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Hannity: Should Americans be concerned about who's really in charge of Biden admin?

2021-02-26 | 🔗
Pete Hegseth and Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., react to reports Vice President Kamala Harris is taking the lead on foreign policy
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to Hannity it is Friday night. We are tracking multiple developed stories. Cpac is in full swing from Beautiful Orlando Florida, the state that actually protected the elderly from Covid and never adopted draconian shutdown measures and is doing so much better than those states that did like you know: New York, Michigan, California, Et Cetera. We will bring you the highlights coming up, plus we have an exclusive preview of President trumps Keynote address coming on Sunday and later we will expose hypocrisy in the Bidens administration. Foreign policy apparently bombing. Syria is now a okay as long as the Democrats is in office, and we will bring you all of this plus a shocking new report is making us wonder who was really in charge at
one thousand six hundred Pennsylvania Avenue, we will have bidens blunders a week in review if you think the two dollars trillion so called emergency covert relief package has anything to do with the ongoing pandemic. Think again, this is in fact the Pelosi. Slash Schumer pay off to the political cronies, a three hundred and fifty dollars billion budget bailout for a liberal governor that misappropriated money and text. People into oblivion appeared a bridge from New York to Canada, for New York, Senator Chuck, Schumer, Comay Tunn for Nancy Pelosi, billions for social justice issues and green energy initiatives and, of course, loan guarantees for planned parenthood. Hundreds of billions of dollars wont eat them be spent until after two thousand and twenty two and other funds wont be spent until two thousand and twenty four now the disgusting Washington swamp. As you can see on your
screen, none of this is emergency covert relief period. I make no mistake only nine percent with this two trillion dollar wish list of socialist Democrats. They are just getting started because they are also buying a separate two dollars trillion green Energy bill that Socialist Bernie Sanders. Aoc the spot want to pass through what is called the reconciliation process. That is the procedure. Lawmakers can use once a year to avoid filibusters on vegetarian legislation. In other words, he wants to ram it through Congress without any republican support. Kind of like Obamacare and Sanders is also looking for a way to raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour again through the reconciliation process. The brand new tax on businesses and Congresswoman Alexandria, Okayalexandriaocasio Cortez, the House has another idea she wants to buy or the Senate parliamentarian who wont, allow
the minimum wage hike to be part of the spending bill. So much for that unity that Joe talks about so much for the? U dot s constitution and so much for the idea of coequal branches of government. We dont even need a legislative branch. Democrats now want to ram through the socialist vigilance with an iron fist. Here is the thing democratic socialists almost always remember our lying to you peer. They talk about unity. There is no unity. They talk about health care. No, they failed us there too. They believe in Texas against fracking, and only I believers all when it fits their political agenda and, of course, this is also true when it comes to foreign policy. For example, breaking last night, the Biden Administration ordered air strikes in Syria, targeting a rainy militias remembered when Donald Trump was president, not that long ago and ordered
target air strikes in Syria and beat back the Caliphate too Joe Biden Cold President Trump erratic impulsive decisions, endangering our troops and making us all is safe in twenty sixteen two thousand and sixteen two thousand and sixteen Jon Jen Psaki White House Communications director questioned the presidents Legal authority for air strikes. Writing Assad is a brutal dictator, but Syrian is a sovereign country. Does she still believe that today and Senator Harris also publicly question the legal rationale now Vice President Harris? Apparently, these are all just hollow empty political smears against Donald Trump one standard for the Democrats, one if you are a republican and according to a new, shocking political report. Vice President Harris is quickly being prepped to take the foreign policy reign from the Biden administration by this now, reportedly encouraging vice president to engage directly with warring
leaders. Fear that would be his job by the way develop rapport with the? U DOT s allies and here is meeting weekly with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. So the question tonight is why, if Joe Biden is not up to the task well, we know he rarely appears in public, and we know he takes very few questions. We know he has not schedule joint session of Congress for the state of the union address this week. He struggled mightily to read off of a cheat sheet frankly embarrassing and hard to watch. We could all see with our own eyes that Joe is frail. He is weak and, yes, he is struggling cognitively. Even a few democrats are trying to take away the nuclear codes from Joe Biden so its not in the hands of just him one person they never tried that with Trump and his vice president, now holding one on one coals with other world leaders. What is really going on here? Who was in charge by the way should we be
concerned? You got somebody weak, frail and cognitively struggling matter of fact here a week in review of fact here a week in review. The idea that over five hundred a carry a car on me every day carry a car on me every day, folks affected by. As of yesterday, there were five hundred thousand and seventy one people who have died from this. For God sake, wear a mask, for God, sake, wear a mask, bye! Bye! Thank you. Thank you. So much all right joining us now, with more at the host of untold patriots rebuild on foxnation dot com with Florida,
Congressman Matt Gaetz is with us good to see you both. Now. If you have one position when Donald Trump is President one view on striking Syria and Syria, sovereign country PETE and then Joe Biden does perfectly fine like everything else, the Democrats do all I believers but dead silent when it comes to Andrew Cuomo. Of course, there is only one standard and it is a double standard in this particular case. Maybe we are lucky Sean because Joe Biden hasnt been right on single foreign policy aspect of the year, so maybe outsourcing to Kamala Harris. How much worse can you do the worst in this particular case? So much has to do with the fact hes not capable. Why would you want him involved and they were grooming her, as the lift has from the very beginning for that particular decision? The problem is it serious and a half measures they are taking pale in comparison to killing the sanctions put on by the Trump administration that
actually brought IRAN to its knees, to put them in a place where they dont get a bomb. Now we are bombing buildings on the syrian border without a real strategy on the brand deal, it is foolish and Joe Biden is absent and wrong front and center. Who was in charge, we dont know, but I would be remiss sitting next to my man, Matt Gaetz, with a great speech today. He rocked the house. Come, I have to say, Matt Gaetz. Is that true really did you let it all out or go full on or half measure im imagining full on Matt, Gaetz, first and out Sean? We are not even wearing ties here in Florida, no ties, no lockdowns, no mandates, but just together enjoying patriotism for our great country. You have Democrats in Congress Sean talking about taking the nuclear authorities away from Joe Biden. Kamala Harris taking these meetings with foreign leaders and you have to wonder- has the
transition to Kamala Harris already begun im watching these clips, you read of Joe Biden, Joe Biden, would score below average on the cognitive matrix and Like Florida retirement community. So this guy the one to be running the country and begs a lot of questions on the foreign policy stuff. Absolutely right. You have to realize Syria. What are we trying to win there and what does America hope to get out of these adventures in Syria? I think it is time to focus on our people that the docket president Trump advanced. I know what is bidens blunders in review and a part of it is funny he loses his plays. Oh, I got my card and I feel like hes reading my name as Joe. I live at one thousand six hundred Pennsylvania avenue. He was looking for a number that lost five hundred thousand fellow Americans to covid and just had a visual the day before,
and he was having a hard time remembering that number. That is not a hard number to remember and it was slow and it was confusing and he loses his place. It is kind of getting disturbing. Then I watch all of this foreign policy being conducted by Kamala Harris and I began to wonder why and why isnt there a state of the union address scheduled good question. It is not hard Sean and it hasnt been from the beginning. This particular case day after day time after time. We have examples and remember that executive orders the one line written on what they were and reading them line by line while signing them who wrote them and what does he really know about them? Of course, the far left is driving this. You know why it is serious. We are firing on all cylinders in Beijing, the Chinese, no full court press on initiative, whether militarily on big tech and technological advantage.
This is serious times we cant have a guy sit at the wheel. We can joke all. We want its not funny because we have real adversaries taken advantage of this moment. I think about this all the time: Matt, Gaetz, Russia, a hostile regime, the Iranian hates us and Joe Biden tries to get South Korea to hand over seven dollars billion to the irani and mullets. I worry about them. I worry about China. I worry all these hostile regimes and youve got to believe that they studied the american political system and youve got to believe that theyve seen what every person that I know season Joe Biden enter, they began to think they can take advantage of that. That does concern me. You mentioned the mullahs in IRAN, but I will be announcing no cash that any reentry in a deal with IRAN. We dont trouble cash
out them, but these proxies and militia forces to use around the world went shooting at Petes buddies wearing uniforms. So we need to make sure we stand strong on theft, but let us not delude ourselves to think the state of intellectual wonderment that Joe Biden is in is somehow stopping the progress they are making. Remember Hunter Bidens lawyers law partner has been installed in the criminal division of the United States Department of Justice. They are taking Peter Strzoks wife and putting her in an enforcement role. When you look at the american financial sector- and I think that the vertical integration of people who are going to hunt should concern everyone, and that is happening even though Joe Biden probably doesnt, know it. I dont know. I know both of you pretty well and you are both friends of mine, Matt Gaetz in Orlando trouble. I dont know, but I just sensed trouble somewhere someplace and we will have to send bodyguards down there.
If we need bail money, we know.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.