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Do your job, Joe: Hannity on DeSantis' rebuke of Biden

2021-08-05 | 🔗
Sean Hannity analyzes Gov. Ron DeSantis' criticism of President Joe Biden for border crisis and release of COVID-positive migrants.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Again, ramping up, at the same time, theyre not going to say worried about the biggest super spreader event that has been ongoing since January 20th right at our own southern border, the Biden Super spreader. The state of disaster has now been declared in Mcallen Texas, because seven thousand covid positive illegal immigrants were released into that one city alone, including one thousand five hundred justice past week. This is now more than a million illegal immigrants were apprehended at the border. Now, at twenty five year high, when we were at a twenty five year low with Donald trumps border policy, we have no idea how many more would not were not intercepted by law enforcement. A record number of illegal immigrants from all over the world, many with covid, none of them being tested, Nobodys being vaccinated, no mandates for them.
They are now being dispersed in buses and planes to every state in the country. They are all being paid for by you, courtesy of Joe Biden. If you turn on fake news, CNN or Msdnc, or ABC Nbc Cbs or read the Maritimes or Washington Post communal queen, hear anything about this massive super spreader event. They didnt tell you about Joes cages for kids in the middle of a pandemic that were overcrowded and layered on top of each other other in the middle of a pandemic, with a high rate of covid positivity. According to the mob, the media, big tech, the Biden administration, Governor RON, Desantis lets blame him. The guy who schools have been open, though, for a full year, were going to blame him all, because why hes not going to for 3 year olds to wear masks today, Governor Desantis, guess what he had. This powerful response for Joe Biden and circle back Jen Psaki take a look.
Joe Biden has taken to himself to try to single out Florida over Covid. This is a guy who ran for President saying he was going to shut down the virus and what has he done? He has imported more virus from around the world by having a wide open. Southern border Biden rejects science because he denies the fact that people recover from Covid have long lasting immunity, thats been proven time and time again, and the data is very clear: youre trying to restrict people impose mandates, youre trying to ruin their job, their livelihoods and their small businesses. If youre trying to lock people down im standing in her way and im standing to the people of Florida. So why dont you do your job. Why dont you get this border secure until you do that, I dont want to hear anything about Covid from you. Thank you well said:
Governor Desantis mobilized early, every single, every single sector of his government to focus on the most vulnerable, the elderly population in Florida to protect them. Unlike New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan, oh, where they were putting positive patience in nursing, home and killing the most vulnerable population. Close the border, Joel close the border thats, the biggest super spreader. You are responsible for the biggest super spreader event in the entire history of the covid pandemic in this country. That would prevent thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants that you are processing every day by not literally enforcing the laws of the land from pouring across our borders illegally. That would stop those infected with Covid 19 from getting into the country likely infecting
american citizens that you keep.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-05.