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Lara Trump considers North Carolina Senate run in 2022

2021-03-02 | 🔗
Former Trump campaign senior adviser discusses her potential candidacy on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In the White House, Vice President Harris, do you no Vice President Harris? Do you no longer believe former senior advisor to the Trump campaign where a trump before I get to this? I have a lot of friends in North Carolina. You were born and raised in North Carolina. Your name keeps coming up as a potential Senate candidate for this seat. That is now open for two thousand and twenty two: are you considering two thousand and twenty two? Are you considering possibly running North Carolina is not just my North Carolina is not just my home state, its my home, its for my family lives for it its a state that made me the woman I am today not being would be a bigger honor for me than to represent the people of my home and of my own state, and it is something im taking seriously a guest asked about it. A lot and ive really been so flattered by so many of these polls that have
come out, but we have been through a lot as a family over the past five years. So I think, really we are kind of taking a step back and assessing things taking it very seriously, but taking a little time to spend with my kids with my husband and I will make a decision on it, but I certainly am considering it. Nothing would be a greater honor for me than to represent the people of my home state. I am doing my job, but you know whats coming. There are a lot of believers out there. We watched justice Cavanaugh broken on national television, pretty much broken thats. How I would describe it. We know that there were charges and allegations made. I said at the time that I believe in due process in that presumption of innocence. I believe that today, but all the eye believers or what I say is that I believe caucus that is led by Kamala
Harris and the silence is now deafening for most of those people, if you have been shamed into coming out, may be a few, are sincere and consistent, so lets talk about this double standard and what they did to Cavanaugh and then look at what happened in the case of the allegation against Cavanagh, they became debunked pretty quick, but yet his family was dragged through it. It was an absolutely disgusting thing by the way, I believe with you, I believe, in due process, I believe in America it states that people are innocent until proven guilty. We should let hit the governor have his day in court, but with that said, im old enough to remember when Kamala her hair called for herself for an FBI, investigation against Brett Cavanagh and the charges against him were not nearly as credible as these charges
against Andrew Cuomo. The Cuomo allegations are in the past couple of decades, but really, I think it has been sort of obvious to people to watch this happen. We shouldnt be surprised because, after all had no problem turning around a couple of months later and being his running mate, vice president of the United States to him, but when she was question about that, she said its just all politics. This is all politics for these people. They dont really care about Americans, one of the women who accused Governor Cuomo, I think, worked on the Biden Harris campaign. They dont care about her its all about power for these people, but it was disgusting to see the way Brett Kavanaugh was treated. Every single person in America should have there day in court should have due process, and we will see what happens with Governor Cuomo
at such an important and real issue, its only used for the Cuomo himself wasnt, I believe her. He said I believe he said he wanted at the time for Brett Kavanaugh to take a lie: detector test, shouldnt the same standards applied to him. If he himself said it, I dont know why he would have a problem doing that. This is the problem. Whenever you make a blanket statement, like believe all women, it doesnt give the space for again due process. It doesnt give any credibility to anybody at all whenever they say wait a minute. This didnt really happen. We should let the process play out, but I think its really kind of sad to see the way its all turned back around on people, but when you say things like believe all women and then women come after. You are people
in your own party and you are silent on it. Shame on you that should never happen in the United States of America, big NEWS for you tonight and im sure the people of North Carolina, the ones that are asking me. I got you your answer.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.