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Mike Pompeo speaks about holding China accountable

2021-08-03 | 🔗
Former Secretary of State weighs in on the origins of COVID-19 and the Biden Administration's foreign relations on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bipartisan Sean, but the Democrats dont seem to be very interested in this great work and also developing a broad tonight, the? U dot S, the? U DOT, K Israel all saying IRAN attack in Israel. He mannish tanker, raising more questions about what will the Biden Administration strategy to confronting an increasing hostile iranian regime forcing South Korea to give them seven dollars billion, as they now enrich more uranium than ever and will Biden ever hold chinese government accountable not only for the virus, but the threats and the packs against oh american military bases in the japanese military bases they are attacks against protesters in Hong Kong and, oh, of course, their claim of reunification with Taiwan joining us now, with more Fox news, contributor and former Secretary of State MIKE Pompeo, let me first start with the virus not held accountable
and you read these emails and we know what this lab was doing, and now we know that taxpayer dollars went to it. Your reaction, yes! Well, since we spoke about this in the spring of two thousand and twenty we have known the virology lab was the place Sean. The virus came from and we saw the deep cover up right. They wont let anybody in to do the investigation in a proper way. Chinese communist party is responsible for a lot of people that traveled with a known cup, very contagious environment, Vira Reckless, and they have to be held accountable. There is a lot of ways we can do that. It doesnt appear that Biden Administration will head down that path. There are many tools without legislation that the Biden administration could use to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for millions of deaths around the world and billions of dollars swapped from this Chinese, voicing of the virus upon the world, something you would never let happen, and the Chinese are lecturing
our current secretary of state on the issue of human rights. That is rich. I know you would never let that happen. They are threatening, U Dot S military bases, japanese, military bases. They are lecturing us about our planes landing in Taiwan, our ally country. They are talking about reunification with Taiwan. Would that be how you would describe any military effort and the China Sea Sean? It is not remotely how we approach and making sure that we put real pressure on the Chinese Communist Party, in particular Taiwan, and the final days we authorized Taiwanese to defend their country. We did the same thing with F 16s and we would continue freedom of navigation efforts through the straight and the chinese book of reunification that was folds in every part of China and we never let them use that language without confronting it. We have to be serious about these things. Sean. You know
this right when you are weak, you create risk, because your adversaries believe they can walk all over you when you are strong clear about the words, are used and prepared to back them up as a trump.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-03.