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Hannity calls out the left's hypocrisy over COVID

2021-08-06 | 🔗
Sean Hannity reflects on hypocritical actions from Democrats who have told their constituents to follow one protocol while doing the opposite on 'Hannity'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All right now, as we have been showing you night after night, failed far left democratic leaders. They dont even literally follow their own covid restrictions restrictions even as they want the rest of us all of you to follow their draconian orders, all of them rules for thee, but not for me not for you. That has been the driving model of prominent Democrats and we start with embattled governor lets start with Gavin Newsom, who is now in the fight of his life, the recall rate with polls now, finally having him under water, I enough covid hypocrisy has sunk into the people of California. You may remember back in November, two thousand and twenty remember he caught at that group dinner. Ritzy, french laundry, restaurant, no masks, no social distancing all while telling everyone else in California that doing this
would be putting lives at risk and thats, not all his kids. They were back in person learning at school while most of the rest of the state of California, their students suffered under remote learning and just recently he pulled his kids from a summer camp. After a mask, less photo emerged there, exposing more of Newsoms rampant disregard for his own rules and, of course it doesnt even stop there. He had one more restaurant incident and in Michigan there we have failed governor Governor Gretchen Whitmer, shut down Witmer in Michigan. She was caught lying about a trip to Florida. While she was telling everybody else do not travel falsely claimed she was in town. She knew she wasnt and then theres even more remember when she was urging residents to stay home last summer. At the same time, her husband yeah. He was trying to get a dock installed at their lake House and bring his boat out,
and then there is disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo. Not only is he under fire to resign after the damning state AG report about current state female employees, a whopping total of eleven of them. He also did just like Whitmer Over ordered six patients at Nur homes and then Cuomo got caught trying to cover it all up all while he inked a multimillion dollar book deal and the whistle blower within his administration said the reason we werent telling you the real numbers is because we did not want the Department of Justice to have them sounds like a cover up last fall. He was exposed for this Thanksgiving Day plan saying that his daughters and 89 year old mother were coming to dinner. Despite telling everyone else in New York to avoid these gatherings before, eventually having to cancel the dinner out of embarrassment, and then there is far left
socialist mayor well, Laurie Lightweight violence plagued Chicago. She covered up covid restrictions in that city all while she was appearing mask less at the Lollapalooza Music Festival in Chicago and dont forget about d dot C mayor Muriel Bowser. Remember she was photographed mask less at a wedding reception, yeah right after she reinstated the districts mask mandate. There, then of course Barack Obama yeah. He had a big party planned 60th birthday yeah. He had to scale down his Marthas vineyard birthday bash after it was revealed that yeah he was going to have a party with seven hundred people again ask yourself if these leaders were really worried about covid putting these draconian measures on us, you we, the american people, would they be acting like this? I dont think so, and that includes Lee Well
Cognitively struggling Joe Biden back in March, the White House. They were forced to defend his. We can travel to Delaware as it came at the very same time. The administration was now urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel. I dont think Delaware is essential out in San Francisco. Remember Nancy Pelosi. She got caught getting her hair done at that hair salon. As it remains closed, businesses shut their doors, they werent allowed to open legally yeah. They opened for her and I dont see a mask on either more recently Pelosi caught again without her mask after reinstating the mandate in the House of Representatives. We have seen this time and time and time and time again, for example, the far left mayor of Austin Texas was forced to apologize for taking a Mexico vacation. At the same time, urging residents to stay home
and the San Jose mayor said last year that he didnt know it his thanksgiving gathering broke state health rules. So ask yourself: does any of this make any sense? Does anyone really believe that these politicians, these so called experts, are at all concerned with all of our safety and our well being because its as undeniable, as ever, the Biden administration, the Democratic Party, their friends in the media mob? They have politicized the science they use it when it is.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-07.