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Joe Concha says media ignoring Cuomo scandals is a 'dereliction of duty'

2021-02-26 | 🔗
'Hannity' Panel breaks down media's handling of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's growing scandals
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Now, back to Hannity now more explosive developments surrounding Andrew Cuomos burgeoning sexual harassment scandal has, we are now learning New York. State attorney general is reviewing a letter from republican state senators asking for a full investigation, but in all fairness, this effort has started because of Democrats, not Republicans in the state of New York, by the way, all because left wing Hollywood is beginning to to to turn on the man they gave their Emmy award too and at Times Rufus released a statement calling for full pledge, investigation and reporting governor Cuomos. Denying the allegations ask yourself: where is the entire? I believe her caucus, where are the rest of the eye? Believers? Where is Kamala Harris Kristen, shall abandon the ones who rush to judgment and gave no due
process to Justice Kavanaugh by the way who, by the way, said this, she hasnt even read the complaint against Cuomo. Of course, the scandal is a media scandal. Major networks have largely ignored the nursing home cover up and allegations fake news. Cnn are highly covered, Cuomo allegations from the nearly ninety six seconds and totally ignoring it during prime time hours. Compare that to the endless, never ending hysteria of unfounded allegations against justice, Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, every second minute, every hour of every day, look at these two headlines right there on your screen. Look at the one September two thousand and eighteen woman accuses Cavanaugh of a soul to letter to Senator compared to a headline from Thursday. Cuomo denies harassment allegations slight difference in coverage. You see the abuse of bias and
dont forget a lot of these fake news channels covered up nursing home scandals for months and months, refusing to take it seriously, despite what was overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing, and now they continue to downplay what is a growing harassment scandal with very serious claims fascinatingly. It is Democrats leading the charge here with reaction, New York, Post columnist, Miranda, Devine and Fox NEWS contributor media columnists for the hill, Joe Jo Mantra. They are not any Republicans. I can name in New York to be honest, to have any influence in New York State not trying to be rude, just being factual. But the point is you look at this case. This is largely Democrats going after Cuomo. They are the ones calling for impeachment commit center and investigations.
The one party state and anyone who has worked with Andrew Cuomo. We discover what a bully he is and knows about his skills. It is just that they kept them all hidden when he was useful to them in terms of attacking Donald Trump and of course, he was used last year and put himself forward as a foil against Donald Trump and Joe Biden Cold the gold standard in leadership during the pandemic, which, of course he was the opposite. He was a terrible leader during the pandemic, as we know, and all also other sorts of disasters under his reign under a cloud there are lots of questions asked about the contributions and donations he received from the nursing homes and the hospital industry. Here the fact is, if he were a republican governor, you can bet that CNN and MSNBC and New York Times
and all of the Democrats media would have made an absolute mountain out of this story. There would have been hundreds and hundreds of stories by now, just as there was with Justice Kavanaugh Joe, you followed the media for a living. This is not surprising, but pretty much every day, every day of the year, every minute of every hour of every day, yeah. That is not surprising, that that is the shame of it all Sean who knew that CNN Cuomo NEWS Network, because how do you explain the bias of admission of a story with so many layers and links to it every day come a new development. We are learning about. You have a layer one, for example, that goes back to last march. When the governor signed that order for the Covid 19 positive patients back into nursing homes, then you have layered twos senior, aide, Alyssa Derosa said this recently about the nursing home depth tallies. It is amazing, we werent sure
if we were going to give the Department of Justice what we were going to give the Department of Justice would be used against us and we werent sure if there would be an investigation that is literally a mission of a cover up, then you have layer three, the allegations up bowling again by Democrats, New York, Democrats assembling run, can echoed by others labor for code just recently now the allegations of sexual misconduct by Lindsay Bowen- and this is an allegation that does not come from forty years ago when Cuomo was in high school, but something that happened relatively recently. So as far as scandals go with a baseball term, this hits a cycle because there is a d next to Governor Cuomos name. He gets a pass by the media and particularly CNN and the d means disregard nothing to see here, and that is a dereliction of duty Sean. This is a national. What amazes me the
eye believers. I believe I believe I believe I didnt say. I took the position that Justice Kavanaugh. He deserves the presumption of innocence and im, taking the same position here just because somebody says something we dont have all the facts. I dont believe rushing to judgment. The Democrats are the ones that use it when its convenient as a political story, which should bother people absolutely every man should be given t the presumption of the innocent. When these allegations come out, every victim should be heard, but we should keep a sense of proportion, but it doesnt work like that with the Democrats. They use it as a weapon, its not about what works for women, but just about power. Last word, Joe two thousand and eighteen. He accuses Brett Kavanaugh of a party to gang rate.
She is represented by Michael Evan. Oddi, come with a serious contender who became a debate Campton at rikers at a cellblock. Her allegations are given no scrutiny, nothing whatsoever and she gets on national television and gets an interview and Lindsay Bolin. We can barely cover it. So that is all you need to know. If you want to compare that with these two stories were covered again. One was a.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.