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New York senators Schumer and Gillibrand call on Governor Cuomo resign

2021-03-12 | 🔗
Congressmen Lee Zeldin and Matt Gaetz weigh in on allegations facing Cuomo on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hypocritical entitled you can put whatever adjectives you like here with reaction, Fox NEWS, contributor, LISA, Boothe, New York, Congressman Lee Zeldin, Fox NEWS, legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett, Congressman Matt, Gaetz good to see you all lets get to the legal side. Gregg Jarrett lets start there tonight legal liability on all of these issues. Yeah Cuomo, is in serious legal jeopardy criminal jeopardy. He seems to be preoccupied with holding onto the reins of power when he should be concerned about criminal charges and the possibility of prison under New York law. It is a crime to grope or fondle the intimate parts of another person without consent against their will. It is called forcible touching. It is a serious crime. It is also the crime of harassment. So you know Andrew Cuomo should be concerned about his
legal future, politically Thoug, friends, no allies, because he has always governed as a bully and a political bug to menace people with threats, intimidation and retaliation, people capitulated out of fear, but they dont fear him anymore, Sean. They view him as powerless, weak, vulnerable and impotent people arent. Even returning his telephone calls anymore hes in the first Carico stages of grief, denial and anger, it will take a while to get to acceptance now Lee Zeldin, you do know that New York has a very interesting twist as it relates to impeachment, because we now have in terms of numbers. There would be enough members of the assembly that have said that he should be out of office that would vote to impeach him. If that were to happen, he would have to step down temporarily while a Senate trial was going on in New York state different from the impeachment,
for example, that we watched with President Trump yeah thats right. That is a key difference. Lieutenant governor Kathy Hopeful would become the active and governor during that time soon, as there impeachment the numbers are there already, and it has been happening throughout the day today. It was interesting that it requires a fifth or sixth or seventh accuser to come forward. When I was getting asked about resignation, I was thinking of the nursing home directive and the cover up, and I thought thousands of dead, New York seniors and the cover up and bullying that that would be enough to get the governor to resign. I watch the governors Press conference earlier today. Listened to it. It was a train wreck, essentially going after the accusers as being liars. If you believe the victims as liars, and if you believe the victims he will go after you come too, he is doubling down tripling
down on the same character flaws that got himself into this trouble in the first place. I agree with you. This is the end of governor Cuomos political career. I dont think it is months. I think it is days or weeks at this point LISA. Let me go to the credibility of the seven women here. Im sure you watched the interview on CBS the corroboration with the text messages in real time that she was sending out to a very close friend of hers. That was pretty compelling to me. I never thought Republicans particularly handle issues the right way, but I did feel come in the case of justice. Kavanaugh Republicans got it right. There were charges made. There was an investigation that went forward. There were public hearings and, for example, Americans got to decide on what they thought about Julie, Swetnick, for example. My question to you is how best to handle moments like this. Well, I think we need to look at the evidence. We need to hear out the
accusers, but look to see if theres any corroborating evidence corroborating witnesses, and here you have it with speed. Twenty five, you didnt with Brett Kavanaugh. The evidence worked against his accusers when you had Christine Fords childhood best friend coming forward and saying I dont. Remember any party, like this, the party in question later saying to the FBI that she felt pressured by Christine Ford and her friends to change her original story, quite the opposite of what we have a governor Cuomo but look Sean. I worked in politics for a while. I worked on Capitol Hill and political campaigns for a number of years, so I am cynical. I am jaded when it comes to politics, Democrats dont care about the allegations made from these women. They dont care at all Harris said she believed bidens accusers and then signed up to be his VP. It is about to go things for Democrats, opportunity for the progressives in the state who want to take out Governor Cuomo and put a progressive and the governors mansion, and
secondly, it is about a distraction and a distraction from the fact that Democrats have failed in their response to covid. You look at the two kings, governor, Newsom and California are probably going to get recalled and Governor Cuomo facing a federal investigation for killing, at least fifteen thousand seniors, with his failed policies and then trying to cover it up. So that is what they are trying to distract from, and that is why they are coming forward with the sexual harassment stuff, while completely ignoring the real scandal, which is the nursing home scandal. Two fascinating things congressman gaetz in this case. To me they might claim, oh guys, like Hannity Republicans in New York. State Democrats have a vetoproof majority in the assembly and in the Senate. Republicans have no power in the state fascinating that this is all democratic party driven. I think youve got a couple things going on at once. What is your take on the political side of this with
Democrats now, many of them a little too late for the I believer caucus? It took them a long time to apply these standards to Cuomo that they were applying to Kavanaugh. What do you make of the Democrats wanting him out here? The New York Democratic Party seems to be going after each other more than the royal family at this point, its not good as a New York Democrat when you lose Schumer when you lose AOC when you even lose Jerry Nadler, for goodness sake, im glad you have been consistent on this show, we dont believe in guilt by accusation. A great book by Professor Alan Dershowitz, and just the volume of accusers alone should not substitute for that needed due process, and you have to wonder why is this happening now? I think it is because the media no longer needs to protect governor Cuomo because they no longer need Governor Cuomo. They were trying to smear president Trump. The person who brought us a vaccine twice as
fast as had ever happened in the history of the world and they needed the strong counterpoint against Trump. They couldnt use Joe Biden because he was at naptime in the built Cuomo up like the great Oracle of response to the coronavirus when the reality is LISA is exactly right. Killing fifteen thousand people in the state of New York should be impeachable. That should result in true investigations, and it certainly makes my governor RON Desantis look a lot more like a leader because he made decisions based on science, not emotion or impulse. The governor of New York should not be Andrew Cuomo. It should be someone on this panel. My good friend Lee Zeldin. Is that an endorsement? Maybe you can move to New York. Absolutely. I will tell you another thing: Florida did really well compared to New York, so did Texas, so did Mississippi and all these other red states the worst states. Oh New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Michigan by the way now
Governor Whitmer might be facing charges and Newsome in Californ. Interesting to see the philosophical differences and the impact it had one year.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-13.