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New report details Cuomo aides' effort to hide nursing home death toll

2021-04-30 | 🔗
FOX News senior meteorologist Janice Dean calls out lack of coverage of scandal-plagued governor on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All right, all right, disgraced, Governor Andrew Cuomos, nursing home scandal, is intensifying again its worse than we realized. According to an explosive report from the New York Times, Cuomos aides spent months covering up the number of deaths by hiding the true number, not just from the general public, but from their own health officials. Of course, this was all happening at the same time. He was writing a book and trying to take a victory lap for his great covid response. So ask yourself: what will it take to hold Andrew Cuomo accountable? Why did Joe Biden pick him to lead the nationwide covid response here with reaction, Janice Dean? She lost family members as a result of this executive order, your reaction Janice. He continues to get away with it Sean. Unfortunately, this was a bomb shell report, basically saying that they went
to great lengths to hide those numbers over fifteen thousand deaths in New York and in nursing homes. I believe its because of his March twenty five order to put covid positive patients into nursing homes for several weeks. So the fact that the New York Times has a bomb shell report thats a big deal. I will tell you that ABC Cbs and NBC didnt cover it all right. So I well thats standard fare right. Its sad but standard fare if it was a Republican. If it was RON Desantis Governor Abbott, it would be a different story, thats my opinion. Now the question is theres an alternative route. If theres not going to be justice in the justice system, the families like your family immediately impacted, do have the ability to go to the court system. Thats been in the works now for a while. We are talking about it. I have a discussion tomorrow
with some lawyers, well see how we can go forward. I have to believe that justice will eventually be served. Sean theres, an FBI investigation, a federal investigation and the Justice Department investigation that, hopefully, is still, in effect, not only the nursing home issue, but this guy has other problems with sexual harassment and covid tests for friends and family for Chris Cuomo and his friends when nursing homes were begging for tests, families were begging for tests so that they could see their dying loved ones. In their final days, Governor Cuomo and his friends and family got Covid tests well stay on it and continue to follow the updates.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-30.