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Mike Pompeo issues stark warning after China fires nuclear-capable hypersonic missile

2021-10-19 | 🔗
Former secretary of state weighs in on foreign threats facing the U.S. on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Larry Kudlow great to have you. We are way behind. Larry got to run, keep in mind tonight. Biden is battling numerous self inflicted crisis at home and abroad. Now the administration plans to exempt some Afghans that served that were the old Taliban government. He is going to take them. They are on no fly list. He is going to lift the no fly list. In other words, let them come into America did they change their values? All of a sudden against this radical Sharia law that they imposed on the people when they were in charge of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Bidens special envoy is now warning that the? U dot s musick, must accept and prepare for a fully nuclear IRAN. You me people that chant death to America, death to Israel. We are going to let them get nuclear weapons and we are okay with that and Joes Defense department. Intel community had no clue, apparently whatsoever about
Chinas new hypersonic weapons that can deliver nuclear weapons weapons. They welcome the stiff competition and Biden style, silence on Chinas, repeated reunification or take over or really threats with Taiwan. Its been deafening and Joe has not lifted a finger to help Taiwan and stop in China and their invasion of Taiwan AIR space with their fighter jets day and night here, with reaction to all of that, former secretary of State MIKE Pompeo, who is speaking with us by the way, one near the USS Midway and San Diego Great, to see you, Mr Secretary, sixty six days now, Americans trapped behind enemy lines lets start with the China question. First then go to IRAN than Afghanistan on Chinas, clear political ambitions to reunify with Taiwan. Joe Biden is not lifting a finger. What should he be doing? What we did for four years? Sean was make clear to the
people of Taiwan that we would be there to support them to provide what they needed, so they could defend themselves and we made beer to the Chinese Communist Party that it was totally unacceptable if they took military action against the island of Taiwan. Those two things President Trump was very clear prepared to defend. Did that elsewhere in the world Soleimani using nuclear weapons Crossing president trumps Redline, they knew we were serious about protecting Americans. The debacle in Afghanistan, the irradiance, fired missiles from the Gaza Strip into Israel have all shown american weakness and the four things you walk through tonight. Those are all things where America is showing weakness and when you do that come our adversaries will do everything they can to put us at risk and to crush us well, and I didnt even mention the rush apart now. Let me go to the Irani in part. If, in fact, you marry this death to America, death to Israel, mantra, convert or die
mantra of the iranian mullahs and empower them the Biden, administrations signaling, I guess they will accept what is the risk to the world at that point to me, it seems very real because I imagine the mullahs might be thinking they are doing gods will, by firing that weapon at either Israel or the? U dot s or another country. I cant believe they are going to permit this to happen. President Biden is on record multiple times saying he will never permit IRAN to have a nuclear weapon. Robert Malley, the special envoy, began to signal. Come if you are the Israelis, you know you cant live with an IRAN with a nuclear weapon. I must say this puts them at real risk and puts the whole world at risk. Proliferate these nuclear weapons and may not be the case that they will fire them. They could distribute them. Iran is known for selling weapons all across the world. This is a very serious matter. We were determined we delivered putting the harshest sanctions on the
Ayatollah and his henchmen that IRAN had ever seen isolated them, built up fresh friendships with the Israelis the Abraham accords. This is how you deter aggression, allowing IRAN to get a nuclear weapon puts our partner and friend Israel at risk. It puts the golf at risk greatest risk for the United States of America as well. Let me bounce back to China, because I meant to ask about this hypersonic weapon. Apparently the Biden administration didnt see it coming there. Defense department didnt, see it coming there. Intel community didnt see it coming. Not only not only are they shoving it in our face, they are capable, apparently, of launching nuclear weapons with this new technology. Now the Biden administration said they welcome stiff competition to me, that is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. The fact that they claim they welcome stiff competition is
just so odd to say about the Chinese Communist Party, these arent competitors. This is an adversary who has made clear they want the world to look like theyre marxist leninist ideological world. Now this capability flies multiple, the speed of sound. That is what hypersonic translates into, is very difficult to defend against the United States. Under President Obama did nothing to build up defensive systems. We began that work and begin to build our own set of capabilities. This is really important. The fact the Chinese now can deliver at least a missile component of this program to within a couple dozen miles think how big LOS Angeles is right to within a couple thousand miles of the target is a serious matter and when our Department of Defense and the president himself must take seriously and begin to respond to not by claiming they welcome that kind of stiff competition. That is just that is just crazy. Seventy nine days ago, Joe Biden said he would not leave a single American behind in Afghanistan sixty six days ago. He abandon Americans, their families,
thousands of green card holders and tens of thousands of our afghan allies. He hasnt mentioned any of them in forty nine days. Do you have any hope outside of outside groups or Joe Bidens plan, to bribe the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan to get our people back? Sadly, im counting on outside groups, private citizens ive been working with them, trying to make sure we get every last American out of there. I hope the government will do their share, but there is no evidence they are prepared to do that. Sean, never thought id see that Mr Secretary in my lifetime, never thought id see. Americans.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-20.