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House Republicans push back against Nancy Pelosi's mask-wearing orders

2021-07-29 | 🔗
South Carolina Republican Nancy Mace discusses the GOP's efforts to challenge the House Speaker on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks, we love you too welcome to Hannity. I am Judge Jeanine Pirro in for Sean. We begin with a look back from two months ago. In May two thousand and twenty one Joe Biden announced that his dark winter was finally over. He vowed that Americans who took the vaccine could remove their masks and return to a normal life. Since then, forty five million more Americans vivid the vaccine after new murky guidelines from the CDC the Biden administration is cracking down on we, the people. This include new mask rules in Covid, hot spots, vaccination mandates for federal employees and maybe a universal vaccine mandate. Take a look. Why not push answer vaccine?
Why not push answer vaccine mandates in states and private? I asked the Justice Department if they can do that, eely legally and they can. I dont know if the federal government can regulate the whole country. You are visiting the capitol building without a mask. You could be arrested this response from it a congresswoman. We are socially distanced from anybody. I have had covid and two vaccinations.
I am wearing my mask inside the chamber, but not anywhere else. So, Madam speaker come and get me thanks for joining us tonight. I was imppressed with the line come and get me. She is serious about this. We dont know what the new guidelines are based upon. We dont have any of the data other than the CDC saying it seems. Even if you have been vaccinated and had Covid, the delta variant is contagious and you may give it to somebody else. What is Nancy Pelosi doing here and why is she doing this? Well? Nancy Pelosi is totally off the rails, to advise the Capitol Hill Police, that staff and visitors to Capitol Hill will be arrested for not wearing a mask. She has gone nuts on this thing. I can think of no worse incentive than telling the american people. If you are vaccinated- and you must still
wear a mask- did vaccinations work or not the CDC guidance. They are basing it on requiring house members to be masked up when you cross over to the Senate side. There is no covid because masks are not required over there, the CDC guidance they are basing it on data. They wont share with the american people or those elected to Congress, but they are basing it on data from another country on a vaccine that is not made by companies here in the United States, which is how we are vaccinated. I dont understand this is not science, its anti science. This is America, its, not the America, we know, but do people in Congress talk to each other. Do you say to the Democrats? She flipped her lid. What is the end game here? What are they looking to do and why now well? They are virtue settling one thing I learned today, which
is scary. If you are a citizen of the United States and you travel to Mexico and you want to come home after vacation our country, the United States of America requires its citizens to test negative for Covid nineteen Nancy Pelosi and President Biden and Chuck Schumer talk about spreading, verified, spreading, verified a spreading covid along the border. They are not getting tested or vaccinated and we dont require them to wear masks crossing the border. This is another example of them going off the rails on us. Just the last question you have business to do in Congress,
Nancy Pelosi told the Capitol police if they are not masked you arrest them. If you work in Congress, she says you have to wear a mask or they will arrest you. How does this play out? Well, I advised, by staff, to work from home. Today I saw some of the faces of the Capitol Hill police. They dont feel the same way they dont want to do that, its not truth to who we are. We have work to do she doesnt want to talk about the failures they cant get a infrastructure package today and wants to raise taxes on american people. Democrats made everything more expensive and Nancy Pelosi is letting her democrat members vote by proxy from yachts. They are not here to do the work
of the american people.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-29.