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Sean Hannity: Cuomo needs to stop blaming everyone but himself

2021-03-05 | 🔗
'Hannity' host slams the scandal-plagued New York governor for his lack of accountability
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Im, Chad, from Capitol Hill now back to Hannity, now more explosive developments tonight surrounding Andrew Cuomos, nursing home death cover up and its worse than we ever thought major new details just ahead, but first one of Andrew Cuomos sexual harassment, accusers sat down with CBS and laid out serious allegations against Governor Cuomo. Take a look, so you think all this national attention may have emboldened him. Absolutely. I think he felt like he was untouchable in a lot of ways. So he goes you were raped, you were raped, you were raped and abused and assaulted. He asked if I had trouble enjoying being with someone because of my trauma. What were you thinking as hes asking you these questions? I thought hes trying to
sleep with me. The governor is trying to sleep with me and im deeply uncomfortable and I to get out of this room as soon as possible. Where are the calls for accountability from major establishment democrats? In other words, the I believer caucus? Are they going to hold Andrew Cuomo to the same standards they held Justice Kavanaugh to, or is it going to continue to be mostly crickets from those usually some of the loudest voices weve yet to hear from Kamala Harris and she led the I believe, her caucus in the? U DOT S Senate against Kavanaugh. The growing harassment allegations about one of the scandals now swirling around the New York governor as a new investigation from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, finds that top Cuomo advisers influenced state health officials and pressured
them to remove data from a report. It was actually in June, but it was a July public report purposefully, hiding and covering up the relevant life saving information. In other words, rather than change the late March executive order, they looked at the nine thousand deaths that they found and instead of rectifying what was an obvious fix. They decided to cover it up, purposefully, hide it. Then they lashed out at nursing homes they lashed out at anybody, and then, of course, when all others were lashed out at enough, then of course blamed Donald Trump, who was building the hospitals that remain empty. That could have taken these nursing home patients. This covered up report showed the Covid nursing home deaths in the state exceeded numbers previously released by the administration in whats, just the latest evidence of whats a massive cover up scandal surrounding Andrew Cuomo and
many of his cronies and his administration in Albany. It could have been fixed in June. I guess he was too busy writing his book and preparing for his Emmy and attacking Donald Trump. This goes beyond just hiding data. This now involves Cuomo aides, actively changing official information in an official health report to cover Cuomo politically so lets be clear, were now looking at overwhelming evidence of potential criminalality. This appears to have been done to avoid not just scrutiny from the public but to obstruct a possible federal investigation because, as the journal also reported, the Department of Justice had begun seeking data from New York and other states last August and remember at the same time, Cuomo hid the nursing home data. He was writing his book, an coronavirus response and it received such praise from the media mob. The time for transparency and
accountability was long ago and its now time for the governor to be held accountable, stop.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.