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Janice Dean grateful Cuomo resigns day after memorial for her in-laws

2021-08-10 | 🔗
Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and 'The Hill' columnist Joe Concha discuss the embattled governor on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Cover it up and get a book deal all right, Gregg. Thank you also tonight, while many on the left are suddenly eager to denounce Andrew Cuomo, others, just cant shake their deep affection for the New York embattled governor today, a likely teary Eyed Alan Baldwin bravely tweeting, regardless of what you think of Cuomo. This is a tragic day party politics in this country draw ambitious, but ultimately isolating even socially maladjusted men and women who have given the current cancel cultural likely have their shortcomings, exposed and magnified. I wonder if Alec Baldwin would offer a similar level of compassion for Donald Trump or any Republican. Just asking the question. Meanwhile, dont call it a comeback. We have Nbcs Chuck Todd who is already plotting governor Cuomos return to public life. He things it can happen. Take a look part of the punishment he was convicted in an impeachment trial, wouldve been no longer
being able to serve in office in the state of New York. I think Cuomo believes he can live another day. His career was either permanently over our almost permanently over and he chose the path of almost permanently over. The resignation gives him we know the way our world works, its amazing, the people we have seen make political comebacks. You can never rule out Eliot Spitzer didnt. He get a job on fake news. Cnn. I dont remember not to be outdone. The face of the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin, sidestepped, Cuomos resignation, Slaney New York, is about to have its first woman, Governor Evers New Yorks Lieutenant governor will take over for Cuomo in two weeks here with Reaction Fox NEWS, senior meteorologist, Janice Dean. She has tirelessly worked to hold Andrew Cuomo Accountable
ever since her own in laws. Thats right, father and mother in law died from Covid 19 in this nursing home scandal, along with Fox NEWS contributor, Joe Concha Fox NEWS contributor, former Arkansas Governor MIKE Huckabee Janice, well start with you, you were as surprised, and then you actually need to comment that you never thought this day would happen. You are in a state of shock. You thought it was some divine intervention and hes going to blame everybody else. Today. I really did I thought he was going to follow his own playbook, which is blame. Blame blame. The New York Post and Fox NEWS, God mother, nature, the women, not him, of course, just a misunderstanding from these women who we groped thats what I thought he was going to do today and then he started to say. Well, you know I want new Yorkers to be tough and I love new Yorkers and I love this states. I think, instead of an impeachment im going to resign, I was shocked but ill. Tell you
this. Yesterday we had all Morel for my in laws. Finally, after after a year and a half and not evil to have a wake or funeral or last rites or see them before they died, and we had it at Shawns fathers, firehouse three hundred and twenty three for twenty three years he was a firefighter my husband said: wouldnt, it be interesting if the governor resigned today, we thought about it that happened today, but I am grateful because yesterday was about my in laws, and I didnt wanted to to be about Andrew Cuomo interesting points governor as you look at this from not just a political standpoint, but the legal case that Gregg Jarrett, very articulately, laid out on a whole series of issues. That, to me, is the vulnerability now Andrew Cuomo, I knew it was pretty inevitable when every Democrat in New York condemned him then walked away from him. I am that pretty much he didnt have any friends by the end of
it. He didnt have many friends for years. Apparently the question is: do you see the Department of Justice doing their job? Do you think the people of New York are capable of equal justice and application of our laws? Let me first of all just say to Janice im so glad that there has been at least a piece of justice, not full justice, a piece of it, even though it has not been adjudicated yet about the nursing home deaths in the cover up of the nursing home deaths, thank God for Janice Dean and her relentless pursuit of the truth. Without her, I dont think this day would have happened by the way governor. Let me add to that. I want to say I agree with you, but I will tell you we have to get to the nursing home issue. This has to be gotten to the bottom of, and, I think, theres more than the nursing home issue.
There is also did his staff help write that book, for which he was paid over five dollars million thats a major scandal, theres a lot of things and I dont the National Department of Justice at the Washington level will do anything. I just dont think Joe Bidens Doj is going to pursue him heres. What I think might happen it may happen in New York between the legislature and the attorney General Heres, why Andrew Cuomo, he has spent years making enemies, they were afraid to fight back by keeping much just rained on Everybodys parade. He was a bully thats why he got away with this with women so long, if, in fact, everything they said is true because they were afraid afraid of him theyre not anymore, and nobody is not the legislators, the other officials. This idea that he may come back, thats nonsense, theres a silver bullet in it a
stake in the heart. This is a vampire that will not come back out at night. I think there could be some serious repercussions that will happen in New York, but not at the federal level. Unfortunately Joe whats, your take on it. Let me first condemn Janice Dean as well. She was alone vessel more than a year ago, in the spring of twenty twenty talking about the nursing home scandal, when very few in the media, wouldnt im old enough to remember a spokesperson for Andrew Cuomo, going after Janice Dean directly, someone who lost her in laws saying stick to the weather. Please guess whos getting the last laugh now Janice great job sticking with that when very few in this business would do that in standing up for your principles and knowing what was right as for Chuck Todd, only the political director of NBC News and the moderator of Meet the press. How could he make this statement? Sober Cuomo eventually did something
that maybe over time will at least give him an opening to may be not be a full pariah say and three four or five years, and perhaps he can make a comeback in opening, where exactly as president of the raccoon Lodge governor of the rings for seniors Association, Andrew Cuomo, thirty, two thousand and twenty very few political allies still an ongoing investigation for the nursing home scandal, sexual harassment allegations from eleven women dont vanish. They are sticky Chuck Todd. Has a comeback could happen that sound you just heard thats the great TIM Russert rolling over in his grave youre, not going to see Andrew Cuomo running and winning anything ever again. It cant happen, given everything we just laid out, he could be charged criminally in bed the time this is all done, Janice its appropriate. We give you the last word I like what the governor said
and Joe said. He still lost your in laws. What you went through this week sounds awful. My question is: what was your reaction at Joe Biden saying hell of a job he did that came out of nowhere to me. I thought it was a tape from last year when he was wanting Cuomo to be his AG. I couldnt believe that it was from today. I would like President Joe Biden or Jen Psaki to give me a call, and I will give them a rundown of all the things this governor did wrong, that led to the deaths of thousands of seniors and may be, if they listen to that, they might have a different opinion. Tens of thousands when relook at the four states that followed his lead, he was first. Then you have Pennsylvania and.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-11.