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Mark Levin: Biden embarrassing America on the world stage

2021-08-18 | 🔗
'Life, Liberty & Levin' host reacts to the crisis in Kabul on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bidens undeniable bidens undeniable dereliction of duty in Afghanistan, even some of the media mob, they are being forced to face reality, thats, not stopping some Democrats from trying to claim hes actually doing a great job. For example, embattled Governor Gavin Newsom, said Monday, hes incredibly proud of President Biden. Speaker Pelosi even had the adopt city to claim that Bidens withdrawal was strong and decisive. Nancy sell that line of Adam Schiff to any of the thousands of Americans behind enemy lines in Afghanistan tonight that we cant protect because of Bidens decisive action. Author of the huge best seller, with almost a million copies sold number one, as of today, was for the fifth consecutive week number one on Amazon dot com for the fifth consecutive week, and I know this isnt about American Marxism, also, the host of life liberty and a live in Levin.
I never imagined we would be seeing this in our lifetime. We had all the time the world to see its unfolding and they did nothing and they allowed it to happen. And now we are at the mercy of the Taliban, because I dont see any good military option. Mark Levin, if Nancy Pelosi thinks Biden has done such a great job. Why doesnt he trade places for any woman in Afghanistan and lets see if she thinks Biden has done such a great job. Where are all these womens rights groups? Where are they rights groups? Where are they today? Have you heard anything from Chuck Schumer? I havent heard a thing from him. The vast majority of the Democrats are either parent praising Biden or not saying anything. Its really. Quite outrageous, and I have another question: whos running running the government,
Joe Biden said to Camp David most of the time, doesnt take a single question or make himself available. Today it was another huge embarrassment while hes trusting Republicans what doesnt he treat the Taliban the way he is treating Republicans and we havent seen a vice president of the United States for a week, whos running the government, nobody as hard as general, Austin and General Milley Yard are concerned, and if you think what is going on is so horrible and youve got to roll in it for all history, for all military history, Austin and Millie are going to go down in history as disasters. What happened to those national security advisors in both
parties who said vote for Biden against Trump they go down in history too. Now they are negotiating with the Taliban. What exactly are we negotiating? What are we prepared to give them? Is he there is really only two people ways out of this, and that is this: we crush them like the cockroaches. They are for a few days and use our military might to expand that area around the airport and tell them. You lay one finger on one hair on an american citizen and will track you down for the rest of the time. Nobody believes Joe Biden has the stomach for that. So what is the other way to pay them off? Hes paying off the Iranians already gotten billions of dollars to the Iranians to negotiate and delay, so they can get nuclear weapons, so they are negotiating with the
Taliban. I would love to know and for you folks who say its a twenty year war, its pretty much neutralized our air force at that air base, that the Soviets kindly built for US intelligence services and for an entire country. That was it and they were pretty much neutralized. They havent been hit and they werent hit. Now that is said to come, so the so called twenty year war, its now a forty year war, that enemy is stronger than ever and youve got Al Qaeda on the rise and all these freak show terrorists. They are all going to be collecting in Afghanistan. Maybe they will try to knock off
Pakistan because, after all, Pakistan is nuclear weapons. They are working with the chinese communist enemy and it look what weve done here. We throw the whole world into turmoil and the Prime Minister of Israel, this doofus Naftali Bennett, will now meet next week with Biden to talk about national security and what about the border? It was bad enough. The border was wide open with people coming in illegally drug pushers, MS 13, then Covid 19. Our borders are open more now than ever before, so they are working with the enemy states that we have to enemy states that we have to
deal with. He said close that border and he uses pseudoscience. That says children need to wear a mask. He says hes telling the Department of indication to undermine republican governors and hes attacking politically Santos and Abbott its about time. The Republicans in the House of Representatives used the litter. I were to come impeachment look what Joe Biden has unleashed on the american people. In addition to defying a Supreme court decision, he needs to be removed and if we cant find Kamala Harris remove her and it Nancy Pelosi just go down the line. We need to show the american people that there are some people in Washington who are very, very concerned about whats taking place at the head of our government.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-19.