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Hannity: This is the latest humiliating moment from Biden

2021-11-01 | 🔗
Sean Hannity slams the president for embarrassing himself and the U.S.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And Joe Biden, who is now once again today humiliating himself and our country on the world stage, this trip to Europe has been a complete and total disaster, its sad, its embarrassing, its you million, but Joe Biden pictured, as you can see there, taking a little nap in public during a meeting about climate change. Joe just couldnt seem to keep his eyes open, peacefully sleeping, not a care in the world and then, of course, and eight has to rush over about Joe Joe hello, Joe wake up. This was the latest two mill hitting moment out of Biden. I guess Donald Trump was right, sleepy Joe living up to his name. This week, when Biden, wasnt dozing off, he was busy apologizing, including a blanket apology to Europe for Americas, evil ways the same America that saved Europe. Let me figure that out. While you watch this, I guess I shouldnt apologize, but I do
apologize for the fact. The United States in the last administration pulled out of the Paris Accords really Joe. It was the United States of America. We saved Europe and the world Joe Biden and under Donald Trump net emissions. Carbon emissions went down and went down dramatically as a matter of fact, Joe Donald Trump, let every single country in reducing carbon outputs. So instead of Joe Biden apologizing to Europe, he ought to be showing them how we did it. Also Joe, you pushed our western european allies right into that hostile actor Vladimir Putins arms, giving Vladimir a special pipeline waiver, while simultaneously taking away high paying career jobs for Americans on the Keystone, Xl Pipeline, other energy industry, jobs, great job, Joey and now hes reduced our supply of oil and gas and at the very same time now, for the second time he is
begging, OPEC and Saudi Arabia, and the Middle EAST and Vladimir Putin to pump more oil. Senator Burr also says we get more oil from food and then we are getting from Alaska. Does that make any sense? Take a look when the cost of a gallon of gasoline gets to about three hundred and thirty three hundred three dollars and thirty five cents a gallon. It has profound impact on working class families just to get back and forth to work. So I dont see anything inconsistent with that, but I do think that the idea that Russia and Saudi Arabia and other major producers are not going to pump more oil, so people can have gasoline to get to and from work, for example, is, is not is not right, but and what we are considering doing on that im reluctant to say before I have to do it Joe. You got rid of energy independence that Donald Trump handed you
you single handedly, reduced the supply on the world market because you went with new green deal, radical socialism Heres a question: does that make any sense from an economic standpoint, a national security perspective, an environmental perspective, producing less oil here at home and then import more oil and youre concerned about climate change? Well, if the oil is being pumped here instead of there and we get it cheaper when we pump it here, its going to still have the same net effect on the environment and on the planet, earth that you love so much and by the way now we have to go to countries that hate our guts and begged them to produce more oil, because you artificially reduced our supply because thats exactly what is happening right now, thanks to Joe or Joes handlers or whoever is making the decision these days, more pollution, higher costs, fewer american jobs, but dont expect Joe to have to answer any tough questions about any of this, because, during his only press conference in Europe Biden once again, first set im
not allowed to talk. They get mad at me and everything and then set all right. I will call in a small list of reporters preselected prescreened, as per usual by his staff. You cant make this up. Joey youre the president. You get to decide please sit down. I apologize for keeping you waiting. We were playing with elevators, laughs, long story, any rate good evening and now im happy to take some questions and im told I should start with Ap Zeke Miller. Do you have a question? Didnt recognize you with the mask on I apologize im told I should start Joey youre, the President Joe you get to decide your staff shouldnt be making that decision for you right now. America is facing slow economic growth record, setting inflation, a massive worker shortage in part because of your
policies, a supply chain fiasco because of your support. Lessees high energy prices, which means Everybodys paying more for everything. Americans were banned in Afghanistan, a crisis you cost of the border, but Joe Biden is either unwilling unable to have a lengthy, open, unscripted discussion with the press and according to New NBC News Poll, seventy one percent of you, the american people, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, including a majority of Democrats. Get this Mpr Marist poll finds a plurality of Democrats, think that replacing Biden in twenty twenty four will give them a better shot at winning. They are not wrong. The numbers are so bad that even one of Msdncs TOP Democrats Chuckie Todd hes, trying to sound the alarm, listen good Sunday morning, happy Halloween. We have a brand New NBC News Poll out this morning. That is filled with some scary news. For the Democrats, the overarching message,
Americans have lost their confidence and present a Biden and their optimism for the country at least they have right now just twenty two percent of adults. They we are headed in the right direction, a shocking seventy one percent say we are on the wrong track, and that includes a near majority of Democrats. Republicans believe it or not have double digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy and shockingly on getting things done even more shocking. Twenty two percent of Americans think the country is going in the right direction. What direction is right now? Theres, no plan whatsoever to fix any of the Biden. Demonstrations self inflicted crises, for example the administration. Seemingly you know, the only plan to fix the supply chain is just call Fedex. We get lectured again to call Fedex. I guess we should lower our thermostats and put our sweaters on and go right back to Jimmy Carters Factor,
Bidens Commerce. Secretary over the weekend. There are reports that, while the president announced the twenty four slash, seven opening that thats not actually happening out in California that there are still backups the business community has been complaining about that there are backups and, like it said this isnt something that can be fixed overnight. The important thing is fundamentally supply chains and logistics are run by the private sector. People say to me: will Christmas gifts be delivered to which I say call Fedex? You know that isnt what the government does. Let me translate. You have no plan youre on your own own shop in October, for Christmas, settle for less pay more unless of course, youre an illegal immigrant. Then you get special rules applied to you. As a matter of fact, you saw it was bad when they are not. Covid testing are having a vaccine mandate, preferential treatment for illegal immigrants it. Now you will love this. As we told you last week, the Biden administration is now out
there with a plan to give certain illegal immigrants, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars each for their pain and their suffering, pain and suffering by the way that they caused themselves because they didnt they decided to violate our laws and not respect our borders and our sovereignty. That, I guess, is fairness in the minds of the Joe Biden, Democratic Socialist Party, and by the way, its only one small part of the Biden demonstrations plan to spend trillions and trillions of dollars on this new Greenfield social Welfare old, back, worse program of his that will cause backbreaking stagflation, transform the country into of socialist train wreck its wife. Every single election, national state and local is important, and especially tomorrow in Virginia New Jersey, Americans can send a very important message. We can begin the process of.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-02.