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Lindsey Graham: Border insecurity is great way for terrorists to come into US

2021-03-09 | 🔗
South Carolina senator says he's concerned terrorists could blend in with migrants crossing the border on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You bill to the cages you built those not Donald Trump here with reaction, South Carolina, Senator Lindsey, Graham, if the numbers are now as high as they are in March. What are those numbers going to be like in May and you just got back well. You know I was on your show three or four weeks ago saying that there is a disaster in the making, while the worst is yet to come. Why are so many unaccompanied minors coming to our country? Now, when Trump was president, the miners will be sent back either to Mexico or their home country. When I say the worst is yet to come by the spring late spring come early summer, you are going to have families coming in caravans, because the word is out in Central America. They are changing the policy that Trump put in place, that if you get to the border, you turn yourself in in. You are going to stay in America and not Mexico until they reverse that policy
and until they go back to their remain in Mexico policy, the worst is yet to come. Im just a little talk show host. What do I know Lindsey im, not that smart, but I would think that people out during a pandemic people being laid off and what fifteen million people are going to get amnesty. I dont know where I went to school. I was taught supply and demand crisscross and dictate, in this case wages. What is this going to do for wages for american workers well number one its going to suppress wages when illegal immigrants come to the country they work for cash under the table. She said that the Trump policies were ineffective. So let me ask for this shes not going to answer. How do you account for the surge
in illegal crossing on your watch? Word is out that the trump policies are being replaced by the Biden Administration, that if you get one foot in America, you are never going to leave. People will be coming by the hundreds of thousands by the summer. It is a humanitarian crisis, its going to be an economic crosses crisis and eventually is going to be a national security crisis. This is the 20th anniversary of nine slash. Eleven Al Qaeda and ISIS would love nothing more than to hit us again on the 20th anniversary to show that they are still alive and well, and this border and security is a great way for terrorists to come into our country just to blend. In with this group, let me tell you how to that is a chilling scenario, Sir, what you just described. I do believe it is your right, and these new numbers are now astronomical. These are numbers weve never
seen before, and I still want to get inside the cargo ship. Remember, Biden and Obama built the kids in cages. They built them. We are putting kids in cargo containers and we are told we cant videotape it, and we are told that there are butterflies on the walls, so dont worry about it. Do you buy that? Well, thats, right horrible conditions, concentration camp, like conditions, you remember, Kamala Harris protested outside of homestead. That place is now open. Where is she? All I can say is that there is a lot of danger coming from this wave of illegal immigration and the numbers are going to double by the summer. If we dont go back to trump policies, its embarrassing and as painful as it would be for the Biden
administration, they need to understand that what prompted on the border worked, how do you like this, because I know you said it last week- Herschel Walker, for Senate from Georgia? How do you like that? I, like the ring of that.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-10.