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Hannity: 'Is there something medically wrong' with Joe Biden?

2021-03-10 | 🔗
'Hannity' host questions whether president possesses mental acuity to hold office
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Audience you are not sorry welcome to Hannity tonight we are tracking multiple breaking scores, including horrific details from the sixth woman, accusing Andrew Cuomo of sexual misconduct, a report from the Albany Times Union out tonight. This staffer not named yet was allegedly assaulted inside the governors private residence. While she was on location to fix an issue with his mobile phone, she claims he shut the door and fondleder body under her blouse Governor Cuomo is denying the allegation. But if true, this could spell the end for Governor Andrew Cuomo, plus the latest from our crisis at the wide open south Florida
southern border senator Mark Kelly, where are you, people of Arizona deserve to know later a full report on the Democrats latest effort to destroy your second amendment. This is not a test. This is a clear and present danger on your second assessment rights. First, just after nine p, DOT M on the EAST coast, six p, DOT M on the West Coast, its two hours after Joe Bidens bed, time hes likely fast asleep. After a long and exhausting week for the president. Yesterday he managed to have one agenda item and hold one public event again today, just one very short, scripted speech where he was struggling to keep his focus on the tiny little letters and words in the teleprompter
look at his eyes here. He is digging in deep locking in just to get through the prepared remarks. Joe does one event a day. It looks like he needs a nap desperately still no press conference, no joint to Congress, the state of the union and his vice President Kamala Harris is taking solo calls with world leader, which is the commander in Chiefs job. The Biden Blitz is coming. An article Biden has been hunkered down for weeks, not because he is frail, but because he had to organize the
vaccination distribution plan. The one Donald Trump organized and handed over to him with three different vaccines and Joe had nothing to do with the one point: 9 trillion dollars, Schumer and Pelosi pay off Bill Biden will probably hold more Biden, will probably hold more public events in coming weeks, including tomorrows remark about Covid 1919. He has been practicing and he will be fine. It will be over, he will have practiced all day today. It tell be a short scripted speech. They will make the font really
really big, so he doesnt have to squint and dial the way we saw today Joe can survive the state of the union. Address you read two lines, then you pause for applause and read three more lines and pause. Its perfectly suited for Joe slow, comfortable pace for Joe Biden suited for somebody that is week and struggling people will say, see Sean Hannity. He is totally fine. There is one big problem. Anyone with eyes and ears can see and hear Joe is not fine sources close to it. The White House are describing how complete panic set in all things in Bidens World
Yesterdays New poll revealed. Half of the country is worried that Joe Biden is not physically or mentally up to the job has added dramatically to the behind the scenes. Panic in the Biden White House, an op ed in the Washington Times, resides its time to question. Bidens mental health. There wont be a blitz. Mr President, will you answer a question thanks? We have to go. It will that kind of blitz. President Trump talked to the president every day. Frankly, he might have talked too much to the press. I dont think Donald Trump was ever asleep before one a dot m during
his presidency. This Biden blitz will probably consist of him giving a few speeches written by his staff kept short along with orchestrated and controlled public outings. It wont matter. We can already see that Joe lost his fast ball, curveball and knuckleball and even a slow pitch. We have video to compare Joe Biden in twenty twelve and two thousand and sixteen from the last three weeks this only video of Joe from the last three weeks. As always, we let you decide. He sent me two letters saying by the way. Can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of Wisconsin? We sent millions of dollars.
You know the idea that Hmmm carry a card with me every day with the full number of folks. Now they have a new plan. Tcht wont trust. You anymore, follow your instincts. I want to thank the former general. I keep calling him general, my guy, the guy who runs that outfit over there. I want to make sure we think the secretary they put one foot in front of the other. They keep going thats the unbreakable spirit of the people of America, thats, who we are, and representatives Hmmm, Lee and Green and Garcia. Excuse me pin what am I doing here? I am going to lose track
lose track again. We will ask the question: the media mob is afraid to ask but know is happening. What is going on with the president of the United States of America, Joe Biden? Is there something medically wrong here? We, the people, have enough to know. People told me you need to be more compassionate to Joe. This is supposed to the leader of the free world. This is supposed to be our commander in chief, its the hardest job on earth, which is where the media, job and big tech should not have created the candidate protection program. This matters big time for the entire world. You want to talk about compassion. I would argue, compassion should
have come from all the people around Joe Biden that knew of his struggles and worked over time to hide and cover up all of this and hide vital information about a presidential candidate from you, the american people, where was their compassion for Joe, like, for example, Joes friends in the media mob, had no problem raising cognitive concerns about Ronald Reagan and John Mccain. If we wins the general election, he will be the oldest person to it assume the presidency. He is getting up on upper end of the comfort zone for Americans, who wonder if he will have the vigor and the health as President Mccains Obama, Barack Obama,
will soon be forty seven. There were many more questions raised about Ronald Reagan in nineteen. Eighty four, the Washington Post wondered if Reagan lost his old fire with age, an article in the New York Times titled. The age issue claims that Reagans advisors knew he was struggling, and this is why they keep him out of press conferences as much as possible. Age may have been a factor in his faltering performance. What does the New York Times say about Joe Biden being kept away from the press? Watch this overlapping talking, inaudible shouting we are going to move on. Mr President, can you pass voting rights with the
filibuster shouting overlapping talking? Thank you, bye, bye. Mr President, when will you unveil the build back better program? I am happy to take questions if thats what I am supposed to do, whatever you want me to do, beeping, who made that decision to go to bars and tone the New York Times or Washington Post they report on Joe Bidens, obvious struggles or.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-11.