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Graham: Dems turning on Cuomo because 'he's made a lot of enemies'

2021-03-01 | 🔗
GOP senator urges Democrats to 'follow the Republican model' and investigate accusations against New York governor
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President, a month ago, just pointing out who checks the fact, Checker Guide, joining us with reaction, South Carolina, Senator Lindsey, Graham before I get to this, I think one of your finest moments in the U Dot S Senate was during the Kavanaugh hearing, and you had had enough now. Youve got all these new allegations against Governor Cuomo. I dont know the truth of I dont know if these things are true, I thought the Republican Party frankly for once actually handled that situation with Justice Kavanaugh the right way: okay, serious allegations, we are going to stop pause and investigate, and they did we found out. A lot of lies were told, and you had enough. I dont know the case here. I believe in due process. Perception of innocence senator well number one. The idea that Cuomo would appoint his own investigator tells you a lot about his mind set. So the Democratic Party is now piling on Andrew Cuomo, because
hes made a lot of enemies along the way, but youve been consistent and ive been consistent. We allowed Dr Ford to be heard if there were five accusations against justice. Kavanaugh three were literally made up and when it comes to Dr Ford, I think something happened to her, but I dont think Brett Kavanaugh had anything to do with it. At all, im asking my democratic colleagues who believed every word, Dr Ford said. Even before Judge Kavanaugh spoke and we did an investigation youre now giving Cuomo a complete pass. Schumer went on the floor of the Senate day in and day out, accusing all of us Republicans of supporting sexual assault. Have you heard him say one word about this, so the double standard is pretty obvious, but the one thing that I cant explain to you. I couldnt walk three feet during the Kavanaugh hearing without some reporter sticking a microphone in my face. What you think about
the new accusation and the idea that Kavanaugh was guilty was pervasive. The accusation was self proving if I havent had one person asked me about the accusation against Governor Cuomo from the media, not one serious allegations made by Tara, Reade and another woman out in Nevada. Now, do we go back and take those allegations seriously? In other words, you had a whole. I believe her caucus and the risk of people- I will scroll again that are silent. Now that were so vocal, then is pretty darn long, Senator well heres. What I would tell my democratic colleagues to do follow the republican model we had a republican nominee for the Supreme Court be accused of something the day before we voted the moment before we voted. We could have gone ahead saying this was too late. You sat on it, you didnt tell us. This is not fair. We stopped the entire process. We had days and weeks of
hearings. We had another FBI investigation, we took it seriously and what should you do as Democrats regarding Cuomo do exactly what Republicans did call for an independent investigation? Take it seriously all right, let me move on. We will keep scrolling and aims because its pretty long, so people can get the full picture. The presidents speech at CPAC, no Third Party America First agenda, make America great again agenda Mitch, Mcconnell to his credit credit, said yeah. I vote for him as the nominee disagreements. At times, Ronald Reagan said we agree. Eighty percent of the time youre, not my enemy, is he right. Yeah Reagan was right, and I just talked to President Trump just a few minutes ago and I said: listen its not necessary for everybody to like each other. I actually, like President Trump hes, been very nice to me. Hes allowed me to be in his world. He allows me to give my two cents worth about different issues when he was president. This is his party.
If you dont get that you missed a lot at CPAC. Donald Trump has the nomination right now and nobody can take it away from him if he wants to run- and I think hes got a good chance of getting reelected again based on what the Democrats are doing to the country. But what I would tell President trump the real test for you and the Republican Party is two thousand and twenty two lets make sure we have our best candidates on the field. Lets dont have primaries of people who think good republican conservatives lets unite, and if we will follow, president trumps lead that we are going to be United Republican Party. We are going to put our best team on the field in two thousand and twenty two that sets the stage for a twenty twenty four come back. Weve got a lot of talented people in the Party Sean. Did you find one person at CPAC criticize Donald Trump? I thought it was amazing that you had so many people wanting to be president on our side, but not one person would say anything bad about him. That tells you a lot about the strength of president Trump. Will you help me draft Herschel Walker to run for
Senate Donna, Georgia.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.