general determined, Andrew Cuomo was a serial abuser who violated state and federal law. Cuomo saw the writing on the wall and his resignation effective two weeks from today during up speech, the near posted trial set was insulting and self serving Cuomo proclaimed. He accepts full responsibility before listing all the reasons why hes not responsible for anything, take a look. I take full responsibility for my actions. Ive been too familiar with people.
My sense of humor can be insensitive and off putting I do hug and kiss people casually women and men. I have done it all my life, its who ive been since I can remember in my mind, ive, never crossed the line with anyone, but I didnt realize the extent to which the lien has been redrawn according to reports Cuomo stepping down, because he had no other options. The walls were closing and the governor was a most completely abandoned by his friends and political allies. I have questions if he even had any, as he made enemies of many many people, the Washington swamp at least one person was deeply concerned by Todays NEWS, despite calling
on him to resign. Just last week, Joe Biden complained that this was all so sad sad because Cuomo he had done a hell of a job. How would you assess his tendon and a years as governor in terms of his personal behavior, when he has done as a governor what he has done as a governor Histone Hell have a job on everything, on access to voting to infrastructure, the whole range thing or less thats. Why its so sad? Did you really say hes done a quote hell of a job. The question is: did he did it to be? Do a good job on infrastructure as governor? No, the question was correct me. If im wrong outside of his personal behavior
outside of his personal behavior. Can you separate the two? I was asked a specific question. Caitlin Collins was right hell of a job. What about the thousands of seniors who are dead because of Cuomos insane executive order, decision that put covid patients in nursing homes while leaving the Coban hospitals that Donald Trump built for them? Eighty percent empty the biggest hospital ever built at the Javits Center, the hospital Navy ship? What about the ensuing cover up when Cuomo allegedly tried to hide the true number of nursing home deaths according to a whistle blower to keep that information from the Department of Justice? What about the fact that New York state is home to the second highest Covid 19 death rate in the entire country? What about his crushing taxes? What about the crumbling infrastructure, the rampant public corruption, apparently its just the allegations of sexual misconduct, that troubled Joe Biden
well, thats, pretty incredible. Considering that Joe Biden himself hes been credibly accused of sexual misconduct, one former congressional aide Tara Reade, claiming Biden violently sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill, the 1990s. Today she called on a real investigation into Joe Biden, a serious investigation from America, so called media mobs, an independent fact, checkers, not likely Joe Biden. The candidate was in the candidate protection program. Now, hes in the media, mob big tip, big tech mob program, they are determined to protect Joe Biden at all costs. Needless to say, Cuomo is not currently enjoying those same protections and with Trump out of office and allegations swirling cuomos value to the democratic Party. If there ever really was, and he is now diminished, he is no longer the Savior of the left. The fawning coverage is gone and
so Cuomo might even face criminal charges. Cuomo joins the last two New York democratic governors.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-11.